#and look i still love hayden but...anakin hits different as an adult.
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mrspockomakeitso · 10 months ago
I'm rewatching attack of the clones and i havent seen it properly, start to finish, since i was a kid so i am having Thoughts and Opinions that are Very Different from when i was a child.
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wonderlandleighleigh · 5 years ago
85 Thoughts while watching Return of the Jedi
2. I still love the idea that Stormtroopers fucking loved Vader, and all of the commanders were terrified of him. 
3. Vader helmet so shiny.
4. Back on Tatooine. It always comes back to Tatooine, doesn’t it? 
5. 3P0 was so hoping that the door wouldn’t open. He just wanted to go home. 
6. Everyone in Jabba’s palace looks really...gross. I guess that fits, right? Jabba’s palace is super gross, so.
7. I never understood as a child the slavery - and the sex slavery - aspect of Jabba’s palace. Only as an adult have I fully understood just how fucked up this is.
8. Remember kids, Luke has NO IDEA that Anakin was a Hutt slave as a child. Is there any canon stuff where he finds out about that? I’d be interested. 
9. Han’s carbonite face is so fucking dumb. 
10. Man droid torture is no joke. If that’s what they do to droids, think about what they do to people...
11. Oh god, the musical number. Like I thought it was funny when I saw it for the first time when they did the re-releases, but also, it’s this weird dissonance between that and Oola’s death. 
12. Jabba is so much creepier here than in New Hope. 
13. I love all the disguises and subterfuge in the opening storyline. And I love that they took the time to deal with Jabba and the bounty on Han’s head. It’s a nice break from the Galactic War. 
14. I remember watching this for the first time, and when Leia pulls the helmet off and is like “Someone who loves you” I was like OMG! And my shipper heart grew ten times as large.
15. Han is so...moist. Here. Blugh.
16. Ugh. God. Poor Leia. They do a good job of illustrating just how fucking terrible Jabba is, but...god dammit. 
17. Han and Chewie reunion! <3 <3 <3 
18. Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight. Somewhere Mace Windu is looking at all of Luke’s attachments and impulsive behaviors and dry heaving. 
19. THE BIKINI IS GROSS! The only thing good about it is that Leia will eventually strangle Jabba to death while wearing it. Otherwise? Ugh.
20. Luke Skywalker. Jedi Knight. Fashion icon.
21. I always felt bad for the Rancor’s master. He loved his Rancor. And the Rancor was just as much a slave as any of the people in Jabba’s palace. It was probably only fed when there was a person Jabba wanted to kill so it would be as vicious as possible.
22. This trio is so bad-ass. 
23. Luke knows what the Sarlacc is. 
25. Ugh. The Dune Sea is really fake-looking here.
26. R2 as waiter makes me so happy. It’s so ridiculous. 
27. “Convenient.” 
28. Anakin Skywalker would be so fucking proud of his daughter strangling Jabba the Hutt to death. It’s everything he ever wanted to do to fucking slavemasters on Tatooine. 
29. “Boba Fett. Boba Fett. WHERE?!” 
30. Per Dettiot: Luke went to Obi-Wan’s old hut on Tatooine and found the handbook to make his lighsaber, as well as some kyber crystals. What else he was up to between Empire and Jedi, I’m not sure.
31. Knee. High. Chanel. Boots. 
32. The sheer utter chaos and destruction would make Anakin Skywalker kvell*. 
33. I don’t know if Yoda considers Luke his friend. More like just another snot-nosed apprentice who will eventually disappoint him. 
34. Leave us alone, Palpatine. What a fucking pruny piece of shit. 
35. Yoda’s death is so bitter-sweet for me. I love Yoda. But he made so many mistakes in his life that he never really owned up to. I suppose he felt that his exile was his penance. But I don’t know if I agree. He could have come out of hiding to aid the Rebellion. 
36. Also, he was planning to die without coming clean to Luke about Vader. And that is some horse shit.
37. “Suffer your father’s fate.” At least he’s admitting that Anakin wasn’t solely to blame. That there was manipulation there. 
38. “I can’t go on alone.” Go find Ahsoka and Ezra! You’re not alone!! 
39. The fact that Obi-Wan truly believed that that Anakin had died and Vader took his place. 
40. Yoda and Obi-Wan never moved on from their trauma. They keep reliving their trauma and so they cannot move forward, and so they keep making the same mistakes over and over. Asking Luke to kill Vader is proof of that. 
41. And it really shows that Obi-Wan, even after his attachments to Satine and Akakin and Ahsoka - does not understand family. Luke saying “I can’t kill my father,” and Obi-Wan being like “Whelp. There’s no other way so the Emperor wins.” 
42. There being no mention of Luke and Leia’s mother ANYWHERE except for the one moment later on, drives me CRAZY. Obi-Wan could have told Luke about Padme then.
43. I love that Han and Leia can sit next to each other in a meeting and not have to have arms wrapped around each other. Just being next to each other is enough.
44. GENERAL SOLO! Leia’s face. “Excuse you, how did you suddenly get hotter?” 
45. The painted backgrounds are so beautiful. 
46. Poncho game is strong in this movie. 
47. FLY CASUAL is such a stupid line. I love it.
48. Skywalker twin exasperation is the best. Padme would be proud. 
49. Leia just going for it is so so good. 
50. I know Ewoks catch a lot of shit for...well..being Ewoks. But I love them. They’re adorable! And they have no qualms about eating humans! 
51. “My Son.” I think this is the first time Vader has referred to Luke as his son to someone who isn’t Luke, instead of the “Son of Skywalker.” 
52.  Watch as we realize that Leia has been holding the one brain cell this entire time, and Han, Luke and Chewie get totally clueless. 
53. PROPER. 
54. I love Ewok tree houses. 
55. Remember kids. They were planning to eat Han, Luke and Chewie. 
56. Where the hell did that dress even come from that Leia is wearing??? They just had that lying around? 
57.  I guess they ate the last woman who wore it.
58. I love that 3P0 in New Hope, claims he’s not much of a storyteller, and then in the Jedi like is like a master storyteller lol. 
59. And here, we get the only mention of Padme. And it wasn’t even Padme. It was a handmaiden. I will forever be salty that Padme isn’t mentioned at all because George didn’t think of her until the prequels. Argh.
60. Luke’s unwavering belief in Anakin is so amazing. The sequels did that part of his character so dirty. This version of Luke would never have tried to kill his nephew. 
61. “It is too late for me.”  God dammit, Anakin. The thing is that if he goes with Luke, he is admitting that everything he has done for the last twenty years is all for nothing, and he just fucking can’t do it. So much denial .So much pain. Fuck you, Vaderkin.
64. Y’all remember that Ewok movie with the blonde child? “Star cruiser crash!!” 
65. Padme would be so proud of Luke’s fashion.
66. Wedge got promoted! Yay! 
67. I love the old Hollywood trick of shadowing the Emperor’s face except for his eyes. 
68. I just. I love that the Empire is defeated by fucking teddy bears. I know a lot of people hate it, but it’s just- it feels so karmic.  They’ve done such terrible things. And to be taken down by these fuzzy, little bastards. *chef’s kiss* 
69. Palpatine hitting in that nerve that Luke has about his attachments. About his hope. Oof.
70. The entire Vader fight is just him trying not to see how much like Padme Luke is. That’s gotta hurt. 
71. Bro. Vader. You do not want to try shit with Leia. Like. No. Fuck’s sake. Don’t try it. She’ll have all of you arrested and then executed. 
72.  Yes Luke. Thow away that lightsaber. Show that wrinky fuck who’s boss. 
73. I love that Anakin gets to make the right choice here. He does what he didn’t do with Mace. He finally realizes all the lies...all the manipulation...that he can make things different. And he does. And it rightfully costs him his life.
74. Vader couldn’t survive. Vader would have been tried for his crimes and either executed or jailed for the rest of his life. The same thing happened to Ben Solo in the sequels. He had to die. Otherwise he’d have to have a real-world ending: Prison or execution.
75. I feel so sad that Anakin became this fucking horror show of a person. It didn’t have to be this way. Fuck. 
76. “Tell your sister...you were right.” 
77. Oh Han no. No no no. 
78. No Han.
79. HAN. 
80. Han’s face when he finds out Luke is Leia’s brother is hilarious. 
81. I wish that Rex and Ahsoka had been there when Luke burned Anakin’s body. I feel like they needed to, for their own closure. And Luke would have felt like he had people who understood. Who loved and knew Anakin before all of this. 
83. Let’s eat Stormtrooper! 
84. I am SO MAD that all of this will be undone by the sequel trilogy. Ugh.
85. I want them to refilm Hayden now that he’s just about the age Anakin would have been when he died as a Force ghost. I feel like that would be really nice. 
*Kvell -  Yiddish - to be bursting with pride 
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gffa · 6 years ago
Scattered Star Wars novels thoughts: - I have listened to an hour and a half of the Thrawn: Alliances audiobook, someone please tell me to stop torturing myself with this thing.  It’s not even that it’s a bad book imo, but that it wasted so much potential!  TELL ME TO NOT SPEND ANOTHER TWELVE HOURS ON THIS ONE. That said, re: the audiobook specifically, WHOA, Marc Thompson nailed Thrawn’s voice/Lars Mikkelsen impression, that is some spot on voice acting!  His Padme sounds pretty much like all his other female characters unfortunately and his Anakin sounds like a slightly softer version of his younger characters (I’m thinking especially of Temmin) and I really like that choice, it feels like it’s a little closer to Hayden!Anakin than Matt!Anakin (who does a fantastic job, but when that’s often times the ONLY version of Anakin we see in stuff anymore, I start getting really wistful about movie-based prequels stuff, like, no, TCW wasn’t the only good prequels stuff!) but it is still hard to put it together with the Anakin in my head.  And his Vader is surprisingly flat, like, I would have thought the barest special effects for that would have been easy?  But it’s just a deep voice impression! I feel like Thompson’s roles are often like that, it’s very hit and miss.  I love his book readings, he’s the go-to guy for a reason, but you know what I wish they’d do more often?  Get the various voice actors together for different roles.  I realize that’s probably a lot more work than they want to do, paying multiple people for the same book, but there was one I listened to recently (which I cannot remember for the life of me now) that got Thompson for his Han voice and January LaVoy for her Leia and it was FANTASTIC. I keep wishing that that’s what they’d do with this book--get LaVoy for Padme, get Thompson for Thrawn, get a different actor for Anakin, get some special effects for Vader, and it could be really great.  Though, I recognize that the audiobook versions probably aren’t as much of a priority, but still!  I want to treat them like audiodramas instead!  Cater to what I want, LucasFilm!  And while we’re at it, give me more animated TV series novelizations!  Of Rebels AND The Clone Wars!  AND A PONY!! - I finished Life Debt and I’m giving myself a little time to let it breathe before tackling Empire’s End--and maybe hoarding the last of it, because I’ve come to love these characters a lot.  ;__; That’s one of the really big downsides of the expanded universe stuff--there are all these incredible characters that I get really invested in and, so often, they’re just there for a brief time and we never know what happens beyond that.  I’m still sad that we haven’t gotten another book with Vi Moradi.  I’m still sad that we haven’t seen any sign of post-Rebels’ Ezra getting to tell us what happened.  I’m still sad that Eli Vanto was only in the one book so far.  I’m sad that Sinjir and Jas and Norra and Jom probably won’t be in any more novels after this, that I’m lucky to have gotten three of them!  I still want more of Iden Versio and we’ll probably never get much more than a cameo from her after this. I’ll keep reading and keep getting invested in these characters, the more there are, the more populated this galaxy feels, and some of them do keep showing up.  Like getting to see Sana in Last Shot was a lot of fun!  I have no doubt Rae will turn up in lots more things!  I just want more of these characters, too!  I know we already get, on average, like three or four books a month from all across Star Wars, but I WANT MORE, PLEASE. - One thing I realized about halfway through Life Debt is that, I CANNOT, for the LIFE of me, unsee Sinjir as Dorian Pavus.  The darker skin and accent definitely felt reminiscent of him, but then the second half of the book made several mentions of the very noticeable mustache and now it’s ALL I CAN SEE and I’m half wondering if that wasn’t the inspiration. - I liked the ending of the book a lot!  It reminded me of ESB in how much it felt like the middle piece of a trilogy, that it ended on such an explosive note and how much shit is going down.  I certainly didn’t expect everything to blow up the way it did in the last parts of the book! I’ve also really come around on Norra and I think a lot of that has to do with how much shit Temmin gives her that’s not really her fault, so it eases up the strain I was feeling on her in the early parts of the first book. I’m really enjoying the vague Rae - Leia counterparts-of-their-respective-organizations stuff, too!  Both are sort of the face of their side, but aren’t really the one at the head, both are feeling like outsiders in this fight that they’ve given everything to, that the organizations are going in directions that make them furious, because they both deeply believe they’re right. It makes me wonder how much this is meant to be negative images of each other or how much it’s meant to be a true parallel, that both of them are worthwhile people, but are putting forth some not-so-great ideas, Rae with the Empire and Leia with her inability to recognize that a government is different from a Rebellion. - I’m 4/5ths of the way through the Solo novelization and I think there’s a lot to be said about how I’m just not as invested in Han as a character, so the little details kind of slip by me.  But it’s also fairly light as a novelization (in comparison to my favorites, but also it’s not the lightest I’ve read, either!) and so I was dearly looking forward to some Qi’ra insight, but there’s not really that much?  The hints at what she went through are really interesting and I’m hoping that the climax of the story will give me more to work with, but this is definitely not going to be another TLJ novelization or even a Thrawn: Alliances level of I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY. I’m sad that it feels like the book never read Most Wanted, because the junior novelization had a mention of Tsuulo (so far that was the most notable thing about it, but I think I’m only like three chapters in, so that’s not much time yet) that absolutely DELIGHTED ME, but the adult one hasn’t mentioned him or much outside of what was already there in the movie, so it does feel kind of light and disconnected, but it’s still worth the read to me.  And I do think that the novelization’s version of the Imperial hearing scene was WAY funnier than the actual deleted scene, it nailed the timing of it in a way that not even the movie’s delightful acting could for me.
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tamtam-go92 · 3 years ago
My thoughts on the Kenobi Series
I was just able to finish the Kenobi Series yesterday, because - life. And I'm so conflicted about this series. I really am. Foremost: It's massive fan service, but that's okay imo, I am a fan and I like to be served so, okay. Then there were those really strong written parts, mostly those scenes between Obi-Wan and Vader that had me on the edge of my seat and had me crying (of course). On the other hand, the writing was super lazy in a lot more scenes. Every chase sequence made no sense to me. A small girl can outrun adults bounty hunters? A small girl can outrun Obi-Wan? Then the chases around the ships felt like in The Last Jedi. Same when they were hiding in that cave. Classic The Last Jedi problem. It's so unbelievable that the Empire isn't able to open that freaking door. Why does the Empire always look so nonthreatening? Maybe it is, I mean oppressing systems often are so inflated and strictly hieratical that they look terrifying on the outside but in fact aren't as threatening because no one really has anything to decide but the dictator (or similar). I also had a problem with the new characters. I couldn't really care for Tala, and it took me way too long to feel for Reva (though I thought she'd be one of the kids from the beginning). Also, please bear with me that I don't know the right terms. I've been consuming Star Wars entirely in German for my whole life, so I only know the terms in my mother tongue. So yeah, I'm so conflicted about this series. I was super hyped about it, I loved that Obi-Wan and Anakin meet again. I LOOOOVED the last episode, that one was amazing imo. Loved some badass Beru and Owen. Somehow loved little Leia, while she was really annoying in the beginning, but imo she was depicted just right, just as I'd think a small Leia would be like. My order of the eps from great to bad are: 6,3,1,5,2,4 Of course everyone can see that differently. Overall, I liked the series. Was it cheap fan service with some lazy writing and plot convenience? Yes, but that's okay, it's Star Wars. We always had that in the series, even the Originals aren't free from that imo. Was the series what I expected it to be? Honestly not. I expected to see more of BEN Kenobi, more of Luke, honestly. I didn't expect there to be so many other characters that steal Obi-Wan's show. To be clear, they didn't steal his show in the way that they outshone him, Obi-Wan was still the best character, but they got too much screen time imo. There were three episodes that were the show of somebody else (Leia, Tala and Reva). And that's just too much for a series called Obi-Wan Kenobi and that is only six episodes long with no second season planned. Overall, I'm satisfied with the show. As a huge prequel fan (Revenge of the Sith is my favorite movie) my itch to see Obi-Wan and Anakin again was scratched. Especially loved that last moment we really saw Anakin in Ep. 6, that just hit differently. I'm glad Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor were back for this series, Ewan McGregor just IS Obi-Wan, he gave him so much personality. The only thing in the last Ep I wasn't a fan of was force ghost Qui Gon, I always thought he couldn't be a force ghost? I don't know, I'm not an expert, just an ordinary fan. I wish I could bring my thoughts in order. xD But my ADHD brain is just a mess like that, and maybe you've read it, so thank you for reading my stupid thoughts. Definitely gonna watch this series again, maybe in one sitting. My boyfriend hasn't watched with me, so he might want to look with me. Can't wait to find all the things I didn't notice in the second watch!
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