#and like 'society discourages men from doing xyz' isnt really an explaination
uptownthots · 6 months
the loud and proud resentment MRA types have towards women for having the "privilege" of feminism. Like ignoring the fact that being a group of people so oppressed you have to develop a political movement dedicated to your liberation is not a privilege, I think a lot of MRAs misattribute (and grossly misrepresent) feminist work to [patriarchal, misogynistic] society (e.g "society only cares about women!" "society only believes victims if they're women!") because if they acknowledged that whatever supposed privileges women have are a result of decades of years of political work and resistance, rather than just Society™️ giving us preferential treatment, they'd have to subsequently acknowledge that the reason men (supposedly, according to MRAs) don't have these privileges is because the don't care to do the work, and not because "society" is like. oppressing them.
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