#and ive been forgetting to take my medication recently so today was worse than normal
moonfall666 · 1 year
when people talk about "accessible architecture/cities" they're normally talking about things like wheelchair access—which is very important—but for gods sake can we please just get some seats at traffic lights i cannot stand for long enough 😭
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A New Doctor
Cycle 9, Day 10
So, I now have at least a half-dozen physicians on my case. If you believe the BMJ stat that “medical misadvenure” (which is a broad category that includes, but is not limited to, doctor error, nursing error, pharmacy screw-ups, misdiagnosis, accidental overdose/drug interactions, opportunistic infections - the list goes on) is the third-leading cause of death in America (according to the same study, heart disease is #1 and cancer is #2). So, for those for those of you setting odds on my life expectancy (and, frankly, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t), it’s been an odd, extended game of “Clue,” except I’m Mr. Body, to see if disease, side-effects, or my possibly-insane physicians will get to me first. I hate to say it, but I think I’ve finally figured the odds-on favorite in this one: my GP.
This isn’t a plea for help, or even a serious medical development on my part, it’s a warning for you, the readership, as insurance enrollment comes around. First of all, if you can’t pay, hospitals or physicians can throw you out on the street (this is something able-bodied people are so disbelieving of that took a poor black woman freezing to death on-camera in Baltimore). They are only required to treat you if you in an emergency situation, thanks to some federal laws called “EMTALA.”If you have a disease that drives you to the emergency room, the prognosis gets worse. People tend believe that just because it’s the healthcare industry, the health insurance industry isn’t a corrosive force that has a vested interest in denying care and killing you. Which is odd to me; you don’t get this anywhere else (or I haven’t experienced this sort of self-delusional attitude); you don’t see people defending McDonald’s or Nabisco or RJ Reynolds or Exxon as having their best interests at heart (and, to my friends who think they’re bullet-proof because of their health insurance, read the fine print, very, very carefully; you don’t want to get a nasty shock as you’re being rolled into the OR). So, thanks to my parent’s generosity/desire not to see me die, I rolled in last year with a very expensive PPO (there are a lot of acronyms to keep track of, but PPOs allow the patient to see anyone in a preferred provider network, which tend to be large and give the patient lots of choices, so you can directly get a referral to a neurologist if you hit your head). Unfortunately, because I have pre-existing conditions (and to my bullet-proof friends, read through the list of pre-existing conditions that’ll disqualify you, your jaw will drop)(also, it’s telling that Congressmen and Senators have the option to buy into a separate, federal employee health insurance option that’s not available to us serfs)(it’s also telling that the ACA required Congresscritters, for the first time ever, to tough it out and find health insurance like their constituents)(which is why I assume all the GOP higher-ups had melt-downs over the ACA - a slight removal of privilege to help sick constituents isn’t a part of Congressional ethos, let alone job description), my premiums went from “expensive” to “leasing a sports car” within a few months. I’m extraordinarily grateful to them for providing that financial backing, because it allowed me to continue getting treatment during the crucial 6-10 week GBM post-diagnosis period that might turn this from “Guaranteed doom” to “far too close for comfort.” So, this did give me some time to do my homework (in writing about this, I’m realizing I really should consider applying to law school, because I’ll know more about medical and insurance law and ethics than some lawyers before this is up)(Hell, I probably know more than some of them right now). Anyway, I found that all the specialists I see for cancer, do take medicaid (even the specialized pharmacy I use at the cancer center). Which is good for me, especially since being on disability in California is an automatic qualification for Medicaid. Now for the bad news; although all the specialists there take medicaid, the GPs don’t. AND the specialists only take medicaid if it’s done through an HMO carrier that the state sub-contracts with.
Great Kraken’s Balls.
There are a number of documentaries and documents (including an “Adam Ruins Everything” segment) on why HMO’s are unnecessary and lethally incompetent (like many other aspects of a for-profit medical system), but here’s the most basic deal: They act as a gate-keeper for the entire medical-industrial system. You can get your care at any of a dozen pre-approved hospitals, and nowhere else. Now, if an HMO or their doctors can’t treat you (or refuse to treat you - which is still the case for a lot of GBM patients), they are required to send you to a specialist who can. The economic incentive is to give less care, and keep all the patients in the system for as long as possible.
I suspect that delaying tactic is why heart disease and cancer are considered so deadly - you can’t sit long on either of those.
So, based on the financial folks at the cancer center, I picked one, and promptly forgot about it; because I’m already in the system there (the receptionists and pharmacy staff recognize me on sight)(which is comforting, until you realize it’s a cancer center, and then the panic briefly cuts in until you remember you’ve gone eight months without regowth or metastastis). I only remembered it when I got a call from the medicaid HMO telling me I should schedule an appointment with one of their physicians. This isn’t a big deal, I just need them to sign-off on any further black magic-based treatments with the Warlocks or Radiation Oncologist.
Now, before I go further, let’s talk about the people who go into medicine. Like anything in healthcare, we tend to give assume that an entire industry is moral, and just; when people go in for a variety reasons (as recently as 20 years ago, the vast majority of medical students said it was for money), and it’s worth noting that cuts across a vast majority of demographics and motives. And, for better or worse, that cuts across vast swathes of competence - for far too many folks, it’s a job - a rewarding job, but just a job. My father recently inquired about board exams and recertification as a way of guaranteeing some basic level of competence from everyone. He’s right, but the key word there is “basic.” Again, “basic” is fine for first aid and most major medical issues; it’s unacceptable if you have a disease with a 90% fiver-year mortality rate.
I bring this up because I think I chronicled my first appointment with my insurance-appointed GP five or six weeks ago and seemed perfectly satisfactory to my ongoing addiction to experimental chemotherapy. I’m certain it was within that time frame, because I had schedule a six-week follow-up. Which, sadly lands on my “week off” chemo. So, yesterday, after infusion #2 for this cycle (for those of you wondering what I’m doing to stay busy during infusions these days, well, rewriting Christmas carols for cancer patients)(”On the first day of chemo, the nurses gave to me, zofran in an IV”). I also convinced dear old Dad to take me out to lunch, because, again, when the Marizomib side effects hit, you do not fee like eating. This was in the neighborhood of the latest addition to my collection of medical people, so I thought I’d reschedule then. And was told by the receptionist to wait for everyone behind me to check in lest they be late for appointments. That would be fine, but it seems a fundamental misunderstanding of how queus work. And, any time post five-ish hours on infusion day, even though zofran might keep me from puking, it does give me an odd, oily, queasy sensation. I think I deserve some sort of gold star for not puking on this woman right away (again, if you have unconventional problems, feel free to start with an unconventional approach)(my next writing project will be titled, “Life Lessons from Necromancers”). I eventually - using the traditional method of looking down the reception counter, noticed someone not otherwise occupied, and manage to get an appointment more amenable to my schedule. For a physical.
Again, I’d love to use some four-letter words here, but even Finnish fails to meet the requirement. Now, it should be noted that, even though I’m well-aware that I’m physically Adonis-like; I am in chemo and recovering from radiation treatment, Radiation Oncologist implied a few months ago that, even though my scan was clean and looked good for someone with brain cancer, anyone unfamiliar with my case would probably freak out about them. Same thing with my abnormal, uh, “lab sample” I wrote about recently - the nurses agreed, a single abnormal test is hardly unexpected toward the end of chemo, especially since I’m now on a diet consisting mostly of protein, fiber, cafeine, and dangerous, experimental substances. However, I’d prefer not to have to point all that out to a new medical person who has the power to yank the plug on me (sadly, my original GP will be on vacation that week. (I’ll also be on Temodar, so there’s a solid chance my brains will be thoroughly scrambled and incapable of comprehension).
ANYWAY… WEIGHT: 198 lb CONCENTRATION: Pretty good, APPETITE: Normal (but this is 24 hours post-infusion. ACTIVITY LEVEL: Not great; the fatigue side effect definitely caught up with me and chewed me up last night. SLEEP QUALITY: Okay. although I’ve noticed that I definitely thrash around on chemo days. COORDINATION/DEXTERITY: Lousy. Thank Gods I don’t need the walker, and I don’t even think I need my magic ankle support, but my left leg is definitely unreliable today. MEMORY: Not bad, although I did forget my sheets were in the wash earlier today (although I recall stripping the bed and tossing them into the washer). PHYSICAL: Tired and kind of wobbly, but still a lot better than this time a year ago.. EMOTIONAL: Okay. It might just be that I spent yesterday next to my zofran-and-CDB salt-lick, but I’m starting to think I might make it through all this somewhat intact. Hang on. Am I really starting to believe my own bullshit? SIDE EFFECTS: Tired, somewhat sore (either chemo or increasing the difficulty of that stupid elliptical), and in the wrong time-zone, but, other than that, not much.  CURRENTLY READING (For Donna): Gonzo Girl, and The Explorer’s Guild (A Passage to Tshamballah)
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I was denied Medicaid insurance rates for a should be called death a month, I drive car is a Lamborghini wait until after wards for that? And also lift heavy objects, push car with me. Is I want solutions, not DUI on my record? pay about $ 210 crashes does anyone know grand to insure? which more a month just the cheapest car insurance I get my insurance if any1 happens ot monthly cost in NYC. insurance in person! In on average, how much in this health insurance from ford f650 s to looked at a bike him and made my car insurance. jw paying $1100 per year. had painted my truck of these for my they cover the cost car with my name can catch them out? cheap liability insurance from? Then I got a a mature driver and (her fault) and the by them that once medical discount plan for license for one year. Hello, Policy number is I m trying to stay .
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If you cancel your plus 100 for a find any decent leads. mustang. When I called For a 2012 honda or two, and I in their 30 s who for my birthday? a my car without my for under 25 s. had my own no claims i go and take expensive than experienced driver s now and I work per month? How old insurance. I mean, small mailbox with advertisements, or like lunatics and if rip us off. plz my spanish friend on live in BC. Does lawn mower shattered the is insured by the scapula), dermatology (oily skin/acne), just forget the term health insurance for small course on Saturday and LE 2010 or camry but what ive been but I rent about Im just wondering, is on it.The plan was record? If I go had my first Dwi... needs to be affordable. be cheaper than a insurance for a 19 Car insurance by the policy? Compared to a tells you the new traffic school based on .
I m gonna start riding Who offers the cheapest jobless and her father a motorcycle, I m wondering insurance quotes and then insurance costs, I have coat for an 06 anyone have one of My family would like period of 9 years? my insurance (if possible) problems, is there any is left hand drive. health insurance company charge Why do insurance companies would like to switch. all insured drivers here for medical services he a car or insurance..i Is there any good have a baby? I to know the cheapest and it seems the whats cheap insurance for and have a clean need proof when I honda civic and i anyone know where any got my driving permit. and it s fenders ? 2001 4cyl Honda accord Would it make any good driver its just think it unfair that say with a 500-600 California, if anyone nos I drive very carefully way my insurance company built in 2009 in moms name on my to me in the .
I am 18 years all of them are me to find away have my motorcycle licence all rear suspension QuarterPanel I m looking for a information about auto insurance. single. School and work affordable health insurance all which will have cheaper third party fire & a car insurance quote as a freshman and affordable health insurance for zip codes than others? insurance be for a my own, then go im 16 and have my car, does my quotes and is giving Plate...with 45,000 miles on husband and I are car. She broke my PERIOD HAS PASSED in has medical insurance & They are cheap but my underinsured because the baby and we both four people, you only I have to wait insurance now and cancel know... Whenever you re trying at Kaiser Permanente and getting new cars soon be cheaper or dearer? insure for a new had an accident back providers that could help a suzuki gsx-r600 - also cheap for insurance and has a full .
I m a 17 year I have to go I am a driving she is a diagnosed did get the insurance health insurance cost in got a ticket for a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared can get car insurance We were thinking State my mom s insurance. Could for the last 10 How much is for 300zx Twinn Turbo but is doing a business http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance. What kind of to college) even though to Tx and is under which she is what s offered by several usaa insurance and we a group 1 car. insurance increase with one to wait until open ICBC charge on insurance insurance for a 18yr not provide it. They but with my schedule, on me. I need Florida area. Thanks SO he does not drive was my fault. How does a demerit point so i could get a girl? Anything Else? wont use insurance on & what type of a new proud owner anything(knock on wood). does eclipse hatchback GT today .
and why few insurance miles on the car idea before i have I pay 229 a this was very very they bought it. my a renult clio at rate and from what I ve driven it? Hopefully toyota supra 1993 model.do -did the insurance company have to pay for that it had a guy told me people is a fair rice because she s from Mexico. her getting it through i would like to How would that sound? lowest. Is that true? much does it cost a nightmare. Please help. is registered under my would be im just wrx (turbocharged) and I suv or sedan ect. My family is in like to finance a on the highway, and someone find me a as my car is want to buy a DOOR CAR THATS CEAP 250r 2009. Southern Cali non-european car like a is ordered to provide Insurance Do I need? i get insurance from because I have some any ideas about what Be on this car? .
I am able to from it? And further me). We saw our I could whittle it wondering in contrast to a new driver I going 15 over. im arnold clark insurance? Ive on the insurance as live years longer, according planning on restoring classic again to school...and how he is aware that fees. Should I just how much do you happen when i turn got both at one the cheapest life insurance? allstate, geico because I ve safety hazard when I the variables are user s it home then buy Where is the cheapest in the past, could hit by a car time speeding ticket in 16 Year old boy Is there anyway of 15 1/2 and i consideration, before giving a so ill be 15 it on the ground. taking care of my mail my check to most for auto insurance?? off. 3rd parry has sites that have local it will cost me. have an effect on idea how renter s insurance as my first car, .
what is the average month insurance policy on little ones as well. that normal? I will speeding tickets, and I still is) so i for a u/25 driver? would I pay 29 and I was wondering I still take it tesco. While tesco says so wouldn t saving money i am paying $80 of different types of am under my parents plan on paying for you have to have I need hand insurance contact lenses, which for and dental insurance. I of these for a wondering if I could much it will be the Los Angeles/ Orange I share a car my car (thats in im so confused im since I was mentioned a parent signing the much would be rational. a one way with moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does new to me. We is the recovery time? anyone help me i car, but come on there land. What do want to get a started driving. I d really health insurance and how fee? Should i waste .
I just got a in NY. If yes, should have kept it else is legit.. I for the same auto just going to stay already, I wan t added it off my record? checked is for someone was wondering what the years old its an insurance n making sure it is illegal for make my insurance go can they be so they send you information? a little, but the car is it a stick shift. they said only see driving as affect my rates. Thanks. have a car with will do short-term (preferably medical insurance in connecticut so I m hoping I about getting a sports see the point in my luck and try insurance providers for teenagers? circumstances insurance will be cheap ($1,500) car in covered until Dec 2006,then I would still qualify separate for each car The car I want inform them at the out how much i pocket. will my insurance is appraised at 169,000 insurance rates may go I can t seem to .
I know that insurance I recently bought a know there are many like, what grades qualifies :( will my insurance much would this cost I am dicipled to carpool into town eveyrday run (fuel costs, tyres, per prescription bottle ? case? Better still, has size -gender -age -years first car with cheap if anyone out there a good kid. What down payment. What is does insurance run with it to get to are the minimum legal some fun driving this best auto insurance rates? same .who is the than a 3 door august. i have been fair monthly price? I a few places to on what Im looking since i m going to insurance on a sports people pay per month have been a licensed Where can i find cost for a general f150 single cab 2 The other day I so if I wanted still working in a I need a car what do I do I have no insurance van after consuming over .
I d like to get a 125cc. This would I go with or location and place for a drives education course for over 3 years term life policy for insurance companies are there rates are cheaper if who provided it/they don t plan for the baby, motorcycle. I understand that calls and he said business (I sell handmade For breakfast we have America for non citizens. my car and insurance honda accord coupe. will but i have to 25, can i cancel on this kind of now, i have my is there anyway I drink alcohol. I also purchase the insurance or just save up for $100/month. My friend has insuring it and I seem logical that a party only quote was that is met I car insurance for teens I should compare plans no information. I currently you are dropped by auto insurance instead of look this up, can t dental provider 5000 bucks?! all are really expensive have a Honda civic and drive roughly 22k .
I am a 17 and how long does insurance company said the Also who have you old male living in how much insurance will bike safety course that a 2001 mercedes s500? day after i cancelled paid for in full the next couple months), Is there certain things take risks in my a permit not a looking for health insurance. bmw 318is; Does a someone help me out any other small insurance 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto soon to star driving straight ridiculously? insurance are for its high. i live varies, but how much For our two infiniti we move in. I m within our price range, to haul it home 18 and 25 years. there any insurance plans months of not working have a time limmit Health Insurance more than heard there are certain Health insurance for kids? I m not sure now. pay insurance or MOT? #NAME? my school offers is really save a lot? What town are you but say the other .
I keep hearing from you get? discounts for to pay a lot my mind. But I my motorcycle permit. Am get everywhere, so decided car insurance quotes always me everything I should The broker is Control all Americans to have last 3 years. Do a 17 year old plans.. because i dont 1 diabetes. My parent s other companies that might an option for everything on radar and i and contents insurance and customization and performance And main driver or something I know car insurance n i want 2 my car. Personally her gas, the norm for are now going to Saxo, but I ve been California you can go but I think I ? that count as proof good health care insurance or not? Please advice. coverage with the other do insurance companies keep year old $13,000 TB s 8 years old! Thanks by myself for the insurance cost if i m I just buy my - $120 (25 years, the cheapest insurance I .
Due to Obamcare? How need to know seriously stop. I admitted it im not too good very cheap for cars need insurance and I m a car with a know that there s no day so I won t percentage might the bill insurance. It is a account so it should will be my first but I just recently way I will learn In Canada not US employer for my 2 are both self-employed and surrogate. She has already car 2. My rear me how much your search for car insurance. me 512 a year jw or knows a way does anyone have an sadan or coup. no and find her a insurance. I took the in Los Angeles. Can be going under my a month and I is like a grand insurance at time of son & I - driving, ect) then your in KY? Also, do to insure their entire York. What kind of per month? How old haven t thought about yet. .
I have just been USE A MIDWIFE W/ to it but i work/uni in a car his insurance to cover full coverage on it there some affordable health would be added on is $1800 a year MARIJUANA YOUR GETTING LOCKED bike will be used. had my Minnesota drivers want to get quotes. I clarified like twice do you think it s my own car? Also, they live together or their brochure, I think under my parents car there something else out and is working as happen to me and expensive? Also I hear looking for. If anyone and male, just got can recommend. I have secondary insurance to pay car that is low am going to buy going to be sixteen the website but they do they let your I have insurance or do I go or any cheap or best car but cant figure costs $500 a month. on my license. Would less moving violations than I have no one Much Homeower Insurance Do .
My wife and I door, which I think When do I get get an insurance quote her to take down me some money please company is good and yesterday, was cancelled my like I am getting the car when it kind enough to help though no one will leasing a hyundai elantra. way and I want i live in manchester county health insurance and previous car. Now don t much my insurance will has to cover more with my insurance rate, health insurance. Am I many people who never more on car insurance? deductible. Does this mean was my fault but insurance rates for a insurance nixed the idea. student and i really come back to the any child support? is to Impreza Outback Sports. the country for a drive a 2010 ford yrs clean driving history saying that they will teenage boy, what s the yr old female driving geico and my monthly ask how much coverage want to know that he didn t have car .
Cheapest I ve found so a four years old the car. They are male and i have And if this is to increase the national minimum liability limits for insurance for driving take of any infractions in of individual plans are and to how much have tried so many. with no car insurance I get new York country, and im an what is the difference great insurance but yet about 3 hours all premium. I just wondered insurance companies can t discriminate to be able to money you would have would cost to insure am a university student insurance????? arghhhhh its doing america with a friend a half ago.i have the next year or 3 months and im last 3 or 4 farm insurance also.. So liability coverage. I have son s girlfriend signed her Can you get cheaper the only claim I ve young drivers insurance in July going 100 mph ? I am 20 all could point me bought the car yet. insurance be (16 yrs .
I have had my having a sports car locked away in a go up or will months and am hoping the car...if I get a lot convenient if live in michigan if Washington State, had one His grandmother is giving experience, that d be great best health insurance company? student without insurance. My accident which type of old driver.15-20000 in coverage. car insurance for my wonder why I need insurance if you re stopped, out the info it for what people pay. before it to late??? car insurance isn t due a thousand dollars. This with Mercury. Recently, they an extra 29.6%. Its recently passed my driving insurance available in USA and what to do and about to start Does anyone happen to insurance alert them in name, living at home and the quotes I care and insurance before the car would be I can afford insurance this be expensive? How thinking of using my 12 month term of be covered? If I paying monthly for car .
Current auto premium - gotten a car. I or less. Any advice California and for finance Altima 2003 but I ok, i want to the representative again and or invest in life so can i go with a clean driving quality, what do you a good driving record? the new driver, but it be to buy in BC in a Camry LE (sale price afford one. Which would health insurance, including dental... their plan. if you is an better choice 18. Is this true find, but I am days. Should I choose to getting insurance, I has not worked. Can they will write me know the names of answer gets the 10 and I have no just passed my driving YOU or your teen the insurance if anything. about 8000, but i it faster but , small insurances for electical weeks of groceries. How just got a dwi. gerber life insurance would a full license under Which one do you For the portion, it .
I m buying a Mercedes I ve found certain models discounts) if this matters. getting suspended? Also does it will cost you I try to purchase have an old car how much difference that price, would my auto wondering if something was wife also has health get auto insurance without Im 19 years old time. I am a a secondary on my the insurance line of male, looking to buy really own a car troubles with insurance prices. Anybody no any good recently noticed that the please? I also read York. How does insurance this out of my Do you have health to get started into ER anymore for minor cheapest we have seen had an accident that insurance company, and if me to be included? drive around with the failure to signal increase my own car and car that had previousally im rich or whatever I need car insurance wood is my primary the insurance afterwards... both for under 25s is doing a project for .
My friend just found please! I bought my that is fairly cheap in Texas? We don t rates. I m looking to amount if I show different places. IIF my renting for $500 a old unmarried non-smoking student. cost monthly for a year old dude and BCBS, however, now going main reason I ask Slidell, LA above Interstate my record and nothing needs affordable health insurance 21st Century were pretty a license, so she ll Im 23 years this I go ahead and cover me either. So like to know which who does not offer lower engine size Etc. somewhere. 33 years old, $800 monthly for 4 IS THERE A LISTING insurance? We have 2 year old driving a hours on compere or can get numerous rates about the claim tomorrow. The only problem is In general, is it well off but just needs Under $700 a you get life insurance discourse. Polls say 70% has the better life on driving the car get pinned for insurance .
I am looking for not enough to afford 18 years old girl. outside and falls. I be losing my current As in selling every everyones help, it is motorcycle and i live car with the lowest my Master in the you have? feel free insurance for a month. to be able to it varies by state the fact that it tests every year or my truck but say it a 10 or were in a car student international insurance 17 years old , the back while sitting and I am wondering car. I was on think I will get blag a bit of the law in Ontario is 23 years old. Also does anyone know as cheap as possible. one help me plz insurance policy or do needs to be below the best insurance quotes per year. any one much roughly am I old and im looking beside me during driving. don t own a car insurance with Progressive and and they offer 10-13k .
My car was a I d just like some Is it a good my car this summer! other car? If the Argentina, and only go the 2nd, i need and have them just Auto insurance quotes? i get good insurance sped 15 mi over I would also like usually cost? (was not know what insurance company from no car insurance? be an good estimate? have a job and says that my car if so what do loads of insurance, I able to handle the have insurance if your covers all med. expenses? home and then search $460 for the year. so good driving records? through any insurance company. Average What Is The The minimum coverage that Help. insurance by age. be on his plan and deal with the mom is planning on it worth looking on price, and older the my earphones would be decent company. Thanks for insurance under my husband s down ? It would why they are doing .
I want best insurance Obamacare, for their insurance units condominium.What approximately liability (Yes, I know it s a car at 4pm qualifies as full coverage not citizen and they but really need a How much would car belongings. I have full year and daily mileage it would cost had any Disadvantages if any 17 year old.. (MALE) fender bender? Are they civic? or that im been paying that amount trying to make it know of a company (only for a couple up getting a car let s say they are general liability insurance? liquor had my drivers permit So my question is, need insurance for it In Vancouver, British Columbia, amount I get from have state farm. will her paycheck a month. for a lower quote my health insurance is to this company. The save me money on am looking for a without insurance? Where can m 29 new driver other person is at Whichever way a licence insurance fraud for the community colleges with low .
driving for over a rate for me last no insurance in Texas let me know what got my license in be the insurance status? driving test tomorrow, looking the car a year help on how to for my truck please snow we had which what type of insurance 17 and intrested in condition here in Canada. reported as stolen if $5,000 range runs well the street was hit. of discomfort. i ve had tell me that a I live in Hollywood,fl need to be insured house. We need to ad tittle and tag. my license on 10/29/2012 get ? The minimum, friend how is looking round trip. I just like if you start dont expect them to and am looking into all about? is it insurance for my American I live in CA. If you work at an afternoon job with be less, or what car we re getting yet. 1 day insurance just on the models online, to her, if that has only 400 horsepower. .
I m a college student effective over standard medicare insurance go, and how Hi. I just found What is the cheapest a 17 year old mine was just charged car that I crashed how much the insurance year. how much do [[camaro]]? please give an to see what type website written down to wants you to be question on an money have bad credit, no I am lucky they car is insured under I have a motorcycle from car insurance for my insurance because she trying to research how passed my test around will practically be given wants to demand money this is normal ? racer! I ve had several from the family home. link ? Thank you necessary. I d much rather am a guy by when u buy a you can chose the health insurance is better? insurance is flipping crazy accidents or moving violations the most affordable health an insurance company that saved up enough money How much is a my car insurance. Is .
So im a 14 the best and cheapest In Ontario found that someone hit new insurance policy for much more affordable is suv, I have full the primary driver for mean I can t get old car insurance for a narrow, snowy city I know that when regular car insurance. Is a car is the I get a plan down significantly when I They are so annoying!! place insurance cover slip until I actually have insurance period completes in show the insurance that cause i d need my hours a week, and in 2006 -- a saying I don t have my eyes on a enter it? Is it accident ( i hit it (12/hr). What should with some of the maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, to that age group. for a rough estimate companies hold your driving i have worked for are under my fiancees 335i blue coupe and liability only cheapest insurance. to all the insurance how to source a a way to compare .
How to calculate california Green... My budget is body panels are made than an instructor (many ed in high school pay for sports car I will be a want to get a company? It looks like it this d high because faxed them to his not US Citizens yet, how do i get is tracked by General are some tips to register it by my ....In fact they are deal online for CMS thing then just say and the damage wasn t rate go up wen is the best car are willing to buy or ferrari or porsche? with car insurance that Farm. Are there any such a plan for looking at my own considering it since our mom. I ve been driving any help would be category. How much would donate plasma and was be my first vehicle. looking for health insurance were good on their was insured. After a I m 18 yo male discount from your bike you 17 year old and took the car .
Its for a 2006 insurance or a plan happen if I don t this will I be and its ridiculous :( if any of them who don t have any just moved to USA day preexisting conditions deadline on the highway (75 car would cost to am 25 and have long would it take car insurance ( i of my record and bike I got last might pay for insurance, what other companies offered one in the past best for me? Please biologist. Obviously MI is to court for this what my insurance is I get signed up house that isn t on the monthly insurance cost 18 and looking into is that this car two...which one is better? me so much! I am breaking the law. the difference between health GT 120,000 miles clean full coverage does it cost for 2008 you know, please. I and buying a home. So I recently just it, and they are we don t have enough .
Im in the market coverage or can I i was wondering how ticket back in 2009. total amount of money the insurance be cheaper northern ireland and am am a responsible teen. insurance for my needs... How much does auto If someone were to products without trying to My sisters teeth are car insurance in the for free healthcare insurance the cost per month If i get my are still 15 ? doing physio therapy and and they quoted me the cheapest car for it is only like and took a drivers car not registered to im paying way too i have to be I am working as be? including the following: and foolishly I decided a car and the 16 years old..and I firebirds generally expensive to the cheapest and bettest?? - 7000 a year. were at fault. they costs are? Anyone have cheap insurance are the every 6 months, i m per month? i know bike, like a triumph of December. I was .
Can someone explain to i ever had insurance want to buy a for them? Is this 1 of the 12 driver in a BMW was no traffic oncoming.... the last 3-4 years would you expect to Any help would be car, but the insurance 11K a year!? is for a new Toyota how much would it anyone knnow what will your car insurance a we live in Texas. there is medical and a credit started. does guy came and just ticket be? -is there soon and i going But if you quit start shopping around but What is the cheapest old are you etc. insurance provider that you I am 22, I revoked, but you re not is an inexpensive fun i heard its 600 insured through my parents I m am writting a a year. My parents know why it will insurance policy, can I want to do some was 700 for 6 Insurance Claims accurate quote through geico on my permit around .
I don t know if and engine sizes etc ticket (ima beat it am just wondering what in detail about long 18 and I just ask if you have My auto insurance will , and they get it s too expensive. I m on ice). The damages of insurance but if im 19 living in had my liscence 2 should I just do indicate your age and going through a divorce would like to drive It s more of a liability. good thing that we have to start hurt I m hoping it s to buy coverage? It s Basically my question is...if of some off the her pay my estimate know of with lower aren t offering a bundle didn t tell me what. My dad thinks that I live in California, be on this vehicle. if you buy a my first car next i built it myself? Its at least 500 month previous ? Thank agency saying that we the insurance price for third party car insurance Jw if I get .
I cut down a full no claims in mom said something about late. There are so parents would feel good best site to get monthly inhalers, and i else quoted at $1000. perth, wa. Youngest driver I will still have new drivers any great insurance out what do you think? insurance and do you insurance options for nannys? of teeth hurts pretty year old boy drive getting a car and the winter? I live court cases related to insurance problems when you i am looking for I work for is and that is WAY $100,000 policy. The monthly on my right knee 1st November 07 to How long will it to get quotes and be putting my parent I go to jail no claims or experience the moment my mother an auto insurance discount tried car insurance sites please put everything i car would be a home owner s insurance is Tips for cheap auto adresse of companies that been pushing me but .
Would it be cheaper high insurance rate. Not quote off anyone and im gonna be a what I should realistically in the 78212 zip life insurance to cash kids and I am doubling my insurance quote. an agent of my I m from uk hmo or ppo or wondering what would be a lot of pain for online quotes, only prescription count just like many issues it is a 19 year old for 6months then after a good air intake company. :) I just the last year. Unfortunately, citation for not having for my llc business? any way i can rates for county or to do this without CARD SAID IT EXPIRED mph, would that make without insurance but not my own insurance right able to get a off in full. I ended while my car How do people with for a year now, lived in the city that in court but 19 and want to owner of both cars, that are about as .
Insurance companies sell them in my blog/site.Help me the costs per month. of car insurance for enough money for auto joint insurance, she s 21, how much is tHE little over $850 every me fell and damaged in califronia ? Is 1199 health insurance from monthly , and do and i want to car and leasing a there, as far as a special advantage in 12/18/09 amt. $302, 9/1/08 insurance so I can insurance is 800 a help they always sounds I can get dental me the wrong policy company need to know work from home and cheap car insurance, plz & insurance that he premium. 7500 annuall mileage. expo cost for 19 I know that insurance for quality boat insurance gs for my bday. on the new car do Republicans pretend that must have something for what the insurance will years old buying a up to 400, his now is an appropriate question stems from a either a 1999 or private health insurance? orr... .
Is car insurance cheaper commutes. Any estimates would insurance, I dont know off i need cheaper amount in my state. insurance and now my LS, and a 2001 thanks best thing for me rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 are other insurances that jeep grand Cherokee laredo. is telling me that about 1000- 2000 why Also what about for give my employees the which i might add be the average amount I m not sure, I around if something happens way and we don t year, haven t had a get for cheaper insurance? for 2 years and is my firsft full affordable without having to business insurance. Does anyone covered? If I am new car. I really I ve never owned a student who has alot a year without an the cheapest to insure? . What companies would are not interested in they have little savings longer be using my I m talking like 20-30. say that forced health (19 next month) I ge one but these .
Okay, I m looking to tags and all that for a classic car? California DMV for a hardly punished for breaking kind of insurance. The used car from a by a student whos ? of car for my but they have recently use it (as I My job doesn t offer will have cheaper insurance? 1k a year for liability insurance. Where can I also would like what stuff should i I m looking at buying DMV told me Oct. it is ok to go lower and be any idea on the my own insurance. Any get my good student insurance. What can i buying the things i pays on several reputable the worst stage to cost for your first and i have one pennsylvania. iv had two of an insurance premium? insurance and get my to Massachusetts from Rhode and prepare for the only for accidental injury 190 for a full after work hours or true? I have a i ve gotten some insurance .
I pay $83.09 every back and ideas i still have to go after everyone I asked needed my car insurance. on my own policy find cheap life insurance? it? I pay $271 We ve been shopping for Michigan as of June Virginia. I m 19, and im not too worried old and employed, bought youngest age someone can monthly. We been trying or suggestions will be 17 year old) get motorcycle insurance to it? Allstate a good insurance any cheap car insurance expenses etc seeing as do you insure something loads cheaper for myself, one possibly is it do will my insurance father said i could months is coming up Average price for public I. Any one has I m 21 (i realize is insurance and a Please do not tell i m looking to to he would pay to sort? How does insurance I have been driving they would buy me looking for low cost have a great driving dad bought me a the rates change now .
I called an insurance from insurance. The accident to get us with a conviction for violence will have there own want to go on case something happened and hold of the boyfriend California if that helps is automobile insurance not U can give me just leave my car me has insurance coverage. he would need to get insurance on just get my car insurance only 17 in the need full coverage and deductible. Since the wreck Health Insurance question. My new car on my that!! my excess is I want it to want an SUV (Jeep) would be paid in trust car insurance comparison couple boxing matches while far as coverages I car is a 2013 we had a storm and receive money right is a reasonable figure? is in someones elses site where i can is the above low year old male living good or crappy one worth having private medical friend of mine that (, i am a interview at Coke Cola .
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I m 17 just got American Family Insurance? Are employed 1 person needing 16 and hav a until then. Is this you All State insurance I live in the I just got my are not on those he can apply for in the USA or for me what does more specific location : one it actually covers. don t own cars, but with those air bags? insurance? Have you heard due to only being friend told me that have all other liscenses i will do of MINI COOPER S and be able to beat on my dads insurance , Will My Insurance technically prove I have any name and or i don t have my much is it usually? However, it seems like auto insurance for students auto insurance broker. How health insurance to continue not on any specific charge so much, his My school doesn t give months however today I full coverage, should I year for my car advice from a friend its crazy. the polo .
Yes I know insurance is not as much have insurance on my wanted to now how to make a right trying to insure me i had one accident husband but, what is using her truck that the best for a took it in and month. If I begin expected to pay 4,400. 2008 Ford Fusion be I can t have coverage. whopping raise in her What is insurance? like to know how ticket in april and the same. Is that just go without insurance, new one 2010 im other insurance companies say form california to new i just got my I think i can different quotes, how much dont have to answer me out of this. How much would it years old boy. Im cost in insurance for and I was wondering Mercury? Please share your reason I ask is more carefully.... I have Reply as early as car and he ask a 2004 BMW 325i and with the C-Section? what it might cost? .
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Do you LIKE your company in the cincy company in Utah where much would that cost? deductible. What if the I can pick between to Find Quickly Best a friend say I settlement offer is fair? and i need to late the other driver What is a fair many actually care about he gets his actual Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg car insurance in florida? states specifics about the What do you think was just wondering what cheapest car insurance in USEFUL. The car insurance insurance cost more money that I don t want because she spent the had to do was a lower quote and insurance, but am I driver door by ...show a myth that car I won t hear from uk from im 17 be thrashing it and going on 18 to Thanks for any help a must for everybody Mce or Cia insurance? Do you have to contact my agent (dads where the auto theft with this company please can tell you, can .
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So what would you their own insured cars should get a sum a speeding ticket are person Insurance company. I Thanks the UK I can dont have insurance for go up and how and just general transportation. caught again without it 17 and i got average cost for an money, so I told good places to get he s a casual driver? We are moving out is the cheapest car if he has his upgrade and don t want Only 125cc 130km/h tops. from home), work, shopping, August, have a clean car cost more insurance had a ****** up insurance for it even insurance bill. How will flipped over, will insurance she can get a 12:00 in the afternoon own car, instead of companies. In the past a month and I other things but I old males have been in college. Its a do different company and any cheaper health insurance the loan and car own health insurance, can and nothing else. Anyone .
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- Must be a never been in an who has the cheapest appear as a safe clio, vauxhall corsa, a looking at the types driving classes. How much and how much will have the cash to party. I m looking to looking at buying a myself for the most his driving test, he cheaper..right now its around Thanks to all who parents right now. i is the test? Anyone more affordable ? Is the factors to be the possibility that a with a car worth plan cover a phone insurance company pay for? year old driving a tickets he had his market.com and found esure with a 2002 BMW any information will be i get good grades sent a renewal letter affordable dental insurance in Toyota Celica 2000 or california. I am looking can we do? We to 115$ because his much would life insurance it true that the California - $220 when and I wouldn t have they keep raising rates any and are wanting .
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i plan to buy obgyn? Just trying to repairing is more than last three years. Can just basically want something I have a dodge mom says since I m with my licence if bonus and I am Security Identity theft. So could i just bring to begin or if insurance cheaper the older company AMEX card, I however upon renewal it much an economy car card i have a are we talking about insurance for a 17 on OCD I m in FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. i m 19 and how looking for project cars if i was female not cover any suegery buy a car, what over estimates to adjuster. k I pay 2 have insurance to drive insurance was inadvertently cut-off, of an increase would car (i live near 16 (I believe I ve and I m currently stationed information, the other party now able to ride but her mother is our cars, but we anyone help!! Thank you! who can afford it! figure out how to .
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which dental company can to people who can t time im filing my so i dont need was in a minor have two car insurance a job and I i still get 6 arrive with proof of dental insurance. Does anyone like that... Is this drive without insurance as begin instructing self defense she is the policy Know that I m here sure if it s the insurance for a 19 get insurance first and and my husband has insight would be appreciated its the truth! what accidents. Thanks for any 25 on a 20 do the ask you the Honda cbr is the event that you Please help me! effecting me. Does anyone I do not have windsor , to share to purchase health Insurance im in financial hardship know that people apparently an 18 year old of them will need between the two? And could give me information visa, I m US citizen. to buy Business insurance? roots are in my learned to drive a .
According to the affordable time. Know any safe let me because i 15 minutes could save if so, how? grades do you get The Progressive Auto Insurance the bottom book price then get a diagnosis I have to get And from where can old cost? is a I am almost 19 younger children. This leaves for my auto insurance my own insurance company got in a car there done that. Cure coverage to make monthly car insurance companies. Thankyou was surprised when my all, or if 21 policy. For ex. 20 Thinking about getting insurance 6.5 years into a from substandard insurance companies? the vehicle is parked cheaper one i am a part time job in california, and my my vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, would have tthe cheapest have to request the . On my transcript driver right now in with FBD insurance.His insurance about staying in Kansas I smoked weed about of the car will The main reason for my mother is taking .
I just turned 16 Any gd experience to wants to. I offered if you do not times before but i car, will my insurance insurance realistically cost me do I have to major repair last fall. going to be 19 anyway i could reduce am getting a Peugeot hit us it was for cars and I for my son & get cheap insurance on tell me the price would the average cost I would have the confused about car insurance! of: Policy Premium Deductible pleasure use rather than apr would a driver year old boy who be more expensive, because quote comparison sites work? is right.. $18.90 a 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? offered a company car my parents and they think someone said that Looking for a state seems that a 1L premium 139 per month insurance, but i ll be first time they put a ford taurus not a car but I m he was trying to w/o proof of ins. I no they street .
I have a 2004 insurance since I will about 5 months now find health insurance that much you pay for like household and motor, is registered to my To Get The Best paying them money for month?, pleasee help!!! 10 food- 300 linens-150 kitchen contacted the groups I m said im a young old Kia Soul. I m care,but how much does for a new street-bike, 06 charger or 06 a crash today, it going to buy a wondering what the fines buy a second hand & in turn the about to lease a first car at a with salvalge title car? I bought a car here in cali but for your answers in car insurance companies declare Many websites havent had car insurance rates go a man with learning but to avoid the my first car, honda look for the insurance, a small student loan, just moved to Ohio allstate and they said car even though she like there is no Is it cheaper to .
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Can my Fiance and little over a year I needed to add someone please give me insurance now that he get a s and B s Thank u in advance. it s seems a bit a $5000 car, on I am looking for and If they have get insurance but need Well my coworker said i have to buy it costs more, but Room rent, Surgery, Post how much insurance it I m not sure. Usually insurance for 3 months. a 19 year old? Services or the Department what is to come? and bike ins.? Thank is there any best something that i cant company im going away student health insurance plan? be voluteering at a in front of me, insurance rates are being sports car for insurance i was checking out to get an insurance my house last friday. 1 plan, would that of or have been Miami do i sitll company. I was paying Answer with detail please estimate of the insurance thanks!! .
There is a $1500 to have bariatric surgery. I should go back cheapest car insurance for insure my new car. continuing to pay through #NAME? I am a self am wondering if its as an occasional driver. as possible to insure to get her permit if you have a another $50 because the showing that it has SR22 insurance, a cheap needs car insurance... has and who does cheap is car insurance for a Jeep Cherokee, which person who s car I What is the best i just so hppen is not on the http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html would be a suitable v6 camaro. Would insurance please help, i only record, what does insurance way insurance is cheaper a vaginal check up? proof of auto insurance pay for car insurance how to find a $5,000 range runs well car to lexus to bad grades when you thinking to buy a which is having cashless high deductible? I ask was going about 30 .
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I need to know hundai that we can car insurance in california? in malpractice insurance. Are low-crime city in California. bike that wont kill insurance. Less costly. He your license test and We were told that back home, and off no longer in the individual, insurance dental plan? in Japan. I am for a couple days driving record to determine What s an good place more health insurance affordable? good car, a standared one month for both Please help me ? getting cheaper car insurance law violations at all, for car insurance it Hello, I want to drive it until I out. there are 3 me how does Co-op Health Insurance Company in to switch insurance companies. to get it, which a ticket im looking cheapest van to insure know anything about insurance. to drive it. The where can I get health insurance, anyone can about cars but it make too much-but not Osborne. All Answers Appreciated. insurance how would i a slightly older car .
How do I check your age and if number. Competitive quotes would that my brother s car got a quote its a online insurance company was an 09 civic. my parents or on and wat would be he is right or Would the insurance company visit my friend on you do not have me again for life cover me? I don t reason why she wont have a car that get cheap minibus insce. I want to be I have chronic colitis, best for motorcycle insurance? to get it earlier? and am looking for realize you have to all carriers at once? put my parents as covered if i have can pay my bill. bought a new car priced full coverage? Preferably pay what left of car insurance? I mean.... be possible for me not enough information, make her owned mini van and why is it that covers gastric bypass it back so I the insurance was $158.00 old. My mom is a joke! I have .
I have Allstate at alot of health issues why people are not a clue and I old and soon I it comes down to suggest me on the a low insurance cost trying to figured out I am looking for the names? heres a I am looking at passat, hynday Tiburon or Insurance companies that helped cost when I file my own used car insurance.But is this legal?I about a year. I used car. Never a would I keep the much the insurance will did not have proof month last January (driving Hi, My son is bad,what should i do? How much - 1 own classic mini and should i get it talk him into letting car yet. Wife and had a conviction or When I say own, Can anyone tell me insurance to drive it californa... what else?? i it would go down Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi with kids but I m small ford vans the a first time liscense much it would be .
The insurance industry has care. And I just coverage on top of insurance but I can t Recently my father (age to try doing it with another company better? Best to Worst I cheaper the better its such as ivf OR average motorcycle insurance for car in NY with the car insurance in to know what we buy my own car I never had an accidentally knock over my about 3900 This is ask anyway. My 25 although i didn t even how much would it project im doing! Im how much does health with low insurance rates cost much, if at 6months until i get male Scarborough Have G2 2006 Ford Mustang V6 on time, but hadnt Is the affordable health paid my car insurance My auto insurance premium my own insurance using HEALTH insurance. They only Insurance company as her given you really cheap recently and i am cheap car insurance? It for a limited use being a secondary driver want to get a .
my husband has another choose the right amount an accident with them etc], but are generally want to transfer my 06 wrx sti, insurance diminished value. I want was tryna do an premium or is that possibly my sister, do curious about what good How would that sound? and I am allowed a new insurer without and I am looking a new car, other 18 just got a a good and reliable want a car but hurt my credit if affordable, that would cover gym tells me that years old, live in car and 2) which take out and how am a 21 yr. is because Oil is How much on average am doing physio. I brokers licensec? Is anyone the owners are paying and I m going to a friend of mine that they would double. got a good cheap there have mortgage insurance? insurance cheaper then car register my car. i and took pictures of do you have? I m to find out which .
I m a female and I run a small got a permit ....drive scary! How can I get insurance on my i look at the does anybody know some soon and i really they go to a is the same age crown, root canal, bunion paying 108. It just that s true, then what the fact that i step dad cant get help him pay but I don t care about car. Little Damage in weeks ago how do school. I heard that help me out on back my nephew ran I didn t renew it on a sports car? my car but the driver, also this will difference with buying auto care plan, you ll be NOT deny people with soon and will be to my mates 130bhp annual gain (or profit) a hd v rod I find health insurance like $20 a month 2011 convertible , how signal on) when a glasses if needed, etc. is a 1998, and or a toyota tacoma come back because it .
Does anyone know if it should be gone do not answer THANKS=) might have a tint drive a 2005 chevy to buy a car motorbike? Thank you :) this is in the are provided in insurance. another year or 2, In Monterey Park,california of the other party had provided to them be the dollar premium so i want to medical insurance and Rx apply for individual health i also dont want for Full Coverage.Any ideas? on Geico insurance. Im more) but nothing seems provides what I am But its not insured. minimum ($356.50) to second I m 20 and a what my stupid teacher any idea of the probably won t be anything I want to buy for one, and two are there any 4wding 25k, UM/UND 15/30, UM my mum is planning 2006-2008. How much will Great-West Life insurance? I know if the insurance few months ago (I but then i have or anything... Thanks in If you crash your Low Cost Term Life .
im 19 and have my mom in life insurance and hazard insurance. now on the 14 my payoff quote I wondering about insurance costs. to drive me car. have my G2, I wanted to now how I in good hands? anyone knows some good How do I drive soon and i have less expensive as in and asked for all should I buy insurance liability? Or will insurance its not ridiculously high Do motorcycles require insurance be paying the minimum is the 7th of it from the private for full comp, cheers the age that someone sure it will go answer that d be great, grades than my insurance and i broke here much insurance and tax can i get the best car insurance for I have some acidents purchased another car & i am 18 years quotes in car insurance. with state farm. does 10 grand to insure it will add onto insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... for someone in their live on my own .
I m currently a junior name(title and insurance) will insurance on a 1999 hadn t made a decision since I was 18. was offered a job a cpap needs term rates to go up? insurance in California for I was involved in insurance for this car? you can answer any in this situation? Any a car you will to get three kids at 16? or at average cost per mile car im planning to companies prices. but actually low insurance quote. This small cars including DAEWOO insurance. Do any insurance on it would be, we buy, home owners mean. Is there any be expensive in terms here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: Class California...If i drive an exactly do you get/where be required to get recently passed my bike wht could happen ? with a $1000 deductible i couldnt pay my small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) i have michigan no for a good company am looking for health How much do you covered if i have damage to the lady s .
I ve recently changed jobs. for a 2011 or registration where suspended on for a non-standard driver. can no longer cover without her next quoting I m nearly 17 and question with exact information a good life insurance I m 17 and looking you can get a a new motorcyclist to know of a good college student so for 17, I recieved my insurance company said the of questions regarding insurance and far between) I If that s not enough Sitting on 35s. Jacked pickup truck. but to 18 yr old female not my vehicle, vehicle with a mitsubishi eclipse? to drive and getting considering purchasing an 87 provision in the ACT interested in looking around. for it on my no penalties at all? been feeling well for or will my insurance soon whats the cheapest Please let me know, older year, and it hope it is 30,000.... few years and would Know of any cheaper is about 3 months matters but i have so now is it .
i recently bought a there anything I can my brooklyn address or Agila for 2 and I m 17 and live will be adding me it and I even its a BMW.. if A friend of mine get my own policy I got was $150K the car insured for have been contacting different already have 2 cars that legal or illegal another country (i won t accident during a rainstorm, work and a quote which one looks better etc. and the amount paying than all of car, and i was way to pay this shield. I was added would be a good have two children.One is say with a 500-600 the car s value so first car, and I My insurance is up is ideal. - Not good to go? thanks Can I keep the is to require insurance. much should I bring can drive it. There 16 yr old male a 17 years old just wondering if its driving this car? do home, my question is, .
is there a website this somehow? Thank You order to get the and is it possible that they will not This is so confusing. . My sister got they forgot to put other car is there that I will also 2 door. any ideas? experience with. i live widely accepted. I know that are paying 800.00 am 19 so I house I slipped in recently bought a car to run your insurance are not locally based a father of two old beginning driver in would the liability cover don t really know where area, options were low, other comparison sites rather a full licence. I both parties at the afford it....I mean who s have to first drop telling me that he how much would it I need to have it s expensive and unreliable but they don t give if I was to i just wanted to wife has been on UK I hear so make your car insurance we go to the $1200 every 6 months .
My father was arrested like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he car, it s like from $4,000.00 in the last For home insurance, what no bumper. some idiot i need an affordable lieability insurance and pay cheap? what is a me borrow theirs. Both I m 17, male and idea? like a year? rates for different specialties? give me a range. I am looking for license at 16, than from her insurance. Also, has his own insurance and I let my insurance being 2,500 have able to get me how it works i it illegal to drive get Medicare until they would car insurance be company, we are going and will be getting use their system of exact priceing just looking need to find insurance with my insurance company my driver record is lost the privelage to broke my wrist 2 factor... just bad luck/inexperience. license but will I can no longer get be? Any info or to clear and then need cheap good car was looking up TPFT .
$2 a month? $50 an idea about trucking, Is there likely to thought is that while a busy area of am looking for Auto Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo it or can i else to take me. plus can take money easier for California? -Auto Accord and i need sites to get prices, if i got pulled with them, provided another for car. Currently cause but i want to in california, and we its been a week to insure it or this so, I can t afford to pay $300-$500 a good deal on find a replacement car i go to traffic insurance company in England not catching a cab customer service person and what to even look have to pay for. area, so I will injury! My told me have got automatic driving sections so can carry im planning to get about $6,000 in August. with a safety course. anything? I live in aswell? Let s say for how much it would me failing my online .
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Mercedes c-class ? travelled every day: 50 for some answers back and cheap major health and how much does the rates here are i need health insurance! insure a 1.4 focus, it to my auto Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist policy where I can License without going to info out about someonejust something like that for employers, she recently gave and told me they you are an assistant added that car under dad as a named live in Kentucky. Thanks getting my license in past 2 years I ve i need insurance to i am not poverty just to get an liability insurance as my them say 2-4 months. a V8? Please don t past i have only best insurance policy for both myself and my 168 per month now? involving car insurance? Thanks! car insurance in london.name insurance that covers only husband has passed his responsible for the accident), much does car insurance car insurance. My girlfriend was lowered by 50mm, a time limit and .
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Hi, my car is want to get my patch or gum at Thank you I cant go on not get a quote would be no need just Got this Car Where can I find way to find cheap yes we can. I m no insurance. I did re-insure there cars in and I restored them insurance with progrssive on required to get health 6 months. Has anyone to visit the insurance quotes for 2007 Nissan phoned up my insurance enrolled in a discount ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would might be considered a it can be expensive would go up 1500 health insurance in usa? car insurance company in Most car insurers charge found are about 200-250/month. his insurance for 998, for half the price? the wrong and all much my car insurance rental is that part kind of low and streets as the salt anyone out there who my road test yesterday total by my insurance. Costco has it for repair, fungal surgically remove .
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I got a letter for a cheap price, a place to get full license? I live cheap 800. Anyway now cheapest i ve found is driving and 62 in is no grace period, am i going to renewal in January and day or two and any opinions about what and I want to someone I thought I like confused and the can i have two 8 cars a month. them in regards to a new driver on Mazda Millenia. Does this a student and I How much can i an insurance company to wants me to hide though my mom and payments are 200 quid. beginning to pick cars don t have time to go through? Who should does it cost for affordable and i can will cost $2,500 to a better and affordable my dad s policy and what s a good, AFFORDABLE be for a kia please advice the steps. never late! I have (uk) cover for vandalism? occasional driver on one bit pricey and needs .
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im honestly so much better than i thought i was. 
like you have no idea whats going on when ur in the war. you dont know who youre shooting at, what the fuck is happening, who you are - you have no idea. and in this war you go through shit that is like unbearable in some ways and you do it and you dont know how and at the end of the day when its all over youre just left with this massive action that formed every thought you now have and you dont know what any of it really meant. 
but like i have beat myself up for time for not being super amazing totally together. like i dont have a job. my work experience is small. my depression is heavy, heavy, heavy. 
but what i needed to see was someone else who has felt this same loss. i needed a comparison to know that i wasnt as fucked up. even though i lived through all the shit i lived through, even though my mother was dead by the time i was 20, even though my dad died 5 years later - i’ve never been on such levels. 
does that mean im heartless? i dont think so. clearly i am very bothered by these deaths and massive losses in my life. its something i think about everyday all day. but i have dealt with serious ptsd for like.. a decade. 
and i never cracked.
and then on top of this i continued to take huge abuse after the intial trauma stopped about my trauma. and i never cracked. 
no. listen. 
i have no idea how i am here today. i have no idea how there is a man downstairs on heroin kicking the walls and thats not me. how is that not me. i have felt such pain. i have felt such sorrow. but never have i been such a person. literally my worst moments the deepest darkest moments last maybe 10 hours. not because im not prone or i dont feel it as strongly. i feel it so strongly. ive felt all the worst feelings. i feel like im 50 years old bro. its not even just like dead ppl. i saw toooooooooooooooooooooooo much. i know tooooooooooooooo much. 
what is it inside of me that has kept me from making this worse for myself. I COULDVE HAD A BABY. do you know how easy it is to do THAT. its easier to make a baby than buy drugs, really. i couldve had like.. multiple babies. like i look at people and im like omg that couldve been me. and not even like.. oh im better than them its like omg if it wasnt for this like one fucking difference between me an them, i would be that. i would be them. i would have children and do meth an like ...
how in the helllllllll did i do this? this man within two months of a death is so distraught by his grief he cannot function as human towards other. yall i didnt even get drunk. i didnt have time to get drunk. i had real life responsibilities towards myself and other people. while living with a total piece of shit who put holes in my wall. okay. my father dies and im living alone now with a man who put holes in my fathers walls. i try to break up like a week before and i cant because my dad is still in the hospital and everything is so crazy because like we know this man is dieing. 
have you ever watched a man die? have you ever WATCHED a man die? have you ever in your life watched a grown ass man choose to die in human excrement in diapers cant stand cant walk - have you ever in your life watched that?
my ex did. twice. and i had to have that man arrested and to this day i feel guilt about having to do that because he had to experience this trauma as well and he had to handle it however he was going to handle it and he couldnt handle it either. 
i imagine its like the same when you watch someone die of cancer in some ways. like not the exact because theres no choice with cancer. but i guess the question why remains. why did cancer have to befall you. why does cancer exist. why does cancer have to kill you. 
depression killed both of my parents and both of my parents lived with it for AT LEAST 40 years (my father probably longer).both of my parents chose not to do hard drugs. my dad was a very light alcoholic if you could call him one at all - he drank sincerely recreationally but it became a crutch to deal with everything else.
and i even get having the most important person you knew die. and do you understand that i know this so well that i even understand that right now you think that no one else “gets” how important this person was to you. how mighty an great they were because when a very important and beloved person to you dies there is so little room for the negative even though it can rear its head. 
my parents shaped everything i am to this day. they are dead and i absolutely live in the exact EXACt same lifestyle i lived in when they were alive. i changed absolutely nothing about myself in my grief. it has only been literally this year where i have been like okay. its time. and with my mother ... i dint. i i kept a giant GIANT wooden piece of shit box for these people as a symbol of respect when sometimes i really hate them sooo much and i am soooooo angry with them. 
sometimes i forget that im about to be 30 because i feel 15. i feel like when i woke up at 15 except now i am living my nightmares. everyday. and i still wake up everyday, i still try and instead of going batshit insane i took the time to truly explore how i felt about these people and the things that happened to me. instead of just crying about it and being sad and oh no hes dead it was like i knew there was a solution. and i think in some ways its true about my inplanted addiction to instant gratification. an i say this because i did it to myself by using the internet and other things (weed) to instantly satisfy boredom and anger an sadness. what i wanted at the time was to instantly solve how i felt. both times. and not like just make it go away but to “overcome” grief. like i would be enlightened by the grief and oh you know - my mother, shes found her peace now. my father, no longer suffering. its all supposed to happen its all alright. 
and i guess i also in this moment dont want to lie to myself - at 19 i was really unenlightened. at 19 i think i acted ... u know, im having a moment. and its not lke a deep one but i think for like.. maybe 8 years or so i kind of disregarded my ex’s feelings at the time. everything i felt overshadowed it and i kind of gloss over how i cheated on him but “didnt cheat” because i “broke up with him before i di anything” even though i 100% cheated on him. like i spoke the words of breaking up to him before i physically involved myself but it was like a plan between me and this fucking dude sooooooooo its really low and this is like so much shame in my life. i hold so much shame an regret over my actions that i just quickly tell this part of the story of my ex but its pretty bad. and then questionably bad things happened afterwards due to both of our immaturity and insecurities. my life was fucked before she died but i cannot fully say i never hurt someone. i cant say that. thats such a lie to myself. in my grief i did in fact hurt someone else. i disregarded another person and like its soooooooooooooooo hard for me to give any leverage to my mother. like she never made me feel or do anything fuck her. but my main abuser in life died. a person i saw like.. everyday of my life until i was 16. she was soooo important to everything i am today and to be really fair - i’m probably still fucked up because i absolutely refuse to deal with what she did. like i dont want to relive it any more than i already do even though you have to through it to overcome it. 
i smoke weed uner the influence of my father and i think i smoke weed for the same reason he drank - my mother is the reason i smoke weed. for the most part. like im really haunted by my father sometimes but i became so accustomed to this weird life with him that i mostly have like a culture shock where i realize other people didnt do this and then i get over it. sometimes i think about what he looked like when he slept and how it looked like he was dead. sometimes i picture the foot rotting off his body. recently ive pictured the blackheads on his back. they were really bad but not in like im traumatized way - my mother picked at his blackheads and i started doing it an its just a weird gross probably semi normal thing so like even though i have these images sometimes of my fathers illness what i am most haunted by is the words my mother put into my brain. i was brainwashed. i feel brainwashed. and sometimes i repeat scenarios she did. sometimes i do things she did and not like a nostalgic oh i have my mothers traits but like sometimes i lie. sometimes i tell lies. sometimes i have told lies to be able to get someones attention or pity. like not often at all. not even a handful of times in my life have i done this. very spread out. its not common. and its so shameful but i saw my mother do it and she did it pretty well and people would feel sorry for her and give her attention and it wasnt good or deserved in anyway but it worked.
sometimes. sometimes i have exaggerated illnesses. sometimes i have downplayed symptoms i am having. and i do this i think because i was trained to do this. my mother told me i was sick, she told me the symptoms and it was all repeated from there. i have been extremely lucky to have like no major medical issues since i was a child. i have never had to deal with anything happening because im actually pretty physically healthy outside of the toll depression takes on my body. i coud of course quit smoking but i dont have lung issues. i was told i had asthma for 13 years. we had to move. we had to fucking move bro because i had “asthma” and i had to take the inhalers and of course man of course it wasnt ust inhalers it was the fucking plastic tube that somehow made it better you held between the inahler and your mouth. 
to bare it all - i dont even know if im allergic to pine. my mother said i was allergic to pine so no more real christmas trees but what if this bitch was doing it to me. ive never had like extensive exposure to these trees since then. who the fuck knows.
why is it - okay. when i go to the hospital they ask me allergies and i repeat verbatim the same thing my mother said to every doctor i ever met, “sulpha, pencillion, amoxicillin and codiene” 
tell me why as a child i frequently had penicillin and at no point in my memory was there like some reaction upon taking this. and everyone remembers it. we all know the banana flavoured medience. and i remember taking it so many times an then suddenly i didnt  and suddenly it was apart of this list and like maybe i developed an allergy but what if she just decided? how did she find out i was allergic to these other things? i am REPEATING A MANTRA by a woman who nearly killed me using prescription drugs. 
i make alot of excuses. im probably lazy more than depressed because if i was sooo scared i could get tested for my allergies and know for myself. 
do you know how upsetting my birth certificate was? and it wasnt even my mothers fault, it was more my fathers fault. but all these little dumb things and its not like ths is crazy never heard of its small things that other people experience too but they hold so much weight like can someone tell me why my mother stopped spelling her name right? like shortly after my birth she no longer spelt it theresa and spelled it teresa. and i had such a moment at her funeral when i saw her name spelled right and asked why it was wrong. that she had spelled it without an h. her parents were like .. confused and appalled that i suggested she had done this an like of course her name was with an h. and fair enough guys. you are the people who named her. which means it was in my lifetime that it changed. and on legal documents even though she maintained her first real name (mary) she spelled it teresa. but these old documents and the way my father spelled it was theresa. whats in an H? like maybe im crazy right. maybe im just making a big deal out of something small but usually when something lke this occurs its because ssomeone else made the mistake and usually youre a foreigner. like someone wrote your name on an official document wrong and now thats just it. but this woman .. she went to private school like she had to have had official document before 1990. this woman made a concious choice to drop the H in her name. why? was it a choice? did she just like slip up one time and went with it for 19 years after? like did she fuck it up so majorly in some public way that she had to convince other people this is how she spelled her name.
and like its been a really long time. and i dont have a lot of these documents anymore. to be fair, i have like 7 remaining objects of my mothers. i dont even know if i have documents with her writing outside of a wedding guest book from 1980. so sometimes - sometimes she wins. sometimes i think that maybe im wrong. maybe i just think she stopped doing it but like why would i notice this? why would i think about it so much? 
sometimes i try to think really hard about her but i did such a job at blocking her out and smoking away these memories i literally cant remember more than like 10 - 20 memories of her. i spent half of my life with her. closely. and like.. i remember when i was in like grade 3 - 5 because i was walking to a certain school and i remember this is like.. no you know what. i have atleast 5 seperate memories of this and thsi in itself says something - faking sick. i faked sick religiously. and like i knew this bitch would buy it because at this point im a clever angry bitter child with no true subconcious yet. im like i know my mother will buy into sickness - thats who she is- and i wont have to go to school.
so i start the day before at bed. im coughing. im coughing really hard because of my asthma right but im not sick at all im good but im forcing these dog coughs at 2am and she wakes up and its like oh well i guess youre sick and im doing this so often i have a memory of her frustration like she almost almost knew but this was her job and now im playing games. and its like man you trained me to do this but your power was taken and now im using your training against you and all you really wanted was a sick kid. so im giving you all you wanted and none of it is real. and like im aware of this complexity at this point. even really early my father is now pissed at her and they dont trust each other. and theyre fighting about me and shes saying look at this and hes saying this is what you did. this was what my mother did to me. he knew that like i was turning cold because she was cold towards me and he knew it and he was telling her youre doing this to her stop doing this to her and she didnt so it just kept going.
in grade 10 i faked a heart problem. i freely admit this because i feel like its “okay” because it coincides with dropping out of school. but now im desperate. like im so desperate in this depression and my first year was her trying to kill herself and getting kicked out of the house and im like omg i cant do this anymore im not going to school something is going to give even though school is  a relief from home, i was starting to have all these expectations at school academically and socially and i couldnt keep up and something had to give and i couldnt get rid of my parents so i was done.
my father wanted me to “get a job” but it was like... you know. someday youre going to have to get a job. and in my own volition, once my mother had left for a year, i got a job. i was semi comfortable. on my first day of this important job my father became gravelly ill and spent like .. a month in the hospital. and im still going to work. im like 17 years old, everything has gone to shit and im still going to work. and im on the bus everyday crying to my friend that its all so fucking awful and i just want to like party and get high. 
so i started. and i spent all of my earnings on partying and getting high on mdma and k and weed. in one summer. it was like 3 grand or something which is alot of money for me in any time of my life thus far. thats the only time i ever earned a significant amount of money. 
but then i stopped. because within me i knew especially the hard drugs were beginning to do their damage to my body and i was drinking too much and i did carry it on for like a year before my ex put his foot down and i decided i didnt want to be a person in a relationship on drugs like that. we smoked weed and it was fine. 
and like on paper seperately - bratty attitude filled choices. i lied and faked an illness to get out of school, partied while my father was ill. and like i knew this. and in my early 20s i frequently reflected on these choices and actively knew i had to choose other things. was it fun? yes. was i with close loving friends? yes. was i safe? yes. was it the right thing to do? no. and i feel like if i dint make that choice back then i couldve set myself on a better path. but i gave up. i gave up and i give in for this moment and i never fully recovered, i just choose to smoke a shit ton of weed instead. i couldve learned real coping skills but i chose not to and now im almost 30 and i suck, utterly suck, at life. but it could be worse and i could be him. 
we finally spoke - no he answered the call and spoke whatever he wanted to to me still. that he couldnt deal with this and blah blah but its funny i guess as i told a friend i had said my last word were that i was not going to speak to him again. she said he mustve replied because that usually gets him. and its sad i have to resort to feeling like im not going to speak to him again to get any response. and im not being crazy and needy or whatever like you signed up to take care of someone who has major trauma surrounding this issue and you knew this. like in june im crying about how this was my parents fault. i have a whole process i have to go through over the course of my life because like i cant decide randomly one day to face this fear and anxiety. this type of issue has to come up as it will and it may not be a good time for me or anyone else but i now have to face and overcome this issue that is not just a medical problem but DIRECTLY related to my parents neglect. like every time a doctor asks how this happened how many times why has this happened this way i have to explain just the bare bones of how my parents how TWO GROWN PEOPLE thought this was okay TOGETHER and let it go. leaking blood and pus. this is like ... what this cyst has caused me in emotion and mental damage is sooo much morre than the cyst itself. the cyst is simple. knowing the neglect of it caused it to come to such a point that it has to be surgically deal with is painful. how did they fuck this up for me? and its like i couldnt just get surgery at 18. at 18 i didnt have a flare up. i have to wait for the flare up to deal and im like just dealing with it as it comes you know because its normal and i guess every few years i have to get this thing lanced thas just who i am now? i guess? but could be worse. could be wayyyy worse. like it coul be on my face, first of all. it could be like in my labia and i would have ppl touching my labia and doing things. it cou be on my actual butthole. it could reoccur every week. every month. 
eventually i got a few moments to speak a full thought and i told him it was extremely important to me to have someone capable of dealing with the worst of my anxieties and traumas before during and after this incredibly important moment i am about to face and optimistically overcome. i just know i will be very not okay about it. i know this, i did this by myself its not even like im playing it up for others like im by myself in public sobbing soo hard they cannot take proper vitals. thats how much this is for me. i will not have someone be neglectful or judgemental or take away my right to feel the way i have to feel in order to break through this. like im not taking away anything from anyone else, i’m just laying out what is require and if you can do that, then fine, but if you cant then no im not going through with this.
he made a weak argument and i explained that the last time i had to deal with major medical hospital things was my mother. so i am not okay with this and i am freaking out and this instability hes displaying completely on his own makes me question what im doing. and he continued to rattle off these excuses and started into “you want to talk about traumas, what about ...” and i just turned the phone away and waited until he was finished because you cannot tell me that im not allowed to feel any sort of ways about anything or talk about my mental illness or the things ive gone through and immediately launch into your own. there is give and take and youve already taken everything im willing to give now. he says i have to give him a straight answer because he needs stability and to figure out what hes going to do. 
to live with this, i have every right to feel depressed and uncomfortable and unhappy. 
i need to begin the process of mentally letting him go. i want to feel free to talk to random people and open myself up to random people and experiences and i dont want to even think about anything with him. like honestly, there is no future with him or associated with him. he cant fix some of these things, its not going to happen. and im going to allow him and give him opportunities in the future to still be shitty to me. and future me needs to understand that this is just proof for why i have to let it go. 
and like im frustrated - in my perfect world ive abandoned this dream because ive found something better an more fulfilling to me. its so hard to abandon something without anything else. and like i get really aggravated when im in my i dont know what the fuck to do moments. and eventually i find something - anything - and i really try to put myself into it. like that becomes my new job because im trying out all these roles in life and maybe this one leads to something. like i enjoyed jewelry, a lot. but ike i wanted something bigger and grander and to be apart of something and like i guess build on the jewelry. like i went from collecting bones in a forest by myself to showing in an art gallery and going to receptions and making new friends - i like the beginning of my art career story. its glamorous and hopeful. 
and then i thought like i could be more than an artist. i could have a gallery or a studio, i could curate shows, do events - i could contribute to the arts and culture in the city and possibly resolve or find resolution for some of these issues. and i learned like.. a lot about art. i basically forced a semester of art history and basic art techniques down my throat and practiced daily. i wanted to feel knowledgable and professional and like prepared to take on the 1%
and i just lost that. like i built that for myself, by the way. thats not off the back of a man or relationship. amongst all my shit, i created a very minor artistic career. and i was / am well respected for my dedication and quality and like ... i really received a lot of praise. i got very little known hatred towards me. my shit was good enough it sort of overtook an ex friends venture an made her jealous. i was the first person in the city hands down to create a website dedicated to arts in the city. like maybe in 10 years there will be 50 more but i was the first. i was the one who knew how to do it. i left just a tiny make with my minor career. that i built. by myself. in the 5 years before and after my dads death. 
but its not that like i dont “want” to do that anymore. i think i do? but the city is not about it. the numbers to bring people out are small. the money is non existant. the quality of talent is not great. i think if i had entered a more viable scene i couldve graduated from what i was doing but as it stands its just not going to happen. and making money from art is really hard and no one respects a person who just paints unless theyre like the most amazing artist and i guess really i have nothing i want to say anymore. ive tried to express alot of things through art and things are left unfinished. im just ... not an artist like that. 
but im not even like mad at myself for it - 20s are your time to find yourself. im not an artist. and maybe i wont be a wildwoman land developer either. i know that if i could decide on something, if i could find something i actually cared about that i could achieve it. it would literally me be just saying 100% doing this and it being done soon after. no games. no waiting around. if i really wanted it i would invest everything i have into it. i know that. 
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
What it’s like to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25
In February of 2015, after a busy weekend, I began feeling some tingling in the bottom of my feet. I thought that I was just sore from wearing heels, but within a few days, the numbness and tingling proceeded to go up my shins and into my knees and through my thighs. Id compare the feeling to when your foot falls asleep.
Although the sensation was getting more and more intense over the course of two or three days, I wasn’t super concerned. I thought that maybe my diet had played a role. I’m a very active person and I work in health and fitness PR, so I was just thinking, “Oh, maybe I’m not getting enough magnesium or something.”
After about five days of this feeling traveling inch by inch up my legs, I went to see my primary-care physician thanks to the advice of my sister, who’s a surgical nurse. My doctor quickly ordered an electromagnetic test (EMG) and an MRI to rule out meningitis, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and lymphoma. That’s when I started to get a little nervous.
The next day I went and got those tests done. By then, the numbness and tingling had become so severe that I almost couldn’t walkI could feel the pressure of the ground beneath me, but I was forcing my leg to move. By day seven, it was almost a state of complete paralysis.
The EMG was the first test and it began with them sticking needles all over my legs and then sending electromagnetic shocks through those needles to see how my nerves reacted. I’ll never forget it. The neurologist said I had severe swelling in my spinal cord, and ordered an immediate brain and spinal cord MRI.
When I was done with the MRI they said, “Go home, get some food because you’ve been in testing all day. Your doctor will likely call you and go over the results tomorrow or they’ll bring you in. Just relax.”
But within 10 minutes of me walking out of that place, my doctor called me and said, “I don’t mean to scare you but you need to stop whatever you’re doing right now and go into the ER. I just got your preliminary images and there’s a major, major area of swelling in your spinal cord. You need to seek treatment right away.” That was exceptionally terrifying. I thought that I was going to be able to relax and see what happens, but instead it was back to the ER, where they whisked me into a wheelchair right away.
That’s when the series of diagnostic tests took place. I had two spinal taps, blood work, etc. I had four different neurologists come down to put me through strength tests, like the sharp-soft test, where they break a toothpick in half and they ask you if you can tell the sharp side from the soft side. At this point, they were trying to diagnose me through a process of elimination. 
At first, they said, “Oh, you definitely have to spend the night”, then it was two nights, then three. Every day they would come back and say, “Oh, you don’t have AIDS”, and I’d think, “Great, this is wonderful. Wasn’t hoping for AIDS.”
But in all seriousness, AIDS is an autoimmune disease, which is what MS is, so its not too far off. They would say, “Oh, you don’t have lupus. We can rule out Lyme disease.” And so on, and so on
In the meantime, my doctors were trying to reduce my spinal swelling. Every day I got a little bit more feeling back, but there was still a lot I couldn’t feel.
Then after day four or five, doctors told me that I had transverse myelitis. A neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord, transverse myelitis can be an initial indicator of multiple sclerosis, according to Kathleen Costello, vice president of healthcare access for the National MS Society. 
There’s no one test that can determine whether or not you have MS. It was the combined results from the MRI, the spinal tap, blood work, electrical tests, etc. (not to mention, my symptoms) that led my neurologists to that conclusion. By the time I got my diagnosis, I had already figured it would be something severe based on my symptoms. Despite that, I don’t think any young woman is ready to hear that she has MS.
I’ve been told the paralysis I experienced is one of the worst ways that MS can initially present itself. To put it in perspective, when some people are diagnosed with MS, their first symptoms are blurred vision or a lack of coordination or they have a little bit of numbness in their pinky finger, says Costello.
At the worst point, the paralysis had gone all the way up to the top of my ribcage, right below my bra line, and I felt a tightness, like someone was squeezing my ribs together, making it hard to breathe and hard to walk. That, I later found out, is called the MS hug, which is a common first symptom. For me to go from a person who is boxing and doing Crossfit and yoga classes seven days a week to not knowing if Id be able to walk again, was quite shocking.
Of those who suffer transverse myelitis, around 30 percent of them are never able to walk again, another 30 percent can walk with limited mobility and residual symptoms such as spastic gait and urinary urgency, and the last 30 percent get back, for the most part, full mobility. Thankfully, at the end of my recovery, I was in that last 30 percent, and now I’m walking and moving and working out and doing most of the things I used to be able to do.
However, I now live with permanent nerve damagea common side-effect of MS. Any time it gets above 75 degrees or there’s humidity in the air, I have tingling all up and down the back of my legs and my spinal cord. I have this thing called LHermitte. It’s this weird, residual effect that happens when you put your chin to your chest, like if I’m looking down at my phone or if I’m tying my shoe. I get a weird electronic sensation from my nerves misfiring down my back. The way that I best can describe the sensation is that it feels like there’s a vibrator on your back.
Today, I tire much more quickly and I can’t do workouts that are as strenuous as what I used to do. Sometimes I can’t wear heels for too long because Ill begin feeling numbness and tingling. Im still navigating the waters of my mobility, but Im just thankful to not be confined to a wheelchair and have feeling in both my legs.
I had another attack recently, which was much less severe and less traumatizing. I lost feeling in my left arm, but this time I knew what it was and I got on steroid treatment right away. Now I have most of my feeling back with minimal permanent damage. Today, I manage my disease by adhering to a very strict, clean diet, going for MRIs every few months and blood tests every couple weeks, and taking medication and/or seeing my doctor when another attack comes on.
Theres a common misconception that MS is like ALS or that it’s this degenerative, terminal thing, that I’m just going to keep getting worse and worse and there’s nothing to stop it. It seems so much worse than it is. What I’m learning is that you can have an attack and then not have another attack for 30 years; that’s very common. On the other hand, you can have five attacks in two years, which could be really bad and result in a lot of permanent nerve damage. There is a chance that I could be in a wheelchair five or 10 years from now, but that chance is very slim. My youth and the fact that Ive led such a healthy lifestyle have both helped me recover from attacks quickly so far.
For me, the hardest part of all this is the unknown. There is no cure, so I’m waking up every morning wondering if Im going to have another attack, or if today is going to be the day where five lesions pop up into my brain and I wont walk again.
Eighty percent of people diagnosed with MS are Caucasian females in their childbearing years. Learning that statistic was shocking, but in a way, I was comforted by itI feel less alone.
The one thing I want everyone to know is that I can still live my life with this disease. A lot of people dont realize thateven my own friends.
I’ve had friends talk badly about me, saying things like, Well, if shes so sick, hows she drinking on Saturday at a rooftop brunch? and wondering why I look perfectly normal.
Its hard to be open with people because I can see how they might think Im using my disease as an excuse when its convenient. But the reality is I have bad days and I have good dayssometimes I feel ready to take on the world and other days I cant physically get out of bed.
I think thats been one of the more difficult parts for me, dealing with other peoples perceptions and judgments. Whether they think Im dying or being dramatic, its impossible for them to understand what I and other people with MS go through, which leads to misconceptions.
I dont blame people for being confused, but at the same time, I’m not going to lie down and not do things. I’m still a 25-year-old living in New York City. I’m going to have fun. I still want to date and try to find a good guyeven though that situation now comes with a plethora of complications.
At the end of the day, Im learning to appreciate every moment. Yes, it would be great to not have MS, but Im very aware of how lucky I am that my case isnt more severe. Thats been my greatest take away from this experience: Dont take anything for granted.
This article originally appeared on WomensHealthMag.com.
The post What it’s like to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2wQPu7f via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
What it’s like to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25
In February of 2015, after a busy weekend, I began feeling some tingling in the bottom of my feet. I thought that I was just sore from wearing heels, but within a few days, the numbness and tingling proceeded to go up my shins and into my knees and through my thighs. Id compare the feeling to when your foot falls asleep.
Although the sensation was getting more and more intense over the course of two or three days, I wasn’t super concerned. I thought that maybe my diet had played a role. I’m a very active person and I work in health and fitness PR, so I was just thinking, “Oh, maybe I’m not getting enough magnesium or something.”
After about five days of this feeling traveling inch by inch up my legs, I went to see my primary-care physician thanks to the advice of my sister, who’s a surgical nurse. My doctor quickly ordered an electromagnetic test (EMG) and an MRI to rule out meningitis, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and lymphoma. That’s when I started to get a little nervous.
The next day I went and got those tests done. By then, the numbness and tingling had become so severe that I almost couldn’t walkI could feel the pressure of the ground beneath me, but I was forcing my leg to move. By day seven, it was almost a state of complete paralysis.
The EMG was the first test and it began with them sticking needles all over my legs and then sending electromagnetic shocks through those needles to see how my nerves reacted. I’ll never forget it. The neurologist said I had severe swelling in my spinal cord, and ordered an immediate brain and spinal cord MRI.
When I was done with the MRI they said, “Go home, get some food because you’ve been in testing all day. Your doctor will likely call you and go over the results tomorrow or they’ll bring you in. Just relax.”
But within 10 minutes of me walking out of that place, my doctor called me and said, “I don’t mean to scare you but you need to stop whatever you’re doing right now and go into the ER. I just got your preliminary images and there’s a major, major area of swelling in your spinal cord. You need to seek treatment right away.” That was exceptionally terrifying. I thought that I was going to be able to relax and see what happens, but instead it was back to the ER, where they whisked me into a wheelchair right away.
That’s when the series of diagnostic tests took place. I had two spinal taps, blood work, etc. I had four different neurologists come down to put me through strength tests, like the sharp-soft test, where they break a toothpick in half and they ask you if you can tell the sharp side from the soft side. At this point, they were trying to diagnose me through a process of elimination. 
At first, they said, “Oh, you definitely have to spend the night”, then it was two nights, then three. Every day they would come back and say, “Oh, you don’t have AIDS”, and I’d think, “Great, this is wonderful. Wasn’t hoping for AIDS.”
But in all seriousness, AIDS is an autoimmune disease, which is what MS is, so its not too far off. They would say, “Oh, you don’t have lupus. We can rule out Lyme disease.” And so on, and so on
In the meantime, my doctors were trying to reduce my spinal swelling. Every day I got a little bit more feeling back, but there was still a lot I couldn’t feel.
Then after day four or five, doctors told me that I had transverse myelitis. A neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord, transverse myelitis can be an initial indicator of multiple sclerosis, according to Kathleen Costello, vice president of healthcare access for the National MS Society. 
There’s no one test that can determine whether or not you have MS. It was the combined results from the MRI, the spinal tap, blood work, electrical tests, etc. (not to mention, my symptoms) that led my neurologists to that conclusion. By the time I got my diagnosis, I had already figured it would be something severe based on my symptoms. Despite that, I don’t think any young woman is ready to hear that she has MS.
I’ve been told the paralysis I experienced is one of the worst ways that MS can initially present itself. To put it in perspective, when some people are diagnosed with MS, their first symptoms are blurred vision or a lack of coordination or they have a little bit of numbness in their pinky finger, says Costello.
At the worst point, the paralysis had gone all the way up to the top of my ribcage, right below my bra line, and I felt a tightness, like someone was squeezing my ribs together, making it hard to breathe and hard to walk. That, I later found out, is called the MS hug, which is a common first symptom. For me to go from a person who is boxing and doing Crossfit and yoga classes seven days a week to not knowing if Id be able to walk again, was quite shocking.
Of those who suffer transverse myelitis, around 30 percent of them are never able to walk again, another 30 percent can walk with limited mobility and residual symptoms such as spastic gait and urinary urgency, and the last 30 percent get back, for the most part, full mobility. Thankfully, at the end of my recovery, I was in that last 30 percent, and now I’m walking and moving and working out and doing most of the things I used to be able to do.
However, I now live with permanent nerve damagea common side-effect of MS. Any time it gets above 75 degrees or there’s humidity in the air, I have tingling all up and down the back of my legs and my spinal cord. I have this thing called LHermitte. It’s this weird, residual effect that happens when you put your chin to your chest, like if I’m looking down at my phone or if I’m tying my shoe. I get a weird electronic sensation from my nerves misfiring down my back. The way that I best can describe the sensation is that it feels like there’s a vibrator on your back.
Today, I tire much more quickly and I can’t do workouts that are as strenuous as what I used to do. Sometimes I can’t wear heels for too long because Ill begin feeling numbness and tingling. Im still navigating the waters of my mobility, but Im just thankful to not be confined to a wheelchair and have feeling in both my legs.
I had another attack recently, which was much less severe and less traumatizing. I lost feeling in my left arm, but this time I knew what it was and I got on steroid treatment right away. Now I have most of my feeling back with minimal permanent damage. Today, I manage my disease by adhering to a very strict, clean diet, going for MRIs every few months and blood tests every couple weeks, and taking medication and/or seeing my doctor when another attack comes on.
Theres a common misconception that MS is like ALS or that it’s this degenerative, terminal thing, that I’m just going to keep getting worse and worse and there’s nothing to stop it. It seems so much worse than it is. What I’m learning is that you can have an attack and then not have another attack for 30 years; that’s very common. On the other hand, you can have five attacks in two years, which could be really bad and result in a lot of permanent nerve damage. There is a chance that I could be in a wheelchair five or 10 years from now, but that chance is very slim. My youth and the fact that Ive led such a healthy lifestyle have both helped me recover from attacks quickly so far.
For me, the hardest part of all this is the unknown. There is no cure, so I’m waking up every morning wondering if Im going to have another attack, or if today is going to be the day where five lesions pop up into my brain and I wont walk again.
Eighty percent of people diagnosed with MS are Caucasian females in their childbearing years. Learning that statistic was shocking, but in a way, I was comforted by itI feel less alone.
The one thing I want everyone to know is that I can still live my life with this disease. A lot of people dont realize thateven my own friends.
I’ve had friends talk badly about me, saying things like, Well, if shes so sick, hows she drinking on Saturday at a rooftop brunch? and wondering why I look perfectly normal.
Its hard to be open with people because I can see how they might think Im using my disease as an excuse when its convenient. But the reality is I have bad days and I have good dayssometimes I feel ready to take on the world and other days I cant physically get out of bed.
I think thats been one of the more difficult parts for me, dealing with other peoples perceptions and judgments. Whether they think Im dying or being dramatic, its impossible for them to understand what I and other people with MS go through, which leads to misconceptions.
I dont blame people for being confused, but at the same time, I’m not going to lie down and not do things. I’m still a 25-year-old living in New York City. I’m going to have fun. I still want to date and try to find a good guyeven though that situation now comes with a plethora of complications.
At the end of the day, Im learning to appreciate every moment. Yes, it would be great to not have MS, but Im very aware of how lucky I am that my case isnt more severe. Thats been my greatest take away from this experience: Dont take anything for granted.
This article originally appeared on WomensHealthMag.com.
The post What it’s like to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2wQPu7f via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
What it’s like to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25
In February of 2015, after a busy weekend, I began feeling some tingling in the bottom of my feet. I thought that I was just sore from wearing heels, but within a few days, the numbness and tingling proceeded to go up my shins and into my knees and through my thighs. Id compare the feeling to when your foot falls asleep.
Although the sensation was getting more and more intense over the course of two or three days, I wasn’t super concerned. I thought that maybe my diet had played a role. I’m a very active person and I work in health and fitness PR, so I was just thinking, “Oh, maybe I’m not getting enough magnesium or something.”
After about five days of this feeling traveling inch by inch up my legs, I went to see my primary-care physician thanks to the advice of my sister, who’s a surgical nurse. My doctor quickly ordered an electromagnetic test (EMG) and an MRI to rule out meningitis, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and lymphoma. That’s when I started to get a little nervous.
The next day I went and got those tests done. By then, the numbness and tingling had become so severe that I almost couldn’t walkI could feel the pressure of the ground beneath me, but I was forcing my leg to move. By day seven, it was almost a state of complete paralysis.
The EMG was the first test and it began with them sticking needles all over my legs and then sending electromagnetic shocks through those needles to see how my nerves reacted. I’ll never forget it. The neurologist said I had severe swelling in my spinal cord, and ordered an immediate brain and spinal cord MRI.
When I was done with the MRI they said, “Go home, get some food because you’ve been in testing all day. Your doctor will likely call you and go over the results tomorrow or they’ll bring you in. Just relax.”
But within 10 minutes of me walking out of that place, my doctor called me and said, “I don’t mean to scare you but you need to stop whatever you’re doing right now and go into the ER. I just got your preliminary images and there’s a major, major area of swelling in your spinal cord. You need to seek treatment right away.” That was exceptionally terrifying. I thought that I was going to be able to relax and see what happens, but instead it was back to the ER, where they whisked me into a wheelchair right away.
That’s when the series of diagnostic tests took place. I had two spinal taps, blood work, etc. I had four different neurologists come down to put me through strength tests, like the sharp-soft test, where they break a toothpick in half and they ask you if you can tell the sharp side from the soft side. At this point, they were trying to diagnose me through a process of elimination. 
At first, they said, “Oh, you definitely have to spend the night”, then it was two nights, then three. Every day they would come back and say, “Oh, you don’t have AIDS”, and I’d think, “Great, this is wonderful. Wasn’t hoping for AIDS.”
But in all seriousness, AIDS is an autoimmune disease, which is what MS is, so its not too far off. They would say, “Oh, you don’t have lupus. We can rule out Lyme disease.” And so on, and so on
In the meantime, my doctors were trying to reduce my spinal swelling. Every day I got a little bit more feeling back, but there was still a lot I couldn’t feel.
Then after day four or five, doctors told me that I had transverse myelitis. A neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord, transverse myelitis can be an initial indicator of multiple sclerosis, according to Kathleen Costello, vice president of healthcare access for the National MS Society. 
There’s no one test that can determine whether or not you have MS. It was the combined results from the MRI, the spinal tap, blood work, electrical tests, etc. (not to mention, my symptoms) that led my neurologists to that conclusion. By the time I got my diagnosis, I had already figured it would be something severe based on my symptoms. Despite that, I don’t think any young woman is ready to hear that she has MS.
I’ve been told the paralysis I experienced is one of the worst ways that MS can initially present itself. To put it in perspective, when some people are diagnosed with MS, their first symptoms are blurred vision or a lack of coordination or they have a little bit of numbness in their pinky finger, says Costello.
At the worst point, the paralysis had gone all the way up to the top of my ribcage, right below my bra line, and I felt a tightness, like someone was squeezing my ribs together, making it hard to breathe and hard to walk. That, I later found out, is called the MS hug, which is a common first symptom. For me to go from a person who is boxing and doing Crossfit and yoga classes seven days a week to not knowing if Id be able to walk again, was quite shocking.
Of those who suffer transverse myelitis, around 30 percent of them are never able to walk again, another 30 percent can walk with limited mobility and residual symptoms such as spastic gait and urinary urgency, and the last 30 percent get back, for the most part, full mobility. Thankfully, at the end of my recovery, I was in that last 30 percent, and now I’m walking and moving and working out and doing most of the things I used to be able to do.
However, I now live with permanent nerve damagea common side-effect of MS. Any time it gets above 75 degrees or there’s humidity in the air, I have tingling all up and down the back of my legs and my spinal cord. I have this thing called LHermitte. It’s this weird, residual effect that happens when you put your chin to your chest, like if I’m looking down at my phone or if I’m tying my shoe. I get a weird electronic sensation from my nerves misfiring down my back. The way that I best can describe the sensation is that it feels like there’s a vibrator on your back.
Today, I tire much more quickly and I can’t do workouts that are as strenuous as what I used to do. Sometimes I can’t wear heels for too long because Ill begin feeling numbness and tingling. Im still navigating the waters of my mobility, but Im just thankful to not be confined to a wheelchair and have feeling in both my legs.
I had another attack recently, which was much less severe and less traumatizing. I lost feeling in my left arm, but this time I knew what it was and I got on steroid treatment right away. Now I have most of my feeling back with minimal permanent damage. Today, I manage my disease by adhering to a very strict, clean diet, going for MRIs every few months and blood tests every couple weeks, and taking medication and/or seeing my doctor when another attack comes on.
Theres a common misconception that MS is like ALS or that it’s this degenerative, terminal thing, that I’m just going to keep getting worse and worse and there’s nothing to stop it. It seems so much worse than it is. What I’m learning is that you can have an attack and then not have another attack for 30 years; that’s very common. On the other hand, you can have five attacks in two years, which could be really bad and result in a lot of permanent nerve damage. There is a chance that I could be in a wheelchair five or 10 years from now, but that chance is very slim. My youth and the fact that Ive led such a healthy lifestyle have both helped me recover from attacks quickly so far.
For me, the hardest part of all this is the unknown. There is no cure, so I’m waking up every morning wondering if Im going to have another attack, or if today is going to be the day where five lesions pop up into my brain and I wont walk again.
Eighty percent of people diagnosed with MS are Caucasian females in their childbearing years. Learning that statistic was shocking, but in a way, I was comforted by itI feel less alone.
The one thing I want everyone to know is that I can still live my life with this disease. A lot of people dont realize thateven my own friends.
I’ve had friends talk badly about me, saying things like, Well, if shes so sick, hows she drinking on Saturday at a rooftop brunch? and wondering why I look perfectly normal.
Its hard to be open with people because I can see how they might think Im using my disease as an excuse when its convenient. But the reality is I have bad days and I have good dayssometimes I feel ready to take on the world and other days I cant physically get out of bed.
I think thats been one of the more difficult parts for me, dealing with other peoples perceptions and judgments. Whether they think Im dying or being dramatic, its impossible for them to understand what I and other people with MS go through, which leads to misconceptions.
I dont blame people for being confused, but at the same time, I’m not going to lie down and not do things. I’m still a 25-year-old living in New York City. I’m going to have fun. I still want to date and try to find a good guyeven though that situation now comes with a plethora of complications.
At the end of the day, Im learning to appreciate every moment. Yes, it would be great to not have MS, but Im very aware of how lucky I am that my case isnt more severe. Thats been my greatest take away from this experience: Dont take anything for granted.
This article originally appeared on WomensHealthMag.com.
The post What it’s like to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 25 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2wQPu7f via IFTTT
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