#and maybe I’m just being bitter or smthn but if you go to hang out w someone don’t be on your phone the whole time 🤨
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makkie-is-screaming · 11 months ago
she was supposed to come over yesterday but blew me off for her other cousins m then spent most of today w them n her dads picking her up early as hell tomorrow :/
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bthump · 4 years ago
Hi I dont know if you've answered this before, but hypothetically how do you think Griffith would've reacted if Guts and Casca had gotten together prior to him getting tortured? This is if Griffith continued being unavailable to the both of them which pushed them together before Guts left the BotH. I wonder if it would have affected his dream priorities bc of jealousy? Would he have accepted it but be bitter about it? Subconsciously behave as if in competition with Casca for Guts' attention?
Yk I’ve never considered this before.
I really like the idea of him subconsciously competing with Casca ngl, like how after Guts leaves the centre of the love triangle flips from being Griffith to being Guts, it’d be like that except more drawn out and awkward and less tragic.
I think he’d see himself as accepting it, like guts or casca would tell him and he’d be like that’s great :) i’m happy for you two :)) guess you finally learned to get along after all haha :))))))) and then the first time guts leaves a drinking night early with casca and griffith is stuck watching them go it’d be like a punch in the stomach.
I’d like to imagine Guts and Casca breaking apart organically in this rather than bc of Griffith confessing his feelings or smthn, because I legit don’t think they’d work out long term lol and if I was reading a fic like this I’d probably enjoy seeing their relationship just sort of dissolve naturally because they work better as friends. But I could imagine a lot of different possibilities there that also include griffguts feelings - like maybe trying to be with Casca romantically and finding it a bad fit is what clues Guts into the realization that it’s not Casca he wants to be with and he’s totally pining for Griffith.
Also I like the idea of it affecting his dream lol, like say a lowkey jealous Griffith starts going out of his way to spend more time with Guts and even ditches Charlotte for him a few times. And maybe Guts prioritizes Griffith over Casca back, and doesn’t realize it’s an issue until Casca gets upset about it. And I could imagine Griffith’s jealousy being what makes him acknowledge his feelings for Guts to himself, maybe. Though imo if he did acknowledge them I think he’d hate himself for it a bit and back off and distance himself.  If both things happened - Guts and Griffith hanging out more followed by Griffith retreating that might be a bit of a wakeup call for Guts too, like realizing while he’s with Casca that he’s wishing he was with Griffith instead.
Idk it’s a good question and an interesting scenario to think about, ty for bringing it up and lmk if you have any more thoughts about it!
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the-cryptographer · 8 years ago
FF8 Questions: (1) Why did Rinoa get so much hate back in the day (2) Why is Zell/Seifer so popular
(1)    Wasn’t that just a thing back in the day? Allthe female characters getting hate?
Okay, but Rinoa-
Isn’t fully introduced as a character untilafter almost all the other principle characters have been introduced.
Has two guys vying for her, a loving father, anda bunch of supporters in Timber. Neither Squall nor Seifer’s interest in her isvery well justified by the narrative – which is kind of a problem regardingSquall seeing as their romance is at the centre of the game’s story. Whyexactly she has all these supporters in Timber when she’s young and naïve, and neithera very good orator nor a good planner, is also mysterious. And, also, shecanonically dated Seifer before she started seeing Squall. A girl who dated oneguy and then ditched him for another guy~ Don’t you know that’s a cardinal sinfor fictional women?
Is very magical and special. Or the narrativedecides she’s super special and magical. She develops super sorceress powers andstuff.
Is generally a bit bland. Her introduction properin Timber is pretty good but, as the story continues, she starts to losemomentum in terms of having personal motives and goals and… personality. Mymemory of this game isn’t perfect, but somehow I can better pick out strong personalitytraits for Selphie and Quistis, and how they might spend their free time, in away I can’t for Rinoa. (Maybe she plays fetch with Angelo, lol~)
Is part of the game’s power couple, but lacksagency within the story of her romance. The way she loses control of her own consciousnessbecause of the sorceress powers is maybe a quick clue but, more to the point, theway you’re constantly made to rescue her. The game and its romance become verymuch about Squall pursuing her while she does… what, exactly? Why isn’t she amajor player in this relationship if it’s so gd special?
Is female. Which obviously isn’t a make-or-breakkind of thing in of itself. But it means she’s held to a higher standard ingeneral and all. And you’re always going to have one or two people complainingshe ‘got in the way’ of the slash or smthn.
This is not my hate letter to Rinoa, okay? I actually rather like her. Iliked her back when I first played the game. I like her now. She’s not myfavourite by any means, but she hits a good mix of sweet and spirited andflawed and good character design and interesting backstory and has a dog.
But, no, I don’t think she’s a very well written character. She kind of getselevated above the other women in the narrative, despite being the least developed.So… a bad mix of a bit sue-ish plus a bit bland. A sure-fire way to draw allkinds of character hate. Like a magnet.
(2)   Umm… maybe because Zell/Seifer is the best pairing,smh?!?I’m sorry. I’m just messing with you. I mean, I do like the ship. (Hmm… tall,stoic guy has insulting nickname for shorter, energetic guy whose greatest talentis punching things… Nope~ I can’t think of any other ships like that :D )asdfghjk; idk, isn’t this a lot ofpopular slash ships? They are foils and they banter and get on each other’snerves? But, while I have a weakness for ships containing foils, it’s not as ifI like every single one of them… Some things about Zell/Seifer in specific-
They seems to have a history and establishedrivalry of sorts at the beginning of the game. It’s easy to extrapolate off ofthat and imagine the kind of military school shenanigans they went throughtogether precanon and might go through again postcanon.
It’s a pair-the-spares in a way. You don’t haveto break up any of the canon pairings to engage it. Also I remember more thanonce running into people being confused about whether or not Zell was canongay. A kind of urban legend associated with the game or something??? So far asI recall, he doesn’t really show any interest in women (or men) in the game, soI can see how people might take that as evidence of sorts. Also his room isclean and maybe he likes the colour pink, and that’s girly which is gay, and peopleare just walking stereotypes, and nobody is allowed to do anything slightlyatypical for their assigned gender without it having some kind of deepermeaning, except this is fiction and not reality so that may actually be true.So much sarcastic. So much bitter.
Also isn’t Zell trying to get along and makenice with Fuujin and Raijin pretty hilarious? I feel very pro- Zell and Fuujinand Raijin hanging out.
elliemars fic is very good. I recommend themall, but especially Rain Today, RainTomorrow.
Chicken-wuss is a hilariously bad insult.
:)  Thanks for the ask,anon!
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