#and its happening RIGHT NOW even though i havent eaten anything sweet-- its been like this for a DAY OR TWO
alvie-pines · 1 year
is my throat supposed to tingle or tickle uncomfortably when eating certain sugary/sweet foods?
am i allergic to something?
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imwetforyourmom · 6 months
heading for the door pt2
summary: what happens after the breakup?
warnings: mentions of cheating, mentions of lack of eating, crying, swearing, fem!reader, ive never been in a club so mb if its poorly described, meantions of drinking and alcohol, help yall idk what else
sorry this took so longg
y/n held her knees to her chest as she sat on her bed. she was only staring at the wall infront of her. the creamish popcorn wall. nothing special about it, nothing special going on.
the only special thing she could think about was matt, even though she knew she shouldn’t. she was only tearing herself down more and more.
the thoughs of matt holding her, mumbling hush words to her with a sweet and caring tone of voice, the memories of them going on picnic dates together and laughing and giggling the entire time came flooding back to her, just as her tears did, overflowing from her eyes.
the realization of her actions and what had happened only sunk in after matt left, and that was almost a week ago.
she’d been in bed all week, no motivation to get up, shower, get dressed, nothing. she couldnt bring herself to move herself to do important things, such as eating, the last she’d eaten was almost two days ago.
but as of right now she couldnt focus on the gurgling and rumbling of her tummy, the way her body ached, the constant pounding in her head, the overwhelming thoughts, no. all she could think about was how she’d never feel matts touch, hear his voice, see his clothes lying around, as much as she hated picking all of it up, now she’d absolutely kill to be able to do it again.
but no. everything, absolutely everything was gone. and there was nothing she could do about it, except wait until something happened, just hope that maybe she’d find the motivation to move her sore and aching body off the bed, take a nice and warm shower, brush her teeth and take care of herself, eat a delicious and big meal.
she hated how she felt, how she couldn’t even look at a bracelet on her dresser, a bracelet her and matt had made to celebrate their two year anniversary. their two years of loving one another, two years of giving as much attention and affection as possible, spending two years of their lives together.
all of that was gone. she couldnt relive any of it, she couldnt bring it back somehow, she couldnt do anything except accept that she ruined everything, she ruined the love they had for eachother, the life they built together.
“am I not good enough for you?” the words rung through y/ns head, being all she could hear. the words she never wished to come out of her matt. the words she absolutely hated since he spoke them. she hated the way they made her feel. she hated how she felt sick to her stomach when the words processed through y/ns head.
knowing that he felt as if he wasnt enough and was basically worthless to y/n absolutely destroyed her. knowing matt was everything, everything. he was everything to her. without him she didnt feel like herself, and now that he was gone and gone for most likely forever she’d always feel this way.
she couldn’t feel complete, a part of her would be missing for forever and she’d never feel comfortable with herself. never feel normal. never feel the same joy she felt when she was with matt.
god, she built her entire life around matt, relying on him for her everything, her happiness, her grounding, her safety and comfort. she was so used to being with him, that everything she saw or heard reminded her of him, and what did that do? nothing. it only made her feel worse.
• • •
“come on y/nnn, you havent left your bed in a weekk, just come out, and you’ll feel better.” the text read, y/n stared for a moment, thinking all the thoughts of what would happen if she went out.
what if she saw matt? it wouldnt matter. they’ve broken up anyways.
what if another man reminds her of him and she breaks down and sobs? highly doubt that would happen, matts one in a million.
what if she gets black out drunk and calls matt? she hopes she does, maybe they’ll get back together.
y/ns thumbs moved across her keyboard quickly, pressing the letters and forming a sentence.
reading it over and over again, y/n made sure this is what she wanted and what she wanted only, not basing it off of anything to do with matt.
“yeah ill come out. pick me up at 9.” she pressed send and clicked her phone off.
she took in a breath, moving her legs to the side of the bed, pushing them to the edge and onto the floor.
the harsh cold wood on y/ns feet(sies) reminding her this was reality and not some stupid dream she’d made up.
• • •
y/n quickly thanked the uber before stepping foot out of the car, immediately being greeted with a very enthusiastic “hiii!!” by ryleigh, her voice high pitched as she wrapped her arms around y/n.
y/ns arms wrapped around ryleighs body, saying a quick “hi” aswell, maybe a small smile at her lips. she still felt disgusted with herself, with what she did to matt. she’d never be able to feel the way she did before she’d done what she did to matt.
hell, she couldnt even utter the words of what she’d done. the words brought her great pain, a nauseous feeling to her stomach and tears to her eyes.
“are you readyy?” ryleigh asked, her voice just as comforting and encouraging as y/n needed it to be.
ryleigh pulled away from the hug, her grin ultimately comforting y/n and reminding her she was in a safe space with ryleigh.
“yess! by the way, love the dress babe, you look beautiful!” y/n answered, her lips curving into a grin, matching ryleighs.
“thankss. lets go inside.” ryleigh pulled y/n by the hand, pulling her inside the club.
as soon as the door opened loud ass music, neon lights and chattering engulfed y/ns senses. the lights really getting to her, they were just.. so much brighter than inside her bedroom.
ryliegh, on the other hand was enjoying it all. the sweaty bodies she and y/n moving against others as they walked to the bar. everything going on was just what ryleigh needed.
“hello ladies, what can I get ya?” the bartender offered a warm smile towards the two. his voice sending shivers down rylieghs spine. it was a husk, and deep voice, ultimately pulling ryliegh in.
“uh- um.. I- ill take a majito.. um.. y/n? what do you want?” ryleighs shaky and flustered voice turned to y/ns direction.
“I dont want anything. thank you though, ryleigh.” y/n answered. as easy as it would be to consume alcohol and drown out all her thoughts with matt, she knew it wasnt right. she shouldnt because she needs to live the reality of what she did, and also, because drinking alcohol like that is not a good idea, whatsoever.
“alrighty, then. thats all.. mister..?” ryleigh trailed off as she turned back around to face the bar tender, leaning her forearms onto the counter.
• • •
y/n left ryleigh and the bartender. they were just flirting and shit. she didnt want to be the third wheel. wheres the fun in that?
y/n was currently enjoying her night, atleast trying too. as much fun as someone who just ruined their relationship could.
she lightly swayed with the music, her hips moving side to side gently with the music.
she lightly hummed the words of the song, suddenly being so consumed by the beautiful sounds of the singers voice and the background music.
then, everything stopped. her body movements came to a halt. the music suddenly going quiet. her breathing stopping and her heart rate quickening, as her eyes laid on matt.
she immediately bit her lip and took in sharp breaths. her arms twisting together as she stared at him, her eyes darting down his face and body.
the way his silky and shiny brunette hair fell perfectly ontop of his head. the way his green shirt looked so, so good on him. the color perfecting his skin.
god, everything she wanted in a person, yet she couldnt have, but once did.
matt stared at the crowd of bodies infront of him, all moving under bright lights. his eyes trained on each and every individual, his eyes scanning the way each body curved and didnt curve, the features of their faces and their clothing. studying each person for no other reason than being bored.
his eyes were currently laid on one girl, his eyes trained on her hips moving, not even bothering to glance up at her face, nothing.
he could only think about how familiar the movements looked, how perfect she moved her hips.. but more importantly how it looked so familiar like he’d seen it plenty times before.
suddenly, her bodys movements stopped. his eyebrows raised in confusion, wandering why the girl had stopped. he moved his eyes from her hips to her face.
he didnt even have to look for another second to know that is his girl- that was his girl. once was, never (at least, what a part of him wants) again.
he quickly took in how she took in sharp and small breaths, her arms twisting together in the same way she always used to, when she was nervous, he quickly recognized.
suddenly his eyes began filling with tears as his lungs slowly deflated with no air. he couldnt find it in himself to take in a breath, without atleast letting out a small sob.
as much as it pained him to look at the girl he only wished was still his, he couldnt bring himself to look away.
he missed the way her arms felt around him, the way her words always got to him, comforted, brought happiness, anything he wanted her words always seemed to do it. the way her beautiful eyes stared into his, the beautiful color of her irises bringing such comfort, warmth and nervousness over him at any given moment with no failure.
as much as what she did with koda absolutley kills him, he still loves her, he still hopes she was in his bed with him everymorning, he still wishes she was the one to always hold him as long as he needed it.
all he wanted was her, and he knew he could have her back, but he knew she didnt deserve him.
y/n stood in her spot, her feet planted to the ground as she took in her shaky breaths, so badly wanting to walk over to matt and talk to him, she just wasnt sure if she was ready or if he didnt want to talk to her. why would he? she basically cheated on him.
her eyes couldnt help but to stay on the boy, until he motioned for her to come to him.
she nodded, before looking away then untwisting her arms and flailing them to her sides, shaking her hands for a moment to get the nerves out and to prepare herself.
she brought one foot infront of the other, walking to matt in a quick motion.
“hi.” matt breathed, seeing y/n standing infront of him. seeing the girl he wanted so badly stand infront of him.
“hi.” she spoke, taking in a breath before quickly saying “alright, listen. I am so fucking sorry for what I did matt. I would absolutely do anything for you. I’d- I would do anything matt. words cannot describe how drained ive been without you, I havent felt the same, I don’t- nevermind. this isnt about me, this is about you and what I did.” she took in another breath, collecting herself before starting again.
“alright. what I did was absolutely unacceptable and absolutely disgusting of me. you were my boyfriend and I should not have done what I did with koda. its absolutely sickening and- and, wrong. no man could ever amount to you, you’re everything and all of everything ive ever wanted. koda is- is not the one to blame here. its me. but I need you to understand that I still love you and if I could I would treat you so so much better than what I did before. i am, truly, so sorry matt, and i do hope we could date again- or atleast be friends.” she finished. exhaling a large breath, feeling a huge amount of weight being lifted off her shoulders.
matts eyes stared down in awe at her. all of her words went straight to his heart. he’d completely forgiven her the moment she opened her mouth and admitted what she did was wrong.
his hands slowly came up to her face, his hand cupping her cheek and pulling her face into his, pressing their lips together in a passionate and sweet kiss. nothing sexual behind it.
y/n crumbled into the kiss and closed her eyes, until matt pulled away and pulled her into him. wrapping his arms around her body as he hugged her. he muttered words into her head, “I forgive you, I forgive you.” he repeated, his hand coming to the back of her head as he pulled her into even more of a warm hug.
2308 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @scofposts @jupitersturniolos @mutualsafe @evieolo
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mojwisungie · 4 years
hc | boyfriend ♡
req (from: unheoly) ➥ : Hi ate Louise! Can I please get general boyfriend hc for Mark and Jaemin? 🥺 Thank you <33 have a great day/night ✨
☄︎ summary: as athena requested,, just some general boyfriend hcs ♥ ☄︎ with: mark lee, na jaemin ☄︎ lou.note: THIS . is so self indulgent and messy bc i have so many thoughts on bf mark and jaemin hahaha enjoy reading!! <3
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ੈ⋆ renjun & jisung ver. 
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the fully capable, always reliable boyfriend
he’s always there when you need him!!
and sometimes you dont even need to tell him- its his spidey senses
struggling with an essay? mark will talk you through your thoughts so you can write
havent eaten breakfast or lunch ? expect for food to be delivered at your door step
need cuddles? he will burst through your room unexpectedly
if you dont drink enough water, be ready for a text from him saying “drink water rn i know you havent and its already noon 🤨”
he just knows what need, okay? questions dont need to be asked !!
mark likes to send you random pics throughout the day too
he could be at an album shoot but will still send you a pic of a flower prop with “look its so pretty! just like you :)”
i think he can cook... keyword: think
so if he has this dish that he’s already mastered he’ll make it for you 
he’ll still be up for takeouts though
BUT if its you who knows how to cook,, well youve got yourself a loyal customer
he’ll probably use his charms puppy eyes when he wants you to cook a certain food for him
regarding arguments, he can be a little bit distanced at first
since he knows he could say something or raise his voice even tho he doesnt mean it (like have you heard him scream at the dreamies ksadjas)
sp he’ll take some time to cool off but he will talk with you as soon as you two could
and with that, fights are never a problem honestly
moving on to: dates
he’s really a pro at it by now
opening all doors for you, carrying your bag for you, holding the chair out so you can sit, etc.
i can see him liking to go out on karaoke nights with you,, but he really loves spending quiet days with you
one memorable date you two had was when you spent the whole weekend together
he never felt so much peace and comfort before in his life  ( ˘⌣˘)
mark usually plays the guitar for you on facetime
when you spend nights together he will still do so
he’s never said it, but one of his favorite things is to see you fall asleep beside him while he’s singing to you :’)
being with him is such an experience but you wouldnt have it any other way
mark is your adventure and your home
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the all-in-one, ever-loving boyfriend
you love him, your family loves him, your grandparents love him, your friends love him,,,, everybody just loves him 
he’s an introvert but he does all he can to make a good impression on the people who are important to you
its bc he’s big on the family and friends acceptance thing too
and its also because he’s never been so sure about spending the rest of his life with you haha but you dont need to know about this .. yet
jaemin is the embodiment of the word ‘everything’
the reason is he’s not just a boyfriend
he’s your best-friend, teacher, chef, bodyguard, and so. much. more
honestly think of something you’d like in a guy right now
you know who has it in him? its na jaemin.
he really cares for you and wants you to have only the best
you always say, “i already have you, jaemin so i already do have the best”
he will malfunction on the spot, no cap
but anyways,, he’ll do anything you ask him to
need some help with cleaning? alright he’ll be there in a few
want some bobba at 2 am? unlock your door he’s already bought your favorite
his phone is filled with your face
he’d have thousands of things in his gallery,, but more than half of those are just your pics and videos
his homescreen is a goofy picture of you two when you guys went to lotte world
but his lockscreen would only be you,, he took it when you were sleeping on his shoulder on the way home
besides physical affection, he’s the number one on words of affirmation as well
jaemin says all the words you need to hear in every situation you’re in
and arguments usually doesnt happen bc of that
he’s very open and will encourage you to be so too, bc he never wants to waste a moment in this lifetime not talking to you or being mad at each other
/drumroll/ now we’re on dates!
he’s not a big fan of going outside (i can feel it in my guts)
but as i said,, he’ll do anything for you so a picnic near the han river or biking around a park will still be nice for him 
i think cafe dates would be a thing with you two
and jaemin ... gosh hold on 
he’s so sweet !! and so he’ll be the type to let you taste his food and if you like his better, he wont mind letting you have it
and ~fancy~ date nights, he’d be the type to cut your food (like those big steaks) so you could eat first
nights with him are out of this world (not that ya nasties)
what im talking about is how he prepared for these sleepovers
he’s sheets would be fresh from laundry
and his room would smell like heaven bc he would have your favorite scent sprayed before you come over
and !!! youre wearing matching pajamas <33
during these nights, you’d often have deep conversations
he loves it the most bc he gets to hear your most honest opinions
and your voice is the last thing he’ll hear before drifting off 😌
nothing can compare to having him in your life
because even if its one hell of a ride,
jaemin is gonna be there beside you though it all
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too-much-sunshine · 3 years
Fangs for the Hospitality
Chapter 7
Fic Summary: After Roman leaves his family reunion mad at Remus, his car breaks down. The huge snow storm forces him into the forest hes always been told to stay away from. Who will he meet? And why are they being so nice? Most importantly, why are his teeth so sharp?
A/N: I’m so very sorry this chapter took so long to come out…Life happens my guys gals and nonbinary pals.... Ill try and be better!
Relationship: Familial DAM, Eventual Roceit, Eventual Intrulogical
Warnings (per chapter): Roman has social anxiety, he is awkward, food (Let me know if anything else!)
Catch up!:  Master list, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Word Count: 2546
Read on AO3!
Patton and Virgil finished their food first; Patton grabbing both their plates from the table and bringing them into the kitchen. Little Virgil hurried off his chair to follow after him.
Roman watched the two go with a small smile. He remembers how he and his brother used to be that close. 
Flinching slightly remembering the newest memory he has of his brother, he looked down and away from the boys. He ended up staring at his plate which he had only half eaten. He was starting not to feel as hungry anymore.
“Eat up dear, we have a big day in front of us." Janus chimed in.
Roman jumped slightly and looked up to the man who spoke. Janus picked up his wine glass and took a drink. Roman just now realized that Janus never had a plate of food to begin with.
"Aren't you going to eat something too?" He enquired.
"Oh no I've already eaten. Before I fixed you guys' breakfast to make sure it all went smoothly." Janus smiled, taking another sip.
"Oh...alright.." Roman looked back down frowning at his food. He felt dumb for asking, even though it wasnt an ovious answer. His stomach was turning a bit pushing the food around. He didn't want to seem wasteful or ungrateful, but he knew that his anxiety wouldn't let him finish what he had. Luckily the decision on what to do was made for him.
An arm came around Roman and picked up his plate for him. Startled, Roman looked behind himself to see Janus standing there holding Romans plate. He was so quiet Roman didn't even realise he had gotten up.
"It's okay if you don't want the rest, sweetheart. You seem to have been through a lot."
Blushing slightly Roman just nodded his head, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah sorry...I'm just not..okay right now." He responded weakly.
"Let's clean up a bit and I'll send the kids to play. Then we can talk a bit." Janus said over his shoulder while walking Roman's plate to the kitchen.
Roman didn't respond since it didn't sound like a question. He just crossed his arms and laid his head on the table. 'This is going to be tough…' he thought as Janus came back into the room with Virgil on hip. 
Remus woke up with a startle, which was quite usual. He didn't ever really sleep that well. Constant nightmares and his lanky figure made it impossible to ever get comfortable anyway.
It also didn't help that Remy just poured a glass of cold water on his head.
"What the fuck!?" Remus shouted jumping up from the couch he was on, shivering as water dripped down his spine. Wait, couch? 
"Bitch. Wake up." He said monotone. "You were like. Twitching and shit. Not a good look."
"Yeah, thanks. I'm sure there was no better way to wake me up.” Remus pulled his shirt over his head and squeezed out as much water as he could. There wasn't much there, but it was a statement. Remy looked at Remus with disgust as he put his shirt back on. 
“Remind me where am I again? What time is it? It's not the first time I've woken up in a random apartment but it's been a while. Much less with my cousin...wrong state for that I believe..." He rambled, pushing his wet hair out of his face. He looked around for his phone while Remy went around the back on the couch to the kitchen area.
"First of all, disgusting. Never say that to me again. And second, Its around 6am. Which is usually too god damn early for anyone. But, you're lucky I like you and Roman." He said, grabbing a mug from the dark wood cabinet. "Oh also you are in my apartment so dont fuck shit up please."
Remus lifted his head from looking under the couch. He tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy, blinking around the room. He stood up and walked around a the table to the center of the room to see pretty much everything there is. 
"Your apartment? I thought you lived in like...a mansion with your parents." 
The place was actually quite small. A connected half kitchen and living room. Small tv on a small stand behind a coffee table in front of the light brown couch. There seemed to be two rooms off to the side, but the doors were closed. There was one window in the kitchen, and that was it. A few movie posters were on the wall and nick knacks but otherwise the place looked...normal. it wasn't very fancy, which is the opposite of what Remus expected.
"This is my secret apartment. The one where I go when I don't want to worry about being me. Don't tell anyone, you're lucky I let you be here!" Remy snapped.
Remus continued to look around but said nothing more, feeling that he had crossed a line somewhere.
Remy let out a long sigh and stopped making his drink. With his back turned to Remus he spoke again.
"Look.. I'm sorry. It's been a long night and now it's going to be a long day. I'm tired. Your phone is under the couch by the way."
"What? I looked there,” He said as he dropped back to his knees to check again, “ and It's fine. Just. Why are we worried ag-" and like a flip was switched, all the memories of last night flooded Remus' brain and he snapped up with his phone in hand. "ROMAN! have you found him? Where could he be!?" Remus raced into the kitchen, running into Remy. 
"Did you call anyone!? God he must be so mad! I'm the worst!" Remus continued pacing the room.
"Calm down! Of course I've called everywhere! But havent had any luck! It's only 6am so I couldn't call his work but I will when I can. I thought before then we could drive the way he went. See if he went home at all. The front desk at his apartment said they didn't see him come in last night but they could have missed him. It'll be a drive to get back to the countryside but we can make it. Here babe." He handed Remus a canister. "Its coffee. In the god awful way you like it."
"OoOooO thanks!" Remus said, taking a swig of the chocolaty, sweet coffee. "So. Are we gonna start with his apartment first?" 
"I think it's closer to here and the most likely place he is, yeah let's start there. But listen babes. He might be real mad still so don't push him alright?"
"I'm really worried, Remy. And I'm not usually like this...he's not usually mad like that either...I know I messed but ughhhhhh! Let's just go find him before I explode all over your nice, secret walls okay?"
"Gross hun... let's just go." Remy said, grabbing the keys hanging by the front door.
With that Remus followed Remy out to the hall of the building. After locking the door they took the elevator to Remy's car, but not the nice one he took last night.
"Where did this come from?" Remus asked, taking a seat on the passenger side.
"Last night I borrowed my dad's car and drove them there. But we took a carpool home. I told them I wanted to go out longer and they didn't question." Remy responded by turning the ignition key. "This car was the first I bought with only money I made. It's a piece of shit. And I love it." He finished pulling out of the parking space and turning onto the busy road.
Remus looked around the car. It seemed normal by any standard. Kinda small, a little dirty but it looked taken care of. Remus would have never have expected Remy to want to live like this. To each their own he supposed. It must be nice, he supposed, not having to keep up a facade all the time...
 "I had to do some research but I found where Roman lived. Have you ever been there? I haven't, so I might be wrong on the address." Remy broke Remus' train of thought.
Remus had to think on this question for a second, to restart his brain. Had he? He never really questioned it. He'd been to many of Romans homes before but had he been to this one? He couldn't recall..
"I don't think so but if the front desk recognized his name then he must live there."
"Yeah...that's what I thought too.." Remy said slightly nervously. He started tapping his fingers on the wheel as he drove.
"Why are you acting like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like weird.."
"I don't think I know what you mean.." Remy said ignoring Remus' tone.
"Listen dude what's up…" 
"I just...this isn't the best area of town. I live in my apartment about 75% of the time to escape my parents. I know this town, along with the areas to avoid. I was hoping I was wrong and he lived somewhere else. But let's just go there and make sure he's alright. Alright?"
"Alright.." Remus ended.
The rest of the ride was quiet as Remus just looked out the window. He had never been to this part of the main town before. He knew that there was a...not so great part of town. Every town has that. But this place looked run down. Old.
Most of the buildings seemed empty. Junk was thrown on the sidewalks, forgotten about. The road and sidewalks were cracked. The people walking around looked dull. It was hard to believe that this is the same town Remus lived in, just a different part of it. A part that Roman lived in…
Remus laid back in his seat staring forward as Remy pulled into a parking lot.
"Welp. We're here..I think. I'm actually quite surprised this place has a front desk at all if I'm being honest.. let's go. I'll ask which apartment is his." Remy encouraged.
Slowly Remus got out of the car and together they walked into the old building.
There was a front desk, surprisingly. Even more surprising was that there was a person behind it. 
There was a short lady behind the desk reading a very worn book. She had snow white hair and dark brown skin. He had both laugh and frown lines in her face. She looked as if she watched them build the whole town.
Remy took a deep breath and walked up to the desk and started to talk.
"Hi my name is Remy and I believe we talked on the phone late last night. We are looking for my cousin Roman. Do you know the apartment number?"
The woman didn't look up from her book, so, thinking she might not have heard him he awkwardly tried to speak up again. 
"Umm...excuse me…? He said a bit louder" 
Still, nothing. Remus shrugged his shoulders when Remy looked over to him.
"Don't look at me! I don't know what to do!" Remus whisper-shouted.
"Bish! You work with people! I don't! Talk to her!" He whispered back.
"Ugh! That's not how it works bitch!"
“I’m sure it helps!”
"Will you two shut up?!" Someone yelled. "This book is just getting good and you two are ruining it!"
Remy and Remus snapped their heads over the voice coming from behind the desk. The old woman was scowling at them harshly. 
"Sorry ma'am. Just looking for our friend. Which apartment is Roman Kingsleys?" Remy questioned quickly.
"Oh Roman?” The womens face opened up into a long smile. “What a sweet boy," her demeanor completely changed as if she was talking about a lifelong friend. "He didn't come home last night...probably at the theater, still. Poor boy. Always working. He's in 103 on the second floor. But I doubt he's home. I've been here all day. It wouldn't be the first time he's fallen asleep on stage" She let out a laugh that sounded like a mix between a window being wiped and a cackle.
After recovering slightly from the whiplash they just got from the woman, they thanked her and turned to walk to the stairs.
"Hold on now!" she stalked after them. They both froze in place. "Why do the likes of you want to go to his house? I can't just let anyone in!" She stopped right next to Remus. She barely came up to his shoulder, yet she was still terrifying. 
"I'm his brother! And this is his cousin! We are just here to say hi…" Remus uttered quickly. He didn't know why this woman made him so anxious. His family was 100 times scarier yet this woman shook him up. Something in the back of Remus' brain told him it was about threat vs action but he ignored that. 
"You better not be lying! That boy is the nicest person to walk in this hellhole." She sneered.
"No ma'am! Just here to see him!" Remy countered. "I-if you don't mind me asking though, how long has he lived around here?"
"Some cousin and brother you are if you don't know where he lives!" She laughed. Remy and Remus shuffled nervously in place. "He's lived here for about…. Ohh going on 3 years now? I think. He always tried to brighten this place up with flowers whenever he could. Recently though he's been  staying inside more. Poor child. I miss his humor. Tell him to come down here if he's up there! Give him a piece of my mind!" She finished as she stomped back to her desk, picking up her book and sitting in place, as if she never moved.
Remy and Remus smartly decided not to comment further. They continued their walk to the stairs. Each step was a bit wobbly but since there was no elevator, they had no choice. Though, judging by the look of things, they wouldn't have trusted the elevator anyway.
The walls had long straggling cracks going in each direction. At one point it looked like the walls might have been painted a baby blue or a similar shade. But years of no upkeep has left it looking grey at best. Cobwebs were strung up as if it was halloween decorations. The air smelled old and musty. The faint sound of dripping water could be heard from seemingly anywhere in the building. Yet it was eerily quiet as the boys approached Roman's apartment.
His door didn't stand out among the rest, which made Remus sad for some reason. He remembered when he would insist in the house that his door be painted a deep red color. Not it was just...bland. 
They both arrived at the door and stopped. They looked at each not quite knowing who should do what. Finally Remus had had enough and spoke up.
"What the fuck are we doing!? This is dumb. This trepidation is dumb! This isn't some horror fantasy bullshit! Let's go!" He shouted reaching for Roman's door handle. Slightly surprising both Remus and Remy, it opened.
Shaking the surprise off Remus busts through the door. 
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@primaveradoodles @bluerosesbleedred
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brushes-of-sage · 4 years
Alchemy. It was the only thing that was uniting the princes of Arendelle. While a door had separated the two brothers for the past five years, Hugo found a way to still stay connected to his brother. It all started three years ago, when Hugo realized he was running out of things to do. Oh sure, there were plenty of things in the castle, but that number reduces *significantly* when you realize there’s no one to do these things with you. So, Hugo decided to take up alchemy again. (1/?)
Alright lemme try to see if the keep reading works:
He had stopped working with alchemy when Varian had disappeared behind that cursed door, since alchemy was just another painful reminder of the brother he felt he lost. It was one of the brothers' favorite things to do, along with… along with... well, Hugo couldn’t really remember. The more he tried thinking about things he did with his brother that wasn’t alchemy, he got nothing, just laughter and a small headache. But, the number of things to occupy his time were getting thin.
So, he decided to give alchemy a try. This turned out to be a great decision. Not only did it serve as a distraction, but it served as something to keep his mind going. This distraction worked well for a few weeks until he hit a roadblock. He was trying to perfect an alchemical ice bomb that he had started when he was younger, but could never finish. But nothing seemed to be working. After staring at his disaster of a note pile for the better part of an hour, a little voice in his head said,
“You could go to Varian for help”
“No,” he snapped back, “If Varian wanted to help me or be there for me, he would leave his room. Clearly he doesn’t want to talk to me, or anyone for that matter.” Hugo didn’t want to admit it, but he was starting to get a bit mad at Varian. They were the best of brothers for years, and then just one day, Varian just shuts himself in his room, without a single word as to why. He laid his head on his desk and sighed. “Ah, who am I kidding? I’m going crazy just sitting here, I need to talk to someone, even if its nothing more than alchemy notes.”He gets up, grabs his notes, and starts to make his way to a door he passed by and stared at a million times before. On the way though, his mind is going through a back and forth battle: He wont wanna talk to you! Yes, he does, we havent spoken in forever! I wonder why? Besides its just some alchemy help, I’m not asking anything too extreme! All he has to do is fix a couple equations! What if he tears it up and ignores it, just like he has you these past few years? After this comment, Hugo ended up backtracking back to his room. He’d go tomorrow. Right?
Wrong. It took him three weeks before he found himself staring at the door that plagued his existence for two years now. He raised his hand to knock, and before he could back out, knocked twice and slid the notes through the crack under the door. He started anxiously pacing, his mind going back to the constant battle in his mind that had been raging for the past 3 weeks. After a couple minutes of pacing, Hugo was just about to leave when he heard 2 knocks, and paper slide back under the crack. Instantly, the flurry of anxious thoughts started up again, worrying it would come back blank or with a note saying Varian wouldn't help him. His hands shook as he opened the notes to reveal.. the completed solution. He read the solution 2 3 4 times before a huge smile spread across his face and he laughed a huge genuine laugh he hadn’t used in two years. These notes meant 2 big things: One, he finally had a solution to an alchemy problem he’d had since he was nine. And two, the more important one in Hugo’s opinion, is that his brother doesn’t hate him. That scary thought had crossed his mind multiple times and he had always quickly shot it down, but there was always that one tiny voice who would always say, “But, does he though?” Now, that voice was as good as dead. Varian didn’t hate him. He wasn’t giving him the *total* silent treatment. Maybe he could work up from here, have conversations through the door, send notes, maybe even ask why he was doing any of this in the first place.Just as he’s about to leave for his lab to finish the ice bombs with the now completed formula, Hugo heard two knocks on the door and stopped. He wasn’t expecting anything else. He looked at the bottom of the door and saw a small stack of papers slide under and he picked them up. It was a stack of alchemy notes titled “Melting Bomb” The notes were full of blank spaces and question marks and there was a note attached that said:
Hugo-Please assist me in completing this formula for a melting alchemy bomb. I have been on and off of this project for the past few years, and some assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you.-Varian
As excited as Hugo was that his brother was reaching out to him, and actively looking for his help, he couldn’t help but feel a bit…disappointed at the formality of the note. As if Hugo were some stranger that Varian had just met and had to put up formalities and not his own brother. Nevertheless, he shouts a quick “Be right back!” and dashes off to his room to grab a quill and inkwell. While he runs, he reads over the notes and finds the answer fairly quickly. It wasn’t all that hard, it just was in desperate need of a fresh set of eyes. He scribbled down the answers as quick as possible, not wanting to keep Varian waiting. He runs back to Varians room, knocks 2 times and slips the notes under the door. After a couple of minutes, he hears a soft gasp, the quick scratching of a quill, and a new note being shoved under the door. Hugo picked up the note and stared at the messy handwriting and smiled. This was the big brother he remembered. Thanks for the help! Now go work on your project! This went on for the next few months with notes. Sometimes it wasn't just alchemy they talked about. It started simple, like “How’s your day going” and things like that.
Then it slowly evolved to things like “Get some rest Haristripe” and “You haven’t eaten yet today have you, Hugo?” (Both weren’t exactly the best at self care, especially when they were caught up in their work). The day Hugo finally heard Varian talk was one of the best days of his life. Obviously, he had heard his brother talk before, but it had been years since they had spoken, and as the time passed, Hugo’s memories of Varian’s voice faded. Plus, with the time passing, he knew his voice would have changed. So, when Varian finally said a soft “Thank you”, Hugo’s face lit up with a huge smile. He didn’t talk much, but when he did, Hugo treasured every word he said, committing them to memory. For a while, things were going great. Until one fateful day, when Hugo pushed his luck just a *bit* more than he probably should have. The day started out normal enough, Hugo worked on some experiments he didn’t finish last night, ate some lunch, and then after lunch he grabbed his notes that needed Varian’s help, and started making his way to his room. However, on the way, he realized that as happy as he was to be able to talk to Varian, it didn’t feel *right*. A relationship based solely on notes slipped under a door and minimal verbal talking felt like a false one. What Hugo wanted to know more than anything, was *why*. Why had Varian shut him and the rest of the world out? If it was so necessary, why hadn’t he at least attempted some form of contact? This one word question had plagued Hugo’s mind ever since the door had closed, and he had never really had the confidence to ask it: until now.
So, he went back to his room and wrote out a letter. It was simple, a little more formal than usual, but to the point. It read: Varian- We’ve been talking with each other for a while now, and I feel we are at a point where I can ask this question: Why? Why have you locked yourself in your room and away from the rest of the world? Was it something I did? You can answer as vaguely or specifically as you like, I just would really like some answers. Thanks, Hugo
His hands shook as he folded the letter and slid it under the door. He knew to give Varian a little extra time, this wasn’t just a simple math problem. So Hugo waited. And waited. And waited, until it was dinner time and his stomach forced him to get some food. The whole time, his mind was at war with itself once again: See? You just had to push your luck, didn’t you? He’s giving you the cold shoulder ‘cause you couldn’t leave well enough well enough. No! He’s not giving me the cold shoulder, he’s just taking his time to formulate a response. It’s probably a really long story. Keep telling yourself that. I will! ‘Cause it’s true! If the positive side of Hugo was right, Varian sure was taking his sweet old time, because it was 3 weeks before anything happened. Three weeks of absolute silence from the older prince. The only reason things changed was because Hugo took the brave first step of sliding alchemy notes through the door. Five minutes later, it came back with notes and edits. There were no additional quips, remarks, or any explanations like he had requested three weeks earlier, but this was better than silence. They soon fell back into the routine they had before: notes, minimal verbal communication, and various quips. It felt good to get back to that routine, but a small part of Hugo still ached for answers that he feared would never come. But he never acted on this, fearing that Varian would once again give him the cold shoulder, and this time would ignore him for good.(20/20)
((And there it is! The final part! I hope u enjoyed reading it, this is the first time ive really written something i didnt hate *and* am sharing this with someone. Thank you for taking the time to read this, this means more than u know. Thank you also for letting me take over ur inbox😅Next up im doing this story but w/ varians pov, which ive already started. Thx again! -💙
Ahhhhhh, first off, sorry for getting to this later than I usually do!! These past few weeks have been hectic and I’ve been needing to take a step back and focus more on school and classes and stuff, but I finally got to reading this and OMIGOSH I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
(Hope you don’t mind if I just added in some italics and kinda changed the formatting to make it easier to read - didn’t take anything off or anything, but the way tumblr formats asks is a bit weird lol, hope that doesn’t offend you! - also number 7 somehow went missing? 😅)
But OMIGOSH YO - just my heart akfjajdjaj 🥺 The two of them building their relationship slowly through passing letters underneath the door? Oh my heart, and the way you can just feel them getting closer and happier because of it?
But then Hugo asking Varian the why - why did he shut him out, why was he behind the door, why can’t they see each other - and then Varian just suddenly going back to that stiff and formal demeanor after that akfjakfjja I cry ahhhhhhh-
“But he never acted on this, fearing that Varian would once again give him the cold shoulder, and this time would ignore him for good.” - JUST RIP MY HEART OUT BLUE NONNIE AHDKGKAKJD
I absolutely loved seeing Hugo’s hesitance then excitement and eagerness to get closer to his brother whom he barely even knows besides a few memories (and ha, I see the headache there 👀) and only to see that he went too far and the fragile bond they’d forged again had melted and akfjakfjaj the FEELS-
Thank you for sharing and for letting me read your writing! I’m excited to see what you’ve got next for Varian’s POV!!! 😱
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my next smau. It's a Harry Potter smau. Neville X F.!Reader pairing. There's a bit of Fred X F.!Reader pairing in here. There's also Neville X Fred X F.!Reader. Title:A Muggle's Love Story
Trigger warning: Slight swearing! Mentions of sex! Will be mentions of rape! Slight abuse! If you are sensitive to these things read at your own risk!
Y/n was a muggle brought into the world of magic, at a very young age. She didn't know how to handle it. And with her older sister, her guardian being the only one who could take care of her, it proved to be difficult for her with her sister being the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, and her having to live in the world of magic. She feels a little left out, seeing as both her sisters, her older and her younger, - her twin - are wizards and she is not. But that all disappears when she meets the one person who helped her realize not everything is about that. And it's not all its cracked up to be. Neville was there for her since she was young and they became the best of friends. However, as they got older they realized their feelings were more for each other than they even orginally thought. But what happens when Neville finally has the courage and another man tries to swoop in and take him from her?
Beginning Special Edition Part 18. . .
Fred's P.O.V.
I couldn't look away from Y/n as she lay motionless on the hospital bed. Neville was on the other side of her, looking down at the floor. He didn't want anyone to know he had been crying or that he was crying. Though I've known him as long as I've known Y/n. Despite waiting for Y/n to choose between us, Neville is still one of my best friends and that is because of Y/n. Though even though Y/n hasn't made her decision between me and Neville yet, I think she has already decided to choose Neville. Which I'm okay with. All I want is for Y/n to be happy. Right now all I want is for her to be okay. I sighed as I looked at Y/n. I softly took her hand in mine. All I can think of is, what would've happened if I'd gotten there sooner than I did? Would I have been able to stop him from attacking her? Would I have been able to protect her? Then again Im not too sure I would've been able to control myself if anyone had tried attacking her in front of me. George walked back into the room and over to me. He was carrying a bag from me and Y/n's favorite restaurant, Sandwich Palace, and had a drink carrier with three drinks. He walked over to the side I was on, sitting in the chair he previously sat in.
"Freddie, I brought you and Neville some food," George said to me.
"Thanks Georgie, but Im not hungry," I told him.
"Neither am I," Neville spoke up.
"I know how you guys must be feeling, But you havent eaten in two days. You haven't had anything to drink in two days. Im worried about you Freddie," George said to me with concern.
"Im sorry Georgie, but all I can think about is Y/n," I said to my brother.
"I understand Fred, but how do you think Y/n would feel about you two not taking care of yourselves, she'd want you to eat and make sure you guys were okay," George told us.
Neville and I both sighed.
"She's right Fred, what would Y/n say to us both right now?" Neville asked me.
"Probably tell you both to stop being a stubborn ass and eat the food George bought for you," George spoke.
"Yeah," I stated softly.
George handed me the sandwich and the soda he bought for me.
"Thanks George," Neville said to him as he handed Neville what he bought for him.
Neville and I both sighed as we slowly began to eat. I know George is right. Y/n would be yelling at us for not taking care of ourselves. And knowing her she'd probably smack us both. Thats one of the things I love so much about her. How caring she is.
"Guys! -"
Jami rushed back into the room. Rushing back over standing next to Neville.
"Has she woken up yet?" Jami asked almost in a state of panic.
"No change," Neville responded softly.
Jami was quiet for a minute as she looked at me and Neville.
"I see you two are finally eating," she said to us a bit surprised.
"Yeah," was all I said.
"Thanks to me," George added.
Jami looked directly at George.
"And how did you swing that one?" She asked him.
"I told them that Y/n would want them to take care of themselves, and that she'd kick both of their asses if they didnt eat soon," George responded.
Jami chuckled with tears in her eyes.
"Yeah, thats my sister for you. She cares for Fred and Neville a lot and thats all she wants for them is to be taken care of, - She's stubborn - And she's strong - She'll make it out of this," Jami spoke trying to reassure herself.
Her, Neville, and I all sighed once more as we looked at Y/n. I held her hand a little tighter while Neville grabbed hold of her other hand. Why wasnt I there to protect her?
Sometime later that same day. . .
Neville's P.O.V.
At the moment Fred and I were the only ones in the room. Adelina texted me not that long ago to find out if Y/n had woken up. I told her no, but she told me that if she does wake up, not to tell her that she went out looking for the guy that attacked her. She wouldnt tell me much else, just that she was going out to find him. I tried to talk her out of it, but as we all know, you cant talk Adelina Sweetdove out of anything. Once she has something set in her mind to do, she doesn't give up until its done. Colby took Jami home, without her wanting to leave, so she could get some rest. Adelina asked both me and Fred to stay here and protect Y/n, just in case her attacker showed back up. And also to make sure that Y/n stays here - that is if she wakes up. My stomach was spinning in a thousand circles. I honestly felt like throwing up. I didnt know if she was gonna wake up and I was scared to death that she wouldn't. If I had've gone home with her like I planned, none of this would've happened. I could've protected her. Im honestly hoping that she chooses me. I know how much she loves me. She proved it the other night in my apartment. I know she's already made her decision. And I know she loves Fred and I have nothing against him. I just dont know what I'd do without her. And if she did decide for Fred over me, I guess I'd have to be okay with it. All I want is for Y/n to be happy. I couldnt look away from her. As a tear trickled from my eye, I held her hand a little tighter. My heart jumped when I felt her squeeze my hand. Fred and I both looked at her. She must've done the same to him, seeing as he was holding onto her other hand.
"Hey guys, why the long faces?" Y/n asked us casually as if nothing had happened and she was just waking up from a long nap.
I couldnt say anything as I looked at her do to shock.
"Y/n!" Fred exclaimed before quickly leaning down, pressing their lips together, holding her in a passionate kiss.
At that moment all I wanted to do was kick his ass. Y/n honestly didn't know how to react as he leaned back.
"Sorry," Fred spoke as he looked at me.
I closed my eyes for a split second as I took in a soft breath. I felt Y/n take my hand softly.
"Hey, Neville, I know you're still here and there's something I'd like to speak with both of you about," Y/n spoke as she pulled me a little closer to the bed.
Fred and I both knew exactly what she wanted to say. My heart started to race a thousand times faster. Fred moved his chair closer to the bed as did I. Fred still had hold of her other hand.
"Y/n, you don't have to do this. Not here, not now. You just woke up," Fred told her in a soft soothing voice.
"No, Fred, I have to do this, - While I was asleep I've had a lot of time to think, and I think I've made you two wait long enough -"
Both Fred and I took in a soft breath. Y/n looked directly at Fred and I thought I was done for.
"Fred, you are an amazing guy. You're sweet, kind, caring, considerate, you have a love for pretty much anything. You're protective and you've always cared about my problems. I love you, I know I've always loved you since that day in your fourth year when we spent the entire day together, just me and you. And you made the ice in the frozen lake, represent a heart of our friendship. I now know that you were trying to tell me you liked me back then, but you couldn't exactly find the right words. And the times we've had together have been the best times of my life, especially when you've been there for me, when I needed someone. However, I'm close to Neville to and - my heart belongs to him, -"
My stomach dropped a thousand feet. Fred took in a soft deep breath.
"I'm sorry Fred, I'll always love you, -"
"Dont be sorry sweetheart, I understand and I told you I would understand if you chose Neville, and that all I want is for you to be happy. I know Neville will make you happy. And Im still your best friend," Fred told her calmly.
I was honestly surprised. And still shocked. But also very happy. Fred hugged Y/n, leaving a soft kiss to her cheek. I smiled as I sat next to her on the bed. I couldnt help myself as I locked our fingers together. She smiled at me softly.
"So, where's Adelina?" She asked us.
Fred and I didnt say anything. We tried to avoid conversation as we looked away from her. She was very suspicious as she looked at us.
"Guys?" She asked again.
Jami dropped the two bottles of water on the floor as she looked at her sister. Jami ran over to the bed, practically throwing herself at Y/n. Y/n chuckled as she hugged her tightly.
"Geez, you guys act like I wasnt going to wake up," Y/n spoke with amusement.
Jami hugged her tighter.
"We were afraid you weren't going to," Jami told her.
"Ah, come on guys, you know me, Im stronger than that," She told us.
I couldnt stop the smile that came to me. Jami leaned back from her. I brought her hand to my lips, kissing it softly.
"Of course you are beautiful," I said to her.
She smiled softly at me. I missed her gorgeous, beautiful smile. She is everything Ive ever dreamed of. I love her with my entire being.
"Jewel, maybe you can answer this question for me, where is Adelina?" Y/n asked her.
"Uh, Im not exactly sure where she went, but she said she was going to go out to take care of something. And she'd try to be back later," Jami answered her casually.
A scared look crossed her face.
"Oh no she didn't, - Thats it -"
Y/n threw the blanket off of her, and tried to get up. Fred and I both quickly stopped her as we were instructed to.
"Guys, if you dont let go of me right now, I'll be doing a whole lot more than just kicking your asses, - Now let me go," she said to us in a demanding tone.
"Not until you promise to sit back," I told her.
"I can't Neville, I have to protect my sister," she spoke out.
"She'll be fine Y/n, you know how your sister is. Trust me, she wants you safe and right now the safest place for you is with us," Fred told her.
She grunted in annoyance and irritation as she laid back.
"Oh, Y/n you're awake, -"
We looked to see Dumbledore as he walked into the room.
"Albus where's Adelina?" Y/n asked him in a quick panic.
"Don't worry about her Y/n. She is safe, -"
"But she went after him, how can she be safe?!"
"I have my best professor looking after her. She will return safely, I promise, - And congratulations Mr. Longbottom," Dumbledore spoke walking closer to the bed.
Its almost as if he knew about Y/n's decision. How does he do that?
To be continued. . .
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studiobeebo · 6 years
I FINALLY FUCKING WROTE SOMETHING FOR TETSUTETSU AND TSUKIKO!! theyre lowkey my favs so idk why this took so long jgjhg. it might get a second part but  i havent decided yet oh well. but ye its super cliche and self indulgent of my love for them but hope someone enjoys anyways jgjhg
This was something Monoma would surely be ashamed of and honestly, Tetsutetsu wasn’t feeling too hot about this either.
It seemed he was on a roll of being pathetic, starting with being too much of a wuss to even introduce himself to the cute girl he’d practically been dreaming about ever since he noticed her cheering him on during the sports festival despite not even knowing him. It took Kirishima noticing how his words would trail off and his eyes would latch onto Tsukiko whenever she walked by to figure out that he had a thing for her, but Tetsu couldn’t tell if Kirishima just happening to be best friends with her was a good thing or a bad thing. Even after Kirishima had practically forced him to eat lunch with him and his friends ‘just this once so he could meet Kiko’, he still wasn’t all that sure about how forward Kirishima was about it. Hell, he practically had to punch him in the face while he sat with them to keep him from blurting out that Tetsu had been silently pining over his horned friend for weeks.
Despite the struggles of Kirishima having a big mouth, it was actually nice to finally meet the girl he’d been thinking about and god was she just as awesome as he imagined she would be. She was bright as the sun and sweet as honey, plus she had to be one of the cutest girls he had ever seen and her small stature just made him want to pick her up and hug her. Yeah, he was a tad bit lovestruck, and no matter how loud the side of his brain that was saying ‘Gross! Man up and get rid of all these mushy thoughts!’ got, the side that was absolutely smitten with this girl he hardly knew was so much louder.
Still, he bided his time, telling himself he was just waiting for the right time and place to start talking to her, but that never happened. Perfect opportunity after perfect opportunity to speak with her was placed out before him, yet he could never bring himself to take those first steps. All it took was the sound of her cheerful voice yelling a happy ‘Morning Tetsutetsu!’ from across the hall when he’d see her and his heart was already a wreck, seeming to have sealed his lips, maybe to keep him from saying something stupid, and instead send an awkward and pretty lame wave her way before she was off. He was starting to get sick of himself, to be completely honest, and that was the reason he found himself awkwardly lingering around the classroom entrance to class 1-C.
While his focus may or may not have been on Tsukiko the day he had eaten lunch with Kirishima and all his friends, he did talk to everyone else and take note of a few things, one of those things being that Tsukiko and the American girl ‘Maile’ seemed to be pretty close. They weren’t nearly as close as the other, more aggressive and slightly threatening American seemed to be with Maile, but he could tell by their vibrant chatter that they got along pretty well. Even outside of class when he would see some other 1-C or 1-A students, he noticed that if Tsukiko wasn’t with Kirishima, she was usually with Maile. So naturally instead of, you know, just starting a conversation with the lighthearted girl herself, he decided his best course of action was to ask Maile about her instead. As a few students began to trickle into the classroom that morning, he was starting to realize how weird this was because of the odd looks he was given for just waiting outside a classroom that wasn’t his own, but he was happy to finally catch sight of that blonde hair that stood out pretty well. Unfortunately, however, he barely had a chance to open his mouth before he was shoved to the side by someone he hadn’t even seen beforehand.
“Get lost b-list loser.” An annoyed voice rang out only for him to look down and realize it was the less pleasant ‘other American’, who’s name he had forgotten, as she moved past him into the classroom.
“Sorry, her alarm went off early and she couldn't sleep so now she’s extra grumpy..” A kinder, more familiar voice reached him and he was happy to look up to see an apologetic face.
“That’s okay, she’s kinda...always like that, right?” He questioned, honestly not knowing much about the girl other than what Kirishima had told him.
“Yuup, give or take. It just depends. Were you looking for Mr. Yamada?” She asked, moving off to the side so she wasn’t in the way of the other people trying to get into the classroom and watching as he followed suit, noting  the odd blush that bloomed on his cheeks that definitely didn’t match the weirdly determined and serious look on his face.
“I was actually looking for you!” He somewhat yelled, as if he were currently physically forcing the words to leave his lips as he continued. “Er, I guess I was going to ask you about something.”
“Something?” She questioned, finding this encounter to be becoming weird and weirder since she’d only ever really talked to him once or twice, so she couldn’t think of anything he would have to ask. “Go ahead I guess.”
For a moment he seemed to hesitate as she sat patiently waiting for his response only for him to lean down a bit and speak in a tone that she was guessing was meant to be a whisper, but it really wasn’t. “I was going to ask you about, uh, Tsukiko. About the kinds of things she likes and...stuff..” He faltered, trailing off as he realized he didn’t really know exactly what he was asking for. Maybe it was dumb to ask, but he just felt like if he knew what to say or what to talk about when speaking to Tsukiko, then maybe he could actually work up a conversation with her without getting too nervous.
Maile hummed, not even thinking about the implications of his question at first, but as she went to ask why he didn’t just ask her himself, the puzzle of a blushing face, hushed voice, and heartfelt determination that stood before her suddenly made sense. It was ironic considering how Kiko could have easily been his biggest fangirl in the school without even knowing him and here he was not even knowing just how often she would gush about a boy she had only met once, so it was hard for her not to laugh. Still, seeing the look of embarrassment grow on his face made her realize he was probably already nervous enough and laughing at him definitely wouldn’t help as she simply shook her head and smiled.
“I guess I could help you out a bit. Though it’s probably gonna take longer than the amount of time you have to stand in front of our classroom before she gets here.”
As if on cue, the sound of the rather loud conversation shared between Kirishima and Tsukiko could be heard from the other end of the hallway. The first thing Tetsu thought was that he would have killed to have a connection with Tsukiko like Kirishima had, he made it seem so easy after all, but Maile was right about his bad timing. e got the first step of his ‘plan’ out of the way though, now all that was left was the hard, or harder, part.
“Right! I guess we could talk at lunch!” He said, a more genuine smile that wasn’t as nervous lighting up his face as he gave her a thumbs up.
“Sure, sounds good to me. Talk to you later then!” She responded, returning the thumbs up before making her way into the classroom and to her seat, somewhat ignoring the rude questioning of Mira asking what ‘the lame version of Kirishima’ wanted.
While it wasn’t much of a conversation, he had to admit he did feel a bit better about the whole situation and had hopes that maybe this would help settle his thoughts and emotions. That was, until he turned around to head to his own class only to run right into the girl in question.
“Oh hey Tetsutetsu! Sorry ‘bout that, what’s up?” She asked, that same sweet smile gracing her lips as she took a step back to make some space between the two before her face got too hot.
“I was..I had to talk to Kirishima about something!” He blurted out, stating the first name that stupidly popped into his head and regretting it only seconds later.
“Oh! Well he’s..in Class 1-A, this is 1-C.” She spoke politely, trying not to make him think she was treating him like an idiot, she had just assumed he knew what class Kirishima was in by now.
“Right, I..forgot. About the classes I mean. Like where they are. Er, I mean where- where Kirishima’s classroom is...but I remember now, so..”  He sputtered out, doing a perfectly horrible job of covering for himself, but the small laugh his words earned from Tsukiko made it somewhat worth it.
“Ohh, okay! I guess I’ll see you later then, have a good rest of your day though!” She said, giving him one last smile before finally moving past him and letting the giddy smile on her face grow to its full potential once she was out of his view.
Okay, so his meeting with Maile really hadn’t helped much with settling his emotions, judging by how hot his face now felt. Still, he was now on square one, which was one square ahead of where he was before, so all that was left was to keep moving, maybe slowly, but surely forward until there were no squares left to step on.
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3AM Drive - Thru (JJKx You x The8/Minghao) // Chapter 9
Jungkook grab her hand.
“Y/N I need to talk to you. Please,” he then turned to Minghao who starts to stand up. “And it would be wise if you do not interfere. This is between me and her,”
“Yah Y/N. Why are you talking to MY Kookie and his oppas like that, you psychotic fan!? Dont you know who he is? Who they are? Who I am?”
“Minji, stop it. Just-”
“Its okay Jungkook-ssi. Minji-ssi, I apologize. I will asks someone else to assist all of you for the broadcast,”
“Y/N, you dont have to-”
“Let go of my hand Jungkook-ssi. Please respect Minji-ssi’s feelings. Afterall, I am not of importance to you,”
Since that night, Jungkook’s mood is noticably happier. He wakes up every morning whistling and his steps has more bounce, a smile never seems to leave his face.
Yes, he admits he feels some kind of way watching how close Y/N’s is with Minghao, but he also feels some kind of way just by seeing her. Something he will never admit to anyone else. He managed to exchange numbers with her that night, and so does the rest of the boys (to Minghao’s displeasure), and they started to text each other since then.
The conversation might consist innocents how are yous, have you eaten and random what are you doing, and most of the time she only give a one word reply, but its enough for Jungkook. He just really miss you. Y/N, after all, used to be his best friend.He justified her not too chatty reply with her being busy. She is next in line to be the CEO afterall.
Despite Jungkook texting her every day without miss, he never actually met up with her other than the occasional dinner with Minghao and the other boys. Until the manager informs Jungkook and his hyungs that they will be doing a reality variety show with the in house production from one of Y/N’s broadcasting company.
He took this opportunity to invite Y/N to hang out with him and his hyungs, using ‘You should get to know us. It will help the recording process better’ as an excuse. Its important to him that Y/N gets to know the most importabt people in his life. Y/N, naive as she is, didnt think anything of it and agreed for the sake of her work.
“Hyungs, please, please behave okay. Especially you Tae,” Jungkook point his finger to Taehyung who is doing weird things with his bowls.
“Why is it always me!?” Taehyung exclaim.
“You know why Tae. Don’t ask stupud questions,” Jin chimed in.
“Hey, but are you so nervous? I thought she is just the head producer or something? I’ve never seen you like this when we were filming before,” Namjoon rubbed his chin, confused with the maknae. “Is she-”
“Hello everyone,” Y/N who had just arrived bowed to all of them. Hoseok eyes went wide when he realize you are the Song Y/N that he saw on TV the other day. The rest of the boys also just realizing the fact.
“Hey! Aren’t you-”
“This is Song Y/N,” Jungkook cut off Taehyung. Y/N smile, bowed and shake hands with everyone. After taking a seat besides Jungkook and getiing comfortable, the other boys starts to get to know Y/N. Y/N answered every question that is thrown her way comfortably and full of charms, which the boys enjoy. Jungkook is amazed at how smooth and amazing Y/N is at handling his hyungs and making everyone she met for the first time comfortable.
“So you and Jungkook looks close. How do you guys know each other?” Namjoon asks while stuffing some beef wraps into his mouth.
“Oh we used to be-” “I’m close friends with Minghao-”
Both Jungkook and Y/N answer at the same time but with totally different answer. The rest of the boys looks at them, confused. Jimin raised his eyebrows, sensing something is off. Jungkook looks at Y/N. Y/N just avoid his eyes and continue to answer like nothing happen.
“I am close friends with Minghao from Seventeen,”
“Oh, The8?”
“Yes. He introduced me to Jungkook and the rest of their 97 liner group. That’s how we know each other,”
Jungkook cant believe Y/N didnt even want people to know that they had been friends, and even more, way before she even met Minghao. That fact alone feels like a thousand needles poking through his heart, but he guess Y/N really just wants to forget the past. Their past. He just wish she would stop mentioning Minghao’s name.
The meet up goes well. His hyungs sang praises for her, even long after she went home. Jungkook already expected it. Y/N is incredible, who wouldnt like her? I should have introduce her to them way before. Maybe even while we were still together. Jungkook sigh to himself. He excuse himself to take a walk to clear his mind.
“Okay JK. Be safe. Are you going to go see Minji?”
“Urm.. urm.. yeah,” Jungkook just nodded, to avoid more suspicious questions. Minji havent been on his mind for a while now. In fact they havent seen each other for about 2 months. She’s busy with her comeback and he’s busy with…, well, he’s busy with Y/N.
But he did see Minji posted screenshots of their text messages and sometimes his voice note wishing her 'goodnight and I love you Minji’ , which to be honest, he didnt do it as a sweet boyfriend act, but because Minji forced him to do it. She wanted something to feed the fans. Afterall, as she had mentioned a thousand times before, they are idol relationship goals.
The route of his walk seems familiar even though he didnt plan it. He realized its the way he always uses with Y/N when they walk for her 3am midnight snack , way back when they first move into their apartment after graduation.
“I wonder if you will still crave for fries and chicken nuggets when we are 60 and too old to actually walk here,”
“I dont mind walking here even when we are 70 and need a walker, as long as you are in the walker next to mine,”
“I think we need about 3 hours just to get here then,” Jungkook giggled.
“More time to spend with you then. I love you so much Kookie. I would be the happiest girl alive to just be 70 and eating McDonald’s fries as long as its by your side,” Y/N tip- toed and kiss him.
“Then I promise I will make you the happiest girl alive. I love you Y/N. I will always love you. I dont think I know how to do otherwise,”
Jungkook snapped out of his memories when he felt his cheek is wet with tears. He no longer need to hold it in and start sobbing. The memories of being with Y/N came back one by one, all of them mocking him for his stupid selfish mistake. I’m sorry Y/N. If I could turn back time I would, and I will keep my promise to make you the happiest girl alive. But I promise I will make things right again.
Jungkook stepped out from the van and enter the building. He feels great! Today was the first day of recording for the reality variety show, which means he will be spending a lot of time with Y/N. What’s not to feel great about?
“Kookie, baby!” A high shrill voice calls out to him, followed by a sound of high heels running. He whipped his head around to see his supposed girlfriend, Minji, and her group members. Both BTS and 2Hearts greeted each other.
“What are you doing here Minji?”
“Didnt they tell you? Both of our group are doing the show together Kookie. The manager thinks it would help the ratings as we are the power couple and both of our groups had toured together before,” Minji latched onto Jungkook’s arm.
This can’t be happening. Jungkook shakes his head. What if Y/N sees? Then again, what’s wrong if Y/N did see? Jungkook and Minji is officially a couple and even Y/N herself know about them. Jungkook felt a lump in his throat and the good mood he wakes up with definitely dissapeared.
“Okay, BTS and 2Hearts, this is the main studio where we will be shooting the series. Since its only 30 minutes per episode, I dont think it will take long to shoot each episode,” Y/N explained to them. Jungkook keeps on looking at Y/N, even with Minji still latching on his arm. He’s nervous and sweating like crazy. He just reconcile their friendship and he would like to keep it thay way. But Y/N acts perfectly normal and unaffected. Showing them around and briefing them regarding the shoot.
Y/N came in the dressing room to check up on them before the shoot. Due to the friendship between Y/N and BTS that has formed when Jungkook introduced them the other day, the boys had told her to just be comfortable with them. While Y/N is laughing and joking with the boys, Minji is giving her the stink eye.
“Unnie, why is she so close to them? This is so unprofessional. How can a production staff act this way. How can they hire a fan girl as a staff?”
“Yah Minji. She’s not just a staff. She’s the-” one of her group members try to explain who Y/N is since Jin has told her earlier about Y/N’s status and her forming friendship with BTS. But she was cut off by the fuming Minji.
“Yah Y/N. Why are you talking to MY Kookie and his oppas like that, you psychotic fan!? Dont you know who he is? Who they are? Who I am?” both BTS and 2Hearts members turned to look at her in shocked. “Don’t you know we are idols? International stars? I cant believe they assigned a fan girl like you to assist this production!”
“Minji, stop it. Just-” Jungkook stood up. Trying to stop his crazy girlfriend. Minji is fuming and is now standing in front of Y/N.
“And stop flirting with Jungkook! Dont you have any shame? He’s an idol and you are just a nobody. Plus, how dare you flirt with him in front of me, his girlfriend!,” Minji latched herself on Jungkook’s arm again. Y/N’s face, which was calm before, scrunched a bit when she heard the word flirting and a nobody.
“Stop it Minji,” Jungkook finally raised his voice, shrugging her off. Minji was shocked that Jungkook would use that kind of tone with her, her mouth fell wide open and her hand on her chest. “You don’t-”
“Its okay Jungkook-ssi. Minji-ssi, I sincerely apologize for my behaviour if you deem it to be inappopriate. I will asks someone else to assist all of you for the broadcast,” Y/N cut Jungkook off, bowing to apologize.
Its not that she admits that what Minji did is right and nor is she afraid of her. But she’s the soon to be CEO and she needs to handle the situation calmly and profesionally. Minji is not the first celebrity with the diva syndrome that she had ever encounter. She works in a broadcast company, she met handful of celebrities every day.
“Y/N, you dont have to-”
“Let go of my hand Jungkook-ssi. Please respect Minji-ssi’s feelings. Afterall, I am no one important to you,”
Y/N shrugged off her hand from Jungkook’s grip and went out to find another staff to assist the recording, leaving Jungkook speechless. ——————
“Miss, are you okay?” A staff rushed after her.
“Yeah I’m fine Jin Hee. But please assign two of the senior staff to assist the recording ya. We need to make sure this project runs smoothly,” she smiles at her staff. She nodded quickly.
“Aish, what a diva! Its not like she’s Taylor Swift or Beyonce. Dont she know who you are miss?” Jin Hee huffed. Y/N shakes her head.
“She doesn’t and its fine. And dont say that. Be profesional okay. Now go,”
“Miss, you are really too nice for your own good,” Y/N just chuckle to that. She grabbed her files and move towards her office. Oh well, she can just monitor the show from the updates then.
Y/N decided to take an early day and just go home. She entered her office to grab her jacket and purse and her smile turn wide by what’s waiting in her office. All her worries seems to flew away.
“Hello miss CEO. Want to grab lunch with me?”
“You will never find a day where I will say no to that, Minghao,”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Jungkook screamed at his so called girlfriend. Once Y/N went out from the room, Jungkook immediately drag Minji outside to knock some sense into her.
“What do you mean Kookie? Everything I said in there was true. How can a mere production staff treat you and your oppas like that? And how dare she flirt with you?! You are my boyfriend Kookie! Right in front of my eyes!”
“Urghhhh. Just shut up Minji. Dont you know who she is? She’s the freaking soon to be CEO of this company!” Minji mouth dropped open.
“And even if she’s not, even if she’s just a production staff, why is it a crime for her to be friendly to us? We are just idols Minji. This is just our job. We are not Gods! And my hyungs and I are fucking friends with her!!” Jungkook is losing it.
Minji’s mouth open and close like a fish, speechless. “Fine. Maybe I was wrong about that. But it still doesnt give her the right to flirt with you Kookie! You are my boyfriend!”
“She wasn’t flirting!!” Jungkook screamed. “I would know. And even if she is, so what? That would be the happiest day of my life is she did!”
“Wha..what? What the hell did you just say? What do you mean by that Kookie?”
“Shut up. Just shut up! And stop calling me that. I hate it when you call me that. Arghhh, I don’t know anymore. I just need to get away from you!” Jungkook screamed once more and stormed off. He needs to find Y/N and explain things. What should he be explaining, he himself doesn’t know, but he just knows he needs to see her now.
He was worried and panicking. Is Y/N okay? She seems like she didn’t care back there. Does she really not care about me anymore? Jungkook pushed the thoughts away and focus on finding her.
He stormed into the huge cafeteria. With not so many people around since its past lunch hour, he saw her at a secluded corner, but she’s not alone. Sitting across of her, wiping crumbs from her chin while she’s happily laughing is Minghao. Xu freaking Minghao. Dont get him wrong, Jungkook loves all his friendd very much. He even treasures their friendship but when it comes to Y/N… its a totally different issue.
Losing all rational thoughts, Jungkook stormed into their direction and grab Y/N’s hand.
“Hey, Jungkook. What are you doing he-” Minghao greeted his friend but was rudely cut off.
“Y/N I need to talk to you. Please,” he then turned to Minghao who starts to stand up, confusion in his eyes at Jungkook’s action. “And it would be wise if you do not interfere. This is between me and her,”
———————————————————– Chapter 10 preview
“What is really going on between you and Jungkook, Y/N? Please tell me the truth. Please, please, tell me that I won’t be losing you to him,”
“All my life, all I know is how to love him. I never thought I would know how to do anything else. Until I met you Minghao. I think I’m finally ready to learn something new…”
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Heyyyyy how would bts react to you getting hurt while they’re on your and not telling them
sorry i havent done a reaction in a while lmao… this might be really bad since im out of practice, sorry for taking so damn long …
Namjoon:‘So call me tomorrow?’ Namjoon asked as you smiled at his face on your phone screen. You were video calling just before you went to bed, as you did most days when he was away on tour.‘Mm, it might be a bit later though and i dont want you staying up too late.’ You said fondly.‘No, I can stay awake to see you. Why will you be later?’ He tilted his head sleepily.‘I just have to go to the hospital for a check up on my leg-‘‘The hospital?!’ Namjoon suddenly looked completely awake. ‘What happened?’‘It’s nothing too serious,’ you shook your head. ‘It was just I tripped on the stairs and um, broke my leg.’‘And didn’t tell me?!’ His eyes were wide with concern. ‘Are you okay? Do you need me to come home?’‘No, babe, you know you couldn’t come home anyway. I’m fine, don’t worry about me.’Namjoon rubbed his temple as he sighed. ‘Ah, you stress me out babe, but if you say you’re okay then I’ll believe you. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, tell me how the appointment goes?’You nodded, smiling widely. ‘I’ll let you know. Goodnight babe, I love youu.’Namjoon chuckled. ‘I love you too, sleep well.’
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Seokjin:You hadn’t even told your boyfriend about your broken arm, and it wasn’t until you were facetiming the next day that he found out.‘Princess, what’s that on your arm?’ His face was pixelated and his voice laggy, but his worry was evident.You held up your arm, showing the cast on it with a sheepish look on your face. You saw his eyes go shocked, and the cogs turning in his head as he tried to figure out what happened. ‘I fell over in the bathroom..’ ‘Why-what-how come you didn’t say anything?’You shrugged. ‘I didn’t want you to get stressed over it. You kinda overreact whenever i get hu-‘‘Overreact?!’ Seokjin shook his head, an incredulous look on his face. ‘I ought to be coming home right now, what if you need help with something? What if you need to get to the hospital quickly?’‘Seokjinnie, dont be so worried. Everything is fine. F/N’s helping me out with stuff.’Seokjin narrowed his eyes. ‘You’re worse than our Namjoonie, even he hasn’t slipped and broke a-‘ He stopped speaking as soon as you pouted. ‘Ah, seriously.’ He chuckled.‘I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Seokjinnie.’ You said cutely with a wide smile. ‘I love you.’‘Goodnight princess.’ He sighed. ‘I love you more.’
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Yoongi:‘facetime me?’ Yoongi’s text came onto your phone screen and you tutted, typing out a reply.‘I cant rn, im sorry :(‘ Your phone then ding-ed immediately.‘oh really? ;)’ You chuckled at your boyfriend’s dirty mind. ‘did someone get lonely..?’‘min yoongi, you are a dirty man. its nothing like what you’re thinking, theres just something on my face..’ ‘what? whyyyy, i dont care what you look like i just want to see my sweet baby and hear her voice~’ ‘sweet-talking wont help you XD if you call i wont pick up’ you replied quickly. Nevertheless, your phone began to ring and Yoongi’s contact popped up. You clicked decline immediately, and the ringing stopped, before it began to ring again… and again. Frustrated, you decided to pick it up to get him to shut up. ’I knew it would work.’ Yoongi smirked as his face came into view.‘You little shit.’ You laughed. You saw Yoongi’s expression go dark when you flipped the camera button to make it face you.‘What the hell is that? Did you fight someone? Who do i need to murder? How-‘‘Yoongi!’ You had to interrupt the bombardment of questions. “I literally dropped a box on my face, that’s why there’s a bruise. I was getting it down from a shelf.‘Ah, you little… you stress me out, Y/N.’ he exhaled loudly. ‘I hate you.’‘You love me.’ you teased. ‘Damnit, you’re right.’ Yoongi smiled back.
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Hoseok:Hoseok was ravenously eating noodles when he picked up your call, but when he saw the cast covering your wrist, he almost choked.‘Angel! What happened to your wrist?! Do you need me to come and take care of you? Are you-’‘Babe, babe, slow down! It’s not that bad, I promise. I just kinda…’ you paused, fiddling with your sleeve. ‘It was really icy outside, and i tried to ice skate. Long story short, I fell over, as you might be able to tell.’Hoseok’s expression had turned from one of extreme concern to one of fond amusement. ‘I leave you alone for a week…’‘It wasn’t my fault, okay!’ You pretended to whine, but ended up laughing at your boyfriend’s expression.‘You tell yourself that.’ Hoseok grinned. ‘Have you eaten yet? I left some of your favourite in the freezer.’You smiled at his caring nature, but tilted your head. ‘Can i have some of your stash of-‘‘Absolutely not.’ he cut you off. ‘If I come home and even one of my snacks is missing, there is going to be hell to pay for you, missy.’You suddenly put on a pained expression. “Ah, I think my wrist-‘After a moment of worry, Hoseok sighed. ‘You’re a devil, but i still love you.’You beamed. ‘I love you too, Hobi.’
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Jimin:You were having your daily conversation over text with your boyfriend Jimin who was away on tour.‘so, anything new princess??’‘not really, except from i sprained my ankle in the gym.’‘YOU WHAT’Immediately, your phone began to buzz, and you sighed, knowing how worked up Jimin was going to get about it. As soon as you clicked accept, your boyfriend’s voice blasted through your earphones.‘Baby what the hell why wouldnt you tell me?? How bad is it- oh my god, did it hurt? Do you need me? Literally on my way home now, dont even-‘‘JIMIN!’ He paused. ‘Babe, i only made a sound just then cause my volume was so damn loud and it hurt my ears. Im fine, i promise!’There was a silence as Jimin tried to evaluate your tone and figure out if you were being truthful. He must have decided you weren’t lying, and he sighed quietly in relief.‘I swear to god, one day you’re gonna give me a fricking heart attack.’You giggled softly, and from Jimin’s slow exhale of breathe you could tell that the sound of your laughter had put him at ease.‘Princess, won’t you tell me next time you hurt yourself? You know i’ll never be too busy to care, i love you alright?’‘Thank you Jiminie.’ You smiled, even though Jimin couldn’t see you. ‘I love you too.’
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Taehyung:Taehyung’s icon popped up on your phone screen as it rang, and you grinned with excitement, knowing that this was going to be the last time you would call your boyfriend while he was away on tour, since he was returning the next day.‘Taehyungie!’‘Baby! How have you been today?’ Taehyung’s expression mirrored your own as you brought the phone up to your face. Suddenly, his eyes widened in shock, and you remembered the bruise on your cheek.‘I’m fine baby, and so happy to see you tomorrow!’‘What’s that bruise from?’ He tilted his head. ‘Not that I care about you or anything, i’m just wondering.’You scoffed. ‘Okay, don’t laugh at me.’ A teasing smile began to creep onto Taehyung’s face. ‘What did you do, was it really dramatic?’‘I fell out of bed.’ You interrupted him with a sigh. There was silence, then your boyfriend’s laughter was filling the room from your phone speaker. ‘You’re so mean.’ You complained, but Taehyung was too busy facepalming.‘You are an actual idiot. Try not to get any more injured tonight before i get home you dork.’‘You’re a bully, but a cute bully.’ You shook your head fondly. ‘I’ll see you soon.’
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Jungkook:It was the day that your boyfriend was finally returning from a long time away at tour, and you couldn’t wait to finally hug him again. You might have a bit of trouble re-enacting the cheesy airport reunition scene though, since you had recently broke your foot after tripping in a dent in the road and you were on crutches. As soon as Jungkook emerged from the crowd of security and fans, his eyes shot open, no longer looking jetlagged. He rushed over to you and dropped his bag on the floor before engulfing you in a hug.‘Jungkookie!’ You grinned at him as he pulled away from you, but he still looked worried.‘What happened baby? Are you okay? How come you didn’t tell me?’ he questioned.You shook your head. ‘It’s nothing to worry about, I just kinda tripped and fell. It’s only a little break.’‘A break? You broke your leg and didn’t think to let me know?’ Jungkook seemed exasperated as he picked up his bag again and the two of you began to walk.‘I didn’t want to stress you Kookiee. I didn’t want you to get distracted, its not like im the main priority in your life-‘‘Um, one, what the fuck. Two, what the fuck? Yes you are.’ Jungkook reached over and booped your nose. ‘You always will be you idiot.’You smiled brightly. You had sure missed your boyfriends presence in your life.‘What are you smiling about? We still have to sit in the car for another hour back home.’‘I know.’ You looked over at him. ‘I’m just happy to have you back.’
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-admin e (thank you all for sticking by me even when i havent been posting, you guys actually mean the world to me, i love you all so so so so so so so much)
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yeoldontknow · 6 years
Hiiii! I read on here that you’ve been super busy so I hope you’re doing well
hi sweet anon!! im so so sorry for the delay on this. i took a big step back on tumblr during the month of march because i had so much happening. it was difficult and so im sorry im behind on this cute ask. YES I ULT CHAN WITH THE FIRE OF 1000000000 UNIVERSES. hes literally my heart and soul. AND YES SWEET HOSEOK IS MY SUN AND STARS OF THAT UNIVERSE. im so excited to match my mutuals. i love these theyre so much fun. i got lots of rest, thank you so much bean
yoongi + @daegusoftboys: ive said it before and i will say it again: joongi is my otp. i know she has other biases in other groups but like...theyre passing fancies. joongi is the moon that hangs in the night sky. they are such a strong yet soft power couple. like the coolest couple in the room. delicate and pure and sweet, while also so deeply intense in the way they communicate and understand each other. theres a lot of earth and air energy in their partnership, and i just get so delighted knowing they would be each others rock. together there is literally nothing they cant do. SO with that said, joongi are going out on their 5000000000000th date and i guess are engaged at this point? they are going to a dog park, where they are going to sit and play with doggos and hug them and then have a picnic on the water with a lot of cheese and wine and laughter and i and all our friends will sit 100 yards back crying about how much we love them
taehyung + @from-dae-do-dae: i have also said this before and i will say it again: fei and tae are going on their third date to an art museum. its starting in the morning and its going late into the night. i imagine them at the met in new york, looking at classical art and moving between movements until they get to american mid century pastorals. this is where they discuss light and the movement of light in the styles of paintings. then they move to the photography hall where they spend FAR too long, discussing filtering, development techniques and mixed media. then they go to the hall of instruments where they both shed a few tears, and fei goes on to discuss how caravaggio, as amazing as he was, was mostly a painter of music and tae swoons so hard he almost goes blind. at 5 the museum is about to close so and they realize they havent eaten, so they go to dinner at a nice restaurant to have tapas and seafood fare with wine. they talk about the art they saw, and then move on to discuss deep thoughts, hopes and dreams. they expose each other raw but in a gentle fashion, the kind where you ask a series of questions no one can follow until they arent even sure why theyre discussing the reasons its difficult for them to accept and receive love, but there they are - two bottles of wine in and still they dont want to stop. so they walk through central park along the water and for some reason they dont need to talk anymore they just want to be together. /this got out of control/
jimin + @yeol-stole-my-soul: these beans are going to disney world and universal. fight me about it. jimin needs to loosen up and have fun and maria sleeps even less than i do, and needs to be somewhere she can bang pots and pans as loudly as she wants and no one will mind. i fantasize about them running around, going on all the rides, eating everything, screaming at everything, and then staying out until the park closes. the park empties early of kids around 10 so thats two hours of no lines and running around the park doing everything twice. fun. pure fun. FUN AND - romantic. dont think so? jimins face lighting up at the fireworks over the castle - thats fucking magical. marias face when she realizes not only is the food in epcot delicious, but it tastes just like how her mother makes it. trust me. thats magic, and thats real shit. no one is ever as vulnerable as when theyre delighted because happiness is difficult to hold and this is something they get to hold together. when joy and nostalgia mix, that is when you really learn a person. its easy to see them scared and angry - see a person caught pure delight and that is when you see their soul. 
jungkook + @queenoftheimpala: these shy beans are taking a painting with wine class. sure, kook probably wont drink and if he does hell be super slow about it. but ali, my delightful beautiful best friend, will take to the bottle like shes drinking gold and will finally let herself open up. when she lets herself go, hes done for. truly, you cant see ali being herself and NOT fall in love. his ass will swoon so hard hell fall through the floor, covered in paint. together, theyll make art. see why they pick the shapes and colours they choose, learn why they make lines different from one another. ‘my hand is shaky,’ hell say without any confidence, even though his lines are perfect. ‘ive always been terrible at art,’ ali will laugh, sheepish, even though she gets it right without trying. they dont really need to say anything to one another, they just need to exist in one anothers orbit and they will realize 1. they are so incredibly similar 2. they are both the most adorable messes and 3. they were made for one another. again, ill be standing in the back crying saying ‘this is my favourite movie.’
namjoon + @joonbird: these brilliant beans are going to a pottery class. theyre going to make something with their hands and then they are going to dinner with wine and cheese and theyre going to have conversations that range from personal history to metaphysics to philosophy to the weirdest shit theyve seen while traveling. joon will be amazed by her intellect and her wit, amy will be impressed he manages to make a mug that looks more like a bird house. she doesnt ask questions, just admires his artistic intent. at dinner the conversation carries over, though this time theyre mostly silent - making yummy noises as they eat their food and smiling across the table. this is when they start talking about places theyve been, things theyve seen, food theyve tried - experiences - delighted that now they get to experience each other.
jin+ @2seokforyook: this other power couple are going to take an improv theatre class. kim is shy and sometimes so is jin, but this is where he shines. hes delighted to show off and engage, to open himself a little and, by proxy, watch kim open up by impressing her and making her laugh. kim will be tentative at first, but the comfort and warmth he radiates on stage will be infectious and soon, with a few laughs and awkward pauses, she will find her flow, playing games and enjoying being free of any real focused thought for at least an hour. for a while, its light hearted, laughing so hard they cry a little, but then, at the end, its time to get vulnerable. its seemingly impossible, but again, theyre together, warm and in a bubble of comfort created simply because theyre together and theyre learning to have fun without any restrictions. and so they talk - really, truly talk - without words or a script about everything and nothing. and when its over, when they finally get to leave, they realize that they werent acting. not even for a second. 
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Episode 1B - “I'm praying to Yoncé I survive and don't get first boot.”-Jess
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no words.
I'm praying to Yoncé I survive and don't get first foot. That ain't a cute look xoxox
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i'm already forgetting to search for the idols, i'm already getting paranoid about if i need to start making alliances instead of just enjoying the really cute convos i'm having with ruthie lily and kevin (max is kinda dry and annoying but... we'll try to make it work ig).... and i'm already hating every challenge we do especially this one although i actually really liked the challenge it was so creative and fun, i just hated that i have bad luck and am stupid with the deduction things, HENCE why i havent looked for the idol yet. LOL. so.... tl;dr - things are going perfectly! this hufflepuffle is workin exactly as he should!
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I just wanna say we really are the hufflepuffs. 114 moves in like 5 hours, but we did it.  Really proud of Ruthie, Landen, Kevin, Max, and I! Sending positive vibes to slytherin. Hope they are okay in this madness.
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Yo my tribe? Kinda dope. I think that everyone worked really well together today! I think Joanna kinda took the lead and some of her ideas were... a choice. But! It got us first place! I think that this tribe has a good shot of getting to swap unscathed.
With Slytherin going to tribal, I really hope that someone I don’t know goes, but at the same time I’d be okay with Jess going? I feel like she’s such a sleeper threat in most games I’m in with her and I really just don’t want to compete with that this time around.
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I kind of snapped and got myself an idol good until final 6 teehee.
I knew that the Snape's letter or writing or whatever that freak was up to was SOMETHING. Did I get lucky... hell fucking yeah.
A crackhead like me SHOULD NOT have all this POWER.
I also gave Jacob literally the worst clue ever because we are sharing clues ladies xoxoxo
The clue was:
"Snape is taken aback. “That wouldn’t be any business of yours now would it? I wouldn’t want to find out you are spreading false information. I trust you won’t have any issue with that”. Congrats! You’ve discovered Snape Storyline 2! That’s all for the moment, and will end your search for this round."
BOTH ARE HALF TRUE. Just in case he doesn't put 2 and 2 together and now I went from place to place on purpose. He's gonna think now I gave him something of value and I know he's gonna think "No way someone go an idol on day fucking 3".
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CONFESSIONAL 1.1 — Walking into the Great Hall, I saw a few familiar faces... for not good reasons!
First Jacob, who I know from tengaged. He and I were in a similar friend group for a short period before he left it, but we had a rocky relationship. We flirted a bit (blame 16-year-old Nicholas), but that is in the past.
Secondly, Jess... who I just directly sent home in Eve’s The Challenge: Fresh Meat. She did not have great words to say to me (such as I’m condescending), so I was very wary and, honestly, unhappy with her being here.
But, as Kylie Minogue says, it’s better the devil you know.
Flash forward to the Sorting Ceremony, and I’m so happy to be.. Slytherin? I told Mister Vintage (Sammy) and Mister Heinen (Caeleb) that I’m either a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I suppose I’ve been lying to myself.
Then, I see my tribe: both Jess and Jacob are present. This is a curse wrapped in a blessing wrapped in an enigma. And, I love it.
I hate, hate, hate conflict and bad vibes, so I directly spoke to both. Jacob did not easily recognize me, but remembered me fondly; so, a successful reacquaintance. Jess, on the other hand, was definitely more apprehensive (as was I), but I made one thing clear: the past is the past, and I am declaring my loyalty.
I have been hurt in previous games by shoving the past aside while the other is still grudgingly aiming for revenge, but I feel Jess is different. She apologized to me about her words, which did hurt, and I apologized to her. What I said was honest, so I’m glad to see a fateful blossoming.
The first reward challenge is revealed, and honestly, I’m really bad at participating in pre-merge competitions, because I do not mind tribal. However, I do want to, since we are such a small tribe, focus on maintaining our numbers in case of a swap. We came in second this reward, and honestly, I’m glad to have eaten cupcakes (although I hate cherry). The fact we all chose a dessert and were privately messaged makes me assume someone received an advantage, but who knows...
What I DO know is that I had two separate relationships, so I wanted to lock a trio down (Me, Jess, Jacob), but I obviously did not want to gamebot this early and make the chat day one. So, naturally, i waited until after immunity.
Speaking of immunity... I took charge, because I like it, but also, I wanted to be able to take blame if we lost. I hate the whole “let’s vote someone out cuz they cost us a virtual challenge” this early in the game, it’s a cheap way to vote. I want to vote on loyalty and activity instead. That’s why I am probably going to target Jessie or Vi, but I‘m unsure as to which will be my vote. On one hand, Vi is much less social, but she also contributed a lot to the challenge. I do not want to judge a book by it’s cover, so I will reach out to her and assess her vibe.
I like going to tribal first, because my philosophy is that it’s better to test loyalties now, rather than guess loyalties later.
Regarding other players, Jules and Juls just played in a mini with me and sheeped the majority alliance to screw me over, so I’m not feeling them right now. Bitterness doesn’t exist in my mind: play well and I respect it; sheep and be stupid, and I will gladly dish out the karma. 
I’m satisfied with the happenings of this game so far, and I hope to make it further!! This is one of my first real orgs so, I’m em definitely excited. x. nick
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Yay we won immunity. Raffy do be carrying our tribe though!
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WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!! as far as my relationships go which is where i left off last round, really nothing much has changed about how i feel about or view my tribemates, but in exciting news... we won immunity!! i am not going to be first boot that is so nice, and im hoping that we can keep winning immunity until a swap so I can feel more secure. I think I could stand a shot if we lost on this tribe but i think if so the vote would split 3-2 i dont think i can get a unanimous vote on anyone unless its myself which is NOT WHAT WERE TRYNA DO HERE !! if anything i feel like i have the best chance to wiggle myself in with the girls (lily and ruthie) Max would probably be my ideal first vote if we ever lose an immunity because I know landen can be useful in challenges, but he YET AGAIN addressed me with a name that does not sit well with me he called me a "challengewhore" yet another reference to TS 2020, so this is not a good sign. Ideally I could get landen out and still be set but i know he has a relationship with juls who i also have a relationship with and wish to continue to have in this game, and us going against each other could make that more stressful than it needs to be because i know landen avenged beck for voting juls out maybe juls would do the same for him? Much to think about, but thankfully i dont have to think about it all that hard because yet again we ARE SAFE !!! woo, anyways thats pretty much it hopefully we can keep winning :D
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Ahhhh safety feels so nice, I’m glad that I’m not in danger of being the first boot. Also I love the fact that ravenclaw won the first challenge with so little moves HAHA!
I want to go far in this thing with lily and with kevin, my goal right now is to get to merge and owen be alive so I can work with him!
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I am very happy to have won this immunity challenge. We barely won, but I managed to pull my tribe to a victory. Emphasis on the "I" part. I am very frustrated with my tribe's lack of challenge activeness and ability. If the time did not work for them, then I do not know why they even suggested doing it at 2 PM. This challenge would have gone faster if I had done everything myself. In the end, though, I hope this helps in me staying in the game because I am a necessity if they want to ever win a challenge in first place. I highly doubt that they could do it without me.
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So I’m currently writing this with one hand because my cat decided to lie on my other one  anyways Nobody is really talking about the vote which means it’s probably me going but I’ll see what I can do to change that
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Here's a breakdown of my first few experiences since I am writing this a few hours before the first tribal council.
FIRST I was cast in this game along with a BUNCH of people that are icons across different formats of Tumblr Survivor - so that's intimidating. Mostly because my play style is kinda vanilla in comparison. I gotta find a way to stand out or I'm going to be thrown out fast.
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SECOND There's a twist that will probably have some major effect at some later point in the game where everyone is added to the Great Hall. I think that it's for convenience of posting things like results and challenges so it only has to be sent to one chat... but also so that we can feel THEMATIC which is a lot of fun.
The game started in the Great Hall and we got sorted into our houses and the implication was that it's random but.. I don't think it's entirely true if I can read into what the hosts said to me once I was sorted into Gryffindor (something about running out of room in Hufflepuff) - because I definitely didn't say Gryffindor in my application.
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THIRD My tribe has the following people: Joshua, Juls, Raffy, Autumn, and myself. 
I do not know how many of theme said Gryffindor when they applied but also did not want to bring it up to them as I am masquerading as a brave idiot. :D
Anyway, I started conversations with all of them and they all seem very sweet!!
I've played in a game before with Raffy where he was super snakey but also a great ally until he tried to snake me. So there's that... he's also an "over the top" type of person so he takes charge a lot of the time and voices his opinions about everything. I hope we can create some sort of working relationship in the game, but I think that he will tell me the truth if he does align against me.
Autumn is super chill and super strategic-minded. She puts lots of thought into all of her decisions and makes calls that benefit her getting to the end while trying to align with the right people. If I can't get to the FTC of this game... TBH I want to make sure she gets there. I played with her in one game and we both were tossed out one after another when the game turned on our "side". I don't think that relationship will factor into this game as it was forever ago and we both kinda play "new" every time we start a game but I'm hoping she will want to try and play with me just because I've seen how great she is at the game.
Juls is a very fun person who seems to always be having a great time! I found out she lives in Texas too and that she was excited to get to know me because we are from the same state. I was like.. do I know you? Because when she messaged me the way she did implied that she knew who I was and I was thinking OH NO what have people said.
Joshua seems really sweet. He hasn't added incredibly much to conversations so far with him but he has contributed some fun things. I love that he tries to be entertaining, but as I see it so far he's the first person I'd be willing to vote out if it came to our tribe going to council... though of course, having said that I bet they've all declared me their first choice.
FOURTH The reward challenge was the Letter plus Number challenge so as predicted...
I did terribly and earned 0 points for our tribe and was SO happy it was not for immunity.
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The immunity challenge was a Choose Your Own Adventure Puzzle.
We got a slow start in that I feel like everyone was afraid to make a move because that would put a target on whoever "failed for the team". Then me and Raffy kind of got things rolling with him taking the main leader role and me taking on a secondary role either agreeing with his suggestions or contributing a suggestion for what we should do.
There was a misunderstanding with the competition and we ended up making a whole bunch of extra moves because it was unclear to us that the letters we found at a later part of the challenge were able to be changed into numbers at a lockbox so we did a bunch of extra stuff... and I was resigned to the fact we were going to the first tribal when we go surprised that Slytherin... DID WORSE!!! O_O
Anyway... I still have no alliances or confirmed "working game" relationships and I really don't feel like starting those conversations at the moment so if I am out of the ones established or on the bottom of one that will add me to "pick me up" for later votes then I blame myself for not trying hard enough in that category.
FIFTH I definitely didn't just now search for the idol and waste two days that I could have searched other times. Nope! Not me!! :)
Anyway I went on a trip to Hagrid's Hut because I love me some Hagrid and I figured he'd let me in since I"m a Gryffindor and he loves us the best (you know, like a reverse Snape)... I dug through all of his junk and found his umbrella. Apparently I liked that it was pink and then left his hut. 
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To be honest, I probably should have taken his dragon's egg and turned him in... maybe could have gotten him fired.
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Someone finally got me to come out of retirement- can you believe it
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It's been cute so far and I have no complaints, probably cause the hosts wisely put me, Owen, and Dan in separate corners lmao. Yooo if we all make it to merge?? Hell hath no fury. But we will cross that bridge when we get there! And for now I enjoy the calm before the storm. I deadass forgot how to be an org so I need all the time I can get to socialize and reacclimate. Me checking Skype more than once a year? Don't remember ever doing that. I love Raffy, it's always good to see Chips, I think I like Juls, and I'm not sure how I feel about Joshua but it's fine. I like Gryffindor cause we have no beef and I hope it stays that way.
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ok so my tribe lost :( big sad. but im def ok bc jess is soooo close to me and we made a threesome with nick so. i think jessie is an easy first boot bc shes not around as much as vi. but really its our decision at the end of the day!
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here’s the hot goss.. i’m a little upset i didn’t get anyone i Know on my house/tribe but also grateful HSBSNSNN all i know is that so far i’ve been doing pretty solid in securing relationships with those on my team (at least.. i hope so :flushed:) and i’m hoping they all like me hehe. kinda praying to just mist my way to merge where i can be united with people who like me enough to keep me around still.. >:D 
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