#and long story short we got kicked out cause of one bitchy old man
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freczeyourbrain · 4 years
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{ʾ⁎ ⊰ alexa demie, cis female, she/her ⊱ i think i just saw BETTY RIZZO walk across trafalgar square, singing to WASABI* ( LITTLE MIX ). you know, the TWENTY FOUR year old BARTENDER? people claim that they are just like RIZZO from GREASE**. it must be because they are CONFIDENT and BRASH as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at CHICAGO*** apartment. ⌝
alexa, play oops i did it again by queen britney spears!!!
yes, it’s me, bringing in this queen herself miss rizzo. below i’m going to list some bullet points about her past, her present, and little facts about her. i am v excited about this kiddo and all the things in my brain about her and as always, feel free to hit me on discord and the dms to plot and what not!! 
betty christina rizzo was born into the world in a mix of chaos, her mother had decided to leave her father after her second trimester, the question of why had never been answered all her life. even whenever she asked her abuela growing up, she was told to stop prying and be thankful she was here to begin with. it gave her a thick skin, besides, it wasn’t long after she was born that her mother met another man, so at least she had somewhat of a father figure around when he wasn’t drunk out of his mind. 
she didn’t grow up in the nicest home, betty lived with her abuela and abuelito, her mother, her step father (if she could even call him that with no ring on her mother’s finger?), and a few cousins. the house was always loud, crazy, reckless...but for some reason, she found peace in the never ending chaos. 
her relationship with her step father wasn’t exactly healthy, he was a drunk, a mean one at that and even if she begged her mother to kick him out of their lives...she never could. long story short, she didn’t trust the man, and slowly he began to put a wedge between her and her mother with all the fighting and strain. 
in high school, betty decided to start going by her last name, “rizzo”. as a freshman, she entirely rebranded herself. puberty treated her well, but she had always been a “pretty girl”. now that she was older, she was starting to learn that she could use that to her advantage. she was a ruthless flirt, climbing her way up the social ladder fairly quick as she manage to reel in the bad boys of the school with a little bat of her eyes. establishing her own little girl gang, they walked the halls like gods, and she lived for the attention it gave her.
she quickly became a rebel without a cause in school, a common staple of detention and a well known trouble-maker, it wasn’t as if anyone at home was paying attention. the only thing is, rizzo was smart, incredibly so. the amount of times she was told she was wasting her potential by teachers and guidance counselors alike was tiring, she just didn’t care, it wasn’t like she had the money to go to college anyways. her grades were high, but her behavior marks were even higher, rizzo had a mouth on her that just didn’t quit. she didn’t sugar coat things, she was honest to the biggest fault, and people either loved that about her, and hated her for it.
after graduation, it was clear that there was no clear path. soon enough, her mother wanted her out of the house and she knew it was her step father’s idea. funny how a man who couldn’t put a ring on her mother’s finger called the shots on her only child, and after trying to fight it, rizzo gave up. she moved out at eighteen, finding a little apartment to split with her friends still in town, the young girl began to work at a diner in the city to try and pay her bills.
it wasn’t enough, soon she got approached by a night club owner who was in need of a back-up bartender. the first shift she worked, she fell in love. the rush of the crowd, the way she held power behind the bar, they ordered the drinks but she ultimately called the shots. it was like she fell into a groove, she fell in love with the loud music and the environment, and she was a damn good bartender at that. 
soon enough, she was the lead bartender at one of the best night clubs in london, a well known face in the service industry...she was making big money with her regulars and packed nights. it was like being a god damn local celebrity at times, no waiting in lines to get into parties, mingling with the elite socialites, rizzo finally found her thing...but she wanted more. she was a fighter, and when she had a dream, it seemed she wouldn’t stop until she got it.
recently, at twenty four, she has started saving money to open up her own little bar. nothing big and flashy, not a night club but a bar. a place that is it’s own little safe haven. a bar run by women, she wants nothing but the hottest and most confident women in town, the name in flashy pink neon lights “pink ladies”...it’s so close she can taste it.
so yeah, miss rizzo is a little spit fire. she is a sagittarius woman, born december 12th, and she can be a little bit all over the place. while she is a little bit blunt and in your face, deep down she means well under the hard shell. 
right now, she’s working on opening her own bar called “pink ladies” where each house cocktail is named after her closest gal pals. it’s sort of like the coyote ugly bar, she wants hotties behind the bar and maybe even an occasional dance or two on the bar-top. she wants it rowdy, fun, and reckless. that’s her goal, that’s her big plan, and BY GOLLY, she’s gonna get there.
rizzo is a RAGING bisexual, point blank and the period. if you give her attention, she’s all in for the ride.
she has some commitment issues, which im guessing stems from her childhood being so crazy, or maybe it’s because of her on and off again relationships in high school. who knows?
i’ll add more but for now, this is what i GOT. come love my crazy little bitchy baby <3 
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