#and my homework took me longer than it SHOULD HAVE and like. AAAAAA
louhearted · 2 years
i’ve just realised i will quite simply. not be able to sleep this semester.
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colourthestarts · 5 years
Bad Days and Baby Steps
Warning: smoking (kids do not smoke!) and swearing.
 Sachihiro Kondo. Also known as Sachi had a sort of relation with y/n that Kuroo had with Kenma. They grew up together and they both joined same type of sports which were jiu jitsu and judo. They met Mika together in first year of high school when Sachi very rudely hit on Mika and she slapped him in the face. Y/n howled the whole day and then kicked Sachi’s ass during training the same day. Then both of them got twenty push ups for slagging each other off. Then another twenty for asking why. But neither regretted cause they met Mika and clicked together well.
By the end of the year y/n and Sachi were not as close. Y/n was no longer training and the group would eat together and hang out but there was still that distance. Then it got bigger when Sachi got a girlfriend or well… few girlfriends over time. The issue was not that he had girlfriends but rather the type. Somehow they all turned up jealous of his two female friends. But they were all understanding for their age, tho sometimes still argued.
Third year started to change when Sachi started to pester y/n more often once again. This did not go unnoticed in school and a small rumour started that they were dating. Which got the attention of Sachi’s girlfriend Yua who was seeing him a lot less lately. So it was not surprising that eventually she would come to the girls on the whereabouts of her boyfriend.
“Y/n, Mika have you seen Sachi?”
“No.” Y/n stated while trying to cram in that bloody chemistry chapter for the test tomorrow.
“Probs in your classroom.” Mika replied while trying to understand the geography homework.
“Yeah, he’s not there which is why I’m asking. He’s been recently hanging out with you two. I barely see him at all.”
“We’ve been hanging out since first year. That would be normaaaal.” Mika sang, which irritated the girlfriend more if not for Sachi walking in. Yua immediately approached him. 
“Awww Sachi let’s have lunch and hang out!” But she was swiftly ignored when he passed her and sat in front of y/n, closing her book which was met with a whine.
“Sweetie, I need to study. We got a chemistry test tomorrow and I need to know my study sessions with Kuroo are not a massive waste of time. Can your existential crisis wait till tomorrow?”
“Come back to me.” Sachi stated.
“Ehhh… you might want to be a bit clearer when you say stuff like that.” Y/n nodded towards the girlfriend who looked like she was gonna explode. And rightfully so from her perspective.
“To the club. Come back to train.” Y/n face became sour.
“I know that you’re done with physio.”
“Wait what? Seriously?” Mika asked.
“Yeah. So what? I’m not coming back.”
“Be my vice-captain. We can go back to before the injury.” Although y/n understood this came from a good place to say so, she just couldn't take it that way. There was nothing good with this.
“Let’s make this super clear. There will never be a "before the injury". And I am not coming back so go deal with your girlfriend and kindly fuck off.”
The same day Sachi broke up with Yua with the explanation that she was too clingy. Y/n did not shut down. Instead she blanked the whole day and when school ended she didn’t go to physio. Cause there was no more physio. Nor did she have a chemistry session with Kuroo that day. In theory she knew she should study for the test but she didn’t want to go home. So she spend her time in the wondering in the shopping centre then to the cafe and when that wasn't good enough she just walked around the streets until finally sitting down.
That was the worst decision and she knew it. Cause when y/n felt upset and with no way out she smoked. It happened rarely and it was a disgusting habit, yet she didn’t quit. On her second cig she was woken up when it was taken straight out of her lips. Y/n expected her brothers, Mika, Sachi even the police, but definitely not Kuroo.
In retrospect, Kuroo was shocked when he was walking towards train station after getting himself a new pair of volleyball shoes, seeing y/n sitting with a cig between her teeth. He never thought that she was a smoker. Suddenly he started to get sort of pissed off. No reason why but that feeling was there. So he walked up to her and asked what was she thinking, but she completely blanked him, the same way she blanked her lessons. After not getting a response after few more times Kuroo just took her cig right out of her mouth which seemed to wake her up. With few blinks she finally responded.
“What are you doing here?”
“Didn’t think you were a smoker.” Kuroo stated while taking out the cig and sitting next to her.
“I’m not.” Then Kuroo pointed at the pack. “Rarely. Until the next time happens I guess.”
“Have you talked to Mika?”
“Nah, not there yet.”
“What about Sachi? You two are close right?”
“Yeah… he’s not a good option at this time.”
“Your brothers. They seem chill from what I’ve seen.” That was Kuroo’s honest opinion. Sometimes after sessions he would stay longer when her brothers were around to have dinner. It was always insisted and he honestly liked the extra company. Once in a while Kenma joined too.
“I can’t cause I’m mad at them.”
“… You can talk to me? I mean I can listen or not listen.”
A minute later y/n stood up, putting away the pack back into the bag.
“Let’s walk to the train station.”  Kuroo nodded and tagged along. At least he offered his help. Y/n tho considered his offer and though that she’d go with it. You never know. “I think better in motion so this will be easier as we walk. Plus then I don’t exactly have to look at you and that makes me feel more comfortable. Although I don’t mean looking at you in a negative way.”
“So basically I’m out from physio. It’s all done.”
“That’s good news right?”
“Well technically yes. But this now brings the opportunity to go back to training, but I don’t think I’m quite there yet in a weird way. But then Sachi just flew in on the break saying I should come back and be vice-captain and like as if everything is fine but I know... I’m not fine. Dunno why but I know I’m not. And now Mika knows too because of him and she’s gonna be all happy and supportive and she’ll team up with Sachi who I kinda wanna strangle for this.”
“So you’re angry cause he’s pushing you? If you don’t wanna do this why don’t you tell him that. You’re pretty blunt usually.”
“Thanks. Not angry, more like feeling suffocated." Y/n commented with a chuckle. Tho both knew it wasn't funny. A minute later they stopped and y/n turned to Kuroo. "I can’t cause he was the one who injured me. Well he thinks he did. I think that I fucked up and its on me and we never agreed on this issue in the first place. So now he probs thinks that this is a remake. But since I can’t even think about training without having a nervous breakdown it’s a fucked situation for everyone. Hence smoking.”
Wow. Not exactly what he imagined nor he could relate to her situation. He really didn’t know what sort of advice to give. He never had a serious injury. Never really felt stuck like this with Kenma. Maybe Yaku, but it was just arguing with banter. Definitely never with Bokuto or Akaashi.
“I’m sorry.”
“Lol for what even. You said you’d listen and you did. If it makes you feel better this kinda made me feel better.”
“Weirdly helps. By the way why are you mad at your brothers?”
“Sachi doesn’t walk to physio with me. I banned him after the whole surgery and stuff. He was a nightmare. Mika didn’t know I was done so she didn’t tell him. Which means my dumb ass siblings told him which was frankly none of their business.”
“I don’t think they meant to harm.”
“Of course they don’t. So I can’t be mad at them either. I am just royally fucked in every way.” When Kuroo made a face she quickly realised. “I just heard how that sounded, but the basic point stands.”
“Okay… didn’t know you were such a badass tho. Judo? Really?”
“And Jiu Jitsu. And even MMA once in a while cause Kisho does that.”
“So you can easily beat me up anytime.”
“I wouldn’t and haven’t trained in ages, but if necessary yeah think so. Deffo could break a few bones.”
“You are terrifying.” Kuroo stated intrigued. To him this somehow made y/n even more attractive. Same didn’t registered with y/n tho.
“Thanks. That’s what all girls wanna hear.”
"No no, I mean in a good way! Like a badass! Not like that you're boyish or anything."
"What's wrong with girls being boyish?"
"Nothing at all! God I'm just digging myself in a bigger hole aren't I?"
"Just a bit." Y/n mused, she knew he didn't mean it like that. Tho she also struggled to be a bit more feminine to say so. She wished she was tho. "I'm pulling your leg, don't worry. C'mon the train station isn't far off."
The journey home was more pleasant. There was some small talk but y/n mostly was quite clearly didn't feeling good yet. Also her hands gripping her backpack also indicated she wasn't completely fine. So when y/n got off at her station so did Kuroo.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Walking you home."
"You're what now?"
"Walking you home. You honestly expect me just to let you off like that."
"Like what? I'm fine."
"Yeah just the way you also are amazing at chemistry."
"It's a dumb subject! And we're not talking about that! You need to get on the next train." Y/n commented while waving her hands. Kuroo noticed she did a lot of that when she was explaining or arguing like now. Well she can keep doing that while walking home.
"There'll be 3 more trains. I got plenty of time. Let's go."
The way to y/n's was far more talkative cause y/n kept pestering for him to go back. But Kuroo shot back with the chemistry test that was due tomorrow so the rest of the walk up to her gates was him quizzing and her mostly whining.
"Can't believe you just tortured me with this."
"We have a test tomorrow. Can't have you failing."
"Pfff I've never failed a test so you better watch your own ass. At this point I'll do better than you."
"Dream on." Kuroo chucked as they approached the gate. The lights were on so someone was definitely on possibly waiting to give hell to y/n. "Are you gonna be okay?"
"You mean those two? Not the first time I got home so late so I'm used to a bit of telling off. Besides once I mention Sachi they'll shut right up. You should go or you'll miss your train."
"I will, you should go inside."
"You should go first. I'm literally outside my house."
"You insisted to walk me home and quizzed me on chemistry. Can't you do this for me?" Kuroo noticed that she was waving her arms again. It was adorable.
"Okay I'll go first. But if you feel like that again where you wanna smoke text or call me."
"Sorry, I can't promise that. Text me when you get home or if you missed your train."
"I will, see you tomorrow."
"Bye "
It was when he reached the third house that he herd y/n yell thank you. But when he turned around she was already gone.
On the other hand once y/n got in she was met with Norio's dissaproved face.
"Where have you been I've been worried. Mike and Sachin had no idea where you were your phone is off. Have you lost it?"
"It's with me."
"Then what the hell?"
"Was it you or Kisho who told Sachi physio was done?" When she was met with silence she immediately knew. "So, both of you. I'm going to my room have a test tomorrow."
After some revision and finally getting to bed it was not a surprise that she couldn't sleep. Over think everything was an awful personality trait of hers. But this time it wasn't as bad as usually despite her weird day. Instead she had a weird feeling because of Kuroo that she couldn't quite identify.
Maybe it was graditute.
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