#and man. being a fa naff fan was the worst thing ive ever done to myself
espytalks · 1 year
A new fanaff game (technically, dlc, but its functionality a whole new game) released yesterday, and i finished watching a playthrough a bit ago. Im pretty conflicted.
On the one hand, my expectations for ruin were so low, im thoroughly impressed that it works as good as it does, and that the story isnt a hot steaming mess. Its relatively bug free, and linear, so theres less glitchyness, and itd be hard to sequence break it.
But on the other hand, something seems off. I dont think the storys as good as it could be? Something feels like it's missing, and theres a lot of little things that, while a huge improvement, still feel like it falls short of a good horror game, or even a suspenseful game in general.
Ive never played a fanaff game, and dont plan to (i get spooked too easy, so its hard to play games like this) so i dont know how it actually feels to play the game myself. But from what ive seen, its good? But also man, the story kinda just ends, and raises a lot of questions i dont think will be answered for a long while, if it ever is. It kinda feels like it came outta nowhere? Theres no setup to the twist, and its just kinda ..there? Im not really interested in solving the lore myself, so im gonna see what people say about it, but honestly, i kinda wish the games would just tell a whole cohesive story, thay actually delivers on the promise of a horror game, ya know?
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