#and its time to really refine who tf my character is because thats how these games go
nightingaletrash · 5 months
Finished the Book of Hungry Names and got the best(?) ending, I think. Didn't manage to save Black Tarn though so that requires another playthrough in and of itself
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WOLFSTAR AUS AND JUST THEM BEING ARTISTS LIST, PT 9 of stuff that comes from the chat
i can just see sirius who was raised pureblood being able to dance and one day hes teaching moony and remus is humming along with the music allowing himself to trust completely, and be guided by sirius, not really caring if he's doing it right just enjoying the feeling of the moment, being in sirius' arms, enjoying his little chuckles as he steps on his feet and the content sighs when the end up just holding eachother, and rocking gently like i live and breathe that shit
OOh and painter remus is classic of course, but how about painter sirius, who paints in emotional bold colors, and smears and impressionism because he likes how freeing it is, without lines, and hes just always got a sketchpad, smells like oil paint, and is covered in paint in his hair. When hes feeling particularly emotional he does abstract and no one ever really understands except moony who only needs to take one look and understands instantly
and MOOny i know i go off on musical sirius but I will fight to the death for a moony playing soft acoustic guitar, or ukulele or singing with his soprano ass voice or singing with his deep rumbly voice, or even jumping on stage, shredding because hes so full of emotion and shit adrenaline and being on stage is a drug of its own, and hes got so many emotions and he pours them into every song he writes
OOH and sirius would be such a theater nerd, he would quote the classics, the iconics, the new and unheard of, he would swoon dramatically and he would pose, but when it came down to it he could connect with the audience in a way no one else could and he shines when he's given a spotlight and an audience because he does it for people, to make them laugh or cry or just feel because watching a show and crying along with everyone in the audience and the person onstage is such a powerful moment that you remember
And of course writer/lit major remus. He writes like there's no tomorrow, he has too many empty journals, and even more filled ones, he carries his laptop, at least two books, and at least two journals with him everywhere in a messenger bag and he wears sweaters and corduroy and he writes poetry that makes the people who don't like poetry feel things, and have to admit there's an art to it. He publishes anonymously and under at least 7 faux names because his style is so fluid, he writes to fit the characters and the plot, not himself, hes very adamant about that so he divides his work up into categories and coffee shops and late nights with caffeine and glowing screens at 2am is all remus baby
ok but like blogger remus and vlogger sirius, just imagine a whole story told through their blogs and vlogs of them meeting and it starts out like "there was this hipster idiot in line at the coffee shop today, i fell in love instantly and hated every second of it" "-vague sirius hand motions as he explains how this angry guy with scars kept staring him down at a coffee shop and its such a shame that angry dude hated him because random angry dude was so pretty"
also florist remus, taking time to acquaint himself with angles and nature, everything temporary as petals wilt and leaves fall off eventually, knowing every flower, where they grow, in what climates and what they mean in flower language. Florist remus writing love notes to his customer sirius who shows up to get flowers once a week for his house and he hides messages in there like "you look nice today" all the way to one day where he says "I think im in love with you" and sirius accepts the bouquet unblinking because he doesnt know what it means at all or so remus thinks and then the next day sirius shows up with a bouquet of his own, handpicked and messy, with leaves poking out at odd angles that says "i think im in love with you too"
baker sirius that fully believes that love is a secret ingredient in food and lives by that 200% and remus first goes into his store to satisfy his sweet tooth and stays for the handsome dark haird man with frosting on his face. Sirius who does desserts from all over the world because being pureblood had to teach him something and so he wants to share it with others and his pallette is so refined, and hes using the weirdest combinations of spices and they all work, sirius loves experimenting with different flavors together "ok like that but this time with paprika!" "its a dessert sir!" "thats never stopped me before my young apprentice, watch and learn" and he flirts with the cute mousy haired man with a pallette (almost, sirius scoffs) as refined as sirius' "theres paprika in this, why tf is there paprika in this this shouldn't be working" and they talk for hours about food and one day when they finally start dating sirius spends a gentle evening teaching remus to cook cookies as remus is a mess in the kitchen and as they take them out, both of them covered in flour and giggling, remus has the biggest grin on his face like "I made this, we made this" and sirius remembers the first time he made something right and its just sooooo
OOH and teacher both of them because teaching is an art form, change my mind, but they both have very different styles. Sirius is fun and easygoing, you can't walk by his classroom without hearing laughter, and he slips the lessons in subtly and tactfully and remus is passionate and straightforward and captivating and makes learning easy, and they could be teaching elementary school to college, all their students love them. Sirius would be so patient and gentle with kindergarteners, gassing up their finger paintings and remus would do the best story time with the best books and voices for the characters and making faces and for like highschoolers and college kids, they would be honest with them and so understanding to students who came to them (and students would, they were easily the most trusted members on whatever campus they're at) and with troubles at home, or just mental health, or just dangit they had a long weekend, and remus would nod understandingly and give them chocolate, recommend them to maybe the school counselor if they needed it or and ask them if they were safe and sirius would cry with them, and tell them stories about his own experiences because if anything helps its knowing that you are not alone, and you can get through this because other people have gotten through it and you're so strong etc and i just love the boys so much
architect remus who loves gothic revival and neoclassical styles and he loves the history in buildings and how they seem to defy the laws of science all while paying homage to them, and everything is so organized and planned, every calculation is perfect, its something where there is a right answer while still having creative freedom, all you have to do is dare to imagine, and then figure out how and he loves how permanent, how real, how physical every building is, how some serve purposes, and some are art, and some are both
photographer sirius who goes insane places to get the perfect shot at insane angles, who loves taking candid portraits because those moments feel the realest and he has a super power, a super power to capture it and share it and hold onto it and relive it whenever he wants, he photographs his friends all the time, he has a wall in his apartment thats just one big collage of his favorite photos of his friends, and then hes also very good at photoshop, getting that one color to pop just right, to change the composition just enough
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