#and like lesbians in all kinds of relationships can get pregnant like often on purpose
tzimtzum · 2 days
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the comments on the original post were almost exclusively just "my gf is trans" which was INTERESTING to me how all these people were assuming that is obviously synonymous with "i am having PiV sex which could result in pregnancy" (without even specifying any information about themselves, because trans lesbians are obv always the object never the subject of every conversation about lesbianism, by speaking this is already clear) which is surely at least as bioessentialist an assumption as the original tweet. what are we even doing here
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tressasinterlude · 3 years
𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓 #𝟑: Female Public Figures Dating Men with Questionable Views That Contradict Their Image & Alleged Politics
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥: These rant blog posts are really just reflective of my thoughts at the time that I make them and are posted here because I need an outlet to release all of this shit I have going on my busy ass mind. That’s it and that’s all. Now let’s get into it..
This rant was greatly inspired by none other than Ms. Robyn Rihanna “Tell Your Faves To Pull Up [in regards to social injustices directly affecting black people]” Fenty and her openly colorist boyfriend, A$AP Rocky. Aside from the fact that Rihanna tends to slip under the radar and is never held accountable for her problematic ways due to her conventional beauty (i.e. Her heavy usage of anti-Asian slurs, particularly targeted towards Chris Brown’s ex gf, Karrueche), it’s very alarming that a woman who has an entire makeup brand with a campaign based around the inclusivity of ALL black women is publicly flaunting a beau who once said that DSBW do not look good with red lipstick.
And yes, I’m very much aware that Rakim said this tasteless comment over 8 years ago but from the looks of it, not much has really changed with him. Don’t @ me about it neither because I don’t care.
Also peep how he compares a hypothetical darkskinned woman to a man (Wesley Snipes) while trying to explain how his antiblackness isn’t wrong because he said something about white women as well. Gaslighting at its finest. Don’t you just love it! 😀
Furthermore, you would think that somebody of Rihanna’s level of stature would know not to associate themselves with someone as messy as A$AP Rocky but... Stupid is what stupid does, I guess! I can’t even begin to place the blame on him anymore because he’s revealed his true colors and we all have made the deliberate choice to either accept it or don’t and have discontinued all support for him. Unfortunately, misogynoir is never the dealbreaker for most people and the hatred for [dark-skinned] black women is so engrained in society that it’s frowned upon when we publicly speak out against it. Very ass backwards if you ask me but that’s society for you. Now, enough about that. Let’s focus back on Ms. Vita La Coco.
As a woman who claims to be a girl’s girl and is always presenting herself to be someone who is the epitome of a pro-black feminist bad ass, it just makes her alleged activism come off so disingenuous when she’s also laying down with the same man that actively attacks the demographic she’s supposed to be standing in solidarity with. It’s “Black Lives Matter” on the IG posts but your vagina is getting moist for a man who openly stated he doesn’t relate to what goes on in Ferguson because he lives in Soho & Beverly Hills. Ferguson being the exact place where a 17-year-old black boy’s lifeless corpse laid on the hot concrete for FOUR hours after he was murdered by a police officer. He couldn’t 'relate' to the fate of so many black men, women, and children who are murdered or seriously injured from state-sanctioned violence because they’re poor and he is not or so he thought.
But then again, what can I really expect from a woman who identified as being “biracial” until as recent as roughly 6 years ago? What can I really expect from a woman who called Rachel Dolezal a ‘hero’ for cosplaying as a black woman? I’d be lying if I said my expectations for her were high in this regard because sis has always shown us she was lacking in this department. And just for the record, this is not a personal attack on Rihanna at all for the die-hard Navy stans in the back. I admire her latest fashions and bop my head to her music just like the next person but she’s getting the side-eye from me on this one.
Trust and believe me though, she’s not the only woman who I can call out for being a hypocrite. Of course not! This stone can be cast at a few others. So without further ado, why don’t we bring Ms. Kehlani Parrish to the front of the congregation? Prior to Kehlani’s recent declaration of identifying as a lesbian, her last public relationship with a man was with YG. Yes, the same YG who felt it was necessary to say him & Nipsey had ‘pretty light-skinned’ daughters to raise in the middle of his deceased friend’s memorial. By the way, Nipsey’s daughter is not even light (or at least not in my book anyways.) She’s a very deep caramel tone just like her father which makes what he said even more moronic. Yes, the same YG who thought it was clever idea to use slavery as an aesthetic for a music video to a diss track about 6ix9ine. And yes, also the same YG who has derogatory lyrics targeted at bisexual women. Just to end up sweating the red carpets with one. I swear the jokes just continue to write themselves.
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This raises the question once more; How high of a pedestal can I really put a multiracial woman who has a song titled ‘N*ggas’ and when received backlash for the song in question, she used the ultimate ‘I’m mixed’ copout while not having a visibly black parent in sight?
It’s also kind of suspicious to me that many were not privy to Kehlani’s secret romance with Victoria Monét (pictured bottom right) until Victoria did an interview with Gay Times revealing she fell in love with a girl but they subsequently broke up because Victoria had a boyfriend and that girl was pregnant in a polyamorous relationship. Fans began to speculate because both Victoria & Kehlani previously candidly spoke about their sexual orientations, Kehlani had just had Adeya and they both were seemingly close. Their short-lived fling would later be confirmed when Victoria released the song ‘Touch Me’ on her last project and Kehlani hopped on the remix. Meanwhile, Kehlani’s relationship with Shaina (pictured bottom left) was very overt and all over her Instagram feed from my recollection. And as you can see, Shaina looks absolutely nothing like Victoria. They look like the complete opposite of eachother in every aspect which is kind of alarming(?) to say the least because why is it that the women she proudly claims as her partners tend to have a very racially ambiguous look such as herself but her ‘sneaky links’ on the other hand are undoubtedly black women? Again, it could just be me jumping conclusions. You know, I’m kinda good for that however something tells me I’m not. Y’all be the judge of the material though.
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Last but not least, I’d like to touch on Ms. Raven Tracy very briefly. I was very weary about even including in this segment and if I should just put her in a entirely separate blog post with other women who openly date abusers despite their checkered past (alongside Nicki Minaj & her r*pist murderer of a husband, India Love & Sheck Wes etc.) being this particular blog post was based around the theme of lightskinned/mixed women dating men with extremely problematic views about DSBW. Raven obviously isn’t lightskinned or mixed however I refused to ignore how contradictory her [former] relationship with an alleged (I used this word very loosely and mainly for legality purposes.) serial r*pist while promoting a brand that is all about feminism & body positivity. This also traces back to A$AP Rocky by default being that Ian Connor is his very close friend and he came to Connor’s defense when several women came forward detailing accounts of Connor allegedly s*xually assaulting them. (I wish I could place the actual video of what A$AP Rocky said verbatim but Tumblr only allows one video per blog post. 🙄)
Back in June of this year, Ian & Raven had a back & forth on Twitter after Ian tweeted about Raven “fucking everybody” behind his back. I can only assume that he was alluding to Tori Brixx posting a video of her ex, Rich the Kid & Raven kissing on her story. Disgusted is not even the word to describe my feeling when she admitted she stuck by Ian despite of his many allegations of s*xual abuse because she loved him and her being a empath causes her to want to help everybody. Imagine aiding and abetting a predator and even paying for his bail & legal fees just to turn around and expect sympathy because this same individual cheated on you and exploited you all over Twitter for the public to see. The same man that you would get back with not even a WEEK after the fact & turn off your IG comments because it isn’t our “business” after making it our business...
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That being said, I just genuinely want to know: Why do these women completely go against what they stand for in regards to these men? Maybe it was never genuine from jump street and if that’s the case, why jump on the bandwagon of performative activism? Is it because it’s profitable right now? Is it because disrespecting black women is not an immediate death sentence to your careers and more often than not actually helps you advance even further? I guess that’s the billion dollar question that’ll never truly be answered. I just want the world to stop using black women as their stepping stool to get to where they need to go and then discarding of us when we’re no longer beneficial. Support us all the way or don’t support us at all. We deal with enough disrespect as is so we’d appreciate if y’all would stop straddling the fence and partake in your misogynoir out loud if that’s what you choose to do. We have no use for fake allyship and quite frankly, it’s doing more harm for us than good. Please and thank you!
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werelesbian · 4 years
Lesbian has been a word that has been negatively used since I was a child. When I was a little kid I was told “You can’t be gay or marry outside of your own race” by my father. I must’ve bottled that up for years. I’ve always looked at girls since I was a kid. I remember one of my earliest memories being from when I was about 7 and thinking a lady with a green shirt was really pretty. I also always remember staring at boobs and butts, A LOT. I always had an interest in girls, I just didn’t realize it.
When sexuality became to become known, one of my friends came out as bisexual and I flipped out. Being gay was always seen as bad to my family and thus I had to follow it. When “I Kissed a Girl”, “She Keeps Me Warm” and “Same Love” were on the radio, I became very anxious and changed the pronouns to prove I wasn’t gay. I couldn’t be gay right? Even though I have looked at girls before and I remember staring at my friend’s brother’s ceiling with a picture of a woman in a bikini.and being mesmerized by it.
As I got older, the concept of being gay became normalized to me. I came out as pansexual because that’s what I thought I was at the time. I maybe had one “crush” on a boy, but more numerous ones on girls. My friend, a camp counselor, and my mom’s friend’s daughter.
High school finally rolled around and I went through my first stage of questioning. I cycled through labels until I came to bisexual. That’s what I believed to be best. Then the crushes on girls flooded in. The first crush I recognized I had on a girl was my friend’s ex girlfriend. I wanted her! But when my friend asked her out I was crushed. “Oh well I thought, I’ll have to live with it”. I tried to third wheel in their relationship, probably due to lingering feelings. Then I developed a crush on another girl, a good friend of mine. I asked her out to TOLO, but she said no and I cried. Straight girls cry when they get rejected by girls right? I almost asked a guy friend of mine as a rebound but then decided against it.
Later on since both of my friends were dating, I decided that I should to. I chose a guy who I thought was ‘cute’ and we went out a few times. He even asked me to homecoming the next year where he kissed me. I felt nothing by it and very awkward. Him and I went out again a few more times but I didn’t really feel much for him. I liked the kissing somewhat but that was about it. I think I was more excited by feeling rebellious. My friends pushed the label of ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ onto us, but it was awkward. But I still went along with it.
At the beginning of sophmore year, I had to attend eating disorder treatment and I was drawn to another girl there. She was so cool and I wanted to be close to her and spend time with her. Too bad nothing ever came of it. That same year however, I also developed a crush on another girl in my French class. When she walked in, it was like time slowed down, I was SO attracted to her. We even sat next to each other in class and boy, did she make me nervous. I felt things that were different than even being with that guy I was with. Even seeing her years later, my eyes still were drawn to her like a damn magnet. She was gorgeous.
In junior year, my friends began to have sex and lose their virginities. I felt left behind and wanted to fit in. There was always a craving for it, especially since I always felt ‘different’ and left out, even since I was a kid. I was bullied too and with a sweet blend of my low self esteem and depression, I followed trends. This was just another one of them. I made a ‘pact’ with myself that year to get a boyfriend for the sole purpose to lose my virginity and I did. I also developed a weird obsession with two guys that year. I dressed up and daydreamed scenarios in my head of them liking me. I wanted them to want me, but I’m not sure if I wanted them. But I also did end up achieving my goal that year. I got the boyfriend and lost my virginity. I did what I had to do. Even though it was awkward and I felt numb after it. It resulted in me having 2 months of extreme anxiety due to a fear of being pregnant.
In the relationship, I didn’t feel much, or not at all for the guy. I leaned on him for support due to my dysfunctional family. It was an escape. I eventually broke it off with him and got over the relationship within a week. This started a cycle of waiting for the next boyfriend to come around. The next one eventually did. He was nice and cared for me. He pursued me first and I went with it. I’m glad I didn’t have to have sex with him. It was the easiest relationship I was in because we were more like friends and less like lovers. Then we broke up and I got over him within a week. Rinse and repeat.
The last boyfriend I dated for nine months and I believed at one point I loved him. He cared for me and had a nice family I could escape to, when mine was falling apart at the seams. I craved the ‘nuclear family’ unit since I never had in the start. I felt accepted and safe there when I didn’t want to go home to mine. His companionship was nice and all, but I know deep down I didn’t care for him the way he cared for me. He loved me, but I didn’t love him. He wanted to escalate the relationship to the next level and an alarm bell went off in my head. It was a major “NO” to be but I tried to ignore it and said “maybe” to him. I often went along for the ride and never followed what I wanted. We eventually broke up after we were drifting apart. I began to crave sex less and began to hate doing anything with his penis. I tried my best to avoid having penetration and was relieved when we didn’t have to do it. I was so scared of getting pregnant, but deep down it may have been my body telling me that it wasn’t right. I was also relieved when I didn’t have to see him as much. I wanted to be away from him and felt relief when I broke up with him. It took me about a week to get over him.
The cycle almost began again when another guy pursued me but I wasn’t into it. He wanted to go out with me again and I panicked. I didn’t want to see him. All this time when I was dating boys, my sexuality was really repressed but it surfaced in cracks. I’d often create characters who were LGBT+ and the ones I was most obsessed with were often bisexual or lesbian. Most characters I created were never straight, but I turned them so because of my own internalized homophobia. I dealt with it a lot for two years and even showed discontentment with others who were openly queer. I think it was because I myself deep down knew I was like them but was afraid to be ‘different’ due to backlash. I had crafted and dressed myself in a way to be palatable to the opposite sex. I had this deep craving to ‘fit in’, so much so that I neglected my own sexuality and in a way a part of myself.
This year, I met another girl who I fell for. I began to crush hard on her and fell head over heels for her. She made me feel good about myself for once in my life. She was beautiful, kind, smart and had a wicked sense of humor. She was like a dream to me. She was my catalyst. I wanted to kiss her and hold her close. We fell asleep on the phone with each other every night and spend hours talking to each other. It was like two peas in a pod we clicked so well. I also craved her touch, her body, her skin against mine, what her lips felt like. I took notice of the little things in her from the curve of her jaw to the color of her eyes. I wrote her letters and picked flowers that I wanted her to see. I wanted to talk to her all the time.
Although our relationship was short, I will forever thank her for lighting the fire again of my sexuality. When I began talking to her, I began to take notice of girls so much more. My gaze averted from that I had learned to that of what I wanted. Pretty girls made me so nervous and I felt like my damn 14 year old self again. It was like being a kid in a candy store, I was so damn happy! I even bought pride merchandise for the first time in forever. I was okay with being gay. However, I should have never brought it up with any of my family. They said that they’d like me to end up with a boy, asked if I have talked to any boys yet, said I haven’t found the right guy, I’m just x sexuality, etc.
Now I’m scared once again and want to go back into the closet. I’m keeping this close to me. It’s my dirty little secret I guess. Questioning doesn’t help either. I doubt myself all the time and ‘test’ myself to see if I am attracted to men. I feel as if I have to ‘double-check’ to see if I am truly gay. It’s the damn doubt all over again. I also punish myself if I look at girls in a sexual way. Girls in the past thought I had touched them and I felt like a dirty pervert, hell my friend even thinks so. It’s hard for me to allow myself to like women again. I don’t want to be seen as a predator or trying to use them as an experiment. I just want a girl to love and give my all to. I want to be the best damn person I can be for my future girlfriend/wife and I’ll be damned if I can’t do that.
All of this questioning process is so confusing. Am I a lesbian? Am I bi? Maybe I’m just a straight girl in denial doing this because I’m lonely. Fuck who knows. I just know that after being with a woman, I sure as hell don’t want to go back. My attraction to men has regressed. Maybe I’m in a bi-cycle, or maybe it’s my lesbian awakening. Only time will tell. Most queer women I have talked to agree that I am a lesbian. When I call myself gay or lesbian. It makes me feel good, but I feel as if I have to resort to bisexual just in case “Mr. Right” comes along. But he probably never will. In fact, he probably never existed.
I’ve had elaborate fantasies about romance but I never saw a clear face of who the “man” was supposed to be. When I fantasize about sex, I was never there unless it was with another woman, never a man. Another woman always took that place and I’d view it from third person, like watching porn. Women light a fire in me that men do not. I’ve gotten turned on by their bodies and touch in a way that I haven’t with guys. Hell if I know why, but I do. Maybe I really am just gay and that’s okay. Maybe I am a lesbian after all. The word isn’t so “dirty” anymore.
Reading back over this reflection from how I feel about my sexuality back in august, it still really rings true to how I feel. I know I experienced attraction to men in the past, but now I feel more attracted to women more than anything. I hate how my brain tries to make me think that this will all be temporary and I will go back to a straight lifestyle eventually, but deep down I know this is what I want. Not going to lie, I don’t like talking about sexuality with anyone irl other than some of my own friends who also experienced the same thing. I tend to keep things under lock and key because I don’t want people to know about my bisexuality. I can’t change who I am yet I continue to try and disprove that I am attracted to women and try to prove that I am more attracted to men despite not really feeling that way anymore. My sexuality isn’t “fluid”, but my preferences have changed. I just wanna be with a woman possibly in the long run and if I never experience any attraction to a man again, nothing is lost for me. I tend not really to go out of my way to interact with men other than friendships just because it’s not something that I necessarily care for. I just gravitate towards spending time with other women and idk why. I know that’s not indicative of my sexuality or anything. Nothing is indicative of it other than who’ve I’ve been attracted to which is women and men. I hate being bisexual too if I’m going to be honest. There’s no basis for my attraction and experiences vary so wildly that I can’t always relate to anyone but go off what I feel.
Maybe some of the way I act is performative because I wanna escape the idea of being with a man. Maybe if I find the “perfect man”, I can learn to be with him and spend my life with him indefinitely. But that relationship with a man just seems so...unsatisfying. I just can’t do it. With women though, I think I can be with one in the long run. I have my own fears of actually not liking it or that I’m gonna react in a similar way to when I was with men in that something felt off all the time, but I’m unsure if that will happen. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to fall in love with a woman or want to spend my life with one. This all sounds very contradictory I know but this is me getting out my own thoughts. I honestly don’t think I want to be with men again. Does this make me a febfem? Maybe, but I also know that a woman just sounds right to me.
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gwynne-fics · 7 years
Silver Lining
chapter 54
“Have you even looked at what I packed for you? You might need help getting into your dress. Make sure you wear the lingerie.”
“Hello, to you, too,” Eun-Sang muttered as she sat down on the veranda overlooking a little private garden. She’d noticed that Young-Do liked to incorporate organic elements into his properties. She was certain, if he had enough time, he’d make something of their small backyard. She liked it. She could swing her feet back and forth. “You brought Ye-Sol to this hotel, right? Where did you go to dinner?”
“Going that poorly? I thought the rooms and cleanliness were amazing but there was no way I wanted to risk that restaurant after the look the desk manager gave me and Ye-Sol. Unless the staff changes, I’m not going back. I didn’t put it on my lesbian safe vacation sites either. Young-Do probably doesn’t care about that but--”
“No. I think, after this last week with Eun-Hee, he will care very much. Young-Do respects his security chief and he has a daughter with his partner. He is upset at the lack of service and the uncomfortable look I got when I called him my boyfriend.”
Rachel let out a low whistle. “Good test but did he hate it?”
Eun-Sang stopped swinging her feet. “How did you know?”
There was a little bit of silence. “I always thought the problem with the rumors surrounding his friendship with Hyo-Shin was that he couldn’t acknowledge it for what it was. Young-Do likes labels. He tried to get me to call him oppa when we were almost brother and sister. You know how well that went over.”
Eun-Sang kept waiting for that moment with Young-Do’s quirks became too much to deal with. Every time she thought she’d heard something that was just a step too far she...she just wanted to hug him. He took so much responsibility for himself that other times, she just wanted him to let her share the load.
Because she loved him.
“I might be a little jealous right now. You know him so well.”
“It was an intense six months. I’ll text you the restaurant we went to if you text me a picture of you in the lingerie. For educational purposes.”
“So you can let it slip to Ye-Sol and spin her up? You know I don’t like doing that. She keeps pulling my hair.” Rachel made a sound that told Eun-Sang she was pouting. “You need to be honest with your feelings. You need to stop torturing her. I know you think she likes it but--”
“We have a safe word and she uses it. Stop judging me.”
Eun-Sang sighed and backed off. “Do I get a safe word?”
“Is it because you’re married now? You never cared before. Not even when you dated Hyo-Shin.”
“He thought it was funny. Young-Do doesn’t.” She laid back on the veranda and looked up at the clouds. She pressed her lips together. “I’ve asked him not to cheat on me. That means I can’t do anything like that either. It would be easy for outsiders to spin our relationship in a way that would hurt him. I don’t want that.”
Rachel was quiet for nearly a minute. “Alright. Did the doctor say why you fell asleep like that?” When Eun-Sang didn’t answer right away, Rachel gasped. “You’re pregnant?”
“Yes.” She winced and rolled onto her side. The wood beneath her was surprisingly comfortable. “It’s too soon.”
“You should probably tell him.” Rachel knew her so well that she almost felt guilty for chiding her about the lingerie. “You want to be a mother and he is your husband. You said he did well with Eun-Hee.”
“He’s being more careful about the condoms,” she whispered. She was grateful both that Young-Do was inside talking to his assistant and that Rachel didn’t dismiss what she was afraid the condoms meant in the wake of Eun-Hee.
“Well, you can’t read his mind so why don’t you just ask?”
“You know why.”
“Absolutely.” She glanced at the sliding glass door and felt safe with it between her and Young-Do to confess the truth to Rachel. “You were right. I’m in love with him. I can’t admit it until he does and he can’t admit it at all.”
“He was in love with Lee Hyo-Shin. He’s going to love you back.” Rachel didn’t often sound gentle but Eun-Sang felt like she was beside her, ready to hug her or smack her for her insecurities.
“Hyo-Shin destroyed him with his love. I just want something simple. It doesn’t have to be the same. It shouldn’t be the same. I just want him to feel safe to love me. At least the sex is back to normal.” She flopped onto her back and stared at the awning this time. The sun was peeking through the clouds and trying to blind her.
“And now you’re pregnant. Are you going to keep it?”
She felt a little guilty that she even considered not having this baby but she had. “Yes. My insecurities aside, he isn’t the kind of man to freak out about this. He won’t get angry that I’m breaking our agreement. I just...I want him to be excited.”
Rachel gave a heavy sigh that she felt in the pit of her stomach. “Some men don’t get excited until they hold the baby, Eun-Sang. There is no way to predict that. I’m sorry.”
“Me, too.” She drew in a deep breath. “Can you give me the name of the restaurant without seeing the lingerie?”
“Only because you are a pathetic pregnant woman in love. It will be okay. I promise.”
Eun-Sang didn’t tell her that she couldn’t promise that. “I love you.”
“Because I’m the best. Good luck this weekend.” Rachel hung up and immediately texted her the name and a link to the restaurant’s website so she could look at it. It was on the river and they took reservations. She called and was able to get one pretty easily before she went inside. Young-Do was pacing and she worried a little while she watched him.
“Hyun-Shik, something is massively wrong. We need a new manager. See if you can find local talent we can train for all positions. A boost to the local economy means more people willing to travel and spend money here.” Young-Do paused and closed his eyes. “I don’t care who got him the job. If he is pocketing the extra money while claiming he has more employees than he does, then he is a thief and should lose his job.”
Eun-Sang winced. She sat down on the bed and tried to pretends she was interested in the features. There was an adjustable base, heating and cooling, and she was halfway through trying to figure out if there were massage capabilities when Young-Do hung up. He flopped onto the bed with a groan. She patted his back.
“I got us a reservation for our fancy dinner. The hotel is incredibly clean so the cleaning staff is killing it. We’ve looked at everything we can and our stuff is mostly unpacked. Let’s try out the bed.”
Young-Do rolled onto his back and a quick peek told her that he was still in the mood after she pounced on him a few hours ago. “I should’ve sent Hyun-Shik and his girlfriend to do this.”
“Hyun-Shik is an assistant, he is not the president of a company with a brand image to maintain. Who encouraged the hiring of this manager?”
“Vice President Kwan. He’s the last vestige of my father’s regime. He has put over twenty years into the company and his contract makes it incredibly hard to get rid of him. Manager Kwan is his son. I didn’t know until five minutes ago.”
Eun-Sang decided to cuddle into his side and drape her arm over his waist. He needed to be comforted and she wanted sexy cuddling. She was sure once they worked through this, she could get it. Young-Do took her hand and kissed her palm.
“It sounds worth the fight. You put a lot of care into this property so you could share that mountain you love. I recognize it from some of your pictures.” She intertwined their fingers and draped her leg over his. He gave a quiet grunt but pulled her closer. Eun-Sang decided they needed a drama to watch together so they could cuddle like this more often.
“I almost want to laugh. My board put a lot of pressure on me to get your software, citing this property as the perfect test. Yet, all I had to do is show up and I found the problem. Hyun-Shik and Vice President Kang are going through all the data we already have but if Manager Kwan is doctoring it...not even your software could prevent that.”
“Unless we lock it to our little subsidiary. That way only input is controlled by what the employees put in. Managers can’t change anything. They can make notes for the data analysts to consider.” She sat up and felt the fire of working on a new idea fill her up. Young-Do sat up as well, his eyes going wide.
“Let’s sketch this out. How much time do you need to get ready for dinner? We’ll work until then.”
“We keep putting off testing the bed,” she gave him her best pout and got tumbled onto her back with a very enthusiastic kiss. He lifted his head and raised his eyebrows with just a little bit of a tilt. Eun-Sang groaned because he knew her. Work would always trump sexy times and they both knew it. “You’re right. Work first, play later.”
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catastrothicc · 7 years
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when will i learn to write an intro post
hello friens my name is kit im 19 and i use them/they pronouns. i love the color GREEN as u can tell and im a cancer ..... i literally don’t kno who i am besides that so ! ey letz gO  .... oh yea my timezone is mdt .  bu ckle . ... .. . u p
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fiRST we have rocky whomst some of  u kNO bc he was That guy in paracosms anD created by the m ost crea tive  admins iv’e ever seEN i got blessedt 2 play him and to play him agAIN in literally the most mentally straining au for any character .... paracosms verse ! x 
i previously made an intro post for him here so i’m just gonna link it and walk away .. .. .... also his stats page still lives here !!! keeping in mind that he is no longer a drug ring leader ..... he recently discovered that his wHOLE LIFE is a LIE and that he’s a helpless robot stuck in hell with a bunch of other robots who want 2 murder him and every(robot)body he loves 
find his pinterest board here , someday a whole ass playlist too
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neXT we have minjae ... he’s my oldest character in this batch but that doesn’t mean i especially love him .... just means i’ve made him suffer the longest .... . . . tw: child abuse ( pinterest board , playlist 1 , playlist 2 )
minjae is in the main verse ! find him bullshitting through college and b-boying in the camden streets 
he’s twenty-one and a virgo , born in busan , south korea 
he found his way to london when his parents sent him away to study abroad highkey because that’s a big fancy thing in korea they can brag about and lowkey to get rid of him for as long as they can 
his relationship with his family is ..... interestingly strained . his parents WON’T admit that he’s tiring as hell to deal with and how much stress he causes because they try their best to be supporting/loving parents but honestly minjae KNOWS how much they just wISH he was fucking gONE from their lives ( okay maybe not THAT intense but things rlly blow up in his head ) but he doesn’t even worry about it he just deals with the fact that he’s a terrible son
he was diagnosed with odd when he was eight years old, after his mom got tired and increasingly concerned with his disruptive and violent behavior
a few years prior , minjae’s biological dad left them and his mom kind of took it upon herself to try and make it up to him . that meant she was always careful around him and treated him as if he was fragile because minjae felt some blame that his dad left . 
his biological dad did Not have any patience for his kid’s mental health , meaning he and minjae would fight often to the point of getting physical . basically minjae endured a lot of getting locked up in the bathroom kicking and screaming until his voice grew hoarse and the occasional ..... bad beatings .
he went to therapy with his mom for two years before entering middle school , around the time his mom remarried a nice guy who had the patience of a saint when it came to minjae , even after he repeatedly rejected him as a part of their life . eventually minjae managed to warm up to him ..... he just didn’t wanna admit he was afraid he’d abandon them like his bio dad . 
despite the therapy he was still unstable and got into frequent fights . he was smart but he didn’t put it into any good use because he would rather fool around and disrupt the classroom at any slight chance . teachers .... hated this fuckass 
theN high school !! A Whole Mess ..... he got worse and worse , and it wasn’t until he got expelled from his Second high school that he went back to therapy for anger management . 
after months of sessions w/ his therapist he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder , which honestly explained Everything about his life . it explained his massive issues with interpersonal relationships , massive abandonment fear , massive moodiness , massive personality contradictions .... everythin g
he started b-boying because it was a way to push himself and let go of the anger without picking a fight with someone else ( altho he StilL picked the occasional fight .... highkey still does ) but he loved the control that came with dancing and how it hurt to push his body 
he managed to graduate despite what everyone thought ..... and even a bigger surprise is that he went to college majoring in math ..... and an evEN BIGGER SURPRISE is that he went overseas to study which is like ..... quite a difficult and impressive thing to do ..... tho minjae just finds math the easiest out of academic studies bc “all u need to do is understand and follow a formula” 
anYWAYS so his personality is generally very contradictory . he just has no fucking idea who he even is . thESE are from an old intro that i’m just putting here bc still tru:
being delusional w/ infatuation/love to the point of a fault vs running away when things actually start to go right with someone because of his fear of being abandoned by them
being so afraid of abandonment that he can’t stand being alone, always needs to be communicating with someone vs pushing people away when he feels like he’s getting attached because he’s afraid of abandonment 
swinging between being horny all the time and being sex repulsed
intense mood swings !!! having the time of his life one hour and wishing he was dead the next
thinks he’s the best vs loathes his entire being
wants everyone to love him vs thinking he deserves being alone
incredibly charming and talkative vs distant and moody
loving/cuddly/goofy vs jealous/purposely mean/bossy 
also never tell him its ok to text u bc he’ll give u notifications from Hell
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dhwani mishra !!! honestly Bae . i’ve had her in my head for mONTHs and this is only the second time i play her rip . anyways say hello to this Hot Mom. tw: abuse , brief abortion mention 
dhwani is from chicago , she’s 36 and a leo .... literally The Whole SUN
she grew up w/ a generally large family . two parents , three sisters and a brother . it was a full house that often became suffocating but she managed to survive her childhood and teenhood . 
she’s extremely close with all her fam except her dad , bc they have always disagreed in almost everything and it’s just ..... awkward to be around him ?? she honestly doesn’t respect him much , even if she would never show him/tell him that . her dad had an abusive past w/ her mom , and dhwani still feels a lot of resentment that he would ever lay his hands on her in a violent way and mistreat her despite being the mother of his children . when she was a teenager , she would tell her mom to just divorce him but her mom was in a very toxic/old mentality and believed she would ruin her family and her children’s life if she did that . 
probably nobody cared about this as much as dhwani .... she promised herself she’d NEVER allow someone to do what her dad did to her mom and was honestly so defensive with guys . little did she kno it was the lesbian raging inside her . 
so because she had no idea what a lesbian was or that it was a possibility bc her household was not the type to really go into the topic of sex at all , she eventually got into a relationship with a guy in high school that she could actually put up with .... and got really disappointed when she was finally ‘ in love ’ because of how underwhelming it all was . her dreams about finding ‘ the one ’ were absolutely gone . she was like wtf why are people making such a big deal out of love when it feels like ...... kind of nothing ?? 
she became pregnant with his child which was completely unplanned and was such a huge turn in her life that she never ever expected . all this time she had been driven to start a career in chemistry and family would come way wayyy later , however she did Not want to give up her child ..... she was so torn about it but now she thinks not getting an abortion was the best decision of her life bc her little boy , one of her two little suns was brought into the world . 
she paused her career to raise him w/ her now husband when she was 29 , and three years later became pregnant again , this time w/ her second sun , an adorable lil baby girl . things were already going downhill in her marriage before she got pregnant again , though , and she stupidly thought that maybe another child would help them but ... wrong ! her husband , the man she thought she loved , was turning out to be exactly like her father . she put up w/ him for as long as she could .... but it did just not work out . when her daughter was two and her son five , she divorced him and someway or another managed to pick up her career again . 
she moved out with her kids into a small apartment , struggling with money and having to ask her parents for aid which wasn’t rlly good for her pride , despite that she and her mom were like best friends .
sHE made it to london by pure will after juggling her two children and working as a high school teacher , though when she got an offer to teach as a professor in a university w/ heR OWN LAB AND RESEARCH TEAM she could Not pass it up . the only problem was tht this job was across the ocean , and away from her family and everything she and her children knew . 
still , she saw a brighter future , not only for herself but especially for her kids , so she packed up and said goodbye to the states . 
she’s been teaching in soho for two years now and she still hasn’t really adjusted . it’s obviously a very different life than the one she had in chicago , but she’s very determined to make it work . also she’s recently discovering her repressed inner lesbian so hmu for plots !!! ;))) 
shE’S a chemistry professor so ... @ any student connections hmu ... also any students whomst want 2 be on her research team A++ 
pERSONALity wise .... she’s a mess . she’s very lively and warm and inviting , but she is also extremely stubborn and unrestrained . you don’t agree w/ something she does ? Suck It . you have a stupid opinion ? Time to let u kno how absolutely wrong u are . she is NOT afraid of a fight . also she’s v scatterbrained .... there is so much on her schedule that she can barely keep up w/ so she’s never like ... calm . always going somewhere , always pacing places , chugging her coffee , carrying 789479 folders and books everywhere . 
hER class is pretty much this vine 
probably one of the least chill professors on campus in the best way possible . she’s so excited about chemistry and teaching her students . altho she is lenient and understanding she can also b strict af and doesn’t allow her kindness to b taken advantage of . rlly good at drawing lines . 
also her children are her whole world and she loves to brag about them ... since she doesn’t get enough time w/ them at home she sometimes takes them to her lab on campus or they’re there being a mess during her office hours and stressing her out but she’s 2 fond of them to leave them w/ their babysitter . 
oK so here is her v incomplete pinterest board ... expect a playlist Soon 
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lAST BUT NOT LEAST is santana !!! he is ... a solid trip . this is my first time playing him so i’m puMPED and expecting the worst of him fhuidshfiusdhg. tw: drug use , abuse , alcoholism 
he is 23 , a Cancer , n from LA california like that red hot chili peppers song(s)
his childhood wasn’t chill at all . he grew up with four sisters and three brothers , so his parents never really had time for all of them individually . they were always kind of lumped together despite the differences in age . santana was one of the middle children so he got evEN LESS attention . 
he honestly does not understand what his parents were thinking when they had EIGHT whole kids , because they were poor as shit . they lived in a tiny house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms , where all the girls would be in 1 room , the boys in the other , and their parents in th third one . you could Not catch a moment of peace in this household . they basically lived on top of each other .
his older siblings were very bad influences , and so were his parents . it was all tough love , so he barely received any kindness or special treatment and had 2 go to school even if he was dying w/ the flu and got hit Bad when he acted out even a little bit bc his parents were Not about to deal w/ any disrespect . he actually pretty much got hit for just existing bc his parents didn’t want dumb kids and santana was failing in Everything at school so his dad especially tried to beat it into him but really he wasn’t dumb he had dyslexia and no one knew or cared enough to find out .
still , they didn’t really respect their children enough to demand their respect . they would cuss all of them tf out and allow them little to no privacy so they all became rEALLY GOOD liars , and all of them learned to have each other’s backs but rlly this only lasted during their childhoods/teenhoods . 
santana started doing really stupid shit during high school and once he got caught stealing wine from a grocery store w/ all his dumb little high school friends whomst were in possession of weed and ended up in juvenile prison for two years until he turned 18 . thEN while he was on parole he didn’t learn his fucking lesson and his parents/family were not supportive At All honestly it’s like they didn’t give 2 shits that he was in juvie they were just like ‘that’s what happens when you’re a goddamn moron’ so santana went out and did it aGAIN bc fuck parental guidance anyways
this time he got caught stealing a whole fucking car and in possession of not only weed but cocaine so he got locked up for 4 long ass years . honestly thought that he wouldn’t make it out but he rlly learned a lot in prison and he was used to getting no privacy anyways and just kinda dealt . the prison system he was stuck in Sucked so bad though like the guards were the Worst and he’d try to stay out of fights but Some Fucker would piss him off and BOOM he’d end up in the hole for a whole week . 
hOWEVER if it wasn’t for being there he would’ve never discovered his passion of art and drawing . he got Really Fucking good bc he had nothing else to do but sit around and try to find anything to pour all of his pent up energy into and drawing happened to be his greatest outlet . would just sit for as long as they let him and draw his time away . 
when he got out he went back to his fam but they were pretty much all split up . shit went Down while he was locked up and somehow his parents ended up w/ a giant grudge on their children and some of his siblings wanted to kill each other while others had just completely moved away to different parts of the states and had absolutely no communication w/ each other . 
santana decided to fuck it and pursue his dreams of being a tattoo artist far from LA and just decided to move to a different country entirely . 
Now u can find him giving tattoos in his apartment bc he doesn’t have enough $$$ to get a studio and while he Is training under a professional he’s not getting paid by them so he needs to make money somehow . it’s a secret that he’s tattooing when he’s not supposed to tho . Fuck the law . 
personality !!!! he’s basically .... very chill .... perhaps 2 chill .... 
even tho drugs got him some bad time in prison he hasn’t left them . still very 420 friendly and occasionally does the hard stuff . also loves 2 drink and party . 
he’s irresponsible !!!! he feels like he lost a lot of his life in prison so he’s trying to make up for it and while he’s being more careful ..... he still loves 2 fuck shit up .
he gets way too comfortable around people way too easily . he thinks this is a trait he picked up in jail bc he rlly had no other option but to shower with a bunch of dudes and shit out in the open , so he’s very comfortable with his body and being in the nude in general . also a touchy guy , likes cuddles and appreciates hugs . random meaningless touches are a Habit . 
he loves to hang and do whatever so if ur his friend chances are tht he’s hitting u up 24/7 to go do something . biggest extrovert there is . does not get tired of being in public / around people . also p flirty and gay as hell . 
sO find his pinterest board here and i’m also in the process of finishing a playlist for him hopefully soon 
thAT WOULD BE ALL FOR NOW !!! hmu and feel free to add me on discord ( a whole silly boy#2690 , kít (catastrothicc) in the group chat ) for plots and such !!! 
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werelesbian · 4 years
A Long Reflection Regarding my Sexuality
Lesbian has been a word that has been negatively used since I was a child. When I was a little kid I was told “You can’t be gay or marry outside of your own race” by my father. I must’ve bottled that up for years. I’ve always looked at girls since I was a kid. I remember one of my earliest memories being from when I was about 7 and thinking a lady with a green shirt was really pretty. I also always remember staring at boobs and butts, A LOT. I always had an interest in girls, I just didn’t realize it. When sexuality became to become known, one of my friends came out as bisexual and I flipped out. Being gay was always seen as bad to my family and thus I had to follow it. When “I Kissed a Girl”, “She Keeps Me Warm” and “Same Love” were on the radio, I became very anxious and changed the pronouns to prove I wasn’t gay. I couldn’t be gay right? Even though I have looked at girls before and I remember staring at my friend’s brother’s ceiling with a picture of a woman in a bikini.and being mesmerized by it. As I got older, the concept of being gay became normalized to me. I came out as pansexual because that’s what I thought I was at the time. I maybe had one “crush” on a boy, but more numerous ones on girls. My friend, a camp counselor, and my mom’s friend’s daughter. High school finally rolled around and I went through my first stage of questioning. I cycled through labels until I came to bisexual. That’s what I believed to be best. Then the crushes on girls flooded in. The first crush I recognized I had on a girl was my friend’s ex girlfriend. I wanted her! But when my friend asked her out I was crushed. “Oh well I thought, I’ll have to live with it”. I tried to third wheel in their relationship, probably due to lingering feelings. Then I developed a crush on another girl, a good friend of mine. I asked her out to TOLO, but she said no and I cried. Straight girls cry when they get rejected by girls right? I almost asked a guy friend of mine as a rebound but then decided against it. Later on since both of my friends were dating, I decided that I should to. I chose a guy who I thought was ‘cute’ and we went out a few times. He even asked me to homecoming the next year where he kissed me. I felt nothing by it and very awkward. Him and I went out again a few more times but I didn’t really feel much for him. I liked the kissing somewhat but that was about it. I think I was more excited by feeling rebellious. My friends pushed the label of ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ onto us, but it was awkward. But I still went along with it. At the beginning of sophmore year, I had to attend eating disorder treatment and I was drawn to another girl there. She was so cool and I wanted to be close to her and spend time with her. Too bad nothing ever came of it. That same year however, I also developed a crush on another girl in my French class. When she walked in, it was like time slowed down, I was SO attracted to her. We even sat next to each other in class and boy, did she make me nervous. I felt things that were different than even being with that guy I was with. Even seeing her years later, my eyes still were drawn to her like a damn magnet. She was gorgeous. In  junior year, my friends began to have sex and lose their virginities. I felt left behind and wanted to fit in. There was always a craving for it, especially since I always felt ‘different’ and left out, even since I was a kid. I was bullied too and with a sweet blend of my low self esteem and depression, I followed trends. This was just another one of them. I made a ‘pact’ with myself that year to get a boyfriend for the sole purpose to lose my virginity and I did. I also developed a weird obsession with two guys that year. I dressed up and daydreamed scenarios in my head of them liking me. I wanted them to want me, but I’m not sure if I wanted them. But I also did end up achieving my goal that year. I got the boyfriend and lost my virginity. I did what I had to do. Even though it was awkward and I felt numb after it. It resulted in me having 2 months of extreme anxiety due to a fear of being pregnant. In the relationship, I didn’t feel much, or not at all for the guy. I leaned on him for support due to my dysfunctional family. It was an escape. I eventually broke it off with him and got over the relationship within a week. This started a cycle of waiting for the next boyfriend to come around. The next one eventually did. He was nice and cared for me. He pursued me first and I went with it. I’m glad I didn’t have to have sex with him. It was the easiest relationship I was in because we were more like friends and less like lovers. Then we broke up and I got over him within a week. Rinse and repeat. The last boyfriend I dated for nine months and I believed at one point I loved him. He cared for me and had a nice family I could escape to, when mine was falling apart at the seams. I craved the ‘nuclear family’ unit since I never had in the start. I felt accepted and safe there when I didn’t want to go home to mine. His companionship was nice and all, but I know deep down I didn’t care for him the way he cared for me. He loved me, but I didn’t love him. He wanted to escalate the relationship to the next level and an alarm bell went off in my head. It was a major “NO” to be but I tried to ignore it and said “maybe” to him. I often went along for the ride and never followed what I wanted. We eventually broke up after we were drifting apart. I began to crave sex less and began to hate doing anything with his penis. I tried my best to avoid having penetration and was relieved when we didn’t have to do it. I was so scared of getting pregnant, but deep down it may have been my body telling me that it wasn’t right. I was also relieved when I didn’t have to see him as much. I wanted to be away from him and felt relief when I broke up with him. It took me about a week to get over him. The cycle almost began again when another guy pursued me but I wasn’t into it. He wanted to go out with me again and I panicked. I didn’t want to see him. All this time when I was dating boys, my sexuality was really repressed but it surfaced in cracks. I’d often create characters who were LGBT+ and the ones I was most obsessed with were often bisexual or lesbian. Most characters I created were never straight, but I turned them so because of my own internalized homophobia. I dealt with it a lot for two years and even showed discontentment with others who were openly queer. I think it was because I myself deep down knew I was like them but was afraid to be ‘different’ due to backlash. I had crafted and dressed myself in a way to be palatable to the opposite sex. I had this deep craving to ‘fit in’, so much so that I neglected my own sexuality and in a way a part of myself. This year, I met another girl who I fell for. I began to crush hard on her and fell head over heels for her. She made me feel good about myself for once in my life. She was beautiful, kind, smart and had a wicked sense of humor. She was like a dream to me. She was my catalyst. I wanted to kiss her and hold her close. We fell asleep on the phone with each other every night and spend hours talking to each other. It was like two peas in a pod we clicked so well. I also craved her touch, her body, her skin against mine, what her lips felt like. I took notice of the little things in her from the curve of her jaw to the color of her eyes. I wrote her letters and picked flowers that I wanted her to see. I wanted to talk to her all the time. Although our relationship was short, I will forever thank her for lighting the fire again of my sexuality. When I began talking to her, I began to take notice of girls so much more. My gaze averted from that I had learned to that of what I wanted. Pretty girls made me so nervous and I felt like my damn 14 year old self again. It was like being a kid in a candy store, I was so damn happy! I even bought pride merchandise for the first time in forever. I was okay with being gay. However, I should have never brought it up with any of my family. They said that they’d like me to end up with a boy, asked if I have talked to any boys yet, said I haven’t found the right guy, I’m just x sexuality, etc. Now I’m scared once again and want to go back into the closet. I’m keeping this close to me. It’s my dirty little secret I guess. Questioning doesn’t help either. I doubt myself all the time and ‘test’ myself to see if I am attracted to men. I feel as if I have to ‘double-check’ to see if I am truly gay. It’s the damn doubt all over again. I also punish myself if I look at girls in a sexual way. Girls in the past thought I had touched them and I felt like a dirty pervert, hell my friend even thinks so. It’s hard for me to allow myself to like women again. I don’t want to be seen as a predator or trying to use them as an experiment. I just want a girl to love and give my all to. I want to be the best damn person I can be for my future girlfriend/wife and I’ll be damned if I can’t do that. All of this questioning process is so confusing. Am I a lesbian? Am I bi? Maybe I’m just a straight girl in denial doing this because I’m lonely. Fuck who knows. I just know that after being with a woman, I sure as hell don’t want to go back. My attraction to men has regressed. Maybe I’m in a bi-cycle, or maybe it’s my lesbian awakening. Only time will tell. Most queer women I have talked to agree that I am a lesbian. When I call myself gay or lesbian. It makes me feel good, but I feel as if I have to resort to bisexual just in case “Mr. Right” comes along. But he probably never will. In fact, he probably never existed. I’ve had elaborate fantasies about romance but I never saw a clear face of who the “man” was supposed to be. When I fantasize about sex, I was never there unless it was with another woman, never a man. Another woman always took that place and I’d view it from third person, like watching porn. Women light a fire in me that men do not. I’ve gotten turned on by their bodies and touch in a way that I haven’t with guys. Hell if I know why, but I do. Maybe I really am just gay and that’s okay. Maybe I am a lesbian after all. The word isn’t so “dirty” anymore. 
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whenyougoquiet-blog · 8 years
THEN: my mom for hitting me with a switch, for hitting me in general, for getting into cussing fights with her, for leaving me at home while she dated, for making me watch and care for my sister, for bringing different guys home, for spending the night with guys and leaving us home alone, for making comments about my weight, for not noticing I was sad and depressed, for not knowing I skipped school for a month
NOW: my mom for getting sick, for being disabled, for being helpless, for taking too much medicine and falling asleep on the toilet, for needing things from everyone and it never being enough, for being with a hateful man she can’t get away from, for letting my sister walk all over her and use her
THEN: my brother for never listening, for always getting in trouble, for doing mean things to me such as bashing my head into the computer screen, super gluing my hands together, constantly making fun of me, having his friends make fun of me, him and his friends calling me shamu, when people found out I was his sister they would be shocked because he was “cool” and cute and I was fat and ugly.
NOW: my brother going to prison, for cheating on all of his girlfriends, never holding a job down, never trying
THEN: my sister for being pretty, skinny, tan. for having boyfriends before I did even though I was older, for always tagging along to my friends
NOW: my for having a baby and not loving her enough, for letting her daughter witness her fighting, for getting pregnant again, for staying with her stupid boyfriend who treats her like crap, for not doing something with her life
THEN: my dad for not wanting me, for beating my mother, for beating my brother, for not claiming my sister as his own, for not meeting my mom on pick up days and we would wonder why he didn’t want to see us that weekend, him never calling to even cancel, for not talking to or seeing us for months at a time, for making us go to his family's house where they would make us feel like outsiders, constantly being judged for my weight by my family and going shopping with my grandma and aunt and being so embarrassed because nothing fit or looked good, for doing the same with his new wife- for caring more about her kids than about his own
NOW: my dad for not wanting me, I sought my father out on Myspace then Facebook and tried to make a relationship. We met up a few times here and there but then he just stopped trying. He would message me randomly and say things like “hope you are well” and he would like my Facebook photos and even share old ones of me on my birthday even though he never offered to meet up or even see me or call me on my birthday. To share photos of him with his “grand kids” which are his wife’s grandchildren and to not be involved in his own children’s lives makes me sick. After much debate I decided I didn’t want him to peek inside my life and know everything that’s going on without actually being apart of it, to me that is not fair. You can’t tell the rest of your family about my life, tell your coworkers and not even speak to me. That’s not real and you don’t deserve it. So I deleted and blocked him and I feel better. If you’re not going to be IN my life then you don’t even get to see it from afar.
dave for being violent with me, for making fun of me, for always mocking my diets, for being too fat for him or too skinny for him, for him to buy me sugar and get mad when I don’t want it, for treating my mom like crap, for being so hateful and judgemental to everyone, for calling Kelly LB because he thinks shes a lesbian, for favoring my sister over me, for having different opinions of people on different days.
bullies who called me names, made fun of my clothes because i wore the same pants two days in a row, yelled out no I will not make out with you just so the whole class would look at me and laugh, not eating during lunch because I didn’t want anyone seeing the fat girl eat, the fat girl didn’t deserve to eat, being told by a friends parent that she needs skinnier friends, parents friend saying something about me being a drop out, being forced to drop out because I moved to a bad town and then everyone assuming I just wanted to drop out because I was a loser, constantly moving, having to go to new schools when you’re bullied, making friends and then losing them due to moving.
People at work who continue to comment on my weight saying things such as “I remember when you were thin”, “are you trying to gain weight? Cause it looks like you have”, “you’re heavy but you can tell you work out” too many people have commented on my weight and they think because they can see me with their own two eyes that that gives them permission to comment on my body. I wear a lot of baggy clothes now to hide myself...when I wear something fitted I get the “you’ve lost weight” comment and Its because I’ve been in hiding. I want to walk around in a trash bag so no one can see my body.
ex boyfriends for treating me like crap, for taking advantage of my kindness.
buying him a ticket to MO to live with me, taking my car and wrecking it, taking my car and getting a DWI and getting my car towed, getting a car repoed that i cosigned on, getting us kicked out of our apartment, breaking up with someone and then being made feel guilty for it, getting threatened to commit suicide if I did this or that, throwing a remote at me and hitting me in the back, throwing a fountain soda at me, pushing me onto the bed, overdosing and making me worry to death, overdosing after being broken up with, starting a new job a day after a break up, driving far to see someone for the last time, buying someone numerous phones only for him to keep breaking them on purpose, broken up with over the phone, myspace, being with someone who can’t hold a job, being the financial dependent in a household of two, being an enabler, being called fat when the relationship was over, laptop being thrown down the stairs.
I want someone to understand me. I want to speak and be understood. I don’t want to explain myself and when people don’t understand me I get frustrated and angry. I want whomever I’m speaking to to know my feelings and I think I shouldn’t have to say them, that person should just know and when they don’t I get hurt.
I would steal little cakes when I lived with jess and take them to my room and eat them, honestly I’ve done that a lot of places. I would just take cakes and cookies from cupboards and eat them secretly or shove them in my mouth quickly.    
Gluttony: Feeling sad or depressed, and holidays are time I always eat excess. Or If I’m at my moms house, or just at home with nothing to do. 
Wrath: I feel like I have dropped all of my grudges and made amends with those people such as connie, amanda, my dad, my exes (in a way). I don’t think you need to be best friends or even involve said forgiven person in your life for you to forgive them and let it go. It is easier for me for my dad to not be in my life since he only wants to be in my facebook life. I don’t know if I’ve forgiven John and Stephen. I feel angry writing about the things they did to me. And also shocked that they happened.
Envy: I envy alot of people. I mostly envy people who are happy and comfortable in their own skin and with their lives at the present moment. They’re not always complaining and said about this or that. Just content.
Greed: I want to be in control and get credit for everything because I fee like I have always been overlooked at my job, where I excel.
Pride: I feel I am better than mean people and dumb people. People that have gotten “far” in life only to treat me as if I am not as good as them when in reality I am smarter than them. I guess I feel like I’m better than some people and that’s not true.
Lust: When I was dating I was meeting guys and sleeping with them whenever I wanted. I personally don’t think that’s necessarily bad but I know I was looking for love and acceptance in the form of sex and attention. Sex is not love but when you are depressed and hate yourself it sure feels like it could be.
I feel guilty for a lot of things I don’t think I should feel guilty about but I am just too nice and have too much of a conscious. I feel bad when I don’t see my mom often, when I’m not there to help her with things, when I wasn’t there to help her with her surgery, that I don’t see Faith enough, that I don’t see certain friends enough, that I don’t try hard enough to get to know Aarons mom. Things that I am made to feel guilty about. I am easily guilted because I love hard and I want everyone to know I love them.
I did feel guilty when I was dating Aaron in the beginning and I had Bruce stay at my house on the couch, however I did not sleep with Bruce and it was the last time I saw him and Aaron and I became official not long after. I felt guilty for not trying hard enough with Bruce and then trying too hard when he obviously didn’t want it any longer. The only relationship I felt like I tried to make it work because I was so devastated over the end of it. It was such a whirlwind of a romance. Something out of the movies and I just thought it was over before it began. But he went on to bigger and better things without me and thats how he wanted it.
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