#and like. she knows im not a lady so then she always awkwardly corrects herself to 'and...people!'
hopefulqueer · 2 months
the balance between "i don't want to wear a pronoun pin or anything like that because a) just don't fucking wanna and b) prob not super safe where i live" and "would do anything to stop the slightly more progressive adults i work with from asking me my pronouns in front of students, forcing me to either out myself or lie/misgender myself, and then constantly get my pronouns wrong, making a show of apologizing and overcorrecting before eventually just giving up entirely" is. impossible.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
First of all, when you tagged me as Georgia in the CYM did you look into my brain because THIS GIRL DHUDHUCIUHIDFUHKDFVUKHDKHU
if Eidolon demons could do calligraphy, it would look like Georgia’s handwriting.
oof same
I eventually gave up
she is so smart sniffs THE IRON SISTERS ARE IN LONG ISLAND
“The poor boy had a crush on you for a month,” she heard dadda chuckle.
“Excuse you, it was a month and a half,” Mama corrected.
why is everyone so obsessed with the kids' dating lives like dude-
Uncle Alec had been elected as the Consul – again.
And when he was stressed, he watched Dora the Explorer.
good to know im not the only one who watches cartoons when they are stressed(edited)
Georgia is the first ever person to actually enjoy izza's cooking
She had always thought of herself as a loner. It happens when you think differently from everyone else. Sometimes you feel like you live in your own world with your own rules. She had been okay with it. She had been comfortable.
same bestie same
Georgia had been surprised because she hadn’t known she was an option at all.
i feel like this fic is calling me out
But Georgia couldn’t let it go. She refused to believe that things were either good or bad. Anything can be anything if you know how to use it.
“Brother Enoch!” Lexi raised her hand. “Up top?”
The silent brother stared – or probably glared cause you could never tell – and walked past them to the institute office room.
“He is never going to high five you,” Georgia pointed out.
“Nah, he is just a little shy,” Lexi grinned. “I will get that high five. You will see.”
“Hey!” Mama said – her face looked a little red, like she had put lipstick all over her face, not just her lips.
Now I would have overlooked this but shadowhunters are getting sick and dying and I'm worried.
“Lexi tried to eat her witchlight to see if she would light up,” Georgia pointed out. “Of course, she doesn’t know what’s good for her!”
“That’s just a common misconception,” dada laughed. “Do you think I’m the responsible one in my parabatai relationship? Or is it Clary? I literally summoned angel Raziel in the middle of a farm and your Clary raised her boyfriend from the dead.”
“And if you think Alec is the responsible parabatai then I have a lot of stories to tell you,” Mama chuckled to herself.
I dont think that it was Lexi telling Georgia about the test that fucked it up. there is definitely something more to it.
It sounded so simple. Georgia frowned at that. “But what I mess up?”
“Then we will call Magnus,” Mama said, and dada laughed at that.
“Then I will wear it to my first day at the academy,” she grinned and walked away.
“I'm having war flashbacks to my middle school days. Our daughter is going to get bullied,” she heard dada whisper to her mother.
“Our daughter is going to be the biggest badass to walk this earth,” mama corrected.
“I thought you were the biggest badass to walk this earth,” dada chuckled.
“I’m going to retire.”
Georgia and Simon are such nerds I LOVE THEM
“That’s insane! If I want cool weapons, I will break into the adamant citadel,” Lexi sounded angry.
YES LETS GO ~!~(edited)
Georgia smiled at that. “I know, Lex. I just…I guess I couldn’t understand why would want to be my parabatai in the first place. I know I am a litte-”
“Talented? Brilliant? Incredible? Amazing? Show stopping? Spectacular? Never the same? Totally unique? Completely never been done before?”
“Stop quoting Lady Gaga!”
“I don’t want to be born into greatness,” Lexi confessed quietly. “It makes me feel like I didn’t have a choice. I'm going to be great, I want to it be my choice.”
Georgia smiled. “I understand.”
“And you’re my first choice, Gigi,” Lexi whispered. “Cause you’re pretty damn great.”
Lexi chuckled with her and pulled back. “When things get rough, you are not going to abandon me and become an Iron Sister, right?”
“God, no!” Georgia shuddered thinking of the serious looking Iron Sisters in their white robes. “I don’t think I could pull of the white aesthetic.”
“You can pull off anything,” Lexi firmly disagreed.
“Besides, they can’t get married,” Georgia pointed out, and Lexi made a face. “What if Harry Styles finally replies to my fan mail? It’s too risky.”
i would die for these two no questions asked. look im against smoking but alec smoking is my aesthetic LEAVE ME AND MY PIZZA (with way too many veggies fuck you my brother) ALONE
“Uncle Alec,” she said. “You better not smoke again after I leave.”
“Or you will tell Magnus?” he grinned.
“No. I will tell granny.”
His grin disappeared immediately. “Damn. Okay. Fine. No smoking.”
“Oh shit, was I supposed to get something you too?” Lexi asked awkwardly. “I thought I didn’t have to…cause I kinda gave you my soul as a gift and all that.”
Georgia chuckled. “I accept your gift.”
“Good,” Lexi grinned. “Cause it’s non-refundable.”
sigh herondales (affectionate)
Also I don't think I'm ever getting over Magnus as Dumbledore
damn it's almost 7 am- my sleep's fucked. BYE!!!
If you ever want to do one of those live reaction videos on YouTube for shows and stuff, you should totally give it a go. I think you would KILL IT.
Gigi and Lexi have the purest form of friendship. I can't wait to show you more of it!
Laters x.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
Before i crash, just wanted to share this with everyone. This is another piece im working on these days aside from the naoya series. The geto angst series ive talked about earlier. Again im not really sure what to post, a lot of stuff i write are usually halfway done and usually done self-indulgently. Either ways im really happy to provide you with fanfiction tbh esp around this time, i feel like sum of us just need a bit of company. 🥳
He doesn’t expect to see a beautiful young woman around his age, her eyes covered by designer shades and her body garbed in expensive clothes with a very noticeable small pair of diamond earrings. Her whole ensemble looked and was probably worth more than the young man’s rent in a year.
“Suguru Geto?” even her voice sounded expensive, she took off her shades, squinting her eyes as she gave him a brief once-over from head to toe, observing him carefully, “You’re Suguru Geto?”
“You must be Satoru’s friend.”
Her nose crinkles in disgust at the mention of friend, “Ew, as if.” she blurted out, taking off her sunglasses, revealing her (e/c) eyes. Suguru isn’t blind, he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one, “I’m his business partner or whatever they call it these days. Please bear that in mind.” She corrected him.
“Well Satoru’s business partner or whatever they call it these days,” Suguru asks, brow upturned, “That’s quite a mouthful, do you have something shorter? Perhaps a name?”
She narrows her eyes a bit, “You don’t know me?”
Suguru tilts his head in amusement, no wonder she and Satoru didn’t get along. They had the same level of conceitedness within them. Was this a normal trait of people who worked in the business sector?
“As a matter of fact I don’t.” he smiled, completely humored by the young lady’s response.
“Like you don’t, don’t know me?”
“Should I know you?” he tilts his head, “I’m not up to date with the news save for politics.”
She crosses her arms as if she was thinking of a proper response for a moment, “People always know me though.” she sounded so genuine about it that Suguru wondered just who this woman was. Was she as infamous as his childhood friend? She didn’t seem to be mad that he didn’t know her, she just seemed genuinely surprised, “Oh well, I guess it can’t be avoided. You look like someone who doesn’t read the recent events.”
He feels a tick on his forehead, was that supposed to be an insult?
“I’m Y/N L/N, I’m the current CEO of L/N groups and you might know Hakkaisan? The sake drink?”
Suguro doesn’t drink but he has definitely seen that brand being endorsed everywhere by celebrities and friends alike. It was a drink everybody enjoyed, “Ah,” he awkwardly shifts from one foot to another, yeah it would definitely be odd to not know you but then again, judging by your stature you didn’t seem to mind, “Nice to meet you then, L/N-san. Satoru did say someone would be coming over. I just didn’t expect the CEO herself of the L/N group to be here.” he replied.
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Disconnected Fate
a/n: hehe thank you for @velvxtparadise​ for requesting this im so happy you did bc it was an amazing idea (their works are also so amazing you should check ‘em out) but ya THANK YOU ily!!
Disconnected Fate: Soulmate AU/Quirkless AU - Sero x Reader
Synopsis: Soulmates were something to be treasured. The second half of your soul, finally connecting, becoming one. But, you couldn’t really rely on that if your string is cut. But will meeting someone with your same fate change that?
Word Count: 3110
Warnings: Cursing, clubbing, drinking, mentions of vomiting, kissing, old ass pervs, groping (if there are more pls let me know!!) {does include some todomomo and kamijirou}
“Mina, I don’t think this fits very well,” you laugh at your figure in the mirror, turning your body and running your hands down the fabric to slim it down. Mina opens to you, practically jumping at you before placing her hands at your shoulder to rotate your body; jaw dropping at the sight.
“Y/n, shut the hell up. You look so fucking sexy it’s not even funny,” she chuckles, giving your ass a playful smack before tugging at the thin strap that held your dress up. The strings connected to a loose bateau neckline, showing a little cleavage, and looking down, you see the way your snug dress brings out your curves and hips. Wow- you really did look amazing, didn’t you? “Okay, that should do it. Are we ready? The guys are probably waiting for us.”
Your head whips to your friend, who definitely did not tell you about boys being with you. “What? Boys- boys? Mina.”
She looks back at you with a shocked look, making it seem like you knew, and gave a blank, “what?”
“Why didn’t you tell me there would be boys? I only know like, three other people from your friend group, and I’m not even sure they like me.” You complain, leaving the closet for the bathroom to touch up on your makeup before hearing your other bestie chime in.
“Don’t worry, y/n! I like having you around very much, and I’m sure the others will, too!” Momo says, finishing her mascara. 
“Yeah, and you’re fun to duet and play with,” Kyouka acknowledges while painting her nails.
“See?” Mina remarks. “They love you. Eiji has already told the others, and none of them have anything bad to say!”
“Kidding~” she corrects.
“Y/n, you’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it, they’ll love you. Just...I don’t know, be yourself!”
“Thanks, Mina, that actually helps a lot,” you smile sarcastically before turning your smile flat. “I’ll be sure to do that once I get over the fact that I’ve never hung out with your friends before.” 
“Oh my God, y/n. Stop stressing. You’ll be fine.” Mina assures. “And maybe you’ll find a little special someone~” she vocalizes and points to the ring finger of your right hand. 
Oh. Right. You thought, looking down at your hand. The red string tied to your finger that connected you to the person the universe wants you to spend the rest of your life with. The string that leads you to the person you’ve always wanted, needed. Your soulmate. You had always wanted that person to come in your life, to sweep you off your feet and be with you for the rest of your days, but it was hard to believe in all that when your string was cut. Your string connected you to your soulmate, so why was yours cut? Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be for you.
“Y/n? Y/n.” You blink up to Mina’s fingers snapping at you.
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” you smile, “I just spaced out.”
“Classic y/n.”
“Kyo.” Mina glares at Kyouka.
“What? I’m just sayin’.”
“Okay, are we all done here?” You ask while looking around at Momo, Kyouka and Mina; checking the belongings around them and seeing their small handbags.
“Finally! Okay, let’s go bitches.” Mina exclaims as Kyouka shakes her head then drags herself up, leaning her head back, an annoyed expression painted on her face. 
“Bro, come on! Just have one- ONE- drink. Please?” Kaminari pouts, handing Sero a small glass of whiskey, the ice clinking within the glass.
“I don’t know man. You guys are probably gonna get hammered tonight, and Katsuki refuses to be the DD again,” Sero shrugs back, leaning on the counter of the bar.
“You’re damn right I ain’t the DD tonight. I haven’t had a good drink in a minute, and you guys are annoying as it is, so maybe a couple might make it easier to put up with you.” Bakugou groans, downing his drink, walking up to the bartender to order another one.
“Hey, where are the girls? Are they still coming?” Kirishima asks curiously.
“Uh,” Kaminari pulls his phone out, checking his messages, “they are on their way.”
“Why do they take so goddamn long? It’s annoying.” Bakugou calls out, waiting for his drink impatiently.
“Because they are ladies, Katsuki. They need time to get ready and stuff. You know this,” Kirishima whines, as if he had told him this multiple times.
“I know it’s stupid,” he emphasizes. He gets his drink and continues to sit at the bar, irritated.
Kirishima makes his way over to Sero, who sips his water through the black straw poking out of the glass. He looks bored, but not as if he didn’t want to be there. He always liked hanging out with his friends; the more the merrier. So taking this invitation to hang out with his guy and girl friends was a must. He needed a break from all of the stress school put on him. College was a lot harder than he thought it was going to be. This was a perfect way to distract himself even for a little while and drinking water. His friends would be entertaining enough anyways. 
“Hey, Hanta, you excited for the girls to get here?” Sero’s head whips up, breaking his thoughts. Sitting up straight, he leans back with an elbow on the back of the couch. Kirishima smiles giggly, taking a seat next to him.
“Oh, ya,” he says, as if it was obvious, “excited to see how they act when they black out,” he jokes. The girls were always a handful when drunk, thankfully some had their boyfriends to take care of them, but the boyfriends were always a little drunk, too.
“Ha ha, yeah, always super fun,” Kirishima replies sarcastically, knowing exactly what Sero is thinking. “What about you, Shoubro?”
Todoroki was sitting at the end of the table awkwardly, waiting for more company. He looked lonely, but patient. He looked up at his nickname Kirishima gave him tiredly. “Hmm?”
“Excited for the girls to get here?” 
“I guess. They will make the night more entertaining.” See, he knows, too. The girls were known for making the night more interesting. Whether it was karaoke, body shots, dancing, or even fighting with douchebags that tried to dance with them. The night always ended on a good note either way, so whoever was staying sober sure had a sight to see.
“Oh, here come the girls,” Kaminari chimes in, putting his phone in his back pocket before turning around for the door. Three girls walk in: Mina, Kyouka, and Momo. Wait- where were you? Didn’t Mina say something about bringing a friend?
“Hey, boys,” Mina greets, “how are we this fine evening?” She says smoothly, strutting her way to the bar. “Four vodkas, please.”
“You havin’ all of those? Momo and Kyo don’t usually have vodka.” Kaminari laughs, a jokingly confused question.
“Oh, y/n is gonna be here in a sec, and she likes vodka. A lot. So half of these are for her.” Mina smiles as she carefully grabs the shots and cautiously carries them to the table where Momo, Todoroki, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Kyouka reside. She sets them down, keeping a close eye not to spill, and starts walking over to your figure.
You head into the club, surprised the music isn’t louder, while avoiding the other people around the area. You knew at places like this it got a little crowded and hectic, so you just wanted to find Mina before anything else. With your hands behind your back holding your tiny purse, you look around and see Mina walking over to you, a bright smile plastered on her face as giggles and grabs your hand, dragging you to the table where everyone (besides irritated Bakugou) resides. 
“Katsuki get your ass over here right now!” Mina shouts from across the club, catching Bakugou’s attention. She gives him a stern look, then smiles softly when he grumbles and pushes himself off his chair, slowly walking over there, drink in hand. He plops down next to Kirishima lazily before staring at the ground. “Good. Anyway,” she inhales, clearly excited. You stand there awkwardly, wondering why it has suddenly got so hot. Something in the air was different. You didn’t know what it was, but it was making you nervous. “Y/n, the boys,” she points at each boy, introducing them, “Todoroki, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou.” You nod in acknowledgement, getting to know their faces to hopefully not forget later. One face caught your breath, though. Literally. Your breath hitched as you looked at him. Sero, you were pretty sure his name was. He was- beautiful. His raven black hair, his smile, his eyes, his everything- was gorgeous. 
What the hell was this?
You stand there, frozen, staring at his handsome face and body, practically drooling. You were interrupted by Mina yapping at them to shake your hand. Each one of them sat up straight and nodded to you, said how nice it was to meet you. Then you shook hands with Sero.
No. No way.
Right as you switch your hands for him, raising your left hand, he raises his. The red on his finger caught your eye, making you stop in your tracks. Again. He also comes to a halt, both your eyes wide in shock and surprise as you gaze at each other’s string.
This wasn’t real. You were the only one you knew in your entire life who had this. You had looked it up several times for a sliver of hope, but nothing showed. In fact, everything you had searched for came up the opposite. Because of the stories and the legends and the research, you were convinced it wasn’t true. You were convinced that it wasn’t going to happen to you. Convinced that you were going to live your life alone. Was this man really the one for you? Was this man really the one to share your soul with? You couldn't believe it. You just couldn’t.
“Ahem,” Mina purposely coughs, trying to dissipate the awkwardness everyone else has to endure as you and Sero share the weirdest and yet most thrilling moment you’ve had in your life. Your heart was beating so fast, you were nervous, but excited. You were surprised, but happy and sad, a little disappointed and mad, though you felt awakened at these new feelings. They felt stronger than anything you’ve ever felt before, and you could tell he could feel them, too. Mina coughs again, snatching your attention. She smiles and widens her eyes while pointing her head at the other men, who are tiredly awaiting your hand. Once you suddenly realize you’ve been focusing on Sero for the past 45 seconds, you breathe out an ‘oh’ and move on to Kirishima. 
You never stopped thinking about him, though. Throughout the entire night, after every shot you took, every song on the dance floor, Sero was still in your mind. And because of this, you took more shots. And you danced some more. You were taking a body shot off of Mina’s stomach when you notice eyes boring into yours. Swallowing the stinging alcohol you turn over to him, not finishing with the lime, almost stumbling. You want to tell him to stop looking at you, to mind his own business, but you can’t separate your words, slurring an incoherent sentence. 
“Oh? Baby girl needs some help? I can help you,” the strange man, teases, laughing as he grabs your waist, grazing the side of your torso up and down, trying to drag you to the back of the club. “Let me help you, honey.” He starts guiding you to the back, using his fingers to touch the soft skin on your shoulders, your forearms, making their way down to your hips, and finally up to-
“Hey, y/n, you okay?” The man gets interrupted by your hero, his voice giving you butterflies. “Sorry, man. She’s drunk. You really shouldn’t be messin’ with girls like this,” he shrugs before grabbing you by your waist and putting your arm around his shoulder, “or any girls, for that matter.” You lean on his shoulder, barely keeping up with the situation. You feel so light on your feet, but so heavy at the same time. He helps you to the tables you originally sat at before going a little more overboard than you would’ve liked. You moan, a little overwhelmed by the noise, but once he sets you in a comfortable spot on the bench, you lean your head back, satisfied with the cold air on your face. He quickly hands you his glass of water, placing the straw in your mouth and nodding his head, whispering to take a drink. You comply, sipping his water before he takes it out and puts the cup on the tabletop for a brief moment.
Dazed, you look around the room. Your vision is blurry, but you can clearly see Momo and Todoroki making out on the other side of the booth. At least she’s having fun. Meanwhile you get groped by an old man in a corner and probably won’t remember it the next day. Sero’s gone, you think. He was, but only a couple feet away from you. You turn your head from Momo on top of Todoroki’s lap, to Jirou leading Kaminari out of the building, then to Mina taking more shots with Kirishima, and Bakugou acting annoyed but is actually having fun. They all looked like they were having a great time. You look to your left once more and smile to yourself once you see him walking back over. He sits next to you and grabs the cup again, pushing it towards you to take a sip. And you do. 
The next half hour was you and him in the bathroom while you throw your guts up, the nasty alcohol leaving your stomach while he holds your hair up and rubs your back. You cough everything back up, regretting taking a single drink in the first place. You feel his hands smooth over your upper back, and his grip on your hair, tightening in a circle at the back of your head. You lift your head up, turning away in embarrassment.
He smiles in return, taking his hand off your back to grab something to wipe your mouth with. “Don’t worry, it’s not the first time I’ve done this. Come here,” he says softly, almost like a whisper. You turn your head towards him, still not looking at his face, but at his arm. His very attractive arms. He raises his left hand to wipe a cloth at your mouth, you catching the bright red string in sight. He notices this, and slows his motions. “You see it, right? My string.”
You only nod in response, looking away with a blush.
“I can see it, too. Yours, I mean.” You weren’t that surprised, considering what happened earlier that night when you first met him. The feeling was the same as it was before, but more intense. It was like sparks every time he touched you, like fireworks, like electricity. You could tell he felt it as well when he pulled back a little, hesitant to touch you. You knew he felt it when he pulled you away from that strange guy. Guess you were too drunk to notice.
Once he finishes up, he tells you he’s done then helps you up to get ready to leave. You were both tired of this place. Walking back out to the main room, the only people to be seen from Mina’s friend group was herself, Bakugou, and Kirishima. You could only guess where everyone else went. You two continue making your way down, asking if everyone else will be alright, or if they needed a ride. Mina responded that they’ll take a cab home, and that they’ll be okay. Thankfully Bakugou looked sober enough to understand what was going on.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Whatever. Fuckin’ leave already.”
Sero returns with a smile, silently thanking him as he leads you to the exit. The cool air felt wonderful against your face, the breeze making you feel a lot better. You groan as your head starts to pound. Sero leads you to his car, opening the door for you and helping you in, shutting the door. 
“Hey, what’s your address?”
You look up tiredly, ready to fall asleep right then and there. “Oh, uh, building 474 on 32nd.”
He only hums in response, checking his mirrors and backing out, heading for your apartment.
“Hey, uh, thank you, Sero. I really appreciate it. I know this is not how you wanted to spend your night, even if you were sober.” You apologize, genuinely disappointed in yourself for letting yourself drink that hard.
“Don’t worry about it. It was fun watching you guys for most of the night, though,” he laughs.
“Oh I bet. Me and Mina got a little crazy.”
“A little?”
“Shush, I know,” you chuckle, trying not to embarrass yourself further. “Um, do you want my number? Or something? It’s just, your Mina’s friend,” We both have red cut strings, “and I want to make up for being such a slob at the party,” I want to figure out why I can see your string. He gladly agrees, putting his number in your phone. “Also,” you interrupt his movements, causing him to look up, “I remember that weird guy from earlier, where did he go? I didn’t see him for the rest of the night.”
He smiles cunningly, a smile that cocks the sides of your mouth up subconsciously. “He was getting on my nerves, so I kicked him out of the club.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “How?”
“I have my ways,” he says slyly, implying exactly what you’re thinking. You smile in understanding, thanking him for the help. 
You unlock your door and wave goodbye to him, sad that he had to leave, but grateful that he didn’t have to put up with you anymore. You lift your left hand in curiosity. Looking at it, you can see every thread on the piece of yarn. Every knot. Although you couldn’t take it off, it looked as if you could. It was weird, knowing the fact that everyone else’s string connected them to their soulmates, while your short piece of combined thread just drooped towards the ground. You never expected to find another person like you. Another person with a lost fate. Huh.
Part 2?? Let me know!!
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redthreadoffate · 4 years
(infinity) days of snow // c. 2 [tom hansen]
a repost, originally posted in my former writing blog
ship: tom hansen x oc
warnings: swearing; edited thrice in a span of…a few minutes so mistakes may be present
notes: i really enjoyed writing this before, super fun
summary: after summer is autumn, .after autumn comes winter. and during winter, there is snow.
During one of their coffee breaks, Tom notices that she isn’t as lively as usual. “Ava, what’s wrong?” he asks. “Are you having a bad day?”
She shakes her head and takes a sip from her tea, which he should’ve known was the first sign. She only has tea when she’s stressed. “No, it’s just that…my old friend is coming back tonight and we kinda left things in awkward terms.”
“Oh,” is all he says. “What happened?”
“Um…we were close, questions were asked—the question was asked and…um…I declined the offer.” She shrugs. “We never really had much contact after that…because I’m not sure of how it’ll work out so I’m really nervous.”
“It’ll work out,” he encourages. He shouldn’t have. He really shouldn’t have. Because once they’re back in the office, once Tom steps out of the elevator, whispers and chatters could be heard all around him. He asks Butch what’s happening. “Is something wrong?”
“Zachary Williams is coming back, Tom. And we all know what that means,” he smiles, “wedding of the century!”
“What wedding?” he asks. There’s a small smile on his face; he’s never been fond of weddings but he has imagined himself as a groom in more than one occasion.
There are cheers and claps coming from near the door. There’s a sharp-dressed man with dark hair and blue eyes. Handsome. People are shouting “welcome back” to him. The man smiles sheepishly as he acknowledges the ones around him. With careful and confident strides, he stops in front of Tom’s desk.
“Are you Tom Hansen?”
“Uh…yeah. Can I help you?”
“I’m Zack Williams. I heard you’re close to Snow.” There’s a pause and Tom can figure out why. “She isn’t in her office upstairs. Her dad didn’t notice her slip away and her secretary won’t give me proper answers. Would you happen to know where she is?”
Tom shakes his head. She hasn’t IM-ed or texted him. “I’m sorry, no.”
“Oh, I see. I also heard you two have dinner together almost every night,” the man says with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, “do you mind if you bring her to Sundae’s Best tonight? The restaurant near the theatres in—”
“Yeah, I know where that is,” Tom cuts him off gently, “and sure, I’ll bring her.”
“Thanks,” Zack smiles, “thanks a lot, Tom.”
“He introduced himself as Zack to you, Tom,” Sasha says as she fans herself with her hand, “that’s big. He must really want you to bring Miss Lanché to Sundae’s Best. He introduces himself as Zachary to everyone who isn’t in the same status.” Butch jokes that Zack could have him murdered if he doesn’t bring Snow to Sundae’s Best. He doesn’t want to take the chance. Zack Williams really looks like someone who could do that.
When he meets up with Snow for dinner, he suggests that they go to Sundae’s Best. She tells him that he doesn’t like the place because it’s too expensive. “Did Zack put you up to this?” she asks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he murmurs.
“If it was him, you have to tell me, Tom,” she demands, “I don’t know how to answer him yet. I can’t…Tom! Is it Zack?”
“Yes,” he answers, finally, “but you can’t back out now.” They’ve stopped right in front of the store and Zack waves at them from behind the glass door. “What did he ask you, Ava?” She doesn’t answer, instead she takes a deep breath and enters the building. Tom follows and he’s surprised to see some of his co-workers but he sits on one of the stools beside Butch. “What’s happening?”
Sasha appears and begins to squeal. “Oh my god, it’s happening! It’s happening! We’re getting an answer!”
“Who is Zack Williams anyway?” Tom asks.
“Zachary Williams, is only only the heir to the Williams fortune! They own the Kipping Bank!” Sasha replies.
“So I’m no match for him,” he mumbles dully.
Butch turns to him. “You like Miss Lanché?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Tom,” Sasha says in a whisper, rubbing Tom’s shoulder sympathetically. “I…I…well, for what it’s worth,” she begins to bite her lip, “I’ve always thought that Miss Lanché had a thing for you. I think she rather fancies you more than she ever fancied Mr. Williams.”
“That doesn’t boost up my spirit at all, Sasha. And awhile ago you were cheering for him,” Tom reminds her sourly. “Or are you sorry for that, too?”
She frowns. “I was just…they were the power couple, Tom. They’re meant to be together.”
“Save it, Sasha,” Butch snaps, handing Tom a beer. “Drink. It might help.”
Tom rolls his eyes but takes down a huge gulp, not minding the burn that goes down his throat as the liquid passes by.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I’d just like to make a little speech for the most beautiful woman in here.”
It’s Zack and Tom can’t look away from the scene playing in front of him. Snow is standing awkwardly in the middles of the room, facing him, with Zack beside her and looking at her like she’s the best the best thing in the world. And for Tom, he can’t blame Zack because she probably is the best thing in the world.
“Snow, three years ago I asked for your hand in marriage. You didn’t accept because you said you that you needed time. I was heartbroken. But I respected your decision and gave you the space you wanted. So I went ahead to Europe despite being so angry at myself because I haven’t won you over and I just kept wishing that I had you waiting for me here as my future wife. I hope the time we spent apart from each other was enough for you to think…and ask you again. I love you, Snow. I have never stopped loving you. I would think about you every day. You’re amazing. Simply amazing. I’m not telling everyone here our story for sympathy, but I wanted them to hear our journey.” He gets down on one knee, reveals a black velvet box from his vest and asks, “Will you marry me?”
Snow doesn’t reply at first. She looks around her and then, their eyes connect. Her eyes are pleading but Tom doesn’t falter. Looking down at the man, she says, “Yes.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks her.
Snow had the decency to visit him in his apartment the next day, and he’s not sure whether to be happy or not. He had wanted to talk to her since last night but never had the guts to call her, and he’s also…hurt. It’s like his ex-girlfriends (and not so ex-girlfriend) all over again. Except he and Snow never had a romantic or sexual relationship.
“I didn’t think it was important.”
His voice rises, “I’m your…” and then stops himself, “your best friend. You could have told me you had a boyfriend who’s out of the country.”
“He isn’t my boyfriend,” she corrects.
“Right, he’s your fiancé now.” He rolls his eyes.
“Yes, he was my boyfriend but we took a break when he asked me to marry him because I didn’t feel the connection. I thought that there was someone out there for me. I love Zack, I really do, but not in the same way as…not the same way I love you, Tom.”
“You picked him last night.”
“Because you said you don’t feel the same way!” she snaps. “Why are you so mad? He was also my best friend before but it changed when he left. There was awkwardness and no sense of closure. He asked me to marry him three years ago and I declined.”
“If you knew he was coming back then you should have never told me that you loved me.”
“But I did and I still do! I thought you felt the same way, that’s why I told you. When you told me that you didn’t feel the same way, I didn’t want to tell you about him right away because I didn’t want you to think that you might have just been a scapegoat! And then it just slipped my mind, but I found out that he was coming home earlier than expected and I just panicked.”
“Well I love you!” Tom shouts.
She stands still. “What?”
“I love you,” he repeats. “I love you, Ava! And yes, I admit, this whole argument is my fault, I should have told you sooner that I love you. I fucking love you, Ava! And now that you have…that,” he eyes her engagement ring, “and him….”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I think I love her,” Tom says to his sister. They’re in the diner and he’s telling her all about Snow. Rachel seems happy for him and she urges him to tell her. “Do you think it’s too late, though?”
“She’s still with you, isn’t she?” Rachel confirms. “She hasn’t told you about some boy she’s seeing, right?”
He searches the back of his mind for an answer. “You’re right. I’ll tell her.”
He’s being blocked by a stack of boxes inside the elevator. The men pushing the cart had apologized but the people inside were squeezed like tuna in a can. That’s when he overhears some gossiping workers.
“Miss Lanché is hanging out with that architect a lot.”
“The cute one?”
“Tom, I think is his name. I think they make a cute couple, don’t you think?”
He feels himself smile at that.
“But she can do so much better,” the same person continues.
He frowns.
“I agree. She’s beautiful, she’s smart, she’s the heiress to this company and she’s rich. She can have any man she wants and she’s going to get it with someone who’s not even in the highest position in the architecture department?”
“But I heard that Mr. Lanché is close to Tom. Surely he doesn’t want his precious daughter to marry someone of…lesser status, right?”
The elevator dings and the doors open. He hears their voices begin to soften and he deducts that they’ve gotten off. Their words continue to ring in his ears and infiltrate his mind.
That night, he calls Rachel and tells her what happened. “They said that!? Those bitches.”
Their relationship was never the same. They constantly tried to avoid each other. Once, he was on a blind date with a woman. It wasn’t a disaster until the very end; he called the wrong name in bed. He even said ‘Snow’. This caused the woman to make him leave right away. Talking to Paul and McKenzie didn’t help either. Rachel was helpful but she wasn’t always present.
Just a week ago, the newspapers, tabloids and especially magazines, have been posting pictures of the newly engaged couple. Many journalists have tried setting up interviews, but with Snow living a private life and Zack busy, all were turned down. Tom hates seeing headlines and pictures of them together.
Tonight is the annual winter ball and Tom had tried his hardest to look his best. He wanted to impress people, to show them that he can just be as good looking as Zachary Williams. Last year, Mr. Lanché had informed them that his daughter wouldn’t be able to make it due to her illness; now that he thinks about, Tom hopes that she wasn’t too sick.
When he reaches the hotel, cameras are flashing around. Last year, he had Butch and Sasha walk the red carpet with him. This year, he knows how to handle it and he swiftly gets inside the building. In the ballroom of a lavish hotel, Tom sticks mostly to Butch and Sasha.
“Do you know when they’ll be arriving?” he asks.
“Miss Lanché always makes an entrance, her gowns are to die for,” Sasha fawns. “I wonder what she’ll wear tonight.”
After about half an hour, the doors open, Sasha squeals, and in comes Mr. Lanché in a custom suit, with a tie that that matches his wife’s blue dress. Zack is also with them, and his tie is silk silver. And then there’s Snow. Her dress is silver with beautiful, elegant patterns all over it. There’s even a snowflake that hides her cleavage. At first glance, it looks like a skimpy, narrow, off-the shoulder dress that reaches the floor. But upon closer inspection, Tom sees that the skin that is revealed at the topmost of her body is being covered by sheer material. Her hair is down, with ringlets around her shoulder, and her make-up is not at all exaggerated.
“Are you going to just stare at her,” Butch starts, “or are you actually going to go talk to her?”
Tom does manage to talk to her. It’s already eleven when he gets the chance, though. All she did so far was socialize with the elite and talk and dance with Zack. He spotted her leaving the room and heading to the restroom. “Ava!” he calls out when they’re alone.
She turns around. “Tom.”
“I need to talk to you.”
“Sure,” she says, “what’s up?”
“Um…first, you look very beautiful tonight.”
She smiles. “Thank you, Tom. You look very handsome yourself.”
Taking a deep breath, he says. “And…I don’t want you to marry Zack.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Excuse me?”
“I love you, Ava. And…I can tell that you don’t love Zack.”
“I loved him before, Tom,” she says, folding her arms in front of her, “I can love him again just as much, maybe even more. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check my appearance.” As she starts to walk away, he can’t help but tell her one more time about how beautiful she looks. “Thank you.”
The day of the wedding.
He had planned on not going, to spare himself, but Butch and Sasha had made him go. Paul and McKenzie thought it was a bad choice until they thought of an idea. It would be embarrassing from the beginning, probably be the laughing stock if it failed, but hey, if it works, then it’ll be all worth it.
Even if it’s the most beautiful wedding he’s ever gone to, even if it took months for this to happen, and Snow’s dress is as beautiful as she is, and maybe the cameras around the church would make things more nerve-wracking, he didn’t want to back out.
So as the priest says the words that he’s been waiting for, Tom jumps up from his seat, pretending that the wedding is a disaster and that the cameras all over the place would not face him and dare put his name in the headlines next to the wedding of the century’s or that Zack and his family could probably declare him missing in a day, and exclaims, “I object!”
Gasps could be heard all around. Snow and Zack turn to look at him with wide eyes. Snow begins to shake her head, wanting to save him from embarrassment, most likely.
“I’m not rich, I’m not the heir to some company and I may not be as good looking as the groom,” he starts, swallowing down his pride, “but I work hard, I’m educated and I love you, Ava. I should have told you sooner, I know I should have and we could have saved ourselves from this, but I was terrified. I didn’t…I didn’t want to be turned down because I wasn’t worthy of you. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re the heir to one of the world’s biggest companies even when you want to be a teacher.” He smiles when he sees her smiling. “In society’s eyes I’m not worthy of you, but I can prove to you that I am. I can and I will.”
She smiles wider. He grins. It doesn’t even take her a second to decide as she quickly turns back to the man in front of her. “Zack—”
“Save it,” he stops her, “let’s not go through the drama. I should have known something was up when you hesitated to answer my proposal.”
“Zack, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugs and kisses the top of her forehead. “This doesn’t mean that I’m burning and drowning at the same time inside.”
She frowns as he casually steps down and moves pass everyone. His parents run after him but not before they give evil eyes at the bride. Cameras flash and murmurs can be heard. She lowers her eyes for a moment before walking down as well. She stops in front of her parents and gives them a pleading look.
Mr. Lanché smiles at her. “Just because I’m your father and I own a company doesn’t mean that I’ll stop you.”
“He must be really worthy if he had the courage to stop a wedding that’s being watched by millions,” Mrs. Lanché adds.
Snow hugs them both before running to Tom who had been waiting for her in the aisle. She jumps and he catches her effortlessly. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he responds. “It would’ve been easier if you broke off the engagement,” he jokes.
“And give you an easy time? I don’t think so,” she says. She smiles and kisses him.
Three years of dating all leads to this.
It’s snowing outside and Snow had thought of building a snowman, just for fun. They’re now on the body, with Tom handing out buttons that had fallen off shirts for Snow to press on their masterpiece. “There’s one more,” he says.
“We don’t need more,” she argues and then looks at the man, “do we?”
“He needs a heart,” Tom continues and hands the item in his hand to her.
“If you say so,” Snow says smiling and begins to put the round item on the man made of snow. But as she does, she looks at it first and then gasps. “This isn’t a button, Tom.”
He shakes his head and gets down on one knee. “Ever since you came into my life, everything’s changed. You’re my good luck charm, if you didn’t notice. And I tried my best to show you how worthy I am to be yours and for you to be mine. Now that my position in your family’s company is more secure,” he had just been promoted to president of the architecture division, “and I finally realized why all my past relationships didn’t work, and why winter is my favorite season,” he kisses the back of her hand, “it’s because of you. You know I love you. I love you so much. And I would love to come home and call for my wife.”
“We work in the same place and get off at the same time.” She giggles.
He smiles. “Then I get to say, 'I get to go home with my wife’ every day. And I think we’re ready to have Casey and Spencer, too, don’t you think? I know I’m ready to teach Casey all my tricks and spoil my princess Spencer.”
She laughs. “Does that mean I’m the less-fun parent?”
“We can be both.” He chuckles. “So what do you say? Will you marry me, Snow?”
She grins. “Yes, Tom. I will marry you.”
Despite his bad luck with…life, in general, Tom finally did get a happy ending.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Lipstick on coffee cups {chapter 1} (Trixya) ~ Evelyn°c
AN: My first fic yaaay ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ ) If you dont like cliches get outta here. This is 100% just one cliche after another. Enjoy!
It had been a fairly standard workday for Trixie. She took orders, she sat through customer after customer pronounce fancy coffee names incorrectly, she made around 40 sub-standard espressos. It was an absolutely mind numbingly regular day of work.
She leaned back slightly and allowed a yawn to escape her mouth as the street lamps flickered on in an attempt to light the dim alley. This was her favourite part of the day,closing time.
Of corse there were the few tricky customers that for some reason felt the need to stay in the coffee shop until the very last seconds of her shift, but tonight was her lucky night. There was nobody in the small establishment, let alone in the streets.
Ru’s coffee place wasn’t exactly known for its world renowned coffee, but students pulling all nighters are willing to get any sort of caffeine down their throats, regardless of quality, so the company always managed to get by.
Trixie couldn’t complain. The work was steady, the pay was just about as good as it gets for a graduate, and some of the other staff weren’t all bad. She’d made a decent roster of friends and just enough money to keep her in slightly cramped apartment.
Trixie untied the back of her apron, tossing it to the side, fluffing up her thick blonde hair in the process. She always prided herself on a presentable appearance and never left the house without at least 5 layers of mascara and a nice shade of lipstick. Whilst Trixie probably wasn’t in the most appropriate attire for a coffee shop (a pristine white polo shirt paired with a knee length pink skirt) she’d be dammed if she didn’t leave the house in something pink.
She grabbed the keys off the side, fumbling through them to find the correct one. Whilst glad to go home, part of her was slightly disappointed that this would be the next few years of her life.
Making coffee. Locking up. Going home. Waking up. Making more coffee. Repeat.
She’d been forced to take up the job after moving away from home to attend university. She was desperately low on cash, and tuition fees were an ever looming presence. When Ru, the manager, had offered her a job it seemed too good to be true, so of corse she had to graciously accept.
Trixie was entranced in her own thoughts as she began to clear away a few of the worn seats. The padding had long been flattened and shredded by now from years of usage. Trixie wondered if it would be comfier to just sit on the floor.
Ding ding!
The bell chimed in Trixie’s ear. She’s torn from her thoughts as she turns her head to the door, a large amount of her hair following afterwards.
She brushed her hair out of her eyes huffing slightly, annoyed at the disruption of an entering customer at this time of night.
“Sorry were clo-”
Trixie paused, taking in the customer that had just entered. Standing in the doorway is a slightly shorter woman in a red cable-knit jumper, clinging to her admittedly skinny frame. Her sharp face is perfectly complemented by two piercing blue eyes, cutting through the darkness, right into Trixie.
“Im sorry we’re closed at the moment” Trixie says after a short pause, snapping out of her trance, feeling slightly flustered at the sudden intrusion.
“The sign outside says you are open until 9:00, no?” Woman says, arching a perfect eyebrow in a thick accent, in what Trixie thinks in Russian.
The blonde paused for a moment before glancing towards the clock. 8:55…still five minutes from closing. obliged to serve customers. Shit.
Trixie sighed, walking over to the counter where she took her regular position. She observed the Russian woman stride over, her short mess of blonde hair wafting behind her. She takes a moment to observe the menu of various coffees. Her eyes settle on the cappuccino and her whole face lights up.
“Ill take the cappuccino” she says flashing a perfect grin to Trixie. Her cheeks burn slightly at this, but Trixie puts it down to being tired, and incapable of thinking straight. Haha do you see what i did there
She takes a moment to react before spinning around and making the Russian a hot drink, wondering why anyone in the right mind would enter a coffee shop five minutes before closing time.
Five minutes before sinking into a deep, comfy mattress with a warm duvet resti- “Ah Прости did i keep you from closing up shop?” She inquired, tilting her head slightly. She really did have to stop startling Trixie like that.
“Well, sort of but its fine” Trixie shrugged, followed by a yawn and the noise of bubbling water. “Please don’t tell me your going to be staying in here to drink this” Trixie chuckled, pouring out the cappuccino with about as much care as a sleep deprived 20 year old could muster.
“Depends how cruel I’m feeling” the Russian responded, followed by a curt laugh. Well, less of a laugh more of a scream of joy.
Trixie placed the lid on the hot drink. She could feel the other woman’s eyes burn into her, hotter than the drink itself. She passed it over with the most genuine smile she could muster (witch probably made Trixie look constipated more than anything) avoiding eye contact. Accepting graciously, the woman grinned at Trixie before placing a £5 bill on the table.
“Such good service so late at night!” She beamed, locking eyes with the others equally blue ones.
“I mean…ill be fired if i refuse to serve any customers so…” The taller blonde quipped slightly awkwardly, brushing any dust and dirt off her blouse.
This elicited another scream-laugh from the Russian as she flailed her hands in the air for a moment. Taking a brief sip from the cup she closes her eyes and hums.
“фантастика, i may just have to make this my regular coffee spot” she says glancing towards Trixie.
She was used to customers enduring the coffee, but not enjoying it, this was a first. She allowed a small smile to part her lips. “In that case i look forward to seeing you here again miss…”
“Zamolodchikova” She cut in, eyes slightly manic and mouth wide. “But katya is fine.”
Trixie didn’t know what to expect, but it wasn’t that. She did however accept that she liked the way it sounded coming from Katya’s mouth. It was fluent, spitting, quick. Whereas Trixie on the other hand was more soft spoken. and well…American.
“Imagine trying to write that on the side of a coffee cup” Trixie mused leaning on the table, observing Katya take long sips on the beverage as her smoky eyes flutter shut.
She let out a cackle here, peering up from beneath her coffee. Katya took a moment to observe the blondes name-tag. “Tracy martel is it?” She said, placing the cup down on the counter.
Trixie frowned at this. Part of her wanted to just reply yes to her questions, and get her out the door as quickly as possible. The other part of her sort of enjoyed Katya’s mannerisms. She way she rolled her r’s. The way her grin was basically phosphorescent. How she laughed.
“Trixie mattel actually”
“Well Trixie, good coffee, even good-er service” Katya winked. She stood from her stool here, grabbing her cup with a bony hand. This left Trixie both flustered and questioning Katyas english ability.
Katya made her way to the door, cappuccino in hand, frizzy hair following behind her. Trixie felt the simultaneous emotions of relief and disappointment.
“Я вернусь” katya mumbled, waving a hand behind her in goodbye.
“What does that mean?” Trixie inquired here, furrowing her brow.
Katya let out a chuckle before putting on her best terminator voice. “I’ll be back”
And with that, the door shut. It was over as soon as it started. The eccentric Russian lady with bad fashion sense (that for some reason she could pull off immaculately) was gone. Trixie could hear her laughing outside, screaming in the dark. Probably flailing her arms.
“A goodbye would of been fine” Trixie mumbled to herself, still trying to take in what had actually just happened.
God what a massive nerd. Who leaves on a terminator reference?
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baronvoltage · 7 years
Doppelgänger [drabble]
Headcanon, the aftermath of Severed Ties.
Never let it be said that Caitlyn, Sheriff of Piltover, wasn’t a patient person. One had to be to hold onto the position for as long as she had. Her patience however was not endless and the current case valiantly and relentlessly tried her limits.
One busted ascender, two beaten up thugs, three dead bodyguards, one traumatized lady of high breeding and multiple eyewitness accounts of a woman with blades for legs. It should have been such an easy case.
If only her eyewitnesses stopped lying for two minutes.
She crossed her arms and gave the three a sharp look, two giant augmented bouncers framing the slight form of Lady Arvino as she tried to dry her tears, with no avail.
“Would someone care to tell me what have really happened here?“
“We ‘ready told you ma’am,“ rumbled one of the thugs, his voice oddly distorted by the breathing mask grafted onto his face. “We were sent to pick the missy up and bring ‘er to the boss, usual like. We were in the lift when crazy knife-legs attacked.“
“She busted the cabin open, and cut down the Arvino bodyguards,“ the other chimed in. The lady between them started sobbing once again and he patted her shoulder awkwardly with a shovel-sized hand. “Then she went for the young miss, but we got in the way. We got lucky, big lugs we are, tough to cut down, but she killed poor Eric when he stood between her and miss Arvino.“
“He started up ‘is fancy light show but she deflected it somehow.“ That was an interesting detail, one that Caitlyn was inclined to believe, despite the whole story sounding like a bunch of bull. “Guess he scared her tho, ‘cause she ran away after she killed ‘im.“
“Then we arrived down and called the police and here we are.“ Between the two of them, Lady Sofia managed a weak nod and sobbed into her handkerchief once again.
Caitlyn waited a spell, just in case one of them decided to fess up.
“Let me get this clear. You expect me to believe that someone attacked the ascender with the goal to kill Lady Arvino, but decided to leave the defenceless young lady alive, killed her bodyguards instead and then ran away into the night?“
“'t was in the afternoon,“ said the one on the left helpfully, but otherwise made no attempt to correct her.
“Do you think me completely stupid?“ she snapped, making Sofia start and the two thugs look aside sheepishly.
“No ma’am.“ Caitlyn frowned, pointing a finger at the three bodies covered with a heavy tarpaulin.
“You must think me stupid, or at the very least blind, because one of those is obviously Baron Marko Volkage, dead as a doorknob. It would be hard for him to be otherwise because he’s missing half of his head.“ All three shrinked back, the gorillas moving closer to support Sofia through another torrent of tears. “So, care to revise to fairytale to be closer to the truth?“
“No ma’am. That’s Eric, not the boss.“ Caitlyn stared off to the distance, counting silently to twenty. At the edge of the police barricade a heavily armed carriage rolled up with the Thunder Club’s luminescent flower painted on the door. A lanky man, a thug posing as a valet no doubt, jumped off and marched to the policemen. Cait was momentarily distracted by what had to be the ugliest fur collar she ever had the misfortune to cast her eyes upon. She shook herself and turned back to what had to be the three least reliable eyewitnesses of her entire career.
“Don’t play me. Why would this ‘Eric’ look exactly like your chembaron?“
“He’s a doppelgangster.“
“Doppelgang-... What did I ask about thinking me stupid?“
“He really was,“ Sofia spoke up at last, voice still small and weak. “Eric Weiss was Marko’s body double and secretary. The killer didn’t know... he couldn’t do the voice but he didn’t speak and he taught me some acting, what to say if the worst happens so she thought she was killing Marko.“ Her shoulders shook as she fought her tears.
Caitlyn was astonished. There were rumours of course, the sort that filled up the pages of tabloids, that Baron Volkage could be at more places at once, but she never thought there was any truth to them. It fit more into how she imagined the case, so she decided to play along for now.
“Let’s pretend for a moment that I believe you. If the victim was a body double, where is the genuine article?“ They all looked past her in uncanny unison and she turned to follow their gaze.
The fur collar was even more atrocious up close, sitting oddly around the man’s shoulders. His face was covered by heavy googles and a scarf that no doubt hid his breathing mask. He must have been persistent to get around the policemen.
“Caitlyn sheriff? I am to take Lady Arvino to the tower, for her own safety. I was told to extend an invitation to you too.“ He tilted his head to look up at the two men who rushed to stand at attention. “The oafs are expected at the repair shop, on the double.“
She recalled the delicate tubes and rigging curving around Volkage’s shoulder and resisted the urge to kick someone. They weren’t even subtle.
“Well, I can’t possibly turn down an invitation like that.“
It took surprisingly little to herd the two thugs off to have their eyewitness accounts written down, with a pointed warning from Ugly Fur Collar to tell the truth. Caitlyn found that distinctly funny and she got in the carriage with a smile lurking in the corner of her mouth.
“So,-“ she said, leaning back as they rocked into motion, fixing the man sitting across her with a look. “-is anyone actually deceived by the fur collar?“
Marko Volkage snorted, pulling googles off and tugging the scarf down.
“You’d be surprised.“ She looked him in the eye and held his glare as long as she could before she had to blink - the unfair advantage of mechanical eyes, she supposed.
“They say you are a proud man, Baron. Not someone I expected to use body doubles and disguises.“
“Proud, but not stupid. I have a lot of enemies, as you surely know. Trickery isn’t illegal.“ He gestured with one elegantly crafted hand. His trademark prosthetics were fascinating, if a bit creepy.
“Trickery isn’t.“ She confirmed. “Blackmail is.“ A leap of thought, but seemed like a good enough guess to tell why would the head of clan Arvino would meet up with a chembaron.
He smiled grimly.
“This is not what you think.“
“Then what is it?“ she asked with a provocative smile. She didn’t expect the answer to come from Lady Arvino, sitting quietly to her left.
“Courtship.“ She avoided looking at either of them, hands fisted in her skirt. Volkage's expression softened with hesitance before he gathered his composure again.
“Sheriff, I hope I don’t need to tell you that this is a secret.“ He was visibly tense, his eyes flashing bright for a moment.
“Are you two out of your minds? If this gets out, the Arvino family will be ruined.“ She glared daggers at Volkage who had the decency to look at least a little ashamed.
“We have a plan.“ Miss Arvino hurried to add. “We just need to keep this a secret for a little longer.“
Caitlyn felt a pang of pity for the woman. No doubt Volkage had talked circles around her.
“Miss Sofia, please consider it. Is this plan worth risking your future for?“ She expected Volkage to disapprove, but he seemed relieved to hear her oppose this mystery plan.
“Please talk her out of it, because I couldn’t.” Caitlyn huffed. She didn’t expect the Baron to be the reasonable one.
“Marko, I appreciate that you are trying to protect my virtue, but I have made up my mind and I’m not starting another argument about this.“ Sofia pouted - honest to gods pouted - at the Volkage.
“Hold on a moment, how long have you been dating?“ Caitlyn interrupted before the Baron could retaliate.
“Close to two years,“ Volkage replied courtly. “She started it after she turned eighteen.“
“Is that so, mister flower-scented envelope?“
Caitlyn suddenly felt like she was dropped in a kindergarten.
“Stop, stop, let’s pretend for a moment that we are all sensible adults and not five-year-olds.“ That shut the two of them up, if only for a minute. “Let me get this straight: you have been in a secret relationship for close to two years.“ Nod. “But you have exchanged letter before.“
“It was Lord Arvino’s idea,”  Volkage supplied, his fingers drumming idly on his leg. “He was grooming Sofia to take over after his death and I was a safe enough, interesting business partner to motivate a young girl to do her homework.“
The sheriff had to admit that sounded true enough. Lord Arvino was known to have a prosthetic leg, which was a simple enough tie to Volkage who specialized in prosthetics and other high quality precision gadgets. It was also true that the Baron’s recent reputation was a decent one, as far as chembarons went.
Interesting and dangerous without posing any actual danger. She could see the appeal.
“I feel the need to repeat my question: are you two out of your minds? Business partnerships can be covered up, but a relationship? How long did you expect to keep it a secret?“ It was a small miracle that they managed this long.
“For two more months.” Deciding that there was no more need pretend distance, Sofia slid into the seat across and grabbed one of Volkage’s hands for support. “Father always said that Piltover should be the city of the daring and the visionary and the old nobility is holding it back. That we are wasting opportunities by rejecting Zaun’s potential.” The later Lord Arvino had always been an eccentric man, Caitlyn recalled with some fondness. Nobody else would have donated to much of their money to the modernization of the police force.
“So he pulled a few dozen strings, dumped a lot of money into the academy, convinced some of the more well-off scientists to support his cause and here we are. The details are still all hush-hush, but the first big project is is almost ready to be unveiled; based on Thunder Club innovations, funded by Clan Arvino. The first big step in bringing Zaun and Piltover closer and brining fresh ideas into our stale academy.“
Sofia almost bounced in her seat in excitement. Volkage appeared more pessimistic about the plan, but it was hard to tell with the mechanical eyes.
“I urge you, sheriff, to keep what you heard here a secret. It would nullify years worth of work - not just the projects I’m personally invested in, but several others - and put Sofia in jeopardy.“
Caitlyn pursued her lips and made a show of thinking it through. On one hand, whatever storm the late Lord Arvino was stirring, it will certainly uproot the current status quo, causing untold chaos. On the other hand, even if the plan crashes and burns, the waves will most likely bring a lot of shady garbage to the surface and as someone who had been fighting an uphill battle against the corruption within Piltover for years, she could appreciate anything that made her life easier.
“I will keep this under wraps, on one condition.“ She slowly crossed her legs, drawing out the tense silence. “There is a murderer afoot. The one that earlier today assaulted Lady Arvino and her guards.“ Sofia went pale, remembering the bloodshed and her grip on Volkage��s hand tightened until the metal creaked under the strain. “I want your unconditional help in tracking her down, capturing and incapacitating her, then bringing her to justice so she can rot in prison until the end of her miserable life for every murder she committed. Do you think you can give me that?“
Volkage smiled, dangerous and dark and full of malice.
“Oh, sheriff. It would be my pleasure.“
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hyperesthesias · 7 years
Loki x Sigyn
Love Never Dies | Part I
Rating: E
Word Count: 2.205
Summary: After the events of the Dark Elves, Thor resolves to bring Jane back to Asgard with him, greeted by a freed Loki -- whose crimes have since been paid for -- and a recuperated Frigga. But Loki harbours a deeper secret.
Notes: #FriggaLives tbh. okay i don’t know how long this will be, but i felt like a backstory/expositional thing was boiling inside of me as to how sigyn died, where she came from, and how loki comes to the conclusions he does, etc. plus some loki & jane bro-sis snark is what im here for soooo. anyway, it’s been a long time since i’ve written fanfics. i hope you guys like it.
He was not keen on standing there, awaiting the arrival of his brother and his brother’s consequential Midgardian play-thing, the one named Jane, but the fact that he stood beside his mother, the fact that he was allowed to roam the palace halls once more -- or at all -- was enough for him to bear it. He gritted his teeth silently, pursing his lips as he stood as tall as his frame would allow him, towering over his mother, beside him, who was ever the exuberance of patience -- a patience of which was rare for him to witness, and one he somewhat envied. Somewhat. Stripped of his title as Prince of Asgard, a condition upon his release from the dungeons far from the palace’s graces, he felt both liberated and shamed -- though he committed to never show the latter, for it would only grant The Allfather that which he wished: to see the Jotun Prince as he was meant to be, beneath him. Thus, he took advantage of the former, no longer hiding his prideful, greedy, and snarky nature, he was quelled only by his mother. His adoptive mother, the only other woman to whom he would grant his affections, and the only other person who had fought for his freedom and who knew the torments that lay within him had far exceeded that which his heart could bear. Still, for the grace of her son, whatever was left of his dignity, she said nothing to any one -- even Loki. 
“I don’t understand why he gets such a royal welcome. It’s not as if he returns from war, he merely went to retrieve his pet,” Loki growled beneath his breath, clasping his hands behind his back, never allowing the openness of his position to betray the gushing wounds inside him. 
Frigga only looked to her son with a small shake of her head. “You promised me you would behave today,” she teased quietly.
“Indeed I did, but as compared to what was left rather vague.” 
The Queen had just opened her mouth to scold him gently when there approached through two golden doors her first born son and his lady friend, Jane. The knit in her brow diminished and she replaced it with a genial smile as Thor hailed to her:
“Mother!” he grinned wide, beaming nearly as brightly as the gold of his hair, and the gold that surrounded him. 
“Welcome home, son,” she nodded to him first, reaching her cheek upwards somewhat that he might bend to give her a kiss. “And welcome back, Jane,” she greeted the Midgardian, who stood rather awkwardly to the back of Thor, as if she were hiding from the attention. 
She gave a bow meshed with a curtsy nonetheless, paying her respects to the Queen with a happy smile, unsure whether or not to approach any further.
“I am glad you have joined us -- under better circumstances,” Frigga continued. 
“As am I,” Jane quickly agreed. “I’m happy to see everything is much better here,” she looked around -- easily distracted by the strangeness and instinct to pick apart her environments and catalogue them in her mind.
“Better is a relative term,” Loki chided as he merely observed the joyful reunion from the outside looking in -- reminding himself it was never his place to fit in anyway, that his home was not on Asgard or among its people, but on some far off land of which he could not describe, but one he remembered well. 
“I see you have not changed, brother,” Thor said as he stood before him. 
“Perhaps. But neither have you,” he replied, though his sights remained fixated on Jane. “I see you still refuse to heed my words,” he said quietly, watching as Frigga ushered the young woman along, talking with her of what the brothers could not hear. 
“I will not let your pain dictate my own,” Thor defended, and he knew of what Loki spoke -- he remembered clearly his brother’s chastising on Svartalfheim, the lesson he meant to teach of how fleeting life could be for such a union. 
“Then you are a fool,” the bitter Prince bit back. 
“I would rather be a fool than an angry menace,” he pushed Loki aside, meaning to catch up with the two ladies who had walked some distance now. “Jane means to stay for some while, and I mean to show her every hospitality we have, is that understood?”
Loki walked along with his brother, looking him in the eye as he spoke -- there was a wall between them: harsh and fettered with thorns and bristles, borne of bitterness and regret, of things they could not take back or undo, whether because of time or pride. Nonetheless, the younger agreed with a single nod and a smirk. “I’m sure you do, brother. Trust me when I say I don’t wish to interfere with your activities with your pet.”
And truly, he did not -- sarcasm and innuendo aside. He wished to stay as far away as possible from the lovers, for to gaze on them was torture at its highest form; he could not bear to look on Jane for a mere few seconds, despite having to dine across from her at the subsequent dinner, and being forced to entertain her company along with several other Asgardians eager for his brother’s return. The way her brown eyes flickered, the way her hair whispered in the candle-light, and the curiosity in her eye when she looked all around her, it pained him far too much. For it reminded him of a love he’d once known, a love for which he would have given everything -- life and limb -- to maintain and to have back again. She reminded him of Sigyn. 
But it was forbidden to speak her name, Sigyn. Forbidden by both his heart, and by The Allfather himself -- it was blasphemy to speak the name of a treacherous woman such as she. And every moment which Sigyn’s name was not spoken, another piece of Loki died to join her grave. 
Sigyn, however, had not been a treacherous woman, by any means -- in fact, there was a common jest among the other Asgardians that she was the only one who could tame the lord of mischief, and who could silence his silver tongue. And they were not wrong, Loki knew this, it only bothered him that they knew. She was everything good in all the realms, all the purity and gladness, the joy and the heartache, the just and right from their universe and beyond -- in every sense of the word. Fiercely he would protect her, and even more so would he love her, giving himself willingly as her servant, both in bond and in love. She held his heart in her hand, this she had known, and had always cared for it -- pieced it back together when it was broken, and quelled it to sleep when it was overcome.
But...it was because of this, that when she died -- his heart died also. 
And a monster is what he became.
Every bit of love he had he’d given to her, that he spared none for any one when it was buried and locked within the catacombs and tombs of old. 
Thus, he was obsessive of her: of his heart. He dreamt of her, and when he did not dream of her, he thought of her, and when he did not think of her, he breathed the scent of her memory -- she was all-consuming to him, and not once, not one moment did he regret. 
His heart, the keeper of his soul, had died in his arms some years prior. And he still woke from nightmares of her last breaths in his ear. 
But he awoke the next morning disdainful that the previous day had not been part of some other dream he’d had -- and he found the pet, Jane, sitting at the breakfast table alone slumped over her plate.
“What’s the matter with you?” he snipped, briefly glancing about for either his brother or his mother.
She started, having not heard his quiet footsteps, and looked up to see the terror before her. She went white and struggled to find her words -- flashing back to conflicting scenes of both the New York Incident and of him saving her life more than once the last time she was there. 
“Well? Speak,” he impatiently urged as he resorted to taking a seat far from her that he would not have to look at her any longer. 
“I...I’m having breakfast,” she finally found her voice and caught her breath.
“You very well state the obvious, though I presume it is not the reason for your melancholy -- or are you displeased with your plate?” the sarcasm dripping from his words as venom from a fang. 
She frowned at him. “No,” she regained her footing and once more decided she would not be treated as such. “Thor’s gone -- his dad, the King,” she quickly corrected herself.
“I’m aware of his father,” he raised a brow and dismissed the servant who brought him his own plate. 
She frowned even harder. “The King sent him on some...mission. He said he couldn’t tell me about it. Some peace keeping thing,” she sighed no longer feeling the sting of Loki’s words, but of Thor’s absence.
If the word pathetic crossed Loki’s mind it was only because he missed Sigyn ten times as much. But all he could do was scoff. “That sounds like Odin,” he inspected the food on his fork before he took a bite. 
“What do you mean?” she looked back at the brother.
“He does not approve you,” he allowed himself to fell his eyes on her -- what an innocent, he thought, she had no knowledge of the disgrace neither the prejudice that was to be had. “Thus, he wishes to keep you apart.”
But as she was ruminating on such things, knowing how the other Asgardians saw her -- for she was not ignorant to the glances, nor the whispered and not so whispered words of her -- a messenger came through the hall and called Loki away, leaving her to her lonely breakfast.
Loki arrived at his mother’s office at her behest, and he would not admit the twinge of fear he felt -- not for her punishment, but he feared something to be wrong. Thus, the first words out of his mouth:
“Mother, are you alright?” 
She smiled at his worry and beckoned him inside. “Yes, my son, I’m quite fine,” but the smile soon faded into apprehension as she bid him sit beside her on a couch. “It is not about me, in fact, I have a message from your father.”
A sharp breath concealed the rage he had suppressed enough within him for the man that was once his father -- but he did not chastise her, not this time. “Another bidding? He’s already sent Thor off Norns know where, does he have some ruse for me to play?” 
But the pause in her told him everything without her speaking a word.
“No. No, no,” he shook his head. “I will do nothing for him.”
“He only wishes you to keep an eye on the Midgardian,” she spoke to him with the utmost quietness, calmness, knowing it was not as simple as it sounded.
A laboured breath and Loki stood turning from her, from everything. “He knows that which he asks of me -- I may be far from his dungeons, but I have not escaped his tortures.”
Frigga fell silent for some while, before standing to come beside him. “You need not befriend her, only ensure she does not fall into any trouble whilst she is here.”
Loki scoffed. “And why should I? Why should I not let her do just that?”
Frigga pursed her lips before looking straight at her son, knowing what she was about to say would cut him bluntly. “Thor was always good to Sigyn, he always respected her, even when he believed the rumours about her realm to be true. All I ask,” she turned her son’s face to her, “is that you repay that kindness.”
Something inside Loki broke, the greenness of his eyes became a bit duller, the brightness of his skin a bit paler, and his heart sunk just a bit further. Nonetheless, he knew her words to be true. Thor had respected his wife, and cared for her as a sister, even, and had loved his son when no one else did. Thus, with a single nod, Loki sealed his own fate, and agreed. 
“Very well, mother. For you, I accept.”
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