#and just sits him down by the dinner table and feeds him mac n cheese no questions asked while yy stares nervously at him
hereforthefunnyguys · 6 months
Moments in DM when Yami Yugi/Atem calls Solomon Muto "Grandpa" will never not break me. Equally breaking is when Muto calls atem his grandson. Grandpa was apparently just like hell yes free grandson!!! You Will Be Adopted if it Kills You and i will consider you a full member of the family even if you don't consider yourself even a full human being yet. Atem solomon muto dynamic potential makes me go grrrrrrr
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strrynigghts · 8 months
dinner is served
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— könig x main cod members x fem!reader
— cw/tw: mentions of food (eating + making + serving), feeling lonely despite being in a room of people, könig and reader are friends, not proofread, lmk if I’ve missed any!
— summary: könig joins you for dinner
— an: visited my family as I finally moved closer to them, and decided to make them dinner! was excited until I was the only one at the dinner table :) I also want to apologise for going mia! I moved to a different state and I still need to get all my stuff settled! also note that I’ve never played a damn cod game in my entire life and only know who’s who by reading fics written by others or from doing research for 10 seconds, so please excuse any cod mistakes!
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after a long day of training with the 141, you’ve decided that you’d make a nice meal for everyone. you enjoyed cooking for them, and it’s been a while since you’ve last been able to make them, and yourself, a decent meal.
you knew it wasn’t going to be easy—the kitchen was loaded with mres—but luckily, the chefs from last night left a couple things behind.
you found mac ‘n cheese, green beans, chicken strips, and lettuce. it was more than plenty to work with, but you were excited to cook regardless.
opening the cans of carrots and green beans, you dumped them into their respective pots, adding salt and pepper as well as butter, to them both. you placed the chicken on a tray and popped them in the oven, and chopped up the lettuce and placed it into the fridge.
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after about fifteen minutes, everything was done! you were happy and smiling and very excited to feed your teammates! you knew they loved your cooking, and they were so grateful when you did cook.
you grabbed out plates and cups, putting a little bit of everything onto their plates. you knew that most of them didn’t mind their food touching, but alejandro was sorta picky and didn’t like it when his veggie juice touched other foods. adding tea or water into certain cups, you’ve backed away to admire your work. it was beautifully done and you felt so proud!
“boys! dinner!” you yelled, and much like a stampede, they all came running—except for könig? “made y’all chicken, mac ‘n cheese, salad, and some green beans with carrots to go along with it. it’s important to eat your veggies.”
“thank you lass,” ghost and a few others said. you knew that even though some didn’t say their thanks, that they were still thankful.
“thank you love,” price chimed in, after you’ve passed all plates out—except for königs and yours. they all walked over to the room next to the kitchen and flicked the tv on, three of them on the couch and two of them in the loveseats.
grabbing a plate yourself, you proceeded to add whatever you wanted onto your plate. you always served yourself last when it came to making them food. you didn’t mind, you knew very well that they required more calories due to how much more extensive their training was.
you looked at königs plate, popping it into the microwave for a minute to keep it warm at least. you knew it wasn’t far behind the others, always showing up after the others all have settled into their seats. you grabbed yours and looked at the boys: there weren’t any seats left, and you didn’t like sitting on the floor. you sighed quietly and sat at the table near the kitchen.
there was a lump in your throat, however. you were so excited to finally cook for your team, for your family, but then they go into a different room and turn the tv on. you wanted to talk them, wanted them to talk to you, share stories, all that jazz. the laughter they shared just then didn’t help the lump go down either. your elbows were hanging off the table and your fork poked at your plate. you weren’t even hungry anymore.
you were too far into your mind that you didn’t notice könig grab his plate from the microwave and sit down at the table until he reached out for your hand. you looked up at him and although you couldn’t see it, you knew his eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes staring at you.
“are you okay, y/n?” he sounded so worried, removing his hand away as he sat straighter, raising his mask just to his nose before he went to take a bite.
“not really that hungry anymore.” you cleared your throat, offering him a weak smile as you stared back at him.
“pft, such nonsense maus! this is really good.”
you looked away, biting your lip as you sat in silence for a brief moment. you looked back at könig, only to see that he has his spoon up in your face, offering you a bite despite having your own plate right there. “c’mon, take a bite!” he shoved it closer to your face and you laughed softly, allowing the spoon to push past your lips.
könig pulled the spoon away and chuckled. “see? it’s good isn’t it, ja?”
you felt much better now that your best friend was eating at the table with you, making you laugh <3
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image credit found here
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choccyhearts · 2 years
imagine you're overwhelmed and stressed and all you need is your eddie...
and you come home and find him sitting on the couch
you drop your things and sluggishly make your way over to him. he picks up on the fact that you aren't feeling good
"what's wrong?"
you shake your head and sit on his lap. he pulls you close to him and holds you with a firm grasp. he places your face into his neck and strokes your hair, shhhing you so you know he understands.
he understands you're exhausted. he understands you're close to falling apart. he understands all you need is attention and love, and more specifically, his attention and love. he understands.
he rubs your back and lulls you to sleep, whispering sweet nothings to you. he soon falls asleep too.
you're both woken up by your watch going off, alerting you that your favorite show is about to come on. you sit up and yawn before kissing eddie on the chin.
"hungry, bub?", eddie asks
you nod and get up, walking towards to kitchen. he pulls you by the arm and stops you.
"nope, i'll make dinner, you just watch your show." he changes the channel for you before kissing your head and leaving.
he comes back after a while holding two bowls and one spoon. he sets them on the coffee table and places two cushions on the floor for the two of you to sit. you look at the bowls and see what he's made; eddie munson's "famous" mac n cheese, one of your favorites.
he feeds you and himself as you keep your eyes glued to the tv. he wipes your mouth every once in a while and holds your glass of water for you.
"thank you, eddie," you hum happily.
"of course, bub. need my baby to feel better"
once your show is over and your dinner has been eaten, he cleans up the mess and takes you to your shared room.
he brushes your hair and your teeth before tucking you in. once he's finished with his routine he joins you, pulling you against his chest.
he doesn't mind taking care of you, in fact he loves it. he'll do anything to make life easier for you -- you're his whole world. if you're ever feleing down he'll do anything to help you because he knows what it's like to have bad days.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
You’re All I Need
Pairings: Yelena Belova x fem!reader | WandNat x daughter!yelena
Summary: You and your dad move next door to Yelena and her moms. It’s only a matter of time before you two fall in love.
Alternative Universe: Natasha and Wanda are married with Yelena as their daughter. Yelena and Y/N are in high school. The MCU plot doesn't exist.
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Mentions drugs and alcohol addiction
(Mom: Wanda)
(Mama: Natasha)
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"Lena!" Wanda called from downstairs.
Yelena got up from her bed and jogged down the stairs. She found her mom standing in the kitchen holding a plate of brownies with saran wrap covering them.
"Stop calling me Lena," she whined, walking into the kitchen.
Wanda chuckled, "Can you run these brownies over to the neighbors? They just moved in, and I'd like to make them feel welcomed." Wanda responded, putting the plate in Yelena's hands.
"Sure I guess. The neighbors to the right or left?" she asked, slipping on her shoes.
"Detka, we live on a corner. We only have neighbors to our left." Natasha said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Oh right." she realized, and Natasha playfully rolled her eyes.
"Just take the brownies and go. Be polite!" Natasha managed to get out before Yelena shut the door.
She walked down the door step and turned down the side walk, making her way to the neighbors house. When she got there, she rang the door bell and waited.
When the door opened, she was met by a tall, clean cut man who looked like he was getting ready for bed.
"Hi, I'm Yelena. I live next door, and my mothers wanted me to give you these brownies as a welcoming gift." she politely said, holding out the brownies for the man to grab.
"Oh well thank you. They look delicious." he responded, taking the plate from Yelena's hands.
"Yeah, my mom loves to bake so," she trailed off with a light chuckle.
"Tell your mothers I said thank you. My daughter has such a sweet tooth, so she'll love them. I'm Matthew." he said with a small smile.
"Nice to meet you. I better get going since dinners going to be ready soon." she replied.
"Alright, enjoy your evening, Yelena." he told her.
"You too." she said with a nod of her head as she walked off.
Yelena walked back to her house and opened the door, kicking off her shoes. She made her way into the kitchen where her moms were sharing small kisses.
"Oh my god ew. You have a child who lives in this house, please stop." she dramatically covered her eyes.
Wanda and Natasha softly laughed, "When you find someone to love, you won't be able to keep you hands to yourself either, dorogoy." Natasha said.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Is dinner done? I'm starving over here." Yelena sat down at the dinner table.
"I just finished it while you were over at the neighbors." Wanda stated, putting the dogs food on three different plates while Natasha helped her carry them to the table, setting them down.
Wanda and Natasha sat down with Yelena and began eating, "Were the neighbors nice?" Wanda 
"Yeah, his name was Matthew and he has a daughter. I'm not sure how old though or what her name is." she responded.
"It was just him and his daughter?" Natasha asked.
"Yeah I guess so. I didn't see anyone else and he only mentioned a daughter." Yelena spoke quickly so she could go back to stuffing her face.
Natasha raised her eyebrow, "You act like we don't feed you, child."
"Well I didn't eat lunch because the school lunch was sucky today." she explained.
"Do you need us to start making your lunch again?" Wanda questioned.
"As long as it's you making it and not mama. She can't even cook frozen foods to save her life." Yelena jokingly insulted.
"Um, I'm sitting right here." Natasha reminded her.
"Oh my bad. I just forget sometimes since you're so short." Yelena giggled, but stopped when Natasha flung a spoonful of mac and cheese at her face.
"Hey!" Yelena exclaimed.
"Natasha, we don't throw food at our child." Wanda gave her wife a stern look.
"Well tell our child that I'm not that short!" Natasha whined.
"You shouldn't be asking her for reassurance. She's your wife, so she's just gonna say whatever makes you happy. You should ask someone like me who's going to tell you the truth, and the truth is you're short." Yelena teased.
"I swear I'm gonna-" she abruptly cut herself off when she got up to chase Yelena around the kitchen.
Wanda just watched them, sighing and sinking back into her chair with her glass of wine, "One day...I'll get that month long vacation in the Bahamas I've been dreaming about for years." she whispered under her breath.
"Alright Yelena, go wash your face and then come back down and load the dishwasher." Wanda said after dinner was done, and Yelena just nodded her head.
She made her way up the stairs and into her bedroom. She was about to open the door to her bathroom before something caught her eye. Looking out her window, she could see into a window of her new neighbors house.
The light was on, so she could see two people standing in the room. One of which being the man she spoke to earlier, and the other being what she assumed was his daughter. Yelena eyes slightly widen at the sight of the beautiful young girl who looked to be around her age.
But they softened when she realized the the two of them were arguing based on how their mouths were moving, and their facial expression.
She didn't realize she was staring at the scene until the man left the room and she made contact with the young girl. She tried to avert her eyes away, but it was too late as the girl had already noticed her.
She watched her walk towards her window and open it, so she did the same.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare." Yelena awkwardly apologized.
"It's okay. I know that's not something you typically see everyday." she spoke sympathetically.
"If you don't mind me asking, does that happen everyday?" Yelena questioned.
"Not everyday because my dad works a lot, so most of the time he's not here. But whenever he is here, it happens pretty often." she looked down.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Yelena didn't really know what to say to the girl.
"Don't be. I'm Y/N." she voiced with a small smile on her face.
"Yelena." was all she could get out as she was too stunned by the girl's beautiful smile.
"It's nice to meet you, Yelena." she kindly replied.
"What made you guys wanna move to Greenwood?" Yelena asked.
"My dads job. He works a lot, so he got a promotion. We decided to move so we could be closer to his new office." she explained.
Yelena nodded in understanding, "I-" she was cut off when Wanda called for her, reminding her to do the dishes.
She sighed and let her head fall back, wanting to talk to Y/N more.
"It's okay, we can keep talking later. How late do you stay up?" Y/N asked.
"Depends. How late do you want me to stay up?" she reversed the question.
Y/N chuckled, "I'll flicker my lights 3 times to get your attention."
"I'll be paying attention." Yelena said smile with a smile before saying goodbye to Y/N, and shutting her window.
She took a few deep breaths to get rid of the blush on her cheeks before making her way back downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Who were you talking to up there?" Natasha furrowed her eyebrows.
"No one." Yelena replied to keep herself from smiling.
"Oh come on. I could hear you talking to someone from down here. Who was it?" Natasha asked.
"It was just the neighbors daughter, Y/N." this time, Yelena couldn't still the smile that was making itself known on her face.
"The neighbors daughter is causing you to smile like you're in a haunted house?" Natasha teased.
"Mom says my smile is cute!" Yelena defended herself. 
"Your mom just says whatever will make you happy." Natasha said which made Yelena roll her eyes, realizing that her mama was using her own comeback against her.
"Who's making who smile?" Wanda questioned as she walked into the room.
"The neighbors daughter, Y/N, makes Yelena blush just by thinking about her." Natasha spoke up.
"Ooo has our little baby found someone to swoon over?" Wanda joined in on the teasing.
"Okay, okay calm down. I just met her, let me live my life in peace, please." Yelena said as she finished the dishes.
"We're just teasing, detka." Natasha said, kissing her daughters cheek.
Yelena hummed, "I'm going to head up to bed early." she said before running up the stairs.
Wanda and Natasha paused to looked at each other, "She's not really going to bed is she?" Wanda asked.
"Nope. She's going to talk to Y/N." Natasha said in a sing-song voice. Wanda just rolled her eyes at her wife's antics.
A few months have passed, and you and Yelena have grown extremely close. Falling into the habit of one of you flickering your lights three times, and then either opening your windows to talk, or using paper to write on and then putting it up to the window for the other person to read.
'What do you mean? Math is so easy, it's like my favorite subject.' you wrote on your paper and showed it to Yelena.
'Well then I'm going to need you to tutor me before I fail this upcoming test because I am hopeless.' Yelena wrote back and you laughed.
You went to write something when you noticed Natasha walk into the room.
"Yelena, what are you still doing up? You have school tomorrow." she asked, but her question was answered when she saw Yelena sitting at her window with her notebook and marker in hand. Then she saw you sitting in your window.
You waved to her and Natasha just gave you a smile, "It's time to say goodnight, dorogoy. You've gotta get to sleep." she said softly.
"I will just give me one sec." Yelena said, looking down to write something on her paper.
'I've got to go, Y/N. I'll see you at school tomorrow?'   she wrote.
You read it before responding, 'Of course :) Good night, Lena <3'
Yelena smiled brightly at you before standing up and heading over to her bed to lay down. Natasha took her notebook off the windowsill to write something, 'You need to go to bed as well, Y/N. Goodnight.' 
She showed the paper to you and you wrote down your response, 'Have a nice night, Mrs. Romanoff :)' you flipped your paper around before turning off your bedroom light and heading to sleep.
"Does our little sweetheart have a crush?" Natasha playfully teased.
"Stop,” Yelena groaned, her cheeks blushing.
"It's okay if you do, honey." Natasha reassured, sitting on the edge of the bed to look at her daughter.
"I guess I do, mama. But, she probably doesn't even feel the same way." Yelena sighed.
"Now that's exactly what I thought about your mother when we were your age, but look at us now." she spoke gently.
"I just don't know how or when to tell her."
"You might not know now, but when the time is right you'll know." Natasha put her hand on Yelena's shoulder and leaned down to kiss her forehead before getting up to walk out of the room.
"Are you sure she likes me?" Yelena asked.
"They say mama knows best for a reason." she smiled and turned off the light, shutting the door.
Yelena sighed and tried to stop thinking about Y/N so she could go to sleep, but it was nearly impossible. 
A few weeks later, you and Yelena had gotten paired together for a school project. So, you were walking home with Yelena after school to work on the project at her house.
"I'm home!" Yelena called out as she entered the house with you following behind her.
"Hey darling!" Wanda called out. Yelena followed the voice through the house and found her mom sitting on the couch in the living room.
"How was-" Wanda cut herself off when Yelena appeared in her line of vision with you by her side.
"Well hello, Y/N! Yelena didn't tell me she was bringing you with her." Wanda said looking between the two of you.
"Our last period teacher gave us a project due when we go back on Monday, so it was kind of last minute. I thought I'd bring her home today and have her come over this weekend to work on it." Yelena explained.
"That's okay. Are you guys hungry? I know you've probably had a long day." Wanda asked.
"We're fine, we'll just wait until dinner." Yelena answered.
"Alright, but if you do get hungry before then, don't be afraid to let me know." Wanda made sure Y/N felt welcomed in her home.
"Okay, thank you." you answered before Yelena took your hand to try and lead you upstairs.
"Make sure you actually get some work done!" Wanda called out. You couldn't stop to say anything as Yelena was pulling on your arm.
She flopped down on her back onto her bed while you sat in the chair at her desk, turning to look at her, "Your mom is really nice." you said.
"Yeah, but sometimes it can be a bit much. I love her though." Yelena responded.
"She just wants what's best for you. That's what every good mother wants." you spoke.
Yelena stared at the ceiling for a few seconds. You noticed how deep in thought she was, "What're you thinking about?" you questioned, getting up to sit on the edge of the bed next to Yelena.
She turned her head to look at you, "Has it always just been you and your dad?" she curiously asked.
"For a while. My mom left when I was ten, and I'm sixteen now, so it's been six years." you replied, laying down on your side next to her so you could face her.
"Do you know why she left?" Yelena asked.
"Not exactly. But I know she had...a lot of issues with alcohol and drugs, so I just assumed it was because of that." you explained.
"Oh. Is that why your dad works so much? Because he has to provide for both of you now without any help?" she questioned.
"For the most part. He wanted to give me a better life than what I had when my mom was around, so he works 24/7 to make extra money. But that's why a lot of our fights start. Because he's gone all the time." you said. Yelena nodded.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make it seem like this is twenty-one questions. I was just curious." Yelena apologized.
"No it's okay, I get it." you said and silence was the loudest noise in the room for a few seconds until Yelena spoke up, changing the subject.
"You know, everyone's seen the way America's been looking at you, at school. She practically has hearts in her eyes and drool coming out of her mouth." yelena gently said, turning her head to look at you, and you chuckled.
"Yeah, I know." you sighed.
"I'm pretty sure she's planning on asking you to homecoming. Do you know about that?" she asked, talking in a softer voice.
"No, but i'm not surprised. Any ideas on how to kindly reject someone?" you answered, matching the volume of her voice.
"Reject her? Why would you do that? Is she not good enough for you or something?" Yelena playfully teased.
You smiled, "No, she's just not my type. Not the person I wanna go out with." you explained.
"Really? Then who is?" she asked.
You sighed with a smile, "Oh, I don't know. Probably this blond haired girl with gorgeous green eyes. She acts like a literal puppy whenever someone makes mac and cheese."
Yelena laughed, "Oh yeah? Tell me more about this blond haired girl."
"She is extremely bad at math. I wouldn't advise copying off of her answers even if you think you're going to fail because then you are bound to fail. And..." you trailed off, thinking for a moment while Yelena raised her eyebrows, waiting for you to finish.
"Oh, and absolutely hates when people call her 'Lena', but for some apparent reason she loves it whenever I do it." you finished.
You laughed with each other for a few seconds until you relaxed. This was when you noticed how close your faces were. Merely inches apart. You looked from her eyes to her lips. Yelena took note of that, and brought it upon herself to make the first move.
She slowly leaned in, giving you time to stop her just in case you didn't want this. When her lips connected with yours, she relaxed feeling you kiss her back.
She pulled away after a few seconds to look at you, "Is this okay?" she asked, gently.
You nodded you head and she connected your lips again, but it only lasted for a few short moments when her mother called for her from downstairs.
"Yelena, Y/N, dinners done!"
She sighed, throwing her head back while you just giggled, "Come on." you pulled Yelena off the bed and down the stairs while she groaned.
"Yelena, could you get drinks, please?" Wanda asked, setting plates of food down at the table, sitting down along with Natasha.
She nodded and looked down at you, "What do you want?" she softly asked.
"I'll just have water." you gave her a small smile. She hummed an okay and went off into the kitchen to get drinks.
You sat down in the seat across from Natasha, "The food looks lovely, Mrs. Romanoff." you complimented, looking at Wanda.
"Thank you, darling. It's one of my favorites." she grinned.
"Have you ever taken any cooking classes? Because this looks like something you'd find in a restaurant." you said and Wanda chuckled.
"You flatter me too much. No, I'm just that talented." Wanda jokingly boosted her own ego, looking up as Yelena returned with the drinks.
"Y/N, you must be really special since Yelena asked you what you wanted to drink. We normally have to just be happy with whatever she brings back." Natasha teased.
"Hey, Y/N is the guest, so she gets the guest treatment." Yelena defended herself.
"Okay okay, just sit down, and eat your food." Natasha said.
You all dug into your food, sitting in a comfortable silence until Wanda began to talk, "So Y/N, how's school going for you?"
"It's okay I guess. School is school so," you trailed off which made Natasha and Wanda chuckle.
Yelena shook her head in amusement, "She only says that because she knows she's a straight A student. She doesn't like to brag, but I do." 
"Straight A student, huh? Are you in any extracurricular activities yet?" Natasha asked through the food in her mouth.
"Mama, don't talk with food in your mouth." Yelena grimaced.
"My bad." she apologized.
You spoke up to answer her question, "I’m a student aid during my study hall period and sometimes after school. I just got an offer to join honor society, and I made the varsity cheer team for basketball season."
"Varsity cheer? Congrats! It sounds like you’re doing really well so far." Wanda chimed in.
"Yeah, I just thought it would be easier to make friends at school by joining clubs since I enrolled late." you nodded your head.
"And I’m doing basketball again this year, remember? So Y/N's gonna be at my games since she's doing cheer." Yelena smiled brightly, but tried to calm herself a little bit when her moms looked at her with teasing expressions.
She continued her conversation with her parents when you accidentally dropped your napkin. Yelena watched you lean down to reach for it, so she covered the corner of the table with her hand to keep your head from hitting it.
When you sat back up, your head bumped Yelena’s hand instead of the table. You placed the napkin back on your lap and focused your attention on the conversation.
Both Wanda and Natasha noticed the action, and they glanced at each other with subtle smirks before looking back at Yelena just as quick.
When dinner was done, Wanda began to clear the table. "Do you need any help, Mrs. Romanoff?" you asked.
"Thanks for the offer, darling, but I'm okay." she answered.
"By the way mom, is it okay if Y/N just stays the night? I know she didn't really come prepared for that, but I was gonna give her some of my clothes, and I'm sure we have extra toothbrushes around here somewhere." Yelena questioned, walking into the kitchen.
"I don't have a problem with it, honey. Just make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time." Wanda said.
"Sweet, thanks mom." she walked over to give her mom a kiss on the cheek before dragging you back upstairs to her room.
"Do you normally sleep in hoodies and pants, or t-shirt and shorts?" Yelena asked, rummaging through her drawers.
"T-shirt and shorts are fine." you smiled sweetly at her.
She handed you one of her shirts and a pair of shorts that didn't fit her anymore, "The bathroom is right there, so you can change in there if you want." she pointed to a door beside her dresser.
You nodded your head, and walked into the bathroom to change. Yelena laid down on her bed, scrolling through her phone while waiting for you. She sat there for a few moments until the door opened and you walked out wearing the t-shirt that almost completely covered the shorts she had given you.
"You look absolutely adorable." she grinned, sitting up on her bed to swing her legs over the edge, placing her feet on the floor.
"Well these are your clothes so," you smiled, walking towards her.
"And you look stunning in my clothes." she reached for you, gently resting her hands on your hips to pull you closer.
You hummed, having to lean down to kiss her since you were taller than her at the moment as she was sitting down. Once again, your lips only got to touch each other's for a few moments until someone knocked on the door. 
She groaned when you jumped away from her, moving to sit propped up against the headboard so your position wouldn’t seem too compromising. Yelena waited for a moment to answer, giving you time.
"Yeah?" she called out, and a Natasha opened the door.
"Your mom left some blankets and extra pillows downstairs on the couch for you guys. She didn't know where Y/N was sleeping, so she just left them there for you to get."
"Okay thanks, mama. Goodnight, I love you." she said.
"I love you too, darling. Goodnight Y/N." Natasha nodded at you.
"Goodnight Mrs. Romanoff." you smiled before she closed the door.
"I swear, every time." she exhaled.
You lightly giggled, "We can just go watch a movie or something, it's okay."
She pouted, clearly wanting to go back to what you were doing, but you just grabbed her hand and led her downstairs. When you got to the living room, you situated the blankets and pillows on the couch to make it more comfortable.
"Do you want popcorn or any snacks?" Yelena asked once you finished.
"Popcorn is okay." you responded, going with her into the kitchen to make the popcorn and grab a water. When you were done, you brought the bowl of popcorn and drinks into the living room, turning off the lights and setting them on the end table while you established a cuddling position.
Yelena laid down on the couch and you snuggled into her side, resting your head on her chest while her arm wrapped around you. She turned on the tv and scrolled through the options, choosing one that she remembered you saying had interested you.
The movie was only on for about ten minutes when something else occupied Yelena's thoughts, "Y/N?"
You moved your head to look up at her, "I know I don't have a huge sign, or bags of candy and flowers, but will you go to homecoming with me?" she asked, hopefully.
You grinned brightly, "Of course I will. But, I don't need any of that extra stuff, I just need you." you said and it made her smile, holding you tighter.
"I had a feeling you'd say that, but I'm still going to get you something anyways." she told you.
"You had a feeling I'd say yes, or that I just need you?" you questioned.
"Both." she said with a smile, lifting your head up so she could kiss you. You'd been longing to have a proper kiss like this one, so you got lost in each other very quickly. She flipped your positions, settling between your legs.
Your hands cupped her cheeks to hold her close. The movie and everything quickly became forgotten. So forgotten that the fact that you were in this house with Yelena's parents had slipped both of your minds.
That was until you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You were aware of them, while Yelena was not as she was so fixated on your lips. You tried to pull away to warn her.
"Lena-" you said, but were cut off when she only hummed and continued with her ministrations.
"Hey Yelena, have you seen-" Natasha's voice rang through the living room, but she was stunned by shock.
This time it was Yelena who jumped back in a panic, "Mama I-", she started, but couldn't find the words to finish her sentence.
"Oh my god- I am going to pretend like I did not just see that." she was speechless.
Yelena couldn't find the words to explain what her mama just witnessed, and you sure enough weren't going to open your mouth.
"I get it, okay. You guys are teenagers and you like each other, but please do not do…that…on my couch. I use this couch daily and I cannot live knowing that my daughter and her girlfriend did…that…on it. I won't tell your mother, but please don't take it further while your mom and I are home." she tried to reason.
"Okay, thank you for not telling mom." Yelena finally spoke up.
Natasha hummed in acknowledgement.
"Sorry, Mrs. Romanoff." you had an apologetic look on your face.
"It's okay, Y/N. You're a sweet girl. Yelena don't do anything dumb." she turned to walk back up the stairs.
"I'm just messing with you, detka. Go back to your movie— or whatever you were doing.” she said, walking up the rest of the stairs and Yelena groaned.
"I think we should just stick to cuddling the rest of the night." you quietly suggested.
Yelena sighed, but agreed anyway. You returned to the spots you had been previously watching the moving in, and it wasn’t long before you both became so comfortable that you fell asleep.
When Wanda and Natasha woke up the next morning and found you, they of course had to take pictures to later tease their daughter with.
~~ end ~~
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savagecowboy · 8 months
A cursory search found the home devoid of life. It would do for the night. With the efficiency of the well traveled, they unloaded what few belongings necessitated quick access, and drove their stolen vehicle into the copse of trees surrounding the cabin; keeping it hidden from anyone on the main path. Chances were it was a summer retreat for the affluent, the theory confirmed upon entering and seeing the overly decorated nature of everything within-- most notably, when venturing into the largest room in the house.
The five of them stared at the kitchen as if discovering new, previously unexplored territory. For some, this was the first time they had ever really born witness to the modern, elaborate appliances the more well off could afford in the current age.
Some were foreign in appearance and function, others familiar, but with significant alterations. The regular occupants had made sure to clear out any perishables that might rot in their absence, yet the pantry was well stocked with dry goods. After making sure all the windows were fully covered, Severen slung his bag in a corner, pulling a chair out from the breakfast nook, sitting heavy in it. He stretched his legs out long, spurs jingling as he slumped down. Jesse had moved on to check the other rooms, just making sure— for the third time— that they truly were alone. Homer went into the living room, exploring the knickknacks the absent owners had felt worthy enough for display. That left Diamondback and Mae still staring at the glossy pine cabinets.
The few with glass doors displayed stacks of plates and drinking glasses, packaged foods and seasonings. Diamondback swung one of the doors open pulling down a box of Kraft Mac ‘n’ Cheese, she smiled at it, though her recall on the flavor was far distant. She shook it to hear the pasta inside, turning to face the others with a far off look in her eyes. “You ever think about this stuff?” Severen looks sidelong from picking grit out of his nails. “Ain’t nuthin’ but cattle feed” Diamondback smirks, playfully chucking the Mac ‘n’ cheese at him, he swats it from the air, diverting it from hitting him, tumbling it to the hardwood floor where it slides along to stop before Mae’s feet. The slightly crumpled box brings back memories. “I had plen’y a this” Mae chuckles picking it up, turning it in hand, looking over Diamondback’s shoulder to see what else is on the shelf. Jesse returns from his patrol, finally satisfied, looking from the women to Severen.
“What’r ya’ll doin’?” He eyes the other chair, Severen kicking it out for him. “Goin’ down mem’ry lane looks like” the Savage One answers idly, glancing up from his continued task, surveying the activity bemused, mildly disinterested. “Jess, you remember the last thing you ate?” Diamondback asks. Jesse hesitates, trying to push his mind back far enough to claim the past. He comes up empty. “No” he answers simply. “Smoked meat and beans” Severen answers from the other side of the table, staring at a hole in his jacket he thought he had fixed once before. Three heads turn to stare at him. He looks up shrugging his shoulders. “If it keeps, it eats”. “Hard to imagine you cookin’ in cast iron over the fire cowpoke” Diamondback laughs, it is not mean, but certainly aimed to make fun. Severen gives a mildly defensive scowl “It was good too. You think I had anyone to cook for me out on the trail? I know how to feed myself”. He goes back to his own business, put off from their discussion.
“I went over after supper”, Mae started, filling the silence, “I heated up one ‘a those Salisbury steak dinners…” the words, once begun strong now drifted off as the remembered images came clear. There was an evident conflict of emotions in her expression, too many other memories tangled about the singular recall. Diamondback instinctively reached for her, wanting to ease her internal pain, but it was Homer who broke the moment.
“What’s Salisbury steak?” He asks having moved silently into the kitchen from the living room. Jesse responds almost automatically, “You’d know it more as Hamburg steak, if you knew it”. Homer gives a small nod, yet does not seem to have an answer if he had any experience with the meal. “I ate a rat once” he offers instead. Severen laughs, “Had me plen’y a squirrel and possum, but rats?” He cuffs Homer, “How was it ol’ man?” Homer shrugs, “I think I was too hungry to taste it”. The other men give slow nods of understanding, they had known hunger frequently in their living days. Diamondback covers a laugh with the back of her hand, “The last thing I had was bathtub gin”, the humor overtakes her, “This cad didn’t even buy me dinner before turnin’ me!” Jesse breaks into a lopsided grin as his lover laughs. “I must be some cheap date!” Her laughter infects all of them to some degree, Severen and Homer the most mildly amused.
Mae looks back at the cabinets. “I know it doesn’t really taste right anymore, but you miss it?” “Sometimes” Diamondback offers, the other three keep their thoughts to themselves. There is a lull in the conversation as Mae grabs down another box, this one cake mix. “You think maybe we could…” there is a hopefulness in her eyes; as she turns them on Diamondback she receives the answer before she can finish the thought, “Yes, I think it’d be fun!” Jesse squints a little in confusion, “Do what now?” “We’re gonna cook a lil’ sumethin’” Diamondback announces with a toss of her blonde hair. “I don’ think we should go makin’ a mess—“ “Awh hell Jess, what’s wrong with a mess!” Severen interrupts him swiping the napkin holder off the table and spilling the handful of captive napkins onto the floor. “They ain’t gonna mind, report the place broken into anyway, let’em have their fun”. He says waving a hand dismissively in the ladies direction. Noticing the toothpicks on the table, Severen fishes one out, scrapping the scrap of wood along the uneven grooves of his sharpened teeth. Jesse looks slightly put off watching him; he voices no more complaints.
“Alright, I ain’t cookin’ though, never was any good at it”. “My sailor never peeled potatoes?” The Pale One jokes, Jesse chuckles, “Preppin’ maybe, but don’t let me near the pan”. He walks over and plants a kiss on Diamondback’s forehead, the two moving over to the pantry proper hand in hand, looking through the collection of dry goods the family left behind. “Homer, wanna help me bake a cake?” Mae asks hoping to include the quietest member of their crew. He gives a small grin, joining her in looking at the box. “Need a step stool to reach the counter lil’ man?” Severen jokes cruelly. The look Homer gives him would be deadly to any other. “Maybe I break yer legs and just use you” he snaps back, the challenge delights the cruel creature, inciting him to lean forward still seated. “Love to see you try, boner”. Homer bares his teeth, ready to spring at Severen, but is interrupted as the cowboy lurches backward, thrusting his hand up into the air to catch a metal can hurtling toward him right before it makes contact with his skull. “Why don’chu make yourself useful instead’a flappin’ yer gums” Jesse chides him, a clear ‘cut the shit’ command in his silver eyes. Severen grimaces, still he stands, turning the can around to see what he is holding. “Fine”. He snorts derisively, going over to the stove, throwing open the cabinets surrounding, searching for the household's collection of pots and pans. Mae has already taken down bowls, and dug out a set of multicolored measuring cups for them to use. “I don’ know what we’ll use instead’a eggs” Mae sighs, looking at the back of the box while Homer dumps the contents of the bag into a bowl. Diamondback slides her an unopened jar of applesauce. “This’ll replace it”, she gives Mae a wink when confused blue eyes are turned toward her, “Been outta eggs plenty in my time”. The women share a smile while everyone turns to their work, a newfound diligence set in place. While ingredients are measured, Severen stirs around an emptied can of beans in a sauce pan grimacing at the look of them.
“It ain’t gonna be nothin’ like what I used to make” “It says bacon and beans” Diamondback teases. “What I made was good, this looks…” he curls his lip, “regurgitated”. “Careful Severen”, Homer warns, “use words like that and I might think you were educated”. There is a strong temptation to fling the slop at his elder that is only quelled by the frigid looks given him as he raised the spoon in threat. “Could you preheat the oven Severen?” Mae asks politely, trying to intercede in their quiet row. The addressed stares from her to the collection of knobs, his lack of understanding making clear he had gotten lucky even selecting the one that had turned the right burner on.
“Which is that?” Diamondback looked over her shoulder thinking she might be able to assist, yet is brought up short herself; the last oven she had known involving wood or coal. Mae had to walk over, spinning a dial on the far right to a three digit number. “It just does that shit?” Mae shrugged with the casualness of those indoctrinated into the modern age. “Ya”. Severen caught Jesse’s eye the old partners sharing a companionable, mystified stare, one or both wondering what other conveniences had passed them by without their engagement. Mae went back over to Homer, supervising his mixing. Diamondback was busy emptying cans into a glass bowl, Jesse watching with his hands clasping her hips. They each continue their task in peaceable silence, Severen making casual remarks while raiding the pantry and cabinets for seasonings to save whatever is in the pot.
An hour later the blonde vaudevillian pulls a rectangular dish out of the oven and places it onto a trivet on the table. Beside it are a bowl of Severen’s beans and Mae’s cake, the frosting looking soft and melty as the two bakers had not waited for it to cool first; an advisement made by Diamondback a little too late to save it. The smells are not terrible, the canned meat of Diamondback’s meatloaf not as offensive as they had expected-- although the combination of canned beef and spam left all seated apprehensive. Jesse serves everyone a decent helping of the limited spread, five pairs of eyes staring with ambivalence at the meal. Regardless of the effort expended, all are unenthused about attempting to try what they know will be abhorrent to their specifically adapted tongues.
“Awh hell” Severen declares, shoveling a bite of meatloaf into his mouth. He chews a couple times, wrinkles his nose swallowing hard. His stomach cramps painfully causing him to slam a fist into the table making the cutlery jump. After a moment it passes and he hisses through his teeth “Goddamn”. “That bad, huh?” Diamondback asks separating chunks with her fork. Severen does not answer, he scoops a forkful of beans into his maw chewing methodically. It still rankles his tastebuds, but swallowing is easier, the pain-- mercifully-- does not come as intensely. He gives a series of facial expressions ranging from agreeableness to mild disgust. Lastly, he shovels in a decent helping of cake, which doubles him, his arms wrapped about his stomach, head banging on the table. “Mother. Fucker.” He chants in a staccato beat to the radiating pain. The rest of the table's attendees trade looks, poking at their servings with fresh misgivings.
“Maybe we ain’t quite ready to go doin’ anythin’ too crazy” Jesse suggests mildly, laying his fork beside his plate. “Seems kind of a shame…” Mae offers, staring at her slice of cake with a genuine, sorrowful disappointment. “G’on, try it” Severen pants, looking up from where his head lay beside his plate. A dribble of foamy, dark colored saliva is in the corner of his mouth, eyes wild with pain, a sheen of sweat on his brow. Mae hesitates, she surely owes him enough to join in the suffering, yet his abject misery is a pretty good warning of what would come; she of all of them does not have a good head for pain— not to that degree certainly. Diamondback leans over Severen, moving strands of damp hair away “You alright sweetie?” It is the most she has ever sounded concerned for him. He moans “Lemme alone”, making no move to stop her coddling. Mae swipes a finger full of frosting, thrusting it onto her tongue before she can second guess herself. At first she does not notice anything, it just tastes sour, chalky as she mixes it around her mouth, then she feels her throat contract, refusing the substance that has entered her mouth; insistent that it desist from trying to make it further into her body. She clamps her hands over her mouth, barely resisting the urge to vomit. She tries to swallow, but it won’t happen. Mae grabs a napkin off the table and spits into it. Balling up the mess, she tosses it onto her plate, looking miserably at Severen who really must be in agony. He silently allows Diamondback to rub his back as she hovers motherly over him.
The rest of the crew unseat themselves, pushing away from the wasted feast, the show clearly over as the main performer lies upon the stage in defeat. Homer retires into the living room, pulling out a tome, reclining in an overstuffed chair to drift into the world between words. Jesse is without his usual diversions of cards with Severen or curling up with Diamondback while she is caring for the aforementioned patient, so in true modern fashion takes the other easy chair, turning on the television. Mae, feeling queasy herself, lies down on the couch staring numbly at the images on the screen, hoping that the nausea ends soon. Diamondback half drags Severen to the bathroom where he is violently ill, then left to soak in the tub, "A remedy for all things" she assures the pitifully moaning creature. Once cleaned up herself, she joins Jesse in his chair where they cuddle uncomfortable, glad for one another until numbed limbs have them up seeking more accommodating furniture to relocate to.
The evening goes by in relative silence. The day comes and goes. At the rising of the moon they gather again, Severen the last to drag himself before the group. "Did you sleep in the tub?" Homer asks staring at the taller man with a smirk at the miserable sight of him. Bedraggled, he manages only a glare along with the word "No"; failing to add he had only made it as far as the bathroom floor. All packed up, back in their vehicle, Jesse meets each pair of eyes, declaring that they stick to the tried and true from now on. Silently to themselves they admit that the experiment had its fun, even better leaving the mess to someone else to sort out; gone the days of caring for stable homesteads.
"Any chance you're hungry Severen?" Jesse asks pulling out onto the main road thinking about where they might make their stop for the night, always thinking ahead to when they would again need to bed down. "Starved" he declares, rolling down his window to brace his arm along the frame, staring out into the night, a familiar gleam returning to his eye. Jesse smiles, knowing now with certainty that his old companion is much recovered from his bout of self inflicted suffering. "Good. Let's eat".
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Birthday Surprise
Part 17
Part 18 [CURRENT]
Part 19
@petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @artistconk @ivorylin @sydneys-sketches @snapdragonfirefly @bargledblocks @redchu12 @lovebug5151 @cupidisntverysmart @grotesque-sheep
“Happy birthday! Are you ready for the best birthday ever?! You’re three! Get up and let’s get you ready for the day.”
A squeal of delight left Clementine’s mouth as she pointed to the door, commanding her dad to get out. Laughing out loud, Tommy dodged a toy as he shut the door behind him. Huffing in mock annoyance, the young girl carefully climbed out of her bed and walked to her dresser. Humming a cheerful tune, she grabbed one of her favorite dresses to wear for the day. Sitting on her bed once more, she slipped her sock and shoes onto her feet. As soon as she was dressed, she took a moment to collect herself. Smiling, she peered across her room, staring at the empty bed placed there. She couldn’t help but frown at the sight. She was glad that Theo and Fundy got their own house, she really was, but she missed them. She missed having someone to share a room with, someone who she could talk to when she was unsure or scared. 
“Clem! If you don’t hurry up, I’ll eat your breakfast pancakes!”
The small girl gasped as she scrambled to her door, jumping up and down as it opened. Raising her hands up, she giggled as her dad scooped her up in his arms, gently squeezing her in the process.
“Well? Let’s go, girlie. Gotta fix your hair, unless you wanna hear your nan scream her fucking lungs out at us.”
Snuggling into Tommy’s neck, Clem smiled as he walked out of her room and into the kitchen. Sitting down in her seat, the young girl happily began to eat as her dad began to fix her hair, humming a tune as he did so. Today was going to be a great day.
“Look at you!!! Oh, you look so precious!!!”
Kristin couldn’t help but dote on her granddaughter, squeezing the squealing girl as Tommy rolled his eyes. Grian laughed, Grumbot and Jrumbot smiling at their younger cousin. Theo wheezed out a laughter as he pointed at his cousin, ignoring the amused, pointed look directed at him by his dad. After a few attempts, Tommy was finally able to pry his daughter from his mother’s grasp.
“Aye, Gri, did you let Xisuma know?”
“Yup. While we’re gone, he, along with everyone else, will be decorating and preparing for Clem’s dinner party.”
“Perfect. Let’s get going, right? Gotta meet everyone else for lunch. Ready to go, birthday girl?”
Clem smiled as she nodded, delighted for the day’s activities. Grabbing her dad’s hand in her own, she skipped alongside him as they walked towards the Hub portal, something that no longer scared her. Smiling alongside her family, she happily scurried into the portal.
“Stay close, let’s not get lost in the Hub traffic.”
Tommy lifted Clementine into his arms and onto his shoulders, something that the girl loved. Once all the children were secured, the group navigated their way through the crowded area. Finally making it out, everyone made their way towards city central. As Clementine played simple games with her cousins, pointing and naming the scenery around them, a cheerful voice caught her attention.
“There’s our birthday girl!”
Lani and Drista happily greeted the girl, who was climbing from Tommy to Tubbo. Behind them stood Phil, Techno and Wilbur. The three gave their greetings to the group, wishing the young girl a happy birthday. Smiling, Kristin approached Phil with open arms. The two hugged, sharing a quick kiss, before Kristin greeted the other two boys. Techno and Wilbur both greeted her in return, only to be interrupted when Grian approached, using his wings to pull both his brothers into a hug. Tommy snickered as he spewed teases to his brothers, only to curse loudly when he was pulled in with them. 
“Oi! Fuck off!”
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
“Shit, Clementine! No copying daddy’s cursing!”
“Slow down, Clem, don’t choke. Your food isn't going anywhere.”
Clem just quickly swallowed her food, sticking her tongue out at her uncle before shoving another spoonful of mac & cheese in her mouth, making Wilbur grimace once more. Sighing, he turned to face his baby brother, who paid no mind to the way his daughter was eating. Frowning, he spoke up.
“Hm? What?”
“Look at your daughter.”
“What about her?”
“Look at how she’s eating.”
Tommy peered over to Clementine, who shoved another mouthful in, smudges of cheese around her mouth. Tilting her head she smiled at her uncle, making Wilbur gag once more. Phil scrunched his nose as Kristin hid a laugh, shaking her head at the scene. Humming, Tommy just nodded.
“Ah, I see. Clem, you need to eat more protein, here.”
“Tommy, I didn’t mean that!”
“Mememememe, that’s what you sound like right now.”
Clem giggled as she watched the two bicker with each other. Turning to face her cousins, amusement filled her as she saw Theo’s disgusted expression.
“Clem, that’s gross!”
Biting crazily into her burger, she chewed a few times before opening her mouth, showing off her food. Grumbot and Jrumbot both grimaced, looking away. Theo, on the other hand, screeched.
“Ewwww!!!!! DAAAAAAD!!!!!”
Swallowing her food, Clem couldn’t help but laugh as chaos ensued at their table. As she prepared to feed the chaos, movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Tilting her head, she watched as the figure stiffened, before running down an alley. Quietly sliding out of her seat, she grabbed two of her burgers as she followed the figure, not bothering to notify her family of her actions. Peering into the alley, she gathered her confidence as she spoke up.
A whimper replied.
“Come out?”
“Here! Food!”
Clementine smiled as she held out one of her burgers. She watched as a child her size emerged from the shadows, timidly staring at her hand. Ears twitching, he licked his lips as he saw the burger, uneaten, waiting for him. The swishing of his black-striped tail caught her attention, amusement filling her. A raccoon. 
He didn’t need to be told twice. In an instant, he lunged forward, snatching the burger and scarfing it down, hungry growls escaping his mouth. Once he had finished it (wrapper and everything) he seemed to have settled down. Flushed with embarrassment over how he acted when eating, he mumbled apologies. Clementine just smiled as she held out the other burger.
He watched her once more, staring at the second burger presented to him by the same girl. She was weird. 
“Come on, I won’t hurt you, promise! Let’s sit down over here.”
Clementine nodded, making the hybrid smile. Following him into a pile of abandoned boxes, she happily sat down in front of the boy, who was obviously trying to hide how hungry he was for the second burger. Smiling, she held the burger out to him once more. His face brightened up as he grabbed it, nodding in thanks as he began to eat again. Doing his best to restrain himself from scarfing it down and risking scaring the girl away, he slowly ate the burger, thinking of what to say. Halfway through the burger, he spoke up.
“Thank you for the food! You’re really nice! You know, it’s my birthday today, so this is a nice gift!”
The boy brightened up as Clementine pointed to herself, happily chanting that it was her birthday. Quickly finishing his burger, he quickly continued the conversation.
“It’s your birthday too? Cool! How old are you?”
“Really? Me too! We’re like twins!”
“Twins! Twins!”
The two smiled and laughed as Clem hopped up and down in her seat flailing her arms in excitement. The boy shared her excitement and joy, happily kicking his feet around. Pointing to herself once more, Clem happily exclaimed at the boy.
“That’s a nice name, Clementine. I’m William!”
“Wil! Wil! Wil!”
Jumping to the ground, Clem twirled a bit before holding her hand out. 
William stopped, his smile dropping. Avoiding her eyes, he spoke up.
“O-Oh, you have a family? I don’t think your mom and dad will like you being around me.”
“Uh-uh. Me ‘n Papa. Papa love you. Papa wants you home.”
He still looked unsure, something that made the girl annoyed. He was being very difficult at the moment, and she didn’t appreciate that.
“Papa adopt me. Papa adopt you. Family.”
“Do you think so?”
“I know.”
“Well, I don’t think he’d want a raccoon hybrid in his home.”
Smiling at the boy, Clem shook like a wet animal, forming raccoon ears and a tail for herself. William starred in shock, his eyes widening even more the moment she shifted between different types of animals and bugs, ending with her human form.
“He take me. He take you. Stay here, I come back with Papa.”
With Wil’s nod of agreement, Clementine scurried from the alley and back to her family’s table. Upon sitting down, she was immediately hounded.
“There you are!”
“Where were you?!”
“We searched everywhere! We were fixing to pay so that we could look for you in other areas!”
The family settled down as Clementine gave her excuse, the bathroom. All buying it, they warned her to not scare them like that ever again. After all that was done, everyone began to disperse, promising to meet up at the Hermit server for the dinner. All who remained was Clementine and Tommy.
Before Tommy could say or do anything, Clementine took off. Not wanting to lose his daughter again, he quickly followed, calling out to her. Concern formed in him as they entered an alley, only to melt away the moment he saw his daughter pull on a small hand from a pile of boxes. 
“Wil, out.”
After many attempts with no success, she dramatically groaned as she began to pull on her father’s hand. Pointing back at the pile, she whined to her father.
Raising an eyebrow, he nodded as he kneeled before the boxes. Peering in, he called out in uncertainty.
“I’m assuming that you’re Wil?”
“Y-Yes sir. William.”
The tugging sensation at Tommy’s arm caught his attention. Turning to face his daughter, he watched as happily pointed at the hidden boy.
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c-dria · 2 years
The Hydra Healer
Chapter 7: Cooking
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Yelena leads you to the kitchen. “So Wanda sometimes cooks for all of us, but most of the time we all just cook for ourselves. Or, just eat pop tarts for every meal, like Thor. But you can cook any time you want.” Yelena opens the fridge and your jaw drops. It's so full, you don't think you've ever seen this much food in one place before. “What do you like to make?” Yelena asks, raising her eyebrows at you.
“Um, I usually cooked potatoes and sometimes they had carrots and onions, sometimes pasta. This is so much food.” You say in awe, staring at the fully stocked fridge in front of you.
“Well, Stark usually keeps this crazy full because Peter Parker is always hungry” She grins.
“Okay, um, what do you like to eat? I can cook for you,” you offer, studying all the different foods.
Yelena looks you up and down. “I like macaroni and hot sauce. But more importantly, what do you like?”
“I can cook that! And I like plums, Bucky has been giving them to me and they're really sweet,” you answer.
“Like him? Oh my god Y/n, you like the dark staring man? Seriously?” Yelena scoffs.
“Shut up!” You urge her, blushing. “I can make macaroni and hot sauce, and cut up some plums and make a salad. Can you see if anyone else wants to eat that?” You ask.
Yelena rolls her eyes. “I'll ask, but I know no one will turn down a home cooked meal.”
You smile, grabbing two blocks of cheese and an onion out of the fridge. You start to cut up the cheeses and Yelena grabs a bottle of vodka. “My mother always said that cooking goes best with a drink,” she explains, as she pours out equal parts vodka and lemonade into two glasses. She hands one to you and takes a sip out of the other one. You smile at her, take a sip, and continue to prep for dinner.
An hour later, you're pulling a dish of macaroni and cheese out of the oven. There's a bowl of cut up plums and a salad already on the table, fully set with plates, napkins, drinks, silverware, and, of course, hot sauce. You sit down next to Yelena, quietly sipping the last of the drink she made you. Sam, Steve, Peter, Natasha, Bucky, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Pepper, and Tony all sit down as well.
“This smells wonderful, y/n” Steve compliments you, and everyone digs in. Over the course of the meal, several more compliments follow, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“When did you learn to cook?” Sam asks, as he scoops a third helping of mac and cheese onto his plate.
“Well, they usually forgot to feed the kids at hydra, and because they knew that I wasn't a threat with knives, or really any weapons, I was allowed more freedom than the other prisoners. So they would let me cook, because they couldn't trust anyone else with knives.” You explain nonchalantly.
“Not a threat? Clearly they never saw you throw knives.” Loki smirks at you.
“Do you like to cook?” Asks Tony.
“Yes sir, I like to feel useful and everyone has to eat, sir.” You respond. “What do you like? I can cook that next,” you promise.
“Oh, Tony eats anything homemade,” Pepper cuts in.
“I like seafood, and pie. Really any kind of pie.” Sam offers.
“I can cook that, probably,” you giggle.
“I like chocolate chip cookies” Morgan adds.
“I can definitely make those,” you say with a grin.
“Only if you eat your salad,” Pepper warns Morgan lightly.
You begin cooking dinner every night, asking Friday for the avenger's favorite meals and recipes. Yelena always stays with you while you chop vegetables and prepare meats, making a drink for you and her and telling you about whatever movie or tv show she has seen recently. It becomes a new normal for you, a comfortable routine. The warmth of the kitchen, the smell of garlic, and the familiarity of Yelena pouring a drink and leading the conversation, you start to feel as though this really could be your home.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Dino Troubles (Kellex x Little!Reader)
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Request: cute slightly Bratty Little!Reader with a reference to diapers. (nonsexual ageplay and lots of fluff between Little!Reader, emily and Rose) 
Authors note: So this goes in the same Little!Verse as Little Problems. I really like these, and i think i’m going to keep doing them. This is non-sexual Ageplay. Also I freaking Love Roary and will totally be using him often. 
USNWT dinners were typically calm affairs, where the team could relax and destress from the day. It was an opportunity for the littles to be little and for the caregivers to get the opportunity for A) adorable photos of the team’s babies interacting, and B) to get a little break from watching their little ones (as they rotated who was in charge of the itty bitties). 
You yawned lightly, cuddling further into your Mama’s shoulder, clutching your stuffed triceratops, Roary, like your little life depended on it. You weren’t little around the team often, still too shy to let go enough around anyone who wasn’t your mama (Alex) or your Mommy (Kelley). But today’s match against Canada had been tough, and you had been unwilling to let go of the comfort they gave you, and if Emmy and Rosie could do it, then you were pretty sure the team wouldn’t care if you were little either. 
You hid your face into your Mama’s chest, ignoring the coo’s of your teammates as she carried you past them towards the food table, silently lamenting that you hadn’t kept your Batman blanket wrapped around you like a cape. 
“Alright baby what do you want to eat?” Alex asked softly, soothingly rubbing your back and encouraging you to look up. 
“Dino nuggies and Mac pwease,” You mumbled into the soft material of her sweater, her scent keeping you calm. Your little self was even shyer than big you was. You could practically feel the eyes on you, and it was making you a little bit jumpy. Kelley and Alex shared a look, not quite sure if the two desired foods were really a good idea. Big you liked to eat super healthy, and they were pretty sure that Dino nuggets were not on your list of foods.
 Kelley shrugged, if little you wanted to have a cheat day after the shit show of a game you had endured, then little you were going to have a cheat day. Alex nodded back, placing the desired foods onto a separated plate (little you hated when your food touched, and with you already being tired and grumpy, they didn’t want to insight a tantrum because you got cheese on your chicken). 
“Pick a veggie darling,” Kelley said softly, running her fingers through your hair and surveying the various options. 
“Don wan veggie, Dey mean,” You grumbled, still refusing to leave your hiding spot in Alex’s cardigan.  
Alex let out a laugh at the blatant petulance.“They’re not mean, they make you strong and you even like some of them,” She smiled, kissing the crown of your head, and rocking you lightly. 
“Stupid veggies taste like grass, no want,” You huffed, too quietly for them to make out what you were saying. 
“They have carrots, you love carrots,” Kelley added looking over the options and nudging you lightly. You shook your head rapidly in Alex’s chest. 
“No want stupid freakin carrots,” You whined loudly, throwing you head back in frustration and pouting. You were tired and all you wanted was to eat your dino nuggets and go to bed. Canada had been meanies and now your mommies were being meanies too. 
“Language short stuff” Alex scolded you lightly, swatting your bottom (which you probably didn’t even feel through your diaper, but it still shocked you slightly). They had been very lenient with you tonight, allowing a little bit of brattiness because they knew how tired you were, and how much pain the many tackles by Canada had caused you, but this was slightly over the line. 
“Sorry Mama,” You said softly, settling back on her shoulder but still frowning at the offered orange vegetable. You didn’t wanna eat it. Kelley and Alex shared a quick look, an idea popping into the taller woman’s head that would probably help them avoid the coming argument. 
“You know, Roary really likes carrots, so how about if we get some just for him?” She tried, and you held the dino tighter to you. Roary couldn’t eat Dino Nuggets, he was a vegimatarian. And if Roary wanted to eat carrots, then you did too! You didn’t do anything without Roary. 
“Fine,” you nodded, accepting defeat. 
You carefully scooped a spoonful of carrots offering some to the Dino sitting beside you before placing them in your mouth. Your Mommy and Mama had dropped you off at the littles table beside Rosie, who was trying to feed her stuffed puppy macaroni and Emily who was shoving her dino nuggets into her mouth. 
“Hey Y/n, who dat?” Emily asked with her mouth full, pointing a half-eaten nugget at your stuffed dino. 
“Roary,” You murmured shyly, turning the red and yellow stuffie around and waving to her with one of his legs. 
“Emmy has a Dino too. Mr. Rex,” Rose chimed in from your other side, bumping Roary with her puppy in greeting. Roary nudged him back, happy to have made a friend. 
You turned back to Emily, nodding your head towards the Stuffed T-Rex sitting on her lap. 
“Be frens? Like Emmy is my fren?” You asked, holding up your dino. 
“Nuh Ugh, Mr. Rex is a carnavator, he eats Dino’s like Roary,” Emily said adamantly shaking her head. You frowned, tears coming to your eyes, no one was going to eat Roary, he was your bestest friend. 
“Mr. Rex no eat Roary. Dey play nice,” You sniffled, repeating the words your mommies used when you had a playdate and pulling your triceratops closer to your chest to protect him from Emily’s mean stuffie.  
“No, he chomp Roary like you chomp nuggies cause he’s top of da food chain,” Emily smirked, biting off the head of her Triceratops chicken nugget to prove the point. 
“No!!!” You wailed, tears leaking down your cheeks. You didn’t want Roary to get chomped. 
“Whoa, what’s going on here,” Alex asked, rushing over when it seemed that you guys weren’t going to be able to work your problem out on your own. They had been watching your table carefully, enjoying the adorableness, and how comfortable you looked in your little state. Rose and Emily were your big selfs’ best friends, so it was only natural that you were little friends as well. Sure the two girls were slightly older than you (hovering around 4 while you were usually around 2), but all seemed to be going well. You had even shared some of your mac and cheese with Rose. Then it all went downhill and now you were in tears. 
“No want Roary get eaten, love Roary,” You sobbed, your entire body trembling. Alex immediately lifted you from your chair, rocking you back and forth to soothe your crying. Her eyebrows furrowed after she tried to decipher your incoherent sobbing. What she could understand were the words Roary, Rex, and Eat.  
“Who’s eating Roary?” She asked you softly, kissing your ear. 
“Mr. Rex, cause he’s a predator,” Emily chimed in, with a shrug, smiling guilty at her mommy Lindsey as she approached. She just said that Rex and Roary couldn’t be friends because what if Rex got hungry? She didn’t know if she could stop her own stuffie from eatin yours. 
“Emily Ann, what have I told you about being mean to Mal and Y/n?” Lindsey glared at her little, unhappy that she hadn’t been a good friend with you. You weren’t really comfortable being little around the team, and she had hoped that little Emmy would have eased your discomfort, rather than threatened the life of the stuffed toy that you were attached to. 
“Not to, but I wasn’t bein mean, just tellin the truth,” Emily pouted back. Her mommy always told her to tell the truth, but one glare from her mommy told her that she should not push that point right now. “Sorry Y/n, Mr. Rex No eat Roary,” She quickly amended, holding up her stuffed T-rex and nudging Roary with his nose in a peace offering. You nodded at her hesitantly, both accepting her apology and Mr. Rex’s offer of friendship towards your dino. 
You yawned loudly. Snuggling deeper into your mama, who shared a look with your mommy. 
“This been enough excitement for one day. I think someone needs a diaper change and it’s time for bed,” She mumbled lightly, bouncing you and patting your bottom. You nodded into her shoulder, you did need a diaper change, and you were rather tired. 
Your first little outing with the team had gone pretty well, perhaps next time Roary and Rex would be able to play nice. Maybe Rosie’s puppy would want to play too! The three of you were hell-raisers when you were big, so the caregivers wouldn’t know what hit them when the three of you were little.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch24: Like The Old Man Said…Together Part 1- I Wouldn’t Call It A Comfort
Summary: The Avengers track Ultron and it’s a race against time before the AI can put his plan into action.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW) violence and crazy assed robots. Oh and “Something dramatic, I hope!”
A/N: This chapter now contains additional content which is why It has been split into two parts.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: Another massive big up for @angrybirdcr​ for her edits xx
Chapter 23 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“I’ve put the boys to work.” Laura gestured out of the window as Katie chewed on her grilled cheese. She’d had a good four hours sleep and was feeling much better after a scalding hot shower. She glanced across the lawn area to where Steve and Tony were positioned at the side of the house, both holding an axe, stood by a stack of large logs and two piles of smaller logs.
“You got Tony doing manual labour?” Katie grinned at her. “Well played.”
Laura chuckled and then began to chat to about her plans for dinner. “Clint suggested comfort food. fried chicken and Mac and Cheese to be specific”
“You’ll win Steve over instantly.” Katie leaned against the counter. “I’m happy to help, lot of people to feed, not to mention Stevie eats enough for three.”  
“You wanna take her up on that.” Clint walked into the kitchen and opened a drawer near the door.“She’s a damned good cook is Nova. Obviously, not as good as you, babe.” He added as a quick afterthought. “Smooth Barton…” Katie laughed as Laura threw a tea towel at his head. Easily catching it ant tossing it back, he pulled a tape measure from the drawer and left through the backdoor, still laughing, the kids trailing behind him.
Katie stared at the back door as it shut, the normality of the scene suddenly hitting her. He had a wife, two children, and still managed to hold down the ridiculous lifestyle the Avengers and SHIELD demanded.
“How do you do it?” She blurted out. The woman placed the last plate on the sink to drain and straightened up. “I mean this, it’s so ordinary.” she turned, once more looking out of the window. She watched Steve swing his axe, his light blue Under Armour skin top clinging to every part of his torso.
“It’s possible…” Laura mused, standing behind her as she followed the younger woman’s gaze. You know, to have a domestic life…well, a variation on one, away from the mess.”
“Problem is the pair of us are tangled in the mess.” Katie muttered, not taking her eyes off Steve.
“Well then, you should understand each other more.” Laura pointed out, before she changed the subject. “Here, they could probably use a drink. You wanna take ‘em that jug of ice tea for me?”
A minute or so later Katie crossed the lawn with a tray sporting a full jug and two glasses towards where both men where stood by the decreasing mound of large logs and the two increasing mounds of smaller ones.  Steve’s pile of cut logs was significantly bigger than Tony’s, which was hardly surprising.
And the pair of them were bickering which was also not surprising.
“Is that a problem?” Steve asked, picking the two halves he had just cut up and throwing them onto his pile, bristling slightly at the fact Tony was digging into why he wasn’t as affected by the Maximoff’s visions as everyone else. Truth be told he had been affected, big time, but since he and Katie had talked it through he felt better. But he wasn’t about to tell anyone that, frankly it was no ones’ business what any of them had seen bar their own.
“I don’t trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned.” Tony shrugged
“Well let’s just say you haven’t seen it yet.” Steve glowered at him, his temper starting to rise. He couldn’t help but feel pissed at Tony, because if it wasn’t for him they wouldn’t even be in this mess.
“You know this is what he’s trying to do right?” A soft voice spoke and Steve turned to see Katie setting a tray of drinks down behind them. They both turned to look at her “Ultron is trying to tear us apart.”
“Well I guess he’d know.” Steve jerked his head in Tony’s direction “Whether he tells us is a bit of a question”
“Banner and I were doing research-”
“That would affect the team” Steve picked up another log. His voice was gaining momentum, and Katie let out a groan, she knew he was getting angry.
“That would end the team” Tony said simply, “Isn’t that the mission? Isn’t that the “why” we fight, so we can end the fight, so we get to go home?”
Without so much as a huff of noise, Steve ripped the log he was holding apart with his bare hands in a fit of temper that aroused Katie far more than it should have done. Tony raised his eyebrows slightly and Steve’s chest heaved as he regained his composure. He turned to look at Tony and spoke, his voice calm and measured.
“Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time.” He spoke softly but sternly, trying to make his point. Loki, Hydra, SHIELD with Insight.. now this.
“I’m sorry. Mr. Stark,” Laura headed across the lawn towards them all. “Uh, Clint said you wouldn’t mind, but, our tractor, it doesn’t seem to want to start at all. I thought maybe you might…
“Yeah, I’ll give her a kick.” Tony smiled at Laura then as he turned to leave he looked back at Steve delivering his next line with the air of a petulant child “Don’t take from my pile.”
“You know if he wasn’t your bother…” Steve reached for a glass of tea, draining it in one and leaving his sentence hanging. Katie took a deep breath and stood up.
“Cut him a bit of slack yeah?” Her eyes flashed. “The Maximoff girl. She got to him too.”
Steve looked down at her and frowned, that was news to him. “But I thought…”
“It was the day we found the sceptre.” Katie said. “She got to him in Strucker’s lab only he didn’t know what it was at the time. And you wanna know what he saw?” her voice wasn’t angry but she levelled Steve with a look that left him with no uncertain terms she was defending her brother “He saw us all dead because he hadn’t tried hard enough.” Steve inwardly groaned as she finished. “That’s what Ultron is about, that’s why he started it again.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know.” Steve shook his head, gently
“Well now you do.” Katie shrugged and decided to change the subject, “Oh, and by the way, what you did with that log back then-” she mimed pulling something apart. “-kinda turned me on a hell of a lot more than it should.”
He grinned and stepped towards her, closing the short distance they were apart “Well, if we go back inside I can…”
“Nice try, you have wood.” Katie pointed the logs
“Yes and I’d kinda like to do something about it!”
“Steve!” Katie spluttered out through her laugh, as she hit him in the chest, mentally making a note toe have words with Sam for teaching him innuendoes and street slang
He stepped back, laughing and rubbing at the spot where her hand had connected with him. He cocked his head playfully to the right, and was about to say something else about the fact he was feeling pretty horny on account of it being a few days since they’d last enjoyed one another seeing as his plans for her and that tight blue dress had been interrupted post the party, but Katie’s attention was taken by something else.
“Lucky!” She grinned crouching down to pet the dog who was jumping all over her, giving out little barks. “Man you got big!” Steve looked down at his girl and the sandy coloured dog, frowning as he noticed it only had one eye.
“Is this the pizza eating puppy you talked about?” he asked, bending down to pet the dog. “Sure is.” Katie grinned standing up as the dog ran off back to Barton after he whistled. “Not so much of a puppy now though.”
She smiled and made her way back over to the house. Steve looked at the pile of logs, then her, then back and picked up his axe again.
Inside, Katie started to help Laura with the dinner, the pair of them working together easily. Steve and Clint joined them in the kitchen not long after, both men sitting at the table with a beer as Lila scrambled up onto Steve’s knee, Steve waving away Clint’s instruction for her to leave him alone, he didn’t mind one bit. Katie had noticed the small girl sat there, talking to Steve and she’d smiled and turned back to her cooking. She was just rinsing off the salad when she looked up out of the window, seeing something that she really wasn’t expecting.
“I don’t believe it.” She whispered as she watched Tony and the tall, bald headed man with the trench coat and the eye patch walking up the path towards them. She turned to Clint and Steve “We got company, boys.” Both men stood up as the door opened, Lila jumping of Steve’s knee. The soldier’s hands went to his hips, his mouth forming a thin line as his eyes fell onto the man in front of him.
“At ease Soldier…” Fury said, a smile creeping across his face as Tony walked into the room behind him muttering about traitors, Maria Hill and ‘Goth Pirates’
“Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time.” Fury said glass of water in his hand as he leaned against the kitchen counter. “My contacts all say he’s building something. The amount of Vibranium he made off with, I don’t think it’s just one thing.”
“What about Ultron himself?” Steve asked, he was stood in the doorway to the kitchen, leaning against the door frame, arms folded.
“Ah. He’s easy to track, he’s everywhere. Guy’s multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. Still doesn’t help us get an angle on any of his plans though.”
Tony shoved the last piece of the chicken he had been eating in his mouth and walked to the sink to pick up a towel to wipe his hands. “He still going after launch codes? “
“Yes, he is, but he’s not making any headway.”
Katie frowned from her seat at the table, opposite Natasha. “Well that doesn’t make sense. Tony cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school for a dare”.
Tony smiled fondly at the memory. That had earned him an ass whooping and a half from his dad.
“Yeah, well, I contacted our friends at the NEXUS about that”. Fury continued
“NEXUS?” Steve questioned.
“It’s the world internet hub in Oslo” Banner explained, he was stood behind Natasha leaning against the sideboard. “Every byte of data flows through there, fastest access on earth.”
At that point Lila ran into the room, a piece of paper in her hand.
“So what’d they say?” Clint asked, turning 3 darts over in his hand from his stance a few feet away from Fury.
Lila handed the piece of paper to Natasha, who looked at her, then the paper, grinning and gave the little girl a one armed hug. She placed the paper down on the table and Katie noticed that it was a watercolour paint picture of a butterfly.
“He’s fixated on the missiles.” Fury drained his glass of water. “But the codes are constantly being changed.
“By whom?” Tony questioned. At that point Clint threw the darts straight past Tony, about an inch or so away from his ear straight into the bullseye of the dart board. Tony spun round to glare at him, Clint shrugged apologetically, grinning at the same time. Hawkeye by name, Hawkeye by nature.
“Parties unknown.” Fury said, a puzzled tone to his voice
“Do we have an ally?” Katie asked.
“Ultron’s got an enemy, that’s not the same thing.” Fury looked at her “Still, I’d pay folding money to know who it is”
“I might need to visit Oslo, find our unknown.” Tony pondered, to no one in particular.
“Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you’d have more than that.” Natasha sighed, leaning back in her chair.
“I do.” Nick looked round the room. “I have you.”
Everyone shared a look round the room at one another. None of them were feeling particularly useful if truth be told.
“Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere, ears everywhere else.” Fury continued “Yet here we all are, back on Earth, with nothing but our wit, and our will to save the world. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard.”
“Steve doesn’t like that kind of talk.” Natasha looked at him.
“You know what, Romanoff? “ Steve’s tone was dead pan. She smiled mischievously.
“So what does he want? “ Fury continued.
“To become better. Better than us.” Katie looked around.
“Right, he keeps building bodies.” Steve agreed
“Person bodies. The human form is inefficient, biologically speaking, we’re outmoded.” Tony mused “But he keeps coming back to it” 
“Yeah, when you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed” Katie sighed, looking over at Tony then to Bruce, who was looking at Lila’s drawing over Nat’s shoulder, his arms folded, a thoughtful look on his face.
“They don’t need to be protected, they need to evolve.” The Doctor said, not looking up. “Ultron’s going to evolve.”
“How?” Fury asked.
“Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?” Bruce glanced around the room.
There was a pause, and then all at once there was a flurry of activity. Tony whipped his phone out and began to dial, Nat and Katie both stood up, Clint hurried out of the kitchen and Fury was also talking to someone as Steve and Bruce began discussing the intricacies of what Ultron was likely to want Helen for, which centred around the regeneration cradle, a larger version of the technology that had healed Clint after he had been shot when retrieving the sceptre.  
“If Ultron is really building a body…” Steve trailed off as they all prepared to leave,  his voice dropping
“He’ll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us.” Katie sighed.
“An android designed by a robot” Tony finished.
“You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me.” Steve raised his eyebrows. Katie and Tony both smiled gently.
“I’ll drop Banner off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?” Fury said, pulling on his trench coat.
“She’s all yours, apparently.” Tony shrugged “What are you gonna do? “
“I don’t know. Something dramatic, I hope.”
Katie found herself slightly concerned that the threat of Fury doing something dramatic didn’t worry her half as much as facing Ultron.
Clint expertly piloted the Quinn Jet low enough for Steve to drop onto the roof of the U-GU-Gin Genetic Research Lab roof.
“Two minutes. Stay close.” Steve instructed as the jet roe again to hover above the building away from any eyes.
A few moments passed and then the crew on the jet heard Steve shout “Dr Cho…are you hurt?”  There was a bit of a conversation which they didn’t hear, but then Helen’s voice came over the comms loud and clear, if a little strained.
“The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can’t just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark.”
There was another pause before Steve’s voice spoke clearly ”Did you guys copy that?
“We did.” Clint said.
“I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest.” Katie read the details on the computer screen in front of her. “That could be him.”
“There!” Clint said loudly, pointing out of the front window of the jet. Both Natasha and Katie moved so they could follow his gaze. “It’s the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge.”
The jet scanned the truck, confirming their suspicions with the imaging that they all saw on the monitor.
“It’s them.” Clint continued. “I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver”
“No.” Katie instructed. “If what Helen is saying is right, that truck crashes, the gem could level the city.”
“We need to draw out Ultron” Steve spoke on the coms. They all waited for a further update and, thirty seconds or so later, there was a loud bang and he followed up his commentary. ”Well, he’s definitely unhappy! I’m gonna try and keep him that way.”
Katie looked down to see Steve was clinging onto the back of the truck and her heart skipped a beat. Making a decision she strode to wing space of the jet and pressed her palm to the pad besides the large locker that contained her suit.
“You’re not a match for him Cap…” Clint said
“Thanks Barton!” Steve replied, sarcastically.
“We need to get down there, give him some back up…”  Katie called, turning round to look at Nat as she stepped backwards, allowing her suit to form around her.
“Ok.” Clint said, nodding “I’ll give you the cover up top.”
Nat took off her headset and joined Katie in the equipment store, pushing a small coms piece into her ear. She headed to the back of the ship, straddling the motorbike that was propped up at the side.
“He’s lost his shield. I’m gonna drop you as close to it as I can.” Clint advised as he flipped a few controls.
“Roger.” Katie continued with the final checks to her suit, without JARVIS she was flying this thing herself, just as she had been at Klaus’ base so she needed to make sure everything was right. Clint steered them down towards the road.
“We got a window. Four, three…give ‘em hell.” Clint said, pushing the button for the ramp. Natasha sped the bike off and dropped down with a squeal of tyres before taking the jet higher.
“Us girls are always picking up after you boys.” She said gently and Katie headed to the back of the ramp, her scans watching as Natasha picked up Steve’s shield, following Clint’s commentary.
“They’re heading under the overpass, I’ve got no shot”
“Which way? “ Nat asked.
“Hard right… Now.” Clint instructed. Natasha did as she was told. As Clint hovered over the top of them Katie shot out from the back of the jet and swooped down just as Natasha threw the shield up to Steve. Steve caught it and instantly flung it, sent the AI flying backwards. Ultron wasn’t down for long, jumping up and resuming the fight as Katie landed behind the Robot as he sent a blast of power at Steve, who instantly held his shield up as he was catapulted backwards onto the bonnet of the car behind. She fired a repulsor at the AI, causing him to turn his attention to her as he wheeled round and shot back. She flew out of the way as the shot hit the car behind, the screeches of brakes and grinding of metal hit her ears as cars collided on the road.
“You Starks are like insects.” Ultron hissed out. “Annoying and irritating.”
“Yeah well, some insects pact a bit of a sting.” Katie shot out a static pulse from the shoulder of her suit. It immobilised Ultron for a good few seconds, which was long enough for Steve to climb back onto the top of the truck, hitting him once more with his shield. As Ultron fell forward towards Katie she jumped up, kicking out with her boot, pushing him down into the metal of the truck before landing.  Ultron regained control of his functions and the three of them began to fight, Steve and Katie dodging the rays of power as they flew at them, Ultron easily deflecting the beams the Supernova suit sent his way.
“Clint can you draw out the guards?”  Nat’s voice came over the comms.
“Let’s find out.”  Clint replied simply.
Katie fired another static pulse towards Ultron, but he easily deflected it and shot once more at her as she spiralled away.
“You think I’d let you get me with that again?” he growled.
“No but, made you look.”  She grinned, and at that point Clint shot the jet downwards and it fired off a few shots at Ultron, deliberately missing the delicate package the truck contained. It worked and as Katie watched 4 Ultron Sentries fly out and follow the jet upwards. Ultron turned and flew at Steve who spun, slamming him into a concrete pillar by the side of the road. Katie swooped in, firing again but Ultron was ready and caught her with a beam causing her to spin blindly through the air.  With no JAVIS to help, it took her a while to regain control but eventually she righted herself just in time to see Ultron spear at Steve, the two of them crashing into a nearby moving train. She shot forward, putting all her power into her thrusters, speeding up to catch it.
"Heading back towards you, whatever you’re gonna’ do. Do it now.” Clint informed over the coms as Katie dropped down so I was level with the train, looking into the windows.
“I’m going in, guys can you keep him occupied?” Natasha questioned as Katie finally caught up with the right carriage to see Ultron sending Steve flying again, landing hard against a metal door.
“What do you think we’ve been doing!”  Steve grit out, shaking his head, as once again he stood up, and resumed his fight with the AI as Katie shot a beam through the window, catching the robot unawares and causing him to fly out of the side of the train.
As she flew in through the window, the AI came crashing through one a bit further up and the two of them shot at one another, the beams hitting in mid-air and deflecting off one another, blowing a hole in the roof of the train.
“The package is airborne.” Clint informed us, “I have a clean shot.”
“Negative I am still in the truck.” Natasha said.
“What the hell are you doing?” Katie yelled, as Ultron sent a bench of seats towards her, which she blasted out of the way.
“Just be ready, I’m sending the package to you, Clint!”
“How do you want me to take it?” Clint asked sarcastically as Katie looked up through the hole in the roof to see the truck way above them.
“Uh, you might wish you hadn’t asked that.”
At that point Katie was floored as Steve landed heavily on top of her, having been blasted off his feet by Ultron.
“Ow…” he muttered, rolling over and off the top of her. Katie groaned as her head bounced off the inside of her metal helmet and hadn’t even had chance to right herself when suddenly she was lifted off her feet as Ultron’s hand crushed at the neck of her suit.
“Like I said, insect.”  He growled, his grip tightening as she raised both her palms to fire, blasting them both backwards, in opposite directions as Katie crashed into the carriage behind. She sat up and shifted the debris and shot forward, as Ultron came again but he was sent backwards as a blur knocked him off balance- the male Maximoff twin. Ultron took a menacing step forwards and the metal guards shifted red and bent in front of us in a protective manor. The female, Wanda, stood behind Ultron, hands outstretched and glowing red. Ultron turned towards her.
"Please, don’t do this.” Ultron pleaded with her.
“What choice do we have?” Wanda countered.
Ultron turned back around and fired in Steve’s direction. Katie was quicker though, pulling him out of the way as the front of the train blew out. The AI then blasted out the side door and escaped.
“We lost him!” Katie said into her coms, face plate sliding back as Steve made his way to the front of the train, reaching over the driver. “Clint, Nat He’s headed back towards you.”
“Nat we gotta go!”  Clint said.
Steve turned back to Katie, shaking his head, he could find no pulse. The driver was dead and the train was out of control heading straight for the end of the line.
“Nat… NAT? Cap you guys see Nat?” Clint questioned worriedly.
"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!” Steve commanded, looking up instinctively as Katie reached his side.
“Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint questioned once again.
"Go!” Steve ordered once again and it seemed Clint obeyed because there was silence on the other side of the coms. Katie looked at him, both of them worried about our friend but equally knowing they had to tackle the problem in hand. The train crashed through the stoppers at the end of the line and carried on, heading straight through the narrow streets.
“There are civilians in our path.” Steve turned to Pietro, once more resuming command. He nodded and sped off in a blur.
“Can you stop this thing?” Katie asked Wanda. She looked unsure but nodded and blasted red tendrils down into the underlining of the train.
It began to slow, but nowhere near enough for them to avoid the building they were heading straight at. Katie slid her face plate back and Steve held his shield out in front of them, protecting them from the impact, and they felt the train starting to slow down, before it eventually came to a steady stop a moment or so later in a street lined with small trading stalls and shops.
As the passengers scrambled to get off the train Steve and Katie remained where they were for a second, Katie’s face plate once more retracting.
“You’re bleeding.” Steve said gently, wiping at her brow.
“Least I’m still here.” She shook her head. “What about Nat?”
“We’ll find her.” He took a deep breath, looking her in the eyes. “I promise.”
He slung his shield onto his back and the pair of them exited the train. Katie spotted Wanda stood next to her brother who was resting against a wall breathing heavily, hunched over with his hands on his knees. As they approached he looked up at Wanda, waving her away
“I’m fine, I just need a minute.” He assured her.
“I’m very tempted not to give you one.” Steve snapped, giving the twins a hard look. The two Maximoffs shared an uneasy glance
“The cradle? Did you get it?” Wanda asked.
“Stark will take care of it.” Steve told her, his tone still clipped.
“No he won’t.” Wanda said incredulously.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Katie glared at the girl
“He will do anything to make things right.” Wanda implored.
Steve turned and gave Katie a questioning look before he spoke into the coms.
“Stark come in. Stark? Anyone on coms?” The only response Steve got was silence. He looked at Katie who tried as well, getting nothing but static. She then tried to route through her phone, but there was nothing there either.
“Ultron can’t tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it.” Wanda pressed “Where do you think he got that from?”
Katie took a moment to look around, squinting against the sunlight. People were gathering, chattering in Korean and pointing at the train stretched down the middle of the road.
“I saw into his head.” Wanda implored. “I saw what he has planned. It’s not what he said, not what he told us he wanted.”
“Oh and what did he say he wanted?” Katie asked, turning back to her, her arms folding across her chest.
“He said he wanted peace” the boy, Pietro spoke.
“Oh, well…” Katie snapped, looking round nodding and clapping her gauntlet clad hands together sarcastically “Good job”
“Look…” Steve stepped forward a little before his girl lost her temper, his hands grasping the buckle on his utility belt. “This isn’t about sides, or what’s happened before. It’s about how we shut Ultron down.”
“So, what happens now?” Pietro asked.
“That depends on you.” Steve answered, putting his shield on his back, keeping his stance non-confrontational. “You’ve worked with Ultron; you know how he thinks. We could use the help stopping him.”
Wanda snarled, lips curling back over her teeth. “We won’t work with Stark.”
“Well, you kinda have two options.” Steve retorted immediately, before Katie had chance to. The authority emanating from him was immense, his eyes steady. “You work with us, or work with Ultron. Your choice.”
Katie looked up at Steve as the twins both exchanged glances. Eventually she got fed up and sighed.
“I’m going back to check on Dr Cho.” she looked at Steve “And then I’m going home to figure out how we find Nat…”
“Katie… wait…” He started towards her as she turned, making to walk off up the narrow street
“I’m done waiting Steve.” She snapped, turning to look at him. “And seeing as you don’t seem to want to give things a second’s thought, why should I?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” He frowned, running to catch up with her.
“You work with us?” She imitated his voice. “How do you know that she isn’t in our minds, right now, and this isn’t some elaborate scam to get us right where Ultron wants?”
A breeze whipped her hair slightly, and Pietro stood at Steve’s side, Wanda in his arms.
“You move too slow.” the young man taunted looking at them. “We’ll meet you at Cho’s office.”
Katie let out a loud groan of annoyance and walked and out onto the main road, looking around. Steve took a deep breath, she was angry, he knew that. His girl held a grudge, far better than he ever could and he had a feeling that Wanda Maximoff wasn’t going to get round her with a simple apology. But they didn’t have time for that, they needed to get home, find Nat and figure out Ultron’s next steps. And the Maximoffs would be helpful.
Sirens were now flooding his ears and the Emergency services were all over the place, freeing people from the cars, crashed buses, you name it.
“Could use a ride.” Steve turned to her, raising an eyebrow. She glared at him for a moment, before sliding her face plate back down. Without saying a word she gripped his harness at the top above where it held his shield and propelled them both into the air.
Dr Cho was going to be ok. Thankfully. The Scientist kindly offered them the use of her QuinJet, which technically belonged to Tony anyway, but they were grateful nonetheless. As Katie thanked the man who had led them to it, Steve turned to the Maximoff twins.
“Go on.”
Katie felt her mouth drop open as Wanda hesitated and looked to her brother who simply nodded and the two of them boarded.  Katie watched them incredulously before she rounded on Steve and he winced, awaiting the barrage which hit him full pelt.
“I can’t believe you seriously want to take them back to base.” She hissed at him.
“I told you before, they can help.” He replied calmly.
“You’re out of your mind!” Katie shook her head, the petulant child in her well and truly rearing its head “You know what actually, if they’re going, then I’m staying here.”
“For God’s sake Katie…” Steve groaned exasperatedly, running his hand through his hair, his helmet hanging in his left hand “You’re being unreasonable…”  
“I’m being unreasonable?” She rounded on him, her cheeks flushing with anger. “You’re the one who wants to take them right into the middle of our base, give them access to all our technology, when we don’t know if they’re still working for Ultron or not!”
“Katie, just get on the fucking jet now.” Steve’s voice was low, but he was angry.  He didn’t have time for this shit, he was tired, worried, and just wanted to get them all together so they could find Nat and end this and she was behaving like a total brat.
Katie looked at him, his eyes were flashing and he had a look on his face she couldn’t ever recall him using on her before. It was enough to shock her into compliance, but only after she shot him the dirtiest glare she could, before she stormed onto the jet.
Two hours later and Katie still hadn’t spoken a word to Steve or anyone else for that matter, she was fuming. Pietro and Wanda had been mostly silent up until that point, exchanging the odd bit of chatter between themselves in Sokovian, but neither approaching either of the other two until Pietro came to the cockpit.
“Miss Stark, I’m sorry, but please, do you have a spare jacket? My sister is cold.”
Katie glared at him, then looked to the back of the jet where Wanda was sat on one of the chairs, her knees pulled up to her chin. Damned it, despite everything Katie felt a small pang of pity for her.
“Sure, just give me a second.” She answered, a little gruffly but less angrily as she stood up out of her seat.
Steve had to smile, despite everything she wasn’t callous, and she knew what it was like to be cold and frightened. Katie glanced down and caught the look he was giving her and she glared at him.
“I will slap that smirk right off your face.” She threatened. Immediately he held his hands up, palms facing her in an “I’m sorry” motion and she walked over to the back of the jet and started looking in a few of the cupboards. Eventually she found a black fleece jacket, emblazoned with U-Gen logo, along with a blanket. In one of the other cupboards she found bottles of water supplies along with some snack bars and bags of chips.
“Here.” She walked over to Wanda and handed her the jacket and fleece.
“Thank you.” The teenager pulled the fleece around her.
“You hungry or need a drink?” Katie offered.
They looked at one another.
“I’m not going to poison you.” She rolled her eyes.
Wanda nodded and Katie handed her a bottle of water and Pietro took a granola bar from her and a bag of chips. Katie glanced at the twins and then suddenly had to ask the question that was on the tip of her tongue.
“Why do you hate us so much, the Avengers?” She blurted out. Steve turned his head slightly so he could listen in.
“I don’t hate the avengers. I hate you and your brother. Well I did. I don’t know maybe I still do.”
“But why?” Katie said, puzzled “You don’t know us?”
“Our home was bombed.” Wanda said, looking at her hands “It hit 2 floors below and blew a hole in our floor. Our parents fell but Pietro grabbed me and we rolled under the bed.” “The second one hits.” Pietro continued gently “But it doesn’t explode. It just sits there, three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell is painted two words…” “Stark Industries” Katie swallowed, suddenly understanding. “You know we shut the arms side of the business down once we both realised the damage it was doing. I know that doesn’t absolve us of any guilt but…my brother is a good man, maybe he doesn’t always get it right but he tries.”
“But that is my point.” Wanda pressed “Ultron…he wants world peace, but he thinks the way to do that is to kill people, innocent people.”
“That’s not what Tony wants” Katie pressed
“But he created Ultron.” Pietro joined the conversation
“Yes, because of you!” Katie implored.
“Sorry, because of us?” “You made him see something, in Strucker’s lab. A vision, a vision that showed all of the Avengers dead, the world ending and Tony was left alone because he didn’t try hard enough to stop it.” At that point Wanda and Pietro exchanged glances as she continued “You made him believe he needed to do something, something more and Ultron was the result. He was supposed to be the thing that Tony thinks we need, something to bring peace…”
“You know, maybe we aren’t that different to Stark after all.” Pietro broke the moment or so silence that had descended. “I mean, we volunteered for HYDRA.”
“They said that they would make us super-human, like your Captain America over there.” Wanda sipped her water and Steve’s eyes flickered over the back of the jet for a moment before he turned back to the front. “Then we could fight…”
“They didn’t say what it would cost.” Pietro spat. “The experiments. The constant pain.”
“Guess we all made bad decisions for what we thought were the right reasons.” Katie shrugged “What matters now is how we fix this mess.”
With that she left them to it, taking her drink and one for Steve to the front of the jet.
“Thanks.” he said gently
“I assume you heard all that.”
“Super sensitive hearing, Doll, what can I say?” He smiled. She rolled her eyes. “You still pissed at me?” She raised her eyebrow at him, and with a teasing note chastised him. “Language.”
Steve smiled, reached over for her hand and drew it up to his face, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles before he let go and took a drink of water, before he glanced back out of the front window of the jet.
An hour or so later they managed to get through to Clint on the coms.
“Any news on Nat?” Katie asked him.
“I’m trying the old fashioned way. That should avoid Ultron. I’ll find her”
“I don’t doubt it Hawkeye.” She smiled.
“What about Stark and the cradle?” Steve asked.
“In the lab with Banner, why you ask?”
Katie glanced at Steve, his jaw set tightly but that was the sum total of the reaction from him. He didn’t want to voice what was on his mind and risk pissing her off even more. Instead he chose his words carefully.
“Just… well, the twins told us what’s in that Cradle and Ultron’s plans for it. I’m worried Tony could start something he doesn’t understand.”  “Twins? The Maximoffs?” Clint asked and then he let out a groan “You’re bringing them here aren’t you?”
“You gotta trust me on this one, Clint.” Steve sighed “They’ve seen Ultron’s end game. They want to help us fight him.” “Yeah well I’ll make my own mind up on that one, I’ll see you when you get back.” “Great…” Katie sighed “Now he’s pissed as well.”
**** “I’m gonna say this once!” Steve’s voice was loud
“How about "nonce”?” Tony shot back.
“Shut it down!” Steve pointed at the cradle.
“Nope, not gonna happen.”  Tony shook his head.
There had been a bit of a fight in the lab, shields being flung, repulsors fired, and then Thor had turned up, supercharged the cradle, and it had gotten even stranger when a red man, an android had emerged.
“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely, in JARVIS’ voice “That was, odd. Thank you.” He added nodding respectfully to Thor, before his unnervingly human-looking eyes trailed over Thor thoughtfully. Then he rolled his shoulders and a cape of his own appeared and flowed down his back.
“Thor, you helped create this?” Steve asked
“I’ve had a vision, the world, where it starts, all hope and life and at its centre, is that.” Thor responded pointing to the gold stone in the middle of the man’s forehead.
“What the gem?” Banner asked in confusion. Thor nodded.
“It’s the mindstone,” He explained. “One of the six infinity stones, the greatest power in the universe and it is unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.”
“Then why would you bring it to life?” Katie asked, taking a deep breath, folding her arms.
“Because Stark is right.” Thor said.
“Oh, it’s definitely the end of times.” Bruce sarcastically to Tony’s shocked but proud expression.
“The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron.” Thor continued and the red man politely cut in.
“Not alone.”
“Why does your vision sound like JARVIS?” Katie questioned still cautious of this new being.
“We reconfigured Jarvis’ matrix, to create something new.” Tony walked up towards his masterpiece and examined him.
“I think I’ve had my fill of new.” Steve replied sarcastically.
“You think I am a child of Ultron.” The red man stated rather than asked.
“You’re not?” Steve replied suspiciously still glaring.
“I am not Ultron.” He answered simply. “I am not JARVIS. I am…” He looked down at his hands as if they would hold the answer.
“I looked in your head,” Wanda stated stepping towards him. “I saw annihilation.”
“Look again.” Vision responded in the same simple tone.
“Ha, her seal of approval means jack to me.” Clint snorted, Katie found herself inclined to agree.
“Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the mindstone.” Thor said, looking round “And that is nothing compared to what it could unleash, but with it on our side-”
“Is it?” Steve cut Thor off then turned aiming his next question at him towards the red man, needing to hear confirmation “Are you, on our side?”
“I don’t think it’s that simple.” Vision answered truthfully.
“Well it better get real simple real soon.” Clint said seriously.
“I am on the side of life,” Vision continued, “Ultron isn’t, he will end it all.”
“What’s he waiting for?” Tony asked.
“You.” He stated easily, looking around at us all.
“Where?” Katie pressed.
“Sokovia.” Clint supplied helpfully. “Yeah, he’s got Nat there too.”
Katie looked at Clint who raised his eyebrow slightly and he shrugged. He’d found her, just like he said.
“If we’re wrong about you,” Bruce said approaching the man. “If you’re the monster Ultron created you to be…”
“What will you do?” The red man asked and Bruce stayed silent.
“I don’t want to kill Ultron, he is unique, and he’s in pain,” Vision paced slowly around the room, “but that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he’s built, every trace and presence of him. We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the other.”
He turned back to look at everyone in the room individually, then he did something completely unexpected as he picked up Thor’s hammer from the table. Steve felt his eyebrows raise in shock whereas Katie was looking at Thor, her mouth open, the god was wearing a look of utter confusion.
“There may be no way to make you trust me, but we need to go.” Vision finished holding out the hammer for Thor to take. Thor took his weapon back and the man walked away.
There was a moment of silence before Thor coughed.
“Right, well done.” he said awkwardly patting Tony on the shoulder and followed the red man out of the room.
“Three minutes, get what you need.” Steve announced.
**** Chapter 24 Part 2
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awanderingdeal · 4 years
Chapter two of ‘Three of a Kind’ - A Nalexy and O’Knutzy fic. 
Rating: Explicit 
This is the chapter where Logan and Kasey cause a bit of chaos at dinner - all in good fun, of course! There is a little sauciness in this chapter but it’s very mild in comparison to chapter 1, the link to which is here if you need to catch up.
Thank you to @bkfstclubmember for betaing this, you incredible human being.
And as always, @lumosinlove thank you so very much for creating these characters and this universe and for allowing us to run wild with them. 
Despite the several hours of sleep that Alex had achieved the previous night, he still found himself exhausted as he took a seat at the large dining table.
Finn raised an eyebrow at the yawn that escaped Alex’s mouth. “Boring you already, big brother?” he smirked, uncorking a bottle of wine and placing it on the table. “Help yourselves. Or there’s beer in the fridge if you’d prefer.”
“You, bore me? Never.” Alex bantered, pouring for both Natalie and Kasey before filling his own glass. “These two just wear me out.”
Finn grimaced, almost choking on the sip of wine he had taken. “There are certain things that I do not need to know, thank you very much.” 
“I didn’t mean that!” Alex protested, flashing a glare at Natalie and Kasey as they failed to hide their laughter. “I just meant that we’ve been busy today! Basketball, shopping, helping Nat film her next video…”
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” Leo interrupted as he sauntered into the room. “Food will be ready in ten minutes,” he added whilst placing the stack of plates that he had been carrying into the centre of the table.  
Alex rolled his eyes, a habit that had been happening with increasing frequency since he’d started spending more time with Natalie, “Thanks for the back-up, Knut.” 
Leo grinned at Alex before turning to the other O’Hara, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Stay, catch up with your brother,” he said, pre-empting the offer of help from his boyfriend. 
Before Finn could argue, Kasey had pushed back his seat and stood up, “I can help carry stuff. I’m strong,” he said, sending Alex an entirely indiscreet wink and enjoying the blush that crept over his cheeks.
 “I don’t even want an explanation. Just come and be useful.” Leo raised an eyebrow, leading his fellow goalkeeper back towards the kitchen. 
The conversation fell into a comfortable rhythm; general life updates, small complaints about work, gentle teasing about relationships. Finn tried to avoid the last one because he was outnumbered but he found Leo and Logan’s names constantly falling from his lips. 
He told Natalie about the time that they were on a vacation in France and their parents were frantic because they had lost five year old Alex. They found him in a cupboard eating a baguette that was “as tall as he was.” 
“I don’t know why you have to constantly tell that story?” Alex questioned, his arm slipping from around Natalie’s shoulder as he became more animated. “You would have been...what, six months old? You don’t even remember it happening.”
Finn was about to reply when Leo’s voice from the kitchen grabbed his attention, “ Don’t you dare, Tremz.” 
Finn could just imagine the slow smirk growing across Logan’s face and he couldn’t resist the urge to witness the exchange that was about to happen. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he said, expecting Natalie and Alex to stay at the table, but they were right behind him as he hurried to the other room. 
As they arrived, Logan dragged his finger out of his mouth, lips smacking together with a dramatic moan. “It’s so good.” he smirked, his eyes never leaving Leo’s. 
Finn quickly put  together the scene before him.  Leo’s exasperated expression. The dent in the macaroni cheese. Logan’s grin. 
Leo paid no attention to the crowd that had gathered in the doorway. He quietly placed the oven gloves down on the counter, rounded the island, leaned into Logan’s ear and whispered. Finn couldn’t make out the words, but the tap on Logan’s butt gave him a good idea of what had been said and his eyes widened at the thought. Logan, however, didn’t even blush. He just gave a nod before reaching for the dish of macaroni. 
Leo smacked at his hands. “Nope, you can take the salad.” 
He turned to Kasey, “And you, stop encouraging him.” he chastised lightly, placing a bowl of green beans into one of Kasey’s giant hands and the coleslaw in the other. 
“I can take two, as well,” Logan objected.
Leo pushed him gently in the direction of the door. “How about you concentrate on getting to the table without eating all the food first, huh?” 
As the pair made their way out the room, Kasey stopped placing a kiss on Natalie’s lips. “Hey, gorgeous,” he smiled, giving Alex a kiss as well when he whined, dropping a whispered comment that Finn thankfully did not hear. 
Still, he proclaimed loudly, “Lalalala, I can’t hear you,” shuddering dramatically at the end of his words. 
Natalie rolled her eyes at Finn’s dramatics, took Alex’s hand and returned Kasey’s kiss on his cheek, “Come on, troublemaker, you’re supposed to be making Leo’s life easier.”  
Finn returned the stuck out tongue that Alex gave him as he retreated from the room before making his way over to Leo and pulling him into a hug. “Hey Nutter Butter, you okay?”
Leo leaned into the hug, leaning his head on Finn’s, “Yeah, you know Lo. He doesn’t mean any harm. Also, I promised to make it worth his while later if he behaves so you know…” he replied, letting a small laugh slip into his words. 
“You know that is just going to make him worse, right?” Finn snorted, bumping Leo’s chin lightly as he looked up. 
“I do.” Leo nodded, giving Finn a cheeky glance as he reluctantly pulled away from his boyfriend. “Can I trust you with the mac ‘n’ cheese?” he asked jokingly as he placed the dish into Finn’s hands. 
“I don’t know,” Finn chuckled, “It smells fucking amazing.” 
“Always with the compliments.” Leo smiled gently, dropping a kiss to Finn’s hair before picking up the last two serving dishes - bourbon soaked ribs and potato salad. “Go on, before they think we’re up to no good in here.” 
Finn led the way into the dining room, putting his dish down with a grin knowing they had approximately 3 seconds until -
“What the hell?” Logan began, his tone far less aggressive than his actual words. “ So Finn gets to carry the macaroni, but I can’t?” 
Finn was about to chirp back at Logan when Leo added his platters to the table. “Finn doesn’t stick his fingers in the macaroni on the way,” Leo quipped, taking a seat to Logan’s right.
“This is favouritism.” Logan whined.
“Anyway.” Leo started, not letting himself get baited into the argument, knowing that was exactly what Logan wanted, “Let’s eat, shall we. I know it’s far from dietician approved, but what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
The next few moments were an organised chaos of serving dishes being passed back and forth around the table, eventually falling into a conversation about the Lion’s latest game. 
“Told you it works.” Alex boasted after Finn recalled the new play that he and Logan had tried for the first time. “You two executed it pretty well though,” he admitted with a smile. 
“Excuse me,” Kasey interrupted with a grin. “I got a shutout. Are we just not going to talk about that? I had to listen to you two shower lover boys in praise for weeks after his.” he moaned.
“You did great, sweetcheeks,” Natalie leaned in, wiping a mess of sauce from Kasey’s lips with her napkin, replacing it with a kiss.  
“Did you not get enough praise that night?” Alex hummed, bumping his shoulder against Kasey’s. 
Finn screeched, “ Nope, no, absolutely not. We will have no talk of you sexing my brother at the dinner table.”
 “Wow, O’Hara 2.0,” Natalie placed her wine glass down on the table. “So, that’s how it is, huh? We get to listen to you drone on about your boys for hours at a time, but one mention of Alex’s prowess in bed and all bets are off?”
“See, you get it. This is why you are the brains of the relationship.” Finn replied, before gesturing in Leo and Logan’s direction. “Besides, we are cute.”
“Hmm, I suppose you are.” Natalie cocked her head, “I still think I got the better end of the deal though.”
Suddenly, a piece of bread flew across the table hitting Kasey square in the forehead. “Not such a good goalie, now, huh?” Logan jibbed. 
“That’s not fair!” Kasey whined. “Natalie was being all cute. Do it again.” he encouraged, adjusting his sitting position.
“Absolutely not.” Leo drawled, placing a hand over Logan’s, which was tearing another piece of bread off his roll, “How old are you? Do you need to sit on your hands?” 
Leo realised his mistake as soon as the words left his mouth and Logan’s eyes shined a little brighter. 
“I can sit on my hands, but you’ll have to feed me.” 
Finn bit back a groan, trying to ignore the way his all of his blood seemed to have rushed southwards. He really, really loved the fact that Logan was seemingly shameless sometimes.  
“And we were being inappropriate?” Alex taunted.
“Oh, I can be inappropriate if you want.” Kasey said lowly.
Natalie let out an uncharacteristically high pitched giggle, seconds before Finn felt a brush against his foot. Kasey managed to maintain an expression of perfect innocence for barely ten seconds before a guilty smile replaced it. There might have been a time in previous years where he might have enjoyed the contact a little bit too much, but now any thoughts of Natalie and Kasey were infinitely linked with his brother and it made him feel a little bit nauseous.��
“Are you playing footsie under the table?” Finn groused, lifting the table cloth. 
Leo sat back in his chair and gave a sigh, “How am I the youngest person here and yet the most mature?” 
“Sorry, Leo. The food is great, it really is.” Natalie apologised, sending Kasey and Alex a look. 
“Kasey started it.” Alex grumbled under his breath, but quieted when Natalie’s eyebrow rose. 
“Don’t worry.” Leo waved it off, “I can grab dessert if we’re ready?” he asked the table, receiving a round of nods. “Do you mind getting the plates, Fish?” he asked, smiling at the eager nod that he got in reply. 
“Lo, come help me?” he added, squeezing Logan’s shoulder affectionately as he got up from the table. 
Once Leo was out the room, Natalie waved a hand in Finn’s direction, “Cover your ears if you’re going to get all dramatic.” 
Finn shoved his seat back, grabbing the pile of plates that he had made. “Just give me ten seconds to get out the room, please?” he pleaded. 
“Don’t behave...beg…” Finn only caught a few words as he was leaving, but the quiet groans from Kasey was still too much.
His thoughts of bleaching his brain were dismissed when he reached the kitchen. Logan was pressed up against the counter, Leo’s hand shoved down his pants, their faces inches apart.
“Oh hey, sweetheart.” Leo greeted, his hands playing idly with Logan’s balls drawing a whimper from the shorter boy. “I was just explaining to Logan that what happens later is entirely up to him and that he might want to check his behaviour,” Leo worked a mark into the expanse of skin on Logan’s neck in between words.
“I love my life,” Finn murmured quietly, taking a breath before making himself move. He wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he was able to put the stack down onto a counter without dropping them from his shaking hands. He contorted his features into something resembling relaxed as he leaned his weight against the marble work surface. “I’m sure Logan will be very well behaved from now on. Right, Lo?” 
Logan’s curls bounced at the side of his snapback with his nods, “Yes, I’ll be good. I promise,” Logan gasped out. 
Leo kissed Logan firmly on the lips, did his boyfriend’s pants button up and stepped away. “Let’s try and get through dessert without scaring our guests then, yeah?” 
“I think he’ll have to work a bit harder if that’s the goal. Those three are worse than us.” Finn laughed and then shuddered as he realised that his brother was included in ‘those three’.
“Not helping, Finn,” Leo shot back, grabbing the small glasses of panna cotta out of the fridge. “Allez. Come on,” he added, once he’d checked that Logan and Finn had mostly recomposed themselves. 
The three of them made their way back to the dining room to find Alex sat in Kasey’s lap, lips nuzzling his cheek and Natalie’s eyes crinkling with laughter. 
“I will never unsee this,” Finn groaned, pressing the heel of his palms into his eyes. “Can you make out somewhere that isn’t my house?” 
“We are not making out,” Kasey scoffed, “But maybe we should make that happen? For accuracy’s sake.”
“Who invited you, again?” Finn questioned, automatically reaching to take the tray from Leo, but received a shake of his head and a quiet, “I’ve got it thanks, Fish”
“I’m down for you making out, if we can make out.” Logan piped up, when Leo leaned over his shoulder to place his dessert in front of him. 
“So much for good behaviour,” Leo remarked, taking the final glass for himself and putting the empty tray into the centre with the rest of the empty serving dishes.
 Probably should have cleared those too, Finn thought, but in his own defence he’d been otherwise occupied. 
“This is actually a recipe that Logan suggested, so if it’s disgusting then you can blame him.” Leo started to explain the dessert. “It’s a vanilla panna cotta with a -”
The words were interrupted by a quite frankly obscene groan from Logan who hadn’t waited for the description to be finished before diving into his desert. He looked up sheepishly when he realised that the entire table's eyes were on him. 
“Ok. That was truly an accident,” Logan defended, his accent filtering heavily into the words - a sign that he was actually a bit embarrassed. “The rum jelly is just so good with the vanilla, mon lion.”
Leo coughed a few times, his throat suddenly itchy. “Thanks Lo. I guess that’s the cue for the rest of us to start.”
There was a beat of silence before they all began to eat and the atmosphere relaxed again, the conversation moving quickly between topics. Finn was just getting suspicious of how quiet Logan had become when he began to speak, “Hey! Shall we play truth or dare after we finish? That could be fun with drinks.” 
There was a collective groan followed by a resounding, “No” from everybody except Kasey, whose voice broke through the noise. “I’ll play.” he grinned. “I choose dare.”
“This is how people end up in fountains, Kasey!” Finn waved his hands about, a bit of panna cotta flying off the spoon he was holding and landing on Leo’s t-shirt. He didn’t think it was that funny, but Logan and Kasey practically had tears in their eyes from laughing so hard.
“Sorry,” Finn apologised quickly, picking up his napkin to dab at the offending mark. 
Leo patted his hand against Finn’s, “Hey, it was an accident. Leave it, it’ll come out in the wash.” he reassured before looking up, his eyes meeting Natalie’s, “I don’t think we’ll be playing any games after dinner, I’m afraid. My mama would probably scold me for chucking you out but it’s been a long day. I hope you understand.”
Natalie flicked her hair back off her shoulder, “Of course, darling. That’s not a problem. We should be getting off soon, anyway. Early start in the morning, you know.” she smiled in a way that was somehow both completely innocent and yet menacing. 
Despite the fact that they ate their dessert in record time, every second seemed to drag for Finn. He felt a bit guilty that he wasn’t taking better advantage of the time with his brother but he’d see him again soon enough. Besides, he reasoned with himself, Alex was probably just as eager to get home as Finn was to have them leave. The thought was confirmed later as Alex pulled him into a hug as he was leaving murmuring into his ear, “ Enjoy your evening little brother, I sure will.” 
Finn was sure his face had turned a shade of red that matched his hair as he shoved Alex away but despite all the exasperated sighs and groaning, he was glad that Alex seemed to have found the same kind of love that he had. 
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hamilwriter02 · 3 years
Hello, this is an one-shot I published on ao3 just recently!
Language: English
Stats: Published:2021-07-09
Words: 773
Chapters: 1/1
Kudos: 2
Hits: 12
Rating:General Audiences Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply Category:Multi Fandom:Hamilton - Miranda Relationships:Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson/James Madison Alexander Hamilton/James Madison Thomas Jefferson/James Madison Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson Characters:Alexander Hamilton James Madison Thomas Jefferson Additional Tags:Fluff Domestic Fluff Polyamory Age Regression/De-Aging jamilmads - Freeform because why not based on my own experiences bc again why not Little James Little!James Coloring Ft: Dino Nuggets Cute
When Alex opened the front door to the apartment he shared with his boyfriends, he was beyond stressed from his day at work. Sighing, he nudged the door open farther, clutching his briefcase in his hand tighter.
The scene before him caused almost all tension to dissipate from his body. His two boyfriends were laying on the ground together, with coloring books and building blocks surrounding them.
Jamie was in a light purple footed onesie, laying on his stomach with his feet kicking behind him. Thomas was lying next to him with a Tangled coloring book in between them. Thomas was trying to encourage Jamie to color in the lines, but Jamie just continued to babble as he scribbled over the picture of Flynn Rider and Maximus.
Alex slowly closed the door behind him and set his things down quietly. Thomas looked up at him and smiled, beckoning him over. As soon as Alex crouched down next to the two, Jamie looked up at him and gasped.
“‘Lex!” Jamie scrambled up to fling himself at Alex. “Oof - Jamie, relax. ‘M not goin’ anywhere.” Alex assured him, hugging him back. Jamie just giggled in response. He pulled away and pointed at Thomas who was watching them with a huge smile.
“Wanna cowlor wi’h me and Toma?” Jamie asked, tearing a page out of the coloring book and pushing it towards Alex. “Jamie insisted we save the green crayon for you.” Thomas commented, chuckling lightly.
Alex let out a delighted gasp and lay down next to Thomas, leaving enough space for Jamie to be in between them. “That’s my favorite color, buddy!” He took the ripped piece of paper gently and put it on the carpet before Jamie picked up the green crayon and pressed it into his hand. “I know!! Dat’s why I safed it for you!”
Smiling wide, Jamie took his place between the two and continued kicking his legs back and forth as he scribbled. Alex started coloring Rapunzel’s eyes, carefully keeping the color in the lines.
After a couple of minutes, Jamie sat up and held his coloring page up proudly. “‘M finish!” He announced. Thomas and Alex both looked up from their own drawings to see.
“Oh, wow! I really love the colors you used, Jem!”
“You did so good!”
Jamie laughed and hugged the paper to his chest. “Can I hang it up?” He asked with a huge smile on his face. Thomas immediately scrambled to his feet, and offered his hand to him. Jamie pouted and shook his head. “Up? Pleeasee?” Jamie asked.
Thomas huffed, amused before bending down slightly to let Jamie wrap his arms around his neck. After he got the boy rested on his hip, he adjusted his grip before walking to the kitchen.
Alex followed after them, and decided while they were in the kitchen, he might as well make dinner. He watched affectionately as Jamie leaned over and placed a magnet over the coloring page with Thomas’ help. After it was secure, Jamie cheered and hugged Thomas tight. “Dank youuu!” He cooed.
“You hungry, baby?” Alex asked as he searched through the cupboards. The boy looked at him, and with a small smile, he nodded.
“Do you want mac n’ cheese?” Alex asked, pulling out a box. Jamie wrinkled his nose and shook his head before burying his face into Thomas’ shoulder again.
Alex chuckled and put the box back. “That’s a no on the macaroni, then.” Thomas carried Jamie over to the table and set him down on one of the chairs.
After about 15 minutes, all three of them had a plate of dino nuggets in front of them. Alex was sitting next to Jamie, carefully cutting the food into smaller pieces before picking up the fork and holding the chicken up for him.
Jamie happily opened his mouth, allowing Alex to feed him. Thomas ate his own food, only getting up once to bring two glasses of water and a sippy cup of apple juice for Jamie.
After dinner, the three of them were cuddled up on the couch, Jamie sitting on Alex’s lap, his back pressed against the man’s chest. Thomas had his arm around Alex’s shoulders, and his other hand was gently holding on to Jamie's.
My Neighbor Totoro was playing on the screen, and there was a bowl of popcorn with candy mixed in on the coffee table.
With his head resting on Jamie’s shoulder, Alex let his eyelids droop. He could barely remember why he was so stressed that day. He smiled. He loved his boyfriends. His last thought before drifting off was,
“Life is good.”
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ratremusagere · 4 years
💕cuz i want fluff
Maybe from a different pov, or write ur own idea?
Mac and Cheese
Word Count: 582
Everyone was hanging out in the living room and chatting. Remus gently shoved his brother while smiling.
Roman gasped and dramatically collapsed to the floor. "I've died! I'm dead!" Remus gasped and poked Roman with his foot "wake uppppp"
Roman stayed still on the floor. Remus whined and layed on top of Roman while sobbing. Roman wrapped his arms around Remus "shhh it's okay baby"
Remus cooed softly "daddy otay?" He said softly "daddy is okay baby boy"
Janus walked over to Logan and whispered in his ear. Logan smiled and picked up Janus before sitting down next to Roman and Remus.
Remus looked over at Janus and gasped before pulling him into him "a baby?! Daddy it's a baby?!!"
Roman and Logan laughed "that's right baby, Janus is your little snake sibling"
Remus happily kissed janus' cheek and giggled "my baby!"
Janus cooed softly and snuggled into Remus. "Okay babies daddy and papa need to change you into something more comfy, yeah?" Logan said scooping Janus back up
Roman smiled and picked up Remus "how does that sound little rat?" Remus giggled happily and nodded.
Roman and Logan carried their babies to their nursery. Roman layed Remus down on the changing table "okay baby what do you wanna wear?"
"Wan wear dwess! Peassss???" Roman chuckled "of course honey, how old are you?" Roman asked grabbing remus' favorite dress "m 4 daddy!"
Roman nodded and grabbed a pull up, which Remus whined at "I know baby but it's for just in case" Roman said, changing Remus before picking him up.
"Your turn baby snake" Logan said laying janus down where Remus used to be "what do you wanna wear little one?" Janus babbled and pointed to his snake onesie.
Logan smiled and also grabbed a diaper, picking Janus up once he was done. "Okay! Time for dinner!" Roman said, carrying Remus downstairs, Logan and Janus following them.
"What do you wanna eat baby?" Roman asked sitting Remus on the counter. "Wan mac n cheese!" Roman chuckled and got out the box Mac and cheese "okay kiddo"
"I'll make drinks," Logan said, grabbing a bottle and a sippy cup. "What do you wanna drink Remus?"
Remus kicked his legs and smiled "juice peas!" Logan nodded and grabbed the juice and milk, sitting Janus next to Remus "protect your baby brother okay little duke?"
Remus nodded and immediately held onto Janus "my baby brother!" Logan and Roman smiled fondly, finishing their respective tasks.
"Dinner!!!" Remus said excitedly "that's right little octopus!" Roman said picking Remus up and carrying him to the table, Logan doing the same with Janus.
They sat the two in highchairs before giving them both bowls of macaroni. Remus happily ate his macaroni. Janus just stared at his.
Logan chuckled and fed Janus "there you go little snake" Janus happily ate his macaroni.
Remus quickly finished and made rabby hands at Roman. Roman scooped up Remus, Remus yawning in Romans hold. "Aw is it my little duke's bedtime?"
Remus nodded, tired from the day he had. "Okay kiddo let's go upstairs and get you changed"
Logan smiled at them before scooping up Janus and feeding him his bottle. "Are you tired too little baby?" Janus just yawned in response.
Logan chuckled "okay baby let's go put you to bed" Logan said carrying Janus upstairs and laying in bed with them. Roman and Remus walked in and joined. "Nini daddys" Remus said softly "night night baby" Roman and Logan said in response.
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For the anon who requested where Chris introduces the new baby over video chat. I have never even met a baby, so I have no idea about… anything, so this is all guess work! I went ahead and just made up a name as well. Hope you enjoy! 
           “Are you absolutely sure you can handle her?” You asked Chris, eyebrows raised, as he tried to take the sleeping baby out of the carrier.
           “Abso-” The baby stirred when Chris picked her up,  but silenced again. Both of you braced yourselves for crying, but it didn’t happen. “Absolutely. See? She’s fine.”
           “Then I’m going to take a long, very hot shower. If that’s okay?” You looked around the house for a minute, missing the small Dodger nipping at your heels. Chris dropped him off with Carly for a week while you took the baby home, just to get settled before introducing one child to the other.
           “Fine by me. I’ll get dinner started in a few minutes,” Chris said. He took the carrier in one hand and sat it down on the coffee table, sitting down on the couch with the baby in his other arm.
           “Are you just going to stare at her?” You wonder out loud, smiling a little bit. You knew Chris would be a fantastic father, but he had barely even stopped looking at either of you since you went to the hospital. She looked exactly like Chris’s sisters did as babies, except for your eyes, and maybe your cheekbones. You weren’t surprised, because the Evans family had strong genes. As soon as he saw her, there was no doubt in his mind that he was more in love with her than anything (sorry, babe, she’s gorgeous, Chris had said). He had barely stopped holding her, unless of course you wanted to – she had maybe been down for ten or fifteen minutes total besides when you were in the car. Chris insisted he had it, and you believed him.
           “Yeah, why?” He was too busy looking down at the baby to pay attention. You just grinned.
           “No reason.” You walked up the stairs, grateful for the pain medication, because otherwise there was no way you could handle the old house’s steep stairs. You glanced into the baby’s room, between your bedroom and Chris’s office, where the baby’s gender-neutral things were all laid out. Chris’s doing – the both of you wanted to keep the gender a secret, but it was Chris the entire time insisting that it was definitely a girl, but even so he painted the room a light blue. Honestly, you were thinking that the baby wasn’t even going to spend much time in there. If Chris didn’t let her go sometime, there was a chance she’d never even make it into the crib. You had already fixed a room in Boston, too, but this house was bigger and allowed for a larger nursery.
           You probably spent a full hour in the shower. Maybe more, maybe less, because it was starting to get dark outside by the time you pulled on one of Chris’s oversized shirts and a pair of shorts that wouldn’t irritate you too much. And then you walked down the stairs to the smell of Chris making your favorite. Mac and Cheese. Chris was still holding her in one arm, fully supported, and while he was stirring with his free hand, he was on the iPad with Scott.
           “How was she?” You ask as you cross the living room into the kitchen. Chris swirled around, reluctantly handing you to her as you opened your arms. She was so small it would take some getting used to.
           “Asleep,” Chris answered honestly. “Gotta go, man!” He called to his brother.
           “Tell her she’s pretty!” Scott called in response.
           “Which one?”
           “Both of them!” With that, the video camera turned off and left them alone.
           “Has she been asleep this whole time?” You asked. She started stirring as soon as you took her from Chris, but stopped when Chris laid his hand on her to make sure the blanket around her wasn’t too tight.
           “Pretty much, yeah. Mom asked if we can call her and introduce her around soon.” You felt a little bad, but it wasn’t like you had planned to have the baby two weeks early and in Los Angeles. You had planned to start driving back the next morning so you could be back in Boston by the time the due date came. But that had gone out the window, because she wanted to come then and there and Chris was just thankful the house was close enough to a hospital to where you could make it. He was also grateful for the excuse not to have to go to a meeting that day.
           “After we eat. If she’s even awake.” Chris smirked.
           “Maybe the nurse is right. Maybe she’ll be easy.”
           “Babies are not easy,” you replied. “This is probably just the calm before the storm. Did you feed her?”
           “Fed and changed.” You sighed.
           “I love you.” You walked over to the couch, propping your feet up, and held the baby in your lap.
           “I love you too.” Chris finished making the food, your first real food in a few days, and brought over the pot instead of distributing it into bowls. It made for less cleanup later, and besides – you always shared a pot of mac and cheese. It was an unwritten rule in the house.
           You somehow ate without her even waking up, but the clinking of the spoon against the empty bowl caused you to clap your hands over your ears, hoping not to have to endure a symphony of crying. You loved babies. Just not when they cried because it made it hard to think about how to make them stop crying.
           “I’ll clean up,” you volunteered, “if you want her.” Chris grinned, eagerly but carefully taking the baby back. She woke up and, if anything, curled deeper into Chris’s arm where he held her.
           “She is such a Daddy’s girl,” Chris said. “Thank God, I was afraid she would like you better.”
           “There’s always the next one,” you laughed as you carried the pot into the kitchen to put it in the dishwasher.
           “We can have more?” Chris asked happily. “Really?”
           “I assumed you wanted five. Isn’t that what you said two years ago?”
           “We can have five?”
           “If they all behave like this one, we can have as many as you want.” You grabbed the propped-up tablet from the kitchen counter and brought it over, taking your place before. Chris had one of his hands on her feet, where they must have seemed a little cold. “Who are we calling first?”
           “Mom and Dad?” Chris offered. You shrugged, not really having a preference, and tapped Chris’s mom’s name on the iPad. They answered on the first ring, and the first thing you heard was Chris’s mom calling his father over.
           “Hey Ma!” Chris said, his Boston accent kicking right in.
           “Who is this?” She asked, clearly looking down at the baby in Chris’s arms. Chris put his other arm around you as you got in the frame. “You weren’t telling us any names earlier.”
           “This is Olivia,” Chris replied sweetly. “Olivia Grace.”
           “Oh, I knew you were naming her Olivia. Your father owes me ten dollars.” Chris chuckled. “She looks exactly like Carly when she was born.” Chris nodded.
           “Oh, my, is that a beautiful baby!” Chris’s dad exclaimed as he sat down next to Chris’s mother. “She does look like Carly. But I can see a little of Y/n in there. Y/n, sweetie, how are you?”
           “I had so much medicine,” you replied, “I honestly don’t remember most of it.”
           “You will later. It took me awhile to remember with Chris,” Chris’s mom thought out loud. “She is beautiful.”
           “Yeah, she’s definitely going to be prettier than me,” you said with a laugh.
           “Oh, nobody is prettier than you, babe,” Chris said off-hand. “Except maybe our daughters.” You rolled your eyes. “We’re going to call the girls, too, Scott already met her.”
           “Of course. Let us know if you need anything!” Chris’s mom said. “We’ll see you as soon as you can get home.”
           “Love you, Ma,” Chris said with a smile. “Love you, Dad.”
           “Bye!” Both of Chris’s parents waved before ending the call. Chris immediately scrolled down until he found Shanna, the first person he called that morning, and pressed her name. She answered immediately, sitting on Carly’s couch with Dodger sitting in her lap. A wine glass was in her hand, and next to her was a book she’d probably read to one of the kids.
           “Oh, my gosh!” She exclaimed excitedly when she saw the baby. “Aww!”
           “Get the family!” Chris insisted. She immediately followed what Chris was saying and called out names until their husbands and the kids were gathered around the couch.
           “So this is Olivia,” you said quietly, noticing that the baby was starting to stir a little bit.  “She’s been asleep, but I think she’s waking up now.”
           “Aww, she’s so beautiful!” Carly said, putting a hand over her heart. “I knew you’d name her Olivia!”
           “Why is everybody saying that?” Chris chuckled. “How’s my other baby doing? Dodger?” The dog perked his ears up at the sound of his father’s voice.
           “He’s been with the kids most of the day,” Carly answered. “He’s been a good boy.”
           “That’s my boy,” Chris responded with a smile.
           “How was it?” Shanna asked you.
           “Honestly, I didn’t feel much. But Chris was not helping.”
           “Yeah, men never do.”
           “Hey!” Chris defended. “I got her ice chips and everything.” You sat up a little to kiss his cheek.
           “You were doing your best and I appreciate it,” you said to Chris. He rolled his eyes. “No, he was good. I think it was probably the longest twelve hours of my life.”
           “Oh, it always is. You look good, honey.”
           “Thank you,” you responded with a little smile. Chris’s family was always so warm and welcoming, even though they were a big family. You weren’t very close with your family, especially after moving around so much with Chris, but at least they’d checked in a few times.
           Olivia started fussing and pushing at the blanket around her, so much that you elbowed Chris. He looked down and winced a little, causing you to decide to take her. Chris deserved a little time with his family, especially now, and you decided to pick her up. Chris handed her to you willingly, but not until he gave her feet a quick squeeze.
           “I got her,” you insisted, quickly taking her up the stairs. She needed to be changed. You could feel that, and smell it, right away. This was the part you knew would be gross, but it had to be done, so you took her into the nursery and started. You could faintly hear Chris laughing along with the family, praising you for doing so well, and that made your heart absolutely melt. You looked down at the baby and sighed.
           “You have the best Daddy,” you said softly as you started to change her. “He’s an idiot, but he loves you. And his family loves you…” You looked down into the baby’s eyes, not even noticing that Chris was standing in the doorway until he coughed a little.
           “She okay?” He asked, walking into the room. He watched you change her like you had practiced with so many times, and when you were done you picked her back up. She had only cried a little bit, thankfully.
           “She’s good,” you responded. “Telling her all about your family.”
           “Did you tell her her uncle’s an idiot?” You laughed.
           “No. I’ll let her figure that out.” Chris came to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
           “Did you tell her she’s got the best mama, too?” Your heart skipped a beat, smoothing over when Chris kissed the back of your head.
           “She’ll figure it out.”
           “Yeah, she will. Right now I’m just wondering how I can cash in on the bets. I had a bet with Mackie that it would be a girl, ‘cause you know, the ultrasound lady kinda messed up and almost said she. But she didn’t. And then I have a bet with Downey that she would look like you, so I need Mackie to pay up first…”
           “You told me you didn’t know!” You exclaimed, hoping not to wake the baby. “Please tell me you don’t owe Downey too much money.”
           “I wanted it to be a surprise,” he shrugged. “So, uh, when did the doctor say we’re allowed to make another one? Or maybe two? ‘Cause, you know, twins run in your family.” 
           “After six weeks. But hopefully not before this one can pee on her own, because I can not be taking care of more than one baby at once.”
           “More than one?”
           “Did you forget about yourself?
           “At least I can control my bladder.”
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Bet of love – Part 3 - Past Sins
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Summary: Professor Dean and Sam Winchester had every girl in their class. They don’t care about rules, consequences or the trail of broken hearts they are leaving. What happens when both men try to convince you they are in love with you as only you are left?
Pairing: Professor Sam Winchester x Reader; Professor Dean Winchester x Reader
Characters: OFC Lara Sofie, OFC Michael Robert, Gabriel x Sister!Reader
Warnings: angst, stupid bets, hurt feelings, arguments, remorseful Winchesters, mentions of sexual intercourse, angry Gabriel
Bet of Love Masterlist
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“Mommy, can I check on the pie?” Lara looks at you pleadingly, wants to make a good expression to impress her father. 
“I’ll have a look at it. How about you wash your hands and wait in your room. I will call you when lunch is ready.” Dean watches you talk to his daughter while his mind is racing.
“Can I not talk to your friends? We never have guests and they seem to be nice.” Lara’s innocence and her good heart are only two of the things making you love her, but you are afraid she’ll get her heart broken just like you back then.
“You don’t know them, Lara. They could be assholes.” Michael barks stepping into the kitchen. “Don’t be so nice to strangers. I bet those men are not better than Stacie.”
“Stacie is jealous as I have better grades and Sean is my friend. Don’t say something like that about them!” Your daughter’s words make you flinch and you look at Lara with wide eyes.
“No swear words, Michael. If you do not like them, I can understand.” Gently stroking your sons head you give him a nod. “I truly understand, but Lara invited them to have lunch with us.”
“I hate them, both.” Michael’s hazel eyes fill with tears as he can see the hurting in your eyes. He wraps his arms around you, hiding his face in your chest.
“Lara doesn’t know, Baby. Let’s not ruin the day for her, okay.” Your son nods, not liking that the brothers invade his home.
“I’ll do it, for my sister.” Sam watches the scene with his hands balled into fists. He wishes he could punch his face until it’s only a bloody mess as his son struggles to have his father around.
“Can I set the table instead, mommy?” Lara brings you and your son out of your mother-son moment. “Please?”
“Of course, Muffin. You can prepare the table.” Nodding eagerly your daughter gets forks, knives, and napkins. “Michael, can you do me a favor?”
“Sure, mom.” Kneeling you wipe a single tear away. Your son is stubborn, always acts like a strong man, but he’s a hurt young boy and you need to show him that no one will ever get in between you and your children.
“I want you to tame your anger, Michael. For Lara but…” Kissing your son’s cheek you chuckle as he groans but wraps his arms around you. “I want you to go upstairs and call your uncle. We need to outnumber them.”
“Yeah. Love your plans, mommy.” Michael pecks your cheek before he glares into Sam’s direction. “I’ll ask Uncle Gabriel if he wants to come too.”
Dean’s stomach tightens as your brother’s name leaves your son's lips but the smirk on your lips lets him remain silent. There is not a chance he will ruin his meeting with Lara.
“Gabriel…great…” Sam stiffens, and you can’t hold back a chuckle. “Shall we help you, Y/N?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever ask one of you for help.” The moment your daughter walks out of the kitchen to prepare the table you step closer to Dean. “If you believe only as I didn’t want to disappoint my daughter you can ever come here again – you are dead wrong.”
“Y/N, please hear us out. I…we fucked up. Sammy and I are monsters, you are right but please let us get to know our kids. We could help you with money and all.” Dean stammers as you furiously shake your head.
“Please let us explain what happened back then.” Sam steps closer but you grasp for a knife, giving him a warning glare. “Y/N.”
“We met you, and in the beginning, we were not interested in you. Cole suggested a bet as Lisa called you a holy virgin. Without thinking twice, we agreed, not even knowing you.” Dean looks down at his feet, not meeting your eyes.
“As those people wanted to make a bet you lied to me, acted as if you care about me, even love me.” Huffing you ram the knife into the counter. 
“I wanted to wait till marriage, you know. Not as I was a prude, I just wanted to give it to someone who loves me. You took this from me and destroyed my trust in people. Whatever you got for it – I hope it was worth you ruined my life…” Turning away from the brothers you check on the pie.
“I know you do not have a reason to believe us, but Sam and I are sorry. We realized that we were idiots and used you. If we would’ve been honest that morning, we…”
“What Dean wants to say is that our feelings were genuine but then Cole and Brady called us, and we knew, the moment you step out of the room they would tell you about the bet. We would’ve lost you either way so…”
“You decided to at least win the bet, Sam. I get it.” Chortling you open the fridge.“If you would’ve been honest…”
You need a moment to take a deep breath and push the tears away. “I would have thrown things at you, yelled but we had a chance. Pity you never thought about losing the bet.”
“Y/N…” Dean tries to touch your shoulder, but you flinch away. “Sorry…I didn’t want to…”
“Back then, you could’ve called things off. One call, one word to your friends that I slept in your room after we watched a movie and we could’ve been happy. Don’t lie again. This was about winning your bet.”
When you are close to tears, the front door swings open and a very pissed Gabriel storms into your house. Your brother usually is a very kind and calm man, but when it comes to the Winchesters, he turns into a furious beast.
“I can’t believe you dared to come here! Didn’t you do enough? Was ruining her plans and life not enough? She was all alone with two babies on their way as you only had a stupid bet on your mind.” 
Gabriel glares at a way taller Sam, not scared in the slightest as Dean steps closer to your brother.
“Uncle Gabe!” The moment your daughter runs into the kitchen Gabriel’s posture changes. He relaxes, even puts a smile on to greet your daughter. “You’re here too! We have pie and your favorite food.”
“I know, munchkin. How about you tell your brother to help you with the dishes and we talk later.” Lara hugs her uncle eagerly before she runs upstairs to call for her brother. 
“Gabe, Lara invited them in. I couldn’t hurt her but…” Wiping a single tear away you give your brother a sad smile. “Michael knowns and is angry. I think he heard us some months ago.”
“We are not here to cause any trouble, I swear. Dean and I wanted to get to know our kids.” Sam tries to calm your brother, but Gabriel won’t give a shit on what a Winchester has to say.
“Fuck you and what you want! This is my sister you ruined. Those are my nephew and niece. The kids I helped to raise as you weren’t there.” Gabriel pokes his finger into Sam’s chest, glaring at your former friend as Dean looks at you.
“We are sorry, Gabriel. I know this means shit to you, but Sammy and me…” Dean’s eyes sadden as he can still see the hurting in your eyes. “We loved your sister…”
“Michael…” Voice raspy you watch your son give his Uncle a sad smile. 
“Good to see you, boy. You helped your sister with Stacie?” Smirking Gabriel ruffles your son’s hair. “I am more than proud of you.”
“That girl is a bitch. Always tries to harass Lara as sis’ is smarter and Sean likes her more.” Michael curses and you clear your throat.
“Michael, no swear words. You know the rules.” 
“I know, mom. I am sorry but that girl is not nice, and no one seems to notice except for me, Lara and our friends.” Michael rolls his eyes as Sam tries to give him advice.
“My big brother protected me too. You can be proud of being such a good brother to Lara .” Michael scoffs before he turns his attention back toward Gabriel.
“Your words mean shit to me. If not for my sister, I would tell you what I think about you – dad.” Spatting the last word Michael glares at Sam and you can see the younger brother flinched at your son’s words.
“Michael, what happened back then...” Sam tries to touch your sons’ shoulder but Michael slaps his hand away.
“I don’t care about your reasons!” Michael yells and even you are surprised by his outburst. “You hurt mom and left her alone - pregnant with me and Lara. For years I dreamed of meeting you and now, I’d like to vomit knowing my father is someone giving a shit on my mom.”
“That’s not true. We made a mistake, an awful one but your mom, Y/N she meant so much to us. I never forgot the way she sang along when I played a Zeppelin song or that her love for pie was as strong as mine.” Dean whispers as your daughter walks down the stairs.
Oblivious to her brother’s hatred toward her and his father she smiles wildly. 
“I changed into my favorite dress. I thought as we have guests, I should wear something nice.” Lara looks at Dean and your heart drops.
She knows…
“You look beautiful, Sweetheart.” 
The pet name makes you flinch, and you turn around for a moment to push the tears away. Even eight years later you hear Dean’s voice in your head, telling you that you’ll always be his sweetheart.
“Can I help you with dinner? I am not a bad cook. I came up with about 101 different ways to make mac and cheese to feed Sammy.” Dean tries to step further into the kitchen but Michael shakes his head. 
“I’ll help my mom. You can sit over there and do nothing, like all this time.” Michael’s voice sounds so broken and you hate that you can’t soothe him. You know he missed having a dad and now, he hates having one even more. 
“Buddy let Dean help your mom. You can help me with the dishes.” Sam’s offer let your sons face contort in anger, but he tries to calm to not scare his sister.
“Can I talk to you in private?” Pointing toward the living room you give Michael a sad smile.
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“Y/N, we didn’t want to cause Michael to…”
“I will say this only once. My son knows who you are, just like Lara’s knows Dean is her father.” Dean’s eyes light up for a moment, but your angry face let him fall silent.
“I don’t know how she found out, but she knows. I dare you to give that little girl false hope. She’s…” Sniffling you angrily wipe some tears away. “She’s missing a father, just like Michael but they do not need you…”
“We could try to be a father, both of us. I know Michael will need more time to accept me in his life but I am willing to do anything to get to know my son, Y/N.” Sam steps closer brushes his thumb over your cheek but you shove his hand away.
“I don’t think my son wants you in his life. Lara may be naïve and believes Dean can be a father to her, but I will not allow him to hurt my little girl.” Your jaw ticks as Dean nods silently.
“If you ever change your mind…” Dean sniffles. “Please tell us so. I’d be there for my daughter with pleasure.”
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Dinner is awkward. While Lara tries to ‘bond’ with her father, not stopping to talk about her hobbies, school and her friend Sean, her brother gives his father death glares.
Michael would never admit it, but he looked into the mirror for over twenty minutes to check on his eyes, cheekbones, and hair.
“Won’t you tell Sam anything about you, Michael? I bet he wants to hear about your hobbies too.” Lara’s soft voice makes your son’s heart melt. She tries so hard to help him bond with Sam, not knowing that your son is torn between hating his father and wanting to get to know Sam.
“I don’t think he wants to hear anything about me, Lara. He’s a stranger.” Poking the pie with his fork Michael doesn’t look at his father. “Not that I want him to…”
“Maybe I should tell you something about me. I love to read. Books are my passion and…” Lara giggles as her brother tries to stop her.
“Michael loves books too! He has a huge collection. My big brother is a nerd.” Giggling Lara looks at Dean’s pie. “I love pie, cooking and my dolls.”
“I love cooking and pie too, Lara .” Humming your daughter moves closer to her father, smirking as Michael rolls his eyes. “Maybe we can cook together one day.”
“Yeah. Mom? Mommy, can dad come here and cook with me?” Everyone at the table falls silent as  Lara let the d-word slip. “Mommy?”
“Lara …” You don’t know how to react. Lara was longing to get to know her father and now – you are torn, just like Michael. “Maybe one day, honey bunny.”
“Next weekend? Please, mommy.” Sniffling Lara gives you her best puppy dog eyes. “Michael could show his dad all his books.”
“He’s not my dad.” Teeth gritted Michael glares at Sam who has a soft smile on his lips. “Only as I look like him and have many books doesn’t mean he’s my dad.”
“Michael is a big grumpy guy, but he likes you, Sam. He tried to look taller next to you.” Lara loves to tease her brother. Giving Michael her brightest smile she giggles as he sighs deeply.
“You’re annoying.” Grumbling Michael tries to focus on his pie, but his eyes drift toward Sam who can’t take his eyes off his son.
“So…next weekend…” Dean asks, as your eyes meet Gabriel’s. You can see the tension in your brother’s body rise but you shake your head.
“If you find the time…” While Lara squeals, hugging you tightly Michael gives her a tiny chuckle. 
“We will be there, Y/N. Promised…” Dean whispers and you can only hope he’ll keep his word…
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julessworldd · 4 years
Kiddies Guns n Roses x reader
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Based on a picture I posted from Instagram: Slash, Axl, Steven are drawn as toddlers and leave Duff and Izzy normal. I decided to add a reader, who is in a poly relationship with the band(I decided on a twist). Stay tuned to see if Izzy catches a child abuse case because of Axl being worse as a toddler. Sorry, if this isn’t the best I’m starting to get my groove back to write. Hope y'all enjoy!
  The morning sun shined through the curtains, taking me out of my sleep. My hand ran over to the pillow beside me, I rolled over to see a tuft of blonde hair. “Morning Duffy” No response. I walked downstairs to Duff in his boxers, at the stove, “I thought you were in bed” “Oh hey, no I got hungry” Duff smiled as soon as he saw me. “Mhm, when did Stevie come to your bed?” I asked as I snuggled into his back, leaving small kisses. “I’ve been down here for 40 minutes, he wasn’t there when I woke up” Duff turned a pancake over. “Morning” Izzy grumbled. “Morning Iz” I walked over to him and kissed his temple. Duff had breakfast done, already on plates. “Breakfast!” He yelled like he did every morning.  Izzy and I had started eating and finished in 20 minutes, still no one.  “I’m gonna go see what’s going on? This is too spooky” I walked upstairs. I knocked on Axl’s door, “Hey Ax, breakfast is done, gonna get cold if you don’t hurry”.  Nothing, I walked in and saw red hair peek out of the covers. Axl stays hot, why was he under the covers? I lifted the covers and gasped. Axl was a toddler, still had his long hair, T-shirt he slept in,swallowed him. “Hey Ax, what happened buddy?” I asked gently, nudging him awake. He jumped as he saw me, “My name is Billy” Axl/Billy said in a kid voice. “Duff!!” I yelled. Two boys ran in, “You okay, baby?” Izzy asked. “Holy shit” He said as he saw Axl as a toddler in his bed.  “Grab him, we’ll go see what’s up with Slash and Steven,” Duff said. “Come here, Bill”, I held my hands in front of him, Axl crawled over to me.  I met Izzy with Slash, Duff with Steven in their arms. 
We figured out that Axl was shy, but loved to be held, Steven had always been a happy person, Slash had his english accent and was quiet. “Duff, we have to find them clothes that will fit, Axl almost tripped crawling over to me”, I said, petting Axl’s ginger hair. Duff had his own problem as Steven tried crawling in his hair to be closer. Steven remembered Duff and how they were close. Izzy and I went to the store to get clothes for the boys for a few days until we figured out how to get them to adults again. Duff had found a box of toys, the people who used to live here left behind. Slash was playing with a T- rex, Steven was still on Duff’s lap, Axl laid on his tummy, watching Tv. “Hi boys” I smiled as Axl ran up to me, giving me grabby hands. “Hi, baby boy” I kissed his cheek. Axl hid in my hair as I sat the bag at Duff’s feet.  “Izdee” Axl whined. “You want Izzy?” I asked him, he nodded starting to get fussy. Izzy held Axl, but wasn’t sure about it. “Iz, he won’t bite,” I said, picking up Slash. “Hi, uh Saul” Almost forgot he didn’t get his nickname until later. He stared at me like he was trying to figure out who I was, his big brown eyes looked at me. “Hi, who are you?” He asked snuggling his head into my neck, while looking up at me. “I’m Y/n” 
Duff and I attempted to make lunch, but Steven and Slash wouldn’t leave us alone long enough. “Boys, come here,” Izzy said. The pair waddled over to him as he guided them back into the living room. “What are we gonna do about them? You have tour in a month” I asked looking at Duff. “Have no clue, we don’t know how they got turned that way”,Duff sighed.  “Maybe, Endora from Bewitched visited us last night”, I smirked. Duff gave me a go to hell look, “Sorry, not the time”, I said.  I felt a tug on my leggings, I looked down it was Axl. He looked like he was about to cry, “Hey, buddy what’s wrong?” I asked as I picked him up. He sniffled and rubbed his face, “Saul hit me, I- I hit him back and Izdee yelled at me” “Billy, we don’t hit people, it's not nice. Izzy shouldn’t have yelled at you. Wanna stay with us? Y/n will hold you”, Duff looked at Axl and smiled. I grabbed Axl as he clinged to me. He was twirling a piece of my hair, just smiling at me. He squealed as Duff tickled his foot and hid behind me slightly. “Prettdee” Axl smiled while looking at me, he blushed when I asked him who was pretty.  “Do we have to fix them to adults? He’s so cute” I pouted at Duff. “Yes, Izzy and I can’t be a two man band, babe” Duff said. “He’s hardly this clingy, I like it” I whined and hugged Axl to my chest. “Steven, don’t pull my hair! Slash stop walking in front of me” Izzy groaned as he walked in with Steven perched on his shoulders, Slash trying to climb his legs. “Hey baby” I smiled. Izzy sat the boys at the table and approached us. “Noo, stay away” Axl whined while hiding in my hair and clung to me. Izzy looked like he had been burned. “You yelled at him, his feelings are hurt, Izzy” I said. Duff took Axl to his chair, so grateful, Axl was starting to hurt my hip. “Tell him you were trying to correct him and that you’re sorry and will play with him after lunch. I wanna hold baby Slash, his hair so cute” I kissed his cheek. “Fine, but the little shit hit and bit me” Izzy grumbled. The boys got done eating and I grabbed tiny Slash and started giving him kisses around his cheeks, “It tickle” Slash squealed. “You’re so cute though, baby” I said, rubbing his belly as I moved him to my hip.  “Juice” Steven said, looking up at Duff. “We don’t have juice in this house” Duff said. “We do too, babe bottom draw” I said,  not noticing Slash’s tiny hand trying to grab my boob. “Slash, get out of there” I yelped as I finally noticed him. “Slashhh?” He turned his head. “Saul” He pointed to himself. “Right, sorry Saulie” I kissed his hair. Duff decided that they needed a nap. Izzy had Axl laying on his chest, Duff had Steven who was clutching a strand of black hair, I finally gave in to Slash to hold my boob. Boy had always been a boob lover, he wasn’t kidding.  “Aw Izzy, he likes you again” I smiled looking at the pair, Izzy was shhing Axl, guess he was stirring. “Yeah, guess he does” Izzy grinned. 
Slash and I had rolled facing the couch, “Y/n” “Mhmm” I mumbled. “Dinner is ready,” Izzy said. “Okay be there in a minute”, I said getting up and grabbing a sleeping Slash “Hey baby, wake up. Time to eat” “Momma” Slash grunted. “I’m not momma, Saul” I sat him next to Steven. I bent down to give Steven a kiss on his cheek, “Hi Stevie” Steven just looked at me. “My luck, you wouldn’t remember me even though you snuck into bed this morning”  I pouted and sat next to Izzy and Axl.  Izzy started kissing my neck and hit my sweet spot. “Mhm Izzy, knock it off” I whined. Izzy didn’t listen, I watched Axl crawl over from his chair and hit Izzy’s crotch. “Owww! The hell, Y/n?” Izzy pushed me away. “I didn’t hit you, Iz” I said pointing down to Axl in my lap. Izzy looked down to see a tiny pissed off Axl holding a hand protectively on my chest.  “Dinner is served” Duff laid a plate in front of me and kissed my cheek. “Thanks Duffy, looks- hey not for you” I grabbed Axl away from my plate, little shit tried to steal my mac n cheese. Axl giggled, “Y/nn. Can I have a bite?”  I looked at the plate of grilled chicken, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes then Axl again. “Here Ax” Duff sat a plate in  front of him. “Hey do you think they remember how to feed themselves?” I asked Duff. “I cut their chicken into tiny pieces so maybe they’ll shovel it like always,” Duff said, sitting Steven and Slash’s food down. ‘Hey blondie, where’s my food at?” Izzy grumbled. “Here Satan.” Steven started crying, “Hey buddy, what happened?” Duff rubbed his back. “Saul threw chicken at me and it was hottt” Steven whined. “Saul, don’t throw food at anybody else” Izzy said, giving Slash ‘the look’. It scared me and it wasn’t towards me. Why was it also really hot? 
Duff and I were in the bathroom with the boys and the tub running water. One of the boys tugged my sleeves, “Y/n, do we have to take a bath? I smell fine” Axl asked. “You have dirt from playing outside, dried ketchup on your cheek, and a leaf in your pretty red hair. Yes you have take a bath” I said, taking his t-shirt off. “This is no fun” Axl pouted with his arms crossed over his chest. Slash was clinging to Duff’s arm, “Nooo! That water is gross. Don’t make me Duff”  “The water is clean, just has Steven and Axl in it and they’re okay” Duff said, prying Slash off his arm. “I don’t want bath with them” Slash whined. “Then with who?” Duff asked. I already knew. “Y/n” Slash gave a toothy grin to Duff. “No” Duff sat Slash in the water and started scrubbing his back. “Sorry Saulie, maybe another time” I grinned pouring water onto Steven’s head. “You’re prettdee” Steven turned his head to look at me, “Thank you, Stevie. Stay still so I don’t get shampoo in your eyes” I said shampooing his head. Slash was in a towel staring at Steven and I. “What’s the matter, Saul?” I asked. “Can you put my clothes on? I’m cold” Slash asked while petting my hair. “Let me get Stevie out and I will help you,” I said, bopping Steven’s nose. I guided Slash and Steven out of the bathroom. “You’re just gonna leave me in here with me?” Duff yelled. “He’s a baby, Duff”, I yelled back. Steven had dog pj’s on and Slash little dinos on his. I decided to put them in Axl’s room. I didn't want Slash to find his snakes in his room.  “Hi, Y/n. I’m clean now” Axl said perched on Duff’s shoulders. “Hi baby, you are. Come on” I said lifting him off of Duff. “What jammies do you want?” I asked, holding him on my hip. Axl couldn’t decide I put him in duck pj’s. “Alright bedtime. No goofing around just sleep okay?” I said standing at the door. “I need a kiss” Axl whined. “You already got one, Bill,” I said, shutting the door. Duff slammed me on the wall and started attacking my lips. “God, you’re so good with kids. It's hot” Duff said in between kisses.  Duff rolled off of me and was catching his breath again. “Love you” “Love you too, Duffy” I laid my head on his chest. Couple hours later, Duff was snoring and I wasn’t sleepy yet.  I knocked on Izzy’s door, heard his shower was on. Undressing again, I pulled the curtain back. Izzy didn’t hear or see me. I started kissing his back and shoulders, “Oh hey baby” Izzy turned around. Izzy had to carry me to his bed, “Sorry for being too rough” “It's okay, you know I like it rough, especially with you” I kissed his nose.  Izzy put his Rolling Stones shirt on me before dozing off.
“Izzy wake up!” Axl yelled. “Ax, it's too early for your shit go away,” I groaned, snuggling closer to Izzy. “Okay, care to explain why my bed has the baby version of my guitarist and drummer.” Axl said, cocking his hip out. “Holy shit! How did you turn back to normal?” Izzy asked sitting up. Axl shrugged, “I don’t know, I woke up naked and had half of PJ’s on” “Aww those were so cute on you. Why did you have to turn back first?” I whined. “Izzy, do you have- Holy shit, you’re normal again” Duff said mid-yelling. “Are they still babies?” Izzy asked. “Yeah” I climbed out of bed but fell from the soreness from my legs to my crotch. “Fuck” “Did she?” Duff asked. Izzy nodded, helping me up. “Y/n?” A tiny Slash waddled to me. “Yeah?” I asked looking down at him. “I’m hungry and there’s a weird man in bed” Slash said. “Steven’s back” Duff said. I couldn’t walk so Izzy carried me to the kitchen while Axl held Slash. Slash was really cute as a baby like he is as an adult.  Steven was looking in the fridge, “Did you guys feed me yesterday? I’m starving.” “We did but Duff cut everything up so you wouldn’t choke” I said as Izzy sat me at the table. “Prettdee” Slash said as he held a piece of Axl’s hair. We all laughed. Steven wanted us to watch a movie with him, we all camped out in the living room. Someone shook me awake, “Piss off” I groaned. “Y/n, what happened?” Slash said. “Saul, go back and sleep on Axl’s chest earlier. It's nap time” I snuggled closer to Izzy. “Nap time. What I am 3? Slash asked. Then it hit me, he’s back to normal. “Slash!!” I jumped into his arms and held him close. “I missed you this size” “What is she talking about?” Slash asked. “Axl, I and you got turned into toddlers for whatever weird ass reason” Steven said. “Yeah all of yesterday Izzy, Duff and I had to take care of you guys. You had your english accent and didn’t understand why we called you  by your nickname” I said, while laying on Izzy’s shoulder. “Is that why I had dinosaur pj’s on?” Slash asked. “You put him in dinosaur PJ’s?” Izzy asked. “Yeah, Stevie had dogs and Axl had duck ones. I really wanted them in feetie Pj”s before they went back to normal. Forty bucks down the drain, we don’t have a baby running around here” I pouted. All the guys looked at each other and smirked, “What are you guys thinking? No, leave me alone” I locked eyes with Duff and had a sparkle in his eyes like always when he wants sex. I stood up but started to fall but Axl caught me, “I’m worn out, leave me alone. Watch a porno and circle jerk.”  The guys all laughed and Axl threw me over his shoulder, “Come on guys” They all followed Axl as he walked into his room, “What are you guys planning?” I asked as Axl sat me on the middle of his bed. They stared at me and smiled, “Are you gonna kill me now?” I asked.
All of a sudden, I was pinned to the bed by Izzy, the rest of the guys were kissing all over my body, laughing. “Izzy, make em quit. It feels like leeches are on me” I giggled as Duff peppered my face with kisses. Axl switched places with Izzy and I had Izzy kissing my chest. After ten minutes, they all quit.  “That was fun, again” Steven giggled. “No, it felt like leeches were attacking me” I whined climbing onto Duff’s lap. Izzy grinned. Axl sneezed and forgot to cover his mouth and it landed on Slash. “What the fuck?” Slash tackled Axl, the force of his movement made Axl’s bed break. Steven had fell on me, Duff broke my fall, “That’s not how I planned on breaking my bed, it involved Y/n” Axl said as Izzy rolled off of him. 
“Why did you have to turn back?” Izzy asked grumbling as he left the room.
Wonder how it go if it was Izzy, Duff and I who turned to toddlers?
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It’s the End of the World as We Know It - Chapter 1
summary: During the international quarantine in your first-ever pandemic, the people around you slowly begin to disappear. As the world grows quieter and quieter, you find yourself all alone-- no power, no friends, and only one goal: to find whoever of your friends might be left and reunite with them.You're naive to think anything can be that simple. As you're faced with ever-increasing loneliness, you run into some boys who apparently went to the same high school as you. Will you join forces with them to figure out your strange circumstances together, or will you brave loneliness in a world that is slowly crumbling apart?
Link on AO3!
words: 4,452
rating: M - Mature
genre: angst/humor, romance, adventure, apocalypse AU, reader-insert
warnings: sort of depressing content, a smidge of violence, cursing
a/n: hello, hello! this is my first fic for haikyuu (originally posted on AO3), and i wanted to post it on tumblr as well just for shits n gigs. please enjoy!
- Beginning of the End -
It was a Thursday the day everyone disappeared.
The world was quiet outside, but it was loud in your phone, on account of the international quarantine. Everyone was tweeting, making dumb videos, playing video games. You would sit in your room for hours on end, scrolling through your phone as you mourned the loss of your senior year of high school. No prom, no graduation, no more arts and crafts club. It was bad enough that your closest friend group had been disbanded before your senior year even started-- it was just bad luck, but they all left to live in different states while you were left alone in suburbia.
You stayed home with your mom while your dad went to work-- he was considered an essential worker, as he worked in the grocery store. Your mom was much more active than you, constantly cleaning or cooking or going for a walk. It was admirable, but it irritated you how she would always try and get you to interact with her activities. She did it because she was probably worried about you, and she was probably lonely. You were lonely, too-- your friends lived miles away in the vast expanse of the suburbs, and your home was tucked into the fringes of soccer mom society. Your backyard was larger than most, and it was perfect for when you would host kickbacks with your friends. Recently, however, you had no reason to use the large space.
On Thursday, you decided to put down your phone for a while and play fetch with your dog. She was the biggest and fluffiest best friend you’d ever had, a german shepherd named Indie, short for Indiana, as in the archaeologist. You thought the name was fitting, because she could find almost anything with her nose-- you and your mom had trained her to do that a few summers ago.
Your mom had gone on a walk before you decided to play fetch with the dog. You had left your phone on the kitchen table. It wasn’t until the sun began to set and you felt your arm begin to ache when you noticed that she’d been gone for a while.
You gave Indie her stick, though she sniffed and whined at you stressfully. You frowned, and let her inside as you checked your phone. A few notifications from your friends’ group chat:
Kimi: Anybody else’s power go out?
Callie: omg i thought it was just Ohio!
Kimi: Nah, we got it in Connecticut, too.
Emily: New York, too!
They were asking if you had experienced the same thing.
Me: i didnt notice, i was playing with indie. wbu, sami?
 Sami had moved to L.A., about two hours from your home, so you guys were able to hang out most weekends if you took the train or if she drove out to you. She didn’t even read the chat.
Me: bitch i know ur in quarantine smh read my message
[Kimi, Callie, and Emily liked your message!]
 You dialed your mom’s number as you went to turn on the T.V., only to be met with static. You frowned, and surfed a few channels only to be met with more static before you turned it off. Her voicemail blared through your phone speakers, and that was when you started to worry.
You hung up, called your dad.
“Hey, honey!” He answered-- he must’ve been on break.
“Dad, did the power go out?”
“Yeah, for a couple minutes there. Did it happen at home, too?”
“Yeah…” You trailed off. Indie licked your hand, and whined some more. “Hey, mom’s not answering her phone and she’s been on a walk for a while. Like, three hours.”
“Huh.” Your dad let out a contemplative sigh. “Well, I’m sure she’ll be okay. Maybe she’s talking with the neighbors and her phone died.”
But maybe not. You had a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, and Indie could sense it as you sat on the couch. She slowly tried to inch her way into your lap, as she never really had a good idea of her own large size. You just let her and scratched her ear.
“Listen, honey, I gotta go. But we can make mac-n-cheese for dinner, how’s that sound?”
“Good, dad.” You said, biting your lip. “Okay, see you when you get home.”
Then, you hung up, and you waited for your mom.
When your dad got home, you went out to search for your mom. On your tour of the neighborhood, you came across others who had broken quarantine and were searching for their loved ones, too. Saying they went for a walk, or to the store and they didn’t come back.
Your dad remained the voice of reason, saying things like well maybe their phone died, or this is all just some big prank we’ll all laugh about later. You stayed silent.
Saturday was when your dad didn’t come home. His car was nowhere to be found, but you didn’t trust yourself to drive your mom’s car just yet. Or rather, you didn’t want to drive it because you didn’t want to be reminded that it was permanently vacant. You walked all the way to the store an hour after he was supposed to have gotten off. Manager Dan wasn’t there, either-- nobody had seen your dad at all that day; he was a no-call, no-show.
You walked all the way back home.
Me: my dad’s gone now too
Callie: fuck.
Callie: my sister…
Kimi: I still haven’t heard from Sami.
Emily: Yeah, me neither.
Me: we should check in every day with each other
[Callie and Emily liked your message!]
Me: Kimi?
It’s Thursday again.
Emily has stopped answering by now, and the frantic search parties that used to pass by your window every now and again have stopped, too. Even Twitter is quiet-- it seems with every passing day, more and more people go silent. As you lay on your bed with Indie at your feet, you keep refreshing your feed on every social media app, but nothing changes-- all of the posts are old. It feels like your world is shrinking while at the same time expanding into a terrifying void.
Me: callie?
Callie: im here.
 You breathe a sigh of relief, which turns into a sob into your pillow.
Me: idk how long we’ll have wifi or even electricity.
Callie: my parents are still here. Come to ohio, seriously.
 You bite your lip. You think about Sami, and how many times she pried the truth out of you when you were sad, how she was the only one who would sing with you at karaoke, how you promised to move to New York together.
Me: i have to find sami.
Callie: please just come here. We need to stick together.
Me: i’ll find sami and we’ll come to ohio. Then we go to NY to look for em and kimi.
Callie: okay. Please text.
Me: i will. I promise i’ll come to ohio.
 You bite your lip, and glance at your phone’s percentage: 43%. You sigh, and put it on the charger while you go downstairs to scrounge for breakfast. You only woke up about two hours ago, though you can’t sleep much, anyways. You think to yourself how your mom would be scolding you for waking up so late.
As you eat the last poptart, Indie lays down on your feet. You toss her a couple crumbs, she eats them gratefully. You sigh, and look at your now empty pantry-- you have to try and go to the grocery store, whether you like it or not. You only have your permit, but you know that you’re a terrible driver. Still, you get up and put on shoes and grab your jacket. You probably don’t have to worry about cops or the law anymore, anyway-- you suspect everything has disappeared.
You look at yourself in the mirror; you didn’t think your outfit for the apocalypse would be sweatpants and a hoodie. With a sigh, you change into jeans and a long sleeve, layer a flannel on top of that, and your favorite jacket on top of that. It’s cold outside-- much colder than you’re used to.
Based on the incredible silence on Facebook, you figure that most of the adults have disappeared. As you drive further and further into town, you notice some obvious signs of looting from once pristine houses: trash littering lawns, doors left wide open. You get the haunting realization that you’re perhaps the only person left in your neighborhood. It’s amazing how quickly things can turn in just a few days.
When you pull up to the grocery store, you notice there’s only one other car there-- a white van, stationed by the curb and still running. You actually pull into a parking spot like some kind of society bootlicker, and cautiously put the car in park and turn off the engine.
You watch the van for a moment, slowly becoming hyper-aware of the very real possibility that you might run into robbers. Your stomach growls, and you take a deep breath. You should’ve brought Indie.
Grocery bags in hand, you exit your soccer mom minivan and lock it. Steeling your nerves, you put one foot in front of the other. As if on cue, two figures hurry out of the store, glancing behind them before they notice you. The automatic doors have long since stopped running, so they just pause in the doorway while you freeze on the curb, the fumes from the van tickling your nose.
They’re both boys holding bags you assume to be filled with groceries: both around your age, one of them has gray and black spiked hair, and eyes as wide and aware as an owl’s. The one next to him has dark, short, almost curly hair, and his gaze is calculating and cold.
You take a small step back, unsure of what to say. They seem just as apprehensive, when the van door slides open forcefully.
“Hey, what are you doing? Get in!” Another boy, this one of a larger build than the two in front of you with jet black spiked hair, snaps angrily.
“Kuroo, we have a situation.” The curly-haired boy says evenly, though he’s tense. His knuckles are white holding his bags.
“Huh?” The one who must be Kuroo says, and cranes his neck to the side to spot you. “Oh, shit.”
“U-um…” You stutter out, and you suddenly feel extremely cornered-- it’s three against one, and what if they want to take your car? What if they have some kind of weird cult and need a girl for breeding? “I’m just gonna get some-- some poptarts and leave.”
“Holy shit!!” The gray haired one seems to have broken out of his stupor, and he rushes over to you, dropping his bags and their contents on the ground in order to grab your shoulders. “Another person! A-a girl!”
“Yes, she’s a girl…” The curly-haired one sighs, puts his bags in the van and begins to gather up the other one’s forgotten groceries.
“First one I’ve seen in a while.” Kuroo grins and hops from the car to stand beside the gray-haired one who still hasn’t let go of you. You don’t have the balls to tell him to get off-- you’re not sure how dangerous these boys are. “How long have you been hiding out?”
“Come with us! We’re at the high school.” The gray-haired one beams-- how could he possibly be smiling?
You don’t know what to say, so you look away. Your voice seems to be caught in your throat, and that’s extremely frustrating-- but you’re not about to cry in front of these guys.
“Quit it, Bokuto.” The curly-haired one is eyeing you carefully, though not as if you’re a threat. He seems to be the only one that can actually sense your discomfort. The one that’s holding you-- Bokuto-- sighs, and lets you go, instead putting his hands on his hips.
“We should at least help her.” He points out, and grins down at you. “What’s your name, anyway?”
“She’s not gonna tell you. Let’s just go home.” Kuroo shrugs, and you cross your arms.
You tell them your name, if only to spite the taller one. He turns with a grin, and it only just occurs to you that perhaps, that was reverse-psychology. You huff, and look away with a little bit of a blush.
“Like I said, I just need to get poptarts and some other things and then I’m going back home.” You mutter.
“We’re wasting gas.” The curly-haired one calls, as he has already sat in the front seat.
“Hold on, Akaashi!” Bokuto calls. “Listen, there aren’t anymore poptarts in there. None whatsoever.”
Your heart breaks a little, but you keep it together.
“There’s, like, rice and stuff, but I think that’s it.” He shrugs, and turns to get into the van. You bite your lip--  might as well ask rather than waste your time wandering around all alone.
“Is there any dog food left?”
“Huh? Dog food?” Bokuto is right back in front of you. He and Kuroo speak at the same time:
“You’re gonna eat dog food?” Bokuto says. “You have a dog?” Kuroo says, and the two boys glare at each other.
“Yeah…” You say, though you still haven’t gotten an answer to your question. “I mean, I have a dog.”
“Yeah, it’s in aisle five.” You hear the one called Akaashi tell you, without even bothering to turn to look at you.
“I know that.” You snap-- your dad used to work in this store, you know it pretty damn well. Akaashi glances back at you then, probably a little surprised by your defensive tone. You huff, annoyed at yourself for being so touchy. These were the first people you met after about three straight weeks in quarantine, and they might be the only people left for miles. You need to play nice.
“My dad works here.” You explain, looking down at your shoes. Kuroo nods, exchanges a glance with Bokuto. “Well, he used to.”
A silence falls over the group-- they know. You all know, now, what it’s like to lose a parent, or any loved one, for that matter. You blink quickly to fight back any tears that might threaten to escape.
“We’re staying at Karasuno High-- it’s the high school near Flat Top.” Kuroo says. “If you want to join us, we’re kind of setting up camp there.”
“There’s more of us!” Bokuto explains. “We’re gonna find some mattresses after this to bring ‘em back so we can all stick together.”
“Oh, cool.” You say half-heartedly, unsure of why exactly they’re inviting you over as if it’s some kind of fun sleepover. “Wait, you guys went to Karasuno?”
“Yeah! You, too?” Bokuto lights up, and you look at the three boys a little closer, though you don’t seem to recognize them.
“Yeah… but I don’t think we were in the same circles.” You finally smile a little, albeit sadly, now that you’re remembering all the things you’ll never be able to return to now that school and society are essentially gone.
“You ever go to any volleyball games?” Kuroo asks, obviously encouraged by your smile. You shake your head.
Akaashi has exited the van by now with a sigh, coming to stand beside his two friends as he takes a look around. “We need to get going. If you want to join us, you know where to find us. But it’s gonna be dark soon.”
That seems to smack some sense into the other two, and they exchange glances with one another. Kuroo nods, Bokuto sighs, and the two get back into the van. Akaashi pauses, and you accidentally lock eyes with him.
His gaze betrays nothing, and you wonder for a moment how he ever became friends with these two. He reaches into the van, and pulls out a familiar blue cardboard box, gives it to you.
You take the poptarts, and glance up at him questioningly-- he puts a finger to his lips with just the hint of a smile. You smile back.
“Listen, it’s great you have a dog-- keep him close. And get home before it gets dark. And…” He glances to the side uneasily. “Get a baseball bat or something.”
A chill goes up your spine at that last part, and you frown, but nod to the boy in front of you anyways. He returns the nod, and gets in the back of the van. You both share a glance at each other one more time, and it feels as if he wants to say something more, but he doesn’t. He just slides the door closed, and Bokuto waves to you out the window.
“Byee! Hopefully we’ll see you later-- hey, where’d you get those poptarts?!” Bokuto’s voice fades away as the van drives off, and you are once again left alone.
You gather a fair amount of stuff-- rope, for some reason is included in your loot. You always saw people in the movies get rope, so you figure you’ll find some use for it.
There aren’t any baseball bats, but you do find a hammer and a paring knife. It’s small, but better than nothing. You load up on the dog food, and even manage to haul two huge bags of kibble into your car. As you load it up, you can’t shake the feeling of someone watching you. Even though you look around and make certain that you’re the only person present, the feeling doesn’t go away. You sort of wish you’d gone with those boys now.
You aren’t surprised when the street lights don’t turn on, but you take that as your signal to leave. Even though you want to scrounge for more supplies, you don’t want to risk it. Akaashi’s words of warning hang over your head like a humid fog.
As you drive home, you can’t stop chewing on your lip. Even with your headlights on, it’s hard to see, but you don’t want to turn on your brights and draw more attention to yourself. Just get home, lock the doors, and check in with Callie.
You park the car in your backyard because the garage door won’t open-- the power’s finally gone out. You close the backyard gate and lock it as soon as you’re out of the car, but somehow you still feel uneasy.
As you enter your dark home, you softly call out Indie’s name, and you hear her scamper up to you.
“Good girl,” You whisper, and scratch her ear. You decide to leave the larger groceries in the car for now, as you don’t want to go back outside and keep making trips of transferring the supplies into your house. For now, you need to sleep so that you can ignore the hunger in your belly and stretch out your rations just a little further.
Indie guides you up the stairs and into your bedroom as you set your bag down heavily. You come across your phone with dismay, finding that it hasn’t charged at all since you left, and is now at 7%. You bite your lip, and open up the almost abandoned group chat.
Me: callie im gonna come to ohio soon. I think we are gonna lose connection tho. Idk if this will even send, but ill see u in ohio. I love you.
 The message doesn’t send. You shudder out a sigh, and you’re grateful when Indie nuzzles into your side.
Your phone finally shuts off, though it’s useless now, anyway. You crawl into your bed and Indie curls up next to you, and you fall into an uneasy sleep.
You jolt awake at the hissing sound that’s coming from downstairs. Indie is tense and alert, and she licks your elbow. You sit up, and vaguely note the time: 3:37am.
There’s some shuffling, and you see the beam of what you assume to be a flashlight shakily illuminate the walls downstairs. You didn’t close your bedroom door when you came in, because you assumed that you were alone.
‘Stupid…’ You think to yourself as you grip Indie’s collar. She begins to growl, but you shush her quickly, though she flattens her ears back at you. Letting out a shaky breath, you crawl off of your bed as silently as you can manage, and reach for the hammer and paring knife in your bag.
Indie follows you as you venture into the hallway, and you perch behind the bars of your stairs as the hushed conversation down below becomes clearer.
“Just find whatever food you can and let’s go.” A deep male voice cuts through the silence.
“We need to check the car! There’s nothing here.” A stranger male voice answers, and giggles. “We should find the girl instead.”
You tense, and grip the hammer a little tighter.
“I don’t care about her. I just want her stuff.” The deep voice asserts, and you wonder what you should do next. Storm downstairs and hammer them to death? You’ve never fought anybody before, let alone killed someone. Your hands are becoming clammy, and you don’t notice the pregnant pause in the conversation downstairs.
It isn’t until you see a head of brown hair come into view that you’re snapped from your thoughts. Indie can’t help herself-- she barks, and bolts down the stairs before you can stop her. The two boys yell in surprise, and you watch as she tackles the tall one with brown hair. Meanwhile, the other one comes into view-- he has large, droopy eyes with spiked red hair, and he looks excited when he catches sight of you.
“There she is!” He coos, and begins to walk upstairs. You gasp, and you know in this split second that your home is no longer yours-- you need to get away. In one fluid motion, you run into your room to grab your single bag of groceries. It’s heavy, but you don’t notice as adrenaline rushes through your veins.
When you turn to run down the stairs, the red-head catches you by both of your upper arms. He licks his chapped lips, and your knee jerks out to hit his groin. He yelps and doubles over, and you fly down the stairs.
“Indie!” You whistle, and she actually bounds from the living room over the couch, to skid by your side. You swipe the car keys off the counter, rip the sliding glass door open, and use the fob to unlock the car. You open the passenger for Indie, she leaps in as you toss the bag and your hammer and knife in behind her, you slam the door closed, and hop over the hood of the car.
As you turn to open the driver’s side door, you watch as the red-head runs in slow motion from your stairs to the exit to your backyard. You don’t breathe or shake as you turn the ignition, throw the car in reverse, then drive, and plow through your flimsy backyard gate as you push your little soccer van to its limits.
Tires skid as you swerve onto the street, and you press down so hard on the gas, that a few minutes later, you don’t register that you’re going 90 miles an hour in the suburbs. Houses pass you at incredible speed, and you ease up on the pedal when Indie licks your cheek. You stare straight ahead, and subconsciously, you drive towards your high school. Those three boys were nice to you-- they warned you, and you didn’t listen. They even tried to help you and include you, and you flat out denied them.
You slam on the brakes as you turn into Karasuno High’s parking lot. It’s only now that you realize that you didn’t fasten your seat belt, and you shut off the car with a shaky breath. The front of the school looms over you, and you wonder for a moment if they’re even here-- was it all a joke? What if they turn you away because you were such a bitch earlier? No matter how many scenarios you run through your head, you come to the same conclusion every time: you can’t go back home, and you’re already here, so you may as well investigate. You grab your hammer and get out of the car, and Indie follows behind. You close and lock the doors, pocketing the keys, and turn towards the school you’ve known for three and a half years.
The front gates are locked, of course. You wander the perimeter of the school, Indie trotting beside you the whole way. The school looks different in the dark-- it feels different, too. It’s like you’re walking in a dream, or some sort of in-between space. You shouldn’t be awake, and you definitely shouldn’t be here, but you are. It’s strange. Everything is bathed in moonlight, so it’s all a very specific shade of blue that makes you feel like you’re underwater.
You come upon the gym in the back of the school, and you’re startled to hear voices coming from inside. You tip-toe up to the doors, and Indie sniffs curiously. 
“If your leg gets cut off, would it hurt?”
“Please just go to sleep.”
“Duh!” A third voice chimes in, and the second voice groans.
“How, though?” The first voice presses.
“‘Cause your leg got cut off, dumbass.” Third voice answers.
“Where’re you gonna feel the pain?”
“In your leg…” The third voice trails off.
“Exactly, man. How’re you gonna feel the pain in your leg if--”
“--if your leg is gone?!” The first and third voice finish together, and you hear the second person groan.
“I’m going outside.” He says, and as his voice gets louder, you stumble away from the door just as it opens.
You blink rapidly and your jaw drops-- Akaashi stands in front of you, brows furrowed and eyes wide. You can’t believe they’re actually here.
“Akaashi?” Someone calls from inside. Akaashi opens his mouth to respond, but glances at Indie when she sniffs his hand curiously. He pets her absent-mindedly as his gaze wanders back to yours.
Bokuto and Kuroo pop up behind him a second later, and they’re just as surprised as Akaashi. Indie sniffs them in turn, and her tail begins to wag.
You drop your hammer with a thud, and sniffle like a toddler before letting out a sob you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“C-can I stay with you?”
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