#and like. politics don't - or shouldn't - have a place in the judicial system
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teaandinanity · 4 months ago
I miss having access to Respected Lawyer Friend to be able to ask questions re: justice system voting, because rn I'm just like 'I don't know what 'apply the law as written' means but given all the Republicans are using it I feel like it's a dog whistle for SOMETHING.'
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cosmicjoke · 1 year ago
What diplomatic support for a ceasefire? You mean the way the US keeps vetoing a UN resolution for one over and over, directly under Biden and his administrations direction? You mean the way Biden and his administration keeps talking about wanting a a "temporary" ceasefire, while continuing to bypass congress and sends thousands upon thousands of armed munition's to Israel? The way Biden and his administration pretend like there's nothing they can do to stop Israel and this genocide when Israel literally wouldn't exist without the United States' support? All they would have to do to force a ceasefire is tell Israel and Netanyahu that until they stop murdering thousands upon thousands of innocent people, they won't get a single red cent more from the US. But tell me again how Biden is "diplomatically supporting" a ceasefire.
Oh, and the Ukraine war. You mean the one that was caused by US interference and a CIA backed coup under Obama to overthrow the democratically elected government in Ukraine in 2014, replacing it with a far-right extremist government, actual fucking Nazis, that proceeded to slaughter all the ethnic speaking Russians in Eastern Ukraine that didn't want to be part of their government? And guess who was the point man for Ukrainian international policy then? You guessed it, Biden. I guess those 12 secrete CIA basis along the border of Russia, put in place with this new government, shouldn't be any concern to Russia, huh? Or the expansion of NATO up to the Russian border. 500,000 Ukrainians are dead under Biden's administration. The war is lost, but Biden and his administration want to keep it going no matter what, no matter how many Ukrainian lives it costs. Russia was ready for peace negotiations in March of 2022, but Biden and his administration sent Boris Johnson to shut that down. They want this war to keep going, not to fight for the "sovereignty" of Ukraine, but in an attempt to freeze Russia out of the world economic market and control the energy sector. Who do you think blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, creating the single worst environmental disaster in history? Not Trump. That was Biden.
Obama deported 3 million immigrants when he was in office. Way more than Trump ever did. Obama started 7 wars. Guess how many Trump started? Zero. Guess who's currently illegally occupying Syria and stealing all their oil and wheat? That's right. Biden. Guess who's trying to start a war with China? Biden. One out of three American's can't afford a $300 medical emergency. Homelessness is skyrocketing. The opiate crisis is out of control. Our infrastructure is falling apart. Biden got exposed as heading one of the worst censorship campaigns in US history. Don't believe me, go look up the "Twitter Files" and see the role Biden's CIA and FBI played in suppressing descenting opinions on social media. Why do you think there's such a concerted effort both from the media and the judicial system against Trump? Because he wasn't on board with the intelligence states insane war mongering and color revolutions. Because he told the truth on certain things when he wasn't supposed to, like what the US's real goal was in its foreign policy. They're trying to jail a political opponent. Sound familiar? That's what fascist governments do. What about Julian Assange? Biden and his administration is going to throw a journalist in prison for the rest of his life for exposing the DNC's blatant corruption and the US's war crimes.
The jokes on you if you think America isn't already a theocratic fascist dictatorship. Because the Democrats gives you good lip service and tell you about how much they care about LGBTQ rights and black lives matter, you think they're the good guys, lol. No, both parties are corrupt as sin and will do as their oligarch overlords tell them.
Vote third party. Vote for any candidate that stands up to this shit. Supporting the supposed "lesser" of two evils isn't going to change anything. You're rewarding Biden for being a bigger piece of shit then Trump ever was. You'll be sending him the message that he can get away with anything as long as he says "gay rights" once in a while in his senile stuttering.
Now I'm sure some moron will come along and tell me I'm a racist piece of bigoted shit and I should go die. But whatever. Everything I said is true.
Anyway, if you don't vote for Biden to Teach Him A Lesson and Trump wins, I'm sure all the thousands more Palestinians killed in Gaza when Trump gives Netanyahu full steam ahead and pulls all diplomatic support for a ceasefire/peace process, the Ukrainians and/or other Eastern Europeans likewise genocided when Trump gives Putin everything he wants and pulls out of NATO, the immigrants deported and put in concentration camps, the protesters detained en masse under the Insurrection Act, the women who die from being refused divorces and reproductive care, the LGBTQ+ people legislated and harassed out of public life, the people of color murdered by fully sanctioned white supremacy, and the societies around the world affected by America's collapse into a theocratic fascist dictatorship will definitely fall at your feet in thanks and give you the Gold Medal For Twitter Social Justice. So yknow, that's very important.
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geschiedenisish · 1 month ago
A few days ago I learned most Europeans countries actually have nothing preventing a Trump thingy or 1939 thingy from happening here. In other words, most European countries don't have an "anti-anti-democracy" law or article.
This makes it really easy for anti-democratic parties in European countries to overthrow the gouvernment. (I didn't really understand this stuff before studying "History of the Netherlands" for school, so yeah, a little politics class);
Get a majority of the votes in the election.
Given the fact you had the most votes in the election, even a majority, you get to form the cabinet, otherwise known as the ministers. You can apply all the ministers because you have the majority.
This means you now have full controle over the executive branch.
Most representative democracies make the executive branch and the legislative branch democratic. Meaning the election decides both these branches. (For the executive branch it's just the leaders/ministers, but still.) This also usually means that who wins the election controls both the executive AND the legislative branch. This sounds crazy. But seperation of the judicial power from the other two is much more important than seperating executive and legislative. It's not that bad if those two are covered by the same person, as long as judges are still independant.
As the winner of the election, you also have majority in the House of Representatives. This means any law that goes through, will get through, because you control the House.
(This is why cabinets take so long to form. Because you want to have the majority in the House and you want them, the other parties of your cabinet, to agree with the laws your party proposes. The opposition can be the minority, whatever, as long as you know your cabinet partners will vote in favor of your laws.)
Now imagine you're a queer Disney villain and don't care about human rights or violating them, but just about power. What you would do is introduce laws that attack the fundamentals of democracy. Such as voter discrimination, making elections less powerfull etc. etc.
"Doesn't democracy protec?" Yes, we'll follow one law. This law, let's call it L1 (law 1) and this law says that during elections, people shall choose a local person, an elector. This elector shall vote in the national election. Not the people anymore.
This law is accepted by the ministers, who are all part of your party, then it goes to "Raad van State" or something like that. They are okay with it, because this law doesn't contradict any other law, except the law, in the Netherlans "de Kieswet" or Election Law, that it is trying to change. (I'm using the Netherlands as an example, but most Western democracies have a system like this.)
Next, the law goes to the House of Representatives. They vote on it. The opposition screams this law is a blatant attack on democracy and will lead to 1930s structures. They plea to vote against because this law is the only thing standing between dictatorship and democracy. But at the vote, 60% of the Chamber, your party who has the majority, vote in favor of the law.
Depending on the country, the law may go through a Senate or like in the Netherlands the King who can change things. But this wouldn't be normal in a good democracy.
So after the House votes on it, the law gets published in some kind of official book, and then it goes into effect.
Some countries will have things in place to protect democracy against things like this, such as not being able to change the Constitution. Most countries, however, do not. The Netherlands for example can change its Constitution whenever it feels like it. A lot of anti-democratic measures don't get through however, not because they aren't allowed to, but because passing them would mean changing the constitution, which is something Parliament still finds unacceptable.
So it's not that they can't, it's that they don't want to. But, to be clear, THIS SHOULDN'T EVEN BE POSSIBLE if you cherish democracy!
The Netherlands is right now passing a bill called the wpp or "Law regarding Political Parties". It allows judges to ban anti-democratic political parties from taking part in democratic elections. And to be clear, this is not just vague. The Dutch "Raad van State", the highest court of the land, is looking very carefully at this document and advising the gouvernment on how to make this law democratic. This is not just uwu politics. This is about defending democracy against anti-democrats. (Furthermore, it doesn't forbid anti-democrats from protesting or meeting. It just doesn't allow them to partake in elections.)
I don't know about other European countries, but I checked for Belgium and they don't have any law like this. The Netherlands still hasn't as well, this one is pending. Belgium has laws against specific things such as sexism, racism and holocaust denialism. But no law banning parties on grounds of being anti-democratic specifically.
So Europe. You see America had nothing in place to prevent Trump from taking hold and for example pardoning clear threats to national security. Nothing in Europe is preventing some maniac from destroying democracy over here, legally and democratically without any violence!
EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE. But they shouldn't have the right to vote on parties that directly attack those very same elections. This is "the library rule". You can speak in the library to stop people from speaking. And you can be anti-democratic but only against other anti-democratic people. The one exception that reinforces the rule.
So check if your country has enough protections in place to defend democracy from Trump-like people. Please.
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drawingconclusions · 9 months ago
I'm sure you've heard by now about the guilty verdicts lodged against Trump last Thursday. And in case you haven't heard, President Biden's son Hunter is facing one of his trials this week. I wonder if there'll be wall-to-wall media coverage as there was for the cases against the former President...
But before going on, let me say the following: During a brief news clip showing a few demonstrators in the aftermath of the case, I saw a person holding a banner displaying the phrase "Trump or death". Perhaps it was their attempt at a witty slogan echoing the historically well-known saying "Give me liberty or give me death". Perhaps it was a motto generated by an AI chatbot. I have no idea. And I just heard that someone had doxxed Michael Cohen's wife and child in apparent retribution for Cohen's part in the trial. But as I wrote in my post years ago, "Has Politics Become Your Religion?", I implore everyone who chooses to demonstrate or to protest to do so peacefully. And I'm not a fan of Michael Cohen or his behavior; even during the trial, the defense proved how compulsive of a liar he is. But now people are publicly posting the private info of his wife and child? Come on, I don't need to tell you how unnecessary and cowardly that is.
I bumped into an article by the Associated Press the other day, one that quoted Fiona Hill as stating that Trump's denigration of our justice system in light of his verdict actually works to help Russia's Vladimir Putin! And I seriously thought the article was some kind of April Fool's joke! In the midst of these trials, you have all kinds of people warning that it's taboo to utter a phrase against America's legal system, and that argument to some degree employs flawed logic. I'm all for showing the proper amount of respect for authorities, but our democracy in the U.S. was founded on the principle of protecting freedom of speech, and the three branches of government (including the judicial branch) were intended to employ at least a semblance of checks and balances. Our founding fathers instituted such safeguards to prevent government overreach and abuse of its citizens. So this idea that "We the People" shouldn't be able to respectfully comment on, evaluate, or even criticize our government is absolutely ludicrous! And authoritarian or communist governments like Russia or China will always find some way to take advantage of current events in order to try present their system of government in a better light. But no matter what kind of false propaganda those countries spew forth, their citizens do not enjoy the freedoms that were enshrined in our Constitution. Just ask Russian citizens who dared to speak out against the invasion of Ukraine. Or why don't you look up how China punishes its dissidents. So I strongly disagree with those who forbid criticism of our government here in America. Such backward thinking is likely how our governing bodies have devolved into such a sorry state in the first place.
At times, it's insightful to see who responds and how they do so when a person is down on their luck, so to speak. In this case, among the individuals who cheered the verdict against Trump was Congressman Adam Schiff (who was censured by Congress for his deceptive role in the false "Russia collusion" accusations against Trump a few years ago), Senator Tim Kaine (who previously praised the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, even as disastrous as it turned out to be), and Congressman Jamie Raskin (who eagerly defends any Democrat or Democrat agenda with little regard for inherent merit). And I could go on and on, listing the character (or lack thereof) of the politicians and media figures who have applauded the charges against former President Trump. But as you can begin to see from the very brief list above, many of these individuals are highly partisan and some of them clearly have a severely misguided moral compass. Should we really be relying on their judgment for an ethical evaluation of the fairness of this verdict?
And of course, it seems whenever Trump faces potential trouble, it's intriguing how opportunists like Hillary Clinton or Asa Hutchinson somehow make their way back into the public spotlight. Whether their behavior stems from pure hatred for Trump or a desire to re-launch their own political careers, I'm not sure. But especially in light of the haphazard legal precedents set by this verdict against Trump, I wouldn't be too eager to be so visible to the public if I was in Hillary Clinton's shoes. Which brings me to my next points.
In recent days, many Democrats have echoed one of their favorite (and almost laughable) mottos in response to the Trump verdict: "No one is above the law." We hear that time and time again when indictments or investigations are brought against conservatives, and yet we see the exact opposite of this principle being applied to bona-fide criminals such as murderers, rapists, & thieves when they're continually given a free pass despite their serious crimes. As a result, repeat offenders go on to brazenly kill police officers during traffic stops and to harass, assault, or murder innocent civilians who are simply trying to live their lives in peace. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been noted for allowing such a revolving door of justice in his district, despite his claims to a blind application of the law and his more recent statement that he does so without "fear or favor".
However, as many legal experts have stated, the unusual workings of the latest Trump case have the potential to lead to a slew of reciprocal indictment & verdicts against Democrats. Thanks to the precedents set by the likes of Attorney General Letitia James, Judge Arthur Engoron, Judge Juan Merchan, and District Attorney Alvin Bragg, misdemeanors can now magically be converted into felonies, there is no such thing as a statute of limitations for a crime (or a perceived crime), judges with an actual or perceived conflict of interest won't have to excuse themselves, convicted liars/felons can be accepted as star witnesses, and change of venues to prevent a biased jury pool will most certainly be denied. You can call all this a slippery slope or the opening of Pandora's box, whatever you please. But the long and short of it means that several Democrats will likely face a litany of legal & criminals convictions in the short and long term as a result.
And this includes Democrats such as John Brennan and James Clapper who have lied to Congress with impunity.. Former FBI Director James Comey, who divulged (classified) documents to his professor friend in a rush to share them with the public. And some ambitious prosecutor will likely determine to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for the debacle at Benghazi, as well as for destroying physical evidence when she used an offsite unsecured server (reportedly located in a bathroom) to conduct official government business & messaging. And for her involvement (and the involvement of her lawyers) in paying for the Steele dossier that was central to intiation of the false "Russia collusion" accusations against Trump. (Need I go on about Clinton?..) Alejandro Mayorkas will likely be sued by families who have lost loved ones due to the fentanyl streaming across the highly porous southern border. Many members of the FBI would have to be convicted of election interference, as well as quite a few tech company CEOs and employees. And it's almost a sure thing that someone somewhere will find a way to bring charges against President Biden once he leaves office. (And all this with a jury selected from deep within GOP territory...)
Look, if you've read my previous posts on the trials of Trump you know I wasn't for this. I lamented the potential chaos that would result from using our justice system to attack, harass, and imprison political opponents. Take a look at what Putin did to his political rival Alexei Navalny. Navalny was imprisoned for years solely for challenging a dictator's reign and in the end, he breathed his last breaths in a near arctic dungeon. (Does anyone really believe that Navalny died of natural causes?...) Is that really the grotesque standard we want to follow here in America? There's so much work to be done in our country, and yet I'm concerned that we'll spend far too much time figuratively at each other's throats from now on as a result of these verdicts.
In closing, I intended to be much more frank in these posts. For years I've been warning about the highly partisan & corrupt environment that has overtaken every level of government, down from the local level up to largest federal agencies. Yet most of our representatives failed to do a single thing to address this. Instead, many weak Republicans have been handing over even more powers to the so-callled deep state (the re-authorization of the FISA powers is just one example). And it's concerning how so many of America's law enforcement agencies seem intent on circumventing the Constitution (including the 4th Amendment) in their endeavors: Agencies sidestep the need for warrants by obtaining information from data brokers, police are enthralled with installing networks of live feed video cameras across neighborhoods, which is another form of warrantless surveillance, and some in the military & DNI don't even feel the need to obtain a warrant for their surveillance activities against America's populace. There are people in government who violate the Constitution on a daily basis, and there should be severe legal, criminal, and career penalties for that. If the framework of the Constitution isn't what government workers are adhering to, then what does serve as the foundation for their actions? The answer can verge on something frightening in a democracy.
And yet there is a glimmer of hope. I just heard that Congressman Jim Jordan intends to present an appropriations bill that would severely limit the prosecutorial abuses we've seen in the past several months (these "lawfare" political tactics, as some call it). I was about to recommend even stricter penalties, but I'll hold my tongue for now. Maybe tying judicial & prosecutorial behavior to the financial aspect can be a good place to begin. Of course, there's always the chance that his appropriations bill doesn't pass, and then we're back to square one. And I'll likely be back here again to comment.
I appreciate those who have patiently waited me to finish this extremely long post today. Again, it was hastily written and there are likely a few spelling and grammatical errors, but it is what it is. I realize some of you may think I want a job from Trump or something, but I don't.
(...Hello again surveillance plane flying overhead, LOL!...) There are issues involved in these verdicts that can potentially affect everyone and can further deteriorate our democracy. Whether an individual is a Democrat or a Republican, they deserve the utmost fairness from America's legal system.
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ace-mob-boss · 3 years ago
Bruh America is so fucking broken, like the health care system is so horrible because there are people who are uneducated, over worked and most are paid way less than deserved. And not only are most staff in the health care system not paid enough but then, products like essential medicine are more then 12 times the average amount in the rest of the world. America has the highest cost for insulin in the world for 1 vial being 98 dollars where in other places it only cost at MOST 12 dollars. And then there's the over all over charging of hospital visits that would have people rather straight up end up dead then have to pay an ambulance fee, which by the way barely even goes to the driver, and end up in life Long debt.
There's so much more wrong with the health care system but don't even get me started on this countries damn politics. Our presidents literally don't do shit but wage war and start problems. "Oh but Barack Obama" Barack Obama did shit sure but he still wasn't the best y'all just like him cus he was the first black president. I'm not bashing him but he ain't do anything so long time benefits. There is a CONSTANT power struggle in this country at all times between Republicans and Democrats when in all actuality, half the time both sides are wrong. Democrats are just more reasonable, doesn't make them right. U.S. history should teach people how to act better so as to not repeat history yet we repeat the cycle over and over and simply destroy the country from the inside. The thing about 4 term presidency or presidency in the first place is that 4 years isn't enough to do anything and once someone bad is in power such as Trump it takes the next president there entire term to fix it. The political system is entirely to corrupt and even then, there are plenty of people in the judicial system such as lawyers who are underpaid.
Also, America's over all debt problem is insane due to it all being either student debt, hospital debt or bank loans. People shouldn't have to pay to earn an education to help people around them and create art and Express themselves and over all Learn and then be put into student debt that takes DECADES to pay off, scholarship or not. Like it's just insane.
Then there's the other problem with how many people are in poverty and homeless simply because you won't tax billionaires. And even then the banking system is fundamentally set up to be more expensive for poor people. Did you know, that if you have a bad credit score you have to pay more and faster for different things such as cars. And are trusted less. Jobs pay so little sometimes that people can barely survive. Did you know that America is the only place without paid maternity leave, the pure lack of free time in this day and age is even worse then anything we've seen in history.
This country works people till they burn out and die without even giving out livable wage until they are begged and sued. Billionaires/millionaires are allowed to constantly gain money they don't need to use as people starve on the streets and then treat other people as if they're stupid.
Society is also set up for minorities such as disabled people to fail or people with mental illness, deadlines and the abundance of restrictions is bad for minorities and most people in general. Laws are in place that over all disregard most disabled people's rights or people on the autism spectrum. Which is insane.
And then there's the problem with firearms, unsafe products and drugs. The drug problem can't be fixed unless the country is fixed, drugs are relied on because of how bad life is. People don't choose drugs over a happy life, they have a relatively shitty life and find something to make it not hurt as bad, this is scientifically proven multiple times. Plenty of companies put in as many harmful chemicals and ingredients into consumer products that damage everyone without care because of a want for money. Firearms shouldn't be so easy to obtain for teens to get them or racists to shoot whoever they dislike and kill innocents.
Then there are people jailed for things that they don't deserve out of pure discrimination that doesn't come to light for decades and when it does no one does anything even when the public recognizes how horribly discriminatory it was.
There's also another problem with the world in which once the moment you turn 18 and graduate high school in which you've been regulated and monitored and been made to adapt to a specific environment you are then instantaneously supposed to make huge life changing systems and wanting to simply relax can make you lag behind so easily is insane. There's overall a problem in education with homework in some places because of the stress it puts on many. Grades don't determine someone's worth or knowledge yet it can decide your entire life. You can be bad at difficult math such as calculus and physics but since you were in the class and failed you most likely won't get into a college you like.
Then There's the fact that throughout history we repeatedly don't follow other countries and then ruin our country as we are now, school should not have been opened so quickly, America reopened repeatedly until it got bad again.
Inconsequencly, there are plenty of easy enough solutions to climate change and pollution such as mainly suing electric cars, using energy generated by natural source such as hydraulics, pneumatic energy or even solar panels which are good for the economy. Plastic bottles and recycling can help plenty of people simply actually recycled.
There's also the problem with sexism motivating a lot of problems like the abortion laws or some school dress codes. The abortion laws cause people who shouldn't have children be forced to have children and that's how things like serial killers are created. People who don't want children or can't afford them or even were a rape victim might out the child in foster care, up for adoption, put them through abuse or child neglect all negatively effecting children's growing patterns, mental state and emotional growth.
Overall this country needs a revolution of some sort and the old generation to learn new ways or die out but also for this newer generation to be better educated.
There is to much ignorance in the current generation such as with how some of the believe it's funny to be homophobic or racist when it's obviously offensive, or toxic masculinity causing plenty of problems for men and women and how people online tend to post about what could possibly even trigger them for the world and oftentimes ruin their reputation easily with one post.
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