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Sofia | Cisgirl (She/Her) | 24 | Heir of Space | header image by @glowing-gravity
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mikumixtwix · 40 minutes ago
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mikumixtwix · 2 hours ago
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hes got a lot to cry about
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mikumixtwix · 2 hours ago
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All I know is I'm done feeling like some lost little kid.
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mikumixtwix · 2 hours ago
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mikumixtwix · 3 hours ago
Aqua's still cool, but I just realized the irony of her turning down help in fights multiple times to prove how strong she is, when Eraqus and half the fanbase say Terra is obsessed with strength and proving himself.
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mikumixtwix · 3 hours ago
Every x-blade in Kingdom Hearts
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
showing my little brother things he’s never seen before aka I saw this and ran
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
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Its shadow lingers
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
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the people have spoken and they want director's commentary (this isn't even all of them lol) OKAY HERE WE GO
the original draft of this scene was much shorter, and Loft actually didn't say anything at all in it. As I kept making the chapter it started to feel weird that he would just. Let Ganondorf say his piece without contributing anything. i like this version of the scene much better
listen. I love WW Ganondorf. He's my favorite Ganondorf. I was going to find a way to fit him into this chapter no matter what
in particular, I love that you get a sense from WW Ganondorf that he is, on some level, sympathetic to Link. Or if not sympathetic, understanding of his place in all this. He tells Link that his gods have abandoned him, that he has not particular quarrel with him, etc. But ultimately it doesn't matter. If this is who the gods have sent to stand in his way, so be it. Essentially, it's not my fault the gods are so callous as to send a child after me.
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we're going w the canon that WW Ganondorf is the same as OOT, or at least remembers being him. Don't ask me how. Nintendo doesn't know either
big ol eyeball. which could mean nothing
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How does Ganondorf recognize Loft? by that stupid hat. jokes aside he doesn't know Which Link Specifically Loft is, but he's smart enough to figure out that he's a hero of some sort.
Likewise, Loft is smart enough to figure it out as well. He's spent a lot of his chapter thinking about Ganondorf, and if you'll recall from Ch1, he knows from Zelda that Ganon once had a mortal form. I think, from Loft's perspective, he has a hunch that this Ganon figure is the mortal reincarnation of Demise, the way Zelda is the mortal reincarnation of Hylia. I wanna emphasize that's what HE thinks might be going on based on his experiences. He's not the knower of all things. He has a conspiracy board in his mind
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the face of a guy who's like. I am not going to be lectured to about morality from the King of Evil. I was very excited to let Loft be snarky at long last. But he also, notably, doesn't push back against what Ganondorf is saying that hard. He doesn't even say that he's wrong, just implies that he's probably a hypocrite. In fact, a lot of this update is about what Loft DOESN'T say or acknowledge
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Ganondorf's opening line is about how much he hates that statue of the hero of time, because it's "such grandeur for a mere child". I think he means that at face value, but he's also making another point— the hero of time was a child, but they're not going to depict him that way in his monument. It's honestly sort of ambiguous with the actual model because of ww's style, but it looks like adult proportions to me. The story Wake grew up with calls him a child, but his monument in the castle is of an adult. That was the idea behind this set of panels, the parts of the Hero of Time's story that aren't going to be put on the pedestal
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speaking of that I realized making this update that I literally. forgot the pedestal. I just didn't draw it all this time. in my defense the castle in no clip looks like this. no statue or pedestal
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except I recently found out by accident that he's literally. under the floor. what the fuck
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ANYWAY. I really liked the symmetry of Ganondorf turing to stone at the end of the dream. He won't get any perfect monuments made to him. Also, looks like there's a suspicious lack of water in the underwater castle. which could mean nothing
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I'm not gonna comment too much on other details, because i've got to keep some of my secrets. I do think that this update gives a lot away HAHA though that was kind of on purpose. We're entering year 3 of this comic and we're finally starting to get places lolol
WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT loft looks the same way he did when he last touched the triforce
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and we've seen a border similar to this before haven't we
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that's all i got for now, thanks everybody! im having a blast reading ur comments <3
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
Not a take but I think is very important that everyone knows Hatsune Miku is technically part spanish (and all of the Vocaloids, for that matter)
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
It's been years since I was involved with bnha and even now I am not touching it beyond whatever spoilers come up on my dashboard, but there are opinions that I will stand by till my dying breath-
Toshinori Yagi is objectively the best character of the series
Natsuo Todoroki is the realest mf ever for sticking to his guns and never forgiving Enji. Fuck forgive and forget especially when it comes to abusive parents!
Dfo is great but I personally love it when it's a crack au with dadmight. Because then it's a tale about how thoroughly and ruthlessly All Might has demolished afo, a lot of it without even knowing
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
"I did it for you" has gotta be my favorite form of betrayal. You gave me a gift I never asked for, and now I have to look around at the world you destroyed with the knowledge that it was gift wrapped and addressed to me.
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
This isn't meant to be a hot take (and I hope it isn't) but
I always feel off-put when someone talks about the Eraqus and the Wayfinder Trio scene near the end of KH3 and they say something like "Why did Eraqus ask Terra to watch over the other two, as if he wasn't the one who made all the mistakes blah blah blah" and "He should be asking Aqua since she's been the one babysitting them blah blah".
And like, I can see where they're going with it and I do think some of the dialogue could be a little different BUT
asking stuff like that completely misses the point for each of their arcs. The whole thing between Terra and Eraqus is that Eraqus had barely to NO trust in Terra. Eraqus became aware of Terra's Darkness and instantly believed he couldn't be a Master + had to be watched by Aqua (which Terra had to find out later, and that hurt him). The development is supposed to be that Terra, despite all the mistakes, the tragedies, and most notably, a strong natural inclination to darkness, (which are heavily formed by Eraqus' prejudice and Xehanort's manipulation making use of that fact + having no proper guidance (at least with no malicious intent)), he had the heart and willpower to do everything for his friends. Even with his body posessed, he was still able to help and protect others (encouraging Aqua multiple times, Lingering Will saving the Guardians, protecting Sora in Re:Mind, him finally being to overtake the Guardian and save Aqua and Ven from Terranort, etc.). He struggled against Xehanort for over a decade and refused to give up. By KH3, Eraqus (who's been in Terra's heart that whole time) sees beyond Terra's darkness and his own judgements. He sees Terra, who no matter what, will always fight for others, and is able to finally trust and believe in him. Asking Terra to look out for the others is a huge deal and the ultimate culmination of Terra's will.
And for Aqua, it isn't supposed to demean her own strength, literally not too long before in that scene, Eraqus apologizes for putting so much pressure and responsibility on her. Her whole thing was that she was the reliable one and because the other two had to be watched or brought back, there's the obvious train of thought that she can't rely on them or anyone for that matter. But by Eraqus telling Terra to look out for them, that also tells Aqua that she doesn't have to be the one looking out for them constantly. She can trust Terra (and Ven) to look out for her as well. She doesn't have to be the sole protector of the trio. It's full circle for them.
Like I said before, I feel some of the phrasings could be better, but what we have has a clear intent and point for their arcs and it's disheartening seeing the characters be treated as if it's still BBS.
(Sorry, this was really rambly ToT)
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
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they call me the mermerizer
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
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it occured to me ive drawn him with the wings in 2019 and 2022 so I guess now I'll have to do a picture every 3 years
he's doom scrolling
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mikumixtwix · 4 hours ago
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"Our best friend and the guy he swears he hates"
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