#and just why is he so interested in the mad cyborg anyway?
thatringboy · 4 months
A Body Built for an Undeserving Soul, A Boothill Theory
My definitely sober thoughts while grinding for the eventual Ruan Mei rerun and writing some robinhill have led me to a startling train of thought. I’ll do my best to sound sane as I say this, but the 18 minute discord voice memo I originally made is definitely anything but. Spoilers for Boothill’s backstory, character stories, and other lore, and no I’m not really gonna be citing things because it’s 3 in the morning and I’m high. If at any point I say something that isn’t really supported by canon, please be nice i’m a little silly boy
I don’t think Boothill is a Pathstrider.
Let me cook, please. Here’s my reasons why:
The way he talks about Aeons and Paths
The way his body is designed
And 3.
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Enjoy the madness below the cut
So, there’s not really a proper way to word any of this without it being an ADHD word vomit. Bear with me. Please.
Penacony has been a fantastic update for those of us waiting for worldbuilding. We’ve learned a LOT about the many factions in the cosmos, the true nature of the IPC, the powers of the Aeons, and that the Paths are tangible things in the universe. The Luofu arc opened up a bit about this, but since it was so focused on The Hunt and The Abundance and The Permanence, we sort of fell back into the same story beats as the Herta Station arc. Either way, Penacony has been amazing for little lore bugs like me.
So what does this have to do with the wild claim that Boothill somehow isn’t a Pathstrider?
Let’s touch some grass for a minute and consider our places in the irl universe. Hi, I’m Perseus, a young transmasculine white adult guy from South Texas who grew up reading too many Rick Riordan books and now has a complicated relationship with both the christian god and the greek gods. It’s an autism special interest of mine to learn about the greek pantheon and while I don’t know everything about it, I’m a silly little guy and can recite fun facts about dozens of gods. I can also recite fun facts about the christian bible and christian mythology because I was forced to study christianity when I was younger. Nice to meet y’all. Now, when I, Perseus, talk to people about the various religions I know a thing or two about, I infodump. A lot. I think I once ranted about Dionysus for 20 minutes before my sister told me to shut up. It happens.
Now focus back in on the important topic: the fictional cyborg with jiggle physics. I’m working purely on memory, but I’m pretty sure when he first meets Dan Heng and Pom-Pom, he does go on a spiel about the Aeons and Paths as he tries to prove his identity as a Galaxy Ranger and Acheron’s identity as Not a Galaxy Ranger. The way he describes The Hunt, The Nihility, Emanators, and Paths, it all just sounded… i don’t know, canned? It came across as very emotionally disconnected, even as he talked about The Hunt, but he was saying all the right words. Like someone who studied a religion but isn’t actually a part of the religion. 
On its own, this means absolutely nothing besides just reminding us of his home planet’s hostile takeover by Qlipoth-worshiping IPC workers. If you haven’t seen the post yet, I really recommend reading the So, Honkai: Star Rail made a cyborg cowboy... an INDIGENOUS cyborg cowboy. post by @ahworm I’ll link it here, please check it out because it recontextualized a lot of how I viewed Boothill’s actions and mannerisms
So the way Boothill talks about the Path he should be a Pathstrider of sounds more like an encyclopedia than a follower. Now, maybe this can be explained by the fact that Galaxy Rangers aren’t the most zealous bunch, especially when standing next to the Xianzhou Alliance who worship Lan as a deity more than The Hunt itself. The Galaxy rangers are the opposite, they are hunters first and last regardless of what Lan in THEIR “greatness” does.
But if Boothill is just a normal Galaxy ranger (whatever that means), then how does he recognize the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath instantaneously? Dan Heng’s barely put the damn thing on the table and Boothill’s already jaw on the floor amazed. One could make the argument that, well, Boothill’s a well-traveled guy, of course he’d know the most valuable artifact to his Path. To that, I say: there’s more to it.
Boothill’s main accusation against Acheron in the beginning is, what? “An Emanator that shouldn’t exist.” He talks about The Nihility and Device IX the same way he talks about The Hunt; learned and detached in an agnostic way. He’s aware these are real concepts and beings, he’s crossed paths with an Emanator of Elation before so he can’t deny the existence of literal gods in the universe
We also know that it’s canon in the star rail universe that there are planets who haven’t heard of the Aeons before, like Sigonia - Aventurine’s planet. Instead of Aeons, we know the Avgins worshiped the goddess Giathra Triclops. I’ve seen the argument that Giathra is just another name for Xipe since THEY have three faces, but Aventurine’s flashbacks are very clear in showing that the worship of Giathra was very different from the worship of Aeons. We don’t know much about Aeragan-Epharshel, but from how the IPC described the indigenous people as needing civilization and other disgusting things (not to mention how they forced a synesthesia beacon into boothill when he was maybe like a teenager? And then his brain nearly broke from the influx of information?), I think it’s safe to say that the tribes of Aeragan-Epharshel also didn’t follow any specific Aeon.
But Aventurine is now a Pathstrider of Preservation, so why can’t Boothill be a Hunter Pathstrider too? Well, dear reader, allow me to bash my head against the wall trying to form words. Aventurine doesn’t believe anything about the sovereignty of The Preservation, just like the rest of the Stonehearts. He has his agenda, and if he has to play Preservation to do so, then he will. I think Boothill is the same, which is also why I can’t wait to see what happens in the upcoming quests with the two of them in the same room. That being said, Aventurine’s Preservation powers only come from his Cornerstone, crafted by an Emanator of Preservation. It’s how he and Topaz and Jade can all be such different people but all be classified as Pathstriders of Preservation, the sheer proximity to an Emanator’s powers canonically give them powers equivalent to actual Pathstriders.
So… what about Boothil? This leads me into my next point: Boothill’s cyborg body. By looking at his Character Story Part 3, we learn that Boothill VOLUNTARILY became a cyborg to become stronger. He literally shed the skin and name from an ancient, dead tongue to become a real loaded gun. His voice lines in combat talk about death a lot, his name literally is in reference to a graveyard - this man cannot wait to finally die in some sort of blaze of glory and vengeance. I say that with a little bit of sarcasm, but Boothill designed his body to be a weapon. 
In a lot of parts of the USA, it’s illegal to even insinuate that you have a firearm as that constitutes as the crime of  “armed robbery”, even if you don’t even have a gun. The threat alone is enough to warrant a higher penalty. But Boothill is already a great shot with a gun, why does he also need augmented teeth and crosshair eyes and hips that can fold his body into any sinful shape he needs? Because the threat alone is enough to give him power over his prey. Almost as if he’s compensating for a lack of magic godly powers. He needs to be able to keep up with even the strongest IPC goons, to pierce their Preservation shields with his bullets so that he can get closer and closer to Oswaldo Schneider.
But how can I prove that Boothill doesn’t have any Path magic? Well, let’s take a spin around his character model. What’s that thing sitting snugly against his exposed asscheek? His pistol? But that’s not weird, Perseus, most cowboys hold their guns there!
But what other playable character has their weapon on their actual model like him?
There are so many in-game cutscenes showing that, canonically, the Pathstriders summon their weapon from some sort of unseen storage or hammerspace. I like the term hammerspace, let’s use that. The playable Pathstriders all use hammerspace to easily summon their weapons. None of them actually carry their weapons on their model. Even Welt Yang has scenes of him summoning his herrscher cane (I’ve never played hi3 please forgive me for using incorrect terms) from his hammerspace. But not Boothill. He has his arm gun and he has his trusty 9 millimeter pistol on his little slutty hip. His idle animations involve reloading his weapons and putting them back on his person. No particle effects, no vanishing tricks, just a man sticking his tongue out to catch a bullet for a snack.
So what have we learned?
Boothill doesn’t have an emotional connection to his Path, it most likely is just the Path he figured met his needs and decided the philosophy was good enough
Boothill’s body is designed to perform specifically to kill Pathstriders, especially sturdier Pathstriders of The Preservation
Boothill either can’t or won’t use the same hammerspace the other canonical Pathstriders use
Each point by themself means nothing, or can be chalked up to unique character designs. But together? My intoxicated mind theorizes that Boothill is not a Pathstrider, merely a broken man trying to play the game according to the rules of the oppressors that colonized his planet and bombed his tribe into reservations and the dirt. Thank you for your time.
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Bonjour! What's the most memorable or fun character you've played in a game? :3
Bonjour! I think the most memorable one is from the F.I.S.T game on the @anim-ttrpgs book club.
Prof Eton (cause he's a mess)
Who can talk to objects. His parents didn't believe him, thought him mad, like his traitorous kettle. he is like a failed professor X meets Mr Sinister, with a focus on cyborgs and object-human mixes. He shall find his people and if not found, create them. And objects are better than humans so a mix of the two should be really nice to have. So why can't his creations see that he is just trying to be a good parent. He shall create a school to educate them. When he has the money…and the place..and the students… We all make do.
His creations don't really like him that much, except from Wheelie. Anyway to give you the idea… how did he receive the message from Fist for the mission ? A phonebooth man entered his room, Prof opened its thorax and picked up the phone. he gave pamphlets to his teammates for his scholl, kept talking about replacing their limbs with "robotics" And then the referee asked the wrong question : what does your wheelchair look like ? And I readily admit to some trollish tendancies, some impertinance, give me some leeway and i will use it to create something beautiful ( as long as the table is ok) Before this question, it was a perfectly ordinary wheelchair ( with hidden weapons inside) but now... It uses wheels, yes, wheels made of feet, robotic feet, legs up to the knee for more mobility, legs spaced like the beams of a regular wheel.
A wondrous invention. Certainly appreciated by his teammates. With robotic arms from the back that envelops the user in a hug to keep one's warm.
Prof called them his guns. He once proposed the sensible idea to replace one's lungs, to resist pollution and gaz, but he needs an air conditionner first. Suddenly the other PC was not so keen on the idea. he gave a name to a robot made to die in a fiery vehicular joyride that served as a distraction.
He was more interested in the mech than the child used to power and control the mech His robotics arms made finger guns...that actually fired bullets like guns. And he tragically died trying to save a mech from his flesh parasite. (Enter second character on the session, Kettle. Can you guess why kettle ? of course it was Eton's traitorous kettle, now a Human-kettleS cyborg, with very few human parts, like hands they're useful
the head is a Kettle, whose lid is just a little open, and in this opening there are two eyes, just the eyes, with the optic nerves descending in the inside of the head kettle
Its entrance was Crash Windows "Eton, you will die by my whouag" slippped. After said Eton death, bad timing. It took 2 feet from the wheelchair to put them on. ) And post credits scene : the wheelchair rising by itself and going into the wild snowy fields of Russia )
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
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@disgruntled-twig I've posted about Akechi and Kuboyasu specifically a couple of times (uh. wait a few years lol) and a few more times as a general "all the Psychickers have a huge crush on Kuboyasu" ship haha! It's on my ship chart and everything XD
I just think it would be SO funny if the Psychickers simped for Kuboyasu HARD on main and he's just completely oblivious and thinks they're platonic besties for like. Years.
The Psychickers aren't even mad about it because Kuboyasu's internal limit for what is acceptable to do with homies has been highly skewed by being in gangs from all-boys schools (imo), so they get to cuddle with him whenever he comes over to hang out. They put on their cutest fits, fight over who gets to sit on his lap this time, and flirt like hell and Kuboyasu is just like "hahaha these guys are great!".
It's just a total clown show and it's so so funny to me personally. They'll eventually get him in the polycule but the journey is long and hilarious.
So this is a thing that will canonically happen in my Moving Forward universe (I think it's already been mentioned that the Psychickers have lil crushes on him in Extra Love Stories 2 iirc?) and I've doodled it because it tickles my funny bone so much:
But as for Akechi and Kuboyasu specifically, I totally think they could have chemistry, but they need to spend more time together for that to happen.
It seems like Akechi can definitely dial down his chatter if he wants to– note how he behaves himself with Saiki's mom! So I think once Akechi officially joins the friend group post-canon, he'll try to limit his monologuing at first to give them all a chance to get used to him lol. EXTREMELY difficult for him but worth the effort since these are his Kusuo-kun's beloved friends.
Kuboyasu will be getting more patient over time, plus he'll be able to put up with Akechi a lot more once he learns to trust him and isn't on the defensive. That's the shadow leader's homie after all, if Saiki trusts Akechi then that's enough of an endorsement for him!
Once they're comfortable around each other, I think they'd get along really well! Kuboyasu is curious and kind of a romantic by nature, so I think he'd be fascinated by Akechi's knowledge of the natural world (as seen when he identified the bug in the sweet potato episode).
Akechi's nature knowledge seems to be based mostly on encyclopedias vs personal experience, so it would be SO fun for them to go hiking and find all of these creatures and plants in nature together! I usually include Nendo and Mera in the hiking club, but there's no reason why they can't go on solo adventures together haha.
Also, we know Akechi likes Cyborg Ciderman, which is an advertisement disguised as cheesy action anime (is it an anime in-universe actually?? hsfjdlshfks hard to tell). So I bet he'd have fun watching action flicks with Kuboyasu, and Kuboyasu would definitely like watching anime with Akechi, he clearly likes Dragonball and I can see them talking fan theories and stuff!
Another point of connection, and I've posted about it before but I can't find it, could be self-defense. Akechi would definitely ask Kuboyasu for some fighting tips n tricks, so he doesn't have to resort to ...chemical warfare... any more. And Kuboyasu wants to be a teacher, so this is good practice, and they start practicing and sparring.
Akechi isn't physically strong, and he'll never be as fast as Kuboyasu, but his ability to predict the opponent's moves are uncanny and he's clearly good at strategy, so he might be able to dodge and land hits unexpectedly. Not enough to rival Kuboyasu but enough to keep himself safe and be a fun challenge!
Anyways, I think it's an interesting and fun ship! Plan to write some formally eventually, just have a LOT of WIPs already and I've been more on a comics kick lately than writing so we'll see lol. Thanks for the ask!!
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kurt-wagner-official · 6 months
Post #112: UXM 228-229
The framing story for this issue is a letter Ali wrote to her friend O.Z. (maybe he was in her solo series? idk maybe I'll read that someday) back when the X-Men were in San Francisco. She talks about how Logan pushes her and is never satisfied, which pisses her off because a) she never wanted to be a superhero and b) she already was a solo hero. She doesn't see that those are the two reasons Logan does push her so much; he needs to know that her heart's in it and she can work with the team. When she sees a newspaper article that O.Z. is apparently now a werewolf murderer who was arrested in Florida she hops on a plane, refusing any help from her team. Logan follows her anyway, and as soon as the flight lands he finds someone mysterious tailing them. They search for clues and find O.Z.'s dog Cerberus hiding in his impounded truck. They then go break O.Z. out of jail when some assassins show up to kill him. He explains that he was chasing some drug dealer (he's a bounty hunter) with his dog, but the guy had some mutant bodyguard who took him down. The police arrested him and all the bite marks on the drug people from the dog made everyone think O.Z. was a werewolf, which seems like a stretch. Anyway, Logan says he recognizes the description of this mutant bodyguard and he's a Soviet spy, just before Henry Peter Gyrich shows up. He offers to drop charges against all three of them if Logan finds the Russian, who was an undercover agent working for Gyrich until he went rogue. The trio tracks him down, but in the battle Cerberus kills him. Gyrich gets mad but doesn't do anything, and everyone just leaves. We flash to the present to learn that this whole story was actually O.Z.'s flashback as he read Ali's letter in a bar and watched the news report the X-Men's death. This was a weird issue. The timeline and framing were unnecessarily confusing; I think Claremont wanted to do this story earlier but was prevented by the event schedule for Fall of the Mutants. Ali's arc in the book has been about accepting the team as her family, so this story flashes back to the middle of her personal journey, which is a little jarring and makes it fall a little flat. Also, the emotional core of the story only works if you read her solo series, but to be fair I can't blame Claremont for me not having read it. And if he was gonna do this flashback, it shouldn't have been the first issue post Fall, especially with how rushed the ending of the last issue was. That was a lot of complaints; I did like parts of this issue, especially the dynamic between Logan and Ali. The push and pull between them highlights both Logan's strengths and weaknesses as a leader. He understands what Ali needs and what the team needs from her, but he can't get that point across to her without pissing her off. It's why he makes a much better lieutenant than leader.
Our next issue opens in Singapore with an introduction for the book's newest villains, the Reavers. They're a gang of cyborgs who rob a bank and murder a whole buncha people. Claremont has shifted focus a few times in the last few years from one enemy group to another, and it's been an interesting progression. For a while, our biggest villains were Freedom Force, then the Marauders, and now the Reavers. We went from a government run team to a gang of psychos that were still following specific orders with loftier goals in mind and now to the Reavers, who have no greater purpose and just run around hedonistically stealing and murdering. The X-Men's world has been getting darker and more chaotic and their enemies reflect that. The Reavers are based in the Australian outback, where they've enslaved an aboriginal mutant named Gateway who creates portals and never talks. He sends them wherever they want on the planet, and in return they don't destroy his homeland and attack his people. They have a big violent party to celebrate all their new money, and begin to convert a woman they kidnapped into a Reaver by wiping her memory and giving her cyborg parts. But just then, the X-Men show up out of nowhere and attack. Seeing another person having their memory wiped and body tampered with sends Longshot into a rage we've never seen from him, throwing knives into people's eyes. The team, with Ororo back in full power and Peter in a new costume, which is just a speedo, make quick work of the Reavers, although a few escape. Logan and Anna want to execute the rest, but Roma shows up again to give the X-Men another gift- the Siege Perilous, an object that can rewrite someone's life to make them a whole new person. They offer the Reavers a choice between a rebirth or death, and they all choose to enter the Siege Perilous. Roma also fulfills their next request, to send the Reavers' prisoner (I still haven't learned her name) home. Roma tells them that if they ever want a happy ending, the Siege will give them one, and for as long as they choose this life, they'll be undetectable by cameras or magic, to help them keep being ghosts. And then she's gone, leaving the X-Men to their new home. This issue was... okay. I love the outback era, although unlike a lot of people I don't think it's near the best part of the Claremont run, but I don't love the way it starts. After a flashback issue, I was hoping this one would dive into the characters' thoughts on their death and rebirth as phantoms, and on Ororo and Peter's recent reclamations of their powers, but there was a short time jump and almost no inner monologuing. I do like the Reavers, but not as much as the Marauders, so I wish we could have held them off till after Inferno. But it was a solid establishing of the new status quo from an enemy's perspective; the X-Men show up out of nowhere and vanish as quickly as they came, leaving only the whispers of the victims they saved as proof of anything happening. It's very cool and myth-like without losing the ragtag feel of the post-Massacre stories.
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Anti-Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: Andy Skuse's Bubblegum Cross
Oooofah. Here we go. Here's one I sort of forgot existed. I mean, I don't wish I had never remembered it in the first place, but I don't feel like I came out the better for wear having re-read part of it.
Jeez... how did I remember this thing? Right-right-right. Someone on the Edgerunners fanfic Discord was talking about AD Police Files, I remembered its weird-ass manga that is supposed to have all these deep lore connections that explain Largo and suchlike, and then I remembered the fanfic that tried the hardest to get mileage out of said connection. Having reread Dead End City and not liked it that much (Takezaki's art style in this case is just too much like schlocky Katsuhiro Otomo), I decided to return to this fic. I knew from the first chapter that it wasn't that good, and I was proven right by chapter 23, but I persevered.
Why? Because Bubblegum Cross is a more interesting kind of bad than my other anti-rec-in-progress Just Won't Die, and a less boring kind of bad that is Illusions. So, without further ado, here we go!
So! I read all 23 chapters of this fic fairly quickly. They're easy to skim, and they're easy to dissect in such a manner that I can catalogue, and summarize the failures of this fic in, like, a listicle. I was daunted by this fic at first, just knowing Skuse's reputation, but that sentiment has passed. Cross isn't even, like, actively bad, it's just a bunch of mediocre cliches. It reaches neither above nor below, but slumps onward towards Gehenna like a half-dead hunchbacked ox. Or something like that.
It's difficult to summarize the story briefly, too, mostly because of its dedication to that Deep Lore that was brought up in Dead End City, but let's try. Spoilers ahead, not that you should care:
In 2036, following the destruction of GENOM by the government for human trafficking and experiments, some shady dudes sneak into Quincy's office and steal the OMS. In 2038, Priss is depresso as the Sabers have wound down and her singing career is dead, but then she meets Blackie, who is also a rock n' roll dude and is best described as the Cool New Male Original Character. He saves Priss from some street thugs (don't they always), they hang out at his apartment which has a weirdly fancy samurai tapestry, the two use 'ya know' and other uses of 'ya' instead of you for me not to be annoyed. Meanwhile, a mad scientist being bankrolled by Quincy (actually Largo's predecessor v728 in a Boomer shell) builds weird superboomers (actually animal-human genetic hybrids in cybershells, for reasons beyond me) which attack a military base, and said super-twitchy Boomer-things proceed to wreck the Sabers' shit almost instantly because they can just dodge any given attack the Sabers throw at them. Also, for some reason, the Sabers' hardsuits have power problems? And I'm pretty sure this didn't get mostly written until before 2040, when if you brought up the Sabers having power supplies measured in minutes you'd be laughed out of the room. Anyway, Blackie shows up with his own hardsuit and a laser katana, and delays the Sabers long enough for them to escape, but insists he has to see Sylia (not that he knows she's Saber White until she reveals it, thank goodness that's not a factor). So they meet, and Sylia gets a data unit off of Blackie, which turns out to be the rest of her father's notes, on stuff like mind uploading and telepathy (which I guess, given the end of OVA 5, isn't unprecedented). Blackie is revealed to be a Largo-like cyborg, a prototype created by Dr. Stingray and raised by Dr. Raven. And then, uh... nothing happens.
Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration. Let me qualify that statement: Nothing which serves the mainline plot happens, and what happens in that back half or so of the fic is honestly kind of... it's not dull per se, it's just more it feels really forced, as the author attempts to wind every piece of deep lore he knows around Blackie. As an example: Blackie and Priss are hooking up (oh boy another author's Cool Male OC gets a Saber to fall in love with him and pierce through their cool exterior what a surpriiiiise (see this is why I like A Killer's Heart, because Ryan Xavier went out of his way to do something a little different)), and they're back at the seaside vending machines where Priss hung out with Sylvie. It turns out that Priss's boyfriend (Jesse? Christ, can't we at least try to use some more Japanese, or just slightly more foreign-in-general names? It's not that Megatokyo isn't a melting-pot city at this point, it's just that this smacks of not trying very hard) looked a lot like Blackie, Blackie tried to go to the police for something or another, and in so doing tipped Mason off to his presence to a degree... which caused Mason to hit Jesse thinking he was Blackie.
Skuse. Skuse. Why do that? I get Blackie's supposed to be an important guy, but this is pushing it to an absurd degree. Forced doesn't begin to cover it.
Like I said, little of significance to the main plot occurs, until the bio-borgs track down Priss and Blackie, but nothing happens at that point, literally 'run!' is the end of the story as it was written, and Skuse said he only had 9 chapters left, and these are short-ish chapters, so the question of 'how the fuck did you intend to wrap this story up satisfactorily in the time you had left' rears its head, especially since Skuse said he wanted to get Jeena Malso in there (if you wanted to, put her in at THE START OF THE STORY).
So I think I can nail down a few big, leering problems with its story besides its incredibly dull single fight scene (there's this bit where the bio-borgs simultaneously lunge to choke out the Sabers and the girls are just helpless against it, it feels really, again, forced) and awkward prose. One is the idea that meat biology has somehow exceeded the performance of Boomers, which doesn't make sense to me given what we've seen Boomers do; the next is that terrible-ass pacing; the third is Skuse's desperate attempts to make all the deep lore mean something to the story; and, well fucking Blackie.
Oh, Blackie. Blackie Blackie Blackie. I remember reading somewhere, maybe it was an old Usenet post, that Skuse said he was trying very hard to not have an overpowered Cool OC Dude, which is baffling because Blackie is the umpteenth incarnation of that sort of character, with his black hardsuit, his hooking up with Priss, his superhuman strength and reflexes, his fucking laser katana, his Kawasaki Ninja-based bike, and the fact that he's the most important character narratively (his name is key to Sylia unlocking his datatape with her Dad's message on it through a borderline Death Note-level password puzzle, for another example). It's not helped by the fact that Blackie doesn't have much of a character beyond a childlike enthusiasm for things that can transition easily into him being mature and cool, so it's hard to figure out what Skuse was trying to do with him in those moments.
But who am I kidding. Bubblegum Cross is the platonic ideal of the mediocre Bubblegum Crisis fanfiction, really. I don't need to spend more words on it than I already have.
It speaks for itself well enough.
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gofancyninjaworld · 5 years
So. Conflicts of interest? With who/what else?
Note: I personally detest Tumblr.  I had this post finished and then accidentally clicked out of the editor and Tumblr ate it without trace! GAH!  That took me hours to type.  Round 2 then. 
So, yes, Dr Kuseno, the benefactor of Genos and Scientist of Justice (even though he’s an engineer), is someone who has more conflicts of interest than is really healthy for a person to have.  I think this needs a snazzy title, don’t you?
The Man With Too Many Hats 
A: The Justice Junkie
I could have used the word ‘crusader’ but it carries connotations that take away from the point I want to make.  ‘Hero’ doesn’t fit either.  The first way we know Dr Kuseno is as a very principled seeker of justice, the ‘Scientist of Justice’ so to speak. Seeking to stop wrongdoing and to redress past injustices is a set of values that both he and Genos share. Most specifically, they’re united in wanting to stop the Mad Cyborg at nearly any cost.  How deep their shared values run can be seen when he empathises with Genos: “Your state yesterday made me think of my youth. Possessed by a mad drive towards justice, fearing nothing... just recklessly putting myself through anything...” (chapter 80, Mangastream).  
It’s the Justice Junkie who agreed to turn Genos into a cyborg when the latter begged for body modifications.  Age may have sobered him, but that troublesome conviction that nearly any price is worth paying for principle hasn’t gone anywhere.
It's been interesting to see how hard he doesn't work on upgrades for Genos. It's like a reverse Spider-Man: instead of 'with great power comes great responsibility,' he's been like 'with great responsibility comes the need for great power'. The first significant upgrade (the arms mode) doesn't come until after Genos has signed up to be a pro-hero, which Dr Kuseno is super happy about.   And it's only since the Monster Association showed itself to be a threat that the old man has shown how fiendishly fast he can work when he's motivated.
The Justice Junkie is the one role who can accept Genos dying.  It’s the last thing he’d want, but being a hero means accepting the possibility of sacrificing yourself for others.  
B: The Investor
We don’t need Glasses to tell us that body modification is the preserve of the filthy rich.  We don’t really need to find out that Jet Nice Guy sunk his lottery winnings into body modification (what a bad investment). We can surmise it quite handily for ourselves that becoming a cyborg is very, very expensive.  Even by those standards, Genos is something else --  his extremely advanced weaponry, active development programme and frequent breakages mean that money literally goes up in smoke.  And yet, Kuseno has not hesitated to invest heavily in Genos.
Genos is very aware of The Investor; he sees himself as being indebted to Kuseno and feels that his debt is discharged by killing the Mad Cyborg as he promised.  That’s all very well: it’s clear that The Investor doesn’t want money for there is no realistic prospect of Genos ever repaying him. But what does he want?  What will make all this worthwhile to Kuseno?  Is the platonic knowledge of righting a wrong sufficient?  Is it settling a score?  Is the blood of a single individual, no matter how odious, really sufficient to justify the outlay what must run into millions of dollars?  Is there something material to be gained at the end, such as even more money, power, influence?  What will it take for him to cut his losses?  What does loss cutting look like? 
Unlike The Justice Junkie, The Investor sees no benefit to Genos dying.  It’d be a dead loss. 
C: The Engineer
We also meet The Engineer, the part of Kuseno that just loves the pure technical challenge of it all.  If the Justice Junkie got him working overnight to return Genos to the battlefield ASAP to meet the threat the Monster Association posed to mankind,  The Engineer made the challenge a pleasure. And Kuseno makes no bones about it: “...this has proven to be quite stimulating!  It’s been a long time since I felt my mind brimming with new ideas.” (chapter 80, Mangastream). 
For the pure technical difficulty of one item, nothing in OPM touches Genos. The first challenge in building a cyborg is that it's got to keep a very fragile human being alive. No matter what happens, the central temperature of that body must be 37 degrees Celsius, no more, no less. We definitely know he has at least his brain, which compounds the difficulty: it's the consistency of set jello and is very unforgiving of shock. Of all the weapon platforms Kuseno could have chosen for a cyborg, the extreme heat of the cannons and high voltage, high amperage system that drives them are the worst possible choices (seriously, a good blade is much, much safer!). Add to that the extreme acceleration (planned and unplanned) that body undergoes and you have the most life-unfriendly platform ever.
Shonen (and other stories aimed at a young adult audience) tend to be about finding one’s talent, setting goals, what one has to do in order to get good. OPM starts from a more mature premise: Okay, you got good.  Now what?  The Engineer wants extreme challenges and when we see Genos get upgrades, we are also seeing an old man fulfilling himself at the expense of a young man.  It’s something a lot of fans do feel, sensing that there is something off-kilter and yet can’t quite put their finger on. 
D: The Doctor
The Doctor is the guy who actually concerns himself with the person inside the machine. Naturally, Kuseno is interested in Genos being biologically well, but it goes beyond that.  As Genos remarks on “Dr Kuseno has put in a lot of effort so I can live like a human being.” (chapter 40.2, Neiru translation).  It’s a non-trivial ask as it requires that Genos stay human-sized, human-weighted, human-shaped, be able to eat, communicate both verbally and non-verbally, all of which is very important for long-term psychological well-being, but which adds significantly to the technical challenge.  We have already met other full-bodied cyborgs, like Drive Knight and Jet Nice Guy, but they haven’t received anything like the same level of care for their humanity. 
E: The Parent
Finally, The Parent, the part of Kuseno that is most concerned not just that Genos is well, but that he is happy. It really changed my view of Kuseno when he showed up in person at Saitama’s apartment, rail gun in one hand, meat in the other. He was aware of the great personal risk he was running and that he could send a drone instead, but to him, it was worth it.  Not just to retrieve Genos, but also to see just how the latter lived.  Who this master of his was -- was he really a good man?  What friends he had.  What he ate.  And he was so happy to see that Genos could make friends and was even beginning to open up a bit. 
There’s the bits of humour inherent in the little things he makes for Genos at times, like like the vegetable peeler inbuilt into his domestic arms and the ice shaver he took to the party. They’re clever, well-made and nominally practical, while being completely unnecessary. They serve to visually tell us that Dr. Kuseno might not be effusive, but there is love in these little gifts and in the joy with which Genos demonstrates them.   There’s no question that the pair are very deeply bonded: they talk like one another. Have the same penchant for over-generous gifting. Even smile like one another. Much as he loves Saitama, the moment Dr Kuseno showed up at the apartment, Genos went straight to his side and stayed there. No question where the centre of this young man’s world lies. 
F: That’s a bit of a mess
As you would imagine, these various roles both reinforce each other and clash. There is no way to be a good parent and yet do harm to your ‘kid’, expose him to harm, and send him to do harm to others.  No matter what The Justice Junkie says. We don’t let parents do surgery on their children or be their drill sergeants at boot camp for damn good reason.  Chapter 80 is pretty illuminating.  As we move from panel to panel, you can spot all five roles each taking their turn in wonderfully self-contradictory fashion, culminating in Kuseno asking Genos to fulfill his duty as a hero *and* to stay safe.  The role Kuseno plays in Genos’s life should by rights be split between at least two different people, even three.  But, each other is all they have. 
Just how this is all going to go wrong remains to be seen. It will.
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softrozene · 3 years
Reacting to Reader’s Braces Headcanons
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I took a break from my event to create this extremely self-indulgent and rushed headcanons since I finally got my braces off! I have a very strong dislike for my retainer now but it will grow on me :’) Anyway this is comfort for me since my mouth is in pain lol.
One Piece Characters Reacting to Reader getting braces vs. getting them off!
One Piece Characters x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary)
*I just did the Straw Hats, Law, Marco, Ace, and Thatch for this! (I did not add Jinbei as a straw hat since I am still not all the way caught up)
Warnings: This is long, Fluff- The characters reacting can be considered platonic/romantic- I will have any romantic (kissing) headcanons in bold. Except Chopper. He is strictly platonic because he is baby.
This is their normal One Piece world since I was a bit curious how they would react since I imagine that if there are dentists/orthodontists in their world it would be rare or only in like huge cities like Water 7.
FLAKSDSA Honestly just imagine Reader leaves the crew once in a while to go get their adjustments done or something lmfao. We ignore logic for this one. Only care about the reactions XD
Words: 2,343
Monkey D. Luffy:
When he firsts sees the metal in your mouth he is curious!
He will be in utter awe or laugh if he thinks they look funny (which of course makes Reader’s confidence plummet lol unless you laugh with him)
May call you a robot
He wants to know why they are shaped around your teeth- It is not like the gold or silver teeth that other pirates have that accompany missing teeth
This is weird for him since your teeth seem to be trying to look straight?
When you explain the reasoning of braces to him he is even more puzzled but excited for you!
He is not sure you really need them since he likes your smile regardless but he is happy if you are happy!
As for when you get them off- He is in awe that the braces did their job! And now you get to wear this weird plastic thing in your mouth
How the heck did you even get it in there?
He has no clue what a dentist/orthodontist is so he will just call them mouth doctor and think Chopper is the one helping you lol
Kissing with them on is also a weird experience for him! (I really hate to say it but he will love if you do not clean them very well. It makes him surprised but happy if he tastes food on them alfdjaslkf I HATE THIS lol)
He likes the way the metal feels when he explores your mouth but hopefully he is not a harsh kisser- You fear something will break if he really wanted to flakdfa
When you get your braces off he is in even more shock! That is so cool! Your smile is straight now! But now you got this weird plastic thing in your mouth... He does not mind he is just forgets you wear it since it is clear!
Luffy honestly does not care what you look like smile wise from before or after. He has no preference. He only cares that you are happy with your smile!
Roronoa Zoro:
“What the hell is in your mouth?”
THIS MAN BATHES ONCE A WEEK SO I WOULD ASSUME THAT IS THE SAME WITH HIS DENTAL HYGIENE?! I really hope not. I hope he cares for his mouth and will pretend he does now falksdfja
Anyway, he sees the metal and he is confused but once you explain it, he really does not care anymore
“Oh, cool, I guess.”
If you are partners though- He will be intrigued how kissing you would be. He takes the chance and decides it is an experience for sure tasting the metal in your mouth. (May remind of blood so he pretty cool with it alfdjalk)
Speaking of blood- If something ends up poking him or cutting him... He will enjoy it to the max tbh however if it is you that is hurt he will cease all kissing and only go for pecks until later
When you get them off I think he would miss tasting the metal
When you get your braces off he does not notice at first... It takes a few smiles before he goes... “Wait a minute...”
Then it hits him!
He will smile and be happy if he notices that being braceless brings you confidence with your new smile!
Nami is huge on hygiene so I think she would love to know more about dental hygiene and the concept of braces
She is understanding with your diet restrictions and will scold anyone who gives you weird looks or tries to get you to eat something you should not
She is your go-to for this since she also wants to see the end result as perfect
She is tad worried in the kissing department- Not wanting to mess your braces up since she knows how much effort goes into them but she also worried about her safety and if a wire or lose bracket will poke her or worse you. So she sticks to gentle kisses until they are off
She actually goes with you to your orthodontist to see how they take them off and to be there for you
She is happy with and for you upon seeing the end result!
and now her kisses can be harder >///<
As a tinkerer he will notice and also be intrigued. He has never seen braces (like Luffy and Zoro) and has never heard of them
He asks so many questions
Luffy, Zoro, and him are the ones who forget your diet restrictions which causes much irritation on your side. You will constantly glare at them for offering foods or drinks you can’t have
Usopp will eventually start remembering and be considerate on your behalf
When he kisses you he is soft and gentle- Not wanting to hurt you or himself. If he tastes blood he will pass out in fear just because he will blame himself and think he hurt you. He is too sweet :’)
As soon as your braces are off he will ask SO MANY QUESTIONS about the retainer like how was it made and such? Does it feel weird?
He is just so intrigued by it and of course- It makes you smile even more.
Tbh I feel like he would have had them as a kid or wanted them if his dad cared enough aldfjakl
Also notices them immediately
He will actually cater to your diet needs/restrictions because he knows how much they mean to you if you are going through such a time consuming thing to get your teeth fixed
Besides that he is just a friend you can go to if you are in mouth pain- He will make something soft for you every time you go for an adjustment or tea to help sooth your mouth
If you are kissing on the other hand- If homeboy does not pass out first he will be so gentle. He is terrified of hurting you or making you uncomfortable with your braces on (and lowkey is the same way even if you get them off- You will have to be the one to make the first move)
When you get them off- It is a food celebration! Whatever you missed eating or that you could not eat he will make it all for you!
He does notice if you are smile more and if you are more confident with your new smile! : )
Tony Tony Chopper:
He will constantly worry about any mouth pains and since he is a doctor is intrigued how someone labeled as a doctor for teeth does their jobs
He will asks questions constantly and write about your journey with this
10/10 cutie and best buddy for this
Make sure he is stocked on simple pain meds for you
Nico Robin:
She notices them but does not say anything or ask questions unless you want to talk about
She is sweet and looks out for you
Makes sure Sanji helps with your diet restrictions
Besides that she does not notice much or ask much
She is just happy that you are doing this for yourself
Her kisses concerning this are always gentle. She refuses to risk anything with you until after your braces are gone. Only then will she let herself become more heated with kisses.
After your braces she will always compliment your smile (and tell you it was beautiful before too but notes how confident you are)
Cyborg Franky:
He likes them.
That is all.
Okay but seriously. As a man who completely turned himself into a machine in the front he has mad respect for you for putting metal in your mouth. Like that concept is wild to him since the mouth is so sensitive (yet he also can blow flames out his mouth due to working on it aldfjal)
He will refuse to kiss you since he knows how is strength and hard kisses can damage your brackets/wires so he refuses anything until after they are safely off.
Besides that after your braces are off and you have your retainer on (He honestly didn’t notice the retainer lol) He will go “You have a SUPERRRR smile!”
Brook honestly does notice them at first but he does not say anything until you do
Besides that he is not that interested in them
For kissing though he also refuses to do so since he is straight up a skeleton. He does not want to risk his bone breaking ANYTHING. Though he will peck your cheek. Even after you get them off he is hesitant since he is a skeleton- That does not mean he will not try. If you ask he will get flustered and be gentle for you
When you get your braces off- Brook may tease you and say your teeth are almost as straight as his! And remind you constantly that he is a skeleton adlfjakl
Trafalgar Law:
Is just a king- I should stop all headcanons here alfdkaldks
He knows what braces are and is not that interested in the work only because he prefers his medicinal studies that are more morbid than the mouth
However, he is very observational still and notes how you care for them and what your diet is
For kissing- He acts like he does not care but he is gentle and careful when things gets heated. He is actually a big softie so he will do everything to avoid ruining your braces that would involve a setback.
After you get your braces off he also notices how much more confident you are. How much brighter your smile is because of that
Besides that- He does not make a big deal out of it
Marco the Phoenix:
He and the Whitebeard pirates have been nearly everywhere and met all kinds of people so he is not that surprised when he notices that you have braces
He has seen them before so not a big deal
Much like Law, Marco will not make a big deal out of it
However, if you both are close to each other he may tease you whenever you develop a lisp or when are embarrassed after an adjustment.
Either way he means it with a good heart
God- Kisses with Marco when you have braces are so, so, so, gentle. He is the king of kisses no matter what. He is careful but he sure as hell will not let the metal win when you both get heated. So he knows how to maneuver around your mouth with his tongue >///<
When you get your braces off- It is a celebration with the whole crew. Marco helps plan it and of course takes photos of your smile afterwards since you have every right to be proud of your smile
He will always comment on how your smile is brighter
Portgas D. Ace:
Also with Marco (and Thatch) he is rather used to seeing different kinds of people with different situations so he is not surprised to see metal in your mouth
However when you get close to him he does ask questions and get intrigued
He only teases you when you have some trouble speaking a few words but besides that- He is also respectful and does not think much of the braces
Though since he is one that eats all the time he tries to be considerate for you since he knows that it can be frustrating with your diet restrictions
If you are in a relationship with him he actually is not confident in kissing you with your braces. It is because he cares so much about you and because of his self-loathing- He would HATE if he messed up your braces so he is cautious and tries not to push anything until after you get your braces off
When your braces comes off homeboy is going to dine-and-dash with you EVERYWHERE
Like the other two- Thatch is used to this kind of thing so he is not surprised
Since he is the culinary chef for the Whitebeard Pirates you bet your butt he will have better foods for you to suit your needs
He is also teasing like the others and may take it a far sometimes but he will remind you that you are good with or without braces!
He constantly makes sure you are doing fine though since he is aware of how the other whitebeard pirates may not be as considerate as he is
Kisses with Thatch are gentle but I think if it gets too heated he may forget that he is supposed to be gentle. He definitely ends up tearing up his tongue on the metal if this is the case and he feels bad if you feel bad- If not he will laugh it off and continue if you want
After you get your braces off- He will check with what you want to celebrate! What kind foods you have to eat first and you get the honor of taking the first bite!
Would forget you you wear a retainer so they would not be helpful as a reminder: Luffy, Zoro, Franky, Brook, Ace
Remembers then forgets after a while: Usopp and Thatch
Makes you wear your retainer as instructed and will give you a death glare (out of love of course) if you are not doing so: Nami, Robin, Sanji, Chopper, and Marco
Will make sure you wear your retainer even though he says he does not care, and will murder your soul if you do not do so (out of love but he will lie about it): Law
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rayveewrites · 3 years
What if when Doc respawns, he's not actually seen by the mortals, so the first time in 2000 years that a creeper is seen, is when he's caught on security cameras doing mysterious things with mysterious blocks, resulting in update surpassed water. (from arrow, who diddnt realize you wanted every idea separate sorry)
[No need to apologise! You said yourself you’ve never used Tumblr before, and it’s not like I said anything before the time I told you!]
The cameras are the first recorded sighting of this creature, but they’re far from the last. Light reflecting off metal and onto a wall, a glimpse of a torn labcoat turning a corner, red lights glowing at the end of a dark alley, before they disappear. Doc recognises that he doesn’t know these people, this world; he keeps to himself, until he understands it better. Like the Green Lady before him, he becomes a sort of urban cryptid, one people fear even if they don’t understand why.
One thing Doc’s noticed is that the physics engine is different. The way water flows, the way skyscrapers are built, the way redstone is organized- it’s not anything like how he’s used to. He experiments with water, but whenever he works with it, pours a bucket over the ground or turns a tap, it’s the same as it’s always been. He plays around with pistons and old glitches, trying to figure out if he can change it from one type to another. The Humans find leftover bits of his experiments, sometimes, and they seem curious, but they clearly don’t understand what he’s trying to do. Hels, Doc isn’t quite sure what he’s trying to do. He wishes he had someone to bounce ideas off.
Someone finds a green scale at one of the experiments, shed naturally by the creeper hybrid. It makes its way to a lab, and has its DNA analysed. The closest creature they can find has long since been extinct, one they’ve only ever found skulls of. That catches peoples attention. An extinct being, running around Alorith City? Clearly, the only thing to do in this situation would be to capture and study it.
One tiny problem: It’s not easy to catch Doc. Especially when you think he’s just an intelligent animal, with brains on par with, say, an octopus. People lay traps, but Doc isn’t dumb enough to fall for them. He honestly doesn’t realize they’re for him, because they’re so goddamn obvious.
Plan B: tranquilisers. Now it gets interesting. Doc may not know what a gun is, but he knows a weapon when he sees one. He doesn’t know what chemicals the darts hold, but his best guess is it’s some sort of modified weakness potion. He doesn’t know what they want from him, but he’s pretty sure he won’t like it.
By Player standards, Doc is strong. By Human standards, his strength is frankly ridiculous. When he’s cornered in an alleyway, Doc’s first move is to hiss, because even if the Humans don’t know why, the sound terrifies them. Doc learned to fight people far more durable, for whom death was a temporary inconvenience. These are the kind who have no magic, no inventories, and no ability to Respawn. Doc may be a mad scientist, but he’s not a cold-hearted killer.
That said, he’s not above yeeting large, heavy metal objects over their heads. Like a dumpster. For example.
The Humans realize that maybe they’re in over their heads (much like the dumpster), and decide to do the intelligent thing and leave the terrifying monster-cyborg alone. For now, anyway. Until they figure out a plan of attack, because it turns out the cryptid is rather dangerous.
Doc holes up in an abandoned warehouse, knowing that he probably has to get the Hels out of town. His plan is to wait for nightfall and sneak off, but he falls asleep instead. He can only run for so long before crashing, after all. When he’s woken, he’s face-to-face with a Human. He hisses, and she backs off, but gathers her courage, and says, with very, very broken Galactic,
“No hurt here help Gem friend name Lisa you Doc?”
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Michael in the Mainstream: Crash Bandicoot
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Reviewing video games is not my forte. Like, sure, I can review the Metal Gear franchise because it’s near and dear to my heart and it’s incredibly story driven to a cinematic degree, but I’m not super good at touching on game design or any of that. I stick with movies. But then there are a lot of games I love and want to talk about, such as this game, Crash Bandicoot, and it’s like, how do I talk about this? This is a platformer that is very light on plot and is more about precision platforming than anything, and I’m just not really good at talking about gameplay.
But I’ve come up with a solution! One that I plan to use going forward for a few other games, too! I’ll start with a few paragraphs with my basic overview of the game, and then I will do a ranking of my favorite levels, and then how I’d rank the bosses. I’m much better at talking why I enjoy the challenge of specific elements of games like these then I am talking about the game as a whole, so let’s see how this turns out.
Crash Bandicoot was the first video game I ever played, and so is extremely near and dear to my heart. It’s a rather simple game, a “save the girl” platforming adventure in the vein of something like Mario, where an intrepid hero travels through platforming challenges to save the love of his life from an evil mastermind, though as the main character is a furry animal with a bit of 90s ‘tude, and his archenemy is a mad scientist who utilizes cyborgs to stop you, there’s a dash of Sonic in here too. Being a simple platforming game like this, you’d think there wouldn’t be all that much to the story… but surprisingly, that’s not totally the case (although the story is still relatively simple to later entries).
Crash was meant to be the ultimate soldier in Dr. Neo Cortex’s army of evil marsupials and other assorted critters, an army he presumably was going to use for world domination. After rigorous training, Crash was set to be brainwashed and turned into a mindless slave, but something got screwed up and Crash remained a good, heroic guy. He ended up chased out a window and washed up on the beach of a nearby island, and set out to save his buxom, big booty bandicoot babe Tawna from the creepy clutches of the cantankerous Cortex, causing chaos and crushing crates as he went along. The manual included with the original version of the game actually outlined sort of a little story for the first island, showing how the levels involved Crash infiltrating a native village, defeating its leader, and then riding a hog to escape on his way to the next island. It’s kind of fun and imaginative, and the next island keeps it up, with Crash having to brave ancient ruins to make it to the volcano on the other side of the island, before finally going through Cortex’s toxic power plant, causing a reactor meltdown, and climbing Cortex’s castle to confront him as his island burns to the ground. It’s a fun, simple story that’s not too challenging on the mind while still being engaging.
Perhaps the best thing about the game is the music, which was done by Josh Mancell with the assistance of Mark Mothersbaugh’s Mutato Muzika production company. Let’s not beat around the bush here: Every single track in this game slaps. Basically every track in the original trilogy slaps, but I feel pound for pound this game just hits all the right notes with its music. It perfectly sets the tone for each level, with eerie levels like Slippery Climb getting foreboding music and unsettling yet somewhat whimsical levels like Road to Nowhere getting music that perfectly suits it. This is the biggest downgrade of the remake; they redid the score, with no option to go back to the old tracks, and while some of the updated tunes are great, they don’t really hold a candle to the original (especially the creepier levels, which got dumbed down a fair bit to the point of narm).
The one thing this game is being known for these days is its pretty brutal difficulty, at least with the original release. A lot of the staple elements of the series like checkpoints saving the boxes you had previously broken and an actual save room were not present, so every level (including the brutal ones where the margin of error was incredibly slim) needed to be completed perfectly in one go. The challenging road to 100% completion was absolutely brutal, but thankfully the remake polished things and brought it more in line with its sequels to the point you only need a flawless run on colored gem levels. It can still be pretty tough since the colored gems are located in the hardest levels of the game, but it’s a lot easier than it once was.
The original game is a great, fun game, but only play the original release if you really want to test your skills; the remake is the way to go. The game holds up amazingly well even today, so no matter which version you end up playing you’re in for a fun platforming challenge.
Anyway, let’s get on to the levels!
10. Generator Room
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There’s something to be said about the various one-shot themed levels of the third island. Toxic Waste is an interesting one we’ll talk about later, The Lab is a fun penultimate level, and Cortex Power is a frustrating slog of confusing backtracking. The Generator Room, though? This is unnerving atmosphere and dark ambience at its peak, with the eerie, minimalist music and the looming Cortex faces lending a chilling sense that you’re being watched as you make your way through this dark platforming challenge. It’s not the most exciting level, but among the one-shot themes it stands out for being a heaping helping of nightmare fuel… Though moreso in the original game. The remake sadly toned things down a bit too much, though it’s hard to blame them, really.
9. Native Fortress
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The level that caps off the first island is a more challenging remake of The Great Gate, and closes out the story of the first island by showing how Crash escapes the territory of Papu Papu’s tribe. It’s a pretty fun and reasonable challenge for the point in the game, but my favorite aspect of the level has always been that, when you get the red gem, you get to fly up in the clouds and experience the painted background of the other two islands with less clutter. It’s just a simple background image, sure, but I have always found it very pretty and breathtaking.
8. Road to Nowhere
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Everyone’s favorite! This is one of the more challenging levels if you don’t know what you’re doing because of the tricky and precise jumps you need, but it just has so much atmosphere and pleasant music it’s hard to get mad even if I screw up and plummet to my doom a few dozen times. Bouncing off of hibernating turtles to make long jumps and inexplicable evil hogs help make this memorable. Frankly, if you want to direct your ire to a stage, direct it to The High Road, the third island’s more challenging take on this level’s theme and which is a joyless, frustrating experience.
7. Castle Machinery
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This level is honestly a bit of a breather for being so late in the game; sure, it has a lot of tricky jumps and an annoying crate bridge you need to really think about to conquer, but overall it’s just an improved take on Heavy Machinery without an obtuse branching path to figure out. Still, this level really makes the list because, if you have the right colored gem, you can just immediately skip the entire level and gain thirty free lives in the process in one of the single funniest moments in the game.
6. Toxic Waste
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This level is simple, straightforward, and to the point. It’s one long-ass hallway where Crash is on a narrow walkway and has to avoid incoming barrels being tossed at him by the Mafia. It has no branching paths, no crazy elements, just Crash, some barrels, some boxes, and some bad guys. It’s almost too basic, but what saves it is the atmosphere of it all and the sheer awesomeness of the music, no matter which version you’re playing. It’s a level that has stuck in my mind since I was a kid. In a way, it also set the basis for colored gem unlocks in the games to follow, as avoiding the barrels is more of a puzzle than anything, much like the tricky puzzles you had to solve to unlock the colored gems in Cortex Strikes Back and It’s About Time. It’s a neat little first step even if it’s not quite there yet.
5. Boulder Dash
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I almost didn’t include one of these levels, but God, these levels were trendsetters! The whole “Crash gets chased by dangerous thing” trend began in this game, and this second take on the boulder chase from the second island is a lot more fun and challenging than the earlier version of the level. And if you get the colored gem, you’re taken to a pretty underground alternate exit with tons of crates, which is pretty dope.
4. Fumbling in the Dark
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The only one of the secret levels that requires a Cortex key to make the list, Fumbling in the Dark is a remix of Lights Out, the level it branches off of. That level is a bit of a cakewalk if you have the right gem, with an alternate exit being available to you before the level’s challenge ramps up. Not so with this level! You’ve gotta do some tricky timed jumps as quick as possible so you can get to the next Aku Aku mask before the light runs out. It’s a pretty fun and fair challenge, and it pushes my platforming skills to the limit. I also just really enjoy the creepy, Gothic aesthetic of the levels inside Cortex’s castle.
3. Hog Wild
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This is, hands down, the funniest level in the game. From Crash’s really suggestive eyebrow waggle which leads to him tackling a pig to the extremely goofy music, this level is just an absolute blast. It does have an equally fun yet more challenging remix as an optional secret level, Whole Hog, but I have to give props to the original level for being the most hilarious thing I ever saw when I was little.
2. Slippery Climb
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Where Stormy Ascent is a brutal, unrelenting challenge, Slippery Climb is more of a tough, but fair challenge. It’s definitely up there with Sunset Vista and The High Road in terms of difficulty, and the fact you’ve gotta do a flawless run of it if you want the red gem is daunting, but this is the most thoroughly rewarding mandatory level to conquer. You’re gonna feel really cool when you take this one down, guaranteed. Maybe not as much as when you take down Stormy Ascent, but still, this may be the toughest level in the game.
Ok, ok, here’s the real number one:
1. N. Sanity Beach
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This is the first level in the game and, thus, one of the easiest. And yet I placed it above all the levels I find to be more fun and challenging. Why? Well, for one, the pure nostalgia of it all. This was my first level in a video game, and I have fond memories of traversing the beach and jungle. For the other, this is one of the most perfect tutorial levels I have ever seen. Basically everything the game has to offer is laid out to you and slowly dished out to you: you start with a couple crates and a free life, move on to experience some enemies and pits, you can get total invincibility if you’re smart, you’re introduced to branching paths and backtracking… Everything is dished out to you at a solid pace so that any new player will be able to figure out what they’re doing with relative ease. Plus, the music slaps, and interestingly enough halfway through the level changes to a different song (the only level to do this). It really does encapsulate the game as a whole in one tiny package, and for that, I think it’s my favorite level of all.
Boss Ranking
The best way to describe the bosses in the original Crash is that they are incredibly basic. Most of them have simple patterns, easy tells, and don’t take much effort to take down. There’s not really anything here that will put your skills to the test, but none of them are really bad per se; in fact, considering how hard the levels can get, it’s sort of a breath of fresh air when you get to a boss that can be taken down without thinking hard.
6. Papu Papu
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Coming in last place is our first boss, the big chief of the first island himself. He’s a pretty simple and straightforward boss battle: just jump on his head a few times and he’ll be out cold. It’s pretty nice to ease in new players, but it’s seriously not much of a challenge (though none of these bosses are particularly hard, mind you).
5. Koala Kong
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So far, this has been Koala Kong’s sole major outing, as he was pretty quickly replaced with the more engaging Tiny Tiger in terms of dumb muscle.Tiny at least has some semblance of combat prowess and strategy, while this guy is just tossing boulders at you to spin back while he’s flexing and posing like he wants a part in the next volume of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. He’s certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed. Still, he’s not bad or anything, just a bit of a generic battle compared to the last three or the one before him.
4. Ripper Roo
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Ripper Roo is a bit of a frustrating puzzle boss, requiring just the right timing to get in any damage on the guy. Still, the fun and bouncy music coupled with the amazing stock laugh does help make him a bit more memorable than the previous two bosses. I will say he’s probably worse in terms of an actual boss battle, because he ends up being more an exercise in precision than the typical dodging and waiting for the right moment to strike, but he’s also a funny kangaroo in a straitjacket, and I think that counts for something.
3. N. Brio
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The longest boss in the game, Brio comes with a massive health bar that you’ll shave off pretty quickly for his first phase if you’re careful, and whose second phase features him hulking out into an incredible monstrosity. He’s simple and straightforward, much like all the bosses to be honest, but I think the bosses on the final island all have solid presentation to make up for that. Brio just comes out at the lower end, which is honestly a running theme for him in Crash games, as his battles are rarely the best out there and few can match his debut.
2. Pinstripe
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Pinstripe may not be the most challenging boss in the world, but damn is he cool. A tommy gun-toting potoroo gangster who goes full-on Scarface and starts blasting up his office when you walk in while cackling like a madman? Awesome. Defeating him is also heavily implied to be the reason Cortex’s castle eventually starts burning down, as he accidentally shoots the generator upon defeat, which is a neat little touch. If nothing else, Pinstripe is just fun, and he has killer theme music to boot.
1. Cortex
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Cortex begins his reign as the big bad of the franchise with a final boss battle that, while lacking in serious challenge, has such good music and presentation that it’s hard to really care. The fight is simple and straightforward: you dodge his blasts, and hit back the ones of a certain color so they blast his health off. All of this is done from atop his dirigible, as his island burns down in the background. The bosses just don’t get any cooler than this.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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Lonesome Cruiser.
Blockbuster composer Tom Holkenborg, aka Junkie XL, talks to Gemma Gracewood about composing for titans, his pride in Dutch cinema, friendship with George Miller and longing for Olivia Newton-John. Plus: his Letterboxd Life in Film and why he’s selling his prized collection of recording gear.
It has been a spectacular spring for Tom Holkenborg, the Dutch musician also known as Junkie XL, who has crafted the scores for multiplex fare such as Mad Max: Fury Road, Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate, Sonic the Hedgehog and the upcoming zombie banger Army of the Dead. Only weeks apart, two blockbusters landed on screens with his sonic stamp all over them: Adam Wingard’s Godzilla vs. Kong and Zack Snyder’s re-realized Justice League.
Thankfully, the Godzilla vs. Kong score was complete by the time the Justice League telephone rang. Holkenborg—who had lost the Justice League gig along with Snyder the first time around—knew the Snyder cut was coming; he had closely watched the growing calls for it online. “Zack and I already started talking in 2019. He’s like, ‘What if we were to finish this? What would it take?’ Those conversations turned to ‘Well, how many recording days potentially do you need and how much of an orchestra do you potentially need?’ Finally, somewhere in April 2020, that’s when that phone call came: ‘Okay, light’s green, start tomorrow, and start running until it’s done because it’s four and a half hours’.”
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Ray Fisher as Cyborg in ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’.
Holkenborg approaches the titanic task of blockbuster film scoring with an engineer’s mindset: “Building a fantastic, huge house with 20 bedrooms and the dance hall and the kitchen… You’re not going to start by building the third bathroom for the third guest room, right?” Once he has identified the scenes that are most important to his directors—for Snyder, they included the introduction of Cyborg, three fight set-pieces, and a scene of The Flash running that comes towards the end of the film—the composer identifies instrumental “colors” in order to build a theme around each character. Then he holds some of those colors back, theorizing that “if you want like an, ‘Oh!’ experience by looking at a painting that has a huge amount of bright yellow in it, it’s way more successful to see fifteen paintings in front of it, where yellow is absent.”
The Godzilla vs. Kong score satisfies Holkenborg’s life-long love of both characters. “I don’t have a preference for either one. I love them both for various different reasons.” Their respective histories fascinate him: Godzilla as a way to make sense of Japan’s nuclear fall-out, and Kong as a gigantic spectacle that ended up attracting the sympathies of the audiences he was supposed to scare. Even when the science makes no sense (“what the fuck are plasma boosters, anyway?!”), Holkenborg is still happy to wax lyrical about the emotional depth of Kong’s stories, the elaborate concepts of the Godzilla-verse, and his musical approach to the pair—dark, moving brass for Godzilla, with synthesized elements “because he is a half-synthesized animal”, and a more organic, complex orchestration for Kong, featuring “one of the world’s bigger bass drums”.
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Adam Wingard’s ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’.
All of this seat-shaking bombast is composed on an “insanely massive sound system” in Holkenborg’s small home studio (though he reassures pandemic-stricken film lovers that he has recently seen both Godzilla vs. Kong and Justice League on his laptop—and “really enjoyed watching it like that”). The process, he says, was “pretty intense”, but only in terms of the sheer amount of score needed. Composing in quarantine was not much different from his usual workflow. “I’m a pretty lonesome cruiser anyway. Composing, by nature, is like a solo exercise—obviously with assistance.”
Like many creatives (Bong Joon-ho recently told a film studies class that he is up at 5:00am most days to watch a movie), Holkenborg is an early riser, waking by 4:00am. “I’m super sharp between like 4 or 5:00am and 9:00am, so I like to do a lot of creative work in that slot.” He takes care of business until mid-afternoon, when another creative spurt happens. “And then I have another batch of calls usually to make, and then around 8:30pm, I’m going to retire for the rest of the day and just chill out a little bit and watch stuff that I want to see, read things that I want to read. Right now I’m studying Portuguese.” By 10:30pm, he’s asleep. “And then at three o’clock I get up.” (Needless to say, Holkenborg’s children are no longer small.)
The pandemic simplified a lot of things for a lot of people: for Holkenborg, it has been a moment to tidy up the physical side of his work. In November last year, he opened an online shop to divest the bulk of his gear—synths, pedals, guitars, drum machines and much more—that he has been collecting since the late 1970s. When friends told him he’d regret it, he disagreed. “At some point I’m going to die. I can’t take them to the afterlife. I also found out I don’t need them. I love to have them around, but I don’t need them.”
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Tom Holkenborg with the bass drum used in the ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ score.
It certainly solves the question of what he’d take if his house was on fire. “The hard drives with sounds and music over the last 40 years, 45 years, that’s hard to replace. So, that would be it. I’m just thinking about things that are absolutely irreplaceable and there are not that many, really.” Alas, it’s bad news for that bass drum. “I can’t take that with me when the house is on fire. Unfortunately, it’s going to make the house burn longer.”
Anyone who has interviewed or spent time with Holkenborg will agree: he may be a lonesome cruiser, but he is also personable, funny, loves to settle in for a chat. As he lights his second or third cigarette in readiness for his Life in Film questionnaire, I’m curious about his relationships with the esteemed filmmakers he has worked with—who include his mentor, Hans Zimmer, directors Sir Peter Jackson, Tim Miller, Robert Rodriguez and, especially, Fury Road’s George Miller.
The story of how Holkenborg scored Mad Max: Fury Road bears retelling: that George Miller did not want a soundtrack (“he was convinced that the orchestration of sounds of the cars would be enough to carry the whole movie”), that Holkenborg was only brought in to create a little something for the Coma-Doof Warrior’s flame-throwing guitar, that they hit it off, the job grew, and grew, into a score that covers almost the entire film.
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The Coma-Doof Warrior in ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ (2015).
What is his best memory of Fury Road? “Well, obviously, when I saw the movie for the first time and I was like ‘what the hell am I looking at?’,” he laughs. “What I mostly look back on is the friendship that I developed with George and the film school one-on-one that I got admitted to, while being paid at the same time, to study with somebody like him. We would talk all night about all kinds of things and nothing, because that really defines our relationship so much—a joint interest in so many different things.”
Happily, Holkenborg and Miller are working together again, on Three Thousand Years of Longing. “It’s really great to be in that process with him again. It’s just like about pricking each other with a little needle. It’s like, ‘Oh, why are you saying that?’ We do that with each other to keep each other sharp. ‘Oh, but if you’re doing this, I’m going to be doing that.’ And then, ‘Oh, if you’re doing that, I’m going to be doing this.’ So it’s really interesting.”
What is your favorite Godzilla film?
Tom Holkenborg: 1989’s Godzilla vs. Biollante. It’s a very obscure one where he’s basically fighting a giant rose. Let’s not look for the logic there.
Why has that particular Godzilla captured your heart? It’s so corny. Yeah. Mothra vs. Godzilla is also great. Mothra looks like a very bad Arabian carpet that was imported through customs and it got delivered by FedEx completely ruined and then laid outside for like four weeks in the rain.
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‘Godzilla vs. Biollante’ (ゴジラvsビオランテ, 1989).
What is the first film you remember seeing in a cinema? Bambi. I was six years old, yeah.
And is there a film you have fond memories of watching with your family—a movie that became a family favorite? Not, like, a family favorite because our opinions were too diverse for that, but the next movie that became very important to me when I was a little older was Saturday Night Fever. I thought the soundtrack was, like, groundbreaking, mind-blowingly insane. It’s not necessarily those three massive beats of the Bee Gees on there, but all these other really alternative, left-field tracks by bands like Kool & the Gang. And the way that that darker disco music played against that really dark movie about what it’s like to live in New York and become a competitive dancer, it’s incredible. And still, today, it’s one of the movies where film music and the film itself had so much impact on me, even though it’s not a traditional film score in that sense. It’s incredible.
What is the film that made you want to work in movies, given that you also have a whole musical career separate from movies? (Enjoy Junkie XL’s early 2000s remix of Elvis Presley’s ‘A Little Less Conversation’.) For me, the move from a traditional artist into film scoring was a very slow gradual process. There’s not one movie that pushed me over the cliff. It’s just, like, all the great movies that were made. And I still have a list of obscure movies, classic movies that I need to see.
Yesterday I saw the weirdest of all, but I do want to share this: the original, uncut R-rated version of Caligula, [from] 1979. He [director Tinto Brass] was notoriously brutal and he organized orgies and had terrible torturing techniques. But it’s really weird, there’s Shakespearean actors in there, and then it goes to full-on porn sections. It’s really weird. The music is incredible. You can find it online. You will not find it anywhere [else]. I can just imagine what this must have felt like in 1979 when the film came out. Suspiria, that’s another one. It’s just like, how weird was that thing?
What is your favorite blockbuster that you did not compose? Ben-Hur. I’ve seen that one at least 20 times.
What’s your all-time comfort re-watch? The movie I’ve seen the most is Blade Runner. It’s just, like, it’s a nice world you’re stepping into, that fantasy. It’s not necessarily because I have memories [of] that movie that brings me back to a certain time period, it’s not that. It’s just that I just love to dwell in it. It feels a little bit like coming home. You can use it as comfort food, you can use it as, “I’m not feeling anything today”, or the opposite. You feel very great and you feel very inspired and it’s like, “Oh, let’s go home and watch that movie again.”
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Terrence Malick’s ‘The Thin Red Line’ (1998).
Hans Zimmer has been an important mentor to you. Do you have a favorite of his scores? Yes, The Thin Red Line. It’s also the filmmaking of Terrence Malick—he forces a composer to think a certain way. He would always say, “It’s too much, make it less, make it smaller, make it this, make it that.” So, A, it’s a very good movie and B, he got Hans into the right place and Hans just over-delivered by doing exactly the right things at the right time and then shining just because of that.
Who is a composer that you have your eye on and what is one of their films that we should watch next? It’s so sad to say, but I mean, let’s call it like a retrospective discovery if you will. I’m so sad that we lost Jóhann Jóhannsson. He was a composer I felt really close to. We started roughly in the same time period making our way in today’s world. Also, Jóhann came from an artist background, even though it was a modern classical background. He made really great records, great experimentation with electronic elements, with classical instruments, and the mix between the two of them—very original way of looking at music. With Denis Villeneuve as his partner in crime the movies that they did were just mind-boggling good, whether it was Sicario or Arrival or Prisoners, and his voice will truly be missed among film composers. So people that are not super familiar with his work, I would definitely check it out.
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‘Turks Fruit’ (Turkish Delight, 1973).
What is a must-see Dutch film that we should add to our watchlists? Holland has small cinema, but it has a really rich cinema and a very serious cinema culture. Usually because there’s not enough work in film, people are serious stage performers but then they also act in movies so they understand both really well. And we’ve delivered. There’s a string of actors that make their way to Hollywood or star in well-known series, whether it’s like Game of Thrones, or what we just talked about, Blade Runner. Many directors like Paul Verhoeven, Jan de Bont, the cameraman.
And so a movie that I’d like to pick is an old movie, called Turks Fruit (Turkish Delight) from the 1970s. Rutger Hauer is a younger guy, like, this completely irresponsible guy that starts this relationship with a really beautiful young girl, and they do all these crazy things, they do a lot of drugs and they have a lot of sex. He’s just like a bad influence on her.
Then he finds out she [has] cancer and it’s terminal. And to see him deal with that, and to see him want a change, but also in that change he does a lot of bad stuff at the same time… It was a sensational movie when it came out. And it actually was directed by Paul Verhoeven, one of his earlier films. When you see it, you’re just like, ‘Why am I watching this?’ for the first 45 minutes and then it starts and it’s like, ‘whoa’. So it’s really good, even in retrospect.
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Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta in ‘Grease’ (1978).
What is the sexiest film you’ve ever seen? When I was super young, it was definitely Grease, with Olivia Newton-John, when she was in her catsuit at the very end of it. I had her picture on my bedroom, above my bed sideways because I was only like ten years old or something. I was so in love with Olivia Newton-John. It wasn’t the film per se, it was her. Yeah, I find, personally, movies from the ’70s to be more sexy, but it has something to do with the super-loose way that people were dressed and people were behaving.
And the other one was later in life: Basic Instinct. Sharon Stone. I’m not talking about like the famous shot, right, where she crosses her legs. I’m not talking about that, but the way that she acts throughout the whole movie. It’s insane. It’s really great.
Are there any films that have scared you? Like, truly terrified you? Yeah, I’m not a big fan because I get sucked up too much in it. The found [footage] horror movies like Paranormal Activity and things like the Japanese version of The Grudge, I cannot watch that stuff. That gets me too much. Because when I watch a film, I cannot watch it with one eye half open, the other one closed, like, ‘Okay, kind of cool, interesting’. I just get sucked into it.
Is there a film that has made you cry like no other? Oh yeah. Multiple. Once Upon a Time in America. The Godfather. Hable con Ella (Talk to Her). Betty Blue.
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Thomas Holkenborg, AKA Junkie XL.
These are the films that make you weep? Not like on a regular basis, but I remember those were the ones that I really got hit. I’m talking particularly about the third Godfather. That whole end scene when they get out of the church and then… It’s really well-acted. So many Godfather fans that were dismissive of the film when it came out, in retrospect, ten, fifteen, 20 years later, are like, ‘it’s a really good film’. And I actually think so.
Final question. Is there a film from the past year that you would recommend, that you’ve loved? [Long pause.] The thing is that I watch pretty much a movie a day. So, that’s like three to four hundred movies. It [has] happened so often that I watch a film and then I’m just like an hour and 45 minutes in, it’s like, ‘wait, fuck, I’ve seen this thing before’.
So, we have an app for that… [Laughs.]
Related content
Junkie XL’s Letterboxd Life in Film list
Freddie Baker’s review of Justice League
Dutch Cinema: Danielle’s extensive list of more than 2,000 films
Letterboxd Showdown: The Perfect Score (best film scores)
The official Junkie XL Reverb Shop
Follow Gemma on Letterboxd
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silverandgenosquad · 3 years
It had been a day or two after he texted Guin with what he saw. Geno laid in his bed, his brow stuck in a permanent troubled frown, tail whipping about in agitation. Damn it! How was he supposed to go through with something as admitting his own adoptive father had committed crimes against Arkankind?! He was barely still coming to terms with the whole situation as is. 
He knew how... infatuated Silver was for Veryn, but he never knew it ran so deep, deep enough that Silver would literally break his moral code, deep enough to go against everything that he was taught by his old master, Van. And for what? Because it was Veryn? Because he thought maybe this would get him into Veryn’s good graces? 
Geno’s metal claws curled. Did Silver not know how Veryn operated? Veryn hardly cared for anyone, if at all. He certainly didn’t give a damn about the “outcasts” of society squirming around and trying to survive in the Depths, who were actually pretty decent folks that got tossed a bad hand in life (of course there were also some of your typical crazies down there too, but that couldn’t be helped). Silver had to be kidding himself to think Veryn remotely liked him.
But if Veryn didn’t care, a part of Geno reminded him, why would he entrust Silver with something so demonizing that it could ruin their careers and lives forever? Veryn could have told this to anyone else, certainly someone a lot less suspicious and a lot less dirt on their person to hold this info. But therein lay the problem of who else had the expertise to work on and repair such a project, a project that, from all the notes that Geno bore witness to, was an undertaking that was near impossible to upkeep alone, and required someone with intimate expertise in building and engineering.
Specifically, building and engineering around organic parts.
“Old Man, you stubborn idiot,” Geno grumbled, sitting up from his bed. “You really can’t see what he’s doing, don’t you?”
There was no other way around it. Silver was in this much too deep and Veryn would continue to dig this hole for them both.
He had to end this, had to stop Veryn from using the Old Man like this... even if it meant the Old Man got exiled because of his actions.
He went back to the computer lab that evening when the Arkan was busy on a project. The touchpad was in the same place as it was the last time, although when Geno opened and unlocked the screen, it revealed the black folder that contained all of the info on Cercil, with some new notes added. They weren’t much, just a quick addendum about a possible spec change to the cybers. Interesting, he wondered. The Old Man must have been in a rush if he was this sloppy with closing out of sensitive information. This was incriminating on major levels. Somebody could have infiltrated it and snatched all of his data and he would be none the wiser. If Van were alive, he’d rip him apart for such carelessness. 
Then again, Van would tear him a new one for going along with Veryn’s plans anyways. 
He plugged in his USB port into the tablet, tapped a few buttons on it. Of course, it was met with resistance and code, a safety measure to keep intruders from stealing material. Not unexpected, Geno would have been more surprised if there was no resistance at all. However, it was surprisingly easy to slip by any encryptions made as he brushed aside warnings and firewalls. Then again, it could've been the skills that he learned from his Old Man that made this a cakewalk. How painfully ironic.
He made two separate copies as he downloaded the files: one to the USB, the other to his phone. It was an accident, this piece of equipment. He wanted a normal USB but got this one instead. He at first found it mildly annoying because it meant less storage space on his phone (it would automatically send stuff to his phone’s drive, and he would need to delete it for privacy and space, and he still hadn’t found a way to override the function). Now he was grateful he never shipped it back. Wireless USBs were incredible - and deathly expensive, it was a wonder he got this one for so cheap. 
He sat down, waiting, keeping a keen eye out. It was a large amount of files to download, and he didn't need (or afford) interruptions. Doubt swam in his head, but he kept reminding himself of his mission’s purpose. It was to stop Veryn from using the Old Man, to stop both of them from creating such... atrocities. Silver was a large supporter of the Accords, especially since he didn't condone the whole cyberizing of the Starmen anyways, which made this whole situation all the more convoluted.
"Old Man, you're smarter than this... so why?" Geno murmured to himself, hugging his knees to his chest. "I don't understand... what do you see in him that would make you go this far?" His tail thumped hard on the ground, resolute. “Whatever the reason, this ends here.”
A charming *ping* signaled the data had finally transferred over to both the USB and the phone. He ejected the USB, double checking to ensure corruption didn't occur during the transfer. Success! Now, he could send them straight to Guin! Although he needed one copy for proof, it didn’t hurt to have another as a backup-
“Ah, shit!” A violent burst of energy saw the USB in his hands disintegrate in a wad of flames, the Arkan batting away the embers quickly. What the hell was that all about?!
“That’s as far as you get, boy.”
Geno’s blood chilled at the entrance of Silver, his violet eyes glowing in anger and disapproval. “Old Man, how’d you-”
“You didn’t think there weren’t any cameras in this room? That I didn’t see you on the monitors?” The tablet floated up to Silver’s hands, where the old engineer exited the folders and promptly locked them back up, a lot more securely this time. “Now, what in the damned stars were you thinking snooping around in that folder?”
“What was I thinking?” The fear that gripped Geno’s heart was replaced with his own anger and a righteous boldness. “I was thinking of stopping you, that’s what! Everything involving this... this thing, this abomination against nature... against Arkankind... it’s madness!”
“It’s progress, Geno,” Silver countered, teleporting the tablet away - no doubt to his more personal study where it couldn’t be accessed. “Sometimes in order to achieve the unattainable, you must dirty your hands where no else will. Veryn understands that as well as anyone.”
“Veryn’s a jaded old man that only cares about himself,” Geno spat vehemently. “Case in point with this whole base, sending us out here in the middle of nowhere practically defenseless. We needed mercs to protect ourselves for stars’ sake! When hasn’t he done something that he tries to justify by “a means to an end” excuse, huh?”
“What he does is for the whole of the Homeworld, even if some of what he does may not seem favorable to the public.”
“Really? Then what do you call the damn cyborg? Is Veryn planning on turning Arkans into super soldiers now? Are you seriously supporting a man that decides to play pull apart and put back together with another Arkan?”
The flare of cold wrath in the veteran engineer’s tone was forceful to halt Geno in his tracks, and the Old Man wasn’t even yelling at him. “You’re much too young to understand a single thing that he’s doing, and I will not have you ruin those plans for him. You will not have access to any data archive in this base without my express permission and your rights to them will be completely revoked. In addition you will not bring this up with anyone, else I’ll see to it that harsher punishments are doled out. Understood, Geno?”
It was a command, not a request. Geno knew all too well not obeying would cause... but he had come too far to fail now. 
 Geno’s prosthetic claws curled into fists. “ I thought you were better. I thought you were better than the others on the Council, better than Veryn. I see you’ve become just like them, your vision too narrow to see the wider aspects of things. The only one with any sense is Larzen, only because he knows just how bullshit Homeworld is with its rules. Veryn’s hold on you is too deep at this point.”
But instead of exploding with rage... Geno merely sighed, ears and tail wilting, defeated. “You rescued me all those years ago... and I’m grateful for that. But with everything you’ve told me just now... I almost wish you didn’t, if I knew you were going to follow in the footsteps of the most untrustworthy leader in the cosmos out of blind faith.”
Before the older Arkan could react to such an emotional wound, Geno warped away, leaving Silver alone. 
(Silver and Geno are available for asks.)
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Some opm fanfic ideas I’ve come up with thatIwishIcouldwrite ._.
1. Therapy! Maybe a bunch of heroes are pushed into taking therapy by the HA for legal reasons and it’s SO angst filled, what with Genos’ depressing past, Fubuki’s inferiority complex, Saitama’s depression, Metal Bat feeling pressure to be a good caretaker for Zenko, etc. Hey maybe in a Garou redemption take he ends up there too, taking in his childhood trauma. And everyone’s arguing like SHUT THE FUCK UP MY PAIN IS REAL and throwing stuff, meanwhile Saitama sits with Mumen (who I see needing physical therapy more than therapy therapy but coming there anyway to support heroes) and they drink tea and talk. Maybe eventually it mellows out and they can (sometimes) put their pride away to talk their stuff out, but Garou SWEARS he will kill anyone who talks shit on him!
2. Genos decides he can’t take it anymore and leaves to go find the Mad Cyborg cuz he knows he just can’t get strong like Saitama, even tho he doesn’t want to leave him. This has been done a bunch in fic BUT I rarely see any where Saitama goes with him! And maybe they like, go on adventures to get there and maybe over them, they grow closer, learn to speak to each other more, Genosai pining etc etc. oh and lots of camping together. When I imagine the end I always see like, either they find it and Genos almost dies but Saitama’s like no, we can do this TOGETHER and they punch it together, or a really emotional one where they find the cyborg’s corpse and Genos breaks down but admits he’s almost relieved, and yeah idk what else.
3. AA ok so I have three very self indulgent Au’s, I’ve talked about one on here and it’s kinda lame but I love the idea. K so, there’s this scene in A Star is Born with lady Gaga where she sings la vie en rose in a drag bar and when her and the main guy meet eyes they just!!instant attraction. So yeah my idea was that but Genos is a new drag queen at a drag bar owned by Fubuki and Saitama is a taffy puller at a candy shop (idk why I chose candy) with King and Mumen and Saitama goes to the bar for the first time cuz they’re promoting their candy there. And yeah lol it’s Genosai again, they start to hang out in and out of drag bars and for Genos, in and out of Genny, his dragsona (tho Genoko is way better now that I think about it). He has trust issues cuz shitty past etc and Fubuki takes him under her wing and they’re friends and she gives him advice. Oh and Sonic is a drag queen too, him and Genos are rivals, Tatsumaki owns a more popular bar and her and Fubuki have that sister rivalry, Garou and Badd work there as bouncers and mess with Genos all the time bc I love Shitty Teen Squad. Mizuki is a bouncer too :0 Also there’s Mizuki x Fubuki and Garou x Badd. Sonic x Mumen too I guess, tho I’m not as into that ship as before
4. My second self indulgent one oo boy. Soooo this is an au where everything is more monstrous, ppl are half or have become complete monsters, but more traditional ones usually, like Godzilla level kaiju, incubi, stuff like that. Except these monsters fit a teeny bit more into society, so there has to be something like a police force to get at em when they’re criminals but with heroes/detectives. Cue Genos and Mumen, totally BAD, SCARY eMO cop and goody🥳two😍shoes✨ good cop. One day they’re getting coffee or whatever when the whole place blows up, and while most people survived in wreckage, Genos notices-a monster! He chases after an incubus, and even rockets into the sky after him when he starts flying. Saitama’s like ow what the fuck, I didn’t do any of this I was just walking by! And Genos is like shut up scum >:( they take him in for questioning and learn he’s a super OP incubus (go figure) but he doesn’t have much of a sex drive and doesn’t “do the whole incubus thing.” Genos doesn’t believe him but Mumens like omg that must be so hard, have some more tea sweetie. Anyway Genos leaves it to Mumen and when he’s gone Saitama uses his convincing flirty powers to get Mumen to release him. He feels guilty about using his powers, he feels skeevy! But he really doesn’t wanna be there and escapes, Genos catches him etc and it’s a whole conspiracy all 3 of them have to figure out that actually goes super deep, also more Genosai lmaaoooooo
5. THIS IS MY DUMBEST ONE BUT I LOVE IT. Ok so Saitama is out walking in the woods one day and finds an abandoned cottage and he’s like oh sick. He goes back home but can’t get it off his mind. He keeps going back and fixes little bits of it here and there, really makes it shine and then Genos catches him and he’s like yo Sensei? Of course Genos takes the project super seriously bc Saitama is hardly ever interested in stuff so they get it done and pretty looking ridiculously fast. Then Saitama suggests like, living there every now and again for certain seasons. Genos says yes without thinking, and is floored by all the tender things he discovers come with cottage life, like a garden, taking care of little hurt birds and not accidentally hurting the house. He’s scared to tell Saitama but Sai eventually worms it out of him that he feels like he doesn’t belong, he’s so bulky and damaging to everything. Course Saitama feels awful for not realizing, hugs the shit out of him and apologizes. Then he gets the idea to help Genos feel like he can enjoy a simple life, help him hold animals, feed birds, etc. and Genos is like oh my GOD Saitama is too good to me 🥺🥺 and idk what else happens hhhh. anyway could be either established relationship or mutual pining, I like either for this story but the most IMPORTANT part is it’s full of cottagecore imagery and vibes or it’s not a simple cottage au, and I live by that. Anyway if anyone likes these and wants to use them then hell yeah! I can’t write to save my life, but please gimme credit 🧡🎃
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eak8753 · 4 years
“You Made Your Decision”
They had always been a duo. They always knew each other like no other. The two birds of the team; Raven and Robin
Everyone on the team could see it. The bond between the two of them became all the more noticeable when he went to hell for her. Cyborg and Beast Boy were wary; Cyborg thought of Raven as a sister and would never want harm to befall her, she was already hurt too much. Beast Boy had seen first hand what it was like when she was heart broken, they had been each other’s biggest ally’s after Terra and Malchior, helping one another through the heart break.
Starfire hadn’t seen it at first. She just assumed Robin and was being nice, being a friend to Raven. Although she often wondered why he had been the one to go to hell for their friend. It had made the most sense for her or Cyborg to go, but instead Robin had gone. It had taken years after her and the Titan’s leader’s break up to understand that he had been in love with his fellow bird.
It was subtle at first, he had always found Raven attractive but it wasn’t until Tokyo that he knew that he was hopelessly in love with her. However, at this point he was already with Starfire, he knew that the two of them wouldn’t last, so he would wait out the relationship. It was a cowardly move, yes, but he would not hurt his alien friend’s feelings. Plus, Raven had always been a bit slow when it came to emotions, she probably didn’t even realize what was between them.
She knew. She knew before Cyborg or Beast Boy. Before Robin and far before Starfire. Raven knew how she felt, she was never one to lie to herself, and she knew that Robin felt the same. She was, after all, an empath. But he was with Starfire; he had made his decision and she would give him the opportunity to make it again, just not now.
Yes, they had always been a duo. Always knew each other like no other. The two birds of the team; Raven and Robin
Well, now Raven and Nightwing.
He had gone away. Bruce had called him back because the media was getting angsty and thought that Dick had gone missing or was killed. That had been almost a year ago, but now he was back. His absence didn’t have a huge effect on the team. The Titans Tower had been a popular spot for meta’s and supernatural teens/youth to crash. Although the original team still remained they did have a few constant visitors; Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Wally West/Kid Flash and Jinx, Jericho, and Argent to name a few. 
Another hero who visited constantly was Zachary Zatara. He was Zatanna’s little cousin and was a very skilled magician for his age. He had immediately taken a liking towards the empath and they often practiced magic together. He would invite her to his shows but she rarely came, preoccupied with something else.
It had been like this for years now. Everyone had grown accustomed to each other’s fighting styles and if one was to leave they could easily fill them in with another hero.
So no, the team’s fighting was affected by his absence but they did miss him. And he missed them. He decided that it would be fun if he surprised them. So he had taken the two hour flight from Gotham to Jump without their knowledge, got a cab from the airport to drop him off near a cafe and hauled his luggage the rest of the way. In hindsight, he probably should have called.
Once he entered the common room, two things happened. One, he was bombarded with hugs and “I missed you” “look who’s back” and other welcoming phrases. Two, Raven wasn’t there. If he was an adolescent he may have scolded himself over looking for her, but he knew now that he loved her and didn’t deny himself the simple pleasure of seeking her out.
“Hey guys, I missed you all too. It’s good to be back” he smiled up at his team, feeling the happiness radiating off of them. 
“So uh, where’s everyone else?” They knew immediately that he didn’t actually care where everyone else was. He cared about where Raven was, and they couldn’t help but cringe at their leaders' words. They knew, eventually he would come back and he would find out, they had just always assumed Raven would be here to tell him herself.
“She’s uh” Cyborg stepped in, trying to think of a place we’re the sorceress could be.
“Park” “Library” “Cafe” Dick heard them all say simultaneously, he could hear the guilt in each of their voices. What he couldn’t understand is why? Where could she possibly be that would make him upset. Wha-
Suddenly the doors to the common room opened revealing a young man with a tux and white gloves on, a young woman in a knee length dress covered in lilac lace. Her sleeves were elbow length and she had on a pair of silver heels. Half her hair was pinned up to the middle of her head and the other half down, a few pieces of hair around her face to frame it. 
The most disturbing thing about the picture however was the fact that the two of them were holding hands, while the boy smirked and the girl gave a slight smile. 
Dick knew that smile, it was the smile that she gave when she found something interesting or was in awe. The smile she gave when someone said something amusing. The smile she gave when she was appreciative. The smile she gave when she was at ease; the smile she had always given him, and only him.
Zachary and Raven entered the common room, quickly looking over they’re friends faces and as she saw him, her smile faded a bit. 
What was she doing holding Zachary Zatara’s hand? Didn’t she know that his cousin wanted her dead. And more importantly, she was supposed to be in love with him.
“Dick” Zachary said, surprise and amusement in his voice. “It’s good to have you back man” he said, noticing his gaze wasn’t in him. In his defense, he couldn’t take his eyes off Raven, she looked absolutely stunning and he had never seen her in a dress before. But where in the nine levels of hell was she and why was she with Zachary.
“Richard” she said, her voice monotone and cool; controlled. “Raven” he said in the same voice. Before he knew it though, he was pulled in a light hug by the small girl, and she gave a sigh. “Welcome back” her breathy voice said next to his ear, and he smiled as he returned the hug, basking in her warmth. All too suddenly though, she pulled away.
“When did you get back” she asked, and he was faintly aware of the guilt in her voice. “A few moments ago” he responded, and he was sure that his cheeks were lightly dusted in pink; it really wasn’t fair that she looked that good in a dress.
“You should have called, we would have picked you up” Zachary called, moving towards Raven once again. This snapped him out of his staring and he realized, for the second time that night, he didn’t know where she had been.
“Where were you guys anyway?” He said nonchalantly. His eyes were scanning her face, trying to see if there was anything he could pick up. Alas, she wasn’t called the “Ice Queen” for nothing.
“I had a show,” Zachary told him. Well that explained him being gone, but it didn’t explain Raven’s absence. Or why they were holding hands. Or why she was wearing a dress.
“And my presence was all but demanded” he heard her voice, the amusement evident in it.
“Yes, well” Zachary came around and turned her towards him, fully encircled her waist. “Forgive me for wanting to show off my breath-taking girlfriend” he said, leaning down to peck her lips.
“Girlfriend?” Dick asked. He mustn’t have heard them right, there was no way. Raven was in love with him, and he her. Sure they had never kissed, but he had kind of confessed before he left, he knew she understood what it stood for.
Turning towards Batman’s oldest son, the magician grinned. “Yeah, I finally plucked up the courage to ask her about 4 months ago.”
Four month. They had been in a relationship for 4 months and he didn’t know. He hadn’t really had a chance to call them while he was away, but had kept up with the news and knew of all of their battles; just as he knew they had kept up with the media and knew all about “Dick Grayson’s Return.”
Never had he thought any of their personal lives would have changed that much, least of all Raven’s. She didn’t like change and avoided it at all costs, it was only natural for him to assume that she wouldn’t have made such a drastic decision; that she would have waited.
Mumbling a quick excuse he left the common room to get some much needed rest. They would talk in due time, but for now he just wanted to wallow in his self pity. 
It had been a few days since his return and he had yet been able to get Raven alone. He sighed in his cup of coffee. He had just come back from patrol and had a couple of cuts along his body, not many and certainly not enough to warrant any attention but they still hurt.
However, no amount of physical pain could ever be equal to the hurt that the hole in his heart caused. He didn’t understand, she was supposed to be with him. They had been in this game of “will they, won’t they” for years. He thought once he came back they would finally be together but...
The sound of footsteps broke him out of his thoughts. He knew those footsteps, they were hers. 
“Raven” he said as she entered. She nodded towards him and made her way to the kettle, filling it with water. She was in her uniform; her classic blue cloak and a black catsuit. She turned around to face him, her back leaning on the counter. She looked tired but happy.
She looked beautiful 
“How have you been?” She asked, running a hand through her hair. He wondered what it would feel like to run his fingers through it, but he pushed those thoughts aside. 
“Fine” he grunted. He would have been better if it didn’t feel like he had been stabbed repeatedly; but hey, he had dealt with heartbreak before. ‘Not like this’ he thought.
“You're mad” she stated. Sighing she turned towards the kettle that started screaming and poured the water into a mug, adding a teabag when she was finished. Lastly she added some honey and turned back to him, one eyebrow raised.
“I’m not mad” he started off. “I just, I don't get it Raven. I thought you loved me.”
“I did”
“So then why? Why Zachary? Why ruin what we have?” He didn’t understand, sure he had relationships even though he was in love with him - Starfire case and point. But that was when she was unattainable, when he had just realized his feelings for her. It was different now, they were adults, not confused teenagers.
 “16 Dick. That’s how long we’ve been in love. That was when we went to Tokyo, when you kissed Kori, when you found out you loved me.” 
He was stunned, he really thought she didn’t know how he felt until last year when he had semi confessed to her. Empath. She had known, for all these years, felt everything he had. Yet, she chose him, even after she knew how he felt about her, she chose him.
“Did you really think I was gonna wait forever?” 
“Huh” came his intelligent reply.
“It’s been four years Dick, you made your decision. You made it all those years ago when you kissed Star in Tokyo, re-made it when you held her hand in front of the world.”
“I thought that once you two broke up we could be together, but then you went to Gotham. You made your decision again.” She knew this conversation was necessary but she really wished it could have been had when she hadn’t just woken up and yet to mediate.
“I had no choice, Bruce needed me and I couldn’t just leave him hanging-” No matter how much I wanted to be with you, he wished he could add, but she didn’t give him the chance.
“Did you have no choice in getting involved with Barbara? Did Bruce need you for that too? You made your choice Dick, whether it was the right one or not you made it.” She said so quietly he strained his ears listening.
“Well what was I supposed to do? We couldn’t be together at the time and the media ate it up. Sure, I had feelings for her  but they’re nothing compared to the ones I have for you.” He pleaded with her, trying to show her his side. 
“Look Dick, I know now that we can’t be together; never could”
“But we can be, we could have been if you hadn’t got together with Zachary. If you had-“
“Shawn” her voice broke. “What” he asked. What did she have to do about this, they had been together for less than two weeks. 
“I thought the reason you didn’t tell me about your feelings after yours and Kori’s breakup was because you were embarrassed to be seen with me.”
“Even if I could do the heels and dresses, I would never be accepted by high society. I’m not tall or undeniably beautiful; not like Star or Babs. But then you got with Shawn and I knew that no matter how much you loved me or how much I loved you, we could never be together.” She slightly screamed, but did Raven ever scream. She looked to be on the verge of tears and he just wanted to wrap her in his arms and  tell her everything was gonna be okay.
But they weren’t, things had become so strained between them, he didn’t know if they could be fixed; but he hoped, oh god he hoped they could.
“So when Zachary asked me out, I said yes. He’s loved me almost as long as you have, he just did something about it first. Yeah, I gave up on ‘us’ first, but you drove me to that point. I wasn’t going to wait forever Richard.” 
“Do you love him?” He swallowed, he didn’t want to know the answer but he had to ask.
“No” she shook her head. “I don’t love him, and he knows that. But I like him, oh Azar, I really, really like him Richard. He's amazing and patient and funny and a little flashy and cocky but in an enduring way.” She rambled, and he let her, for although he loved her and every word she spoke was a stab to the heart, she was still his friend first and foremost. He would pretend to be happy for her, even if he was dying on the inside.
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive, Zachary walked into the kitchen, hair and shirt disheveled. Grumbling he walked up the sorceress and pecked her on the cheek, grabbing the mug from her hands and taking a sip from the tea. Sighing in contentment he turned to go make a proper breakfast.
“Toast or waffles?” He asked the mage. “Waffles” she said without missing a beat, excitement in her eyes. The magician chuckled at her expression and taped her on the nose lightly. 
He loved moments like these, moments where he didn’t have to be “Zachary: Teen Magician.” Sure he loved performing, but he would be happy to just sit and read with the dark girl. He still couldn’t believe she was his, after years of silently pinning after her, she was his.
Turning around he addressed the Titans leader, nodding towards him. He knew of their history, more than Raven thought he did. It was one of the reasons he had been  so shocked when she said yes, but she had and he made sure that she didn’t regret it everyday they spent together.
“I have to meditate, I’ll be done in an hour and after breakfast I have to go into town and pick up a few things” she said to both of them.
“I’ll come” Zachary insisted, and surprisingly she didn’t put too much of a fight, he assumed whatever had happened between her and Dick had taken a lot of her emotionally. He made a mental note to check up on her as he watched her retreating form.
“You know” he said to the acrobat. “You May have been the one to go to hell for her. But don’t think for a second you’re the only one willing to.”
“Excuse me” the leader supplied.
“I know you love her, but so do I” with that he turned back to making breakfast.
The Titans leader just found himself nodding towards the magician before leaving for his room.
As he entered he leaned his head against the door, feeling the tears underneath his eyelids. He smiled a bit sadly. 
She may be taken at the moment, but they had been friends since they were 14. They had their whole lives ahead of them to get together; they had time.
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MBTI: Star Wars
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Written by Ryan (archive post from January 30, 2019)
It’s the gift that just keeps giving! And it will, forever, and ever, and…….ever, because of Disney. I can see both good and bad in that. Anyway, here’s another daunting list of characters, this time from Star Wars. Major characters have gotten their own articles. Rey: ISFP (https://goo.gl/p5TKP4) Finn: ENFP (https://goo.gl/bXp2fU) Kylo Ren: ESFP (https://goo.gl/Fh2cSa) Poe Dameron: ESFP (https://goo.gl/rFc6ob)
Luke Skywalker: INFP (separate thread pending) Han Solo: ISTP (separate thread pending) Leia Organa: ESTJ (separate thread pending) Lando Calrissian: ESTP (separate thread pending) Obi Wan Kenobi: ENFJ (separate thread pending) Yoda: INFJ (separate thread pending) Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker: ISTJ (separate thread pending) Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious: ENTJ (https://bit.ly/2B8rzk4) Darth Maul: ISTP (separate thread pending) Qui-Gon Jinn: ENFP (separate thread pending)
Ahsoka Tano: ENFP (separate thread pending)
More Below
Padme Amidala: ESFJ Padme is the most prominent ESFJ in the saga (aside from C3PO), and she’s portrayed by Natalie Portman with……..wooden acting. How ironic. The basic white girl of the saga is reduced to a monotone delivery in the first film. Who knew the Queen had to act like such a dingus so that her body double would have an easier time imitating her? If you think about it, it’s pretty genius. That being said, Fe is the name of the game here for Padme, as she’s primarily concerned with the needs and wants of those around her, and often champions for social causes due to her role as a senator later on in the films. The Clone Wars series amplifies her primary Fe and secondary Si, as she fights to restore the Republic to its glory days.
Count Dooku: INFJ No one got tricked harder by Palpatine’s schemes than Dooku did. Darth Tyranus himself wanted nothing more than for the Separatists to restore a rightful order to the galaxy (in his eyes), free from the corruption of the Jedi and the Republic. Even as he was in on most of Palpatine’s grand plans from the start, he was unaware of his master’s true deception towards him until his final seconds.
It’s only fitting that the gentlemanly villain of the saga, and even more fitting that he wanted Obi-Wan as his apprentice (another xNFJ), to usurp Palpatine. Count Dooku is basically the Ra’s Al Ghul of Star Wars.
Jar-Jar Binks: ESFP My favorite character! Just kidding. But really, Jar-Jar ain’t all that bad; he’s just an annoying ESFP. Jar-Jar lives primarily in the moment as a comic relief goober that bares little-to-no importance to the plot, except for the crowning moment where he facilitates the senate to give Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers. Oh, now you’ve got a reason to hate him.
Mace Windu: ENTJ “George……I want a purple lightsaber. Pleeaaaase?”
Unfortunately, Samuel L. Jackson himself never got to utter his catchphrase as he portrayed a more stoic ENTJ this time around. Mace Windu, known in the Legends continuity for his infamous Shatterpoint technique (very Te-based), gifts a strategic mindset to the Jedi council. He’ll often say things for how they are in a Te-based manner (but with a little more tact), such as when he states that Anakin is too old to be trained when Qui-Gon presents him to the council. And then he’ll sometimes give us some one liners, such as “this party’s over.” But the signifier of Te-Ni? When he proposes to execute Palpatine because he is too dangerous.
Jango Fett: ISTP Jango Fett? Neevah houd uf ‘im. But what about Boba? Rest aside, Jango Fett just cares about the fat stacks he gets from being a clone template so he can be the best dad in the galaxy there is, and he don’t care who pays him. Sounds pretty ISTP to me.
General Grievous: ESTJ Hello there! Our favorite coughing cyborg general turns out to be an ESTJ. Through primary Te, he barks out orders to his subordinates, often impatiently. It’s like he knows you knew how to do it but screwed up, which is a superpower that ESTJs have and will use to pounce on you and your failures.
Grievous himself is a natural boaster, like any ESTJ. Your GIFs will make a fine addition to his collection!
Tarkin: ESTJ Roll your R’s! Heighten your received pronunciation! Peter Cushing is here to add some Britishness to your Star Wars! Tarkin stands as one of the most brilliant tactical minds the Empire has known (rivaled only by Grand Admiral Thrawn). But he is also one of the governors/administrators of the Empire, and it is because of this reason that he has become known for his Te, dishing out orders with an elegant terror. ESTJ it is, folks.
Boba Fett: ISTP Fact: Boba Fett survives the Sarlacc Pit in both continuities. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Everyone’s favorite character, Boba Fett, is just like his father (an ISTP); his allegiances do not matter as long as his employers pay him fat stacks. Unless he has to work with Han Solo. Archenemies do not get along that well. The everchanging neutrality of the ISTP is displayed most importantly in the Legends continuity, in one story where Fett himself turned on Vader and dueled with a lightsaber (successfully), when it wasn’t in his own interests to side with Vader.
R2D2: ENTP I’m always under the theory that if we could hear R2D2 speak, he’d be swearing ¼ of the time. This wisecracking little astromech droid always comes up with creative solutions when in a bind, all the while wising off to C3PO in the process. Sounds like Ne to me, right? But more importantly, the moral of the story for most ENTPs to learn is a little common sense and to sit back and think things through a little more. Sure they have excellent reasoning abilities on the spot, but would R2 have ended up in a Jawa sandcrawler if he hadn’t smarted off to Threepio in the desert and abandoned him? He may have had a “mission,” but he could have let Threepio in on it.
C3PO: ESFJ Like a true ESFJ, goldenrod here never learns to shut his mouth. The ESFJ will blab on and on about small talk and things no one cares about, which is often why C3PO gets interrupted all of the time when he explains what he does or where he has been. Much to his annoyance, too. Because he’s a protocol droid, his Fe is slanted to please others, and this is why we have the perfect ESFJ in this galaxy far, far away.
Chewbacca: ISFJ Can Chewbacca really be typed? I think so! Just because we don’t hear him speaking anything, doesn’t mean he can’t be! Solo: A Star Wars Story did a really good job of fleshing out Chewie’s character, giving him motives and ambitions. Such as, his desire to free his people in the spice mines of Kessel. That moment signaled one of the few times that Chewie would act impulsively, to me, and it reeked of ISFJ.
Jabba the Hutt: ESTP Big shot gangster, you say? That’s pretty clear-cut, ESTP. And we see this in Return of the Jedi; Jabba just sits around on his butt indulging in sensual pleasures, changing his mind in deals quite often. He’s a reasonable man, since he uses Ti. In A New Hope, we see the way he deals with Han Solo, and he restrains his displeasure in the hopes of giving him another chance to pay him back. ESTPs, with their tertiary Fe, can often do this, although their patience will ultimately wear thin in the long run.
Wedge Antilles: ISTJ Wedge is your basic everyman, like any ISTJ there is. Does he have much of a personality to him? Not really, but from what I’ve seen of him, he reeks of ISTJ.
Asajj Ventress: ISFP Ventress has been burned in life before, so it’s easy to assume that she could be an ISTP based upon her cold, sarcastic exterior. However, upon further examination, ISFP seems to fit far better. Ventress lives wholly for the moment, so it would be easy to think maybe she could be an Se-user. However, her biting comebacks that she displays are a very common trait from many other fictional ISFPs, who, when unhealthy, can show a lack of morality when it comes to their enemies and this is displayed in their inferior Te which manifests as either a childish outburst or a calm and collected burn. Her primary Fi is displayed with her sense of purpose with the Nightsisters, fueled by revenge against Dooku. In the New Canon novel Dark Disciple, we see the cold exterior melt a little bit in Ventress’ newfound romance with Quinlan Vos, and we finally see her inch toward becoming a healthier ISFP.
Captain Rex: ISTJ Rex is a simple man, and our main conduit upon which to view the clone troopers who chose not to obey Order 66, all due to a little thing called tertiary Fi. ISTJs are like big cuddly goobers sometimes, and Rex is quite the example sometimes, especially in his appearances in Rebels.
Mother Talzin: INFJ All Talzin wanted was her revenge on Palpatine for double-crossing her and taking her son Darth Maul, ultimately for the Nightsisters to prosper. She wanted power in the galaxy, but even Palpatine saw through her lunacy and said nah. Sometimes, because of their imaginations getting the best of them through Ni-Fe-Ti, the INFJ can seem a little bit delusional. And Mother Talzin seems pretty INFJ to me.
Hondo Ohnaka: ESTP Hondo Ohnaka loves to party, and he loves making material gains out of any situation possible; this only proves that he is ESTP. He’ll ally with you, and then betray you if the reward is greater, and this is fueled by Se as he sees infinite possibilities in the present moment. With secondary Ti, he’ll always choose the right words for the right purposes to weasel his way out of situations, and with tertiary Fe, he’ll also treat even his enemies in a cordial manner!
Cad Bane: ISTP The most grizzled and seasoned bounty hunter there ever was between Jango and Boba Fett’s dominance, Cad Bane means business and business means credits. And if you eff it up, he’ll get mad, because he only cares about himself and his payday, which is a common stereotype of many ISTP bounty hunters in fiction. The severely underdeveloped inferior Fe that he has explains his cold personality toward not only his enemies, but his fellow bounty hunters. And with his quick strategical mind informed through primary Ti, which also fuels his own sardonic wit, Cad Bane is an easy ISTP.
Savage Opress: ISTP There isn’t a whole lot of character development for Savage Opress, but he makes a terrible user of Fe (with the exception of his brother Maul), which is the inferior function of ISTPs. So I’m just going with ISTP here for Savage.
Captain Phasma: ISTJ Phasma, portrayed by the lovely Gwendolyn Christie, has always managed to keep this air of coolness to her character despite being punked by Finn twice and surviving the explosion of a planet (and possibly a spaceship; we’ll find out in episode IX). Phasma herself is an ISTJ in the best possible way, and we find this out about her character in her work ethic which is displayed in the novels and comics of the new Disney canon. The wild extents of her tertiary Fi is explored more vividly in these new-canon works.
General Hux: ESTJ General Hux hates Kylo Ren (secretly) for his whining, immaturity, and overall terrible leadership skills, and the fact that Snoke clearly favors Ren compared to himself when it comes to leadership. What can we learn from such an ESTJ character? Well, we can learn that unhealthy ESTJs are prone to loud, angry outbursts and shouting matches when their patience wears thin (that which they run low on almost daily). The unhealthy ESTJ is also known for sucking up to their superiors while they ironically continue on to treat their subordinates terribly, such as the case when Hux sucks up to Snoke, or Kylo Ren when he usurps leadership. It is only because of Snoke’s protection that Hux was allowed to say whatever he wanted to Ren, and now that Snoke is gone, well……that’s an interesting dynamic to see in Episode IX to come.
Rose Tico: ISFJ Booooo! An ordinary type for an ordinarily character in Rose Tico.
Snoke: ENTJ We still know literally nothing about him, and quite honestly, I’m fine with that for the next few years. In The Force Awakens, he seemed quite the INTJ in his tiny amount of screentime. However though, he shows a much more charismatic side more indicative of a loony ENTJ. Those gold bathrobes……utter tertiary Se. And what differentiates Snoke from Palpatine, is a slightly more charismatic side that manifests itself in his speech, almost like he can’t get enough of his own voice (a trait also manifested by unhealthy ENTPs, but in a slightly different way), signifying ENTJ more than INTJ.
Maz Kanata: ENTP Maz Kanata is quite the character, being the leader of a den of space pirates and other equally colorful characters. And Han and Chewie seem to love her. Maz is ENTP; making quips about Chewie being her boyfriend, being the “guy who knows a guy” (like Cosmo Kramer of Seinfeld, another ENTP) with the Master Codebreaker, and going on wacky space adventures in her free time, as seen in her hologram in The Last Jedi. Mature ENTPs can add a large amount of wisdom to variety of experiences they’ve seen in their long lives, and it’s no wonder the screen sizzles when Maz is on it.
Jyn Erso: ISFP It’s becoming a real trend, isn’t it? Female ISFPs in Star Wars? Never tell me the odds! Jyn Erso, like many other ISFPs, exhibits a “once burned, twice shy” mentality that often causes her to be reluctant to declare loyalty to anyone or even be involved in conflict. Like The Dude (an ISFP) from The Big Lebowski, and almost all other ISFPs, Jyn Erso doesn’t want to take a stake in any side of any conflict. She just wants her dad.
Cassian Andor: ISTJ It’s a pretty simple conclusion that Cassian Andor happens to be an ISTJ. As a higher ranking official in the Rebel Alliance (I presume?), it’s no wonder that he wants to follow orders first and foremost and eliminate Galen Erso, because his very own Si-Te is on overdrive. But then, the Fi hits. Oh, what the hell, Rogue One it is. Hello, Scarif!
K-2SO: INTP He’s the droid with the sassy wit! He’s gotta be ENTP, right? Nah, I think K2 is an INTP. Because most of his dialogue and humor revolves around skepticism, I’m going to stereotypically label him as an INTP. It just seems right, and I’m getting quite lazy right now.
Orson Krennic: ENTJ He’s the director of a project. That almost immediately indicates ExTJ, right? It does. And boy, what a massive amount of Te he has. With the amount of balls it takes for him to stand up to Tarkin, let alone run off to Darth Vader to tattle on him, I would say that it only signifies Krennic as an ENTJ, because an ESTJ would never have those balls unless they were given them by a higher up or through experience (ex. Tarkin). And why does he have Ni? First of all, he has a vision, and he’s sick and tired of a bureaucrat such as Tarkin taking credit for his accomplishments and then also taking control, something the ENTJ never wants to relinquish. And also, he’s got quite the fiery-hot temper.
Galen Erso: INTJ Galen is a bit reserved and dad-like (his purpose in this film too), and very healthy INTJs, like Galen, are kinda like that. He’s a very realistic portrayal of one that’s closer to real life INTJs. That being, his tertiary Fi is well-developed in that he was willing to betray the Empire and build a flaw in the Death Star.
Tobias Beckett: ESTP “Didn’t I tell you never to trust anyone, Han?” Spoken like a true ESTP mentor, through tertiary Fe. As TV Tropes would put it, Beckett is another character that exemplifies the “Heel Face Revolving Door” trope, in which the character constantly switches allegiances throughout the story. A common stereotype of many slimy ESTPs are their tendency to switch sides for their own benefit, due to their primary Se and Ti. Just look at Lando in the beginning. That old scoundrel.
Qi’ra: ISTJ While not so mature as a youth on Corellia (is anyone ever, actually?), Qi’ra later comes into her own type over the years as she matures and we get to see her primary Si in action as she makes reasonable, considerable choices amongst the entire Millenium Falcon crew through the film. And Si is one for order and loyalty; that is, until the ISTJs Fi eventually gets the best of them in the second or third act and they have a change of heart. In this case, it’s her turning on Vos.
L3-37: INFP Freedom for droids! Sound like anyone you know? Probably that Social Justice Warrior or extremely passionate Fi-user that you know in real life. You know, like an INFP or an ISFP (morely likely an INFP though). The rest of you that are just as knowledgeable in MBTI, you can fill in the blanks and you’d probably agree with me on this one.
Dryden Vos: ESTJ Again, all he cares about is the money and the pleasures. So, another xSTP crimelord/bounty hunter stereotype? Actually not this time. Initially, I thought he was an ESTP due to this. However, the scene where Beckett reveals his true colors in the con and Vos temporarily offers an implied allegiance to Han to get him, only to turn on him when Beckett leaves, signifies a key difference between the ESTP and the ESTJ. While the ESTP may go forward and stick with the allegiance, the ESTJ will more than likely feign it. And the ESTJ will sometimes do anything and accept any methods to get the job done (tertiary Ne), but ultimately dish out order in the end after the parties and dust have settled, returning to the old status quo (or rarely, starting a new one). To be honest, I’m still thinking about this one. I might go back and change Vos to an ESTP. Who knows, in time.
Darth Plagueis: INTP Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the INTP? I thought not. It’s not a story Enneagram would tell you. It’s an MBTI legend. Darth Plagueis was an INTP so powerful and so wise he could use his primary Ti to influence the midichlorians to create…… life. He had such a knowledge of MBTI that he could even keep the ones he cared about from calling themselves an intuitive when they were a sensor, or convince an INTJ that MBTI was not baloney. The dark side of the INTP is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural. Eventually, he became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his Ti, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his ENTJ apprentice MBTI, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
Iden Versio: ISTJ I swear, this series churns out ISTJs like an assembly line. With Iden Versio, I hadn’t played Battlefront II, but I’d only seen a few cutscenes on YouTube to know that she’s another ISTJ. For my reasoning, just like at Cassian Andor above; it’s pretty much the same, except for an even greater amount of tertiary Fi from Versio.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: INTJ And now for the last but not least, most interesting character in the entire saga: Thrawn. And while his type is nothing but obvious, it’s interesting to delve into. Unfortunately, I don’t have all the time in the world to grant him his own separate post, so a paragraph or two will do. As an INTJ, what separates him from an ENTJ is tertiary Fi, and as small as it is, it’s still there. Versus being almost non-existent in unhealthy ENTJs. This allows him a more suave, cool demeanor, almost gentlemanly and noble, versus the ENTJ’s “I’ll only display that attitude because I’m sociable and charismatic, but I won’t be it” demeanor. In the Thrawn trilogy in Legends, Thrawn is more considerate to his subordinates and his partners, such as Jorus C’Boath (giving him Luke Skywalker), than Palpatine ever was to anyone. More often than not, when an INTJ makes a promise, you can bet they’ll stick with it.
Alright now, for the sake of brevity of this article, here are the characters I will not type descriptions for, just because either they explain themselves, they don’t warrant enough of an explanation, they’re minor, or they aren’t as relevant anymore (Legends characters). In regards to
BB8: ESFP DJ: ESTP Unkar Plutt: ESTJ Lieutenant Connix: ISFJ Admiral Holdo: ISFJ
Uncle Owen: ISTJ Aunt Beru: ISFJ Greedo: who knows Lobot: ISTJ Bossk: ESTP Dengar: ISTP Zuckuss: ISTP IG-88: INTJ (even more of an awesome character in Legends) Wicket Warrick: ESFP Nien Nunb: ESFP
Bodhi Rook: ESFJ Chirrut Îmwe: INFP Baze Malbus: ISTJ Saw Gerrera: INFJ
Val: ISTJ Rio: ESTP Enfys Nest Leader: INFP
Watto: ESTJ Sebulba: ESTP Nute Gunray: ESTJ Zam Wessel: ISTJ Captain Tanaka: ISTJ Captain Typho: ISFJ Boss Nass: ESFJ
Plo Koon: INTJ Luminara Unduli: INFJ Aayla Secura: ESFP Kit Fisto: ENFJ Bariss Offee: INFP Fives: ESFJ Duchess Satine: ENFJ Pre-Viszla: ENTP Quinlan Vos: ESFP
Kanan Jarrus: ISFJ Hera Syndulla: ISTJ Sabine: ISFP Zeb Orrelios: ESFP Ezra Bridger: INFP Chopper: ESTP
Bail Organa: ISFJ Mon Mothma: ENFJ Iden Versio: ISTJ
Mara Jade: ISTP Jorus C’Baoth: ENFJ
Kyle Katarn: INFJ Jan Ors: ISFJ Jaden Korr: INFP Rosh Penin: ESFP Jerec: ENFJ Sariss: ISFJ Desann: ENTJ Tavion Axmis: ENFP
Galen Marek/Starkiller: ISFP Rahm Kota: ESFJ Juno Eclipse: ISTJ
Durge: ESTP Dash Rendar: ESTP Carnor Jax: ENTP
Revan: INTP Darth Malak: ESTJ Darth Bandon: ISFP Bastila Shan: ENFJ Carth Onasi: ISTJ Mission Vao: ISFP Zaalbar: ISFJ Juhani: ISFP Jolee Bindo: INFJ Canderous Ordo: ISTP HK-47: ENTP Kreia: INFJ Darth Sion: ESTP Darth Nihilus: INTP Meetra Surik: ENTP Satele Shan: ENFJ
Marka Ragnos: INTJ Naga Sadow: ENTJ Exar Kun: ESFP Nomi Sunrider: ISFJ Ulic Qel-Droma: ENFP
25 ABY - 45 ABY (and others)
Jacen Solo (Darth Caedus): INFP Jaina Solo: ESTP Lumiya: ENTP Vergere: INTP Ben Skywalker: ISFJ Jagged Fel: ESTJ Tahiri Veila: ESFP Anakin Solo: ESFP Abeloth: ENTP
Darth Krayt: INTJ Darth Talon: ISTP Darth Wyyrlok: ENTJ   Cade Skywalker: ESTP Ania Solo: ISFP K’Kruhk: ISTP Darth Wredd: ENTJ
Key = Bold - Important (separate article), Italics - Major, Asterisk - Legends
ESFJ: Padme Amidala, C3PO, Bodhi Rook, Boss Nass, Fives, Rahm Kota* ISFJ: Chewbacca, Rose Tico, Admiral Holdo, Kanan Jarrus, Bail Organa, Captain Typho, Zaalbar*, Nomi Sunrider*, Jan Ors*, Sariss*, Ben Skywalker* ISTJ: Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, Captain Phasma, Qi’ra, Captain Rex, Wedge Antilles, Cassian Andor, Iden Versio, Baze Malbus, Uncle Owen, Lobot, Val, Zam Wessel, Captain Tanaka, Hera Syndulla, Carth Onasi*, Juno Eclipse* ESTJ: Leia Organa, General Grievous, Dryden Vos, General Hux, Tarkin, Unkar Plutt, Nute Gunray, Watto, Darth Malak*, Jagged Fel* ESFP: Kylo Ren, Poe Dameron, Jar-Jar Binks, BB8, Zeb Orrelios, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos, Wickett Warrick, Nien Nunb, Exar Kun*, Tahiri Veila*, Anakin Solo*, Rosh Penin* ISFP: Rey, Asajj Ventress, Jyn Erso, Sabine, Galen Marek/Starkiller*, Mission Vao*, Juhani*, Ania Solo*, Darth Bandon* ESTP: Lando Calrissian, Tobias Beckett, Jabba the Hutt, Hondo Ohnaka, Bossk, DJ, Rio, Sebulba, Chopper, Cade Skywalker*, Durge*, Dash Rendar*, Jaina Solo*, Darth Sion* ISTP: Han Solo, Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Savage Opress, Cad Bane, Zuckuss, Dengar, Mara Jade*, Canderous Ordo*, Darth Talon*, K’Kruhk* ENFJ: Obi Wan Kenobi, Duchess Satine, Kit Fisto, Mon Mothma, Jorus C’Baoth*, Bastila Shan*, Satele Shan*, Jerec* ENFP: Finn, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, Ulic Qel-Droma*, Tavion Axmis* INFP: Luke Skywalker, L3-37, Chirrut Îmwe, Enfys Nest Leader, Ezra Bridger, Bariss Offee, Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus*, Jaden Korr* INFJ: Yoda, Count Dooku, Mother Talzin, Saw Gerrera, Luminara Unduli, Kyle Katarn*, Jolee Bindo*, Kreia* ENTP: R2-D2, Maz Kanata, Pre-Viszla, HK-47*, Meetra Surik*, Lumiya*, Carnor Jax*, Abeloth*, Darth Wyyrlok* INTP: K2-SO, Darth Plagueis, Revan*, Darth Nihilus*, Vergere* ENTJ: Sheev Palpatine, Orson Krennic, Snoke, Mace Windu, Naga Sadow*, Desann*, Darth Wredd* INTJ: Thrawn, Galen Erso, IG-88, Plo Koon, Darth Krayt*, Marka Ragnos*
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rayadraws · 5 years
end of an era
Oh my gosh anon, our waiting is OVER. Patiently, not so patiently yearning… wishing… hoping… dreaming… we have IT.
I gotta talk about it, because of course I do, ahhh! This will be long, sorry…
I got my hands on the OVA this morning, about half an hour before work. I watched it, yelled on Discord and then went to work, practically vibrating the whole day until I could go home and watch it again and write down my thoughts!
Before release I had seen what available video clips and screenshots we had, plus a summary given to me by a Japanese mutual, in somewhat limited English. I was unsure what to expect but I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought I might! I understand that there’s a lot one can be confused or perhaps even put off by in the OVA but. Well. I enjoy seeing a vulnerable Genos (if like 90 % of the fanfic I’ve written wasn’t an indication lol) so I just ate it all UP. And since I’ve written a fic about him getting amnesia specifically, I was very curious to see how off the mark I was.
I won’t give a proper summary, there’s a good one by Nysh for that. Nor the animation. JC Staff is what JC Staff is. I’m instead going to just… muse and compare and go wild with my own personal headcanons - in that regard, this OVA was excellent, because it does give some hints about what makes Genos tick. Hold on to your butts…
Oh, and need I say that there will be SPOILERS? XD
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Before I wrote my own amnesia fic, I did some research. So, what is amnesia? Well, the popular TV show version is one thing, of course RL is another. There are several kinds of amnesia, with different causes and different treatments. But the two main categories are longterm memory loss, where you can’t recall past memories (often up to what caused the amnesia) and short term memory loss, where you have difficulty forming new memories. You can get one or both. In my fic, Genos deals with both. In the OVA, he appears to have longterm memory loss only, as he tries to find Fubuki again to help him defeat the monster (if only he knew Saitama would by far have been a better choice!), so he remembers her. Not to mention at the end, when he’s trying desperately to apologize…
There is no instant cure for amnesia. Emotional support is important, medication (if it’s caused by underlying disease, which it can be) and psychological therapy can also be useful. Saitama is doing the right thing in the OVA by remaining calm and trying to avoid agitating Genos or pushing him to remember.
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After he first wakes up, Genos is very lost, he only remembers his name and that he’s a cyborg - but not why! It’s really heartbreaking when you think a little more about it - imagine waking up in a cyborg body and not remembering why/how that happened… We actually discussed that on Discord before we had the OVA, what if he wakes up and doesn’t remember… but nahh, that’d be too dark, right? APPARENTLY NOT.
I can’t explain why Genos would be so heavily influenced by media around him as he is. That’s just made up for the humour… but if I were to try to find an actual in-world explanation, hm… Well, we do know he can be a Drama Boy. We also know he tends to be very standoffish and reserved towards most people, which I think is related to his trauma, in a few ways (he doesn’t want to get close to people due to the risk of once again experiencing the pain of losing them - and spending four years more or less on your own during your late teenage years is not an ideal environment for learning how to socialize…). We also know that when Genos finds something or someone he considers important, he latches on. So you could see it as being part of that, perhaps. Lost and confused he looks for anything that would make some kind of sense, trying to find a sense of direction or idea on whom he might be.
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What exactly did you forget? Your quest for revenge or the sale you briefly remember later? Knowing Genos, it could be either…
He reacts in confusion to his body telling him that there’s an elevated energy signature nearby - I LOVED this. I wonder if he saw it as a note on his HUD, or if it’s more ingrained, more subtle. The way he got antsy and couldn’t sit still… it’s like his proximity sensors act as an extra sense, like Spiderman’s spider sense…. An extra sense that’s probably saved his life on more than one occasion.
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He takes off, feeling like it’s his body moving, not him. I don’t think his body has an separate will of its own, but I have always hc:ed that he probably has systems that can calculate stuff for him mid-fight - how to move, where to release his weapons and at what strength etc. A little helpful internal computer. It’s a LOT for one little monkey brain to keep track of, so it wouldn’t be crazy to think he has some help with that, I think. And here, I don’t think his body is truly moving on his own without him having any control of it… more like muscle memory? Like there are times where I think I’ve forgotten a password to my work computer if I’ve been away for a week but then I sit down and my fingers remember the typing motions on their own. I imagine it’s something like that. He doesn’t know what to do, so he’s going where his instincts tell him.
Fubuki, ah, ever the scheming one. I enjoyed her showing up and being casual at Sai’s place because that’s how I like to write her in my fics. You can see the exact second when she goes into Business Mode, playing hard to get to lure Genos closer. Too bad she didn’t consider just how much his personality changed too, came on way too strong in the end…
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And!!! A couple of times Genos puts his hand in defense, without seeminly knowing why, or doing it intentionally really. Hmmmm where…. have I seen this before…
He jumped when a warning flashed at the corner of his vision. It was his proximity sensors going off, his HUD informed him. On instinct, he ducked down behind the nearest tree. He should go back. Kuseno would keep him safe. But if he moved, the stranger might see him too. Don’t turn your back on an enemy.
His sensors told him the direction and the general size of the approaching being, but he couldn’t actually see it between the tall trees. It was moving very fast. He ducked lower, ferns brushing softly against his cheek. On instinct, he held his palm out in front of him, open and pointed at whatever was approaching him.
I am SO glad that I called this in my fic, it’s a small detail but it adds a lot I think! Raising his palm as a threat is second nature to Genos, even when he doesn’t consciously know why he’s doing it…
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It’s interesting that throughout, Genos keeps referring to himself as “boku”, which is usually reserved for a male who is younger than 16 (though there are exceptions - Amai Mask also uses it, probably as part of his charming idol persona). Usually Genos refers to himself as “ore”, which is mostly used by adult men, more informal and can be viewed as disrespectful, depending on circumstance (Genos is not typically respectful towards people, if they are not Kuseno or Saitama). Combined with how meek he is, man… Okay, ONE said that before the mad cyborg attack, Genos’ personality was about the same as it is now. So why is he so different? Well… I don’t think that’s too shocking, really. I mean, if you lost all your memories and sense of self, realized you were a cyborg for some reason???, ended up alone in a weird city, not knowing where you were or what to do, and suddenly people pointed at you asking you to fight a terrifying monster even though you have no idea how to fight… you’d probably be terrified too! I think we can assume his personality change is caused by his amnesia. But we can probably also assume that a Genos who never had his village attacked and never got involved with fighting/being a hero would not grow to be exactly the same as canon, anyway. He’d probably be a rude brat… but yeah. At least a few degrees less aggressive/ready to throw down!
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Again with the hand!
A thought I had reading the exchange between the monster and Genos… it reads almost like how you might expect Genos’ meeting with the mad cyborg might have looked like, only in a sad, reverse kind of way. These lines - “I’m not ready yet… I’m not ready to die here… not yet!” - like, dude… that sounds exactly what might have gone through his head back then. Maybe the first inkling of his past returning to him at that second…
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He feels something, remembers something, is shocked.. and it comes back… “I cannot win like this!”. And then he remembers Kuseno, and Saitama…
Once more, those lines together: “I’m not ready yet… I’m not ready to die here… not yet! I cannot win like this!”
We’ll probably never get it verified, but I find it very, very likely he used more or less these exact words, or something very similar, after meeting the mad cyborg.
Also, as much as I appreciate the closeness between Genos and Saitama, I AM glad that he remembered Kuseno first - he’s known Kuseno for four years, Saitama for less than 2 months, when this takes place. It’s only right and it fits very well with his character introduction too, where he thought he was dying and his last thought was an apology to Kuseno. A nice nod. I enjoyed that animation sequence a lot too!
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When he remembers who he is, Genos feels so bad about his actions but he still can’t deny what he said before… Saitama’s face… omg… Bless them both.He brings Saitama wild/game meat - d'ya figure he bought it or, um… got it for free? I mean, that’s… exactly the kind of creature he fought… maybe he’s learnt Sensei’s ways…
And Saitama is happy he’s back. He cares about Genos! He likes him like he is, as intense and blunt and socially awkward as he is! What a sweet note to end the OVA on!
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dawniebb · 5 years
Breakfast Time
 This is like….the second TLC fanfic that I upload here. And honestly it’s not that good because I only wrote it to have a good time lmao.
Here you have 1191 words about Kaider my dear otp dealing with pregnancy cravings like the dorks they are
I hope you like it XD
To Kai, the temperature and other factors in the bedroom were just fine, but he could tell Cinder was uncomfortable. She never moved this much, not even at night.
Her acting like this right now really took him by surprise, because it had been a long day and as hours passed by he figured Cinder would be exhausted by the time they could make it to the bedroom. After all, she was pregnant.
But, surprisingly, she didn’t seem exhausted at all. Not that she was full of energy, but she was awake enough to be moving like a blender next to him.
Kai heard her groan. It was a cute sound, but it made him feel like he was in danger.
“Kai…Hey, Kai.”
Kai took a deep breath and rolled his body towards her.
Cinder was staring at the ceiling, absently. She had her hands interlocked on top of her belly.
“Did I wake you up?”
“Naw. I wasn’t sleeping.” Answered Kai. And, well, he wasn’t lying. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah. Totally fine.”
Kai giggled.
“Then what is it?”
Cinder frowned, as if she had eaten a really sour candy.
“I suppose you haven’t tried the sticky buns they sell at the market.”
“…err. I haven’t had the pleasure, I believe. “
“What a coincidence.” Cinder drew her attention to him, smiling. “Me neither.”
Kai laughed as his eyebrow raised.
“How come?” He asked, genuinely confused.
Cinder turned her head towards him, but her body didn’t move.
“Did you know that those people don’t serve to cyborgs? “ She clicked her tongue. “Rude much?
Kai sighed. Actually, he did know people at the market were reluctant to serve to cyborgs, which made him very angry. The situation had gotten better after Cinder had reclaimed her place as Selene Blackburn, but they still had a long way to go as a country and as a unified world. Sometimes, people still stared at Cinder’s hand instead of her eyes, which was not only impolite, but also discriminatory.
Fortunately, over time Cinder had learned to ask for respect in calm and patient ways. She barely paid any attention to the glares directed towards her anymore, but at those times when she was so stressed she would get extra sensitive, Kai would intentionally hold her hand and even place a tender kiss on it to let her know she mattered, and that they were the ones who were wrong.
So, yeah, he pretty much had a clear idea about how cyborgs were treated amongst society even when their Empress was one of them and New Beijing was supposed to be a cyborg-friendly place.
After the pregnancy was announced, they started getting all types of nonsense questions about whether or not Cinder’s circumstances would affect the baby, and they refused to answer the majority of them because…
“You did mention something about it.” He limited to answer. “They knew, right?”
“Oh, boy. They knew.” Cinder groaned. “And it was Hell. Blame it on the cyborg. The cyborg this. The cyborg that. But anyways, that’s not my point.”
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to talk about…?”
“No, not today.” Cinder shook her hand to brush the topic away. “The thing is….you’ve been to that market, rig…Ugh. Of course you have. “
“So, you must know there’s booths and there’s street vendors. And they sell a lot of street food. Sometimes I would send Iko to buy some for me because, you know, they wouldn’t sell anything to me.” She complained. “Until one day a guy asked her who did she belong to and we both got really offended and never came back. But somehow, he knew she belonged to me…and Iko’s pretty recognizable because she speaks a lot, so soon they all knew that hey! That’s Linh Cinder’s cursed android.”
Kai waited. She barely spoke about her days at the market, so it was always really interesting to hear her.
However, he did ask:
“Yep. Cursed. Because Iko has more personality than half of the people I knew back then and they just couldn’t take it.” Cinder rolled her eyes. “…Can you remind me why I was telling you this?”
“Oh, yeah. Street food.”
Out of all the answers there were, Kai certainly didn’t expect that one.
Weren’t they talking about social inequality?
“There was a lot of street food. And there was this booth next to mine. Chang Sacha’s store. She was a baker.”
A chill ran down Kai’s spine.
“Chang Sunto’s mother.”
Cinder sighed.
“That’s her.”
Then, they stayed in silence for a couple of seconds…minutes, perhaps, before Cinder dared to speak again.
“Kai, I want sticky buns.”
He couldn’t help but snort.
He should’ve seen it coming.
She was pregnant. This was supposed to happen, wasn’t it?
Kai had never taken care of a pregnant wife before, but he had heard Wolf telling jokes about how demanding Scarlet could get when she was going around with a bloated belly with moving babies inside.
“Don’t laugh. I really, really want sticky buns.”
“I’m not laughing.”
He was.
“How can you say that? Kai, I’m right next to you! Geez. So cynical.”
Kai burst out laughing. And even if she pretended to be mad at him, he could hear her laughing too.
“You want them right now?”
“Yes. Right now.”
“Right now? At this very moment?”
“Yes, Kai. Right now. At this very moment.”
“It’s three in the morning.”
“Excellent! Breakfast time!”
Kai groaned jokingly, as he started getting up from the bed. He felt a ball full of laziness dropping on his back to the mere thought of leaving the warm blankets and having to walk all the way to the kitchen to check if there was any already made sticky buns. If there wasn’t, he would have to go through more trouble and ask an android to wake the baker.
“…Wait, no. But I want Chang Sacha’s sticky buns.”
“What the…?” Kai passed his hands through his face. “Darling, Chang Sacha is…deceased. Didn’t they burn her bakery? She got infected with letumosis the day I met you.”
“But I didn’t get to taste her sticky buns and they smelled nice!”
“I know, they must’ve smelled nice, but…” Kai scratched his temple. “Fine. What do you suggest?”
Cinder blinked and shifted herself into a sitting position. Kai helped her, trying not to hit her belly (not that that could do much harm, but still).
“…I have no idea.” She concluded.
Then, she snapped her fingers.
“Maybe we could talk to her husband and ask him for the recipe and…”
“Oh.My.Stars” Kai laughed as he tenderly pulled her against his chest and kissed her forehead. “You really want those sticky buns, huh?”
“I told you I really wanted sticky buns and I meant it, Kai.”
“Yeah, I can notice that.” Kai smiled at her.
She looked pretty when she pretended to be annoyed.
“We’ll look for Chang Sacha’s recipe when the sun rises.” He promised. “In the meantime, I’ll ask someone to bake you sticky buns. It’s still breakfast time after all, and we shouldn’t keep our daughter waiting.”
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