#and lip was shocked that karen didn’t know guns n’ roses
omgrachwrites · 4 years
A Perfect Stranger - Matt Murdock
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: When a mysterious man in a mask saves your life, you long to find out who he is. You soon discover that you know more about the masked man than you thought.
Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of blood, swearing, fluff, ooc 
Words: 2193
Disclaimer: The characters will be ooc, I’ve barely seen passed season one!
A/N: Aaah, this is my first time writing for Matt, I recently started watching Daredevil and I fell in love with Matt! I hope this is okay and please let me know what you think, and thank you to those amazing people who have welcomed me into the fandom! I love you all! xxx
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The rain was completely soaking your hair and you were sure that your clothes were becoming see through, but that wasn’t your main concern right about now. All you were focused on was the cold metal of the gun that was pressed against your forehead. You were frozen, rooted to the spot, numb with terror. The man who held the gun to your head was shaking as he held your purse in his other hand. You wondered if this was his first time mugging someone.
“Please, don’t hurt me,” you tried reasoning with him, “you can take my purse, I promise that I won’t call the cops.”
“Shut up!” he yelled, his face was set and he looked more sure of himself. This was it; this was how you were going to die, among the scum and the filth of Hell’s Kitchen.
Suddenly, something fast and dark – like an avenging angel – came down upon the man; your assaulter cried out in pain and dropped the gun as your saviour twisted his arm. You could have run but you stayed rooted to the spot, tears running down your cheeks but you still stayed rooted to the spot.
Your saviour was too quick for you to see but they couldn’t have been human, a human couldn’t move that fast. Meaty sounds resonated through the alleyway as your saviour punched your mugger over and over again before he was thrown against the wall, rendering him unconscious.
The alleyway stank of blood and rain and as the angel stared in your direction with bloody fists, you were shocked to see that it was a man, just a man, and he had a strip of cloth covering his eyes. How did he save you without being able to see? Nervously, you approached him, it was definitely not the smartest thing to do but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t hurt you. You touched his face, feeling the stubble along his jaw.
“Thank you,” his pink lips opened just slightly when you leaned forwards and brushed your lips against his cheek. A perfect stranger.
“Did he hurt you?” his voice was deep and rich, there was something that you recognised but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“No,” you whispered, “I scraped my lip when I tripped and fell, that’s all,” the masked man cupped your jaw, gently rubbing his thumb over your wound as you gazed at the water droplets running down his face.
You shivered as his touch sent tingles down your spine and he dropped his hand when he felt your reaction. You walked behind him to retrieve your purse and when you glanced up again, he was gone; he’d disappeared into the night. You let out a sigh as you ran your hand through your wet hair and you wondered just what sort of a man your saviour was.
2 weeks later
You knocked on the door of your brother’s office and silently popped your head in, bagels and coffee in hand. Matt Murdock, your brother’s best friend looked over at the door and grinned as he adjusted his glasses.
“Hey, Y/N.
Foggy gave Matt a strange look as he looked over at you with a smile, “good morning Matt,” you laughed as your cheeks grew hot, almost glad that he couldn’t see how he affected you. But, you did wonder how a blind man could know it was you.
The confusion must have been clear in your voice because Matt chuckled softly, “I knew it was you because I recognise the scent of that beautiful rose perfume from France. You wear it a lot.”
He never ceased to amaze you, “it’s one of my favourites, I’m glad you like it,” you gazed longingly at the beautiful man before you turned to your brother, “I brought breakfast,” you held up the bag and passed him a cup of coffee.
“Thanks, Y/N, but I’ve already had breakfast.”
You tutted as you rolled your eyes, “coffee and a cigarette doesn’t count, Foggy,” you laughed as you placed the bag on the desk and turned to Matt, “there’s enough for you too, Matt.”
Matt shook his head and gave you a regrettable smile, “I’m afraid that I have other business to attend to, be good you two,” he laughed as he made his way to the door with the help of his cane.
“Bye, Matt,” you called after him with a wistful tone in your voice.
Foggy snickered and you turned back to him with a glare on your face, “what’s so funny?” you demanded.
“You’re still holding a torch for him huh? It’s been ten years, Y/N.”
“Shut up,” you laughed as you gazed out of the window, at the beautiful sprawling metropolis below.
It was a shithole but you loved Hell’s Kitchen, even after you were almost killed a couple of weeks ago. Foggy was right of course, you’d had a crush on Matt for forever but there was something dangerous about him, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You didn’t want your brother to get caught up in it.
You spent the morning with your big brother, eating breakfast and talking about his new case. He even told you about his new crush, Karen and you smiled at the way his eyes lit up when he talked about her, you couldn’t wait to meet her.
“Shit!” Foggy cursed beneath his breath as you got ready to leave the tiny office.
“What’s wrong?” you laughed and Foggy looked up at you with a grimace on his face.
“I forgot to give Matt these files,” he slammed the papers down on the desk, frustration marring his features. He was such a drama queen sometimes.
“I’ll swing by after work and give them to him,” it was a perfect excuse to spend more time with Matt.
“Are you sure?” Foggy asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise and you nodded, smiling gently at him, “thanks Y/N, you’re the best.”
You grinned as you took the files off the desk, “I know,” you giggled, “I’ll see you later,” you kissed Foggy’s cheek before leaving for work.
Hours later, you were in front of Matt’s apartment door, a bag of Chinese take out in hand as you wrestled with yourself, trying to gain the courage to knock. You tried telling yourself that it was only Matt, a man – a gorgeous man – who you’d known for ten years. It didn’t help. You let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed – but it felt like an eternity – before Matt opened the door.
Your throat went dry as he stood before you in a white shirt and grey sweatpants and he wasn’t wearing his glasses, you had so rarely seen him without them. You were breathless at how gorgeous his deep brown eyes were. You gulped back your nerves.
“Hi, Matt.”
A slow charming smile spread across his face when he realised it was you, “hey Y/N, is that Chinese take-out I smell?” he chuckled and you grinned.
“It is indeed, you forgot a few files at the office and I told Foggy that I’d drop them off and I thought it couldn’t hurt to bring some food over.”
“That’s so sweet, please come in,” he graciously welcomed you into his spacious apartment.
It was dark inside, illuminated by the huge billboard just outside his window and you placed the files on the coffee table before turning back to Matt who was already moving around his kitchen.
“Here, I’ll get some plates out,” you smiled but he shook his head, a smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got it,” he moved around the space with such ease and you mentally slapped yourself for being an idiot. Of course he would know his way around his own apartment.
“I’m so sorry Matt, that was a stupid thing to say,” you flushed.
He chuckled as he sauntered over to the couch with plates in hand, “it’s really okay,” he sat next to you, so close that his leg touched yours and you could feel the warmth radiating from him.
“Do you miss it? Being able to see,” you blurted out without thinking, thrown off by this gorgeous man’s presence.
Matt only smiled softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling and he nodded, “I’m used to it now but I do miss being able to see,” he paused as he lowered his eyes to the floor, “I wish that I could see your face but I can tell that you’re beautiful.”
You giggled nervously as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you busied yourself with unpacking the food. As you and Matt ate, you talked about anything and everything, from life in Hell’s Kitchen to the dates you had been on. You knew that Matt didn’t date one person for too long and you felt a twinge of jealousy when you thought about all the beautiful super models he’d had in this apartment.
As he talked, you were completely captivated by his good nature and his gentle beauty. He almost caught your eye a couple of times and you found yourself wishing that he could see you. You wished that he could see all the longing glances you gave him because then he would know how you felt about him.
When you were both finished, you cleared the plates and took them to the sink, despite Matt’s protests. On the kitchen island you noticed a strip of cloth, it was just a strip of cloth but it stirred a memory. It was as if you were in a trance and picked it up, lifting it to your nose. It smelled of blood and rain, and you knew exactly where you had smelled it before. The alley on the night you had been attacked.
Suddenly, your heart started beating wildly as a thousand thoughts ran rampant through your head, returning to the same possibility as you looked at Matt. He seemed to sense your discomfort because his head perked up and an expression of worry marred his handsome features.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?”
You didn’t reply right away, how could you? You imagined Matt with the strip of cloth over his eyes and your heart jolted. He was blind, how could a blind man do the things that your perfect stranger had done? You hoped that Matt wasn’t lying about being blind, why would anyone lie about that?
“You’re the masked man,” you said simply as you pieced everything together, you were numb with shock.
Matt let out a surprised gasp as those rosebud lips opened in surprise. No wonder you had recognised him, “Y/N,” he trailed off, biting his lip.
“Aren’t you? Don’t lie to me Matt, please not now,” you sighed and he dropped his head in defeat, running his hands through his hair.
“Yes! Okay, it was me, it’s always been me, come and sit down Y/N, please,” he gestured to the couch; he sounded so desperate that your feet moved of their own accord and you found your place next to him.
A thousand possibilities ran through your head, how could a blind man be so good at fighting? How did he save you? “you saved my life, Matt. How could you possibly do it? Are you really blind?” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
A flash of pain flickered across Matt’s handsome face and you instantly wished that you could take it back, he reached for you and took your hands in his, rubbing his calloused finger tips over your knuckles in soothing circles, “yes, I’m blind. But, I see the world in my own way, I have certain…abilities,” he hesitated and then proceeded to tell you that when he was a little boy, an old blind man had come to visit him in the orphanage and had trained him, teaching him how to use his abilities.
It was a wild story, like something straight out of a comic book but you knew that Matt wouldn’t lie about this, you were a good judge of character, you had known him for ten years, “does Foggy know?” you asked, after a couple of minutes of silence.
Matt laughed a little, “no, I don’t want to get him involved, I didn’t want you to get involved but I guess I’m not as sneaky as I thought, you won’t tell anyone will you?”
“No, Matt. Of course I won’t,” you smiled as you trailed your fingers across his rough jaw, “but you need to tell Foggy, he’ll be pissed if he discovers it another way.”
Matt, chuckled as he leaned into your touch, “yeah you’re probably right.”
“You saved my life, Matt, thank you,” you grinned as Matt’s fingers trailed over your face gently before he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to yours. It was amazing how brutal he could be when you were faced with an assaulter but so gentle when he kissed you. You gasped into his open mouth and let him kiss you in the midst of Hell’s Kitchen.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​
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katymacsupernatural · 4 years
When Normal’s Not Enough
Dean Winchester x Reader
2000 Words
Summary: After a hunt goes bad, Y/N runs from her life. But it catches back up with her.
Warnings: Angst at first, then fluff
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You should have been happy. Sitting there, on your porch, a glass of freshly brewed iced tea in your hands, everything should have been perfect. However, you found yourself remembering that fateful night that had changed everything, your heart aching as if it had happened yesterday.
A hunt had taken a turn for the worst. Your best friend, Amanda, had been overtaken by the pack of hungry werewolves, torn to shreds in front of your eyes. And that’s when you knew, your hunting days were over.
Dean had taken your news the hardest, just as you had expected he would. Not only had you left hunting, but you were leaving behind everything that went with it, including the man you loved.
“Please Dean, don’t follow me,” you had pleaded. “Let me go. Fade away into the normal. Away from this...pain.”
“Away from me?” He had asked, his mossy green eyes were full of pain.
“I’m sorry,” was the last thing you had said to him before fleeing. Away from hunting and the bunker. Away from the best people you had ever known. To this life. A very normal life. 
That had been three years ago. Three long years. You had found the most normal town you could think of. Got a job as a waitress. Found a small little bungalow that was all yours. Everything you would have normally done before hunting had gotten in the way. 
But hunting had seemed to follow you, as much as you would let it. Your front door mat had a devil’s trap painted below. Containers of salt were carefully placed in every room, along with iron. Along with a couple of guns carefully hidden, that’s as far as you let hunting follow you.
“Morning Y/N!” Your neighbor Suzie called out. She was pushing a smart-looking pink stroller down the sidewalk. “What a beautiful day for a walk. Want to join me and this little cutie?”
“No, that’s all right,” you answered back and she kept on moving. 
Sighing, you sat down your glass of tea, just as your phone rang. “Hey Stevie,” you answered, your coworker on the other end.
“Listen, I know you’re off today, and I was wondering,” She started. “This morning sickness is kicking my butt. Do you think you could take my shift tonight?”
You had really been looking forward to having the night off. Especially after working every day for the past 6 days. But you couldn’t say no to Stevie. “Sure,” you answered.
“Thanks, Y/N! I owe you!” She exclaimed before hanging up.
Dropping the phone on the cushion beside you, you stared out at the tranquil street. Your neighbor across was out watering her prize-winning roses. Across from her was an older couple sitting on their porch. He was reading the newspaper while she sipped on her tea. 
People walked up and down the pristine sidewalk, many pushing baby strollers. Everyone was smiling. And it was starting to drive you crazy.
It shouldn’t have been. It’s what you had so desperately wanted, no needed after that dreadful hunt. You had wanted everything normalcy could bring you. But it didn’t feel right. Sure, the people were nice, but you still felt like an outsider. Living a fake life, watching as their lives blossomed. They fell in love, started families. And you? You hadn’t been able to force yourself to move on yet. Not after everything. 
Being here, forcing yourself to smile while everyone had no idea what you had been through. It was harder than you expected, and sometimes you picked up your phone, staring at his name. Wishing you were brave enough to press the green button. But you had burned that bridge, and he would probably never want to hear from you again.
A couple of hours later you were tying your apron on, getting ready for another day at work. The place was packed, as usual after the college’s baseball game. The owner, Karen was barking orders while the cook Steve tried to keep up. Pasting a fake smile on your face, you pushed past the swinging doors, stopping immediately.
There he was. Dean Winchester. The man that had haunted your dreams ever since you had moved to this tiny little town. He was looking down at the tattered and stained menu in his hands. His grey flannel shirt rolled up to show those strong forearms. His hair seemed a little longer than you remembered, and there were more lines on his face. But it was him.
Your knees shaking slightly, you did the only logical thing you could think of. Turning around, you pushed back through the doors, pressing your back against the wall. “Y/N!” Karen exclaimed. “We’ve got a full house out there today. There’s no time for dawdling.”
Taking a deep breath, you stepped back into the dining area. Dean was still staring down at the menu, his mossy green eyes staring down. He was alone, his brother nowhere to be seen which surprised you. 
He was on your side of the restaurant, which didn’t surprise you. Of course, fate would throw you back together once again.  Your hands shook slightly as you stepped up to the booth. “Double cheeseburger, fries, and a slice of apple pie?” You asked, knowing exactly what he normally would order.
“How the hell do you know my...Y/N?” His green eyes were wide with wonder, his plump lips parted in shock. “What are you doing here?”
“I work here,” you answered. You could feel Karen’s eyes burning into the back of your neck, and you knew you needed to move on to the next customer soon. “So, did I get the order right?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to take his eyes off of you. “Yeah, of course, you did. You always knew what I liked.”
You scribbled it down on the order form. “It will be a couple of minutes.” Turning to leave, he reached out and grasped you by the wrist.
“Don’t go. Please,” he pleaded.
“I have to work,” you argued, even though it felt so good to see him again. You wanted to sit with him, to be with a person who understood everything you’ve gone through. That’s seen the same craziness that you have. 
You pulled away, steadying yourself as you handed off his order. “He’s handsome,” Karen came over, snapping her gum, her bright red hair piled high on her head. “And you’re not getting any younger.”
You rolled your eyes. “Thanks. But he’s just an old family friend, passing through town. That’s it.”
“Honey, I don’t think you believe that. And he can’t keep his eyes off of you.”
Winking, she pulled a couple of plates from the warmer. Her words rang true, you could feel Dean’s gaze hot on your back. You wanted to turn around but refused to. You had work to do, and you had no idea how you were going to handle him. 
You didn’t have to worry about that for now. With the place being packed, you were kept on your toes, feeling drinks, taking orders. But the whole time you could see Dean watching you, his expression unreadable. 
When his order was ready, your hand shook slightly as you brought it over to him. “Extra bacon, on the house,” you told him, setting down the burger in front of him. Reaching down, you snatched a fry from his plate, tossing it into your mouth.
“You’re the best,” he exclaimed before shoving his mouth so full of the burger his cheeks bulged. “Y/N, I want to talk to you,” he mumbled, his words hardly recognizable with his mouth so full. 
You shook your head. “Not here. Later. Come by my house.”
You took a slip of paper, writing your address on it, and slipped it to him. When reaching for the paper, his hand grasped yours. “It’s really good seeing you again.”
Tears started to fill your eyes, and you quickly turned away. If he saw those tears, well he was Dean Winchester after all.
The rest of the evening rushed by. Dean had left quickly after you had passed the paper, taking his burger and pie for the road. 
The crowd thinned out, and Karen let you leave early. Your house was within walking distance, and it gave you time to think. Think about what you were going to say to Dean. Wonder what he was doing in town. You had kept your eye on the news, and nothing had seemed suspicious. But you had seen how surprised he had been at the diner. So you were completely confused.
The familiar black Impala was parked out front, and Dean was leaning against the passenger door. Suzie was watering her flowers. There were puddles underneath as she stared curiously at Dean.
You waved at her, letting her know it was okay. “Nice house,” Dean said as he pushed away from the car. “Seems like you’re doing well.”
“It’s a rental,” you offered as you pushed the door open. “It’s nice, and it came furnished.”
“Hmm,” he answered, peering around. “Seems like a pretty nice setup. You must be happy here.”
You ignored that comment, pulling out a bottle of whiskey and pouring a glass for each of you. Sitting down on the edge of your armchair, you got right to it. “Dean, what’s up? Why are you here.” 
He sat across from you, the glass resting in his hand but he made no move to drink. Swirling the liquid around, he finally glanced up at you. “It was the best damn coincidence I’ve ever had.”
Dean chuckled, setting the glass down. “Y/N, I did everything in my power to let you go. You deserved all of this and more. I hunted with Sam. But you were on my mind every single day. Then imagine my surprise, as I was stopping on my way back to the bunker, to see you. For the first time in years.”
“You’ve missed out on so much,” he replied. “But tell me the word, and I’ll be gone. Leave you to...whatever this life holds for you.”
You gave him a half-smile. “What word?”
Dean’s eyes watched you closely. “I just want to know you’re happy. Tell me that, and mean it, and you’ll never see me again.” You could see how much the words cost him, but you were grateful he was giving you the chance. A chance at a normal life, away from monsters and death, and horrible things that crept up in your nightmares. 
But was it what you really wanted? To live with only every day worries. To make small talk with your neighbors at the grocery store. To wait tables for the rest of your life. To not have Dean Winchester in your life?
You had missed the stubborn man with your whole heart, and seeing him here made this decision even harder. 
A tear slipped down your cheek, giving away your answer. Instantly he was pulling you to your feet, wrapping you in those arms you had missed so much. “Damn it Y/N, why didn’t you call?” He ground out, his hold on you almost crushing. 
“I almost did. Each and every day I would pull your name up on my phone. But this is what I had thought I needed. That if I just gave it a little more time,” you sniffed. “But it didn’t erase the memory of Amanda. And I missed you. So freaking much.”
“Come home with me,” he offered, using the back of his knuckle to wipe away your tears. “Sure, there’s still hunting, and with that comes pain. But it’s different now. We have a home, a place we belong. And you belong there too.”
All it took was a nod from you before Dean was swirling you around the room. Within an hour your life here was packed up, placed in the back seat of the Impala. You tossed the keys over to Suzie, knowing she would help you out. She clutched them tightly, winking your way as you settled in the passenger side of the Impala. It finally felt like you could breathe. That everything was going to work itself out.
Dean reached over, threading your fingers through his. “Best pit stop ever,” he exclaimed, and you had to agree. Dean had just saved you from a normal life, and you couldn’t be more grateful.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278   @bi-danvers0  @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215  @flamencodiva @hamiltrash1411 @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @justanotherwinchester @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @magssteenkamp @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk  @mrspeacem1nusone @nothinbuttrouble2 @ria132love @ruprecht0420  @screechingartisancashbailiff   @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @team-free-will-you-idjiot @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags:  @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @cpag7 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl @deanwanddamons @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @foxyjwls007 @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heartislubbingdubbing @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @imsuperawkward @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @justsomedreaming @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @mogaruke @monkeymcpoopoo @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing  @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting​ @sgarrett49​ @spnbaby-67​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @spnwoman​   @superbadassnatural​ @thatcrazybookwormgeek​   @thewinchesterchronicles​ @vvinch3st3r​  @whimsicalrobots​ @winchester-writes​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​
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brown-bi-beautiful · 4 years
Give Me Some Sugar
Steve Rogers AU
Series Masterlist
Sugardaddy! Steve Rogers x Sugarbaby! Reader.
Summary: When young Y/n gets fired from one of her jobs she struggles to make enough money for college loans and Bills, that’s when she meets Steve. What Steve is looking for isn’t exactly a relationship, he just wants someone to look pretty in his arms and take care of his needs without asking many questions about his job.
Series Warnings: Salty reader, age gap, Sugardaddy, and Sugarbaby relationship and all the chaos that comes with it, SMUT (Obviously. Don’t try to tell me you didn’t see that coming, Karen.), asshole people (Yup that’s a warning.), language more will be added later to the chapters.
Characters (as per the chapter): Y/n (Duh), Steve Rogers (Duh again), Sharon Carter, Wanda Maximoff, Lisa (OFC)
Words: 6.1k (Yeah I know right? I got a little carried away.)
Chapter Warning: Language, a little bit of bad description of Law studies (There’s gonna be more in coming chapters. I’m not a law student so I don’t know much about it.)
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Third Person POV
The next morning when y/n woke up her head felt like her brain was about to burst inside. She never liked this part of drinking alcohol, the hangover, wished there was just a skip button on it. As the bile rose to her throat she jumped out of her bed and rushed to the bathroom in the hall ignoring the eyes of her sister and her family. Why are they still here, don’t they have jobs and school and stuff?
She knelt down and hurled over the toilet seat, emptying her stomach and throwing up anything she ate yesterday. She scrunched up her nose when some of the vomit stuck to her hair and some of it on the toilet seat. Oh, how she wished Wanda or Sharon were here to hold her hair.
“Are you pregnant?” Lisa asked as she stood on the door leaning against the frame.
“What!? NO, I’m just hungover, if you don’t remember it was my birthday-” Y/n started saying but before she could complete her sentence another wave came over. “Yesterday.” She completed wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Y/n turned a little only to see her sister standing there giving her a disgusted look. “What? Like you never threw up?”
“Yeah whatever, there’s naproxen in the cabinet under the sink. And you’re cleaning that up, I’m not cleaning after your shit.” She said and walked out of the bathroom making the girl sitting in front of the toilet groan. “Bitch.” Y/n muttered before getting up and cleaning the mess she made on the toilet seat. She bent down the sink and took out the pills and popped two of them in her mouth. 
By the time she got out of the bathroom the living room was empty. She looked around to see where the people sitting here 15 minutes ago went but there was no sign. Y/n sighed out in relief that they were already gone, She was not in the mood to deal with Lisa’s three rugrats and sleazy husband anyway. 
Her head still felt like someone was banging drums inside so she quickly took out her phone and called off from work and decided to take a nap. She was too tired to even take a shower. Y/n knew it was gross but her bed was calling out for her so without thinking twice she jumped on it and dozed off to sleep.
The next time when y/n woke up it was 2 in the afternoon, her head felt less heavy. She could finally think straight without having a huge migraine. The first thought that bounced in that little head of hers was the blond man from last night, a frown instantly took place on her lips. Y/n still couldn’t get over the fact that he rejected her last night, but then he paid for her drink, which reminded her that she had to pay him back somehow, she had no idea how but somehow. 
One thing that people love to do when they are home alone is taking long hot showers so that’s what she did. Standing there under the stream of the hot water she let it wash away every little strain or ache in her muscles. She took a long shower, shaving and scrubbing every inch of her body. She thought It’s my day off so why not invest it in pampering myself. After the shower y/n called Sharon and she said they took the day off too, ‘hangover doesn’t show mercy to no one.’ were Sharon’s words. So she quickly got dressed in simple jeans and a shirt and took a bus to their place.
Y/n opened the door with the extra key that she had. The scene inside was nothing new to the girl, both her best friends were sprawled over each corner of the couch, a big bowl of popcorn between them, and some old horror movie was playing on the TV.......on mute. As y/n got inside the door shut closed behind her louder than she expected making them both wince.
“Don’t be so loud, woman.” Wanda glared. Y/n had the urge to laugh at their condition, they looked worse than she did this morning. Sharon was even wearing sunglasses inside. “I’m never drinking ever again.” She stated in a gruff voice.
“Well, that’s what you said the last time you got drunk but here you are again, repeating the circle,” Y/n said taking her shoes off and sitting between them. “Did you guys even had real lunch?” She asked pointing at the ball of popcorn.
“What are you talking about? Popcorn is real lunch.” Wanda said grabbing a handful and stuffing it in her mouth.
“Well there’s corn and there’s the butter I think that’s enough real lunch for two people who are too tired to get up,” Sharon said.
“OK, I was thinking about making you guys something but if you don’t want-”
“Please, y/n, we are so hungry,” Sharon said cutting her off mid-sentence. She got up with a chuckle. “What do you guys want?” Y/n asked as she walked toward the kitchen.
“Anything with lots of cheese in it,” Wanda replied and y/n proceeded to make them that one simple dish that never disappoints her, cream cheese chicken. She was in the middle of roasting some veggies to eat with the chicken when she heard Wanda say. “Oh my god, I’m changing the channel, what’s the point of being a fucking ghost if you’re just gonna kill people with guns.” Her comment made her laugh out loud. Y/n was happy that she had them in her life. Everything would be perfect right now if that asshole Ed hadn’t fired her, she would be happily walking out of college and going to the restaurant but here she was making lunch for her friends, not that she minds it. She’s just never been fired from a job before, it was a first and it stings like a bitch. Just like she’s never been rejected before either, guess turning 21 comes with a lot of firsts.
Y/n spent the rest of the evening with her friends and then took a bus home at the same time that she did every day. She was not ready to tell her sister that she got fired from the restaurant, Lisa would kick her out in an instant. She had to find another job before telling her.
The next morning her life fell back into everyday routine. Waking up at 5, fighting with her sister’s husband for the shower, taking the shower, wearing SFW clothes, going to the cafe at 6. It was Sunday and y/n didn’t have any class today so she could take some extra shifts too which was so good for her right now. Her hands worked like a machine when she was in this cafe like they had a mind of their own. It was something she has been doing for two years now so she was pretty damn perfect in it. She could do it constantly with closed eyes for hours without stopping even for a second.
But when she heard a familiar voice say “One double espresso to go.” Her whole body froze. She looked up and there he was, standing in all his glory, her handsome stranger, with wet hair and a shirt which fitted him like a condom. He looked more handsome in the morning as if that was even possible. He looked satisfied at the girl’s reaction then he looked down at his watch and said. “Can I get a double espresso to go please, Ms-” he took a pause looking down at her name tag. “Y/n, I’m getting late for a meeting.”
“Oh, right I’m sorry.” She quickly came out from her haze and started making his coffee. Her mind couldn’t help but wonder things like, Why is he acting like he doesn’t know me? like he didn’t dance with me that night like I didn’t almost give him a striptease. Like he didn’t......reject me. “What name do you want on the cup?” You asked sweetly.
“Steve Rogers.” He simply answered and she quickly looked up.
“Steve Rogers? You’re Steve Rogers?” Before she could help herself the words left her with a surprised tone to it. She has been serving him coffee for two years now, just not to him but to a middle-aged man who was probably a couple years older than the man standing in front of her, who she now assumed was probably his secretary. She has heard that name a couple times before other than that but she had no idea that what it is that he does, just that he’s some hotshot businessman. 
Wow, never in her life she would have guessed that some hot man that she ground on in a club on Saturday night would turn out to be a big businessman. Life shows some weird twists and turns but this was definitely one of the biggest and weirdest in hers. 
“Yes, that would be me, is there a problem with that?” He asked with a small smile or smirk or whatever it was. 
“Oh, no, no. Sorry. There’s nothing, no problem at all. Everything is just a-okay.” she bit her tongue when she realized she was probably babbling. God why are you getting so nervous, he’s just asking for a coffee, not sex. This is what you do for a living remember. She gave herself a talk as she continued making his coffee. She cleared her throat and begged for her professional side to kick in before saying. “That would be $2.75.” She said with a smile as she handed him the coffee and he handed her a 100 dollar bill in return. “I’m so sorry, sir. But we can’t provide you change at this hour of the morning.”
“It’s okay. Keep the change.” He replied and she had to make sure she heard him right and she wasn’t hearing things. She tried not to let the shocked look display on her face.
“I’m sorry, sir. What?.”
“I said, keep the change, Ms. Y/n. It's your tip.” 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Rogers, but I can’t take 97 dollars tip for just a cup of coffee.” 
“Well, Ms.Y/n. You don’t have any change, I don’t have any change, I don’t see a third option here.” He said it like 100 dollars doesn’t mean shit to him, that’s her income of two weeks minus the tips in this cafe
“We accept pay-pal too,” Y/n said pointing at the QR code over her counter.
“Well, that’s just too bad because I didn’t bring my phone today. I guess you just have to keep it, Miss.” He said and turned to leave but she stopped him, determined to know why was he acting like he hasn’t met her before. 
“Ste- Mr. Rogers, You didn't have to pay for us that night, I don’t know how to pay you back,” Y/n said and Steve looked at her with a confused frown on his face, like he had no idea what she was talking about. 
“I’m sorry?” He asked and Y/n felt the pang of disappointment in her heart. He wasn’t acting, he actually didn’t remember her. Not did he just reject her, he even forgot her. Either that or he was just a really good actor. Y/n felt embarrassed for even thinking that someone like him would ever be interested in her. He must have thousand of girls falling at his feet, why the fuck would he give a damn about a girl who he danced with for 15 minutes on a Saturday night, who was probably too young for him anyway.  But she already said it so there was no taking it back now.
“You don’t remember? We met at 1 Oak the night before yesterday.” Y/n said in hope that he would remember it.
“Oh, right, I do remember now. You were wearing a red dress.” He said as he looked down at her attire making her want to hide under the table in shame. “You are looking very different.” He added and y/n looked down at her white button-up and black slacks and that maroon apron that she wore every day, her hair up in a high messy pony and some of it was framing her face, she looked nothing like she did that night. 
“Ya, that was me. I was saying that you didn’t have to pay for our drinks. I want to pay you back.”
“Oh, it was nothing. You don’t have to pay me back.”
“Ms. Y/n, I said it was nothing now if you don’t mind I’m getting late for my meeting.” And with that, he walked out of the cafe not even turning to give her a second glance. 
Nothing!? It was nothing? Money was nothing to rich people? Who does he think he is? Just because he is some rich businessman does not mean he can treat everyone like a charity case. She worked hard for a living, she has self-respect, she does not accept a 100 dollar tip from some. Especially not someone who she danced with in a local club.
“Bullshit.” said a voice and Y/n quickly remembered it as the old sweet lady’s who worked with her and quickly turned around.
“Sorry, Ruth?” Y/n asked the 70-year-old woman with a confused smile on her face.
“He just bullshited you for 5 minutes straight to your face,” Ruth replied as she went back to her task of cleaning the cups on the counter beside Y/n’s.
“I don’t get it, what are you talking about?” Y/n asked as she started making a latte for her next customer. “Is it okay if I use whole milk, sir? You’re not Lactose intolerant right?” Y/n asked the customer with a sweet smile on her face which she always has when she talks to the customers even though most of it was fake.
“I wouldn’t mind if you used petrol in it.” He said with a smirk and she wanted to bang her head on the counter at his bad attempt of flirting but she kept the smile intact. 
“I don’t think that would be healthy for you, sir.” She replied and continued making him Latte. When she handed him his drink and he went away, she kept the money in her jar and turned to Ruth.
“What were you saying, Ruth?” Y/n raised her eyebrow with curiosity. 
“I was saying those rich people are big ass liars.”
“Why would you say that?” Y/n frowned at the older woman.
“That man, Steve Rogers, he came here yesterday, asking of you. When I said that you took the day off he went away without even getting a coffee.” Ruth said and the younger woman’s eyes widen with a little shock. He remembers her? Then why was he acting like he didn’t?
“Wait, asking for me as in by my name? He knew my name?” Y/n asked in a surprised voice.
“No, he came up to me and said where’s the hot chick you work with......Of course, he knew your name.” Ruth said sarcastically and Y/n doesn’t know why but she felt relief wash through her whole body. So he does remember her. Y/n couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips. But wait how did he know her name? She didn’t tell him that night did she? To be honest she can’t really remember if she did. She can’t really remember anything but his hands on her body, that masculine smell of his, how he felt against her. How his hard but firm chest felt pressed against her back. And now she’s turned on again. Shit.
She couldn’t help but smirk as an idea popped in her head, it probably wasn’t a good one but it was an Idea.
“Oh, two can play a game, Mr. Rogers.” She muttered under her breath as she bit her lip and went back to do her job. The rest of the day pretty much mundane. She had a study group till late that evening so she couldn’t meet her friends today, she wanted to meet them and tell them everything about the man but she was too tired after the study group so she just went home instead. She ignored her sister when she asked what was she doing home so early and went straight to her room deciding to go back for dinner when everyone is asleep.
Y/n have to admit, she was pretty excited for tomorrow. Even though she had no idea if he would even show up tomorrow, maybe he will ask his secretary to bring him coffee again, maybe it will be like the last two years again. Maybe he will actually forget her by the next time. But with that little hope of meeting him again tomorrow, she went to sleep with a stupid smile on her face, food wasn’t even a priority anymore. 
The next morning Y/n tried her best to look good and presentable without wearing something that was not safe for the work environment. She can’t remember the last time she felt so excited to go to work. Probably when she first started dating Brock, God he was so sweet the first few months why did he have to turn into an asshole. Anyway, she shouldn’t be thinking about him right now.
She had played out every single possible scenario in her head since last night, even now as she stands in front of the mirror she practices her seductive smirk. She was wearing her purple shirt which Wanda said looked really good on her and her jeans was a little tighter than usual, her hair was tied up in a high pony, a few curls sticking out and framing the soft outline of her face, she even applied a little more make up than usual. Although she hated the fact that she was putting so much effort into her looks for a guy who she wasn’t even sure is going to show up.  
Her heart fluttered as she thought again of what Ruth had told her yesterday. He came to the cafe and asked for her and left when she wasn’t there. That could mean that he went to the cafe to meet her, coffee is just an alibi, right? She has been serving his coffee to his secretary for two years now and now suddenly he wants to come to the cafe and buy his coffee himself? Someone might think that he’s doing that just so he could see her. 
She looked at the mirror and stared at her face, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were plumper because she has been biting on them out of excitement. She couldn’t help but think, was she good enough? Was she good enough for a guy to want her like that? Her thoughts were broken by the sound of her sister yelling.
“I swear to god, Malcolm, come back here and brush your teeth,” Y/n swear she has never heard that woman talking sweetly to someone. What were they doing up at 6 anyway? 
Without wasting her time anymore Y/n grabbed her college bag and rushed out of her room. 
“Aunt, Y/n.” A voice made her jump as two little arms wrapped around her legs and she looked down at her favorite niece. And less than 2 seconds later she was surrounded by all three of them, Malcolm was hiding behind her to get away from his mother. 
“Hey, babies.” She smiled and knelt down and gave all of them a hug. Even though they could be too much sometimes but she still loved them. 
“Are you not gonna have to breakfast with us?” Carl, who was 7 and the oldest of them asked her with a pout.
“No, sweetie, I’m so sorry but I’m getting late for the cafe, but I promise I’ll try to have dinner with you okay?” Lisa might hate her but she never stops her from interacting with her kids. “Now give Aunt Y/n a kiss and let her go to work.”
When Y/n reached the cafe she looked down at her watch and saw that she was a little late. She hoped to god that Steve hasn’t already come and left. She quickly entered through the back door and wore her apron before rushing out to her counter. “You’re 15 minutes late, Y/n. But just because I’m a good friend I’m not putting it up on the chart.”
“Thank you so much, Rick. You’re a lovely friend.” Y/n said giving a flying kiss to the younger boy.
“Does that mean-”
“No it does not mean I’ll go on a date with you, you’re still a minor.” She replied as she quickly got to work and heard a groan coming from the young boy who muttered ‘God, I can’t wait to turn 18.’ 
“Hey, Ruth. Did he come yet?” Y/n asked curiously.
“Who? Sam Rogers? No.” She said making the younger woman sigh out in relief. She couldn’t let all your hard work go to vain like this.
“By the way his name’s Steve,” Y/n replied.
“Yeah, honey. I know, I just like to pretend that I forgot a handsome man’s name.” Ruth said making Y/n laugh a little. “Is that why you dressed up today?” Y/n didn’t realize that she would notice but she did which made her blush
“Yeah, is it bad?” She asked taking a step back so Ruth could take a good look at her whole outfit.
“What? No, you look lovely.” Ruth said. 
“Did you dress up for me?” 
“No, Rick. Shut up and get back to work. Listen, Ruth, if he comes back today, I need your help, please.”
Steve felt ridiculous. For an hour, an hour he has been walking around that street thinking if he should go in or not. More than half of his brain was telling him to just go back to his office and ask Phil to bring him coffee. He already messed it all up yesterday so there was no chance that she would want to see his face again. He looked at his watch and it was already 10 o clock. Fuck, he has an important meeting at 10:30, what the hell is he even doing here? 
“Fuck it.” He muttered under his breath and walked inside the cafe but there was no sign of her. He walked up to her counter where the old lady from the day before stood. “Where’s Y/n?” He asked with authority in his voice.
“Sorry, Son. She’s not here today.” The old lady said who’s name he figured out as Ruth by her name tag. Waste of time, that’s what this whole thing was. He wasted more than an hour walking around this cafe and now she’s not even here, just great. “Thanks.” He said and turn to leave.
“You don’t want coffee?” Ruth asked and he just shook his head before walking out. 
He was about to cross the road when a voice stopped him. “You didn’t order anything.” He turned around and there she was, leaning against the wall of the cafe, her arms were crossed over her chest as she stated the obvious. A smirk made its way on Steve’s face and tried to hide it as she walked over to him. She looked so beautiful, so pretty and innocent, it was like she was asking him to bend her over and take her in the middle of the street. Y/n couldn’t help but smirk in victory, the prey has fallen into the trap, little did she know that who was the prey in this situation. She grinned at the man in front of her and said. “Generally when people walk into a cafe they order something.”
“What I wanted wasn’t in there, Ms.Y/n.” He said with a smirk.
“Yeah? And what is it that you want, Mr. um mm....what was it again?” She pretended to try to remember his name causing him to raise an eyebrow.
“You don’t remember my name?” He asked crossing his arms across his chest and walked closer to her.
“No, in fact, I don’t think I remember meeting you, have we met before?” She asked trying to act serious but she couldn’t help the smile forming on her lip. He walked closer trying to intimidate her but she refused to let him win. As they stood there chest to chest in the middle of the street, she looked up at him due to the height difference. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Ms. Y/n?” Steve asked in a low whisper. Steve knew what she was trying to do, and she knew that Steve knew what she was trying to do but she was not going to back out now.
“Giving you a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Rogers.” She whispered back.
“Oh, so now you remember my name?” He asked making her bite her tongue at her mistake. 
“Yeah, I do now.”
“You know, it's a good thing you’re here, I was about to think you’re one of those girls who don’t take their job seriously.” He said and his hand begged for him to just grab her, feel her soft skin against his rough hands, but he didn’t want to freak her out.
“Oh, I take my job very seriously, Mr. Rogers. But you know what I take even more seriously? Someone lying to me.” Y/n said with a smirk and took in his reaction.
“Yeah, I was kinda hoping that wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Why did you do that in the first place?” She asked curiously and a frown replaced her smirk. 
“I accept it was wrong for me to do that, but I went in there to tell you something and then I saw you and somehow I ended up lying,” Steve admitted the truth there was a small pause as he waited for her reaction, his heart almost melted and his pants become tighter as she gave him that signature smile, that could make any man fall on his knees and eat out of her hands. 
“What was it that you wanted to tell me?” 
“I want to go on a date with you.” He said in a monotone which made her raise an eyebrow. Is that how rich people ask each other on a date? 
“Huh? That’s not how you ask someone on a date, Mr. Rogers. Let’s try that again.” She said as she tried very hard to not shrink under his gaze. There was something in his eyes that she couldn’t just figure out. Something that made her want to let him manhandle her, let him throw her on a bed, and do things to her. There was the authority behind his gaze, something that she didn’t know turned her on until now. 
“I am not asking. I am telling you that I want to go on a date with you, now the question is if you wanna go or not.” He said with the same authority that made her week on her knees.  
“Let me think......I get off from college at 4, then I have a study group till 6 and then, I think I’m free after that.” She said biting her lips. 
“Be ready at 8, I’ll send my driver to pick you up. Save your number in it.” He handed her his phone and she didn’t think twice before saving her number in it. 
“See you at 8.” She said with a smirk and went back inside but not without swaying her hips and giving him a show of what he can have if he plays nice.
She could easily spot the soft ginger head of her best friend as she walked down the corridor of her college. Y/n couldn’t help her excitement as she rushed over to the ginger head. “Wanda!” She exclaimed making the said woman jump. She held out her hands to grab her to steady herself, people were giving her looks. “Easy, woman. What happened?” Wanda asked with amusement.
“Where’s Sharon? I wanna tell you guys something.”
“She already had her class today. What is it?”
“You won’t believe what happened today.” 
“Well, now I want to hear it. Did you punched your sister’s husband like I suggested you?”
“NO, although I think I should. I’ll tell you and Sharon together OK. I’m getting late for my study group right now. I’ll see you as soon as I can.”
“Come on, don’t leave me on a cliffhanger,” Wanda called out as Y/n walked down the corridor to the library. 
She couldn’t help the smile that was spread on her face the rest of the day, her friends in the study group kept giving her weird eyes until one of them got fed up and asked her “Did you get laid?” 
“What? NO!” Y/n said as all the eyes around the table were on her. ‘Although I hope I would.’ She left the little detail to herself. 
“Well then focus, you’re kinda our only hope this semester, the new criminal justice professor sucks ass.” Y/n nodded and started explaining the topics of capital punishment to her friends.
Y/n felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and she gave an apologetic look to her friend and picked up her phone to see there was a message from an unknown number. Her heart fluttered slightly as she already knew who it was messaging her. 
‘Send me your address- Steve.’ The message simply read and she quickly typed in her address before putting her phone back in her jeans pocket without waiting for a reply.
Y/n found herself standing in front of her dresser in her bra and panties that evening biting her nails, she still hasn’t decided what she’s going to wear. Her hair and make-up were done already but she had no idea what she’s gonna wear. She had no idea where Steve was taking her so she couldn’t decide if to wear a dress or to wear jeans. She didn’t want to be underdressed but at the same time, she didn’t want to be overdressed either.
Steve Rogers didn’t look like the guy to take a girl somewhere cheap on a date so she was definitely counting on something fancy. She only had one good heel that she hasn’t worn yet so she has to decide on something that would go well with it. Choosing her major after graduating high school was definitely easier than this.
“Are you going out?” Lisa asked standing on the door frame and Y/n nodded her head without looking back at her. “Are you coming back tonight?” She asked.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I come back?” 
“I don’t know. I just thought-”
“That just because I’m going out I’m gonna sleep with some guy? Honestly Lisa my personal life is none of your damn business.” 
“Oh please, I’m too busy to give a fuck about your personal life anyway. Just don’t bring any guy home, I don’t wanna explain to my kids that what’s a strange guy doing in Aunt Y/n’s room.” The older girl said accusingly and that made Y/n’s blood boil.
“What are you talking about? Have I ever brought anyone back here before?” Y/n asked crossing her arms across her chest in a defensive manner.
“Oh, that doesn’t matter because you give me surprises every day, sweetheart.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Y/n almost shouted at her sister. She couldn’t take her bitchiness anymore. 
“Do not use that tone with me in my fucking house. And you know well what it means when the hell were you going to tell me that you were fucking fired.” Lisa yelled back. Y/n knew that the kids and Martin were probably standing outside right now listening to them but at that moment she didn’t give a damn.
“I was going to tell you okay. And like I said my personal life is none of your damn business. and don’t give me that ‘my house’ bullshit, I pay you the rent, I’m not living on your money.”
“Well you will be now, wouldn’t you? Because you got fucking fired.”
“You know what? I’ve had up to here with you.” Y/n said leveling her hand above her head. “I’m gonna move out tomorrow from this shithole.”
“Oh yeah? And go where? Live with that date of yours? And how gonna pay him in return? By sucking his cock?” Lisa asks and Y/n looked at her with a disgusted look on her face.
“What is wrong with you, your children are outside.”
“Let them be, let them know what a fucking whore their aunt is,” Lisa said.
“Enough is enough, Lisa. You don’t have to worry about rent anymore, I’ll move out tomorrow, I’ll rather live on the fucking street but here.” Y/n quickly put on her maroon dress which was hanging right in the middle of her closet and pulled on her heel boots before grabbing her boots and shoving her way out of the house. She looked down at her watch to see she was right on time, it was 8 o clock. Your pick-up must be waiting for you outside.
When you walked out you were expecting a uber or an SUV, hell maybe even a Range Rover but what she definitely wasn’t expecting was a Matt black Mercedes-Maybach. It looked too expensive to even stand in that cheap neighborhood that you lived in, You quickly looked down at yourself and suddenly felt unworthy to sit in that car. If this was just your pick up then you can only imagine what your date’s gonna be. 
You were shocked but there was someone who was even more shocked than you, Lisa. When you looked back at her her face was priceless. You wanted to take a picture but then you realized you probably looked the same right now.
“Ma’am, are you Ms.Y/s/n?” asked a man who stepped out of the driver seat wearing a gray suit.
“Yes. That would be me.” Y/n answered trying to look not too shocked.
“I am Pete. Mr. Roger’s driver, I’m here to pick you up for a date.” wow even the driver was dressed better than her. “Ma’am.” He opened the back door and gestured for her to get inside, Y/n nodded at him with a smile before getting in.
The fight with her sister wasn’t even crossing her thoughts anymore. The only thought she had right now was, was she underdressed. Sure she wasn’t wearing a cheap one, and it looks good on her too but was it good enough for Steve’s status. The maroon dress had a halter neckline and was off-shoulder and it gave a nice complexion to her bare collar bone and the upper part of her chest. The whole dress was made of lace, the upper portion hugged her body tightly and the skirt of the dress frilled around her, The hem reached just above the knee. 
“Tell me, Mr. Pete, where is it that we are going?”
“I’m sorry, Ma’am but I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.” He said and you pouted.
“But you can give me a hint right?” 
“No can do, ma’am.”
“At least tell me if I’m underdressed or not.”
“I’m afraid that’s not my place to say, ma’am.”
“Are you a robot, Pete? Do you only read commands?” You asked and this one made him laugh a little.
“No, ma’am. I can assure you that I’m very human.”
“Please stop calling me ma’am, Pete, you’re making me feel old.”
“Sorry, ma’am.” 
The rest of the ride went rather silently. Pete asked her if she wanted to listen to any music and she politely said she’s fine with anything he wanted to hear. When Pete finally stopped the car she looked around and realized they were in the poshest area of New York right now. When Pete ‘helped’  her get out of the car even though she said she can do it herself, She had to physically restrain her jaw from falling on the floor. Here she stood in front of one of the tallest buildings she has or probably will ever see. It was a french restaurant she couldn’t even pronounce the name of, she has heard about it a few times but she never even thought she would ever go in.  
She quickly looked down at herself and thought, Yup, she’s definitely underdressed. Oh, she wishes she had worn that rose gold dress of hers. She walked up to the woman that stood in her uniform just outside the door. 
“I’m here to meet someone, the reservation’s under Rogers.” 
“Yes, Ma’am, Mr. Rogers is waiting for you, please follow me.” The woman said with a bright smile and lead her to the elevator. As she got inside and the elevator door closed, she realized that there was no backing out now. so she sighed out and tried to relax.
Here goes nothing.
A/N: Like if you like the chapter if there’s something you didn’t like feel free to tell me in the comments or in the asks, If you want to be tagged send me and ask.
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years
Second chances.
This was requested by the lovely @withlove-karen 😁😘
Request: Greg x kingsman!Reader. Reader is an undercover agent and falls for him but can’t tell him who she is.
“Ahh Bedivere, nice of you to finally join us…” Harry uttered out as you rushed to sit down at the table across from Roxy and Eggsy.
You shot them both a smile before getting down to business “Sorry for being late, I was helping a client. What has happened?”
Harry let out a sigh “We could be compromised,” your brows knitted together with worry “Charlie Hesketh, the former candidate, has gotten himself into a bit of bother with the police. Apparently there is a file and you three could potentially be in it. It could expose all of you.”
“So what do we do?” Eggsy asked almost raring to kick Charlie’s arse.
“Well Eggsy I’ll need you and Roxy to track down Charlie and bring him back here, we can deal with him. Y/N, I’ve arranged you to go undercover at Scotland Yard where his file is being kept, get it and bring it back here so it can be destroyed.” Harry handed you a pass with your photo on it, it looked like legitimate ID for the Yard.
You took it and put it away in your pocket “You got it Harry, I’ll get that file.”
You straightened out your suit jacket while you walked to the office belonging to the man you would be reporting to whist at the yard. You lightly knocked on the door and a voice from the other side called you in.
“Hello!” You smiled and walked in, your smile fell slightly with shock seeing the man rising from his seat. “He-hello…” you breathed out and slowly held your hand out for him to shake.
“Hi! You must be Y/N, I’m detective inspector Greg lestrade. It’s nice to meet you.” That smile was causing your knees to knock together and you almost forgot why you were at Scotland Yard in the first place.
“Y-yeah!” Yo nervously stuttered out “It’s nice to meet you too.”
Getting nervous was something you had never done before, especially because of a guy.
“Well,” Greg clapped his hands together “I should show you around and help you get settled in properly.”
Greg showed you around the building, mainly the floor you would be on, you asked a lot of questions in attempts to know where the police files were stored. Greg stopped by a door with a card activated lock beside it “This is where we keep criminal files,” jackpot “I’ll take you through there properly tomorrow or the next day, it’s a lot to take in.”
“That’s perfect,” you smiled “Thanks for all your help today, Greg.”
You saw him scratch the back of his neck, he was nervous too. Roxy spent the day teaching you about how a person is feeling from how they move, at the time it was boring but now you found it incredibly handy.
“If it’s alright with you,” Greg broke your train of thought “Do you want to head to the pub for a drink? You don’t have to if you don’t want to but it would be nice to get to know you…”
Greg rambled on and you bashfully smiled “I’d like that.”
“They’re not still going on are they?!” Eggsy asked, clearly exasperated.
You and Greg had been talking and laughing away for hours. He was so easy to get along with, it was natural.
“I don’t think I’ve seen Y/N smile so much,” Roxy softly smiled to herself before becoming serious “I just hope she doesn’t get herself into too much bother.”
You let out another roar of laughter as Greg finished his story about finding Anderson stuck in a hedge. “That is hilarious!” You wiped away the tears of joy from your eyes “I’ll never let him live that down!”
“Yeah well you didn’t hear it from me!” Greg winked and your smile hitched as your heart skipped a beat. It sent a unknown spark through your body, one that you didn’t even knew existed.
“I should get home,” you quickly finished off the last of your drink. Greg rushed down his and stood up to put on his jacket “Oh no! Don’t rush because of me, I can get back home myself.”
“Not a chance! Besides, I don’t usually get the opportunity to walk home a beautiful woman.” Greg helped you put on your jacket and you bit down on your lip to stop itself from smiling too much. You’d never experienced this sort of affection before, you had never really looked for it or even wanted it. You were so busy trying to be a kingsman that you had put your whole life to one side to focus on that.
The walk home was quiet between the both of you it was a comfortable silence. You appreciated the company more than anything. Greg stopped by your threshold and you tanked him for walking you back. He leaned in and placed a kiss on your cheek “Hand a good night.”
He turned and left leaving you compactly taken aback. You pressed a hand to your face, your heart had stopped as soon as his skin came into contact with yours.
You knew you shouldn’t be wanting more, but you did.
Two days later, Greg kept to his word. You eagerly stood outside the door that held a multitude of records behind it. “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone so excited to get in here!” Greg laughed.
You calmed yourself down and cleared your throat “Sorry…”
“Don’t be,” Greg assured “It’s cute…”
You grinned and then mentally slapped yourself out of your rose-coloured trance. Greg opened the door and you stepped in, as soon as you did Greg’s phone rang. “Sorry, I have to take this. I’ll be a minute.”
As soon as Greg left you got to work and asked Merlin to guide you to the file. It wasn’t as complex as you originally thought and managed to find Charlie’s file with ease and hit it in your outfit, well before Greg came back. When he did, he looked as white as a sheet. “What’s wrong?” You asked genuinely concerned.
“We’ve got to go!”
Greg didn’t tell you much about the situation, only that it was serious. You found yoursef in a mess you didn’t need to be in. You drove to the location with Greg, he requested you to stand next to him the entire time. It was a shabby, abandoned office block that had been derelict for a number of years.
Greg pushed you back behind him. You felt like telling him that you were a highly trained spy and could deal being in your own but to keep him assured, you stayed behind him.
“Do you hear that?” He asked.
You listened carefully to what sounded like voices coming from the end of the corridor. Greg aimed his gun out in front of him while you grabbed onto your kingsman pan that was in your pocket.
Out of no where a hand wrapped itself around your mouth and you let out a muffled scream. Greg turned and was about to shoot but his gun was knocked out of his hand by another man.
The same man grabbed Greg and the Di let out a small yelp of pain. That’s when you saw red and raised a leg up to kick the man that was holding you. You wrapped a leg right around his neck and released it when you heard a cracking noise.
The man holding Greg pushed him out of his hold and attempted to lunge for you but you knocked him to the floor and stabbed your pen into his neck.
Greg stood there with a gaping mouth “What?! Where did you learn that?!” He screamed.
You breathed out a small laugh “There’s a lot of new material at the police academy…” you joked and Greg’s brows furrowed. He didn’t look amused. “Okay, I’m not part of the police force. I’m with an organisation called the kingsman-”
“Isn’t that a tailor shop?” Greg cut you off.“
"Not exactly, I can’t tell yoy because I have to go…”
“Go where?” Greg asked with a voice full of disappointment.
“Back to the kingsman. It’s too much to explain Greg. I’m sorry about all this,” you looked down at the two men by your feet.
“You saved my life…” he whispered and shuffled closer towards you.
You smiled and kissed his cheek “You’ll never remember.” You set your watch and shot him with a little dart that would leave him with amnesia. You let out a sigh as Greg crashed out on the floor “Merlin, going to need some help here.”
“You got it Y/N.” you heard the Scot through the comms “I’m sorry about Greg, he seemed nice.”
“Yeah,” you sadly smiled and soothingly stroked his cheek “He is.”
“Yeah okay I’ll get you an Americano!” You shouted down the phone “I’ll be ten minutes tops eggsy!” You hung up and let out a huff of air. You scampered into the coffee shop and crashed into someone, almost knocking them over “I’m so sor-” you cut yourself and blinked in shock.
“It’s alright!”
Greg was standing in front of you. It had been almost a year and suddenly a wave of emotions crashed over you. Greg’s eyes narrowed slightly feeling a sense of deja vu “Do I know you?”
Your eyes widened “Nope!” You said a little too loudly and a little to quickly “I nave never seen you before in my life!”
“That’s weird, I recognise you. But to be honest I don’t think I’d ever forget a face like yours…” God you missed that charm. Your cheeks flushed and you looked to the floor with a smile “Let me get you a coffee,” he offered “Perhaps I can figure out where I know you from over one.”
You smiled as he ordered, perhaps this was a second chance.
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