#and legends very very perpetually raspy voice
links-gender · 7 months
Don’t mind me in just over here obsessing over twilights southern accent and warriors and legend and wilds English accents and hyrule’s Irish accent and
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Hey! How would react the Organization if their S/O dedicares to them a song? And wich song they would like to be dedicated to them? Your blog is fantastic and very original to me, go like this! >7
I’m very happy that you enjoy the blog, dear!
Song: Fly Me to the Moon cover by annapantsu - “Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars. In other words, hold my hand. In other words, baby, kiss me.”
Xemnas is a fan of old music so he’s happy that you chose a song he’s recognized even if he isn’t as familiar with the singer.  It’s something old and classic instead of modern. He’s pretty flattered and loves that it’s a song you can dance to!
Song: Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding - “Fading in, fading out on the edge of paradise. Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I’ve got to find. Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire. I’ll let you set the pace, ‘cause I’m not thinking straight, my head’s spinning around, I can’t see clear no more… What are you waiting for?”
The song is as passionate as your relationship is, so Xigbar can appreciate the song even if it’s not something that he would naturally gravitate to when listening to music. Surprised when you dedicate a song to him in the first place!
Song: Halo by Beyoncé - “I swore I’d never fall again, but this don’t even feel like falling. Gravity can’t forget to pull me back to the ground again. Feels like I’ve been awakened, every rule I had you break it… It’s the risk that I’m taking. I’m never gonna shut you out.”
Really touched that you would dedicate such a beautiful song to him. He really feels like he can relate to the words “I swore I’d never fall again, but this don’t even feel like falling.” He’d been in love before so he understands how it feels to be hurt by someone you love.  He’s very lucky to have you!
Song: This Kiss by Faith Hill - “Cinderella said to Snow White ‘How does love get so off course? All I wanted was a white knight, with a good heart, soft touch, fast horse. Ride me off into the sunset, baby I’m forever yours! It’s the way you love me, it’s a feeling like this - It’s centripetal motion, it’s perpetual bliss!’”
He would never admit that this is his style of music, but you know him better than that.  He’s super flattered but tries not to show it. The science references in the song are also a plus.
Song: When You Say Nothing At All by Alisson Krauss - “The smile on your face lets me know that you need me. There’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall… You say it best when you say nothing at all.”
You both think that this song is perfect for your relationship.  Lexaeus is a man of few words and it’s nice to know that you know how he feels without him having to say a word.  He loves you more than anything even he doesn’t say the words aloud.
Song: All I Ask of You sung by Kelly Clarkson and Josh Groban - “Let me be your shelter, let me be your light, you’re safe, no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you. All I want is freedom - a world with no more night! And you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me.”
Zexion can’t sing to save his life, but he knows that if the occasion ever arose, it’s nice to know that the two of you have a good duet for your relationship! He loves Phantom of the Opera, too, so the fact that the song is from that musical is always a plus!
Song: At Last by Etta James - “You smiled, you smiled, oh and then the spell was cast, and here we are in heaven, for you are mine at last.”
An old, romantic song that the two of you can dance to whenever you want? Hell yeah. Saix isn’t much of a hopeless romantic, but for you? He’ll break out the romance in spades.
Song: Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran - “So honey now take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart… I’m thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are.”
With the way things are, it doesn’t look like you and Axel will get the chance to physically grow older together. However, he does hope that one day he gets the chance to grow old with you and this song is the perfect description of that.
Song: Stay With You by John Legend - “Though relationships can get old, they had a tendency to grow cold, we have something like a miracle. Yeah, I’ll stay with you. Oh, I’ll stay with you through the ups and the downs. Oh, I’ll stay with you when no one else is around.”
Demyx knows good and well how lucky he is to have you around him - to love you and be lucky enough to have you love him in return. Despite his playful personality, your relationship is something he takes seriously.  He has no idea how you were able to find such a perfect song to dedicate to him, but he’s definitely going to listen to it a thousand times a day.
Song: Come Away With Me by Norah Jones - “And I want to wake up with the rain falling on a tin roof. While I’m safe there in your arms, so all I ask is for you to come away with me in the night, come away with me.”
Something slow and languid with the raspy voice of Norah Jones is a perfect song for you to dedicate to Luxord. He’s not much of a dancer when he isn’t in the mood, but you don’t need to be with this song - you can curl up in his arms and slowly rock back and forth, just enjoying your time together.
Song: Stand By Me by Florence + the Machine - “If the sky that we look upon should tumble and fall - or the mountains should crumble to the sea… I won’t cry, I won’t cry, no I won’t shed a tear - just as long as you stand, stand by me.”
Marluxia was definitely already a fan of florence + and the machine so the idea that you would choose one of her songs as a song for the two of you? He’s near tears.  He loves the song, he loves the singer, and he loves you. He doesn’t need much more than that.
Song: She Keeps Me Warm by Mary Lambert - “She says I smell like safety and home. I named both of her eyes Forever and Please Don’t Go. I could be a morning sunrise all the time, all the time yeah. This could be good, this could be good…”
You chose a lesbian anthem as your song? Nice. She loves the song and it’s now in the top five on her regular music playlist. She thinks it’s great that you found such a sweet song to describe your relationship.
Song: I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz - “When I look into your eyes, it’s like watching the night sky or a beautiful sunrise. So much they hold. And just like them old stars, I see that you’ve come so far to be right where you are… How old is your soul?”
You and Roxas have been through so much over the years and you know how much pressure he’s constantly under since he’s a keyblade wielder. He loves the song because it reminds him that he’ll never give up on you or your relationship no matter how many struggles the two of you may meet - you’ll face them together.
Song: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz - “Well open up your mind and see like me, open up your plans and damn you’re free. Look into your heart and you’ll find love, love love love. Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing - we’re just one big family - and it’s our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved loved loved loved.”
You knew that you couldn’t choose a sad or sappy song for Xion. Something happy and upbeat would be perfect for her.  She absolutely adores dancing with you to this song, playfully bouncing around your room together.  You couldn’t have picked a better tune!
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So i’ve been having massive dmc/dietrich feels so you all get a dump of what the guy is dealing with once he finally meets dante long after the rebellion, this is post dmc4 and i feel like dante as he gets older and has been learning will on occasion calm down and use his brains, we know hes not dumb, he just cant be assed. here hes realized that his usual strategies might not work, also its under the cut cause its kind of a lot and i dont wanna horde space on peoples dashes
“Well she asked that I take you too him. You wanted to meet the one who knew what was left out of the stories. I can’t guarantee he’ll be particularly friendly but he’s a good host at least.” Tyr shrugged though the motion seemed only half hearted. The man himself seemed to lack any real conviction or emotion though so it wasn’t surprising. Dante himself wasn’t terribly surprised when the guide provided by his contact was a demon. He was investigating old demon history after all. He’d never cared for the old legends but even he had to admit there were parts of it that made no sense.
“Yeah yeah. I’ll just shut him up if he’s being an asshole.” Dante replied lazily patting the guns at his hips. The shadow looked almost skeptical at this while the hunter kept one hand on ebony. This place was giving him the heebie jeebies after all. The entire town had looked abandoned yet lived in, a perpetual fog making it all the more erie. They stood before the doors of some grand hall, more then likely the throne room.
“Right here we go.” Tyr raised his hands and shadows crawled up the much too tall doors before pushing them open. A groan resounded echoing through the mostly empty room. Iron scones were along the pillars with strange pale blue flames burning, much like the rest of the castle. The only other noticable thing in the room was the throne. Dante was fairly surprised by what he saw there. A man sat atop the throne though seemingly asleep. He looked older, though perhaps no later then 50′s with long silvery almost white hair, and a neatly trimmed goatee, wearing a suit that reminded Dante of some of his more obnoxious clients. Business men who thought they could get away with more because they had money.
“So this is him?” He heard. The voice was raspy as if long unused. The older mans eyes now open and locked on Dante, both a fierce electric shade of blue that made the hunters own seem dull.
“Right Dante Redgrave may I present Dietrich Ailis.” Tyr gave a sweeping bow as he gestured from the hunter to the man on the throne.
"So are you just one more asshole who hated my old man and came after me?" Dante snarled at the idea. He was so damn tired of cleaning up the messes that man left him. Dietrich shook his head at this and leaned forward elbows on his knees and hands clasped. He looked older somehow as long hair shifted across his shoulder, and that his expression changed to something almost nostalgic casting deeper shadows across his face.
"No. For once that is not the case, well mostly." The younger man looked at him curiously at this.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"I didn't hate Sparda. At least not truly, I never could despite what he did to us. In fact I loved him dearly, more so then a devil should ever be capable of. After all we are said to be without hearts to feel such things, it's a gift humans were granted that both demons and angels were denied." Dietrich shook his head a bit just sending more white cascading over his shoulders slowly to pool in his lap. Dante wasn't sure why that detail was so distracting, perhaps it was something in how fluidly the man moved despite moving so little at all. Maybe it was because of something so pure white on a soul so black. "I fell in love with the image of a fool with a bleeding heart. Sparda was a hero in the text book sense. He would never let those who were being oppressed suffer for long. I always knew that letting him lead the charge against humans would end badly."
"Then why not do something to stop him? You make it sound like you could have." Dante wasn't sure why he wanted an answer, but it bothered him to think things could have been so different. Dietrich sighed at this sounding weary, as if there was a tiredness settled even into the mans bones after so many long years that he only remembered now.
"Because of the fact that I loved him. The army was where he belonged, where he shone like the brightest star in our sky. I was the lead strategist certainly, but he was our commander, our king in all but title. To take him from the field would ruin him. So he went and he met those frail terrible creatures and fell for them. Realized what us taking their world meant, how it would be a slaughter. He couldn't allow it. He had a code that was understood by none yet all." He held out his hands with palms up as if beseeching some unseen figure.
"And you still insisted on fighting him?"
"I did. I fought him the hardest. You surely wonder why if I loved him as I say I do. I fought him because I have always placed home above all and our home was dying. I placed those in my care above myself. It was painful, certainly but he made it easy in a way. I remember even now the words he said to me. 'You're a monster. You can't kill the humans. They can't possibly beat us. I thought you were my friend, my brother'." Dante was surprised at the absolute ache he could feel in those words. As if reliving them tore something in the demon to shreds better then any blade.
"He didn't know."
"He didn't. So he struck us all down. Including me. Though I was in ways his equal so he wasn't strong enough to kill me. However for my perceived betrayal I was cursed and stand here now. King of the dead, last to know what happened then, and so very tired." As he spoke he'd leaned back pulling aside the collar of his shirt. Dante could see the top of a wide jagged scar across the mans shoulder and collar bone. If it was done with force edge he could only imagine how bad the rest was. "I became the monster he saw me as. Now I just want rest."
"So you really are just some shitty devil after all that needs to be gotten rid of." Dante hissed the words as if what had been said justified the need to eliminate Dietrich to avoid the danger the elder presented.
"Perhaps. Though you'd have never guessed until I told you. Let this be a lesson to you Dante. I'm sure you've learned it before but a refresher is nice." He rose from his throne looking down at the hunter with a bored gaze and burning blue eyes. The flames of the lamps suddenly burned brighter and the room seemed to glow, casting the shadow of a large winged beast across the wall behind Dietrich. "We are not all we seem. After all even the devil was an angel once and he was gods favorite. Do not let perceptions and foolishness tint your path so you make a mistake you will regret."
"Fuck you." Dante snapped back watching as the elder snarled at this baring fangs far from human. The disguise was so good, so almost on that it made the places it was wrong stick out all the more. A devil who would walk amongst humans yet never be able to blend among them.
"You may yet live to regret those words boy. You are the only one who can kill me because of this curse. This poison in my blood he placed that won't let any other end me, but I will not go easily. They wish for rest as well, but not surrender." Suddenly it appeared, a wild blue fire like those eyes and so much here. It condensed, coalesced into shape, into figures behind Dietrich as if the ghosts of those past were here themselves to stand at his back once more. Dante had a feeling he would indeed regret some of his choices just this once.
Dante looked up at the other from where he kneeled. Every muscle screamed at the idea of this much less standing, and he was weary down to his bones. No fight had pushed him so far. Yet the older man stood there looking unphased despite the blood running down the side of his face, and the tear carved through his armor. Dietrich looked as if he'd stood within the eye of a storm, and while he hadn't come out unscathed he'd certainly proven a force of nature.
"I never stood a chance did I?" Dante asked wondering if the man would let him leave with his life. While he didn't like the idea of giving up he'd learned over time when to hedge his bets.
"That's just it." Deitrich sounded so weary suddenly, once again the old man with a torn jacket and blood down his face all the same. "Once upon a time you did. You would have been the death of me. This story would finally end. I could have peace. Now, now you can't. You may be able to kill Dante, but you only kill villains. Somewhere along the way you lost sight of the fact that I am just that. We are all heroes in our own minds, most of the time, it's convincing others to believe this that's the trick."
"You always had a way with people Sire." Tyr said finally speaking for the first time in a while. "You were the greatest of us once, the one who sought to take the burden of a whole world on your shoulders. It's why we loved you all in our way, it's why they stay with you. It’s why I wanted to see you finally rest. Seems I made a mistake." 
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