#and like. believe me. if you wanted to hear my issues with israel's policy we'd be here all day
gothicprep · 11 months
"criticisms of israel are antisemitic" is almost always a defensive derailment of practical policy discussions or criticism of how bibi and his new friends want what's worst for everyone. that said, since the israel-gaza war broke out, i've been seeing a lot of commentary that does legitimately seem antisemitic and it's knotted my stomach a bit.
i wish i could find the tweet again that i'd saw a few days ago, but the initial one was, "pay attention to media bias during this conflict!" with an attached screenshot that said "x number israelis killed, x number gazan palestinians dead". and i see this and i think, fair, fair to pay attention.
he replies to his own tweet with "here's a substack thing i wrote about how israel and hollywood work together to spread pro-israel propaganda" with this very ~graphic design is my passion~ ass art that's the hollywood sign and the israel flag.
look, i watch a lot of movies. some may call it a hobby. but i can't remember the last time i saw a new release that so much as mentioned israel. i know all nations propagandize but this felt really... off.
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