#and joins in with jewish people’s trauma and social issues and bigotry they face
edandstede · 4 months
Okay, what do you want Dean to do? It seems like nothing they do is ever gonna be enough for you to shut up about them.
phrased like they’ve ever tried to change their behaviour when they’ve only doubled down on pretending to be jewish AFTER ADMITTING THEY’RE NOT. “nothing they do is gonna be enough” tell me dean are you still peddling the holocaust OCs you invented? how’s the non-existent grandma who taught you yiddish— oh wait, i thought you said on reddit you never got to learn it? how’s the blatant racism and the stereotyping going? someone refusing to be fucking quiet about this shit isn’t the issue here you dense cunt and real people are going to continue to be hurt because of it <3
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