#and just sees the Investigations gang passed out at a table (Kay was hungry and it was the only place that was open) after case 5
coolerhope · 15 days
I absolutely love the Ace Attorney: Investigations timeline. It's just Miles Edgeworths no good very bad couple of days. That man goes through it in this game.
AAI spoilers underneath (like the entire story)
Like timeline wise, Edgeworth is on a plane with earthquake-like turbulence. After trying to hype himself up to move on from his trauma and finally use an elevator, he opens the elevator doors to immediately find a dead body. He then gets accused of killing said person. After proving his innocence and arriving at the airport, he then helps with a kidnapping at an amusement park only to get knocked out and kidnapped himself. After solving the whole kidnapping thing, Edgeworth returns to his office late at night only to find another dead body and is then held at gunpoint. The next case Edgeworth argues for hours about diplomatic immunity. Larry and Oldbag are there. It's almost 3am.
He just wanted to watch the Steel Samurai stage show :(
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