#and may the hamasniks names and memories be blotted out
kelluinox · 22 days
In Russia people often say "Motherland will always abandon you" because every Russian knows that the government will never come to help them. Never ever. Every Russian knows that they are nothing to the government. That nobody in the government cares, or will ever care. Russians are fodder. They are a resource. They are trash to those in power. Nothing more than that.
But now America has shown that it is truly no different. An American was kidnapped, held for 11 months and then brutally murdered.
Simply for being a jew.
And America? America did nothing. The american government did nothing. Some Americans even celebrated.
And that. That's something I'll never forget.
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kelluinox · 23 days
As far as I'm concerned every single pro hamas pro terror protestor helped murder Hersh, Eden, Ori, Carmel, Alex and Almog. Every single soulless, bloodthirsty piece of shit hollering pro terrorist slogans on college campuses and online is responsible. You celebrated our rape and murder and I hope those are the last celebrations you ever have in your miserable lives. I hope you suffer every second of your existence on this planet, like the families of the hostages you helped murder are suffering right now. You are hateful, bigoted, stupid, privileged, narcissistic psychopaths and your hands are soaked in blood as much as Hamas' are. I have nothing more to say to you except that I sincerely hope your future is dark and full of pain and that you never ever feel even a scrap of happiness ever again.
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