#and maybe some pillows. and the giant lizards... hm
ineffable-gallimaufry · 4 months
the worst thing about being like "okay i'm just gonna write all day" is that soon it turns into wanting a perfect hidey hole for writing that is like. it's got an outlet and a bunch of pillows and is nice and comfy (read: i am squished but not so much it makes it hard to type and stuff) but i can also bring a drink and have a nice fan and it's like. or i could just sit on the chair which has a table for drink + a fan + an outlet. and then i get grumpy
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sanders-specs · 5 years
One of the sides gets turned into a dragon
Dragon Quest 
A/N: Soooo this ended up being way longer than I thought it would be, but I had a ton of fun writing it. Also a HUGE thank you to @seas-space-and-stardust for being a great beta reader. 
Pairing: Platonic LAMP 
Warnings: Cursing, arguing 
Read on Ao3 
Tag list: @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @dan-yuna @tripleaaaqueer @lilbeanblr @helloisthisusernametaken @justanotherpurplebutterfly @alwaysmy-lilith @ilylogan @logically-trans  @generalfandomfabulousness @arentordinaryvillainsadorable @nico-ksanders @idioticsky
“Hey Logan, we uh…we have a situation.”
Logan lowered his book and looked up at Roman, who wasstanding in the doorway shifting from one foot to the other. He was looking at anywherebut Logan.  
“What did you do this time?” Logan asked with sigh, shuttinghis book and leaning back in his desk chair.
Roman bit his lip. “I, well, you should just come see.”
Sighing, Logan stood. “Very well.”
Roman led him back to his room. As they approached, Romanseemed to grow more and more agitated. “Now before we go in,” Roman said,blocking Logan’s path to the door, “keep in mind that this was an accident.”
Logan looked from Roman to the door, now getting slightlynervous. “You didn’t turn Virgil invisible again did you?”
“No, he won’t help me with potions after that. Patton,though…”
“You turned Pattoninvisible?!”
“No! I can safely say that I did not turn Patton invisible.”
“That implies that you did something to Patton,” Logan said,his concerns getting significantly larger. “Roman, what did you do?”
Roman just bit his lip and opened the door, stepping asidefor Logan to see.
The room looked mostly the same. A large king-sized bed withfar too many pillows sat against one wall, Roman’s array of costumes andoutfits were arranged neatly in his closet (really the only neat part ofRoman’s room), his potion station was as messy as ever. However, there was asignificant difference in the room, and that was the dragon head poking out ofthe Daydream Room.
For a moment, Logan was slightly confused as to why Romanwas making such a big deal. This certainty would not be the first time thathe’s conjured a dragon accidentally. The last one had ruined all of Logan’sgood ties and they were still finding bits and pieces of jewels from thedragon’s hoard all around the house.
It was when the dragon turned his eyes on Logan and his lipsturned into what could only be a smile that Logan realized what Roman’simplications had been earlier.
“You turned Patton into a dragon?!” Logan exclaimed, staring up at the dragon as he reachedforward to nuzzle Logan.
“Yeah,” Roman said, walking over and setting a hand onPatton’s head. “Like I said, it was an accident! We were getting potions readyfor daydreams for the road trip, and I guess a bit of dragon got mixed into itsomehow.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Logan surveyed the damage.Most of Patton’s body was lying just inside of the Daydream Room—how on earthRoman had managed to get him there was beyond Logan. He seemed to be curled up,quite content.
Patton let out what seemed to be either a growl or a whineand looked directly at Logan, pawing in his direction
Shifting slightly, Logan looked from him to Roman. “Whatdoes he want? Why is he looking at me like that?” Considering the last dragonwas content with trying to eat them unless they kept her properly fed, Loganfelt he had a right to be worried.
“From what I can tell,” Roman said, “we’re his hoard.”
Logan blinked and looked over at him. “What?”
Roman shrugged and Patton let out that noise again. “Youknow Patton…he loves his stuffed animals and us and memories…he nearlydestroyed my bed before I left until I said I was going to get you.”
Hesitantly, Logan moved closer to Patton who visibly relaxedas soon as Logan set a hand on his head. “So, we can’t leave?”
“You could but for the sake of my room and possibly the restof the house, I’d say no.”
At that moment, Patton grabbed Logan by his tie and pulledhim towards Roman, nearly knocking them both over.
“Agh, Patton!”
“Son of brisket!”
The two stumbled before regaining their footing, only forPatton to push them again. “Patton, what are you doing?” Logan stumbled forwardjust as Patton pushed him again.
He kept pushing and nudging until Logan and Roman were fullyin the Daydream room. “Wait, Patton, don’t—!” Roman called, but it was toolate. Patton pulled his head back and the door closed before disappearing.
Logan glared at Roman. “A disappearing door? You thoughtthat was a good idea!”
“Well it was…at the time.” Roman huffed and looked around.“It’ll appear somewhere else, we’ll just have to find it.”
Before they had a chance to discuss anything, though, Pattonwas nudging them towards a rather large pile that he seemed to have wrapped histail around. Waiting there was apparently another member of the ‘hoard’ leaningagainst the pile of stuffed animals.
“Sup,” Virgil said as Patton quite forcefully had them sitnext to him.
“How long have you been here?” Logan asked.
“Since Princey got Patton turned into a dragon. I was passingby when it happened and well,” Virgil motioned to the pile of stuffed animals,folders, and, well, junk that seemed to all be from Patton’s room.
“And you’ve just…stayed?” Logan asked.
Virgil shrugged. “I don’t want to upset him.”
Logan shook his head and watched Patton curl himself aroundthem, happy as could be. If Logan didn’t know any better, he would’ve said thatPatton was purring.
“We have to get out of here,” Logan muttered, standing tolook over Patton’s body. The dragon cracked an eye open to watch him, but Loganstayed where he was. The last thing he wanted was for Patton to be upset withhim and accidentally set them all on fire. Not only would it be inconvenient,but the moral side wouldn’t forgive himself for months, maybe years. And theyreally couldn’t have that.
“What’s the big deal? Thomas is on a road trip, he won’tneed us for a while,” Roman said, stretching out against the plushies.
“Actually, he has to drive in about two hours,” Virgil saidwithout looking up from his phone. “Which Lo and I need to be there for.”
“Oh. Right.”
“Roman, do you know where the door back to the house wouldpossibly be?” Logan asked, ignoring the conversation. As much as he didn’t wantto ask for Roman’s help, this was his realm. He knew it best.
“It’s set to show up anywhere in this room once the doorcloses. So…no.”
“Hm.” Logan continued to look around, going as far as toclimbing onto Patton’s back and sitting between two spikes. He knew he waspushing it, since Patton lifted his head to watch him, so he didn’t try hisluck with going any further.
They were in some kind of forest, sun peeking through theleaves. He couldn’t see anything for miles around them other than trees.
“Roman, is there any place in this room that’s not wooded?”Logan asked.
“Of course,” Roman said, sounding insulted. “We’re just inthe middle of the enchanted forest, the only proper place for a dragon tolive.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Yes, of course, how could I be soblind.”
“Sarcasm isn’t helping Lo,” Virgil said as Roman huffed andcrossed his arms.
Logan closed his eyes to take a breath before turning hisattention back to the matter at hand. “We need to figure out how to get backbefore Thomas has to drive, otherwise he’ll be in complete daydream mode andhave little to no self-awareness.”
“Yes, we’ve got that,” Roman snapped, still pouting.
“Well I don’t hear you offering any helpful suggestions!”
“Well we’re not going to get anywhere if you’re just statingthe obvious.”
“It’s good to have a clear understanding of the situationand the problem.”
“Whatever nerd.”
“Hey!” Virgil said, standing and crossing his arms. “First,shut up, you’re giving me a headache. Second, stop fighting because you’reupsetting Patton.”
Immediately both boys turned to look at Patton, who hadlifted his head and was rumbling. Logan realized then how tense Patton wasunder him, so he slowly got back down to join the others.
“Okay,” Logan said, keeping his voice calm. “We’ll have tofind the door so we can get back to Roman’s room and work on a potion to turnPatton back and get us back to help drive. Roman, you know this place betterthan anyone, where would be a good place to start.”
Roman sighed and stood, looking up as if he could see aroundthe giant lizard body that was wrapped around them.
“I know someone who can help, but she always likes for me tolook before coming to her. There are a few places the door like to show up atthe most, too, so we could check there first.”
“What if it’s not there?” Virgil asked.
Roman shrugged. “We’ll have to ask the witch for help.”
“Excuse me, witch?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, the witch that lives in the woods. All EnchantedForests have them, Logan.”
“Is that your friend?” Virgil asked with raised eyebrows, towhich Roman only shrugged.
Logan rubbed his temple. “Now I’m getting a headache.”
“Look, this isn’t your territory,” Roman said. “it’s mine,so things aren’t going to make sense. The sooner you get over that the better.”
Logan was startled by Roman’s defensive tone. He wasn’tquite sure how to respond either.
Perhaps sensing this, Virgil spoke up amid the silence.“Okay so…where do we start?”
“There’s the village just beyond the forest,” Roman said, “Icould walk there within a few hours, but bringing a dragon isn’t the…best idea,to say the least.” Roman ran a hand through his hair and paused for a momentbefore snapping his fingers and changing into what appeared to be leather armorthat mirrored his regular outfit. “Alright so you guys wait here while I go and look for the door.” Hesnapped his fingers again and a dark red cloak appeared around his shoulders.“I need to get some potion ingredients too, to change Patton back.”
The dragon in question grumbled and wrapped his tail aroundRoman to stop him from taking a step away. Roman looked up at him. “Patton, I’msorry but you can’t come into the town, and we have to figure out where thisdoor is. I have to go.”
Patton’s grip around him only tightened and he let out awhine that sounded like a tea kettle whistling, only louder. Logan saw worryand hesitation in the dragon’s eyes. He really didn’t want to lose sight of anyof them.
Sighing, Logan put a hand on Patton’s tail. “Virgil ormyself could go with him to make sure that everything goes according to plan.”
“Too many people, no,” Virgil said from where he was leaningagainst Patton’s side.
“And I don’t need your help,” Roman said, rolling his eyes.
Logan glared at the two of them then looked back at Patton.“This way, none of us are alone, and we can get things done faster.”
Patton looked hesitant, but Logan could see from the way hisbody relaxed a little that he was at least considering Logan’s words. Slowlybut surely, he let Roman go, keeping his eyes on the two of them.
“Okay, well, if you’re going you need to blend in,” Romansaid, sighing in defeat.
Logan frowned. “I don’t see why; I am not of importance inthis room.”
“You think that now, but do you know how annoying it is tobe suspended in disbelief in a daydream? To have logic butt in to make you think. I’ve worked hard to create thisplace and I’m not about to have you ruin it because you’re wearing…that.” Romanlooks Logan up and down, and for a moment, Logan couldn’t help but wonder whatexactly was wrong with his outfit before shaking himself out of it.
“Did you just call me annoying?”
“Did I stutter?”
Logan glared at him, a look that Roman returned.
“Ooookay,” Virgil said, stepping between them, just as Loganregistered that Patton’s tail was thumping on the ground in agitation. “Look,Lo, just wear the stupid outfit. Better to get this over with than fight aboutit right?” He gave a pointed glance at Patton.
Logan sighed. “Fine.” He took a moment to think about it,studying Roman’s chosen outfit. Then he snapped his fingers and he foundhimself adorned in a similar outfit to Roman’s, though one far more suited tohis tastes. His pants weren’t quite denim, as they were made out of a thickerfabric, and he wore a black cotton shirt with a dark blue leather vest over it,with a navy-blue cloak over that. He also wore black hiking boots that laced upto his knees.
“Is this a suitable outfit?” Logan asked.
“It’ll do,” Roman said with a shrug and turned away. “Let’sgo.”
Logan only rolled his eyes as he followed Roman. As theywere exiting the clearing, however, he heard a low grumble, almost a whine. Heturned to see Patton watching them sadly.
“No worries,” Logan said as gently as his annoyance wouldallow, “we will be fine.”
His words did nothing to soothe Patton, over, though, asthey walked into the forest.
Two hours later, they had found nothing about the door backto the mind palace, though Logan had learned that Roman was apparently verydetailed in his imaginary lands. Every shop and sign had a purpose, and everyperson had a difference face, a different personality.
Well, almost everyone.
There were a few townsfolk whom Logan recognized. Charactersfrom different videos and vines, certain ones Logan went out of his way toavoid, such as the dreaded teacher character everyone so often compared him to.
Otherwise, most of the people he passed were completely unrecognizableto him.
They all had a varying degree of politeness as well. Sometreated Logan well, others completely ignored his questions. He finallyresolved himself to let Roman take care of the door and he would focus ongetting the correct potion ingredients to turn Patton back to his normal humanform. Eventually he met back up with Roman, who had as much luck as Logan hadwith trying to locate the door back to their home.
When they returned to Patton and Virgil, they found Pattoncurled up in the sun, staring at the place where Logan and Roman haddisappeared, and Virgil was now in a similar outfit to theirs, though his stillhad his purple and black plaid added to it. He was laying on Patton’s neck,between two spikes, his head resting against one and his legs almost verticalagainst another, his body making an L shape. He looked up when Patton did,startled by the movement.
“Oh hey, you didn’t kill each other, what a surprise,”Virgil said blandly.
“Ha ha,” Roman said, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, no luck withthe door. None of the townsfolk knew anything, but we did get the potioningredients!”
“You mean I got the potion ingredients,” Logan corrected.
“Yeah, sure whatever, so our next plan of action is to seekout the witch,” Roman said, taking the bag from Logan and stuffing it in hissatchel. “It’s pretty deep in the forest, so it be better to fly there.” Helooked to Patton.
“What do you say Pops?” Virgil asked, sliding to the ground.“Wanna give us a ride?”
Patton hesitated, and he peered over at the rest of the pileof stuff.
“Don’t worry,” Roman said, “I can’t make the door appearwhere I want on this side, but I can once we’re in my room. We’ll come back forall of this, promise. No one’ll touch it.”
He said this with a tone that implied people would be tooafraid to, though Logan was sure that no one would touch it because everythingin that pile was useless to everyone but Patton. Roman probably knew that, buthis words seemed to do the job, because Patton relaxed and nodded.
“Wonderful!” Roman exclaimed. “Patton, do you mind if Istrap on some harnesses for us? And maybe a sort of dragon saddle? Just sowe’re safe and comfortable.”
Patton got up and stretched out before crouching back downand nodding at Roman.
“Thank you, my good cold-blooded friend!” Roman exclaimedbefore snapping his fingers again. Patton was suddenly adorned with threesaddles, complete with harnesses, as well as armor.
“That’s a little much,” Logan said, looking at the gianthelmet and breast plate.
“Just to be safe! People around here are weary of dragons.Many of them shoot first and ask questions later.”
“You mean we’re going to get gunned down?!” Virgil shouted,taking a step away from Patton, whose tail started flicking slightly withagitation.
“No! No, no, more like arrowed down. That’s what the armor’sfor. In fact, we probably all should, just to be safe.”
Logan frowned. “Roman, like you said, isn’t this yourterritory? Can’t you do whatever you want?” he motioned to the armor andsaddles.
“I can’t control an entire land on my own, Logan, do youknow how exhausting that would be? Besides, don’t you know how daydreams canrun wild? There are plenty of beings here that I have no control over.”
Logan huffed but just climbed onto Patton’s back, bucklingthe harness around him. He sat in the back, figuring that Virgil would feelmore comfortable in the middle. Patton turned around and nudged him, forcinghis arms apart in an almost hug.
“Uh…it’s okay Patton,” Logan said, awkwardly patting hishead. What was up with him? “We’ll get you back to your human self.”
Patton just nuzzled against him for another moment beforeturning back around to let the other two onto his back.
“Are you sure this witch will help us?” Virgil asked as thethree of them strapped in.
“There’s a chanceshe’ll be able to locate the door, or even summon it. It depends on the kind ofmood she’s in.”
“What are we going to do if she’s in a bad mood?” Virgilasked, sliding to the ground.
“Uh…well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Romansaid.
Logan frowned. “We are flying, correct? Why would we need tocross a bridge?”
Roman sighed as Virgil shook his head. “It’s a phrase, Lo,”he explains.
“Ah,” he mutters, making a mental note to add it to hisflashcards when they got back.
“Right!” Roman clapped his hands together, effectivelystartling Virgil and making them all look at him. “Shall we go?”
Flying while strapped to the back of a dragon was…not whatLogan had expected to do that day. Or ever.
He had to admit, though, it was an interesting experience.He would even describe it as fun, to a certain extent. Roman certainly had ablast, if his excited yelling was anything to go by. Virgil only leaned back alittle, his hand gripping his harness.
“Where are we going exactly?” Logan asked.
“The heart of the forest of course!” Roman yelled back, andwhen Logan looked to where he pointed, he couldn’t see anything other thantrees. He supposed all he could was trust that Roman knew where he was going.
Logan took a moment to look out over the Daydream room.Roman had done a rather good job, he had to admit. The land went on for miles,complete with a castle in the distance. If he didn’t know any better, Loganwould have been able to believe that this was a real place, rather than a roominside the mind palace.
Logan’s thoughts were jerked away from the room as theysuddenly dipped, going almost vertical. He let out a gasp and instinctivelygrasped onto Virgil, who was clinging to Roman. After another moment, they shotup, regaining the altitude they lost.
“What the hell Princey?!” Virgil yelled, breathing hard.
Roman let out a joyful laugh. “That wasn’t me!” he calledover the wind. “I think Patton’s learning what all he can do!”
“I don’t think nearly killing us is a very good idea!” Loganshouts.
“Oh, stop worrying! Patton wouldn’t let anything happen tous,” Roman called back, leading Patton towards the forest.
It took a few moments for Logan’s heart to go back tonormal, and before he could go back to just observing the room around him. Hecounted a few towns, even smaller villages, and several paths through theforest for travelers.
Suddenly, Patton jolted again, this time diving far fasterthan before. Logan let out a surprised yelp and leaned over to see what wasgoing on, finding that they seemed to be chasing a flock of birds.
Up front, Roman was laughing again. He was clearly enjoyingthis far more than Logan or Virgil were. He dropped the reins and held out hisarms, tilting his head back. It was like he did this every day, and Logansupposed that he might. He did have complete access to this room. Logan would haveto speak with him late about constantly distracting Thomas for his ownenjoyment.
Patton let out a roar that Logan could only describe as beingjoyful. It seemed he was enjoying this too. He leveled out and tilted, turningthem in all different directions. It took a few minutes, but Logan eventuallygot used to it. He learned to lean with Patton when he turned and dove. He evenwas able to anticipate a turn just by the way Patton moved his wings andshifted his body.
Even Virgil relaxed a little, especially after listening toLogan’s instructions so they weren’t straining to stay on. Even so, Logan figuredthat their bodies would be aching the next day.
At one point, they flew over a lake and Patton dove low,letting his claws trail in the water and spraying them all with water. Virgillaughed a little and pulled his hood over his head. Logan just shook his headand took off his glasses to clean them as they rose back over the trees, thougheven he couldn’t deny the small smile on his lips. The moral side was reallyhaving fun with this now.
After a while of flying in silence (and a few more momentsof Patton chasing after birds. Honestly Logan figured that it was just a gameto Patton at this point), they started circling over a clearing in the forest,where a big farmhouse sat.
Patton gently landed outside, the resident of the housealready standing out on the porch watching them.
“Not what I thought a witches house would look like,” Virgilsaid as they look up at the house.
“Patton’s idea. He felt bad about making them all live in acottage,” Roman said offhandedly, sliding to the ground.
Logan frowned. So Roman had had Patton’s help in creatingthis room. He wasn’t entirely sure what to do with that information.
“Mal! Long time no see, how’s Salem?” Roman asked the witch,opening his arms like he was greeting a longtime friend.
“Salem? Mal?” Virgil muttered beside Logan. “As in Salem thecat from Sabrina? And Maleficent?”
As if on cue, a black cat jumped onto the railing, rubbingagainst the witch’s hand.
“Television and movie influences of Thomas’s childhood nodoubt,” Logan muttered back.
Suddenly, Patton’s tail slammed down in front of Roman,pushing him back. He was tense, looking at the witch—Mal, Logan presumed—withunblinking eyes, a low growl rumbling in his throat.
“Oh, Patton, don’t be alarmed! She’s a good witch, likeGlinda!” Roman said, patting the dragon’s tale.
Mal raised a perfect eyebrow. “Patton? As in Morality? Whathave you gotten yourself into this time Your Highness?”
Vigil rolled his eyes.
“Oh, you know….” Roman glanced at Patton. “The usual.”
Mal sighed and shook her head. She comes down the steps,holding Salem in her arms. “Patton, hello, it’s okay, your friends will be verysafe inside.”
Still, Patton didn’t relax.
“Hey,” Virgil said gently. “Look, there are a ton ofwindows. Why don’t we open them all, so you’ll still be able to see us and heareverything going on okay?”
“Why don’t we stay out here?” Logan suggests.
“Because everything we need is inside,” Roman said. “Pat,we’ll be fine, I promise.”
It was clear that Patton didn’t like it, but he eventuallyraised his tail and let them walk into the house. Mal did as Virgil suggestedand opened all the windows, leading them to the kitchen. Patton followed themaround the house, his blue scales glinting every now and then in the corner ofLogan’s eye.
“So, I assume you need help with your dragon problem?” Malasked, setting Salem down on the kitchen island, which was covered in potioningredients, a cauldron in the middle.
“Actually, just the door,” Roman said, leaning casuallyagainst the counter. Virgil immediately hoisted himself up onto a windowsill,where Patton had settled himself beside. He propped one leg up on the sill,letting the other hang off the side.
“Yes, Roman’s in adequate door design has left us strandedhere, and Thomas will need Virgil and myself back very soon. Having Pattonturned back will also be less of a headache,” Logan said, earning a glare fromRoman.
Mal smirked and threw something into her brewing potion,making it bubble more than it already was. “That door of yours really has beena problem. This is…what? The fifth time?”
Roman shrugged. “Every time I think I know its patterns, itchanges. Not my fault.”
“Wait, the door is sentient?” Virgil asked. “I thought itwas just enchanted.”
“Everything in this world is enchanted, Anxiety,” Mal said,and Logan didn’t miss Virgil’s mouth twitch downward slightly. “From the mossthat grows on the trees to the clothing made here.”
“That…is not logical,” Logan said with a frown.
“Daydreams don’t have logic,” Mal said. “Why do you thinkthis is your first time here?”
Logan balked at that, but he set the comment aside to ponderabout later.
“Ouch,” Virgil muttered, and Patton growled in agreementoutside.
“Never mind that,” Logan said, shaking his head. “Can yousummon the door or not?”
Mal gave him an affronted look. “Of course, I can.” Shemoved around the kitchen, pulling things from cupboards and the refrigerator,adding them to the cauldron before any of them could even figure out what she wasgetting. “I do require a price.”
“Oh, come on Mal,” Roman sighed. “Can’t this just be a teenytiny favor?”
She shot a glare at him. “My prince,” she said the phrasemockingly, “need I remind you again that this is the fifth time you’ve comeseeking my help? So, either pay my price, or spend day searching this land forthe door and leave Thomas without his logic, anxiety and morality. Yourchoice.”
Roman crossed his arms. “What’s your price,” he mutteredstubbornly.
Mal smiled and threw an herb into her cauldron. “I sensethat you have the bone of a goblin on your person. I need it for my spell.”
Roman frowned. “I need it to turn Patton back. That’s thewhole reason I got it.”
Mal shrugged as Salem jumped onto the counter, purring andrubbing against her hand. She ran a hand along the back of the cat. “I’m surethat between the three of you, you’ll figure something out.”
Roman gave her a look that was a mix between a glare and apout. He didn’t seem to happy to have to be bargained with.
“Just give it to her, Roman,” Logan said, exasperated. “She’sright, we can figure something out.”
“Dude, it’s not that big of a deal,” Virgil groaned, leaninghis head back against the windowsill. “Yeah we need to change Pat back but Loand I most need to get back before Thomas has to drive. You know it’ll be adisaster if we don’t.”
Outside, Patton nodded slightly.
Roman sighed. “Fine, fine, here,” he hands her a vial ofwhat looked like dust. She scooped it up almost greedily, a triumphant smile onher lips. “Thank youuu!” she sings, dumping its contents into her cauldron,which made a puff of smoke. She dusted her hands off and turned them. “Followme boys.”
It only took a few minutes for Mal to “call the door to her”as she put it, and when she did, Roman stepped through, instructing Logan andVirgil to take Patton back to his hoard. Patton didn’t seem to happy to nothave one of them there, but he didn’t make any protest when Roman steppedthrough the door and closed it, disappearing.
“Pleasure meeting you boys,” Mal called from her doorway,Salem laying on the railing watching them with big yellow eyes.
Logan only gave her a nod before he climbed into Roman’sseat behind the reins and strapped himself in, Virgil behind him.
“Oh, and do tell Roman to come visit more often, I do lovethem,” Mal called as they took off.
Once they were up in the air, Virgil leaned forward. “Ididn’t like her. She seemed off.”
Logan shrugged. “She’s a witch. I don’t think they’resupposed to be good, exactly. She didn’t seem bad, anyway.”
Virgil just shook his head and leaned back.
When they landed back at where they’d left Patton’shoard—everything in the mountain of things still intact—they found Romanwaiting for them, a large rock keeping the door propped open.
Logan checked his watch. They had twenty minutes before itwas Thomas’s turn to drive on his road trip. Which meant that Logan had twentyminutes to help Roman mix the potion.
Patton curled up around his things as Virgil and Logan slidto the ground and walked towards the room.
“I don’t know how I’m going to make this potion without thatbone dust,” Roman muttered, already mixing ingredients. “Stupid Mal, alwaystaking my potion ingredients.”
“Hey,” Logan said, taking a vial out of his cloak pocket. Hethrows it to Roman, who catches it, then looks up at him. “I saw it in a shopwhile we were in that town, I thought it would be interesting to study, so Igot some.”
Relief flooded Roman’s face as he added it to the potion.“Uh…thanks Lo.”
“Of course,” Logan said with a nod. Then he jumped when hefelt a scaly head nuzzle his arm. He looked down to see Patton looking up athim with shinning eyes. Sighing, Logan patted his head and let him set it nextto him. “I should go help Roman with the potion,” he said, but Patton didn’tmove. When Logan tried, Patton let out a whine and kept nudging him back.
“oh fine,” Logan muttered, sitting down next him. Pattonhappily set his head in Logan’s lap, a low rumbled going through his throatthat Logan assumed was a purr.
Glancing around, Logan found Virgil sitting against Patton’sneck, his head down as if he were asleep. He then looked around the forestaround him. It was silent except for the insects and animals in the forest, aswell as Patton’s breathing beside him.
There was something calming about this place. Somethingpeaceful. Then again, he didn’t know what lurked in these forests or what couldhappen in a place where it seemed like anything in the world could happen,including turning someone into a dragon or trading with a rather suspiciouswitch who seems to have her own agenda. Not that it was Logan’s problem. He’dlet Roman take care of that.
Still, though, Logan found himself relaxing for the firsttime since he got there.
“Got it!” Roman exclaimed, bringing Logan’s attention backto him. He rushed back into the room and held up a vial triumphantly.
Logan sighed as he carefully put away his cloak. Of course,he could’ve just vanished the clothes away but something had made him hesitateat the idea. Then before he could think too much about it, he found himselfsummoning a trunk where he carefully folded his fantasy clothes and changedback into his regular ones.
Logan turned just as he closed the top of the trunk and sawPatton standing in the doorway, back to normal aside from a scale here andthere.
“Ah, hello Patton, it seems that the potion is working,”Logan said.
Patton nodded. “Yeah, Ro said that the scales would be gonein a few days.”
“Good,” Logan said, shifting a little. “Is there a reasonyou sought me out?”
“Oh!” Patton smiled. “Right, I wanted to thank you for beingso patient with overprotective dragon me. Reassuring me and all that.”
“Oh, well…” Logan’s voice trailed off. He wasn’t quite surehow to respond to that. “You are welcome.”
Patton smiled for a moment before it fell. He leaned againstthe doorway. “Also…don’t feel bad about all that stuff Mal and Roman said. Youdid a great job of blending in with the daydream, I think.”
“Well, um…I was only focused on getting you turned back, Idid what I needed to do.” Logan cleared his throat. “Now if you’ll excuse me, Ihave work to do.”
Patton sighed and reached out to squeeze Logan’s arm. “Cometalk to me if you need to yeah? You know there’s nothing wrong with actuallyfeeling something, Lo.”
“I appreciate the sentiment.” Logan said as he walked pastPatton towards the door. “And…it’s nice to have you back to being human,Patton.”
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juneiswriting · 4 years
The Collision Chap. 1
Author’s note: Trying my hands on writing fiction! Hope you enjoy it! 
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: A monster appeared, what will Lia do with her magic? What is life without challenges and mysteries?
One evening, after dinner, Lia was taking a stroll in the park as she did every day. A cool breeze rushing by her long brown hair, tucking back a few stray strands, birds were singing. Some leaves falling from trees nearby, one landed itself on Lia’s hair, slowly sliding down to the grass under her feet. A few passersby were jogging, a few were walking their dogs.
Everything was peaceful, as good as a normal day could be. Lia sat on a wooden bench by the road, leaning back, she closed her eyes briefly, enjoying the tranquility.
The music stopped abruptly, with the rustling sound of branches and leaves, the birds were gone within seconds. 
Not a good sign.
Lia furrowed her brows slightly, she looked around, stood, continuing down her path.
She flinched at a scream from the right. She ran to the source. A middle-aged woman was on the ground, badly injured in the chest and abdomen, blood slowly oozing from her wounds. At the scene, nothing was there. Lia kneeled, laying her fingers on the woman’s neck, while a few passerby hovered around out of curiosity.
“You! Dial for the paramedics!” Lia looked up, pointing to a man closest to her. He scrambled, pulling out his phone.
There was still a pulse in the woman, but having no first aid material, there was nothing Lia could do to help at the spot. Her eyes narrowed, her jaw tight, looking around for the attacker, Lia caught a glimpse of a shadow escaping in the far side of the park, jumping through the bushes, she turned and chased after the shadow.
Whoever you are, you aren’t getting away!
Lia dashed towards the shadow. Trailing behind it, it was taller than her, with something like a tail. Running across the road, down the street, she arrived at a turnaround, the shadow made a sharp turn into an alley, Lia went after it. 
“Whoa!” A large garbage bin flew in Lia’s face!
“Hurk!” Lia raised her hands in front of her, focused her mind, just in time to summon an ice shield in front of her face, blocking the bin. After a loud bang, the bin rolled off to the side, its content spilled all over the ground. Lia winced at the rotten smell of the garbage.
The alley fell back into silence. For a few seconds, all she heard was her racing heartbeat. Everything was motionless, as if nothing was around. Lia ducked into the shade of the alley, hiding herself, slowly made her way deeper into it. Still, nothing could be found.
She held her breath and waited patiently, closing her eyes briefly, paying attention to the smallest sound. There were only drops of leaked water from pipes, hitting the ground.
Had that thing escaped?
Lia looked around for the last time, giving up her search, She turned back to the main street. If the thing went somewhere else, she got to find it. Just then, a barely audible footstep sounded behind her, Lia turned sharply, a giant beast was right above her, diving down, it’s claw inches from her head. Time was too short for Lia to cast a spell, she raised her hands, shielding her head, closing her eyes. Maybe she would survive a blow and fight back. 
Seconds went by, the blow Lia was expecting didn’t land, some warm and sticky liquid fell on Lia’s hands. She opened her eyes, looking through her hands, she saw the beast weirdly hanging mid-air, its jaw almost got her hands, its tongue sticking out. Lia jumped back, flinged off the beast’s saliva. The beast is still stuck mid-air, its body still. Its yellow eyes rolling around in the skinless skull, as if it was struggling within its own body.
“What the he-” Lia tried to throw a can at the monster, curious about what would happen. Before the can hit, the beast was flung to the wall of the alley. With a loud crash, the beast dropped motionless on the ground, it’s eyes closed. Lia stood there, her eyes wide opened, jaw dropping.
“Your first day around?” A low and commanding sound came from deep inside the alley.
“Sorry William, I…” Looking up from the monster into the alley, a foreign silhouette was standing in the shadowy corner. 
“Wait! You aren’t him! Who are you?” Lia dropped into a defensive pose, ready to strike.
“Shouldn’t you take care of that thing first?” The stranger approached Lia slowly, gesturing the beast on the floor. He was in a black hoodie, his hand pulling the hood down, covering his features. Lia squinted into the dim alley, the man was a head taller than Lia, with broad shoulders.
“Are you also coming after me?!” Keeping her guard, Lia tensed more as the stranger came near.
“Rookie. I could have stood around and you would have already died. And you didn’t even care to thank me.” He smirked, turned sideways, leaning on the wall. Lia snapped her head back to the beast.
“I guess... thanks…” Taking in what the stranger said, Lia lowered her arms. She turned to the beast, casting a frost ray, turning the beast into a giant ice cube. Lia turned back to the stranger, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Hm? Am I imagining things?
Confused, Lia pinched her hand, it hurt, not a dream. Lia ran her hand through her messy long hair, getting them tidy behind her ears. She kicked the iced beast, making sure it really existed. Staring at the beast, what happened with the women in the park began to sink in.
“Hey Lia, everything alright here?”
“Helen! I guess so. How’s the woman?” Lia turned at the sound. Helen was running to her, she gave her a big hug.
“She should be in the emergency room by now, hopefully the doctors could save her.” With a slight frown, Helen pulled away from the hug, noticing the beast. 
“So this is it.” Helen kneeled next to the beast, observing it. They both took a closer look at the beast. It got a lizard-like tail, covered in scales, while the rest of its body was covered with fur, like a wolf, with those pointy ears.
“I’ve never seen something like this! Look at those fangs and claws, they look really deadly! Glad you managed it.” Helen took a step in front of Lia, she leaned closer to the block of ice, investigating the monster, she missed a glimpse of worry on Lia’s face.
“Yeah…, I’ve never seen this too. Creation of the meteoroid?”
“It could be, maybe this was a cute puppy dog!” Helen straightened, kicking the ice.
“One that wanted to tear me into pieces…” Remembering how badly this would have gone if not for the mysterious stranger, a chill ran down Lia’s spine. Lia leaned against the wall on her side to hide her shakiness, trying to slow her breath, her heartbeat deafening to herself.
“Are you fine?” Helen saw Lia leaning, she hurried to Lia’s side, rubbing her shoulder.
Lia shook her head, “Nothing, I'm fine”
“C'mon, you aren’t a good liar at all. What happened?”
“Well, I guess I was shocked, I was hoping for a peaceful stroll, then this happened, and the woman…” Closing her eyes, wincing.
Hopefully she will be fine.
“At least the monster can’t hurt others anymore.” Helen stroked Lia’s arm in small circles, looking at her with concern.
A siren was approaching from afar, breaking the silence between the two. Helen gently nudged Lia to the main street, before they were spotted.
Finally Lia got home, after cleaning up the mess bought by her stroll, she fell onto the couch. She planned on spending the rest of the night relaxing, enjoying a cup of tea, but her mind kept wandering to what happened earlier. Slightly frustrated, she pulled out her phone, scrolling through news headlines, wanting to know whether the woman survived.
Dammit! Probably they got her filed under another cause of casualty to mask the monster, and I wouldn’t know until tomorrow…
Lia threw her phone to the side, a deep frown formed on her face. Rethinking the incident, something didn’t feel right. Lia always stayed true to her gut feeling, and this didn’t feel like a single incident. If the meteorite was the cause, could there be more monsters lurking around, preying on innocents? Lia shook her head, as if that would clear up the confusion, she decided to call it a day, a stressful day that was. 
Lia went into her room, turning the lights on, she walked over to her bed. Wanting nothing more than her pillow and blankets, Lia fell in the bed, lying face up like a starfish. She spent minutes staring at the ceiling, she caught herself drowsing off. Lia slowly moved towards her pillow. She reached out to it, and jerked up.
“What is this!” On her pillow she found a card, which she had no idea leaving there, she lived alone. The card was a typical card, nothing suspicious if it didn’t materialize on Lia’s pillow. On one side of the card, with hand-written words, it read: Hello, rookie. Lia jumped out of the bed, now wide awake, she looked around her room, ran over to every part of her house, found nothing. She went back to her bedroom, checked the window and its lock, perfectly locked, as she did that morning. 
Nobody in her life called her a rookie, not even WIlliam, her mentor.
This must be the stranger earlier! Who the heck is he?
Lia gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowed, she flipped the card over, also in hand-written words, it read: Join me for burgers? The one over the block. 
Who in the world does he think he is?! I got to chew him out! Nothing too bad can happen in a burger place anyways… I guess.
She placed the card on her desk next to the bed and went to sleep, after making sure her apartment was safely locked up.
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switchydragon · 6 years
Hypnostory: Legend of the Hypnoslut Dragon
This is an MC story I did in mid-2017. CW: Contains fictional hypnosis with triggers and the like. Be careful if you're easily affected by such, also contains bimboization, mind-breaking/addiction, penetration, human/dragon relationships and more! Have fun, and let me know your thoughts!
The Legend of the Hypnoslut Dragon!
Once upon a time, in a cold, small little town in a besieged, cursed valley, there was a witch. Not an evil one; she was quite benevolent, with her light brown hair and fair skin, her kind words and actions would please many who found her a lovely presence. Harmless and cute, but somewhat eccentric, they’d say. And with her, does our story begin.
‘Twas a dark and stormy day, when the witch was awoken by a loud flapping in the distance. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, the noise driving sleep from her body. “Oh...Tisaala’s back…” she said with a disparaged sigh. The big, green dragon would come, bringing death unless the villagers sent her their finest virgin! Alas, so many of her victims would turn into crazed madpeople, unable to feel the same satisfaction the dragon had given them when they returned. Moments later as she was preparing tea for herself, Candace watched the emerald-colored lizard fly off with another, before crossing her arms. “Hmmmph! Why, I ought to bring that dragon to justice!” She said, feeling squeamish...how would she, a lowly little witch with...no actual magic, ever face a great beast like Tisaala and live, let alone vanquish her?
The wingbeat shook her unstable little home like a mighty breeze, and the answer landed directly on her head: A tome, bound in red vellum with a white spine landed on Candace’s head from above, disturbed from its shelf. Candace grumbled softly and rubbed her head, looking at the tome. “Arts of the Mind: Controlling Others with Hypnosis”  Huh, thought Candace, maybe I should read more...maybe that’s why I have no spells...Regardless, with a title like that...it had to be a book of power in some way! Maybe it held the secret to stopping the dragon! She quickly turned to the cover page, stating the author as someone named “Yuki” Hm. Wonder if that’s important or something.Candace was eager to get into this “Hypnosis” thing!
Several hours later, the witch was getting fairly annoyed. She’d powered through the book within a fraction of the time she’d thought she would. Yet, not a single magic incantation was in the book! Just things about “Hypnotic pleasure, mental orgasms, blanking 101, total hypnotic obedience...” the list went on. How was she going to beat a dragon with a “Mental orgasm”? Whatever it was, she bet it couldn’t pierce the dragon’s indestructible scales.
Slamming the book down onto her table, Candace sighed. She looked out the window into the dark and stormy eve, night had not quite set in yet. The witch gulped upon looking at the storm outside. She had to do something before it got too bad...after all, the dragon’s lair was a few hours away. Candace closed her book and stuffed it in her backpack, then put her wide-brimmed black hat on, setting out. Villagers waved, some catcalling as usual, some yelling friendly words of encouragement. The witch ignored them, walking north as the rain pattered down her hat, soon soaking her clothes as she trekked onwards.
The road to Tisaala’s lair was a harrowing one. Candace saw dead trees decaying all around the path, skeletons lying off to the sides of the overgrown road, and worst of all, horrible-sounding crows cawing as they circled above her while she journeyed across the darkened, dead grass and wasteland-like soil. How could any creature live here, especially a giant dragon who probably needed lots of food? Candace took a few deep breaths and sighed, trying to focus as the maw of Tisaala’s cave drew ever closer, while a crow departed a nearby a hollow tree-trunk, flying off into the distance, letting out an uncanny caw as it winged off into the horizon.
Candace arrived at the dragon’s lair soaked, cold and thoroughly annoyed. As she approached the massive cave that was the entry point to Tisaala’s home, Candace shivered...it was was so cold! Taking the first few steps in, she gulped and began to look around...the cave appeared normal, but Candace felt like she hadn’t even entered the worst part of her journey yet. She took her first tentative steps in, her black boots making a squishing noise as she did. Unfortunately, said squeaking was loud enough for the dragon to hear.
“Who dareth enter the mighty Tisaala’s lair and think to return unmolested?” Said the dragon’s massive voice, bellowing through the cave as Candace hurried behind a large rock, letting out a terrified squeal as she heard the dragon’s steps start to draw closer! “Thinking to avenge the virgin I have stolen from your town? ‘Tis in vain, for he has already fallen victim to my lust, as shall you~!” The dragon prowled through the cave while Candace tried to look around, hoping to spot Tisaala before the she-drake saw her. Moments later, Candace succeeded in that. She saw the vibrant green scales and the verdant hues of Tisaala’s eyes as she drew closer and closer, the mouth of the cave just big enough for Tisaala to stand on all fours in. With no other option but to move now, Candace walked in front of the dragon.
“Hey, you big lizard! Look at me!” She managed to say despite the fear pressing into her from every angle.
“What’s a human doing in my lair? And a beautiful one at that too, you are indeed a gem, mortal…” Candace saw how Tisaala’s eyes were already sizing up her soaked, dripping body and clothes. Candace inhaled deeply, and Tisaala laughed, a mighty noise that shook the whole cave. “Aww, whimpering with fear? Do not worry, you’ll be making other noises soon enough.”
Candace mustered all her willpower, then in the most soothing, relaxing voice she could, remembering the book’s instructions as she stared the dragon in the eyes: “I want you to focus on my words, focus hard on them. Focus so they can help you, my Tisaala, the dragon, relax so much, so deeply…” She didn’t know how, but her words were working! Within moments, Candace saw the dragon’s eyes start to droop, then gulped as she remembered what the book would suggest at this point...physical connection...she quietly approached, and inhaled deeply.
Walking forwards despite the fear wracking her body, she placed a hand on Tisaala’s snout, and continued talking. “So good, so nice to just let all that stress of being awake, being conscious, to just fade away, my hand helping you to let it all flow away, moment by moment, second by second…” She saw Tisaala’s eyes start to close all the way, YES! Candace shouted in her head as she finally commanded: “Aaaaaand….Sleep~!” and saw the giant dragon’s jaw touch the ground, her eyes closed tightly.
Candace quickly shuffled through the pages in her book upon seeing the dragon go under, thinking back to those things about domination, mind control….she had to protect her village and make sure this dragon never hurt anyone again! Candace cleared her throat and got to work, starting first with that “Mental Orgasm” thing. Whatever it was, the dragon would think again before hurting her village!.
“And, 5,4,3,2,1! Awake up, fully relaxed, remembering everything I’ve told you, and ready to obey!” Candace smiled upon seeing the dragon awake up, starting to shake herself off...before said dragon jumped on her, grabbing Candace into a tight, scalebound hug.
“Nrrraaa, Mistress, it’s so good to see you! I’m so eager to obey, please command me as you see fit, my divine Goddess, beautiful Mistress~” Candace felt like she was going to be crushed, and fought against the dragon’s warm grasp.
“Nnnggh, come on! Let go!” When she said the word come, something amazing happened. Tisaala collapsed on her back, letting out a vast moan as she closed her eyes.
“Nrraww..My-Mistress is a goddess, sh-she can make me cum with just words….I AM Mistress’s eternally enslaved hypnoslut...” Candace heard Tisaala mutter as she stared up at the ceiling. So she had gotten the better of the dragon...Candace tried to remember one of those phrases from the book, and smiled.
“Come on, you big, dumb dragon, just blank out for me! That’s it, go blank!” She said, happy as she saw Tisaala’s eyes turn a hazy, dull color and her tongue loll out, mouth wide open...the dragon was helpless now! “Hmph! That’ll teach you! And DON’T ever come back!” Candace said, walking deeper into the cave, hoping to find the virgin the dragon had abducted earlier.
As she entered into the much larger inner chamber, Candace gasped. The room was fully lit, somehow. She saw the horde and couldn’t stop her mouth from gaping all the way open, as she let out another yelp. The witch took one more look around and found the ex-virgin, a nobleman’s son, sleeping on a massive pillow in the far corner of the room, snoring the day away.
Candace didn’t see any chains or evil instruments around the giant cavern of glistening artifacts, gold and other luxurious items...she giggled, with the dragon vanquished this was all hers! Now, she just had to get the victim to safety. “Hey! Wake up! You need to get out of here!” Candace yelled at him from across the room, and he sleepily rubbed his eyes.
“But I dun wanna...” the prince muttered, as Candace took off her hat and growled. No stupid man was going to steal HER loot!
“NOW! Get out NOW!” She asserted, and the man sprinted out, pulling his underwear up in the process. Candace smirked, watching him run before turning to the hoard. The dragon-vanquishing witch quickly went about exploring her new wealth, from the gold cuffs studded with diamonds, to all manner of gems and crystals in the sea of glistening gold, she felt enthralled, till a massive shape struck her from the side. She felt like she was being crushed. “W-who?” She choked out, something was holding her tight, something massive was hugging her...she looked up and saw the dragon’s lustful, deranged eyes. Tisaala must be hers too,
She inhaled deeply before saying, slowly and carefully: “You obey me?”, making sure to phrase it like both an order and a question at the same time. The dragon nodded fervently, bobbing her head up and down quickly.
“Yesss, I serve Mistress Candace, who gives the big dumb hypnoslut Tisaala the dragon so much pleasure! I’ll do anything for the powerful, divine Mistress Candace!” Candace giggled, feeling content. “That’s right! And you’ll always be my big, dumb hypnoslut!” She said, repeating and reaffirming what the dragon had just said as a way to confirm it...whatever that meant, Candace felt the control surge through her...she was in charge, and she was going to make this dragon pay for hurting her village! She looked up at Tisaala, who hadn’t released her yet, then firmly ordered her to let go: “Tisaala, my  hypnoslut, I order you to let go of me!” As she looked straight into her eyes. Tisaala complied immediately, leaving Candace to fall gently down onto the firm pillow below her.
Candace nodded, seeing her orders obeyed so fully and immediately, and then issued another one: “Tisaala, I order you to change into a form more appropriate of your Mistress!” With a flash of magic, the dragoness changed into the form beautiful, green-haired woman with scales down her arms and legs, wings and a long tail. The now transformed dragoness looked at Candace knelt at the foot of the pillow, looking up at Candace.
“My Mistress, does this form please you?” Tisaala asked, smiling at Candace. Indeed, the emerald dragon was quite the beauty...Candace smiled and began to undress.
“Of course, and you must please Mistress now, with your body. You need to repay her back for all your awful actions.” She said, and laid down on the pillow.
Tisaala nodded, and dived onto her, hugging Candace as she asked her: “Mistress! Where should I please you first?”
Candace hadn’t felt her breasts played with in forever...in fact, she hadn’t really done anything like this before. “W-well..hypnoslut, I want you to use your tongue on my breasts.” She said quietly, experimenting.
“Yes Mistress!” The dragoness immediately started licking, trailing her long, warm tongue along Candace’s left breast, to her right. Candace gasped in pleasure, the warmth of her tongue plus the wetness felt so amazing, it was like liquid heaven across the neglected tit-flesh.
“Now, kiss them.” Candace got out despite the pleasure clouding her mind already. The dragon wordlessly obeyed, laying a nice wet, sloppy, and warm kiss on her nipples, before pulling off them with a pleasing Pop! as she would move to the other. Candace’s body shook with each touch of her dragon’s lips on her ample C-cup breasts.
Then Candace’s mind went to her needy crotch, the area she hadn’t even touched in years..., panting in pleasure, seeing herself already dripping all over; she felt eager to grant it some attention. “Slut, I want you to please my…” she scrambled through what little words she could remember in her head, heavy with arousal..”M-my sex..” she managed to choke out, then without a moment’s warning, she felt the dragon’s tongue start to lick all around her needy, dripping genitals, the pleasure from her snatch a raging inferno compared to the pleasure from her tits, and Candace felt herself losing control more and more with each passing moment.
As the pleasure inside her began to peak,  another thought came into her head...Tisaala’s tail waving back and forth dreamily…”My little dragon hypnoslut, I want you to use your tail i-inside me.” She said, and panted slowly as the dragoness looked her in the eyes.
“R-really Mistress? I get to put my tail inside Mistress?” She asked, looking jubilant beyond belief. Candace examined the rhythmic, swaying motion of the tail, and another idea popped straight into her head.
“Yyess, pet. In fact, when I-I...mmm…” she tried to remember that word from the book… “O-orgasm, you’ll find yourself feeling that pleasure too, as though it’s linking us together even  more...and when I say that word come I want you to have that-that orgasm with me…” She said, hastily tripping over words as she saw her new pet’s eyes light with the pleasure she was already feeling.
“I love Mistress, I’m her hypnoslut forever!” Tisaala said, then loudly, and Candace felt herself invaded by the tail. It felt warm, just like the rest of the dragon’s body, but it was so big, Candace felt filled in a way she’d never felt before. Then, Tisaala started thrusting. The in and out motion, so quick and hard was overwhelming to say the least, and she yelled out the phrase, letting the pleasure take her so hard in a climax the young woman could barely comprehend. She screamed with pleasure till her lungs couldn’t take it, then collapsed into a hazy mess, her body weak as she felt Tisaala snuggle into her side.
Eventually, the young witch woke up, the dragoness still attached to her side like a puppy clinging to its mother, and Candace sighed with relief...hopefully, the effects of whatever magic she’d done on her little dragon slut would stay forever, meaning she’d never have to come back to this place...but as she looked around, seeing the gold and jewels once again, she sighed. How was she ever gonna get this all home?
“Mistress is awake?” She heard the dragoness’ voice break the silence of the giant cave as she turned her eyes to Tisaala, groaning. As she sat up to gather her thoughts, Candace was hugged again by Tisaala, who was currently staring into her eyes deeply. “Please Mistress, hypnoslut Tisaala needs Mistress! She’ll be a good girl for Mistress and leave her village alone! Pleeeeaaasseee?” She begged Candace, and the witch sighed, pressing her face into her hands…
Candace thought about it...back home all she had was her old books she never read, and it was always so cold there...here, she had a beautiful, magical dragon who bowed to her every whim, and all the wealth one could ever need. Plus, the dragon’s warm body made her feel more comfortable than she ever had at home. Maybe living here would be okay enough. Maybe living here would even be great! She smiled, and then hugged her new loving slut.
“Of course, now get to giving your Mistress another one of those orgasm things. That was so good~!”
Tisaala happily obliged, and they lived happily ever after in the dragon’s cave, licking, kissing and cuddling in each other's embrace. Long after that day, the village would tell tales of the powerful witch who had given her life to slay the mighty dragon plaguing them, and the young boy who ran home to tell the tale so courageously, clad only in his underwear!
Occasionally, some would even say they could hear her moans of inhuman power echoing through the valley, remnants of her battle and victory!
The end.
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Home Alone Demencia
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