#and matt vines wearing 28
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dreamings-free · 7 months ago
a little something for the steve durham fanclub.. ✨
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whaledesu · 6 years ago
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Those antique metal, enamel coated cups.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Idk, I was a pretty normal child.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Depends on where the soda comes from honestly.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I really like fashion, but goth fashion out of those.
7. earbuds or headphones?
headphones are preferable 
8. movies or tv shows?
Why not both?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
The rain, always.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Dodgeball I guess, the part where you don’t get hit, not throwing lol.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
It’s just called Mood Dump. Lol
13. lanyard or key ring?
key chains 
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Probably Jolly Ranchers
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
If it was an assigned one I don’t remember, they always made us read the same ones over and over.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Indian style, always 
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
just some grey slip on ones
18. ideal weather?
cold, raining, clouds overcast in the sky with a bit of a breeze
19. sleeping position?
half on the side, half on the stomach with a leg pushed up haha
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
On my laptop, it’s easier to be able to spit out words as fast as possible
21. obsession from childhood?
22. role model?
Kyo from Dir En Grey
23. strange habits?
I eat my food one item at a time a lot, don’t know why
24. favorite crystal?
idk does Amythest count? I like those as well as Emeralds
25. first song you remember hearing?
Probably something from Disney movies
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Stay inside in the air conditioning lmao
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Just stand outside and inhale the air deeply
28. five songs to describe you?
In no particular order, without context:
1) Tousei - Dir En Grey 2) Closer to Fine - Indigo Girls 3) The Final - Dir En Grey 4) Glass Skin - Dir En Grey 5) Heavy - Linkin Park
29. best way to bond with you?
Talk to me about the food and movies you love
30. places that you find sacred?
Anywhere in nature that feels untouched by the world really
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Batman’s costume
32. top five favorite vines?
I don’t even remember any at this point lol
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Probably something like “alrighty”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
For some reason I always remember “It’s pizza time”
35. average time you fall asleep?
My sleep schedule is as chaotic as I am lmao
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
idk ones probably before I knew what memes even were
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Suitcase all the way
38. lemonade or tea?
Black, iced, sweet tea only.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
No, I hate citrus desserts.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Once in middle school in language arts, I just heard my teacher say to a kid in my class suddenly: “Brandon, put your penis away.” 
41. last person you texted?
Matt I think
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
pants pockets are invaluable
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
I love how bomber jackets look, but I am a hoodie person through and through
44. favorite scent for soap?
Cherry Blossom
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Superhero is not a genre? But I choose horror anyway.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
T-shirt, pajama pants allllllll the way
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
Pineapple I guess, the outside does not match the inside lol
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
Here’s a handful. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” “Treat others how you want to be treated.” “Let it go, Let it be.” "Face the abyss, but don't let it consume you."
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Just way too many things that would take too long to list.
51. current stresses?
Haha, loaded question fam
52. favorite font?
Segoe UI
53. what is the current state of your hands?
Soft, with a scrape on my thumb and a new scar on my right ring finger lmao
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Adults play more games than kids do
55. favorite fairy tale?
If Red Riding Hood counts that one
56. favorite tradition?
Watching horror movies with my Mom
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Losing my Dad Being very personally betrayed by someone Everyone I get close to eventually walking out on me
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Idk I’m just me fam
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Something with magic and travel
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“Feed me Seymour!”
62. seven characters you relate to?
Spike - Cowboy Bebop Snorlax - Pokemon That being said I’m too lazy to come up with the other 5 right now
63. five songs that would play in your club?
People lost their shit when “Yeah” by Usher played every time
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Gaia Online
65. any permanent scars?
Yeah a few but nothing major
66. favorite flower(s)?
White Roses, White Lotus, ones I don’t know the names of
67. good luck charms?
My 22 pound fat ass orange cat Genji
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I’m just gonna go with brussels sprouts
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
the one where pineapple eats you back
70. left or right handed?
I’m mostly left handed but also right handed with some things
71. least favorite pattern?
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
probable elote 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
somewhere between 5 and 7 depending on my mood
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I was probably like 6?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Gonna have to say au gratin potatoes man
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
whatever makes you happy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
gas station coffee is a special thing
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
my old school photo for sure lol
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
what are jewel tones? tf
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
lightning bugs yo
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
music please
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
both fam
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
I’ve already lived most of them so who cares but lets go with drowning
88. your greatest wish?
that my anxiety would fuck off forever
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My cat lol
90. luckiest mistake?
I’m not sure?
91. boxes or bags?
they do two very different jobs tf
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
moonlight please
93. nicknames?
Uru, Kyo, Rea
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
idk idc
96. desktop background?
A drawing I liked
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
like 3
98. favorite historical era?
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sparrow-of-fury · 8 years ago
every single two digit number in the ask meme that interests you/that you're comfortable answering
11: Me and my noodle arms couldn’t wrestle anyone if I wanted too. 
12: I’m not allergic to anything. 
13: I like to think i’m a good singer. i sing in the shower.
14: My boyfriend @goddamnitjustletmepickausername 
15: Either an old Dodge Challenger or Mini Cooper
16: I don’t really like covers of the songs i listen to.
17: My last convo was about my new glasses.Ii previously wore contacts.
18: I was born in Mineral Wells, Texas. 
19: Ifunny. I keep it on my phone because it has my old vines on it.
21: I do like wearing sunglasses. But mine got broken in marching band two years ago, I keep using them until they broke more a month ago.
23: French and British i'm sure on. My grandma claims to be Cherokee but we’re not sure.
24: Money
26: I have short hair. but I like both short and long hair.
27: Charlie from Supernatural.
28: All of Thor Ragnarok, even though i haven’t seen it yet.....
29: I ship so many fictional characters
30: I don’t like country music unless its Carrie Underwood, and all her songs are good.
31: Havent read any of his books
32: Don’t listen to his songs. 
33: Rowan and Aelin from The Throne of Glass series @superhuman-imagines
37: My loved ones
38: All my friends know of him and have heard my distaste for the absolute ass. MATT WALTER.( it was an abusive relationship mentally)
39: Again, MATT WALTER broke my heart.
40: Depending on the person, yes i do
41: stuffed animals or candy
44: @goddamnitjustletmepickausername I LOVE YOU, YOU ADORABLE BLOND BASTARD!!
45: I think
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years ago
1. Where are you from?
I am from Finland
2. Where do you live and for how long? A town in the western part of Finland, i’ve lived here my whole life
3. What’s your favorite thing about where you live? I like the city center even tho it is under construction atm and looks like a total mess. but it has pretty much every shop and store i need in my life
4. What did you love the most about the town you grew up in? Like i said, i’ve lived here my whole life
5. Do you have any pets? My mom has two cats but i don’t live with her anymore, but i still call them my cats
6. What was your 1st pet’s name? We had a pet hamster whose name was Hermanni, lol
7. What’s your favorite season? Probably winter or summer
8. What’s your favorite movie? There’s plenty, for example Gothika, Shutter Island, Misery, Seven…
9. Favorite movie in the past 5 years? Same as now, lol
10. What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during? Maybe Fun With Dick and Jane, that movie was really funny, i love Jim Carrey
11. What’s a movie you cried the hardest during? The only movie i’ve cried while watching was Train to Busan, the ending is really really sad
12. What’s the best-animated movie ever created? I don’t know about the best but i’ve always liked Over the Hedge
13. Favorite TV show? CSI Miami
14. Favorite TV show that is currently on? Well they have CSI Miami rerun on tv at the moment
15. What’s your favorite restaurant? The local American Diner we have here
16. What’s your favorite food? Pasta. And sushi, also chicken and salmon
17. Least favorite food? Anything pickled
18. What toppings do you get on your pizza? Mushroom and tuna, also garlic
19. Favorite beverage? Just plain water. I also like lemon cola
20. Favorite dessert? Ice cream
21. Is there a dessert you don’t like? I don’t really enjoy cream cakes
22. Cake or pie?
Pie i guess
23. What’s your favorite ice cream? Vanilla, raspberry and liquorice lol
24. What’s your favorite condiment? Garlic or paprika mayo
25. What do you get for brunch?
I don’t know exactly what brunch means
26. It’s 4 am on a Saturday night, what do you eat? I’m usually sleep by then LMAO
27. What one thing do you have in your fridge at any given time? Milk i guess
28. Weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? I don’t think i’ve ever eaten anything weird
29. What’s your favorite band? I don’t listen to bands
30. Favorite solo artist? James Arthur
31. Favorite nonliving musician? I’d say Amy Winehouse. i like some of her songs. i don’t really listen to deceased singers
32. Favorite lyrics? So many
33. Favorite song of all time? I’ve been listening to Figure 8 by FKA Twigs alot
34. Favorite album? Ummm dunno
35. What’s the last song you listened to? Juicy by Doja Cat haha
36. If you life were a song what would the title be? I’m so bad with these
37. What song would you probably be caught dancing alone to? I dance to alot of songs, can’t just pick one
38. If you could sing a duet with somebody who would it be? I can’t sing. i don’t want to embarrass anyone so i wouldn’t pick anyone lol
39. If you could master one instrument what would it be? Piano i guess, i used to play it but then i stopped and forgot everything
40. What is your go-to karaoke song? Noooo you will never hear me sing karaoke
41. What book are you currently reading or the last book you read? I’m not reading at the moment
42. What’s a book that you plan on reading? My Friend Dahmer, i fell in love with the movie so i really HAVE TO read it, first i’ll just have to find the book somewhere lol
43. What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it? I don’t think that eve happened, i don’t really read alot
44. What’s a book that you read in school that positively shaped you? What does that mean? idk but book i enjoyed reading for school was this finnish book about a girl who was addicted to drugs, it was a true story and really interesting
45. What’s a book in school that you hated? I don’t remember
46. What’s your favorite book? I’d have to say Lolita
47. What’s a book you wish you had written? Idk, some succesful book is guess lol
48. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk chocolate
49. Underwater or Outer space? Noo i’m afraid of both
50. Dogs or cats? Cats
51. Kittens or Puppies? Kittens
52. Dolphins or Koalas? Koalas
53. Bird watching or whale watching? Uuh, bird watching?
54. What is your spirit animal? I have no idea lol, a cat?
55. To be or not to be? Lol
56. IPhone or Android? i have iphone
57. Twitter or Instagram? Instagram, i don’t even have Twitter
58. Vine or snapchat? Vine is my life lol
59. Who should everyone be following right now? I don’t know, ha
60. What’s your favorite app? Website? Youtube for both
61. What was your favorite subject in school? English
62. What was your best subject in school? English and chemistry
63. What was your worst subject in school? Math for sure
64. What subject would you teach in school? I would never be a teacher
65. What is one thing you wish you knew in high school? How to actually study properly
66. What advice would you give yourself at 13? Just be confident
67. How tall are you? 163cm
68. Who is your fashion icon? I don’t have one
69. What’s you favorite fashion trend? I know nothing about fashion trends
70. What are 3 things you always have in your bag (besides phone and wallet)? Keys, bus card and lot of old receipts lol
71. What is a current trend you hope doesn’t exist in 100 hundred years? I’m bad with trends
72. What’s your must have fashion accessory? My earrings and belly button ring lol
73. Heels or flats? I love both but flats are more convenient
74. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
75. Blow-dry or air-dry? Usually air-dry
76. What color dress did you wear to prom? I didn’t attent prom
77. Favorite cocktail? I don’t drink cocktails
78. What do you usually order at Starbucks? I’ve been there only couple times but i’d say just plain iced coffee is the best
79. Coffee or tea? Coffee
80. How do you like your coffee? A café latte please
81. Who is a person you want to have coffee with? My friend
82. What historical figure do you want to have coffee with? I have no idea
83. If you could live in any historical decade, what would it be and where? I’d rather just stay here
84. What’s your favorite country to visit? I loved Cyprus
85. What’s the last country you visited? Spain
86. What’s a country you wish to visit? Italy, Iceland, Thailand
87. What’s your favorite state to visit? I’ve never been to the states
88. What’s the last state you visited? ^
89. What’s a state you wish to visit? Florida because of Miami lol
90. What’s the best vacation spot? Cyprus i guess
91. Where does one go on a perfect road trip? I don’t really like road trips
92. Favorite city? Stockholm, i would live there
93. Pilates or yoga? Yoga for sure
94. Jogging or swimming? Swimming
95. Favorite way to workout? Dance and gymnastics
96. Least favorite way to workout? Running
97. Best way to decompress? Just to be alone
98. What’s the best first date idea? Maybe to go to a nice coffee shop
99. What’s love?
100. Major turn on? Intelligence
101. Major turn off? Being gross
102. What’s the weirdest thing a guy has done or said to try and impress you? I don’t this ever happened
103. What’s the first thing you notice about someone when you meet them? Eyes
104. Do you believe in love at first sight? In some cases yes, like mothers who see their child for the first time
105. Best gift you ever received? i like all my gifts i’ve received
106. Last gift you gave a friend? Chocolate from Spain
107. Best gift to get for someone? Depends on who it is for
108. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? I don’t really know
109. What’s your favorite color? Pastel blue
110. Least favorite color? I like all the colors
111. What’s your favorite type of flower? Dunno, roses i guess
112. Who is your favorite comedian? Jim carrey or Kevin Hart
113. Who is your favorite action star? Matt Damon
114. Best superhero created? Spiderman
115. If you had one superpower what would it be? Invisibility
116. What’s your kryptonite? What is that
117. Biggest phobia? Losing someone close
118. Favorite Disney Movie? The Lion King
119. Favorite Disney character? Idk i like all of them
120. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
121. What’s your best Halloween costume? I don’t dress on Halloween
122. What’s your favorite plot-twist? I don’t know
123. If you could do a flash-mob where would it be? Haha i wouldn’t
124. What’s the coolest thing in your bedroom? My bed
125. If you got a tattoo where would it be? Uhh, maybe on my wrists or my ribs. underboob tattoos are pretty too
126. What’s your favorite curse word? Fuck
127. What’s your favorite board game? That finnish board game Afrikan tähti which translates to a star of Africa, that game was my childhood lol
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rayanrooke · 7 years ago
Ranking the Best 10 Machetes of 2018
The machete is the largest hunting tool and can be used as a crucial tool in many different survival, hunting, and outdoor situations.
The need for a long bladed knife to help cut down vegetation in survival situations has been an important tool for thousands of years. The name “machete” derives from Spanish and originated in South America when the need to clear vines and jungle brush was a necessity for survival.
However, this concept was developed in many areas around the world for survival, and has evolved into the varying blade styles of machetes that you can find currently on the market. For example, the Panga style is from East Africa, the Prang from Malaysia, the Barong from the Philippines, and the Indonesian Golok.
With all the different options out there for machetes, we have compiled our Top Ten Machete list to help you get the most chopping power for your money. Be sure to check out our Buyer’s Guide to learn more about the common characteristics of machetes and which style would be right for you!
1. CRKT Halfachance Parang Machete
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The CRKT Parang style machete is made of 65Mn Carbon Steel with a black powder coat for extra corrosion protection. The drop point blade is ideal for chopping whatever vegetation you may get yourself into. This machete also features an ergonomic handle with multiple lanyard holes for different hand holds to help ease fatigue. The machete also comes with a reinforced nylon sheath that allows you to carry the blade snug against your belt or dangling down, depending on your preference.
2. Gerber Gator Machete
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Gerber has created a machete that is the most budget friendly option we reviewed. This machete is 25” overall, with a multi-purpose 15” fine edge blade on one side and an 18” high performance saw blade on the other. The blade is high carbon stainless steel with a gator grip handle. This comfortable rubberized texture is designed to give added security and safety, even when wet. The machete also comes with a black 400 denier nylon sheath.
3. Cold Steel Barong Machete
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Don’t let the low price scare you, the Cold Steel Barong Machete is a great all-purpose durable machete. It is based off the Filipino Barong style machetes. It features the classic leaf-shaped blade traditionally used in agriculture and warfare.
The Barong is used in Filipino martial arts and is capable of creating deep cuts. This blade is 18” long, with an overall length of 24.5”. It is made of 1055 carbon steel with a black matte finish that is baked on to provide additional rust protection. The handle is curved to help it easier form to your hand and stay there during use, and is made of polypropylene. This machete also comes with a sheath made of Cor-Ex for safety and convenience.
4. Condor Golok Machete
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The Condor Golok Machete is 19” long with a 14” blade. Although slightly on the smaller side, it’s lightweight blade makes it easier to wield with control. It is made of heavy duty 1075 high carbon steel and has a black powder epoxy finish for added rust protection and durability.
It also has a walnut handle which gives it more of an authentic look. This machete also comes with a 100% leather sheath as an added bonus to make it that much easier to carry.
5. Ka-Bar Kukri Machete
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The Ka-Bar Kukri machete is based off the traditional Kukri style from Nepal. This blade is 11.5” long, 17” total and weighs 1.7 pounds. The black 1085 carbon steel blade is durable and weighted to provide excellent chopping power in a smaller sized machete. Although it cannot clear as much at once, the compact machete is great at clearing brush and vegetation.
It has a Kraton thermoplastic elastomer handle that is ergonomically designed with a non-slip grip. This machete also comes with a sheath made of a combination of black leather and cordura.
6. Cold Steel Latin Machete
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This Latin-style machete from Cold Steel is a long 24” blade (29” overall), ideal for clearing large areas. The blade is made of 1055 Carbon Steel with a black matte anti-rust finish. It also features a non-slip polypropylene handle.
This straightback blade has even weight distribution and is excellent for vegetation, also known as a Bush machete. Although this machete does not come with a sheath, the low price point makes it a great value for this bushwacking machine.
7. Ontario SP8 Machete
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The Ontario Knife Company has designed a great all-purpose survival blade with their SP8. It has a 1095 black epoxy high carbon steel blade that is 10” long, making it compact and easier to handle. The wedge style tip and sawtooth back make this lightweight machete very versatile. It comes with a fitted nylon sheath and Kraton handle for added comfort and accessibility.
8. Condor Parang Machete
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Another Parang style machete from Condor Knife & Tool, this blade is 17.5” of 1075 high carbon steel with a black epoxy powder coating. This machete has more of a traditional look compared to the CRKT Parang style that we reviewed, with a more traditional Parang handle design made of hardwood. This drop point blade comes with a heavy duty black leather sheath.
9. Ka-Bar Grass Machete
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This machete is a 14” straight back blade made of 1085 high carbon plain tool steel, and is 19.5” overall. This blade is heavier than most other compact machetes as it is ¼” thick, but this creates a machete that is strong and able to chop thicker vegetation. It is advertised with use in all branches of the military. The handle is designed for comfort and made from black kraton g. As a bonus, it also comes with a heavy duty cordura sheath.
10. Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper
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This All Terrain Chopper from Cold Steel is a 21.5” blade capable of clearing pretty thick vegetation. At 30.5” overall, this machete is made of 1055 high carbon steel with a baked on black anti-rust finish. The polypropylene handle brings added comfort to your chopping, and this long blade is capable of clearing a variety of vegetation with one motion. It comes with a black cor-ex sheath and lanyard hole for added carrying convenience.
Buyer’s Guide
There are several key factors to look for when deciding what machete would be best for your personal use. We’ve narrowed it down to the 4 most important characteristics: Blade Style, Blade Length, Blade Thickness, and Blade Material.
Blade Style
Throughout history, many different cultures created their version of a blade to help in agriculture and survival. Those ancient blade styles have unique characteristics based off the needs of the region they were developed in. In our day, they have all been classified as “machetes” but still provide some of the same benefits of the original design. Ultimately, these styles are based off the tradition of their origin and which style you choose depends greatly on personal preference and what you will use your machete for!
Machetes are generally divided into two main styles, either the lightweight, thin, long blade designs for cutting down soft vegetation, or a thick, heavier, short blade better for chopping wood.
For example, the Panga style was developed in East Africa and the Caribbean. These blades are designed to have all the weight towards the front, which allows the blade to more easily chop woody plants and trees. They also have an extreme point at the front for incisions.
The Barong style comes from the Philippines and has more of the weight of the blade in the middle. These leaf-shaped blades provide more control when swung and was traditionally used in hunting and slaughtering animals.
The Kukri style is found in Nepal. This machete type is more of an all-purpose blade with 3 different sections. The pointed tip for stabbing, the wide blade for chopping which then narrows as it goes into the handle creating a blade good for whittling and carving.
Parang style machetes are also called Golok machetes and came from Indonesia. They have a curved blade much like a scimitar, with the curve on both the spine and the edge. With a thicker blade, this style is great for chopping woody vegetation.
Latin-style machetes originated in Latin America. These blades have a popular straightback blade which creates a more even weight distribution and can easily be sheathed. This style is also referred to as Bush machetes, and is great for cutting down loose vegetation and makes an excellent all-purpose blade.
Bowie machetes were developed in the United States and are named after American Frontiersman Jim Bowie. These blades are characterized by a clip point ideal for skinning animals. This style has become popular among survivalists and hunters.
Weighted/ Heavy style machetes are the best choice for chopping woody or thick vegetation. This blade is weighted toward the top to create its immense chopping power. It is characterized by a dull tip and a flat cutting edge geared towards chopping instead of slicing. This machete is a strong cross between an axe and a knife.
Ultimately, the style of machete you choose should be based off of the tasks you will be doing with your blade.
Blade Length
Machetes vary greatly in size, usually ranging from as small as 10” to longer than 28”. The smaller the blade, the less it will weigh. A shorter blade is easier to control and also easier to wear. A longer blade creates more momentum when swung and can clear a larger area with one swing. However, a long blade creates more of a hassle to transport. The average machete length is around 18”.
Blade Thickness
The thickness of the machete blade can determine its durability and what type of vegetation or wood you can successfully chop. Most blades are around ⅛” thick. This provides a very thin blade that is easy to maneuver and is ideal for chopping through brush and jungle-like vegetation. However, because the blade is so thin if you try to chop something too thick and strong you run the risk of damaging your blade.
There are machetes that are closer to the ¼” thickness. These blades will be much stronger and can more easily chop woody vines and tree branches. However, the thicker blade means a heavier machete which is more difficult to wield.
Blade Material
Another thing to keep in mind is blade material. Most blades are either made of stainless steel or carbon steel. Carbon steel is more commonly found in machete blades and is an alloy of carbon and iron. The addition of carbon helps make the iron stronger and the blade will stay sharper for a longer period of time. However, because the carbon steel is so strong, it is harder to re-sharpen. Carbon steel is cheaper than stainless steel, but it also can rust and needs to be oiled regularly to prevent moisture from rusting the blade. Because carbon steel is less expensive and stronger, it is most often found in survival and agricultural blades.
Stainless steel is actually carbon steel with nickel and chromium added in. These additional metals create a protective barrier and prevent the steel from rusting. Stainless steel generally requires less maintenance since it is naturally rust-resistant. It is also a softer metal which means it doesn’t hold its edge as well and needs to be sharpened more frequently, however it is easier to sharpen than carbon steel. Stainless steel is more expensive than carbon steel and is usually found in more decorative blades.
To combine the best characteristics of both carbon steel and stainless steel, high-carbon stainless steel has been developed. Blades made of this material have the benefits of a strong metal that holds its edge longer, combined with the rust-resistant benefits of stainless steel. Blades made of high-carbon stainless steel are more expensive, but are a great option for survival purposes.
A machete is a long blade that is ideal for survival situations. It’s no wonder that so many different cultures in completely different regions around the world all developed some version of a “machete” to better help their people to chop vegetation and better cultivate their region in which they lived. These blades have served their purpose for thousands of years, and are a great blade for the modern-day survivalist.
  Via https://bestsurvival.org/best-machetes/
source http://bestsurvivalus.weebly.com/blog/ranking-the-best-10-machetes-of-2018
0 notes
bestsurvivalus · 7 years ago
Ranking the Best 10 Machetes of 2018
The machete is the largest hunting tool and can be used as a crucial tool in many different survival, hunting, and outdoor situations.
The need for a long bladed knife to help cut down vegetation in survival situations has been an important tool for thousands of years. The name “machete” derives from Spanish and originated in South America when the need to clear vines and jungle brush was a necessity for survival.
However, this concept was developed in many areas around the world for survival, and has evolved into the varying blade styles of machetes that you can find currently on the market. For example, the Panga style is from East Africa, the Prang from Malaysia, the Barong from the Philippines, and the Indonesian Golok.
With all the different options out there for machetes, we have compiled our Top Ten Machete list to help you get the most chopping power for your money. Be sure to check out our Buyer’s Guide to learn more about the common characteristics of machetes and which style would be right for you!
1. CRKT Halfachance Parang Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
The CRKT Parang style machete is made of 65Mn Carbon Steel with a black powder coat for extra corrosion protection. The drop point blade is ideal for chopping whatever vegetation you may get yourself into. This machete also features an ergonomic handle with multiple lanyard holes for different hand holds to help ease fatigue. The machete also comes with a reinforced nylon sheath that allows you to carry the blade snug against your belt or dangling down, depending on your preference.
2. Gerber Gator Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
Gerber has created a machete that is the most budget friendly option we reviewed. This machete is 25” overall, with a multi-purpose 15” fine edge blade on one side and an 18” high performance saw blade on the other. The blade is high carbon stainless steel with a gator grip handle. This comfortable rubberized texture is designed to give added security and safety, even when wet. The machete also comes with a black 400 denier nylon sheath.
3. Cold Steel Barong Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
Don’t let the low price scare you, the Cold Steel Barong Machete is a great all-purpose durable machete. It is based off the Filipino Barong style machetes. It features the classic leaf-shaped blade traditionally used in agriculture and warfare.
The Barong is used in Filipino martial arts and is capable of creating deep cuts. This blade is 18” long, with an overall length of 24.5”. It is made of 1055 carbon steel with a black matte finish that is baked on to provide additional rust protection. The handle is curved to help it easier form to your hand and stay there during use, and is made of polypropylene. This machete also comes with a sheath made of Cor-Ex for safety and convenience.
4. Condor Golok Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon 
The Condor Golok Machete is 19” long with a 14” blade. Although slightly on the smaller side, it’s lightweight blade makes it easier to wield with control. It is made of heavy duty 1075 high carbon steel and has a black powder epoxy finish for added rust protection and durability.
It also has a walnut handle which gives it more of an authentic look. This machete also comes with a 100% leather sheath as an added bonus to make it that much easier to carry.
5. Ka-Bar Kukri Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
The Ka-Bar Kukri machete is based off the traditional Kukri style from Nepal. This blade is 11.5” long, 17” total and weighs 1.7 pounds. The black 1085 carbon steel blade is durable and weighted to provide excellent chopping power in a smaller sized machete. Although it cannot clear as much at once, the compact machete is great at clearing brush and vegetation.
It has a Kraton thermoplastic elastomer handle that is ergonomically designed with a non-slip grip. This machete also comes with a sheath made of a combination of black leather and cordura.
6. Cold Steel Latin Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
This Latin-style machete from Cold Steel is a long 24” blade (29” overall), ideal for clearing large areas. The blade is made of 1055 Carbon Steel with a black matte anti-rust finish. It also features a non-slip polypropylene handle.
This straightback blade has even weight distribution and is excellent for vegetation, also known as a Bush machete. Although this machete does not come with a sheath, the low price point makes it a great value for this bushwacking machine.
7. Ontario SP8 Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
The Ontario Knife Company has designed a great all-purpose survival blade with their SP8. It has a 1095 black epoxy high carbon steel blade that is 10” long, making it compact and easier to handle. The wedge style tip and sawtooth back make this lightweight machete very versatile. It comes with a fitted nylon sheath and Kraton handle for added comfort and accessibility.
8. Condor Parang Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
Another Parang style machete from Condor Knife & Tool, this blade is 17.5” of 1075 high carbon steel with a black epoxy powder coating. This machete has more of a traditional look compared to the CRKT Parang style that we reviewed, with a more traditional Parang handle design made of hardwood. This drop point blade comes with a heavy duty black leather sheath.
9. Ka-Bar Grass Machete
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
This machete is a 14” straight back blade made of 1085 high carbon plain tool steel, and is 19.5” overall. This blade is heavier than most other compact machetes as it is ¼” thick, but this creates a machete that is strong and able to chop thicker vegetation. It is advertised with use in all branches of the military. The handle is designed for comfort and made from black kraton g. As a bonus, it also comes with a heavy duty cordura sheath.
10. Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper
Click here for the lowest price on Amazon
This All Terrain Chopper from Cold Steel is a 21.5” blade capable of clearing pretty thick vegetation. At 30.5” overall, this machete is made of 1055 high carbon steel with a baked on black anti-rust finish. The polypropylene handle brings added comfort to your chopping, and this long blade is capable of clearing a variety of vegetation with one motion. It comes with a black cor-ex sheath and lanyard hole for added carrying convenience.
Buyer’s Guide
There are several key factors to look for when deciding what machete would be best for your personal use. We’ve narrowed it down to the 4 most important characteristics: Blade Style, Blade Length, Blade Thickness, and Blade Material.
Blade Style
Throughout history, many different cultures created their version of a blade to help in agriculture and survival. Those ancient blade styles have unique characteristics based off the needs of the region they were developed in. In our day, they have all been classified as “machetes” but still provide some of the same benefits of the original design. Ultimately, these styles are based off the tradition of their origin and which style you choose depends greatly on personal preference and what you will use your machete for!
Machetes are generally divided into two main styles, either the lightweight, thin, long blade designs for cutting down soft vegetation, or a thick, heavier, short blade better for chopping wood.
For example, the Panga style was developed in East Africa and the Caribbean. These blades are designed to have all the weight towards the front, which allows the blade to more easily chop woody plants and trees. They also have an extreme point at the front for incisions.
The Barong style comes from the Philippines and has more of the weight of the blade in the middle. These leaf-shaped blades provide more control when swung and was traditionally used in hunting and slaughtering animals.
The Kukri style is found in Nepal. This machete type is more of an all-purpose blade with 3 different sections. The pointed tip for stabbing, the wide blade for chopping which then narrows as it goes into the handle creating a blade good for whittling and carving.
Parang style machetes are also called Golok machetes and came from Indonesia. They have a curved blade much like a scimitar, with the curve on both the spine and the edge. With a thicker blade, this style is great for chopping woody vegetation.
Latin-style machetes originated in Latin America. These blades have a popular straightback blade which creates a more even weight distribution and can easily be sheathed. This style is also referred to as Bush machetes, and is great for cutting down loose vegetation and makes an excellent all-purpose blade.
Bowie machetes were developed in the United States and are named after American Frontiersman Jim Bowie. These blades are characterized by a clip point ideal for skinning animals. This style has become popular among survivalists and hunters.
Weighted/ Heavy style machetes are the best choice for chopping woody or thick vegetation. This blade is weighted toward the top to create its immense chopping power. It is characterized by a dull tip and a flat cutting edge geared towards chopping instead of slicing. This machete is a strong cross between an axe and a knife.
Ultimately, the style of machete you choose should be based off of the tasks you will be doing with your blade.
Blade Length
Machetes vary greatly in size, usually ranging from as small as 10” to longer than 28”. The smaller the blade, the less it will weigh. A shorter blade is easier to control and also easier to wear. A longer blade creates more momentum when swung and can clear a larger area with one swing. However, a long blade creates more of a hassle to transport. The average machete length is around 18”.
Blade Thickness
The thickness of the machete blade can determine its durability and what type of vegetation or wood you can successfully chop. Most blades are around ⅛” thick. This provides a very thin blade that is easy to maneuver and is ideal for chopping through brush and jungle-like vegetation. However, because the blade is so thin if you try to chop something too thick and strong you run the risk of damaging your blade.
There are machetes that are closer to the ¼” thickness. These blades will be much stronger and can more easily chop woody vines and tree branches. However, the thicker blade means a heavier machete which is more difficult to wield.
Blade Material
Another thing to keep in mind is blade material. Most blades are either made of stainless steel or carbon steel. Carbon steel is more commonly found in machete blades and is an alloy of carbon and iron. The addition of carbon helps make the iron stronger and the blade will stay sharper for a longer period of time. However, because the carbon steel is so strong, it is harder to re-sharpen. Carbon steel is cheaper than stainless steel, but it also can rust and needs to be oiled regularly to prevent moisture from rusting the blade. Because carbon steel is less expensive and stronger, it is most often found in survival and agricultural blades.
Stainless steel is actually carbon steel with nickel and chromium added in. These additional metals create a protective barrier and prevent the steel from rusting. Stainless steel generally requires less maintenance since it is naturally rust-resistant. It is also a softer metal which means it doesn’t hold its edge as well and needs to be sharpened more frequently, however it is easier to sharpen than carbon steel. Stainless steel is more expensive than carbon steel and is usually found in more decorative blades.
To combine the best characteristics of both carbon steel and stainless steel, high-carbon stainless steel has been developed. Blades made of this material have the benefits of a strong metal that holds its edge longer, combined with the rust-resistant benefits of stainless steel. Blades made of high-carbon stainless steel are more expensive, but are a great option for survival purposes.
A machete is a long blade that is ideal for survival situations. It’s no wonder that so many different cultures in completely different regions around the world all developed some version of a “machete” to better help their people to chop vegetation and better cultivate their region in which they lived. These blades have served their purpose for thousands of years, and are a great blade for the modern-day survivalist.
  source https://bestsurvival.org/best-machetes/
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years ago
These are the words that encapsulate 2016
LONDON It’s been an fateful time. From Britain voting to leave the European Union to Donald Trump being elected president of the United States. No one can accuse 2016 of being monotonou. Some words and terms grew in standing during the past twelve months, some new words were invented and some existing messages amassed fresh sense. Here’s a selection of the words that encapsulate 2016.
Alt-right is a word used to described various groups including white supremacists and white-hot patriots who situate a focus on “preserving” and “protecting” the white hasten in the United States. It has been described as a mixture of racism, white patriotism and populism and exists online( in the form of molestation and hate memes) and IRL.
In November, a video published under The Atlantic showed the founder and ideologue of the alt-right Richard B. Spencer, wailing “Hail Trump, acclaim our people, herald victory”. It made heated reaction on social media because of the stark parallel to Holocaust history.
The so called “alt-right” movement backed Donald Trump during the presidential election though Trump himself said he forswears and denounce them.
On 23 June, Britain voted to leave the European Union by 52 percentage to 48 percentage. In the consequence, the value of the pound dropped to a 30 -year low-pitched. Prime Minister David Cameron abdicated, the first political fatality in “whats being” arguably be described as the year that anti-establishment politics travelled mainstream. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage, governor of the UK Independence Party( and foremost Leave campaigner) acclaimed the referendum solutionsas the UK’s “independence day.”
Final causes on our Lego Brexit map. Blue expanses voted be retained in the EU; cherry-red localities voted to leave. #EURefResults pic.twitter.com/ cJfzBNsY6y
Mashable UK (@ MashableUK) June 24, 2016
One of the many verbal mysteries of Donald Trump during the campaign was whether he was saying “bigly” or “big league”.
Trump on immigration: “We’re going to speed up the process bigly.” #DebateNight pic.twitter.com/ Sc8w2QSPGV
Mashable News (@ MashableNews) October 20, 2016
Linguists weighed in. Susan Lin, an helper linguistics professor at the University of California at Berkeley, posted her definitive answer to the linguist Facebook group Friends of Berkeley Linguistics.
“‘Bigly’ or ‘big league’? The latter, I’m quite sure, ” Lin said.
Barb( Stranger Things)
Barb’s atrocious fatality was one of the most debated Tv deaths this year, contributing scores of Stranger Things fans to ask: will there be right for Barb?
The Netflix series, been developed by friends Matt and Ross Duffer, became one of the biggest pictures this summer. Set in a small town in Indiana in 1983, just after a 12 -year-old boy reputation Will goes missing, the eight-episode succession peculiarity a top-class child ensemble that provoked a religion following.
Image: Netflix
Unfortunately, the show’s architects confirmed that Barb, last-place discovered dead after a being grasped her while she was sitting on a pool’s diving committee, is genuinely dead. Although it looks like she’ll get some sort of justice in Stranger Things 2.
Coulrophobia is defined as a rare, extreme or irrational fear of comics. This summer the suspicion reached another level.
Clown sightings started in Greenville, South Carolina, where groupings of clowns apparently tried to entice kids into a thicket of trees outside an apartment complex. Similar sightings spread up to North Carolina, where a male said he chased a clown into a forest with a machete.
From there, the fear of jesters increased and eventually increased across the pond .
Here’s a map of all the sightings.
Image: Mashable/ google maps
Dabbing, or the Dab, is an Atlanta-based hip-hop dance that was disseminated by Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton during his MVP 2015 -1 6 NFL season.
Originally used to describe a flesh of marijuana application, the word ‘dabbing’ went on to have a second meaning in 2016.
The dance originated in Atlanta, where a handful of rappers, most notably rap group Migos and frequent traitors Jose Guapo, Skippa Da Flippa, and PeeWee Longway, popularized dabbing in their music videos and mixtapes.
The dance acquired it to social media, where people shared Vines and videos of themselves thumping the dab.
Later in 2016, Newton testified the Dab dead, saying: “I have to put that aside.”
Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers establishes his logo “dab” against the Seattle Seahawks in the 2nd part during the NFC Divisional Playoff Game at Bank of America Stadium on January 17, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Image: Getty Images
Fake news
After the victory of Donald Trump, Facebook came under ardor from the public and the media for its perceived persona in helping the spread of “fake news” during the U.S. ballot. Tallies of beings in locations as remote as Macedonia created fake word sites and churned bogus pro-Trump word that sprang up on the programme. In the final three months, imitation referendum stories caused more engagement than top floors from major report outlets.
Image: ap photo
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially said the company “must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of actuality ourselves.” But then he announced that Facebook was looking to implement “better technological systems” to see fake bulletin, including asking useds to help identify misleading stories.
Fake news had real-world results. In early December, the #Pizzagate hoax led to a gunman firing shootings inside a eatery, which was embroiled in the conspiracy. The gunman, 28 -year-old, Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, was apprehended after participating Comet Ping Pong forearmed with an attack rifle and burning a shot.
Welch claimed he was investigating conspiracy conjectures about Hillary Clinton and safarus chairwoman John Podesta running small children sex trafficking ring inside of the pizzeria.Though The New York Times debunked the story back in November, the buzz generated on social media continued.
Glass cliff
“Glass cliff” was among Oxford Dictionaries’ terms of the year. Fabricated by S. Alexander Haslam and Michelle Ryan, glass cliff is used to refer to a situation in which a woman or a member of a marginalized group ���ascends to a leader posture, defying cases when health risks of failure is high.” The current UK Prime Minister Theresa May fits this description.
Theresa May at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, October
Image: Getty images
Harambe is the gorilla who was shot and killed in August after grabbing a 4-year-old boy and dragging him across an exhibit in Cincinnati Zoo.
The incident was criticised online by many who accused the child’s parents and the zoo for Harambe’s death. Three months after Harambe’s death, beings were still attacking the zoo with coarse texts, petitions and protest memes.
The trolling was so hard that it action the zoo to remove its social media accounts.
If you think you have it bad, be happy you don’t guide the Cincinnati Zoo Twitter chronicle. pic.twitter.com/ Ygpc2PWYeM
Anth (@ __Kessel) August 20, 2016
Headphone jack
Apple’s annualiPhone launch always touches the mobile world like a glossy glassmeteor, but the newiPhone 7 had an aftershock this is gonna be felt for years: the removal of the headphone jack.
Despite being a near-universal standard being implemented in devices worldwide, the eminently functional3. 5mm jack couldn’t survive Apple’s determination to shape thefuture one where audio is wireless. In the current, nonetheless, lines still rule, and Apple’s big move has given us all dongles to misplace, basically mainstreaming disadvantage.( It’s likewise forcinggrown adults to say the word”dongle.”) Whether you call that mettle or hubris , Apple has put a stake in the soil, one other smartphone producers will steer around, or perhaps trip over, for years to come. Pete Pachal, Mashable Tech Editor.
Hodor!( Game of Thrones)
Hodor had been among the first Tv anguishes( and revelations) of the year and certainly the hardest to forget.
Game of Thrones followers learned the inceptions of Hodor in a zombie-filled conclusion that ended with the soothing giant being swarmed by a rabble as he held a opening to shield Bran.
Hodor= “Hold the Door”. This certainly changed the room GoT followers experienced about holding the door.
Chora Minha Nega (@ guip) May 23, 2016
Reports of Islamophobia and racist happens spiked in the consequences of the the Brexit referendum. From 16 -3 0 June, the reporting of hate crimes went up by 42% to more than 3,000 charges. The reported felonies mainly consisted of persecution and menaces against “visible minorities” as well as people from Eastern Europe.
Twitter useds documented prejudiced chapters on the programme, use hashtags like #postbrexitracism and #postrefracism. On Facebook, an book announced “Worrying Signs” curated reported incidents.
The burkini ban in some French coastal municipalities too rekindled controversy beyond France’s borders. Many people regarded the prohibitions as sexist, Islamophobic and counterproductive to welcoming Muslims into the country. The outlaw had now been been overruled in some municipalities. An illustrator from Paris created a steer for bystanders who meet Muslims who are being harassed.
Image: maeril.tumblr.com
In the aftermath of the U.S. election, some Muslim maidens uttered fear that they may be targeted by hate crimes.Many took to social media to caution Muslim females not to wear the hijab, niqab or burka in public. These panics were validated as women in the U.S. were apparently targeted in hate crimes following Donald Trump’s election.
According to the Oxford Dictionaries, Latinx was first used in response to an important matter around gender identity. How can a language like Spanish, in which nouns and adjectives have grammatical gender, be used in a gender inclusive channel?
Latinx replaces the gendered ‘a’ or ‘o’ pointing with ‘x’. Its still uncommon, but widely used on American university campuses.
Lemonade was one of the few lustrous events in an otherwise gruesome year. Beyonces visual album, which debuted in April, is both an ode to black women and a deep personal love story, told in 11 evenly earnest chapters. Some chapters hollered “I came to slay, bitch.” Others were so specific and pointed in their anger that some wondered if Jay Z and Beyonce were getting divorced .
Image: Beyonce
Featuring candidly beautiful verses from the Somali-British poet Warsan Shire, the book is a dazzlingly complex project in which pop culture meets spirituality, gratifies vulnerability. Scenes from the album have become religion, and quite rightly so, such as the one in which Beyonce is covered in a yellowish nightgown and golden jewelry, opens doubled doorways to tell the liquid flow on the stairs. After a bit son sides her a baseball bat, Beyonce is off, destroying automobiles and cameras, crushing open a fire hydrant and twirling in its water.
So potent was the panorama and the entire book that the University of Texas at San Antonio decided to offer students the opportunity to sign up for a class announced Black Women, Beyonc& Popular Culture.” Students who take the course will invest the semester searching the singer’s visual album, Lemonade , and its relation to black feminism. Isnt that everyones dream?
Nasty wives
In the final presidential conversation, Hillary Clinton, while discussing Donald Trumps tax pays, was interrupted by the Republican nominee who said, leaning into the mic: such a nasty woman.
The phrase, uttered so soon after Trump roundly contended that no one has more respect for women than him, speedily became a trending hashtag. #NastyWoman took over Twitter and soon became a war cry for numerous women.
Twitter user @thecultureofme even acknowledged to buying the world’s most delightful domain name, NastyWomenGetShitDone.com , then configuring the sheet to redirect to Hillary Clinton’s officer website. And Will Ferrell boasted a Nasty Woman T-shirt in support of the democrat.
Pokemon become
In a year of unlikely resuscitations and throwbacks Pokmon Go took “the worlds” by squall. It was just the perfect make for those who grew up in the 1990 s and had fond childhood retentions of the insanely successful Game Boy tournament . The conclude Pokmon Go is so cunning, though, is that it’s all tied to the real world .
The app trails your site IRL, which means you hunting and catch Pokmon on the same system of roads and parks that you’re walking through in real life. PokStops( where you stock up on items) are linked to real world places like local post office, and gyms( where you contend competitive Pokmon coaches i.e. other people playing video games) are happenings like religions and train stations in the real world.
Soon after it the app was wheeled out, pokmania spread all over the world . And its not over. On Monday, government officials Pokmon Go account shared the exciting word that brand-new Generation II Pokmon have been added to the game.
The annual Oxford Dictionaries “word of the year” can divulge a lot about the world we live in. And this year it’s very telling. Post-truth is defined as an adjective “relating to or designating cases in which objective points are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to ardour and personal belief”. Over such courses of 2016, mentions of the word snowballed in the framework of Brexit and the US presidential election. Read more about the sources of the word here.
Post-truth is the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016. Find out more: https :// t.co/ jxETqZMxsu pic.twitter.com/ MVMuMyf8 3K
Oxford Dictionaries (@ OxfordWords) November 16, 2016
Peach emoji
The peach emoji when it looked like a butt.
When Apple exhausted the first beta form of iOS 10.2, numerous people were frantic because of an update on the peach emoji, which appeared more like a normal peach and less like a butt.
noooooo they’re changing the peach emoji pic.twitter.com/ CmHkef9MlM
alix (@ freckledbutt) November 1, 2016
Thankfully, after some serious internet backlash, Apple appears to have redesigned the emoji to to once again resemble a butt.
Spectacles( Snapchat )
The brand-new smart sunglasses , rolled out in November, furnish a whole new ordeal in snapping, earmarking filming in terms of the user.
The product is sold in interactive vending machine announced Snapbots , in very limited quantities throughout the US. Instead of selling them online or in stores, Snap Inc. is exploiting the vending machine, along with an interactive map, to drive the Spectacles promotion train.
Since the launch they’ve been used everywhere from in the sack to in surgery.
While “post-truth” was Oxford Dictionaries parole of its first year, “surreal” was Merriam-Webster’s 2016 word of its first year .~ ATAGEND Defined by the dictionary as “marked by the intense irrational actuality of a dreaming, ” “surreal” is a relatively new word in English, having been first is contained in the dictionary in 1967.
Never before have so many beings felt compelled to look it up on their dictionary as they did in 2016. Terrorist strikes in Brussels and Nice and the struggled takeover in Turkey were the tragic events that led to a spike in the numbers looking up the word. But the most significant spike was after the US election in November.
Image: ap photo
From Reddit’s CEO to the Royal Family, everyone this year had to deal with the rise of the trolls.
Trolling is a phenomenon as old because the internet and it gained renown during the U.S. poll.
An military of so called “alt-right” trolls was already a significant online violence before Americans cast their votes. After Donald Trump was elected president, they made it clear they were not about to go back to the dark angles of the internet from where they came from.
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman had his own headaches around the trolls. He riled Reddit users after declaring changing abusive posts about him to mention the moderators of Reddits biggest pro-Trump subreddit, r/ the_donald. I abused my capability to give the bullies a hard time, he said.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Image: pa
Even the Royal Family had to deal with the racist and sexist trolling of Prince Harrys girlfriend Meghan Markle . In November, Kensington Palace said in a statement that Harry’s girlfriend has been subject to a “wave of abuse and harassment”.
Woke was used in 2016 in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement, often in hashtags like #StayWoke. But its own history is much older. As is attributable to Nicole Holliday in the Oxford Dictionaries blog, the word originated in the black community in the mid 20 th century with the implications of being is cognizant of social systems of pitch-black oppression.
In 1962, woke was shall be included in a lexicon of African American slang with the description ‘well-informed, up-to-date”. “By the following decade, we have evidence of it being used in a more explicit political situation, ” Holliday explains.
In a 1972 romp entitled Garvey Lives !, generator Barry Beckham writes. I been sleeping all “peoples lives”. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, Im gon stay woke. And Im gon help him wake up other pitch-black folk
After the Trayvon Martin slay in 2013 and the Black Lives Matter movement, awake has made a comeback though sometimes it has been used inappropriately in non-political, ludicrous tweets.
” Woke has been racially cleaned for a mainstream gathering. Woke has been removed from its ties to black communities as well as its reference to black consciousness and political motions, ” says Holliday in her blog.
Glossary 2016
So there you have it. A Glossary of 2016. Who knows what statements waiting for us next year.
BONUS: This super precise handwriting robot is so satisfying to watch
The post These are the words that encapsulate 2016 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years ago
These are the words that encapsulate 2016
LONDON It’s been an fateful time. From Britain voting to leave the European Union to Donald Trump being elected president of the United States. No one can accuse 2016 of being monotonou. Some words and terms grew in standing during the past twelve months, some new words were invented and some existing messages amassed fresh sense. Here’s a selection of the words that encapsulate 2016.
Alt-right is a word used to described various groups including white supremacists and white-hot patriots who situate a focus on “preserving” and “protecting” the white hasten in the United States. It has been described as a mixture of racism, white patriotism and populism and exists online( in the form of molestation and hate memes) and IRL.
In November, a video published under The Atlantic showed the founder and ideologue of the alt-right Richard B. Spencer, wailing “Hail Trump, acclaim our people, herald victory”. It made heated reaction on social media because of the stark parallel to Holocaust history.
The so called “alt-right” movement backed Donald Trump during the presidential election though Trump himself said he forswears and denounce them.
On 23 June, Britain voted to leave the European Union by 52 percentage to 48 percentage. In the consequence, the value of the pound dropped to a 30 -year low-pitched. Prime Minister David Cameron abdicated, the first political fatality in “whats being” arguably be described as the year that anti-establishment politics travelled mainstream. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage, governor of the UK Independence Party( and foremost Leave campaigner) acclaimed the referendum solutionsas the UK’s “independence day.”
Final causes on our Lego Brexit map. Blue expanses voted be retained in the EU; cherry-red localities voted to leave. #EURefResults pic.twitter.com/ cJfzBNsY6y
Mashable UK (@ MashableUK) June 24, 2016
One of the many verbal mysteries of Donald Trump during the campaign was whether he was saying “bigly” or “big league”.
Trump on immigration: “We’re going to speed up the process bigly.” #DebateNight pic.twitter.com/ Sc8w2QSPGV
Mashable News (@ MashableNews) October 20, 2016
Linguists weighed in. Susan Lin, an helper linguistics professor at the University of California at Berkeley, posted her definitive answer to the linguist Facebook group Friends of Berkeley Linguistics.
“‘Bigly’ or ‘big league’? The latter, I’m quite sure, ” Lin said.
Barb( Stranger Things)
Barb’s atrocious fatality was one of the most debated Tv deaths this year, contributing scores of Stranger Things fans to ask: will there be right for Barb?
The Netflix series, been developed by friends Matt and Ross Duffer, became one of the biggest pictures this summer. Set in a small town in Indiana in 1983, just after a 12 -year-old boy reputation Will goes missing, the eight-episode succession peculiarity a top-class child ensemble that provoked a religion following.
Image: Netflix
Unfortunately, the show’s architects confirmed that Barb, last-place discovered dead after a being grasped her while she was sitting on a pool’s diving committee, is genuinely dead. Although it looks like she’ll get some sort of justice in Stranger Things 2.
Coulrophobia is defined as a rare, extreme or irrational fear of comics. This summer the suspicion reached another level.
Clown sightings started in Greenville, South Carolina, where groupings of clowns apparently tried to entice kids into a thicket of trees outside an apartment complex. Similar sightings spread up to North Carolina, where a male said he chased a clown into a forest with a machete.
From there, the fear of jesters increased and eventually increased across the pond .
Here’s a map of all the sightings.
Image: Mashable/ google maps
Dabbing, or the Dab, is an Atlanta-based hip-hop dance that was disseminated by Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton during his MVP 2015 -1 6 NFL season.
Originally used to describe a flesh of marijuana application, the word ‘dabbing’ went on to have a second meaning in 2016.
The dance originated in Atlanta, where a handful of rappers, most notably rap group Migos and frequent traitors Jose Guapo, Skippa Da Flippa, and PeeWee Longway, popularized dabbing in their music videos and mixtapes.
The dance acquired it to social media, where people shared Vines and videos of themselves thumping the dab.
Later in 2016, Newton testified the Dab dead, saying: “I have to put that aside.”
Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers establishes his logo “dab” against the Seattle Seahawks in the 2nd part during the NFC Divisional Playoff Game at Bank of America Stadium on January 17, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Image: Getty Images
Fake news
After the victory of Donald Trump, Facebook came under ardor from the public and the media for its perceived persona in helping the spread of “fake news” during the U.S. ballot. Tallies of beings in locations as remote as Macedonia created fake word sites and churned bogus pro-Trump word that sprang up on the programme. In the final three months, imitation referendum stories caused more engagement than top floors from major report outlets.
Image: ap photo
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially said the company “must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of actuality ourselves.” But then he announced that Facebook was looking to implement “better technological systems” to see fake bulletin, including asking useds to help identify misleading stories.
Fake news had real-world results. In early December, the #Pizzagate hoax led to a gunman firing shootings inside a eatery, which was embroiled in the conspiracy. The gunman, 28 -year-old, Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, was apprehended after participating Comet Ping Pong forearmed with an attack rifle and burning a shot.
Welch claimed he was investigating conspiracy conjectures about Hillary Clinton and safarus chairwoman John Podesta running small children sex trafficking ring inside of the pizzeria.Though The New York Times debunked the story back in November, the buzz generated on social media continued.
Glass cliff
“Glass cliff” was among Oxford Dictionaries’ terms of the year. Fabricated by S. Alexander Haslam and Michelle Ryan, glass cliff is used to refer to a situation in which a woman or a member of a marginalized group “ascends to a leader posture, defying cases when health risks of failure is high.” The current UK Prime Minister Theresa May fits this description.
Theresa May at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, October
Image: Getty images
Harambe is the gorilla who was shot and killed in August after grabbing a 4-year-old boy and dragging him across an exhibit in Cincinnati Zoo.
The incident was criticised online by many who accused the child’s parents and the zoo for Harambe’s death. Three months after Harambe’s death, beings were still attacking the zoo with coarse texts, petitions and protest memes.
The trolling was so hard that it action the zoo to remove its social media accounts.
If you think you have it bad, be happy you don’t guide the Cincinnati Zoo Twitter chronicle. pic.twitter.com/ Ygpc2PWYeM
Anth (@ __Kessel) August 20, 2016
Headphone jack
Apple’s annualiPhone launch always touches the mobile world like a glossy glassmeteor, but the newiPhone 7 had an aftershock this is gonna be felt for years: the removal of the headphone jack.
Despite being a near-universal standard being implemented in devices worldwide, the eminently functional3. 5mm jack couldn’t survive Apple’s determination to shape thefuture one where audio is wireless. In the current, nonetheless, lines still rule, and Apple’s big move has given us all dongles to misplace, basically mainstreaming disadvantage.( It’s likewise forcinggrown adults to say the word”dongle.”) Whether you call that mettle or hubris , Apple has put a stake in the soil, one other smartphone producers will steer around, or perhaps trip over, for years to come. Pete Pachal, Mashable Tech Editor.
Hodor!( Game of Thrones)
Hodor had been among the first Tv anguishes( and revelations) of the year and certainly the hardest to forget.
Game of Thrones followers learned the inceptions of Hodor in a zombie-filled conclusion that ended with the soothing giant being swarmed by a rabble as he held a opening to shield Bran.
Hodor= “Hold the Door”. This certainly changed the room GoT followers experienced about holding the door.
Chora Minha Nega (@ guip) May 23, 2016
Reports of Islamophobia and racist happens spiked in the consequences of the the Brexit referendum. From 16 -3 0 June, the reporting of hate crimes went up by 42% to more than 3,000 charges. The reported felonies mainly consisted of persecution and menaces against “visible minorities” as well as people from Eastern Europe.
Twitter useds documented prejudiced chapters on the programme, use hashtags like #postbrexitracism and #postrefracism. On Facebook, an book announced “Worrying Signs” curated reported incidents.
The burkini ban in some French coastal municipalities too rekindled controversy beyond France’s borders. Many people regarded the prohibitions as sexist, Islamophobic and counterproductive to welcoming Muslims into the country. The outlaw had now been been overruled in some municipalities. An illustrator from Paris created a steer for bystanders who meet Muslims who are being harassed.
Image: maeril.tumblr.com
In the aftermath of the U.S. election, some Muslim maidens uttered fear that they may be targeted by hate crimes.Many took to social media to caution Muslim females not to wear the hijab, niqab or burka in public. These panics were validated as women in the U.S. were apparently targeted in hate crimes following Donald Trump’s election.
According to the Oxford Dictionaries, Latinx was first used in response to an important matter around gender identity. How can a language like Spanish, in which nouns and adjectives have grammatical gender, be used in a gender inclusive channel?
Latinx replaces the gendered ‘a’ or ‘o’ pointing with ‘x’. Its still uncommon, but widely used on American university campuses.
Lemonade was one of the few lustrous events in an otherwise gruesome year. Beyonces visual album, which debuted in April, is both an ode to black women and a deep personal love story, told in 11 evenly earnest chapters. Some chapters hollered “I came to slay, bitch.” Others were so specific and pointed in their anger that some wondered if Jay Z and Beyonce were getting divorced .
Image: Beyonce
Featuring candidly beautiful verses from the Somali-British poet Warsan Shire, the book is a dazzlingly complex project in which pop culture meets spirituality, gratifies vulnerability. Scenes from the album have become religion, and quite rightly so, such as the one in which Beyonce is covered in a yellowish nightgown and golden jewelry, opens doubled doorways to tell the liquid flow on the stairs. After a bit son sides her a baseball bat, Beyonce is off, destroying automobiles and cameras, crushing open a fire hydrant and twirling in its water.
So potent was the panorama and the entire book that the University of Texas at San Antonio decided to offer students the opportunity to sign up for a class announced Black Women, Beyonc& Popular Culture.” Students who take the course will invest the semester searching the singer’s visual album, Lemonade , and its relation to black feminism. Isnt that everyones dream?
Nasty wives
In the final presidential conversation, Hillary Clinton, while discussing Donald Trumps tax pays, was interrupted by the Republican nominee who said, leaning into the mic: such a nasty woman.
The phrase, uttered so soon after Trump roundly contended that no one has more respect for women than him, speedily became a trending hashtag. #NastyWoman took over Twitter and soon became a war cry for numerous women.
Twitter user @thecultureofme even acknowledged to buying the world’s most delightful domain name, NastyWomenGetShitDone.com , then configuring the sheet to redirect to Hillary Clinton’s officer website. And Will Ferrell boasted a Nasty Woman T-shirt in support of the democrat.
Pokemon become
In a year of unlikely resuscitations and throwbacks Pokmon Go took “the worlds” by squall. It was just the perfect make for those who grew up in the 1990 s and had fond childhood retentions of the insanely successful Game Boy tournament . The conclude Pokmon Go is so cunning, though, is that it’s all tied to the real world .
The app trails your site IRL, which means you hunting and catch Pokmon on the same system of roads and parks that you’re walking through in real life. PokStops( where you stock up on items) are linked to real world places like local post office, and gyms( where you contend competitive Pokmon coaches i.e. other people playing video games) are happenings like religions and train stations in the real world.
Soon after it the app was wheeled out, pokmania spread all over the world . And its not over. On Monday, government officials Pokmon Go account shared the exciting word that brand-new Generation II Pokmon have been added to the game.
The annual Oxford Dictionaries “word of the year” can divulge a lot about the world we live in. And this year it’s very telling. Post-truth is defined as an adjective “relating to or designating cases in which objective points are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to ardour and personal belief”. Over such courses of 2016, mentions of the word snowballed in the framework of Brexit and the US presidential election. Read more about the sources of the word here.
Post-truth is the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016. Find out more: https :// t.co/ jxETqZMxsu pic.twitter.com/ MVMuMyf8 3K
Oxford Dictionaries (@ OxfordWords) November 16, 2016
Peach emoji
The peach emoji when it looked like a butt.
When Apple exhausted the first beta form of iOS 10.2, numerous people were frantic because of an update on the peach emoji, which appeared more like a normal peach and less like a butt.
noooooo they’re changing the peach emoji pic.twitter.com/ CmHkef9MlM
alix (@ freckledbutt) November 1, 2016
Thankfully, after some serious internet backlash, Apple appears to have redesigned the emoji to to once again resemble a butt.
Spectacles( Snapchat )
The brand-new smart sunglasses , rolled out in November, furnish a whole new ordeal in snapping, earmarking filming in terms of the user.
The product is sold in interactive vending machine announced Snapbots , in very limited quantities throughout the US. Instead of selling them online or in stores, Snap Inc. is exploiting the vending machine, along with an interactive map, to drive the Spectacles promotion train.
Since the launch they’ve been used everywhere from in the sack to in surgery.
While “post-truth” was Oxford Dictionaries parole of its first year, “surreal” was Merriam-Webster’s 2016 word of its first year .~ ATAGEND Defined by the dictionary as “marked by the intense irrational actuality of a dreaming, ” “surreal” is a relatively new word in English, having been first is contained in the dictionary in 1967.
Never before have so many beings felt compelled to look it up on their dictionary as they did in 2016. Terrorist strikes in Brussels and Nice and the struggled takeover in Turkey were the tragic events that led to a spike in the numbers looking up the word. But the most significant spike was after the US election in November.
Image: ap photo
From Reddit’s CEO to the Royal Family, everyone this year had to deal with the rise of the trolls.
Trolling is a phenomenon as old because the internet and it gained renown during the U.S. poll.
An military of so called “alt-right” trolls was already a significant online violence before Americans cast their votes. After Donald Trump was elected president, they made it clear they were not about to go back to the dark angles of the internet from where they came from.
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman had his own headaches around the trolls. He riled Reddit users after declaring changing abusive posts about him to mention the moderators of Reddits biggest pro-Trump subreddit, r/ the_donald. I abused my capability to give the bullies a hard time, he said.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Image: pa
Even the Royal Family had to deal with the racist and sexist trolling of Prince Harrys girlfriend Meghan Markle . In November, Kensington Palace said in a statement that Harry’s girlfriend has been subject to a “wave of abuse and harassment”.
Woke was used in 2016 in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement, often in hashtags like #StayWoke. But its own history is much older. As is attributable to Nicole Holliday in the Oxford Dictionaries blog, the word originated in the black community in the mid 20 th century with the implications of being is cognizant of social systems of pitch-black oppression.
In 1962, woke was shall be included in a lexicon of African American slang with the description ‘well-informed, up-to-date”. “By the following decade, we have evidence of it being used in a more explicit political situation, ” Holliday explains.
In a 1972 romp entitled Garvey Lives !, generator Barry Beckham writes. I been sleeping all “peoples lives”. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, Im gon stay woke. And Im gon help him wake up other pitch-black folk
After the Trayvon Martin slay in 2013 and the Black Lives Matter movement, awake has made a comeback though sometimes it has been used inappropriately in non-political, ludicrous tweets.
” Woke has been racially cleaned for a mainstream gathering. Woke has been removed from its ties to black communities as well as its reference to black consciousness and political motions, ” says Holliday in her blog.
Glossary 2016
So there you have it. A Glossary of 2016. Who knows what statements waiting for us next year.
BONUS: This super precise handwriting robot is so satisfying to watch
The post These are the words that encapsulate 2016 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2y0HZrL via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years ago
These are the words that encapsulate 2016
LONDON It’s been an fateful time. From Britain voting to leave the European Union to Donald Trump being elected president of the United States. No one can accuse 2016 of being monotonou. Some words and terms grew in standing during the past twelve months, some new words were invented and some existing messages amassed fresh sense. Here’s a selection of the words that encapsulate 2016.
Alt-right is a word used to described various groups including white supremacists and white-hot patriots who situate a focus on “preserving” and “protecting” the white hasten in the United States. It has been described as a mixture of racism, white patriotism and populism and exists online( in the form of molestation and hate memes) and IRL.
In November, a video published under The Atlantic showed the founder and ideologue of the alt-right Richard B. Spencer, wailing “Hail Trump, acclaim our people, herald victory”. It made heated reaction on social media because of the stark parallel to Holocaust history.
The so called “alt-right” movement backed Donald Trump during the presidential election though Trump himself said he forswears and denounce them.
On 23 June, Britain voted to leave the European Union by 52 percentage to 48 percentage. In the consequence, the value of the pound dropped to a 30 -year low-pitched. Prime Minister David Cameron abdicated, the first political fatality in “whats being” arguably be described as the year that anti-establishment politics travelled mainstream. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage, governor of the UK Independence Party( and foremost Leave campaigner) acclaimed the referendum solutionsas the UK’s “independence day.”
Final causes on our Lego Brexit map. Blue expanses voted be retained in the EU; cherry-red localities voted to leave. #EURefResults pic.twitter.com/ cJfzBNsY6y
Mashable UK (@ MashableUK) June 24, 2016
One of the many verbal mysteries of Donald Trump during the campaign was whether he was saying “bigly” or “big league”.
Trump on immigration: “We’re going to speed up the process bigly.” #DebateNight pic.twitter.com/ Sc8w2QSPGV
Mashable News (@ MashableNews) October 20, 2016
Linguists weighed in. Susan Lin, an helper linguistics professor at the University of California at Berkeley, posted her definitive answer to the linguist Facebook group Friends of Berkeley Linguistics.
“‘Bigly’ or ‘big league’? The latter, I’m quite sure, ” Lin said.
Barb( Stranger Things)
Barb’s atrocious fatality was one of the most debated Tv deaths this year, contributing scores of Stranger Things fans to ask: will there be right for Barb?
The Netflix series, been developed by friends Matt and Ross Duffer, became one of the biggest pictures this summer. Set in a small town in Indiana in 1983, just after a 12 -year-old boy reputation Will goes missing, the eight-episode succession peculiarity a top-class child ensemble that provoked a religion following.
Image: Netflix
Unfortunately, the show’s architects confirmed that Barb, last-place discovered dead after a being grasped her while she was sitting on a pool’s diving committee, is genuinely dead. Although it looks like she’ll get some sort of justice in Stranger Things 2.
Coulrophobia is defined as a rare, extreme or irrational fear of comics. This summer the suspicion reached another level.
Clown sightings started in Greenville, South Carolina, where groupings of clowns apparently tried to entice kids into a thicket of trees outside an apartment complex. Similar sightings spread up to North Carolina, where a male said he chased a clown into a forest with a machete.
From there, the fear of jesters increased and eventually increased across the pond .
Here’s a map of all the sightings.
Image: Mashable/ google maps
Dabbing, or the Dab, is an Atlanta-based hip-hop dance that was disseminated by Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton during his MVP 2015 -1 6 NFL season.
Originally used to describe a flesh of marijuana application, the word ‘dabbing’ went on to have a second meaning in 2016.
The dance originated in Atlanta, where a handful of rappers, most notably rap group Migos and frequent traitors Jose Guapo, Skippa Da Flippa, and PeeWee Longway, popularized dabbing in their music videos and mixtapes.
The dance acquired it to social media, where people shared Vines and videos of themselves thumping the dab.
Later in 2016, Newton testified the Dab dead, saying: “I have to put that aside.”
Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers establishes his logo “dab” against the Seattle Seahawks in the 2nd part during the NFC Divisional Playoff Game at Bank of America Stadium on January 17, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Image: Getty Images
Fake news
After the victory of Donald Trump, Facebook came under ardor from the public and the media for its perceived persona in helping the spread of “fake news” during the U.S. ballot. Tallies of beings in locations as remote as Macedonia created fake word sites and churned bogus pro-Trump word that sprang up on the programme. In the final three months, imitation referendum stories caused more engagement than top floors from major report outlets.
Image: ap photo
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially said the company “must be extremely cautious about becoming arbiters of actuality ourselves.” But then he announced that Facebook was looking to implement “better technological systems” to see fake bulletin, including asking useds to help identify misleading stories.
Fake news had real-world results. In early December, the #Pizzagate hoax led to a gunman firing shootings inside a eatery, which was embroiled in the conspiracy. The gunman, 28 -year-old, Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, was apprehended after participating Comet Ping Pong forearmed with an attack rifle and burning a shot.
Welch claimed he was investigating conspiracy conjectures about Hillary Clinton and safarus chairwoman John Podesta running small children sex trafficking ring inside of the pizzeria.Though The New York Times debunked the story back in November, the buzz generated on social media continued.
Glass cliff
“Glass cliff” was among Oxford Dictionaries’ terms of the year. Fabricated by S. Alexander Haslam and Michelle Ryan, glass cliff is used to refer to a situation in which a woman or a member of a marginalized group “ascends to a leader posture, defying cases when health risks of failure is high.” The current UK Prime Minister Theresa May fits this description.
Theresa May at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, October
Image: Getty images
Harambe is the gorilla who was shot and killed in August after grabbing a 4-year-old boy and dragging him across an exhibit in Cincinnati Zoo.
The incident was criticised online by many who accused the child’s parents and the zoo for Harambe’s death. Three months after Harambe’s death, beings were still attacking the zoo with coarse texts, petitions and protest memes.
The trolling was so hard that it action the zoo to remove its social media accounts.
If you think you have it bad, be happy you don’t guide the Cincinnati Zoo Twitter chronicle. pic.twitter.com/ Ygpc2PWYeM
Anth (@ __Kessel) August 20, 2016
Headphone jack
Apple’s annualiPhone launch always touches the mobile world like a glossy glassmeteor, but the newiPhone 7 had an aftershock this is gonna be felt for years: the removal of the headphone jack.
Despite being a near-universal standard being implemented in devices worldwide, the eminently functional3. 5mm jack couldn’t survive Apple’s determination to shape thefuture one where audio is wireless. In the current, nonetheless, lines still rule, and Apple’s big move has given us all dongles to misplace, basically mainstreaming disadvantage.( It’s likewise forcinggrown adults to say the word”dongle.”) Whether you call that mettle or hubris , Apple has put a stake in the soil, one other smartphone producers will steer around, or perhaps trip over, for years to come. Pete Pachal, Mashable Tech Editor.
Hodor!( Game of Thrones)
Hodor had been among the first Tv anguishes( and revelations) of the year and certainly the hardest to forget.
Game of Thrones followers learned the inceptions of Hodor in a zombie-filled conclusion that ended with the soothing giant being swarmed by a rabble as he held a opening to shield Bran.
Hodor= “Hold the Door”. This certainly changed the room GoT followers experienced about holding the door.
Chora Minha Nega (@ guip) May 23, 2016
Reports of Islamophobia and racist happens spiked in the consequences of the the Brexit referendum. From 16 -3 0 June, the reporting of hate crimes went up by 42% to more than 3,000 charges. The reported felonies mainly consisted of persecution and menaces against “visible minorities” as well as people from Eastern Europe.
Twitter useds documented prejudiced chapters on the programme, use hashtags like #postbrexitracism and #postrefracism. On Facebook, an book announced “Worrying Signs” curated reported incidents.
The burkini ban in some French coastal municipalities too rekindled controversy beyond France’s borders. Many people regarded the prohibitions as sexist, Islamophobic and counterproductive to welcoming Muslims into the country. The outlaw had now been been overruled in some municipalities. An illustrator from Paris created a steer for bystanders who meet Muslims who are being harassed.
Image: maeril.tumblr.com
In the aftermath of the U.S. election, some Muslim maidens uttered fear that they may be targeted by hate crimes.Many took to social media to caution Muslim females not to wear the hijab, niqab or burka in public. These panics were validated as women in the U.S. were apparently targeted in hate crimes following Donald Trump’s election.
According to the Oxford Dictionaries, Latinx was first used in response to an important matter around gender identity. How can a language like Spanish, in which nouns and adjectives have grammatical gender, be used in a gender inclusive channel?
Latinx replaces the gendered ‘a’ or ‘o’ pointing with ‘x’. Its still uncommon, but widely used on American university campuses.
Lemonade was one of the few lustrous events in an otherwise gruesome year. Beyonces visual album, which debuted in April, is both an ode to black women and a deep personal love story, told in 11 evenly earnest chapters. Some chapters hollered “I came to slay, bitch.” Others were so specific and pointed in their anger that some wondered if Jay Z and Beyonce were getting divorced .
Image: Beyonce
Featuring candidly beautiful verses from the Somali-British poet Warsan Shire, the book is a dazzlingly complex project in which pop culture meets spirituality, gratifies vulnerability. Scenes from the album have become religion, and quite rightly so, such as the one in which Beyonce is covered in a yellowish nightgown and golden jewelry, opens doubled doorways to tell the liquid flow on the stairs. After a bit son sides her a baseball bat, Beyonce is off, destroying automobiles and cameras, crushing open a fire hydrant and twirling in its water.
So potent was the panorama and the entire book that the University of Texas at San Antonio decided to offer students the opportunity to sign up for a class announced Black Women, Beyonc& Popular Culture.” Students who take the course will invest the semester searching the singer’s visual album, Lemonade , and its relation to black feminism. Isnt that everyones dream?
Nasty wives
In the final presidential conversation, Hillary Clinton, while discussing Donald Trumps tax pays, was interrupted by the Republican nominee who said, leaning into the mic: such a nasty woman.
The phrase, uttered so soon after Trump roundly contended that no one has more respect for women than him, speedily became a trending hashtag. #NastyWoman took over Twitter and soon became a war cry for numerous women.
Twitter user @thecultureofme even acknowledged to buying the world’s most delightful domain name, NastyWomenGetShitDone.com , then configuring the sheet to redirect to Hillary Clinton’s officer website. And Will Ferrell boasted a Nasty Woman T-shirt in support of the democrat.
Pokemon become
In a year of unlikely resuscitations and throwbacks Pokmon Go took “the worlds” by squall. It was just the perfect make for those who grew up in the 1990 s and had fond childhood retentions of the insanely successful Game Boy tournament . The conclude Pokmon Go is so cunning, though, is that it’s all tied to the real world .
The app trails your site IRL, which means you hunting and catch Pokmon on the same system of roads and parks that you’re walking through in real life. PokStops( where you stock up on items) are linked to real world places like local post office, and gyms( where you contend competitive Pokmon coaches i.e. other people playing video games) are happenings like religions and train stations in the real world.
Soon after it the app was wheeled out, pokmania spread all over the world . And its not over. On Monday, government officials Pokmon Go account shared the exciting word that brand-new Generation II Pokmon have been added to the game.
The annual Oxford Dictionaries “word of the year” can divulge a lot about the world we live in. And this year it’s very telling. Post-truth is defined as an adjective “relating to or designating cases in which objective points are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to ardour and personal belief”. Over such courses of 2016, mentions of the word snowballed in the framework of Brexit and the US presidential election. Read more about the sources of the word here.
Post-truth is the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016. Find out more: https :// t.co/ jxETqZMxsu pic.twitter.com/ MVMuMyf8 3K
Oxford Dictionaries (@ OxfordWords) November 16, 2016
Peach emoji
The peach emoji when it looked like a butt.
When Apple exhausted the first beta form of iOS 10.2, numerous people were frantic because of an update on the peach emoji, which appeared more like a normal peach and less like a butt.
noooooo they’re changing the peach emoji pic.twitter.com/ CmHkef9MlM
alix (@ freckledbutt) November 1, 2016
Thankfully, after some serious internet backlash, Apple appears to have redesigned the emoji to to once again resemble a butt.
Spectacles( Snapchat )
The brand-new smart sunglasses , rolled out in November, furnish a whole new ordeal in snapping, earmarking filming in terms of the user.
The product is sold in interactive vending machine announced Snapbots , in very limited quantities throughout the US. Instead of selling them online or in stores, Snap Inc. is exploiting the vending machine, along with an interactive map, to drive the Spectacles promotion train.
Since the launch they’ve been used everywhere from in the sack to in surgery.
While “post-truth” was Oxford Dictionaries parole of its first year, “surreal” was Merriam-Webster’s 2016 word of its first year .~ ATAGEND Defined by the dictionary as “marked by the intense irrational actuality of a dreaming, ” “surreal” is a relatively new word in English, having been first is contained in the dictionary in 1967.
Never before have so many beings felt compelled to look it up on their dictionary as they did in 2016. Terrorist strikes in Brussels and Nice and the struggled takeover in Turkey were the tragic events that led to a spike in the numbers looking up the word. But the most significant spike was after the US election in November.
Image: ap photo
From Reddit’s CEO to the Royal Family, everyone this year had to deal with the rise of the trolls.
Trolling is a phenomenon as old because the internet and it gained renown during the U.S. poll.
An military of so called “alt-right” trolls was already a significant online violence before Americans cast their votes. After Donald Trump was elected president, they made it clear they were not about to go back to the dark angles of the internet from where they came from.
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman had his own headaches around the trolls. He riled Reddit users after declaring changing abusive posts about him to mention the moderators of Reddits biggest pro-Trump subreddit, r/ the_donald. I abused my capability to give the bullies a hard time, he said.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Image: pa
Even the Royal Family had to deal with the racist and sexist trolling of Prince Harrys girlfriend Meghan Markle . In November, Kensington Palace said in a statement that Harry’s girlfriend has been subject to a “wave of abuse and harassment”.
Woke was used in 2016 in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement, often in hashtags like #StayWoke. But its own history is much older. As is attributable to Nicole Holliday in the Oxford Dictionaries blog, the word originated in the black community in the mid 20 th century with the implications of being is cognizant of social systems of pitch-black oppression.
In 1962, woke was shall be included in a lexicon of African American slang with the description ‘well-informed, up-to-date”. “By the following decade, we have evidence of it being used in a more explicit political situation, ” Holliday explains.
In a 1972 romp entitled Garvey Lives !, generator Barry Beckham writes. I been sleeping all “peoples lives”. And now that Mr. Garvey done woke me up, Im gon stay woke. And Im gon help him wake up other pitch-black folk
After the Trayvon Martin slay in 2013 and the Black Lives Matter movement, awake has made a comeback though sometimes it has been used inappropriately in non-political, ludicrous tweets.
” Woke has been racially cleaned for a mainstream gathering. Woke has been removed from its ties to black communities as well as its reference to black consciousness and political motions, ” says Holliday in her blog.
Glossary 2016
So there you have it. A Glossary of 2016. Who knows what statements waiting for us next year.
BONUS: This super precise handwriting robot is so satisfying to watch
The post These are the words that encapsulate 2016 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2y0HZrL via IFTTT
0 notes