#and like the youtuber said that was an asshole move but with enough humour that it wasn't all that serious
cigaretteparfum · 1 year
some people just never experienced living in a community and it shows. 😭😭
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sweet-satisfactionn · 6 years
Hello everyone! As I am not (yet) a YouTuber, this post will serve as my recap. Last year I made a post on the con itself and how it made me feel being there as a first time attendee (x). But this year I am going to focus on the people I met or I was lucky enough to see again this year, because that is what ClexaCon was and still is to me, it’s all about the community. #WeAreClexaCon.
ClexaCon has grown exponentially since last year and, therefore, the kru has grown with it. I love and appreciate everyone I met up with during my short stay, so I wanna give everyone their own thank you. Sorry if I forget anyone, I’m trying really hard not to and sorry for typos, this is a stream of consciousness thank you letter. 
Elke: Obviously I have to begin with my sister and frequent con buddy @damnlexa. My platonic soulmate. There’s nothing I could say here that I haven’t already said to her 100 (triggered) times over, but I’ll give it a shot. Any con, any event, any experience can only be improved by having Elke by your side. Not only is she incredibly smart, talented, funny and weird as fuck, but she has the most niche and hilarious kind of humour I have ever seen in a person. Honestly she’s so weird you guys. Sometimes being in a room full of strangers (potential friends) can be terrifying, especially to a nervous asshole like me. Just having her in the same room as you even if she’s not close by can be incredibly comforting, because I know that if I’m ever in trouble in a conversation, all I need to do is look at her and she’ll be right there with me. Knowing that she’s there really opened me up to talk to more people this year than I felt comfortable with last year. Without her I wouldn’t have made half of the friends I made at ClexaCon and I bet she doesn’t even realise that, so thank you Elke. Now I have to move on because people will get jealous!
Sofia Rojas: The only negative thing I can say about Sofia @shes-special is that I didn’t spend see her more. One of the only people that can make me burst into laughter just by looking at her. Has a smirk that drives the ladies crazy. It’s a good one you guys. A very honest and kind hearted Canadian, which means that (I think) it’s quite easy to see what she’s thinking. This led to many moments during the convention where you couldn’t keep your face to yourself Sofia, which I have forgiven you for because it caused the bursting into laugher moments that were stated above. Master of the accidental deadpan humour “is that what you’re wearing?” which still cracks me up. Also only ally I had in the d*ke jokes, which is very appreciated! You didn’t leave me out in the cold (like a certain small, cardigan losing, Australian). I now have a shot glass collection because of you and I’ll think about you every time I use them (such a kind gift, ty shrimp! <3). Again, wish I could have seen her more, but CLEXACON 2019!?
Rin: My mother hen who I have said way too many nice things about these past few days, so what more can I say? You can never be sad when you’re in a room with Rin, you can try but it doesn’t work. Even the most emo of lesbians will smile when talking to her, she’s a ray of sunshine and no one can ever tell me otherwise. She’s remarkably talented in everything I’ve seen her do and she’s fiercely passionate about all the things she loves *cough* Faberry. It’s easy to feel ashamed when talking about the things you love, especially if it’s fandom related but that insecurity disappears when talking to her. Her resolve is strong, even when I ramble on about my questionable fandom choices (still love you Marley). There’s no one I’d have rather travelled the world with. Ed Sheeran, The Greatest Showman and now even Camila will always be associated with her. Sometimes it’s a good idea to not limit your friendship groups based on age and distance because you’ll find gems like matchbox_sized along the way. 
Ylva: Oh Wolverine, the new one of the group. A tall string bean I didn’t meet last year who has now stormed into my life. What would suite parties be without you to sing Eurovision songs with and belittle the Americans and Australians (boring; they’d be boring). Your blunt unwillingness to follow the rules of Kings/Ring of Fire is a memory to cherish. It’s rare to click so quickly with someone and so I am grateful for the times when things got hectic and I got separated from people and then miraculously found you. Sarcastic comments and deadpan humour always sound surprising coming from you which makes it even funnier. Best ClexaCon banter buddy. The con had it’s ups and downs but all of our chill sessions were definitely highlights, so thank you, SKAL. Swedish representation is important everyone. (ps. gonna start the Vikings just for you) (p.p.s. let’s put money on Israel to win Eurovision)
Emily-Anne: A YouTuber that, for me, was exactly the same online as she was in real life. The wit, compassion and well articulated thoughts are not a YouTube gimmick friends, it’s real. Again, only downside was that I didn’t get to see her more. In 2018 you need all the DCOM fans you can get, even if she didn’t know that Year 3000 isn’t a Jonas Brothers song, that can be forgiven! It’s important to have people in your life that will pity laugh at your jokes and for that Emily-Anne is a champ. Easy to forget this was her first year attending because she merged into the kru effortlessly. See you next year? We need all the bisexuals we can get, it ups our diversity quota.
Mollie: Oh Mollie, @molliemashstash MY AUSTRALIAN CARE FREE D*KE QUEEN. Can we say that word? EH, I just did. What would ClexaCon be without you annoying everyone and sticking a camera in people’s faces <3 Absolutely nothing. Your artistic abilities blow me away, it’s weird that so much talent can come from such a noob (jkjk). When everything gets too serious, it’s good to know that you're there to yell GOV and force things back to normal. I’m also very glad to see you sobbing into noodles, that memory will never leave me and I am very grateful for that. AUSTRALIAN ROAD TRIP CIRCA 2018? We’re bonded for life now so that’s definitely happening. #Machel #Rollie
Bri: BRIBRIBRIBRI!!!! An unexpected favourite of mine, unexpected in that I didn’t know you very well going into ClexaCon and now you’re one of favourite people. As soon as I got in your car (don’t get into cars with strangers everyone lol) I knew that we were going to get on and the fact that I immediately felt comfortable with you was v nice and v rare! It may have been due to how tired and delusional I was at this point but meh, I still <3 you. I am glad we got that last day together because we kept on missing each other at the con, everything was so hectic :’( I could easily spend an eternity arguing over culture differences with you and staring at you confused when you explain what mugging is and the horrors of America. Hopefully you <3 me back, because if not this is awkward. BYE.
Toni: I am constantly in awe of Toni’s passion and talent. Her writing ability is incredible, her podcasts blow me away. She is so articulate, which is a very hard to come by trait these days, and thinks carefully over her words. This makes her podcasts extremely interesting, which is further proven through her moderation of the Youtube 2.0 panel. Questions were carefully chosen, everyone had a chance to speak, a respectful tone was kept throughout with some well added, kind hearted banter, and I think a lot of that efficiency is thanks to Toni! Honestly check out her podcast, you’ll love her (x). (it’s on soundcloud and itunes) I can’t wait to spend more time with you at the Ultimates and when Uni is over we can make more plans okay friend! <3
Adrienne: Oh Adrienne. What a joy she is. Our humour clashes 8 times out of 10 but that’s what’s so great about ClexaCon, getting to get to know a wide range of people who are all different but all share the same one interest (QUEER LADIES). Your excitement is palpable and talking to you gets me to loosen up and be more carefree and spontaneous. You took this little introvert under your wing and even though your vet stories gross me out sometimes (okay all the time I’m sorry) I still love you and ClexaCon would never be the same without you. Also you hiccuping when... intoxicated, cracks me up every time I remember it. & your song was fckin incredible dude, no joke, record that shit!
Courtney: I’m so glad I got to talk to you more this year because omg you are a delight Courtney. The human personification of Hawaii. Chill, laid back, the calm amongst the storm. You made that last day fun instead of sad so thank you! Sense of humour on point and you didn’t take anyone’s shit, not even mine so good on you but also hey, pls love me. Also gives great food and sweet recommendations, even though I didn’t understand most of what was being given to me, I still bought it and trusted you. We have trust now Court, don’t ruin it. Also, is from Hawaii in case I haven’t mentioned that enough, don’t worry she’ll mention it for you. Hawaii is where she’s from btw. Did I talk about Hawaii yet?
Marcie: Wish I could have seen her more as well! After the ClexaCon weekend she earned 1 more subscriber, so, you’re welcome. Marcie has a very calming presence and I loved every conversation and experience I had with her; people often tell me that I’m judgemental (I’m working on it ok!) so that’s actually a big compliment. I was blown away by her intelligence and perspective. Very glad you got to be on the panel and I hope we meet again (*cry*) so we can talk more. 
Hannah: Volunteer Hannah! The lovely volunteer who went above and beyond for Elke and I last year and who we owe a great debt to. I only got to spend a few minutes at a time with you because you were off doing important volunteer things, but I am grateful for all the brief encounters I was graced with. Come to ClexaCon UK and we can spend all day, every day together! (bet you’re regretting ever coming up and saying hi to me now) <3 The world needs more people like Hannah and conventions need more volunteers like her who are going in for all the right reasons and not just to take selfies with Rachel Skarsten ;)
Lisa: MY FAVOURITE COMIC STRIP WRITER. Has one of my all time favourite twitter accounts that everyone needs in their life (hint: it involves lesbians and ants!) (x). We had some great moments didn’t we Lisa, like that time you tweeted a picture of your location and I realised it was exactly where I was standing; such a good meet-cute. I loved that we could have a really intense conversation 30 seconds before Chyler Leigh was about to come on stage and like, bit rude, Chyler can’t you see we’re trying to get to know each other here. I’m glad to have met you and I feel smarter for knowing you. 
Ella: Another person I literally hardly saw! Which is extremely frustrating but ahh why are cons so hectic?! An extremely lovely and compassionate person who I am lucky to have met and will continue to go on adventures with. See you in Liverpool/Manchester! I can’t wait. Drinks on me <3
Amelia & Kenzi: You guys are a package deal so you have to share a bullet point I’m sorry. Thank you for putting up with me trying to explain the rules of netball for a solid 3 hours (& thank you Amelia for understanding me). You 2 are adorable and were the best dinner table company a girl could ask for. You’re also really great at maths! & then trying to explain your working out to confused Europeans like me and Ylva who just wanted to pay for our meal using our weird fake dollars. You made that dinner very carefree and fun. CLEXACON 2019????
Also s/o to Pipes (x), Alex (x), Maddie (x) who I loved getting to meet and want to see more so I can give them the shoutout they deserve! I will continue to admire their respective works from afar.
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