#and maybe with faraday/chase/sole too depending on what i find
acadianideals · 2 years
alrighty! so this right here is a bunch of unfinished, unused dima lines, found in the files by yours truly. i have no doubt someone's beaten me to this before, but hey! it's here now! a small handful of text-to-speech generations, plus that one actual guy at the end. this is anything i deem as 'interesting'. things that didn't make the cut as 'interesting' are basically just versions of final dialogue that are only different by a word or two.
everything is in this audio file, if you'd rather listen:
or here's everything transcribed!
"Leave this island and don't ever come back. You are not welcomed here."
"I did it alone. Out of shame, and hoping my students would set a better example than their teacher."
"But now, I built this system because I assumed that someday I might not be able to trust the citizens of Far Harbor. But it raises the question-- why do I presume I can't trust myself? So I'm going to remove the command code from my memories, and hide it. Bury it. Actually, deep inside the recesses of Pine Crest Cavern. If I want to use it, it'll force me to think about the consequences during the journey."
"Good. Not everyone is so eager to talk to us. So, how can we help you? What brings you out all this way?"
"Ah. That explains a lot. It always warms me to hear that a Synth had people who cared about them in their old life, even if it… complicates things."
"The study was to implant a series of memories into one of the prototypes. A matrix of thoughts, feelings… history."
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