#and its from april/may 2023 so like. yay!
dead-petey-au · 1 year
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colourme-feral · 9 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Thanks to @lurkingshan for the tag! This is a pretty great way to do a wrap up of posts for the year past.
most popular — the NLMG title cards post (but tbh, I liked the idea, but not the calligraphy lol)
favourite — I identified one of my favourite locations
most popular — MLC and the chin tickles saga
favourite(s) — NLMG and some of its visual parallels and MLC and the passing of time
most popular — understandably, this post on MLC and some of its details
favourite — this post about chains of heart 😂😂😂
most popular — the use of light and warmth in ODT / Bokura no Shokutaku
favourite — brutalist architecture in Lockwood & Co. made my brain go brrr
most popular — (it was actually a poll, so I ignored that post) the very pride and prejudice of step by step
favourite — I was mad at Yutaka's parents for how they dealt with their adoption of him. Still valid to me
most popular — (again ignoring the poll) in an honestly shocking and unexpected twist, I actually considered the tops that Chot and Pat were wearing and what they might have meant
favourite(s) — the looks that minoru gives looking at yutaka talking to tane and part 2 of the Step by Step and Pride and Prejudice parallels
most popular — the hopes we had for kissing gmm grandpas in Hidden Agenda dashed by gmm
favourite(s) — this scene in Khun Chai that wouldn't leave my mind, leaving me not choice but to scream about it a year after watching the show and also my first loa/khun chai parallels post. If you listen carefully, you might still hear me screaming.
most popular — the packet of rice in loa
favourite(s) — the 2 part shared + spotted locations post for Baan Bellawin because it was so much work (part 1, part 2) but I guess I need to also do a shout out to the ifylita locations post for Yai's home
most popular — Troye Sivan's Got Me Started and its shared locations with Thai qls. This is actually the post I got the most notes for in 2023. really proud of it.
favourite(s) — loa brainrot so I made a loa parallels post, also loa and khun chai parallels post #2, another ifylita locations post for dear ol' robbo's home and genius chef junior (and then she cried)
most popular — I'm just gonna say that the best part of Zong Yi's cake shop are the catz. This post is also more proof that tumblr loves cats
favourite — @lurkingshan 's ask about my favourite location from a drama, which I used to do an entire list of locations I'd like to visit if I were in Bangkok, referencing some of my locations irl posts
most popular — Old Fashion Cupcake and its manga parallels, inspired by @troubled-mind. So fun to do!
favourite — I identified Babe's controversial house. I like it, but I know some people were screaming - and not in a good way 😂
most popular — I saw parallels between NLMG and Last Twilight and ran with it
favourite(s) — @my-rose-tinted-glasses was very kind to indulge me and asked for my favourite irl locations of 2023. I also couldn't help myself and started posting Last Twilight and Open Spaces. Excited about continuing these and also writing about these once I'm back home.
I'm sure some have already been tagged, but no pressure tags for @blmpff, @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @neuroticbookworm, @respectthepetty, @sparklyeyedhimbo, @telomeke, @troubled-mind and anyone else who might be interested!
This site was helpful for showing the top 10 posts of each month.
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
2022 || fic recs
these are most of my favorite fics from 2022!! please check some out, because these people are extremely talented
some of these people are my mutuals, where others are people i’ve never even spoken to in my life, but that doesn’t change anything so enjoy!
some may be smut too so MDNI
(all fics marked as ongoing are ongoing as of before 2023)
moon knight
Transitions - by @yikesitskennawrites - one of my favorite platonic moon knight series by my bestie (ongoing)
One Fin Wonder - by @m4xedout - another favorite of mine by my other bestie :) (ongoing)
Limitless - by @missdictatorme - the power this series has over me>> (ongiong)
Also literally all of the oneshots by @missdictatorme - i love them all sm i cant-
The Shape of You-niverse - by @bit-dodgy-innit - i’ve been reading these as they come out and let me tell you, they are so well thought out and i absolutely love the concepts for each chapter. 10/10 smut too
spiderman/peter parker
Sugar and Vice - by @liz-allyn - its a mob!peter!! i love this series so far, im always checking the page to see if a new chapter is posted lol hope it gets spicy soon (ongoing) TASM!PETER
That one drunk peter drabble by @luveline posted back in april - always love seeing that one :) TASM!PETER
Flexible - oneshot by @spidernerdsblog - made me laugh so hard like deadass TASM!PETER
Ridiculous - Extremely Ridiculous - two-part smutshots by @peterthepark - i love blonde frat peter sm TASM!PETER
(these are only Five fics lol)
Of Starlight - And Dusk - To Nightfall - following the three seasons is this series by @dumdumsun - ive been loving this series for a long time now, cant wait to see how it ends (third season ongoing)
Timeless - by @fiveisnumber1 - ive only read one chapter so far and im already invested (ongoing)
anything tua by @supercoffeeblogs - absolutely adore everything you write
Sshh - by @cxlynv - its smut. thats it. thats the description. it made my insides tingle
Retired - by @justasimp1 - its more smut and i love it.
I Dont Need a Partner - by @lady-ashfade - i love wanda!y/n so much and i love five and the readers relationship in this one
Venom - by @rcksmith - yay more smut but it actually has a plot!
thank you for reading, and hope to enjoy 2023 with all of you :)
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nicholsroy · 4 months
April updates & May goals
Blog | Monthly updates
Hello! Me again. I come bearing some updates from the past month or so. Nothing major, but I'm happy to report steady progress on most fronts.
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In April, I printed out the first 100 pages of LIFE IN BLACK AND WHITE's manuscript for its final consistency read prior to querying! 🎉
LIFE IN BLACK AND WHITE progress updates
Act I: ~90% complete. Edits/partial redrafting remain on three chapters (10, 11 and 15) and minor alterations, which I’m hoping to get done entirely this weekend, remain on three chapters (8, 19, and 21). If things continue to progress at the current rate, I anticipate being able to start consistency reading Act I later this month. Yay!
Act II: ~75% complete. No progress to report as I focused entirely on Act I in April/early May.
Query prep: As mentioned in last month’s update, a batch of test queries will be sent out once Act II is 90% complete. This being said: I plan to complete Act I’s consistency read prior to further progress on Act II (unless strong inspiration strikes me for Act II edits between now and then, of course) so I can send Act I out to those very patient readers who have been waiting to read this version for months now.  
Other writing
I have one flash piece (horror) on submission, and another (suspense) entered in a contest (results in mid-June for that).
I have two prose poems on submission.
I will be participating in another flash fiction contest beginning at the end of this month.
Some scattered drafting for THE DOTTED LINE has occurred between editing sessions for LIFE IN BLACK AND WHITE. As of now I still intend for THE DOTTED LINE to become my main WIP after the completion of LIFE IN BLACK AND WHITE’s edits – I know I will need to focus on something else while I’m querying, plus I would certainly like to actually finish this draft at some point. You know how it is.
I have read 12 books so far in 2024 (ie. the same number I read over the entirety of 2023), and have changed my goal from 20 books to 30 books for the year.
Read in April (a few of these were already mentioned in the last, very late, update):
Currently reading:
ANGELS BEFORE MAN by Rafael Nicolás
Up next:
THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE US by Eliot Schrefer (this month’s book club pick)
MY DARK VANESSA by Kate Elizabeth Russell
THE BONDS THAT BIND US by Stephanie Johnson
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thelivebookproject · 1 year
April - June 2023 | Reading Wrap Up
Hello hello, it's me!
Another three months have passed, which means I'm back with a reading wrap-up! I've done much much better these past few months because my pace of life has changed, which hopefully means I'll have way more time to read now than I had had until now. Yay for positive changes!
Code: books read in English are in black, books read in Spanish are in red and the book I read in French is in blue.
APRIL (3) • Everything I Know About Love: A Memoir - Dolly Alderton • De la Terre à la Lune (Baltimore Gun Club #1) - Jules Verne • A Rational Arrangement (Arranging Paradise #1) - L. Rowyn
April, if slow, was good: Dolly Alderton's memoir was absolutely amazing (although it wasn't until almost 60% when it convinced me because the beginning was very slow), I tackled my French reading goals with a Jules Verne I bought in a flea market in France, and I finally read A Rational Arrangement, after being threatened into it by a couple of friends for months. It was good, but not enough to read its sequel novella!
MAY (7) • Duke I'd Like To F...: A Historical Romance Anthology (Duke I'd Like to F... #1) - Various authors • Loxandra - María Iordanidu, translation by Selma Ancira • Mafalda, volumes 1-2-3-5-8-9-10, edited by Lumen - Quino • I'm So (Not) Over You - Kosoko Jackson
May had a lot of rhythm to it: I started with what I can only describe as "vaguely historical, mostly porn" (fun and entertaining); continued with a really good journey into the Greece at the beginning of the century with Loxandra (very recommended!); followed by seven volumes of the adventures of Mafalda, a very popular Argentinian comic strip not too dissimilar from Calvin and Hobbes, although it's more political and socially critical; and ended with a gay rom-com. Honestly, brilliant all around.
JUNE (6) • Viajes con Heródoto - Ryszard Kapuscinski, traslation by Agata Orzeszek • Una furtiva lágrima - Nélida Piñon, translation by Roser Vilagrassa • A Week to Be Wicked (Spindle Cove #2) - Tessa Dare • Emoji Pride and Prejudice: Epic Tales in Tiny Texts - Chuck Gonzales & Katherine Furman • Supersaurio - Meryem El Mehdati • Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno-García
And June was the month I saw my TBR, tackled it, and beat it into submission by reading four books that had been on it for YEARS. All of them were very good, I honestly don't know why I waited that long... I also picked up a Tessa Dare for light reading (as usual, very fun) and read a new-to-me Brazilian author, Nélida Piñón, who sadly wasn't it for me. But overall I'm very happy with my month!
In other notes, I've kept participating in the Goodreads group La vuelta al mundo en 80 libros (I do recommend it if you can read or discuss in Spanish!) and I joined the wonderful Forgotten YA Gems' Summer Reading Bingo Challenge once again (fifth edition!! Time flies!), which means it's time for a fancy bingo card update now that the first month has finished:
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- New to you author: Una lágrima furtiva - Nélida Piñon, translation by Roser Vilagrassa - Heard about it online: A Week to be Wicked (Spindle Cove #2) - Tessa Dare - Retelling/adaptation: Emoji Pride and Prejudice: Epic Tales in Tiny Texts - Chuck Gonzales & Katherine Furman - #ownvoices: Supersaurio - Meryem El Mehdati - On TBR forever: Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno-García
Not doing too bad, I think!
All in all, I'm very happy with my reading progress and my yearly goals are on track -how are yours doing?
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