#and my friend was like ‘wow other races just stole our power thing’ because of red power brown power etc
astaroth1357 · 4 years
Leviathan's Odyssey 4:
*more time has passed and Lucifer is in his room finishing a mountain of paperwork when he hears a knock on his door. Before he even has a chance to ask who it is,  Asmo and Mammon stumble into the room - both looking like they've just been through a war zone. Mammon us cradling a sleeping but equally messy looking Satan against his shoulder. Lucifer stands upon seeing them in such a state*
Lucifer: What in the world happened to you three?? Weren't you just taking Satan to the market?!
Asmo: *throws his hands up in exasperation* We did, but this little beast leapt out of my arms and attacked the cute succubus I was chatting up!!
Mammon: You'd think she stole his wallet or somethin'...
Asmo: *rolls his eyes and glares at his brother* No, Mammon. You stole her wallet.
Mammon: *smirks despite himself* What? You're a good distraction.
Asmo: Oh, shut up scumbag!
Mammon: Hey! I am not a-!!!
Lucifer: *beams Mammon in the head with a pen and whispers urgently* Quiet…! Or you'll wake him up… 
*both Mammon and Asmo exchange looks before silently agreeing to keep it down… for all their sakes…*
Asmo: Still… it was so awful, Lucifer… You should have seen what he did to that lovely woman's neck…! And her face… Ugh… *starts actually tearing up* Such a waste of good beauty…
Mammon: *shrugs, unbothered really* Eh. Least he learned his first word today.
Lucifer: *raises his eyebrows in disbelief* He did?? I didn't think he was capable of speech… *he starts to walk over to them to have a look at the sleeping baby* What word?
Mammon: *sweatdrops* Um… well. It's "D-"
*before Mammon can finish his sentence, Satan's eyes suddenly fling open having sensed Lucifer near and he howls a shrill, baby-ish battlecry-*
Satan: DIE!!!
*he whips his head around and sinks what few - but sharp - teeth his demon body has into Mammon's cheek, making his older brother scream and drop him instinctively. Thankfully, Lucifer is close enough to catch the snarling boy before he hits the ground*
Mammon: *clutches his bleeding cheek* OW!! What the hell was that for!?! 
Lucifer: Mammon!! Don’t drop the baby!
Mammon: But he bit me!! On the FACE!!!
Lucifer: I don't care!!
*he holds Satan out at a cautious arms length while he throws his little fists in the air*
Satan: DIE!! Diediedie!!! Die die DIE DIE!!!
Lucifer: Well… He does seem fond of that word, doesn't he…? *sighs*
Asmo: How uncute… *sighs along with brother but Lucifer shakes his head*
Lucifer: Yes, but this is still a promising development…
Mammon: It is?? The little monster attacked a chick and bit me!
Lucifer: He's not a monster, or need I remind you that he's a demon? Just like the rest of us.
*both Lucifer’s glare and his words make Mammon shrink back a little, re-thinking what he said silently...*
Lucifer: … And no. Not the biting, you imbecile. The talking. If he can speak, then maybe soon he can reason. And if he can do that, he can learn…
Mammon: What good is that gonna do us if he's tryin' to bite our heads off…?
Lucifer: *looks at Mammon with deepening irritation* Because if he can learn, we can teach him not to do that, my sweet, stupid baby brother… *he sighs again and starts bouncing Satan in his arms to get him to calm down*
Lucifer: One of you go get Mr. Whiskers… I'll stay with him for now.
Mammon: Not it! 
*he books it from the room to go find a bandage, leaving Asmo with Lucifer and little Satan. The more Lucifer rocks and bounces the little demon, though, the more he appears to calm down and even start to smile. It’s as cute as a baby’s grin always is*
Satan: Die! Die~!
Asmo: *watches Lucifer actually calm the little hellspawn down in disbelief* Wow… I didn't think he could actually smile…
Lucifer: *looks down at the grinning baby with a somewhat relieved expression on his face* As long as he's not shouting anymore… Now go get Mr. Whiskers. He's in the crib over there.
Asmo: *looks at the calmed baby a moment longer before sighing to his brother* If you insist...
~Meanwhile in the Midst of an Underwater Battlefield~
*the ocean water is awash in bloody colors as Levi cuts down another ravenous beast in his way. He's been carving a path through the Devil's Sea for weeks now with Lotan by his side, his pace only increasing as his power grows*
*his conquest started small, only taking new territories that were close to his own, but there was always something needling the back of his mind… A bitter and resentful feeling that he couldn't quite place, nor direct, but anytime he saw somewhere better than his own it just spurred him forward...*
"Why can't I have that, too??"
*he'd lost his home, his family, his safety and it just wasn't fair ...But he was going to fix that*
*swinging his trident through murky water, he easily slashes through and dismembers the hordes of grunts attempting to charge him. They're no match for him, really. His increasingly war torn body seemed to be made for this - for darting along the currents and impaling everything in his wake… Any wounds he’d get would heal instantly, every life he’d take fueled him farther. He hadn’t slept in days and honestly, he didn’t need to. He had never been strong as an angel but now? He could gut creatures thrice his size...*
*he has to slash through waves upon waves of body fodder before he finally feels the blades connect with his actual target. An enormous beast that dwarfs him without question, shaped like a man but with an array of talon-lined tentacles instead of feet. Its size compared to the mere minions that surround him marking it as the alpha of its race* 
*it snarls and attempts to lunge for him, but Levi plunges the prongs of his trident through the scales of its neck to halt it. The wounds are shallow… for now. But one wrong move and a decapitation is guaranteed*
Levi: (Stand. Down.)
*the creature attempts to screech at him, but one slight twist of the trident silences its cries. The chaotic fighting starts to calm around them as the rest of the beast's colony freezes. Levi can’t hide a satisfied smirk, he likes it when they push back just a little... it makes the surrender feel even better. He doesn’t let up on the pressure for a moment, but he regards the beast with cold, slitted eyes - assessing what's before him…*
Levi: (Can you understand me...?)
*the creature doesn’t respond to him with words, but a low rumble from its chest resembling acknowledgement... He’s worked with less*
Levi: (Good enough. You have two choices.) *he presses the blades just a centimeter deeper and forces the creature to look him in the eye*
Levi: (Join me… or die.)
*Lotan’s seven snapping heads rise up from behind him, long necks weaving in and out from each other as every one seems to strain to reach the victim first. Behind his one friend, other creatures of all shapes and sizes - each more horrifying than the last - peel away from their battles with the grunts and fall in line behind him. Soon, there are twenty or so other towering monstrosities who all met with a similar offer. Join his ranks or perish in an instant...*
*the creature watches Levi and his hungry generals crowd the water before it and lets out one last hiss… before bowing its head in silence. Levi takes this as a sign of defeat and pulls his trident free. Blood pools into the water around them, but the cuts are shallow enough to heal*
Levi: *doesn’t even glance back to at his ranks, but gives a command anyway* (Take him.)
*long, black tendrils lash out from behind him and start to drag away his new recruit. It’ll get used to things with them soon enough... While the grunts disperse to follow their former leader, one of Lotan’s many heads joins his smaller friend*
Lotan: (More land for us… Good land.)
Levi: (But there’s still better…) *the feeling comes back to him like a swarm of buzzing bees festering beneath his skin... raw, burning, and irritating* (Isn’t there?)
Lotan: (Yes.) *the beast again licks at the floating blood by its snout. If he realizes Levi’s upset, he’s not saying anything… he never does* (Far better. Always better. But not strong enough yet…)
*Levi finally glances back at his forces, holding his trident aloft - like clockwork, those who see it freeze and the others follow suit, all awaiting their next command. Some he bested in battle, others he dragged in by force - others still only following him because they sense the strength within... a veritable army growing beneath the waves…*
Levi: (We’re going to be.)
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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Quotes from “Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier” as starters
But today could be the day I finally make a difference!
Where are you off to today, you no good piece of shit?
You’ve got to dream a little harder!
It took you long enough, you shit-eating dog.
Oh, so you think you're better than me just because you can read?
Just try to keep your fat face out of that motherfucking book.
Why am I the only one who sees things as they are?
Oh, ___, sometimes I feel you're my only friend in this world.
Today, things got a little out of hand and a lot of good people are dead.
Did we get the loaf of bread back?
Why do you even bother visiting us commoners anymore, you aristocat?
I sure hope you haven't goofed this one up, ___.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this mess. Dead bodies in the street.
Did you know in this barbaric country they only give you money if you work?
Who would seek employment when life offers such enjoyment?
You're only in trouble if you get caught.
My father says that you must marry me now, or I'll bring dishonor to my entire family.
I can't give up on my dreams and settle down just 'cause your dad's being a dick.
‘Cause you stole my daughter’s hymen!
That’s completely fair, but in my defense - dude, your daughter’s hot.
My ass cheeks…they're hanging out.
And what's this? Blood. Blood on my ass cheeks. Tell me, ___, how the fuck did it get there?
Oh I am grateful for your tiny ass, ___!
This really is an act of war, ___!
Do not feed me shit and call it couscous, ___!
Well an hour free is better than a lifetime in a cage. Being fed and pampered and cleaned up after. What kind of a life is that?
When are you going to learn that your actions have consequences?
One of these days, you're going to learn that life isn't about dreams coming true. It's a series of compromises and disappointment.
That's supporting a corrupt system. You're a part of the problem.
I want everything, and more!
My secret is simple, really. Anyone could do it. I just follow the golden rule!
Always treat others like sisters and brothers and they’ll do the same for you.
I get back what I give!
My hunger blinded me and forced me to act like an animal.
But we're not animals. We're gifted with minds to reason and hearts to love!
I think that's enough fun for one day, eh, ___?
Well, we have our own golden rule here. Whoever has the gold…makes the rules.
The gold that my neighbor earns through his labor is gold I’ll never see.
So keep your mouth shut and your palm open, and you may just get...filthy stinkin' rich!
You could start by telling me your name.
I suppose this will be the end of me.
I am a servant to the people, and therefore your servant.
Magic does nothing if not touch the soul.
I want to know your story, I want to know your past, I want to know your future too.
Fill my days and nights with the tale of you.
I never cared for stories until you entered mine.
Let’s make ours the story with no end.
Their mouths aren't fit to hold a donkey's shit.
Many years ago, I took my finger…and I pushed in my penis…and it hasn't come out since.
A very wise and enthralling tale, ___. We can all learn a lesson from it, I expect.
Where's my opium?
Speak now, ___! And don't fuck it up!
Well, maybe I have a new purpose now.
That is what your story is about.
I wish I had the power to rewrite this tale.
Never stop wishing it, ___.
We will be reunited one day, and unlock wonders beyond your wildest dreams!
After all, I must be pretty great, if you believed in me.
I only hope you haven't fallen prey to some sex-crazed ruffian!
Right this way, babe.
This is so unfair! Poor people need slaves just as much as rich people do! Maybe even a little bit more.
Of course it's a free thinker like who's struggling to get by. And all because of our totally corrupt class system.
I hate the class system. That's why I said, "Fuck it, I'm never going to school again."
So, you abandoned everything, to be free? That is so brave.
Brave? Me? Yeah.
All my parents ever did was support me. Give me a place to stay, tell me they loved me, no matter what. They were really bad parents.
How's a thirty-three-year-old kid supposed to know how to survive on his own?
But that is not fair! ___’s a victim of circumstance!
Don't look at me like that! These are my orders from ___.
Wait, wait, what? You slit people's throats? I didn't tell you to kill anyone! This is awful!
___, no. That is just an expression.
I'm gonna have so much gold I could swim through it! Like a pool. Do you think people can really do that?
Once I get my mind set on a chick, I just can't move on until I get this nut out.
I can’t wait to be a rich dude!
Stealing is so much easier when you’ve got already tons of gold.
We’ll get our happy ending tonight.
We weren't sure if you were ever coming back, ___.
Everyone, look at my ass!
You received the manhood of a badger?
Those are stretch marks, they happen.
Oh, I see! You received the manhood of a tiger!
Did you hear that, lads? ___ made love to a tiger!
Tiger fucker! Tiger fucker! Tiger fucker!
Am I not a thing of beauty? Don't you want a piece of this? Wouldn't you gladly give up all of your worldly possessions just to greet me when I come home from a one-sided massacre, and bathe my sweaty, bloody body with your tongue?
Oh…you. Aren't you busy ruining my life?
I noticed you weren't at dinner, but I saw you tried to poison my wine. Usually when you do that, it means you want to talk. What's up, are you mad at me?
You ripped my heart out and smashed it into a million pieces. And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
He/she/they was perfect! Like if you cobbled together all the best features from all the best guys/girls/people, and then gave them a tragic backstory! It's like he/she/they was designed specifically to appeal to me.
I knew everything about him/her/them! He/she/they was my soul mate! My -- my -- God, I am freaking out, what was his/her/their name?
Believe it or not, I care about you.
I don't want to be prepared. I want to expect the unexpected.
Look, you're young. You don't exactly get how things work yet. And, while I don't appreciate any of your ideas, I do appreciate the fact that you HAVE ideas. Maybe one day you'll have some GOOD ones.
Sexual predators the lot of them! Their tactics target vulnerable, young girls, and build up false senses of trust and then isolate them on magic rides of sorts. And when the moment is right, they whip it out. You know... their songs.
Be wary of young boys who whip out their songs. A song is often a prelude to a dick.
A song is a dick in sheep's clothing.
Can't you see I'm trying to impart a life lesson?
I feel like you only come to see me when there's bad news.
I counted thirteen dead before the peacocks got to them.
How the fuck did you know it was me?
Because it IS you, you're just wearing different clothes.
Wow. Pretty AND smart. You're the whole shebang, babe.
Everything I told you the other night was a lie. Don't you trust me?
Ugh. Oh no. Okay, um, now I'm kind of feeling like everything about you that was attractive to me before isn't really there anymore.
No! No, I'm just being indecisive. It's still you.
I've just got to get back on that high that I was on before.
Look into my eyes and talk to me some more about the world's injustice!
Sure. Just let me roll this blunt first.
But I don't want her/him/they to love me. I just want her/him/them to fuck me.
You guys know there's a way to get people to think about sex without even talking about sex? You just gotta do it subliminally.
Hey, babe, it's such a beautiful night -- take off your clothes.
But…let me ask you this: is your penis an innie or an outie?
___ explained everything to me. He/she/they was just pretending to be a ___. For fun.
I bet the ___ is under that ___ sized hat!
Bullshit! Why would I pretend to be a ___? Just to get laid? That's not me.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Why are you picking on me, ___? Afraid I'll reveal your little secret?
Whoa! I thought I was just bullshitting you guys!
What made me think that I could get away with such a plot?
How does the golden rule apply in such a situation?
Whichever road I take, I will only encourage someone’s wrath!
‘Til now I’ve always traveled down the straight and narrow path.
But which way do I turn when the road’s become so... so... twisted?
You think you know me, as others think they know you, but there are two sides to every story.
I was prepared for anything, except for what ensued.
They weren't ready for my ideas.
Fortune favors the beautiful.
My only crime was love.
But the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes what it wants, is twisted.
I only wished to reclaim what was mine!
I only wished for equal rights for all!
I only wished to save her/him/them!
I only wished to be invited to the party!
I only wished to improve relations between the races!
I only wished to teach ___ responsibility… so he/she/they wouldn’t end up like me!
I only wished to give the people a voice… To help the miserable, lonely, and depressed!
I never knew my father!
It's an unfortunate situation…But you do have a choice.
What remains of a man when that man is dead and gone?
Why protect my reputation? I’m a dead man/woman/person either way!
How will they tell my story? How will they tell my tale? Will anybody even care?
Is it nobler in the mind to be well-liked but ineffectual, or moral but maligned?
If I hide to save my life, what has my life been for?
The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve!
I’ll give them all the unsung antihero they deserve!
I’ve nothing left to lose, to the only path to choose is twisted.
So let them twist my words, let the people scorn me.
Who cares if no one will ever mourn me?
Let them bury the side of the story that they’ll never learn!
Let the truth be twisted!
Let my life be twisted!
I’ll be twisted, it’s my turn!
Your armies have abandoned you. Your ruling class is corrupt and we have come to put an end to your tyrannical rule!
You'll never end our tyrannical rule!
It is I who will be doing the fucking today.
It appears that ___ has cold feet!
Yes I am talking to you! Now get your ass over here!
I've got to become a sorcerer! Can you do that?
Yes, I do feel lucky. I've got a ___! But I think he might be a fucking moron!
My fuse is about this long right now.
You either need to back me the fuck up, or shut the fuck up. Got it?
And what's the last thing you wanna do before that happens? Take off your clothes. That's right, have sex! Hurry, take off your clothes.
I'm not going to take off my clothes in the middle of a battle!
My skin is melting!
Would you stop acting like an asshole for one minute?
I'm not a tease. I'm just…not a freak.
You're making sex seem gross and lame.
You got that, ___? We are not a thing anymore, okay?
We're just having our first fight. Maybe after some make up sex…
You're the guy who killed my parents. Where have you been?
Okay, Jesus Christ, I don't know what's going on here.
That's the trick! You just really have to believe your own bullshit!
It takes someone who believes they can change the world to actually do it.
This isn't fair! Life is supposed to be fair!
Your youth and your passion, and yes, your naïveté -- these give you power.
When I was your age, I thought I could accomplish anything I ever wanted and more! But I didn't. Perhaps no one does. But you have to think you will or you won't have the strength to try.
Maybe you won't make any big changes, but a few little ones that pave the way for the next generation. And then they'll make small changes and leave it to the next and the next! It's a bit like a carousel of progress. Always spinning towards a great, big, beautiful tomorrow. And tomorrow is just a dream away.
But what if tomorrow never comes?
Tomorrow always comes. Even if it comes without us.
What will I do without you to guide me? When I am lost, where will I turn?
You remind me of someone I knew long ago.
You’re the one who put it there -- the power in me.
The power to love one another is the greatest power of all.
No matter where life leads us, we’ll never be apart.
Through thick and thin, success or ruin, I’ll carry you in my heart.
I will treasure forever what the world will never see.
You are kind, and that’s enough.
I wish you didn’t have to go when our story’s just begun.
Then I wish you every happiness.
It was more money than I had ever seen. But I was able to count it.
And that's the end of the true story.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt 8
Well, this isn't the fic I was planning to release next, but oh well-- I was feeling It.
Hey hi hello dolls! It's been a long ass time since I've updated this series, and unfortunately there aren't many tickles in this part, but there Is a ton of fluff! either the next part or the part after will be chock full of tickles! (Or both)
I hope It's alright!
Characters In this part: All of DR1 girls excluding Junko and Mukuro, All of the DR2 girls. Lee!Chihiro
Word count: 3429
All previous parts, as well as my other fics, can be found here!: Masterlist
Hina kicked at the sand absentmindedly as she gazed longingly out at the water. “Man, I really missed seeing the ocean but…” She crossed her arms and made a face. “What good Is it If I can’t swim in it!? I’m like a fish, If I don’t swim In water I’ll die!!”
Sakura smiled amusedly at her best friend. She can be so dramatic sometimes… “Hina, they said It was safe to swim In…”
“Yeah but Monokuma didn’t give me any of my swimsuits…” She mumbled dejectedly, kicking a rock into the water.
Yeah, they didn’t exactly get the chance to pack their stuff or even ask Monokuma for specific things from their rooms. Aside from the morning announcements he hasn’t even shown up-- not that anyone besides Byakuya was complaining.
“Ugh!! That’s It!” Hina ripped off her red jacket and tossed it to Sakura. “Hold my jacket, I’m going In!”
The Martial artist fumbled the piece of clothing, caught off guard by the swimmers sudden outburst. She quickly grabbed the brunette’s arm to stop her. “W-Wait! Instead of doing that… Why don’t we just go find the store and see If it carries swimsuits?” She suggested.
As usual Sakura was the voice of reason amongst the chaotic gays.
Hina paused, thinking it over. “Okay… That sounds good In theory, But what if they don’t carry them?”
“Then I’m sure they’ll carry donuts… we’ll get some to cheer you up then ask Usami if she knows where the swimsuits are.”
Aoi giggled as she took her jacket back from the tall girl and tied it around her waist. “I like the way you think!” She grinned. “Let’s go!”
“Alright, Let’s just ask Nekomaru where the store Is.”
They both looked to Neko, who had stuck around to keep an eye on Mondo.
“No need! I can show you where it is if you want.” Mahiru volunteered, suddenly behind the two.
Hina squeaked as they both quickly turned to face the Photographer.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you both.” The red head apologized with a sympathetic smile.
“Geez Mahiru!” Hina giggled, placing her hand over her still racing heart. “You got me good!”
“Are you sure? We don’t want to trouble you.”
Mahiru nodded with a smile. “I’m sure. Actually, I was coming to find you two. Apparently Usami has something to tell us girls...”
The two tensed. It’s not a motive, Is it?
“What do you think It is?” Hina asked as she started walking with Sakura and Mahiru.
“I’m honestly not sure. Normally she gathers all of us, not just the girls.” Mahiru responded.
As they crossed over the bridge to the second island, the girls of both classes came into view. Even Toko, surprisingly.
“Hey Toko!” Hina waved her hand at the writer. “Glad to see you out of your room!” she smiled as she turned to face her.
“W-Where Ha-Have you two b-b-been?!”
“We were checking out the beach.” Aoi answered. “Sorry, did we worry you?”
“D-Don’t b-be ridiculous! Why w-w-would I worry a-about you m-m-meatheads?!” she blushed.
Hina smiled and wrapped her arms around the awkward girl’s shoulders in a hug. “Aww, You WERE worried about us!”
“S-Shut up!” Toko blushed even more, batting the brunette away.
Soon enough, Usami appeared out of nowhere. Much like they were used to Monokuma doing. “Love love! Hello everyone!” She greeted the group cheerfully. “I hope you are all getting along okay!”
“We’re doing fine, Usami.” Chiaki smiled, patting Chihiro on the shoulder. She had brought them along and wanted to include them In on whatever Usami had planned.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Usami replied. “As some of you may know, I no longer have my magic stick…”
“Magic stick?” Sakura repeated quietly, confused.
“It’s a long story.” Mahiru whispered back.
“But It appears that Monokuma must have one of his own. Because there’s some new buildings on this island!” Usami explained, surprised. “One of such buildings, Is a women’s clothing boutique. Which is why I asked you all here.”
Sonia’s face brightened. “Really?? Wow! That Is wonderful!”
“I thought I should tell you all first before I told the boys.” Usami giggled. “I thought It might be a nice chance to bond with the other class’s girls.”
“And enby.” Chiaki and Mahiru both said at the same time. Chihiro smiled at the two girls In response.
“Right! I’m sorry, I’ll remember that for next time!” Usami apologized. “Anyway! There’s also a spa on the Island! So enjoy yourselves!”
She disappeared from sight, leaving the group to talk amongst themselves.
“This has to be a trick of some kind.” Kyoko said thoughtfully. “A motive, Maybe?”
“Yeah, I am not trusting It either.” Peko agreed.
“It’s gotta be a motive, It’s been too peaceful!” Hina chimed in.
“What If Monokuma put ‘Saw’ movie level traps in the clothing?” Ibuki theorized. “And the moment we put on the clothes-- SQUISH! BLEH! Off with our heads!”
Mahiru cringed at the gory sounds Ibuki tried to make, sighing softly. “I doubt he would have time to do that. But It’s definitely suspicious…”
“And why only things for girls?” Akane thought aloud. “It seems like a trap.”
“I think we should check It out regardless.” Celeste smiled. “I think a spa trip sounds lovely, perhaps even worth the risk.”
“I GOT IT!” Hina yelled in realization, all attention now on her. “WHAT IF MONOKUMA PUT SHARKS IN THE SPA?!”
“This again…? H-Hina I doubt there Is enough water for sharks in the spa.” Sakura sighed. She loved this girl, but sometimes she could be a bit… out there.
“She might actually be onto something.” Kyoko surprisingly agreed with her wild theory after a moment of thinking.
“H-H-How wo-would that e-even be possible?” Toko stammered in disbelief.
“Maybe not specifically sharks, but that would be the least suspecting place to put something dangerous.” The detective calmly theorized. “It may be too dangerous to check out without more muscle power.”
“Why do we need more muscle power? Sakura, Peko an’ I can handle it!” Akane grinned.
“No offense to you three, but there is strength in numbers.” Kyoko responded, to which Sakura and Peko nodded in agreement. “But there are less places to hide dangerous traps In a boutique, So I think we should be okay to check that out.”
“And then we get the boys to go with us to the spa?” Peko asked for clarification.
“Yes. I think that would be wise.”
So with the group in agreement (except for Toko, who immediately went back to her room), the girls and enby headed to the boutique to investigate.
After some time looking around for clues or traps, they were shocked to find it was literally just a normal clothing store… or so It seemed.
“That’s strange.” Kyoko said, surprised as she inspected a piece of clothing.
“What? Did you find something?” Chiaki asked, yawning as she approached the detective.
“It’s… just clothes.”
“You mean, These are actually safe?” Sayaka asked curiously, poking her head around the corner to look at the two girls.
“It appears so… I’d still check before you try anything on but--”
She was already back around the corner with Ibuki. “Oh my gosh, Ibuki! With some leggings this would look so cute on you!”
Sonia giggled. “I agree!”
Ibuki looked at the frilly mini dress held up against her body in pure disgust. “Eugh! Ibuki doesn’t do this style anymore, It makes Ibuki feel restricted.”
“Okay, maybe not this dress then…” Sayaka put it back and looked around for another one. “We should match for our concert though.”
While the three looked through the costume dresses, Chihiro was on the other side of the store looking at all the cute casual dresses. They felt a little self conscious looking at them.
“Hi, Chihiro.” Mahiru greeted, approaching the small programmer with her girlfriend in tow. “Are you alright?”
Chihiro jumped in surprise, immediately letting go of the dress they were looking at. “O-Oh! Hi Mahiru… Hiyoko.” They greeted the two girls shyly.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you!” Mahiru apologized with a small smile. “I was just coming over to look for a new sun dress.”
Chihiro nodded, absentmindedly going back to looking at the dress they found as Mahiru began shuffling the articles of clothing on the rack.
The red head stole a few glances over at Chihiro, noticing their hesitancy. “Are you okay?”
Hiyoko tilted her head curiously as she too looked up from the dresses.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine! S-Sorry… am I distracting you?”
The two ultimates exchanged glances before looking back at the small enby. “Of course not… I’m just concerned about you.”
“O-Oh… there’s no reason to be concerned, I’m okay… really.” Chihiro put on the best smile they could, but Mahiru, who constantly photographed smiling people, immediately knew it was forced.
Hiyoko’s eyes scanned the clothing rack in front of Chihiro until she noticed a disturbed article of clothing, she walked over and plucked it from the rack. “This Is a cute dress.” She commented, drawing both Mahiru and Chihiro’s attention.
Hiyoko looked at the Programmer and smiled. “You should try It on.”
Mahiru had to do a double take, had someone replaced her fiery imp of a girlfriend with someone sweet???
Chihiro blushed brightly. “Um… I-I could never pull that off…”
“Sure you could.” Mahiru smiled, following Hiyoko’s lead.
“I-I don’t know…”
“Chihiro!” Sonia bounced over brightly. “You would look adorable in that!”
“Maybe If we found a sweater to go with it you’d feel better.” Chiaki smiled.
“Ooh! And some accessories!” Sayaka joined in.
Chihiro had a bad feeling about this…
“R-Really girls, I-Its okay! I was heading over to look at skirts anyways!” They tried backing away, but the girls weren’t letting them off the hook that easily.
Meanwhile, Hina found the swimsuits much to her excitement. They were pretty cute too! Some of them were plain, others had skirts to them, pretty patterns, bikinis, one pieces… you name it, they had it.
Hina picked up a red tropical flower patterned bikini with a skirt. “Check this out Sakura, It’s so cute! And It’s my size!” she squealed happily.
The martial artist stopped what she was doing and looked over at her best friend with an amused smile. “It looks nice.”
After another moment of searching she produced a similar bikini and showed It to Sakura again.
“That kind of looks like the last one.”
“Mhm! Except It’s white with red and pink flowers! What do you think?”
“It’s… pretty?”
“Good, Because It’s your size.” Hina grinned impishly.
Sakura paused. “Hina… I don’t do bikinis.”
“Why not?”
Sakura immediately got flashbacks. She recalled when she had first started gaining muscle and went to the beach with her friends, she had gotten stared at and made fun of. She was made so uncomfortable that she just went home.
Hina pouted. She knew that was code for something serious. “Fine, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable… I’ll keep looking.”
“Thank you for respecting my--”
They were interrupted by Chihiro shrieking, they looked at each other in alarm and bolted in the direction of the sound. Upon rounding the corner they found Chihiro wrapped up in Sayaka’s arms while Chiaki and Mahiru tickled them.
Sakura sighed in relief upon seeing it was just something harmless.
Hina grinned. “You good Chihiro?” She couldn’t help but tease them.
“Hehehehelp mehehe!” They squealed as Chiaki squeezed their sides.
“Why are you all ganging up on Chihiro?” Sakura asked, feeling some pity for the smol programming bean.
“Why not?” Hina retorted. “Chihiro’s too cute not to tickle!”
“Hinahaha you’re not hehehelping!” They blushed even more.
“Oh sorry~ I’ll help you now.” Hina smiled innocently, approaching the trapped enby. The swimmer fluttered her fingers against their belly, drawing even more squeals of laughter. “There, do you feel helped now?” she giggled.
“Hahahahahaha! That’s nohohohot whahahat I meheheheant!” They whined.
“Chihiro started crying because they did not feel they could pull off this dress.” Sonia explained gently, holding the dress up. “So the others are trying to cheer them up.”
Sakura frowned. She understood where Chihiro was coming from, but literally Chihiro would look so fucking cute in that dress. It was a white ruffle sundress with a light yellow ribbon sash.
It was bewildering that Chihiro didn’t think they could pull it off…
Sakura scanned around until her eyes fell on a light yellow sweater with short sleeves, she picked it up and walked back over to the giggling programmer.
The girls stopped tickling and looked at the piece of clothing in the tall girl's hands. Chihiro slid to the floor in a heap of lingering giggles and soft gasps.
The white haired girl sat down next to them. “Chihiro, I understand how you feel. You feel like everyone Is going to be staring at you and judging you.”
They nodded meekly, staring at the floor.
“And maybe people have done that to you before…” She paused as Chihiro nodded again. “But you’re among your friends here, and we aren’t judging you In the slightest.”
“Yeah, Sakura’s right.” Chiaki agreed, sitting down too. The other girls followed suit. “We would never judge you.”
“We all have things we are self conscious about, Chihiro.” Sonia smiled kindly at the enby. “I am self conscious about my skin.”
“R-Really…? But you’re so pretty…” Chihiro looked at her.
“Thank you, but so are you.” Sonia pinched Chihiro’s cheek gently. “I burn in the sunlight, The kids I went to school with used to call me ‘Princess lobster’. So I try to avoid exposing myself to the sun.”
Chihiro blushed at the compliment and looked back down.
“I’m super self conscious about my weight.” Hina spoke up next. “I’m always weighing myself. I used to get teased for how many sweets I eat, my friends told me I was going to end up alone because no one would be able to look at me.”
“Hina, You’re gorgeous. You don’t have to worry about your weight!” Chihiro frowned.
“I used to get made fun of because I had braces when I was younger.” Sayaka shared. “They said I’d never be a singer because the metal in my braces would mess with the recording equipment.”
“Do I even need to say what I’m self conscious about?” Hiyoko sulked, folding her arms across her chest. “I’m short.”
Mahiru put her hand on Hiyoko’s shoulder. “You’ll hit a growth spurt someday.” She teased. “People called me a boy growing up.”
“I-I-I’ve al-always been s-s-s-super c-c-clumsy. People h-h-have always ma-made fun o-of me for It.” Mikan said softly.
“Of course they have, You’re a walking pile of pig barf!” Hiyoko snapped.
“Aah! I’m sorry!” Mikan cried.
Mahiru shoved her hand over Hiyoko’s mouth and pulled her into her lap to keep her contained. She sighed. Welp, so much for her being kind…
“People I went to school with used to accuse me of stuffing my bra, and constantly harassed me because of my home life.” Akane said quietly.
“I was feared, I was told I had monster eyes. Most kids avoided me.” Peko chimed In.
Kyoko looked down at her gloved hands then back up at Chihiro. “I think my insecurity should be obvious…”
“I got made fun of for loving video games. And I’ve got some pudge.” Chiaki poked her stomach.
After a moment of silence the girls looked at Sakura, who gave a hesitant sigh. “Do I need to say It?”
“Yes.” All except for Chihiro said in unison.
Sakura sighed again. “I get called ogre. People call me a freak or abomination. When I started bulking up, people told me that I looked better before and I lost a lot of friends because they were embarrassed to be seen with me.”
“Remind me to smack Hiro and Hifumi when I see them next.” Hina said quietly.
“Hiro doesn’t mean any harm by It.” she waved her off.
Hearing their friends being open about their insecurities made them feel a little better about opening up.
“Um…” Chihiro kept staring at the floor. “Kids I went to school with knew me when I Identified as a boy… and the first day I went to school in a dress, I got beat up and made fun of. Since then, I’ve been afraid to wear dresses… N-Not that skirts are much different… I’m just kind of traumatized by them.”
“Chihiro, You are adorable and beautiful.” Hina smiled warmly.
“Trust me, If anyone comes near you to beat you up or make fun of you… they’ll have a lot of people to get through first.” Chiaki added.
“You are one of a kind, don’t let people like that ruin something for you.” Sakura said gently.
Hina side eyed her, receiving a quiet; ‘shut up’ In response.
Chihiro sniffled, wiping their eyes. “Th-Thanks guys…”
“If you don’t want to try on the dress, We respect your comfort zone. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Mahiru put a hand on their shoulder reassuringly.
They looked at the dress In Sonia’s lap, then back up at the girls. “No… I… I want to try It on.”
“Are you sure?” Sonia asked.
They nodded, more sure this time. “You’re right. I need to learn not to take things to heart so much. Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves, even the people who picked on you.”
“That’s exactly right.” Kyoko nodded with a faint smile.
Chihiro took the dress from Sonia and stood up, they were about to head to the dressing room but they were stopped by Sakura, who handed them the matching sweater she found for the dress.
The enby gave her a smile before taking the article of clothing and retreating to the closed room with a new pep in their step.
A few minutes passed by, and something had occurred to Mahiru. “Wait a minute, Ibuki? You never said what you were made fun of for.”
Ibuki looked up at the red head, previously she had been drawing shapes on the floor with her finger waiting for Chihiro to come out. “Oh, Ibuki didn’t?”
“No, You didn’t.” Chiaki confirmed, eyeing the musician.
“Welllll…” Ibuki looked away sheepishly.
“Were you not bullied?” Sonia asked.
“N-No. Ibuki was bullied.” She sighed. “Ibuki was made fun of for the way she talks In the third person. Also the way she dressed.”
“I think It’s… endearing.” Sayaka smiled.
“Ibuki didn’t mention It because Ibuki didn’t want to be reassured or complimented.” She smiled shyly, tapping her index fingers together. “Ibuki doesn’t know how to take compliments…”
“I understand that.” Sakura responded.
Hina, again, side eyed her best friend. “I will hype you up and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
“Nothing huh?” She didn’t even bother looking at Hina, she blindly squeezed at the swimmer’s side, making her squeak and giggle as she twitched away.
“Come to think of it…” Kyoko hummed, glancing over at Celeste. “You didn’t say anything either.”
“That Is because there Is nothing I was made fun of for.” Celeste smiled, closing her eyes as she did.
Hmm… doubtful.
Chiaki looked at the wall clock. “Chihiro’s been In there a while… I think someone should go check on them.”
Before anyone else could volunteer, surprisingly, Hiyoko was on her feet. “I’ll do it.” with that she disappeared into the back room as well.
Mahiru blinked in surprise. “Should I go with her?”
No one got the chance to answer before Hiyoko came back out, Chihiro In tow.
The Traditional dancer stepped aside so the girls could see Chihiro, they were absolutely radiating happiness. “S-Sorry, I kind of froze up… How do I look?”
“Ohmigosh, Chi you look so cute!!” Hina squealed.
“That dress looks like It was made for you, You look so pretty!” Sonia beamed, stars practically in her eyes.
The Programmer giggled and twirled around in the dress happily.
The other girls quickly got over their surprise and flooded Chihiro with compliments. (even Kyoko and Celeste complimented them, shockingly.)
The rest of the boutique visit hit different for the group, they felt a lot lighter and closer than before.
Sayaka and Ibuki had decided to just coordinate colors, that way they could both wear something they wanted to wear.
Hina and Sakura found a few swimsuits they liked.
Chihiro got a bunch of different dresses and had a mini fashion show with Hiyoko, Mahiru, and Chiaki.
Right then.
Time to go find the boys and check out the spa...
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mimssides · 3 years
The Lie of Black and White: 7/9
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The air was tense. Janus looked panicked and Remus as if he was about to start crying again. But before they could freak out Virgil held his hands up and told them calmly: “I’m not saying that Thomas doesn’t need me. He needs the fight or flight instinct, my vigilance and fear in general, but the anxiety is just too much of all of it.”
“I do think, you’ve got the right notion Virge, but I am sceptical of you returning to your former state as Fear. It’s highly improbable that we could reset you”, Logan chimed in.
The logical side sounded far more fascinated than bothered. Which did bother the others except Virgil, who promptly explained: “Yeah, no! I know. Getting back to what I used to be isn’t a possibility anymore. But like, having Thomas’s friends around or the breathing exercises help me being actually helpful. And therapy might do even more good than that. I just wanna help pull my weight too, instead of dictating everybody around and make them adjust to my needs.”
Virgil seemed to be unsure of his answer and looked through the round. Logan seemed very pleased and Patton’s face showed the signs of relief. Janus still looked a little bothered but he gave off a lot less hysteric vibe than before, so Virgil thought that he might have calmed him enough. Then there were Roman and Remus left. Roman’s face was devoid of emotion and Virgil immediately focused on Remus, who was as always easier to read that his brother has been to Virgil.
Remus was afraid. He was afraid of Virgil suffering because he tried to be better, without actually becoming any better. And Virgil understood him too well. He feared that himself but after all what has happened it seemed to be worth a shot. He wanted to at least try.
He didn’t get to think of an answer as Logan reassured him: “That is very good reasoning Virgil. If you are ready to make this step, we might all benefit a great deal from it. There is a possibility of therapy improving Thomas’s self-esteem and the relationship with his intrusive thoughts, if we could get a handle of the anxiety within us.”
“But what if it hurts you? What if you don’t want to do it when we try?” Remus asked troubled and at once was reaching for Roman’s hand again. The Prince let him do as he pleased and only watched Virgil’s reaction.
Virgil gulped. He didn’t know.
“I don’t know. But I know that I’m pretty rational right now and that the scenarios I might come up with when we are that far, won’t be rational. Also, it’s not very likely that it would hurt me. Like, everything Thomas ever did to get his anxiety down – that helped me. And if I’m being more rational and all, I wouldn’t force you to, uhm, illustrate all of these worst-case scenarios anymore. I hope.”
Remus said nothing for a bit. Then he shook his head.
“But I’ll still be intrusive thoughts. You can’t medicate me away.”
“Yeah, and we won’t need to. With me better, we can easier work on that too and you might be able to do the things for Thomas and us, which you have in mind if you want to. You can be – Creativity again”, Virgil told Remus shyly.
But I am Creativity, Remus thought. But that’s not what I’ve been doing. I haven’t been creating. I’m processing and formulating ideas and thoughts from everybody else but me. This might get me free. This might let me say things I couldn’t manage to say because all the words were taken by other thoughts but mine.
“So, you realize that you’ve hurt him by calling and keeping him in your room?” Roman said to Virgil but Remus didn’t really hear it.
“What – I -”, Virgil stuttered taken aback by the calmness in Roman’s words despite their hostile underline.
“You must know that staying in your room has bad effects on us. I mean, you knew immediately what was going on with Patton, Logan and me when we were in your room and started reeling. Which was not pleasant at all, as a side note. And Remus has spent whole evenings in there with you, while the paranoia had come up. You do acknowledge this now, right?”
Virgil’s first instinct was to panic until he realized that Roman was not being aggressive or accusing. He was getting to something different with his point. But what was it? Virgil felt his thoughts race. Not in a bad way though.
What could he get out of Roman’s words? That he knew of Remus sometimes spending nights in his room, when he had a bad day or panic attack. But how did he know? Remus’s and Virgil’s room used to be further away from the common aera than Roman’s. He couldn’t have known about it, had Remus not told him about him visiting Virgil. But why would Remus tell Roman this? Roman and Remus were obviously closer than Virgil and all the others had thought them to be, but that was no reason for Remus to tell Roman if not for-
Remus hid his pain. He couldn’t heal. And the only one who knew was Roman. And Remus had stiches on his body. Stiches that were too neatly done for him to have done it himself. Roman had fixed him up after he had gotten himself injured. And he probably also helped him fix himself, when he was mentally exhausted.
Roman was the one who saw Remus hurt because of him.
“Is… is this why you disliked me so much when we started out? Because I hurt him without knowing it?”
Roman’s stern gaze softened instantly. Wow, Virgil really was on a good reasoning spree today, wasn’t he? And it made sense. Roman had never antagonized Janus as much as he had Virgil before the trial. With Janus it was more of a rivalry, like the Joker and Batman in the LEGO Batman movie.
Virgil bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck. Roman had disliked him a lot when he started turning up in the videos. Virgil had just brushed it off with Roman’s black and white mindset and even embraced the more villainy view Roman had of him. In a way it had gave him the feeling to be in control, to be powerful, when he actually only was lashing out and closing himself out.
It’s been a while since he had realized it. And now he had come far enough to actually work on his old baggage and help himself and the others to deal with their tasks. Calmly, Virgil closed his eyes and listened to the blood in his ears and focused on the feeling of Roman’s eyes on him. His gaze was as noticeable and warm as ever.
“I see that now, Princey. I get it”, Virgil said after he had looked back to Roman.
He kept his eyes steady for once and there was a little hint of a grin in the edge of Roman’s lips. Immediately Virgil felt lighter. He didn’t want to get back on Roman’s bad side. As fun as the fighting could be, the hurtful comments stung and it was a lot safer to bicker with the Prince instead of argue with him who wields a katana and has the knowledge how to properly use it.
“Wow”, Roman muttered and an actual smile stole its way on his lips.
Affectionally, he pulled Remus a litter closer to himself. Remus flinched at the pull and looked as if he had only been pulled out of his thoughts just now, but didn’t seem to mind the affection from his brother.
“This does explain some things…”, Patton quietly said.
As Logan and Janus slightly nodded agreeing to the statement, Remus had a big question mark written all over his face but didn’t bother to inquire what it was about. It couldn’t be too important anyway. But now he noticed that Virgil had a strangely endearing look in his eyes which was directed at his brother, who also looked weirdly fond and –
Remus’s train of thought got interrupted, when Roman looked at him with a meaningful glance and then told the others: “Anyway, when we’re going to bring this up to Thomas, we could use the opportunity and talk with him about Ree, here. And give you a chance to explain yourself too.”
“Wait, what?” Remus asked and sat up straight. “Why would you do that? Why would you want me to talk to Thomas?”
Roman exhaled slightly irritated and raised his eyebrows. Patiently, he answered to all’s surprise: “Because I told Thomas we should talk about you and that I would discuss it with you guys. And since we are talking about heavy topics, it might be the right time to bring you up and give you a seat at the table too. All of this will get easier when we work with you instead of against you, don’t you think?”
“Ro, I’m not – I’m fine with working in the background! I don’t need attention like you do! When Thomas deals with me it means -” Remus refuted but Roman silenced him with a wave.
“When Thomas dealt with you in the past it meant that he had a crisis. When you were seen it meant that we had already let it go too far and if I remember correctly – Roman gave a shot a look in Janus’s direction – we shouldn’t put off dealing with our negative emotions until we have a crisis incoming.”
Remus kept quiet and Roman continued: “I know you don’t need the attention I do, and you get your ideas directly to Thomas or sometimes even through me, but a small check in now and then might do miracles, wouldn’t it? So, we’d see the signs before we have to extinguish the fires.”
Remus sighed and drove with hands over his eyes. His shitty idealistic brother. The stupid shield. The protector. The defender of their Selves.
Defeated Remus looked over to Patton and asked him: “Do you allow it? Do you allow me to show up?”
Patton was immediately hyperaware of Logan’s, Virgil’s and Roman’s confused looks. The question sounded awkward and unrelated to them, Patton was sure of it, but Remus was direct and honest and tired. And he needed to know that Patton wouldn’t stop Roman’s plan and let Remus show up.
And so, Patton nodded and told Remus humbly: “I do. I’ve done so in the past and I will never stop you from appearing again.”
“What-” Virgil began but was stopped by Logan shaking his head and putting his hand on Virgil’s leg.
“Let’s save this question for tomorrow”, Logan asked and pinched the bridge of his nose visibly tired. “This discussion has gone on long enough and I doubt that any of us is still able to assimilate any more information. Can we agree on that?”
“Yes”, all sides agreed in relief.
It was already long past midnight and they were all beyond tired, yet nobody was about to just go into their rooms and call it a night. Eventually, Patton asked if they wanted to throw in a movie and eat the remaining cookies. They decided on Ernest & Célestine, a sweet French animation movie, and ate in comfort as they watched the grumpy bear and the little orphaned mouse slowly befriend each other on the TV. Janus and Patton had moved closer to the middle of the couch and now sat next to Logan and Virgil, while the twins sat on the floor and hummed with the gentle music.
It was Patton who was first to fall asleep. Janus didn’t register it, even though the fatherly side was leaning his head on him and softly breathing on his cape. Nor did Logan but he also was next to fall asleep with his head resting on the backrest on the couch and his arms crossed in front of his chest. Virgil and Janus followed quickly and when the film ended Roman and Remus stood up and stared for a moment at their fellow sides.
They exchanged a look and then helped each other to put the coffee table aside and pull out the couch, so it became a bed, while maintaining the peace of the others. Patton snored a little and was about to cuddle Janus, when Roman took off his glasses and gently placed them on the coffee table. He proceeded with taking off Janus’s hat and giving each of them a cushion and a blanket. After some deliberation he took off their shoes, while Remus was tucking in Logan and Virgil.
The Duke was quiet. The pillows were already under Logan and Virgil’s heads, their shoes off and Virgil gently tucked in. Remus was stuck with Logan’s glasses and the blanket he had summoned for him. He had reacted so quickly when he had touched him. He didn’t want to startle him again and instead watched Logan’s face for some time. His features were almost the same as Thomas’s.
Remus had always found it strange that Logan was the one who had chosen to look most like their human. Sure, it made sense that the one who tried to be the most realistic Side, to reflect Thomas most accurately but there was so much more personality in him. He had interests in everything, always asked “Why?” and never gave up until he got an answer. There were so many layers, so much curiosity and still he decided that his looks should be closest to the person he was a Side off.
Remus didn’t understand it. Not that he understood that much, he didn’t care most of the time if he understood or not, but this was a question that he always asked himself again and again. Why did the Side, who embodied their desire for learning and discover new things decide to stay in this static form? To Remus it didn’t make sense.
And he liked it.
Carful not to touch Logan’s face he finally took off his glasses and tucked him in. Silently, he got up and looked over to Roman, who had observed him. Softly they stepped away and went over to the dining table.
“The whole thing about our predecessor really fucked with Specs, didn’t it?” Remus said keeping his voice low, while seating himself on the table.
Roman leaned against the next wall and watched the others for a second before answering.
“It did. Really did.”
“… Did he like like him?”
Roman tilted his head from left to right. He tried to keep himself out of the romantic attraction some Sides displayed for the others. It hadn’t been too hard to stay out of it, mainly because Patton, Logan and himself didn’t have romantic interests in the other or him, but the whole situation was changing now with Virgil, Janus and hopefully soon Remus too being or getting accepted and mingling more with them.
It had mixed everything up and Patton and Logan showed emotions and dreams he hadn’t heard in quiet a bit. And it was hard to ignore them, when they were almost as loud as Logan’s falsehood cries.
“He might still. I’m not sure he knows.”
“He does. He feels guilty still.”
The twins were silent for some minutes. Still even. It wasn’t the first time they saw the others sleeping. Roman had been to too many movie nights, where Pat and Logan forgot the themselves and nodded off on the couch. Too often Remus had tucked Janus and Virgil after them scheming in their little lounge in the basement.
But it hadn’t been like this in ages. All of them together and in peace. Not quiet at peace with all that was happening but so much closer than even a day ago. Maybe they could really get somewhere with all this talking and discussing.
“When did you unlock the door?”
“… Like three days after the wedding…”
Remus chuckled lightly.
“I can’t believe you managed to hold onto your grip for that long, Drama Queen. Only took J to call you evil for you to crawl back to me. Who would have thought, hm?”
Roman took five steps. Waited for Remus to look at him. Saw him look at him. Then he opened his hand and a big rusty key appeared. The one he had made for the lock Remus had summoned for their door.
Remus eyed him curiously.
“I’ll destroy the key. I shouldn’t have shut you out. You can destroy the lock, if you want to.”
“I do.”
The key evaporated and so did the big black lock on the door in Roman’s room. Roman gave Remus a hug. They stayed in the embrace for some time uncaring for the others subtle breathing and the ticking of the big grandfather clock by the wall.
“… Wanna do some pottery?”
“Should we summon the stuff right here or…?”
“Yeah, why not.”
“Make a painting station and a kiln. I have some vases ready for to bake and some you could paint while I sculpt.”
Roman nodded and only ten minutes later he was already painting a strangely formed plate he was painting with a white base colour. Next to Roman stood a small wood kiln, which he regularly checked for the right temperature and summoned new wood pieced to throw in the fire when he realized that it needed a little more heat. Meanwhile Remus was working on a new piece at his pottery wheel.
And so, they worked in silence. Both had dropped their illusions. Remus had changed in a loose white tank top and baggy pants, which both were littered with clay stains and little holes from wearing them all the time. Roman had chosen his red t-shirt with the yellow crown on it and a pair of black shorts. It got rather warm next to the kiln and he was sweating a little but he couldn’t claim that it bothered him too much. He liked the heat.
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
The Hero’s Villain (T. Breeze imagine)
So this is my super, super late entry to @moxleysbaby’s challenge! The AU I chose was Super Hero/Super Villain! Tyler is a hero and his soulmate, Reader is a Villain!
WC: 2192 words!
No warnings this time!
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“She stole my cat!” my screech pierced my apartment air and Dango ducked his head, scratching the back of his neck. I whipped my head towards him then demanded, “Were you here? When she took Obey Supreme?” Dango lifted his hands in the air then questioned with a small laugh, “You honestly think that I would’ve let her take Obey Supreme? C’mon, man, I’ve been with you all day!” I settled on my couch and hung my head, groaning.
She stole my cat… SHE STOLE OBEY SUPREME! Being a super villain vigilante is one thing but becoming a cat burglar is another… especially when it’s your soulmate’s cat!
Y/N Y/L/N, my ex-best friend slash soulmate turned super villain because I became an arrogant dick when I got my powers. She was the light of my life once upon a time, still is, to a fault, of course. It’s just that one night, she finally got sick of me being superior to her.
“Y/N, Y/N, stop, what’s wrong?” I rushed out, grabbing her wrist to turn her attention back to me. She scoffed, yanking out of my grip, then shoved me backwards, spitting, “That’s a joke, right, Boy Wonder?! Ever since you’ve become a superhero, you think that you’re better than all of us!”
“What?! No, I don’t! Y/N/N, why would you think that?” I asked with a small laugh, grabbing her hand once again. She jerked away then snarled, “Oh please, you’ve been acting like you’re destined for greatness but the truth is, you’re just another privileged superhero with powers. I’m sorry, Tyler, I just can’t do this anymore.”
My eyebrows furrowed together then I asked, “Are you… are you ending our friendship?” She paused and glanced over her shoulder, murmuring, “I’m afraid so. I hope you’re happy now, Tyler.”
The night that I figured out that she had turned into a supervillain was the same night that she discovered that we were soulmates. It was truly a night that wouldn’t and couldn’t be forgotten by either of us.
“Tyler, there’s a bit of a… well, there’s a bit of a situation over here uptown and I think you need to see this.” Dream stated then I groaned, rolling out of bed, before grabbing my mask off the table. I quickly pulled on my shoes then walked out of the apartment, preparing for whatever the hell I was about to fix.
I swiped my arm out into the open after putting my mask on then stepped into the portal I created, entering the uptown area where Dream and Fandango was sitting on top of the building that was wrecked, someone standing on the opposite building.
“Who the hell is that?” I asked, glancing at my two partners. Dango raised an eyebrow then suggested, “Take a guess. Trust me, you’ll be wrong.” I rolled my eyes and allowed a portal to open, allowing me to step onto the roof of the building.
“Stop, you’re under arrest for destruction of property and disturbing the peace.” I ordered, pulling a pair of handcuffs out. A small laugh escaped the supervillain and I paused, trying to identify why it was so familiar.
“Ty-Ty, always a displeasure to see you. But I have to say, you look good in that mask.” She turned to face me, her arms crossed over her chest, then allowed flowers and vines to erupt from her hands.
“You turned into a supervillain. I have to say, that’s a hell of a way to catch your soulmate’s attention.” I stated, settling on the edge. She paused in her advance towards me then blinked slowly at me, demanding, “I’m sorry, what? I’m your soulmate?” I sucked in a slow breath then admitted, “That’s definitely not how I wanted you to find out and I’m sorry. But you’re the dumbass running around as a supervillain and when the fuck did you get powers?!”
“That’s none of your business, really,” she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest, “But if you really want to know, it was a few months after you did but you were acting like a giant dick.”
“I have superpowers, do you expect my ego to shrink?” I blurted out and she raised her eyebrows at me in disbelief, saying, “Wow. You never will change, will you, Tyler?”
“I would! For you, I would change!” I insisted, stepping closer. She rolled her eyes then snapped, “We’ve been friends for a long time, Tyler, and I’ve seen what happens to girls you get tired of. You break their heart and move on to the next poor soul ready to become your victim.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you! You’re my soulmate, why would I?” Y/N blinked at me, as if she couldn’t believe the words that were dripping out of my mouth then burst into laughter, barking, “You’re an egomaniac who only thinks about himself! There’s only room for one in your mind, Ty, and that one is you.”
The words had haunted me for the last few years and as much as I desperately wanted her to be wrong, a part of me, deep down in my heart, knew that she was right, at least a fraction of her statement was. I’m definitely an egomaniac.
Dango snapped his fingers in front of my face then stared at me, asking, “So, what are you gonna do, man?” I huffed and stood up, reaching into my pocket to call the only person who would actually have the balls to steal my fucking cat.
“Hi, dis is Garden Industries, please state ya business and I’ll do ma best to help.” Sheamus greeted me, the slight squeak of his chair invading on his voice.
“Shea, hey, man, is your boss in today? I have something I need to talk to her about.” I informed him, practically chomping at the bit to get Obey Supreme back. He hummed for a moment then asked, “May I have ya name please?”
“God dammit, alright, fine, it’s Tyler fucking Breeze, now can you tell me if Y/N is at the office today or not?” A few silent seconds trickled past and I waited for his response, only for him to say, “ ‘M truly sorry here, Mr. Breeze, but I have strict orders not ta answer any questions that ya ask. But have a fantastic Garden Day!” I cursed and shouted at the phone as he ended the call then grabbed my coat, storming towards the door as Fandango asked, “Where are you going?!”
“Going to get my cat back!”
Reader’s POV:
My phone buzzed on the other section of the couch and I glanced down at Obey Supreme who was stretched across my entire midsection, purring with her eyes closed, clearly napping. I needed to check who texted me but I definitely didn’t want to risk waking up the precious bean laying on me.
I slid down slowly, careful not to disturb the cat, then nudged my phone towards me with my foot, easing it to my hand with the best of my abilities before I willed a vine to slip out and hand me my phone without waking the fur ball resting on me. I brought the phone to life with a simple two taps to the screen then read the message that I had, “Mayday, Tyler called and I’m pretty sure he knows that you have the cat.”
I grinned at the knowledge then returned to petting the feline, delighted that I had successfully gotten away with annoying Tyler in the best way possible: steal everything he loves and return them as slow as possible. I curled up with Obey Supreme who let out a meow of protest to being shifted but settled down nonetheless, clearly happy about someone cuddling her.
I ended up taking about an hour nap with Obey but once she left me, I decided it was time to check on my garden and see if any of my fruit or vegetables was ready to be picked. I swiped my two baskets off the back porch and began walking towards the start of the fruit when I realized that I had a visitor.
I inched forward, setting down the baskets, then turned the corner heading into the rows of carrots and onions, both in their respective places. I crossed my arms then stated, “You’re trespassing and I could easily have you arrested.” Tyler’s head snapped up from where he was studying my newly finished swing then he bent down between the rows of carrots, saying, “Yes you could. But what’s the fun in that?
“Tyler.. let’s be reasonable here. There’s no need to hurt the garden, the vegetables never did anything to you.” I cooed, stepping towards him as he brushed a hand over my carrot tops. His blue eyes flickered up to me then he came to his full height, saying offhandedly, “You need to weed your garden.”
“I’ll be sure to hire a different groundskeeper as long as you don’t hurt my poor plant babies. They’re just trying to thrive and I just got rid of my mole problem!” He paused at my plea then furrowed his eyebrows together as he questioned, “You had a mole problem? You, of all people?”
“I know! It’s fucked up that I had to deal with them, but don’t worry, I let them go free across the street. I may be evil but I don’t kill animals.” He gave that familiar laugh and my heart began to flutter, only for me to grit my teeth, doing my best to ignore the delight that raced through my body.
“Give me my cat back and I’ll let your precious plants live their happy, weed infested life.”he chimed, popping the top of an onion off then began chewing on it thoughtfully.
“Your cat? Why do you think that I have your cat? You have plenty of enemies who knows how to make you suffer, Tyler.”
“Oh please, down the innocence act, you have Obey’s fur all over you right now and I know it’s not any other cat because you don’t own one.”he informed me, crossing his arms like he had won the round. I let out a laugh then demanded,”And how would you know? Have you been stalking me? Maybe I adopted one.”
“Even after all these years, you still fucking suck at lying to me.”he commented, claiming my porch swing, stretching his legs out. My eyes narrowed at his statement then shoved his feet off the arm rest as I spat, “Even after all these years, you’re still shit at having proper manners. What are you doing here?”
“I already fucking told you, I want my cat back.” he spat, coming to a stand. My tongue snuck out then licked my lips as I replied, “And I already told you, Obey Supreme isn’t here, you luna-dick.” He gritted his teeth then headed inside through the back door, my alarm blaring since he didn’t enter the code.
I followed him inside then punched in the code, closing the door behind us as he began to call for Obey, determined to get his cat back. I sighed and followed him up the stairs to the second floor, entering my own room in search of her.
“Tyler, would you just stop!? I told you, she’s not here!” I insisted, determined for him to believe me and leave my home, only for him to whip around, fire in his eyes.
“Listen, I was okay with my soulmate not accepting me but her stealing my cat? This is too fucking far, Y/N! I’m tired of this fucking game! So we’re gonna talk about this and you’re actually gonna listen!”he snapped, backing me into the wall across from the bed.
“You just don’t understand! You sit there in your pristine little superhero world thinking that you’re such hot shit without ppl a care in the world. You’re actually going through with the whole, ‘I’m your soulmate’ thing, huh? How long have you had this shenanigan running? What, three years now? Just drop it already!”
He stared at me for a moment, not an ounce of emotion across his face before he cupped my cheeks and tugged me into a kiss. I struggled on his hold briefly then relaxed against him before he pulled away. We stared at one another then murmured, “You may not believe me now. But I swear, you’re my soulmate, baby. No one else. I know that I’ve been a dick but I can change. I fucking promise, I’d change for you.”
I gave a small laugh and replied quietly, “Fine… but I want to keep Obey until you prove to me that I’m your soulmate. Okay?” As if on cue, Obey Supreme peeked her head out from where she was lying underneath my bed then meowed with her eyes narrowed. Clearly, she was not excited that we had woken her up.
I laughed and scooped her into my arms as he answered, “Alright fine, you can keep her until I prove that you’re my soulmate.”
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clericbyers · 5 years
first time
here’s the second prompt anon since I could not resist
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There’s this new fangled thing called a “flashbulb” memory that makes its way from high academia into the public school system. Mike has heard his sister blab about it over dinner for some odd reason he can’t remember. She said it was an extremely vivid and detailed snapshot of a moment when something consequential or emotional arousing occurs. Mike doesn’t quite understand it exactly—he’s smart but Nancy is using bigger words like she wants to give him difficulty with understanding her—but he thinks he gets the jist.
It’s kind of like what Will’s brother does with his photography but instead of physical photos being developed, it’s a memory you can always recall in deep detail.
Mike didn’t really think much of it after the fact. Nancy always tries to sound smarter than usual at the dinner table anyway. He asked Dustin and Lucas about it and they didn’t say much outside of thinking it was kind of a weird topic. Will though thought the idea that memories could be stored like photos was awesome.
“You know, sometimes I draw my memories, too,” he whispered to Mike late one night in the sleepy emptiness filling the basement. “If it’s really impactful, you know? I just have to draw it out even though I know I’ll always remember.”
Mike hummed sleepily and curled up closer to his friend. Will was warm and small and Mike enjoyed hearing his voice. “Mm, what memories have you drawn?”
“When we won our first campaign together.” Will played with a string unraveling from his sleeping bag. “The first sunset the four of us stayed outside to watch when we sat on the roof of your house.”
Mike laughed at that. “Wow, I barely remember that. You have an incredible memory, Will.” He closed his eyes and let loose a deep sigh. “You should show me those pictures.”
“Ah, I—yeah. Yeah, I can show you some.” Will sounded nervous and it made Mike’s eyes slither open to look over at his friend.
“Some? Are there others you don’t wanna share?”
“No! No, no, I want to show you everything. Just,” his green eyes looked down before turning back to Mike with a smile, “I’m nervous. I’ve never shown anyone else.”
It was a mostly subconscious action but Mike reached out to take the hand Will was using to pull at thread into his own. Mike squeezed twice and let his hand go limp in a loose grip. “You know I’ll love whatever you draw. That’s what friends are for. To love their friend’s art.”
Will laughed airly. “I’m pretty sure there’s more to it than that.”
“Yeah, well, I wanna love your art so lemme do that, alright?”
And when Mike woke up still holding hands with Will, he didn’t think much of it even though his heart was a little fuzzy in his chest and he wondered why it didn’t feel so weird to hold his best friend’s hand while sleeping.
That night though wasn’t something Mike would have considered a flashbulb memory. It was a gentle memory that warmed his chest and drove him into the woods to search for WIll when he went missing. The idea of never being able to see Will again was too sickening to ignore. Mike could never accept that Will was dead even if a body was discovered. He would stop at nothing to insure Will was back home and safe, and tangible for Mike to hold and talk to and, well, love. But the latter wasn’t anything more than platonic in his mind. Will was his best friend as were Dustin and Lucas. If they had gone missing, Mike would have been just as ballistic about finding them.
In the year after Will’s return though, Mike found himself torn. He called for El, who helped him get back one of the most important people in his life, in hopes that he hadn’t sacrificed one person for another. He coddled Will, desperate for reassurance that Will was still here, that Will wasn’t dead or missing. The nightmares were terrible. He kept imagining jumping off the cliff and El not being there, dying only for Will to come back and discover Mike was no more. If it wasn’t the jump, then seeing El close the portal or hearing Will’s cries over the radio consumed his mind until he woke up gasping for air and reminding himself that all of that was over.
It was a rough year for everyone and it only grew worse once Dustin found Dart and the Mind Flayer began to take over Will. El returned, which was a joyous event for Mike, but it couldn’t overshadow the fact that Will was losing himself to a demon and the Party had to come up with a plan to destroy the tunnels and hopefully not kill Will in the process.
It turned out though that happy memories could help break Will out of the influence of the Mind Flayer. And it was one memory in particular that snapped Will and Mike out of a cloudy mist of denial that had been consuming their every interaction up until then. This moment here in the shed, standing face to face with an incapacitated Will and a single tear streaking down Mike’s cheek as he thought about what if Will dies tonight. Mike still isn’t sure if that first day in kindergarten is a flashbulb memory. It had emotional impact for him and sticks with him always but it was more so something he never wanted to forget so he remembered it vividly rather than something he couldn’t forget because his brain forced him to remember it vividly.
“Do you remember the first day we met?” he recalled with a wavering voice as the thought that this could be the last thing he ever says to Will. He tried not to think about how much this sounded like a confession. “It was...it was the first day of kindergarten. I knew nobody. I had no friends and...I just felt so alone and so scared but,” Mike regathered his thoughts and powered through the emotions bubbling in his chest. He could visualize that day in his head so clearly like it was just earlier in the day instead of 8 years ago. “I saw you on the swings and you were alone, too. You were just swinging by yourself. And I walked up to you and...I asked.”
It was as if in slow motion, watching Will’s face struggle between the Mind Flayer’s influence and his true self trying to react to Mike’s memory. Mike hoped Will remembered, too; he wanted Will to always remember and if he couldn’t himself, then to remember Mike’s memory in its stead.
“I asked you if you wanted to be my friend. And you said yes.” Mike felt overwhelmed, throat tight as he still couldn’t believe that Will was willing to be his friend. Will willingly sided with the other loner kid on the playground when he could have found anyone else some other day. He stuck with Mike day-by-day as they blended together to become an inseparable duo. Inseparable until the Upside Down stole Will but Mike got him back and he wouldn’t let the Mind Flayer take Will away. No. It would not happen. Mike’s chest hurt just to think about how much his life changed by Will’s single word and how he could lose that change in a mere few seconds. “You said yes.”
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes; Will said yes and tied himself to Mike and Mike tied himself to Will and that tie could not be broken. Mike looked up into watery, green eyes and realized with a painful breath that Will was...Will was the best thing in his life. No, no. Not just Will, being Will’s best friend, taking that chance to befriend him, taking that chance to learn to love him. “It was the best thing I’ve ever done.”
And as the sobs wracked his body, Mike began to realize that maybe he wouldn’t have reacted as viscerally as he did with Will to Dustin and Lucas’ disappearances if they had been the ones to disappear. It wasn’t because he didn’t care or love them--he definitely would have still tried to find them and he did jump off a cliff to save Dustin--but Will was different. Will was always different.
This moment here with tears streaming down his face and the desperate mantra of don’t leave me don’t leave me don’t leave me racing through his addled mind brought Mike to the flashbulb memory inducing realization that maybe the difference with Will was found in Mike’s own feelings for him. And later, Will would reminded Mike that it’s simply not possible to love anyone as he loves Mike, much as Mike stated on this day that being with Will was the best thing he’d ever done. But that would take another year and another heartbreak.
For now, Mike had to focus on saving his friend in order to draw better memories together than the now memories he’d been battling against.
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starrawrcakes · 5 years
Pokemon x nintendogs
You see that ^ Yeah that up there THAT Is what I want to see from nintendo. (also no beta we die like men) I mean sure let’s go pikachu/eevee was... g8. But. I need more. I want MORE than just sword and shield feather toy.  I want a pokemon game for those who are stuck in their npc houses BEcause that’s the energy I have.  I want. Cozy. I want. CUTE. I want to actually play with my pokemon.  And here is my idea.  YOu know how nintendogs had the version exclusive editions like chihuhua and golden retriever? Yeah that’s nice for dogs and everything. But VERSONS FOR POKEMON IS . EVERYTHING.  Pokemon daycare. I wanna pet my pokemon. and not just like stand still pokemon I want them to roll over onto their tummies and be like scratch my neck.  I want to have bathroom shinanigans. I want bathing your pokemon to be a game of either They get clean OR YOU’RE THE ONE GETTING CLEAN.  Due to personality/(it’s nature) types not every pokemon will lie down for cleaning time. Some will be like that dog who stole the hose and is now running at you with water getting you wet. and the screen is now watery.  It’s time for food. prevent your pokemon from eatting everything in the bowl.  Is your pokemon the lax nature? is your pokemon laying in their water bowl after drinking? well time to get your towel before they run across the floor and make all your furnature wet.  Meet with me!: you have a friend with the same game or different version Link your (switches/ds’s ) together to trade items, have one of your pokemons meet your friends pokemon and have friendship or rivalry occur! watch them play or fight over your toys!  You have a electric stone and want your pikapi to stay the same? Give it to your friend with a eevee so they can have the jolteon of your dreams.  Watch wild interactions between the games.  You can choose between your favorite pokemon and unlock more friends too.  Or you can find special eggs or wild poke which have secret pokefriends.  Encounter amazing ledgendarys on your walk. (because ledgendary they’re unavailable for care)  Take wonderful walks around the beach, forests, mountains, towns, and other fun locations. Encounter other trainers with witty diolog and gym leaders.  Shop for furnature, toys, food, snacks, fruit, furnature, and even redecorate your home.  Electric version:  Unlocked immedietly :  Pichu, pikachu, Raichu, (alola raichu) , plusle, minun, emolga, pachirisu , shinx, dedenne, togedemaru, yamper, morpeko, Secret poke: Jolteon, mareep, elekid, electrike, blistle, joltik,  Helioptile Ledgendary encounters: Zapdos, Raikou, zurkitree, zeraora Flavortext time: Pichu: This good baby you just hatched from a egg is ready for love. Inexperienced and clumsy but ready for what life has in store. Careful for spark showers! Pikachu: Ready for adventures and to spend time with you. A world favorite. \ Raichu: This pal might be a bit older than the rest but knows it’s way about. If this pokemon glows in the dark... it’s best to figure out what has them riled up. If you choose them it’s good to be in contact with your local power plant. Alolan Raichu: Goodness Perhaps pancakes are the key to flight? This soft friend has many more things to learn about!  Plusle: Good vibes from this poke. Relaxing for those a little on the downside. it’s electric shocks are thereputic. A good pokemon for lifes little victories! Minun: Careful for tangles on this poke! it’s going to give you a relaxing time if you are a busy person. Has easing energies... and electricity! Or it will surely energize you with spark showers.  Emolga: this little one likes flying in freedom. Even stormy days are a adventure with this one. They like there food all to themselves. Make sure to watch them around bugs...  Pachirisu: Sharing is caring! this pokemon is good at getting along with others and playing. Pachirisu are a bit of horders... so make sure to know where their hiding places are for potentially forgotton food and hair balls. watch the hairballs... Shinx: this cutie pattootie is a bit of a runner! It likes energy and often stores it’s electricity in it’s legs. If it gets upset it get’s  a bit... blinding.  Luxio: no matter what it tells you with that pouty face it gets lonley easy. It might be good to have a few pokemon for it to feel at home... Watch those claws! Luxray: takes it’s family very serious but loves unconditionally. Try not to worry them it can see through anything so... well. Just try not to think about that in the restroom... Dedenne: This little one likes to talk to it’s friends whereever they are... through electricity. They can often sip electricity out of your wall outlets if they don’t have enough.... might want to invest in a raichu for it’s electrical needs...  Togedemaru: this lovely one is a good friend. If you can handle it. invest in bandages and rubber gloves for this friend. I’m sure they will love you just the same.  ... No loud sounds for this pokemon... Morkpeko: this soft friend has a bit of a temper when hungry. It’s naughty in nature. So keep it fed or don’t... but feel the wrath of hangryness... we have all been there... It loves seeds so keep a few around. maybe blinker seeds in case that side comes out...  Yamper: A very food motivated friend. Honestly we all know someone like this. Very loving friend either way. besides who can resist that cute face and tail wag? Boltund: After growing up a bit this good poke can run real fast. like... REal fast. might need to invest in some armor for walks now... incase this one is distracted and takes you on a bit of a drag instead of a walk.  --- Jolteon: Wow your pokemon found a friend! It seems to be weak... would you like to take care of this new pokemon? This friend is very emotional... but now that it has you it’s very thankful and greatful for everything. Even if it accidently shocks you. You know they don’t mean it.  Joltik: Yamper has found a little friend sticking to him. will you keep this new friend? (or: you have found a soft silky egg... with a nice buzzing sensation... will you care for the egg?: ((no: Let’s leave this at a pokemon center... they know what to do.)) ) This little pal is soft and fuzzy and often makes a nice static feeling. Often a good pair for raichus!  Galvantula: Our little pal has grown up big and strong. Often makes wonderful silky doilies and nets. You can sell them because often time they can make them everyday. after you de-electrify them.  Mareep: You found a little lost mareep! upon checking with any near by farms no one seems to own it. And It keeps following you... will you keep it?  This soft friend has wonderful wool that you can sell when it sheds it... The spots that missing wool is a sign it’s going to evolve soon...  Flaaffy: this cute friend makes a lovely night light. Although do you ever think it looks in the mirror and gets self concious about it losing it’s wool....? Probably not. Ampharos: enjoys watching TV with you. Often loves superhero shows. Has big dreams of being a hero. It’s favorite places to walk is in the forest and the beach.  Electrike: This poor pokemon can’t run as fast as the other electrike... Because of this it’s been abandoned... will you care for him...? Even though it’s not the fastest electrike... you have still decided you need to wear body armor during walks... to weigh it down... so you don’t go flying!  Manctric: your kind friend often needs trips to the power plant. It doesn’t mind. Sometimes the sneeky poke runs off to the powerplant without you... What they don’t know is that you don’t mind as long as the house doesn’t burn down...  ect...
Events:  Power up: head over to your local powerplant and get that excess electricity out! recieve poke(money) as payment!  Fruit picking: pick fruit off of trees for poke! Warning some fruit are amazing electrified. but some arn’t!  Contest time: Show how obedient your pokemon is in style and in the care you’ve given them!  Your home!: regular old house with many rubber surfaces, powerplant, fluffy clouds, futuristic neon house.  --- And other fun versions that I just don’t have the brain power to think of.  like  Eevee/normal type Fire friends water palace one iwth the forest edition spooky ghost fairy babies Fuck it master version with just ledgendarys and mythicals.  and you know the rest.  like fire types you have to stop them from.... laying in lava pockets in the mountains, regular house, fake volcano, cuddle crator, funky fake fire house.  water types: jumping contest!, race of the fastest, contest time,. House types: a house with a kiddy pool, a fake beach, under the ocean, a river, a lake, a pool, or a giant bathroom.  Bug contests: polination station, ect, ghost contests: creepy pasta~, halloween festival!, contest time! I hope you see what I’m trying to put down here. But will nintendo respond to this one single post? Probably not.WHY? I DoN’T KNOW. (probably because they’ll have to answer if pokemon poob or pee. I don’t know if they want to tackle that.)  This is my hot take.
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sentinelsofuniverse · 5 years
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I don't post anything.. But I found some unused dialogue from Sentinels of the Universe! 💙
They are in the game files (in Hungarian) on the prototype dated February 19, 2001. But they seem to have found more on some corrupted files date February 23, 2001 in english and an additional level!
The english dialogues are these;
Ancient City
You mock or get out, decide it!
Puffy is starving!
Rock n Roll!
The party goes on in the hell with the devil!
If you let me out, I'll comply with my three wishes!
Small wolphin, small wolphin let me out!
If you don't let me out, I'll smash your head up!
-Who wants to be released?? I could only thought of the white shark.. but that's stupid, no?
Galleon & port
Wow, a dolphin! You should have come earlier!
But I'm in good mood now, so I forgive your delay.
I know birds can't talk!
Do I look like one?
Well, for the moment, I do!
You should know, that I'm a great dolphine mage!
For a moment I hadn't taken care, and the soulrobber living in the upper lake stole my magic force, squeezing me into this feathered body.
Enough of talking! I announce a campaign!
Bring me a boat, that will take for a capital ship.
I must get to the sunken ship.
May the octopus have you killed!
Haven't I told you to bring me a boat?
I bet you're not a dolphin!
A dolphine would have understood me by now: BRING ME A BOAT!
What had I done wrong that you sent me such a stupid finner?
Boat at last! I try to get on...
Head on to the sunken ship! You are my army, so push me rapidly, like you were chased by a shark!
Quicker, Quicker! I regain my magic!
What are doing?
Move on!
Why did we stop again?
Move on to the shipwreck!
-I posted this already (poorly translated..) a while ago. These are all lines from the parrot
Ice Edge (*NEW LEVEL*)
-Now, there's a lot of info here. We don't know who is talking to Ecco, but could be whales since they say to swim near them to keep the body warm (like in Ice World/Home of Narwhals). Also mentions another place; FORBIDDEN BAY, and that some "strange creatures" are now there. Could be aliens? Maybe, since they clearly mention aliens later (so Ecco is still against the Foe?). They also mentions Narwhals for the first time. They seem to be "crying" and also have magical powers! Last lines seem (to me) to be a Narwhal talking, since It also mentions "creating something from Ecco's memory as a gift" (with magical powers? Maybe one of the powers from Defender of the Future??)
Home of Narwhals
-This are dialogues from the whale that we see trapped behind the Ice blocks. He mentions a young orca that jumped over a path or mountain and never returned.
*No dialogue from Hanging Spheres has been found*
Hanging Caverns
-I wonder who could be saying this, since we see no dolphin or other creatures aside bats on this level, but could've been added later.
I am the lord of the bats.
I am looking for a whistle.
If you take it to me
I will reward you I am the lord of the bats.
Thank you for the whistle.
Here is the key promised.
Use it skilfully.
I am the lord of the bats.
Have you used the key deftly?
I am the hungry and lame gull.
I can't catch fish.
Thank you for the fish.
Here is the key promised.
Use it skilfully.
I am the gull fed.
Have you used the key deftly?
I am the butterfly king.
I give you this key, use it skillfully.
-There's more from this level, but just the tutorial and swimming race.
...And that's all! Still can't confirm if Ecco can travel to other worlds through the portals in Atlantis or he's still on Earth.. but seems he's still after the aliens afterall!
source: https://tcrf.net/Ecco_II:_Sentinels_of_the_Universe
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likeshipsonthesea · 6 years
Nurseydex + 21 + 25. :D
from the mash-up thing, 21. Dystopian AU and 25. Fairytale AU
okay i promised myself i wouldn’t write anymore of these, i have homework goddammit, but i saw these numbers and got THE PERFECT IDEA so here we go
it’s the year 2123. the world has been run over by machinery. there are small pockets of the earth left preserved with grass and trees and stuff, but they are controlled by the super-rich and typical people cannot see them. machines produce the oxygen needed to survive, the streets are littered with tall buildings and pipes and all the kind of steam-punk aesthetics you can think of
enter; dex. a small town boy from maine, in one of the last towns left on the water. he knows he’s privileged to even see the water, but fuck he wishes he could see the trees. maine was one of the last places to be taken over, and his grandparents remember the days of the environment, and show dex scrapbooks with pictures of trees and grass and moss. fuck dex really wants to see moss
and he’s out one day after a job fixing up someone’s O2Buddy (the things that make oxygen) and his car breaks down. it’s broken down a bunch in the past few weeks and he’s waiting on a new part (the post office has gone Downhill in the past hundred years) and so when he gets out to check the engine, he can’t do anything to fix it. it’s fucked beyond repair.
he’s pissed–still angery, 100 years later– and kicks the bumper before walking off in a fit of rage. the side-streets are full of buildings (overpopulation really skyrocketed) but he navigates between the twisting alleyways, furious and not paying attention, when he comes to a dead end.
in his anger, he kicks the wall. he probably would have broken a toe if the wall was solid, but it wasn’t. the wall shivers, and a square of its scrap-metal composition comes loose. dex blinks.
from within the sliver the scrap reveals, there’s glowing. dex cautiously takes a step closer and peers through the crack. his heart starts racing. it’s– green?
he peels back the metal and–he was right. it’s–it’s grass. from the pictures. holy shit.
he pulls back more of the metal until he can fit his body in through it and is suddenly transported into another world. a circular enclosure, maybe twenty feet in radius, full of grass and flowers and–and fuck, is that a tree? the walls of metal stretch up to the sky, where sunlight falls in, unfiltered. dex takes a deep breath– he smells nothing but the air.
it’s so beautiful. he laughs and falls to his knees in the grass. how is this possible? why is there here? what is this–
that’s when dex sees the casket.
okay, it’s not a casket, but it’s basically one. it’s made of glass for some reason? and it’s on some kind of pedestal. dex stands up and makes his way closer and–
“holy shit.” dex stumbles back. there’s a fucking body in it!
except it’s perfectly preserved. he gets closer again. this place–preserved and gorgeous as it is– has to be more than forty years old– 2081 is when the last maine preservation bill was struck down, and the machines moved in. how could the body be this perfect if it’s had forty years to decompose?
dex doesn’t realize that he’s still getting closer as he thinks, and all of a sudden he’s right next to the casket. there’s an engraving on the side, with beautiful lettering. ‘for the other half, the simple soul, the touch that will restore what the darkness stole’
..the fuck?
looking away from the engraving (golden and cursive and way dramatic) he finds himself staring at the body. the man. he’s–well, beautiful. this dex has no idea what homophobia is except for the weird fringe people that no one talks to anymore, so he’s v comfortable in his liking of the peen.
the man in the casket has an elegant nose, beautiful slightly parted lips, high cheekbones and a jaw prettier than even the best working engine (dex still loves to Fix) but dex keeps finding himself staring at the black, fanning eyelashes, the soft closed lids. he wonders what color the man’s eyes are.
unthiking, just wanting to get closer, dex reaches out to touch the glass, and the man’s eyes promptly open. (they’re green)
‘what the fuck’ they both yell, simultaneously.
this is where the story really gets going.
nursey is, obviously, really fucking confused at why he’s in a casket with this beautiful ginger boy staring at him with eyes like amber and so many freckles that nursey misses the stars. then, when they both calm down enough for dex to get him out of the casket and– a little later–for dex to tell him the year, nursey freaks out again.
‘it’s 2123? that’s not even a real year!”
“um, yeah it is.”
“oh my god.” … “trump didn’t implode the world?”
“…trump? that guy that got impeached in his third year?”
“oh thank the lord.”
after a brief recap of the 21st century–the capitalists that took over, the strides to protect the environment that turned into hiding it away, the rise of big business and the dissolution of the middle class– nursey is reeling.
“oh my god,” he keeps saying, over and over again, and dex watches him, so confused (and a lil bewitched bc, come on, it’s nursey) and after nursey seems to have settled, as much as one can in this situation, dex asks.
“so, like… why were you in a casket for a hundred years?”
“oh yeah.” nursey blinks. “that dude.”
‘that dude’ turns out to be this asshole elder wizard who didn’t want nursey to become the next ranking wizard– a combination of racism, homphobia, and power-grapping assholery– so he put a curse on nursey’s mind and heart– he wouldn’t be able to survive without his soulmate.
“and, like, even the guy’s curses were antiquated,” nursey says, complaining and gesturing avidly with his hands, “no one did love curses anymore! he could’ve hexed came out of my mouth whenever i tried to talk, but no! he’s gotta go all bs true love. god. no creativity.”
dex just blinks because, like, magic. magic is a thing. wow. okay.
and so long story short, his parents tried so hard to find someone who would work as his soulmate– “because no one has just one,” nursey explains, having read a bunch of books on it bc he’s a Romantique, “there are a bunch of people who sooth your soul, magic or whatever, it has a lot to do with timing and willingness and–i’m losing you, anyway back to the story”– but his parents found no one, and nursey was fading fast
before he could wither away completely, he gave his parents consent to put a stasis spell on him. “they probably put me up here to keep me safe,” nursey says, shrugging, suddenly so sad. his parents, dex realizes, are probably dead.
“maine was one of the last places to go mechanical,” dex says. “they probably kept you close as long as they could.”
nursey nods, and his eyes go all glassy, and dex wants to comfort him but, like, they just met, so he settles with patting comfortingly at nursey’s shoulder. then nursey looks up, eyes wide.
“wait. you woke me up.”
dex squints. “uh, yeah.”
“you’re my soulmate.”
then a lot of other stuff happens– dex takes nursey home, which causes a bunch of fun antics with out-of-our-time nursey interacting with a plethora of ginger aunts, uncles, and little cousins. nursey tries to relearn living in a world without grass or trees or fresh air. he and dex learn, bit by bit, about one another, and figure that the soulmate thing is probably correct–though they argue constantly, about big things small things and anything else they can find.
(the arguments, the good ones, always come with real good sex, so they’re both p happy about that)
and of course nursey is mourning the loss of his time and friends and family, and he tells dex stories of his teammates and classes and parents, until dex mourns them right along with him. “i think i would have liked them” he says, quiet, one night, while staring up at the glow-stars nursey found in a retro store and put up.
“i think they would’ve liked you too,” nursey says, quiet, pressing a kiss to dex’s starry cheek.
it’s not all cuddles and smiles, though. nursey reawakening sends a ripple through the magic world and guess what–asshole elder wizard is still alive! he siphoned the life source of others or nature or little baby bunnies or something, idk, he’s evil, okay?
turns out he’s living in one of the last green places and, as power dicks are, is very insecure about his place. when he finds out nursey woke up, he immediately sends people to find him and kill him. obviously, it doesn’t work.
so nursey ends up getting tired about all the assholes that show up when he’s trying to just life his best gay life, so he tracks down the elder asshole and challenges him to a duel, or whatever, and the elder loses bc his life source is so weak from siphoning for so long, and nursey wins!! hurray!! and he and dex kiss and it’s great!!! (the screen cuts out before it gets Too Kissy, you know, bc we’re good christians here on tumblr, no tongues for us, no no)
and then nursey and dex make the elder wizard’s patch of green open to the public, and everyone sees the world they could have (maybe the gov was keep everyone in the dark about how good nature was?? the machines are better, less death? idk this isn’t for world building it’s for the Gay) and because everyone loves grass now, they rebel and dismantle all of the machinery and reveal the beautiful (suffering but alive) greenery underneath and everyone starts recycling again and it’s great!
dex finally gets to see moss in real life and he loves it don’t get him wrong, but, like. nursey’s eyes are still the best green he’s ever seen.
and they all lived happily ever after
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wewillwriteyou · 6 years
Friends Will Be Friends || Chapter 5
A few elements from the main plot: A very special group of friends: early days, drama, laughter, booze, success, rock stars life, girl power, friendship, love, sex, music, misunderstandings, some more drama, family. Pairings in the tags
Summary Chapter 5: Melissa’s point of view. Concert. A lot of awkwardness and misunderstandings (aka drama). It’ll make sense once you read it, I swear.
Word count: 2.5K
Warnings: little smut (kissing, touching), some fluff, tiny drama (the perfect recipe?)
A/N: Guys! I know I’ve said it already but things reeeally start to get interesting. Make sure you got the previous parts (you find the link into the description of this blog) and stay tuned for the next ones ‘cause the best is yet to come lovelies 💖😏 As usual, if you like what you read, comment, like, reblog and share this with others! For everyone who follows and supports this story, thank you guys (you know who you are)! You are real stars! ⭐💗
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Days went by and Mel started losing hope that John would call her.
She hated the fact that she was so disappointed: they hadn’t promised anything to each other, so he was not totally at fault. Still, she had hoped to hear from him. She also hated the fact that his face would pop out in her head in the most inappropriate situations.
On Wednesday during class, when she was writing down equations, a variable named J popped up and she couldn’t help but smile, and go back to the concert when he had held her tight and kissed her passionately. She missed almost half an hour of lesson forcing her brain not to think about him.
By the weekend she was frustrated and almost angry at him, for not calling and Mary and Chelsea noticed something was going on with her.
When Mary asked her about it, she considered the chance of talking to someone about what was going on inside of her, so that it wouldn’t all be in her head.
“It’s just… It’s about this jerk I made out with last week” she laughed a little, seeing the girls widening her eyes hearing her talk like that “don’t be so shocked, I’m not a prude, girls”
They chuckled “Well, I gave him my number and, you know, since I enjoyed myself, I hoped he had too but he hasn’t called, so… I guess he hasn’t, after all” she laughed, feeling herself flush in embarrassment.
Mary jumped right in “Oh honey, don’t say that! He probably is just a jerk. I wouldn’t worry about him… I would go out tonight and look for someone else to enjoy” she smirked and Mel giggled.
“Darling do not dare to doubt yourself” Chelsea added, smiling and rubbing her shoulder “Tonight my roommate is playing near the Imperial. We should go and dance our asses off. We need to forget about all the fucking boys that hunt our lives” she continued, laughing and putting her arm around Mel’s shoulder.
“I’m absolutely in! Three single girls, ready to conquer the world and leave a trail of broken hearts” Mary exclaimed lifting her fist in the air.
They all laughed and, after closing the shop, they arranged to meet at the bar later in the evening.
Mel was aware of the fact she wasn’t completely over the whole John story, but her friends’ enthusiasm was bloody contagious and she couldn’t help but feel excited.
She desperately needed to boost her self-esteem, so she decided to wear the floral dress that always put her in a good mood.
When she got out of her bedroom she found Roger packing up some things for the gig they had that night. When he glanced at her he immediately stopped,
“Wow sis, where are you going?” he said, a bit of disapprovement in his tone
Mel was weirdly pleased by his reaction “Out with the girls” she said.
“You have girl friends?” he joked acting surprised.
“Yeah, Rog, and they’re off limits okay? Not that I’d let you near one of them anyway…”
He chuckled “Don’t worry sis, there are loads of other fishes in the sea”
“You’re disgusting” she said, laughing a little.
“Sweet as always, Mel. You watch yourself tonight, okay?” he changed tone, mid-sentence, actually concerned for his little sister. He knew perfectly well how guys could be. Hell, he was one of those guys and he didn’t care about what other people thought of him, but the idea of her sister as a one-night-stand girl made his blood boil in his veins.
“Don’t worry, Rog, I can take care of myself, okay?” and she really meant it.
He left her a piece of paper with a number on it “It’s the number of the pub we’re playing in. If you have any problem, please just call me”
“Okay Rog, thanks. Have fun and don’t wait up” she winked at him before closing the door.
Roger had never seen her so enthusiastic about going out and had the strange sense something was off with his sister. He tried to shun the bad feeling and focus on the instruments he was packing.
“Relax mate, she’s a smart girl” Brian appeared behind his shoulders and Roger nodded distractedly, his mind was somewhere else. Brian knew him too well and immediately understood that he wasn’t only thinking about his sister in that moment. “It can’t be true. You’re still thinking about her?” Roger rolled his eyes and headed to the door. But Brian stopped him.
“You’re being ridiculous”
“Okay, then tell me you’re lying and I’ll stop”
“Fine. I’m still thinking about Chelsea, are you happy now?” Roger didn’t even give Brian the time to speak, pushed him aside and opened the door, going down the stairs. Brian smirked and followed him.  
Outside the pub, you could already feel the acre smell of alcohol spilled on the floor and the heat of the bodies dancing to the beat of the music.
The girls entered just when the first band finished their set and announced a few minutes break. The crowd was huge and the girls managed to squeeze and slide into the first row in the corner near the bass amplifier.
They chatted livelily, scanning the first rows, looking for familiar faces. Their attention was caught by a guy with black hair and an eccentric blouse decorated in gold and green, who came on stage to fix the microphone.  Mel thought he was unmistakable: that was Freddie. He recognized her and waved at her, causing a lot of people to turn their heads towards her.
“Oh my God Mel did he just wave at you?" Mary asked with dreamy eyes.
“Yes, that's Freddie. He's the lead singer in my brother's band-” she wasn't even finished when Mary said:
“That's freaking cool, why did you not tell us? We've been - well, I've been - wanting to meet him since I started uni. He's kind of a big deal in our course, you know? He has even published a small brand of clothes”
“I guess I didn't know. Hell, I didn't even know they would be playing here tonight” Mel chuckled at Mary's adoring look “I can introduce you later if you want” and the girl vividly nodded.
Mel turned chuckled again and turned to Chelsea, asking:
“Chel what's the name of your roommate's band?”
“I actually don't know… I heard they were looking for a new one, but I can't really remember what they used to call themselves before” “Did he mention Freddie? Cause if he did, he might be playing with my brother” Chelsea opened her mouth but was interrupted by Freddie, as he greeted the audience: “Good evening, darlings” he started “Freddie here, and this is Queen. We're here to entertain you this evening, if you'd like"
The crowd cheered.
“Alright!” he incited them “let’s hear a round of applause for the rest of Queen. At the electric guitar, we have Mr. Brian May” and he pointed at the tall guy approaching the guitar stand, who smiled politely and waved at the cheering crowd. He winked at Mel, surprised of seeing her there. But he didn’t notice Chelsea, that was trying to convince herself with her whole heart that that guy wasn’t the tall boy she had met in Roger’s apartment a week before.  
“At the drums, we have Mr. Roger Taylor"                        
Every single girl in the pub screamed at the mention of her brother’s name and Mel wooed along with them. Roger winked at her as soon as he caught her face: he hadn't expected her to be there, but he was glad she was, so that he could keep an eye on her.
As he thought that, he realized that the girl standing next to her, eyes widened and cheeks flushing, was the girl from the previous weekend; the one that had crashed into his life, stole one of his favorite shirts and left him with a thousand questions and a stupid smile on his face. His heart raced more than he expected, as a feeling of happiness started to grow in his chest.
Chel had an interrogative face as she tried to figure out why he had winked at Mel. Was he her brother? In that moment, surrounded by the chaos, she started to wonder what Mel’s surname was and her questions got lost in a side of her mind when she looked again at Roger.
When he smirked in her direction, she could feel her cheeks flush even more as she forced down a smile. She pinched herself because she couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t stop looking at Roger either but tried to calm herself down, to avoid recalling Mel’s attention.
“And on bass guitar, our new entry, please a round of applause for John Deacon”
John stumbled on stage and awkwardly smiled and waved at the public. His eyes searched the room for Chelsea and when he saw her in the front row, cheering for him, red cheeks and proud eyes, he smiled to her fondly.
In the exact same moment, his sight focused on the girl standing next to her: he felt his cheeks flush and he widely smiled at her.
Mel was incredulous: how could he just smile like that? And the thing she hated the most was the fact that she could not control the heat sprouting throughout her whole body. She wanted to hide what was going on in her mind trying to keep an expressionless face, but she was not sure she had succeeded. She also couldn’t stop her mind but think that John had to be Chelsea’s roommate, so Mel turned around to find her with the same confused look on her face.
Mary had noticed the looks the four of them exchanged and she put the pieces together: she couldn’t help but smile widely at how wonderful destiny had worked to arrange those incredible coincidences.
The guys started playing and the tension lifted off as the rhythm of Keep Yourself Alive pervaded the pub. Heads nodded along with music and feet kept time. The crowd was captured by their music and when they announced the end of their set, they all applauded and cheered the band.
Mel was extremely proud of them, she had never seen such a response to their concerts and she had been at most of them. They seemed to have enchanted the audience and though she still had mixed feelings towards John, she couldn’t be more amazed by his talent and how he completed perfectly the band.
The band packed their instruments and spread among the crowd. The first thing Mel did was walk up to Freddie, dragging Mary by the arm and introducing them. His eyes lit up as he shook her hand and gave it a gentle kiss. Mary was about to melt and had a smile going from ear to ear.
Mel knew that was a good match and excused herself to leave them some privacy.
As she turned on her heels she bumped into someone’s chest and when she looked up, some big grey eyes were staring at her.
“I was looking for you” John said to her ear, sending shivers down her back. Mel was still determined to keep him on edge and objectively analyze his intentions.
Seeing she was unwilling to answer, John added “I think we’re pretty lucky”
Mel furrowed her eyebrows and he explained “You said we might have not been lucky enough to find each other again. But here we are” he said with a smile “So, I guess we’re pretty lucky”
She wanted to punch that handsome smile off his face: we haven’t seen each other because you didn’t call me, jackass. That’s what she wanted to say, but what she heard herself say was “The universe loves to prove me wrong”
What the hell was that? she thought. She desperately wanted to be angry at him but she also desperately wanted to kiss him again, and the most irrational part of her conscience won.
She urgently crashed her lips onto his and John couldn’t help but smile against her lips. He had missed them so much, he thought he might have been dreaming. They pulled back to grasp some air; he looked into her eyes and whispered “You are truly beautiful tonight”.
She smiled and took his hand. They both became serious for a moment, and stared at each other, trying to understand what was going on inside the other’s mind. They slowly walked hand in hand towards the less crowded side of the bar, which led to the back of the building.
When they were sure to have some privacy, they grinned and started from where they had left off.
He pinned her back to the wall and deepened the kiss, his hands exploring her lower back and waist. When his hand went up under her dress and started to gently caress her bare skin, she moaned into the kiss. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and she could feel herself melt under his touch. She ran her fingers in his hair while he left sloppy kisses on her neck; Mel had to bite her bottom lip to keep from moaning again.
All the anger she had stored, had slipped away and all she could think about was how good his hands felt on her hot skin. She pulled him even closer to her, pushing her hips towards his and feeling the bulge growing in his pants.
He suffocated a moan when he felt her hand sliding between their bodies, reaching for his belt. He pulled away from her neck to look into her eyes: all he could see was desire and lust and he was sure as hell, that just that sight could have ended him.
He gathered all the strength he had, smiled at her and placed a hand on hers “Not here”
Mel was disappointed, to say the least, and when he noticed, John continued “I want you all for myself, Melissa.” He was looking her intensely and she could feel her legs melting in the ground “All for myself, but not here” he stated, looking languidly into her eyes.
If possible, she was even more excited than before, but she knew he was right: that was not the place where she wanted it to happen. She stole another, passionate kiss and then took his hand. They dove into the crowd one more time and slid onto the dance floor.
A slow song was playing, so they wrapped their arms around each other and kept on dancing like that for a while. They had pretty much cleared what they wanted from each other, so they had nothing more to do, if not abandon themselves to the music.
Mel gathered courage and asked with trembling voice “Are you gonna call me this time?”
John was perplexed by her question and then realized she had never gotten the message from Brian. He was too inebriated by the smell of her hair and the softness of her skin, to think about why Brian had not told her. He just answered, “I am, darling”.
And he tightened the hug just to make sure she knew he meant it. He would have kept calling and calling until he had heard her voice on the other side.
Mel didn’t know exactly why, but she felt sincerity in his tone and could not help but look forward to finding out whether he would keep his promise.
Chapters: ⤎ previous | next ⤏
A/N: Hi again! Hope you enjoyed this chapter 💗 we’re gonna tag the lovely people who read, liked and commented the previous chapters. If you want to be tagged in the next one, comment under this one or leave us a message. Our inboxes are always open for you beautiful people
Tag list: @littledarlingwellaway @its-a-metephor-brian @bohemiandelilah @onevisionliz @misshystericalqueen @loki-lover095 @deakysgurl@inthelapofthe39 @starsoflovingness-wq @minetticatinwonderland@cairdes20 @friendswillbefriendsblog @o-holynight @trash-record-collection @please-stop-me-now @theappleofmybri @marvelsbunch [if your name is crossed out, we couldn’t tag you 😢 please message us, and we’ll sort it out 😘]
Cheers, folks! ✌💖
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skye-blacke · 6 years
Some ideas for the future of Destiny
Under the cut cos this is a long piece 
So I have been an avid Bungie fan for a long time, back in the Halo 2 days. I thought D1 was fine and was hesitant to jump into D2, only done it recently. And while I am fully aware I am a nameless nobody, I like writing and I like game. I want D3 or the future of Destiny to do well if it comes out. So I thought I would beat the rush and throw some of my ideas into the abyss of the Internet. I hope you like it.
QUALITY OF LIFE FIXES These are just small things I think would help improve the experience.
You're Fireteam should appear in cutscenes with you if they are there. GTA Online managed to do it. Destiny has always been hyped as a multiplayer experience, and as a result it feels really weird to do fights with a Fireteam who just vanish for the cutscenes. It also created a huge problem in D2 where you were the only Guardian who had their light, except for all the other ones that you played with. It was less of a shared story and more of a shared world with a single player story. Even if this was done in a little way, like the Fireteam leader did the main actions in the cutscene and the others are shown doing small things in the background like guarding a door, gesturing to each other (with one pointing out something to the other), or reacting to what is being said.
Let us buy more Ammo and Guns. Destiny 1 had this right with it both being purchasable and dropping in the world, it makes the tower feel more alive and then you don't end up in scenarios where you run out of ammo on your secondary and tertiary weapons and none drop.
Have people acknowledge your race. I mean it's good that they acknowledge your class but they should at least make reference to the fact you are Exo or Awoken or Human. Just small things.
Let us turn our characters around in the creation menu! I had an awful haircut that I hated in D1 because I couldn't see the back of my Awoken's head. It sucked. I hated it.
Speaking of, don't limit hair and paint to certain races and Genders. This excludes The Exo who should keep their robot bits, they might look a bit odd boltd on the side of my fleshy Awoken. You could in theory double up the amount of Exo customization to make up for this, but that would be Bungie's choice.
Third Person mode. We got attractive armour and shaders, let us see them. Nuff said.
Fix Skill Trees. Okay so Destiny is suppose to be an MMORPG or at least an MMOFPS with RPG elements. Why do we have such limited ways to play. For an example on how I would do this, is Assassin's Creed Origins. Rather than have Seer, Hunter, and Warrior, you would have the Void, Arc, Solar abilities and you could spec in any and multiple directions while picking one as the "Primary" Super ability. Are you a Hunter with the Arc Staff but want to also use the Swarm Grenade and the Smoke ability? You can. Titans with the shield wall, Hammer of Sol and Lightning Grenade. Warlocks with a Healing Rift, a Stormtrance and Vortex Grenade. It would allow individuals to truly feel unique than just another Gunslinger/Voidwalker/Defender.
Fix the customisation. Destiny is literally awful at customisation. We live in a world with Fallout 76 and Dragon Age Inquisition level of customisation, even GTA does it better than Destiny does. Sliders really do matter for customisation, rather than a very limited set of customisation options. Also while you are at it, let us change our hair and war paint at a hairdressers or tattoo shop. You could add more in updates to further drive engagement and get people coming back.
A free camera mode. Come on Bungie, you practically pioneered it in Halo 3. Remember how the Machinima community exploded in Halo 3 and Reach and all that free advertising? Remember the WOW Machinima scene? Imagine if you could combine these. Furthermore look at the success Spiderman for PS4 has with its photo mode, there's a whole Subreddit dedicated to it. Destiny is beautiful. Let me enjoy it, also let me make Machinima again because 343 ruined it in Halo.
Player trading. I have an ornament for No Turning Back, my friend has No Turning Back. He doesn't want it, I do. I have to wait for the RNG to favour me. While this might lower engagement by having the ability to trade items to friends it would raise fun. Although Destiny is built around the loot and a trade system could mess this out you could fix this, maybe you can only trade once both people have finished the game?
I also have a story idea since I find the story in Destiny to be, undeveloped in certain ways. You don't have to read this if you don't want too, just a bit of speculative fan fiction.
Act 1 starts with you and your Fireteam at the top of the world, you and your Fireteam are powerful and you seem to be close to finally saving the galaxy from the Darkness of the universe, capturing the big leaders of each faction. The Guardians are a tad bit cocky at this point, even taking a trophy from the Hive leader. However, near the end of Act 1 a big escape attempt is made by the capture aliens, and right at the end in the middle of the battle, The Traveller leaves. As a result, The Cable, The Vex and The Fallen follow it and Earth is left relatively safe.
Act 2 begins with a panic in the tower, Guardians can feel their powers slowly dropping and they are not happy. The Vanguards decide to send a group of Guardians out in the galaxy with only one goal, like the other species, find the Traveller and bring it home. Act 2 sends you and your Fireteam throughout The Galaxy, following what seems to be like a trail of breadcrumbs. Little pockets of power on new worlds. Every time you land on a new world, you set up a small base at your landing sight and NPC's who came with you set up shops. The Guardians becoming convinced that The Traveller had been stolen and was trying to leave a trail for them to follow. These breadcrumbs can be used to temporarily boost The Guardians powers, and introduce the new abilities. Finally, the trail runs cold but The Ghost discovers that the Vex seem to know where the Traveller is. The Guardians capture a member of the Vex and probe through the Vex hive mind, before discovering a horrible secret. The Vex are Humans. This specific one is a Human that the Guardians knew. Humans from a timeline where they never get their abilities back, and in a desperate attempt to keep some force of powers they converted themselves and ultimately travelled back in time in a power obsessed craze in order to try and harness the power of the Traveller and bring it to the future. After this, The Guardians finds the Traveller who has been found on a new world.
Act 3 focuses on trying to free The Traveller from this new species (New Guardians) who stole is power. You work on destabilising their society, while fighting off The Fallen, Cabal, and Vex. Eventually The Guardians push their way through to the Traveller, desperately fighting off the New Guardians while losing their power. Killing anyone who opposes them. However, when they reach The Traveller, a battered and damaged Guardian reaches out to try and regain their power. However, they fall to the ground and The Hive trophy tumbles out of their clothing. They pick it up, and stare at it. Finally realising that The Guardians have begun to worship and abuse The Travellers power like The Hive does with The Darkness. They finally understand that The Traveller didn't get stolen, but disgusted by what they saw in The Guardians chose to leave. They finish their quest learning the truth and lower their weapons against the New Guardians. Only when they understand and leave does The Traveller reach out to them to share its power with The New and Old Guardians, and the two generations of hero learn to live in harmony.
I really like Destiny and I want to love it, this is just the way I would do it personally.
I hope you all enjoyed the read.
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Vanishing Grace
PossessedbyLucifer - AO3
Chapter 2: Being Human
Lucifer is having trouble adjusting to his humanity; Dean still hesitates to trust Lucifer; Lucifer reveals something that is rather unsettling about the situation.
“Good to see you too, Sammy. Anyways, it’s not important. Right now, it’s important that we get my grace back, yeah?”
“What do you mean by ‘endless’? I thought an angel’s grace was limited once it was extracted…”
“Ding, ding, ding! That’s exactly right. But… I’m not, exactly, an ordinary angel, am I?”
“Sam, he’s human. It’s painfully obvious,” Dean had, to his own distaste, decided to believe the Devil, for now.
“Well, that will keep him from being much of a threat, right? I don’t see how that’s bad,” Sam pondered the idea of Lucifer being human. It was actually tragically ironic in the most hilarious way.
“It’s bad, because someone… something is out there with an endless energy source!” Lucifer had crawled out of the dungeon (not literally) and found himself following Dean to find Sam. Even without his grace, he seemed to be good at just appearing out of nowhere, because the brothers jumped just slightly at his voice and turned to look at him.
“You let him out?” Sam asked, confused. That didn’t seem like Dean at all.
“No, I didn’t- how-“ Dean was at a loss for words, rather unable to figure out how Lucifer got himself out.
Lucifer just shrugged, leaning on the doorway for support, seeing as he still needed it. “Good to see you too, Sammy. Anyways, it’s not important. Right now, it’s important that we get my grace back, yeah?”
The brothers were quiet until Sam spoke up. “What do you mean by ‘endless’? I thought an angel’s grace was limited once it was extracted…”
Lucifer chuckled slightly, making a ringing noise as if Sam had answered correctly on a game show. “Ding, ding, ding! That’s exactly right. But… I’m not, exactly, an ordinary angel, am I?”
Sam raised an eyebrow, deciding to push onwards with his curiosity. “Archangel grace holds different properties?”
“Correct again, Sammy!” Lucifer glanced over at Dean with a certain hatred, but it came out as more of a distaste. “You’re behind two points, pretty boy.”
That earned a roll of Dean’s eyes, to which Lucifer responded with, “yeah, roll your eyes at me. You might find something back there besides your over-inflated ego.”
Sam stifled a laugh, which Dean glared at him. Sam tried to justify himself; “what? Devil or not, that’s hilarious.”
Dean sighed in exasperation then tried to change the subject. “So, why is an archangel’s grace endless?”
Lucifer didn’t answer Dean. Probably out of spite. He looked expectantly towards Sam.
But Sam was only confused, and he looked at Dean for an answer.
Dean only grumbled, thoroughly annoyed. “I swear, you’re like a thirteen-billion-year-old child!” He spoke up after quietly voicing his thoughts, looking at Sam. “He wants to talk to you, not me.”
It was Sam’s turn to roll his eyes. He shouldn’t have expected any less from Lucifer. His brother and the archangel never got along.
Well, Dean did shoot him with the Colt. And throw his Apocalypse off track. And throw his ass in the cage. His hatred was justified.
Then again, it worked the other way around, too. The Winchesters’ lives had been complete hell from the beginning all thanks to little Luce.
Sam opened his mouth to speak, but Lucifer spoke first, seeming concerned with himself. “Sam, you’re human. Why does my stomach hurt so badly?”
It hit the Winchesters like a train: the fact that Lucifer was human. And he now had to deal with everything that came with being human. Oh, this was going to be a long week…
“That’s hunger, Lucifer. It means you need to eat,” Sam explained, gesturing to the kitchen. “There’s food in the fridge if you want to figure out what you want.”
For a moment, Lucifer didn’t really move, since the reality of the situation was hitting him hard. Wow, he already hated being human. It sucked. And he was a bit afraid to eat. He never had, before. What did food taste like, anyway? Was it good? And the process of digestion; was it painful? These thoughts made the former archangel far too uneasy to actually do anything about his body’s starving needs. “I think I’ll pass…”
Dean didn’t really care whether or not Lucifer took care of himself, but Sam seemed to. He walked over to Lucifer, and, for once, Lucifer actually felt a little intimidated by Sam’s height. It was probably natural human instinct. But he pushed that down, considering he believed Sam was his only ‘friend’ here.
“Come on, I’ll help you, okay? I guess it could be kind of weird trying to do something you’ve never done before without a little bit of help…” Sam was sympathetic, especially compared to Dean, who only glared onwards at the Devil’s form retreating into the kitchen, followed by his younger brother. Stupid Satan.
An hour later, Lucifer discovered that he would refuse to live on Sam’s diet, which he so artfully named the “tasteless, eat-less diet”, or he occasionally switched it up with “the unbe-leaf-able diet”, which got a facepalm from Sam and made Lucifer happy. Instead, he stole Dean’s leftovers from the last burger stop, finding it to be the only edible thing that didn’t take long to prepare (Dean did not know his hamburger was stolen, and there would surely be consequences).
Lucifer seemed to be content, no longer complaining of the pain called hunger. It annoyed him more than anything, only further reminding him of his newfound mortality.
And, seeing the Devil was satisfied, Sam decided to push onwards on the whole ‘endless grace’ thing. It kind of seemed important.
But Sam didn’t get to ask. Even without his grace, Lucifer could tell what was on Sam’s mind. “Dad made us so that we would get stronger with time. He wanted us to have… something of a childhood… and then, when we matured, we would be strong enough to fight Amara. So, our grace was something he tampered with before our creation. For every bit of power we use, we only get stronger, whereas normal angels have a constant, non-depleting supply of power, as long as their grace remains intact. The more us archangels fight and heal and use our wings, the stronger those components become. There really is no way to measure the amount of grace one has, but, let’s say, for explanation’s sake, for every unit of power we use, we regain a unit, plus part of another one. And for every century our grace exists, it gains five units of power. Does that make sense? It could probably be represented with some complicated Calculus…” Lucifer really was trying to explain it in a way that Sam could understand, but it was hard to explain something so abstract. It didn’t stop him from trying, though.
Sam seemed to understand, though, nodding slightly as he thought about it. “And, let me guess, the grace doesn’t need a host to continue multiplying?”
“Exactly. Anyone could create an infinite power source with it that is just going to get more and more dangerous.”
Finally, it seemed, Sam realized why Lucifer was so insistent on coming to them, despite the obvious danger. They actually had a common enemy, now. One that could wipe out the human race and more.
But a question arose in Sam’s mind, which he voiced, “but what would happen if a normal angel took the grace? Or even a human?”
Lucifer shook his head just slightly, easily able to answer such a question, as if he’d thought of the very same thing beforehand. “A human wouldn’t be able to take any of that grace without imploding. It’s too great a power for anything that… fragile.” He cast Sam an almost longing look at that. Perhaps he still somewhat longed to be in Sam’s body. After all, it was his true vessel. His most comfortable home. Even if Nick sufficed, surely he still longed for Sam…
But he pushed those thoughts aside, continuing with his answer. “And an angel could only take small quantities of it at a time without suffering the same fate. I wouldn’t know of anything else that could handle that much power without collapsing in on itself.”
“What about a demon? One like Abaddon or Crow-“
“No way in hell could scum like that handle any of my power.” Lucifer didn’t even let Sam say his name. It seemed he was still a bit touchy on that whole subject. It wasn’t all that surprising, though. His opinion on demons hadn’t changed in the slightest. Again, not surprising.
While Sam was thinking about who could possibly be able to contain that kind of power, Lucifer seemed to go rather quiet. That caught Sam’s attention. “What is it, Lucifer?”
“Nothing, Sam. I’m just unsure of what this feeling is.” That was a half-truth, but Sam didn’t push, for now.
“What kind of feeling is it?”
“It’s in my throat… I don’t know…”
“That might be thirst. Here, let’s get you some water…”
“Dean, something’s out there with a lot of power. We can’t just back down from this one!” Sam and Dean were arguing in the next room over while Lucifer seemed to be exploring different tastes in liquid. Water, beer, vitamin water…
“Sam, I’ve had enough of this! I’ve saved the world enough times in the past several years. Maybe someone else can take a hit for us this time, yeah? Besides, who’s saying he’s even telling the truth?! Maybe he’s just trying to use us to get his misplaced grace back!”
“He’s not lying,” Sam said, rather sure of himself. Why? Because he trusted Lucifer. He trusted him far more than Dean ever would. It was something he couldn’t really explain, but he felt as if Lucifer couldn’t lie to him. And he wasn’t too far off.
Sam was the only person that Lucifer would feel guilty lying to. And Lucifer couldn’t feel guilty. It would mean he was wrong. It would mean he was the bad guy. And he told himself over and over again that he wasn’t. He couldn’t contradict that. Not after everything.
“So you trust the Devil?” Dean scoffed. Obviously, he was skeptical. There was really no reason Dean found he could fully believe Lucifer’s story. After all, it’s not like people were dying on a mass scale. In fact, the world seemed relatively peaceful. They hadn’t had a case in over a week.
Actually, that was concerning. They never didn’t have work. That was kind of odd…
“Yes, Dean, as a matter of fact, I do. And you should, too.” Sam was irritated that Dean couldn’t see past his own hatred for the archangel. It was to be expected, but it was still infuriating.
“Because… because I just do, okay?!” Sam snapped at Dean, which only ticked Dean off.
“Whatever. You take care of him, then.” Dean huffed as he grabbed his jacket, heading up the stairs to the door.
“Hey, where are you going?!” Sam didn’t really want to be left alone with Lucifer, even if he was only human.
“I’m goin’ for a drive. I’ll be back in an hour.”
“I don’t understand. If she hates this ‘Stacy’ girl so much, why doesn’t she just kill her? It would surely get rid of her problems.”
“Because killing is illegal, Lucifer.”
“You two do it all of the time, Sam. Are you simply exempt from the law?”
Sam sighed, shaking his head, deciding to leave the room, going out to the kitchen to get a beer.
He heard the bunker door close, and he assumed Dean was home. It had been way more than an hour, and Sam had been tense from the moment he left.
Dean came into the kitchen with a few groceries and the day’s paper, setting everything down on the counter, then glancing around. “Where’s Lucifer?”
Sam only sighed, walking over to the bedrooms wordlessly.
Dean followed cautiously, unsure of what Sam was doing.
Sam opened the door to his bedroom, and Lucifer was sitting on his bed, enveloped in a TV show.
“What the hell? What is he even watching?”
“I don’t know. He just came in here and made himself comfortable. He started yelling at the TV at some point, and I found him just like this.”
“Is this a high school drama?”
Sam shrugged.
“Because nothing is more fascinating than watching the real-life, human drama unfold in front of me because you two just don’t cut it.” Lucifer’s tone was pure sarcasm. “You guys realize I can hear you, right?”
Dean cleared his throat awkwardly. He still felt uncomfortable with Lucifer so close to Sam. Close to him, even. Sure, Lucifer was powerless, but he was still the same Devil.
Sam sighed, going into the room and picking up the TV remote, turning it off, which brought a negative response from Lucifer.
“Hey, I was watching that-“
“Do you want your wings back or not?”
Lucifer went silent at the mention of his wings. He obviously wanted his wings back. More than anything.
Sam had a feeling Lucifer wasn’t going to answer him, so he assumed his silence was a ‘yes’. “Then we need to know everything you can remember from… whatever happened.”
Lucifer nodded slowly, sighing. But he remained silent.
“Lucifer?” Sam was confused. Maybe Lucifer had gotten lost in thought? Or maybe he was too shy to answer. After all, he’d been beaten pretty badly. But whatever it was left him alive… that was something.
“Sam, I’m sorry, I’m trying, but…. Well, there’s nothing there… I remember… I was in… in, uh… Idaho, I think, and then it just goes black… and then I’m practically crawling through your front door… Wait, no, I remember I was in a lot of pain… and chains…” Lucifer genuinely looked upset and panicked. Lucifer was so used to remembering everything. Every little detail from the past fourteen billion years of his life. Drawing blank like this? He didn’t know how to react.
Sam sighed and shook his head, looking at Dean. “Now what? Go to Idaho?”
Dean thought for a moment, then said, “No, I think we should try to figure something else out. That could have been weeks ago. And it would take a lot of time that we don’t have to get to Idaho.”
Lucifer got up from the bed, which instinctively made Dean reach for his gun, and, Lucifer, being smart and cautious with his newfound mortality, stopped moving. “Woah, hold it there, cowboy. I’m not going to snap anyone’s neck.”
Lucifer looked mildly annoyed – not really scared or anything – while Dean took his hand off the gun, letting Lucifer pass by him.
The former archangel ended up in the kitchen, going for a snack of some kind, but his eyes caught the paper, instead. Interested, he unrolled it, picking it up and reading it, flipping through the pages. Something caught his eyes. “Sam!”
It was amazing how fast Sam appeared in the kitchen. It was almost like he ran. Maybe he thought Lucifer had hurt himself, but he was a little confused when he saw Lucifer perfectly fine, just standing there, holding the paper.
“Yes, Lucifer?” He sighed out the question. Oh, maybe he was disappointed Lucifer hadn’t been hurt.
Lucifer turned the paper towards him, pointing at a headline. “This sounds like your guys’ kind of thing, yeah? A vampire, maybe?”
Sam quickly read over the headline. It didn’t give a lot of information, but yeah… it looked like a vampire. He nodded.
“Perfect. A vampire can’t be too difficult, right? Take it easy for my first case.”
“Your what?” Dean had arrived only just after Sam, and he just now decided to speak up.
“My first case. The more I work, the closer I’ll get to finding my wings, yeah? Sitting around won’t find them.
"Lucifer, you can't come with. It's going to be dangerous, and I can’t rely on you to watch my back," Dean declared, watching the former archangel cross his arms over his chest in irritation.
"And why not?"
Dean rolled his eyes, giving him an answer: "because you're not up to par right now. You can't even hold your own! And you’re… you!"
Lucifer scoffed, looking mildly offended. "Yes, I can! And that’s discrimination!" And, with that, Dean quickly tripped him, and Lucifer hit the floor with an ungraceful thud, followed by a grunt.
"You can't even fight me," Dean observed, feeling mildly proud that he knocked the Devil on his ass.
Lucifer brushed himself off as he rose to his feet, a light pink dusting his cheeks from embarrassment. "W-well, I'm not used to these... These humanly slow reflexes! It's not my fault! I'll figure it out," he huffed, before pointing his thumb towards his back, continuing; " besides, these are my wings. One step closer. Like Hell I'm gonna let you go find them without me. I'd rather die."
Dean shot Sam a glance, who had been quiet up until this point, as he grumbled, “Yeah, well that can be arranged...”
"No, Dean, we can't kill him."
Dean looked annoyed with that, but he decided not to push on.
It was silent for a few moments, and Sam decided he needed to fill Dean in on everything Lucifer had told him in the kitchen, earlier. “Dean, I need to talk to you.”
“Yeah, Sam, convince him I can come with-“
“Not… not about that.” Sam sighed, pulling Dean away from Lucifer, into the main area of the bunker. “So, get this…”
To be continued.
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: Open Mike Nite
WARNING: This may not post in time as this is suppose to take place on the last week of August.
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Hiya, folks! Welcome to Day 2 of Dream FES: Open Mike Nite! This year’s Open Mike promises to be spectacular... And a bit short. First up, we have some lovely ladies who are about to prove just how strong they can be.
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It’s just something a friend of ours wrote for us sometime ago. I know most people wouldn’t think she could do it, but she has more heart than any of us.
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Yeah. If it hadn’t been for her, there are somethings we wouldn’t be able to do.
MC: She sounds like a great person. Does she have a name?
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If you please, she wishes to remain anonymous. For certain reasons.
MC: So she’s shy? Okay, I won’t pry into it. Don’t want you Women of Power to beat me to a pulp.
>The audience laughs.
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Oh well. I guess they wouldn’t believe an AI could be capable of writing a song.
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I’m sure you’ll be getting credit someday. Just be patient.
MC: After that, we have Ryuji Sakamoto and his boy friends. So, this is the famous Skul5 I’ve heard about?
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I wish. But I already have other guys in mind. My friends are just fillin’ in. We don’t even have a fifth member. But I ain’t givin’ up.
MC: I see. Hope you succeed.
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Though I’m hopin’ Renren would consider joinin’ for real.
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Sorry. But I think if I joined, Skul5 wouldn’t make sense since you’re suppose to be the leader. Besides, I still like to try other things.
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As do I. Though, I’d like to try my hand at being an idol myself. But I think I have enough admirers to last me a long time.
>The audience laugh.
MC: A little too late for that, Akechi san. Although, one of your friends here might be showing what you mean.
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(trying to back away from some girls trying to get on stage) No doubt.
MC: Sorry, ladies, but you have to keep off stage. Partly for health reasons. You don’t want to give our performers the coronavirus... Okay, bad joke. But seriously, stay off the stage. You should control yourselves.
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Besides, he’s taken.
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Indeed. My heart is already yours, Ren.
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You heard ‘em: Access to Inari: Denied.
>All the girls whined in disappointment.
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Don’t be sad. I’m sure, if Yusuke would agree to it, you can commission signed paintings. Is that okay?
Fox: I’ll see what I can do.
MC: Looks like you dodged a bullet there. And after the Substitute Skul5 performs, we have a special treat for all of you. A performance by one of the world’s newest superhero teams, the Future Avengers!
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I don’t know how I got talked into this. I know I sang that song, but this is embarrassing.
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Hey, this is Bruno’s idea. Any complaints you have now, direct them to him.
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I just thought about doing this. I just wanted to see what it was like to be up here like this.
MC: So you signed in on a whim? (laughs a bit) Oh, man, I hope you know what you’re doing.
Bruno: I’ve watched enough of these concerts and previous Dream Festivals to know what to do. So I think we should be fine.
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It also helps that Ryuji and KUROFUNE have been coaching us for this. We owe them thanks.
Skull: (a bit proud) You bet. We’ve done a lot.
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We’ve also had help from a friend of ours online.
MC: Really? Who?
Kei: (nervous smile) You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
MC: Try us.
Kei: ...
??????: Is this proof enough?
MC: Wow! I didn’t know you could throw your voice. Is that another power besides summoning kaiju?
Kei: No.
??????: I’m right here. Or, did you forget about us.
MC: (shocked) Oops! My bad. I forgot to introduce our co-hosts who will be joining us via video phone. First up, all the way in Paris, France, teen model and heart-throb, Adrien Agreste!
NOTE: I’d like to apologize in advanced for the following image.
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Konnichi wa. I hope you all have a great show for us.
MC: By the way, Adrien san... Is that a sock floating over there?
Adrien: ... My cousin’s a great magician. I thought I’d try a trick of my own... Now watch me make the sock disappear.
>With that, the sock floats away off screen.
MC: Amazing! A model and a magician? Is there anything you can’t do, Adrien san?
Adrien: Well, the only thing I can’t do right now is actually go to Japan to enjoy Dream FES. Me and some of my friends were really looking forward to it. Especially if it were to take place at the Summer Olympics.
Skull: We actually didn’t think we were gonna have it this year because of the Summer Olympics. But D-Four said that we coulda still have performed there.
Adrien: And we all hope you will.
Skull: We will... If I could properly get Skul5 together.
Adrien: I’ll look forward to it. Me and my friends.
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Thanks. We’ll look forward to it, too.
MC: Though distance separates them, their friendship holds them close. If this were the Love Meets Bonds Festival, this would be an even bigger tear jerker. Now, all the way from America, a rocker who who’s rocked New York even more than the virus or an alien invasion, sensation Ross Caliban!
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What’s up, Tokyo! This is Dream FES!
>The crowd cheered.
Ross Caliban: Alright. I just I wasn’t trapped at home and have to watch this on screen. But no matter the distance, nothing can stop the beat. I bet even Spider-Man would agree.
Crow: I’m sure he will.
MC: Next, who decided to show up here in person, famed enka singer, Misuzu Hiiragi!
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Thank you all for having me here.
MC: Now, Misuzu san, I know it’s going to sound like I’m prying, but I just herd you just got remarried. I guess that mean you and Taro Namatame really are through.
Misuzu Hiiragi: Pretty much. Though to be honest, even before the affair, Taro and I were pretty much drifting apart what with our jobs. But, we worked it out in the end and now we’re still good friends. He even introduced me to the man who is now my husband... Unofficially, of course. We’re still working some things out. He’s in the audience right now. How are you enjoying the show?
>Someone stands up.
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Real fine. It’s no End of Summer or Summer Olympics, but it’s still a great show.
Misuzu Hiiragi: I’m glad you think that.
MC: (a bit surprised) Whoa! The King of Stride? Guess that makes you the Queen of Stride.
Misuzu Hiiragi: (laughs a bit) No, I think my stepdaughter’s claimed that title. Sorry.
>The audience laughs at the joke.
MC: Well-
>Suddenly, a stagehand rushes to the MC and hands him a note. He reads it.
MC: Well look at this! It appears we have a couple of last minute guest hosts.
Ross Caliban: Are you serious? Who?
MC: (reading the note more) I’m not sure. They say they wishes to remain anonymous. They’re even sending a couple of guys with personal computers because they don’t want to be traced.
>Suddenly, two men come up to the host table, each with a couple of laptops.
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We’re here on behalf of our employers. They apologize for the sudden appearance.
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They’re even willing to make a donation to make up for wasting your time.
MC: Well that’s very generous of them, but Stark Enterprises backs us up. But I’m sure it’ll be fine... It’ll even raise my pay check... (laughing) I’m just joking.
>The audience laughs as the two men set up the laptops. They turn on.
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We apologize for the sudden appearance. You may refer to me as “E”.
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And me as “H”. We just wish to enjoy your Dream Festival.
MC: So what have to mysteries on our hands. This Dream FES is really getting more and more exciting.
Adrien: I know. Now I really wish I was there.
MC: No doubt. Anyway, aside from our first two acts, we have plenty more... Including a mystery entry. Now, without further ado, let’s get on with the show!
Panther: We’re the first to go! Are you ready?
Queen, Oracle, Noir, and Violet: Ready!
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Then let’s do this!
>The Women of Power begin performing You Are Stronger.
>After the song.
Adrien: Amazing! That performance was so cool! I bet even Clara Nightingale would be impressed.
Ross Caliban: No doubt. I’ve seen girl groups perform before, but wow... You girls really stole my heart!
Misuzu Hiiragi: You girls are no Rise Kujikawa or Kanamin Kitchen, but you five really show promising talent.
E: Yes. You all dance so beautifully. And that song about how people can be stronger than who they are? Sounds like an absolute inspiration.
H: So wonderful. I bet even the hard-hearted would be moved.
Panther: Thank you. And we thank our friend who responsible for it.
Sophie: (happily whispering) Thank you.
MC: Now on to our next group. Substitute Skul5?
Skull: It’s just the song I did last Dream FES. I hope you all like it this year.
Joker: Because it’s important to continue perusing what is in your heart.
Fox: Beauty exists in dream and your dream will not wait.
Mona: Though they may seem out of reach, this song will keep you going.
Crow: So let us sing and you will reach your goal in the speed of light!
Substitute Skul5: So, KEEP RUNNIN’ DREAM!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheer!
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Let the race begin!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Let’s cross the finish line together.
Catch Your Cheers!
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I’m flattered by your good cheer!
Catch Your Cheers!
Cheerful Jam Coord
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Such a wonderful feeling you have given me.
Catch Your Cheers!
Cheerful Jam Coord
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Your cheers will unlock the mystery of your dreams.
REMINDER: The following images are not in violation of the Tumblr policy as they do not actually contain sensitive or adult contain. They only show the upper half. Please do not flag.
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>We change clothes.
Cheerful Jam Series! Complete!
>With that, we perform KEEP RUNNIN’ DREAM. Skull was right. If we could, we could become a real Unit with him instead of substitutes... But, we already have our paths set. Though they still go side by side, they are different, but our bond is unbreakable.
>After the song, the audience went wild.
Adrien: That was so cool! Even a close friend of mine agrees that you guys ere great.
Ross Caliban: I think you guys are awesome together. I know you guys are just armatures filling in, but wow!
Misuzu Hiiragi: My thought as well. It’s remarkable on how the song goes.
E: Yes. If my own friends could see this, they would love it.
H: Indeed. I think there may have been someone who may have had his heart touched by this... Despite him claiming that he didn’t have one.
>I can sense that’s right. But hearing about someone touching the heart of someone who claims to not have a heart does sort of remind me of Sophie creator... So why does my thought keep turning to Boss?
MC: Now, on to our next act! You know them as superheroes, but tonight, you will know them as stars. Give it up for the Future Avengers!
Bruno: I know Makoto is the leader, but are you ready!?
Makoto: We’re with you all the way, Bruno!
>Adi, Chloe, and Kei agree.
Bruno: Then let’s do it! This is a song I’ve been working on. The only down side is that we didn’t have time to pay for the Dream Festival System.* Now, let’s do this! Our song, Storms of Glory!
NOTE 2:* Actually, we forgot to add the Future Avengers act. We didn’t have time to use the Dream Festival System and I’m having trouble saving things on Tumblr, most likely due to how long this post is. But we’ll see if we can put up the song. Also, we like apologized if it sounds a bit rushed.
Bruno Little did you know, we’re not just some punks We’re what fly the air
Makoto You’ll never see it coming, you’ll be sunk Then you’ll know we’re there
Adi Don’t bother looking up, you’ll be down We bring the justice right now and here
Chloe Power and the sky will not let you frown The storm of glory is near
Kei Let’s go
Future Avengers Storm of Glory, blow your winds this way Your flight will lead us to victory No darkness will stand this day The day we shine and see
>After the song.
Adrien: It sounds a little rushed. But I suppose you deserve an A for effort.
Ross Caliban: But you do have a point, the song doesn’t really connect. But it was a good try. I’m sure you’ll get it next time.
Misuzu Hiiragi: I can tell that you have potential in the music depart ment aside from being a hero. Perhaps a little more pactice would be good for you.
E: I agree. It pays to practice. How about if things calm down, I can help you?
Bruno: You really mean that?
H: I believe she does.
Bruno: ... Thank you.
>A few acts later.
MC: And now for our last act. A mystery act because she wanted to surprise us. Now give it up for...
>Suddenly, the lights go out. Then, a spot light shows on stage... We were surprised by who was in it.
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Surprise, everyone!
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A- Akane!?
MC: Wow, Akane chan. I guess you had the Phantom Thieves in mind for this, huh?
Akane: Yeah. My friends helped me out with it.
Panther: I was in charge of the long socks and shoes.
Queen: The skirt, belt, and corset were me.
Oracle: I did the coat and gloves.
Noir: I commissioned the mask and top hat.
Violet: And I did the make-up.
MC: So it was a team effort? You have some great friends, Akane chan.
Akane: Pretty much. Sorry, Dad. I just wanted this to be a surprise.
Wolf: ...
MC: Looks like your pops is still having a hard time processing this. I’d explain why, but that would be entering some thorny territory. So, is the song also after the Phantom Thieves?
Akane: That’s right. This one’s for you, my Thieves!
>With that, Akane performs He’s a Trickster⭐.
>After the performance, the crowd cheered loudly. Even Wolf couldn’t resist... Then he mouths something to her.
Wolf: We’ll talk about the highly inappropriate outfit later. Right now, you did great tonight.
Akane: Thanks.
Adrien: I can really feel the Phantom Thief vibe. And I thought Cat Noir appears to be the mysterious type... Or especially Ladybug.
Ross Caliban: Well, I think the outfit’s a bit of an overkill, but it definitely shows your devotion to the group. Believe it or not, I’m a bit of a Phan-boy myself. Don’t worry, Spider-Man’s still number one in my book.
Misuzu Hiiragi: But I agree, the outfit’s overkill. However, red is definitely your color.
E: Yes. You really put your heart into this. Believe me, I know.
H: I sense it too, even though I am not there. You wanted to show your appreciation to your heroes.
Akane: Thank you.
MC: Well, that about wraps it up for tonight. Tomorrow night, we will see which Idol will make it to the Top Three and become True Idols and get a music deal. We’ll see you then!
>The audience applauded.
>Later back stage, the MC was taking some coffee when he heard someone talking in the shower room.
WARNING: Some nudity ahead, but nothing will be shown. Just the upper half. Please don’t flag.
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I think tonight was rather exciting. I think that’s the first time me and Morgana have ever used the System.
Mona: (no picture available) I know. I hope Lady Ann was watching.
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Are you seriously thinking about that? We know about your infatuation with her, but asking if she saw your magical boy transformation? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?
Crow: Can you blame him? It’s a whole new sensation. Is this how it always feel when you use it?
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You bet. It feels like you’re bein’ empowered by the fans and everyone else who believes in you. Kinda like our Personas.
Fox: They say clothes make the man, I think this takes it up a level.
Crow: Yes. But of course, we shouldn’t forget the actual performance. Singing and dancing our hearts out. We’ve come a long way since Dancing in Starlight.
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We sure have. It seemed not too long ago when we did that. I know we were told that it was just a dream and that we would forget about it when we woke, but the experience will always be in our hearts.
Mona: That’s right. We’ll never truly forget.
>We all smiled happily.
Skull: It’s just a shame the others weren’t here. Oka, Nobu, and Ichiro. And we still haven’t even found a fifth guy. Because of the virus, we can’t have any auditions.
Crow: You could try hold online auditions.
Skull: ...
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FOR REAL!? You coulda said so earlier!?
>We all laugh... Even the MC couldn’t hold it in... And he got an idea.
Crow: Is someone there?
Joker: (using Third Eye) I have something... It’s the MC.
MC: (nervous) Sorry! You just had the door open and I couldn’t help it. Don’t worry, I didn’t peek. But I have thought about what you said about Skul5 needing a fifth member. I know I shouldn’t be saying this because it may seem like favoritism, but... I think I might know a guy who might work out.
Skull: For real? Who?
MC: He’s this really nice kid I met while I was staying at this nice little pension... in Karuizawa...
>To be continued...
APOLOGY: Sorry. We know the MC said this would short, but it wasn’t.
Also, the Joker sprite is by Hex.
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alysharichardss · 5 years
Before You Speak.
      As children we are taught to think before we speak. However, as. many of us age we disregard what it is we say, how we say it and who we say it to. This is evident in use of microaggressions. The StJohnsNow “Microaggressions” video shares the stories of numerous students and their experiences with  microaggressions. St. John's students define it as intentional or unintentional discriminatory insults directed towards and individual (0:10). These insults are frequently made against minorities based on racial and ethnic identities. microaggresions are problematic because they are insults passed off as casual that often play into the idea that the minority is less than the majority in terms of worth.
    The power of language and influence of discriminatory insults were not out of the ordinary to me. When I was six, my mom signed me up for a camp called ‘fun for kids.’ Like many other children I was amused by the sandboxes, slides, the life-size dollhouses they had, and the bright chalk waiting for me on the pavement. More than anything I wanted to play. I’m always told that children don’t see color, and to be honest six year old me had no idea what it meant to be black. What I did know was that every person looked different. I knew my hair was unlike most, and I didn’t think much of it, until my first day of camp.
     It was hot, no… it was sweltering but the heat wasn’t bothersome to me. I couldn’t wait a second longer to play with the other kids. My twin sister Alyssa and I skipped and galloped towards the dollhouses. My skipping came to a halt as we were both greeted by an unfriendly expression. “Hi!” I exclaimed. I asked the girl staring back at me if we could join her in the playhouse, to which she responded with a swift “no.” I was confused. She continued, “I only play with people who have straight hair.” I watched numerous girls walk in after me to play, but she let them enter because their hair was straight. 
     Her comment upset me, I didn’t understand what my hair had to do with anything. I found myself sitting on a bench staring at every girl who walked in and out of the dollhouse. I compared myself to them. I wanted to look like them because if I looked like them I’d be able to play.  I remember believing that somehow they were above me. Her comment was the root of my self-hate as a child. My curls became undesirable to me and I believed they were something that needed to be “fixed.”
      In Hilton Als’ “GWTW”an African American writer sheds light on his experiences as a black man in our society. Als describes feeling “watched” because of his skin color (Als 3). He goes on and describes being at parties with white people they say “We’d know you anywhere. You’re so big so distinctive”(ibid.)! Als states, “when they mean something else all together… you are: big and black.”(ibid.). Als describes negative racially motivated insults that are passed off as casual, which are microaggressions. Als’ experience is problematic because those that made the comments were oblivious to the fact that their words had implied something negative, and racially stereotypical. This is one of the biggest problems with microaggresions people don’t know what they are, how offensive they are, or how commonly they are used in conversation regularly. 
     The situation above was the first of many microaggressions I would experience growing up. discriminatory and stereotypical insults were expressed to me by my teachers and my peers. Frankly, I had no idea how to deal with it. “Why did your mom let you come to school with your hair like that…let me fix it,” said my after school program teacher Ms. Diamond. “Are you sure you didn’t steal Julia’s homework?”  Mrs. Herman asked me. “You talk white,” said my best friend Dina. “Why are you black girls so loud?” Said another.”  These comments often insinuated different things, all of them hurtful. Was something wrong with my hair? Did other black students not doing their work mean I stole my white peers because she didn’t do hers? Did I laugh loudly because a joke was funny? Or was it because I’m black? These comments made me feel “less than” those who they came from. They pointed out things about myself that I couldn’t change. As I’ve grown, my personal experiences with microaggressions have lessened. Until the other night. 
     I have just started my freshman year in college. It hasn’t been too hard for me to adjust here socially. I’ve made two friends, both of whom are of Dominican descent. When I look at them I see them simply for who they are. What has never crossed my mind is what they think when they see me. A few nights ago, after an extremely draining day, I joined a group FaceTime call with my friends Logan, Camrin, Amy, Rayonea, and Sierra. I haven’t seen them in what has started to feel like ages we all attend different universities. 
     While catching up we laughed together as we did at home as we began discussing friendships that we made. Logan mentioned that there are two “types” of black people at UCONN. What he said brought me discomfort. There was a silence. “You know what I mean… there are the athletes and there are thugs.” 
     I’ve been friends with Logan for four years he is Japanese and Italian. He often takes pleasure in playing Devil's advocate when it comes to racial issues, so the fact that this comment came from him was not surprising. However, it was extremely unsettling to me that he genuinely did not find any issue with what he said. His statement dehumanized an entire race and it enraged me. My friends asked him what he meant, and he said: “You know, the ghetto ones or the basketball players.” I told him to stop, as his reasoning was not any better than his first statement “Athletes and Thugs.” I wondered if this was how everyone viewed African American youth, not as a person but as one of two things, ghetto or a basketball player. I laughed the comment off, which is a horrible habit I possess when I am angry or uncomfortable. We started discussing something else, and shortly thereafter we all hung up. Like many instances of prejudice in the world today, his comment was ignored and swept under the rug. Unfortunately, his thoughts and words are not only limited to the conversation I had. Nor are they limited to his university. 
    Microaggressions are widespread and numerous students at St. John’s University have experienced them. There is a portion in the StJohnsNow video when an African American student recalls people's attitudes towards him when he states he is attending St. John’s University (a division one school). The replies are often, “You must be playing ball up there”(1:34). He continues, “but when I tell them I got there on scholarship they’re shocked, they’re like oh wow really, you” (1:46)? The judgment that this young man faced is similar to the judgment that Logan passed. Most often people jump to conclusions and assume young black male students are athletes,  and only athletes based on stereotypes. Another young man was placed into a box based on his race because of a misconception. These statements that are presented as casual are in fact offensive. They are microaggressions. 
     Microaggressions are dangerous. They embody everything that racism stood for, from prejudice to discrimination. Next time you speak to an individual I encourage you to consider what your words mean and what they may imply. Discriminatory and prejudice comments are harmful to any individual who experiences them. Be mindful of your use microaggressions, because words are forever.
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boilingheart · 7 years
hey Mimi! i come to you asking about the general rundown of the current state of WoW! i quit playing sometime around the time Cataclysm came out, and with Legion popping up everywhere, i'm giving it a try again! is there anything extremely important i should be aware of that changed/got added? thanks in advance, and sorry if the question seems a bit too big to answer!
Hi @demicorpse ! I’m not sure if I’m the best person to ask about this since I haven’t necessarily played since August last year but I’ll do my best!
So if it’s been since Cata that you played, there’s a few things to catch up with which I’ll put under a cut cause even though I paraphrased it’s a little long.
Horde - During Cata, Thrall passed over the mantle of Warchief to Garrosh Hellscream. Orgrimmar was under reconstruction because of the cataclysm. Orgrimmar’s reconstruction is complete now, so there’s no more engineers and such on the walls.
Garrosh became corrupt and led a lot of genocidal acts against both Horde and Alliance, and launched a mana bomb (basically the magical equivalent of a nuke) on Theramore. Rhonin (the “Citizens of Dalaran!” mage) died in that explosion, sacrificing himself (i think) to contain the explosion so it didn’t spread past Theramore. Jaina was also saved by him, and her demeanor has changed drastically, as she’s no longer the sweet peacelover, but instead filled with rage and despair. Her hair is also white for the most part now.
During MoP, Garrosh sent an assassin to take out Vol’jin, but it failed and he lived. Garrosh also almost killed Anduin by dropping a bell on him, crushing every bone in his body.
Garrosh took the heart of Y’Shaarj, an old god, and absorbed its power, and desecrated a lot of land and people too. Pandaria, the ancient home of the pandaren. We defeated him in the end raid for MoP, and Thrall made Vol’jin warchief instead.
Garrosh went on trial in Pandaria for his crimes, but with the help of a bronze dragon named Kairozdormu and a purified black dragon whelp Wrathion, he broke free and went back in time 35 years and prevented the orcs from drinking the demon blood, which then ignited the shittiest expansion Warlords of Draenor. Nothing of real importance happens there except Khadgar looks like a silver fox, and alternate Gul’dan is now in our timeline and brought the Legion over to us
Alliance - Bear with me I main Horde so everything I know about Alliance is just what I’ve read.
Okay so during Cata, Stormwind was partially destroyed. For many years until Legion, the park was just gone. Now it’s been rebuilt, anmed “Lion’s Rest” because as of Legion, Varian Wrynn is deceased.
After Jaina lost Theramore, she has been enraged, wanting the Horde to pay for what had been done to her. Even after Garrosh had been defeated in MoP, she tried to urge Varian to take out the Horde before they can try to plot more evil, but Varian just threatens them instead when he Vol’jin said he speaks for the Horde now
Anduin became friends with the black dragon Wrathion I mentioned earlier. They’re popular in the fandom so I’m not sure if you know them but I feel like it’s worth mentioning that during Garrosh’s trials, Wrathion betrayed Anduin there in favor of sending Garrosh back in time. Wrathion has pretty much been MIA since, despite spending a majority of MoP talking about how the Legion was coming and they needed to do something to defend Azeroth before it is too late.
As of Legion, Varian Wrynn, Vol’jin and Tirion Fordring are dead, having lost their lives during the Assault on the Broken Shore (new zone) where the Legion was arriving through a portal (Tomb of Sargeras i think).
Sylvanas Windrunner is Warchief of the Horde. Her and Greymane have a lot of friction this expansion. Lots and lots of Forsaken vs. Worgen.
Anduin Wrynn is now king of the Alliance. He now has recovered half of Varian’s sword, and it looks like he might become a paladin later? We don’t know. He has not been very active this expansion, but he is grieving.
Illidan is back. His body had been stored in a vault because even though he was dead, Maeiv still felt he needed to be imprisoned. I think alt-Gul’dan stole his body and tried to use it as a host for Sargeras to possess him and wreak havoc on Azeroth, but that attempt has been thwarted at the Nighthold raid. Since demon hunters can’t necessarily die, their souls just go out to the Twisting Nether, they can just come back to their bodies. We put Illidan’s soul back in his body and now Gul’dan is dead and Illidan is ready to kick some ass
The Illidari were also imprisoned by Maeiv, but she freed them when the Legion arrived because she felt we need them to fight the demons (g00d move).
Pandaren are a playable race as of MoP. Monks are a new class that came in the same expac, and they can heal, tank and dps. Available to all races.
Demon Hunters are a new class as of Legion, exclusive to belfs and noofs. You start at level 98 for that one. You can only have one per realm, and you must have a character at least level 70 before you can make one.
Gnomes can be hunters now btw.
Right now we’re at the Broken Shore trying to help people and trying to push back Legion forces that are spilling through our world. I think those are just the very important points to know, you can always do more reading on details cause there are a few other things that have happened in between too. I hope this helped some!! Check out the WoW cinematics if you can, and if you need specific lore stuff, I highly recommend Nobbel87 on YouTube! He specializes in video essays on WoW Lore history stuff. Super cool!
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