#and its also not technically ghirahim either
Like Real People Do
Hello! This was a concept that rattled itself into place when I was listening to Hozier earlier. Yes, the song is the title, I recommend listening to it and imagining the AMV as I have lmaooo--also this is technically GhiraLink, but "Lop" is the term to describe the Hero. Lop is called that (his dad started it)due to the fact that he is deaf with ears that flop(poor baby Cannot Hear unless it's Ghirahim).
(Also there is more under the cut, but I wanted this to be easily scrolled past.)
It was indescribable.
The Hero of the era that Ghirahim had found himself in was covered in dirt and sand, grit clinging to his curly blonde hair, pale blue eyes peering at Ghirahim.
Ghirahim had rust clinging to some of his skin, his skin cracking with black showing through, grime and crud coated onto his metallic body, his clothes not doing too hot after having been buried.
Not minutes before, the dirt had been disturbed after thousands of years of being left alone, scraping, scrambling, digging, moving dirt away to uncover him, bugs and worms being moved aside with the dirt they had called home for a long time.
It was midnight, and the Hero had been frantically digging.
What could the Hero have possibly been looking for? What did he bury that he was trying to recover?
As the Demon Sword was pulled from its resting place, buried in the earth, it was like Ghirahim was mended by the rough, large hands of the Hero...
How strange.
Ghirahim didn't ask the Hero where he came from...
...and the Hero didn't ask either.
Ghirahim recognized the look on the Hero's face, his eyes seeking, begging, pleading, looking...for something that was there long ago. Ghirahim didn't ask him why he was searching, in some sad way he already understood.
It was a little terrifying for him to feel the presence of Power on anyone other than his Master.
The Hero carried it.
Ghirahim had dreamed of others that held Power--his master and later the Gerudo King in several eras, and even that strange Twili who shared with the Gerudo King.
But never a Hero.
A million thoughts ran through Ghirahim's mind, trying to piece it together, trying to understand, the last thing he remembered clearly was dying...during the Era of Sky.
But this was the Era of Light Reversal.
And the Hero wasn't named Link, he was named Lop.
Lop...held memories he shouldn't have had. He had access to Ghirahim's very thoughts and memories, the memories of the Gerudo King, the thoughts and dreams and ideas of the Twili, and every trace of Demise that no one else could possibly have.
Ghirahim felt drawn to Lop so strongly.
He called him the Strange Link absently, not knowing what else to do than follow Lop closely. Lop was...endearing. He was almost exactly like Demise, but a little calmer, a little quieter, less hungry for power and revenge.
And Ghirahim...
He wondered if Lop would mind being treated like an equal by his sword. He wondered if he would be safe in doing so, he wanted to see himself being Lop's.
He could just...claim Ghirahim in any way and Ghirahim would be so pleased to serve the purpose set for himself.
But occasionally, Ghirahim snuck glances at Lop during more intimate moments. He wanted. He coveted him, wanting to feel that soft skin himself without being told that his hands were too cold to the touch.
He wanted to taste Lop's sweetness, to kiss him as real people do.
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shaykai · 2 years
The whole concept of Skull Kid in Hyrule Warriors is the funnest thing to me.
Like depending on who is in control, you either have what is basically an ancient demon type thing that is way more intelligent/manipulative than anyone is comfortable with, or you have a literal child with said demon's powers and you just gotta hope he's down to stick with the plan and help you out
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ryssbelle · 3 years
Branching Timeline 2
I am once again experiencing brainrot, also before I say anything else, I should mention the quality goes down a bit as the pages go on, that’s because I occasionally have issues with my wrist and it started to flare up near the end so the art quality said good bye and left with the kids. 
again this brain rot is the result of these two @attllhak and @tortilla-of-courage​
A small guide in no particular order:
Part 1_ Part 2_ Part 3 (You are here!)_ Part 4
I shouldn’t have promised (Occurs before parts 1-3)
There are spoilers for skyward sword here, also a little warning there is a major (technically minor cuz I don’t put much detail into it) injury in this.
To help avoid spoilers and stuff Im gonna keep hiding the images under the read more, also this part does include some of my terrible writing, as like I said before my wrist failed and I had 4 more panels planned that I couldn’t do, so supplemented with writing and got a bit more in than what would’ve been in the panels. 
Hope you enjoy!
Edit: I organized this post and double checked it 100 times, but tumblr likes to mess things up, if you see anything that may be out of order please lmk, I've found 4 already that werent there before I posted sjdjd
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Injury is seen here in a close up! Transcript if you don’t want to see it:
Impa: Your Grace
Zelda: Please, Don’t call me that. How is he?
Impa: Ah- The Old woman did what she could but his injury is deeper than we first thought... Whatever Ghirahim did is preventing it from healing properly. The waters from the skyview temple spring could help, but he’s in no condition to make the trip. I can’t leave him unguarded either...
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Now for my terrible writing lol: 
“This shaking… I fear the seal has been broken,” The Ancient One spoke as soon as Zelda reappeared into the main room, “I suspected it may react to your lingering presence Your Grace, but I never imagined the seal would break so quickly,” Zelda had to stop herself from grimacing, that title has brought nothing but misfortune. “Zelda, there will be time to explain later. Right now, you must hurry to the bottom of the pit outside.” Zelda gave a quick nod in response, shuffling down the set of stairs planning to break into a sprint out the doors when she was stopped by Groose, who’d gone from the quivering mess he was before to what could only be described as a more composed version of a quivering mess. 
He gripped her arm tighter than she assumed he meant to, she could feel his hand shaking as it clung to her.
“You can’t go out there, the old grannie said it’s after you! It’ll,” Groose thought for a moment, he didn’t really know what was out there, other than it was most likely, definitely terrifying, “Well I don’t know!” He spat, “But whatever it is it can’t be good!” He said pulling her back gently, only for her to violently wrench her arm from his hands.
“Who’s going to do it then?!” She practically screamed, anger bubbling inside her spilling over from the encounter with Ghirahim, from her failure to protect Link. From starting this whole mess in the first place. “The only other person who could is in the other room dying!” She cried, taking the sword from her back and flashing it to the knight in training, he backed away from her, raising his arms a bit as if preparing to defend himself from her wrath. 
“So unless you plan to go out there and stop it I suggest you stand aside and let me take care of it,” She spat, Groose surrendered, there was no way he could win this, she was right. He couldn’t go out there to stop whatever was about to be unleashed, he crumbled the second he set foot on the surface. 
Zelda wasted no time charging out of the Temple and down the pit, using her sail cloth to soften her falls. The second she landed at the center of the pit the seal within it began to glow, shifting with shades of red as a black smoke tore its way from the ground. 
A large dark scaled beast formed from the smoke, it’s scales feathered down its entire body, shining red when struck by the light. It was a lot taller than Zelda expected then again she really didn’t know what to expect, the beast was larger than the temple by a lot she estimated. The beast had no arms, but did have short legs which sported strange jiggly white toes, Zelda would have had the mind to be weirded out by that if the beast hadn’t reared it’s head down to roar in her face, showing off 3 rows of terrifyingly sharp teeth. She was almost certain it was going to devour her when it straightened up, taking a few steps forward.
“I knew it. The seal has given way!” The Ancient one called down, “I’ll explain later, but now is the time for action. We must keep that beast from escaping that pit! It must not reach the temple!”
All Zelda could think about the moment she mentioned the temple was Link, if this thing got up there… She readied herself for battle, only nodding in response to the woman’s words, though it was more for herself as she was sure the woman couldn’t see her.
Even if she could she didn’t care, all she cared about was stopping this thing from getting to the temple, getting to her friends. 
Getting to Link..
She wouldn’t fail him again.
Defeating the beast was easier than she thought it would be, as was sealing it away again, despite all that it was still an overall terrifying experience she knew would haunt her for years to come. Pushing those thoughts aside, however, she took a few deep breaths, readying herself to head straight for the skyview temple when she was met by the Ancient One.
“Though the Imprisoned had only just begun to awaken and break it’s bonds, I’m impressed you were able to restore the seal keeping it captive, of course it was not originally your duty to do so,” The Ancient one tacked the last part on most likely unintentionally, the pit of guilt already settled in Zelda’s stomach grew a bit at the comment, “Unfortunately,” The Ancient One continued, “You have only succeeded in buying us a little more time in which to act, the behemoth you beat back into confinement is a horror of unspeakable power,”
‘Could’ve fooled me,’ Zelda thought to herself, glancing back at the sealing spike behind her, the old woman's voice bringing her attention back to the conversation at hand. 
“Judging by what I saw, I would not be surprised if the seal gave way again soon,” Zelda mentally kicked herself, they didn’t have the time to waste on this thing, especially given the condition of her best friend. She ran a hand across her face turning towards the slope leading back up the temple.
“Then I need to start moving,” She spoke interrupting the Ancient One who herself had begun to speak again, she raised a hand in a motion of apology, “If we’re going to make and enact a new plan we need Link, whatever you need me to do can be done when I return, but for now I need you to seal up the temple, every inch of it, I don’t want anything getting in there until I get back.” Zelda ordered not waiting for a response before rushing off letting the vents take her back up the spiral. She realized her tone and actions were a bit rude, but judging by not only the Ancient One’s words, but the condition Link was currently in, she didn’t have time for social niceties, and she definitely didn’t have time to feel bad for being rude.
She could do that later, once Link was back on his feet..
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away Supplementary Post FOUR
I think it’s four!  I don’t know for sure at this point!
The next actual story post is going up right after this don’t worry
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
So I mentioned early on that I don't think about game mechanics too hard with CoRA because it's more focused on the story
And I mentioned last post that I've been thinking about it more lately as we've been getting fight scenes lmao
I don't think as many people are interested in this but it does have a lot to do with how I'm managing what the characters can and can't do, specifically Queen Zelda, so here's an overview of what's in my head:
CoRA's game play, if it were a game, would try to marry the botw gameplay with both alttp and Age of Calamity
(why try to include something that's technically a different genre? More examples of a higher variety of characters than just Link, that's why)
The major thing this means is that all characters have both a stamina wheel and a magic meter, and the magic meter also functions like the A-move bars in aoc; if you can't do general magic you can still use it for things that take immense effort, which covers things like A-move style attacks but also probably includes shit like making a wish so hard that it comes true.
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[Image Description: Part of a fake screenshot of CoRA as a game.  Link is running across a green field, hard enough to sweat.  He has a bright green stamina wheel by his head that’s partially depleted, twelve full hearts across the top left of the screen, and to the left of the hearts is a long thin blue meter that’s been partially depleted as well.  End ID.]
(The Magic Meter is blue here because that way all three Goddess Colors are represented in Link’s personal resources.)
The magic meter can be replenished by three things: rest (both sleep and meditation), potions designed for it, and success in battle (smacking dudes in the face successfully). It cannot be replenished by food the way that stamina and hearts can but since on average most people don't use their magic every day, most people are walking around with a full meter at all times.
In other words, Queen Zelda used the equivalent of her A-move to blast Astramorus through that wall, because she could afford to do so.
That's also why she was being slightly less active in some of the other fight scenes, including why she didnt step in when Astramorus was getting slapped around by Ghirahim, because she didn't know that she COULD afford to waste an A-move when Ghirahim's rather obviously a high level threat.
She did spend one on the Silver Hinox but as anyone who's played aoc knows it tends to take more than one A-move to take out a red hinox.
There's items that draw on your magic meter and then there's items that have their own internal reserves, like the wizzrobe rods.
As for the stamina wheel, it functions more or less like the one from botw. Some people use it for different things depending on their aptitudes; Marla and most other Zora wouldn't use stamina for normal speed swimming and Rito wouldn't use it when gliding. An old man might use his stamina wheel for a trot he didn't need it for as a youth. After Marla gifts Link with one of her scales he doesn't need it for normal speed swimming either.
Generally weapons would have a more complicated durability interplay than what we see in the botw system; cheap weapons and wooden weapons would have durability that looked similar to that but metal weapons in general would never break until Link got the power gloves in Subrosia, and then they'd start wearing down more quickly and sometimes shatter after an A move. The flipside is that Link can hit harder. He CAN turn the effect of the power gloves off, which is good because he'd keep breaking cups.
The Master Sword wouldn't break at all but he's not getting it until the sequel.
The power gloves also increase Link's strength just in general and he absolutely went around Subrosia picking up huge rocks when he got them. If he wanted, he could probably go moblin tipping.
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[Image Description: A blue round globe or disc, it’s unclear, labeled “Moon Pearl.”  It has sparkles under its surface.  End ID.]
The Moon Pearl, which is what Serenumbra used to awaken Ghirahim and summon him to where he wanted, does basically whatever I want that makes sense (if the Dungeon Master in my brain likes it that's what I go with.) It largely works in things that involve interworld travel, but it can also transform things according to reflections on their souls OR it can protect the bearer from general interdimensional shenanigans.
I actually tend to think that he hasn't fully understood what this means yet but that Ghirahim has been made slightly more "human" by having its powers worked on him. The main thing this has meant that he's already noticed is that he's been eating and sleeping, but it's also probably a factor in why he was too dazed by the process to do anything about Serenumbra right then and there.
The thing that the Scarred Woman used to summon Chekov the hinox is a Force Gem like from Four Swords Adventures, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, because if my inner gamemaster thinks she can use something she does. I think in CoRA they're basically little shards of power left in places gods and other powerful spiritual beings have trod, and they're less rare than you'd expect, because there are little gods everywhere. Serenumbra has a lower level spell of some kind that lets him use them as warp points for various purposes, hence why the Scarred Woman could put a hinox in the middle of the castle throne room with one.
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[Image ID: The Scarred Woman in her fox mask holding up a small glowing green crystal with triangular sides.  End ID.]
If anyone hasn't connected the dots yet, that's ALSO where the hinox Link fought in the tutorial dungeon came from. Astramorus wouldn't see this as absolving him of his own responsibility for how things played out but it's absolutely true that Serenumbra has been actively encouraging, aiding and abetting every worst impulse he's been able to catch out of Astra and has planted just as many as he's helped along.
Anyway that all got longer than I meant but it's relevant for the incoming posts, so!
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trickemperor · 5 years
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FULL NAME.  Safilix Link Arwise MEANING. Skyloftians don’t really put meanings to names, usually just naming their children after others in their family they hope they’ll become like. Link is his father’s name, and has always been his middle name. he wears it proudly, often being called by it especially by the older generation. his deadname ( Eugenie ) was the name of his maternal grandmother, who was a knight at the academy. When he changed his name, he chose the name of his maternal grandfather, Safilix, who was an accomplished knight.  NICKNAME. Saf, Link, ‘Lix, Saffy, sleepyhead, master ( by fi ), Chosen Hero, etc GENDER.  Male ( trans ) HEIGHT.   5’ 7" / 173 cm AGE.  17-19 ZODIAC. Leo  SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  Hylian, ancient Hylian ( semi-fluent, still teaching himself / getting taught ), Hylian sign language. in modern / non-Hyrule verses these are replaced with English, Japanese and ASL.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOUR. the Good Brown EYE COLOUR.  some kinda blue SKIN TONE. once fair, now very tan, especially in the arms, hands, and back of the neck. and his face, of course, which is also covered in sun-born freckles. BODY TYPE.  ecto-endomorph. or, as i like to call it, a ruler that you used the curve-ify tool on, and it really wishes you didn’t do that. ACCENT. in his own time, no noticeable accent. he sounds almost alarmingly “normal” in terms of Skyloftian accent. outside his time, his dialect isn’t that out of wack, but his oft-odd enunciation and stuttering give him a recognizable sound. VOICE. as in voice claim? don’t got one lmao. as for the sound of his voice-- normally softer, but confident. if emotional or angry, loud and strong.
DOMINANT HAND.  right-handed POSTURE.  sits up relatively straight when he remembers to, but otherwise leans forward or backward, with his elbows either resting on his knees or some surface behind him. sits straight and with good posture when around people that intimidate him or that he wants to impress. when standing, he usually shifts his weight from foot to foot, but otherwise stands straight. SCARS. many; notably, a couple slashes on various angles of his torso from ghirahim’s duels, a nick on the right side of his chin, and several patches of permanently burned skin from the eldin regions.  TATTOOS.  n/a MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). he just looks, like... generally weathered. u take one look at his stance and tanned skin / scars and the palms of his hands and the look in his eyes and his reflexes n ur like. hey that guy’s done some stuff. he’s also got pointy ears, so if you’re not hylian those are funky.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. Skyloft HOMETOWN.  Skyloft BIRTH WEIGHT.  average BIRTH HEIGHT.  he was a tiny baby rip MANNER OF BIRTH.  the normal way ig?? lmao FIRST WORDS.  his family’s names so he could call for them when he wanted things. “momma” for aeryn, “rink” for link, and “fix” / “grampa” for his grandfather.  SIBLINGS. none PARENTS.   raised by several people; his parents raised him until he was six, then his grandpa raised him until he was nine, then he was taken in by the whole academy staff but technically raised himself PARENT INVOLVEMENT. while they were alive, very very close. he thinks about them a lot.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION. previously the Chosen Hero / Hero of the Skies, now an explorer / cartographer CURRENT RESIDENCE.  no single place, constantly traveling, though he returns to his friends’ homes as often as possible  CLOSE FRIENDS.  Zelda, Fi, his mother,  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  single pringle FINANCIAL STATUS.  adventurer. which is a fancy way of saying Has No Money. DRIVER’S LICENSE. he has a bird license CRIMINAL RECORD. nope. he’s a pure sunshine boy VICES.  Restlessness. he absolutely can NOT sit still ever. despite his anxiety, he’s constantly talking to people, he’s constantly traveling and can never settle in one place for more than a month, and even on a small scale he’s always bouncing his legs or moving his fingers. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  biromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive       |       dominant       |       switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive       |       dominant       |       switch LIBIDO.   TURN ON’S. TURN OFF’S.  
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  he hasn’t been in one yet so i can only guess but Patient and Kind and basically the kravitz to anyone’s taako. :)
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. every time i think of saf i think of the knight academy theme song. so. that. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   whittling’s a big one, riding his loftwing, making maps / mapping things. sometimes does archery when he’s got the time MENTAL ILLNESSES.  anxiety ( specifically social anxiety and mild generalized anxiety ), im still considering giving him panic disorder so that’s on the backburner for now, PTSD with chronic insomnia bundle package, he’s just full to the brim with anxiety and he needs to sleep PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  uhhh synesthesia’s gonna go here lmao. saf has mirror-touch synesthesia and can feel what he sees others feel due to crossed wires in his brain, which does affect him physically. seeing others get physically injured hurts his body to an extent as well, and he also copies facial expressions and sometimes movements too. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. a solid mix of both. tends to lean toward the more impulsive artistic side though.
PHOBIAS.  ombrophobia, aquaphobia, the silent realms, being called his deadname, seeing people get hurt, being the center of a crowd
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Pretty confident with bouts of doubt from time to time VULNERABILITIES. anxious baby, selfless almost to a fault,
TAGGED BY: stole from @spiritmaiden .... again lol
TAGGING: eh its 11pm goodnight
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puppyluver256 · 7 years
Random Zant headcanons
Because I just don’t talk about him enough. :P Any AUs are marked appropriately.
Zant experiences synesthesia, specifically seeing colors in conjunction with certain tastes/sounds.
He and Midna are siblings. Technically half-siblings, but I imagine Twili families getting kinda complicated so let’s just say it’s enough blood relation for me to get kinda squicked by shipping them (not hatin’ on anyone who ships it, it’s just headcanons so you do you). Midna’s the older one and would kinda tease Zant a lot when they were kids, but she never meant it in malice. Kind of a shame what happened, really, if Zant’s ambition hadn’t gotten the better of him and he hadn’t met Ganondorf they coulda done some real good as a sib team.
He’s asexual, but I’m gonna ref this one post I saw talking about how the Japanese term for dual-wielding swords is a metaphor for ~things~ and say he’s biromantic.
Going with the crowd favorite of Zant (and other Twili) haaaaaating the cold, or either extreme end of the temperature scale honestly. Twilight Realm doesn’t have very much temperature variation, so if the weather ain’t temperate he’s very uncomfortable. At least he gets to layer a lot with cold weather like he likes, so that’s a little bonus for cold over heat.
Another crowd favorite: heat/magic sense made possible by those pronounced slits on the sides of his mouth.
I don’t care how deep his actual in-game speaking voice gets (when not flipping his lid anyway), this guy will forever be my voice claim for Zant. He’s also responsible for me really liking Zant in the first place okay, yes my opinions are a little bit colored by a dumb abridged series, but that was the catalyst for me getting interested in him for how he really is so it’s all gooood~♪ (warning: I haven’t watched that series in years so it may, erm...may be a product of its time and also a bit more offensive than its era was okay with anyway, I don’t remember that much because a different one is more fresh in my mind...also it was made before YouTube got rid of its 11 minute time limit so there’s that)
(modern AU) He’s interested in film work and probably vlogs for film/editing practice. And I don’t mean those asshole vloggers like a certain person who merrily traipsed into a location infamously known as a goddamn suicide forest to laugh at the corpse of a recent victim dear god, I mean a nice respectful vlogger like Stephen Georg. ...Who is honestly the only vlogger I watch and thus my only reference point, hehe.
(modern AU) While he would prefer not to drive if he can help it, when he has to it’s surprisingly a pretty smooth ride for all involved barring unpleasant actions taken by other drivers. He’s good about paying attention to the road and following the rules and the signage (unless it’s not there, which does happen, no lie my mom got caught speeding on a road with no sign and she debated it with the cop who stopped her and she got off and now there’s a sign there). A certain sword spirit he hangs out with keeps trying to convince him to at least try riding on his motorcycle but he ain’t having it, hospital people call those damn things “donor-cycles” and if that’s a testament to anything then he’ll take four wheels or just his feet over that death trap. Speaking of relations with certain sword spirits...
What do I think about Zant and Ghirahim, since it seems they’re kind of the less-moralistic Jessie and James to Ganondorf’s Giovanni due to Hyrule Warriors? Well, I’m not an active shipper of the two like seems to be common around here, but s’not like it bothers me for any reason (purely headcanon-based or otherwise) like the other Zant pairings I’ve seen. I just tend to not think about Ghirahim that much in general. :P I imagine the two of them as what TvTropes describes as “Vitriolic Best Buds”, where they’re kinda assholes to one another but it’s all in good fun, they know when it’s gone too far and when to stop, and no one else is allowed to mess with either of ‘em in that way. Now if any Ghirazant fans wanna interpret any future work I do of the two of them as slightly shippy, I’m not gonna stop you. Have fun. ;3
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shaykai · 3 years
How abt Astor(aoc) for the character thing?
First impression
I honestly don't remember my first impression of him? I think I thought he was neat? Djdjjdj
Impression now
Rat bastard man, also Nintendo please give me his lore. I want so badly to know what his deal is. What was his life in Hyrule like? Did he have any friends?? In short he's shitty and arrogant and I love him djdjdjd
Favorite moment
Hmmmm either when you first fight him, and he summons the blighted versions of the champions (which I think is a very fun moment) or in that terrible cutscene where he finally betrays Sooga/Kohga and it's terrible because he's an arrogant bastard who is actually winning at the moment and he's gonna hurt them and it's bad :( (also that's just like. One of my favorite cutscenes. Mostly because Kohga/Sooga are there and y'all the similarities between those two and Link/Zelda?? Anyways I'm here to talk about rat man, so I'll stop rambling)
Idea for a story
If you've been around for a while you've probably seen little doodles for an au where Fi and Ghirahim get to be in AoC. So yeah basically that djdjdjdj I think Ghirahim should get to go on adventures with Astor (and bonus points because it's a slow burn friendship djjdjdjdjd)
Unpopular opinion
I like to think he was relatively high ranking in Hyrule? Like not a lot but he also wasn't a peasant or anything. Also he basically lived in the castles library and he has his own little corner of it. (Its not technically his but there's so many old candles and books and also he's always there so no one else can have it)
Favorite relationship
Ghirahim Okay either Harbinger or Sooga. Harbinger is fun cause that's like. his only friend. Like yeeeeah Ganon was never his friend and Harbinger is basically Ganon, but also shush it's the same dynamic that Zelda has with Terrako and I will die on this hill. Also Sooga. Cause they hate each other. So. Much. It's great. Like any scene that has the two of them, there's just so much tension?? Sooga doesn't trust Astor AT ALL he is ready to kill him at all times. And Astor's pretty aware of the fact that Sooga does what Kohga wants/would do anything for him, and I fully believe he is not above poking at their relationship and actively taunting the fuck out of Sooga because unless Kohga calls the order, he's safe.
Favorite headcanon
He's a history buff, he loves history so much you guys. He knows all about Sheika tech and Ganon/Zelda/Link and their past reincarnations, he could tell you all about a magical place called Skyloft and Demise and Hylia and how one of them is cooler than the other one. He's also a pretty big fan of architecture because of this, but he mostly dabbles in myths and legends and old wars and histories and what not.
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