#and my brother stole avatar and the hunt from somewhere
bearenjoyers · 2 years
put all my dvds + some xbox/switch games in a shelf and they fit perfectly.
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charlenasaxen · 4 years
An answer I saw on Quora that explains really well what Azula was thinking when she tried to get Zuko on her side:
"It’s really odd. I think her relationship with her brother is beyond complicated. One second she’s trying to imprison him, the next she’s trying to kill him, the next she’s trying to recruit him, the next she’s berating him, the next she’s consoling him, the next she’s trying to kill him again. I explained the inconsistencies (in my head) as her being at odds with the lessons of her 2 parents. I imagine her conscience and her killer instinct are at odds. She might want to be sweet and kind to her brother, but also wants to be like Ozai. And Ozai would view her relationship with her useless brother as a weakness. She also probably heard Ozai talking about how much he hates Iroh and wanted to emulate him. But, while bullying and tormenting Zuko is one thing, hating and wanting to harm him are another. I imagine this was her philosophy throughout the series.
If both me and Zuko are hunting the avatar, we’re bound to run into each other. He could have Iroh’s help, which would overwhelm me. I also don’t want to be forced into a confrontation with him and have to hurt or kill him (at least not yet). I’ll meet him on my own terms and trick him into captivity.
That didn’t work, might as well try out the lightning. There has to be a healer somewhere on this boat.
That cowardly airbender was more slippery than I thought. I’m trapped. Don’t want to risk killing Zuko. But I will kill Uncle Fatso, though.
Zuko and Iroh are in the city. They could complicate things. Better imprison them.
There’s an opportunity to recruit Zuko, which is a good strategy from a tactical standpoint. Wars are won and lost based on whether leaders can recognize their available assets.
It might be nice to bring Zuko home. He poses no threat to my becoming Fire Lord. It makes the family look stronger since a banished prince reflects badly on the Fire Nation. His company might also be nice. Also, I would look much better to Father if Zuko is around to disappoint him. It would also make Mai happy for once.
Zuko revealed the avatar might be alive. Best to cover myself so I don’t look like I failed and end up being a disappointment. It also gives me some blackmail material to hold over his head.
Of course. Zuzu had to mess up a good thing and go see his Uncle Irritating Failure. I brought him back so he’s kind of my responsibility. I also kind of don’t want him to get in trouble. Better warn him.
We’re all away from the Fire Nation and avatar hunt. It’s kind of a good opportunity to be a good sister and comfort Zuko and all my friends after the party. It’s also a good idea to ensure there is goodwill amongst the group so that we can still function properly when needed.
Really? I push him to reveal who he’s truly angry at. I push Mai to show emotion. We push Ty Lee to get angry for the first time in years and take pride in being a circus freak. But they can’t push me about my relationship with my mother? They all failed the test.
I do so much for this idiot and not only does he abandon the Fire Nation (his country) and try to free his Uncle Irohnically Unwise Loser, but he also has the nerve to confront Father and fire lightning at him. He dug his own grave. I’ll just be the one to push him in. Time to become an only child.
I don’t trust anyone or anything. He’s the source of all my troubles. He must have told Mai and Ty Lee something to make them betray me. This was his plan all along. He wanted revenge for me being better than him all my life. He only came back to the Fire Nation to steal my friends from me. He’s a leech that stole their love, just like he stole Mother’s love. He must be the reason Father didn’t want me at his side. All I have is myself. He needs to die before he takes away anything else.
12. Alternatively, it could’ve been: I need to defend myself and prove my strength to the Fire Nation-the world! I am the Fire Lord and I must be strong.
13. He really didn’t fire that lightning back at me. He’s really hurt. ALL BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID WATERTRIBE GIRL THAT EMBARRASSED ME IN BA SING SE AND REVIVED THE AVATAR! I’ll kill her. Zuko can be healed after I get him in chains. But she dies today.
14. She’s trying to heal Zuko. I could hit her with lightning and kill her now. I could win my throne. But…Zuko won’t survive another lightning shot if I miss or if she dodges. I can take her. Sozin’s Comet has made me greater than any other bender. I’ll get her away from Zuzu and kill her. Then he can be imprisoned and he’ll be safe.
15. How did I lose? How was everything-EVERYTHING taken away? After all these years of training. It’s not fair!
This might not be right exactly, but this is just what I think. And it also shows Zuko to be her weakness. She didn’t try a serious sneak attack on Katara because she didn’t want to harm him. She didn’t go all out with a boat full of soldiers on her assault of Zuko and Iroh because it would lead to casualties. She brought Zuko back to make herself and Mai happy. She didn’t use her Dai Li agents in the crystal catacombs in an effort to bring Zuko to her side. All of these were the mistakes that ended up costing her some huge advantages."
Azula really does love her brother but she is Ozai's daughter first
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