#and like… new years in general. 2025 pls be good to me
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bberetd · 8 days ago
what do you mean I turn 21 next Saturday 😮‍💨
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Zoos have an important role to play in the preservation of wild life and natural habitat and also in conservation and education. They are established to create awareness in regard to animals, wildlife and biodiversity as they make use of vast amount of land to either protect animals or reconnect humans to nature. Factors like greed, industrialization, pollution and loss of habitat are some of the major reasons why zoos are being established as a means of educating the general public about protecting, conserving and aiding animals in their natural environment.Animals can be kept in zoos to either protect them from poaching or extinction. Animals are kept in zoos for better understanding and research purposes but at the same time its best to leave them in their natural habitat. Zoos are make a lot of money from tourism which in turn produces revenue to keep up with the many activities they undertake. Zoos serve as a means of educating the public on the various environmental problems we face in our world today.
 I think keeping animals in zoos is a good thing as long as they are taken care of properly and protected from predators and the danger of extinction. If animals were in the wild they would be at a higher risk of extinction. The most important thing for me is that the zoos replicate their natural habitat as much as possible. Very large animals should not be in zoos where their natural habitat cannot be replicated and its natural behaviour cannot be expressed. I think smaller animals such as monkeys can be kept in zoos because it is easier to take care of them and they can interact with the environment even with little space. The type of zoo should fit the category of animal. Animals facing extinction should be kept in zoos with limited access to the public to ensure they reach a sustainable population. Attached is a video that explains why need zoos.
Video Source: TedxTalks. Guest speaker: Gabriela Mastromonaco. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGBzwnTW-O4&frags=pl%2Cwn
I  enjoy visiting the zoo occasionally during summer as it helps me gain a deeper connection to nature and just admire the beauty and uniqueness of nature. Also, I get to see and discover more species of animals which is very fun for me and informative.It’s also cool to hang out with animals
What I like about my food system is that some food items i consume are organic. I try to reduce my consumption of canned foods. My food system is especially good because I help to support local farmers by buying fruits and vegetables directly from them and not from the grocery store. I also make sure i compost my organic waste. Examples of the food items I purchase regularly include:                    -Organic vegetables                                                                                               
    -  Rice                                                                                                                    
    - Pasta                                                                                                                    
   -  Pineapples                                                                                                         
    - Tomatoes
There aren’t a lot of things i dislike in my food system. Although i wish organic food could be more affordable and had a longer shelf life. I also have to deal with the fact that organic foods are not readily available.
My primary concerns about the oceans is the threat too marine life as a result of of human activities/actions. Specifically plastic pollution in our oceans
Plastic wraps our food, our houses, and our technology. It is a remarkable substance that has contributed to advances in healthcare and helped raise millions pf people out of poverty. But, disposable consumer goods end up – often after a single, fleeting use – in land-fills, littering our landscapes, and polluting our Ocean. 80% of marine plastic pollution originates from land-based sources.
Global plastics consumption is predicted to grow dramatically, to reach 400 million tonnes a year by 2025.
If the rate at which plastic debris enters the Ocean goes unchecked, it is possible that the Ocean could contain 1 kg of plastic for every 3 kg of fish by 2025, and more plastic than fish by 2050.
Micro-plastics coming from synthetic fabrics washed in washing machines is the most common form of micro-plastic in the ocean.
Plastic material does not biodegrade: Over time, plastic material does not bio-degrade, but breaks down into tiny particles known as micro plastics, which can be eaten by small marine animals and enter the food chain. Tiny particles of plastic even build up in fish brains, altering their behaviour.
Plastic waste contains toxic chemicals: Plastic debris often contains chemicals added during manufacture that can absorb and concentrate contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (e.g. poly-chlorinated biphenyls or PCBs).
Pollution is very difficult to deal with: Plastic pollution is extremely difficult to remove from the environment or trace back to its source.
Health impacts on humans: A growing body of scientific research and evidence suggests that these harmful substances can transfer into the tissue of aquatic species – such as fish – that are consumed by humans    .
More effort is needed by governments to take leadership on environmental policy to cooperate and tackle this global scourge. Action is needed now, not ten years from now.
We must transition away from a linear (make, use, dispose) economy towards a circular economy where resources, such as plastics, are used, recovered and reused over and over again, instead of heading directly to the landfill or the Ocean.
We all also need to take personal responsibility and significantly limit our use of plastic. For example, we can carry a reusable water bottle or coffee cup, bring our own cloth bag or other reusable bag when shopping, buy second-hand products, dramatically cut down our consumption of single-use plastic such as food contained in plastic packaging or plastic straws in our take-away drinks, and make sure we recycle whenever possible.
All Governments should incorporate education about plastics, waste management and recycling into their school curriculum. This is a helpful strategy and public education efforts should be amplified. But they also need to go further, faster to encourage businesses to change and to also adopt procurement policies that reduce their plastic footprint.
Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CK_inDmuoU
 I will try to reduce the amount of plastic I use and encourage people to use less plastic. I will also look into better alternatives. I will sign multiple petitions advocating the ban of single-use straws. 
Our Team. MARINE PLASTIC POLLUTION – Ocean Unite. Ocean Unite https://www.oceanunite.org/issues/marine-plastic-pollution/
VATSALA SINGHANIA. 10 Pros And Cons Of Eating Organic Foods. STYLECRAZE. https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/pros-and-cons-of-eating-organic-foods/#gref
Definition of time poverty | New Word Suggestion | Collins Dictionary. Collinsdictionary.com https://www.collinsdictionary.com/submission/17594/time+poverty
8 Reasons that Zoos are Critically Important for Conservation – Dr. James Borrell. Dr. James Borrell. http://www.jamesborrell.com/8-reasons-that-zoos-are-critically-important-for-conservation/
The Role of Zoos in Endangered Species Conservation. ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/zoos-and-endangered-species-conservation-1182068
Why We Need Zoos | Gabriela Mastromonaco | TEDxToronto. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGBzwnTW-O4&frags=pl%2Cwn
A sea of plastic: Shocking images show how bottles, bags and rubbish are choking our oceans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CK_inDmuoU  
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