#and it's the second to last chapter and things finally clicked this weekend
anosrepasi · 2 months
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Chapter 5: Provençal/Read from the beginning
Chapters: 5/6 Fandom: The Old Guard
It is a long time, 400 years beneath the water.
A coda fic for Lingua Franca.
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unabashegirl · 2 months
Different 2 | College HS
Harry's quiet, routine-driven life changes one weekend when he meets Y/N through a mutual friend at her party. She comes from a superficial, materialistic world with absent parents who believe money solves everything. Despite their differences, something clicks that night, and Y/N can't stop thinking about him.
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Author's note: though I would finally share the second chapter of Different since so many people have expressed their interest on it. I just posted chapter 25 on Patreon and though it would be a good idea to post one here too.
check out my patreon (starting at $2) and get full access to all 25 chapters and much more :)
word count: 2.5K
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“Harry!” Mitch barged into the quiet library. Some laughed at him, while others shushed him.
“Quiet, please! Mr. Styles, please remove yourself and your friend if you can’t keep your friend in order.” Harry frowned and began gathering his books and notes. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, so he kept his head down as he exited the room, with Mitch following closely behind.
“What do you want?!” Harry demanded as he made his way toward his dorm in search of some quiet.
“She is playing today,” Mitch almost yelled, wearing a big smile. “She is one of the captains of the soccer team.” Harry held his breath as he listened to the news. He felt his hands getting damp and moist. The mere thought of her being so close to him made him nervous.
“So?” He brushed it off, trying his best to act like he didn’t care or hadn’t been thinking about her the last couple of days. “What do you want me to do?”
“We have to go to the game and see her, fucktard,” Mitch insisted as they left the building. “Come on! I saw the way you looked at her! I know you like her.”
“She has a boyfriend!” Harry snapped back.
“Who?” Mitch stopped him, “That Brian guy?” Mitch laughed heavily, throwing his head back, only irritating Harry even more.
“Emma told me all about him. They used to date, and he is still hung up on her, but she is done with him. Emma told me that Y/N thinks he is too superficial.” Harry sighed, running his hands through his hair. The last thing he wanted was to get his hopes up. “Let’s go to her game!” Mitch repeated, “Come on! I am not asking you to propose to her.”
“Fine, but can you shut the fuck up about it already?” He needed some silence, just so he could pull himself together before seeing her again. She probably doesn’t remember us, he wondered. Harry had always thought Y/N was the type of girl who had multiple friends yet never remembered their names, and he felt like his name had been long forgotten.
They went back to their dorm and worked for a few hours before heading to the fields.
“I had no idea so many people came to these games,” Harry pointed out as they walked up the bleachers.
"Everyone is here to watch a bunch of girls running around in shorts.” Just as Mitch shared, the teams entered. Harry’s eyes instantly scanned the sea of girls in search of her. He spotted her running up while pulling her hair into a messy ponytail. She stood by her coach, who seemed to be having a conversation with one of her teammates.
Y/N was happy. She enjoyed playing soccer. It had first started as a hobby and before high school ended it had developed into something more. She spoke to the rest of the team. They nudged one another and laughed. That was until the coach approached all of them. The entire team quieted down and started trailing behind her.
“I would do her,” Ezra Hart mumbled to his friend. He was known for playing with girls and using his good looks to get away with things. He was on the men’s soccer team. Harry had known him for years. They had even gone to the same high school.
The game quickly began. The players began moving fast. Everyone was yelling, and the referee kept blowing his whistle.
Y/N was receiving passes and placing the ball center, but at the same time, everyone was going after her. At one point, they kicked her and threw her on the floor. The referee whistled and pulled a yellow card on the opposing team.
It was a free kick and Y/N was taking it. Harry had clenched fists by his sides. He was nervous for her. The referee whistled and Y/N kicked the ball.
She scored.
Half-time came around and Harry watched as Y/N ran in their direction.
“Hey!” She smiled and kneeled by them. “Hey Mitch.” He smiled at her widely.
“You are doing great out there,” Mitch complimented her. “You are kicking ass.”
“Good. I am happy you are entertained,” she giggled and turned her attention to Harry. “Could you wait for me after the game? I need to ask you something.” Harry simply nodded, not being able to put the right words together. She gave them one last smile before running back to the bench.
“Styles!” Ezra Hart called out. Harry looked up at him, slightly intimidated by him. In high school, Ezra would embarrass him in front of everyone, and things hadn’t changed that much since. “Where do you know her from?” He scowled as his friends stood behind him for support.
“Met her at a party,” Harry shrugged and turned his attention back to the game.
“That makes no fucking sense. Are you fucking her?” His friends laughed, “Nah, there is no way. You probably get too nervous and can’t even get it up.”
Harry pulled on the strings of his hoodie, trying to shield himself from the laughs and comments.
Y/N played with the same rhythm but didn’t score any more goals. Roughly twenty minutes before the game ended, she got substituted. She sat down on the bench and started taking off her cleats and shin guards.
The game finally came to an end with the home team taking the victory. Y/N disappeared but quickly reappeared with her gym bag and a coat.
“Hey,” Y/N smiled as they all walked towards the parking lot. “Are you alright?” Y/N could sense that his mood had changed. Harry gave her a quick nod and tried his best to give her a reassuring smile. “I don’t usually do this, but I wanted to know if I could have your phone number.” Harry stopped walking and faced her.
“Y-you do?” Harry stuttered, not believing what he had just heard. Y/N giggled and nodded simultaneously, leading him toward her car. “But—” he stopped himself, trying to keep all the negative thoughts out of his head.
Y/N threw her bag on the backseat, then leaned against the side of her car.
“But what?” She frowned, “Is there anything wrong?” Y/N asked innocently in a soft and sweet tone that could bring any man to his knees.
“N-no,” he shook his head and reached back, taking his phone from his back pocket. Harry handed his phone to Y/N so she could type her number.
“Do you need a ride to your dorm?” she asked as she typed his number on hers now.
“No. Mitch will walk with me.” Harry looked around for him, but he couldn’t spot him.
“Just get in the car, silly!” she said, getting in. Harry nodded and quietly got in.
“Why are you so nervous around me?” Y/N asked as she stopped at the first red light. Harry shook his head as he tried his best to be confident. “Are you sure? Because that’s the last thing I want.”
“I am fine,” he bit down his lip and turned to look at her. Her hair had started slipping out of her ponytail, but it didn’t matter because her facial complexity always kept her looking stunning. “Does that hurt?” Harry pointed to her scraped knee.
“Not really. The skin is just a bit sore,” she ran her hand over it.
“It was a rough knock,” he pointed out, remembering how they had kicked her off her feet.
“Here, right?” Y/N asked as she pulled up to his dorm. She had asked around, and they had told her where he lived. It had been a bit stalker-ish, but it hadn’t been with bad intentions.
“Thank you for the ride, Y/N.” She really didn’t need to do that. It was a short walk from the fields to the dorms. Although Y/N knew it was cold, and it had already gotten dark. He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay with her. Harry could listen to her speak for hours, yet he knew that she was a busy girl. “Could you do me a favor?” he asked as he got out of the car.
“Can you please text me when you get home?”
“I—I mean if you want. You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he babbled.
“I will, don’t worry,” she said just before he shut the door.
“Who was that?” one of Harry’s roommates asked as he walked into the building.
“A friend.”
“Is that Y/N Y/L/N? You are friends with her?”
“Yes. She is very nice,” he muttered before heading upstairs to finish some work, take a shower, and go to sleep. He kept checking his phone, and before he shut off the lights, his phone notified him of a text.
Hey, I just got home. I am okay. Goodnight ❤️
It was simple, but it was enough to make him smile and get his heart pumping quicker.
chapter 3
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Let the Light In |3|
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter Three: Nosy Friends & Conflicting Feelings
Summary: You and Tara have been seeing a lot of each other for school purposes. One weekend you're away and Tara has the urge to bother you. This leads to teasing and...confusing thoughts
Warning(s): Swearing, Tara pleading the fifth & mentions of death
Notes: My motivation has been going up and down these past two weeks but I finally finished this chapter so here ya go. Hope it's not shit
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“What exactly are we doing here?” You asked Tara as she led you to the roof of her apartment building. “I’m bored and we have an exam to prepare for so multitasking is what we’re doing,” she answered as she opened the door and walked out onto the roof.
She sat down in a dirty white patio chair and you sat down in the one beside it. “Okay…but why are we up here?” You asked her. She rolled her eyes before turning her head to you. “I need fresh air.”
“And this is what you came up with?” You asked incredulously. “Can you just stop being an asshole for one second and do whatever you need to do with your papers.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes as you took out your binder. You flipped through it before looking at Tara. “What?” Was all she said. “Nothin.’ ” You responded before turning back to your binder.
“No, what?” She repeated and sat up. You looked over to her again. “I was just thinking–” you closed your binder, “–this is the perfect spot to chuck water balloons at people from.”
“That’s cruel…damn how didn’t I think about that?” Tara crossed her arms. “I know, it’s pretty genius. Don’t beat yourself up for not coming up with it first,” you winked and she scoffed.
“Yeah sure. Go back to your dumb binder.” You put a hand over your heart. “My binder is not dumb. It keeps things organized. Neat.”
“It also keeps girls away,” Tara stated. “Your sister doesn’t seem to mind it,” you replied. Tara immediately went to shove your shoulder. “Will you stop it with that?”
“The heart wants what the heart wants,” you joked.
“You know what–” she stood up “–I’m going back inside. “You can climb your way down for all I care.” She walked back inside, the door to the roof loudly shut when her words sunk in and furrowed your eyebrows.
“Wait– what?” 
Did the door make a click sound?
You walked up to the door and tried to open. It was after a few more shakes of the door handle when you realized.
“She locked me out on the fucking roof.”
Tara knocked on your apartment door three times before Anika opened it. “Hey, Tara. What’s up?” Anika asked with a smile. Tara reciprocated the smile before answering, “Hey, I think I left my headphone charger last time I was over. So I was just wondering if I could take a look around?”
“Oh yeah, of course. Come inside.” Anika opened the door wider, letting Tara inside. Tara walked over to the couch and dug her hand in the cushion; already having an idea of where her charger is. “So,” Anika started, “you and Y/N seem to be doing a lot of school stuff together.”
Tara hummed and raised her eyebrows. “That? Well, yeah. Everybody else in our history class has kind of already buddied up for any future stuff so we got stuck together,” she responded as she felt the charger but couldn’t quite grasp it.
“Oh? I thought you two finished your group project thing last week,” Anika questioned as she walked over the kitchen, still within earshot of Tara. 
“Yeah well–” Tara huffed as she continued to miss hold of the charger, “–our professor seems to be a fan of group work. Sometimes we end up studying together but it’s all just a ploy so I could copy her notes–” Damn, I almost got it that time, Tara thought to herself.
Anika laughed a little before replying, “Interesting.” It was more to herself than the other girl but Tara still heard it. Finally she got a hold of her charger and pulled it out of the couch. “Finally,” Tara sighed.
“Where is Y/N anyways?” Tara asked, putting the charger in her bag. “She’s away this weekend. Visiting family in Brooklyn.” Anika answered before Tara let out a little “Oh.”
“Did you need something from her?” Tara shook her head and waved her off. “No, just wondering…”
Anika gave her a look before continuing. “Alright then, do you wanna stay over for a bit? I was just gonna put on a movie.”
“Yeah sure, sounds great,” Tara replied before sitting down on the couch as Anika joined her.
Thirty minutes into the movie and Tara’s mind kept trailing back to you. It was extremely frustrating. Even when you weren’t here you were a nuisance to her. Clearly she just wasn’t used to being at your apartment this long without purposely trying to annoy you. Not like she could…right?
She took out her phone and found your contact not that it took long and started typing. 
Tara (1:34 pm) you didn’t tell me you’d be out of town
Asshole (1:36 pm) oh sorry mom, didn’t know I had to tell you where
I am 24/7
Tara (1:36 pm)  apology accepted.
Tara (1:37 pm) enjoying brooklyn?
Asshole (1:37 pm) how tf do you know where I am?
Tara (1:38 pm) I have my sources
Asshole (1:38 pm) you’re literally obsessed with me
Tara (1:39 pm) am not
Asshole (1:39 pm) sure my little stalker
Asshole (1:40 pm) whatever helps you sleep at night
Tara (1:40 pm) god, you’re so annoying
Tara (1:41 pm) aren’t you supposed to be hanging out with family rn?
Asshole (1:41 pm) I’m currently hiding in the bathroom 
Of course she is, Tara thought. 
An hour later Tara was still staring at her phone with a smile as she typed away, letting out a few quiet giggles here and there. Anika would occasionally look over to Tara with curiosity. She may not have been told it was you that Tara was messaging but she had a feeling.
Anika’s own phone rang when she got a message from her girlfriend. “Hey, Tara–” Tara looked up from her phone for the first time in almost two hours, “–Mindy and the others are gonna come over in a bit for a movie night thing. You staying?” 
“Sure, sounds good,” Tara responded before turning back to her phone. It’s not like you two were being lovey dovey or anything. Just your usual petty comments and insults you throw at each other. Maybe a very very small part of Tara could admit to herself, and herself only, that she missed it a little. But not you. She didn’t miss you. Oh no, that would mean she cared for you.
And she doesn’t! She could never, you were nothing but a nuisance and if she wanted to use that for her own entertainment then that’s her own business. 
Mindy and the others came over about twenty minutes later. Tara didn’t get up from the couch, only greeting them with a couple of  “Hey’s” and “Hi’s.” Mindy noticed this and tilted her head at her girlfriend, raising an eyebrow. Anika shook her head, “Don’t bother. She’s been like this almost the entire time.”
This was all it took for the teasing to begin. Mindy sat down on the couch across from Tara with Anika in her lap. “So, Tara. Who is she?” Mindy asked with a smirk. Tara looked up from her phone with her eyebrows furrowed. “What?” 
“You heard me. Who’s the girl that has you glued to your phone?” The other girl elaborated. Tara gave a nervous chuckle before responding. “That's ridiculous. You sound ridiculous.”
“Wow, getting defensive there Tar. Wait a minute, is it somebody we already know?” Mindy asked, Tara looked away with an eye roll. “Shit it is. But the question is who.”
“There’s no girl. There’s no anybody.” Tara failed to notice Chad peeking from behind her. “The contact name is asshole.” Chad said.
“Chad!” Tara quickly turned over her phone.
Anika and Mindy gasped at the same time. “Tara…anything you have to share with the class?” The younger Carpenter looked between Anika and Mindy before speaking.
“Chad’s a nosy prick and I’m hungry.” Tara stood up and grabbed her jacket off the coat rack. “I’m going to the store.”
“Get me something too, lover girl!” Mindy called out to Tara. 
“Just for that you’re not getting shit!” Tara called back before leaving and slamming the door shut.
“Stop,” Tara said. You refused to meet her gaze as she stared up at you with her big doe eyes. “No.” Tara groaned in response. 
It was Friday and Tara was over at your place to work on another assignment with you. Inevitably this meant you two did your typical bickering.
“I swear, Y/N if you call me short one more time–” You finally meet her gaze and cut her off, “Why? It’s true.” 
“Doesn’t mean you have to point it out twenty four seven.” Tara rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that afternoon before she put her book down. “But it’s so fun.” You smirked at her unamused expression. 
“But it’s so fun,” Tara repeated your words, changing her voice to mock you. You looked at her with a deadpan expression. “I do not sound like that.” 
“You sure about that raspy?” You scoffed at her and crossed your arms. “I do not– you cannot just– you know what I’m getting water.” You stood up and walked over to the kitchen. “Maybe some tea while you’re at it,” Tara called out.
“Hey, maybe I can get you some milk. Heard it helps with growth,” You called back as you poured yourself some water. You heard Tara scoff before you opened the fridge and grabbed a juice box. You walked back to where you were previously sitting with Tara, placing the juice box in front of her and sitting down a few cushions over.
“What’s this?” You looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“What’s this?” Tara repeated, now pointing her thumb at the juice. “It’s juice. Clearly.” You sipped on your water before putting it back down and opening up your notebook. 
How did you know her favorite juice brand? No, it was just a coincidence.
“Uh, earth to Ms. Carpenter–” you gently poked her shoulder, “–we gonna continue this or nah?”
“Why? You have somewhere more important to be?” Tara asked mockingly. 
“Yes actually. A stupid date I should’ve never agreed to. Now, let’s get this–” Tara blinked a few times before cutting you off, “Wait a date? I find that hard to believe.” 
“Did you come here to talk about my dating life or to work on this assignment?” Tara reluctantly turned back to her head back to her book and mumbled, “Whatever.”
Thirty minutes later, you two were finished. You closed your book with a huff and stretched. “Alright, I’m gonna change. You can stay here and do whatever.” You got up and walked to your room, Tara didn’t look up from her phone and only hummed.
She was hanging out with Anika and the others later so she was just staying at your and Anika’s apartment until they showed up. After fifteen minutes of scrolling through tiktok the door to your bedroom door opened and you walked out. Tara looked up from her phone and at you, immediately taking in your appearance.
It wasn’t anything fancy but you certainly caught her attention. “Alright, I’m off.” Is all you said before grabbing your keys. “You don’t look entirely like shit, by the way.” Tara wasn’t one for giving you, of all people, a compliment so when she said this you turned to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.
“Thanks?” You wore a confused expression as you opened the door and left the apartment. 
As soon as you left Tara cupped her cheeks, silently pleading the heat rushing to her face wasn’t noticeable.
You pretend to laugh at what your date considered jokes. Truly, you didn’t care. The only reason you agreed to go was because it was a good distraction and Henry had a friend he wanted to set up. Little did you know he set you up for boredom.
Seriously, Henry. An accountant? You thought to yourself as you spared another fake smile. You don’t know how much longer you could go hearing about financial mumbo jumbo. Your date needed to find better topics before you died of boredom. You could only say “oh, really?” and “cool” so many times. Henry was going to pay for this. This is what you get for going against your “No blind date” rule.
Eventually the date came to an end at around ten thirty. In your opinion, it didn’t end soon enough. When you got to your apartment you could hear laughter on the other side of the door. You silently groaned before entering your key and opening the door. 
You immediately felt their eyes on you but you chose to ignore them as you went straight to your room meaning you didn’t hear Mindy teasing Tara. 
Mindy nudged Tara’s side, “No wonder she had you all tongue tied when we got here.” Tara shoved away Mindy’s elbow. “I was not tongue tied.”
“You were having a full on gay crisis–” Chad started but Tara cut him off  by chucking a die at him “–um ow?”
“I was not having a gay crisis. Especially not over Y/N freaking Y/L/N.” Anika smirked before joining in. “I briefly remember you pacing back and forth,” the girl pointed out. 
“Was not! I was just a little confused about something but I’m fine now,” Tara stammered as she earned skeptical looks. “Now, Ethan it’s your turn. Roll the dice.”
“Okay–” Ethan stopped as Mindy raised her hand to stop him. “You’re deflecting, Tar.” 
“Nuh uh,” Tara responded, sounding like a child. “Ethan if you don’t roll the fucking dice–”
Ethan immediately started shaking the dice in his hand before rolling them. “Fine, have it your way. But just know I will get to the bottom of this.”
“There’s nothing to figure out,” Tara said with crossed arms. Mindy narrowed her eyes at the younger Carpenter but otherwise dropped the topic for the time being.  
The entire time they were there you stayed in your room. You laid down on your bed with your headphones on and music blasting. Your shoes had been kicked off and you were now in your pajamas. There was always the possibility of going deaf by fifty but loud music was good. It was a distraction.
You haven’t even thought about how last week was Dewey’s death anniversary. In fact, you ignored it entirely last week too. Some may say that’s unhealthy but you had your own coping methods. 
But does it really count if you aren’t coping at all?–
Suddenly you heard knocking on your bedroom door and pulled off your headphones. “Y/N, we’re going out for some pizza. You wanna come?” Anika asked you from the other side of your door.
“No, thanks.” You responded without a second thought before putting your headphones back on. 
Anika walked back in the living room and sat back down in her girlfriend’s lap. “Y/N’s a no go.” 
“Alright, when do you guys wanna leave? Cause I'm starving.” Chad said, rubbing his stomach.
“You’re always starving,” Mindy remarked. 
The next day Tara surprisingly beat you to class. You slept through your alarm and it was the first time you had gotten a decent night’s sleep in weeks. I’ll take the win, you thought to yourself. Tara gave you a single glance before turning back to the front of the class. 
“You’re later than usual.” Tara stated, still not looking at you. “Was up late, thinking about your sister,” you responded which earned you a pinch to your thigh.
“You’re disgusting.”
After hours of note passing and unnecessary side arguments with Tara, history class ended and you got up. As soon as you leave class you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. “How was your date?” You looked over to see Henry.
“Shitty and extremely boring. Wouldn’t stop talking about financial stuff or whatever and I think pilsners were even brought up at some point? As if that would grease up the conversation.” You were starting to bore yourself just talking about it.
“Sorry about that.” Henry gave you an apologetic smile before speaking again. “But if you wanna try again there’s a–”
“No no no–” you cut him off, “–I’m not doing this again.”
“You’re never forgiving me for this, are you?” You sighed and answered, “You are not allowed to set me up ever again.”
“Yup, sounds about right–” he unwrapped his arm from your shoulder, “–I gotta head to class but I’ll see you around.” You bumped your fist with his before he made his way to class.
After you finished your classes you went and you started your shift. It was a slow day at the cafe you worked at. You were focused on the counter until one of your regulars walked in.
“Hey,” she greeted with a charming smile. “Hey,” you repeated back to her. “Your usual?” She nodded and you started to make it. “Not many people today,” she said as she looked around.
“Yeah, you caught me on a slow day.” You put a lid on her drink before giving it to her. She thanked you before handing out her money for the coffee.
She cut you off before you could speak. “Don’t say ‘on the house.’ Let me get it this time. I don’t need this coming out of your paycheck.” You playfully rolled your eyes as you took the money. “Fine,” you sighed with a smile.
You put the money in the register and gave her her change. “How else am I supposed to show you you’re my favorite regular?” She put the change in the tip jar. “Don’t worry, I know hun. See you later,” she waved as she started to walk out.
“See ya, Natalie.” You still had a smile plastered on your face that was quickly wiped off when Anika’s voice snuck up on you. “What was that?” You jumped and put a hand over your chest. “Jeez, Anika. Little warning next time?” 
“You would’ve noticed us if you weren’t busy flirting with your regular.” You tilted your head slightly before responding. “Us?”
Anika turned back and discreetly pointed to a table where Mindy, Tara, Chad and Ethan sat. “Great. Now she knows where I work,” you huffed.
“Are you expecting her to put a hit on you?” Anika asked rhetorically. “Wouldn’t put it past her,” you mumbled. “You two can be so immature.”
“Are you here to be judgmental or to order something?” You crossed your arms as you looked at your roommate. “I can multitask,” she replied before ordering.
Anika went back to the table with the drinks and pastries. “Alright, here we are.” She gave everybody their order. Mindy kissed her cheek, “Thanks babe.”
Anika smiled and replied, “You’re welcome, babe.” Tara sipped her coffee before speaking up. “Who was that chick Y/N was speaking to?” She asked, looking over to Anika.
“I think it’s one of her regulars. She’s always been pretty flirty with her,” Anika responded as Mindy smirked. “Why, Tar? You jealous?” Tara scoffed. “You sound ridiculous–” Tara said her next words in a hushed tone, “and can you lower your voice?” They all subconsciously looked over to see you wiping down counters with your headphones in. 
“Ah hah–” Mindy pointed a finger at Tara, “–I knew there was something.” Tara lazily pushed Mindy’s finger out of the way. “There’s nothing. I was just curious.”
“I don’t know Tar it does seem pretty–” Tara cut off Chad, “Well nobody asked you Chad. And come on guys. All this because I brought up how I told her she doesn’t look entirely shitty? You’re just reaching.”
“Oh am I? Remember that dream you told me about–” Mindy began and Tara’s eyes widened. “Don’t you dare bring that up. Besides that dream meant nothing. It was just– a dream.” Mindy gave her a look that said, “Really?”
“If I may–” Ethan started. “No. You may not,” Tara finished for him.
“Haven’t you two also been doing like a bunch of study sessions together?” Mindy asked with a raised eyebrow. “All a ploy to copy her notes,” Tara claimed.
“Is the flirting all a part of the plan?” Anika asked Tara who was now feeling betrayal. “Traitor.” She mumbled.
“So you don’t deny the flirting?” Chad asked with a smirk.
Tara looked over to him with a deadpan expression. “You’re really no help. You know what–” Tara got up with her coffee “–I’m leaving. I don’t need to stand for this interrogation any further.”
“See you, lover girl,” Mindy said to Tara who was flipping them off as she left the cafe.
Tara should’ve never told Mindy about that damn dream. Next time she wants to know the meaning of a dream, she’s turning to google.
A/N: Da nile is a river in Egypt
Taglist: @t-wylia @lesbianpepsi @jennasfav @alyciaddict @justafoolinlove @steffido1993 @niqmandu @severelyuniquereview @darklron @ravenousinferno
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thesullengrrrl · 3 months
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We'll Meet Again - Epilogue 2
Months after the Nuremberg trials, Rosie still has one final person to face.
A/N: Hello! Thought you've seen the last of this little old fic haha. Here's another epilogue because I wanted to explore another ending with these two idiots (affectionate). You can read it here in AO3 :) Thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy this. Now on to the chapter! 👀💜
Chapter 8 - 'til there was you
December 1946
Brooklyn, New York
“You can’t keep staying here on weekends, Bob.”
Mrs. Rosenthal is tired of seeing her son being in her house on Saturday mornings—reading the newspapers, bringing his cases or helping her with plumbing or other chores. 
Don’t get her wrong, she’s glad to have a man in the house after her husband’s death, and Bob was reliable. But when her son got back from the war and the trials, she knew that he had to settle down. He can’t live by himself in his bachelor apartment at this age forever.
“Are you seeing someone, ma?” Rosie snickered, flipping a page from his copy of Frankenstein. “That’s why you want the apartment all by yourself?”
“You know there is no one who could replace your father,” Mrs. Rosenthal answered loudly, as if Rosie’s blunder offended every ancestor they had. “But you are almost thirty. I am running out of nice girls to pair with you!” 
“Well…I think I haven’t found her yet.” 
“Your sister is engaged, Robert!” she huffed. 
His mother and her endless matchmaking. A week after he got back from Nuremberg, she slowly executed her plan. He was his mother’s plus one at every party, dinner, and gathering. And at each event, a woman of his age would ‘bump’ into him, or an older woman who would claim to be his mother’s friend would introduce their daughter to him.
Rosie was a gentleman to every girl introduced to him. He talked to them, listened to them, and yes, asked them out on dates. However, it all stops at the second or third date—the girl speaks too loudly, or can’t banter well, those who take it too seriously, bad breath…some of these may seem petty which, sometimes he feels bad about. They’re all interesting women, but something isn’t clicking with him. 
He once contemplated moving to another state then maybe he could find someone. His mother freaked when he told him. 
“Bob, haven’t you met anyone in that wretched club of Minty’s?” Mrs. Rosenthal questioned, sitting beside him. “There has to be someone attractive in there!” 
There was once someone attractive to him there, all right. He could still remember her in that red dress in his mind as if it was yesterday. Her telling him how she eavesdropped on his ex-girlfriend crying over him, her face as she yelled expletives to someone who tried to touch her, and how she extended her hand to ask him to dance. 
Sometimes, he would ask Minty if she visited. The old man could only shake his head and tell him that he’s expecting the woman as well. 
“Minty told me you met someone before the war,” Mrs. Rosenthal told him. 
“I think you’re spending an awful time with Minty and his wife,” Rosie deflected, now too distracted to read his book and laid it on the nearest table.
“I saw the picture, Bob,” she revealed. “Sandra showed me.”
Rosie gave her mother a nervous look.
“She’s pretty, but is she even American? She doesn’t look like one to me.” 
“Yes, as far as I know. Although she may have an English father?” Rosie told her in an unsure voice. “But she’s from New York. Also a Catholic, if that helps.”
Mrs. Rosenthal dreamed for his son to marry a nice Jewish girl from their neighborhood. However, at this point, she’ll humor her son to whoever he fancies. Until probably when she meets this mystery woman. 
“Is she nice?” 
Rosie frowned. “Why do you ask?”
“Can’t a mother be curious about a woman who caught her son’s attention?” Mrs. Rosenthal countered. 
“Well, she’s…different. She is pretty, of course, but there’s something I can’t pinpoint. She swears a little, she can be casual about things that it made me a little worried when we were in England—” 
“Aha!” Mrs. Rosenthal exclaimed. “You saw her again during the war?” 
They did more than that. 
Rosie just walked into his mother’s trap. “Yes, ma. Then she told me it would never work between us, so it ended there.” 
“Then what did you do?” 
“I let her be and told her maybe I’ll see her in New York,” Rosie answered. “And she said that maybe she’ll see me.”
“And…you didn’t seek her out?” she asked. 
“No…” Rosie trailed off. 
“The war’s over, Robert,” Mrs. Rosenthal reminded him. “Did you not even, I don’t know, try?” 
“I don’t even know where to seek her out,” he complained, placing a hand in his temple. “All I got is her name.” 
“Sometimes, a name is all you need,” Mrs. Rosenthal commented, finally standing up, and letting her son connect the dots.
And seek, he did. He asked his friends around if they knew someone named Elaine Byrne. When reading the newspaper, he would scour the engagements, weddings, and obituary sections. Nothing. No Elaine Byrne. 
It was a fool’s errand. A person who doesn’t want to be found will never appear. He stopped asking around. But he continued to read the newspapers, with a little prayer that her name would pop out. 
One time while he was on his way home, he stopped by the deli to get dinner to take home. While lining up, she saw a woman with the same build and coat as her, choosing what bread to buy. Rosie could’ve sworn that her eyes widened at the sight of him before she went back on the bread items.
The cashier’s voice tore his attention away from the woman, and he rushed to dig into his pockets to pay. When he turned to see if she was still there, the ring of the door’s chimes filled the air. She was gone. 
For a moment, he let himself believe it was her. He entertained the tiniest possibility that she may be on his side of the city, bidding for her time to appear.   
Minty rang Rosie about a new band that would be performing in his club. Without any date or engagement to go to that night,  agreed and found himself in Minton’s one Saturday night. 
It was a win-win for both men—Minty knows that the man knows his jazz, what sounded good, while he gets to enjoy new music. Rosie sat there almost like a newspaper critic, his back leaned to the chair, his fingers tapping at the table rhythmically. 
“What do you think, Rosie?” Minty asked. 
“They’re pretty good,” he simply replied. “Maybe it’s because they’re starting out, but I’m looking for something, maybe a bit more stronger sound? I don’t know, maybe I’m just being nitpicky.” 
The older man snorted at his last sentence. “You’re being nitpicky, all right. I asked around and they think this band’s got it.” 
Rosie only nodded. 
“Did your mother set you up on a date again?” the older man asked, knowing the laments of his mother whenever they invite her to afternoon tea.
Rosie shook his head. “I think she gave up.”
“For now,” Minty shrugged, earning a laugh from the younger man. 
“She’s worried that your sister Hannah will get married before you,” he said. “She is engaged right?” 
“Yes, to David Bergman. An accountant in some insurance firm,” he informed him. “He’s nice, a gentleman. Ma likes him.” 
“Haven’t you really found anyone, boy? How about that girl, Elaine?” 
Oh, Elaine. For some reason, he held on to the flimsy promise of ‘maybe’ she told him that day they said goodbye at the train station. Every mission, he told himself that if he comes back alive, she’ll be in New York waiting for him. It was silly and untrue and yet, effective. He did come home alive.
“She’s long gone, Minty,” Rosie whispered, swirling his glass. “You know that.” 
“You’ll never know who’s going to walk here next,” Minty told him. “Speaking of, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” 
The younger man gave him a grim look. “Come on. Not you too, Minty.” 
“What? Have you seen anyone you like?” he asked, his hand pointing to the crowd. “Just say the word, and I’ll have a waiter send a drink for them.”
“Minty, when you say it like that, it sounds like I’m a brothel.” 
He laughed at him. “Now, boy. I’m not sure if that girl has arrived, but—” 
“Mint, I’m tired of seeing anyone, all right?” Rosie cut him off. “I know Ma’s getting tired of it too. How many Jewish girls could there be that Ma hasn’t set me up with?” 
Minty ignored him and suddenly stood from his seat. 
“Ah, there she is! Over here, doll!” He yelled, waving at someone behind him. Rosie did not bother to turn at whoever that is, knowing that he would only be disappointed at the end of the night. Why is everyone up to his business when it comes to dating? 
He drank from his glass and continued watching the band who’s now performing a slow love song. 
“Minty, I’m sorry I’m late,” the voice said. “I fell asleep, can you believe that!”
His eyebrows furrowed, wondering where he heard that voice before. 
“I was about to ask Sandra to knock on your door. Never mind, you’re here. Sit, sit,” Minty assured the woman. 
When he heard the scrape of the chair, he turned and saw her. The neatly styled brown hair with curls, the red lips, the hazel green eyes, and the thin scar below her hairline…the smile he knew so well, that it felt like he was back in 1941.
It couldn’t be. How could it be? 
“Is this seat taken?” 
Minty smirked at Rosie’s dumbfounded reaction. “Don’t gawk at her! She’s asking you a question!” 
“Um,” Rosie cleared his throat. “No, it’s all yours.” 
Elaine nodded and sat beside him. Minty told the two that he’ll be back with the drinks that he promised Rosie. 
“Hello, Rosie,” she greeted. “It’s been a while.” 
“Yes…it’s been a while,” he agreed, still couldn’t believe that she was here—in flesh and blood. 
A waiter came and served them two glasses of martini. Elaine thanked him and went back to Rosie, who was still looking at her. “I’m not gonna disappear until like midnight, you know.” 
Rosie blushed. “I’m sorry, it’s just…you’re here. I can’t believe it.” 
“Well, you better believe it.” 
Jaunty music from the band filled the atmosphere. Couples started gathering on the dance floor. Elaine smirked at him. 
“Don’t tell me I’m gonna have to ask you on this one?” 
At a distance, in a corner table a few meters away from them, were Sandra, Mrs. Rosenthal, Hannah Rosenthal and David Bergman. Minty made his way over to them after instructing the barkeep to give drinks to the two. He sat beside his wife. 
“How’s the spying so far?” Minty asked as he kissed his wife’s cheek.
“That’s her?” Mrs. Rosenthal asked, careening her head to take another look at the woman who’s now chuckling with her son. 
“Oh, ma! Judging her this early?” Hannah quipped. “Looks like they’re having fun already.”
“She's a little bit eccentric, with all those records she has been playing at weekends, but a nice girl,” Sandra informed them. “One time, she made us lasagna as a thank you. It was good, Rose!” 
“It looks like they’re about to dance,” David added, sipping a drink. 
They watched the two make their way to the dance floor and gradually move with the beat of what the band was playing. Hannah always thought that her brother didn’t really know how to dance—she always thought he was a bit too heavy for it, but with her, he moved smoothly. It’s like he knows to do it with her, for her. She snickered when the woman twirled him, then they laughed. 
Oh, brother.
“Have they known each other for long?” David asked Hannah. 
“I think they know each other long enough to be that comfortable with each other.” 
Rose watched her son laugh and dance comfortably with the woman, and that may be the first time she saw him that way with anyone. 
She once asked herself if her matchmaking had gotten rusty with her son. With this scene before her, now she knows why it never worked for him. 
Robert was waiting for someone.
“She looks good with your brother,” Rose finally commented. “I hope she truly is.”
The band now played a slow tune. Rosie rested his arms where it should be, and Elaine followed suit. They slowly swayed to the music, now only looking at each other. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Rosie breathed.
“I am,” Elaine confirmed, chuckling softly. “And we’re in Minton’s again.” 
“We are.” 
“Minty said you just came from Germany, how was it?” she asked, genuinely curious. 
“It was…riveting, scenic…a bit intense,” he replied. “I can’t believe I got in and interrogated Hermann Göring and his cohorts.”
“Bombing and prosecuting Nazis? Your mother must be kvelling.” 
“Learning Yiddish now?” he wondered.
“Don’t get all flattered,” Elaine warned him playfully. “It’s the only word I know.” 
“How have you been?” Rosie asked. 
“I moved above the club three weeks ago,” she told him. “Sandra and Minty are great landlords. Well, I’m their only renter.” 
His eyes widened at this information. “You’ve been here for three weeks now? So it must be you in the deli—” 
“Picking bread?” she completed his question.“That was me. I just wasn’t ready to say hi to you at the time.” 
“I don’t know. I did hurt your feelings, remember?” 
Rosie nodded, now understanding. “Well, if it helps…I’ve forgiven you. You weren’t certain, a war was going on…I get it now. Don’t worry.” 
“All right, then,” she smiled. 
He pulled her closer to him, and she rested her cheek on his shoulder. Rosie missed her, especially when he finally got to the base. Their pictures were tucked in the same copy of Of Mice and Men. When the war ended, he cut off his favorite strip and placed it on his wallet. He told himself that he would remove it the moment he marries someone else. 
“So I guess I don’t have to walk you home every time,” Rosie mused, smiling at her. 
“Every time?” Elaine wondered. “I don’t understand.” 
“I, uh…I know it’s quite early for tonight to say this but can I see you after tonight? Tomorrow?” 
Rosie swallowed a lump of his throat. He was nervous about asking it, since what if she already had a boyfriend? But then, Minty wouldn’t make them meet if she’s attached, surely? What if she says no? 
Elaine removed her hand from his hold and placed a finger in between his eyebrows. “You’re thinking this too much.” 
“Well, yes, I mean…I had to ask.” 
She nodded. “Right. But before I answer that, can I talk to you about something? This is really important before we make any steps after tonight.” 
He felt a bead of sweat form on his temple. His stomach warmed up. What is it this time? Would she break things off again? Did he get her pregnant in England? And do they now have a 3-year-old sleeping alone above the club? 
“Don’t worry,” Elaine said, rubbing his arm. “We can talk in the alley, it’s pretty private there.”
He exhaled and agreed to be led out by Elaine through the kitchen. Some of the staff said hello to her and she greeted them back. Luckily for them, there was no one in the alley. It was only her, him, and the empty trash cans. 
“I need you to not ask questions until I finish my story, okay?” Elaine instructed him with her hands on her waist. “Just listen to me. And I’ll answer your questions later, all right?” She stared at him with such a serious face, probably the most serious he could remember.
Despite feeling a bit scared with this Elaine in front of him, he nodded and motioned for her to continue. 
She exhaled and started. “I’m…I’m a time traveler, Rosie. I’m from 2029. The night we met, I wasn’t supposed to be there. I got there by accident. Then two years later, your letter came and I wanted to see you, so I went. Then we said goodbye. And now, I’m here.”
He waited for her to laugh, to tell him that it was just a joke and ask him to get back with her inside. Instead, he was met by her uncertain gaze—whether it’s fear or anxiety, he can’t be sure.
But the laughter never came. 
Rosie could only hear his heart pounding on his ear. All the questions he had in his head came back and it dawned on him—her casual attitude, her swearing, her actions that seem a bit out of place…all because she wasn’t from here. 
“Did you go back for me?” he asked, his voice a little shaky from what he just heard from her.
Elaine nodded in confirmation. “Yes.”
“Are you going to leave again this time?” he pressed.
“If you’ll have me, then I won’t,” she answered, trying to keep her voice steady.
Silence fell between the two. 
Elaine kept a straight face, but Rosie could see in her eyes the anticipation of what he was about to say. Fear? Rejection? 
“Then that’s all I needed to hear from you, Elaine Byrne,” Rosie declared, striding towards her and enveloping her in his arms. She returned the embrace, her face at the crook of his neck. 
“I missed you, you know,” Rosie whispered. “For a moment there, I thought you were going to tell me I got you pregnant.” 
Elaine chuckled against the crook of his neck. “No, we’re safe in that area, don’t worry.” 
She started to wipe her tears but Rosie took her hand and wiped it with his handkerchief. She smiled at him and led him back. They were greeted by sly looks from the staff. Rosie was embarrassed, while Elaine just brushed them off and pulled him until they reached the main hall. A pair of glasses with fresh cocktails were waiting for them. 
“You do know that we’re being spied on?” Elaine revealed. “One o’clock, behind you.” 
Rosie looked and there were the spies—Mr. and Mrs. Minton, his mother, his sister Hannah and David. He rubbed a hand on his face. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Rosie groaned. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay,” she assured him, rubbing his shoulder. “I think we should go over there. Say hi.” 
He agreed and she led him to the older adults’ table. Mrs. Rosenthal smiled at Elaine, studying her like a hawk as she interacted with the others. Sandra asked a waiter to add more chairs for the couple, while Minty called for more drinks. 
Within a few minutes, everyone was having fun. Hannah seemingly found an older sister with Elaine, and they ended up dancing together on the dance floor along with David. The trio looked silly, but they were the ones having the most fun. 
Rosie moved his gaze to his mother, who caught him in time. She smiled reassuringly at him. 
Days following that night in Minton’s, at exactly 5 o’clock, Rosie would rush out of the firm to make his way to fetch Elaine at the Times’ office. A smile would form in his face when she appeared at the lobby. Then, they would walk arm in arm and tell each other stories of their days. 
Usually, they would wind up in St. Nicholas Park, where they have a usual bench and simply talk or share a sandwich. Sometimes, when it’s their payday, they would visit a nice restaurant they’ve read about. Rosie learned her interest in stand up comedy, while Elaine suggested visiting hole in the wall jazz bars that her workmates recommended to her. 
This has become their routine for the next few weeks.
One night, when he walked her home to Minton’s, Elaine said something that surprised both of them. 
“So, we’re here,” Rosie said, pulling her closer to him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?” 
He gently pressed his lips against hers. When they parted, she smiled at him and patted his cheek. “See you tomorrow. I love you.” 
Both of their eyes widened at what she just said. Rosie then slowly smiled at her, both delighted and amused with Elaine’s sudden consciousness about it. 
“You love me, Elaine?” he smirked.
“Yes, I love you,” she confirmed. “I know it’s probably too early—” 
“I love you, too.” 
Rosie popped the question two weeks after Valentine’s. It was snowing and the two of them were rather too comfortable on the couch to move or venture out. They were reading on the opposite side of the couch with a blanket over them. 
She was reading his copy of Persuasion, while he was reviewing a case that he took home. Seeing as she was too busy reading and writing at the book, he stood under the guise of getting some water.
When he sat back, he was nervously twiddling at the small box inside his cardigan pocket. If it comes to worst, if she rejects him, it would only be the two of them. 
Rosie watched her flip the pages, her eyes concentrated on the book. Pushing the possible scenarios from his head, he cleared his throat. “Elaine. Will you look at me for a second?” 
“Yeah, sure.”
She put the book aside and when she turned to him, a small black velvet box greeted her. Her eyes widened, her mouth fell open at this sight of him. He opened the box and it revealed a thin gold band with a round opal stone. The ring contrasted the black velvet box and showed faint different colors.
“Will you marry me, Elaine Byrne?” Rosie asked, his voice was calm yet with a hint of nervousness to it.
“Are you sure about this?”
“I am sure,” he nodded. “All I know is I love you and I want to spend the rest of my days with you.”
“You know I’m not going to be a housewife,” Elaine countered. “I’ll stay at my job.”
“I know,” he smiled. “You like being a copy editor. I’m not going to make you stop working unless you want to.”
“We'll have different opinions on things. We’re gonna be arguing on small things, big decisions, all that jazz.”
“As every couple does every once in a while. I mean, we just argued on which brand of laundry soap to use,” Rosie reminded her, smiling at the memory earlier today.
“What if I want to visit my parents? Or Bunny?” Elaine asked, her voice slightly shaking. 
“Then I’ll wait for you here,” Rosie assured her. “Or follow you, if that’s allowed.”
Elaine seemed to be moved by his words and held his free hand. “You really thought about this, huh?” 
“I didn’t get to say anything last time, remember?” Rosie said, kissing her hand. “So…will you, Elaine? Marry me?” 
This time, Elaine finally nodded. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Robert Rosenthal.”
Rosie slipped the ring in her finger and Elaine wrapped her arms around his neck and captured his lips with hers. She never thought that one night of accidentally time traveling would lead her to him—the man she would want to spend her life with. 
He pulled back from their kiss, both breathless and excited. “We gotta stop before we have a baby before the wedding.” 
Elaine laughed, and motioned him to rest on her chest. He did and she ran his fingers through his hair, a favorite thing she liked to do whenever they cuddled. 
“Where do you want to get married?” Rosie wondered. “I mean, we have to save up if you want a church wedding.” 
“I don’t think your mother will want us to get married in a Catholic church,” Elaine said. “You’re her eldest son, I’m sure she’d want you to get married in a traditional Jewish ceremony.” 
“Well, you’re the bride-to-be,” he replied, taking her hand. “‘Happy wife, happy life’, as I heard those old lawyers in the firm say.”
A bulb lit in Elaine’s head. “I got an idea.”
New York Post
March 12, 1947
Mrs. Rose Rosenthal of Flatbush, New York is pleased to announce the marriage of her son Mr. Robert Rosenthal to Miss Elaine Byrne, the daughter of Mr. Harry ‘Hal’ Byrne of Kensington, England and Mrs. Alice Halford of West End, Connecticut. The two were wed in the New York County Courthouse on March 11, 1947. 
After reading the announcement, Elaine folded the newspaper and laid it on the table. She saw Rosie watching her, and raised an eyebrow. 
“You like what you see, Mr. Rosenthal?” she asked. 
Rosie carefully laid his cup of coffee and leaned his back on the chair. His eyes trailed on her, pleased that she’s wearing his pajama flannel top over her body. Her hair was tied in a messy ponytail, with some strands falling on her face, framing it. 
“Is this what you always look like in the morning, Mrs. Rosenthal?” he countered, his eyes with a hint of wonder and teasing.
“Yes, regretting things now?” 
“No,” he shook his head, smiling. “I think you’re spectacular.”
13 notes · View notes
hyunfilms · 2 years
all for nothing | three.
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♡ series masterlist | spotify playlist
—summary: after experiencing heartbreak and betrayal, hyunjin has become incredibly closed off and reserved. he hated opening up to people, nor did he think the time or effort was worth it. but when hyunjin meets you, he finally realizes the importance of having someone by your side throughout all the ups and downs of life.
—pairing: hyunjin x f. reader
—genre: (18+) strangers to lovers, grad school au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.8k
—chapter warnings: cussing, hyunjin is incredibly mean to oc in this chapter but he does something that makes him realize how mean he actually was 🤧, oc is just kinda having a hard time adjusting and hyunjin is not making this better, jeongin is best boi!!, we do get to see another side of hyunjin though
—note: sorry for uploading a bit late this weekend, ended up being pretty busy. just wanted to give a big, big shoutout to my love @persphonesorchid​ for surprising me with beautiful banners for this fic! thank you babe, i appreciate you 🥺💞 
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"Where are you guys going?" Changbin asks, handing you an iced vanilla latte with a huge smile on his face. "Got this for you, by the way."
"Oh my god, you actually remembered. Thank you, you didn't have to." You laugh, remembering you told Changbin, Jeongin and Felix it was your favorite item in the café, but you hadn't had time to get it lately due to running to work in between classes.
"Actually, I'm the one who remembered. He just paid after losing rock, paper, scissors." Jeongin pushes his glasses up and sips his drink.
"Shut up, don't lie like that." Changbin says while Felix laughs.
"You actually did forget though."
"For one second, then it came to me. But you guys just beat me to it."
"Changbin." You pout. "I thought I was special." You tease, being that you had easily [and quickly] clicked with these three in such a short amount of time.
"You are." He copies your cute tone. "It was a moment of weakness, that's all."
"You're full of shit." Jeongin laughs loudly, making Changbin push him to the side. "Anyways, I'm here. See you guys later?" You all say your goodbye's and wave Jeongin off to class.
"I gotta head to the Hale Center." You poke your bottom lip out, staring at the building from a distance.
"You live there." Changbin laughs. "I don't ever see you come out of that building unless you're in the library."
"I know."
"I have to head to the Social Sciences building." Felix adds. "Changbin?"
"I'm gonna head over there and hang out in the Aloha Center, maybe work out until the next class." He nods towards the building.
"Must be nice." You and Felix say.
"Shoulda worked with your advisor to move your schedule around so you have more down time."
"Mhm, kiss ass." Felix jokes, making Changbin giggle that giggle of his.
"Catch you guys later? Text if you're gonna hang out in the library." Changbin calls out as he slowly starts to part from you and Felix as you approach the Aloha Center. You wave him off before kicking at the rocks below your feet.
"You okay?"
"Just tired." You look at Felix, but you can tell he senses otherwise. There's definitely more to it and it's true. To be honest, there's a ton of things running through your mind, school probably being the last bit of it. You'll say it time and time again; you trust your brother and you knew he had a handle on things. But, it didn't stop you from worrying. You hoped your parents were getting the rest they needed. The last thing you wanted was for anything to happen to them, to your brother. For someone who wasn't that far from family, you suddenly felt like you were on the opposite end of the world— being so locked in with your graduate program with no room to leave and be with your family for a quick minute.
Lost, alone.
You wondered when this feeling would end.
"Want me to walk you to class?"
"It's okay, the Social Sciences building is all the way over there. Plus, I don't wanna be a burden." He shakes his head.
"A burden? I wanna walk you to class. I don't mind."
"If you say so." You tease. "For the record, this was your idea. Don't use this against me later on."
"Never." He chuckles. On the way to the science building, you and Felix engage in small talk about how classes have been the past few days and how he's been trying to find hobbies to fill his down time with. You listen to his ideas, chiming in about how he should explore around town to see if there were any classes that fit what he's looking for.
"But does that sound weird? Like, wanting to rock climb or surf.. archery, even?"
"No, why would it sound weird, Felix? You'll be great at whatever you decide to pick up."
"You think so?" You smile at him, watching as he opens the door to the science building.
"Yeah, absolutely."
"Do you wanna head into town one day and look around with me?" He chuckles nervously and scratches at the back of his neck. "I-I mean, you would probably know more than I would."
"Yeah, I'm down. I'm not sure I'll be the best at finding the answers for you, but we can go through it together." You stop at the top of the staircase with Felix smiling brightly at you. Right across stands Hyunjin, the supply room door propped open as he unpacks a new shipment and helps stock the supply room. He glances over, unintentionally doing a double take when he sees you and your friend smiling [mostly blushing] at each other. He's not sure why it bothers him, maybe because it's you and you've been pushing his buttons every single time you meet. Or, it could be something else— he's not sure, and quite frankly, he doesn't wanna try to put his finger on it.
Did you always bat your eyelashes at every single guy to try and win them over?
Before he can break his stare, you look over and make eye contact. Your smile instantly dies because you suddenly feel awkward for whatever reason. But, Felix doesn't really catch on because by the time you can do or say anything, Hyunjin is looking away and silently continuing to stock the supplies in the room.
"Have you thought about the fair next week?" Felix diverts your attention back to him.
"O-oh shit, the fair. That's right." Felix chuckles with a small nod.
"Ah, I think it depends on my meetings with Hyunjin." You say without certainty. You know you two have to meet since you've gotten a few updates from Dr. Kreher and the help he's giving with the supplies you need. On top of that, you both definitely need to get started on the project if you want to finish in time. "If I have time afterwards, I will."
"It doesn't end until 11 PM anyway. I'll wait for you, if you want. Or, head over when you are." You give him a toothless smile. "I'm sure Jeongin and Changbin won't mind either."
"I'll keep you updated." You let out a breath. "Well, thanks for walking me to class. I hope I won't make you late."
"It's all good." He smiles. "Text you later?" You nod, slowly walking backwards towards the classroom until Felix heads down the steps and out of the science building. You take one more look at Hyunjin, seeing that he's still unpacking the box and stocking up the lab.
"Hey." You quickly make your way over to him. He glances over his shoulder to look at you, not saying a word when he continues to pack the supplies up on the shelf. "Can we meet later?"
"I guess."
"You guess?" He looks at you, brows furrowed.
"Sorry, did I need to spell it out?" You roll your eyes.
"8PM, library."
"Yup." You let out a sigh before turning on your heel and finally heading to class.
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You're incredibly exhausted at the end of the day from running around, your patience easily running thin. You're hoping Hyunjin can cooperate so that you two can agree and go your separate ways peacefully tonight. But, part of you already knows [and hasn't accepted, oddly] that he'll be the opposite. What you did to him, you had no idea. You didn't exactly ask to be partnered with him, nor did you intentionally mean to run into him that night at the library. If he was going to be so closed off, how would you two ever get this project together? It was the first project of the semester, by far one of the biggest already, and you weren't gonna let Hyunjin's attitude be the reason why you two failed the project.
Something's gotta give.
You have a few minutes before you head to the library, so you give yourself time to head to the café to grab something to eat. You suddenly think of Hyunjin, so you grab him one of the grab-n-go sandwiches on display. It's not that you were trying to buy his approval or shower him with food in hopes of him easing up— though, it'd be nice— but, you were genuinely worried about him since he had seemed so uncomfortably hungry during your last meeting. Besides, today's meeting was pretty last minute. You were trying to avoid the whole 'scheduling-last-minute' kinda thing, but tonight was necessary.
When you sit at your usual table, Hyunjin takes a couple of minutes before he arrives, doing the same thing as last time— silently dragging his chair out before setting his bag onto the surface of the table. This time though, he lets out a heavy sigh before grabbing his laptop and slouching in his chair.
"So, why are we meeting?"
"Because I got an update from Dr. Kreher on the supplies."
"You couldn't just text me about it?" You look at him with your brows furrowed.
"No. We need to at least discuss the general steps of our procedure and figure out how and when we're gonna get started on this. We need to get started soon if we wanna finish on time."
"Well, what did he say?"
"Supplies should get here early next week, he made sure to put in a request to expedite it." Silence. "After that, I think we can spend some hours in the lab working on it. I-Is that okay?"
"Mmkay, cool." You type away at your notes, taking a bite of your to-go dinner while you're at it. You glance over at the sandwich, slowly edging it towards him. He looks up from his laptop screen, confused as to what you're doing and why the sandwich is getting pushed to his area. "I got you this, by the way."
"For what?"
"I just thought you might be hungry." He pushes it back.
"Why are you doing that?"
"Doing what—" He shuts his laptop close and shoves it back into his backpack, which slightly catches you off guard.
"Look, I don't need your pity or anything like that, okay?"
"Woah, I just thought you could use it since our meeting was last minute. What the hell is your problem? I never did anything to you."
"I can take care of myself. You don't have to do all that shit." He scoffs, continuing to pack up his things. "This is such a waste of time—"
"Yeah, you're right." You cut him off, feeling angry and hurt that he had the audacity to go off on you like that when you were just genuinely trying to be nice. Scratch that, you were just genuinely trying. "This is a waste of time." He watches as you pack up and stand, hurriedly throwing your strap over your shoulder. "I'll just text you updates. From now on, I can work on my own part and you can work on yours. That way, we don't have to waste each other's time and be in each other's hair." You tossed the sandwich over to him. "Keep it. It was never out of pity or anything like that. I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you feel a certain way towards me, but not everyone who tries to reach out to you has negative intentions, Hyunjin." You say before walking out of the library. To be honest, Hyunjin doesn't even know how to react right now. Usually, people knew how to leave him alone. Usually, people didn't care much for him. You, though? He doesn't understand why you try and why you would be concerned for him.
I'll never understand it, he thinks.
But, it does make him feel bad that he used his awfully terrible defense mechanism against your genuine gesture. Yeah, maybe he should've known better. How was he supposed to know, though? No one has genuinely paid attention to him these last couple of years. He had been minding his business, doing all of this shit on his own. He's protective of his time, protective of who he gives effort to— he's protecting himself, afraid to feel hurt or be hurt again.
"Fuck." He mutters to himself, unaware that he was even able to feel this way towards someone, a stranger technically, after being numb for so long.
You, on the other hand, walk out of the library with hot, angry tears streaming down your face. You aren't sure if it's Hyunjin alone, or if it's Hyunjin being the cherry on top to everything that has been going on lately. It was fucking upsetting. Made you livid, made you close to despising him. And frankly, you try not to head down that path. It's something you feel like you can't ever come back from. Therefore, you try as best as possible to work it out and avoid it.
Hyunjin, though.
At this point, you're positive it's not possible between you two and you're not even sure why. You haven't done shit to him, but that wasn't your fault.
You were over it. You didn't have time for shit like this at this point in your life.
As you finally created enough distance between you and the library, you called Jeongin to see if the him and the boys were still hanging out at the Aloha Center. You figured they weren't, but all you needed was company, any kind of company, even if that meant hearing Jeongin's voice through the phone.
"Y/N!" He picks up the phone in typical Jeongin style. "What's up?"
"Hey, are you still at the Aloha Center?"
"No, we left awhile ago. Sorry, we didn't think you'd make it since you were with Hyunjin." He says, apologetically. "Are you okay?"
"Um, yeah. Perfectly fine." You lie, even though it's pretty obvious with the way your voice trembles a bit. "Just been a rough day. Wanted to see you guys for a little if you were still around."
"I'm sorry. Do you wanna meet up somewhere? I'm just at my apartment with my roommates."
"No, it's okay." You quickly wipe the tear that fell down your cheek. "Seriously. I'm just gonna head home and get comfy."
"You should. It's been a long day. Treat yourself, yeah?"
"I will."
"Are you positive you don't wanna meet up? Or, I can drop by. I don't mind."
"No, Jeongin. It's fine. Thank you, anyway." You quietly sniffle. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, but I'll wait until you get into the car and are about to drive off." He says right before he laughs with his roommates in the background, making you feel bad that you're holding him up. "Should I ask how your meeting with Hyunjin went?"
"Probably not." You give off a tiny, pathetic chuckle.
"Mm. I'm sorry Y/N."
"It's alright, I'll figure this out." You let out a sigh. "How are you and Yeonjun doing with your project?"
"We're starting next week, but I don't think our project is as complex as yours and Hyunjin's, so it won't take much time or effort." He chuckles.
"Still, that's good." You finally get to your car and shut the door, letting out another breath before you settle into your seat. "Alright, I'm in my car."
"Okay. Are you sure you're good?" No, you think. I wish I could go home.
"Yeah. Thank you."
"I got you." He laughs a bit. "Text me when you get settled, alright?"
"I will."
"Drive safely." And with that, you hang up the call and start the car to get yourself home in radio silence.
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Hyunjin packs up his things and slowly heads out of the library, greeting the front desk lady with a small, toothless smile as he walks out of the main doors. The night is perfect; not too cold, not too hot. There's a breeze that's picking up and Hyunjin enjoys the way it hits his skin so refreshingly. After what happened with you, he felt incredibly bad, but he wasn't sure how he could apologize. He wasn't used to doing these kind of things— not anymore at least.
When he meets the center portion of campus, he's hoping he'll see you lingering around somehow. But, part of him knows he left a little too late, and maybe he left a little too late on purpose because he wasn't sure how to apologize to you. He looks at the sandwich in his hands and swallows the lump in his throat, letting out a sigh as he grips onto his bag strap and heads towards the Hale Center lot.
Maybe the next time he sees you, he'll muster up enough courage to apologize. It'll give him some time to formulate the right words. At least right now, he doesn't want to do anything else to hurt your feelings. After all, you were partners and he needed a good grade just as much as you did. He had to make it work.
"Hyunjin." He steps out of his car when he parks it in the alleyway, immediately greeting Mrs. Shao. She was in her late-60's, having to run the grocery store underneath his studio by herself after her husband had passed a couple of years ago. Hyunjin offers to help whenever he has down time because it's the least he can do. She offered him the space for cheap and always checks up on him.
"Mrs. Shao." He greets her warmly. "What're you doing, the store is closed?"
"I'm just cleaning up a little while I can." She chuckles.
"Do you need some help? Why didn't you text me?" He locks his car and heads towards the back door of the grocery store where she stands with the dustpan and broom.
"No, no. I'm alright dear, I'm almost done. I know you've had a long day. You work so hard at school." She smiles.
"You sure?"
"Yes. Just go upstairs and get some rest, okay?" She looks down at the sandwich in his hands. "Oh, I'm glad you have some food with you. You worry me sometimes."
"I'm fine. I can wait for you, Mrs. Shao." He chuckles, stepping into the backroom with her. "Please let me know when you need help next time, okay? I don't want you doing this by yourself at night time."
"Nonsense. I'm a strong woman."
"Yes, indeed you are. But still, I just want to make sure." He agrees, sitting on the chair at the register, pulling back the plastic wrap from his sandwich. It's quiet for a bit as Hyunjin watches Mrs. Shao clean up in the back, a comforting silence he can always rely on. But, it isn't long before she breaks the silence again, walking towards him after she empties her dustpan in the trash.
"How has school been?"
"Off to a pretty fast start."
"You're already working with your teacher, right?" He nods.
"Yup, schedule is packed. I just got assigned my first project of the semester."
"Already? Wow. How is that going?" He sighs and looks at her, making her chuckle. "Trouble already?"
"No, no." He shakes his head. "I, uh.. no, it's nothing."
"What is it?"
"My partner? I might have, um, hurt her feelings? I was pretty tough on her today. She gave me this sandwich and I told her she didn't need to pity me." She laughs.
"Hyunjinnie. What did I tell you about that shell of yours?"
"No, I know. But." He shakes his head. "Actually, no. I don't know. I don't even know her like that, so I don't even know why I feel bad. I just don't understand why she wants to be friends so badly, we're just partners. Am I wrong for feeling that way?"
"Hyunjinnie." She says softly, hand placed on his arm. "I know you've been through a lot, but you don't need to shut every single person out. I know you're strong and you're always going to be strong. But, it'd be nice to have people you can lean on, people who can help push you when days get tough. Life is tough, it's not easy. And as much as we like to think that we can do everything alone, it's almost impossible."
"But look at you, Mrs. Shao." He responds gently. "You're strong."
"I am, because of you. Because of this store, because of the people I work with, the people I meet and have made friends with." She gives him another soft smile. "Think about it. She's sweet for trying. She might not be out to get you or ridicule you like you think she is."
"Mm, yeah." Is all he says before taking the last bite of his sandwich and chucking the paper into the trash can. "I guess." She chuckles again and ruffles his hair.
"Never gonna be easy with you, huh?" She teases as she sets the broom and dustpan aside. "Come on, let's go upstairs." He smiles and grabs his things, shutting off the lights as they head towards the back and lock the doors. They climb up the stairs that leads to her studio and his, doors in front of each other. She lives in the back studio, while Hyunjin lives on the front end, with a view that overlooks part of Lā'ie and Temple Beach. "Are you busy this weekend?" She turns to him as he unlocks his door.
"I don't think so. Need help?" She nods.
"If you're able to."
"Of course." She smiles and squeezes his forearm.
"Thank you, Hyunjinnie. I appreciate it. You sleep well, okay?"
"You too, Mrs. Shao. Goodnight." He says before entering his studio and gently shutting the door. He tosses his keys off to the side, only turning on the kitchen light as he steps out of his shoes. He takes off his jacket and hangs it up before looking over at the blank canvas that sat on his easel at the corner of his living room area.
He hasn't had the urge to paint anything in a long, long time.
He lost his touch, his creative spark.
He's not sure what else can bring it back.
But the only thing he can do is let out a hefty sigh when he looks at it because he doesn't really wanna try to figure it out or try to get it back, whatever.
He heads straight to his room to get ready for bed, washing up in his bathroom and tossing his clothes into the hamper before getting into his pajamas. He lays there, unable to fall asleep right away. It's been this way for lord knows how long, but at this point, it does't really bother Hyunjin. It hasn't felt odd, it hasn't been anything new. It's part of his routine and something he's sadly gotten used to.
He lets the blankets drape over his legs, the street lights illuminating corners of his room as he scrolls through his phone. He suddenly thinks about you, remembering the words you said before you rushed out of the library with that look on your face.
I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you feel a certain way towards me, but not everyone who tries to reach out to you has negative intentions, Hyunjin.
He shakes off the feeling, not really wanting to think about it at this time of night. He'll worry about it when he sees you again, maybe he'll do better about what he says, how he approaches you.
You just had to be partners.
He had to make it work.
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♡ taglist: @lotus-dly​ @hyunk1ss @sstarryoong​ @laylasbunbunny​ @azeret98​ @peterballardsgf​ @taeriffic​ @nattisbored​ @lovingeaglepeanut​ [bold = couldn’t tag!]
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
haunted hawkins please you absolute MENACE to my HEALTH with that snippet amy adams screaming dot gif
what can i say i love Pain and Angst hehe. lucky for you i have TWO pieces from haunted hawkins (though one of them might be scrapped bc i was on a scream kick…but in the realm of haunted hawkins robin and nancy DO have a few non-paranormal encounters. so.)
FIRST UP: the killer and the final girl (aka the scream chapter)
“There’s two of them,” she mutters, paralyzed by her own fear. Nancy’s head whips around, fear present in her gaze, too. “What?” “Killers,” Robin says, mouth suddenly dry and full of cotton, “there are two killers. One of them makes the call, the other does the killing.”
SECOND: The Lab (or, the name i just now gave this chapter outline bc this idea just slapped me in the face so i had to write it down)
“Robin, do you hear that?” Nancy stops, tilting her head around to seemingly get a better listen. Robin does hear it, a chittering that’s eerily and horribly familiar. The hairs on the back of her neck rise, and dread rolls through her stomach. One hand grips the nail-bat tighter, the other reaches for Nancy’s shoulder. “Nance,” she murmurs, “we need to leave. Now.” Nancy nods, grabbing whatever files she can and shoving them into her bag. A scraping sound on the metal door urges them faster, but Robin fears that they might be too late. When they look back through the dimly lit hallway though, all they see is a person. Nothing monstrous or evil, nothing to make the hairs on the back of Robin’s neck raise like it does. The lights flicker. Nancy shoves the last of the files into her bag, and Robin hears the familiar click of the hammer on Nancy’s revolver. The lights flicker again. Robin squints, accidentally making eye contact with the man. The man convulses, head jerking before a sickly, squelching noise emits from him. And then, His face opens up. Almost like the— “Demogorgon,” Nancy breathes. She freezes, if only for a moment, but Robin’s pretty sure she’s never seen her freeze, ever. Robin raises the nailbat, fingers dancing on the grip. Ready to swing, ready to fight. Two more demo-dogs join the lone one. Each one having a face that belongs—or belonged—to a person. Unless they were part human. Robin’s no expert on demogorgons, but the last time she checked the demogorgon wasn’t also a person. Which means two terrible, terrible things: One: there are more demogorgons, which means there are more Upside Downs, which means infinitely more headaches for them. Two: these are not your average, run of the mill demogorgons. These are were-demogorgons. Which means that somehow, in this Upside Down, the demogorgons have evolved. Which leads Robin to her final point: They are royally fucked.
wip weekend <3
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Dark Virus: Chapter 1
Remember that post where i talked about a writing a story my fanbot getting trapped inside Walter manor with evil versions of the SPG bots but i was worried it would be too cringy? I decided screw it and I wrote it anyway.
This is partly inspired by @steam-powered-chaos 's evil The Jon story.
TW: brief mention of a dead body and blood, Compass doesn't really understand the concept of death, very brief mention of separation anxiety
Compass hummed a little tune to herself as she walked along the path, a fishing rod slung over her shoulder. She didn’t like the idea of taking a weekend by herself, but decided to give it a try after Peter vi’s encouragement, as taking this trip may help to ease the ex-sailer out of her fears of being alone. VI himself was taking a small vacation, along with the rest of his family. At least, the ones made of meat. The other six automatons were left in the manor with the rest of the staff, and Compass was ready to see them again. Although she was the newest member of the group, the others had taken her in as one of their own, making her feel welcome in the new environment. 
However, as the golden automaton finally saw the manor, something felt wrong. The manor felt more…dark. Compass couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong with the picture in front of her. Everything was the way it should be and in place, albeit a little quieter than normal, but that was to be expected with the Walter family gone. But still……
Compass shook off the thought as she leaned her fishing pole on the side of the manor, deciding she would put it away later. Right now, all she wanted to do was go back to her room, unload her satchel, and sort through the dozens of polaroid pictures she took of all the fish she met.
The lingering feeling of dread did not leave the ex-sailer as she crossed the threshold into the manor and pressed deeper into its halls. It was so dark. So dark that Compass could see the faint blue glow from the blue matter core in her abdomen, seeping through her black shirt and red vest. Why was it so dark? Did GG blow a fuse again? And where was everyone? Come to think of it, where was she? She cursed herself for not paying better attention to the halls of the manor, and placed a hand on the wall to the right of her. As she walked down the hall, she felt along the wall for a light.
Her boot caught something, causing the automaton to hit the floor with a deafening crash. She sat up, confused. What did she trip on? She reached out and poked something squishy. Squishy? What was squishy? An idea popped into the automaton's head, and she fumbled with her satchel for a few seconds, fish pictures spilling onto the floor. Finally, she grabbed her polaroid and clicked. The flash only illuminated the world for a half second, but that was all Compass needed to see what she tripped on. It was a Walter Worker, sleeping on the floor surrounded by strawberry jelly. Compass grinned and poke the sleeping worker again.
“Hey, you can’t sleep on the floor, silly!”  She giggled. The Walter Worker didn’t respond, still fast asleep. Compass poked them again, harder this time.
“C’mon, wake up! You can’t sleep here, you’ll get hurt!” She said, sounding more serious. A deep voice rang out behind her.
“They’re not going to wake up, Compass,”  it said. Compass stood up, but didn’t turn around, still too focused on the Walter Worker. 
“We’ll need to move them then so no one steps on them. I’ll grab the arms and you grab the legs,” She said, determination in her voice. The voice let out an unsettling laugh. 
“That won’t be necessary,” it said. Finnly, Compass turned to the person. In the darkness all she could see was a faint blue glow of a blue matter core, and a pair of unsettling green eyes. The figure hit her on the head with something, and she fell to the ground. The figure reached their hand to the nape of her neck, pushing said her braid, and flipped a tiny, almost invisible switch. The last thing Compass saw were those green eyes. They blinked, and began a crimson red. Then, everything went black.
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Dear Frankie Chapter Seven Frankie Morales x F!Reader
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Summary: A weekend away, leads to the next steps in the relationship
Words: 6754 Rating: 18+ SMUT please don’t read if you are under 18 Warnings/Triggers for series: Frankie is active duty military, deployment, death, Adult language, themes, and SMUT A/N: So I don’t really know anything…ok I know nothing about Fayetteville, North Carolina.  I am taking my own liberties on what it’s like there.  Names of places may exist, but I have no idea if they are real or not as well as some of the events I have.  But it's fan fiction and there are no rules.  While the reader may have some descriptions, I am doing my best to leave out physical characteristics. Just try to have a little imagination while you're reading this. I am horrible at SMUT writing, sooooo...yeah Another A/N: Sorry for the lack of posting to this story, I started a full time job at most of you know and when I did, I didn’t realize that full time meant 50-60 hours a week.  It’s been a lot and I am trying to get some more written, thank you for staying with me and now that I have figured out this work full stuff I hope to get back to writing some more. 
**Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. **
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-November 2012-
Try as you might Frankie, you will never be able to convince me that doughnuts are better than pancakes. The argument that they have frosting doesn’t work…who says you can’t put frosting on pancakes? 
I still can’t believe that you are with me, with everything that happened over the summer.  You always have said that you are the lucky one, but Frankie with how you treat me, with how you love me…I am the lucky one
It was the second week in November, you had been busy with work and Frankie had been swamped with his own.  A new recruitment class had just joined the ranks and he was busy teaching the new pilots. You missed him and when the two of you finally had a ‘Frankie Friday’ to be able to spend together you made sure to do things right. Tyler showed you a quick and easy Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe.  You stood in front of the stove stirring the pot of hot liquid when a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, Frankie rests his chin on your shoulder. Squeezing you and placing a kiss on your cheek “this smells amazing Estrella” you smile and lean back into him “You’re too good to me, you know that?”
You smile and nod your head in agreement, “gotta keep you fed somehow”, the two of you haven’t tried since that night. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, you really did.  But something always felt off, felt forced almost.  Not on Frankie’s part, but on your own.  You were getting to the point where you just wanted to get it done and over with. Dinner was done, dishes sitting on the drying rack and the leftover soup placed in the fridge in a tupperware bowl with Frankie’s name written on it. Your feet up on the couch, curled into Frankie’s side as the two of you watch some comedy movie.  These nights with you help Frankie forget the negative in the world and he wants nothing more than to laugh and see you smile. 
“Hey, what are you doing next weekend? I know we’ve been busy with work…and the holiday is coming up” he asks while his fingers mindlessly rub on and down your bare arm “…but do you wanna…” 
“Yes” you say before he even finishes. He chuckles 
“I didn’t even finish what I was going to ask you, it could have been dangerous, or another wedding. I know how much you love those” 
“Is it another wedding?” You ask and he shakes his head “then bring on the danger Pilot Morales” 
“Warrant Officer,” he corrects you “adding Pilot my last name doesn’t make me official” he laughs and you shrug your shoulders and curl back into his side, head resting against him. Hand resting on his stomach, thumb rubbing against his soft gray shirt and you turn your attention back to the movie.  He clears his throat, “you wanna go away with me for the weekend? Just the two of us…”
“Where?” you ask
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You pull up to what looks like a mansion.  A white stone front, with large wooden doors greet you, the backdrop of the mountains make it look like something out of a fairytale movie. Frankie kills the truck engine and you stare at the place you will be spending the next two days with your jaw dropped, not understanding how he was able to not only find this place but how he was able to afford it.  You’ve seen places like this for rent before and knew it wasn’t cheap by any means especially around the holidays. You feel Frankie’s thick fingers under your chin gently push up, closing your mouth “...how…” you ask 
“Eh, I know a guy” he smiles at you before leaning in to kiss you
“Oh, you just know a guy and you thought I was one with the mafia connection…you not telling me something Morales?” his hand moves from under your jaw, wrapping his fingers in your hair and holding your head in place as he kisses you slowly making you completely forget the question
“You said you wanted a little danger” his lips move over yours as he speaks, “do you wanna go inside?” you nod and quickly kiss him again 
Frankie opens his door, making his way over to you, He takes your hand as he helps you out of the truck.  Grabbing the two bags in the bed of the truck he follows you up to the front doors. His bag slung over his shoulder, the handles of your small bag wrapped around his hand, he reaches in gray sweat jacket and pulls out the key. Unlocking the large wooden door he pushes it open, you stand in awe of the house that lays in front of you. “It’s even better on the inside…” he whispers into your ear and you turn to look at him “after you” he nods his head towards the large open room. You bite your bottom lip and step inside. To the right of the door is what you can only imagine was a home office or library, books like all four walls. A grand staircase in the center of the room, walking past the stairs leads to a fireplace along the back wall. The family room on the right with a U-Shaped couch, facing a large picture frame window with the mountainous landscape. Who needs a TV with a few like this. On the left was a kitchen that any chef would dream for. Large fridge, a six-burner gas stove, two ovens and something that you knew was for pasta water but you didn’t know the correct term for. The large farm sink with its own window, and a center island big enough for ten people. Your jaw drops again, “who’s this guy you know?” You turn to face Frankie who set the bags down at the base of the stairs, shrugging his shoulders as he walks over to you
“Just a guy…really. It’s not a big deal” he places his hand on your lower back and kisses your cheek, “but if you think this is impressive. You should take a look at the bedroom” 
“Upstairs?” you ask 
“Upstairs…” he confirms and you run up the circular staircase leading to what find is the only room at the top of the stars 
Sliding open the barn door for the room, you almost faint at the beauty of the master bedroom. The room is larger than your entire downstairs studio apartment back in town. Floor to ceiling glass windows stretch the entire space. A large circle skylight that almost stretches from wall to wall has the room lit up with the setting sun. A king sized bed with dark blue sheets sits in the middle of the room under the skylight. You stand there in awe, Frankie’s footsteps behind you, climbing the stairs with your bags. Who was this guy and how the hell did Frankie know him? Part of you wondered…while the other part of you tried to commit every detail of this beautiful room to memory. Frankie sets your bags on the bench at the end of the bed. 
“This place is insane…” you shake your head still unable to believe it 
“Why don’t you get comfortable, unpack…I’ll go get some dinner started” he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead 
“Since when do you cook?” You laugh 
It wasn’t that Frankie didn’t cook, he did. He just didn’t like to, he knew the basics and was able to make more than just Mac and Cheese but in all the time you knew him he rarely cooked. He pulls back, still holding your waist smiling, “as a beautiful woman once told me…I gotta keep you fed some how” 
You put your hand over his goofy smile and playfully push him away, “I can’t with you sometimes you know that”  you shake your head smiling 
“You love me…” when you don’t say anything his statement turns into a question “…wait you love me right?” 
“I’ll let you know after dinner” 
Frankie puts out his bottom lips, looking at you like a wounded puppy. Those big brown eyes of his almost breaking you, you shake your head and smile, “fine…I love you” you pat his check and the smile that grows you swear could light up the whole damn city. He does a little fist pump and heads towards the open door and makes his way down the stairs towards the kitchen. You shake your head, laughing to yourself and you make your way to unzip your bag. 
You pull out a little yellow satin lingerie pajama dress. Thin yellow straps, with a deep v-neck line, the straps criss-cross in the back in a corset type style. The dress ends on your upper thigh, and you know the moment you bend over, your dress will leave nothing to the imagination in the backside. The dress has two slits on the sides, you wondered what they were for when there was so little fabric to begin with. You slide on the yellow satin shorts that you found to match. Before leaving you have an internal debate with yourself if you should wear this for dinner. Your hair down, falling over your shoulders and you stop at the threshold of the door. “Do it Frankie will think it’s sexy and have you then and there. Your the only dinner he’ll need” a voice says in your head, “don’t you want this…” it says again when you turn around and find the sleep shorts you brought with you. Sliding them up and tucking in the little bit of dress that was exposed. “What are you doing…” the voice gets louder when you put on a hoodie. You check the mirror and make sure your little yellow dress was hidden, and throw your hair up in a messy bun on top of your head. 
Making your way down the stairs and towards the kitchen the smell of Italian food fills your nose. Turning the corner you see candles sitting on the kitchen island, a bowl of salad sitting there with two wine glasses and a bottle of rosé. Frankie’s back to you as he stirs something on the stove top. How long had you been standing upstairs arguing with yourself about what to wear, it was nowhere near long enough for him to whip this meal up was it? 
“Are you making risotto?!” You ask
“Yes?” He inflection makes his answer sound like a question and you raise an eyebrow at him “yes” he says again more confidently and stands up a little straighter, shoulders back and proud of himself 
“Mmmhmm” you hum and move to a bar stool at the island reaching into the salad bowl stealing a crouton “you just happened to learn how to make a mushroom risotto” 
“For you, I’d learn anything…” he looks over his shoulder to see you smirk and roll your eyes “...and maybe I stopped by Gio’s and picked some up before this weekend” he chuckled turning off the stove top and dishing two plates that he had set on on the counter next to him
“Thank you,” you kiss his cheek as his sets the plate down in front of you “and thank you for this”
A weekend away with you, was exactly what I needed. Get away from everything at home and it just be us.  The trip started perfectly, an incredible house, the perfect man next to me and my favorite dinner.  I would be lying to you if I didn’t tell you I was still terrified of the next step, but Frankie I am ready…I am ready for you.  I love you more than I think was ever possible. The, I mean our first time may not have been exactly the way either of us envisioned it but it was nothing short of memory making. 
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Your back is against the armrest of the sofa, legs draped over Frankie’s lap.  One arm of his rest on the back of the sofa, the other over your legs.  His hand rubbing up and down your thigh.  His legs were bouncing and you could tell there was something he was waiting to say. There had been a movie playing on the TV but all you could focus on was Frankie and the inner debate he seemed to be having with himself. Was this what you looked like upstairs debating on wearing your sexy little sleepwear down stairs for dinner? 
“Hey…” you pause when he looks over at you “are you ok?” 
He takes a deep breath, “I…you. Ok” he pauses and takes a deep breath “I mean you kinda already are, but do you think you might want to move in with me?” 
“Really?” you ask with a bit of shock, you had been spending as much time as you could with him. At least when your schedules allowed for it. He looks away from you and down to his hand that now sits still on your thigh “hey…hey, I didn’t mean it like that.” you reach for his face, turning him gently to look at you. Your thumb rubbing along his jaw.
He moves his hand, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a silver key, a little heart shaped charm attached to it. You look down at the key, then back up to him, pulling his face towards you and kissing him with as much passion as you could. Fingers moving to his hair and holding him in place.  You can feel the cold metal of the key resting on your thigh, pulling away just enough to be able to speak, “yes, Frankie” you smile against him before kissing him again. The Key flattens against your leg, Frankie pulling you closer to him, giving himself the room to lay you down, back against the cushions.  The hand he had on the back of the couch now holds most of his body weight above you, he deepens the kiss, his tongue brushing along yours. The key falls in between your leg and the cushions when he moves his hand up your thigh sliding it under the hoodie you had been wearing and rubbing along the silk of the sexy lingerie pajamas you had been hiding.
He lifts the hoodie a little further before your hand catches his wrist and stops his movements. To try and make it seem a little less awkward and not that you don’t want to take the next step you move your hand to lace your fingers with his. Feeling the bulge in his jeans pressed against you, you turn your head to catch your breath. Frankie kissing you on the check, your jaw, then your ear. His teeth biting the lobe, “do you want to take this upstairs?” his voice a low and deep whisper, your brain forgetting how to speak. You nod your head, the scruff on his face tickles as you turn carefully to look at him. His soft brown eyes turning dark, filled with lust and you want nothing more than to let him take you to bed. 
Sitting up, you slide your legs off Frankie. He offers you his hand when he stands up fully, wrapping your fingers around his, he pulls you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his waist, and rest your head against his chest.  Breathing in a scent that is uniquely him.  Coffee, Fennel and something that you can not describe. It’s sweet but with a hint of spice and when you smell it, it smells like home. His hands slide down your back and over your ass, grabbing it and slowly leading you backwards towards the stairs. Your hands work their way to wrap around his neck, he leans back lifting your feet off the ground. Silently telling you to wrap your legs around his waist, when you do you feel his hands wrap around your thighs holding you to him and he begins to walk up the stairs.  When you feel him stop, you slowly unwrap your legs from him, feet finding the cold hard wood floor or the bedroom. He cages you against the wall, lips attached to yours while his hand fumbles around for a switch. He finally finds the switch he was looking for and a fire comes to life along the one wall that isn’t lined with glass windows.
His your hands slide down his chest, finding the zipper to his grey hoodie. Pulling it down and opening it up to his soft red shirt underneath. His hands move to your waist and start to slide under again, feeling the silk below. He pulls back an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on his face. “What’s this…” he questions as part of the yellow fabric becomes more exposed. You bite your lip, and pull his face back towards you, hoping that kissing him he’d forget the question. You know how the story ends, he will eventually see it when he starts to undress you. But you’d rather have his lips and attention focused on kissing you instead of what you are wearing. 
You push on his chest, getting him to walk backwards towards the bed. For not knowing the layout of the room you were very successful in leading him to the bed. His legs hit the bed, one hand moving from your waist to brace himself as he sits on the edge. Your legs move to straddle him, sitting on his lap continuing the kiss. His hands reach again for your hoodie, lifting it up inch by inch. More of the silky yellow fabric becoming exposed, he pulls away from the kiss just long enough to rip the hoodie over your head. His eyes drift down, seeing the helicopter charm resting against your chest, they continue down when he sees the sexy little number you had hidden. His hands on your waist, thumbs stroking your hips, licking his lips, continuing to drink the sight of you in. “Were you gonna wear this to dinner?” he asks you. You nod your head, your eyes looking down avoiding the look he’s giving you “it’s a good thing you didn’t…we never would have made it through the meal if you did” 
He lets you slide the jacket off his shoulders, your hands shaking as you reach for the hem of his shirt. His hands hold your wrist and help you lift the shirt over his head. You throw it behind you, your eyes still on his. Hands gripping in his broad shoulders, leaning back to kiss him. Your hips begin to rock against him, Frankie’s hands on your waist almost encouraging you to continue. When you break the kiss for a moment to catch your breath you hear him ask ‘are you sure?’ 
“Yes, Frankie…I, I’m ready” you smile, your thumb brushing over his lips “I love you” 
He kisses your thumb, smiling and nodding his head in agreement. The hands holding your waist move wrapping his arms around you, flipping you to your back. He stands next to the bed, propping yourself up in on elbows you reach for his belt “mmm not yet, this is about you” he motions for you to lay your head on the pillows, he follows laying next to you. His fingers pick up the charm resting between your breasts, his dark eyes focused on you. You reach up to cup his check and gently tuck a little curl behind his ear. He leans down to kiss you, his tongue sliding against your lips while his fingers trail down stopping when he reaches the waistband of your shorts. His thumb sliding underneath “may I?” 
You nod your head, instead of sliding your shorts off his fingers trail down further, through the curly hair there. His lips back on yours, moving slowly while his finger slips through your folds to find you already drenched waiting for him. His long calloused middle finger rubbing circles on your clit, you moan against his lips. Frankie carefully slides his finger down, towards your entrance when your hand flies to his bicep gripping it tightly. Pulling him away from this kiss thinking he had done something wrong, his finger stops moving and he brings his hand out of your shorts “are you ok? I…is this…I” he deep voice stuttering 
“No, no keep going. I just wasn’t…please do it again?” You nod your head “I just wasn’t expecting it…” 
“Ok…” he agrees, he slides his hand back, fingers making the same path as before. His eyes locked on to yours making sure that you are ok. He begins to slide in his finger and you bite your bottom lip, he inches in it slowly watching your face closing your eyes and the furrow between your brow relaxing he leans back down, kissing you gently and beginning to work his finger in and out of you. The grip on his bicep relaxes your hand moving to his neck, fingers threading three his hair when he moves his lips to the nook of your neck. Letting out a moan when his tongue licks a sensitive part there. 
“Are you ok?” He breathes against your skin 
“Mmmmhmmm” you hum nodding your head and you can feel the grin on his face against your skin 
“I’m gonna add another one ok?” He waits for your response, when you tell him ok he slips in another finger working you open. Preparing you to be ready for him and the next step
Mi Pescado, My love…so this is what you meant by preparing me first. I knew you had to be good with your hands. You are a skilled pilot after all but I had no idea you could play me like an instrument. I’ve tried this before but you are making me feel things I never had imagined. 
“Oooo” you moan against his neck “Frraaaankie” your fingers tighten his is hair a low moan escaping his lips that are still latched to your neck while his fingers continue to work in and out of you. Curling and rubbing against the most delicious spot 
“Come for me Mi Estrella…” his lips brush against your ear, teeth pulling on your lobe
Your eyes closed, head tilted back, hips rocking against the palm of his hand while his fingers kept working. 
Every cliché sounded exactly like that, a cliché. But Frankie, you made fireworks explode…waves crash on the beach…lava erupting from a volcano…and had the world stopping for just a moment. 
Your breathing fast, heart racing out of your chest. Eyes closed as you try to bring yourself back to earth. Frankie’s fingers now move slower, drawing out the incredible feeling of floating on air. Your fingers loosen around the dark locks. You open your eyes to see him, a smile on his face, eyes sparkling like the embers of the fireplace in the room. Fingertips massaging the back of his neck and you can’t help the post-orgasm smile on your face. 
“I love you,” he tells you leaning down kissing your forehead, the tip of your nose, then giving you a quick kiss to the lips “so much” 
You push some curls back off his forehead, fingers trailing down behind his ear. Over the scruff on his jawline, following it down to his chin. Catching it between your thumb and fingers you pull him back in for a kiss, “I love you” you murmur against his lips
Moving his body he positions himself over you, your legs spreading to let him fit. Sitting up, he reaches for the hem of the silk dress. He begins to pull it up, you sit up letting him pull it over your head.  His eyes roam down your bare chest, hands moving down the side of your body. Hands stopping at your hips, thumb brushing the soft, sensitive skin there. Biting the inside of his cheek and shaking his head, almost in disbelief. “How did I get so lucky?” he says to himself “so beautiful” 
Your hands work to undo his belt buckle, forehead resting against his. Your breathing picking up in anticipation of the next steps “then why don’t you finish your meal, Francisco” you say as seductively as you can with your heartbeat rising. Remembering the night he told you he didn’t prepare you first, that the night when everything went wrong he blamed himself. 
“Yes ma’am, gladly” he smirks, he stands to remove his pants the rest of the way. Before dropping them to the floor he reaches in his pocket, trying to find the little foil rapper.  You slide off your now soaked underwear and shorts throwing them on the other side of the bed, “shit…shit” you hear him turning your attention back towards the now naked man sitting on the edge of the bed. His elbows on his knees, a hand rubbing the back of his neck, the other over his face.
“Frankie?” you say softly, moving your body towards him and placing a hand on his shoulder, his head shaking in disappointment 
“I thought I had…I don’t, the condom fell out” he manages to finally say looking at you. His dark brown eyes, the once lustful look now replaced with sadness 
“It’s ok…we…” you put your hand on his cheek “I trust you” leaning in to kiss his shoulder, then his cheek, finding his lips “I trust you” you say again. 
Your eyes locking onto his; you take his hands and move them to your body, hands wrap around his neck guiding him back to the bed. Back to the position you had left. His forearm resting next to you holding his body weight off you. His other hand moves to his cock, stroking himself a few times before sliding the tip between your folds. You hold your breath when you feel tip notch at your entrance, “hey…hey breathe, ok” his voice concerned trying to guide you through this “just focus on me” you nod your head taking a deep breath.
He pushes in a bit further when you take your breath, moaning at the stretch. Your eyes closed, Frankie’s lips brush over your ear “ok?” he asks, and you nod. Fingers threading through his hair tugging on it “yes” you whisper and he inches further. Stopping again to let you adjust before he pushes further. The little tugs of his hair and air little moans encourage him to continue until he is fully in. You open your eyes, feeling that he had stopped moving, the feeling of him completely pushed up against you. The coarse hairs pressed to each other. “Ok?” He asks you again 
“Yes,” you smile at him “I love you” 
“I love you too” he leans down slowly kissing you. Staying still is hard for him, his cock twitching and begging for him to move. It’s taking every bit of his strength to not pull out and slam back into you. “I’m gonna move now, If you need…” 
“You to stop, tell you. Frankie, I trust you” you press your thumb over his lips. You roll your hips trying to create friction. You don’t know what made you do it, or how you knew to do it. Frankie grunts when you roll your hips again. 
Frankie starts to pull out, just enough to push back in. Small thrusts to start with, letting you feel him, giving you the chance to tell him to stop if you need to. Your small moans encourage him to continue to pull out further. His hand slides down your thigh, hooking around your knee and moving your leg up a little higher on his hips giving him a new angle. Your nails scratch down his back leaving your own mark on him, while his tongue and lips leave their own on your neck. 
“Oooo ooooh…” you breathe out, each snap of his hips brings out a new sound. His pace quickens, he wanted to hold back to go slow but you felt to good and it had been so long since he felt like this “Frrrrammmm” 
“Ok…is..too…much…” each word leaves his mouth with a thrust, lips against your skin. His head buried in your neck, his cock buried deep in your cunt. 
“Mmm it’s good” you tilt your head further back. Back arching while Frankie buried himself deeper. Legs tightening around him, your toes curling. He had found a spot inside of you that is setting your skin a blaze, a fire quickly building deep within you. “Frrraaankie….hmmm” you moan again 
His hips snapping harder, the pace picking up, sweet dripping down his body onto yours. He adjusts himself so he’s thrusting even deeper than before. His hand moves to hold the headboard, gripping onto it to help hold him above your body. Your toes curling more, hips moving with his, your hand trying to find something to hold on to. His grunts are only matched with your moans, skin slapping against skin. Your hand moves from his back and flies to grip the headboard when you lost control of the fire, a full blown inferno now. 
“Shhhhit….Oh god…Fffff” you walls clench around him, the damn burst and you come around him. Frankie chasing his own high, his head high above you know looking down on the beautiful faces you make as you fall over the edge. The hand not hold the headboard moves to your waist and down your leg that had he clenched around him. Moving your leg to open you up and thrust harder and faster. 
“Where?” He snarls, the chords in his neck tightening and his teeth grit together “I…need…to…” 
“Whhhat?” You ask as he snaps his hips again 
“Can…I…shiiiit” he can barely get the words out and you can feel him throbbing inside of you. You barely had enough time to say “inside” when warm fills you again. 
His toes curl, his breathing heavy and eyes closed. Ropes of his seed continue to flow, the once calculated and precision thrusts have slowed. Now longer slamming back into you, but gently sliding in and out. Frankie’s arm is growing tired and he lays his body weight on to you. The two of you are breathing heavily, his warm damp skin laying on top of yours. Your fingers massage the back of his head, puffs of hot air against your neck and his thick cock still pulses inside of you. His body begins to relax the more you play with his hair, your own breathing starting to even out. His face towards you, hot puffs of air hit your cheek. A stark contrast to the cold tear that falls from your eye that you know he feels. You don’t have to say anything before a barely there kiss is placed to your temple, then catching the next tear before it falls. 
“Shit, baby…I…I am sooo, are you ok?” he lifts his head, regaining strength he lefts the top of his body off of yours, your hands moving with him “did I hurt you” he slides out of you as carefully as he can. A hand holding your wrist, while the other cups your face
You swallow hard and shake your head, “I’m ok Frankie…I just, I’m sorry” you say quietly. You know the sex didn’t seem to last long, it seemed to be over quicker then you had hoped for. You know his experience and are sure that this wasn’t as good for him as he has had in the past.  “I’m…”
“Why are you sorry?” his thumb stroking your cheekbone, and a hand on your hip. The fire behind him and the sweet shine off his body making him look like a Greek God “you have nothing to be sorry for”
“It didn’t…I didn’t, was it? Was I ok?” you finally manage to ask him, sitting up. His hand still holding your hip, the hand on your face cradling the back of your neck “did you enjoy it?” 
“Did I enjoy it?” He asks, there was a tone to his voice you had never heard before. A mix of annoyance and saddens “of course I did, so it did last long. That doesn’t matter. What matters is how I feel about you and how I feel when I’m with you. And I love you, I love you more than I ever thought was possible” 
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you to him. You wrap your arms around him, head resting on his shoulder. Your hands run down his back, kissing his shoulder and pulling away to look at him. 
The fact was, it wasn’t like how I pictured it. It wasn’t like how they made it seem to be in the movies. I didn’t know what I was doing, and as much as I trusted you I was terrified. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky to have someone as understanding and wonderful as you. But, Frankie, I love you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. 
“Maybe we can try it again?” you ask a shy smile toying at your lips 
“Of course, we can. I mean practice does make perfect” 
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You hear the fire crackling, you open your eyes slowly.  Frankie’s bare back facing you from the end of the bed, holding a guitar he had found in the room.  Fingers gently brushing against the strings, turning the tuning pegs until he finds the right tone.  Carefully sliding the sheets off your naked body you crawl on the bed to him. Kissing his shoulder, your hand rubs up and down his back and you sit close, watching his thumb move over the strings again.
“I didn’t know you played guitar” you chin resting on his shoulder 
“I am a man of many hidden talents” he smiles leaning his head towards you 
“Play me something?” you ask
“I’m really not that good, I just…sometimes while away…I” he starts
You could always tell when he was starting to get nervous, he hands were busy otherwise you know he would be rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding all eye contact with you. You lift your head and place a kiss on his cheek, a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips. “Please?” you ask again. 
He nods, and begins playing a song you don’t know the melody to.  His eyes focused on what his hands were doing, his tongues peaking out of his lips in concentration. After a few chords you start to recognize, ‘I wanna know what love is…” you hum “I want you to show me” you say out loud. You can see the smile grow on his face.  After he had finished the few last chords of the chorus he stops playing, turning his head towards you
“That's all I know. I told you I wasn’t really that good” he sets the guitar down, his hand moving to cup your face, “however, this one one more hidden talent I need to show you”
It takes your mind a moment to register where this was going, his eyes looking up and down your naked body, a devilish grin on his face as he leans in to kiss you. Using all tongue your brain finally figures it out. You pull away, catching your breath, “oh, that talent…” you smile.
“Mmmmhmm” he nods his head in agreement 
“Ok, Catfish…show me” 
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The sun was beating down on your bare back, the skylight above the bed letting you know the morning had come. Your hand running along the empty space next to you. The spot now cold, your eyes fly open wondering where he could have gone, he didn’t…no why would he? You shake the thought as soon as it comes to you. Sitting up, a slight pain, yet pleasure runs between your legs. You look at his pillow, finding a rose and a yellow sticky note. You reach for the flower first and bring it to your nose, setting it on your lap you reach for the yellow paper. Frankie’s handwriting and a small hand drawn heart in the corner 
I thank my lucky stars everyday that you came into my life. Whenever the skies get to dark and the world feels like it’s caving in. You are there, a light in my darkness. Remember that I love you and that will never change 
You twirl the flower in your finger, a smile lingering on your face as his voice reads the letter in your mind again. ‘I love you and that will never change’ Frankie was a once in a lifetime kind of man, even after a year of being together you know he is the one for you. You move your legs to the edge of the bed, placing your feet on the floor. You slowly walk to the bathroom, feeling him with every step you take. 
You stop in front of the large mirror above the vanity and sinks. The movie at least got something right, you had a glow about you. Your lips still slightly swollen from kissing Frankie, your hair a mess, Frankie had left a trail of hickeys down your neck and scattered throughout your body. You follow them down to your hips where a small bruise was. You brush a finger over it and flashbacks of Frankie grabbing your waist tightly as he chased his high for the 4th time that night. Or was it morning? 
You freshen up, turning the light off in the bathroom you gingerly walk back in the bedroom and try to find your clothes from the night before. Then you see his grey sweat zip up jacket. A little light and a devilish grin spreads across your face. You slide it on and zip it up just enough to cover your lower half. You push the sleeves up so hands are free and you make your way down the stairs finding Frankie wearing his tight red boxer briefs in the kitchen once again. 
You don’t try to be sneaky, you know with that military training he could hear you coming no matter how hard you tried to be silent. Your arms wrap around his waist, while he flips the pancake. Kissing his back, “you know, you're too good to me?” 
He places the last pancake on a plate. Turning off the stove and facing you, “well I gotta keep you feed some how” he grins “good morning” 
“Morning” you reply before he leans down to kiss you “thank you for the flower”
He nods, fingers playing with the zipper resting just below your chest. Slowly moving you back towards the kitchen island.  Your hands holding his waist just above the band of his boxer briefs. Nose running along yours, your breath catches when he pulls the zipper down exposing your bare body to him.  Hands sliding to hold your hips under the grey fabric, lips finding yours in an unrushed kiss, taking his time making you feel every ounce of love he has for you. Your smile gives him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in, pulling your body closer to his when he does. Your stomach growls, causing him to pull back and chuckle. “Someone really is hungry…” 
“Shut up” 
You push him away, and walk the few steps to grab the plate that he put the pancakes on. The slight twinge of pain is still there when you walk, and you already know that Frankie knows. His face says it all when you turn back to him. “Did I hurt you, I knew I should have stopped…it was to much for the first time” he shakes his head 
“Frankie, hey…hey I’m ok. Really, I’m fine. Great actually” you were. You weren’t lying, you did feel great. Sure maybe you should have stopped after the 4th time but you wanted him more than anything and he did say practice makes perfect 
Frankie, my Francisco…mi Pescado, thank you. Thank you for being patient, thank you for waiting for me. Thank you for this weekend. Thank you for taking your time with me that night. Thank you for letting me love you. Thank you for being my Francisco. I don’t know what this next step of our journey will hold but I can not wait for you to be the last and first thing I see everyday. 
I love you 
@littlemisspascal <--Check out other great author's in the Pedro Pascal Library they have created.
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indiekidsau · 2 years
Indie Kids Chap.9-Basil's Birthday
Hey guys! So for a while, I wanted to write a birthday chapter for one of the kids. Since it’s February I saw it was Basil’s birthday coming up and figured writing a birthday chapter for a loving flower boy. I decided to post it early since I got it done before Basil’s actual birthday, February 18th (which is fine since I won’t be home on the 18th anyways.)
Just a heads up I’m not going to do a lot of Birthday chapters since it will have the same formula of angst turning happy and that setting a date to release stuff is stressful especially with my life of working, streaming, etc.
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
It was a typical Friday, Basil sat at his seat smiling as he waited for the bell to ring. Tomorrow was his birthday and he was excited as he got some good news.
 “So what’s gotten tomorrow’s Birthday boy excited?” Kel asked.
Basil tried to say what was so exciting about his birthday, but that excitement prevented him from speaking. 
“Come on Basil. The suspense is killing me!” Hat Kid yelled.
Basil chuckled. “Okay. Okay.” He started. “Well, you know how my parents travel for work?” 
“Yeah,” Kel replied. It took one second for it to click in Kel’s mind. “Wait, your parents are finally coming home?”
“Yes!” Basil squealed. “I couldn’t believe it at first, but Polly gave me the news last weekend!” He explained.
“So you and your parents will do something together?” Aubrey asked.
Basil nodded. “Yep! I don’t know what we’re doing, but I’ll figure it out once they land.” He explained. Soon the bell rang and everyone left class. Basil smiled going to his locker and grabbing his stuff before heading home with Aubrey and Kel behind him. “Maybe we can go to a fancy restaurant or go to this butterfly garden.” Basil listed as he thought of fun ideas to do on his birthday.
Kel and Aubrey smiled seeing their friend so excited. Basil hasn’t had a big party for four years now since…well…Aubrey shook off the thought and smiled seeing her best friend happy, but was concerned seeing Basil planning too far ahead to where if it doesn’t happen he’ll just be hurt.
Once the trio made it to Basil’s house they were greeted by Polly taking a phone call. “Oh. I understand, but you know he was excited to see both of you.” Polly said. Basil stopped as he felt his stomach drop. Polly let out a sigh, “Okay, I’ll let him know.”
“Let me know what?” Basil asked.
Polly sighed. “Apparently, there’s a snowstorm where your parents are located and it canceled their flight. They won’t be able to catch a flight until the day after your birthday.” She explained.
A frown quickly formed on Basil’s face, he looked down hoping no one would see his expression. Kel and Aubrey looked at one another before the latter put her hand on Basil’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Basil. I know you were looking forward to it.”
Basil then turned to his two best friends, forcing a smile. “I-it’s alright. These things happen.” He said. Basil started to walk to his room slowly.
How many times had they done this?
“If it makes you feel better, we can celebrate your birthday! It’ll be like old times!” Kel exclaimed.
Basil stopped at the third step of the stairs. “No, it's fine. I can just relax on my birthday.” He then continued his way up the stairs toward his bedroom.
Polly sighed seeing the young boy upset, the same went for Aubrey and Kel. Then Kel got an idea. “Aubrey! join me on a group call on the Chaos app tonight! I got an idea.” He said as he quickly dashed out of Basil’s house.
“I just hope it’s a good one.” Aubrey replied as she followed Kel out of Basil’s house and went home herself. Once she was home Aubrey just did some work on her computer before hearing a call on her Chaos account. She opened the site to see Kel, Michael, Mu, Hat Kid, and Bow Kid on a call. Aubrey was surprised to see Hat and Bow having accounts.
“Hey, Aubrey! Glad you made it!” Kel yelled.
“Hi, Aubrey!” Hat and Bow yelled at the same time.
“Hi, girls!” Aubrey replied. “How did you two get accounts?”
“Kel helped us.” Hat Kid replied. “Now we can chat with you guys.”
The group didn’t see it in the call, but Kel gave a proud smile. “You’re welcome!” He beamed.
Aubrey smiled and rolled her eyes. “So, Kel, what’s this idea you had?” She asked.
“Well since Basil’s parents aren’t coming by. I figured we would give him a surprise party!” Kel explained.
Aubrey smiled. “That would be great, but do we have time to get everything ready in one day?” She asked.
“Don’t worry, Michael and I got it all planned out. I’ll be the one buying the cake, Hat and Bow will handle the decorations.” Kel explained.
“What about Michael?” Aubrey asked.
“I’m gonna help with the party by keeping Basil away.” Michael explained.
“And by you, you mean Elizabeth or Evan, right?” Aubrey asked.
Michael snapped his fingers. “Bingo!” He replied. Aubrey sighed and shook her head.
“Since we're on call we should plan other things for the party, like food and other things.” Aubrey said. As she talked, Aubrey opened up a document and wrote down the ideas for Basil’s surprise party. “Anything else?”
It went quiet in the call for a bit, but soon Hat got an idea. “We can party games!” She added.
Aubrey quickly typed the idea down. “I have a couple we can bring!” She exclaimed. “What else?” Soon everyone started to give out ideas for Basil’s party and Aubrey wrote them down. Once satisfied, Aubrey sent the list to everyone before logging off for the night.
Morning came, and Basil struggled to get out of bed. It took him an hour or two before he felt his stomach rumble which caused him to finally get up and eat breakfast. Once he was done with breakfast he went out to his garden and started to water the plants.
“Well, at least you guys are here for my birthday.” Basil said, talking to his flowers.
“Hi, Basil!” The older boy’s eyes widened. He looked around before seeing Evan and his Fredbear plush.
“Oh hi, Evan!” Basil said.
“May I come in?” Evan asked.
Evan smiled and came through the fence and ran up  to Basil. “Happy Birthday by the way!” He beamed.
Basil gave a light chuckle. “Thanks.” He replied. Basil continued watering his plants as Evan watched him. The young boy looked around Basil’s garden looking at all the pretty plants.
“So is this all you're gonna do today?” Evan asked.
Basil nodded. “Yep. Figured my plants need some water with how cold it’s been.” He said.
“How about later tonight, I mean it is your birthday after all.” Evan said. Basil shook his head. “Well, could I at least stay? I mean no one should be alone on their birthday.” 
“Well…” Basil trailed off as he thought about it. His new plan now was to be at home, take care of his plants and relax. “I guess some company wouldn’t hurt.”
Evan smiled. “Thank you!” Basil chuckled and went back to watering his plants. The two were quiet and Evan had to think of what conversation to have with Basil to keep him occupied before the surprise party. “Sorry that your parents couldn’t make it to your birthday.”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.” Basil replied.
The young boy wasn’t impressed with the answer as he held Fredbear tighter. “Well, at least it’s not like my birthdays. Daddy isn’t around to celebrate with us, and all Michael likes to do is scare me and ruin my day.” Evan explained.
Basil frowned hearing Evan’s words. To him, that was worse than what he went through on his birthday. “Well, that’s mean!” He shouted. “Then again I’ve known Michael for a while so it’s not surprising.”
Evan nodded in reply. Soon, he decided to look around Basil’s garden and admired all the plants. There he saw six plants in different colored pots. “Basil! What’s this?” He asked.
Basil turned off the hose and went over to where Evan was and stopped. “Oh, those are the flowers that remind me of my friends and I,” He explained. “So the Sunflower is me, the cactus is Kel, the tulips is Sunny, and the gladiolus is Aubrey.”
Evan nodded. “What about those two?” He asked, pointing to the rose and the lily of the valley.
“The rose is Kel’s brother, Hero, and the lily of the valley is Sunny’s sister…” he paused, seeing it was hard to say Mari’s name.
“I didn’t know Sunny had an older sister!” Evan exclaimed.
“Well, he doesn’t talk about her that much.” Basil explained.
“Was she nice?” 
“Very nice!” Basil then went quiet and figured it was time to go back inside. “Wanna come inside?” He asked.
Evan shook his head. “No, I gotta head home.” He replied.
“Oh if you want I can walk you home if that’s okay with you.” Basil said. Evan nodded and Basil was right behind him as they walked back to the Afton household. As they walked, Evan took a turn which confused Basil. “Evan! Isn’t your house this way?” He asked. Evan didn’t listen but instead followed him to the park. Maybe he wanted to play a bit or maybe Elizabeth was around and he wanted to grab her too.
Once through the bushes, Basil stopped seeing his classmates shoutout, “SURPRISE!” 
Basil blinked, feeling tears from his eyes. “Happy Birthday Basil!” Evan yelled again hugging the older boy.
“W-what’s going on?” Basil asked.
“Well, Kel felt bad that your parents couldn’t make it to your birthday so he gave us the idea of giving you a surprise party!” Aubrey explained.
Kel smiled proudly. “You’re welcome!” He beamed.
“Kel brought the cake!” Hat Kid started. “Mu, Bow, and I set up the decorations!”
“With help from Aubrey and Michael.” Mu added.
“And Elizabeth and I brought extra snacks and games we can play!” Bow added.
Basil felt the tears fall from his eyes and wiped them away. “You guys did all this for me?” He asked.
“Of course.” Sunny said.
Basil couldn’t hold it in anymore and started to break down crying. Aubrey, Kel, and Sunny gave a smile as they walked toward their friend. They knew this was a mix of sad tears and tears of joy. The three hugged their friend who smiled feeling comfort from the hug.
Evan smiled and ran towards the four teens and hugged them as well. Soon Hat and Bow, who dragged Mu along, hugged Basil, and finally, Elizabeth, who forced her older brother, hugged Basil as well. The latter smiled, feeling the love from everyone.
Once everyone let go the group went over to Basil’s birthday cake and sang him “Happy Birthday.” Once they were done he blew out the candles. 
“Thanks, guys! If I only had my camera I’d take a photo of this!” Basil cried.
“Don’t worry about that!” Kel yelled as he pulled out Basil’s camera. “Sorry, I stole it before I left yesterday. Had to figure out how it worked so I could do this, it’s still confusing,” He said. Basil chuckled as he set his camera up and ushered everyone to squeeze into the photo so no one was left behind.
As the camera flashed the group did smiles and goofy faces. When Basil took the photo out and saw it he couldn’t help but laugh.
“It was my birthday today! And my friends made it one of the best ones ever!”
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tasteleeknow · 2 years
is there a fic or something you’ve written that YOU believe is your best work yet like the best piece you feel like you’ve ever written but it didn’t get as much attention as you anticipated? and is there a post that you didn’t try as much on but the amount of attention it got still shocks you ?? 😅😅
I don’t write fics but I know I get sooo mad when in school i have to write papers & the papers I don’t try very hard on & write in a few hours do WAYY better than the papers I take hours or even days writing 🙄🙄🙄. Just recently I got an A+ on my final report that I did an hour before it was due while another paper that I wrote for a different class & actually tried on (spent DAYYSSSS writing) I received a D- 😭.
Sorry for the little rant but I’m genuinely curious LOL
the amount of work and time i put into writing has ZERO impact on how 'well' it does lmao for sure. hello stranger is my first series and i have a document of thousands of words with tables all full of character building and planning and it's... so much work. the chapters get like 500 notes maybe compared to one shots which usually get between 1 to 4k. i don't actually mind though bc i get way more feedback on the series. like ppl put essays in their reblogs and send me messages and all that. i care more about that than the notes, especially because the majority of notes are likes.
i actually tend to find the things that don't get flooded with likes have more ppl who will message me personally and be really passionate about it. i wrote a fairy!au that didn't do as well as most of my other minho one shots but i had ppl making moodboards for it and edits and all of that. which again, i appreciate more than likes.
koala still has the most notes and its one of the first things i wrote so i KNOW the quality of the writing is worse. also when i posted it i was convinced ppl would hate it like i was ready to hit delete. after that did so well i've just been like no fear tbh like how i feel about something seems to say nothing abt how others will feel. i just post and vibe.
i really don't think there has been anything i've posted where i was disappointed in the amount of attention it got. maybe aftercare with minho ?? it's a drabble but it had a label put on it literally 2 minutes after i posted it so it got very little exposure. i really am just grateful in general like my writing gets a lot more eyes on it than i ever would have expected so i really feel like i have nothing to complain about. i do just wish more of the eyes were... active rather than ya know silent/passive.
lmao in school i literally did everything at the very last second. i had a very severe undiagnosed case of adhd and was really just coasting the entire time. i remember having to convince teachers id hand something in and then just keep stalling until they actually just gave up or forgot about it. then there was like ONE TIME for some reason i really clicked with the content, it was a maths assignment and it was satisfying to my brain, so i spent a week on it and ended up helping a bunch of my class with it at the public library on the weekend and i got the highest mark possible and then never did it again. no lessons learned just 'well thats nice moving on'. but in uni when i was forced to actually do the work the assignments where i started earlier and tried harder did meh and the ones i didn't at all did well. so yeah, i get it. D- on something you'd worked so hard on..... i'd lose it hfjdsk i remember once handing something in that i'd worked harder on than anything else in my entire uni life and i barely passed and i was like yeah never trying again. and i didn't. and everything was fine. what's the lesson?? idk trying is overrated just vibe gfhdjs
sorry for MY rant hjds
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asoulofatlantis · 26 days
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Guess whos back? Back again? Monas back! Tell a friend! XD
All jokes and Eminem-Songs aside (did I just date myself? XD) after 3 blissful weeks off, I have reached my last weekend before my very much hated much calls me back to earn the money I need to afford being able to play games. And with recent Kai CVs and stuff and so close to Kais release, I feel like I have reached the usual point were I can only play one thing: A Trails game. And with my Twitter-Timeline (X? What is that? Never heard of it ;P) reminding me of all the great moments from the Sky-Games I've decided to finally go back and try to finish my rerun. (I probably kick my ass if a remake really will be revealed at the end of the year tho XD)
I am not really sure why I did stop were I stopped. Playing such an old game with not many quality of life improvements and some crashes here and there is surely not easy, but when I finished the last chapter I actually posted that it was nice. So why stop there? Well anyway... we have yet to met my second blond angel, so lets return to the land of Liberl...
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Oh! We are not so far away from Tita, it seems...
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Kloe was able to face and rethink her decision regarding a certain throne thanks to Joshua and Estelle. Thanks to them and their assistance she saw that her country needed her and finally started realizing that it was egoistic of her to refuse the throne and give it to her... uh... uncle? No... great cousin? No... Uh... he is the Queens Nepthew so... uh... her great Nephew? Oh whatever! You know what I mean! The man only ever thinks of himself and uses his position for his own benefits and that man is supposed to become King of Liberl one day because Kloe didn't feel up to the challenge and wanted to live a normal life.
Despite all my anger and frustration at her... I do understand her a bit tho. We've seen what the pressure of being heir to the throne can do to someone with Cedric. And we also saw multiple times the dangers such a title entails. I would likely be scared of it too... so that is one thing I certainly would not hold against her. But its still good that her experience with the Bracers made her rethink her situation.
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We Trails-Players shall love all of our animal companions/mascots very much! That is the rule of Trails ♥
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This tunnel gives me some serious PTSD because of the Dungeon it will eventually lead me to and I guess I remember now why I would stop here, so shortly before FINALLY meeting Tita.
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Because Joshuas first kiss belongs to Estelle. His lips only belong to her. And we very much fight hard for her to finally kiss him, just to... yeah... I am getting ahead of myself here XD
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Oh my dear sweet Trails-Protagonist... XD
Why oh why could she feel relieved about the fact that Joshua and Kloe did not in fact Kiss? What reason could there be? If we only knew... XD
Seriously tho, the way our Trails protagonists handle their feelings is ridiculous.
Estelle Siblings-Zoned Joshua, trying to ship him with every girl but herself until it FINALLY clicked with her that she wanted to be shipped with him.
Lloyd thought that he could bot be with Elie because she came from such a good prestigious family and he wasn't worthy or her and in the process of only thinking but not telling her that he digged himself a hole.
Rean on the other hand, rushed to save Alisa from an unknown danger and even tho it brought him a slap in the face and some dreadful weeks of wondering how to fix this little problem... it ended up absolutely in his favor with Alisa being THE girl of all girls for him and he still managed to obliviously flirt left, right and center with the girls surrounding him even if you make it so he does no other bonding events with any girl but Alisa XD
And then there is Van... talking about his relationship with Elaine like its just been them misjudging their feelings, being absolutely oblivious to that Dancer girl having feelings for him and not seeing Agnes as a woman and... we will see how this will play out but even if he ends up with Elaine (which is most likely the case - much to my dismay...) it still has been some road to get there ^^'
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Tita! My girl! My child! My Angel! My Baby! I missed her so much! And look how adorable she was as a child. She is so darn cute!
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Look who we have here! Many familiar faces today XD
I'd say I did miss you Killika, but you are still not dating Zin so... yeah... not so sure about missing you until you have done that XD Jokes aside, it is weird seeing her in that Asioan dress, given how she looks like a businesswoman in Calvard these days ^^'
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Professor Russel is seriously the only sane one among all those old geezers who do sciences and engineering ^^' I mean look at Alisas father... or Professor Smidt (how was his name written again?) and their is something screaming SECRETS about Hamilton as well - and no, that is not just me being paranoid because its always the guys with the labcoats XD
All jokes aside... Professor Russel might be the only sane person among the old guys, but his daughter on the other hand... how she could have produced my sweet angel Tita is still beyond me ^^'
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Uhm... uh... maybe I take it back that he is the only sane one among them ^^'
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Oh! Dorothy! I totally forgot that we see each other quite often. And that she is... a bit of a magnet for trouble XD
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Its actually mandatory for a Trails game to have some sort of hot spring or hot bath or something like that. It makes me want to go to a hot spring one day too XD
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 1 month
Unlikely Places - Chapter 38 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter: 38 - Surprise
"My second relationship isn't a pretty story. There are very few good memories to outweigh the bad ones," Pierce paused but I stayed quiet.
I didn't think he was looking for a response nor did I think there was one.
At least nothing appropriate.
I waited patiently as he gathered his, if his expression was anything to go by, obviously grim thoughts.
"I met him about six months out of college. We had one of those romance story chance meetings or so I thought," Pierce looked at me then with a disgusted twist of his lips.
"It turned out there was nothing about our relationship that was chance. I just didn't know that. At least not for a while, we met, I fell, for close to a year I was a besotted fool," Pierce paused again and I again remained silent.
Mainly because I couldn't have spoken even if I wanted to.
My stomach was twisting, I hurt for him.
It was obvious he had suffered but I didn't think what I was feeling was all about him.
Yes, I felt sympathetic but I was also feeling this strange anger and weird feeling in my gut.
As I had listened to him speak, I had felt overly sensitive to his story as if a small scalpel like knife was inflicting biting little wounds along my skin.
His words made me hurt for him but they were hurting me, too.
It was weird and confusing.
Simple words had never physically affected me this way before.
Listening to him was not easy, it took real effort to make my face remain impassive.
He was already visibly struggling to tell me his story, the story I had asked him to tell.
The last thing I wanted was to show him I was struggling to listen.
He deserved better than that from me.
I breathed deeply and remained expressionless, schooling my features to one of, I hoped, sympathetic patience and understanding.
Pierce was always patient and encouraging with me.
I wanted to offer the same to him.
Though the knot in the pit of my stomach was nagging annoying, I put it aside.
Pierce warranted my full attention.
I could think about these strange feelings later.
"Pierce?" I finally quietly prompted when he continued to remain silent.
He squeezed my hand in response and gave a self-deprecating smile.
"Sorry," he replied.
"It's just not easy admitting what an idiot I was, not to mention an easy target."
"An easy target?" I found myself repeating in stunned disbelief.
Pierce was anything but.
"My supposed relationship, was nothing but a scam. Our encounter had not been by chance. There was nothing destiny related. Fate was not magically involved. I had been scouted and hunted and caught in the proverbial honey trap or you could say his money trap."
The light bulb clicked on in my head.
I was finally understanding what he was saying.
From his dark expression it seemed he still had more to say.
That pit in my stomach expanded.
This time though the misery I was feeling was all for him.
"I found out the truth the worst possible way. Something right out of a drama," Pierce continued with a humorless laugh.
"I wanted to surprise him with a weekend getaway. I'd told him I had to work late but was in fact making arrangements. I drove to his place without calling to pick him up. You know? 'Surprise.' Only the surprise was on me. Or should I say shock."
I swallowed.
My heart dove to my knees.
I could only imagine what he must have felt walking in on his lover with another.
I squeezed his hand in silent support.
"I knocked. I remember having a huge smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see his expression when he saw me, as he had been pouty when I had told him I had to work. I had played out all sorts of scenarios in my head how it would go down. My imagination just wasn't that good."
Pierce looked at me with an uncomfortable expression.
His hesitation confused me a bit as I couldn't imagine anything worse than what he was already telling me.
A moment later I realized I was as naïve as Pierce had once mentioned.
There could always be worse.
"When he opened the door, he was only wearing boxers. As he swung the door open, he was calling out 'we've been waiting for you' and was giggling in this weird high-pitched way. There was laughter ghosting down the hallway from his bedroom as he yelled."
"I was shocked. I just stood rooted to the floor. I can't begin to explain how completely confused I was. I knew what my eyes were seeing. I knew what my ears were hearing. I even knew what my nose was smelling but no matter how smart I think I am. I have never felt dumber than I did in that moment. I couldn't comprehend the glaringly obvious facts staring me right in the face."
"Oh Pierce," I murmured, instinctively closing the space between us and gathering him into my arms.
I didn't care how unapproachable he looked at that moment.
Despite his hands-off expression, I couldn't do anything else.
Pierce stiffened but only for a moment.
Slowly he wrapped his arms around my slighter form and returned my embrace.
"It's all okay now, Jackson. I'm okay," he reiterated.
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froggyphycosis · 2 months
Me and you outlined in stars PT2
WOO! It's finally here at long last! (no one was waiting) apologies for going quiet due to some stuff happening with life at the moment im going to go mostly dead during the weekdays and only really post during the weekends (please still chat to me tho!) anyway here's the ficcc.
Previous chapter!
After the events of part 1 Cassandra takes April to go do something she loves
2652 words
TW blood
Cw swearing
Cw mentions of violence from previous chapter
Caretaking (this chapter is so sweet and fluffy I swear)
...And now here she was. Watching April fumble with her apartment keys in one hand and gripping Cassandra's tight in the other. Her face is still rigid and frustrated. She manages to get the door open after a second and she nothing short of slams it open, Cassandra can hear Carol's shout of surprise from here.
April actually let's go of her hand now and starts to walk off. It feels like Cassandra has just had her skin scraped away by ice.
"Wait where are you going?!" she hates how scared her voice sounds even to her.
"Go sit on the couch I'll be out in the minute." she growls, stepping into her room and shutting the door with a soft click. No slam or rattle of the shelves like she was expecting, and not even bothering to look back.
April's anger usually burns hot. It's big and it's protective. All the Hamto's are like that, their love and passion and care fueling their anger like coal to the burning. If they're angry you'll know about it.
But not this time, April's gone quiet and dismissive and it's making the ugly thing in Cassandra twist into something even more disgusting.
Theres a soft sigh behind her.
It's Carol.
That shouldn't make Cassandra startle as much as it does. She's met Carol before and her intent towards her has always been one of kindness and warmth, welcoming her into her home like it was so normal to want somone like Cassandra in thier daughters life.
Even if it was only as friends.....
Carol steps forward suddenly, making her flinch. The older women's eyes are soft when they meet her own, even with the state she's in. Grimy boots on the carpet, blood staining the entire bottom half of her face and the really very pretty top that Mikey had gifted her.
She's probably going have to throw it away now.
"Why don't we sit you down on the couch baby I'll go grab the kit in the kitchen and then I'll get you all patched up how does that sound?"
It's a question.
She can leave if she wants to, if it's to much. Carol is giving her an out, and she doesn't move an inch as she waits for the answer.
Cassandra still can't get around the knot wedged in her throat though and has to settle with a nod instead, eyes down casted on the floor and she promptly flops onto the couch.
Fuckkkkk why was she born this way...?
She let's out a long sigh, the adrenaline draining out of her and with it all her energy too. Maybe she should train more? No way she should be getting this tired from a few punches.
She leans back so that her head is resting comfortably against the arm, closing her eyes. Her nose is throbbing and her body decided this was the best moment to clock her injuries. Everything burns and stings like crazy, for one, she can feel the scratch marks on her arms, how it's starting to ooze with blood, the fresh splits on her knuckles and how they sting after so long without use.
She'll probably have to go make a statement to the police she thinks bitterly, and this is going to turn into such a mess.
Already kind of is one.
The couch dips with someone's weight immediatley snapping her out of her half-sleep daydream. Cassandra lifts her head up so that she can at least look at Carol whilst she fixes her up.
But it's not Carol she looks up to.
Its April's worried face. Leaning over her, one hand hesitating almost touching her arm and med kit in the other. She didnt even hear April come out of her room, plus it had only been like, 2 minutes right? No way she had calmed down.
"I thought your mom was gonna patch me up?"
"O-oh right well-yeah well I can still get her if you want-" April backs off taking her incredibly comforting presence with her and Cassandra panics sitting up so fast her joints creak, she goes dizzy, hand darting out and grabbing her arm before she can leave.
"NO! no no, please don't go i need you to stay, I-I want yout stay."
She can't let her leave, not when she finally spoke to her. Finally *looked* at her, even if she's to tired to parse the meaning in any of it. April stares blankly for a moment, then her entire face crumbles and she buries herself in Cassandra's arms.
"O-oh okay then" April whispers
Shit she has to apologise now, she was to busy thinking about all the hurt to give it any thought.
"I'm so sorry for punching him," she starts. She doesnt know how to apologise this is so much harder than it should be. "i swear i didn't mean for it to get that bad, I didn't mean to break our promise I'm sorry- I really- and I know how important that agreement is to you-"
April lifts her head up suddenly, some of that upset returning in her eyes.
Shit she's messed up *again*.
"Cassandra that dumb agreement isn't important to me *you are* that's the whole reason I made you promise to it in the first place," April breathes in closing her eyes and something pained happens to her face and when her she opens them again they're glassy and wet "i *hate* seeing you hurt more than anything! I'm not mad. I'm upset yeah, you fucked up and you should apologise, but just know your so much more important okay? So so so *so* much more important."
April gently strokes her face down to her jaw and Cassandra won't ever admit she almost started crying again. She doesn't know what to say to that, to something *so sincere*, so unflinchingly warm and brave. Like she doesn't even doubt her opinion for a second, doesn't doubt *Cassandra* for a second. Her throat feels like barbed wire hot and prickly with the tears and cries she's trying to shove down.
"Oh." is all she manages to say and it's so embarrassingly strangled that it's going to keep her up at night. Maybe it says enough though, because April is wrapping her arms around Cassandra's chest like iron bars not even a second later, face in her neck again.
They stay like that for a while, some of Aprils warmth spreading into her, thawing her and relaxing her muscles.
Everything's not over yet, but they've talked it out, silent forgiveness passing through the air. It was comfortable even when she pulled away again and began tending to her bruises and bloody nose.
(she will not admit how much she enjoyed April gently tending to her face)
It's such a nice moment, almost perfect, almost.
"Hey Apricots?"
"You wanna know what would make this a perfect moment?" Cassandra's says relieved to hear some of that confidence she knows so well in herself return to her vioce, grin stretching across her face slowly.
"I wouldn't exactly say this is a nice moment considering you have a black eye but go on?" April asks playfully packing everything away.
"If we went to see the Stars."
April's head snaps up so fast it's impressive. She shakes Cassandra a little her eyes lighting up.
"Wait girl like really like now like was that geniune??"
She can't help the laugh that tumbles out of her "uhm yeah of course?? If you're okay with driving we can go right now to the barn if you want."
"Oh my god yes of course i can! hold on-hey mama!"
"I'm going out with Cassey I'll be back tommorow!" she shouts, already snatching her keys off of the coffee table one leg planted on the floor ready to get up.
"Wait, morning? where are you girls going?"
"Out to the barn-look we'll be back by tommorow promise!"
Cassandra hears her sigh from the kitchen. "well I can't very well stop you girls, you're both 18 so off you go."
"Thanks mama!"
April let's out a squeal of excitement and leaps up taking Cassandra with her.
"oh my god oh my god okay calm down your gonna need a sweater April otherwise you will litterally freeze to death i know what your like" she laughs
holding April's face in her hands, effectively stopping her from moving anywhere else.
But April doesn't answer her right away, she's stopped like deer in headlights looking up at Cassandra all wide eyes and silent, till the older teenager is forced to let go and shake her in hopes of grounding her with reality again.
"OH! Oh um r-right yeah mhm! my bad I'll go grab one!" April looks very sweaty all of the sudden and she wonders if maybe telling her to grab the sweater was a mistake because she looks warm, but she stumbles away to her room before Cassandra can reiterate.
Well that was wierd....
By the time April comes out of her room she's wearing not one of her own sweaters, but one of Cassandra's. It's a deep red (her favourite colour) and its the same sweater that she's been looking for for months, April must have stolen it before the invasion and kept it to herself.
"sorry is that MY favourite sweater your wearing right now?"
She's had that sweater for a very, very, long time. Been through hell and back in it. It has holes in the sleeves, nervously rubbed into them when she was younger. The aglets have been chewed, and there are definatly a few stains of her blood on there somewhere. Although it's her favourite,, it pools around her hands when she tries to hide her laugh behind her sleeves.
Cassandra's heart beats a little faster. Wow, April should wear her sweaters a lot more.
April doesn't answer her just smiles a little wider and skips to the door.
"You ready to go?"
"Yes! Onwards! A journey to the stars awaits us!" She says with gusto and is rewarded when April laughs fully, Causing the older teen to do the same.
They clamber up onto the roof, scaling the rusty pipe that works it's way from top to bottom of the house, it creaks and moans, bending under April's weight alone it's been years since they've been here they've both grown so much especially Cassandra who's now taller and thicker in muscles.
Qiute giggles echo from the top of the roof where April is watching her raptly and the older teen decides to take that as challenge to get up there quicker and faster.
She does a running jump, putting her boot to the wall, she grabs the pipe heaving herself half the way up and it works!....For about 2 seconds.
"AH FUC-" she slams into the ground and the breathe is punched out of her, the laughter from the top cuts off abruptly.
"O-oh my god wait are you okay?! "
She's to winded to reply and has to compromise with a thumbs up.
April laughs and rudely points out that "theres a ladder in the house somewhere isn't there?" just to ruin her dignity a little more
"... Yeah," she huffs, half out breath and half out of playful annoyancy.
April has the nerve to giggle. Asshole.
By the time Cassandra finally gets up to the roof (by ladder embarrassingly enough) April has already laid out Cassandra's jumper and a few blankets and is laying down totally engrossed in the stars above them.
It's not hard to see why, it takes all of but four seconds for Cassandra to flop down next to her and rember why they loved this place so much.
It's a watercolour blur of everything that makes the night sky so beautiful, blues and purples smeared against the pinks and greens, freckled with flecks of bright white constellations.
She gasps softly when she sees it.
She can't belive she went two years without this and a fight with a guy in bowling alley is what kickstarted the visit of all things too.
Thanks I guess.
Cassandra looks over at April. She's totally mezmerized a soft smile on her face and and her eyes skimming over the sky probably naming every constellation in her head.
She nudges the younger teen with her foot "Hey Apes tell me about one of the constellations."
April jolts, looks at Cassandra and then back up at the stars, eyes narrowing in concentrated thought. Her face lights up after few minutes and she clambers upright and crosses the distance between them, scooching right up and snuggling herself right into Cassandras side, head resting on her outstretched arm.
"you see that one right there?" April closes one eyes and slowly drags her finger along in the sky drawing an invisible line where a star constellation is.
"yeahhhh I think so."
"Okay that's good so," april shuffled a little getting more comfortable her voice getting low and soft "those constellations right there are called perseous and Andromeda, they are depicted side by side in the night, lovers outlined in stars." April's voice cracks suddenly," Not one of the things I learnt for JJ for once but actually one of donnies story books hah- ha! Haha "
Cassandra watches horrified as April sobs, half laughing half crying, in what the older teen assumes is stress and hysteria and a lot of built up emotions from almost dying, 5 months of constant moving and fighting and then everything that happened yesterday and all of that coming to a hault, everything's slowed down enough now that she can finally let it all out.
April considers her brothers the most important people in her life, she'd happily be the rock they need to lean on even at her own expense and after something like this, it was almost bound to happen.
Total Raph complex. And Leo. And Mikey. And Donnie. And-
"im-I'm *so*- sorry why am i *crying?*."
Ough this is not Cassandra's strong shit.
Porceed with caution as Donnie would say.... And probably Mikey actually.
Cassandra almost snorts imagine those two both agreeing about something on feelings...
She's spent far to long being silent but she doesn't dare open up her mouth because words have never been her strong suit but *actions*, actions she can do.
Cassandra opens her arms and nudges April's shoulder because she's turned around now taken her glasses off and viscously rubbing at her eyes. She looks up, all bleary nutmeg eyes and guilt and heartbreak and it tears up Cassandra's heart, but when April dives into her arms and buries her head into Cassandras neck giving into her feelings she ignores all of that in favour of holding her tightly, planning to stay until her legs go numb if April needs it.
April watches the skye lighten slightly as the night molds and fades into a warm dawn and thinks how lucky she is to have Casey.
She *loves* her.
And for all the teasing and shit her brothers give her for how fallen head over heels she is for this stupid, rambunctious, reckless, loud, caring girl. She's content.
Even if her deeper feelings for Cass aren't and will never be returned, she has no doubt in her mind now that Cassandra loves her. Not after this.
She can't belive she got so emotional about Casey being nice to her and taking her to the stars and being all romantic with her even after she freaked out after that guy hit her, that she actually started crying??
What a bummer.
"Hey Cassie?"
"I love you."
There's a pause, but April doesn't panic and doesn't have to look over at Cassandra to gage her reaction because she *knows* she'll say it back.
"I love you too."
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Covet chapters 64-67
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 64
It’s difficult, though, especially with the specter of Cyrus breathing down Hudson’s and my necks. And why he wants us off the chessboard so badly.
I kind of have the same opinion about all adults in YA novels who are obsessed with teenage girls. Like… bro. Chris Hanson is here to see you. 
Heather still hasn’t texted me since I told her not to come to Katmere for a visit, and that hurts even more today. I thought maybe she would break her silence to wish me a happy birthday, but she hasn’t. She is really pissed. 
I know that Heather is barely a character… but still. It’s barely been a year since Grace’s parents died. Did it ever occur to Heather that her friend is going through a lot of shit?
It isn’t until much later, back in my own room with Macy, that I realize Hudson never gave me my second present.
Chapter 64 summary: Two days have passed since they escaped back to the school. In that time, in between cramming for finals, Grace worries about everything that’s going on recently. 
She goes down to another study group in Hudson’s room, only for them to throw her a surprise party for her 18th birthday. Most of the chapter is glossed-over party stuff, which I’m not going to get into. Jaxon gives her the Klimt that was hanging in his room in the first book, and Grace says that it’s way too much. 
Chapter 65
“This,” he snarls, right before he slams his mouth down on mine.
Chapter 65 summary: Grace aces two of her finals, but she still feels like she’s going to flunk her history test. Jaxon had promised to tutor her, but things have been feeling more and more weird between them recently. So she asks Hudson for help instead.
They meet up at the front doors, and he says that it’s so nice outside, they should go out and study instead. He gives her his jacket, so that she doesn’t have to go back to her room to get her own. 
They go outside where they talk about history for exactly two seconds before they start fighting again. I don’t give a shit about what they’re fighting about, because I don’t give a shit about them. 
Hudson goes to leave, but Grace stops him. He tells her that she’ll regret it if she doesn’t move out of his way. When she challenges him as to what he’d even do to her, he kisses her. 
Chapter 66
They send flames racing down my spine, burning through my body. They melt me from the inside, turn my blood to lava and my knees to ashes and still it’s not enough. 
Please let the record state that we got two goddamned pages about how kissing Hudson made her feel. 
After another minute of squeezing, he opens his hand and, where there once was a chunk of carbon, there is now a diamond—and not just any diamond. This one has to be at least five carats.
You know what? Fucking fine. Vampires can squeeze a rock so hard that a perfectly cut and polished diamond comes out? WHY THE FUCK NOT. 
“You’re very, very welcome.” His grin turns softer, more intimate, more…vulnerable than I’ve ever seen it. At least until he reaches for my backpack and says, “Now, about those Witch Trials…”
Chapter 66 summary: Anyway, after those aforementioned pages where they finally stop kissing each other, Grace says some stuff about wanting to get to know Hudson better. That she feels bad that he knows everything about her, but what little she does know is tied around his shitty father. 
He says that he has a second present for her, and invites her to pick out an ordinary rock. She does, and then he squeezes the rock so hard that a goddamned perfectly cut and polished diamond pops out. THAT MIGHT AS WELL HAPPEN, TOO.
Hudson then reminds her that they should get back to studying for her history final. 
Chapter 67
“I need to go home this weekend.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “And I want you to come with me.”
Chapter 67 summary: Grace finishes with her finals. Outside of her last classroom, she runs into Flint, who was waiting for her. He invites her to go flying with him, which she does. Most of this chapter is nothing but “Plot? What plot? We’re on page 361/874.” Then in the literal last line, he says that he needs to go home that weekend, and wants Grace to come with him. 
0 notes
personasintro · 3 years
milfed (m.) | jjk teaser
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; In a desperate need to find another job to not get kicked out of the shared apartment with his best friend, jungkook finds himself doing a job he has never thought he would do and somehow, you were only supposed to be a person who pays him for babysitting
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst, smut, single mom!reader, fuckboy!jungkook
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: will be listed in the full chapter
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6k+ [teaser]
a/n: the story wouldn't be the same without the amazing talent of @dee-ehn​ who's made this banner for me quite a while ago (I'm so sorry to be using this just now, I took my time) but I'm very happy to finally showing it to you guys!!
c o m i n g  s o o n...
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“I'll see you later?”
Jungkook is not surprised when he hears this question. It's always the same one with the same hopeful tone that some of them are trying to mask. The other ones are more confident, just like this one is.
Soonja? Sara? Sumi? He's not sure.
The unnamed girl is standing at the end of Jungkook's bed, wearing the short skirt and now creased top from last night. She swipes her chestnut colored hair over her shoulder, looking at Jungkook who's laying in his bed with his back leaned against the headboard. He notices the way her eyes avert on his naked chest, eyeing his abs and exposed figure while his crotch is covered in modesty with a thin sheet. He smirks at that, knowing what kind of effect he has on girls, always enjoying it no matter how many times he's experienced this.
“Maybe,” he muses, admiring her exposed collarbones where he left the marks of his dirty mouth from last night.
He could go for another round if it wasn't for the intentional rustling and clicking coming from the outside of Jungkook's bedroom, knowing he's about to get another scolding as soon as he steps a foot out of the comfort of his room. It reeks of sex and sweat, mixed with the sweet fragrance that's stuck on her clothes.
He doesn't promise anything. He's always straightforward when it comes to girls. Just like he had been straightforward with this one, yet she still asks in hope to repeat their time together. It boosts his ego for sure. They always want to come back. Whether it's only because he fucked them right like no one before, or them being attracted to him too much to just let him go.
If she's not too satisfied with his answer, she doesn't show it and flashes him with one of her confident smiles as she makes her way towards the side of his bed. He watches her amusingly and with interest as she leans towards him. She kisses him, the confidence seeping even through the kiss as their mouths mold together for a few seconds. She pecks his lips for the last time, licking her own lips as Jungkook watches her leave his room shamelessly with a smirk on his glistening lips.
Maybe he'll use the number she gave him after all.
Jungkook makes sure he washes the smell of sex and sweat on his skin with a cold morning shower, getting himself ready for the day – or more like ready for his roommate. Just like Jungkook predicted, he barely makes it into the kitchen as his roommate Jimin, welcomes him with a glare and arms crossed over his chest.
Jungkook gives him a sheepish look, probably annoying Jimin even more.
“Morning,” he greets his grumpy looking roommate, aware of his current state because he's the reason for it.
He can't count on his fingers how many times Jimin asked him to stop bringing girls during the week. He can barely manage hearing girls moaning from Jungkook's bedroom every weekend. Week of non high-pitched moans and peace. That's all he asked of his roommate just for him to break the promise he made. For the ninth time. Not that Jimin counts it but yes, he does. It's hard not to notice such a thing when their bedrooms are right next to each other, not to mention the apartment they live in together isn't exactly spacious.
“We need to talk. Now,” Jimin ignores Jungkook's greeting, amusing the younger one as he grins and scratches his exposed chest.
It's one of the things Jimin had to get used to while living with his childhood friend – Jungkook barely wearing any clothes, liking showing off his precious and toned body even though he simply stated it's only because it makes him comfortable. Grey sweatpants are wrapped loosely around Jungkook's waist, at least he had the decency to actually put boxers on this time.
“God, at least put some underwear on for Christ's sake. I don't need to see the outline of your dick.” Jimin once told him when Jungkook similarly got out of the bathroom, wearing a similar pair of sweatpants.
“You're just jealous my dick is bigger than yours.” The youngest cheekily remarked back.
“Okay, I'll just make myself a morning coffee--”
“I said now.” Jimin presses, glaring at the younger friend with a stern look. Stern enough to let him know that Jimin isn't playing around and it's best not to provoke him any further, even though that has never been Jungkook's plan.
Like every other person, Jimin can get mad or stern from time to time but it's rare since he's usually considerate and sweet, putting up with Jungkook's bullshit with ease. Unlike some other people.
“Fine,” Jungkook grumbles in return, annoyed he won't be drinking his morning coffee anytime soon. He needs it after last night. As much as sleeping next to the gorgeous girl had been comfortable, he didn't get that much sleep. Well, he did get a morning blowjob. At least that's something.
Jimin bounces off the kitchen counter that he's been leaning against, not sparing another glance to his roommate as he makes his way into their living room. Jungkook sighs, not wanting to deal with Jimin's attitude especially when his morning went so nicely.
He notices Jimin sitting down on the chair, leaving the whole couch for Jungkook to sit down while he sighs again, slouching himself on it.
“Look, if this is about last night--”
“It's not,” Jimin cuts him off, shaking his sandy blonde hair. “Even though I'd appreciate you actually respecting my part of the rules,” Ah, yeah.
Those stupid rules of Jungkook not bringing his hook-ups during week. A part of him understands Jimin's wishes. They've classes to attend during the week, among other things like writing essays and preparing for exams. Jimin has always been the one who took things more seriously. Educational stuff like college, of course.
Thankfully, even though Jungkook can be irresponsible in that direction, at least he cleans after himself and takes care of their laundry which not many people would believe. He occasionally cooks but they take turns.
There are other rules that Jimin insisted on, like giving a head-up to one another if they want to bring someone. Which Jungkook fails to do as well. Personally, Jungkook doesn't mind if Jimin is in the apartment at the same time he's fucking someone. It's a natural thing and he does it too (debatable since Jimin has broken up with his girlfriend two months ago and until now, Jungkook is assured he's probably using his hand whenever he's not around). However, Jimin does mind and that specific rule is for his own sake, so he doesn't have to spend an entire night listening to bed creaking and high-pitched moans praising Jungkook's skills.
There has to be drawn a line.
The other rules are more simple, something Jungkook agreed on at the beginning of their journey of living together. Keep the place clean and neat, and make sure the rent is always paid on time.
“Our landlord called yesterday,”
This causes Jungkook to glance at his friend, all the amusement dropping as he waits for his friend and roommate at the same time to continue.
“The rent just went higher.”
It was expected but still, both of them hoped they wouldn't have to pay more than they already do. Both of them have part-time jobs, it's enough to let them pay the rent and have something on the side as well. It's only recently that all the apartment buildings around got a higher rent, it's a miracle the building they live in hadn't been among the first ones.
Living in a dorm is something they both strike out after seeing how much smaller they're compared to their current apartment. Living in an apartment is much more comfortable, a little bit costly but it's worth it.
“How much?”
He's not sure if he wants to hear the answer but it's inevitable. When Jimin responds to him, the price is not as high as Jungkook thought but higher enough for both of them to know they won't be able to pay the rent with their current part-time jobs.
Jimin works in a coffee shop nearby campus, usually working on weekends while Jungkook trains a few people in the nearby gym.
“We'll need to find another part-time job. We won't be able to cover rent and other expenses like groceries.”
Fuck, Jungkook knows that.
It won't be easy to find another part-time job. Everything is full, a lot of students are taking part-time jobs as well. They're lucky enough to have their current ones.
This leaves the two men in an obvious distress knowing there's no cheaper apartment and rent in the neighborhood. The apartment building they live in is just ten minutes' walk to their college.
“How the fuck do we do that? You've heard Tae's been looking for a job for three months and he hasn't found anything.” Jungkook scowls, letting his stress show as he remembers the current struggle of one of his friends. Taehyung is lucky that his family is loaded, this way he's only looking for a job because he wants to earn money by himself not because he desperately needs it. Unlike him and Jimin.
“I can ask my cousin Jin,” Jimin offers after a moment of silence and thinking. “He knows a lot of people and has many friends. Maybe he could help us somehow.”
It's not a promise and doesn't seem like it could be a successful try, yet it's better than nothing. Jungkook nods, setting his lips into a straight line as the both men sigh. They don't have that much time until the next rent.
Jungkook just hopes they'll find something. Anything. He'd take anything at this point.
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The Sunday morning sunshine shines through Jungkook's blinds as he carelessly pounds into Mia, yes this time he remembers the name, as she's clutching Jungkook's pillow while he delivers a slap to her perky ass. What a great way to start a day, indeed.
Her moan signaling her orgasm comes a few moments later, causing Jungkook to curse as he feels her pussy clenching around him. A few more pounds into her pretty and warm heat, he's spilling into the condom as he fucks himself through his own orgasm. Once he's done, feeling himself getting sensitive and soft, he drops onto the spot next to her. She plops back onto her back, smirking at Jungkook as he smirks back while both of them breathe heavily.
“This was fun,” she says, clearing her throat once her voice comes out raspy and a little bit shaky.
Jungkook hums in return, already recognizing her as a girl he has slept with before. That's why he remembers her name now.
There's a little rustling coming from the kitchen, causing Jungkook to groan as he covers his face with his palms as he rubs his tired face. “Not to be a douche, but you've gotta go. My roommate is awake and probably pissed, we must've woken him up.”
He expects her to be offended by his request, that's how he'd feel if someone basically tried to kick him out after just having sex. At least he should've allowed her to take a shower. However Mia offers him an amused smile and gets out of bed.
Ah fuck, he loves when he and the girl are on the same wave.
He watches her dress up, still laying in his bed with rustled hair and sleepy face, admiring her curves as she delivers him a few smirks when she sees him looking. She's obviously one of the confident ones. She puts on a shirt, hiding her tits even though Jungkook can still make out her hardened nipples. No bra. She's one of the wilder ones.
When she's all dressed up, unfortunately to Jungkook's eyes and dick, he pushes himself to stand up. It's his turn to smirk when she looks at his big cock even in its flaccid state, walking up to him as her perfectly manicured nails and fingertips meet the skin of Jungkook's abs.
“Call me sometime.”
“I will.” he says almost automatically, watching her leaving his bedroom while he can make out a faint greeting which had to be aimed at Jimin.
It's almost as if he could see Jimin's disapproval look even through the walls.
Just like always, Jungkook takes his time to take a proper shower and get rid of marks of Mia's red lipstick. And just like always, once he's done and this time covers his chest with one of his black hoodies, he's met with an unimpressed glance from his friend who's looking at him from the cup.
Jungkook prepares himself a morning coffee, humming some tunes while Jimin sits at the table with a mobile in his hands, occasionally glancing at his younger friend. However this time, Jimin saves his lecture about Jungkook sleeping around for another time. He knows his friend and knows he's not a bad guy.
Jungkook is young and wild, wanting to have fun and that includes sex and lots of girls. That doesn't mean he has a bad heart, quite the opposite actually but they are still very different from each other. Jimin doesn't necessarily agree with Jungkook's choice of lifestyle but Jungkook is stubborn. It's useless to try and speak to him about it.
“I talked to Jin, it took a few days but he actually found a job for you.” Jimin speaks up, catching Jungkook's attention as he pours himself a coffee and goes to sit on the opposite side of the table.
“For me?” Jungkook questions.
“Yeah,” Jimin nods, “I talked to my manager and he said I can take extra shifts. This way I won't have to find something else, just work more.”
Jimin doesn't sound too enthusiastic, even though he's grateful for the opportunity. This way he won't have to work in another team of new co-workers and the job is already something he's used to and knows how to do properly.
“What's the job?” Jungkook asks, placing the edge of the cup to his lips as he takes a sip.
“A babysitter.”
At this Jungkook spills some coffee out of his mouth, almost choking in the process as he stares at his friend with wide eyes.
“Come again?” he chokes out.
Jimin tries to hold back laughter as he runs his fingers through his hair. “Jin found a job as a babysitter.”
“You're kidding.” Jungkook scoffs. A babysitter? A freaking babysitter? Does Jungkook look like he could do that job?
It's not like he's incapable of babysitting. In fact, he used to babysit his little cousin and sometimes still does. He's not as heartless and incapable as his parents think.
“Sorry to say this, but you've no other choice. Or you can find something on your own,”
He actually tried to. He searched the web trying to find himself something but there aren't that many offers on the market at the moment. If he found something partly good, it was too far away and it wouldn't pay off for him to take the job.
“Look, it's actually Jin's friend who's looking for a babysitter. She's not bad at all and could use help.” Jimin says, his gaze softening as he tries to persuade his roommate to at least think about it.
Jungkook doesn't look too impressed by the offer. Babysitting his little cousin is one thing. But babysitting someone else's child? What if the parents are one of those stuck-up parents that would have his head if the child got accidentally hurt?
But Jimin's right. He doesn't have any other choice. At least not at the moment.
“I'll think about it.” he murmurs, mentally scoffing at the idea of him being a babysitter.
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seokgyuu · 2 years
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→ genre: smut, college au, crack → pairing: Wonwoo x Afab!Fem!Reader, Seungkwan x Afab!Fem!Reader → synopsis: you have never been a person who turns down a challenge, but when your best friend challenges you to hook up with 13 boys in one semester you kind of wish you were.
→ warnings: public sex, voyeurism, dirty talk, sub!seungkwan, spitting, fingering, handjobs, unprotected sex (pls don't be like y/n in this, be smart), noona use in a sexual way (help)
→  word count: 8.4k (a long one with two smut scenes!!)
previous ; masterlist ; next
A/N: hi! it hasn’t been 2 months yet!! aren‘t you all so proud? anyway, after a long fight with my old laptop that I sadly lost, I have now bought a new one and am severely broke BUT i can at least write and forget about that for a second. I hope you guys enjoy this monster of a chapter with one pretty big surprise that may or may not have been expected. Tell me what you think after in a message or a reply <3
taglist: @ariachavez168 @listxn @tea-and-regrets (if you wanna be added pls reply or send me a message!)
It was pretty clear from here on now that you were an idiot. The second you had said yes to seeing Mingyu again… it was over for you. Not the challenge or your determination to finish it, but the actual strength to leave him once you’ve met up to, well, do whatever you did, and then going to find a new person to seduce for your scheme.
Jiwoo had her own opinion about it and was very vocal about it, too. Everyday you would see her, she would give you that look, paired with a shake of her head and a “you are so screwed”, making you roll your eyes at her every time. It wasn’t like she was wrong. You just really didn’t want to hear her say how fucked you were.
Meanwhile, Jiwoo had finished her third task with a boy named Daehyeon from the engineering program and you were still clueless as to who you should hook up with next. Not to mention that Jiwoo had not allowed Mingyu to count as more than one guy just because you had found yourself in his bed the last three nights. You understood and accepted this, but you also truly hated the verdict. Because this meant you had to sleep with someone else while kind of seeing Mingyu. Even though you weren’t really seeing Mingyu. It was all a big old mess and you felt a strange relief when Mingyu texted you that he was gonna be away for the weekend.
“This means you can finally find another guy. Maybe two. Time is slowly running out, you know”, Jiwoo said once you’ve told her, both of you sitting on the floor of the university’s library, books scattered around you. It was close to midterms now and you had to study extra hard for this one stupid exam you had moved and moved time and time again because of how much you just didn’t wanna write it.
“Or I could just use this time to actually study, you know,” you mumbled as a response as your eyes scanned your page of notes. Jiwoo shrugged.
“Sure. If you are up for losing.”
Sighing, you leaned your head back against the shelve and closed your eyes for a second before looking back at your best friend who was writing something down on her iPad.
“You know, maybe I should. Lose, I mean. This whole thing is slowly getting out of my control and I do not like it.”
“Well, that does sound like a problem you could easily fix. For example, if you’re so scared about the boys you fuck knowing each other… just go clubbing and get someone there. Don’t limit yourself to the boys here, especially since I don’t have to approve of anyone anymore.”
You looked at her for a few seconds before taking one of your pens and throwing them at her.
“Why did you only come up with this idea now, huh? Are you kidding me?”
Jiwoo’s expression changed from annoyed to a grin. Now it was her who shrugged, clicking her tongue as she put her iPad to the side and leaned forward to face you.
“Is it really my fault you didn’t think of this yourself, y/n?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. You felt your cheeks heat up and quickly you shook your head, looking down at your notes again. God, sometimes she was just so incredibly annoying. Instead of answering her, you just continued, opening one of the books to your side and ignoring her chuckle as she also went back to work.
The two of you were just finishing up, putting all the books back to where they belonged, when you suddenly heard a voice behind you.
You turned around, books still pressed to your chest, and almost dropped them all when you saw who had been calling for you. Oh no. This was really the last thing you needed right now.
“W-Wonwoo, hey,” you stuttered, clearing your throat as your face began to burn. Where was your confidence now, huh? He could have not picked a worse moment than this, you with your thoughts all over the place, your whole appearance a mess, hair sticking out of your ponytail and your jeans a little to big, hanging on your body in the most unflattering way. Still, the way he looked at you, with a strange sense of affection and maybe even yearning, you figured he did not feel the same way about your appearance today. Great.
“How have you been?” he asked then, hands awkwardly in the pockets of his jeans. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded slowly, thinking carefully about what to say.
“I’ve been well, just busy. I have to take this exam and I feel like I will never be as prepared as I probably should be, so. Yeah… what about you?”
Jesus, this felt horrible. You felt horrible. You had treated him like a used tissue, throwing him away the second you had finished and now he was standing in front of you, talking to you when you knew it was probably hurting him one way or another.
“I’ve been busy too, tournaments and deadlines… all that,” he explained, and you nodded, pressing your lips together. You wanted to ask whether they had found a person to fill your spot but you didn’t find the courage to actually ask.
“I see. Well, I-,”
“Look, I know you said you don’t want a relationship and I respect that, but I just want to know… why? Like why did you go through all of this, had sex with me and then bailed? Did I- did I do something wrong?”
Oh god. Oh no. This was not good. In fact, it was probably the worst thing to ever happen to you. Yes, you asked yourself a very similar question. Why did you have to do that to him? This genuine nice guy with the cute curly hair and the specks on his nose that were slightly crooked. He, who probably never did what you had made him do, had probably read all of this in a completely wrong way and had been left broken hearted, texting his friends about you and wanting to know what he had done wrong. Fuck, you were horrible. The absolute worst.
“Wonwoo,” you began, but stopped because you didn’t know what to say. Your eyes met his and he looked so vulnerable you wanted to slap yourself in the face. Taking a deep breath, you put the remaining books pressed to your chest onto the shelf next to you and dried your sweaty hands off on your over sized white shirt.
“First of all, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is all on me, I swear. You are wonderful and sweet and hot and I am just… not right for you.” Or anyone, you added in your head. Wonwoo frowned a little bit and took a step towards you, making you back up closer against the shelve.
“I don’t get it. Why would you make that decision for me? Isn’t it my call to make if you’re right for me or not?” He asked, scanning your face with his cat like eyes and you felt yourself holding your breath. Your brain tried hard to come up with an explanation, but all you could think about was the truth and you could never ever expose that. Not to him at least.
“You just left the team and didn’t even really tell us why, tell me why. Do you know how bad I felt? I felt like I read everything wrong and made up the worst scenarios in my head, y/n. I was scared shitless, thinking that maybe you had changed your mind and felt like us sleeping together was a mistake and that maybe you felt pressured into it and-,”
“What? No, Wonwoo, I wanted to have sex with you. I really, really did. I just- god, I just felt like such an idiot, coming onto you like that, in the end I felt like I pressured you into it.”
It was bad. Horrendous. A straight up lie. And it was terrifying how easy it came off your lips. He had given you the best excuse, one that made actual sense. Judging by the way his eyes shifted, it had worked. Worry was now spread all over his face and suddenly he was even closer to you, his hand on your cheek and you felt like all your bones had been frozen because what the fuck was happening?
“Fuck, I didn’t even think of that. No, y/n, I wanted it too, the second you first walked into training I wanted you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I wanted to do so many things to you and when you started flirting, when you sent me those messages, called me… I was all in, I promise.”
Now, why did these words make your heart flutter? Was it the way he was looking at you? The way his thumb was caressing your cheek? Or was it the way he was so close to you that you could feel his breath hitting your face, feel the warmth radiate off of him? This was bad. Really, really bad. You should move, leave the situation and him behind, tell him you were glad he had consented after all, but that this did not mean anything else was happening between you. And yet you couldn’t move. You were still frozen in place and only twitched when his thumb touched your bottom lip – if on purpose or not you weren’t too sure. All you knew was that once he realised it too, his eyes shot to your lips and your stomach did a flip that once it landed send pressure right down to your core. Vivid memories of you riding his dick on his chair were flooding your mind and you tried to send them away but to no avail. They were staying.
It didn’t help your case, that was for sure. You not moving away, you not telling him to stop and to leave you alone. Maybe, you thought, you were just too horny for your own well-being. Wonwoo didn’t say anything, but had his eyes still fixed on your lips, as his thumb started moving towards them again – only for you to do the single most stupid thing you could have possibly done once the tip of it touched your bottom lip once more.
Opening your mouth, you sucked in his thumb, your lips closing around it as your tongue swirled around the tip, making Wonwoo’s breath hitch in his throat.
“F-fuck,” he said and suddenly you were pressed against the shelve next to you, a book uncomfortably poking you. Not that you cared. Like, at all.
Jiwoo was here somewhere, as one of the last people with you and Wonwoo. The library was gonna close any second and of course you had gotten books from the very last corner where no one else ever got books from this time of the day. Because what else? How could it be any different?
Wonwoo was breathing hard against your face now, watching the way you kept on sucking on his thumb, the throbbing between your legs getting harder to ignore each second. And the way he looked at you, you were pretty sure his jeans were starting to get tight, too. The dark look in his eyes was not good for your mental strength, either. You did not remember him being this lustful and hot and bothered when you had fucked the first time, back then he was more submissive and just waiting for you to call the shots, obviously wanting you, but this was different, and it rubbed you the exactly right way. Just like suddenly the hand that had wandered between your legs, making you breathe in through your nose in surprise, eyes widening a bit as you continued to look at Wonwoo, who’s mouth parted a bit as he began rubbing circles on your clothed core.
The fact that anyone could walk around the corner and spot you only made this more exciting. Wonwoo now pulled his thumb out of your mouth, spit connecting your mouth and the tip and after a curse under his breath, he pressed his body against yours, lips crushing together. He immediately let his tongue slide over your lips, and you willingly let him inside, felt all of your body prickle with excitement as he explored your mouth and continued to rub against you. His kisses were hot and needy and now you could feel his erection against your thigh, his hand now leaving your core for a second to open the button of your jeans skilfully, zipper following right after. Once his hand slipped into your pants and underwear, you gasped into the kiss your arms now wrapped around his neck, your right leg instinctively lifting up to wrap around his thigh, giving him a better access to your core. Wonwoo then let his fingers slide through your wet folds, kissing you harder so you wouldn’t make any sound and you had never felt hotter in your life. Your pussy clenched around nothing, and you desired his fingers inside of you so bad that you wiggled your hips, causing him to somewhat chuckle against your lips before finally letting two of them slip into you. A bold move, but one you appreciated. Immediately, he began to finger fuck you to his best abilities with your jeans still on, but since they were too wide anyways it wasn’t that hard to do. His lips now travelled down your jaw and neck, and you pressed your lips together to somehow manage staying quiet with his long fingers inside of you.
“You’re so damn hot,” he whispered into your ear then once he was back up from your neck and you felt goosebumps all over your body, “so tight and needy for my fingers.” Shit, what had happened to him? Was this the same shy guy who’s cock you had rode, who had been so submissive towards you? Not that you were complaining, after all you also had two sides to yourself when it came to sex.
“What do you say, should I turn you around and fuck you real good?” and there it was, the first moan you couldn’t hold in and immediately his non-busy hand was on top of your mouth, his eyes darting at you.
“Shh, you have to keep quiet. Most of the people might be gone, but I think there is a part-timer here somewhere.” Yes, and Jiwoo. If she hadn’t left. Which you didn’t know. Your head was empty and there was only Wonwoo who’s suggestion was still ringing in your ears. Fuck in this library? With his hand on top of your mouth and only the sound of his cock mercilessly plunging into you filling the air? You clenched around his fingers and begged him with eyes to make it come true. Wonwoo smirked and you didn’t think that you had ever seen him do anything more attractive than this. Pulling his fingers out of you now, he used the now free hand to pull down your jeans fully, spinning you around as he also pulled down your panties, the hand on your mouth gone for a bit, and then you heard him playing with his own belt, opening it, and letting his pants fall to the floor shortly after. With your eyes closed, you felt your heart in your throat as you anticipated his next moves, once again supressing the urge to moan when you felt his cock lining up against your wet heat.
“God, I missed your pussy,” you heard Wonwoo whisper, and you hated the fact he was talking when you had to be quiet just as much as it drove you crazy. When he finally pushed into you, stretching your walls deliciously, you felt his hand back on your mouth, the other one now laying on your hips. Once he was fully pushed in, he gave your pussy some time to adjust – only to pull out completely and thrust back in with a force that not only made you, but the shelves shake as well. Your eyes sprung open wide, and you were back to wiggling your hips, but Wonwoo apparently didn’t care because he did the same thing twice in a row.
Yet, that was not the only thing making something like panic arise in your body. With your eyes now opened, you saw something you wish you hadn’t. The shelve in front of you wasn’t empty, but there was some space in front of your face and behind that, just opposite the shelve itself, the row next to the one you were in, stood a boy. A boy with a deeply red face and a parted mouth, who was staring right at you. He was wearing a name tag, so he had to be the part-timer Wonwoo had talked about and if it weren’t for him now changing his pace to fucking you fast and hard, you probably would have told him to stop. Your eyelids fluttered as you breathed hard against Wonwoo’s hand, saliva dropping out of it as you couldn’t keep your mouth closed. Your eyes were still on the boy who was staring back and once you’ve let your gaze wander off, you could clearly see he was not unaffected. His chinos were sporting a bulge and you felt your heart do a leap of excitement. He was turned on by this. And so were you. In the back of your mind, you remembered that in a situation like this it was important for all parties involved to consent, but you were pretty sure Wonwoo was not seen by the boy. All he could see was you. And so, without giving it another thought you tried to signal with your eyes that he should just do it. Get his hard one out and watch you. And the young man with the light brown hair widened his eyes even more once he understood. Still, he hesitantly pointed at his crotch, and you nodded, your eyes rolling back after because Wonwoo had taken another hard thrust, your knees getting weaker.
“Taking me so well, such a tight little pussy you have, baby,” he breathed and by the judge of how the brown-haired boy’s hands opened his jeans, he had heard too. You watched how they dropped to the floor and how he leaned against the bookshelf behind him, hand now inside his boxers as you held eye contact. Wonwoo, who was probably close to his climax as his thrusts kept getting sloppier, took his hand off your mouth and put it on your other hip, drilling into you now as if his life depended on it. Your lips were red and swollen from before and the boy stared at your face, you now biting your bottom lip hard as Wonwoo’s cock seemed to sink deeper and deeper into you. The boy’s hand movements were getting quicker, and you licked your lips looking at his hand, wishing you could get a sight of his cock, but not about to say anything because if he had felt comfortable with that he probably would have.
“I’m gonna cum-“, Wonwoo said, hips frantically searching his high and then, with one, two, three more thrusts, you felt him climaxing inside of you. He rode out his orgasm and you moved your hips against his, desperately wanting him to keep going, but he pulled out of you, only to come back with three fingers fucking you, your mouth hanging open as this time you could not keep a deep moan from escaping your throat. Hearing that, the librarian swallowed hard and felt his climax rush over him, eyes rolling back and head falling against the book behind him, cum shooting out his cock and right into his boxers. Seeing the wet spot and the way he looked so fucking beautiful – you finished too, coming undone on Wonwoo’s fingers and pressing your own hand against your mouth because you were sure you would have not been able to keep it inside any other way.
Jiwoo was not too happy with you when you’ve stepped outside the library long after you two had split up to take back your books.
“Where the hell have you been? I texted you to meet me in front of my dorm like half an hour ago!” she said.
“Then why are you back here?” you asked, careful not to look into Jiwoo’s eyes. Wonwoo was still inside. And so was the pretty librarian. Once you had turned back around to Wonwoo, who had been kind enough to wipe away his traces of your legs with a paper towel he had taken out of its packaging, you had told him quietly that you had been watched by the fellow student and even though Wonwoo got pale for a second, he then proceeded to grin cheekily, telling you that he was glad to have given him a good show. Thank god. Still, you apologised for not letting him now earlier to which he only kissed your cheek and said it was fine. Which now left you wondering what Wonwoo thought this meant. You were just about to say something when he beat you to it.
“Don’t worry your pretty brain, y/n. I understood that you aren’t looking for something serious. I might like you, but it’s not like I can’t differentiate between feelings and sex. So, if you ever feel like it… you can call me.”
And with that you had said your goodbyes, you walking out first and him walking out, well, probably soon. So, you did not await Jiwoo’s answer, but grabbed her hand and dragged her out the library, leaving her confused.
“Hey, wait, what’s going on?” she asked as she stumbled behind you. You only let go off her when you were far enough from the entrance and turned around to face her with both of your hands scratching your head as you kept on biting down onto your tongue. Jiwoo looked at you completely flabbergasted.
“I just met Wonwoo in the library,” you said then after a small while of contemplating. Jiwoo’s eyes widened.
“Oh shit, how was it?” she asked, obviously worried.
“Well,” you began letting your arms fall back down next to your body and your teeth now continuously sinking into your bottom lip, “we talked for like a good half a minute and then he fingered and then fucked me against one of the bookshelves.”
Just ripped of the band aid. Told her what had happened. Might have left something out but perhaps that would have given her a heart attack.
Jiwoo’s face was blank, and she blinked at you a few times, silently. She was taking in the information you had given her and eventually…
“I beg your pardon?”
You just stared back at her. Silently. Honestly just not sure what to say. Jiwoo seemed to feel the same way. For a few seconds she just looked at you, just as silent as you, then she slowly nodded, blowing up her cheeks with air.
“You know what? Of course, you did. Why wouldn’t you?” She now put her hand on your shoulder and clicked her tongue, still nodding her head. You cleared your throat.
“Also, the guy who works in the library watched us.”
“Oh common!” Jiwoo’s face turned into an unbelieving expression. You pressed your lips together.
“I- you do know that doesn’t count, right? You need to at least have some contact with them for it to count!”
If you were honest, you hadn’t really thought about it maybe counting. Your mind had been filled with too many other things, for example Wonwoo drilling into you as if there was no tomorrow. Even now, thinking about the way he had felt inside of you, the way he had moaned into your ear when had climaxed… that in combination with the super cute part-timer… yeah, you had to quickly get your head out of the gutter.
“Whatever. Can we leave?” After nodding, still staring at you with a look you couldn’t quite pinpoint. She did seem impressed, but there was also something else. You did have a guess, but you weren’t willing to bring it up just yet. Because that would mean that you had to take responsibility for your own actions and that just wasn’t… possible. At least not right now.
Wonwoo ended up texting you two days later while you were in line for a coffee at a new coffee shop near the campus.
Wonwoo [10:11am]:how would you feel about watching a movie together this weekend?
Just wonderful. You closed your eyes for a second, before stuffing the phone back into your pocket, chewing on your bottom lip as you finally let the thought you had so desperately wanted to ignore slip into your mind. Sleeping with Wonwoo again was a mistake because he obviously likes you, you idiot. You had given him hope again, even if he had said that he understood and respected your wishes, it still had given him the impression that there might be a future in which you could at least, well, be friends with benefits or something. All that when there was Mingyu who had texted you a selfie this morning from his own bathroom, freshly out of the shower with wet hair and a cheeky grin on his lips, captioned with the words “wish you were here!” and yeah. You had already gotten yourself a friend you somewhat regularly had sex with and while there was nothing wrong with having another one, you also had not even asked Mingyu if he like… was okay with you sleeping with other people, especially without a condom.
“I’m so fucking screwed,” you mumbled to yourself as you finally reached the counter, lifting your head up, eyes on the barista and you immediately had the strong urge to either run away or shit yourself.
“Y/N, long time no see,” god damn Joshua Hong stood there, pretty smile and all, with his hair falling into his face as he leaned on the counter top, waiting for you to order. You looked around the place, confused. Joshua seemed to catch on because he chuckled.
“I started here last week when they opened. The shop owner is a good friend of mine.”
Right, of course. Just your luck. Instead of answering, you just nodded and told him you wanted an iced latte, which he put in the tablet in front of him.
“How much will that be?” you asked then, already getting out your card, when you suddenly felt someone brush against your shoulder.
“It will be my treat,” you heard a voice say and it took you a second to understand who had appeared behind you.
“Oh, Junie!” Joshua smiled widely as he took Jun’s credit card. The world around you started to spin. This could not really be happening. Jun and Joshua started chatting beside you and you felt your cheeks starting to burn because what the fuck? It was very obvious that they knew each other, that they had seen each other just last week at some guy’s place to play some game you were sure you would be able to recognize if only you weren’t frozen to where you were standing. Sweat was slowly building up on your forehead, threatening to run down your face any second and you knew you had to find your confidence somewhere within you because this was not working. Losing your cool because Jun did not only know Wonwoo but Joshua too which meant that the chance of Joshua knowing Wonwoo was not slim.
“Thank you,” you finally said, when Jun had somehow managed to lead you to the other side of the counter where you both watched Joshua make your beverages as his colleague began taking orders.
“No problem, really”, Jun smiled at you, and you smiled back even though you felt like throwing up. Does he know? Does he know I slept with Wonwoo? That I am the girl he was texting about?
“I am glad I ran into you, actually,” Jun continued, and your ears perked up at that.
“Oh, really? Why is that?” You asked and tried to not jump to any conclusions. Even if he knew about who you were, he wasn’t just gonna-
“I wanted to talk to you about Wonwoo.” Shit. You pressed your lips together for a second before slowly nodding.
“Okay. What’s up?”
Jun tilted his head to the side, his eyes giving you a look meaning something like “are you for real?” and you knew that it was stupid to have even asked. You sighed and pulled a hand through your hair.
“I know, okay? But to be fair, how was I supposed to know you guys knew each other? Our university is huge, what are the odds that you guys are friends?”
Jun nodded slowly, a soft pout on his lips. He looked really good today. Hair styled slightly up, a beige sweater on his broad upper body, washed out blue jeans decorating his legs. So pretty.
“Yeah, I get that. Still, I need to scold you for what happened two days ago,” Jun’s pout was gone, had made space for a judging expression and you wanted to fall into the next hole.
“Here are your drinks!” Joshua now placed the drinks on the countertop, smiling at both of you widely. Quickly, you took the cup and turned around, making your way out of the coffee shop that was getting fuller by the second. You suddenly felt like you really needed air.
“Y/N, hold up!” Jun was following you and once you were both outside, he grabbed your wrist and turned you back around to him, softly. God, this was so ridiculous.
“Jun, please, I have class,” you said, sighing after, “look, I get it, okay? I shouldn’t have slept with him again. It was stupid, especially because I knew he had caught some feelings. I won’t do it again, okay?”
For a few seconds Jun looked at you, his eyes wandering over your face. It seemed like he was trying hard to figure out whether you were telling the truth. If you were honest, you weren’t so sure that you were. But he hopefully didn’t see that.
“Fine. I just don’t want him to get his hopes up, you know?” Jun let go off your wrist and rubbed the back of his neck, looking really good doing it, too. You sighed internally.
“I’m very sorry about all of this, Jun. I hope I didn’t like… put you in an awkward position,” you said, back to biting your bottom lip. Jun waved it off, shaking his head.
“Don’t worry. Minghao and I, we, well, we didn’t tell him. Not that it was you, at least. He does know we had the best threesome of our friendship at that party, but that’s all.”
You stared at him, then you laughed.
“Flattery, I see. Well, I’m glad. Didn’t want Wonwoo to feel any worse. I really have to go now, but thanks for the coffee again!” Jun nodded and waved at you as you already began to walk towards campus.
There was no way around going into the library. You had tried to hold it off, but you had to get books, had to study somewhere else than your stuffy apartment that you might love but it just wasn’t working for you to study at home. The tries had failed and now you found yourself in front of the entrance and your legs just wouldn’t move. It hadn’t even been a full week since you had been here, since you had experienced… that. Gulping down the lump in your throat, you finally got your legs to start walking and the second you entered the library – you wanted to turn around and run away again. There he was, standing at the counter across from you, currently scanning books from another student. His hair was falling into his face in soft waves, and he was wearing a baby blue jumper over skinny grey jeans, smiling at the student as he handed her the books – catching sight of you in the same moment.
You saw his face fall, his arm staying mid-air as the girl had already turned around and walked away. To be honest, you didn’t know why the thought had not occurred earlier. He was handsome, pretty even. He had jerked off to you getting railed by Wonwoo – he was perfect for your challenge. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you began walking towards him, now your head in a totally different space than before. It had been so obvious and yet you had let the awkwardness take over you.
“Hi,” you said as you put your arms on the counter, looking at him through your lashes, a small smile playing on your lips. Now, you could finally see the name on his name tag – Boo Seungkwan.
“Oh, uh, hi”, Seungkwan now replied, his cheeks already flaming red. God, he was cute. You did the thing you were the best at, biting down on your lip as you looked at him with your head slightly tilted, making him shift behind the counter.
“I should have come by sooner, but I wasn’t so sure if you even wanted to see me, you know”, you explained and Seungkwan only nodded, eyes hanging onto your lips, “so, tell me, Boo Seungkwan, did you want to see my again?”
The boy’s eyes shot up and he looked straight into yours, Adam’s apple bopping as he swallowed hard. The truth was, he had wanted to see you again. His mind had wandered off to you the past week more times than he could count. The image of you watching him as he touched himself, all while some guy was fucking you so good you had trouble keeping your eyes open – it had been the cause for many sleepless nights and a lot of cold showers in the morning.
“I- I did”, he now replied, proud of himself for still looking into your eyes even though he felt like looking away. It was silly, how the presence of a girl he thought was hot made his whole demeaner change. Normally, Seungkwan was a funny guy with loads of confidence and sass in him, but when it came to girls, he was nothing but a mess. Alone the fact he had done what he had done as he was watching you, had been so far out of his comfort zone he couldn’t even explain why he had even done it.
“Well, that makes two of us,” you know went back to smiling, even though the words you had said were a lie. Or at least half a lie. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to see him again and more like if you could. Facing someone you had never talked to before who just randomly stumbled across you having sex in a public place who then proceeded to jerk of to it… yeah. Complicated situation. Nevertheless, it could possibly make the whole plan in your head work out just as well as you needed it to.
“Really? I- well, I just figured that you and, uh, that guy-,”
“We’re not together, if that’s what you’re asking,” you interrupted him, “I don’t date anyone right now. I just like to… have some fun.”
Seungkwan’s ears perked up at that. Fun? You and that guy weren’t dating? And you had come back here to…?
“So, I wanted to ask, when does your shift end?” now, you finally asked the question and Seungkwan couldn’t do anything but stare at you, before he finally regained his consciousness and cleared his throat, looking down at the little clock standing on the counter.
“I’m off in about an hour,” he said, and you nodded slowly, licking your lips and feeling his eyes follow that motion nervously.
“Perfect, I’ll get some work done and then we can… have some fun”, you presented him with a wink before you turned around and walked away heading for one of the tables on the right side of the library.
Seungkwan owned a car. A pretty nice one, actually. He told you it had been a gift from his grandparents for getting into college and now he rarely ever used it. But today seemed to be your lucky day because in his fear to be late for work he had taken his car to drive to the library today.
And so, you found yourself on Seungkwan’s lap on the top floor of the nearest parking garage that was mostly empty this time of day, your lips currently on his, your hand in between your bodies on his crotch, making him moan into the kiss here and there. There hadn’t been much secrecy to what you wanted to do, and he had been more than eager to fulfill what you needed of him. His hands were placed on your hips, fingers digging into your flesh as he tried hard to keep his composure. You felt him hardening against your hand by the second, felt his breath hitch in your kisses, his chest raising and falling rapidly. He was so gone. Just for you.
Smiling, you parted from him, leaning back a bit and taking off your shirt, watching his eyes take in all of what you were now showing him. You had climbed over to the driver’s seat once Seungkwan had parked the car and that’s where you were still sitting now, the wheel behind you making it rather a narrow space, but nothing you couldn’t work with. Once your shirt was thrown onto the passenger seat, you let your hands wander to his face, gripping it as you leaned down for another kiss that he gladly welcomed. His own hands sunk back to your hips, but this time he really dug in his nails as he kissed you back hungrily, leaving you with moans inside his mouth.
You let your lips now wander off to his jaw and neck, hands now underneath his jumper that the both of you took off, before he wrapped his arms around you, pressing you against him, as he buckled his hip, searching for any kind of friction. His desperation for you was getting higher every second and realizing this, you also realized all the possibilities.
Quickly, you let your lips wander back over his neck, leaving slight marks here and there, your hands now opening his skinny jeans. It would be a bit of a hassle to get him and you out of your respective pants without trouble in this small space, but somehow you managed to get his jeans and briefs down enough for you to get ahold of the pretty cock that he so desperately needed to be touched. Before doing so, though, you brought your hand up to your mouth, spitting on it, making Seungkwan whimper. You knew he would be done for the second you touched him. And yes, the second your hand was on him, he immediately twitched, Seungkwan looking down at your hand around his dick, swallowing hard. You smirked, letting your hand move only slowly, watching him as he bit his lip. He looked back up at you, clearly yearning for more, but you could sense that he wasn’t the type of person to push something. But you were going to change that. At least for now.
“Does Seungkwanie want anything?” you asked, voice dripping in innocence and Seungkwan’s eyes widened.
“If Seungkwanie wants something, he has to tell me, use his words”, you continued, your hand still moving ever so slowly. Seungkwan chewed on his bottom lip, looking from your face to your hand and then he finally opened his mouth.
“F-faster”, he then mumbled, and you immediately obeyed, your hand’s movements getting quicker. A beautiful moan escaped his lips now, a moan you needed to engrave into your brain forever. You felt yourself clench around nothing, beginning to crave sinking down on him. But first you had to tease him, make him loose it, beg you to let him be inside of you.
Your lips found his again and he kissed back to his best ability when your hand just felt so good around him. Your free hand now slid underneath his white shirt and found his nipple, squeezing it just to see if it did anything – and yes it did. Seungkwan cried out, leaving you grinning like an idiot with panties now soaked. You kept on with the spiel, one hand around his cock, the other on his nipple and watched his face twitch in awe. He was so pretty like this.
“So pretty, baby”, you whispered into his ear, kissing down his neck again and stopping at his chin. Slowly, you leaned back as your eyes searched for his and once your gazes met, you smiled, taking the hand that had been playing with his nipple to his chin.
“Open your mouth for me, will you?” you said and Seungkwan immediately did as asked.
“Stretch out that pretty tongue now too,” was your next order and Seungkwan obeyed eagerly.
“Such a good boy”, you then said, making his eyes sparkle.
Now, you slowly sat up straighter, hovering over him, looking straight into his eyes.
“Catch, or I’ll be very sad,” were your words before you finally let a strip of spit fall down your mouth and right onto his tongue. His cock was twitching in your hand and so was his face once the drop hit him and he looked at you like he had just seen god.
“Swallow, baby,” your eyes were staring into his and he did as asked, not letting your eyes out of his sight. Once you saw his Adam’s apple bop, you bit your lip, very much content with his obedience. You shot forward again, connecting your lips as your hand sped up on his cock. His breath was hot inside your mouth and his tongue was in no control – but you loved it all. All the reactions you were getting from him. Somehow you managed to get your own pants down, having them pool at your ankles by the end, your panties only shoved to the side as you lead his hand to your core, telling him to touch you there. He was nervous, but eager, letting his fingers slide to your folds as you held your underwear with one and his cock with the other hand.
“I want you to finger me, okay, Seungkwanie? Need you to open me up for your cock, alright?” you said, and the boy nodded, head back to being red.
“Y-yes”, he stuttered as you led him to your entrance after his fingers were drenched in your juices. You lifted your hips a little as he sunk into you, his jaw again dropping as he felt the tight and hot space around his fingers, the mere thought of this being around his cock probably able to make him cum.
“Move your fingers, baby,” you then sighed, and he again nodded, moving his fingers in and out of you, causing moans to escape your mouth. Instinctively you began to move your hand around his cock in the same speed as he fucked you with his fingers and once he noticed that he sped up, electricity shooting through your body as you returned the favor. Both of your pants and moans filled the car now, your hips moving with his fingers as his also began bucking up at every jerk of your hand, and you knew that it was only a matter of time until he (and you for that matter) was going to finish.
“A-am s-so close,” you heard him whine and immediately you stopped your hand, leaning forward to crash your lips together again, both arms now around his neck as he was unsure what to do with his fingers inside of you, his other hand now hesitantly placed on your ass, as you shifted closer to him, your hips still moving as he now continued his movements.
Tongues met and teeth clashed, moans were shared and breaths about to break when finally, you pulled his fingers out of you, looking straight into his eyes as you shoved them into his mouth, telling him to suck. Seungkwan was hard as a rock, precum on his tip, and more shooting out the second he tasted you on his own fingers.
“You like tasting me? What a good boy you are, Seungkwan. Common, take them all in,” he was now deepthroating his own fingers, tears pooling his eyes as you kept on pressing his fingers into his mouth, a devious grin on your lips, before you finally pulled them back out again.
“Did I taste good?” you asked, hand back around his cock and your hips moving up, lining your entrance up with his cock, making him shiver.
“S-so good, yes,” he said, and once his cock was beginning to slide into you, he cried out. But he was wrong if he thought you were just going to ride him without bringing him to a breaking point first. You let his cock slide out again, bringing its tip to your folds, sliding it up and down as you threw your head back. Seungkwan whimpered, bucking his hips.
“N-noona, p-please,” he begged, and you let your head snap back to its original place, eyebrows raised.
“Noona?” you asked, ignoring the other half of his sentence as you continued rubbing his dick through your folds, letting it circle your clit.
“Y-yes, I, urgh, I saw that- that you were, o-older than m-me,” he stuttered, making you smile.
“Did you look me up?” You asked, your thumb now circling his tip, putting pressure on it and causing him to cry out again.
“M-my co-worker re-recognized y-you a-and then I- I looked you u-up, nrgh, in the library sy-system and, f-fuck, you’re o-older th-than me, n-noona,” during his little explanation you had let his cock slide into you for just a tiny second before pulling it out again, tip back to circling your clit. You moaned as you moved your hips against it.
“Mhm, I see. So… does Seungkwan want anything from noona?”
“W-want h-her to r-ride me,” gosh, he was so cute.
“Beg noona, will you, baby?” you placed his cock back at your entrance, looking at him. You were barely hanging on, eager to finally sink down on him, but you needed to see him break, beg you to fuck him. And so, he looked up at you through long lashes, swallowing once again.
“P-please ride me, noona. I really want to fuck you.”
The second he finished his sentence, you finally sank down on him, hands propped on his shoulders and both of you moaning loudly. Without much hesitation you began moving your hips, bouncing up and down on his cock, searching for sweet release. Seungkwan had his head leaned against the seat, hands laying on your thighs, mouth hanging wide open as his eyes were closed. The feeling of you around his cock was magical. He felt as if he was floating, and he was about to fly even higher with your pussy clenching around him like that. Something told him, though, that if he was to finish before you, you would be mad, and he really did not want to upset you. He pressed his lips together now and tried to think of something that was gonna stop him from cumming to soon and you noticed his change in expression, counting one and one together, grinning.
“Is baby so close he has to think of something else, so he won’t cum before noona? That’s so cute,” you said, leaning forward, lips against his ear, sucking on his earlobe, causing him to thrust his hips up. Now, you were the one crying out, biting down on his earlobe, tongue shooting out after.
“Do that again,” you ordered and Seungkwan obeyed once again, fucking up into you now, causing your brain to shut off. All you felt was his cock hitting you right where you needed it to, your walls hugging him and clenching around him.
“N-noona, I am s-so close,” you felt that he was just by the way he was fucking you. And honestly, you were fine with that because you were close, too.
“It’s fine, baby, cum for me, noona allows it,” and as if those were the magic words, Seungkwan’s cock immediately began to twitch and you felt him cum inside you – which then made you reach the edge, milking your and his orgasm as you moved your hips rapidly.
“F-fuck,” the boy under you breathed as he recovered from his climax, you now leaning against him, head on top of his shoulder. You were still trying to get back from your high, your breathing still hard and your legs jelly.
Once you did regain some of your mental capacity, you leaned back, smiling at him as you pressed a short kiss to his lips.
“That was fun,” you then commented and climbed off him and onto the passenger seat, where you tried to get your jeans back up. You just noticed now that your panties had ripped in the process. Oh well. There were your combined releases dripping down your leg and you saw Seungkwan reaching for a tissue on the backseat, handing it to you. Thanking him, you wiped it away, glad Seungkwan had leather seats, otherwise this would have definitely left a weird stain he would have to explain to someone eventually.
“Yes, fun is a word to describe it,” Seungkwan replied, and you chuckled, looking over at him as you finished dressing back up. He was also back in his jeans and looked at you, a little unsure.
“Would you mind dropping me off at home?” you then filled the silence and Seungkwan nodded yes, starting the engine as you buckled up.
The door fell shut behind you and you breathed out. So, five down, seven more to go. Sighing, you walked into the living area and put your bag on the kitchen counter, getting your phone out. You had a few messages from Jiwoo and a missed call from your mother – but you also had a notification from twitter. Unlocking your phone, you went onto the app and almost dropped it when you saw that your favorite underground rnb artist had announced he was going to be at your university’s yearly festival.  For a split second you wondered. Maybe, if you were lucky, he could become number 6.
header credit: @playmetheclassics
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