#and like jack is trying to join that gallery but hes just gained the attention of the police & media atm and no batman
poisonousquinzel · 1 month
when i totally inevitably get around to actually writing that coffee shop au i brought up in uhhhhhhh 2020(??) this is definitely the kinda Ivy design vibe she'll have <3
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~ Chapter 31
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(11 October)
Standing infront of the mirror, you stared at your reflection smiling in satisfication. A blushy pink off-shoulder gown hugged your figure, while your blackish brown hair styled in a half updo and a flower crown was resting on your head. You smiled and wore your heels, before grabbing the flower bouquet from the bed and walked out of the room of the hotel where you were staying in.
Time flew by faster and it's already been three and a half years to your and Baekhyun's relationship. Lots of things happened in these past years, there were some moments of happiness and some sad but it was worth it.
After winning the bid, Baekhyun's game was launched and within some time, it became hotshot. Their hard work was getting paid off and currently they were one of the most successful gaming company in the city. You were currently working in a publishing company after getting accepted. You joined as an intern there but with your hard work, you got promoted and were working as an creative writer.
Ria was working as a history teacher in a high school as history always has been her strongest subject and continuing her dream career. Chanyeol's producing music was going well and was one of the best music producers in his industry.
Jaehyun was working under your dad's company and he had got engaged last year and gave you an amazing Sister-in-law. Daniel's high school was completed and he joined the college with a computer science major as he wanted to pursue his dream in gaming like Baekhyun.
Rowoon had started his career as a basketball coach in the same high school where Ria was teaching. Mark was doing great with his Art career as his paintings were getting filled up in Art galleries.
Sooyoung was working at the same company as you and was working as an editor. Your friendship with her got even more stronger and so with your others friends.
Kyungsoo's decision of opening his restaurant was a great decision as being a good cook, his restaurant was doing so well than expected and he was working as a head chef there. Yixing always had dreamed of be an artist and now he was living one. After going to China, he continued his passion with his hard work which was showing as he being loved by so many people out there.
Junmyeon, Jongdae and Minseok had completed their further studies and now were working in their own business. Jongin was doing great after joining the fashion industry as he was a head manager and known for his fashion sense but the luck of having girlfriend still hasn't knocked at his door.
Sehun, known as a best hacker and working with Baekhyun, after their first interview, he had been called several times for modeling as he always had that posture of being one. Coming back to his love life, Sooyoung and his love was finally blooming after flirting for two years. They were in a hidden relationship but Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae being themselves did a prank on them which led them to reveal it.
Technically, everyone had their own happy ending, with their love, career and life.
Opening the door of the other room, you entered Ria's room or say the bride's room, who was sitting on the bed, looking beautiful in a white wedding gown.
"So, Miss. Bride, are you ready?" You smiled, approaching her.
She looked up and shook her head sighing. "Too nervous."
You chuckled. "It's normal."
"Yeah laugh all you want, I'll ask you on your wedding day." She retorted.
"I'm still young, okay." You handed the bouquet to her and she scoffed.
"You're 24 and next year you'll turn 25, so you're not young anymore, just get married or else Baekhyun Sunbae will runaway." She laughed.
"Don't worry, he won't and we haven't decided yet." You replied before frowning. "Hold on, did you said yes because Chanyeol Sunbae would have ranaway?"
"No, he proposed me and I didn't see any reason to refuse." She trailed off smiling. "And you don't look for a reason to get married when you want be with the person you love always, you just go for it."
Her words took you by surprise, the more you thought about it, the more it felt right. You both have talked about this and planned lot of things together but never really decided when. However, if there's a day he would ask about it, you are definitely going to say yes, without any hesitation.
Your were snapped out, as you heard the door knock sound and saw your and Ria's mom entering with awe and teary eyes as they looked at her. A moment happened between Ria and both moms as they were sheding tears, seeing them you tried to held back your tears and joked to make them laugh.
Soon the wedding began and you as a bridemaid walked down the asile, as much as you disliked people's stare, you were still doing it since it's your best friend's wedding. You saw your friends and your seniors settled on their chairs giving you smiles including Rose and Jack too. Though you were feeling uneasy but still smiled at them and it vanished as your eyes stopped at the male infront you, who was dressed in a black suit looking perfect.
Baekhyun being Chanyeol's Best man, he stood with him and while talking to the nervous groom, his eyes went to the asile, where you were walking down and just stopped as he couldn't take his eyes off of you. As you approached them, Baekhyun came forward and held out his hand, a smile was plastered on his face. You smiled back placing your hand in his and he pulled you up gently.
Letting go of your hand, he stood beside chanyeol again and you stood opposite of them before giving a smile to nervous Chanyeol. You looked at Baekhyun who was already gazing at you while a smile was still on his face and you looked away as your cheeks were heating up.
Not long before, Ria was walking down the asile with her arm linked around her father's arm while her red flower bouquet was on her other hand. Her lips curved upwards seeing Chanyeol who looked stunned for a moment before his eyes were filling up with tears.
You smiled at the sight as your got blurry with tears while watching your best friend getting married and taking a new step in her life. In a blink of an eye, they were married and now it was your time to give a congratulatory speech to the wedding couple. You smiled as you stood in front of them before looking over to Baekhyun who smiling at you.
"So," You paused licking your lips. "First of all, Congratulations to you and Chanyeol Sunbae, I praise you for bearing her for two years and now for everyday."
Guests laughed at your remark including the groom while Ria gave you a glare as you reciprocated with a smile. "Okay, only sometimes. But that's what makes her Ria and you're lucky to have her because she's the most beautiful and kindest girl you'll ever meet."
"So, take care of her even when she tells you not to because that's how she is and live together happily." You smiled at him and Chanyeol nodded giving you a assume smile before you looked at your bestfriend sheding tears.
"Stop, you're gonna ruin your makeup." You warned her and she sniffled wiping her tears. "It's okay, it's waterproof."
You gasped. "What? Why didn't you tell me? I was trying so hard to stop my tears earlier."
"You didn't even ask."
"Excuse me? Ladies?" Kyungsoo, the host of the day, called you out gaining your attention. "We are still in the midst of wedding, if you forgot."
You bit your lip embarrassed as the guests chuckled at you two before getting down with Baekhyun behind you as the Groom had something prepared for her bride.
Ria was standing across him as Chanyeol was seated in front of a piano before smiling at her as he sang the song for her, All of me.
Ria's eyes welled up with tears feeling overwhelmed by the song her husband just sang for her. She couldn't wait and immediately hugged him tightly which he returned while the guests were watching in awe.
You smiled tilting your head as you stared at couple before feeling an arm around your waist and you looked at Baekhyun giving you a smile as you both stared at each other. The photographer who was checking the angle, suddenly came across you couple unaware of anything. He instantly took a photo which came out great as he smiled before someone stood behind him.
"They're not the married couple." Jongin spoke squinting eyes at the photographer who gave him a nod before walking away and Jongin looked back at you two. "Oh, hello! Staring contest couple, let's go!"
Minseok shook his head dragging him away and you giggled while Baekhyun rolled his eyes at him.
"Ria!" Sooyoung whisper-yelled gaining her attention as she gestured her to throw the bouquet at her and Ria did an okay sign while Sehun grinned shyly at her girlfriend.
You all friends stood there behind the Bride who was about to throw the bouquet while the photographer waiting to catch the moment. As she threw the bouquet and Sooyoung's hands went to catch it but to everyone's surprise it landed on someone least expected.
Everyone eyed Jongin who had was holding the bouquet with a pout before he looked at Ria. "You're doing it on purpose, aren't you? Because I don't have a girlfriend."
You all laughed together and Ria gave him a sheepish grin before Sooyoung with a pout took the bouquet from his hands and gave it back to Ria. The photographer counted to three before Ria threw it again and again it didn't landed in Sooyoung's hands but someone who was still thinking about the pose.
"Yes!" Mrs Byun and your mom exclaimed together grinning widely and you looked down at the bouquet before looking at Sooyoung who was pouting but smiled instantly.
Baekhyun turned to you and you looked at him as you both smiled at eachother while his arm resting around your waist before everyone posed together and the picture was taken.
"It's okay, Sooyoung." Sehun cooed wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Even if you didn't got the bouquet, we're still going to marry before them."
He pointed at you two and Baekhyun slightly slapped him on the back and that moment got captured in the camera before everyone was laughing. You all friends excused yourself as the bride and groom's photoshoot began.
"So, next is Junior Y/n's turn to marry!" Junmyeon spoke and you cleared your throat before looking at Baekhyun who was standing beside him with his hands shoved in his pocket whilst a teasing grin was plastered on his lips as he was waiting for it.
"Junior Y/n, when are you getting married?"
"Did you guys decide the date?"
"The place?"
You were caught off guard by their sudden questions, heat rushed to your cheeks as you felt embarrassed. Seeing your reaction they couldn't help but laugh then Baekhyun advanced towards you wounding his arm your waist.
"Stop teasing my girlfriend now." His tone was stern but you could see the playful grin he was hiding and you shot a glare at him.
"Stop teasing my girlfriend~." Jongdae mimicked him. "We can see your sparkling face you know."
Baekhyun chuckled, then Chanyeol's dad called everyone and with that they walked away except you and Baekhyun. You looked down at the bouquet playing with the petals smiling before feeling his constant gaze on you.
"So, when are you getting ready?" He spoke after being silent for few minutes and you gave him a perplexed look. "For what?"
He gestured to look ahead and you followed his gaze to see the newly wed couple talking to eachother. Strange, as if he read your mind about what you thought earlier.
A warm smile formed on your lips as you met his eyes. "Whenever you want."
Baekhyun searched your eyes, if you were joking around but seeing your geniune smile, he got surprised.
"Really? Are you serious?" He held you by shoulders looking at you with his enlarged eyes and you nodded copying his movements before chuckling. "Double really."
In a second, you were engulfed in a tight hug by him where wrapped your arms around his waist before he pulled away still holding you close.
"I forgot to tell you something." He stared at you in serious expression and stared at him confused before a smile crept on his face.
"You're looking so beautiful." He whispered softly causing your cheeks to heat up and you giggled. "Well, you don't look bad yourself."
"I always look good." He smirked and you smacked his arm lightly while he laughed before pulling you in a hug again.
"Okay, tell me one thing." He trailed off pulling away to look at you. "You cried at Rose's wedding and your bestfriend's wedding too. Are you going to cry in our wedding too?"
You blinked pondering for a moment and smiled playfully. "Well, depends. If I'm happy or not."
"You little-" He reached out to flick your forehead where you closed your eyes but feeling nothing, you opened them to see him smiling fondly at you causing you look at him questionly where his hands instantly cupped your jaw as he leaned in.
"What-" A gasp left your lips as something crossed your mind and Baekhyun looked at you with concerned face. "Why? What happened?"
"This..." You trailed off, pursuing your lips as you noticed the familiar place around you. "This is exactly like my dream."
"Dream..." He paused as his lips curved into a smirk. "You had a dream of us kissing?"
Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed before you attempted to walk away. "I just remembered...Sooyoung was looking for me."
"Where do you think you are going?" He instantly pulled you back, staring at you intently. "Let's recreate your dream then."
Before you could reply, his hands cupped your face where his lips met yours, taking you in a slow yet tender kiss with your arms wrapping around his waist, reciprocating with the same emotions making him smile against your lips.
Leaning his forehead against yours, his thumb stroked your cheekbone slowly. "See, I made your dream come true."
Opening your eyes, you glared at him before pulling away only to get pulled back as he giggled, before going for another kiss but a loud cough interuppted as your heads snapped towards its direction to see Daniel standing while covering his eyes.
"My innocent eyes." He whined and you tried to pull away but Baekhyun just tightened his grip making you look at him in surprise before he looked at Daniel with a done look. "Innocent, my foot."
"Why do I have to witness this everytime." He pouted and you groaned, closing your eyes but instantly opened them widely at Baekhyun's words. "Next time, do give us a sign before interrupting."
"Yeah, sure but everyone's calling you both, so let's go." He said and walked away with you both behind him as you kept lecturing him about how embarrassing it was where he just kept nodding at your every word.
The wedding continued till dawn as it was Ria's wedding and she wouldn't let her special day come to an end this soon. The guests were long gone while your close ones, family and friends were present at the yard outside which was decorated with tables and golden lights around the trees. There was a dance floor in the middle where two chairs were placed and currently the newlywed couple were seated there with their back facing eachother. They were going to play the wedding game trending nowadays as both were holding eachother's shoes in their hands.
The shoe game was starting as Yixing stood in the middle with a card in his filled with questions. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to start."
"Why did he sound like we're having a battle here?" Baekhyun spoke leaning towards your side while playing with your hand on his lap and you shrugged. "Maybe, we're really having a battle here."
"Uh uh." Sehun intruded gaining both of your attention. "The battle of wedding couple. Wow! I'm going to ask the cameraman to highlight this part."
You both looked at him weirdly and shook your heads before looking ahead as the game was starting.
Yixing cleared his throat. "So, who is the better cook?"
Both of them raised Chanyeol's shoe and you all cheered loudly as they both were laughing before Ria's mother spoke. "You'll have to cook for life because she only knows how to cook noodles."
Her remark made everyone laugh as Ria pouted whining while you looked at her mother nodding and agreeing with her statement.
"Ugh! Chanyeol, you're stuck now. I told you to think before marrying." Junmyeon commented sighing dramatically and Chanyeol rolled his eyes while Ria gave him a glare.
"Next, question. Who fell in love first?"
Chanyeol instantly raised his shoe and Ria raised both causing everyone to awe loudly in the back before she smiled at Chanyeol shyly.
"I think I know, when it started." Baekhyun suddenly spoke as everyone turned to him questionly. "Back in college, we were in the music room and he kept asking about her from me. I think that's when it started."
All of you looked at Chanyeol with a drop jaw and Ria couldn't help but felt shy which Chanyeol pretended to throw his shoe towards Baekhyun who just laughed at his flustered state.
"Who is more likely to be running late?"
Chanyeol and Ria raised both of her shoes while laughing and making everyone laugh as it was an obvious question.
"I still remember our first date." Chanyeol spoke. "She was ten minutes late because she couldn't find her favorite lip glows."
Ria slapped his arm playfully as everyone started laughing before Jongin interrupted. "It's going to continue for your whole life, Hyung. All the best with your patience."
He said it without being funny but ended up having everyone laugh. The game continued and you were imersed in enjoying before Baekhyun casually took off his blazer and wrapped it around your shoulder making you look at him. Smiling at his gesture, you slid your both arms in his blazer wearing it properly as he rolled up his sleeves before taking your hand again.
"Last question. Who love the other one most?"
Both of them raised their both arms and looked at eachother turning around before standing up to hug eachother while everyone cheered loudly in the back. Everyone was laughing and talking about with their marriage experiences while enjoying the night with their loved ones.
Suddenly, a music erupted causing everyone to stop whatever they were doing and you smiled hearing the tune instantly recognizing the song as it has been in your Playlist nowadays.
The newlywed couple were already going to the dance floor and so were others with their partners. A hand was extended towards you which you knew who's it was as you smiled placing your hand in his before Baekhyun smiled as he led you to the dance floor.
I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead.
Grasping his hand in yours, his other hand wounded behind your waist while yours behind his neck as he pulled you closer and stared at you lovingly while mouthing the lyrics with swaying your bodies together.
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms.
Loosening his grip a little, he twirl you around causing you both giggle together as you almost tripped but he instantly pulled you again in the same position swaying while smiling at eachother.
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it,
"Darling, you look perfect tonight." He mouthed the last sentence a little loudly for to hear where you smiled widely as both of you were unable to look away from eachother.
Suddenly, a loud cracker sound erupted making everyone's attention to go there where you saw bunch fireworks going off together, full of colors like filling up their bright colors in your life. Averting your eyes to Baekhyun who was already looking at you smiling fondly making you smile back as he leaned his head forehead against yours and pulled you closer.
Indeed, It was perfect.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog @usernameloaa @gominieni @shesdreaminginoverdose
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