#and jimin didn't???????
tomuchabotme · 3 months
pjms are like "6.7M streams is so good" guys if they are not premium, what's the point?
I can't believe we are lacking on SALES. That was the only thing I thought we handled good.
and it's sad bc it's like prove them right lol
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kimtaegis · 2 months
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JIMIN ⟡ WHO (2024)
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jkvjimin · 3 months
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Every time I miss you Those words that have became a habit...
FOR YOUTH | ytc in busan cr. @jung-koook
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kookjinnies · 3 months
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my jinmin <3
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userjiminie · 10 months
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jungkook vs jimin's room: a story in three acts cr. moreloveforhobi
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jimimn · 1 year
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231013 ♡ jimin's birthday wlive ♡
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jung-koook · 1 year
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♡ happy holidays & happy new year~
cr. qdeoks
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‘Butter’ Jacket Shoot Sketch Day Two - BTS
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floradinterlunium · 1 month
The Car Conversation Was Actually Validating !
Anyone that pays attention can see that Jungkook can spend all day with Jimin and still miss him when he isn’t near.
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Anyone that pays attention can see that Jungkook’s love language is quality time. This is why he so frequently visits Jimin at night, because it’s the only time they have alone together. For Jungkook it doesn’t matter if he spends all day with Jimin if that time is spent with him and other people. This is why we get Tae saying things like “Jungkook is keeping Jimin from coming.” Or why Jikook have been coined the “All nighter friends.” Or why they will stay up ALLLL night together regardless of their busy schedules…it’s the only time they ever have alone together. 
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So why do I say all this…I say this because some people struggle with not seeing the big picture...or to put it more simply they struggle with contextualizing conversations like the Car Conversation.
In the car conversation Jungkook and Jimin both implied they hadn’t spent time together due to their conflicting schedules. And we all knew this. This is what every Jikooker was shouting since their solo careers started. When Jimin was busy Jungkook was not, when Jungkook was busy, Jimin was not. This made it difficult for them to see each other. That said, we also know for a FACT that they did see each other within that time. Jungkook goes to JM’s rehearsal, Jungkook records Letter in the studio with JM, Tae and Jimin hangout with Jungkook, they have drinks together before Jins enlistment, they see each other at concerts, JM mentions discussing music over drinks with Jungkook for hours, JK mention (although disputed) JM moving his lamp, Jungkook and JM both correspond over lives together, and there are other times we can suspect Jm was over JK's. So it’s clear that they did see each other and talk during their busy schedules.
SO why did JK speak as though they never did? It goes back to what I mentioned first...Jungkook seems to quickly go through Jimin withdrawals...he often looks sad the minute Jimin is pulled away from him and simply doesn't like it.
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Or sometimes JK would even cheat if it meant being near or on the same team as Jimin.
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Above all else, JUngkook desires Jimin's time and attention. He wanted JM to make more of an effort to see him, which is why JM defends himself in this conversation with but "I did call you."
But, the calls and the times they did see each other weren't enough for JK. Most of the times they’d seen each other was around other people, it wasn’t quality time. Jungkook was used to seeing Jimin daily…and that daily went to once every blue moon and often with other people around. Jungkook was clearly bothered by this…the car conversation and Jungkook’s lives made this clear. Jungkook was not okay with this distance .
Jungkook in that same conversation says if it weren't for these trips they probably wouldn't have ever been able to hang…in my opinion this statement alludes to his busy work schedule and ultimately their enlistment ."We wouldn't have been able to have quality time together prior to enlistment" is the sentiment I felt. Jimin responds looking into JK's soul "that's why I came here" Neither one of them knew at this point that they were going to be able to enlist together, so in their minds if they weren't able to do these trips they would have been separated for a year and a half. So when Jungkook said “you’re here finally,” this was elation…it’s a sign that their “distance” wasn’t by choice. It was circumstance. They wanted to be together. and now that they were he was happy!
People taking this conversation to mean they aren't that close are wild... because it actually proves the opposite! They are incredibly close...so close in Jimin's own words he went to NYC and Connecticut and did this show to be spend time with Jungkook. And even Jungkook in the midst of his busy schedule did this show to spend time with Jimin. If that does not SCREEEEEAAAAAM closer than close to you . . . Than think about what he said a little deeper . .
Jimin wanted to spend time with Jungkook so he planned to travel to NYC to see him, but due to military restrictions he could only travel out of country for work, so he came up with the idea for a travel show. All to spend time with Jungkook. This can be downplayed but JM confirmed this by saying..."that's why I came here!" And what was Jungkook's response to all this... "you're finally here." Not just yay you're hear...no...you're finally here!
So if that convo got you doubting ask yourself why? We been knew they weren't hanging out as much as they were before due to work schedules,,,this convo confirmed it. We been knew JK was struggling with not having his Jimmy (don't let that laugh fool you) this convo confirmed it. We speculated this whole travel show was a ruse to spend time together...JM slick confirmed it!
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Wow, armys are taking down any account that says anything about Suga. So they know to report? And they can get accounts suspended quickly? Good to know.
It was never about capability, but willingness. Army as the online Fandom in its current state is not a Jimin fan, nor will ever take seriously any threat or slander towards him and his family when people from the fandom itself are the perpetrators. Stop expecting change from them.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
Someone asked me months ago to rank Jungkook's Calvin Klein looks. Life got in the way but I didn't forget. So, Anon, if you're reading this, here's my ranking.
Starting off basic..
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(Cutie pie mood break)
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For Jimin.
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drawballa · 1 year
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Shield & Shelter Chapter 8 (6/6)
ALL CHAPTERS: https://www.tumblr.com/drawballa/708347107446226945/shield-shelter-royalau-master-post?source=share
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jkvjimin · 7 months
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baby angel ♡ cr. 0613data
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hyunin · 1 year
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jimin-bangtan · 3 months
Jimin's SGMB🌺 - The Comedy
Recently Jimin’s pre-released song, Smeraldo Garden Marching Band [SGMB], was revealed.  It is the 1st official pre-released song* from his 2nd solo album called MUSE. His first solo album was a 6-song EP called FACE. It actually had 7 songs because it had a hidden track called Letter (Dear.Army) that was never released for streaming.  It was the final song in the sequence of 7 that appears to be an intimate communication to a loved one.  MUSE is also a 7-song EP that really can be looked at as an extension of FACE.  It includes the song SGMB, which seems to be an intimate communication to a loved one - except this one is not hidden - and it can be streamed by the world.
After his debut solo album, FACE, Jimin promised a lighter album next time. FACE was about heavier topics as he reflected on a dark experience and his ultimate resolution and growth from it.  MUSE begins with Jimin expressing and showing that he is feeling happier and lighter, and he’s ready to move on to reflect on what inspires him in his life. While FACE looked at circumstances that weighed him down, MUSE seems to be looking at things that lift him up. 
The video for SGMB was colorful, happy, cute (the word I heard almost all reviewers use), and funny. Some described it as silly or childish, but that was the point.  Jimin has a great sense of humor. He and I have a similar sense of humor, so I get his jokes when they seem to pass over some. It was a delight to see him able to really show this genuine side of his personality in his work, which he has repeatedly said was a goal for him: to show more sides of himself.
From the outlandish announcer’s voice at the start, which was most undeniably Jimin, to the cute “adlibs” throughout, that were not throw away lines but were important contributions to the message, the humor was sprinkled throughout the song. “Let’s talk about us.” “Just for you” “Let’s go!” “All for you” “Yes, sir.”  And one final adlib just for fun “Take it to the bridge.” Ha!  These bits were added with funny sounding voices that made you chuckle but also made them stand out.
The comedy continued with the inclusion of the remaining actual members of the Smeraldo Garden Marching Band, who had never been in a video before (PDogg, GHSTLOOP, Evan).  The imagery showed Jimin popping bubbles, making expressive faces, operating as a relationship guru, and yanking in his reluctant collab. rapper, Loco, at the end to dance along. Unlike BTS’s Blood, Sweat, & Tears video, you were not left scratching your head then having to do a deep dive on the meaning of what you just saw. You were just left with the lyrics and what they might mean.  In spite of the playful hilarity, most people picked up that it is, in fact, a love song.
When I was first introduced to BTS’s music, in spite of not understanding much of the Korean lyrics, I enjoyed the melody, rhythms, and energy of the tunes.  Even the slow songs sounded uplifting and bright - then I began reading lyrics. One of the aspects of BTS that trapped me as a devoted fan was that they were speaking about serious topics within their exceptionally musical songs. Some of the lyrics were even dark, when the song still sounded danceable and musically light.  Again think Blood, Sweat, & Tears.
Jimin used that same playbook for SGMB, and perhaps for the entire, yet unreleased, album. It was a light and melodious song with a playful video, but he was saying something significant and important under all the fluff. Many will dismiss SGMB as a fan song or as a fun, empty song, but I feel, like many of BTS’s songs, there was more meaning beneath the surface.
Notice that the dancing was also light, and the choreography easier than what we know Jimin is capable of executing.  I feel the lyrics were so important to Jimin that he didn’t want to distract from them.  The next day everyone would have been discussing his dancing and not the meaning of the song.  Jimin wore no accessories and a plain black suit. He even used a plain, black microphone with no bedazzling gems. He seemed to not want to take anything away from listeners and viewers paying attention to the song and the symbolism in the video.
One reviewer even noticed that Jimin's voice was produced noticeably above the instrumentation. Also, Jimin sang Live for this performance video. I have not seen this done often, or at all, for a video that is introducing a song. I feel that may have been an important, significant decision Jimin made so that the first time listeners heard the words, he was actually saying them with his own voice, from his own mouth.
Fans knew Jimin had left additional music behind while he had to step away to complete his military duty.  Still, many were surprised that it was given so early in the time frame.  Due to the unwavering support of Jimin’s fans, who he adores and appreciates tremendously, Smeraldo Garden Marching Band is doing very well on the charts and with recognition.  His album is to be released July 19th, and, like his first solo album, it is highly anticipated. Jimin again defies the expectation of what genre to do, what lyrics to sing, and what direction he should go.  I can’t wait to see what other daring attempts he has in store.
MUSE July 19th.  Stream SGMB.
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