#and its affecting my mood my skin i look 20 months pregnant all the time all to still be 125lbs lolllllllllllll
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weight talk and stuff
#my weight is constantly constantlyyyyy on my mind and not in a driving me crazy way more like#idk...im just hyperaware of it and constantly oscillating between imagining not caring about it anymore and actually putting in the work to#look the way i want to look#and my conviction to do so grows stronger every time i see a rly small girl in public#lame as hell to say at twenty four entire years old but holy hell i miss the honeymoon phase so bad#food used to be so whatever to me#now its all i think about im soooooo glutinous. biblically so#and its affecting my mood my skin i look 20 months pregnant all the time all to still be 125lbs lolllllllllllll#lexapro i will NEVERRRRR forgive u#hate to sound like the twitter heaux but being hungry all the time did feel powerful in a fucked up way#in conclusion. i feel like a food aggressive animal. and wish to not be.#moonbeam
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Commander Charon (Frugal Ferryman)

Charon’s one of those characters you either really love or really loathe. I personally love him and was way too excited when I found his journal in the Silph Co. building in HGSS! Honestly, he may be my favorite in the entire franchise...
He’s also the only Team Galactic Commander who (for the most part) is relatively consistent with his personality. His anime version had that delightful laugh and mildly sarcastic attitude I enjoyed in the game. His Special/Adventures and DPA counterparts just cranked that snark up to 11 and went over the top with it. He was a melodramatic ham, yes, but a recognizable melodramatic ham.
He makes me smile. He makes me laugh. He makes me feel a little less weird about my steadily increasing Rotom collection. And, naturally, I have to have him play a major role in my Platinum prequel fan-fiction Pokemon Dawn & Dusk!
Going into this, I knew there were two things I wanted to do when creating Charon’s blend (Frugal Ferryman):
It needed to smell like old people (but in a good way)
It needed to use at least one of the most ridiculously expensive oils in my collection (because Charon thinks he’s worth it).
And yet somehow, the main oil in this synergy ended up being neither of those things. It ended up being my December Oil of the Month from Plant Therapy: something so obscure and rare that I can only order it from them over the phone!
It’s Cubeb Essential Oil: a mildly peppery scent that promotes pain relief, respiratory health, and digestive health. By itself, it kind of smells like soy sauce. I was stumped on how I could use it, but then I did some research to see what it paired with…
To get that “old person” smell, I added CO2 Supercritical Bulgarian Lavender (which made the blend smell just like these half-fossilized bath cubes my grandmother’s hoarded in her bathroom since the late 1980s) and Ylang Ylang III.
To give you some idea, Ylang Ylang is known as “king of the flowers” and has the obnoxiously high price tag to match. It’s great for hair care, is lauded as a powerful aphrodisiac, but typically only succeeds in making me sleepy due to its strong sedative properties.
Earlier, I made note that one of these bath bombs knocked me out in the tub and I woke up a couple of hours later. It was this one. This bomb means business and isn’t for the faint (or weak) of heart.
Together, the blend starts out with an “old lady’s powder room” type of floral…but then the peppery notes of the Cubeb come back to give it a more masculine bite. I really like the way this one smells…but the way it looks is even more dramatic. There’s so much purple in this one that you can’t even see your body in the water!
Now it’s time to talk about the pros and cons of these oils from a safety perspective…
Aromatherapy isn’t just about pretty smells and scented bath water. Essential oils are in such a high concentration that even absorbing them through your skin can leave you with the therapeutic (and potentially toxic) benefits.
If you are allergic to a plant, you are 100% without question going to be super allergic to the essential oil.
There’s also such a thing as contraindications: where some oils may affect you in weird ways if you have a certain medical condition or take certain medications.
The information below is for your safety if you want to attempt to make this blend at home (as a bath bomb, a body spray, or even scented bath salts). And do be sure to wear gloves. Some of these oils have recommended dilution rates as small as 0.4%. You don’t want that to slide on bare skin!
The Javanese Cubeb plant (Piper cubeba) is known by many names, but is cultivated mostly for its fruit and essential oil. The smell is very aromatic (kind of peppery, really pungent, slightly bitter, and it lingers). The aromatherapists say it smells like a cross between Allspice and Black Pepper (both of which you can get as essential oils), but I’m calling bullshit.
It smells like soy sauce. It pairs well with clove, rosemary, and most wood oils.
I’d never heard of this oil until I got it as Plant Therapy’s December Oil of the Month, nor did I have any idea how to use it. A quick Google search told me this is one of the oldest essential oils used by mankind, dating as far back as the 4th Century BC!
Cubeb was used by ancient Greek pharmakons, along with medieval alchemists. Even some modern witchcraft rituals use this fantastic plant--and I’d never freaking heard of it.
It’s an aphrodisiac! There’s nothing quite like a superconcentrated dried pepper to put you in the mood, I guess. People used to use this thing to treat infertility, impotence, ED, gonorrhea, and other STDs. And apparently, the two things I mixed with the Cubeb for Charon’s blend also have this aphrodisiac property. Ladies~
Feeling bloated? Cubeb’s here to help! Sometimes you really have to fart and it won’t come out. So you bloat, feeling all that painful air trap inside you with no way out. Cubeb Essential Oil has a carminative (gas-relieving) property to help you break wind discretely and safely. However, if chronic flatulence becomes a regular thing for you, contact your healthcare provider.
Feeling a little blocked up? Can’t breathe well? Cubeb’s fantastic for breaking up phlegm, calming down asthma, relieving congestion, and helping you ward off that nasty cough once and for all! For even faster results, pair it with Cajeput Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil, or Camphor Essential Oil.
Flush out toxins! Cubeb has diuretic properties. It stimulates your kidneys to excrete more liquid, which in turn flushes out any toxins in your body. This can include stuff like uric acid, salt, cholesterol, and fat.
Tired joints? Maybe Cubeb can be of assistance! Some Ayurvedic medicine practitioners use Cubeb Essential Oil to alleviate aches and pains from joint and bone problems.
By itself, it smells like freaking soy sauce. I cannot reiterate that enough. If you diffuse this at work (true story), people are going to assume you have something delicious at your cubicle and won’t stop hounding you for it. That’s really frustrating when you’re trying to run a QA test!
Due to its high sequiterpene content, this is not a cat-safe oil.
Cubeb Essential Oil (when overused) runs the risk of increasing the sensitivity of your stomach and intestines. Don’t use this oil if you’re taking antacids, have acid reflux disease, or take medications to decrease stomach acid.
Some people have reported irritated skin after prolonged use of Cubeb.
Avoid using this oil if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are nursing.
This is not a child-safe oil. Avoid this essential oil (and bath bomb) for any children under the age of 12.
Never apply this oil neat (undiluted) on your skin or ingest.
Due to Cubeb’s strong diuretic properties, avoid usage if you are suffering from kidney disease.
Pros: Lavender is one of your best friends when it comes to restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It’s also great for loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, gas, and a fussy stomach. It’s also remarkable for pain relief in cases where you’re troubled by migraines, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, and joint pain.
Some folks even apply Lavender Essential Oil to the skin for hair loss and pain. It’s also safe to apply this one neat (on your skin) for most people.
Lavender has also been shown to slow down the central nervous system when used on the regular. If you plan to go under for surgery or anything else with anesthesia, please avoid using Lavender Essential Oil two weeks ahead of the scheduled procedure.
Lavender should not be used by prepubescent and pubescent boys, as it can warp certain hormonal reactions and greatly increase risk for gynecomastia (male breast growth).
If you are taking a sedative, adding Lavender Essential Oil to the mix may create too much drowsiness. Exercise caution!
Ylang Ylang III
Fight insomnia! Ylang Ylang is a natural sleep aid and very effective. However, its sedative properties are so strong that you might want to avoid using Ylang Ylang in the morning or if you intend to drive or operate heavy machinery. Pull this oil out right before bed or at least once you’re in for the night. It’s worked for me!
Repel head lice! Ylang Ylang can be used in a combination spray to repel and even kill head lice. Developing evidence suggests that a homeopathic blend of coconut oil, anise oil, and ylang ylang oil had a 92% effectiveness rate on killing those unwanted creepy crawlies in children’s hair.
Lower high blood pressure!
Increase your sex drive! Ylang Ylang is a natural aphrodisiac and has been used for millennia for that exact purpose. There’s a reason this flower is also known as the King of the Flowers.
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is considered to be universally safe for general use. However, it is not safe to diffuse around a cat.
When I said this thing is a sedative, I freaking meant it. I am a relatively healthy 28-year-old woman and this bath bomb knocked me out in 20 minutes. I stayed asleep for a solid 2 hours. If you plan to use Charon’s bath bomb, make sure you have absolutely no other plans for the rest of the day and leave the bathroom door unlocked. There’s a good chance you’ll pass out in the tub.
#Commander Charon#Charon#Commander Pluto#Pluto#Team Galactic#Galactic Bombs#Skye makes bath bombs#Professor Palmarosa#professorpalmarosa
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Udo’s Choice® Ultimate Oil Blend

Certified organic, Udo's Oil is a seed oil formulated to contains the perfect ratio of 2:1 of Omega 3 and 6. What's more, it's the richest vegan source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids available in Ireland. These essential fatty acids play a key role in many functions including heart, brain and vision health to help you look and feel amazing, inside and out. How much Udo’s Oil should I take? We recommend one dessertspoon for every 25kg of body weight per day to get optimum benefit. It’s best to start with one spoon and build up to your optimum amount. A small number of people can feel a little nausea as the body adjusts, so if this happens, reduce the amount you take and build up gradually. Most people need a little more in winter than summer. Can the oil be added to hot foods? Yes, steamed veggies, baked potatoes, soups, etc, but after they are served. Can I stir-fry with the oil? Please do not do this. Heat damages the properties of the oil so you will lose all the wonderful benefits. It is no problem to add the oil to warm food once it has been served. How long can Udo's Oil be left out of the fridge? Our instruction is to make sure it is stored in the fridge. Stability tests have shown that there is no change/loss in stability for 3 days out of fridge. To get the longest life for the oil, this needs to be in the fridge. What is the shelf life of Udo's Oil? Unopened - 12 months if refrigerated, up to 2 years if frozen and 8 weeks once opened. What is the difference between the capsules and the liquid oil? You need to take a lot more tablets for the same benefits. It takes 14 capsules to give you 1 tbsp of the liquid oil. The capsules are for convenience and travelling. Can I take Udo's Oil while Pregnant and Breastfeeding? Yes, firstly because Udo’s Oil does not contain either Vitamin A or D. Secondly, EFA’s are required by infants for proper brain development, particularly between the third trimester of pregnancy and 18 months of age. Pregnant women can become quite deficient in EFA’s as the foetus draw these from the mother. As well as the possibility of being physically depleted, this can have a knock-on effect on your mood during the challenging childrearing days. The addition of sufficient EFA’s to a mother’s diet is known to alleviate post-natal depression and stress. Supplementation with Udo’s Oil while pregnant and breastfeeding will ensure that both, mother and baby, receive sufficient EFA’s. Another great benefit is to your skin – lubricated skin is more elastic, less likely to tear or create stretch marks and returns more easily to its former tautness. How much Udo’s Oil should a woman take while nursing? The recommendation for pregnant women and new mothers is 1 tablespoon per 25kg of weight. While pregnant, as your weight increases with the growth of the baby, your need for essential fats will increase. Will the Udo’s Oil a nursing mother ingests affect the baby’s digestion? Not usually; these essential fats are required throughout infancy and beyond. Is Udo's Oil suitable for children and babies? Yes, Udo’s Oil can be given to babies over six months old, preferably mixed in food instead of off the spoon, starting with a teaspoonful, and increase with age as follows: 1-3 years - 2 tsp 3-10 years - 1 Tbsp 10 yrs and up - the full 2 Tbsp How do I know I’m getting the right amount? Your body is intelligent. It knows its own hierarchy when it comes to your health and prioritises your most vital organs. Heart and Brain are high on the list and will be first to take what they need from your oil. After your vital organs and glands are satisfied then come your joints and all soft tissue. Next, your skin, the outermost organ. When you feel your skin becoming smooth and velvety soft, then you can be sure the rest of the vital cells everywhere in your body are getting the optimum amount of Udo’s Oil. You’ll feel the difference. Why is the ratio of Omegas we take so important? Dr Udo Erasmus spent 15 years experimenting on getting the most beneficial ratio of Omegas we require daily. For example, he found that using Flax seed oil (linseed) alone, which is very rich in Omega 3 but low in Omega 6 can lead to dry eyes, painful finger joints, fragile skin and skipped heartbeats and lowered immune function. These are the symptoms of Omega 6 deficiency as they are crowded out by the Omega 3’s. Too much of a good thing! Long years of experience led Udo to blend a combination of oils which give you Omega 3:6:9 in a ratio of 2:1:1. He has reliably found this to be the most effective and beneficial blend. Is Udo’s Oil considered a raw food? Yes it is. Minimal heat is involved in its pressing, no enzymes are destroyed and it is not pasteurised at all. Can Coeliacs take Udo’s Oil? Is it gluten free? Yes – because the oil does not contain any gluten from oats, it remains behind in the seed cake after the oil has been separated. Is Udo's Oil suitable for diabetics and will it interfere with the pill/blood thinning medication/other medication? Diabetics and people taking the blood thinning agent Warfarin may need to monitor their requirement for the medication more frequently. Omega 3′s in particular are useful for thinning the blood – this will not happen overnight, but rather over a period of time. EFA’s also help to lower the glycemic index of foods which may reduce the requirement for insulin – again, this must be monitored by a GP and will not occur overnight. Does Udo's Oil lower Cholesterol? How long will it take? Omegas alone can help lower cholesterol, but only slightly. It’s phytosterols that block absorption and re-absorption of cholesterol from the gut, lowering levels by up to 25%. Unlike most other supplementary oils, Udo’s Oil contains a rich 65mg per tablespoon, an ample amount to help balance your cholesterol levels. The length of time it takes to notice results depends on your starting level but is usually 3-4 months. It’s high in fat, will it make me fat? Is it ok for my heart? The oil blend has a reputation for reducing weight, particularly if related to fluid retention. EFA’s slow down digestion (a good thing) so we absorb more from the foods we eat. Udo recommends the oil is best taken with green foods as we will absorb more nutrients. If, however, the oil is taken together with carbohydrates, starches and sugars, we will absorb more and may increase weight rather than reduce weight. The golden rule is – take with green foods to reduce weight, or take with carbohydrates and starch to help gain weight. The fats in Udo’s Choice are the good fats which increase bad fat burn-off, which is good for both, heart and waistline. EPA/DHA: Is Udo’s Oil a source of EPA and DHA? The traditional source of EPA and DHA is from the oils of cold water fish and marine animals. Among land animals it comes from the brain and glandular tissues. Modern scientific research has found out that these oils deteriorate very rapidly after an animal dies!! These two fatty acids are manufactured in the animal body - and in human bodies - from Omega-3. EPA and DHA are normal constituents of our cells, especially abundant in brain, nerve, visual, adrenal, and sex gland cells, the most bio-chemically active tissues in our bodies. However, in order for our bodies to produce EPA and DHA from Omega-3, the cells have to be healthy. Degenerative conditions may impair our body's ability to make them. Fish and marine animals do produce these fatty acids in their bodies, but they get much of what they require from brown and red algae. Omega 3 - Fish versus Plant source; which is better? The Omega-3 EFA in the Udo’s oil is transformed by the body into the EPA and DHA as it needs it. Omega-3 in seeds is more stable, less processed and the body has better metabolic control over the transformation process. These EFA’s are readily available in fish oil. Fish oils are faster acting. The other concern with many fish oils on the market is that they may go rancid very fast. As well fish oils may contain high levels of mercury and other toxic metals. How is Omega-3 used by the body? What about conversion of omega 3 to EPA and DHA? Half of the Omega-3 intake gets burned for energy. 10-20% per day is converted into EPA/DHA, but this conversion depends, in part, on the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6. The conversion is slowed down by excess Omega-6 intake, so they need to be properly proportioned and balanced. The conversion may be hindered by a lack of nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and copper, B3, B6, Vitamin C and E. Women convert Omega-3 to DHA/EPA better than men (36% vs. 16%) Conversion of Omega-3 to DHA also depends on how much DHA is already present in the body. 95-99% of the population does not get enough Omega-3, and what is not present cannot be converted. Saturated and trans-fatty acids can also hinder conversion. Omega-3 and Omega-6 from organic seed oils are very easily used by the body. Taking all these variables into account makes it difficult to generalize but at minimum people are able to convert ALA to DHA at a rate of 2-5% and 5-10% for EPA. This means that one tbsp of Udo’s Oil, which has 6500mg of Omega-3, will give between 130 and 325mg DHA and 325-650mg of EPA. GLA: What is GLA? Gamma Linolenic Acid – part of the breakdown of linoleic acid, or Omega-6. In terms of the GLA content, is it possible to get too much GLA? Almost impossible. There is only a minute amount of GLA in the blend, and since the body makes GLA from omega 6, you really cannot get too much from the oil. The omega 3 in the blend keeps everything in balance. click here to buy udos choice Read the full article
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To be honest, I was never going to write this post until Monday came around. With this week being National Infertility Awareness week, my situation just hit me hard again and I was reminded that for me, being open and sharing my truth and struggles is something that not only helps me personally but hopefully helps others too. This Covid-19 world has become a super shitty time for so many people. Before I go into everything. Let me rewind.
Many of you know that we struggled for a long time to bring Otis into the world. You can read all about our infertility and multiple rounds of IVF as I wrote a lot of pretty detailed posts throughout the process. After settling into life as a new mom, Blake and I both started to think about expanding our family. We have 3 frozen embryos that have been genetically tested and our plan moving forward was to do a FET (frozen embryo transfer) to expand our family. We made the decision not to try naturally based on my own anxieties about my egg quality being poor. Plus, to have these little miracle embryos is such a blessing. We worked so hard to get them and we wanted to give them a fighting chance. Sharing the start of our cycle and what ended up happening. I had started a FET diary on my computer to document what I was feeling and going through so tapping into that in the paragraphs below.
We decided to prep for a transfer at the end of March so that meant starting our treatment at the beginning of February. The first piece of the puzzle was doing a Hysteroscopy to take a look inside my uterus with a camera to make sure everything looked good to prep for a transfer. I remember the day I had the blood drawl in preparation for the procedure. It’s funny how quickly you fall back into these same routines of what now has seemed like a distant time away. After finally being in my own skin for about 2 months, here we were again. In my own skin meaning no breastfeeding and finally for once having my body literally to myself. The wildest thing after years of treatment and then being pregnant. Have to say, those 2 months were an incredible time to honor my own body and mind just being my own. Staring into a future of needles, meds, mood swings and anxiety had me on the edge of my seat. Maybe its PTSD from the years of treatments. It’s wild because it’s such a strange emotion. I am both calm and anxious at once. Is that even a thing?!? After going through this process before, there is a sense of calm in knowing what to expect. I also know that this really can work. Otis is sheer proof that the miracle possibility is something that is so real I can literally wrap my arms around him this second and hug him so hard and close. On the flip side, it’s heavy to know the journey that lies ahead and the obstacles ahead of us as well. So it’s this wild mix of emotions as I know those evil estrogen pills are on their way to my pharmacy and the countless needles that lie in my future. For a split second, I think about how much easier it would be if we could just be normal and conceive without all this baggage. But then I snap out of it. All the blood, sweat, tears and love we put into this process. All the work. Our precious embryos sitting frozen at the embryo bank. My mind instantly switches gears. It’s a privilege I get to look this battle in the eye again. And you know what? I’m a hell of a lot stronger than when I first started this journey and you bet the fight left in me is strong.
I hoisted the giant cardboard box of medications onto our kitchen island. I took a deep breath because I knew what was ahead of me. The first shot of many and the first opportunity to prep for baby number 2. So exciting. Nerve wracking. Emotional. All the feelings. I decided that I was going to do it. Blake was next to me reading my protocol papers and telling me my dosage. I was starting my lupron injections. The lupron basically turns off your own hormones so you can sync everything with the hormones I will be taking soon. The injection is telling my body not to ovulate etc. It’s wild what these meds can do to help prepare for an embryo transfer. Wild. I pulled out the bag of orange insulin syringes. Funny that something so distant was feeling all too familiar. I pulled back the syringe to the 20 mark and I was ready to inject. I stood there for a second. Anticipating how it would feel again, psyching myself up. And BAM. I did it. And just like that, we were “IN IT” again. Holy crap guys. We were really in it.
Everything was on track. Everything was going, dare I say, GREAT. Time was flying by and really before I knew it I was taking my estrogen pills and estrogen patches headed into the doctor’s office for scans to check my lining. I remember Dr. M saying how surprised she was that my lining was looking so good toward the beginning to the point I thought something might be wrong! Maybe things were just finally playing out without a struggle. Maybe things were finally syncing up perfectly with the universe. There was an odd sense of calm and peace and everything was shaping up to look great.
Covid-19 was starting to slowly creep into every part of daily life and I we quickly felt like we were on a race against the clock. What was really happening in the world? How was it going to trickle to us? It started to quickly become scarier by the day and it was always in the back of my mind that our fertility center might close. I was talking to a girlfriend on the East Coast who let me know at some point that her fertility clinic was closing and my heart instantly sunk. Was this all really happening?!
It was March 16th that would darken this FET cycle for us. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, it became clear that this was going to possibly affect my treatments. I feel like each day leading up to this started to become increasingly scary and left me feeling such fear looking into the unknown of what each new day would bring. The virus was spreading more quickly than ever and slowly but surely everything was starting to close. Of course like so many people out there I was glued to my phone. Waiting for updates from businesses, brands, and most importantly my fertility clinic and the CCRM. The CCRM is the facility that not only stores my embryos but performs the surgical and non surgical procedures of egg retrievals, iuis, and embryo transfers. The day before my doctor’s appointment, I was scrolling instagram and saw an update from the CCRM. My heart sank. It stated that at this time, they were still performing egg retrievals but had put a pause on all embryo transfers and iuis. The tears started to flow down my face. Of all reasons to have my cycle cancelled, it wasn’t my body’s fault, it was totally out of our control. This stupid virus was fucking up my whole treatment plan. After months of prep, and a month and half of medications, I was literally a week away from my transfer and it was cancelled in an instant. I sent the text to a close friend of mine. Blake was on a conference call, and I was mid convo with my friend. She called me immediately to say how sorry she was. And we both started crying. I just knew it. I was going to get cancelled and I had found out by casually scrolling my instagram. Brutal. Absolutely brutal. I still held on to a glimmer of hope for when I immediately called my doctors office. They were still waiting on feedback from our specific CCRM center and I would have to wait till the morning for a final word on whether I was getting cancelled.
I woke up, showered, and got our whole family ready. Otis included! And packed us all into the car to head to the doctors. Keep in mind, we were in the middle of a quarantine to stop the spread of Covid-19 and didn’t have our nanny with us so Otis was coming with us to my appointment. We got 5 minutes down the road and I called my clinic. I let them know there was no way I was coming into the office if my cycle was getting cancelled. They placed me on hold and the receptionist said I was being cancelled. So we turned around and awaited a call from my doctor. I talked to my doctor later that day. In a way, I kind of felt awful for her too. Having to make all of these gut wrenching calls to tell patients why their cycles needed to be cancelled. I think in that moment, things shifted as I know the weight of all of this falls on so many people. She explained that since the effects of covid-19 on early pregnancy are so unknown, she was not comfortable compromising my healthy and strong embryo to these unknown circumstances. We talked for a bit and while it was a bitter pill to swallow, I agreed with her. It was better to put everything on hold until the world was in a more stable position and we had more information to implant an embryo for best chances of success. Also treatment and monitoring might become increasingly difficult to knowingly put myself at risk if I had any complications would just not be the right thing to do.
The honest answer is that we wait. We wait till the world starts to recover. We wait till our health care systems are not being overloaded. And we wait until our doctors office comes up with a plan to start treatment cycles again.
Dealing with the repercussions of this pandemic world have left us all in a state of mourning. Mourning our past social lives, routines, and interactions. Not only was I mourning the state of the world, but I was mourning our cancelled cycle. While I am lucky to have doctors and a medical team that is putting my health and my future babies health first, the sting of being one week away from our transfer date is still fresh. It makes my heart ache knowing that others are going through the same and the worst of it, you can’t go to your girlfriends house to just get that hug you need right now. The solitude of quarantine kind of makes it an extra lonely time.
But before it sounds like a doom and gloom story, I wake up everyday, looking at Otis and smiling. Every day I am lucky enough to spend with him and our family staying home and spending this time together. The advantage of being through this before is that I have seen first hand how all the emotional and physical drains of treatment can be worth it. I know for a fact that I am strong and that I can stare infertility in the eye and kick its fucking ass. Excuse my language (sorry Mom I know you are reading this!) but you know what, I did this before and I WILL do it again.
To all my warriors out there that are feeling alone, scared, and hopeless I want you to know you have an army of women (and men!) behind you. The hardest thing to have through this process is hope but hope is what saw me through this the first time. Please know my heart is with you and whether you have shared your own journey with anyone else, I am here to support you. DM me. Email me. It might take me time to respond but if you need a friend, I am here. Don’t ever give up. Everyday I get to hear Otis’ laugh makes me so thankful I never gave up. Stay strong friends.
A note about this old photo from before quarantine. I was struggling to find a photo that was appropriate for this subject. This specific photo always reminds me that there is such beauty in the world meant to be enjoyed with your loved ones. And I know one day, we will be looking at this same sunset together as a family of four.
The post COVID-19 CANCELLED MY FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
from Wellness https://www.eatsleepwear.com/2020/04/24/covid-19-cancelled-my-frozen-embryo-transfer/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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To be honest, I was never going to write this post until Monday came around. With this week being National Infertility Awareness week, my situation just hit me hard again and I was reminded that for me, being open and sharing my truth and struggles is something that not only helps me personally but hopefully helps others too. This Covid-19 world has become a super shitty time for so many people. Before I go into everything. Let me rewind.
Many of you know that we struggled for a long time to bring Otis into the world. You can read all about our infertility and multiple rounds of IVF as I wrote a lot of pretty detailed posts throughout the process. After settling into life as a new mom, Blake and I both started to think about expanding our family. We have 3 frozen embryos that have been genetically tested and our plan moving forward was to do a FET (frozen embryo transfer) to expand our family. We made the decision not to try naturally based on my own anxieties about my egg quality being poor. Plus, to have these little miracle embryos is such a blessing. We worked so hard to get them and we wanted to give them a fighting chance. Sharing the start of our cycle and what ended up happening. I had started a FET diary on my computer to document what I was feeling and going through so tapping into that in the paragraphs below.
We decided to prep for a transfer at the end of March so that meant starting our treatment at the beginning of February. The first piece of the puzzle was doing a Hysteroscopy to take a look inside my uterus with a camera to make sure everything looked good to prep for a transfer. I remember the day I had the blood drawl in preparation for the procedure. It’s funny how quickly you fall back into these same routines of what now has seemed like a distant time away. After finally being in my own skin for about 2 months, here we were again. In my own skin meaning no breastfeeding and finally for once having my body literally to myself. The wildest thing after years of treatment and then being pregnant. Have to say, those 2 months were an incredible time to honor my own body and mind just being my own. Staring into a future of needles, meds, mood swings and anxiety had me on the edge of my seat. Maybe its PTSD from the years of treatments. It’s wild because it’s such a strange emotion. I am both calm and anxious at once. Is that even a thing?!? After going through this process before, there is a sense of calm in knowing what to expect. I also know that this really can work. Otis is sheer proof that the miracle possibility is something that is so real I can literally wrap my arms around him this second and hug him so hard and close. On the flip side, it’s heavy to know the journey that lies ahead and the obstacles ahead of us as well. So it’s this wild mix of emotions as I know those evil estrogen pills are on their way to my pharmacy and the countless needles that lie in my future. For a split second, I think about how much easier it would be if we could just be normal and conceive without all this baggage. But then I snap out of it. All the blood, sweat, tears and love we put into this process. All the work. Our precious embryos sitting frozen at the embryo bank. My mind instantly switches gears. It’s a privilege I get to look this battle in the eye again. And you know what? I’m a hell of a lot stronger than when I first started this journey and you bet the fight left in me is strong.
I hoisted the giant cardboard box of medications onto our kitchen island. I took a deep breath because I knew what was ahead of me. The first shot of many and the first opportunity to prep for baby number 2. So exciting. Nerve wracking. Emotional. All the feelings. I decided that I was going to do it. Blake was next to me reading my protocol papers and telling me my dosage. I was starting my lupron injections. The lupron basically turns off your own hormones so you can sync everything with the hormones I will be taking soon. The injection is telling my body not to ovulate etc. It’s wild what these meds can do to help prepare for an embryo transfer. Wild. I pulled out the bag of orange insulin syringes. Funny that something so distant was feeling all too familiar. I pulled back the syringe to the 20 mark and I was ready to inject. I stood there for a second. Anticipating how it would feel again, psyching myself up. And BAM. I did it. And just like that, we were “IN IT” again. Holy crap guys. We were really in it.
Everything was on track. Everything was going, dare I say, GREAT. Time was flying by and really before I knew it I was taking my estrogen pills and estrogen patches headed into the doctor’s office for scans to check my lining. I remember Dr. M saying how surprised she was that my lining was looking so good toward the beginning to the point I thought something might be wrong! Maybe things were just finally playing out without a struggle. Maybe things were finally syncing up perfectly with the universe. There was an odd sense of calm and peace and everything was shaping up to look great.
Covid-19 was starting to slowly creep into every part of daily life and I we quickly felt like we were on a race against the clock. What was really happening in the world? How was it going to trickle to us? It started to quickly become scarier by the day and it was always in the back of my mind that our fertility center might close. I was talking to a girlfriend on the East Coast who let me know at some point that her fertility clinic was closing and my heart instantly sunk. Was this all really happening?!
It was March 16th that would darken this FET cycle for us. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, it became clear that this was going to possibly affect my treatments. I feel like each day leading up to this started to become increasingly scary and left me feeling such fear looking into the unknown of what each new day would bring. The virus was spreading more quickly than ever and slowly but surely everything was starting to close. Of course like so many people out there I was glued to my phone. Waiting for updates from businesses, brands, and most importantly my fertility clinic and the CCRM. The CCRM is the facility that not only stores my embryos but performs the surgical and non surgical procedures of egg retrievals, iuis, and embryo transfers. The day before my doctor’s appointment, I was scrolling instagram and saw an update from the CCRM. My heart sank. It stated that at this time, they were still performing egg retrievals but had put a pause on all embryo transfers and iuis. The tears started to flow down my face. Of all reasons to have my cycle cancelled, it wasn’t my body’s fault, it was totally out of our control. This stupid virus was fucking up my whole treatment plan. After months of prep, and a month and half of medications, I was literally a week away from my transfer and it was cancelled in an instant. I sent the text to a close friend of mine. Blake was on a conference call, and I was mid convo with my friend. She called me immediately to say how sorry she was. And we both started crying. I just knew it. I was going to get cancelled and I had found out by casually scrolling my instagram. Brutal. Absolutely brutal. I still held on to a glimmer of hope for when I immediately called my doctors office. They were still waiting on feedback from our specific CCRM center and I would have to wait till the morning for a final word on whether I was getting cancelled.
I woke up, showered, and got our whole family ready. Otis included! And packed us all into the car to head to the doctors. Keep in mind, we were in the middle of a quarantine to stop the spread of Covid-19 and didn’t have our nanny with us so Otis was coming with us to my appointment. We got 5 minutes down the road and I called my clinic. I let them know there was no way I was coming into the office if my cycle was getting cancelled. They placed me on hold and the receptionist said I was being cancelled. So we turned around and awaited a call from my doctor. I talked to my doctor later that day. In a way, I kind of felt awful for her too. Having to make all of these gut wrenching calls to tell patients why their cycles needed to be cancelled. I think in that moment, things shifted as I know the weight of all of this falls on so many people. She explained that since the effects of covid-19 on early pregnancy are so unknown, she was not comfortable compromising my healthy and strong embryo to these unknown circumstances. We talked for a bit and while it was a bitter pill to swallow, I agreed with her. It was better to put everything on hold until the world was in a more stable position and we had more information to implant an embryo for best chances of success. Also treatment and monitoring might become increasingly difficult to knowingly put myself at risk if I had any complications would just not be the right thing to do.
The honest answer is that we wait. We wait till the world starts to recover. We wait till our health care systems are not being overloaded. And we wait until our doctors office comes up with a plan to start treatment cycles again.
Dealing with the repercussions of this pandemic world have left us all in a state of mourning. Mourning our past social lives, routines, and interactions. Not only was I mourning the state of the world, but I was mourning our cancelled cycle. While I am lucky to have doctors and a medical team that is putting my health and my future babies health first, the sting of being one week away from our transfer date is still fresh. It makes my heart ache knowing that others are going through the same and the worst of it, you can’t go to your girlfriends house to just get that hug you need right now. The solitude of quarantine kind of makes it an extra lonely time.
But before it sounds like a doom and gloom story, I wake up everyday, looking at Otis and smiling. Every day I am lucky enough to spend with him and our family staying home and spending this time together. The advantage of being through this before is that I have seen first hand how all the emotional and physical drains of treatment can be worth it. I know for a fact that I am strong and that I can stare infertility in the eye and kick its fucking ass. Excuse my language (sorry Mom I know you are reading this!) but you know what, I did this before and I WILL do it again.
To all my warriors out there that are feeling alone, scared, and hopeless I want you to know you have an army of women (and men!) behind you. The hardest thing to have through this process is hope but hope is what saw me through this the first time. Please know my heart is with you and whether you have shared your own journey with anyone else, I am here to support you. DM me. Email me. It might take me time to respond but if you need a friend, I am here. Don’t ever give up. Everyday I get to hear Otis’ laugh makes me so thankful I never gave up. Stay strong friends.
A note about this old photo from before quarantine. I was struggling to find a photo that was appropriate for this subject. This specific photo always reminds me that there is such beauty in the world meant to be enjoyed with your loved ones. And I know one day, we will be looking at this same sunset together as a family of four.
The post COVID-19 CANCELLED MY FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
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Vitamin D Deficiency
By Dr. Mercola
Nine out of ten Americans may be deficient in Vitamin D and not even know it. Are you getting enough of this vital nutrient? If you are taking a supplement, is it a form your body can easily absorb for optimal benefits?
There are over 34,000 scientific investigations to date on how vitamin D works in your body, yet it continues to be ignored by large segments of the population and even many doctors.
Vitamin D deficiency is often one of the last things a doctor suspects when a patient complains of less-than-perfect health.
If you use optimal levels of vitamin D to gauge a deficiency, you find that approximately 90 percent of people need higher vitamin D levels.
Unfortunately, many people are deficient because they aren’t able to obtain enough vitamin D through direct sunlight and their diet alone, and they aren’t taking a high-quality supplement.
Of those that are supplementing with vitamin D, they are most likely using a form that is not absorbed well by their body, and they aren’t receiving optimal benefits.
Before we take a look at your personal risk level of becoming deficient in vitamin D and I tell you my recommendation to maintain optimal levels, let’s first review why vitamin D is so important to your overall health…
Why Vitamin D Is ESSENTIAL for Your Entire Body
Once thought of as playing a primary role in osteoporosis and osteomalacia, researchers now realize that vitamin D affects virtually every cell and tissue in your body. And it affects numerous vitamin D receptors located throughout your body and nearly 3,000 genes.
Vitamin D is produced when the sun strikes your skin under the right conditions
Your cells need the active form of vitamin D to unlock the genetic blueprints stored inside the cell. Without these crucial blueprints, these aspects of your health could potentially be at risk:
Maintenance of overall health*
Cellular growth and development*
Bone strength and health*
Blood sugar health*
Digestion and absorption of nutrients*
Blood pressure health*
Heart health*
Vascular system health*
Immune function*
Joint health*
Mood and overall feelings of well-being*
Neurological and cognitive health*
Muscular function*
Skin health*
Pancreatic function and health*
Healthy aging process*
Sleep patterns*
Hearing and vision*
Reproductive health*
Newborn health*
Athletic performance*
Respiratory function and health*
Carbohydrate and fat metabolism*
Metabolic rate*
Weight management*
Hair and hair follicles*
I realize this is a long list. Yet, as research continues on vitamin D, you can expect to see it grow even longer!
What’s YOUR Risk Level for This Hidden Deficiency?
The only way to know for sure if you are vitamin D deficient is to regularly test your blood levels.
Because of vitamin D’s wide-reaching effects in your body, always check to see if you are deficient in this crucial nutrient when addressing any health concern, especially those listed above.
Certain groups of people may be at an increased risk for vitamin D deficiency, as well as individuals with some specific conditions. If any of the following apply to you, please get your vitamin D levels checked sooner than later.
It’s winter and you don’t live in the tropics or subtropics.
There simply isn’t enough, or even any UVB radiation that reaches the ground in the winter if you are not in the tropics or subtropics, and exposure to UVB radiation is how your body produces most of the vitamin D it requires naturally.
You have darker skin.
Those with darker skin may need as much as 10 times more sun exposure to produce the same amount of vitamin D as a person with pale skin.
You're 50 or older.
As you get older, your skin produces less vitamin D when exposed to the sun.
You spend a lot of time indoors.
If you avoid the sun or just aren’t able to get outdoors regularly, your levels of vitamin D are likely to be lower.
You're overweight or obese (or have a higher muscle mass).
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble, hormone-like vitamin, so body fat can act like a sponge. A heavier person with more body fat or even those with more muscle mass may require a higher dose than a slimmer person.
You have gut issues.
If you have a gastrointestinal condition that affects your ability to absorb fat you may have lower absorption of vitamin D.
You’re achy or tired, or both.
The classic signs of a certain type of vitamin D deficiency can mimic conditions characterized by fatigue and achy bones.
You sometimes feel "blue."
Serotonin, the brain hormone associated with mood elevation, rises with exposure to bright light and falls with decreased sun exposure.
You’re pregnant.
Pregnant women require higher amounts of vitamin D for their own pregnancy and delivery as well as the optimal health of their babies.
You notice unusual head sweating.
Surprisingly, one of the first signs of a vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty head.
Please note, I offer vitamin D testing kits in my online store as a convenience for those who don’t have easy access to testing.
A Daily Dose of Sunshine Fixes Everything, Right? Not So Fast…
Your skin naturally produces vitamin D when it’s directly exposed to bright midday sun.
Are you meeting the four conditions for getting enough vitamin D?
But the challenge here is that this is not true in the winter for nearly everyone reading this. Unless you live in the tropics or subtropics, there simply isn’t enough UVB available to you in the winter to make vitamin D.
Even in the summer though, I wish I could tell you that just getting out in the sun takes care of your needs.
It’s certainly my preferred method to produce optimal levels, and research shows it is the most beneficial way to get your vitamin D.
It is one of the primary reasons I moved to Florida. My regular exposure to the sun allows me to keep my vitamin D levels in the healthy range.
However, with the factors I just mentioned – darker skin, over 50, gut issues, and weight – most people simply can’t get enough vitamin D from the sun.
And that’s not all…
To get the vitamin D your body needs for all its cells and tissues, four conditions must be met:
You expose large portions of your body, not just your hands and face.
You’re outside when UVB rays are at their peak, the only type of rays that produce vitamin D.
You avoid the use of sunscreen during UVB exposure as it can prevent your skin from producing vitamin D.
You’re in a latitude that has adequate UVB rays.
Many people believe taking a walk during a midday break fulfills their vitamin D needs, but you now know that is usually not true. And of these four conditions, the last one may be the biggest deal breaker of all…
Why You Have a GREATER Chance of Being Deficient Than Not
As you can see from the chart below, in most parts of the US (and the Northern hemisphere, including Canada), you can’t get enough sunlight to produce adequate levels of vitamin D in your skin.
Dr. Michael Holick, a recognized vitamin D expert, has found that if you live north of Atlanta, Georgia in the US, you cannot make vitamin D in your skin from about November through February.
Even as far south as Miami, Florida, you only make about 10 to 20 percent of the vitamin D in winter that you make during the summer months.
One exception to this rule is elevation… At 15,000 feet you can make robust amounts of vitamin D at northern latitudes, mainly because of the sun’s angle and because the sun has less atmosphere to penetrate.
One of the Biggest Mistakes Many People (Including Doctors) Make with Vitamin D
Here’s another important fact you need to know about vitamin D: Vitamin D3 is not the same as vitamin D2.
Vitamin D3 raises and maintains your blood levels 87 percent better than D2
And taking the wrong one might do you more harm than good.
Vitamin D2 is not the type produced by your body in response to sunlight. The sun stimulates the production of D3, or cholecalciferol.
Ergocalciferol, or vitamin D2, was created in the early 1920s through ultraviolet exposure of plant foods and licensed to pharmaceutical companies.
Today, if you get a prescription from your doctor for vitamin D, it is likely to be this synthetic vitamin D2. It’s easy, even for doctors, to confuse the two forms.
I strongly advise you to avoid vitamin D2. In studies, vitamin D2 actually increasedmortality risk by 2 percent! And it binds poorly with proteins, making it less effective than D3.
Compared to vitamin D2, vitamin D3:
Raises and maintains vitamin D3 concentrations 87 percent better
Produces 2- to 3-fold greater storage of vitamin D in the body
Converts 500 percent faster to the more active form that your body uses
Vitamin D3 is clearly the gold standard. Let’s figure out exactly how much you might need…
The Dangerous Advice That Can Leave You Woefully Deficient
A few years back, the US and Canadian governments asked the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to recommend daily amounts (RDA) of vitamin D for the general population.
They determined that most individuals needed only 600 IUs (International Units) of vitamin D3 to maintain serum levels of 20 ng/ml. And they concluded that everyday foods could provide those levels.
Two Canadian university investigators challenged their findings in 2014 and discovered a drastic error in the IOM’s calculations. They found the RDA for optimal health needs to be at least 10 times greater!
Nearly all vitamin D researchers agree that the recommended range for healthy “average” vitamin D3 levels is 40-60 ng/ml,not 20 ng/ml.
In the chart below, you can see how much vitamin D is needed to achieve various serum levels (top line). For example, if your current level is 20 ng/ml (in the first column), you need a daily dose of 5,000 IUs to raise it to 40, and 10,000 IUs to bring your levels to 60 ng/ml.
Source: Grassroots Health Depending on your current test values, you may need a substantial dose of vitamin D – 10,000 IUs or more per day – to bring your numbers up into the optimal range.
Additionally there are genetic defects called vitamin D polymorphisms that a number of people have that prevent them from achieving optimum vitamin D levels with the doses described above. They may need many times that dose and the only way to know if you have this problem is to measure your vitamin D level.
So I strongly encourage you let your test values and the chart above be your starting guide for finding your ideal dose of vitamin D3, and not some arbitrary (and grossly inaccurate) numbers published by the government!
For more information on Vitamin D click here. continue reading
The post Vitamin D Deficiency appeared first on True Health Canada.
source https://truehealthcanada.ca/vitamin-d-deficiency/
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Nutra Forskolin Review
There are many weight loss supplements being introduced into the market every day, but the truth is if there is one that will live up to its hype, its Pure Forskolin.
Nutra Forskolin is the perfect natural supplement for anyone who has been struggling with extra weight.
When you take Nutra Forskolin for weight loss it works like a furnace inside your body burning the unwanted fat but leaving the muscles and bones intact. You will lose weight in a matter of weeks.
What is Nutra Forskolin?
Forskolin is an herbal supplement extracted from plants of the mint
family,the Coleus Forskohlii. The plant has been used since time immemorial to treat many conditions in India, East Africa, Nepal, Thailand and other areas around India. Studies conducted in the recent past, have established that Forskolin is very helpful when it comes to weight loss.
Does Nutra Forskolin Really Work To Lose Weight?
In recent studies conducted in both men and women struggling with weight, remarkable resultswere recorded. In the research a total of 6 overweight women participated for a period of 9 weeks. It was observed that they lost an average weight of 10 pounds and lost mass up to 8% per person. In another research all the 15 men who participated for 12 weeks showed remarkable improvement in body composition and a significant reduction in their body fat. Forskolin for weight loss indeed works.It has been tested and its results are indisputable. It is the best natural supplement for weight loss.
Pure Forskolin helps in weight loss in a number of ways. Obtaining the best results however requires you to watch your diet and also take the recommended dose. This is how Forskolin helps you lose weight:
Fat Burning Properties
Compared to other natural weight loss supplements, Forskolin helps burns fat faster than any of them. This is so especially for belly fat. Its components make this possible. They are directly connected to burning body fat. Forskolin is the perfect supplement to trim your stomach and help you lose that fat deposited in the all the wrong areas. Additionally when you take Forskolin for weight loss, it initiates and accelerates thermogenesis, the process by which fatty acids are broken down.
Increasing your Metabolism to Burn Calories
In the process of initiating thermogenesis, the body naturally increases its temperature. For thermogenesis to be maintained, more energy is required. This makes the body to raise its metabolism rate to produce more energy to meet the energy required for thermogenesis. In the process more calories and unwanted fats are used up. This further speeds up weight loss.
Forskolin Improves Blood Flow
Forskolin helps clear the blood veins and arteries and also help them to dilate. This means that the heart will pump more blood to the body tissues and more oxygen is made be available. This further boosts the metabolism further facilitating burning up of fats. This is also very helpful to those who like to exercise. Many overweight people find it strenuous to do even the simplest exercise and usually have difficulty in breathing. Taking Forskolin for weight loss will give you this added advantage.
Forskolin Positives & Negatives?
Like any other product, using Nutra Forskolin for weight loss has its pros and cons.
It is a natural supplement hence the body responds better than when using synthetic supplements
Helps burn fat faster than any other natural supplement
It has added health benefits
Increases metabolism
Helps to boost immune system
Improves a healthy blood flow
Effective for Muscle gain
Improved mood
Increased energy
Better sleep
• It is unsuitable for people with certain health conditions such heart conditions, pregnant and nursing mothers
• It is not suitable for people under other medication
Though there is no magical bullet for instant weight loss however taking Forskolin for weight loss vastly outweighs other supplements and is the best way to get yourself a lighter and leaner body. Other than shedding off those extra pounds, taking Forskolin for weight loss will enable you lose some body mass giving you a leaner and more attractive body shape. It is important to keep in mind that while Forskolin helps you shed off body mass it does not affect your muscles and bones.
If you are looking for a natural supplement to help you lose weight and attain a leaner body, Forskolin is the supplement to go for. Many people have taken Forskolin for weight loss and the results have been amazing.
Warning: There is only one trusted & regulated Forskolin brand, do not buy cheap alternatives. Some brands have been linked to negative side effects.
Forskolin Extract is a chemical found in the root of Plectranthus Barbatus (Coleus Forskohli). It has been used since ancient times for many ailments to include high blood pressure, chest pain, and asthma.
It’s also been used for allergies, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections. Physicians have also used Forskolin Extract intravenously for heart failure.
Recently in a clinical study, Forskolin Extract has been shown that it may be an effective agent for the treatment of obesity. In this study, 15 subjects were given forskolin while the other 15 were given a placebo. In just 12 weeks, there was an increase in lean body mass in those given forskolin.
Forskolin has been shown that it may help produce a more powerful heart beat and widen blood vessels, which then lowers blood pressure. It may also help promote the breakdown of stored fats in human fat cells. It may also release fatty acids from adipose tissue, which results in a loss of body fat and increased lean body mass.
Nutra Forskolin Extract is 100% natural so there are no restrictions on the length of time you can take advantage of the many health benefits that it offers. Most dieters continue using Forskolin Extract even after they have achieved their weight loss goals as they find it easier for their body’s metabolism to adjust to their new weight and caloric intake.
As a dietary supplement, take one (1) veggie capsule twice daily 20-30 minutes before meals with an 8oz. glass of water. Or as directed by your physician.
Apex Forskolin Extract is 100% natural which means there are no added chemicals or artificial stimulants. Forskolin has been shown to cause skin irritation. Because of some of the benefits of Forskolin Extract, we recommend that you consult your physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have bleeding disorders, heart disease or just had surgery.
Forskolin Extract has been formulated using only the purest natural Forskolin Extract available. For the most part, there is no interference with most medications. However it’s not recommended to take Forskolin Extract if you are taking medications for high blood pressure or nitroglycering. We always recommend that you consult your physician before introducing any new supplements into your diet.
Nutri Forskolin is shipped internationally worldwide. Over 3,000 bottles are dispatched daily, to new and returning customers.
The Free Trial One Month Offer Is Only Available In The USA.
60 – 250mg capsules
Froskolin (Coluis forskohli root extract) (standardized 20% [50mg]) – 250mg
Vegetable Cellulose (Veggie Cap)
Nutri Forskolin Weight Loss Extract is produced in the United States in a state-of-the-art FDA registered laboratory that conforms to the tested grade strength and purity of USP quality standards and is manufactured under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s cGMP certification.
First posted at- Full Nutra Forskolin Review
Nutra Forskolin Review published first on http://ift.tt/2kGal42
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Nutra Forskolin Review
There are many weight loss supplements being introduced into the market every day, but the truth is if there is one that will live up to its hype, its Pure Forskolin.
Nutra Forskolin is the perfect natural supplement for anyone who has been struggling with extra weight.
When you take Nutra Forskolin for weight loss it works like a furnace inside your body burning the unwanted fat but leaving the muscles and bones intact. You will lose weight in a matter of weeks.
What is Nutra Forskolin?
Forskolin is an herbal supplement extracted from plants of the mint
family,the Coleus Forskohlii. The plant has been used since time immemorial to treat many conditions in India, East Africa, Nepal, Thailand and other areas around India. Studies conducted in the recent past, have established that Forskolin is very helpful when it comes to weight loss.
Does Nutra Forskolin Really Work To Lose Weight?
In recent studies conducted in both men and women struggling with weight, remarkable resultswere recorded. In the research a total of 6 overweight women participated for a period of 9 weeks. It was observed that they lost an average weight of 10 pounds and lost mass up to 8% per person. In another research all the 15 men who participated for 12 weeks showed remarkable improvement in body composition and a significant reduction in their body fat. Forskolin for weight loss indeed works.It has been tested and its results are indisputable. It is the best natural supplement for weight loss.
Pure Forskolin helps in weight loss in a number of ways. Obtaining the best results however requires you to watch your diet and also take the recommended dose. This is how Forskolin helps you lose weight:
Fat Burning Properties
Compared to other natural weight loss supplements, Forskolin helps burns fat faster than any of them. This is so especially for belly fat. Its components make this possible. They are directly connected to burning body fat. Forskolin is the perfect supplement to trim your stomach and help you lose that fat deposited in the all the wrong areas. Additionally when you take Forskolin for weight loss, it initiates and accelerates thermogenesis, the process by which fatty acids are broken down.
Increasing your Metabolism to Burn Calories
In the process of initiating thermogenesis, the body naturally increases its temperature. For thermogenesis to be maintained, more energy is required. This makes the body to raise its metabolism rate to produce more energy to meet the energy required for thermogenesis. In the process more calories and unwanted fats are used up. This further speeds up weight loss.
Forskolin Improves Blood Flow
Forskolin helps clear the blood veins and arteries and also help them to dilate. This means that the heart will pump more blood to the body tissues and more oxygen is made be available. This further boosts the metabolism further facilitating burning up of fats. This is also very helpful to those who like to exercise. Many overweight people find it strenuous to do even the simplest exercise and usually have difficulty in breathing. Taking Forskolin for weight loss will give you this added advantage.
Forskolin Positives & Negatives?
Like any other product, using Nutra Forskolin for weight loss has its pros and cons.
It is a natural supplement hence the body responds better than when using synthetic supplements
Helps burn fat faster than any other natural supplement
It has added health benefits
Increases metabolism
Helps to boost immune system
Improves a healthy blood flow
Effective for Muscle gain
Improved mood
Increased energy
Better sleep
• It is unsuitable for people with certain health conditions such heart conditions, pregnant and nursing mothers
• It is not suitable for people under other medication
Though there is no magical bullet for instant weight loss however taking Forskolin for weight loss vastly outweighs other supplements and is the best way to get yourself a lighter and leaner body. Other than shedding off those extra pounds, taking Forskolin for weight loss will enable you lose some body mass giving you a leaner and more attractive body shape. It is important to keep in mind that while Forskolin helps you shed off body mass it does not affect your muscles and bones.
If you are looking for a natural supplement to help you lose weight and attain a leaner body, Forskolin is the supplement to go for. Many people have taken Forskolin for weight loss and the results have been amazing.
Warning: There is only one trusted & regulated Forskolin brand, do not buy cheap alternatives. Some brands have been linked to negative side effects.
Forskolin Extract is a chemical found in the root of Plectranthus Barbatus (Coleus Forskohli). It has been used since ancient times for many ailments to include high blood pressure, chest pain, and asthma.
It’s also been used for allergies, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections. Physicians have also used Forskolin Extract intravenously for heart failure.
Recently in a clinical study, Forskolin Extract has been shown that it may be an effective agent for the treatment of obesity. In this study, 15 subjects were given forskolin while the other 15 were given a placebo. In just 12 weeks, there was an increase in lean body mass in those given forskolin.
Forskolin has been shown that it may help produce a more powerful heart beat and widen blood vessels, which then lowers blood pressure. It may also help promote the breakdown of stored fats in human fat cells. It may also release fatty acids from adipose tissue, which results in a loss of body fat and increased lean body mass.
Nutra Forskolin Extract is 100% natural so there are no restrictions on the length of time you can take advantage of the many health benefits that it offers. Most dieters continue using Forskolin Extract even after they have achieved their weight loss goals as they find it easier for their body’s metabolism to adjust to their new weight and caloric intake.
As a dietary supplement, take one (1) veggie capsule twice daily 20-30 minutes before meals with an 8oz. glass of water. Or as directed by your physician.
Apex Forskolin Extract is 100% natural which means there are no added chemicals or artificial stimulants. Forskolin has been shown to cause skin irritation. Because of some of the benefits of Forskolin Extract, we recommend that you consult your physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have bleeding disorders, heart disease or just had surgery.
Forskolin Extract has been formulated using only the purest natural Forskolin Extract available. For the most part, there is no interference with most medications. However it’s not recommended to take Forskolin Extract if you are taking medications for high blood pressure or nitroglycering. We always recommend that you consult your physician before introducing any new supplements into your diet.
Nutri Forskolin is shipped internationally worldwide. Over 3,000 bottles are dispatched daily, to new and returning customers.
The Free Trial One Month Offer Is Only Available In The USA.
60 – 250mg capsules
Froskolin (Coluis forskohli root extract) (standardized 20% [50mg]) – 250mg
Vegetable Cellulose (Veggie Cap)
Nutri Forskolin Weight Loss Extract is produced in the United States in a state-of-the-art FDA registered laboratory that conforms to the tested grade strength and purity of USP quality standards and is manufactured under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s cGMP certification.
First posted at- Full Nutra Forskolin Review
Nutra Forskolin Review posted first on http://ift.tt/2kDxLY4
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Nutra Forskolin Review
There are many weight loss supplements being introduced into the market every day, but the truth is if there is one that will live up to its hype, its Pure Forskolin.
Nutra Forskolin is the perfect natural supplement for anyone who has been struggling with extra weight.
When you take Nutra Forskolin for weight loss it works like a furnace inside your body burning the unwanted fat but leaving the muscles and bones intact. You will lose weight in a matter of weeks.
What is Nutra Forskolin?
Forskolin is an herbal supplement extracted from plants of the mint
family,the Coleus Forskohlii. The plant has been used since time immemorial to treat many conditions in India, East Africa, Nepal, Thailand and other areas around India. Studies conducted in the recent past, have established that Forskolin is very helpful when it comes to weight loss.
Does Nutra Forskolin Really Work To Lose Weight?
In recent studies conducted in both men and women struggling with weight, remarkable resultswere recorded. In the research a total of 6 overweight women participated for a period of 9 weeks. It was observed that they lost an average weight of 10 pounds and lost mass up to 8% per person. In another research all the 15 men who participated for 12 weeks showed remarkable improvement in body composition and a significant reduction in their body fat. Forskolin for weight loss indeed works.It has been tested and its results are indisputable. It is the best natural supplement for weight loss.
Pure Forskolin helps in weight loss in a number of ways. Obtaining the best results however requires you to watch your diet and also take the recommended dose. This is how Forskolin helps you lose weight:
Fat Burning Properties
Compared to other natural weight loss supplements, Forskolin helps burns fat faster than any of them. This is so especially for belly fat. Its components make this possible. They are directly connected to burning body fat. Forskolin is the perfect supplement to trim your stomach and help you lose that fat deposited in the all the wrong areas. Additionally when you take Forskolin for weight loss, it initiates and accelerates thermogenesis, the process by which fatty acids are broken down.
Increasing your Metabolism to Burn Calories
In the process of initiating thermogenesis, the body naturally increases its temperature. For thermogenesis to be maintained, more energy is required. This makes the body to raise its metabolism rate to produce more energy to meet the energy required for thermogenesis. In the process more calories and unwanted fats are used up. This further speeds up weight loss.
Forskolin Improves Blood Flow
Forskolin helps clear the blood veins and arteries and also help them to dilate. This means that the heart will pump more blood to the body tissues and more oxygen is made be available. This further boosts the metabolism further facilitating burning up of fats. This is also very helpful to those who like to exercise. Many overweight people find it strenuous to do even the simplest exercise and usually have difficulty in breathing. Taking Forskolin for weight loss will give you this added advantage.
Forskolin Positives & Negatives?
Like any other product, using Nutra Forskolin for weight loss has its pros and cons.
It is a natural supplement hence the body responds better than when using synthetic supplements
Helps burn fat faster than any other natural supplement
It has added health benefits
Increases metabolism
Helps to boost immune system
Improves a healthy blood flow
Effective for Muscle gain
Improved mood
Increased energy
Better sleep
• It is unsuitable for people with certain health conditions such heart conditions, pregnant and nursing mothers
• It is not suitable for people under other medication
Though there is no magical bullet for instant weight loss however taking Forskolin for weight loss vastly outweighs other supplements and is the best way to get yourself a lighter and leaner body. Other than shedding off those extra pounds, taking Forskolin for weight loss will enable you lose some body mass giving you a leaner and more attractive body shape. It is important to keep in mind that while Forskolin helps you shed off body mass it does not affect your muscles and bones.
If you are looking for a natural supplement to help you lose weight and attain a leaner body, Forskolin is the supplement to go for. Many people have taken Forskolin for weight loss and the results have been amazing.
Warning: There is only one trusted & regulated Forskolin brand, do not buy cheap alternatives. Some brands have been linked to negative side effects.
Forskolin Extract is a chemical found in the root of Plectranthus Barbatus (Coleus Forskohli). It has been used since ancient times for many ailments to include high blood pressure, chest pain, and asthma.
It’s also been used for allergies, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary tract infections. Physicians have also used Forskolin Extract intravenously for heart failure.
Recently in a clinical study, Forskolin Extract has been shown that it may be an effective agent for the treatment of obesity. In this study, 15 subjects were given forskolin while the other 15 were given a placebo. In just 12 weeks, there was an increase in lean body mass in those given forskolin.
Forskolin has been shown that it may help produce a more powerful heart beat and widen blood vessels, which then lowers blood pressure. It may also help promote the breakdown of stored fats in human fat cells. It may also release fatty acids from adipose tissue, which results in a loss of body fat and increased lean body mass.
Nutra Forskolin Extract is 100% natural so there are no restrictions on the length of time you can take advantage of the many health benefits that it offers. Most dieters continue using Forskolin Extract even after they have achieved their weight loss goals as they find it easier for their body’s metabolism to adjust to their new weight and caloric intake.
As a dietary supplement, take one (1) veggie capsule twice daily 20-30 minutes before meals with an 8oz. glass of water. Or as directed by your physician.
Apex Forskolin Extract is 100% natural which means there are no added chemicals or artificial stimulants. Forskolin has been shown to cause skin irritation. Because of some of the benefits of Forskolin Extract, we recommend that you consult your physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have bleeding disorders, heart disease or just had surgery.
Forskolin Extract has been formulated using only the purest natural Forskolin Extract available. For the most part, there is no interference with most medications. However it’s not recommended to take Forskolin Extract if you are taking medications for high blood pressure or nitroglycering. We always recommend that you consult your physician before introducing any new supplements into your diet.
Nutri Forskolin is shipped internationally worldwide. Over 3,000 bottles are dispatched daily, to new and returning customers.
The Free Trial One Month Offer Is Only Available In The USA.
60 – 250mg capsules
Froskolin (Coluis forskohli root extract) (standardized 20% [50mg]) – 250mg
Vegetable Cellulose (Veggie Cap)
Nutri Forskolin Weight Loss Extract is produced in the United States in a state-of-the-art FDA registered laboratory that conforms to the tested grade strength and purity of USP quality standards and is manufactured under the strict guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s cGMP certification.
First posted at- Full Nutra Forskolin Review
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Udo’s Choice® Ultimate Oil Blend

Certified organic, Udo's Oil is a seed oil formulated to contains the perfect ratio of 2:1 of Omega 3 and 6. What's more, it's the richest vegan source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids available in Ireland. These essential fatty acids play a key role in many functions including heart, brain and vision health to help you look and feel amazing, inside and out. How much Udo’s Oil should I take? We recommend one dessertspoon for every 25kg of body weight per day to get optimum benefit. It’s best to start with one spoon and build up to your optimum amount. A small number of people can feel a little nausea as the body adjusts, so if this happens, reduce the amount you take and build up gradually. Most people need a little more in winter than summer. Can the oil be added to hot foods? Yes, steamed veggies, baked potatoes, soups, etc, but after they are served. Can I stir-fry with the oil? Please do not do this. Heat damages the properties of the oil so you will lose all the wonderful benefits. It is no problem to add the oil to warm food once it has been served. How long can Udo's Oil be left out of the fridge? Our instruction is to make sure it is stored in the fridge. Stability tests have shown that there is no change/loss in stability for 3 days out of fridge. To get the longest life for the oil, this needs to be in the fridge. What is the shelf life of Udo's Oil? Unopened - 12 months if refrigerated, up to 2 years if frozen and 8 weeks once opened. What is the difference between the capsules and the liquid oil? You need to take a lot more tablets for the same benefits. It takes 14 capsules to give you 1 tbsp of the liquid oil. The capsules are for convenience and travelling. Can I take Udo's Oil while Pregnant and Breastfeeding? Yes, firstly because Udo’s Oil does not contain either Vitamin A or D. Secondly, EFA’s are required by infants for proper brain development, particularly between the third trimester of pregnancy and 18 months of age. Pregnant women can become quite deficient in EFA’s as the foetus draw these from the mother. As well as the possibility of being physically depleted, this can have a knock-on effect on your mood during the challenging childrearing days. The addition of sufficient EFA’s to a mother’s diet is known to alleviate post-natal depression and stress. Supplementation with Udo’s Oil while pregnant and breastfeeding will ensure that both, mother and baby, receive sufficient EFA’s. Another great benefit is to your skin – lubricated skin is more elastic, less likely to tear or create stretch marks and returns more easily to its former tautness. How much Udo’s Oil should a woman take while nursing? The recommendation for pregnant women and new mothers is 1 tablespoon per 25kg of weight. While pregnant, as your weight increases with the growth of the baby, your need for essential fats will increase. Will the Udo’s Oil a nursing mother ingests affect the baby’s digestion? Not usually; these essential fats are required throughout infancy and beyond. Is Udo's Oil suitable for children and babies? Yes, Udo’s Oil can be given to babies over six months old, preferably mixed in food instead of off the spoon, starting with a teaspoonful, and increase with age as follows: 1-3 years - 2 tsp 3-10 years - 1 Tbsp 10 yrs and up - the full 2 Tbsp How do I know I’m getting the right amount? Your body is intelligent. It knows its own hierarchy when it comes to your health and prioritises your most vital organs. Heart and Brain are high on the list and will be first to take what they need from your oil. After your vital organs and glands are satisfied then come your joints and all soft tissue. Next, your skin, the outermost organ. When you feel your skin becoming smooth and velvety soft, then you can be sure the rest of the vital cells everywhere in your body are getting the optimum amount of Udo’s Oil. You’ll feel the difference. Why is the ratio of Omegas we take so important? Dr Udo Erasmus spent 15 years experimenting on getting the most beneficial ratio of Omegas we require daily. For example, he found that using Flax seed oil (linseed) alone, which is very rich in Omega 3 but low in Omega 6 can lead to dry eyes, painful finger joints, fragile skin and skipped heartbeats and lowered immune function. These are the symptoms of Omega 6 deficiency as they are crowded out by the Omega 3’s. Too much of a good thing! Long years of experience led Udo to blend a combination of oils which give you Omega 3:6:9 in a ratio of 2:1:1. He has reliably found this to be the most effective and beneficial blend. Is Udo’s Oil considered a raw food? Yes it is. Minimal heat is involved in its pressing, no enzymes are destroyed and it is not pasteurised at all. Can Coeliacs take Udo’s Oil? Is it gluten free? Yes – because the oil does not contain any gluten from oats, it remains behind in the seed cake after the oil has been separated. Is Udo's Oil suitable for diabetics and will it interfere with the pill/blood thinning medication/other medication? Diabetics and people taking the blood thinning agent Warfarin may need to monitor their requirement for the medication more frequently. Omega 3′s in particular are useful for thinning the blood – this will not happen overnight, but rather over a period of time. EFA’s also help to lower the glycemic index of foods which may reduce the requirement for insulin – again, this must be monitored by a GP and will not occur overnight. Does Udo's Oil lower Cholesterol? How long will it take? Omegas alone can help lower cholesterol, but only slightly. It’s phytosterols that block absorption and re-absorption of cholesterol from the gut, lowering levels by up to 25%. Unlike most other supplementary oils, Udo’s Oil contains a rich 65mg per tablespoon, an ample amount to help balance your cholesterol levels. The length of time it takes to notice results depends on your starting level but is usually 3-4 months. It’s high in fat, will it make me fat? Is it ok for my heart? The oil blend has a reputation for reducing weight, particularly if related to fluid retention. EFA’s slow down digestion (a good thing) so we absorb more from the foods we eat. Udo recommends the oil is best taken with green foods as we will absorb more nutrients. If, however, the oil is taken together with carbohydrates, starches and sugars, we will absorb more and may increase weight rather than reduce weight. The golden rule is – take with green foods to reduce weight, or take with carbohydrates and starch to help gain weight. The fats in Udo’s Choice are the good fats which increase bad fat burn-off, which is good for both, heart and waistline. EPA/DHA: Is Udo’s Oil a source of EPA and DHA? The traditional source of EPA and DHA is from the oils of cold water fish and marine animals. Among land animals it comes from the brain and glandular tissues. Modern scientific research has found out that these oils deteriorate very rapidly after an animal dies!! These two fatty acids are manufactured in the animal body - and in human bodies - from Omega-3. EPA and DHA are normal constituents of our cells, especially abundant in brain, nerve, visual, adrenal, and sex gland cells, the most bio-chemically active tissues in our bodies. However, in order for our bodies to produce EPA and DHA from Omega-3, the cells have to be healthy. Degenerative conditions may impair our body's ability to make them. Fish and marine animals do produce these fatty acids in their bodies, but they get much of what they require from brown and red algae. Omega 3 - Fish versus Plant source; which is better? The Omega-3 EFA in the Udo’s oil is transformed by the body into the EPA and DHA as it needs it. Omega-3 in seeds is more stable, less processed and the body has better metabolic control over the transformation process. These EFA’s are readily available in fish oil. Fish oils are faster acting. The other concern with many fish oils on the market is that they may go rancid very fast. As well fish oils may contain high levels of mercury and other toxic metals. How is Omega-3 used by the body? What about conversion of omega 3 to EPA and DHA? Half of the Omega-3 intake gets burned for energy. 10-20% per day is converted into EPA/DHA, but this conversion depends, in part, on the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6. The conversion is slowed down by excess Omega-6 intake, so they need to be properly proportioned and balanced. The conversion may be hindered by a lack of nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and copper, B3, B6, Vitamin C and E. Women convert Omega-3 to DHA/EPA better than men (36% vs. 16%) Conversion of Omega-3 to DHA also depends on how much DHA is already present in the body. 95-99% of the population does not get enough Omega-3, and what is not present cannot be converted. Saturated and trans-fatty acids can also hinder conversion. Omega-3 and Omega-6 from organic seed oils are very easily used by the body. Taking all these variables into account makes it difficult to generalize but at minimum people are able to convert ALA to DHA at a rate of 2-5% and 5-10% for EPA. This means that one tbsp of Udo’s Oil, which has 6500mg of Omega-3, will give between 130 and 325mg DHA and 325-650mg of EPA. GLA: What is GLA? Gamma Linolenic Acid – part of the breakdown of linoleic acid, or Omega-6. In terms of the GLA content, is it possible to get too much GLA? Almost impossible. There is only a minute amount of GLA in the blend, and since the body makes GLA from omega 6, you really cannot get too much from the oil. The omega 3 in the blend keeps everything in balance. click here to buy udos choice Read the full article
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