#and justin's face softening in response? saying 'i promise' softly
livethrushit · 18 days
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man got hurt so bad he swore off a whole instrument
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birdiefw · 4 years
Summary: Losing your husband was the worst thing that had ever happened to you, but you weren’t about to let him go without trying to get him back.
Warnings: Mentions of depression, implied Stucky (though, you don’t have to see it as that), fluff, Endgame changes.
Word Count: 1,751
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago to try and cope with what happened in Endgame because it literally broke me + there were many things I didn’t like about it. And in this imagine, the compound didn’t get destroyed nor was Morgan born as it works best that way for this imagine.
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That was all you felt.
It was like all of the air had been sucked straight out of your lungs while you watched your husband take his last breaths after sacrificing himself for the sake of the universe.
You didn’t know if it was real at first, but when he failed to move despite your loud pleas and sobs that wrecked through your body, your heart tore into millions of pieces and fell into the deepest pit of your stomach where you could no longer feel a single thing. It took everything in your body to not completely crumble right then and there, but with strong arms pulling you up to your feet and into their tight embrace, you crumbled, letting out every emotion you felt through your flow of tears.
Tears of anger, grief, sadness, and every other emotion you felt tumbled down your face and soaked into the fabric of Steve Rogers suit as he held you tightly. You could hear his own sniffles, saddened with the loss of Tony, as was everyone else.
The world would never be the same without Tony Stark—everyone knew that—but none of them would feel the pain of it as much as you.
No matter what anyone said or tried in an attempt to comfort you over the loss of your husband, it meant nothing.
Tony’s funeral had felt like a complete blur for you, dozens of faces mixing together and words never really registering in your mind even if you nodded along or mumbled out a short response. You know you heard them, but your mind was completely blank as was your heart without your husband by your side, whispering in your ear that everything would be alright.
Everyone walked on eggshells around you, not wanting to make you even more sad or be at the wrath of your anger.
You felt terrible for not talking to anyone, but each time you tried, memories of Tony trying to speak his final words to you popped up into your mind and made tears brew in your eyes. You didn’t know what was to come next for you, but alone at the compound where you were meant to be picking up some things, you found yourself aimlessly wandering around the enormous building.
It was something that you and Tony would do in your spare time and when no one else was around, sometimes using that to your advantage to have some fun in the many open spaces with the full risk of being seen or caught. However, you found yourself standing in Scott’s guest room, eyes suddenly locked on some Pym Particles that were placed on his messy dresser.
You hadn’t spoken to Scott much, but he did offer you his condolences and said if you ever needed anything to let him know. The same had been said by the Pym family, having caught you off guard with the known fact Hank Pym had never been the biggest fan of any Stark, but you smiled as a thank you nonetheless. You didn’t even mean to go in Scott’s room—you thought it was Bruce’s—but a small spark inside told you it was meant to be.
Thankfully, the time machine was still around and perfectly intact, Bruce having wanted to keep it to study it for a while. No one besides him paid much attention to it anymore, everyone else having begun to move on with their lives and try to live the life Tony would’ve wanted them to. You, on the other hand, got an idea and found yourself standing in front of the time machine, two vials of Pym particles held in each of your hands, lips tight pursed together and an idea swirling around in your mind.
After Steve returned the stones and came back to live his life with Bucky after he passed the mantle of Captain America to none other than Sam Wilson, they’d all left the time machine alone. Bruce was taking some time to research the particles and how it reacted with the machine, which made you believe that’s why Scott had more of it.
You knew you shouldn’t, but every fiber in your body ached to be with Tony, to see his warm smile, to hear his intoxicating laugh, to feel his gentle touch run along your skin and make your heart flutter. His smile was your favorite thing in the world, and you craved to see it again.
Standing in front of the daunting machine, you sucked in a breath and swiftly turned it on.
You were there when they all went off the first time, taking the infinity stones from the past and returning with them a minute later. You’d watched every move Bruce made, taking note of what he pressed and turned, happy that you’d paid so much attention to it at the time.
You softly smiled to yourself, glancing to the suits that were thrown off to the side; no one planned on using them anytime soon. You quickly snatched two up and rushed up the platform, feeling the suit begin to form over Tony’s AC/DC shirt you were and jeans after you pressed the button, a quiet gasp leaving your lips when it was finished and you had the other stuffed in a case that was clutched in your hand.
You sucked in a sharp breath, glancing down to the particles; you had four with you. One to go, and one to come back. The other two were in case you actually managed to convince Tony to come back with you, but you knew there was a chance he wouldn’t believe you, but still, you wanted them.
You shook out your arms and legs, mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to attempt. There were many things that could’ve gone wrong, but the hope of seeing Tony again was enough to push you to do it.
“Y/N? You in here?” A voice called out. Your eyes widened and your head snapped to the side, shock appearing on your features when you saw Tony entering the room. The helmet of your suit slid down, revealing your face to him as he walked closer. He instantly froze, your eyes flicking behind when you saw Bruce Banner following Tony.
Bruce offered you a sheepish smile. “Hey, uh, yeah, I guess I kind of beat you to it.”
Your lips parted, looking back to Tony in utter shock.
He looked so much different, but still the same somehow. He was a little younger, wearing the same shirt you had on, but yours was more worn and faded.
Tears brewed in your eyes and you shakily stepped down from the platform, hand covering your mouth as Tony and Bruce approached you.
Your gaze shifted back to Bruce, slightly lowering your hand and brows furrowed. “But. .how? Why—?”
“I missed him, too,” Bruce admitted. “Besides, our world still needs him, but not as much as you. I’ll give you guys a few minutes.”
Your eyes softened and you sniffled, taking a small step towards Tony. You two had been together ever since he defeated Ivan Vanko and Justin Hammer, having gotten married a little after Peter Parker had managed to web himself into your lives. You’d yet to have any children of your own, always saying you would when the time was right, but things always got in the way of that.
“Oh my god,” you murmured in disbelief.
“Well, it is me. Many people feel that way when meeting me,” he said, causing you to let out a genuine chuckle at his cockiness. Tony sighed, taking your hand in his and linking your fingers together without hesitation. “I’m still not entirely sure what happened. Jolly Green Giant over there wouldn’t give me all the details, but it took some time and he told me a few things that only I would know, and while I did have my doubts, I thought it would be nice to see the future, and of course, you.”
You let out a little laugh, playfully rolling your eyes. “Seriously? That’s why you came here?”
Tony grinned. “Maybe, maybe not. I didn’t really peg you to be one to ruin the past all for—”
Your face slightly faltered when his voice abruptly stopped, concern washing over your features. You opened your mouth to speak, but your eyes followed his gaze, noticing he was staring at your wedding ring that shined on your wedding finger. He slowly looked up to meet your gaze, a small smile working its way onto his lips. “You always did have the best taste,” you softly told him.
Tony beamed, his grin widening. “Yes, I did. But. . .what do you say we get married? I know we already were, but technically that wasn’t—”
“Tony, are you trying to propose to me with the ring your future self already bought?”
“Uh, maybe?”
“You’re such an idiot,” you giggled, pulling into you to give him a hug. You were still sniffling some, but joy was overtaking you.
“But I’m your idiot, right?”
“Of course. Forever and always.” You pulled away, a content sigh leaving your lips. You still couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of you. You allowed your eyes to take in every feature of him, your smile never once faltering. You finally had him back, and he had you. “And, you know, we never actually got to have those kids we wanted. . .”
“Say no more—”
A throat suddenly cleared behind you, your eyes tripling in size at the sight of the woman. “I’m sorry, did I step on your moment?”
Your eyes instantly darted over to Bruce who was off to the side of you and Tony, fiddling with part of the machine. He innocently shrugged his shoulders, timidly grinning as Natasha Romanoff made her way into the room. “Did I forget to mention we brought Nat back, too?”
You laughed, shaking your head.
You finally had your family back.
Tony squeezed your hand, recapturing your attention. “About that family—”
You playfully rolled your eyes and moved forward without a second thought, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. You hands pressed the sides of his face, one of his arms shaking around your waist while the other firmly pressed against your back, pushing your chests’ together. You tightly held him onto him, promising to never let go of him and basking in the joy that Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff, were both home.
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Fraxus prompt : Healing after battle
It’s Freed and Laxus during the Alvarez arc babes. This one’s for @cherryxcoco who gave me prompts !!! Thanks !! (it’s my first time writing these two heck ya)
He really should stop dawdling in front of the infirmary already. Porlyusica had left a little earlier, because she needed 'a fucking nap and far away from these pests too' and if that wasn't an indication that her patients were alright, nothing would be. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair before taking a deep breath and gently opening the wooden door separating him and his team.
Creaking obnoxiously, the door sweeps (well, more like inches open) and Laxus curses softly. "Fucking door, shut up. Haven't they been through enough shit already?" His tomfoolery gets greeted by a warm laugh and of course, the worst patient ever, also known as Freed Justine, is out of his bed. Perched upon the windowsill (because why would he use a chair like a normal person?), the man in question gives him a smile. "Good afternoon", he says casually, as though he hadn't been buried underneath a cathedral a few hours earlier.
For a moment, he doesn't quite know what to respond to that. 'Yeah man, nice seeing you after I thought y'all were dead. How's it goin? Not too aight, since your siblings in all but blood are still unconscious and you are bruised all over.' Since words are currently doing a great job at failing him, he simply crosses the room and comes to a halt right in front of him.
Him. The ever so responsible captain. His best friend (they should talk about titles sometimes because 'best friend' doesn't sound like enough). Freed Justine, who looks at him with blue eyes where sadness lurks in the depths of them and who opens his mouth, probably to apologise. Before that can happen, Laxus cuts him off by cupping the back of his head with a steady hand and presses him close to his chest. "If you dare to apologise, I will go shopping for you and you'll be forced to wear only those clothes. Say goodbye to your regency-esque clothes, it'll be Hawaiian shirts and leather pants only."
"I hate leather", Freed's muffled voice protests as he reciprocates the hug somewhat, tightening one arm around Laxus' middle. "It feels awful when it's hot out and in general, it tends to get very uncomfortable around-"
"You'll get used to it", he smoothly cuts in and Freed hums. "Maybe to the leather, yeah. But Hawaiian shirts really is taking it a step too far."  With a sigh, Freed detaches himself from Laxus and he refrains from chasing after the warmth of the other. Crossing his arms, he watches as Freed plucks a brush from a nearby nightstand and slowly, carefully starts treading it through his messy locks.
Had it been any other day, then he would've taken care of that a lot earlier. But that's the thing isn't it? Today isn't an ordinary day and the two of them can talk around the actual fact of the matter and pretend it is all they like, it still doesn't change the fact that Bix and Ever are laying unconscious in beds near them. Doesn't change the fact that the bags under Freed's eyes are a worrying shade of dark blue and it doesn't change the fact that the man's hands tremble as he holds onto a simply wooden brush.
"Are you alright?" Laxus asks and it's as rhetorical as a question can be. He doesn't regret asking it though, because it gives both Freed and him a chance to think this all over. For a moment, it looks like Freed is just going to give him a smile and wave his worries away. His lips already quirk up to do exactly that, but then the brush slips from his fingers, meeting the floor with a muted 'thud'.
A shaky exhale follows and before Freed can get himself off the windowsill to pick it up himself, Laxus already has the object in his hand. "Can I?" Quick as lightnening, a flash of anger appears in Freed's blue eyes and Laxus knows how prideful his captain is. He doesn't mean to insult him though, so he lays all of his cards on the table. "I've been feeling useless lately. You guys keep getting hurt and I'm never able to help. Please let me have this."
The reaction is immediate. Shoulders drooping, Freed beckons him closer with a movement of his head. As the other man shuffles a bit to the side to make place on the windowsill, Laxus sits down and tries to detangle the worst knots with his fingers first. It's a slow, arduous process, but it's worth it, he thinks, as Freed leans on him more and the tremors in his body subside a bit as his breathing pattern slows down. Neither of them says anything as Laxus trades his fingers for the brush and rids Freed's hair of any and all tangles.
"Done", he announces in a quiet tone when he's ready and when Freed turns to face him, Laxus wishes that he could whisk all the matters that are keeping his captain from happiness away just as easily. "Thank you", Freed replies, just as quietly, opens his mouth to say something and then snaps his mouth shut and shakes his head. "Talk to me", he demands as gently as he can. Biting his lip, Freed seems to question whether he should relay what's on his mind to Laxus.
His eyes move from the floor to meet Laxus' and whatever he finds in there must've convinced him, because he lets his head flop down on Laxus' shoulder with a defeated little sigh. Defeat isn't a good look on him and Laxus wishes he could help. "Me too", he says and after seeing Laxus' confused stare, he explains himself. "I too, feel useless. My team keeps getting hurt and I can't do anything about it. A fight happens and we're out within the first round. The only fight involving Fairy Tail where I actually contributed to it, was the one where we were trying to destroy it. Isn't that funny?"
His voice breaks on the 'funny' and before they can travel down his cheeks, he angrily wipes away the tears that have started to form. "Fuck", he whispers hoarsely and with that uncharacteristic curse word, the facade falls apart and all that's left is a simple man burying his face in Laxus' shirt and gripping the fabric as though it's a lifeline.
With his arms, Laxus builds a small fort around the other man, allowing him the privacy he knows the other appreciates. As muffled sobs down and Freed stops clenching his teeth in frustration, Laxus open his arms up again. "Hey there", he greets and brushes all of Freed's hair out of his face. With gentle movements of both of his thumbs, he wipes away the tear tracks and with his gaze, he demands the other to return it (it's taken him a while, but he's learned that there's no shame in feeling things. That doesn't mean that he's going to share his thoughts with everyone, but he has a soft spot for his closest friends).
"You've done well", he states and before Freed can protest, he continues. "You protected our whole city against an entire army, there's no denying that. You three actually took down a member of the Spriggan Twelve."
"We didn't." Freed's tone is flat as he looks away, ashamed and Laxus wishes he could shake the stubborn pride out of the man (he doesn't actually wish that, but he does want the captain to be a bit easier on himself. Freed should give the captain a break sometimes.) "We destroyed what was essentially, a remote controlled robot of his. A child's plaything, if you will." The sarcasm drips from his sentences like vile poison and it's right then and there that Laxus decides that Zeref can fuck off.
"I want to fight", Freed admits and Laxus doesn't doubt it for a minute. He also doesn't doubt that the other man is going to keel over as soon as he leaves that windowsill. "Later", he promises because he knows that not even God himself could keep Freed Justine in the infirmary for too long. For all that he worries about his team, he's awful at selfcare. "Take a nap for now, you need it."
Despite the dark circles underneath his eyes, it seems like Freed is going to protest and while they are having an intense staring match, Laxus hopes that it's not going to be a forced relaxation situation again (that time had been a team intervention and even then it hadn't gone all that well). Instead of choosing to be difficult, Freed just sighs and stretches out his arms. "Fine. But you'll have to carry me."
Rather unceremoniously he dumps a disgruntled Freed on the bed and hides a smile when the man kicks at him like a petulant child. "You're so childish", he has the nerve to say and rolls his eyes, before they start drooping and he lays back. His breathing evens out, but Laxus knowns his captain well enough to see that he isn't asleep just yet. Nevertheless, Laxus cards his fingers through strands of green. "Goodnight."
"It isn't even night", Freed mumbles, half asleep. Suddenly he breaks out of this state and looks at Laxus with a frantic light in his eyes. "Laxus I've got it", he whispers and briefly, he wonders if the Kardia cathedral might've hit his friend too hard. "A barrier", he continues, making absolutely zero sense.
"Rune magic, magical barrier particles, the cancellation of both of them", he rambles on, providing Laxus with enough dots to connect. "Holy shit", he breathes, "Freed Justine you're a genius and I love you."
"I'd kind of hope so, we've been friends for a long time."
"You know, that's not really what I meant." Freed gives him one of those smug smirks of his. "Oh I know, you aren't a subtle man. But now is neither the time nor place for any of that. I've taught you a barrier before, that one should suffice. Go kick ass and take back your health."
His tone softens again. "After that, let's talk about the other things. Give me something to look forward to after this whole shitshow has ended."
"I will", Laxus promises. "See ya later?"
Freed rolls his eyes. "Of course. I already told you I'd follow you anywhere, even to hell."
"You may follow me to hell after a nap."
"Duly noted."
The conversation draws a snort out of the both of them and after that, Freed collapses back unto the bed, arms raised. "Alright, I give in. Goodnight Laxus."
"Goodnight Freed", he answers but doesn't leave until he's certain that the other is sound asleep. "See ya in hell."
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mythicalowl · 5 years
My Kind Of Love - Monty de la Cruz // Song Preference
Imagine based off of the song My Kind Of Love by Leon Else :)
She thinks I’ve got a heart of stone
Because I left her all alone, lonely tonight
I know I shouldn’t be mad at him for not coming tonight, and the truth is, I really wasn't. But the growing feeling of dread gnawing at my insides made me want to blame something, anything, for the fact that I was stood here alone, trying to ignore the multiple gazes that burnt holes into my head with their curiosity. 
“What are you doing here all alone? Where’s your date?” My eyes snapped up to meet those of Jessica Davis, who was gazing at me with concern swimming in her expression. 
I glanced around helplessly. As much as I loved Jessica, I didn’t want to admit that I had come to the dance alone. She made me promise I’d make an appearance, despite my hatred for social situations like this, which is why she probably expected Monty to be at my side, as he usually was. 
But tonight he wasn’t. He knew I hated places like this when I was alone, how could he choose some stupid gathering with his friends instead of coming to the dance with his... girlfriend? I’m not even sure we can call it a relationship. Even so, I’m pretty sure that his friends would have shown up anyways if he had just made the decision to come. Did he care? About someone else’s feelings? Probably not. It’s not often he does. 
God, I can’t think like that. We’re not even officially in a relationship, we just started to hang out and fell into some sort of in-between friendship and relationship place. 
I can’t blame him for going with his friends, they wanted to celebrate their latest win and couldn’t guarantee their presence at the dance tonight. Considering he was near enough the main reason for winning their game, they insisted he join them. In all fairness, he had refused at first, trying to convince both them and myself that he would rather come to the dance, but with a little encouragement he had agreed to join them. 
But now, I couldn’t help but question why on earth I’d convinced him to join the boys. 
I snapped out of my thoughts, my silence giving Jessica the answer I didn’t want her to find, so when I opened my mouth to speak she was very quick to cut me off. 
“He let you come alone?” She frowned at me with sympathy and I sighed, my gaze drifting to the floor. 
“Didn’t Justin do the same to you?” I questioned with an unintended harshness to my tone. 
“Justin’s coming soon. He said he wanted to leave early.” She explained softly and I couldn’t help but sigh in defeat. As selfish as it sounded, I really didn’t want her to say that. 
“Right. Of course he is.” I mumbled with a small, forced smile. 
“I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you he’s gonna show up, but you know I can’t. It’s Monty-”
“What’s Monty?” I flinched in surprise as two familiar arms gently wrapped around my waist, pulling me back into the warmth of a tall body. 
“Monty!... Hi...” Jessica stammered, an awkward smile on her face. My eyes shot to the head the was resting on my shoulder, his eyes gazing at her with an expression I struggled to read. 
“I’m gonna go... find Justin...” She mumbled, but my eyes were fixed onto the boy beside me. 
“Monty, what are you doing here? I thought you said you weren��t coming?” I questioned him as I turned around in his embrace, his eyes drifting to meet my own as they softened immediately, a small smile reaching his lips as his hands rested on my waist. 
“I felt wrong leaving my Princess alone tonight.” He mumbled and I knew right then that this boy would forever have my heart. 
She thinks I’m gonna break her heart I tell her that I’m not, but maybe she’s right
“Monty?” I mumbled quietly into the silence that had engulfed us, a silence that separated us from the outside world and provided us with a temporary escape. 
“Hm?” He hummed in response, his hand softly rubbing circles on my hip as I curled into his side, head resting on his chest and listening to the sound of his heart beating to a calm rhythm. 
“Do you want this?” I choked out the question reluctantly. I needed to know what he thought of whatever we were, but at the same time I was afraid. I remained in place, I couldn’t bring myself to lift my head and meet his gaze incase I was met with a sight that could break me. 
His hand froze on my waist, a deafening silence filling the air as I awaited his answer. 
He gently pushed me up and shifted so he was also sat up straight. I could feel his gaze burning holes into the side of my head as I gazed down at my hands in my lap. 
His hand carefully reached across to cup my chin, softly pulling my attention to his features. 
“Why would you ask me that?” He whispered, his eyes searching mine carefully for an answer. 
“Because I’m afraid.” I blurted out and I saw a flash of confusion drift through his gaze as a small frown fell upon his lips. 
“Afraid of me not wanting you?” He asked with a look of concern and confusion swimming in his expression. I paused for a moment before shrugging slightly. 
“It could happen. You could stop wanting me... or want someone else. You could break my heart.” I offered a humourless laugh at the end of the statement, my voice failing me slightly as he sighed gently, trying to meet my eyes even though I didn’t want him to. 
“Look at me.” He whispered and I reluctantly brought my gaze up to meet his own. 
“There is no one else I want. You’re it for me and I will do everything I can to make sure that I’m never stupid enough to break your heart.” He spoke gently, his hand softly resting on my chin as I searched his eyes desperately for any sign of a lie that could give me a reason to run away. 
But there wasn’t one. All I saw was sincerity. Truth. 
“You promise?” I asked him for a final reassurance. He gazed at me for a moment before pressing his lips to mine in a short but sweet kiss. When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead to mine gently with a small smile. 
“I promise.”
And I know I can’t hold you like he does
I don’t have those emotions in me
And it’s true, I can’t love you like he does
But it’s my kind of love.
Honestly, I hated that I had to hide my feelings for Monty from the world. My parents didn’t approve of him, my friends didn’t approve of him. Being with him was sometimes a losing battle, but it didn’t mean I’d stop fighting for him. 
After Monty had taken an interest in me after I defended him once during some stupid argument in class, it seems I also caught the eye of another boy. 
Let’s rewind a little. 
“What are you looking at, Cruz?” I glanced up from my paper to see Cyrus sat a few desks away, glaring at the boy who was sat in front of me. Monty raised an eyebrow at him in amusement as he leant back in his seat, the rest of the boys he was surrounded by taking a sudden interest in the conversation.
“Something wrong, dumbass?” Monty asked in response, and as much as I wanted to continue with the paper in front of me, I couldn't help but watch the scene play out with a certain curiosity. It wasn’t often I showed interest in other people’s business, but today I felt a little... nosy. 
“Yeah, you’re looking at me.” Cyrus growled and I frowned slightly in confusion, not quite understanding the problem.
“Actually, no, I wasn’t.” Monty replied with little interest, turning his attention back to his friends. 
“Yes, you were.” Cyrus snapped and Monty leant back into his seat with his jaw clenched slightly. 
I couldn’t help but release a sigh, shaking my head slightly in what could have been described as bewilderment at the situation. 
“Problem, (Y/L/N)?” I glanced up at him, gazing at him as I tried to figure out what exactly he was getting at before rolling my eyes and turning back to the paper in front of me. 
“You mean apart from your very obvious lack of intelligence and maturity? No, not all.” I mumbled in response, glancing up at the sound of a small chuckle to see Monty gazing at me with an amused smirk. 
“Why are you even getting involved?” He spat and I frowned at him in confusion before glancing at Monty, who only raised an eyebrow at me with the same puzzled look on his face. 
“I was answering your question, Cyrus.” I stated as the boy rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever, (Y/L/N). You know what, you two would make the perfect couple. You’re both annoying.” He grumbled and I shook my head with a small laugh. It wasn’t often I got into problems like this, I was usually the shy, quiet one. But Cyrus was prone to causing arguments, which eventually got on my nerves. 
His comment was something which caught not only me but also Monty by surprise, however, what was more surprising was that he took it seriously. 
I was thankful I’d caught Monty’s eye that day... but it turns out, I’d unknowingly caught the attention of somebody else. 
“Marcus asked me out again today.” I blurted out, glancing cautiously at Monty, who tensed up slightly. 
“What did you say?” He asked quietly and I shifted slightly, cuddling closer to him.
“What do you think I said?” I mumbled, burying my head in the crook of his neck as he glanced down to look at me, his arms wrapping tighter around me and pulling me into him. 
“Well I’d hope you told him to shove it up his-”
“Monty!” I laughed lightly, causing him to chuckle as I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
“Well?” He mumbled and I fiddled with the hem of his t shirt, sighing contentedly. 
“I gave him the politer version of that sentence.” I responded quietly as he pulled the blanket further around us. We were currently curled up in the back of Monty’s jeep, the sun had long disappeared behind the mountains and we had found our way out of town to the docks, the only quiet place where we wouldn’t have to worry about disapproving gazes. 
“I think my version sounded better.” He mumbled and I released a breathless laugh, snuggling closer to him as he pressed a kiss to my forehead, falling into a small silence. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered and I immediately frowned, looking up at him. 
“For what?” I asked curiously as he brought his gaze to my own. 
“That you have to hide our relationship because everyone knows I'm a dick. That, as much as I want to, so badly, I can’t hold you in public or show everyone how much I love you just because of a stupid reputation I built up.” He mumbled and I felt my heart melt at his words, his eyes searching my face with a sadness to them and I sighed. 
When Monty and I had finally found the courage to admit the feelings we both shared for each other, he had made the call to keep it hidden. I thought it was because he was embarrassed, but then he explained that it was because he was afraid of what people would think of me. Of how my parents would react to it, if it would cause a rift between me and them. If my friends would be disappointed. He told me that he couldn’t risk doing that to me. 
And I loved him for that. But I also hated the fact that I had to pretend that I didn’t care about the girls flirting with him in the halls while I was a few feet away. That I had to refrain from smiling at the sight of him or the sound of his voice when others were around. 
Everyone else was falling in love, everyone else was telling the world about their love stories. Yet here we were, snuggled up in his jeep because we were afraid that the world wouldn’t allow us to be together anywhere else. 
“Monty, I hate the fact that I can’t be with you at school. That I can’t tell every girl not to flirt with you because you’re mine.” I whispered and I saw his frown deepen before I quickly finished, pulling his attention back to me. 
“But I can live with those things because I know that at the end of the day, I’m the one that you’re going to call before you fall asleep. I don’t care if everybody knows about us, whether they approve or not. But if you think it’s best they don’t know, then that's okay. As long as I have you, then everything is okay.” I whispered honestly, a soft smile gracing his lips as he gazed at me for a moment before pulling me towards him. He pressed his lips to mine and I melted against him, his arms holding me close to his body as I felt his worries slowly begin to disappear. 
He gently pulled away, resting his forehead against mine as he did sometimes, an action which I loved. 
“When I walk into school tomorrow, I want you with me.” He whispered and my eyes shot open in surprise, staring at him in shock as his own opened slowly. 
“What?” I questioned him, not quite sure I’d heard him right. 
“I love you and everyone should know that. I want every girl to know that I’m yours and every guy better believe that you’re mine. I don’t want Marcus making moves on you ever again because I’ll beat the shit out of him. You’re mine and I want to be able to hold you in front of everyone. Not just in the back of my car out at the docks.” He whispered and I froze for a second before a grin spread across my lips and I pulled him towards me, pressing my lips to his once again.
I felt him smile against my lips as his hand gently reached up and cupped my chin. 
“God, I love you.” He whispered and I struggled to contain the happiness that engulfed my being in that moment. 
“I love you too, Monty.”
So, this is my first imagine. What’s your thoughts?
I know a lot of people like Monty and a lot of people don’t, but if you don’t agree with me writing about him then don’t read it. I’m not interested in the hate you want to send, no offence, so just click off of the imagine if you don’t want to see it. 
Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Feedback welcome! :) 
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Inspired by Seb's look for his movie with Nicole Kidman that he shared, Biker!Bucky AU. Tony is Tony.
A/N: Anon, you’ve made my day. As a tattooed rocker and bike lover myself, I absolutely couldn’t resist this prompt. For those of you who haven’t seen the inspiration for this story yet, this is the picture Seb posted on his Instagram. And this is Biker Bucky rocking a suit. Just imagine a lot more tattoos.
“No,” Tony whines sleepily, and buries his face in his pillow. “Too early. Come back.”
He lifts one hand out from under the blanket, flopping it around until Bucky, chuckling softly, takes it, and presses a kiss to his palm. “Gotta go to work, get everythin’ ready. Make sure Stevie ain’t lettin’ the caterers rip him off. Again.”
Tony grumbles, but turns his face enough so he can see Bucky when he squints his eyes open. Bucky’s perched on the edge of the bed in nothing but a pair of tight black boxer briefs, and Tony perks up a little, reaching out to stroke a finger down his abs, tracing one of the black and grey wings curling over his hips.
“How early is it, exactly?” he asks, hooking his pinky into the waistband of Bucky’s underwear.
Bucky hums, scoots closer, and Tony leans up for a slow kiss. “Not early enough for this,” he murmurs against Tony’s mouth, and nips Tony’s bottom lip when Tony makes a noise of protest. “Tonight, sweetheart.”
Huffing, Tony flops back down, and rolls over, effectively burritoing himself in his blanket. “Fine, go. Be a responsible adult, see if I care.”
Bucky’s laughing as he gets up, and ruffles Tony’s hair on his way to the bathroom because he’s a little shit. Tony dozes, listening to Bucky get ready, and mumbles back something mostly incoherent when Bucky kisses the top of his head with a quiet, “Love you, see ya later,” before slipping out of the room.
(More after the break!)
He thinks he hears voices out in the living area, but the only people who have keys to his apartment are people who know he isn’t a morning person, so whoever it is can wait. He eventually drags himself out of bed when his alarm goes off twenty minutes later, eyes still barely open as he shuffles into the kitchen.
Rhodey’s sitting at the breakfast bar, and Tony beelines for him, slumping against him when Rhodey, without having to look away from his tablet, lifts his arm for Tony to snuggle under. “Honeybear,” he says around a yawn, then asks hopefully, “Coffee?”
“In a minute,” comes Pepper’s voice from over by the fridge, making Tony startle, and Rhodey laugh.
“You’re terrible.” Tony pouts at Pepper, who just blinks back innocently, then turns back around to scowl at Rhodey. “Also terrible.”
That statement would probably be more effective if Tony wasn’t still leaning into Rhodey, but whatever. He’s comfortable. Priorities. Rhodey also lets him steal sips of his coffee until Pepper puts an extra large mug and a croissant in front of him, so Tony decides to graciously forgive them both.
“So,” Rhodey says, once Tony’s most of the way through his coffee, “we met your, uh. Your Bucky today.”
His tone—cautious but serious—is enough to wake Tony up fully. Both Rhodey and Pepper are watching him across the breakfast bar, wearing almost identical expressions of concern Tony is, unfortunately, only too used to seeing.
Tony swallows his bite of croissant, and raises an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“He was very polite,” Pepper says diplomatically, tapping her nails on the bar in front of her. “Not what we were expecting, maybe.”
“He looks like a Hells Angel,” Rhodey states bluntly, earning himself an elbow to the ribs from Pepper.
“We’re not saying he is,” she says, almost more to Rhodey than Tony. Then she sighs, face softening as she takes Tony’s hand, squeezing it gently. “But we worry about you. After—after everything.”
“He’s not another Tiberius. Or Sunset. Or Justin.” Tony winces, and laces his fingers through Pepper’s, squeezing back. “Okay, fair enough. I can see where you’re coming from. Bucky’s not like them, though. He’s a good guy.”
Rhodey doesn’t look convinced. “You’ve known him for, what? Three months? And he already has a key to your apartment? Don’t you think that’s moving a little too quickly?”
Tony shrugs. “If you know, you know.”
“He used to be your client,” Rhodey points out, “you built his prosthesis, he knows who you are, what you do, about your history, your money—”
“Oh, trust me, he isn’t after my money, not like that,” Tony cuts in, amused, grinning down at his plate. When Rhodey looks like he’s going to keep arguing, Tony holds up his free hand. “Stop. Just, stop, okay? I get that you have reasons to be worried, and I appreciate the both of you trying to look out for me, but I am a grown ass man. I promise you Bucky isn’t shady, or using me, or whatever else you’re thinking. And you’ll just have to take my word for it until you get to know him yourselves.”
The prospect of getting to formally meet Bucky—something Tony had tended to avoid with most of his exes—seems to satisfy Pepper, and at least mollify Rhodey for the moment.
Tony and Pepper have an SI board meeting after breakfast, and Rhodey heads to the gym. They meet back up to go out for lunch, then stroll through a nearby park, do some window shopping, and get ice cream for dessert, enjoying a rare afternoon off together.
Pepper and Rhodey both brought garment bags with them, so they all get ready back at the tower, and share a limo to the mansion that evening’s charity dinner is held at. Rhodey, the traitor, slips away at the first sight of paparazzi, but Tony and Pepper brave the red carpet, mostly ignoring the assembled media, and signing things and taking selfies with fans instead.
Rhodey’s waiting in the foyer, pleased as punch, and they head inside together. Pepper’s talking about the art, slapping at Rhodey whenever he makes a dumb comment about something, but Tony barely pays attention to their bickering, looking for—
“Hello, darlin’,” Bucky whispers, wrapping his arms around Tony from behind. “You’re wearin’ my favourite suit.”
Tony turns around in Bucky’s arms, smiling mischievously, and winks. “Oh, I am? What a coincidence.”
They both glance over at Rhodey and Pepper when Rhodey pointedly clears his throat. Tony clings for a moment when Bucky goes to move away, but lets him go after one more quick kiss.
“Hi, again. It’s nice to properly meet you,” Bucky says, beaming. He kisses the back of Pepper’s hand, then shakes Rhodey’s without  flinching, even though Tony is one-hundred percent sure Rhodey’s definitely squeezing as hard as possible. “James Barnes, co-founder of the Barnes & Rogers Foundation. It’s an honour to have you here tonight—”
“Bucky!” Steve pokes his head around a corner, gesturing urgently. “Uh. A moment?”
Bucky excuses himself, pecks Tony’s cheek with a promise to dance later, and hurries off. When Tony turns back to Pepper and Rhodey, Pepper has her hands on her hips, and is actually tapping his foot.
“You could’ve warned us,” Pepper chides, swatting at his chest. “You ass.”
Rhodey, on the other hand, looks a little shell-shocked. “He’s James Barnes. James Barnes? Former POW James Barnes? American hero James Barnes? The James—”
“Yes, yes, yes, and probably also yes to whatever you were going to list next,” Tony says, and dodges the slap Rhodey aims at his shoulder. “He’s a good guy, I told you.”
“Come on,” Pepper says, linking her arm through Rhodey’s, and patting his hand. “I think this one needs a drink.”
Laughing, Tony follows them into the banquet hall.
- Potrix | AO3
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Metanoia [ 1 ]
Summary: Karla Cabello is the only heiress of the Cabello-Estrabao family and was bound to marry someone around or above her social status. Also, as a Cuban woman of her stature in 1950s America, studying was looked down upon. However, Karla is gifted with the talent to paint, she spent all her childhood painting the beautiful lakes of Miami and made use of her time falling in love with nature. That was until one day she came across the most beautiful face she had ever seen, Laura Michelle Jauregui, two years her senior, who happens to be a woman.
Eighty-seven years later, a young high school student with the name Lauren Jauregui struggles to cope with the death of her parents, which causes her decision to limit verbal communication to the world. While on the other hand, a struggling youngster named Camila Cabello continues her battle with her inner demons, as she rebels against her parent’s divorce. Life couldn’t be more complicated for these two teenagers, but fate has a solution and it’s destiny that forces them to be together. 
Chapter One: A Strange Flower that Blooms in Between Seasons
Jan 9th, 1949 - Miami, Florida.
It was a dark misty night and almost everyone was deep in their sleep, tucked in carefully in their beds, unaware of their surroundings. But, it doesn’t seem to apply to Karla and Laura who met up in the woods after they both sneaked out of their own households. It was always the same place where they would both meet up, the woods nearby the only lake near the Cabello Estate. It’s the only place where nobody was in their way. Karla and Laura both amorously hugged one another and kissed, as if their lips would never be able to touch one another again.
“I dearly missed you, my love.” Laura gasped as she reluctantly pulled away from their kiss, her hands were clasped tightly around Karla’s cheeks.
“I, too. I missed you so much, my love.” She smiled upon leaning her forehead into Laura’s, as her arms clung around her lover’s waist and held on like her life was depended on it.
They both stared at one another’s eyes while their breathing steadied after their heated kiss. But, time is short and they didn’t come here to waste time. Laura gently ran her hands down Karla’s waist, the younger’s long beige dress that covered her petite body didn’t even matter when Laura grabbed her by the legs, lifting her up with no effort. Karla fitted right in Laura’s strong arms. Karla clasped her arms around Laura’s neck, her lips plunged on her lover’s as she softly sucked on the soft red lump that she passionately adores.
A moan then escaped Karla’s mouth, as Laura’s hands roamed around her bottom, her hands gave her a soft squeeze before Karla found herself leaning on the old oak tree. This particular tree has lived long before the both of them was even born, Karla often painted it because of it’s remarkable golden green leaves that grow throughout the whole summer.
“Laura…” Karla quietly mumbled against her lover’s lips.
“Yes, my love?” Laura questioned, but still continued to touch Karla’s body.
“Shaun came to visit.” She blurted out.
Just like that Laura froze. She paused and looked at Karla, as she propped her head apart from hers.
“The boy your father wants you to marry.” Laura scoffed, as she let out a deep sigh.
Karla embraced her lover in her tiny arms that barely circled Laura’s shoulders. She leaned her head to her lover’s right ear and placed a soft and gentle kiss. The kiss was so innocent that it made Laura smile. Then, just before Laura can reply Karla whispered, “But it’s you I want to marry.”
Jan 9th, 2017 - Los Angeles, California
It’s a mournful day for the Jaureguis, as Michael, Clara and their two other children, Taylor and Chris, died in a plane crash on their way back home to Los Angeles. Lauren was supposed to have been on the trip to Australia with her family, but she was called to lead a charity campaign her parents were leaders of. Her parents had always trusted her with almost everything, because to them, Lauren can do anything. Their eldest daughter wasn’t one to complain, she’d always find ways to do the job right. That’s why they were very proud of her. But now her parents are gone and so is her siblings and everything doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
“Lauren, would you like to say a few words?” The priest from the funeral questioned the young brunette.
There was only silence as Lauren stood in front of her family’s coffins, her hands curled into fists while her eyes tried to bat away the tears and agony. The priest understood and proceeded with the funeral ceremony, which lasted about two and a half hours. Everyone in the funeral – friends and colleagues of her mother and father, as well as friends of her two siblings, threw their white roses on the coffins as caretakers began to roll it down six feet under the ground.
Lauren sat silently on the corner of her chair, she tightly held a single red rose, the red rose being her mother’s favourite. Her eyes tried hard not to water in front of so many people, it wasn’t Lauren’s forte to show emotions to strangers anyway.
It feels like it was just yesterday when Taylor was telling Lauren about how she’s going to become a successful fashion designer, and how she heard her mother praise Taylor for her dream. Taylor has always been the closest to Lauren, she looked up to her older sister and Lauren made sure she was a role model for her younger sibling. Lauren misses Taylor. She misses them.
She’s fighting the tears away when she feels a firm hold on her right shoulder, her head jolting upwards as she sees her grandmother standing beside her. The old woman stared at Lauren sympathetically, and before Lauren even knew it, she stood up and hugged her grandmother. The embrace was so sudden and so tight that they would’ve fallen down, but thankfully Laura held her ground and gave her precious hija a soft pat on the back. It was only just then that Lauren burst into tears, her eyes were shut tight while tears ran down her now rosy cheeks.
“There… there… my little girl.” Laura mumbled softly, words only for her granddaughter to hear.
Lauren said nothing in response, but her sobs began to fill the whole funeral and everyone there heard the cry of child who had just lost part of her life. Everyone stared at Lauren and Laura, even though Lauren was almost as tall as her grandmother, her cry was still of a child in pain, and they all understood that they’d be no use. Instead, everyone just offered the two a moment of silence.
After the funeral, when everyone was gone apart from Laura and Lauren, there was a long silence before Laura spoke to her dearest granddaughter. “You know your father hugged me just like you did when he lost Buster that one day. He cried and cried, pleaded to your abuela and then to me to find Buster before dawn.”
Lauren didn’t reply, but her facial expression softened before she looked up at Laura as she crouched down on the ground.
“Everything will be okay, Lauren. I’ll always be with you.” Laura says as she took a deep breath and stared at the tombstone of her son. “I promise.”
Lauren smiled faintly before she turned her gaze over to the red rose on her hand and carefully placed it in the middle of her parent’s graves. Lauren whimpered softly before she wiped her last tears after she stood up to leave the cemetery with Laura.
Jan 9th, 2017 - Manhattan, New York City
It was in the middle of the night when Camila sneaked out of her bedroom window and out the streets. She walked down a couple of blocks away before three boys gathered around her, they invited her with a wave before she approached them. “Got it?” whispered the guy with a black leather jacket, he wasn’t as big as the blond one to his left, but he was still taller than the guy to his right.
“Why the fuck are you whispering? No one can hear you, Austin.” Camila scoffed as she handed Austin an envelope filled with cash.
Austin chuckled grimly before he took the envelope and smiled in satisfaction. The blond guy patted Camila’s shoulder and nodded at her, but the guy on Austin’s right was absolutely dead silent.
“Hey Justin, why are you so quiet today?” Camila asked, her tone coming off strong but she was genuinely curious. Usually, Justin was a lot more talkative.
“I’m not comfortable doing this out in the open.” Justin replied quietly, his voice was almost inaudible.
“Oh please. Anyway, where the fuck is my deal?” Camila looked up to the blond guy with a brow raised.
“Your reputation proceeds you, here you go. And thank you, plus you’re welcome.” The blond guy responded with sarcasm as he handed Camila a transparent plastic bag filled with white powder.
“Screw you.” She replied with a cheeky grin, as she examined the contents of the plastic bag.
“You don’t have to be a big bitch, you know.” Austin says as he went on to count the money.
However, before he could even finish counting, a siren startled all of them. The three boys looked at Camila with horror as panic spread all across her face. Camila didn’t even dare to look behind her, all she could think about was how she could maybe outrun the cops or ways to lie about her package. But, it was all too late.
“You! Turn around.” The cop called out. He clearly meant for Camila to turn around as the other boys were already facing the officer.
“Ahh… damn.” Camila muttered under her breath before she slowly turned around. “Ah!” She winced as bright light directly made contact with her eyes.
There was a silent pause before the officer half chokingly called out. “C-Camila?”
“Oh… shit.” Camila looked up to confirm the voice and her worst fears finally came true. “Dad, look, I can explain.”
“Please do.” He stood straight and aimed the flashlight to the three boys at the back, and just as Camila was about to speak, her father sees the small plastic bag filled with white powder on her possession. “Fuck. Is that what I think it is?” He spat out before he snatched the plastic from Camila’s hand.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Camila tried to make a run for it, but her father held her hand and handcuffed her around the lamppost. “Da– ow! What– why are you cuffing me?”
“Stay still!” He growled at her before he turned to the boy and grabbed the envelope he was holding, he opened it and saw cash, around two hundred dollars worth of cash. The officer also saw more of the transparent plastic bags filled with white powder inside the blond boy’s jacket pocket. “You three are going to jail. Right now.” He commanded before he took out his gun and pointed at the three boys, as his partner started handcuffing them.
He turned to Camila with sheer anger in his eyes as he yelled at her, “And you! You’re coming with me.”
Camila swears she’s never seen her father that angry before and she reckons this will cost her more than just a month’s worth of no internet connection.
Perhaps, she’s taken things to the extreme, but she never meant to use the drugs for herself, it was for a friend of hers who was asking for a favour. But, she knew her father would never believe that, he’s the captain of the police precinct and she knows what her father saw: Camila buying drugs for herself, nothing else.
It took an hour and a half to get everything sorted. Camila’s father, Alejandro, had to pull a lot of strings to get his daughter out of jail with only a minor misdemeanour. Alejandro couldn’t even face his daughter, he’s utterly disappointed in Camila, not once did he thought she’d ever get herself involve in affairs such as this.
There were no words exchanged on their way back home, the ride consisted of only silence and a growing tension between father and daughter. When they arrived home, Camila went straight inside the house and sat down on the couch, sighing deeply as she prepared herself. She was waiting and waiting for her dad to follow, but it took him at least fifteen minutes to follow her back inside their house.
Camila sat down quietly and looked at the ground with a pair of ashamed eyes, any movements from her father made her flinch and even though she tried hard to conceal her fear, it was no use. Just then, the front door clicked open and a short brown haired woman came inside in a hurry.
“Alejandro, what happened?” She rushed in as soon as she saw a glimpse of Camila.
“Why don’t you ask your daughter?” Alejandro replied to the question, there was a hint of bitterness present in his tone.
“Mila, can you please tell me what the hell is going on? I rushed here as soon as your father called about an hour ago. What happened, mi hija?"Camila’s mother ignored Alejandro’s reply, instead she knelt down in front of her daughter and stroked Camila’s hair.
Camila felt both guilt and anger hit her. Guilt for what she caused and anger for the presence of both her parents. Camila clenched her fists, her hands trembling as she furrowed her eyebrows and stayed silent upon her mother’s question. Her mother, Sinuhe, shot a look on Alejandro and he finally cracked, saying: "Your daughter tried to buy drugs.” The first look of disappointment appeared on Alejandro’s face once again, but his ex-wife’s reaction stiffened and she grabbed Camila’s shoulders.
“Why would you do that?” She raised her voice at Camila, her tone is serious and clear of any sympathy. This only further infuriated Camila that she actually pushed her mother off her. Camila stood up and yelled at both of her parents, “Try living a life with an absent mother, who by the way, I haven’t seen since I was five because she doesn’t even bother visiting, since she prefers her other life with her other family, and a father who works twenty-four-seven, who also doesn’t give a flying fuck about you, then go back to me and ask that question again!” This caught Camila’s parents by surprised, both speechless against their daughter’s outburst.
“Camila…"Alejandro’s voice trailed off.
Camila ignored her father and stormed off the living room, she ran up to her bedroom and slammed the door close. There was silence between Alejandro and his ex-wife before she fell down on the couch and sobbed.
"Why does this have to happen to my daughter?” She questioned herself, still ashamed to admit of her absence as Camila’s mother.
“Sinuhe, she’s right. Camila was only a child when you left, but it still had a huge impact on her and you never, not once after that, visited her again.” Alejandro stated, his fingers stroking his temples. “But, I didn’t do much better than you either.” He admitted, as his voice slightly cracked at his last sentence.
“Mamá…” Camila cried as she hugged her mother’s waist. “Don’t leave.” She barely mumbled against her sob.
“Mila, mommy has to go. I’m so sorry.” Sinuhe unclasped Camila’s tiny arms around her waist, she held her tears and tried hard not to sound too strong. “Let go, Camila.”
Alejandro stood behind his daughter and watched his ex-wife push their daughter away from her. He crouched down and carried Camila on his arms, his facial expression was cold and uncaring. While on the other hand, the five-years-old Camila struggled to break free from her father’s strong arms, as she still tried to reach out for her mother. “Mamá!” Camila screamed and cried out. Her eyes were already swollen, blood red face calling out for her dear mother, as Sinuhe walked further and further away from her.
Camila’s screams grew louder and louder, yet there was no response from Sinuhe. She walked out of the door and walked out of Camila’s life, essentially breaking the bond between mother and daughter.
Weeks passed and Alejandro buried himself with work even more now that his wife was gone. He had different women take care of Camila when he’s busy at work, often he’d bring home some woman with him too. Camila continued to play in the background for Alejandro. He knew she existed, but he never paid attention to his daughter unless she made herself visible, which she often doesn’t bother doing anyway.
Sometimes months would go by that Alejandro and his daughter wouldn’t share a single sentence to one another. Camila found comfort in the voice of her grandmother, Karla, instead. On holidays, if she’s lucky, she even get to spend an entire day with her grandmother.
“Mamina, when are you going to take me home with you?”
“Oh, my little angel, this is your home.” Karla says with a small smile, as she continued painting the Christmas tree in front of her. “With your Papá.” She added, not noticing the hollow look on Camila’s eyes.
Camila tugged on her grandmother’s sleeves and tried catching Karla’s attention away from the canvas she’s painting on. “Mamina, I want to go home with you.”
When Karla turned around and saw a tearful Camila, she couldn’t help but notice how similar their eyes look when crying. There’s a sharp ache in her chest too. The immediate pain Camila was feeling, Karla could literally see it and feel it in those expressive eyes of hers.
“My sweet angel, Mamina’s here. Don’t cry.” Karla dropped her palette and reached out to wrap her arms around her granddaughter.
“Please, don’t cry my sweet little angel. Mamina will always be here, I promise you.”
A/N: (TRIGGER for mentions of drug dealing) Hey, fellow Camren squad, hope you enjoy this story! xD let me know what you all think. Should I continue?
Also on wattpad: seriousvanity
  Karla Cabello is the only heiress of the Cabello-Estrabao family and was bound to marry someone around or above her social status. Also, as a Cuban woman of her stature in 1950s America, studying was looked down upon. However, Karla is gifted with the talent to paint, she spent all her childhood painting the beautiful lakes of Miami and made use of her time falling in love with nature. That was until one day she came across the most beautiful face she had ever seen, Laura Michelle Jauregui, two years her senior, who happens to be a woman. Eighty-seven years later, a young high school student with the name Lauren Jauregui struggles to cope with the death of her parents, which causes her decision to limit verbal communication to the world. While on the other hand, a struggling youngster named Camila Cabello continues her battle with her inner demons, as she rebels against her parent's divorce. Life couldn't be more complicated for these two teenagers, but fate has a solution and it's destiny that forces them to be together.
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