#and maybe adding foreign politics is just too much to add to the plate
slugsketches · 5 months
"this doesn't affect me so I don't care about it and I'm sick of hearing about it" bestie people caring about others' suffering that doesn't otherwise impact them and trying to spread the word or do something about it even on a small scale is a gateway to positive change.
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subarubi · 4 years
The List
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Everyone’s got a submission to his list. Watch this. Read that. Go there. But you’ve never given him anything. Not a single idea of what it is you like, what makes you feel at home in this world. Never made an effort to bridge the gap between the 40s and now, and yourself and him. And it oddly bothers him.
Word Count: 3.6 k
A/N: this is my very first reader insert i’ve written and am posting, so i’m excited :) appreciate anyone who takes the time to read!
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Everyone’s got a submission to his list. 
Watch this. Read that. Eat here. Go there. I Love Lucy. Moon Landing. Berlin Wall. Steve Jobs. Disco. Thai food. Star Wars. Nirvana. Rocky. Troubleman Soundtrack. Things he absolutely must do if he wants to call himself a modern man. Which, he does. But kind of doesn’t? Doesn’t even matter much now anyway.
You don’t.
Have a submission to his list, that is.
You’ve never been talkative anyway, he reasons. You’re quiet, reserved, and a bit of an outsider in this haphazardly thrown together group of extraordinary people. 
Not that you’re ordinary, not in the slightest. You’re a comet. Your power, palpable. A volatile missile, ice and dust carving a hole through space. Nucleus, hard body amalgamation of granite muscle and tungsten bones. Tail, a whipping flurry of wild hair, muted decimation in its wake. No, you are far from ordinary.
You just... stick to the walls.
With arms-- arms he’s seen bring men to their knees-- crossed over your chest, face set in marble. Not unfriendly. You’ll talk nice when prompted, smile when appropriate, but you never initiate. 
You seem to prefer a distance, a line between work life and personal life. A line that just doesn’t exist with the Avengers. Somehow, though, you manage to maintain the separation. Natasha’s prying questions, Stark’s intentional invasions of your personal space, Sam’s harmless but persistent flirting. 
It’s all so easily deflected. 
Made even easier now that the family you’d always resisted has been fractured. 
You don’t care to foster intimate relationships with any of these people. And you definitely don’t care to put in a submission to Captain America’s To-Do List. 
Everyone, everyone has something to add to his list. Even Bucky, Bucky, who has spent the better part of 70 years in and out of cryo, brain pulled apart and replaced with a new, foreign synapse each time, said something about a movie he’d seen somewhere. 
It bothers him. It shouldn’t, but it does. 
Steve can physically feel it--  that’s how much it bothers him. A now permanent path of his eyes to your form in a room. An itch in his fingers for a pen and paper anytime you say anything. A burn on the tops of his ears, hot and red, if you smile softly at some reference he doesn’t understand. Is that a signal? Would that be a suggestion if you actually talked to him?
Regardless, he trusts you. A boundless amount. Unexplainable given just how little the two of you have actually spoken.
You don’t make suggestions for the list, and it only really bothers him because he does trust you. He wants to know what you have to say, what you think is important for him to experience. What you like. If, perhaps, what makes you feel at home in this world could help him too. 
It’s a Thursday and he’s thumbing the pages of his notebook when Natasha gets the idea. 
The quinjet cabin is filled with a heavy, pregnant silence that no one can bear to cut through. Full-term. Unbearable pressure on the sciatic nerve-type silence. 9 months discomfort and anxiety, stifling their words. 
A mission gone right, but leaving a bad taste in their mouths. 
Bucky sits near the front, aimlessly bouncing a tennis ball against the starboard wall. Sam is in the co-pilot seat, trying to read a book with a red cover and yellow spine. Nat’s knuckles turn white on the yoke, keeping the quinjet on track even though it could pretty much fly on its own. 
You like music, Steve thinks. You there now in the back corner-- fingers drumming to the private beat on your thigh, eyes closed and head tipped back, white of earbuds in stark contrast with your dark combat suit-- is a frequent sight. He imagines your recommendation might be an album for him to listen to. 
Steve’s fingers ghost over the familiar scrawl of his list; some crossed out, some recently added. 
He decides it could use more music. 
You should just ask her, Natasha smirks, jutting her chin your direction. When she moved to sit next to him, Steve didn’t know. But, she is, after all, the spy. He’d been otherwise occupied anyway. He lifts his bowed head up to fix her with a puzzled look. Nat gives him that smirk and Steve has to fight back a groan. Knocking her knee against his, she teases,  you know, she can probably feel you staring.
His eyes shoot over in your direction, sighing a little in relief when you seem to still be lost in the music pumping in your ears. Steve realizes Natasha isn’t talking about the list. Years now, and she still hasn’t given up on playing his personal matchmaker. It’s slowed, surely, due to circumstance, but she’s never satisfied. A date. He should ask you on a date, is what she means. He’s suddenly as red in the face as the tips of his ears and Natasha’s hair. 
Steve’s not blind. 
You’re attractive. 
Soft and hard in so many ways. Lips, pink and pillowy and parted ever so slightly. Sharp line of your jaw clenched, brows furrowed. The gentle curve of your neck, warm skin disappearing beneath a dirt stained, hole ridden suit that hasn’t seen mending hands in months. Not since you followed him in his free fall from grace. 
You’d followed. Wordlessly. Burned out, abandoned by coworkers and the public, you resigned yourself to this life of Motel hopping and operating outside of the realm of what’s legal. Though not outside of what’s right.
Pondering what any of that could mean feels forbidden to Steve.
The hard shell of a man, not any less great, but perhaps less sure.
He looks back at Natasha with a low shake of his head, abruptly shutting his notebook. She sighs, but takes the hint. Enough. Not now. 
Almost a year later, he does ‘just ask’. 
It’s kind of like a date, in barely-there ways. You’re left alone, facing each other in a booth, knees brushing. You go to the bathroom, Steve orders for the both of you. Kind of like a date. 
Stuffed in the sticky booth of some diner in Middle America, alone together. Natasha gone off on her own again. Bucky recovering in Wakanda. Sam out like a light on a creaking Motel 6 mattress-- hard, just like he likes it. Your muscles like jelly, stomachs rumbling with the dull ache of hunger, soaked head to toe from the torrential downpour outside. No idle chit chat for you two. Steve stares out the window, impossible blue eyes following the path of a raindrop. You ring the bottom of your shirt out onto the small bit of floor between two pairs of feet. It splatters on the ground loudly. 
Not a date. 
You risk a glance at him over the piping hot brim of your coffee mug. Silently marvel at just how much he’s changed through thin white wisps of steam. More than longer hair, more than a handsome and disguising beard, more than the ripped out star of his suit sitting in a heap on the motel room floor. You can’t say how, it’s more a feeling. 
He’s a lot quieter now. Like you. 
Steve’s always been stoic. Passionate when needs be, but not exactly loose with his emotions; never as restrained now. His voice was always strong and sure, but never quite so gruff from frequent disuse as in this past year. You suppose it’s partially your fault. With Natasha gone much more now and Sam talking enough to carry a conversation himself, you’re not exactly great company. You might be one of the reasons he speaks less and less. 
A pretty waitress is smiling wide at him, a signal that she knows. A beard and hat pulled down as far as possible would never be enough to hide those golden boy blue eyes. 
Those eyes millions of women would gladly melt into a puddle of rainwater on the dirty floor of some diner in Midwest America for. You’d have to ask for a mop later to clean up the mess. Yours and the one spilling from ‘Molly’s lips. 
I heard you have a list, she smiles coy. You tuck in to the plate of chocolate chip pancakes doused in maple syrup as she bats her eyelashes down at him. 
Steve shifts, glancing over at you seemingly uninterested in the conversation. He’d given up on you having anything to do with the list weeks ago. He may be a fugitive-- may no longer be an Avenger, Captain America-- but he’s still a nice guy.  
Yes, he laughs kindly, hands clasped together on the table top.
You sniff and his eyes snap to yours again, tense. You’ll have to leave soon. Now that ‘Molly’ from the midnight shift at Red’s diner has seen Steve Rogers and his pretty blue eyes, you’ll have to wake Sam from his long overdue sleep and be gone before dawn. You wish he could’ve been left longer. It’s just how things work these days. A long shot from living plush, courtesy of Tony Stark. But you can wait long enough to finish coffee and breakfast.
Can I make a suggestion? she leans down and speaks in soft tones, a wicked grin hidden beneath those sweet, innocent looking red lips. 
You raise a brow when Steve politely nods, pulling out his trusty notebook from his back pocket. Steve asks to borrow a pen which she hastily holds out to him, purposely having their fingers brush in the exchange. Surely he knows she’s flirting, he’s not that naive. There’s no way. He’s a nice guy, maybe too nice.
She’s young. You imagine she has spent more than a few nights looking up at a poster of his face, clean shaven and perfect, playing this exact conversation in her head. That she has carefully thought over what her input would be. 
You should definitely watch ‘Friends’ when you have the time. 
You snort. Loudly. 
Molly instantly shrinks in on herself, deflated. Steve gives you an odd look, which you brush off and promptly resume shoveling the sweet breakfast food into your mouth. 
He’s so kind, it’s downright disgusting. 
Steve makes a point of writing it down underneath ‘Stevie Wonder’, smiling, Thank you. And for good measure, when he returns the pen, Captain America runs his ring finger across her knuckle. Oh, he knew. So considerate, you almost want to smirk when you catch it.
She’s gone now to wait on the other late night stragglers, blushing and gently ghosting her fingers over the spot he’d touched. Your hurtful mocking isn’t enough to dampen the feel of being caught in Steve Rogers’ warm glow. 
His knee presses along the inside of yours again when he shifts to shove the small book back into his pants. You take a measured sip of coffee. 
Steve raises a brow in your direction, Did you have a better suggestion?
There. He’s asked. 
Maybe he could finally breathe in your presence now. 
No luck considering you simply shrug and break from his gaze. So unreadable. It’s frustrating. He has half a mind to write ‘shrug’ underneath ‘Friends’. Are you? Friends, he means. You’ve known each other what feels like a lifetime now. At whatever this is for a year and a half. He can count on one hand the amount of conversations not involving a mission you’ve shared. 
He trusts you with his life, which, after everything that’s happened, is a rare commodity. He’s sure you feel the same. 
You’d say that no, you’re not friends. You probably wouldn’t deny the unfathomable trust in each other, though. That’s comforting at least. You sleep a bed away every night after all. 
Steve doesn’t really sleep. 
He doesn’t know you know that; you don’t sleep either. 
He’s staring, maybe he doesn’t realize it. 
You’ve abandoned your fork, suddenly feeling sick with it. That fucking blue. It split you like butter and might’ve knocked you over had you not been tightly gripping your knee under the table. 
So handsome it hurts. 
How could anyone be that pretty? Heartbreaking. Even before the serum-- you’ve seen the pictures. Breathtaking. The beard. The beard is really something. So so pretty. Adonis and Aphrodite. Michelangelo’s David. Torturous. 
It’s been almost a full minute now. Of him, just staring. 
You clear your throat in hopes it might pull him out of whatever it is that has claimed him. It doesn’t work. You talk just to end it. You know for certain that will surprise him. 
Why do you even keep up with it? The list. That stupid goddamned list.
You can see the flush on Steve’s neck when he does realize that he’d stared at you, through you, in you, for the longest two minutes in history. He coughs into his fist. 
What do you mean? his brow furrows, and you almost want to touch the crease between them to make it go away. It’s a ridiculous thought. One you shake away with another measured sip of coffee. 
Doesn’t it seem... you shrug, and there’s an urge in him to grab you by the shoulders and beg you to stop fucking shrugging so goddamned much. Steve thinks he might go insane if he sees those shoulders twitch up again. I dunno, kind of pointless now?
In a way, yes, it is. 
Steve can’t exactly pop in a film or binge watch a tv show like this. And sitting down to listen to read a book doesn’t really seem right.
He doesn’t answer. You watch him finally pick up his own fork, cutting into an omelette more cheese and meat than egg. 
It still rains down hard. 
Steve pays the bill, smiling tightly at Molly when she lays her hand on his bicep. He tips her well, she was sweet and young and still half terrified from just you snorting. 
You follow a few paces behind him out of the diner, mindful of maintaining that distance. 
Neither of you bother to fight against getting soaked. 
You’re both immediately set on edge when three cars pull into the parking lot, tightly together. It’s the kind of thing you’d been trained to be suspicious of. The kind of thing that never means anything good when around people like you. It means they have come for you both. It means you'll probably have to fight. 
He pauses underneath the buzzing neon sign. His back is to you, the tense expanse of muscles outlined by the wet shirt clinging to his skin. A breath. Another. 
You hear giggling of all things, bubbling through the parking lot. Girls, a whole crowd of them, spilling out of the cars, hushing each other. His name is on their cherry chapstick lips. Not his name, his title: Captain America. Molly had texted them, that’s clear now. 
It’s better, at least, than your previous estimation. But it’s trouble nevertheless. 
Steve turns to face you and somehow, the soft glow of red on his face only makes his eyes bluer. He takes a step forward. You understand. You always understand in the absence of words. There’s a link between the two of you when you’re in that working mode. That trust, tangible in how you too, step forward. 
It’s procedural. You fall into it so easily.
His head ducks, yours raises. Eyes locked in one another, but ears elsewhere, listening. Not touching, but near to it. A breath away. Swaying in the rain. You feel it sizzle on your skin, see it coming off him in steam. 
No one bothers the two lovers, obviously too occupied with each other to be superheroes. Natasha had taught you both that. 
It pours harder yet. 
The giggles fade into nothing, drowned in the monsoon-- no space between the fat drops pelting the earth. They couldn’t see the two of you now even if they tried. 
Why did you come? You never really said, he has to shout, the rain is so loud. 
You’ve left a lot unsaid. Some things are better that way. 
Steve’s hands, large and powerful, stop your shoulders mid shrug. Don’t, he squeezes his eyes shut, drops of rain trickling down the slopes of his nose, For the love of God, don’t fucking shrug.
Everything is heavy: your drenched clothes, his hands still gripping your shoulders, the crushing weight in your chest-- the rock lodged in your throat with all the things you’ve never said for the sake of some stupid credo about not letting things get personal. You’ve let the words die on your lips and for what? 
It did nothing. The lines blurred anyway, out of your control. 
The truth: there hasn’t been a distance greater than the width of his notebook between the two of you for a long time now. 
You pretend. 
You both pretend that absence of any extended conversation means you haven’t already learned everything about each other just by watching. Stealing glances when the other is turned away. 
Steve pretends that the reason your input in the list matters so much to him is because he wants to know the people he’s trusting with his life. 
He already knows you. Not your favorite color or band, but you. Your outline in the darkness of a thousand motels. The smell of you under layers of grime and sweat and blood-- you’re scrubbed clean with the same soap he uses. Your breathing patterns: one when you’re resting with your earbuds in, head bopping to songs he’s not been privy to; another when you’re side by side in combat, moving together like one; the most prominent, when you’re both laying in bed staring at the ceiling, too lost in thought to even care about sleep. 
You know him too.
His question. How do you answer? You followed. Wasn’t that answer enough?
Where’s your notebook? You ask instead, though it’s more of a call in this downpour. 
Steve’s brow furrows again, left hand flying back to pat the small book in his pocket. This time, you do reach out, though you don’t have to go very far. His breath quickens when the pad of your thumb brushes against the wet crease of skin pulled together in uncertainty. He swallows hard, rifling through the pages a little messy because he can’t stop looking at you. Your hand stays there until the pressure releases. For a good second after, too.     
When he finally opens it up to the two pages worth of ‘to-do’, the ink is running. Black to blue. A melted mess of jumbled letters on delicate paper one wrong twitch away from ripping. 
You take it from his hands, gentle, because you’re pretty sure this notebook has been a lifeline for him. Grounding. There’s sketches in there that you’ve only caught glimpses of. 
You lament now that it has been ruined by the rain. 
I don’t have a pen, he says softly. Softly, because he’s closer now than you’ve ever been. You’ve never heard him so soft. So cautious that his voice might scare you away. 
You spare a languid glance up to see just how close he is. It must be only inches because you can hear him through the rain. You tilt your chin to the sky, heavy lids widening slightly. 
He’s closer than even that. Not inches, centimeters. If you hadn’t been swaying in synchronization and instead leaned forward at the same time...
You don’t even know what you’re doing. For the first time in a while, you’re scared. 
The book is closed between your palms, the list shut. You’ll deal with it another day. You’ll help him remember everything that was on there so he can rewrite it. 
Steve leans in more. Not enough. 
I’ll just tell you then, you nod. Steve’s chest brushes against yours as you both suck in heavy breaths. You press the notebook there, against the hard swells of his front, closer to his heart. 
Which question are you answering? Why did you come? Or did you have a better suggestion?
Bob Dylan.
Bob Dylan. Bringing It All Back Home. 1965.
The stupid list. For years now, that’s all he’s wanted to hear. But there, under the neon sign, in the parking lot of Red’s diner, drenched in the deluge of rain, it’s not enough. 
We’ll listen to it together, you smile and he’s never seen it quite so big or bright.
Together. It is enough. 
Your lips taste of rain and maple syrup. He’ll remember it for a while. Forever, maybe. And him, you don’t recall something ever being so rich in your life. Steve’s mouth, so decadent you could die with a sated smile still. It’s all the sweeter, the press of your lips together; in it all those words left unsaid. You breathe them into his mouth, warm and red and waiting, and he sears them back into yours with the delicate slide of his tongue. Mouths together form lost sentences and sing. A crescendoing flurry of soundless vowels and consonants that only the two of you will ever hear. 
Steve faintly hears the notebook fall in a splash at your feet and you can feel the grin in his lips by the scratch of his beard against your chin. You’ll feel guilty for dropping it later, but your hand had been hellbent on curling itself under his arms and around his shoulder. His own hands cradle your neck and face, slipping across the rain wet planes of your face. And those forearms, like hams, rest heavily on your shoulders-- so that you can never shrug again. If you can’t find the words, Steve’s content to have you speak them on his lips. 
Everyone’s got a submission to his list. 
But yours come with a kiss. 
Yours is the only one that he’s ever really cared about.  
Sam complains weeks later that he’s sick of hearing Bob Dylan.
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worldcakecakecake · 5 years
On Deutschland and Italia by Lovio Valenti
Lovino writes a series of blog entries on the relationship between Germany and Italy as he deals with a move to Hamburg, his brother’s wedding, and his budding romance (which he denies) to the infuriating Gilbert Beilschmidt.
                                                     Chapter 4
On Deutschland and Italia.
Division and Unity.
It’s Happening.
 I believe that in no other two European countries are you going to see such division in its country itself.
 We like to divide Italy as north and south, while Germany in west and east. It’s the kind of thing that helps create a crisis of national identity to the people, and we continue to feed it with media, accents, clothes and even foreign stereotypes, and no such ending can be expected soon. Yet, Germany and Italy supported the idea of a European Union even before other countries thought about it. You can find writings about it in Nietzsche and Mazzini’s work. Germany and Italy luckily got to see it happen and it was rather fruitful for both countries during a certain number of decades. After the harshness of unification, the passage of monarchy to republic, two world wars and the heavy presence of communism, Germany and Italy could focus on flourishing their economies and once again found themselves being a very important part of Europe.
 But even so, were dealing with two completely different countries here.
 The obvious first thing is the language, different views of politics, economics, culture, and of course, memes.
 Germany and Italy are the opposite on a girded scale, yet despite what I’ve written in my past entries and what it seems, Germany and Italy don’t actually have a rivalry and there’s no competition…well…in a political sense.
 In my next blog entries, I will be speaking more about this, but some of you had questioned about my brother’s soon wedding and want to hear more about it and my growing opinion.
 I still completely disapprove of it, but, my brother is expecting my help and since I am a good brother, I do intend to be a part of it…even if it involves having to meet with stingy face Gilbert here.
 We are constantly being told to stand each other for the sake of our brothers, but I’m thinking they’re only doing it to annoy us…or they actually want us to get along so this can go as smoothly as they want.
 I am not going to make it easy for anyone.
  “I’m going to touch… this salami.”
 “No!” Feliciano saved the plate, moving it in such theatrics from the counter.
 “Let me! Maybe it can poison him!”
 “Lovino! You’re not going to try and kill Gilbert with my food!”
 “Our food! I was the one that brought and boiled that spaghetti you really like.”
 Feliciano came to a realization, going to check the readied pasta.
 “I’m joking! I didn’t poison anything,” he found himself having to clear.
 Feliciano still tasted some of the readied noodles…adding a bit of the sauce…taking from the bread.
 “Don’t eat it all before they even get here!” Lovino scolded.
 “Just checking! It’s all delicious,” Feliciano signed as he cleaned whatever drops had fallen in the meantime.
 It was just as the familiar knock came, getting Feliciano to shriek, to rid of his apron and fix himself as quick as possible. He practically tripped as he made his way to get the door.
 “Careful!” Lovino scolded, not minding in taking his own taste from the sauce.
 The two greeted to each other as disgusting as ever, with a deep kiss and a wrap of their arms around one another that left the brothers in the back silent and awkward.
 “Gee, Feli, thanks for inviting me in,” Gilbert interrupted, getting a groan from Ludwig but a smile from Feliciano.
 “Come on in, both of you.”
 Ludwig followed Feliciano to place a beautifully wrapped plate of colored meringue cookies in the table, both going on excited with conversation of how it was made, in each other, leaving Gilbert standing awkwardly still near the door, with nowhere else to lay his eyes but on Lovino, mixing the sauce to keep his eyes focused on something and not glare daggers at the older Beilschmidt in the room.
 “What ya’ making?” He dared ask.
 “Go sit down on the couch and don’t ask me questions,” Lovino commanded and Gilbert shrugged, not knowing what to expect, but followed his order and took seating, beginning to look through his phone in the meantime.
 The four of them enjoyed from dinner together, the ones mostly conversing being Ludwig and Feliciano, a comment here and there from Gilbert and Lovino, always a small temptation calling to fight over the smallest thing, but luckily Ludwig and Feliciano would stop it before it could escalate and heat the table in anger and hatred.
 Ludwig unwrapped the meringue cookies and they all dug in, Feliciano bringing in a hard-covered notebook, along with a folder full of financial information of both him and Ludwig.
 “So,” Feliciano clapped his hands to begin.
 “We’ve been researching, finding out everything we need to know about planning a wedding, and many sources suggest, before anything, to establish a budget,” Ludwig explained.
 “And why do you need us for that?” Gilbert wondered.
 “To make sure we’re not exaggerating and that were not choosing a very low number either,” Feliciano continued.
 “We don’t want anything too lavish. We want simplicity, small, something for just us and our closest friends and family to attend.”
 “But beautiful, special and to remember,” Feliciano wanted to add.
 “Both your jobs, as we have chosen you each to be our best men, is to make sure we don’t exceed the amount we’re going to decide now.”
 Both the elder brothers shrugged, not seeing it such a difficult job.
 Feliciano opened the books and numbers, something that Ludwig was immensely proud about him doing, wrapping an arm around his waist to let him know, Feliciano smiling up at him.
 The elder brothers wanted to barf.
 “So…this is the amount we’re willing to use,” Feliciano pointed, professionally with a pen.
 “2,000 euros only?” Lovino raised an eye.
 “Yeah…is it still too much,” Feliciano worried.
 “No, that’s too little!”
 “I…actually have to agree with him here. I doubt they’ll be much you can do,” Gilbert said, earning Lovino another raise, not expecting that at all.
 “What number would you better recommend?” Ludwig leaned to them.
 “4,000!” At Lovino’s loud acclaim, a sudden idea began to settle in Gilbert’s mind, one that made him oddly smile for the moment, but he decided to push it and see.
 “6,000!” He suddenly shouted with Lovino, the younger brothers looking between the two in deep question.
 “That’s…uh…” Feliciano wanted to say.
 “Still too little, you’re right! How about 8,000 instead!”
 “No, no, 10,000!”
 “Hm…10,000 sounds about right,” Lovino had to agree with Gilbert.
 The younger couple was still too startled from the numbers to actually pay attention to how their brothers actually agreed and worked together to arrive at that final count.
 “10,000 euros?” Feliciano wanted to faint.
 “Yeah, it should be enough,” Gilbert shrugged it like it was no big issue.
 “That’s…too much.” Ludwig had written it down as a choice, looking at it as if it was a hideous monster to fear.
 “Trust me, people usually use more than that on a ‘simple’ wedding,” Lovino pointed.
 “There is no such thing as a beautiful and perfect wedding that was done cheap.”
 “But it…shouldn’t matter…we just want to get married. Everything else is just…making it more special,” Feliciano added shyly.
 “Yes or no, do you want it to be special?” Lovino went to the point.
 “Then you have to pay more than what you two were expecting.”
 The two gazed between one another with that deep question if to agree.
 “Should we…risk it?” Ludwig asked.
 “It’s your wedding!” Gilbert shouted.
 “You’re not going to get married and have a day like that again. So, I suggest you go full at it and enjoy it as you should be,” Lovino found himself backing Gilbert.
 It was working, the couple slowly coming to its agree.
 “But…we don’t want to go bankrupt either,” Feliciano brought sense again.
 “You two will have pretty good jobs. I’m sure the money will come to you easily. I think you should be thinking about what an amazing outcome it will be more than anything,” Gilbert continued and with those words, the two smiled between one another and decided on the 10,000-euro limit, writing and circling it in decision.
 Gilbert and Lovino smirked, evil intentions hidden underneath it.
 As the night went on, Ludwig and Feliciano made sure that they had the 10,000 euros available, working with checking their savings and loans, signing and calling, while Gilbert and Lovino settled on the couch, way apart from each other, looking at some random movie Lovino had chosen from Netflix.  
 “You should have put footloose,” Gilbert complained.
 “Fuck you.” Lovino raised the volume of Annie.
 “Come on, now you should help us with the guest list,” Ludwig called.
 “Isn’t that for later?”
 “Knowing the amount of people who are coming will help us decide the size of the venue, of food, seats. Just come on,” Ludwig told, helping Feliciano in writing down the obvious of their grandparents, parents, brothers, close uncles, aunts and cousins.
 “Should we invite Laura?” Feliciano wondered happily, while Ludwig flinched.
 “You want to invite Ludwig’s ex to your wedding?” Gilbert laughed.
 “But she’s super nice to us! And she’s always bringing us waffles and I love baking with her. She’s also a really good friend of Lovino’s.”
 Lovino smiled, expecting of her company on such a dreaded party.
 “Are you sure it won’t start drama?”
 “Highly doubt so.”
 “What happened is in it the past,” Ludwig wanted to remind.
 “All right, go ahead!” It had Gilbert wondering of any other person in their lives who was bound to create disaster.
 “Okay, so, Carlos.”
 “What about Martin?” Lovino smirked.
 “Oh yes! Let’s invite Martin!” Feliciano excited, in ways that made Ludwig ignite in fury and vengeance.
 “No!” Ludwig practically shouted.
 It brought sudden startling silence in the room.
 “Why? What’s wrong with Martin?” Feliciano wondered innocently.
 “Everything, absolutely everything! I don’t want him near the ceremony and party!” Ludwig was decided, even if he looked like a pouting child, Lovino and Gilbert having to hold themselves from laughing.
 “But…he’s a really good friend of mine. He’s super nice and buys me very nice things…like that golden bracelet with the really pretty heart in it.” Feliciano indeed thought it any other innocent gift, while Ludwig burned, Gilbert and Lovino having to hold their own laughs by getting pillows to muddle their possible sounds.
 “Please…don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it at all…” Ludwig worried.
 “Noticed what?”
 Ludwig didn’t know whether to give a breath of relief…or worry on how Martin could take advantage of Feliciano’s occasional naïve self.
 “You know what, I’m decided, he’s not coming,” he decreed.
 “Well I’m deciding that he is coming!” Feliciano denied in turn.
 The glare, the fury that sparked between them, had Gilbert and Lovino actually sharing impressed expressions, both eyes and mouths widened, ready for the big show that was sure to take place. Feliciano, in a show of disobedience, took the list and wrote the dreadful name, making it sure now. Ludwig huffed, a large intake of breath that many thought the release would make winds blow across all the apartment, but what came out was simple, given up…as the usual to make his lover happy. He let it be, not questioning, but he was visibly angry, not bothering to even speak and add to the list of visitors that Feliciano, Gilbert and Lovino continued to do by themselves.
 Gilbert added annoying family members, unwanted friends or relatives that they had long forgotten about, and Ludwig didn’t add a word. Lovino in turn added his own horrible suggestions, Feliciano too kind to deny. By the end of it, they had more than a hundred guests.
 “Are you sure…this is okay?” Feliciano for once questioned, facing the number and having second thoughts.
 “The more, the better!” Lovino assured.
 “You want everyone to celebrate, don’t you?” Gilbert suggested.
 Lovino placed a finger against Feliciano’s mouth. “Don’t think about it!”
 “Think about the party!” Gilbert excited, raising himself and already celebrating as if it was to take place that very moment.
 “Uh…okay.” Although clearly unsure, Ludwig was stuck in his inner anger to really answer, just shrugging and so Feliciano sighed, forcing himself to accept.
 “Is that all you need us for then?” Lovino questioned, already beginning to get his things.
 “Yeah, I guess,” for once Ludwig answered.
 “Awesome! I’ll be getting my ass elsewhere too.” Gilbert joined Lovino in his own stuff picking, both cleaning the apartment of themselves on the way, running off as if they were escaping from something heinous.
 They left the apartment in awkward silence.
 Heading down the stairs was like a charge, and when they both headed out into the air, it exploded in loud laughs, echoing surely in the street and perhaps even their brothers could hear in their own flat.
 “I gotta give it to you! I gotta give to you!” Gilbert shouted, pointing and clapping.
 “You played along good!” Lovino shouted in turn.
 They both released, twisting in the area as they let it all die down, in a calm to match the night despite being in such a city. Then came a realization, one that hit them with the passing alarms of an ambulance making its way pass them.
 They actually…laughed and agreed on something…together…it was…horrendous.
 As if erasing its passing, as a try to ignore it, they stood straight, looked away, walking to their respective directions and not even wishing a single goodbye.
  On Deutschland and Italia.
 It is ongoing, and even traditional, that Germany and Italy continue to settle meet ups for events, institutions, activities and diplomatic visits. As I mentioned in my first entry, Germany and Italy’s relationship has ancient roots and our government and people try to keep it alive as I’m sure the Romans and Germanics would have wanted. The biggest Italian cultural institute is in Germany, while its counterpart, the Goethe institute has its own achievements in Italy. Politicians though, still think the relationship has its tensions and that it’s even declining.
 Germany and Italy, to my disgust, have a relationship like that of an old married couple, no problems but lacking the love and passion one would expect from a country like Italy. What needs to be rekindled is that desire, that want to try and improve relations so they can be yet another stronghold of Europe.
 For my brother and his fiancé, on the other hand, I would rather that they wouldn’t try to find such ailments to their problem.
 In a sudden, rare…and even disgusting, work of companionship, Gilbert and I managed to find that downfall to create that tension and oh we will celebrate and try to make it last for what is needed.
  “To be honest, I doubt you’ll get it,” Lovino told his brother as they reached the steps of the symbol church of the city, tall, charming, but not well placed or the majesty of the ones in Italy. In Lovino’s opinion. Sadly, Ludwig and Feliciano had decided that they will marry in Hamburg and the St. Michaelis church seemed the most appealing to do so in for now.
 “It doesn’t hurt to try.” Feliciano was too confident, a wide smile and jumping steps as they entered.
 “You’re too sensitive, anything hurts you,” Lovino had to remind, any other words halted in the wonder that fell on his eyes as he took the interior, beautiful despite its simplicity. Feliciano joined him in that contemplating as well, taking a small tour to gaze out further golden details and architectural forms, silent, the few who were there but tourists or perhaps devoted followers sitting in the banks.
 “Are you sure you want to go through with the embarrassment though?” Lovino asked in his most silent whisper, pulling Feliciano to his side, keeping his hand on his arm. They were now turning back, nearing the office and for once, Feliciano held question in his expression, a slight slowing in his steps. But this was his wedding, this was his union to Ludwig, and he was determined to do whatever to make it the dream they had wanted.
 “It won’t hurt to try,” Feliciano repeated.
 “This is a protestant church,” Lovino reminded again.
 “Why would it matter? As long as were united spiritually, the religion is of no importance to me.”
 “I don’t know how nonno and mamma will feel about that,” Lovino warned.
 “Can’t you help me by saying more positive things,” Feliciano exasperated, his hand having found reach of the door.
 “You’re marrying Ludwig Beilschmidt. It’s really hard to find positives.”
 Feliciano rolled his eyes and groaned, entering and ready to begin the process.
  Ludwig liked the fresh air here, the comfort, relaxing, quiet, a wonderful view to a lake and the city in the distance.
 “Wow…this place is actually pretty cool,” Gilbert admitted, spotting the couches in the terrace and taking instant sitting, letting out a deep sigh and pooling himself down in its comfort. “Definitely chose this one,” Gilbert seemed decided for Ludwig.
 “It is really nice…I just…to be honest, would have preferred to celebrate at Antico.”
 “At the restaurant?” Gilbert couldn’t believe, raising an eye as if with insult.
 “Originally, it was supposed to be a small get together. Antico had just the right size. It’s familiar, meaningful, beautiful, and I know the Valenti would offer us the best service and food.”
 “But we’ve already been there so many times! I think I had five birthdays there!” Gilbert groaned loudly, letting his head hang from the back of his chair.
 “Exactly, it’s special.”
 “Don’t you think kind of dull?”
 “Of course not.”
 “Do you really want to remember celebrating your wedding there?”
 “I really would not mind. Usually when I dream of a wedding, it’s always dancing with Feliciano in the restaurant.”
 “Oh god, that was sappiness I wasn’t expecting from you.” Gilbert had to sit up.
 “Yes! It just proves my point that we should go with the restaurant.”
 “No. None of the people we invited would fit there,” he had to remind, much to Ludwig’s distaste, grimacing at all the hated, uncaring, dull and criticizing guests they had recently added to the list. It didn’t make him as excited as he would have been. His thoughts went back to Feliciano, to how shinning, beautiful and happy he would surely be that day no matter, and it would be enough to get him to the task at hand.
 “Plus, it would just be too much for them. It wouldn’t look fancy enough and maybe people will even forget they’re at a wedding reception,” Gilbert tried to find as many excuses as he could.
 Ludwig sighed, “fine, I guess this is good. It’s better than some of the other places we’ve seen.” Despite everything, indeed it was beautiful, with space and profession.
 “Great! Want me to call them so we can get to booking?” Before Ludwig kept thinking and changing his mind.
  Feliciano rummaged the calendar, making all kinds of notes having to do with business, their coming move to Santo Domingo, how the season will react, keeping in mind length of preparations and just a time that can be comfortable. He was surprisingly silent, Ludwig sitting beside him, focused on his coffee and going over his last bank statements, trying to hide the grimaces of the toll his accounts will take with the new budget they had settled.
 “Do we really need to use that much?” Ludwig had to say, had to try and fight it.
 “I believe it’s what it’s normally used on a wedding,” Feliciano thought. If he minded, it was not shown to Ludwig.
 “Are they really supposed to be that expensive?”
 “I think so,” Feliciano sighed in disappointment.
 Ludwig neared, letting one arm wrap around, pulling him closer. “If it’s for you…then I really shouldn’t mind the amount.”
 “I think the same. I mean, Gilbert and Lovino were right, this is a day we want to remember, and we have to make it as special as we can, no matter what it costs,” it seemed like Feliciano was still trying to convince himself.
 Ludwig nodded and sighed, pushing himself more to having to accept, putting his phone away, keeping his mind from his accounts. To be near Feliciano, having him, got his mind in beautiful clouds and colors.
 “It’s rare that they agree on and actually work together to get us to do something,” Ludwig noticed.
 Feliciano laughed, beautifully shaking in his arms. “You’re right! We really do have to take their advice then,” Feliciano smiled in true happiness, one that rubbed off on Ludwig.
 “Perhaps this wedding planning could serve good for the both of them.”
 “Yes, it’ll get them to get along! They’ll be able to talk to each other and we won’t have to worry about them fighting so much!”
 “They could maybe even become friends.”
 Feliciano gasped at a sudden idea, “or lovers!”
 And Ludwig hurled in laughter, in a rare show of red and falling breathless. “Don’t get too carried away there.” He needed a moment to relax and breathe again. "For me it's enough that they can at least agree on something.”
 “But wouldn’t it be beautiful if they could get together too,” Feliciano dreamed.
 “It’ll be too weird really.”
 “No! It won’t be! Nothing is weird about love when it’s made right!”
 “I doubt they’ll love each other…that way.”
 “Well, who knows,” Feliciano shrugged, leaning more into Ludwig’s chest, quite a blush and smile on his face that made Ludwig feel more fortunate of having him. “Maybe the old Beilschmidt-Valenti magic can work on them like it did on us.”
 Ludwig hummed, “it’s quite a funny thing to put to mind.”
 “They’ll still be really sweet together, I know it!”
 Ludwig let him dream that idea as he let his hand traverse his hair, still not finding sense or chances of it actually occurring. “Don’t try to do anything.”
 “I won’t.” That’s when Feliciano focused his attention on a singular date, perfect between all, in spring, with space, sure and he knew many would be able to come. “April 27?”
 Ludwig took his own gaze at the calendar, smiling and agreeing along with him. “April 27.”
 They had a wedding date.
< chapter 3                                                                                                                          chapter 5 >
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theaveragekenyan · 4 years
Hungry Heart...
Hungry Heart.
A quick game of ‘Family Fortunes’. (Family Fortunes the game show where the answers were requested from a publicly polled question, i.e)
Q = Name a type of American Food.
A = Hamburger ....our survey says, Hamburger ✅ Top answer.
Q - Name a type of Italian Food.
A = Pizza …our survey says, Pizza ✅ Top Answer
Q - Name a type of Kenyan food.
A = Ugali…our survey says, Ugali ✅ Top Answer. 
I’m confident the above responses would be the most popular answers to those questions if a survey were taken on the streets of Nairobi today.  
Ask Donald Trump, what’s better than a Hamburger? Juicy, succulent ground beef with tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, pickle, mustard, ketchup all held together by an air pumped bread bun…nothing fake at all about that. 
Or what about a Pizza? oven fired circular dough, topped with an infinite amount of cheese options under any mix of vegetables and meat varieties…a billion deliveries every year can’t be wrong.
And let’s not forget a Kenyan staple, Ugali, ground maize meal, mixed with boiling water and then formed into a solid white ball. Delicious, well, ok…it’s not really delicious…it’s more a way of life and enjoyed because there’s very little other choice. 
Kenyan Food is interesting, because historically, food has developed into…well…food.
The food theory hasn’t moved too far away from the ‘don’t eat, die’ philosophy rather than into fancy cuisine. 
This is why I find the average Kenyan meal to be “BnB”, basic and bland, and Ugali has to stand right up there as a great example of BnB food.
Ugali has various names across Africa and is eaten by many, so African’s aside, It is a guarantee that all foreigner’s will be quizzed by Kenyan’s to find out if they have eaten Ugali. If the answer is yes, the next question will be ‘do you like Ugali?’
And this is when the foreigner will become increasingly awkward, stutter and generally skirt around the BnB fact. The foreigner will mince out cloaked enthusiasm and say “Yes…I’ve tried it…it’s nice…I…..like it” blatantly, the foreigner doesn’t want to get anywhere near describing it’s taste or what it’s eaten with. Essentially anything to not offend the Kenyan national dish.
Then, in the not too distant future, the foreigner will be with the person, that asked all of the Ugali questions, when Lunch is served. 
Naturally, the foreigner will be bumped up to pole position in the queue for food.
The food will be covered, all the lids down on the large metallic serving trays and then one by one up they pop. First serving tray open and it’s a large fresh tray of steaming Ugali.
As the cellophane is proudly pealed away,  “Ugali” announces the Kenyan “You said Ugali is nice” 
Now the food server hears this and loves it, how they laugh as the heavy serving spoon sinks into the epic Ugali field. The foreigner is now looking at the true scale of Ugali, out comes a Rugby ball sized portion and is placed on their plate “is that enough?” the server asks without irony. 
“Yes, plenty, Asantee” squirms the foreigner politely. On piles the rest of lunch, but there’s not much room on the plate for anything else. So the foreigner sits down at a table, with their plate of Ugali and other small scale assorted bitings, as the Kenyan’s join.
They all ask the same question “Oh, you like Ugali?” “Yes, I do, but this is a little bit too much for me” replies the foreigner, only to be met with “Oh that’s not much really” from the Kenyan’s, the foreigner looks around and realises this is no lie, food is stacked up on top of Ugali which rises up to peoples chests, steam touching their chins. The foreigner takes the first enthusiastic fork full to barrels of laughter 
“Eat it with your hands” say the Kenyans, 
“We eat Ugali with our hands” the advice continues to come in. 
The foreigner now has to quickly scan around to check how that’s done, they see many shovelling hands with golf ball sized portions of Ugali, scooping up sauce and trapping bits of meat and spinach. The foreigner gives it a go, but soon realise they’ve broken off too much Ugali and now their ball is the size of a Tennis ball. Oh dear, now they’ve got to eat up more Ugali than they thought they ever could. Each bite feels like it’s draining brain juice as their mouth dries to resemble the Sahara desert. There’s easily still 4 more bites of the Ugali ball to go. It’s time for evasive action, “hmmmm tha wath delithuth” splutters the foreigner as they stand up, turn around and spit their mouths content onto their plate and scrape it into the bin, I’ll never eat Ugali again they tell themselves.  
I think the closest comparison to Ugali would be Mashed Potatoes, well mashed potatoes if you don’t add salt, pepper, butter and milk. At least with mashed spuds, the extra additions don’t stop there; cheese, beetroot, butternut, Brussels, balsamic vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, chilli sauce all work to break up the classic spud recipe’s monotony.  Nothing like that with Ugali, oh hang on…it can be made either white or brown…the only difference being, brown Ugali soaks up your blood. 
Speaking of Mashed Potato, there is a fancy mash version here called Mukimo, it’s very nice. It’s bright green and has whole kernels of hard maize in it. I prefer it to Ugali, but it’s definitely one to serve yourself and not have a Kenyan do it for you. 
For the the larger part of Kenya, food is readily available, but with the poverty found in such places as the Nairobi slums, food has to be simple and within a ridiculously low daily budget, people don’t have too much of a choice to be flambéing duck or questioning how many times their chips have been deep fried. 
From my travels, I’ve noticed that many Kenyan meals will have been cooked for a good proportion of the day. Usually a slow cook involves beans and pulses, incredibly healthy, wholesome and organic, but also served incredibly dull. It’s essentially a bean stew with little flavour or signature kick. It’s like a can of ‘no frills vegetable soup’ that’s been boiled for 5 hours. It has a certain appeal, but it’s nothing special, yet to talk to a Kenyan about boiled beans or “Githeri” as it’s called, is, as if, it is some kind of speciality cuisine. Each region seems to have it’s own version, but the variety doesn’t seem to change that much, maybe one region adds carrots or potatoes and that’s about it. I guarantee, if that dish had originated in one of the poorest regions of China, it would be a real delicacy now. Sure you’d get the odd bat claw stuck between your teeth, but nonetheless, I imagine it would be an overall tastier experience than “Githeri”. Thanks Chef’s of Kenya, but I’ll stick with the English delicacy of baked beans on toast, cupboard to table in less than 10 minutes. 
That slow cooking style reverberates through many culinary styles. In fact, most food is slow cooked, this is why the over 70’s love eating here. Pasta is never al-dente, cabbage doesn’t come with a crunch, meat is a lottery as to how how much jaw action will be needed and eggs are always over cooked. Unless you’re in a Western priced Hotel or restaurant, food is never considered to be served ‘just cooked’, I’m yet to find a boiled salad, but I know it’s out there. Note to self, Boiled Salad, somebody get me Heston Blumenthal. 
The word Koroga means 'to stir’ in Swahili. A ‘foody’ experience, that is often talked about, is the Koroga. This is apparently a uniquely Kenyan Swahili experience. However, from my experience, what I was told about a Koroga and what I actually encountered at a Koroga were two completely different experiences.
This is what I was told about a Koroga.
A Koroga is a get together of family and friends who will start the event off by selecting meats, vegetables, herbs and spices and then start adding them all into a large pot. These ingredients will be cooked by the party as as the pot is regularly stirred by the party, whilst  allowing everything to cook for about 4-5 hours.
A Curry based BBQ, I mean that sounds like a proper great time. 
No, not quite, in fact from my experience, this is what actually happens.
A Koroga is a get together of family and friends who, once everyone has arrived and is indicated to start will instruct a Chef to add meat, vegetables, herbs and spices into a large pan and then cook everything for the guests, this will be then served 3-4 hours later when the most stirred things are the guests who are totally shit-faced from all the boozing whilst waiting for the food to be cooked. I just think the Koroga idea hasn’t really been properly thought out. It’s closest relative the BBQ or Braai work extremely well, but its USP is about DIY food and standing around the grill complaining. The Koroga’s USP is that the Chef decided to cook everything outside rather than in the kitchen, sorry, I just don’t get the appeal. 
One dish that is cooked quickly, at least I think it’s cooked quickly, is Nyama Choma. 
Translated literally - Nyama is meat - Choma is burn.  A Meat Burn. 
“I’ve heard it’s going to be lovely on Saturday, so you’re all invited around to ours for a Meat Burn” 
Fortunately, the meat isn’t burnt, not like at UK BBQ’s,
The choices of meat are;
Mbuzi = Goat. 
Kuku = Chicken. 
Nyama = any other type of Red Meat that is from a Cow. 
Sorry Lamb and Pork, this scene is not for you, go find your own Meat Burn.
Just like any badly managed BBQ/Braai, the final cook quality is hit and miss, the hits involve nice juicy tender bites of meat and sucked out marrowbone.  The misses include, chewy, sinewy, fatty meat if you can find it, and once again the experience lacks imagination. The only seasoning you will get is salt and there will only be one accompaniment to the meat which is called Kachumbari, a mix of tomato, onion and chilli.
So Kenyan Meat Burn’s are for the real purists only. I do love Nyama Choma though, if not just for it’s back to basic 10,000 BC appeal. 
One experience I never tire of, is a Kenyan breakfast in a Hotel. The breakfast routine follows the International standard of the best planned meal of the day. It starts at the Juice bar and ends up at the bloated Pig table. There’s always a great choice at a Kenyan breakfast, although many will be disappointed at the lack of bacon on offer, that’s because Kenyan’s prefer sausages to Bacon hands down. 
I like that many of the previous nights dinner offerings will be now re-served for breakfast. So there are always surprises to be had like Green Banana Curry, Githeri, Fish stew, Roast Potatoes, Lentil Stew and anything else that didn’t get eaten the night before.
Hands down, my favourite experience of a Kenyan breakfast is observing the Egg Chef. You’ll know it’s the Egg Chef because they will be dressed like the top google image search for Chef. 
The egg is treated with the most respect, kept separately and away from all the other dishes that are hidden underneath aluminium lids. The Eggs will never come into contact with the mixed up serving spoons covered in bean juice and banana curry, they are not good enough for the eggs. But wait, what’s this, what’s hiding underneath here?, oh it’s the Hard Boiled Eggs, the common, dirty poor bastard parent of the free and easy, liberated, naked eggs that the Egg Chef will caress and massage into a beautiful work of art. 
The Egg chef will be situated at the start of the line, but when you want him, he won’t be there. I say he, the Egg Chef is always a he, no Woman in Kenya is considered prestigious enough to do this job. The Egg Chef and Kenyan President are two Jobs women will never perform. 
So what tends to happen is this, in the absence of the Egg Chef people will pile up their plates first. Then the Egg Chef appears exactly when he wants, just like the true artist he is, only then will the egg orders be taken. 
Now the only cooking utensils the Egg Chef possesses are a frying pan and a spatula. So this limits the type of egg available to either a Fried Egg or an Omelette. I always like to joke I’ll take a poached Egg, but it’s short-lived because nobody understands what I’m saying. Don’t be getting technical with the Egg Chef, his position of authority is untouchable. 
Fried Eggs will be cooked in either two choices, “cooked” or “sunny side up”. The majority of times I’ve requested Sunny Side Up, the eggs have been served closer to raw, which is a little too avant-garde for me. So, they have to be sent back which will be re-served ‘cooked’. 
My advice, request cooked. 
If you’re asking for an omelette it will be either served “with everything” or “without everything”. “Without everything” is a plain egg omelette “With everything” is an Omelette mixed with finely chopped onion, capsicum and chilli pepper. Both Omelette varieties are good, but as previously mentioned, they will be “cooked”, i.e a properly cooked through, no nonsense, fuss free, nothing moving, Omelette. That said, they go down well and the pomp and circumstance of the occasion overrides any need for a fancy, modern, runny consistency. 
I’ve spoken to many people that blame the style of Kenyan food on Colonisation. 
Typical, blame the Brits for bequeathing a bland stereotypical diet. 
This is not true, because anyone that says they don’t like British Cuisine then goes onto say, except they like Pork Pie, Mr Kipling Cakes, Sausage Rolls, Full English Breakfast, Chicken Tikka Masala, Black Pudding, Sausage and Mash, Fish and Chips, Mushy Peas, Deep Fried Mars Bar, Jammie Dodgers, Sunday Roast, The Tasting Menu at The Fat Duck, Gordon Ramsey swearing, Monster Munch, Jellied Eels and Roast Badger. 
There, conclusive evidence that England has a varied and incredibly well established culinary tradition of original and modern food. 
So whilst there is an excellent and extensive varied selection of Kenyan restaurants, serving truly excellent food, once you step outside of all that and roam into the realms of “lazy” Kenyan food, you will be craving Pickled Onion Monster Munch all day long. 
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hokkaidodo-blog · 7 years
Some thoughts
I can’t believe it’s been a whole week since arriving here, it’s crazy! It feels like this has been one of the busiest and strangest weeks of my life, what with settling into a brand new town in a brand new country on the other side of the world, with new friends, new culture, new food, a new university and a whole new way of life. Everything seems to be moving so fast and it really is full steam ahead. I would be lying if I didn’t say that it wasn’t a little bit overwhelming, but a good kind of overwhelming. I guess kind of like when you order your favourite dish in a restaurant and the waiter brings out your food on a plate that’s three times the size of your face and you’re super excited to eat your dinner but at the same time you’re thinking “wow, that’s a lot of food to finish and enjoy and appreciate, this will be tough but I sure am going to make the biggest dent in this I can.” I mean not that that’s ever happened to me but that’s as descriptive a metaphor as I can think of. I feel like this post isn’t going to be as witty and sarcastic as my previous blog entries but rather a little rambly and reflective because I just want to document some thoughts that I’ve had in these last seven days.
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Sapporo TV Tower
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Sapporo TV Tower... at niiiight
Having not been here for that long, I guess it’s still kind of the “honeymoon period” of my time abroad, being that the weather is still kind of good, classes haven’t been too challenging yet and everything still has that inspiring, magical and new feeling to it. Maybe this feeling is just Japan and it will last; who knows. All I know is that Japan is different. Very different. And I don’t mean bad different, just different to what I – a not overly well-travelled, slightly posh (apparently), enthusiastic white boy from England is used to. It’s like imagine if you lived ten years of your life being a cat and you were taught a whole array of cat things and cat rules and cat traditions and you knew how to be a cat really well and then suddenly one day you woke up and somehow you were now a giraffe instead and now you had a totally new perspective and view of the world and suddenly all of the cat things that you learned were still kind of useful but they just needed adapting to giraffe things and giraffe rules and giraffe traditions in order to fit the new, height-attained you.
Actually, it’s nothing like that and what the fuck was that metaphor and that was a terrible sentence and I’m sure you could have imagined what it’s like without the irrelevant animal imagery.
Anyway, I feel that if I spend my time here comparing things to how they are back home, it will not be an enjoyable experience for me. It’s new, it’s exciting, it’s just as amazing – just unique. I suppose it’s all part of the dreaded culture-shock. I don’t like to call it ‘shock’ as such, maybe more of a culture transplant. When you see automatic doors that play bad Japanese covers of Otis Redding when you approach them, or vending machines on every street corner that dispense both hot and cold drinks at the same time, or station attendants who pop out of small holes in the wall when you press the help button; you just kind of think to yourself “lol I guess that’s Japan for you!” and walk away totally unphased smiling to yourself, trying to work out what the huge flashing billboard with a dancing raccoon in a maid’s hat it is trying to convince me to buy.
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Even though it’s a super modern city, Sapporo has some great views and green spaces.
Another thing that’s really interesting and eye-opening for me to experience is being part of the ethnic minority group here. It’s something that I do have some experience with - being in a minority community - but not in such an overt and immediately obvious way. (I mean, until I start wearing floral shirts and glitter and twerking to Nicki Minaj in the streets of Norwich whilst clutching a Vogue cigarette and a Starbucks frappé. I guess maybe that adds a little reason to the stereotype.) I’m not talking about discrimination – luckily and thankfully something that hasn’t happened to me – but you do become very aware of the fact that you are a foreigner, and a white foreigner at that. Nobody – apart from terrified looking Asian children – really pays you much attention, however, it’s an interesting personal feeling in the sense that you’re almost reminded daily that there’s this incredible new lifestyle and culture to get accustomed to and you can feel a little lost occasionally. It’s tough, but it’s “character building” as my stepdad would say. I mean you could break three limbs and lose all your taste buds and he’d still say it was “character building” but that’s irrelevant.
I’m British - being polite is nothing new to me. Overly polite in some situations. annoyingly polite, in fact. But Japanese politeness is on a whole new level. It’s an incredibly considerate society and I truly get the impression that everybody is exceptionally aware of everybody else and how they can minimise their imposingness (is that a word?) on others around them. I feel myself apologising constantly, or that I get the impression that I’m always in the way in a busy subway station, or that I’ve offended someone by something seemingly small and bland (to me) that is in fact something that Japanese society would rather you didn’t do. I’m someone who enjoys culture and customs and takes an interest in trying to assimilate and appreciate and understand these things as the people do, so I guess the British fear of making mistakes or being a hassle to someone manifests itself in a feeling of “I really am trying very hard not to be a stupid foreigner and I really don’t want you to think that I’m a stupid foreigner and please see that I’m trying to fit in with you and I’m sorry please like me and I love you and I will make you some tea if you like” ad infinitum.
But, I’m trying; I’m learning; I’m enjoying myself so I everything is hunky dory. And I guess this post turned out sarcastic after all. So to conclude:
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I drive this car without insurance?
So i just bought a new 350z model 06 from someone and i was wondering if i can drive it for couple of days. I live in California, near oakland and san jose. I heard people telling me that when u buy a new/used car u can drive it for 15-30 days without insurance. If someone knows a link to some stuff about this please tell me :D Thanks.""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in ohio?
I'm thinking about moving to Gnadehutten Ohio into a 3 bedroom mobile home, but I am worried the home owners insurance will cost me an arm and maybe a leg????""
Please reply its a Car Insurance question?
Please Give Me A link , Of telling how much is car insurance i am using Toyota Yaris I want to book Car Insurance For My car because My previous One is Finishing I want to get a New one I am searching on the internet to find any car insurance which is up to 800 pound's but i am unable Pleae i'll be gratful to you if u give me the correct Link for car insurance not the website thanks hope u undersatnd what i mean""
Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?
Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks
Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle?
meaning can you get arrested with no insurance?
""How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
Do you have to have vehical insurance?
do you have to have an insurance. I just want to use it for awhile.
AAA car insurance question?
I've been with State Farm since the 1970's, but am a member of AAA. I was going to take my State Farm papers down to the AAA office and see if they could give me a better rate. My question is, does anyone have any experience with AAA car insurance? Good or bad, I'd like to hear about it.""
""My friend already has auto insurance on her car, can I get my own insurance on her car or do i have to own it?
I have a Job interview at Coke Cola and I need to show them proof of insurance on the vehicle I drive however i do not own the car but ill be able to drive my friends
Does the insurance company have to pay me because my car is less valuable after getting repaired?
I have a 2005 VW Jetta TDI with 112,000 miles. It was hit in the front (not my fault) and did $7,100 worth of damage. It is repaired but if I go to sell my car it will obviously be worth much less because of a bad carfax report. It's not fair to me, so the insurance company should give me about $1,000 for the lost value. I called the insurance company and they gave me the run around and said the value is the same and argued with me. What do I do to get the money?""
Car Insurance/homeowners insurance?
Is Response Insurance a good company? I'm looking to lower my current rates with American Family. Response gave me some really good rate quotes.
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!?
I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!""
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Health insurance.?
I need affordable health insurance.Where to find one? Thanks!!!
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
Approximate insurance rate for a 2011-2012 Chevrolet Camaro?
Alright so im just looking around and i saw the new lease for the camaro's msrp is aprx 23k and that is a little in my price range. But i would like to know the apprx insurance rate. Im in a family plan with my mom and brother. My brother has 2 major accidents and my mom might have 1 both at fault accident. My age is 16 almost 17. I dont plan on getting the SS just the basic model ( auto ) our insurance company is mercury. I know i wont get anything exact im just looking for an aprx. And please no comments on im too young for this car. im just considering this option. BTW i was given a quote for $140 for a 2002-2004 BMW 325 coupe and i know American car insurance is usually cheaper?
COSECO Insurance Company?
does anybody know about COSECO Insurance Company I need a quote in auto insurance. i live in North York, is there any best rate insurance company""
Does anyone know some cheap insurance companies for drivers who just passed?
UK only please :)xx
Do I really need to buy the insurance?
Renting a car from Enterprise, I don't have a car or insurance but I do have a Drivers Lic.....Is the insurance a scam? Or should I get it? I am in California.""
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
How much do u spend for your car insurance a year?
I would like to compare the fares to german car insurances.. e.g. for a VW Polo or Ford Fiesta..
How much would it cost to put an 18 year old on progressive car insurance?
I have to add my daughter to my insurance and I want some input before I make any decisions. What is a good estimate for how much it would cost?
car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
Will a reckless driving ticket affect an insurance premium in Georgia?
My husband recently went through a road block after leaving work (playing music in a bar.) He was honest and said he'd been drinking, even though he waited for a while and had not had that much to drink. He blew .07 over the legal limit. He went to jail for 14 hours. We paid a lot of money and got the charge dropped to reckless driving. This was six months ago and our insurance premium has only gone down (good grades and homeowner's insurance with same company.) We are afraid to ask the insurance company for fear that they might not know. 1. Will that info get sent to them automatically? 2. Is there danger that our bill will go up if we speak to them about it? 3. What percentage might the bill go up once they do find out? We are looking to buy a new car soon, so we can't avoid speaking to the insurance company about it forever!""
Have any 19 year old male's managed to get their car insurance under 2 grand in the past year or so?
If so, what company were you with? On my mum's suzuki wagon the insurance quote from aviva have been ridiculously high, but I managed to get one for 2 grand with a 50% drop in price next year due to no claims, the cheapest i've managed so far. Anyone with experience know where to go or if it's possible to get it cheaper on a vauxhall corsa?""
How can I find cheap car insurance?
I have a policy with RBC. They just jacked me up by 400 a year....
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
""Conservatives, you're always claiming that Obama-care is the reason that insurance costs are increasing, so?""
regarding the 80% increase in insurance premiums, and the 11% increase in the number of Americans who did not have health insurance coverage during the Bush presidency, was that because a magical elf traveled back in time to the year 2000 to tell insurance company executives that Obamacare was coming? Or could it be that insurance premiums have been increasing at an average rate of 8 to 11% per year for about the last 15 years and the increases we've seen in the last few years aren't indicative of costs associated with Obama-care (Which hasn't even been fully implemented yet) and Conservatives are just trying to make political hay out of cost increases that are consistent with established trends?""
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance?
I recently bought a Honda CBR600F4I and am looking for inexpensive insurance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does this car legally have insurance?
My friend just purchased a new car and the temporary registration Is in her name but the car is insured under her moms policy without her listed as an additional driver. So if she is stopped by police will they coincided this car insured or uninsured? Also when it's time for her permanent registration will the state accept a proof of insurance on the car without her name on it? We live in Georgia by the way.
I want to start baby sitting do i need insurance?
im going to take a baby sitting course and use it to make a little extra money, i plan to go to the child's home to look after them in the evenings and i was wondering if i needed to get any sort of insurance. i like in the uk if that makes any difference.""
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
Life insurance.........?
my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?""
Is california an affordable and nice place to live?
I live in ohio and I want to move to california to go to cal state in concord. I just need a little information from someone who lives there. Like is food and clothes expensive and is it expensive to buy furniture. I have already got the cost of a house and found some cheap ones. I just need to know how much money I will need. So can anyone help?
I got a speeding ticket. Any estimate of how much insurance premium may go up by?
Got my first speeding ticket in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km on a 60km limit road. Just wondering how much insurance premium rate can go up by... or is there any chance it won't? Would love to fight it, but I live in Toronto and the drive up there is a waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a $95 fine, losing 3 demerit points and having it on record for 3 years.""
Can i buy my own health insurance?
Can i buy my own health insurance? i'm 17.
Why at 22 years old is a first time drivers insurance so dam high?
Yeah so the title says it all. Has anyone got any tips on how to lower insurance down a bit I'm looking at prices from 2k-2.4k at the moment and that's only on a 1.3 ford fiesta. Hopefully someone has a few tips on how to get the cheaper insurance ;p
Does anyone know a cheap but good insurance company?
im 19 in dec and have been driving an year, with no incidents so far :) the company i was with has gone up! and they said they were gna go down, i know i can get a better deal sum were else so im not goin to stop with them, jus wunderd if anyone knew any good company's? please leave websites aswell :)""
Who do you speak to when your auto insurance is not paying you for the total damage done to yor vehicle.?
Is there a health insurance in PA that covers pre-existing conditions?
I just moved currently, from where my previous employer covered my insurance, now that I have moved, I need a insurance policy that covers immediately as I'm trying to figure out what is wrong. Please help.""
How can I get cheaper car insurance as a new young driver?
Hello I'm a first year University student and I'm now looking to get my first car. As you may all know, the prices for insurance specially on young drivers are very high and I obviously will not be able to afford 350 a month for insurance even on my part-time job. I just wanted to know if there were any legal ways of my getting a cheaper quote. Could I insure under my uncle's name who has 9+ years NCB on his license? I'm aware of fronting and that most parents do it in order to get a cheaper quote for the son/daughter but i'm sure there are other legal ways of getting cheaper insurance right? I've previously driven in other countries if that also helps. All help will be greatly appreciated Thank you, Robert""
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
On whos name should be the insurance?
need help with car insurance. the car is registerested on my girlfriend... and current insurance is on her name - but we both included ... now we want to change company... the only thing is that my girlfriend currently is not in country... can I buy insurance on my name with both included even if the car is registered on her name?
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
Does a car rental insurance claim affect my normal insurance?
I rented a car recently in London, and failed to notice that there was a small dent in the door when I took it out. Needless to say, they blamed me for the damage. They wrote up 850 in damages for a one-inch dent, and charged it to the rental insurance. I paid the 100 excess -- Fine, OK, it was my fault for not checking properly, but that's not my question. Does this claim affect my own personal insurance for my own car? Will I have to pay a higher premium now?""
How do I go about getting car insurance?
I'm 19, my car insurance now is under my parents name and they pay for it. I want to by a Mustang and I want to pay for the insurance myself. So do I go see an agent? Or do it online? I tried to get a quote online and I'm not sure how to answer certain questions.....I DID get in an accident 3 years ago but my insurance company never caught me on it, so will they find out if I try to get my own insurance now? Should I use a different company to not get caught and have to pay higher rates?""
Home owners insurance help?
I need new home insurance but I have bad credit what can I do?
car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
How much would the insurance on this car be?
It's a 2007 Toyota solara silver with 63000 miles on it...how would full converge be per month? Just an estimate.
I need help!!!! where can i find health coverage?
Every day I suffer from pain. I have a wife and kids to support and an autistic son, so my wife cannot work, that way she can give him the care he needs. Medi-cal sent me a rejection. I can't get insurance because they all say they won't cover me for a pre-existing condition. I tried applying for the states pre existing healthcare program, they said I couldn't get coverage because my birth certificate has a different name than I have now. Hey......I have no control over the decisions mom made. I need help.!!! I struggle every single day and minute with this pain. I have a doctor that I pay cash to see, every time I go he gives me heck about writing a pain med. Script. Talks down to me really. He only gives a little bit, and its hard to find a cash doctor at all who would even offer these at all because of the people who abuse it. I'm at wits end, I'm ou of options if anybody knows of a program in California or anything federal that can help a white male, in the 30's, self employed, with a debilitating condition, make too much to be a bum, not enough to afford paying my own way through medical procedures, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!""
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
Gap insurance and warranty on car that was totaled?
I am not sure who is right on this one.... We bought a car in 12/11. We purchased gap insurance and an extended warranty at that time through the dealer. We decided to refinance the car through the credit union were we are members. The gap insurance was 1/2 the price we purchased at the dealer. The dealer and bank said that we should receive a refund. In the process of all of this the car was totaled by my 18 year old daughter in March. 1. We recieved a check made out to us from the dealer for the gap insurance.(pro-rated 4 months) 2. The dealer turned in the paperwork for us for the refund on the warranty and the warranty company sent it to the previous lein holder that we left. The initial bank in turn said it was our money and reissued a check made out to us. Any thoughts appreciated. Is it really our money?
Can my dad (lives out of State) add me to his car insurance policy?
Hi. I'll be getting my first car soon and I have some questions regarding car insurance. My Dad lives out of state (I live with my mother), and I was wondering if he can add me to his insurance policy. I believe he has State Farm. I understand that it would be cheaper to go under my parent's policy than to create a new policy just for myself. My mother is unwilling to add me to her car insurance policy due to the fact that I am under 21 (insurance rates will increase). If anyone who is in the industry / has experience or knowledge about this and could shed some light, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advanced. BTW: I'm in the US.""
""Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?
Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.
Good home owners insurance rate?
I am purchasing a new home. It is 2400sq feet, plus a finished basement and a finished attic. Also, there is an additional detached garage. The replacement value was placed at $230,000. I was quoted $800/year for 100% replacement value and $1000 deductible. OR $600/year with 80% replacement value and $2500 deductible. This is through State Farm, and I am purchasing the home in Pennsylvania. Are these good quotes for home owners insurance?""
Weekend only car insurance?
I'm looking for some car insurance but only need it for the weekends but every weekend. I was wondering if a) there is at all anyway that this is possible, and if so where I could do this? It is for an under 21 year old as well Thanks""
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
How much will my car insurance be im 17?
im going to be on with my parents insurance they have state farm and im getting a 2000 mustang v6 how much will insurance be i also live in florida
""I have the title to and own my car, does ohio still require that i carry state minimum insurance?
i heard on a radio show that if you had the title to your car you don't need to have collision or comprehensive insurance
Rear ended in a three car crash. Who's insurance is liable?
I was rear ended in a 3 car crash, I am the first one. Car 2 hit me first ( I feel 2 impact), then car 3 slightly bump the car 2. My rear bumper ( car 1) damaged and the front of car 2 got heavy damage. the rear bumper of car 2 almost no damage. also, the front of car 3 look like new. Problem is car 2 insurance only agreed to pay 50% because they said after car 2 rear end me , car 3 rear end car 2 that make further damage to my rear bumper. Car 3 insurance will not pay anything because base on the damage they found, car 3 can't make any damage to me. The repair cost is less than 1000 ( my deductable) , I don't want to use my own insurance to repair my car, coz I think my ins co will not fight for my 1000 deductable. What I can do? I am not agreed what the car 2 insurance co said. Should I go to small claim court or.... its only 850 dollars.""
Insurance premium after fender bender?
So I was involved in a fender bender in a case where I was at fault. Minor damage to the rear fender of the jeep in front of me, no damage to my car. Question is, if I file an insurance claim how much do you suggest my rates will increase? I am 21 year old male, not one ticket, or accident prior to this case, been driving for 5 yrs.""
""Should i buy earthquake insurance in Portland, Oregon ?""
Should i buy earthquark insurance in Portland, Oregon ? My house is built in 2005. Can't afford to lose it. It is said there will be a big earthquake 9.0 in Seattle, Portland area. Scared but better to believe. :) Your idea ? thanks.""
Cheapest Car Insurance here in Florida?
My wife will going to finance a car this month. A ford focus to be specific and its my first time to avail an Auto Insurance but I'm driving for four years in Philippines and I'm now 24 yrs old. Some advice what car insurance company is the cheapest for first time buyer and who doesn't have a credit history? My wife is 29 and we got our license here in Florida last month. I drive for more than 4 years and my wife just learned how to drive last year before we went here in US.
""When you get married, how do you get off of your parent's insurance, etc?""
My dad still has me declared as a dependant, and my car insurance and health insurance is on his. When I get married will these automatically change, or do I have to notify the insurance companies and tax people?""
For what reason would i not qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
i was recently let go from work. so, for what reasons could i not qualify for unemployment insurance? and for what reason could i qualify for it?""
How much is car insurance for a new driver?
How much would car insurance cost in BC in a rural area for a 17 year (new driver). Thanks. The car would be a mustang from 1995-2001
Where can I get good credit insurance?
I have heard good things about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. I would like to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions.
Is my car insurance in place.?
basically i applied for a car insurance and in the quote i put in a false licence held date as i only had my licence a month ago but i put in march 2012. They have taken the deposit of 300 already from my account so does that mean i got away with the lie about the licence held date and does that mean my insurance will be in place soon. I lied because i think insurance is cheaper if you have old licence. thanks
I am 6wks pregnant. Insurance companies wont accept me now. What do I do?
I am afraid to call other places and tell them I am pregnant b/c i know they wont accept me. I need to find a place that will cover me and my baby. I don't know where to start to look. Help please to point me in the right direction.
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
If i cancel my auto insurance before the 6 months are up will i get money back?
i gave 730 dollars for 6 months of insurance in april and it expires in september...but im selling my car an not driving it and want to take the insurance off....will i get money back after i prepaid for 6 months even tho i didnt use all 6 months?
Driving w/ no insurance?
i was driving my dad's car to the movies one night and got into a car accident. I don't have insurance on the car because its my dads, but i do have insurance on my car is it possible to get my insurance to cover the accident?""
car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
Can I stay on my parents health insurance if I move out?
I am 23 years old and I go to school full time in California. I have a job at a restaurant that does not offer health insurance and my parents would not be contributing financially. If I move out to an apartment, can I stay on my parents health insurance?""
""Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Do i need to list the second driver on my insurance policy?
If they aren't registerd to the vehicle but drive it often do they need to be on the policy at all? Im paying way too much with two currently...
Would this car make my insurance go up?
I'm thinking about purchasing a 97' Cavalier LS Convertible, would this car make my insurance go? and by how much? Also does anyone know anything about these cars? Are they good cars? Mechanically wise and gas wise. By the way, I'm 16 in case that effects your answers.""
How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?
I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.""
5 Day Hold On Insurance Claim Check?
I got my insurance claim check from the USPS [Postal Service] & I Signed The Check Over To My Friend For i Could Use Her Credit Card She Went Into Our Credit Union And They Told Her It Would Be On A 5 Day Hold Which Made no Sense Since All The Security Features On The Checks Are Easy To Verify By Looking At It...Is There A Reason They Put A hold On It?
Help with Car Insurance/License!?!?
Okay, so I'm a 17 year old girl in michigan. I am planning to take my road test soon and then get my license. I have divorced parents and my grandfather on my moms side is going to buy me a car and keep it in his name. He is going to put me as the primary driver on this car and pay for the insurance. However; I live with my dad and therefore my address on my license will be at my dad's house, since you have to have proof of residency when you go to secretary of state. My dad has been extremely annoying about this situation, saying that his car insurance will go up since I live here, so I need to know if it will or not. The people I have talked to so far say that it won't since I am not a driver on his car or his wife's. I've been wanting to get my license so I can get a job and whatnot for over a year now, so please help me with your experience. Thank You :)""
""If a teenager gets into a car accident, how long until their insurance rate goes back down?""
One of my friends was recently involved in a car crash which I believe he was at fault at. The other car didn't sustain much damage, but his car took quite a beating. He's only 17, and he's basically in a shell shock right now since it was his first accident. He told me that he feels really guilty about the fact that his insurance his gonna spike up (State Farm) and he feels so bad for the fact his dad is gonna be having to pay for it. So my question is..will his insurance always be that high for the rest of his driving life until he's old? Or will it steadily go back down?""
Car insurance more expensive for younger drivers?
In the UK we have a little piece of legislation under the European Convention on Human Rights, which gives us freedom from discrimination. I know that a lot of young drivers are inexperienced and more eager on the roads, but what about the careful ones? Is it not a form of stereotypical discrimination for car insurance companies to charge more for younger drivers, and older ones for that matter?""
Why should car insurance be cheaper for young people?
car insurance should not be cheaper for young people because they are not responsible
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
I am looking for a srs surgeon who accepts insurance?
my employer now pays for surgery but i cant fing a surgeon who accepts insurance. any ideas?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
What value does insurance companies go by to determine if car is totaled or not?
I have 2001 honda civic ex with 140,600 miles on it. I recently wrecked it and the body work, paint, and labor is coming up to $3900. There is some work under the hood that needs to be done, but I was told to get a seperate estimate for that and contact the insurance company. How much does the repairs have to amount to before the car is considered totaled???""
Can young drivers get insurance for classic cars?
I've been looking around, and none of the insurance websites i have been on are very clear... I am a 17 y/o girl, and would like to drive a classic beetle. Is it possible to get insurance on classic beetles as a young driver? If so, where? Is classic car insurance cheaper than normal car insurance? :)""
Does my Jaguar qualify for classic car insurance?
I have a 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, is it eligible for classic car insurance??""
Insurance rate for 2000 ford escort?
it has 143k miles for a female i just need an estimate, it is for a class assignment thanks""
Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?
I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
How to get cheap car insurance?
I've heard of people somehow getting cheap car insurance and i want to know their secret!
Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?
I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do
Anyone know any California insurance based company writing in Texas?
Anyone know any California insurance based company writing in Texas?
Can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance?
can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance? i am under my parents insurance policy.what i would like to do is lease a car with my credit, and insure the car with my parents insurance (which i'm under).is this possible?""
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
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