#and last sem practical was so good
folkloregirlfriend · 1 year
i am so scared
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thebigqueer · 8 days
anuway good news is i have definitely improved on my dacnign this sem
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wonumatics · 1 year
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✰ wonwoo x gn. reader ; fluff ; 0.6k
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Wonwoo's blue full-sleeved shirt was curry-stain free and worn the proper way. He smells of freshly washed linen and breath mints. The weather is perfect, warm rays of sunshine spreading across a cloudless sky (he carried an umbrella nonetheless).
So far so good. Grade B, even.
Today is the day Wonwoo would try and catch the seat next to you in the Environmental Technology elective you both took. Maybe strike a colloquy with you on environmental toxicology. Maybe even exchange numbers.
“You’ve been saying the same thing for the past three weeks.”
“But-” Wonwoo stops, frowning at the notification on his phone. Soonyoung glances over his shoulder to take a look. The former sighs. The latter doesn’t bother to conceal his laugh.
Wonwoo had run a lot of scenarios through his head, finding appropriate solutions for each case. Nothing however would have prepared him for the class getting cancelled today.
“On the brighter side, you can practice your pick up lines on yourself for another day.” Soonyoung clears his throat to match Wonwoo's voice, “are you a data type? because you float inside my mind.”
Soonyoung sidesteps, avoiding the jab coming his way. He backpedals away, mouthing better luck next time as he leaves for his next class before the “Shut up.” leaves Wonwoo's lips.
And that’s how he ends up in the library, trying to finish his assignment for the OOP using Java bridge course. The key word is trying; there’s only so much freecodecamp.org can help with. He twirls his pencil around his thumb. Today was a failure. Maybe he should quit this and visit that new boba place instead.
“Hey, Wonwoo.”
The pencil falls from his hand and onto the floor. Wonwoo looks up to face you. Milliseconds pass by as he digests the fact that you did, indeed, call him.
He likes the sound of his name on your lips.
You pick his pencil up for him, a smile adorning your face as you continue, "I'm-
-(name)”, fuck, what happened to his lower register? “I've seen you around. We share the environmental technology class.”
It all comes out at a pace too fast for his liking, but you nod along. Wonwoo takes his pencil from your outstretched hand, mumbling thanks and trying not to hyperfixate on how his fingers would've brushed yours had he moved them a little closer. Cerise colours his ears at the thought.
You glance at the material strewn across the table, recognition flashing across your face. "I took this course last sem." Your eyes shift to his laptop's screen, which currently flashes a runtime error.
Of all times, why now?
He follows your gaze, feeling sheepish. "Well, this course is not for the weak."
You snort in agreement. "So, want some help debugging?"
"Oh please."
Wonwoo knew he should be paying attention to what you were doing but trying not to hyperfixate is easier said than done. '(name) pulled a chair right next to you to help you', chanted a little voice in the back of his head. From the spark in your eyes and the furrow of your eyebrows to the shade of your currently pursed lips, he couldn't help but notice it all.
This is nice.
"I'm done."
Wonwoo blinks. Already? He looks at the screen and then at you in awe. "That was really fast. Thank you."
Your smile widens. You move your chair and sling your bag over your shoulder, getting ready to leave. "Let me know if you need help with anything else."
It was now or never.
"Are you free for a boba run? it's on me."
One second. Two. Three. He shouldn't have-
-sure. Should we check out the new place downtown?"
"Yes." Yes, anything you say. He stuffs his bag with his books.
Maybe, today deserves a solid grade A.
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danifies · 3 months
Terribly infatuated.
❝TAGS❞ any house! gn reader x quidditch!Draco Malfoy, probably ooc Draco, silly, fluff
authors note !
So very, extremely late, and I apologize sincerely. I had zero motivation all last sem and was busy in June. But I hope this draco fic satisfies for the time be! But thank u to all the readers still giving love to charming and a winter with you! mwah enjoy!!
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February 12th
Draco slumps down on the bleachers, watching Gryffindor fly around the pitch, a scowl unconsciously on his face. He tugs at the collar of the emerald green quidditch uniform, trying to let the cold breeze circulate after a long practice. Blaise takes a seat beside him, hitting his shoulder. "Dray, have you heard?"
Draco glances at him, running his hand through his slightly damp hair. "Heard what?" He hummed, "Y/n has quite the lineup of guys that want to ask them to be their Valentine." Draco's eyebrows furrowed; he knew they were well known. They were a prefect for their house and relativly kind, but a lineup was a bit much, wasn't it?
Draco stood up, grabbing his robes. Blaise raised an eyebrow at the blonde. "Where are you off to?" Blaise watched as Draco collected his stuff. "Where else, Blaise? I'm heading to class before Snape nags at me." He descended the bleachers, disappearing from the Slytherin's sight. "what a bloody liar," amused Blaise, shaking his head with a chuckle.
Students shuffled into the classroom, the walls lined with potions. Draco waltzed in, fixing his tie before sitting next to y/n. They flashed a quick smile at him. "how was practice?" they spoke, their chin resting in their hand's palm. He leaned back in his chair. "it was alright." They hum and nod their head before muttering. "Has Pansy asked you to be her Valentine's yet?" He scoffs, shaking his head. "No, and I plan to keep it that way."
Y/n lets a laugh out, and under their breath, a "Good luck" escapes, raising an eyebrow from the Slytherin. "Good luck? What's that supposed to mean?" They turn a page of their notes nochanyly. "I just thought bid you good luck. You know, I expect you'll receive a ton of confessions." He shakes his head, the chatter once filling the room gone as Professor Snape makes his grand entrance into his class.
February 14th
Alas, Valentine's fell upon Hogwarts, and letters of confessions from love-stricken students were given to their crush. It was quite cute to y/n watching their friends become all giddy as they received roses or cards from admirers.
Meanwhile, Draco couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was beyond him how many people were infatuated with one another. Beside him were sitting many love letters, anonymous and named students. But he didn't care all that much. He skimmed through them, all similar to each other, which made him lose interest. But currently, he was lazily watching you across the great hall with your group of friends.
He was sure why he cared so much about your activities on this eventful morning, but his gaze seemed fixated upon you. His attention remained unwavering as a Ravenclaw student handed you a letter and swiftly departed from where they had come. He didn't like the way you smiled stupidly as you carefully opened the letter.
"Draco?" Maybe you were too nice not to open the letter; who even has time to read those? "Draco!" He looked behind him, Pansy wearing an annoyed expression. "What's got you daydreaming?" Draco dismisses her with an eye roll. "I'm not daydreaming; as a matter of fact, I have things to attend to." He stands up abruptly, strutting out of the hall.
Walking down the halls, a soft patter of shoes follows behind him. He turns about to spit out a remark before realizing it's you. You look nervous. "What is it, y/n?" He mumbles, ignoring the slight increase in his heartbeat as you inch closer. "You look in a rush, so I'll be quick," you stumble out, the hands once behind your back now shaky, holding out a parchment sealed with a gold seal. He reaches out for it hesitantly, his fingertips hovering over the letter before taking it out of their hands. When he looks back at their face, it adorns a bashful smile and cheeks dusted a lovely pink. "Read it when you're able to. Happy Valentine's Draco Malfoy." They turn on their heels and hurry back into the great hall, robes billowing behind them. Draco's left; still, sliver eyes widened, and heat crept up his nape.
Settled in his room, he picks up the letter you had given him earlier. The golden seal shimmers as the light hits it, his name signed boldly and neatly across the front. He sat himself on the edge of the bed, inspecting the parchment to make sure it wasn't some foul prank of a letter. Assured it was genuine, he props open the letter and begins to read. At the end of it, the unwelcome heat from before once trying to creep up his neck was now successfully resting on his cheeks. He realized maybe all this time, he was infatuated with you unknowingly, but was it really a terrible thing?
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Draco waits at the astronomy tower, gazing down at students socializing in the courtyard. He had rashly decided after he read your letter to send his owl your way, telling you to meet him at 7:00 sharp. Footsteps can be heard clunking against the metal stairs. He turns to the entrance, sliver orbs landing on your figure.
You walk timidly towards him, closing the distance just enough. "So.." you whisper out, Draco, and you feel the tension thicken with every passing second. "I accept," Draco spoke, breaking the silence. You turn to him, eyebrows furrowed, "sorry? Accept what?" He scoffs, crossing his arms. "Have you gotten memory loss so early?" He sighs, looking everywhere but you "your.. letter. You asked me to be your Valentine's, I accept." You turn to him, a stupid smile on your silly face. "Isn't it a bit... late?" He turns to face you, unamused by your antics.
"Does it matter? I want to spend more time with you." The last part is barely audible but not enough to get past you. "That's good. Because I would very much like to do the same, Draco."
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Hi Cas,
So I just found out that you're a teacher and I have been struggling with school quite a lot lately so i could really use some advice.
Let me give u some background context, before COVID I used to be a straight A student, in like all subjects except maths ( i used to get Bs , which was kinda ok).
But during covid, I like stopped studying as hard as I used to which has a very bad effect on my academics now that I've returned to school.
My studying capacity has really reduced and i really really struggled to maintain a good GPA in these previous academic years. ( i passed my mind sem exam by 2%) And now I'm going to start a new academic session (bcoz the next 2 academic sessions r literally one of the most important years of my education) and I need to get my shit together, I did some self reflection and have realised that I waste a lot of time on my phone & laptop and even when I'm not using them i just waste a lot of time but just lying in bed and doing nothing.
I just finished a semester with a very stressful period of exams and have some free time on my hands (like 15 days ig), and I really want to use this time fruitfully.
So as a teacher, what do you suggest I do?
p.s- thank you so much for listening to all our problems and giving advice, you're like a guardian angel and i really appreciate what you're doing. ♥️♥️
Hi hon!
First, I think it's amazing that you're reflecting and wanting to do better, especially at your age. It's difficult to make those realizations, you know?
Also, I want you to know that you are absolutely not alone. SO many people are struggling after covid.
I think the biggest things to put in place, especially as school gets tougher (which is natural as you get older) are strong study habits, organization, and time management. You can't always control the difficulty of classes, but you CAN control how you deal with that.
So, over the next few weeks, I'd suggest taking some time to first, get yourself organized. If you don't already have one, come up with a system that works to keep all your books, notes, assignments, etc in order. And then STICK to it.
Next, practice some different ways of time management. Do you work better with lists or a planner? Alarms on your phone? Rewarding yourself after every twenty minutes of work with a Tumblr break, or just getting the whole assignment done at once? Reflect on how you manage your time best and make sure those systems are put in place before classes start. Then, STICK to them.
Last, reflect on your study habits. What's the best way for you to study? Do you prefer to read information? Rewrite it in notes? Say it aloud? Make flashcards? Some other way? If you're not sure, try each one. Knowing the best way to study for YOU will help you later when you have tests so you're not wasting time making flashcards if you really benefit more by reading.
Once you figure all this out, make sure to stick to it. Even when it sucks. Because if you do, you won't get as overwhelmed when things start to get tougher. I'll be honest with you, I literally started using a time management strategy I hadn't used since high school just the other day because I had so many things going on and it was SO helpful!
Remember, you've got this! I believe in you!
(Also I am naming you student anon in case you want to write again!)
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orangeinecstasy · 1 year
creative writing ࿐ ࿔*:・゚elijah hewson
paring: eli x fem!oc
summary: meeting eli in s creative writing class.
a/n: wanted to experiment with writing something from the guy's povs so here we go! lmk if you guys would want a part two for this or maybe other stuff from the guy's povs.
wc: 3.8 k
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*reblogs, notes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
"What do you have for your last class again?" Robert said, leaning against the lockers as I shut my own. I look down at my schedule, eyes scanning it.
"Uhh, creative writing with Mr. Smith," I push a hand through my hair, a nervous habit I had picked up in the past few months.
"Good luck with that one, lad. I heard he's a real dick," he patted my shoulder gently as we made our way down the crowded hall. Sighing, I glance down at my schedule again, trying to pretend I was happy with my class pick.
"I just need this year to be fucking over so that I don't have to worry about this shit anymore," I shove my schedule into one of my notebooks, hoping that it'll magically change as it's pressed between my physics notes. I glance down at my watch. "Shit, I'm going to be late. I'll see you a practice today," I said before spilling off from Robert.
"Good luck!" He yells as I sprint down the hallway, entering the class just before the bell rings.
"Good timing, Mr. Hewson," Mr. Smith, a man in his late forties wearing a tweed blazer and glasses that are slightly too small for his face, says as he stands behind the podium in the middle of the room. I flash him an awkward smile before looking around the room and finding an empty seat next to the windows overlooking the courtyard. 
The bell rang, signaling the start of class. Mr. Smith cleared his throat as he straightened his posture. "Good afternoon, everyone. As most of you know, I'm Mr. Smith. Welcome to your senior writing sem-" His words were cut off by a knock at the door. He looked over, slightly annoyed to be interrupted to see the headmaster with a girl my age, with brown curly hair and the same blue uniform that all the other girls wore, standing next to him.
"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Smith. This is Clara Anderson. She's new to our school," He said, resting his hand on her shoulder, I'm guessing to comfort her. "That's fine," he said, looking over his glasses at her. "You can sit next to Elijah Hewson. Mr. Hewson, please raise your hand," I did as told, my eye's following her as she sat down next to me.
"Hi," she whispered with a small smile, the American accent surprising me slightly. "Hey," I said, returning the smile as Mr. Smith started rambling again.
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I look out the window, mindlessly watching the rain fall as I sit in Mr. Smith's class again. We had been in school for a few months, and the class hadn't become more enjoyable. The only thing that made the class even somewhat bearable was Clara. Though we didn't talk a ton, it was nice when we chatted occasionally.
I discovered that her parents had moved here from America because her Dad did something with international relations, and she had a younger brother named Jonah. We talked about music some, and I told her about the band that I was in. Yeah, I was trying to impress her, but who wouldn't when you're talking to a beautiful girl. I was snapped out of my daydreaming by hearing my name being called.
"Huh, yeah?" I said, eyes quickly flashing from the window to Mr. Smith. 
"Are you ready to present your poetry assignment?" he said clearly unamused, eyebrow cocked as he and the rest of the room looked over at me. 
"Uhh..." I stammered, knowing that I had totally forgotten about the assignment. 
"Do you mind if I present Mr. Smith?" Clara said, in the mists of unpreparedness. 
He rolled his eyes. "If you must," He said, moving away from the podium so she could present. 
She grabbed her notebook and walked to the podium. Her curls fell over her shoulder as she flipped her notebook open, hands gripping it nervously. "This one is called Summer," she quickly pushed her hair behind her shoulder before starting to read. 
Everyone always told me that summer love never lasts
But my heart yearned
It craved that feeling
So I didn't listen
Then I met you
Bright smile, blond hair, eyes that crinkled when you laugh
So I gave in
But now
As the weather grows colder
Blossoming falling
Leaves changing 
I can feel your hands grow cold as I grip them tighter 
Trying to hold onto something 
Trying to hold onto you
But then you pulled away 
Leaving me surrounded by the falling leaves 
As I wished that I could just go back to that summer
She paused for a moment after reading her pome before shutting her notebook. "Thank you," she smiled gently, the class clapping loudly as she returned to her seat beside me.
"You really saved my ass. Thank you," I whispered, leaning over so she could hear me clearly. "Yeah, it's no problem," she smiled, her cheeks pricking with a slight blush. I nod, smiling. 
The bell chimed, causing everyone to gather their stuff and leave the classroom, excited to go home and experience the weekend. "Hey, Clara!" I yelled, causing the girl to stop in the middle of the hallway.
"Yeah?" she said as I caught up, fingers running through my hair. "Are you doing anything tonight?" I asked.
"Hmm, I don't think so. Why?" she asked as we stared down the hallway together.
"Well, you know that band I'm in? We're playing a show at one of my friend's parties, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I said, messing. With the rings of one of the notebooks I was carrying.
"Yeah, I'd be down," she smiled, nodding. "Here, just text me the details," she grabbed the pen clipped to one of her notebooks, grabbed my hand, and wrote down her number.
"I'll see ya tonight," she said with a slight wave before walking off.
"Yeah, see you then," I said quickly before staring down at my hand where she had written. 
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"Eli, you haven't stopped checking your phone for the last thirty minutes. So what is going on?" Rob said as he sat on the couch next to me.
"Sorry, I guess I'm just kind of out of it," I shove my phone back into my pocket, leaning into the plush leather couch.
"It's probably that American girl, Clara, or whatever her name is," Ryan said as he walked into the room, cracking open a can of soda.
"Oooh, do you have a thing for her now or something?" Rob said with a smirk, nudging me with his elbow. My hands ran over my face, causing the sigh that escaped through my lips to be slightly muffled.
"I don't know. She might be coming to the show tonight, but she hasn't texted me back, and I'm just ugh," I huff, rubbing my hands on my jeans.
"I'm sure she's just busy. I wouldn't worry about it," Josh said as he kicked his feet up on the coffee table. He was always so positive, and usually, it was nice, but this time it was slightly annoying.
"Yeah, yeah," I said before feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. Quickly, I pull my phone out of my pocket, and a text notification from Clara appears on my screen. 
Thanks! Can't wait to see you play tonight. Tell the guys good luck for me :)
I smiled down at my phone as my fingers moved across the keys, responding with a simple, Will do
"Was that her?" Robert said, leaning over to look at my phone. I nod, a bright smile on my face. "She's coming, lads. We need to perform better than we ever have." The guys cheered, Ryan and Josh crashing their soda cans together in celebration. 
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The music from the speakers caused the floor underneath me to vibrate as I pushed through the crowd to get to the drinks. As I made my way over, I saw Clara, out of that familiar blue uniform and instead in blue jeans and a white off-the-shoulder top that exposed her collarbones.
"Hey, Clara," I said as I pulled a Heineken from one of the coolers. "Hey!" she smiled, using a bottle opener to remove the cap. "Enjoying the party?" I said, reaching into the cooler to grab my own beer, the cool green bottle pressing against my skin. She shrugs,
"Yeah, I'm here with some friends, so that's nice." She sips her drink. "When do you go on?" she hands me the bottle cap opener. "In a couple of minutes. I'm kind of nervous," I chuckle weakly, opening my beer and taking a swig. She touched my shoulder gently, that beautiful smile still on her lips.
"You're going to do great," she said before looking past me momentarily. "Shit, my friends are calling me. I promise I'll be watching. Good luck," she squeezes my shoulder, kissing my cheek softly before walking back into the crowd. I turned to watch her as she walked away, my heart skipping a beat as my hand reached up to touch my cheek. 
I shake my head slightly, pushing through the crowd again to find the lads. "Eli, there you are. Fuck. We're on in two minutes," Ryan said, fiddling with the drumsticks.
"Sorry, I was just getting a drink," I hold up the Heineken, taking a long swig before setting it down on some random table. I wipe the sweat from the bottle on my jeans before slipping my guitar strap over my shoulders.
"Hey guys, you ready?" Jack, our friend hosting the party, said. "Yep," I said, grabbing a guitar pick from my pocket. 
Jack steps onto the makeshift stage, tapping the mike gently to see if it was turned on. "Hey everyone, how are we feeling tonight?" The crowd cheered in response, some people lifting their drinks into the air. "That's what I'm talking about! Now, I'd like to introduce you to my good friends. Please give a big round of applause for Inhaler!" He steps away from the mike, clapping as the lads and I walk on stage.
"Thanks, Jack," I say, plugging the amp into my guitar. "Hey guys, we're Inhaler. This song is called I Want You. Hope you enjoy," I strum the guitar, ensuring it is still in tune before looking over at Robert and Josh, both nodding that they're ready. I take a deep breath, looking out into the crowd and seeing Clara beautiful as ever. She gives me a small wave and a smile that I return before starting the set. 
Once our set was finished, the crowd erupted in cheers. "Thanks, everybody. Enjoy the rest of the party," I unplug the amp from my guitar, giving the crowd a small wave before leaving the stage. "That was fucking amazing! They loved us!" Robert said, wrapping his arm around Josh's shoulder, a goofy grin on his face.
"Yeah, great job, guys," I smile, setting my guitar back into its case. My hands push through my hair as my eyes scan the crowd, quickly finding Clara. "I'll catch up with you guys later," I move past Rob and into the crowd.
"You were fucking amazing!" Clara yelled over the music. "Thanks! I'm going out for a smoke. Want to come?" I leaned down, hoping it would allow her to hear me clearly. She nods. "Yeah, sure!" I take her hand, allowing us to wave through people so as not to get separated.
I take a deep breath as we set out into the night's cool air, the deck empty as I lean against its railing, quickly lighting a cigarette. "She's so beautiful," Clara said, looking at the sky. The bright moon cast light onto her skin, giving it a soft glow. "Yeah, she is," my eyes didn't leave her.
"Did you write that first song you played?" She turned to me, leaning slightly against the deck's railing. "Yeah, the lads and I write everything together," I take a long drag from the cigarette.
"Want a drag?" I say, holding it out to her. "Fuck it," she shrugs, inhaling deeply, causing her to cough as the smoke leaves her lips. I laugh, taking the cigarette back. "First time?" she nods, her coughing slowly subduing.
"Yeah, it's kinda taboo in America," she fiddles with her beer bottle, a phone chiming and cutting through the silence. Clara pulled her phone out of her pocket, reading something on her screen.
"Shit, I've got to head home. I really enjoyed tonight. Thanks for inviting me," she smiled gently. "I can drive you home if you'd like," I said, stubbing out my cigarette. "That'd actually be super helpful," she slipped her phone back into her pocket. "It's just out front," I motioned towards the driveway. 
The car's top was down, and the cold night air pushed into the car. Clara's eyes were again fixed on the starlit sky above as we drove through the dark countryside, slowly returning to the city. It was quiet the whole ride, but it wasn't awkward. There was something almost comforting about just being with her. I parked in her driveway, shutting off the car.
"Thanks for the ride," her hand ran through her windswept hair, trying to push it back into its regular position.
"It's no problem at all," I smile, focusing, moving from her eyes to her lips, then back again. The space between them got smaller as she leaned in. I sucked in a breath as her eyes moved to my lips before looking at me. I leaned in, kissing her gently. She smiled into the kiss, soft lips melting into mine. I blushed as she pulled away, a small laugh leaving her lips.
"I'll see you on Monday," she said as she exited the car.
"See you" I responded faintly.
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I waited in the noisy airport, families, school groups, and corporate workers passing me as I stood outside the arrivals gate. Clara was finally coming back from America after visiting her family.
Even after her family had moved back, she decided to stay in Ireland and attend university here. Though I told her I would support her no matter what, I was happy that she decided to stay. But that was a couple of years ago now that she was about to graduate from university. 
"Where is she?" I mumble, looking down at my phone to make sure I had the right gate. "ELIJAH!!!" I heard a familiar voice scream. Looking up, I see Clara running towards me. I wrap my arms around her tightly as she reaches me, picking her up and spinning her around.
"I missed you," I say as her sweet scent consumes me. "I missed you too! Ugh, it's so great to be back. You don't understand. Well, I guess you kinda do now. Don't ya, rockstar?" she nudges me gently, causing me to laugh as I take her suitcase.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I shrug, the two of us making our way out of the airport, Clara talking about all the family drama she found out when she was back in the States. 
"Surprise!" the lads and some of our other friends said as Clara entered my apartment, setting off party poppers that scattered confetti into the air. "Awe, guys, you're so sweet," Clara says, her face bright with happiness.
"I missed you so much, lovey," Lizzy, Clara's best friend, says as she hugs her tightly. "I missed you too," she hugged, greeting everyone else before settling on the couch beside Ryan. "I'm fucking exhausted, guys," she sighed, leaning back into the couch.
"That's a shame. I guess you won't want to go to the party tonight," Robert says, knowing that it would only push her to go. "Rob, seriously," I say, slightly annoyed.
"Party?" Clara perked up, her eyebrow raising. "I can always go to a party," Rob looked over at me, a pleased smile on his face. "See Eli, she wants to go!" he motions in her direction, his smile growing. I clear my throat, clasping my hands together.
"One of our friends is throwing a party tonight. I wasn't going to tell you because I knew you'd just be back, But Robert," I look over at him, jaw clenching slightly, "has now broken the news," his arm wraps around my shoulder, pulling me into him.
"Oh, come on, Eli. She's an adult. She can make her own decisions. Can't you, Clara?"
She laughs, nodding, "Of course, I can." 
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"Clara, you ready?" I say as I slip on my shoes, glancing in the mirror to ensure I look decent. "Yeah!" she says as she walks into the living room, her more casual airport outfit replaced by a black mini skirt and a small graphic t-shirt. "Is this okay?" she did a little spin, allowing me to take in all of her. I swallow hard before responding. "Yeah, you look great," I smile. 
The party was already crowded by the time we got there, pushing our way into the apartment. "I'm going to go get a drink," Clara yelled over the music. I nodded in response before she walked into the crowd. I wandered around momentarily until I finally found Ryan and Josh sitting on a couch, smoking a joint.
"Hey, lads," I settle myself on the armrest of the couch. "Want some?" Ryan holds out the joint to me, smoke slipping from his lips. I shake my head, "I'm good," he nods, handing it back to Josh. 
"How are you feeling? Still going to tell her?" 
I shrug, fiddling with one of the rings. "I don't know. I just don't want to fuck our friendship up," I sign, hand brushing through my hair. 
"If you don't do it not, you'll never do it," Josh said, taking the puff of the joint as its light fizzled out between his fingers. 
"We'll just see what happens." 
Clara appeared from the crowd, making her way in our direction. "Hey guys!" her smile was brighter than usual. "Eli," she says, handing a beer out to me. "Thanks," she hums, sipping her beer as I grab mine from her hand.
"I missed this. I missed you guys. You don't know how fucking happy I am to be back," a small laugh followed her words, the dim lighting casting beautiful shadows across her face.
"We're happy to have you back. Especially this one," Ryan says, hand coming down hard on my thigh. I could feel the heat creep up in my face.
"What can I say? I'm enchanting," she flipped her hair jokingly. Even though she was joking, it was true. 
We talked for a little longer until the song changed to Lets Go To Bed by The Cure, causing Clara's eyes to light up. "OH MY GOD, I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG!" she set her beer down on the table next to me. "Eli, come on, you have to dance with me!"
I shake my head smiling. "I'm good. You have fun, though," I say, gesturing to the crowd of people dancing. "Boring," she rolled her eyes playfully, smile still on her lips before going out to dance. 
I take a long drink from my beer before standing and telling the guys I am going out for a smoke. I stepped outside into the cold night, watching the cars below pass as I lit my cigarette. I was getting in my head too much. I just had to do it. I had to tell her, but something was holding me back. I take a long drag from a cigarette, holding the smoke in my lungs until it burns slightly, then letting it drift from my lips.
God, you're such a fucking pussy, Elijah. You could have any girl you wanted in the tenth of a second, but you're too scared to ask the girl you've been in love with for years? Fuck this. I take another long drag from the cigarette before stubbing it out on the metal railing, walking back into the apartment, determined to confess my feelings to Clara finally. 
I move through the crow of people, eyes moving along people's faces as I try to find her. Finally, I spot her in the corner of the room, another beer in her hand, as some guy leans down, saying something in her heart that causes her to laugh. My jaw clenches tightly as I make my wave over.
"Hey Clara," my arm slips around her waist, pulling her close. "Hey!" her arm wraps around my shoulder. "Mark, this is Eli. Eli, this is Mark" My eyes scan him for a moment. "Nice to meet you," he says with a smile. I nod my head, giving a slight hum in response.
"Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I whisper in Clara's ear, causing her eyebrow to raise. "Do you think you can wait a sec?" she says, glancing at Mark. "It's kind of important," Mark clears his throat, rubbing his nape.
"I'm going to go. But I'll see you later, yeah?" Clara eye's cut in my direction for a moment, a smile quickly returning to her face as she responds. "Yeah, definitely!" 
"Eli, you totally fucking cockblocked me back there," he says with a smile. I nod my head, giving a slight hum in 0talk to you outside for a minute?" I whisper in Clara's ear, causing her eyebrow to raise. "Do you think you can wait a sec?" she says, glancing at Mark. "It's kind of important," Mark clears his throat, rubbing his nape.
"I'm going to go. But I'll see you later, yeah?" Clara eye's cut in my direction for a moment, a smile quickly returning to her lips. "Yeah," Mark responds with a nod.  
"Oh, excuse me. Mark looked so fucking ravishing. I was getting turned on for you," I say as the two of us step onto the balcony. She scoffed, rolling her eyes. 
"Jesus, what the fuck is your problem?" 
"You! You're the fucking problem. Ever since you left, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind, and now that you're back and here, it all feels too real." 
There's a beat before she responds, "Eli, what are you trying to say?"  
I look down, the leather of my boots glowing slightly from the moonlight, "What I'm trying to say is," 
I pause, looking back up at her. "What I'm trying to say is, is that I'm in love with you, Clara." 
Before I could even think, her lips were pressed against mine, the strawberry taste of her lips making my brain go numb as the kiss grew deeper. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. My hands naturally found her waist as I smiled slightly into the kissing, humming happily as she pulled away. 
"Elijah Hewson, you are the fucking dumbest person I know," she shook her head, causing me to laugh. "How so?" I say, glancing down at her lips for a moment, her lipstick slightly smudged. 
"Because I've been in love with you since we were in creative writing senior year," she says, laughing. 
"Wait, seriously?" 
She flicks my forehead gently, "Yes, idiot." 
"Hey!" I rub my forehead as she continues to laugh. 
"That's what you get."
"Oh well, at least I have you now," I say, kissing her once again, the night fading around us.
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hobie-doh · 1 year
I don't like Kasumi Yoshizawa at all (the fake person, not the dead sister)
Sumire is fine, I don't really have an impression of her other than "wow they really forced her as best girl huh and the ending is lackluster if you actually date her." But KASUMI.
Bane of Ren "Yo momma" Amamiya's existence.
I was gonna eat ice cream with the boys, boom. Kasumi.
I wanted to buy Coffee Dad/Brojiro a trinket? Kasumi.
Nice park clean up and cute moments with the shujin trio? No, it's Kasumi time.
It's a shame because I want to like Kasumire I really do, but she spends too much of the game as Kasumi and leaves so small of an impression as Sumire.
Also tbh her writing in third sem sucks. Putting her hair up with the Kasumi ribbon allowing her to transform into violet? Dumb. Her outfit is Fem Jokers? Dumb, they should have got rid of that when she was no longer FeMC.
I like the leotard but outside of that it just... big sigh, she didn't her own color and just also red, Joker does it better and longer than her and it makes her time as a thief feel bland.
Her moveset too... bless and curse fighters aren't great but Sophia and Ken Amada prove it can be done but something about Sumi's moveset feels weak.
And (I have this problem with almost all the girls dw) romancing Sumire feels gross.
Joker doesn't know her well, he knew Kasumi, and Sumire's last five social link ranks just don't feel like they are enough to get to know her, she doesn't feel all that different from Kasumi either which ISNT a good thing as it makes me feel like she's relapsing by the end of the game which is BAD.
Also like, she's so entranced by Joker and has that whole "I owe him so much he's my wonderful senpai!!!!!1!1" thing that also makes romancing her feel yucky to me.
And her sailor moon transformation is dumb. You're telling me nerdy Futaba, practically serena herself Ann, and elegant princess Haru had normal fire transformations ans Kasumi gets a sailor moon transformation?
There's so much with her that feels mishandled, and again I have such a hard time trying to like Sumire because Kasumi angers me.
I would like to reiterate, if you like her, as either Kasumi or Sumire PLEASE do not let me take that away from you, it's completely valid and I would even like to discuss it with you as I want to like her.
Anyways she's still not the worst phantom thief.
GG to Yoshizawa and Akechi fans, y'all ate in third semester, but as neither of those things, I prefer the vanilla ending.
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dreamingofthedteam · 6 months
This is so awesome because I will be doing similar things for my thesis
(my professor agreed to make it easier btw so I no longer have to make the circuit board from scratch 🎉)
I can't wait to watch the vod!!! I'm literally so excited for dteam to do electronics stuff!!!!
Also I love soldering. On my last course my professor said my soldering was good and I was so proud of myself because I only ever did it a few times
that is so amazing and im happy that you like it and will be learning more of it!! i also hope the dteam make this into a dream tech video i await that channels return sm!
personally i didnt do the soldering stuff, just did the stuff on bread boards. we made some basic circuits in electronics and electrical engineering classes in sems 1 and 2, and then a bit more complex stuff like logical gates and multiplexers and adders and shit in sem 3. i never really liked the theory of these subjects, but the practical labs were always such a blast to work on. i was so glad that all the lab assistants were so helpful (tho the other people always said they werent helpful at all idk why). its so much fucking fun watching them do it too tho
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ktsumu · 6 months
hi this is so unrelated but I’ve seen you post about being a stem student (I think) and literally how do you cope with finals 😭😭 i did so bad last sem and I need advice (1st year chem eng) if you have any!
i am so unqualified to answer this but here’s like …. my tips … for having written 8 finals in like 6 days last semester in the same boat as you basically SO!
this might be different because I’m a biochem major (technically bio with a chem minor now but still taking courses for introductory BSc requirements) and not chem eng BUT my friends in chem eng share a lot of my courses right now SO:
for math, physics, chem: practice problems until u want to die. like until you seriously want to scratch your eyeballs out. i aced my physics final by JUST doing practice problems FOR HOURS and watching theory videos on youtube for long-answer questions!! if you get stuck (ESPECIALLY on physics) take a break or get a fresh set of eyes to set you in the right direction. if i ever got stuck I literally just left it for an hour, came back and could do it
for calc (calc 2 especially because jesus fuck) i do active recall on a whiteboard for all of the trig substitution stuff (power reducing, product sum etc) because there’s a LOT. also the trig subs for like 1+x^2 and all that. OR i remember one and learn how to get the others from that but that’s kinda hard … mainly I focus trig because that’s what i think is the most dense but reddit forums can help you deal with any problem areas you have!! discord math help servers rock too
if you’re taking biology or psych as an elective or pre req, ACTIVE RECALL. bio pathways on whiteboards especially!!!! so good for metabolic pathways (we did a baseline coverage of them) and the krebs cycle!!! acronyms and rhymes are super good for bio (mainly bio 1 but you know)
also biochem if you’re taking it before second year: the app ‘amino acid quiz’ is a LIFESAVER i memorized them by doing it like once a day … i could draw them in my sleep right now i swear to fod
OVERALL: prioritize yourself overall! also do not compare with your friends outside right before the exam, i found it could be helpful but overall just stressed everyone out because we all studied the content in different ways. you’ll do great!! 🤍🤍 be kind to yourself always, university is hard!
drink water and you got this!!! sending you hugs for finals season friend!
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grad604-kannonhen · 1 year
mid sem objects 3
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The two art books:
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Tekkonkinkreet art book Shiro:
Tekkonkinkreet is an animation film by Studio 4C, original manga by Taiyo Matsumoto. I was gifted this book for my 18th birthday by my mother and younger sister. The Shiro (meaning white in Japanese, also being the name of one of the main characters) version showcases the background art used in the final movie. Background art of animation movies, particularly hand-drawn ones, has always been one of my core artistic inspirations starting from Studio Ghibli. It has always been a dream of mine to collect art books and this is the first ever one I owned which already makes it incredibly special for me. Tekkonkinkreet has won many awards, one of which is the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year; it incorporates hand-drawn illustrations combined with 3D technology which creates immersive camera movements while keeping the tactile quality of hand-drawn background. The artwork of Tekkonkinkreet stunned me and has affected my creative eye. The old nostalgic broken down cityscape and the density of the place are inspired by actual location in Japan and is depicted in the fictional reality, realistic fiction. It reminds me of the Tokyo Chaotic style named by Perimetron.
Tekkonkinkreet art book Kuro:
I was gifted the Kuro(meaning black in Japanese, the name of the other main character) version this year for my 20th birthday. The Kuro version showcases more of the behind-the-scenes works like the storyboarding process and initial sketches done by the art director of the film, Shinji Kimura. After having looked through the Shiro version first, looking at the sketches that came before all that deepens the world-building and makes it even more immersive. As a viewer we rarely ever get a chance to see the storyboarding process or initial sketches so it was a special experience for me.
Drawing tablets:
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Wacom drawing tablet:
Wacom is a Japanese company famous for creating drawing tablets, founded in 1983 having its head office in Saitama prefecture Japan. This is the first ever drawing tablet I bought for myself. It's the smallest size sold from Wacom and honestly, it isn't the easiest thing to use, but it still is special for me because it is what enabled me to start digital drawing. Digital drawing as a medium was a complete change from the traditional paintings and analogue drawings that I did throughout my life up until then, and it has influenced my interest in Japanese internet culture. It led to me looking through many artists online with the same practice and learning from their beautiful works. It was also a tool that was essential for creating some university projects like the concertina or the awareness campaign. It is a beginning and an end to certain chapters of my creative journey and as crucial key object for the development of my illustration practice.
XP-Pen display drawing tablet:
The display drawing tablet was an upgrade from the small tablet. I only got this last year and it was a major turning point in my illustration process and workflow as well as my mindset as a creative. I used to not take illustration very seriously and was only little doodles on the side of school work I didn't want to do, thus why I spent a minimum amount of money for the smallest tablet available. However, as I drew more and more, like any other creative person, I started seeing my limits and lack of technique or skill. I abandoned drawing all the time, and I still do, but purchasing this large tablet marks a change in my efforts and the significance of illustration within myself that it's a good equipment that I own so I must use it up to its potential.
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hodisblog · 2 years
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Final Presentation & Submission
Tutors' Feedback
Both Yana and Selena appreciated the background and concept of my design. As my work was done digitally, conveying the organic and raw elements of my design was lacking. This would have been achieved by more raw practices that would be integrated into my final work (they emphasised the early work I undertook in the conceptual development stages (the one I pinned up on my board as process work). I love this point and feel this is a very important lesson I need to learn. Doing my work digitally is a good way for me to be able to bring my design to life in a way I don't feel I am capable of doing by hand, however, it does strip it away from my thumbprint and organic creation that is so vital to both the concept and the final product. another point that was brought up in response to my work was the functionality of the pool while menstruating women bathe in it. Although I have given the functional parts of my design a lot of thought regarding functionality, I see how I should have done a better job at explaining the functional part behind my design and how it is a place for women to menstruate in and bleed freely. however, it is not only designed for that very purpose. elements of my design such as the toilets/bleeding rooms are specifically designed for free bleeding, but the rest of my design is for women to enjoy and use throughout every stage of their menstrual cycle. I would however think of the pool waters cleansing elements and of the more technical parts of hygiene and comfort carried out throughout my design. The last point that was brought up was the lack of context in my sections and floor plans. As this is my first time ever navigating my way through them without proper guidance I felt I didn't quite know how to communicate the surroundings of my design into my floor plans and sections. After seeing other people's work I now see how I could have done that in a way that better communicates what's around the building and how my design responds to its surroundings.
Personal Reflection
firstly, wow! (*large sigh*) I cannot believe I finally reached this moment. I am very proud of myself for the amount of time and effort this project required of me. I worked consecutively every single day from mis-sem until today, sometimes into the very late hours of the night or even early mornings. But I couldn't feel prouder about myself and my work. I am extremely bonded with my project and feel I have managed to communicate myself, my values and my designs throughout the whole thing. I feel I stayed true to myself throughout this semester. doing so allowed me to produce work that truly speaks to me, and that I am happy to work very hard on. this semester taught me so much about every aspect of spatial design. Even though I wished some parts were refined in order to allow better focus and more time to produce the final project, I absolutely loved the brief and cannot wait to see what next year holds for me.
Things I want to point out to myself that i wish to improve going into my second year
Starting the physical process of work earlier on. This is probably the hardest thing for me. I am great at getting inspiration and gathering materials, but when it comes to getting hands-on I procrastinate due to fear of failure to produce good-enough work. this includes anything that isn't done digitally (model making, lab work, physical research and exploration etc).
Get more creative in ways of expressing my creativity. even though I feel uncomfortable expressing myself in ways that are vulnerable to me, I like to try and push myself further and find a better, more holistic approach to expressing my creativity.
Produce more physical work. I really want to utilise my short time at AUT to learn more about ways to create my design. Whenever I use the labs I get so much more inspired and connected to my projects, not to mention how much I learn about the materiality and production process.
Prioritise resting more. no matter how stressed I feel throughout the day, resting allows more recourses and helps me regain perspective about my work and process. I must keep this in mind and try implementing this more.
Re-visit the brief before submission. I forgot to pin up photos of my model on my board. And although my model isn’t as relevant to my final presentation I missed that as I was too caught up on the main points that I completely missed that requirement even though it was right there.
to sum up, I am very proud of myself and the work and process it took to produce it. I cannot wait till year 2!
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moneyearningplatforms · 2 months
How to Crack a Digital Marketing Job in a Competitive Journey
In general, landing a job in the modern and dynamically developing sphere of digital marketing calls for strategic thinking, specific practice of work, and initiative. Here's how fresh graduates, career shifters, or people looking for a new job can get a digital marketing job. In this guide, we’ll explore how to crack a digital marketing job in a competitive journey.
Understand the Landscape
Digital marketing is very versatile, and thus some of the positions associated with the field include an SEO specialist, content marketer, social media manager, and PPC analyst, among others. Of course, it is vital to comprehend those roles and the degree of preparedness that is expected of them. Evaluate the development patterns of the market, key competitors, and the abilities necessary to succeed. Read posts in the blog, register with forums, and be a subscriber to newsletters from any leadership. Doing so will help you get a clear picture of your interest areas and your strengths therefore matching the two will be easier.
Acquire the Necessary Skills
Proficiency is a necessity in digital marketing because skills apply to the market. Start by gaining a solid foundation in the following areas: Start by gaining a solid foundation in the following areas:
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
Content Creation and Marketing
Social Media Management
Email Marketing
Analytics and Data Interpretation
Take classes on Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn learning. Most of these platforms provide certification, which can be added to your resume.
Establish a Sound Cyber Presence
As for the last crucial aspect, it is necessary to state that your online presence is your resume in the digital world. Begin with the LinkedIn account: construction and alignment. Your skills, experience, and even endorsements should be put on display. Also, think about beginning a blog or some personal website with tips, works, and examples of developments. This is also improved by being active on social media such as Twitter and Instagram as well as groups of people in the relevant industries.
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Gain Practical Experience
Practical experience is invaluable. Graduation and coursework Completion of the degree means that an individual is in a good position to seek internships, freelance projects, or volunteer to practice their skills in the field. Small businesses or non-profit organizations can be approached for internships since they create practical experience and portfolios.
Many other freelance websites such as Upwork and Fiverr can also be other places where you can get freelance jobs. What you have previously done is likely a set of projects completed at work, and documenting how you managed to succeed in those projects, and what you learned in the process can be strong selling points in job interviews.
Network and Build Connections
Networking is a very effective method in digital marketing. Join related forums, conventions, webinars, and local meetings to find people in the discussed field. Other networking can also be done through the recruitment of digital marketing groups on LinkedIn or on Facebook. Do not be shy when asking experts in the industry for informational interviews. Establishing these links could open up employment opportunities in addition to finding a good role model to mentor a person.
Prepare for the Interview
Last of all, do your homework on your interviewees. It is always recommended to get familiar with the approaches of the company in an online marketing environment and prepare for the discussion with valuable tips. Embrace the probability to talk about the previous projects, and how your skills could apply to the position. Rehearse some basic interview questions and practice the four or five sentences that would be in your 30-second commercial.
Breaking into this digital marketing job is something that takes a lot of effort, time, and commitment to learning and networking. Properly assessing the field, gaining adequate knowledge, building an individual’s brand online, gaining experience, and networking will help you achieve the goal of finding your dream job in the field of digital marketing. Engage in the practices of being proactive and up-to-date with the current changes in the market.
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ellsellmesoull · 5 months
So the grade here is marked like marks scored in class + attendance + jury marks
And last sem we were decided into groups to be taught by diff faculties
And my group did well and I got rly good internal marks
But before jury , our internal faculty got into a fight with one of the faculty who guided my grp (and got her fired too cus his daddy is rich and powerful but that's another story)
And he was spiteful against our group. And was practically shit to our group especially. And insanely favouring his own. So anyway my jury was beyond shit I was praying to at least pass.
And cus of that my overall grade is shit but I passed
But my parents are like you should've studied more
Like ffs this sem, I have done shit cus fuck everything but last sem I had put my whole ass into it only to be targeted for some obscure reason
And i've told my parents this before, when the jury happened and they know but why are they being so shitty now
But I did work hard I did do my best they're saying you better start studying like I did do that and I told you how shit it was and everyone in my grp got shit grades cus of this and
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flowchanger · 6 months
SEO Search Engine Optimization
SEO Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of enhancing your website to boost its visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. This involves optimising your web pages to rank higher in search results when users search for relevant keywords related to your products, services, or areas of expertise. The primary aim is to attract more organic traffic to your site, increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into customers or loyal followers.
Understanding the Differences: SEO vs. SEM vs. PPC In your journey through the realm of search engine marketing, it’s crucial to grasp the distinctions between SEO, SEM, and PPC. These terms often intermingle, but each plays a unique role in optimising your online presence and driving traffic to your website.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO aims to enhance the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs) through organic means. It involves optimising various elements of your site, such as content, meta tags, and site structure, to rank higher for relevant keywords. Unlike paid advertising, SEO efforts aim to attract unpaid, organic traffic.
SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
SEM encompasses a broader scope than SEO. While SEO is a subset of SEM, SEM also includes paid advertising strategies like PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. SEM involves using various tactics to enhance a website’s visibility in search engine results, both through organic means (SEO) and paid channels (PPC).
PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
PPC,or Pay-Per-Click advertising, involves advertisers paying a fee for each click on their online ads. These ads typically appear at the top or bottom of search engine results pages, marked as “sponsored” or “ad.” Unlike SEO, which relies on organic rankings, PPC allows advertisers to bid on Advertisers bid on keywords and display their ads to users who are searching for those specific terms.
Understanding these distinctions is essential for crafting a comprehensive search marketing strategy. While SEO focuses on long-term, sustainable growth through organic tactics, SEM combines both organic and paid strategies to maximise a website’s visibility and drive targeted traffic.
Why SEO Is Important SEO is really important for businesses because it helps them get noticed online. When people search for stuff online, like products or information, they usually start with a search engine like Google. And guess what? More than half of all website traffic comes from these searches!
That’s why the SEO industry is growing so much—it’s expected to hit over $122 billion soon. SEO isn’t just about getting more website visitors; it’s about getting the right ones who might become customers.
People search for things in lots of different places, not just Google. They might look on social media platforms like YouTube or TikTok, or even on retail sites like Amazon or Walmart. So, it’s crucial for businesses to be easily found wherever people are searching for them.
Search results pages can be really competitive, with lots of different features like maps, videos, or news stories. Getting your website to show up higher in these results means more people are likely to click on it.
Unlike other types of marketing, good SEO work lasts a long time. With paid ads, once you stop paying, the traffic stops. Social media traffic can be unreliable and might not bring in as many visitors as before. But with SEO, if you do it right, your website can keep getting visitors for a long time.
SEO isn’t just about keywords and technical stuff. It’s about understanding what your customers want and making sure your website and content meet those needs. This helps with everything from paid ads to social media.
In short, SEO is essential for businesses to get the right people to their website, boost their sales, and build trust with customers. When your website ranks well in search engines, it shows that you’re trustworthy and authoritative, which search engines like Google love to reward with better rankings.
Understanding How SEO Works SEO is a complex process that involves various elements working together to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results. Let’s delve into the key components that make SEO effective:
SEO involves individuals or teams responsible for strategizing, implementing, and managing SEO efforts. These individuals possess expertise in optimizing websites and content to improve search engine rankings.
Effective SEO relies on well-defined processes to streamline tasks and ensure efficiency. These processes encompass everything from keyword research and content optimization to technical SEO and link building.
Technology plays a crucial role in SEO, as various platforms and tools aid in analysing data, monitoring performance, and implementing optimization strategies. SEO professionals utilise tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Moz to gather insights and track progress.
SEO activities encompass the tangible outputs of the optimization process. This includes creating high-quality content, optimising on-page elements such as title tags and meta descriptions, building backlinks from reputable websites, and ensuring technical aspects of the site are optimised for search engines.
Deep understanding of SEO principles, best practices, and algorithm updates is essential for success. SEO practitioners stay updated with industry trends, algorithm changes, and emerging techniques to adapt their strategies accordingly.
Successful SEO requires integration across various digital marketing channels and disciplines. This includes aligning SEO efforts with content marketing, social media, and paid advertising strategies to maximise overall visibility and effectiveness.
By combining these critical elements and continually refining strategies based on data and insights, businesses can achieve higher rankings in search engine results, attract relevant traffic, and ultimately drive conversions and business growth through SEO.
Types of SEO SEO, or search engine optimization, can be categorised into three main types based on the focus and approach:
On-Page SEO:
On-page SEO involves optimising individual web pages to improve their visibility and relevance for specific keywords or topics. This includes optimising content, meta tags, headings, images, and URL structures to align with search engine algorithms and user intent. On-page SEO aims to enhance the quality and relevance of web pages to attract organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.
Off-Page SEO:
Off-page SEO focuses on activities and strategies undertaken outside of the website to improve its authority, credibility, and relevance in the eyes of search engines. This primarily involves building high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites, social media engagement, online mentions, and brand building activities. Off-page SEO aims to enhance the website’s reputation and trustworthiness, which indirectly impacts its search engine rankings.
Technical SEO:
Technical SEO deals with optimising the technical aspects of a website to improve its crawling, indexing, and overall performance in search engine results. This includes optimising website structure, site speed, mobile-friendliness, schema markup, XML sitemaps, canonical tags, and other technical elements. Technical SEO ensures that search engine crawlers can efficiently access, interpret, and index the website’s content, leading to better visibility and rankings in search results.
By incorporating all three types of SEO into a comprehensive strategy, businesses can maximise their website’s potential to attract organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and achieve their online marketing goals.
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etherealyoungk · 7 months
honestly our timing has been so off lately ughhhwhjcj 😭😔☝️
nothing much has happened lately except my second sem started and i hate it here bye 😭 i’m literally so done w college like can i get my degree already.. 🫤👎
but anyway!!! hope your exams went well and the last one’s good too <33 also good luck for your practicals mwah 🫶🫶
yeah :( we need to catch up soon fr
stop already 😭 i hope the second semester treats you well. no fr like pls give me my degree now 😕 im not ready for my next sem my teacher said she's gonna be more hectic on us im lowkey scared bye.
i slayed my exams tbh☝🏽i think i did really well! theory is easy for me, it's just the practicals that make me a bit antsy and nervous bc for me those are important.
anyways, i hope you have a good week ahead and you be well and take care 🫶🏼🫶🏼 mwahh
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Week 5 in Limerick
Hey guys, it’s Katie again, and here’s what happened this past week in Limerick.
Monday: Today, I changed up the procedure in the lab a bit. I’m using the same amount of sludge and acid, but I add the acid after running the reactor, then run it again at a lower temperature. Based on the results from today, it’s possible that doing this results in more liquid product and less hydrochar, but I will need to do a few more trials to be sure. We didn’t do much that evening besides hang out, but we had plans to go kayaking the next day, so it was nice to have a chill evening.
Tuesday: I started by repeating the experiment from yesterday, but during the second run of the HTC reactor, it heated past the set temperature, so I had to discard the products. It wasn’t a huge deal since I have plenty of time to run the various trials, but it was a little frustrating. In the evening, we went kayaking. We lucked out with the weather because it had been pouring rain on and off all day, but cleared up when we went out on the river. It was different than expected since we stayed in the same area on the river and played kayaking games like kayak polo, races, and kayak tag. It was a great time, even though I crashed into everyone multiple times. 
Wednesday: Today we switched things up a bit in the lab by going to use the scanning electron microscope, or SEM, to look at the hydrochar I collected. This ended up being kind of boring because they didn’t have time to train me on how to use the SEM, so I mostly watched Nina look at the samples and practice adjusting the microscope to see better. There was also a program to show some of the elements contained within the hydrochar, and to save pictures of the SEM view. Afterwards, it was too late to start another trial that would take hours, so I went home for the day. I took a quick trip to downtown Limerick to get a book, The Priory of the Orange Tree, which I had heard good things about.
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A pretty dog mural in downtown Limerick
Thursday: Today, I retried the experiment procedure from earlier in the week, because Nina and I were not sure why the product in the reactor overheated. I observed the temperature, and when it once again went over 10 degrees above the set point, I told Nina, but this time she told me to collect the product as usual, suspecting an exothermic reaction caused by the acid. Unfortunately, I spilled some of my product at the end, so I couldn't get accurate mass measurements. Friday was pretty much the same, so there's not much to say there.
Saturday: Today, Pascale and I took a bus up to Dublin for the Pride Parade. It was my first one, and it was so cool to watch everyone marching and dancing by, having a great time. Super excited to go to another one next year. Then, I went to see the Book of Kells at Trinity College. First, I walked through a room with information about Irish illuminated manuscripts, which had some enlarged photos of the pages (we can't take photos of the actual book). Then, I saw the original Book of Kells in its own room, and walked up to the Old Library. It had busts of several famous people, as well as manuscripts from an old wealthy family's collection. Once that was over, Pascale and I walked around a little more, got food, and almost missed our bus back to Limerick because we couldn't find the stop. In the evening, we went to the David Bowie Experience at Dolan's, which had a band performing Bowie's greatest hits. It was very loud, but lots of fun, and the band did a great job.
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Top left: Image from an illuminated manuscript. Top right: The Old Library. Bottom left: Pascale and me at the Pride Parade. Bottom right: idk what that is
Sunday: Since we were all tired from the concert last night, we took it easy in the morning. In the mid-afternoon, Pascale and I took a bus to see the Rock of Cashel, a complex of medieval buildings with great historical and religious significance. In the 25 minutes or so we had before closing, Pascale and I explored the old Gothic cathedral, graveyard, and chapel, all of which have fascinating histories. The Rock of Cashel is known as the legendary site where St. Patrick banished the devil, as well as the seat of the High Kings of Munster (Southern Ireland). Afterwards, we caught the next bus back to Limerick, grabbed a quick dinner, and headed back to the apartment.
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Top left: the Rock of Cashel. Top right: view from the Rock of Cashel. Bottom left: side view of the Rock of Cashel, including the Round Tower. Bottom right: tapestry in a chapel.
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