#and like...i wasnt worried about them trying to attack her. more that she seemed to take any dog sniffing her as a grievous offense
I was visited by a great dane and an AmStaff in my backyard
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
ok so i didn't know who the rabbit was and went through the ragemption (?) tag and i LOVED IT. alexandrite is my favorite!!! but cpuld you explain a bit more about the please 🥺???
i would love to talk about regem it is my beloved brainchild 😈
regemption is the story ive been working on for several years (it turns 5 this june, which is scary to think about!) using a bastardised aesthetisised pop culture interpretation of christian mythology to talk about a lot of things, like morality and the concept of purity. i want to make it a webcomic some day, and it will be split into 5 "books", and an intermission story spread throughout
book 1: current title "heart and soul": follows jonah calinao, a 23 y/o depressed deadbeat who suffers a heart attack and goes to hell. somehow, they bounce back, because modern medicine is amazing, but this is the first time a human has ever seen the stony deep before being revived. satan (mostly referred to as "boss") sends one of her lackeys to "take care of them" and bring them back and thus maintain the natural order. she picks jade (representative of envy, middle of the road when it comes to sinners) who, upon seeing earth for the first time, isnt exactly that keen on going back. so jade makes a deal with jonah: she wont kill them if they at least TRY and get their shit together. which is a pretty cushy deal, all things considered! except jades situationship from hell (in the most literal context) isnt happy that her best-friend-slash-longtime-crush is mingling with the humans. especially when zircon decides that jade and jonah have gotten pretty close 🤔
book 2: "blood and bone": follows isaac bonner, a 25 y/o rich kid dissatisfied with life. when his on-again-off-again (mostly off) girlfriend dies, he considers ending it all, but is interrupted by what he considers divine intervention. it is, of course, from the other place. bloodstone convinces him that killing himself would be such a waste, he should just hand over his soul instead, and let someone with a will to go on take the wheel. initially unconvinced, she shows him all of her plans, why shes on earth and what she plans to do, and it might just be the adrenaline rush he needs to keep on living
book 3: "hope and pray": follows mary santoro, 24 y/o, jonahs ex-roommate (roommate through the first half of book 1. dont worry about it), nicest person youll ever meet. shes always had a passion for music, but passion rarely pays the bills, which she has a lot of. during one of her many dayjobs, she meets a few very odd individuals who are, for some reason, adamant that she has to join their band. even though its not the type of music she likes, they wear her down, and she agrees to at least check em out, but she soon realises that theyre not human, but they need her help. and one thing about mary is she can never turn someone down, no matter how much she wants to
book 4: "flesh and blood": follows jacob bonner (isaacs younger brother) and his best friend levi abraham as they uncover just what isaac had gotten up to the past few months. and why their cellar is suddenly locked up tight, with no key in sight. or why jacob frequently wakes up to screaming, only sometimes his own. or why their "new friend" looks so familiar, and whether levis right not to trust her
book 5: "survive and thrive": everything comes together. the culmination of the previous four books, with an epilogue to deal with anything that wasnt tied up in a neat little bow
intermissions: follow ruby and zebra jasper as they seek violent, glittery revenge on the one who wronged them, aided by pyrite, who jasper just cant seem to convince ruby is bad news
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alexandrite is a minor character in book 1 (even though demons dont have families the way we do, alex and jade consider themselves as close to sisters as they can get), a supporting character in book 2, and should be a major character in book 5.
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years
Currently working on a longer adar fic, set during the time of rings of power.
But for those who read my first RoP fic, for adar x reader, heres a few moments and ideas I think happened between adar and reader (MC) during the quest:
-The company has been walking through the rain, MC riding her horse with adar walking behind, tied to her saddle by a length of rope that bound his hands. Thorin orders that he should walk on his own feet. Claiming the elf would merely try to steal MC's horse and run.
But MC isnt having it, telling him to climb up behind her.
He puts his bound hands over her head, wrapping his arms around her amd resting them just on top of her belly, where she could see them.
He doesnt say anything. He never does, at least not in any language she understands. MC hears him conversing with gandalf sometimes, always seeing the wizard light his pipe and brood for hours after. Gandalf hasnt spoken to the man very often.
-As far as talking in common tongue, MC doesnt know if he can.
He seems to understand her just fine, but shes never heard him reply.
MC just assumed he had been down in those caves so long, and prison before then, that language evolved onto something he couldnt quite speak too well.
-MC used to keep an eye on the elf in the early days of them knowing each other.
He looked so sickly and pale, she was worried he had a fever and was hiding it.
Shed check his temperature by laying the back of her hand against his forehead, only for him to gently remove it as she asked If he felt alright.
He just smirked softly, nodding.
Mc chalked his complexion up to him being underground, out of the sun for too long.
-mc got a cold from travelling in the rain. She couldnt hear, smell or taste anything, was coughing bad. Not sleeping well and just all over was in a bad way.
She had lost all appetite, usually throwing out what she couldnt eat from the stews bombur prepared.
Now, Thorin hadnt been feeding her elf friend too well. His all over distaste for elves and mistrust for the dark elf in particular had led to him deciding to use as little provisions on him as possible, forcing him to forage for food and hunt his own game when he could, which wasnt often.
One night, after once again being handed a large bowl of mystery meat stew that made her stomach turn, MC turned to Adar, looking at her own plate.
She then took the bowl Fili had already polished off. Cleaning it and ignoring the dwarf princes smirk and comment about how thorin wouldnt like this. Mc gave him a playful kick in the shin.
Of all the dwarves, he was one of the few who seemed to show a bit more hospitality and good will towards the elf in their ranks, or at the very least, a bit more tolerance, but after the orcs attacked and adar sent them away, saving ori, he seemed to warm up to the elf even more, thanking him himself.
Mc poured what she knew she wouldbt be able to eat into the now clean second bowl, and ate the meager contents left in her own before going to adar.
Looking up at the ill woman, adar tilted his head.
Mc presented him with the bowl of stew, telling him to eat. Adar refused at first, but mc insisted. She couldnt eat it, and he must be hungry.
Adar took the bowl, but then he gave her some sort of root.
MC was confused at the gift, looking up at adar blearily.
"What's this for?" She asked.
He made an eating gesture.
"You eat it?"
Adar violently shook his head
"Chew it?"
Adar nodded once.
Mc popped the root into her mouth, immediatly being hit with a spicy and almost minty cool taste, washing away her cold symptoms, allowing her to breath and taste for the first time in days.
MC sighed in relief. Thanking adar when her stomach growled. The relief from the cold also brought her hunger back. Adar smirked and handed the bowl back to her. Mc declined, and he rolled his eyes, taking a few mouth fulls before laying the still mostly full bowl at her feet.
Mc reluctantly but gratefully picked up the bowl. Attacking its contents like a woman starved.
"Thank you. that's quite a plant, you have me. Does it grow here?"
Adar nodded, leaning back against the tree he was sitting under.
Mc looked down at her food, stirring it a bit.
"You must know this land pretty well, even gandalf said there wasnt anything that could help"
Adar rolled his eyes.
"Is it only temporary?"
The elf nodded, going back to digging in the earth, pulling more up.
Hed carry them for later, when the effects wear off.
-MC discovered adars true species after a run in with a pack of orcs had ambushed them.
Adar had gotten a knife to the arm. His wrist split open when he intercepted an attack meant for the dwarf king.
When MC went to tend to him she noticed his blood wasnt red. It was black. Like the blood staining her own daggers.
She looked scared at him, before turning to Gamdalf and thorin. Looking completely blindsided, and not knowing what to do.
Thorin looked absolutely livid as he spat out "orc" at adar.
Gandalf, on the other hand, had a look about him. It almost seemed as if he knew, and was hoping the secret wouldnt get out.
Later that night, adar pulled the rug put from under mc again, revealing he could infact speak common.
He told her he had been around middle earth since before there was a sun and moon, before gandalf was sent to protect the lands.
That's how he knew about the medicinal root for her cold.
Just then thorin stormed over, claiming that they were packing up camp. And they were to leave the orc tied to a tree on their departure.
Mc argued this.
"NO, you cant!"
Thorin turned
"No? You forget your place, girl!" He growled, but mc didnt back down.
"I only mean, wouldnt it be a waste? Hes obviously old, very old. If hes been around as long as he says, then maybe we should keep him around?"
"What are you saying? Speak plainly, woman!" Dwalin snapped.
"Think about it! First age elf? War of wrath? He probably fought against ancalagon himself! Who better to send into a dragons lair than than a veteran from the first age wars! And, uh, if he does die, then it's at very little cost to you! What's another orc?"
Thorin seemed thoughtful for a second, when gandalf spoke up.
"I beleive her advice is sound. Though, caution should be practised"
Thorin huffed. Agreeing. But growled that mc should stay in the dwarfs ranks, and cease all communication with him.
No more sharing food or horses or sleeping close at night.
Mc sighed in relief, shooting an apologetic glance at adar, who stared at her with am unreadable expression.
Mc was called away by thorin. Adar heard him quietly apologise to the woman, stating it was for the best.
-adar would not let himself and MC be seperated when they were taken prisoner by thranduil, leading adar to be roughly pushed into a cell with a still slightly sick MC.
Mc doesnt know what her friend had said to the elf king, but it both enraged and scared him.
When he was once again taken back to their cell after a particularily rough interrogation, mc went to him, seeing the bruises and asking if he was badly hurt. Adar held her hand, assuring her he was fine.
He slept hugging her close that night, almost laying on top of mc.
They escaped the next day.
-MC sometimes hears him singing. In the dead of night in the old, musical language, Quietly to himself while looking up at the stars.
She never said anything. But she thinks he has a beautiful voice, even more so than the other elves shes heard.
-adars identity as an escaped prisoner of galadriel came after smaug defeat.
An infantryman of thranduil had sent word to the elves of lothlorien, stating that their prisoner was here, with the dwarves.
-adar started a first fight with glorfindel when he was one of the ones to come and catch him
MC, when she found out Adar could speak common:
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bridgyrose · 2 years
While playing Engage there were moments during Yunaka's supports where I thought "Huh, she kinda sounds like Ruby..." and now my brain is hungry for a repentant assassin Ruby that desperately wants to move beyond her past and make herself into something, someone, better
Ruby carefully ran the whetstone across the blade of her scythe, her body relaxing as she listened to the crackling of the flames and sound of metal scraping against stone. Her eyes caught the tip of the tattoos that covered her arm, reminders of the life she was running from. She slowly sat her whetstone down and pulled her sleeve up to look over the tattoo of Salem’s emblem and the tribal tattoos that Raven had made her get. Her heart pounded in her chest at the thought of either of them coming after her, chasing her down in order to get her back…
“Ruby? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine Jaune,” Ruby said in her usual fake and cheery tone as she pulled her sleeve down. “Why wouldnt I be?” 
Jaune sat down next to her and put his hands out to the fire. “Because you’re sitting out here in the middle of the night, sharpening your blade again like you’ve done for the last three nights. So… what’s on your mind?” 
“I promise Jaune, I’m fine.” Ruby folded up her scythe and got up to stick it back into her tent, a heavy sigh leaving her lips as her fingers traced the casing of her weapon. “Why do you worry so much about me?” 
“Why shouldnt I?” 
“Because you dont know me.” 
“I know enough. You were caught in a hard place and a rock between fighting off grimm and running from bandits. All because you stole from them.” 
Ruby nodded and made her way back to the fire and stared into it. It wasnt mostly a lie, she was running from bandits and she did steal from them, even if she hadnt quite been forthcoming about what she took or even why she was with those bandits to begin with. After all, it wasnt like she could just tell him that she used to be an assassin. Especially since he and the rest of his team seemed to be working for Ozpin. “And you’re sure Vale will be safe? Or at least safe for me?” 
“Of course it will.” Jaune pulled out his scroll and smiled a bit. “We’re about another two days out to my team, and then the five of us can start making our way back to Vale to report to Ozpin.” 
“What exactly have you guys been looking for anyway?” 
“Mostly tracking grimm movements, trying to keep bandits away from villages, and looking to see why a few huntsmen have gone missing over the last few years.” 
Ruby put up a nervous smile as her heart started to pound in her chest again. “Wouldnt they be missing due to grimm attacks? Not all grimm are taken down easily.” 
“That’s what we’re thinking, but some of the blade strikes dont match up with most grimm claws or tusks.” Jaune stood up and stretched before heading back to his tent. “You should get some rest. Make sure the fire goes out before you sleep. We have a long day ahead of us.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit and poked the fire with a stick to start covering a few of the logs in ash to put the fire out. Her fingers twitched and reached to the dagger she kept strapped to her side, fear running through her as she thought about running away once more. After a few deep breaths and the soothing crackling of the flames in the night, she slowly pulled her hand away from her dagger and sighed. “Just a few more days and I can see what I can do about putting my skills to use as a huntress. This is what I want, a new life that I can use to fix my mistakes. And maybe to keep out of Salem’s eyes.” 
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emmacreatures · 2 years
I'm BACK! With a follow up on "STARED AT".
I'll possibly do more of these follow ups, not sure how many will follow!! Featuring Ka'am, mainly Lyle and Ter'ran as well, HOPE YOU ENJOY✨ after this, a lot more will happen in detail with Ka'am x quaritch 👁👄👁
For the recoms headed back to their base.. Prager frowned as he watched it all happen along mansk and everyone else.. "Where is lyle going?" Zdog asked as she chewed her gun, almost rolling eyes for Quaritch kept moving back, being a bit pissed at Lyle who of course had to start an argument with him. "possibly butting heads with his own ego. he'll be back in a bit after he's cooled off" Quaritch said as he was more focused on which eyes he had just met rather than all that happened with his best friend. As they kept moving back, Mansk, who always was the silent guy, was rather intrigued by the whole occurence with the natives. "How did you figure that we couldnt go any further" He asked, carrying the large weaponry like it was easy, for Quaritch sighed. Mansk didnt annoy him at all, but the man had his thoughts elsewhere, which made his ego pop up. "Any great minded man could tell that it was a trap if we interacted more. Now come on. We have to be back. Ardmore already made an exception for us to leave after the dark" he said, telling Zdog as well to get Lyle back or at least keep an eye on him..
Meanwhile as everyone else made it back, Quaritch changed his shirt to a new one before he finally knew for sure who he met as his mind was spiraling. Deep inside he knew it from the start, but he had to be sure. It was the damn Na'vi the RDA had captured years ago.. He was younger back in the day, chained.. For Parker wanted answers as the rebellious navi was attacked, in which most of his possessions were taken from him. Quaritch rememberd loud and clear the navi hadnt said a word to him, and neither had he.. But the eye contact they made was special to say the least. He sensed almost that the navi wouldnt attack him if it came to him. Throigh the days that Ka'am was stuck there, the two hadnt said a single word, but it felt like they communicated whenever their eyes locked. Of course in that time, Quaritch was weary around them.. By all means he'd try to kill them on sight if they did too.. But for some odd reason.. That one na'vi almost changed his view. Not to all of them. Just to that one..
While Quaritch was in thoughts, Alexander entered the room, seeing the man was thinking. "You're alright colonel? something we need to be informed about as well?" he asked respectfully, making Quaritch snap out of his thoughts.. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for your concern. You want to sit at a table, talk about our feelings?" the man said rather sarcastically, for he was a little vulnerable mentally due to the sudden similarity he met. Just as the man wanted to stop their conversation, Zdawg entered the room, running. "Colonel. Its lyle, he's nowhere near".
a few hours later~
"Jesus.. My head" Lyle groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, noticing he was in a.. Where the hell was he, he thought. Things seemed rather old.. There was some metal here and there.. it loojed like an old dead tree, being on the inside, something way smaller than what they shot down years ago back when they were human. The second Lyle became more conscious, the man tried to get out of whatever he was stuck with.. It wasnt like a normal rope. It hurt against the skin too.. 'son of a bitch..' he thought, looking around as he eventually noticed some navi looking at him from a distance, but they easily did their own thing. "Am I not too amusing for you guys.." he said with a glare, feeling like the fact the focus was not on him while he was captured hurt his damn ego. "I wouldnt worry about that" A female navi passed him while speaking in na'vi, holding a spear in her hand as she glared. "You think I'm supposed to follow that dumbnuts? We'll hurt you one way or another.. Just you wait when my buddies come around. You'll get your ass whooped-" Lyle said unfiltered, making the female hiss at him before wanting to step closer "Naraya." Ka'am called for the women raised her head, hissing before stepping back as her spicy energy definitely was one of the largest.. "I want to rip his lungs out" she said in na'vi, glaring for she listened.. Making the rest of the clan approach him.. "So who tf are you huh.. You're their puppeteer?" Lyle said towards Ka'am who was slowly coming out of the shadows, exhaling as smoke came out of his nose and mouth.. Before walking around the man who was tied up.
"It seems this alien has proved us wrong.. You can be more bald than a newborn, they have more hair than him" Ka'am said in Na'vi as everyone else laughed low, for Ka'am stayed deadly serious. Meanwhile as this was happening, the one usually having the biggest mouth of all, Ter'ran, was rather hidden away, laughing along but not meaning it.. and Ka'am could immediately sense it.. Being the leader that he was. "I dont know what the fuck you're saying but I feel like it aint cool bruh. Dare to speak to me in english, I bet you dont, you dick" Lyle had a big mouth.. Which wasnt the smartest thing in the world.. especially towards that one na'vi. But Ka'am could understand exactly what he was saying, and as he previously expected. This man was nowhere near respectful. Ka'am eventually kneeled down close, pulling out a dagger as he held it against lyle's neck. "We dont lower ourselves to your level." Ka'am said in english for once as his brain wanted to say much worse, even making Lyle uncomfortable.. And swallow to see these devillish eyes. Being quite silent for just a little bit.. "You think you scare me.. Think again" Lyle said a little hesitant, making Ka'am put a cut right at his throat as the man hissed.. But Ter'ran couldnt help but wince the second it was happening.. Ka'am sensed Ter'ran seemed uptight.. or merely worried, making him stand up after having kneeled down to Lyle to give him the warning.. Which made him go dig deeper.. "Naraya, Tsu'to-" "No, I can do it" Ter'ran suddenly said, knowing where this could go.. He knew Ka'am wanted Lyle to get some rather.. Brutal treatment to teach the man some manners and give him another time out. And its exactly what Ka'am didnt hope for. Because now, the secret was out for him already... Ter'ran fell through. "Let us alone" Ka'am said as he raised his head, seeing everyone left for Ter'ran swallowed.
The second Lyle was captured.. Ter'ran was dying inside to realize it was the man he met years ago, and lost for a brief time. Oh.. How badly ter'ran wanted to have him for himself the second he even heard his dumb talking that Lyle would praise himself for. But he had to pretend they had no connection.. Or ka'am would fry him up.. Or well, that was his thought. He couldnt tell if Lyle pretended as well, or couldnt recognize the man just yet, but at the exact moment where Ter'ran volunteered, Lyle's brain started to swirl as well.. Putting the puzzle together.
All Ka'am did at this point is look directly at Ter'ran, stepping closer as his tail was swooshing rather trickily. He could sense the man tried to lie, and it only took one single difference in behavior for Ka'am to notice something was going on. "You never volunteer for anything." Ka'am said with a voice so low, making Ter'ran almost turn away as he knew he was in trouble. The second Lyle noticed the discomfort of Ter'ran, realizing it has to be him.. he tried to figure what he could do. "who tf do you think you are huh??? Handling your own group like slaves?" Lyle started to yell, trying to get loose.. For Ka'am turned to Lyle with deadly eyes as a final warning.. Lyle was lucky he was still alive. But in that exact second, Ter'ran nonverbally signaled to Lyle in a 'plz dont' as a warning for him trying to protect Lyle from doing anything further.. and himself, But of course.. Lyle being lyle.. "Tf you doing.. waving and shit, you think I can follow??" he said casually with a frown, But that exact sign was caught by Ka'am again, grabbing Ter'ran's arm he narrowed his eyes.
Staring at him, Ter'ran knew already this was going to become a nightmare. Ka'am let go of his arm, slowly walking away, inbetween Lyle and Ter'ran. As the silence was so bad.. It cut wounds. "You know each other" He said, as their entire conversation had been in na'vi. as Ter'ran closed his eyes, pushing them closed as he swallowed, trying to patch up his fallthrough.. "And you'd assume I wouldnt notice?" Ka'am said tricky, for Ter'ran tried to stand strong, still 'willingly' wanting to pretend he would torture Lyle which is what Ka'am wanted to 'plan'. "I dont know what you speak off" Ter'ran dared to say... Making Ka'am lure it out more as he raised his head, being already dissapointed his friend wouldnt be honest.. But he seemed so weakened by the bald alien. "Mmm.." Ka'am only led out, seeming rather 'easy' about this all the sudden. "Alive or dead.. They'll come for him. Considering he doesnt want to speak what we want to hear or keep his mouth shut, I've had enough" Ka'am said casual, being done with the behavior Lyle showed.. But especially wanting to get Ter'ran to spit it out, how he knows this damn alien. Without much of a warning, Ka'am snapped his fingers, for Lyle's ears all the sudden perked to hear a rather... Unpleasant noise coming closer. "who the fuck do you think you are? Like WHO do you think you- Oh fuck me-" Lyle all the sudden said to suddenly hear heavy thuds coming closer, a rawr so raw it made his heart sink.
The thanator came out of the shadows, growling at Lyle for it lifted its odd 'cups' at the front of its muzzle, knowing its about to attack. "How about we save you the trouble of having to do that work" Ka'am said with a threatening voice towards Ter'ran, meaning that Ter'ran no longer would have to volunteer to hurt Lyle as a prisoner.. But this was far worse, Ka'am was about to feed lyle to his thanator, knowing he has no mercy. "A little help here.." Lyle whispered, swallowing as his words had definitely lessened.. He knew this beast could not be stopped.. "you know my petpeeves Ter'ran. Some you always seem to pull out.. But you know what I hate most." Ka'am said as the thanator came closer and closer, about to bite Lyle, making an end to it. "Disloyalty. Liars." he said as the silence hit.. Before he continued, seeing Ter'ran was fully focused on Lyle and the thanator. Glaring with his eyes towards his friend. "but since you're not like those.. You wouldnt mind to get rid of him, do you now" Ka'am said before Lyle couldnt hold it back anymore.. Seeing the life flash before his eyes "TER'RAN" He yelled out of fear, making Ter'ran break. "PLEASE STOP- STOP I BEG YOU. I'M A LIAR. I ADMIT, BUT DO NOT KILL HIM, ANYTHING BUT HIM" Ter'ran yelled with the fear in his voice, making Ka'am who glared at him.. Snort before snapping his fingers to make the Thanator stop right before Lyle, the drool of the animal was sliding an inch away from the recom.
If it had been a tenth of a second longer, it was game over but Ka'am had complete control, and knew exactly what to do. Ter'ran was the more emotional of the two.. As the man's tears were sliding down, the thought of having lost Lyle again felt like a stab theough his heart.. Without holding himself back this time, allowing his emotions to come through, Ter'ran ran up to Lyle the second the thanator was told to back off, holding Lyle's head as his tears kept flowing down.. But he knew now.. He was in deep trouble. Having had a moment to look at Lyle, Ter'ran slowly dared to turn to Ka'am, who glared with fury at the man. 'and here I thought I could rely on you' ka'am thought as he kept thinking.. He wanted to know how they knew each other, but right as he saw their connection, he rememberd the own eyes he met back in the deep forest of pandora. The eyes were so familair, but he hadnt given it much space to process, as it made its own entrance now.. Just by the thought of that, he called his thanator to himself, for it hissed loudly at Ter'ran and Lyle together now.. Before walking up to Ka'am. Having told the others to keep a close eye on them, almost wanting to tie Ter'ran up as well.. Despite he was part of their clan. The behavior he showed, felt like betrayal, but Ka'am was smart enough to figure something major was behind this. How could he know this alien, that they had never seen before... He decided to go back out there, see if those aliens were around. Normally he wouldnt do this by himself but let his clan do it for him.. But something peaked his curiosity again. He wanted to know how the eyes he saw were so familair as well as all seemed to pile up, being something huge. Something he wanted to know right away. His fascination to humans had never failed him, but this.. This was a bigger mystery he wanted to know.. How it was possible or why he even thought it. sooner or later he'd figure, or at least get told that.. The human he got in contact with so close.. Has returned in a new life and skin.. Back on pandora. But how..
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Hey I have a yandere erasermic obsession. I don’t know if you do angst but what if they were punishing reader and she gets really exhausted and passes out. They think they killed her, I know this is dumb and you don’t have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable-🍓 anon
Yandere Erasermic punishing reader
I've missed these two a lot😭
Anyways, enjoy! Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Erasermic:
"Hey! I'm home! How are my darlings- Shou? You okay?" Hizashi asked as he entered his home. He was looking forward to spending time with you and the hero, but judging by the pissed off look on Aizawa's face, it didn't seem like happening.
Aizawa was taking deep breaths, his eyebrows furrowed and face contorted into a scowl. God, what did you do now? Hizashi couldn't help but wonder that, as he slid onto the couch next to his husband.
"What did she do now?"Hizashi asked, resting his head on Aizawa's chest as his arms wrapped around him.
Aizawa closed his eyes in annoyance, his own arms engulfing Hizashi as he let out a huff. "She's so ungrateful."
Hizashi lightly chuckled at that, waiting for him to continue. "You know what she did today? She tried to escape. Again. I don't know how she got the code to unlock the main door, but she opened it. She barely made it 2 steps out the door before I pulled her back in. I was taking a shower and she thought she could make a run for it. " Aizawa runs a hand through his hair, but Hizashi suddenly caught it. He looked at his husband's hand, it was turning a nasty shade of purple, and was red around the knuckles, slightly swelled. "Shou, babe... what happened to your hand?"
Aizawa exhales deeply, closing his eyes, trying to control his anger. "Our sweet little darling happened. After I got her back in, I told her to apologise. You know what she did? She spit at me, screamed all kinds of profanities. When I took her down to the basement to chain her up, she tried attacking me." Aizawa clenched his jaw. "I was only going to leave her there for the night. But what she said to me next... Hizashi, I lost it. I punched her." Hizashi's eyes widened. He knew Aizawa wasn't one to lose his temper easily, he knew he wasn't one to resort to violence immediately. So the blonde could only wonder what in the hell did you say to him. "Shouta... what did she say?" He asked softly, almost afraid of the answer himself.
Shouta looked at his husband, trying to calm himself when he told him what you barked out. "She said...she said that she wondered how UA let... let creeps like us around kids." Hizashi's eyes widened. If there's one thing he knew about Aizawa, it was how deeply he cared about his students, treating them like his own children. He prided himself in being their teacher, and so the nerve of you to even say something so disgusting like that, Aizawa was bound to snap.
"I cant believe she'd say something...so horrible. I'm so sorry, Shou." Hizashi whispered, nuzzling Aizawa's neck. The pro hero only grunted. "Whatever. I think it'd be good if she stays down there... for 2 weeks. Yeah that'd be good. And no dinner tonight either. I don't want to put up with anymore of her bullshit." Hizashi only nodded, but then caught another look at his hand and he stood up, pulling Aizawa along with him to the kitchen. Hizashi pulled out a bag of frozen peas and started applying it on his bruise hand to reduce the swelling.
As the two ate dinner, Hizashi couldn't help but worry that if Shouta's hand looked like this from the punch, then what did the receiving end look like. He chose to remain quiet on that matter, not wanting you to ruin the night anymore.
The next morning when Aizawa woke up, he went downstairs to the kitchen to find his husband. Hizashi who was almost done plating up, greeted Aizawa with a kiss. "So, should I take this plate down to our baby bird?" Hizashi asked, already knowing Aizawa didn't want to see you yet. You had really hurt him. Shouta nodded as he took a sip of his coffee. "Be right back." Hizashi pressed a kiss to his lips before going to the basement.
Hizashi opened the door to the basement, walking down the stairs, hoping to see you greet him like the angel they know you are deep down. But when he got down there, he saw you were still asleep on the floor, your limbs still bound to the chains. Your face was turned away from him and Hizashi wasnt sure if he wanted to see the damage that was done to your face.
Hizashi just called for you. “Love, I’ve brought breakfast! Eggs and hashbrowns! Your favourite!” When you didnt respond, he just sighed before placing the plate on the floor. Your chains were long enough to for you to reach it, and while Hizashi wished nothing more than to feed you himself, he knew you needed to be punished.
As he went up the stairs and out of the basement, he couldnt help but feel a sense of dread creeping up on him.
“Do you think she’ll be sorry after her punishment?”Hizashi asked his partner.  Aizawa rolled his eyes. “Unlikely. But she’ll learn to think twice before she says stupid shit like that.” Hizashi chuckled, but secretly hoped that would be the case. He got up from the couch where he and Aizawa sat. “I’ll go get her plate.” They were done eating 2 hours ago, but still waited for you to finish up because they know how stubborn you are.
When Hizashi walked down the stairs, he wasn’t surprised to find your plate untouched. You would always do that the first few days, before finally succumbing to your hunger. Pointless, really. But what disturbed him was how you were still in the same position he had seen you in 2 hours ago. And it was coming to him how still you looked, he couldn't see your body moving a single muscle, he couldn't see if you were breathing. 
Hizashi walked towards you cautiously, waiting for you to jump up and scare the crap out of him. But his breath hitched when he finally saw what had happened to you. 
A big bruise had formed on your cheek, swelling and taking all the shades of the purple, blue and green. But the worst part was seeing the blood and a clear liquid dripping out of your nose slowly, forming a pool around your head.
He turned you on to your back and started shaking your shoulder. “Darling? Wake up, baby. Its me. Baby, wake up.” But your body remained unconscious. He started tapping your cheek, only then noticing you weren’t breathing. All the alarms went off in his head. “SHOUTA! COME DOWN OVER HERE!” 
Shouta rushed to the basement, wondering what stunt you pulled now. But seeing your limp body in Hizashi’s arms, blood coating your cheeks, he knew something terrible had occured. Aizawa ran towards his partners, looking at your bruising cheek. “She’s n-not breathing. She’s not fucking breathing, Shou!” Hizashi sobbed as Aizawa took your wrist in his hand. His blood ran cold when he found no pulse. “What are we gonna do?! She’s dead! Our baby is dead!” Shouta blocked out Hizashi’s voice. They both cant be panicking right now. Aizawa turned to his partner. “Hizashi. Bring her up. I’ll get the car out.” He commanded. “H-hospital? Shou, its too late-” Hizashi cried out but Aizawa gave him a stern look. “Bring her up. Now.” 
They got to the hospital in fairly record time, passing you over to the doctors while Aizawa made up a story of how they found you in an alley. Only after the doctors left them alone did it dawn on Aizawa how serious the situation was. He killed you, didnt he? You would still be alive if he hadnt hit you. How could he ever claim to love you when he hurts you-
Aizawa shook his head, he could wallow up in his guilt later. For now, he needed to comfort his husband and pray that you make it through somehow.
A few hours later, the doctors had given them an update on your condition. You made it, barely. Something had hit your face and damaged some part of your brain, causing there to be a very slow heart beat. But you're all okay now, since they brought you in time.
When they were allowed to finally go in, thats when Aizawa finally broke down. Seeing you unconscious, knowing he almost killed you, it got to him. Hizashi wanted to console Aizawa, but he couldn't bring himself to leave your side. Hizashi pressed soft kisses to your temples, wiping his tears that fell on your cheek, while Aizawa stood to your side. He wanted to hold your hand but he was afraid to hurt you again. As the duo sat by your side, they made a silent promise to never hurt you again, at least not physically.
After that incident, you'll never be left alone. The two are always breathing down your neck, drowning you in love, looking at you with even more fondness; obsession and protectiveness swirling in their eyes, right there with guilt.
Aizawa would never apologise, but that doesn't mean he's not sorry. You would often wake up to him looking at your bruised cheek with worry, caressing it so gently, as if he'd break you. He'll be a lot more demanding with physical affection, always wrapping his arms around you, forcing you onto his lap and tucking your face under his chin as he cards his fingers through your hair.
You didn't think Hizashi could be anymore overbearing, but you were proved wrong. He'd panic if you were out of his sight for more than 5 minutes. Always worrying, paranoia creeping up on him when you're not in the same room as him. And when he would finally find you (mostly in the bathroom), he'd check you all over for injuries, not trusting your assurances.
Punishments aren't violent anymore. They're humiliating. Pulling you in their laps and feeding you by hand, talking about you as if you're not there, making you take baths with them(not showers because they end too quickly), making you sleep with them, naked.
And the couple won't lie, but this form of punishment seems to be far more effective. With how quickly you turn docile, folding in on yourself as if you could hide from them... its cute.
But hey, its better than getting beat, right?
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myownprivatcidaho · 3 years
hi all, @theecholyte has been a dear friend of mine for a few years and now they need help to reach their goal of $800. im gonna put the info from their gofundme here, please boost this and donate if you can.
Hello, my name is Echo, I'm a non-binary, disabled (temporarily), Nerodivergent 21 year old who is currently living in a very stressful and toxic environment. I live with and financially depend on my mother and her husband (technically my step-father) who have both verbally, mentally and emotionally abused me ontop of my already existing trauma and mental issues from years of this kind of treatment from others, including them. They do not accept that I am non-binary and consistantly arise arguments/fights because of it, resulting in them giving me anxiety attacks and triggering my PTSD simply because they don't want to call me the name I prefer to be called by, ontop of driving away my other family and friends they have invited into their home due to their behavior. They have blamed my step sister (who is 2 months older than me) as well as myself on the trauma they have caused us to the point where they drove her to live across the country and will never see my step sister's daughter (my niece) ever again, in order to keep the baby from being exposed to the violence they have shown us. We were both physically abused by them as well, but once we started becoming young adults roughly around the ages 15-17, they stopped hitting us as much and eventually stopped completely after that (for reasons unknown) and my step sister got the worst of it. My youngest brother is also transgender, and they treat him the same, but he has outside help that he's getting from friends he knows, so im not too worried about him, since he's tough and will be able to get out soon enough.
Currently, I feel like I am fighting for my life. My stress levels have gotten to the point where I've gained many migranes (stress-induced as well as random migranes run in my family, but they're happening more often than normal as of late) and a fever because of it, which would go away after one night of rest so i knew i wasnt sick with anything really concerning, that i know of, since im fine now.
I feel as though I am at my breaking point, and my depression has gotten significantly worse as well, despite the medication i take for it as well as the coping mechanisms I use to ease it. I try to tell my mother the stress and pain im in, but she threatens to take me to a mental hospital every time i express that she makes me feel like i should... take my own life, basically, because of how she treats me, ontop of feeling like she wishes i were gone, among other reasons. She prefers to get onto me rather than try to comfort me and try to hear why I feel the way I do with concern. I feel as though she resents me for some reason unknown, resents all of her children... she seems like she has no sympathy for our mental health regardless of how she might actually feel, and will never understand that people deal with things in their own unique ways, and that no one else in the world operates completely like she does.
On multipule occasions, my mother has expressed that if I feel like I want to end my own life, that she wont try to stop me if it means I'll be happier that way, and almost encourages it. She's also stated to my brother when he was 16 that she knows she will bury me one day, and is content with that fact considering how I've been dealing with su*cidal idiations since I was very young.
Ontop of those interactions, when my step-sister was little and was crying to my mother about how she makes her want to end her own life, my mother replied by saying "Is that all? If you don't try to end your own life at least once as a teenager, that makes you the weird kid. It's a phase, I've tried it and so has all of my kids."
Her husband on the other hand, is a dog abuser and has thrown/kicked puppies and our older dogs, including one pit bull we had named Pepa, who was thrown over the fence and landed hard on her side when she somehow got out of the backyard (she was a huge sweetheart and would never hurt a soul). He has no sympathy what so ever for animals, and when I confronted him about throwing Pepa when she was vulnerable and weak after just having a littler of 14 puppies, he stated that he could have done so much worse. He also has a habit of yelling/snapping at his kids when theyre in pain or take his attention away from his video games simply because it annoys him and he "doesn't want to hear it". Once, before my first knee surgery several years ago, I fainted out of the diningroom chair (I deal with low blood sugar issues sometimes) and bruised my ACL, crying and screaming for help while everyone was asleep. He has woken up to see what happened, and while i was on the floor clutching my leg, crying for help, he stated that "I need to learn how to do it myself" and went to go back to sleep. I had sat there for another several minutes screaming and crying before my brother woke up and helped me onto the livingroom couch and made sure I was okay. (my mother was at work at the time so she didn't find out about this until I called her when I was finally on the couch. she also doesnt believe what her husband did even happened, because I didn't think to tell her about it until some time later.)
They both also believe that my step-sister deserved to be hit and punched in the face as a young teenager, simply because she has an anger/attidude problem. (She is now the smartest, most strong and mature woman I've ever known, She's a wonderful friend, and an even better mother who deserves the best.)
Just a few reasons I need to be away from them both, and examples to explain to you all how severe this situation is.
I'm at a loss, and just need to get away. I have a friend in Washington State (where i used to live) who is offering to help house me, and I just need the funds to get there considering i'm in Texas, as well as provide for my dog. My dog Remi (He's a 13 year old Schnauzer) currently has two ear infections and has had them for over a month, yet my mother refused to take him to the vet no matter how much I begged her since im unemployed and cant provide for him at the moment, I have ear drops that I used to temporarily help relieve his discomfort, but his contition continued to get more severe and the ear drops stopped working. (She's had no problem providing for him until recently, especially when he was the family's dog first before he became mine several years ago.) She constantly says how they have no money but its very hard to believe when they have recently had the funds to go to an expensive amusement park twice in two weeks and spend all of their money on merch. Luckily, a long time friend offered to pay for his treatments with what little money she does have, so my dog has finally been treated after having to stay overnight at the vet and is home now, taking madications and resting as he should. His vet bill was only $117, and my mother could have easily afforded it.
Now for as what I'll need the funds for, I had found out that the most efficient way I can get myself and my dog all the way up to Washinton State (Seattle/Everett area) from Boyd Texas, is to rent a car and drive up there myself. Now, I've had my licence since I was 16, and started driving at the age of 15 with a permit, and have taken many long road trips on my own before, so I'm rather confident in my abilities to travel that far. Also with my issues only being in my left leg, I've still been able to drive perfectly fine as long as I take breaks to stretch.
I have looked into many different airlines I possibly could for the cheapest tickets I could get for myself, as well as for my dog.. problem is, he's just a little too big to fit in the cabin of any plane I've reserched, I even called around and tried to recieve quotes and advice from airlines, but to no avail. I've also contacted animal transportation and shipping services, but they're all just very expensive and too complicated. I will also not put my baby boy in cargo on a plane, as it is dangerous.
For renting a car in my area, I will need to be able to find a place that will let me rent a car for 4 days so that I will have wiggle room to rest, make stops for gas/take my dog potty, and also get food while im on the way, considering my ideal route takes 1 day and 7 hours, minus the time ill need for stops and to rest, as well as traffic. The cheapest I could find while doing reserch is between $70-$90 a day for either a renter's choice car, or just any cheap car they have available, and for four days, that rounds up to be close to $300-$360 total for the trip. Ontop of that, gas for the one-way trip will cost roughly $300 or more depending on the car's milage.
Tomorrow (11/01) since it'll be a Monday, I'll be calling around for offers for my specific need to see if they'll have anything available for the end of this week or next week up to a month. I'm honestly willing to wait for this trip at least a month, but I'm not sure I could stand staying here longer than that at this point, since I'm wanting to leave as soon as possible for the sake of my mental health and well being, as well as the well being of my dog.
I appreciate any donations anyone makes no matter how much it is, it would mean everything to me to get out of here and finally be happier and feel safe for once. Thank you so very much if you read all of this, my situation may not be as severe as some peoples, but its certainly something worth addressing, I'd think.
I'll happily answer any questions anyone has for me regarding my situation, as I believe in the power of reassurance and cooperation, especially when it comes to strangers providing money for me which they absolutely do not have to give, out of the kindness of their hearts. I'll give as much information as I can to truely strengthen your trust in me that my situation is as genuine as I have stated.
Thank you so much for reading all of this, it means the world to me and more to have anyone take me seriously. Regardless if you donate or not, I hope you have a wonderful day, and to have a restful sleep every night this week.
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skylesbian · 2 years
im gonna write everything down because i need to remember this entire day forever!!
first of all, i’ve already said this but @louis-in-red is literally the loveliest and kindest person and i LOVED sharing this experience with her 🥺 so thankful i got to meet her! definitely wouldn’t have been the same without her
okay so we got campo delantero (ga) but we got there like 2 hours before doors opened kdhdkd i was a little worried there wouldnt be more merch, but i could buy in uruguay if that was the case. but we got there and they still had peach hoodies so we were queuing and we started hearing screams and people started running so obviously we didn’t question it and started running too ksjshsjs
so we got to the main entrance and there he was...... oli 💀 he was wearing a white shirt and sunglasses and oh my..... he is fit! so hot jshsjs and he walks like louis, at first i couldnt see his face because of a tree and i thought it was louis for a moment and almost died 😭 but that was somehow the only moment that felt real during the entire day, i was like HOLY SHIT THATS OLI
so then we got the merch, took some pics, we met @lou1e and talked to her for a few minutes and she’s so nice and sweet 🥺 it was so lovely meeting her ❤️
after a while we went to get some food and went to the bathroom and we were like just gonna wait everyone gets in, so we just sat to wait and the queue never stopped 😭 so we started walking opposite to the queue to join the end and it continued around the corner like it literally never ended, and at one point we finally got to join the queue. we got in (i went to the bathroom again - for like the 15th time that day.... uruguayan things, you wouldn’t get it 🧉) and the crowd didnt seem that big, so we went to the back in the middle and the stage wasnt that far!
paz carrara was singing and she was LOVELY she was so emotional, she thanked us so many times and said louies were the best, she’s a sweetheart and i love her 🥺
and then the chaos started.... we saw two paramedics take an unconscious person out and after that i lost count of how many people were taken out, or had to leave. people walked out of the crowd wet from head to toe and they were pale and about to faint and throwing up. we helped a few fans, but there were so many during the entire time sunroom was on stage, i couldnt even listen to one song properly. hope they enjoyed anyways 😭 the staff was throwing water on the front (like actually wetting them) and handing plastic glasses of water. and i was getting so anxious, i was scared to have an anxiety attack because watching that happen live a few times was bad, but being there, with sooo many young people getting sick was a bit terrifying ngl. it was too hot and people were pushing too much.
louis started late because they were trying to make the crowd take a step back and when they finally did and louis showed up, everything worked out!!! it was still too hot but people respected the space a little better.
i was so nervous and freaking out a little the minutes before it started, but then we made it started and life stopped being real. like when i say i had an out of the body experience.... i didnt feel like i was there. i think it took me a few songs to be like, okay this is louis, im here, this is happening. and even then it didnt feel as real as when i saw oli KDHDKD i don’t know how to explain it, maybe he’s just so perfect my basic human brain can’t comprehend HE’S FUCKING REAL.
i have so many blanks but the things i DO remember:
we didnt know there was a platform, and between people getting out of the front of the crowd and joining the back, and the few steps back we took, we didn’t seem that close anymore. like we could still see him clearly (when people weren’t raising all their phones at once 🥲) but it was fared away than initially. BUT THEN at one point he starts walking our way, reaches the end of the stage and keeps walking, and KEEPS WALKING, AND HE WAS SO FUCKING CLOSE WTF!!! WE SCREAMED SO MUCH 😭😭😭
i think fearless was the song i enjoyed the most live which isn’t exactly a surprise because i love it, but its SO GOOD LIVE it was amazing. always you was also one of my top songs of the night and the lights during beautiful war were sooooo pretty!!!! really feels like being in the middle of a thousand stars (or more like fifteen thousand stars 😌)
he’s voice????? is so????? fucking flawless??????? i have always loved listening to him during performances/live shows/etc, i always thought he sings even better live. but HOLY SHIT i was not prepared for it to be EVEN BETTER??? he blew my fucking mind. HE’S SO TALENTED!!! HES WORKED SO HARD ON HIS VOCALS AND ITS PAYING OFF AMAZINGLY, HES SO WONDERFUL!!!!
singing his songs back to him was so good 🥺 i was really looking forward to sing YOU WERE MY BECAUSE at him but that moment is also blank 💀 buuut i do remember thinking “oh he got it right” in the first verse KDHDJS
when he went to the barricade during kmm everyone pushed closer and he raised his arm and i saw all his tattoos, and everyone who knows me knows how obsessed i am with that arm so it was a pretty special moment to see them so close 😭
oh before ttd i was like “the pic????” so ttd ended and people were chanting for perfect now (except for me and steph, we were chanting for just hold on skhdks) and steph yelled “the photo!!” and he immediately said lets take a photo, so we choose to ✨believe✨ that he heard her. they are practically besties now 😌
also my throat still hurts so much because we screamed the entire time 😭 kshsks
and the funniest part of the night was that getting back to the hotel, our taxi driver was a bald man in his 50s who was a harrie, but we made him a louie (he said louis has a better voice and sings better 💀) but thats a story for another day 😁
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bloodycassian · 3 years
darkness defined - 
az or cass x reader idk if this makes sense or not but here we go, either az or cas POV where reader (their mate) was stuck under the mountain with rhys and doesn’t come back bc she is still locked in the dungeons (rhys just assumed she died, he doesn’t know she is still alive)  Switch to readers POV, a few months later where they think their mate and their family (the night court) has abandoned them bc nobody ever came looking for her. Reader is like on the verge of death and uses her last energy to send a pulse down the bond. Switch back to az or cas POV  who are basically freaking out with guilt and anger and worried-ness. Im sorry it’s super long don’t feel pressured to write this anytime soon idk if it even makes sense  
Cassian was a wreck. From the moment Rhys came home alone, and until the end of time it seemed to be. Azriel sighed, watching his brother down his second bottle of alcohol. His eyes were red, face gaunt and pale. The circles under those tortured eyes looked more like bruises. 
He hadn't talked to Rhys much since the news came that you were gone. Cassian had practically blown the roof off the house of wind, then disappeared for two weeks. The only reason Rhys had let him was because Az followed, far behind just to make sure he wasn't going to do anything drastic. 
Azriel watched his brother circle the mountain, only to have to turn away. Wards made by Helion himself refused entry to anyone while the mountain was still being evacuated of Fae. He glared daggers at the people streaming outside the shield. His heart was a painful stab in his chest constantly. His mate.. gone. He refused to believe it. And Azriel saw the denial there, plain as day. 
Azriel had only stopped him once. When he packed a bag and started his flight to Hybern. He earned a black eye and a verbal lashing for that, but it had saved Cassian from going on a suicide mission.
After a month of being out, he went to his brother. Rhys refused to ask Helion to lower the shields around the Mountain, and finally Cassian seemed to give up. He would have gone to Helion himself, but the wards around his court prevented him from doing so. Rhys was torn up over the entire experience of under the mountain, but losing you was one of the worst parts. He would never forgive himself for losing his brother's mate. 
Azriel watch his brother's eyes get more and more dull. Watched the bottles stack up. Rhys wasn't around much, busy regaining control over his city, getting updated. And keeping an eye on Spring Court.  Cassian sighed when the bitter liquid hit his tongue. He drank like it was salvation. Like it would lead him back to you. Plus, it helped him sleep. It was the only time he could sleep without seeing you, without feeling that pull - the command his instincts gave. "Find me, find me. I'm here. I love you. Please."  He often escaped to the cabin. To not have to talk to anyone, and to keep Rhys from stealing his bottles from him. Cassian was convinced Rhys was saving them to drink for himself. That's where he found himself flying, bottle of booze in hand. The guilt a lead weight in his stomach. 
The door shut, and he finished the first bottle in an hour. 
Mor appeared beside him, took the second bottle from his hand and had a long drink herself. He smiled drunkenly, showing too many teeth at her. He wasn't sure if she was actually glowing or if it was his eyes squinting too much. "Cheers." He slurred, taking the bottle back and downing more.
+ The walls were getting drier and drier with each passing day. The once cool winds that would cut through the stone dungeons were turning softer, warmer. It was a welcome relief, but without the muddy water from the walls...you knew you didn't have much left. Your spirit was crushed, on top of it. Death seemed like not a terrible option anymore.  Especially knowing that your court - your friends - your family had left you. They had just... forgotten. Thrown you aside like nothing. Didn't even try to find you. Like the Winter court skeleton in the cell beside you, just left to die.
  You pushed the thoughts back, knowing that logically that wasn't true. But you couldnt come up with a reason why they would leave you down here. You prayed, you tried sending thoughts down the bond. Nothing worked. Sometimes your mind got the better of you, and you would rush to the bars of your prison cell when you thought you heard faint footsteps. 
Then you would hear your own voice echo back, and no one else.  Eventually you stopped getting up. You let the fantasies keep you entertained while you lay on the floor. Not caring about the bugs that crawled on you. You were glad there wasn't a mirror to see yourself in. A wave of dizziness crashed over you, and you fell into darkness. 
When the water ran dry, you stopped bothering calling out for Cassian. The bond was there, but saturated. Trying to grasp it was like trying to hold wind. You were too exhausted. So you propped yourself up in a corner and let the dizziness pull you under again for a moment. Taking rattling breaths, you let your mind wander to that mind bridge. That once sturdy marble that would always remind you of Cassian. 
You sent out a final tug down that bond. Using the last of your energy, you put all your effort into it. "I'm here, I always will be. I love you. I'm sorry." The platform you imagined your bond being seemed to go dark, and lifeless. Empty.
+ Cassian shot upright, head spinning. Mor was asleep beside him, her feet on the table. He shook her, trying to shake the stupor. "Wake up. Wake up!" She groaned, weakly batting him away. He took a breath, trying to steady himself. He wobbled to the kitchen, dunked his head in the cold sink water and slapped himself a few times. The haziness from his stupor crawled away, slowly. 
Mor appeared in the archway, rubbing her eyes.
"Get Rhys. I need you to winnow us." He demanded, patting her face softly. Her eyebrows knit together but she stretched, and sleepily obliged.  + You assumed the crackling was just your starved imagination. Again. But the wind changed as well, and you tried not to let your hopes up. You weakly opened your eyes, to the same familiar cell. A silent tear slid down your cheek.  Then there were the shuffling of footsteps again, and you hid your face in your hands. It seemed like all the imagination tricks were attacking at once. You wanted it to stop. You wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep until you could see and hold Cassian again. Voices, now.
The sweet deep voice of a man who spoke another language. An ancient language. Your ears rang. You cracked your eyes again, to a blinding white light. You held a hand in front of your face, trying to see behind it. 
A thud, and scrape of metal. Then the scent hit you. It was similar to what you had imagined but somehow a million times better. Then, his arms were around you. "Mother above." He breathed. You would have thought the mother took you at last if it wasnt for the pain in your gut.
"We got you honey, I'm so sorry. Im-" He tried to hold back a sob. You smiled weakly at the familiar, yet different eyes that you loved. The marble platform you shared seemed to be lighting up with happiness. At the same time, crumbling and falling with shame. Anguish. 
Rhys began winnowing the group immediately, nodding to Helion. The high lord gave him a melancholy smile back, and winnowed himself in a flash of light. He would check the rest of the mountain with his forces and repair the wards before he returned to his home. 
Everyone surrounded the healer, watching her work. Mor was trying to stay calm, but her hands shook when she held Amrens. Rhys and Azriel both had jaws clenched, shoulders tense. Watching the way Cassian's tears fell on to your shoulder as he cradled you. The healer squeezed  his arm softly, silently requesting him to move. He didn't.
Azriel went to his brother, wrapping an arm around him. "Your mate needs you to be strong, Cas." He consoled, pulling him away gently. Cassian held you tighter, just for a second then nodded and let go. He held your hand firmly. His warmth missing from your body was a shock. You began shivering. Amren tugged a blanket off the guest couch nearby and placed it over your legs. 
"T-thanks." you muttered. Her eyes widened, but she nodded. Her and Rhys glanced to each other. A silent conversation. You didnt care. 
"Cas?" You squeezed his hand, and there he was. His pale face looked ragged. He seemed like he was struggling in every sort of way. You didnt want to imagine what he was looking at when he looked at your features. You could practically feel your cheeks sinking in, your bones losing their density. "I missed you." You smiled, trying to lift his mood. 
His lips quivered, and he nodded. He kissed the back of your hand. "You wouldnt believe how much I missed you. All of us did." he glanced to Rhys. His face was blank, but that steady stream of power seemed to be crackling outside. 
You let your eyes drift to each of your friends. Each of their tear stained faces were such a welcome relief. Over a month alone, their presence alone was enough to soothe that part of you that doubted their love. 
Cassian kissed your forehead, before the healer's light knocked you into a peaceful sleep. 
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Wedding Jitters
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Gif credit by me.
You can see the nervousness in Nick. I just want to hug him and say everythings going to be okay.
Nick and his bachelor crew were on their way to the wedding hall. They just had an awesome night of drinking and gambling in Vegas so they were either hungover or sleep deprived. But Nick, he was feeling something different.
"You alright there, bro"? Nate asked his older brother.
"Yeah, I'm fine". Nick exhaled as he looked out the window.
"You sure? You look a little pale". Nate sat up and got a closer look at Nick.
"I guess I'm a little anxious".
"You getting cold feet"?
Nick turned his head quickly. "No, I dont think that's it. I love Y/N. I want to marry her. I just, I dont know. I cant explain it. It's just there. Like I'm about to go into a fight but I know I'm coming out winning".
"You're not making any sense, Nick. You want me to call Y/N"?
"No, she's got to much on her mind. She's probably worrying about her make up or her dress. I dont want to add more on to that. I'm fine". Nick sighed, cracking his knuckles.
Nate didnt believe Nick. He was not okay and you needed to know what was going on. Nate secretly texted you as they pulled up.
Nick got out of the van, he stretched and faked yawn to try and make it seem he was fine, just tired. His nerves getting the better of him but he tried to shrug them off.
"Let's go get you hitched". Nate wrapped his arm around Nick and they headed to their room to get dressed.
Nick smiled, he couldnt wait to see you and be with you again. After you two got engaged, you were never apart for a long time. Nick wasnt fighting so he was in town all the time and home. It brought you two closer and made you both strong. But it did have its ups and down when Nick and you separated.
"Nick's having a simmering anxiety attack, Nate just texted me". You bite your lip as you looked at your phone.
"What do you want to do? We can send someone over to help". Your sister and maid of honor asked.
"I wanna see him. I really dont care about not seeing the bride before the wedding. He needs me".
"You know, moms going to kill you if you're late for your own wedding. She's also going to get mad that you let him see you".
"Well, mom's not here at the moment and Nick needs me so I'm going". You got up from your chair and headed for the door.
"You really going out there in your robe"? She laughed.
"Yes, I look hot". You laughed back as you looked at yourself. Curlers in your hair, smudged makeup from the night before and a silky robe on.
You headed to Nick's sweet and knocked on the door. Nate answered the door. At first you thought he was going to have a heart attack and quickly closed the door.
"What are you doing here"?
"I'm going to see Nick. Now excuse me". You nudged him aside but Nate being the big guy he didnt move far.
"He'll see you and that's bad luck".
"Then cover his eyes. Use a tie or something. But I'm seeing him. He needs me. You said it yourself. He's not alright".
"You're right. Okay, let me blindfold him and I'll let you in. I'll clear the room too". Nate slipped back into the room. You pressed your ear at the door and you heard Nick protest.
The door opened and you saw Nick sitting on the couch with a black tie over his eyes.
"Thanks Nate, we wont be long". You closed the door as he left.
"Nick, what's going on"? You sat down beside him and took his hand in yours.
"What are you doing in here? This is bad luck. Our marriage wont work".
"Nick, I'm not worried about that bad luck, that's superstition. Now what's going on? Are you getting cold feet? If you are, just tell me".
Nick sighed. "I'm not getting cold feet".
"Then what's going on"?
"I dont know. I want to marry you".
"But? Are you worried about getting in front of everyone"?
"Yeah and I dont know why. I've fought in front on thousands of people but getting married in front my friends and family scares me more".
"Are you worried you'll mess up or something"?
"There's something else, what"?
"Are you sure you want to marry me"?
"God, yes"! You exclaimed. "I can't wait to marry you. I get you all to myself forever and ever".
Nick chuckled. You sensed something was still wrong.
"Do you want to just call it off and get married just us on our own time? Not set a date. Just randomly go to the court house and get married"? You rubbed his hand.
"I'm not doing that to you. You've talked about your dream wedding since you were little and I'm not taking that away from you".
"Nick, I don't care about a big wedding. I just want to marry you and love you forever. We could get married in the center of the octagon and I'd still be the happiest girl ever. Because I'm marrying my best friend, the love of my life and my dream man". You lay your head on his shoulder.
"I don't deserve you. It's your big day and you're here with me listening to my problems".
"That's what I'm here for. I'll always be here for anything you need me for. To listen to your problems, a shoulder to cry on, and to give you love when you dont feel like loving yourself. I'm here".
"I love you so much. I'm thankful for you everyday of my life. Now, you still want to marry me"?
"Of course I do, babe. If it wasnt for our families, I'd already married you long ago. So get dressed and I'll meet you down the aisle. I can't wait to be your wife". You cup his face in your hands and peck his lips.
"Hey, hey. None of that". Nate scorned as he came into the room.
"Okay, wedding monitor. I'm going to go now. Are you okay"? You asked Nick.
"I'm great. I'll see you".
"I love you Nicholas Diaz". You quickly kiss his lips before Nate said anything and than hurried out the room.
"You good now"? Nate sat down beside him brother as Nick removed the blindfold.
"Yeah, I'm good. Let's go get me married". Nick said with a grin.
Nick knew you were always by his side. His nerves just needed a little reassuring.
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i have gotten one person saying they want to hear me loredump so i shall (thank you @kirbyofthestars :D) (and maybe more people by the time im done writing this)
(i have a lot to talk about so im putting it all under this)
Ok so first some background lore for the world: so here magic is literally linked to your soul in 2 ways.
Your soul element is simple: its literally the element you were born with. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Electricity, Ice, Light, and Darkness (possibly more because im still writing). This is possible to change, but you'd have to work yourself to the bone, and there's the chance it could hurt quite a lot.
Your soul VIBE, however, is a lot more interesting. Your vibe changes based on your personality. So lets say you're a very shy, but protective. Your magic would be stealth and protection oriented, then. It's not impossible to do stuff that wasnt made for your vibe, but it'll probably be a lot weaker.
There ARE 2 special vibes though: Dream and Nightmare.
Dream vibe represents those who, even through the worst of times, know how to be a guiding light to those in need, allowing them to use magic almost like a limb, controlling anything of their element with ease.
Nightmare vibe represents those who get consumed by the lows, creating a deadly amount of power, but at great risk to the user.
Now for literal worldbuilding: an amazonian-like group called the Quiren literally formed the world. They dont have magic, but can literally move mountains. Like, actually. They have INCREDIBLE strength.
ok so first you got the girl i have been working on since like... 7th grade:
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Ina is an extremely cheerful kitsune girl with the fire element. She also holds the dream vibe. As a young girl, she lived with her parents, but unfortunately due to the evil royal guard, her entire village went up in flames, killing everyone except her and one other person who i'll get to later. How did she survive, you may ask? One member rebelled and took her in, raising her. She has a very smug exterior, always seeming to have fun all the time, even being able to joke with her enemies, but she is EXTREMELY beat up inside, and sometimes worried that she isnt fit to do anything.
also she's a really good cook and is sporty, which she likes to encorperate into her magic attacks
also shes pan
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Sylvana is the fast electricity wielder of the group, and is also LITERALLY the mom friend as the oldest member of the group. An ex-royal guard member that just so happened to take in a certain kitsune when she left. A skilled assasin, with sharp knives and an equally sharp tongue. However, she deeply regrets everything she did under the tyrannical rule of the queen, and wants to teach the young people of the group to be better than her, especially Ina and one other person. You also do NOT want to get her pissed, as she will absolutely ruin your life.
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Kuro is a masterful detective, as well as the son of the famous detective Noire Néma, who was able to solve any case while shrouded in darkness. He took over her agency after her assassination. Kuro is shy, but has a very stoic and calm exterior. He also has some mild anger iasues, but he's learning to control them. While not trying to live up to any expectations, as he wasn't even supposed to be a detective, sometimes work can get to him. Also, he's completely colorblind. He only sees in black and white. He also likes to monologue like he's the protagonist of a detective film.
Shiro is the Pomsky best friend and assistant of Kuro. Being the cause of his color blindness with an accidental bright light, she feels like Kuro hates her and wants to make it up to him in any way possible. With a photographic memory, and an insane interest in artifacts, she makes for a great partner. However, she has an extreme amount of attachment issues to Kuro, so they practically are always together.
Both of them also love praise. A lot.
also they're in love but think the other isn't interested in them, they don't become a couple until near the end of the story
unfortunately the rest i dont have images for so you'll just have to picture them
Sylvana's daughter, an catgirl as energetic as the wind. The youngest of the group, and an aspiring wrestler. Not much is known about Alice's past, but one day Sylvana found her while on patrol and took her in. She's very close to Sylvana, and is almost obsessed with ber big sis Ina. A bit of a weeb and a chuuni, but she has a big heart. She also holds on to her past a lot, which can be a bit of an issue at times.
Fen is Ina's childhood best friend, a wolfgirl as graceful as ice. The 2 did everything together and were practically inseperable. Until Fen left on a mission to go gather some groceries, and came back to a village on fire and everyone she knew gone. Including her best friend. She fell into absolute despair, and isolated herself on a mountain, believing herself to be cursed. However, eventually Ina finds her and manages to help her be somewhat happy. She may be nervous, and has some trust issues, but she's a good person and a great fighter.
Dae is the future princess of the Quiren, and is the group's moth-like powerhouse. Once the queen started feeling off, Dae's mothers (the current queens of the quiren) were concerned, and asked Dae to join our little group of adventurers. Dae is an absolute tomboy, and while she loves being a princess she's also really into their tribe's sporting events. Many people, not including her loving parents, try to tell her she should focus on being a princess, however, and it can get to her sometimes. She's also really invested in anime, naming a lot of her moves after something she's seen in a show. She also has a weird, non-romantic attraction to Ina and Shiro...
NEXUS (technically my friends OC, but he was put into my story so i have my interpretation of him here.)
A young foxboy who's as calm as the sea. Nexus was part of a seperate village that was attacked, and wants to become the new keeper of time to reverse the events and save everyone who died because of the queen's royal guard. He finds ina one day in a near-fatal state, and in return for saving her life wants her help. Starts out cold and distant to everyone, especially Sylv and Alice, but eventually warms up to the group, especially Ina.
also he's ace
ok thats all of the main characters, i have some villains and side characters but I've been typing for over an hour and im tired
Please enjoy :3
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urijihoons-blog · 4 years
Bokuto: Clarity
/ Kōtarō Bokuto x reader /
genre: angst ish to questionable fluff
wc: 2604
summary: You end up somewhere familiar, but not with someone familiar. One things for sure, the truth will come out soon enough.
warnings: mentions of anxiety
a/n: You guys!!!!!!!! I’m so glad you all love this fic 🥺 your comments and likes and reblogs encourage me so much!! Thank you so much for your love!!!! 💗💗💗
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You wake up in a daze. No, you wake up... in a hotel room? The suite looked just like Bokuto’s, is that where you are? You hoped so.
You picked up your head, peered around the room looking for his things to confirm your suspicions, and lifted your upper body to lean on the headboard of the bed. Suddenly, there are footsteps coming from the bathroom area. “Bokuto?” You inquire, anxious to see his face while you could blame it on the alcohol. A laugh comes from the hallway, and it isn’t his. Oh, oh no.
Atsumu comes around the corner, shirtless and basketball shorts, with a cup of water. He laughs when he sees the horror on your face, thinking it’s a joke. You check your clothing frantically, everything is still buttoned, zipped, and tied. You look up at him, still terrified of the blank space of time from the bar until now, “We didn’t... did we?” Atsumu laughs even harder but then notices the look of panic in your eyes. He straightens up, coughing while handing you Tylenol and the cup of water. “No, of course not. You’re Bo’s girl.”
Those words stung. “Not anymore.” Those words, they really stung. You hadn’t actually had the thought of it being completely over until now. It’s hitting you, wave after wave. Everything went wrong, and now you, you’re suffocating-
“Y/N,” Atsumu’s at the edge of the bed, looking you in the eyes with fear, “please breathe. Take a second and breathe.” You try to hold it in, and take deeper breaths but your heart is pounding so hard in your chest, it feels as though it’s going to burst. The next thing you know, you’re on the ground hugging your knees into your chest as tightly as you can. Your eardrums cut out all other sounds, they were just echoing your heartbeat. With your face turned into the carpet, you’re sobbing breathlessly. Atsumu jumps up and grabs his phone, eyes scared to no end. “I’m calling Kuto, now.”
“N-no, please d-don’t.” You say as strongly as you can. You lift your head and force your breaths to become decently even. “Please give me more time.”
“You know,” he looked down at you with a concerned look, “you need to talk to him soon.”
Your eyes furrowed in distress before saying, “Why should I? It’s quite obvious what went on between them, why should I do anything for him?” You wiped some spare tears still leaving your eyes from your panic attack. “I don’t want to see him-“
“Your first thought when you woke up here,” he motioned around the room, “was that you were with him.” Atsumu stated bluntly, he lifted an eyebrow, “You think I didn’t hear the hope in your voice when you called for him?” You blinked, completely stunned at how he read you so easily. “Also, from what I’ve gathered these past couple of weeks, Tamra isn’t very trustworthy when it comes to telling the truth.”
“She didn’t have to tell me anything,” you sighed heavily, hugging your knees again. “I saw it, ‘Tsumu.” You tried to blink away the tears yet again. “And it wasn’t just a ‘She was close to him and he was close to her’ type deal. It was a ‘She was only wearing a towel and he was shirtless in the hotel suite by themselves, ready to get their room service’ type deal.”
Atsumu looked honestly shocked. He started talking with his hands, “Well, that doesn’t make much sense.” He slightly raised his voice, and you realized he was talking more to himself than to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Kuto, is a simple, oblivious man. When Tamra started talking to him after some of our practice games, they only talked volleyball. I honestly just thought they became friends.” Atsumu pulled his hand to his chin in thought. “They never hung out outside of the courts, unless we all went out to the bar down the street, but even then it was always in a big group.”
“So what are you trying to say to me?”
“What I’m trying to say is that Kuto has texted in our team groupchat about looking for you in the city. He’s given us your complete physical description and told us to call him if any of us see you. We’re told to take you to him as soon as possible.” Atsumu tries to hold in a giggle at the whole situation. “He seems like he’s going out of his mind right now.”
Your face froze. “So, why haven’t you taken me to him? Or even told him that I’m here?”
His smile diminished slightly, “Because of how you were talking about him at the bar.” His face became serious. “You were,” he paused, taking a deep breathe, “ are, so hurt, Y/N. And as much as I don’t truly think he did this to you, there is the smallest of possibilities. And if he did, which God forbid if he did, I don’t think he should have the satisfaction of being able to see you at your lowest. I wanted to sober you up, talk to you first, and then figure it out from there.” Atsumu talked with such kindness, your respect for him instantly grew. “So, what do you think you want to do?”
You sat there for a couple of minutes in silence, ‘Tsumu waiting for your response. You finally looked up, certain, “Call him, and tell him to come here.”
“She hasn’t come back to the bar.”
“She hasn’t come by the airport.”
“Her suitcase was left in the hotel, so maybe she’ll come back here?”
No one knew where you were, which Bokuto didn’t expect them to. He just wished for a different way. Wished that he could’ve explained it when he had the chance, wished he wasn’t in such a damning situation in the first place. Bokuto should’ve never trusted Tamra, he should’ve listened to his friends, and now he pays for it.
It was the third day of training camp, and Bokuto was completely focused. His practice matches were getting tougher, ralleys taking longer. After a while, he was becoming tired.
“Hey, Bokuto right?” A small voice perked up.
Bokuto turned to face a short, young woman, petite, with a kind smile. She wore a track suit, but not for his team, must’ve been another team’s manager. “Yes?”
“You’re doing great out there! I’ve heard of you before but I didn’t expect this.” She laughed, clutching her clipboard.
Bokuto laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “Thanks!”
He walked back towards his teammates, who were taking a water break, when he heard one of the guys say, “Kuto, I wouldn’t get too close to her, she’s bad news.” Bokuto furrowed his brow in confusion, waiting for the rest of the reason.
“Yeah,” another piped up, “I heard she tried to break up Ushijima and his wife, uh, Kate.”
“Guys, she probably just doesn’t have any friends! She seems nice enough, and you know I would never do anything to hurt, Y/N.” Bokuto’s expression was playful, but his words were dead serious. He truly believed what he said. “Plus, Toshi gets a big head sometimes, I bet that girl said two words to him and he got flustered.” Bokuto laughed, his team looked around for a second and they laughed too, trusting him.
So for the next week and a half, Tamra would speak to Bokuto every once in a while. Always something nice, always something about volleyball. Sometimes about his own experience, other times about how he helps lead the team. Never once did he actually think there was anything going on, because he trusted himself to recognize the signs. He didn’t want anyone other than you, so he didn’t worry about anyone other than you. A couple days later and Tamra has started going to the bar with the whole team. Everyone cutting up, acting like old friends. Everything seemed fine, but then it all went to hell.
‘Kuto, can I come use your shower? The hotel staff says that mine won’t be fixed for a couple of hours and I feel gross.’
‘Yeah, that’s fine. I’m in room 428.’
Tamra showed up shortly after, and he had just gotten out of the shower. She knocked, and he answered, allowing her to step in. “Thank you so much, I just feel gross.”
“No problem, I understand the feeling.” Bo laughed sheepishly, looking through his drawers for a shirt. He heard her stomach growl, and laughed a booming laugh. “Someone’s hungry?” He looked over at her, and she nodded, giggling. “I haven’t eaten dinner either, I’ll order room service.” She bowed her head slightly in thanks. “What do you want?” He asked, standing to grab the menu from beside the dresser.
“I want.. a burger, and fries, and..” she paused, staring at him trivially. She took a couple of steps forward. She was a breath away from him. “You.” Faster than he could stop her, Tamra kissed Bokuto, hard. Her hands grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him into her unwillingly.
He grabbed her arms and wrenched them off of him. “No.” He breathed hard, using the back of his wrist to wipe his mouth. His eyes darkened slightly with anger. “No, do not do that again.”
“But, I thought-“
“No, you thought wrong. I have a fiancé, remember?” He looked at her confused, as if she hadn’t heard him talk about you for the last 2 weeks at all. Her eyes looked desperate. “How-“
“I’m so sorry!” Tamra blurted, holding a hand to her chest. She looked as if she had been wounded as she turned her face away. “I am so so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I guess, I just wasnt thinking. Please forgive me, I don’t want this to be held against me.” As fast as the anger came, it also left. Bokuto felt bad for her, and she looked ashamed of herself enough.
“Okay. Just do not do it again. I am only a friend.” He said, and walked towards the hotel phone. “Once you’re out of the shower, the food will be here, but I would rather you go to your own room to eat.”
“Okay, I can do that.” She said in a small voice.
Bokuto watched her stalk towards the bathroom, and went about ordering room service. What he didn’t see was the sly smile on Tamra’s face, or her calculating moves up until this point. She had made herself look innocent, but in reality, she had a plan. She wanted the scandal, and the chaos that came with it.
‘And she got it.’ Bokuto thought to himself. ‘She definitely got it.’ A sudden buzz took him out of his head, saved him from his thoughts. He lifted the phone to his ear, not even bothering to look at the caller. “Y/N?”
“No, but I do need to talk to you about her. Come to my room, ASAP.” Atsumu said calmly.
Bokuto looked at his phone, not believing that Atsumu really wanted to help. “I’m confused, you weren’t at the bar tonight, what do you know exactly?”
“Come to room 317, this is important.” Atsumu seemed very serious about this.
“I’m on my way.”
The hotel room was cold, so you had to cover yourself in the bed’s blankets to keep from shivering. Everything felt too foggy. You were sobering up quick, the thought of having to look him in the face making you shiver on its own. A knock came from the door and you glanced over at Atsumu, the mix of emotions becoming too much. He was already looking at you, waiting for the okay. You steadied yourself, giving him a nod. He moved swiftly to the entryway of the suite, and opened the door. You couldn’t see him, but you could hear his voice. “What do you know?” Bokuto rasped, walking in. He followed Atsumu’s gaze and finally found you, his golden eyes softening.
You froze under his intense stare. His eyes taking the sight of you in. You hadn’t even thought to have taken a look at yourself, you probably looked how you felt, like a train wreck. He took a step toward you, and you made sure to stay still, knowing, with the look on his face, he was hurting too.
“Y/N?” He took another step forward, lifting his hand as if he was holding it out for you.
Atsumu, grabbing his car keys, sighed. “Well, I’ll let you two talk this out.”
Bokuto turned toward him, his face flashing with anger, making him stop in his tracks, “We will have our own talk later.” Atsumu opened the door quickly, leaving in a flash.
“Don’t be too upset at him.” You whispered softly. Bokuto turned his complete attention to you, sitting on his knees by your bedside. “He only did what he did to help me, and you.”
A silence fell between you two as you stared at each other. Bokuto looked disheveled, his hair down, his clothes were wrinkled, and his face. Oh, his face, so sad. And his eyes were not as bright. He looked tired. “Y/N,” he muttered softly, “please let me explain.”
He waited for your permission, but you sat there silently. “Will it make everything better, or worse?” He looked down, his mind, no doubt, moving hundreds of miles a second. You spoke up, and he looked back up at you. “Because tonight, I was broken. I felt as though I was forgotten, that I wasn’t needed in the same way that I need you. I felt as though I had been replaced.” You breathed shakily, tears already forming in your eyes. His expression dropped immediately, tears streaking down his face. “Will what you say make me forget these things? Will what you say to me make me see you clearly?” You looked down at your hands, holding them together, as if they were holding you together. The flesh around your ring turned white, along with your knuckles, because of how tightly you pressed them.
Bokuto’s left hand covered your own, and you noticed a small glint of something shiny. There, on his ring finger, was his wedding ring you had chosen. Your breath hitched as you stared at his hand, at his finger, at the ring. “Y/N,” he started, but you already unclasped your hands and was holding his.
“You,” looking him in the eye, “you put it on.”
“Of course I did.” He smiled sadly, wiping a tear from his cheek. His eyes suddenly shot up and looked at his hand frantically, bringing his hand back. His fingers grazed his ring, “If you don’t want me to wear it anymore I can take it off, I would understand-“
“No!” You said hastily, his eyes getting wide. “No, it’s okay.” Your eyes softened, and you gently grabbed his hand and brought it back down to your lap. “Do you like it?”
He chuckled slightly, putting his other hand on yours. “I absolutely love it.” You smiled at him and he smiled back, but then his eyes glazed over. His face fell, and you knew what was going to happen next. “As much as I don’t want to, we have to talk about this, so we can move on.” He spoke timidly. “So we can be happy again.” You sat there, unmoving. He waited for your permission to continue. You nodded firmly.
Will you have the clarity you want- you need? You hope so.
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Part 4 will be the last chapter and should be up in a couple of days :))
Update: heres part 4 :)
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 2)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: had to split it into 2 parts bc i hit the text limit dhshaggags
prompt: continued
part 1
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~sokovia was ur first big mission~
“why is y/n here, stark?” -cap
“the first mistake was letting me become a father”
“good god, tony...”
you having the time of your life crushing robots
also proving useful by saving avengers a handful of times
“thanks for the assist, stark clone” -clint
rip pietro
rhodey was actually the most worried about you if we’re being honest, he didn’t understand why they let you in this one???
“y/n? y/n, talk to me! are you alive?”
“yes, uncle rhodey! i’m perfect, stop worrying!”
“i love you, kid! be safe!”
✨a good family you’ve got✨
soon the avengers broke up bc your dad cant get along with steve and it was just really awkward
but you chose your dad’s side
“sorry, steve! he pays my allowance!”
peter was actually a little okay, you know!! spazzy at first, but he was cool
“dude, you’re y/n stark! you’re tony stark’s very own son! i’m talking to mr. stark’s only child!”
“yep, that’s me. i’m what earned tony the title of ‘DILF’”
teenage teamup? ofc
“am i doing alright?”
“looking a-okay, pete!”
tony was worried fighting steve would traumatize you so he made you wait at the hotel with happy and peter
“don’t do anything to embarrass me, y/n. i dont want to see you on the news for something stupid”
you and peter ended up hanging out in your room and watching tv and ordering room service
“how do you do that so smoothly? i’d just freak out and go get it myself”
“years of experience as a spoiled rich brat”
absolutely positively being up all night and trying to fight your exhaustion
“you two seem to be getting along well. couldn’t be me” -happy
“for someone named happy, you never seem to be happy”
“not around teenagers, no”
“i remember when you loved me, ‘uncle happy’”
peter texted you every day after that
whenever flash picked on peter for “never meeting tony stark” he’d show a picture of you and him taking selfies in the lab together yes you invite him over much to the dismay of everyone else around you
plus tony was out of town and you were finally trusted enough to be left alone unchecked so like, happy would just leave at the first sign of peter
“that’s not real!”
you actually showed up for homecoming on a dare (but in disguise)
didn’t wanna attract all the attention, you just wanted a high school experience
but you got called into avengers tower to help move early on :/ bad timing too cuz peter had to fight his first villain and u missed it
“dude, how do you feel?”
“bruh sound effect number two”
“oh my god”
FRIDAY heard him and pulled up the sound and you were WEAK you couldn’t stop laughing
“please....i think i broke a few ribs. cant laugh until tomorrow”
tony offered peter the avengers gig and peter said no, you were very disappointed but u understood that not everyone wanted to be in the spotlight like that
but you and peter obviously still hung out
oh, tony proposed! they interviewed you on sight!
“y/n, how does it feel to know that you’re going to have a stepmom soon?”
“you guys are aware that pepper helped raise me, right? right?!”
moving on, life was smooth for a while, there was some wedding planning, talk of you being a best man (which rhodey fought you on)
“no, i’ve known your dad longer!”
“i’m his son!”
i n v a s i o n
oh boy that was rough
bruce was surprised that you had fucking grown so much in the past 3 years good lord
“y/n...your VOICE”
“puberty, i know. when’s it gonna happen to you?”
“it hurts more when it’s from a teenager”
“uh, did you forget my birthday?”
peter’s back! peter’s back!
finally, man
“spider-kid, i could use an assist!”
“on the way!”
“aliens, why did it have to be aliens?”
up up and away for tony and peter, leaving you on the ground with all the earthly chaos and fear
“you two are the absolute worst, you know that? DAD, PETER, GET BACK DOWN HERE”
“no can do, kid. i—” *cuts off*
“oh great, no service on the space donut, huh? find a damn wifi password and call me back you asshole”
pepper was probably having a heart attack bc the news stations were having a field day but you were one of the only active avengers left, meaning you had to help clean this up
“bruce, we gotta get going”
“what? where?”
patching up the avengers as best as you could to take care of the threat
but you guys always win, this should be a cake walk, right?
this was bad, very bad
after a lengthy battle with thanos in wakanda, you had failed. thanos got the stones, he snapped. the world was in ruins. but you didn’t get to see that part
you dusted away
“tell dad i’m sorry and i love him”
tony finally came back to earth hoping to see you, but upon seeing pepper’s face, he knew you were gone
“he did everything he could, tony! he didn’t deserve it!”
she was extremely upset, she saw you like a son of her own
soon, her and tony restarted their life and had a daughter, dad always wondered what it’d be like to have a little girl. it was different, it really was
she was eager to meet you
morgan stole pictures of you to hang up in her room
“when i meet y/n, im gonna give him a big hug! then we’ll have a tea party!”
tony has a picture of you and peter in the kitchen, he misses the two of you, but found comfort in the fact that you may be with each other
an ounce of hope, he had to try something
save his only son, and his other son
when he got to 2012, he was disappointed that he hadn’t let you become an avenger yet because he couldn’t see you here
yada yada he fucked up now he’s in the 70s and he fixed the fuck up and now hes in 2023
and bruce snapped
and you were all brought back and the way you kicked ass was inspiring
tony had to see his son now. right now.
“y/n, dear god! you’re okay! oh, man. i love you so much, kid. i missed you”
“i love you too. and i can’t believe you went to space without me, meanie”
“get over it”
ah, back to old times
peter and you obviously had to team up for this one! come on, what a story to tell!
and then, a snap and the warriors began to fade. you turned around and saw him on his knees
you rushed over to where peter already was and tried to hold back tears, to be strong for him
“hey, dad. i’m here. no more missed goodbyes, okay? i’m here.”
you sat beside him and held his hand while the rest of your family made their peace with him and he finally slipped away
“y/n...are you okay?” -peter
“not even a little”
peter was worried about you, but you were worried about peter
mutual worry
meeting morgan was...surprising
pepper forgot to tell you they had a daughter while you were gone
she was so sweet and for the first month you lived at the cabin, she slept in your room
you got NO space
“i love you y/n”
“love you too” *thinking about dad bc she just reminds you of him so much*
“i love you y/n”
“love you too, morgan”
over and over
peter and you had sleepovers a lot, usually at his house bc you were the only one besides ned allowed over bc of all the spider-stuff
ned fanboyed over you
also sleepovers at peter’s were a nice break from being at tony’s cabin where you were constantly reminded that he wasn’t there
“y/n, i’m going to europe for a field trip! it’s gonna be awesome!”
“dude, you’re gonna love it. are you bringing your suit?”
“no, this is my offical vacation. no spider-manning”
“good for you, man!”
peter sent you all the pictures he took on his phone
all of them
Peter-Man: And this one is me and Ned in our crappy hotel room. And here’s the river. And here’s MJ covered in birds, and here’s the airplane, Mr. Harrington fell asleep on me
you had to come to europe once you heard what was going on
happy and you picked up peter and he was a mess
“you gave away dad’s glasses?”
“i think we’re past the point that i am not smart”
“jesus, peter. you should have called me about them. i would have taken them off your hands if you weren’t ready for them”
having to make sure that you guys didn’t get hurt bc this was honestly your guy’s first solo pair-up
there wasnt much backup here
finally, you defeated the evil (who apparently held a very large grudge against you. sorry mister beck) and were able to go back home
“call me if you need anything, pete”
“i will. i promise.”
and the next thing you know...peter’s identity was exposed
“i left him alone for one day!”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Winter decides it's time for Lonely Workaholic Weiss to have a girlfriend, so she accidentally asks every member of team RWBY to date her instead of asking only one of them. Now, every member stands in front of Weiss' bedroom's door very confused, looking at each other, each with a bouquet of flowers on their hands.
Winter sighed as she peeked into Weiss’s office, watching her sister work the day away. It had been like this since she had graduated: Weiss immediately arrested Jacques for all the trouble he caused and then took over the SDC the next day without any hesitation. Normally, Winter would be happy for her, but watching Weiss now just made her feel awful. Her sister shouldnt have to worry about keeping things together, but spend time with her team.
Winter perked up a bit with an idea, slowly pulling out her scroll and looking through the contacts that she had. For once, she was glad she had managed to get the contacts for Weiss’s team. She finished dialing and smiled as she heard the line pick up. “I need you to do a favor for me.”
Ruby paused as she saw Yang and Blake standing outside of Weiss’s place, white lilies in their hands. She looked at the flowers in her own hands and hid them behind her back. “S-so, is something wrong with Weiss?”
Yang shook her head. “No, I dont think so.”
“Then… why are you both here? With flowers?”
Blake sighed. “Actually, Yang and I were talking about that before you showed up. Seems that Winter went a bit… overboard on trying to get Weiss a date.”
“Look, to be fair, I did tell her I had to check my schedule to make sure I actually was going to be free.” Yang fiddled with the stems of the flowers she was holding, slowly making a small flower crown out of them. “I… didnt expect that she’d reach out to the two of you as well.”
Ruby relaxed a bit, starting to feel a bit less nervous once she saw how nervous Yang was. “That makes me feel a bit better now.”
Blake looked between Ruby and Yang before looking at the door to the manor. “So… I’m… not wrong to think that you both have feelings for Weiss too, right?”
Yang blushed a bit, working a bit more on her flower crown. “I mean… the thought of asking her out had occurred to me, but I ended up putting it off and was-”
“Nervous?” Ruby blurted out her own answer, looking away from her teammates as her own eyes focused on the pink roses she carried. “I… cant say I wasnt the same way. I just… I was so nervous to try to ask her before. I didnt think that Weiss would actually… you know… want to say yes. To any of us.”
Blake and Yang both looked at each other before nodding in agreement. In truth, the two of them had both planned to try to ask Weiss on a date before they all graduated. But then Beacon was attacked, Weiss took over the SDC, the team went their separate ways for a bit, only asking for help when they ended up in trouble or if they couldnt solo a mission on their own…
Yang sighed. “Yeah, nervous. And… maybe a bit self conscious too. Among other issues.”
“So… how do we want to handle this?”
“Maybe we could… all try to date her?” Blake was the one to answer with a question, starting to move her own feet nervously in front of the door. “I have no issues with trying to date the two of you too. But… I understand if you both have issues with any of this being sisters-”
“I have no problem trying to share Weiss,” replied Ruby. “I’d… probably only date Weiss though. I’m not… exactly up for trying to date multiple people at a time right now.”
“As long as Ruby’s okay with it, I dont see a problem with giving it a try.” Yang finished with the flower crown she was making, smiling a bit. “Besides, we’re all pretty close already, right? This would be the next step that we could try.”
Before Blake could put her two cents in, Weiss opened up the door, wearing a white dress and staring at her teammates before walking past them. “If we’re going to go on a date together, then we might as well get going now. I hope you dont mind, but I’ve taken the liberty to make reservations at a restaurant down in Mantle. Figured that if Winter is trying to get me a break from my work life, then I should try to get back down with the people I’m trying to help.”
Ruby, Blake, and Yang all shrugged before following Weiss, trying to catch up to her. This wasnt exactly how any of them thought the date would start, but knowing Weiss, they were already starting on a good foot.
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Seeing Maul after All This Time
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"Maul?" Y/n asked looking at the hooded figure, Ezra besides him as he looked back at Y/n.
"Y/n you know him?" Ezra asked.
"Ezra come here." Ezra did as told, Y/n stepping infront of him protectively.
"Y/n. It has been some time." Maul spoke walking around with the cane.
Y/n ignited one of her two sabers, the red blade crackling as she kept Ezra behind her.
"Your a sith lord Y/n?!" Ezra shouted.
"No! Ezra- we'll talk about this later."
"A shame really," Maul spoke, "We were once-"
"We were once," Y/n told him, "We are no longer, I tried to help you! I wanted you back Maul! You think I wanted you to throw yourself away?"
"You threw me away!" He argued.
"I would never and you know that! We could have left! Both of us!" Y/n defended, "both of us! Like we planned!"
Maul only growled at her pushing forward as the battle began, light flashing back and forth as they fought one another. Maul still trying to reach for Ezra but was kicked back, Y/n igniting her second saber which was green in color.
"Ezra! Run!" Y/n demanded force pushing him back and out of Mauls reach once again, as Ezra got up.
"I'll get Ashoka! And Kanan!"
"Just run!" Y/n demanded, Y/n being back up into a wall as she kneeded Maul in the gut him stumbling back as she spit into the corner of the room.
"I can do this all day." Y/n spoke.
"You can't hope to beat me! Not again!" He shouted.
"I do not hope but know! I will win!" Y/n responded.
Maul kicked her across the room as she crashed into the stone wall dropping one of her Sabers.
Dodging his hit it scored the wall as she rolled off to the side, she grabbed his wrist twisting it back as the saber turned off and soon fell out his hand.
"Stop this Maul!" Y/n demanded, pushing him back into the stone wall, her hand up as she kept him pushed into the wall with the force.
"I loved you once!" Y/n argued, "We were one! Why would you betray me!"
"I betray you!?" Maul spoke, "I never did!"
"You killed my friends Maul! You just attacked me!" Y/n argued, "you killed the only think I had to a sister. You killed Satine! Why!"
He was silent, "I asked you why!" She demanded, "You knew she was all I had. You knew I loved her! But you couldn't just submit could you! You had to have power! Broken power! When you could have just come to me I would have helped you!"
Y/n glared at him as she gritted her teeth dropping him to the ground falling to his knees and over.
"I once loved you." Y/n told him, as he looked up at her, "after all you did I still came looking for you, and you were going to use a innocent soul. I stop worrying about you, and stop loving to you today Maul."
She turned away from him using the force to make her second saber come to her, walking away and down the hall.
"No..." Maul called, "No! Y/n! Y/n! Come back! I was foolish! Come back to me!"
Y/n kept quiet as she left the temple the others running to her aid.
"Y/n!" Ezra spoke looking at her hopefully.
"I am okay Young one." Y/n responded, feeling a sense of relief rush over Ezra.
She smiled softly at his relief, a hand holding his cheek.
"None of us belong here anymore." Y/n spoke.
It was silent the rest of the way, Y/n knew what Maul knew, what he wanted he got, Ezra confused that much to her. She wasnt angery but knew it'd be Maul's demise. So there Y/n sat, in the bunk with Ezra.
"Are. Are you alright?" Ezra asked.
"I haven't been alright in some times Ezra." Y/n responded sitting on the floor attempting to meditate.
"Can. I ask you some questions?" Ezra asked.
"Sit with me then."
Ezra did as told, sitting infront of her as she opened her eyes, she was tired, heart broken, missing.
"I...did...we're you a sith."
"No." Y/n responded.
"Then the red saber."
"It was a gift." Y/n told him, "I was considering to be a sith...long ago."
"Because of Maul?"
Y/n nodded softly, "It was long ago, I-"
Ezra listened, "Me and him were in love, we pulled each other towards both sides...I..."
"But why him?"
"It is easier to show you than tell. Come." Y/n spoke as Ezra scooted closer, Y/n placing her hands on each side of his head, covering his temples as Y/n closed her eyes, Ezra following:
"Commander! Its going to blow!" Jesse shouted at the Jedi besides him, "Commander Y/n is still in there!"
"We have to leave! Now! Get the transports out of here!"
"But Commander!"
Y/n was getting everyone out, force pushing them down carefully to the ground.
"I have to check if anyones inside!"
"Commander no!"
"Go! Now!"
Y/n rushed back inside only seconds later the explosion going off. Y/n the only one inside as the others took cover as quick as possible. With the rubble falling down, she did as well. Being left crushed under some rocks for dead, her head bleeding, her ribs crushed, her spine brusied, she was dying a slow and painful death.
She was left there, no one did come and find her, she wasnt expecting it anyways, until later that day, the night had taken over the sky and she was passed out, swimming in her thoughts deep in her head and her own blood. Rocks pushed aside and body being lifted up Maul had picked her up in his arms walking away from the scene.
Waking up suddenly and in pain she looked around.
"So you've awaken."
Maul walked over to her Y/n backing up slightly as she winced backing into the wall.
Maul stopped in his spot. Y/n looking up at him as she then looked away.
"You know. Don't you?" Y/n asked.
"Its not everyday you see a night sister with markings such as yours."
"Get it right! I am not a night sister! I am a human being!" Y/n shouted immediately grabbing her chest in pain, "your...night sisters that...mother- she used me..."
"Fair point."
"It seems me and you have more in common than you think." Maul spoke, slidding a cup over to her with his foot.
"It will give your chest relief-"
Without hesitation she drank it immediately, she pulled away from the cup choking she had downed it so fast.
"I save you, and you go and die by choking."
"Why save me?"
"Why do anything anymore?"
Y/n pulled away from Ezra, the teen opening his eyes, "he saved you? But why?"
"I cant even answer that." Y/n responded, "but I repayed him later on, but he always tried to one up me, soon enough I fell for him, and it seemed him for me..."
Y/n panted heavily the two sitting against the control panels of the star cruiser that had just crashed.
"Damn." Y/n spoke, "we have to stop meeting like this."
Maul only chuckled, "we do indeed."
"I suppose we're each other's gaurdian angels." Y/n responsed rubbing her temples with one hand as they're chlothes were full of cuts and stains of dirt and blood fresh or dried.
"The more we saved each other the more we fell in love."
The two looked towards each other, Maul took the turn away first, but Y/n pulled his head back to look at her after grabbing one of his horns, forcing him into a kiss, he only returned it, deepining the kiss by turning his head and running a hand through her hair. Y/n pulled away.
"I figured saving you is starting to become boring payment for you saving me." Y/n responded..
"And within time.' Y/n spoke, "we were begging the other for them to come with us."
"Maul! Take my hand!" Y/n begged, "Your master does not care about you! Come! With me!"
Taking a step closer to him she finally reached arms length turning his saber off for him she let him keep hold of it.
"Don't do this Maul. They may not care but I do." Y/n tried to convince, "come with me please!"
"No! Anakin don't!"
"And as I pulled at him, he pulled at me." Y/n told Ezra.
"Take my hand!" Maul begged, "Y/n! Take my hand!"
Obi-Wan and Anakin stood there sabers in hand.
" Come with me!" Maul argued.
"Y/n! If you join him theres no telling what would happen!" Obi-Wan tried to convince.
"You turned on me! Why?" Y/n demanded, "I love you both and you turn on me!"
"Y/n this wasnt our choice!" Anakin spoke, "Y/n. I love you."
"Y/n! He lies!" Maul argued, "they both do!"
"Don't act like you dont either Obi-Wan!"
Obi wan sighed, "Y/n please, we care about you. Come back. We both care about you dearly!"
"At the end of the line. I was betrayed no matter which side I turned too." Y/n told Ezra, "I've been betrayed by every one."
"I'd never betray you." Ezra said, causing her to smile.
"You'd be a first." She spoke.
It was silent for only a few moments.
"Would you have left the republic for him if he left the Sepertist?" Ezra asked.
"Yes." Y/n responded without hesitation, "but things changed after he killed Satine."
"The last Dutchess of Mandolore. She was like a sister."
"Im still confused. Your as angry as any other sith, but calm as a jedi. How are you doing it?"
"Im neither or." Y/n spoke, "i can't follow the Jedi code but I wont kill in anger."
Ezra was quiet, "Get some sleep young one." Y/n spoke.
Ezra did as told hoping up into his bunk as Y/n stayed on the floor meditating.
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jjfics · 4 years
Room 19 ll 02
ship: Harry Potter x female!Reader
read part one here
summary: they finally meet the mysterious wizards after getting to know each other better that same morning
author: your bestie Jane Jack, also known as JJ
word count: 1760 (it is a bit shorter this time)
a/n: i am so so so happy some of you liked the first part so i will continue with this story. i wasnt on call this time so no news from my bff, sorry, ill ask them for a cool quote for next time though!
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“Thank you, darling. We’ll take the seats in the corner. Could you bring us two coffees and,” Potter turned to look at you and raised his eyebrows “one croissant?” You nodded shyly.
“That would be 13£, but I’ll only charge you 10, the croissant is on me,” the woman taking your order smiled. “Since you have such a pretty girlfriend” she winked.
Your cheeks flushed red as Potter pulled your waist impossibly closer to him. “I know, right?” he chuckles.
The walk to the cafe was silent, but it felt different than the trip you two had the other day. There was no need to talk. In fact, you felt as though the moment you would open your mouth you would say something stupid about what happened last night, like apologizing for taking up so much space or doing something so unprofessional. But you did not want to apologize, because you had never felt less sorry for something. There was this weird energy between the two of you. You craved the feeling of being close to him again.
The table Potter chose was very strategic. The predictable head of the group of wizards and witches who called themselves the Forsakens would choose the grandiose table in the middle of the cafe. So the corner was a shadowed place where you would not have been recognized while you could very easily observe the others.
Still, benefits are tied to come with cons and so you were forced to cuddle into each other once again on a small leather couch. His hand did not leave your waist even as you sat down. It was hard not to notice such details, like how he could not keep eye contact for long when you spoke, how your hands brushed together when you both leaned over the table to take a sip of your hot coffee. You blamed it all on the weird situation you were in. In any other circumstances, he would not have been behaving like this, for sure.
“Hey, Potter. Could I ask you something?”
“You know you don’t have to call me Potter, right?” he smiled.
“We are work colleagues,” you said, but you wished you didn’t. Because you knew very well that saying things out loud only makes them more real.
“Yeah, but I don’t call you y/ln. I never heard you say you don’t like it when I call you y/n.” You did like it, it made you feel welcomed whenever talking to him, which until this morning was very rare. But you were not going to tell him that and feed his ego even more.
“It’s acceptable, but mind you, you are on thin ice,” you pointed a finger at him and his hand shifted softly on your waist as he laughed.
“It would be acceptable for you to call me Harry too, you know? I mean, we are supposed to be dating after all. For the mission.”
“For the mission” you agreed
“So you will call me Harry?”
“I will,” you promised. The gesture of reassurance alone made his head float.
While waiting for the Forsakens to appear you found out a lot about Harry. Many things surprised you. The papers always lie to make everything more attractive to their readers, but they also leave out the small details. Like how Harry still has panic attacks, even long after the war. How he always has nightmares about all the people he cared about.
“I feel sorry knowing this now,” you tried to empathize but it wasn’t going that well. You had never been part of war before.
“You don’t have to be. Not today, at least. I had quite a pleasant dream last night.”
“Oh, did you? And what was it about then?”
"Someone hugged me. I think it was a woman; I’m not sure. I didn’t get to see her face.”
“Is that all you remember?” you persisted. It broke your heart to know that this was his idea of a good dream: nothing extraordinary, but the most mundane form of comfort.
“Yeah, that’s all. What I know is that she was there in the beginning. It felt like she always had been” his eyes were distant as he talked. “She left me, and I was once again alone.”
And it was then that it all made sense to you. He was nice to you now because there were no nightmares to haunt him through the day.
You turned to face him and got really close to his face. “I’m so sorry. For being so shitty with you the other day,” you whispered. “It was just the stress from work.”
“I know.” he smiled. “It’s alright. I let myself get carried away too. We need to cooperate for the mission.”
“So does that mean that our little argument and Ben Nelson stepping in will not be included in the letter to the Minister for Magic?” you raised your eyebrows.
“Oh I totally am not telling Hermione any of that.” he laughed. “No, that will stay between us.”
It was around 11 am that you spotted some oddly dressed people enter the already busy cafe. In the lead was a tall woman who wore black heels and a long red satin dress with robes of a darker shade draped over her shoulders. Her face was covered by a long curtain of dark curly hair.
Just behind her were two other women, both slightly shorter. Those were dressed in the same way the first one was; the colors were the only thing that varied: their fair skin was adored by greens and purples.
The two men following them were both dressed in black suits that would not make them attract much attention if it weren’t for their companions.
The dark-skinned woman who was so obviously the one making decisions pointed to the big table in the middle of the cafe and her followers seated themselves. No words were spoken as she left them and entered a door the waitress once had.
“These must be them. They fit the description perfectly,” you mumbled and Harry nodded beside you.
“The head’s name is Anika. She has connections to the waitress as her mom’s sister. Anika is muggle-born. She never told her aunt that she’s a witch but she and her gang are allowed to gather here sometimes.” Harry said in a monotone voice. What a good professor he would have been.
“I read the instructions, Harry” you rolled your eyes at him. He smiled when he heard his name come from your lips.
“‘M just making sure, y/n.”
Anika returned quite quickly and she sat down on the side with the men, facing the other women. She took out a leather notebook from her robes and put it in the middle of the table.
“Does anyone know why it’s still here?” you could faintly hear her cold voice. Everyone else around her shook their heads.
“Heajin and I did our part.” the woman dressed in purple said defensively.
“So did Aaron and I,” one of the men on Anika’s right said more calmly, almost like he was trying to prove a point.
“I don’t care about what any of you did,” she looked them one by one in the eye. “I don’t want to hear you brag about how hard the task was for you, Aaron and Heajin. You two have always found everything challenging. I would normally be more forgiving, congratulate you even. But I can’t as long as this piece of absolute rubbish hasn’t dissolved.” Anika pointed to the notebook. “Understood?” she hit the table with her palm. The others did not flinch.
All of them nodded angrily, got up, and left the cafe in a rush. But it seemed as though their boss was not done talking yet. She scoffed, annoyed at the others’ behaviors, and vanished through the door after them.
Whatever you were expecting to happen today, was not this. The short discussion you had just overheard from your corner only brought more confusion. You had expected them to be a group of foolish wizards who want to rebel. But you had never expected them to be talking about real tasks. Rethinking everything now, you came to the conclusion that the situation was serious if Hermione Granger-Weasley sent her best two Aurors (and those had been her words) on a mission personally. She considered Ron one of the best too of course, but she would never risk his life if she could help.
It would make no sense for you to follow them. They would be back here the next day. Harry took out his wallet and put 15 pounds next to his cup on the table. He intertwined your fingers with his and got up as well. “Let’s go, love,” he said loudly enough, announcing that you were leaving now too.
Harry didn’t bother to look back at the cafe but you turned your head last second to see if anyone had a weird reaction to what had just happened. And you saw it sitting there. The small leather notebook was left in the middle of the table. No one seemed to take notice of the piece of rubbish being left behind. You squeezed Harry’s hand and he stopped just as he wanted to open the door and leave. You dragged him over to the table to make it less obvious.
“Look, babe, I told you there was a stain on the tablecloth on this one,” you said sweeping your hand over it and clenched your hand around the notebook. “It’s better that we sat over there.” Harry squeezed the hand that was still in his. He got your message.
You were panting hard as you threw the hotel door open. It was quite the work-out you got from running back here. Harry was behind you, locking it right back shut. You ran to the window and pushed it hard. Your whistle could be heard for miles probably. There was no time left to worry over your owl’s whereabouts as she was there in less than a minute.
She landed on your shoulder and bit your ear softly. “Good girl, Idiv.” you petted her grey head.
“y/n.” he shouted your name. “y/n, come here please!”
“What?” you turned around.
“We need to let Hermione know everything. As soon as possible. Get a quill ready.” he rushed you.
“Shouldn’t we read the notebook first?”
“Oh sure we will but we better start writing already and send Idiv on her way to the Ministry.”
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. tag list!
@ur-riddikulus @anyqueen008 @fuckingalohomora-bitch
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