#and it's also one of the shortest and easiest to understand with some of the most lovely lyrical poetry
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britneyshakespeare · 7 months ago
i'm very interested what ppl find to be the harder shakespeare plays and which they found to be easier. bc i was googling out of curiosity and i found a sparknotes article (link if you're curious) that ranked ten of the most commonly-read plays on difficulty and it put king lear kinda down low whereas it put julius caesar pretty high because of the politics/complicated conflicts. that kind of baffled me because julius caesar was the first tragedy i read outside of the classroom and i found it very approachable; it's one i often recommend to people trying to get into shakespeare because the plot is already familiar to most ppl and you can just enjoy the poetry and how shakespeare chooses to characterize these figures. on the other hand i read king lear a few years later in my shakespeare journey, and to be honest i still kind of have a hard time with lear. maybe i just don't connect with it on some level; i'm not sure. it's not a very tightly-organized play where the action is as centered as in the other tragedies like hamlet or macbeth. that's certainly a me thing and maybe that'll change with age. but i'm always a little surprised when i find someone's experience with the plays so much different than mine.
anyway if you're reading this feel free to reblog and tag or comment which shakespeare plays you found yourself falling into most naturally and which worlds you felt like you had to force yourself into. i'm interested in what ppl feel on this subject
#i also had a hard time w love's labor's lost for comedies. idk i just didn't connect w any of the characters tho the premise is interesting#on my inexplicable third hand: once i primed myself w the historical context to get into the wars of the roses plays i found them addictive#which is funny bc before i read them i kinda NEVER thought i'd get around to the histories#bunch of dead kings i had never heard of. i was like what care is that to me?#text post#shakespeare#king lear#julius caesar#sparknotes#that article rated cymbeline as the most difficult if you were wondering. which i think is an interesting choice#bc it's not really one of the top 10 you're most likely to be presented with#i LOVED cymbeline but it was like. the 30th play i had read. something like that lol#so clearly i was quite used to shakespeare by the time i read it. i wasn't someone who needed to psyched up to read him#(although even i can have a hard time w shakespeare still... and i have only 3 plays left once i finish this last scene in m4m)#i can't say it's a good play for a beginner to start with at all. for many reasons. but cymbeline is a great play.#a midsummer night's dream was also very easy to get into and that was the first one i read on my own#isn't it one of everyone's firsts? it's magnificent i mean. it's unmatched#and it's also one of the shortest and easiest to understand with some of the most lovely lyrical poetry#troilus and cressida was hard and i don't particularly like that one... waiting to change my mind#both t&c and love's labor's are ones i only read once and never watched in any form#so maybe i should give them another shot#i HAVE given lear a couple of other shots and i still find it kind of impenetrable to be honest#it's not that i don't understand the surface level. but i can't. idk. i can't feel much about it#by shakespeare standards
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happydragon · 6 months ago
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Useful Skill
Phee and Crosshair come to an understanding
Rating: G
Word Count: 960
Hope y'all enjoy!!
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Phee lisented as Crosshair cursed and struggled through his task. He didn’t know she was there since he probably would have snarked at her to leave if he did. She hadn’t even meant to sneak up on him in the first place, but then she heard a cursed shout which scared a poor moon-yo. When she went to find out the source, she discovered a very frustrated sniper as he struggled with his prosthetic hand. He seemed to be trying to do some maintenance on it but wasn’t making much progress. After a few more curses and a handful of groans, she decided enough was enough.
“Need a hand?” she asked as she approached closer. 
He briefly lifted his eyes, not surprised she was standing there. He tinkered a bit more before he finally gave up and threw the tool to the ground. 
“Be my guest,” he hissed as he turned away but held his hand out for her. She raised a skeptical brow but picked up the tool and sat a respectable distance from the sulking man. Both for his comfort and her safety. Can never be too sure if someone bites when aggravated. 
“What seems to be the problem?” She asked as she took his hand to inspect it. When he remained quiet, she glanced up with an expectant look and found him still turned away from her. 
“Listen, as much as I understand you don’t like me, I can’t fix a problem if I don’t know what it is.”
He finally turned to her with an annoyed frown but finally spoke, “Blasted thing won’t respond when I try to do anything. I pick something up only to end up dropping it two minutes later.”
She hummed as she turned back to the offensive item in question. With a slight press of her finger, she opened the compartment that hid all the wiring. She inspected the wiring, carefully using the tool to push aside the wiring so she wouldn’t accidentally cause him pain. 
As she worked, she could feel Crosshair’s eyes watching her every move. It wasn’t so much annoying as it was curious. He usually kept their interactions to a minimum. Hunter assured he was like that with everyone when he first met them and to be fair to Crosshair she has enjoyed getting under his skin just a little too much. He reminded her of Tech, although she used a different method to get under his skin. She sometimes made it a game to see how red she could get his cheeks in the shortest amount of time. Although the things he could say, she could swear made her heart stop. 
With one final click, she finished and handed the tool back to him.
“Should work smoothly now,” she announced as she stood back up and dusted herself. She watched as he flexed his trembling fingers, testing the movements. After a moment he nodded, so she turned to take her leave. 
“I don’t hate you, you know?” he said, causing her to turn back. He now stood, massaging the back of his prosthetic hand as he stared at the ground. 
“Yeah, I know. I also know I don’t make it the easiest for you.”
“Yeah, well I suppose I could be less cruel.”
She hummed but said nothing. Guess they were both at fault. 
“Where did you learn how to do that anyway?” he asked, “You don’t seem-”
“Like the smart type?”
“Your words, not mine.”
She gave a small laugh with a shake of her head. 
“Learned from Brown Eyes.” Crosshair paused in mistrations. “He said it could be used for more than just prosthetics. Like when I need to repair Mel.”
Now it was Crosshair’s turn to hum. She almost decided to turn back but then he spoke up again. 
“What,” a pause, “what was he to you?” 
That took her by surprise. She figured he had been filled in on their relationship by the others or at least had an idea of it. Maybe he wanted a better understanding. 
“Well I’d say we’re what you hope to be with Jana,” she said, unable to resist the chance to tease him. It worked, with his mouth immediately turning into a scowl as his cheeks darkened, if only slightly. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re a bad liar, you know that right? Most of you are. Funny how the sweetest one of all of you is the best liar.”
That made him actually bark a short laugh, which in turn made her smile. He deserved a good laugh. He and his siblings. If there was one thing she enjoyed more than teasing Tech, it was making him laugh. He had a great laugh. Not too bad of a smile either. She missed that smile. So kriffing much.
“To answer your question,” she began as she looked down, “We never had a chance to define what we were.” 
Crosshair nodded and didn’t press further. It felt strange to talk about it. Shep, Hunter, and Wrecker never asked, but Shep wasn’t a pushy person and the latter two had more pressing matters. It sort of felt nice to let out in the open. While it hurt, it made it real. Whatever they were, it was real. 
“Thanks again for the hand,” he interrupted her thoughts.
“Yeah, well, you know where to find me if you need me.”
“Right, I’ll be sure to look for where there's buried treasure.”
“Oh he’s got jokes now,” she laughed, not the slightest bit upset. 
“I’m full of surprises.”
With that, he wandered off, leaving Phee with her thoughts once more. As she watched him go, she secretly hoped that Crosshair and Jana would have the chance she never did.
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I like to think it took a bit before Phee and Crosshair got along, but now that they've teamed up, pray for Hunter's sanity lol
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0lemat · 1 year ago
can you tell me more about the Charming
This was never really a setting I developed very much! So you'll be getting a little bit of ad-libbed stuff, and some fragmentary memories from when I was writing this six years ago. This will get a little bit long.
The names for the kinds of emotion-magicians are all, technically speaking, words invented for them by other people---this is most important for the Charming. Some of the Dread might refer to themselves as such (some might prefer something a little more inspiring, like a "Banner" or an "Icon"---indicating their ability to take fear away). I can't remember if I had a name for the Sorrow-mages, but they might well be called Sorrowful; I don't think that would be much used by the actual mages. A Berserk could conceivably use the term of themselves, as a boast, or a threat.
One thing that I want to remark here (since it's important, and doesn't fit terribly well in any of the other early paragraphs): people can have innate talents towards one form of emotion-magic or another, but these are all skills---you don't become a Berserk by accident (and anger-magic is generally viewed as the easiest to use, for whatever that's worth. Though it's also the one with the shortest life expectancy). You have to hone your understanding of a particular emotion. Even if you have a knack for feeling sadness, or anger, or joy, even if you understand that emotion inside-and-out, it takes time to learn the magic needed to siphon it, to shape it, to use it.
But the Charming... well, remember the conceit here. The Charming can take happiness, store it---in themselves, in a ring---move it, and induce it. They can arrange matters so that your heart leaps when a specific person walks into a room, or sinks; they can steal the joy from your greatest moment of triumph.
One of the odd things about this magic is that it's aggressively asymmetric---a Berserk can borrow anger from the world around themselves for months, and burn up all of that in minutes. So, yeah, they're an Anger-mage, but on a usual day they will be making the people around them more level-headed, more calm. The Sorrowful ease the sorrow of others, and the Dread can take away your fear. In fact, doing all of those things is cheap for them; they probably want to do it, to build up their reserves of the emotions that they need for their power.
(... But a wise Sorrowful knows not to take too much, because sorrow, too, is important to feel, and to feel genuinely...)
But all of those are services that people want to have. A Berserk can be a valuable mediator, and build up valuable stockpiles of anger; that's a mutually beneficial transaction.
For the Charming, making someone happy is a cost. And it's not the kind of happiness anyone but the most selfish would pay for, because all of the happiness is stolen; asking someone else for it is to become complicit in the act of theft.
In society, the Charming are viewed as something between vampires and the fae---hence the name. They would never use it of themselves---though they might use it of each other, since one of the Charming might well think poorly of another one sneaking into their territory.
(The least-noticeable way to exist as a successful Charming is to siphon off tiny portions of happiness from large numbers of people, while making sure that people always are glad to see you---but not unnaturally glad. Just glad enough that they won't believe the worst rumors, that will do. For a socialite, or a politician, or a certain kind of thief, that's good enough---good enough to live on, at least. But if several Charming are all trying to siphon off the same gala, people will start noticing that the lights are not metaphorically shining so brightly* and then the accusations start, the knives come out, and warm feelings like "joy" and "happiness" become shockingly absent. Bad for business all around; much better to keep the other Charming out of your parties)
*Another side note that doesn't fit well anywhere---use of emotion magic affects the colors in the world around the user. For example, siphoning anger makes reds less vivid and darkens blues, and when a Berserk unleashes anger, it tends to be either fire-red or ice-blue. So if the Charming are drawing in enough joy, it can noticeably darken a room. But people attuned to their own emotions will notice the wrongness of their feelings long before the lights start to go dim.
The thing to really remember, when thinking about why people hate hate hate the Charming (as an idea) is this---anyone who has picked up this power did it on purpose. They decided that they wanted people to like them---to love them---and that they were willing to steal the happiness right out of people's heads to make that happen. You have to be a pretty real bastard to go down that road---there's the old joke about melting down the Eiffel Tower for scrap? Any one of the Charming would cheerfully melt down the memories of your wedding for scrap, and then toss in your childhood, too. Do they want power, do they want money, do they want affection---well, here's the real question: do you care? Does it matter?
They're really useful to have around, for some people. Kings sometimes will keep one or two on very secret retainer, because they can truly be very persuasive. They also make very good scapegoats, if you end up needing one. And they are very likable, as long as no one knows how they got that way.
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ndostairlyrium · 2 years ago
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Ooohboi 😂 Long post ahead! Also cw: drugs
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Basically, I have this headcanon (which could possibly be canon but the info of this franchise come in bulks and I may have missed stuff lol) that clan hunters/scouts have maps of the safest routes to travel through in case they have to move quickly to a different location. And since they have to update them, they usually meet with other clans' hunters of the same geographic area at a certain time of the year. When these meetings occurr they all take notes, socialize, and gather intel on what's going on in the human communities of the surroundings. It's important to have things well organized since every clan has children and elders within their community, besides moving without a direction is just plain stupid. I don't believe all clans live isolated for then meeting each other once every 10 years. Communicating is a basic mean for survival, at the end.
Now, imagine freshma'am hunter Ankh in her 16/17s - very reckless, very idealistic, very idiotic - going on such a trip with her clan's older hunters to learn the basics of orienteering. She's a decent archer, but she's inexperienced obviously. Anxiety is over the roof, because being the olympic medal overthinker that she is, she put all the possible expectations over her shoulders, even if her mentors are very chill about it. And so she's there doing mediocre, failing, having an existential crisis overall stressful first experience outside the safety of her clan's perimeter... until all the hunters set camp for the night. Things change there: she manages to unwind and interact with everyone outside their task, and she starts to enjoy it! She's a cool kid, she's having fun, she's drinking embrium tea, she's nibbling some lunatic deathroot cookies...
The hell do her mentors knew substances would work on her like caffeine? Also, have I ever told you she's annoyingly hyperactive? Well, now you know, unfortunately. Imagine this bamboo stick with a blonde wig talking complex phylosophical concepts at the speed of light (and making no sense whatsoever ofc), hunting down hares and nocturnal rodents as if it was the easiest possible thing, and having a blast in general while the others are chilling around the campfire with the dumbest face ever. Pure entertainment for the group! Plus, she's overly self-conscious that she's intoxicated, so she's all like "will it wear down? down it will wear would will-- Have stars always been this luminous? Can we visit those old ruins we found earlier?? That would be so cool!! Am I talking right? Do my words make sense??? FERN. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME? F E R N" The moment tiredness starts to kick in, she's baffled. She can't use her legs properly, her clothes are becoming increasingly heavier, and her brain pulsates on her ears. But she still have ideas, ideas she would barely remember later << So, her and her bestie and later partner Fern would end up crashing a nearby Sylvanmoot (that really was a circle of willows and nothing else). They manage to befriend the shortest tree, who could relate to the awkwardness of a young person being put on their first responsibilities. They've been a brother, a comrade, and the three talked through existential topics for hours; hugging this newfound friend was like, the bare minimum to wave goodbye. Truly a tearjerking moment, if it wasn't for the fact that they were hugging a literal tree and rubbing themselves on its bark like freaking possums. Luckily the other hunters - those that weren't intoxicated, at least - would reach the idiots in time to stop them from ending up like parmesan cheese on pasta. From that experience Ankh got a couple of scars on her brow and scalp, Fern got some on his cheeks and mandible as well, and they ended up getting matching earrings. How, you say? They'll never know. This is a story the now elders of clan Lavellan tell to every single one of Ankh's partners, to her delight <3 and this is one of the reasons she never drinks or ingest stuff that could alter her senses - it's a xase of 70% allergies, 30% pure shame.
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lissust · 2 years ago
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supersoakerfullofblood · 1 year ago
My Tips for "Getting Good" at Writing
This can be a little tricky to define, because what "good" means could vary from person to person. I'll define it as "having a strong prose style."
You're not going to like this, but writing is the best way--and at the end of the day, the only way--to improve the craft of your writing. It takes years to recognize major improvements, but you should see minor improvements every now and then: a sentence construction you've never used, a word you didn't know existed popping up at the perfect moment, the general flow of the piece reading smoother, etc. You need to write.
But also, it sounds like you might be writing too much. If you write 24/7, your brain is going to get stuck in the rut of writing the same type and style of writing (it sounds like you write mostly short stories). This is horrible for the developing writer just as it is to the writer confident in their style. To develop strong writing, you need to explore everything that writing has to offer. Write some poetry and feel how it uses words differently from prose, write some creative nonfiction to understand the unique difficulties and blessings of biographical work, write a creative essay on a topic you've always wanted to research, try your hand at flash fiction and prose poetry, and keep writing short stories. Within those formal explorations, experiment! Write in genres you don't know much about. Write the longest sentence you can think of and the shortest. Write something bad on purpose. Write something where you're clearly trying too hard on purpose. Read a passage from your favorite author, and try to copy their style. Write widely. Writing widely, however, is difficult when you write every day, because you'll fall into whatever's easiest for you to write, and your writing will become same-y. When I started my writing self-improvement grind, I wrote one short piece every week/week and a half.
On that note, a popular writing exercise is to take a passage from your favorite author and write it verbatim in an empty doc or on paper. If you do it a few times, you start to feel how these authors use language and punctuation: how the words feel in the mouth, their lengths on the page, how each sentence builds to the next. Understand the style of the authors you think are masters so you can mimic them as best you can in your own writing. (And don't be discouraged when you can't write exactly like them. Of course you won't, but something of their styles will transfer to your own.)
Reread and edit what you've wrote. I like to do this the day after the piece is written, a week after, and a month after. Even if you never think about publishing it, revising a piece of writing is almost as important as writing it. You recognize the foibles in your style, and once you've recognized them enough, you actively work against them when you're drafting, and once you've actively worked against them enough, you passively work against them, at which point, your style has improved. Read over what you've written right after you've written it, and at a few points in the future, so you can clearly see what your prose is doing, where it excels, and where it fails.
If writing widely is important, reading widely is just as important. Always be reading something, preferably something in a genre you don't care to write in. The ideal literary diet for me is ~30% in-genre and 70% out-of-genre, and I wouldn't go too much higher than that for in-genre if I were you. Read bad books and good books, modernist poetry and Elizabethan dramas, 20th century fiction and ancient epics, crime thrillers and avant-garde short-form fiction and nonfiction. Your Goodreads page should be unpredictable. This sounds like a pain, and maybe it sounds useless, but think about it: if you read mostly or totally in one genre, just as if you write mostly or totally in one genre, you only get a feel for how language is popularly styled in that genre. If you want to develop your own personal prose style, you need to get as holistic a view as possible of what language can do. And I promise you're bound to find new favorites (authors, books, genres) in this reading exploration :)
This part's the hardest and the least important, because everything here can be learned just by doing, but learn what you can from writing education. My college education helped immensely, but if you can't do that, which is totally understandable, find other sources to fill this hole. Books and essays on writing are invaluable resources (I made a post about my favorites a few days ago), as are videos and interviews by established authors. I'd be incredibly discerning about writing advice Youtube channels. The vast majority of them are speculative fiction grifters who tell you how to "worldbuild" well without giving actual narrative/character advice. I personally do not touch this sphere of the writing world, and I wouldn't if I were you, but if you do, tread lightly. But education on writing (the easiest and most effective for the cost being books on writing imo) take your prose style up a whole letter grade.
There's probably more I'm forgetting, but all these were essential for my writing development when I started taking writing seriously, and if they don't work for you, I'm sure you'll parse some truths from them that do. Good luck and happy writing :)
I want to be an author which is funny cause I’m shit at writing. Like I know people say that practice makes you better but it doesn’t? What should I do to get good at writing? I write short stories practically 24/7 and I’m still not good. My work is barely even remotely readable.
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paunchsalazar · 3 years ago
In your opinion, while it was mentioned in the manga, in regards to tamaharu, who do you think take who's and who's last name? Personally i am a Tamaki Fujioka truther, but i understand Haruhi/Tamaki Suoh (or Suoh-Tamaki)... or maybe they both keep their last names (tbh i think tamaki would be like "I need to represent my undying love for haruhi by taking her name like lovely couples do" and haruhi would be like "idc 💀") , (sorry long ask nobody asked for, this has just been on my mind for ages)
omg hello!!!! a question I am thrilled to think about!
I love that canonically Tamaki is so up for a custom couple name! I feel like he adores his parents and came so far to understand his grandmother and vice versa he wouldn't drop their names, but would want some way to incorporate Fujioka into his name... I think it would be hilarious if his name ends up even longer than it already is like -
René Tamaki Richard de Grantaine Fujioka-Suoh
since it's already in western order... I don't know how that would shake out otherwise
Fujioka-Suoh René Tamaki Richard de Grantaine?
I think Haruhi really wouldn't care... perhaps wouldn't want to lose Fujioka because she does love her parents so much and they're kind of the only ones of their name? but also wouldn't mind having a joint one because it makes Tamaki so happy? so -
Fujioka-Suoh Haruhi
Could be Suoh-Fujioka as well? or could write Suoh as a middle name but only on like in France or other places with middle names. Combined makes the most sense to me since no middle names but ofc Tamaki is French anyway
idk! But I feel like Tamaki would insist Haruhi go first out of respect and she would, again, not really care and probably prefer the shortest option and easiest/most logical to write character-wise.
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isimp4leviachan · 4 years ago
Unexpected heights: Demon bros being 6’3”+ (SFW ver)
I (like most people I think)always hc that the demons in Obey Me are freakishly tall dudes like Beel being like 6’9”(205 cm) but what if they were titan-like? It would be pretty cute since everyone could feel little next to them uwu. HUGE SIDE NOTE: I’m not from the states so I’ll be using foot measurements taken from cm conversion so feel free to correct me if they're wrong lol.
AU size: 7’1” (215cm)
Instant pride boost 
discreetly stands next to you to compare heights
internally feels the uwus
externally he tells you it’s an inconvenience having to protect you twice as much as a regular sized demon.
i can definitely see him as someone who really gets a superiority feeling from looking at people from his shoulder 
so get ready for his stern face looking down at you.
AU size: 6’11” (211cm)
First time he meets MC, he feels like he’s going to break them 
“Of course Lucifer makes me babysit ya, ugh ya such a tiny human”
Tsundere boi is actually swooning over the way you almost run to match his normal pace
never admits it obviously 
if he does is more like a “Oi stop being so slow, I’m not slowing down to your snail pace” (he means you should hurry up and he thinks it’s cute how slow you are)
AU size: 6’11”
Average sized demon, so never really cared much
When he sees the exchange student he highkey fanboys 
“This is just like Akkun to Kanojo because Akkun is like human tall, not like demon tall and like Nontan is super tiny and together they like...”
Has this internal ramble everytime he sees you lol
Almost faints when you ask for help getting something from the cabinet.
When you become your best friend oh be ready for the endless size comparison rambles.
“so I put our heights in this web and apparently our height difference is the same as Henry and the Lord of Shadow!!!1!” 
please just nod and listen to not so lil snek boi
AU size: 6’8” (203 cm)
Doesn’t give a fuck lol
One day you just happen to be drinking tea with him and you tell him “you know when I first came here i was really scared of you guys, like you’re so tall and stuff”
He just goes “ we’re not tall, it’s just you humans are really tiny”
The conversation goes no further lmao
AU size: 6’6” (198 cm)
The shortest of the demons
Also the easiest to talk to without breaking your neck
“Uwaah MC and I are like almost the same height!! We should definitely share wardrobes <3” 
Next to other demons, he feels a little insecure about not being the tallest, except if his demon companiant is into twinks like him.
Now that you’re here though, he would love to be able to share clothes with you, the way the firsts weeks you clung to him for emotional support against his titan brothers…
Overall, he now thinks being a short demon has some privilege
AU size: 7’3” (220 cm)
Already on the tall side among demons to say the least (he towers among 98% of demons) 
Never really gave it much thought (himbo baby)
When he meets the human exchange student, he understands their fear.
Tries to get closer to MC in a non threatening way.
When they finally get closer, he grows to love the difference between him and his little human. 
Walking with him around Devildom is like walkin with a personal bodyguard
not a single demon dares to look at you more than once
Gives the BEST hugs 
AU size: 6’9” (205 cm)
Pretty average height in the Devildom
Like Satan, doesn’t care at the beginning 
but if you tell him you’re a little scared about the height difference
oh boy you are never hearing the end of it
 get ready for some Belphie style teasing 24/7
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delicatechopshoppoetry · 2 years ago
They always told me that english is just a language, not a measurement of intelligence.
Some of you might agree, but not me.
English is like Mathematics and science, It is a subject and also have a wide field of study.
In english, you must follow rules to avoid grammatical errors. You must have logical thinking to understand figurative speech and wide vocabulary to know the longest , shortest, easiest or hardest, common and uncommon words in english.
Besides, English is not our native language. According to Howard Gardner( American Psychologist) we have 9 types of intelligence and one of it is Verbal Linguistics. Verbal linguistics is when you can speak and understand fluently 2 or more languages. So, if you can speak english and tagalog at the same time, you already have verbal linguistics intelligence.
If english speaking is not a measure of intelligence then why do schools and companies use english as its formal language? In papers, meeting, interview etc. Why are there spelling quiz bees or oral speeches and extemporaneous speaking? Is that all for nothing?
Not all people in this world can speak and understand english fluently. English is as hard as mathematics and science. Do not underestimate english just because you have different point of view or you excel in this field and are just taking it for granted. It’s like you are saying that english speaking people are just loquacious dimwitted human beings.
We are are all intelligent in our own ways.
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actiaslunaris · 2 years ago
2022 Fic in Review
Rules: filter to 2022 on your AO3 stat page and answer some questions/link some fics for everyone to enjoy! (Some of these questions were taken from a wrapup meme on Twitter and some from one seen on Dreamwidth. Twenty-five in all.)
1. Your yearly word count:
23,196 words. This is a lot to post. I actually wrote much more into works in progress, however.
2. Fave fic you wrote this year:
"over the water, over the sea (with you)" [https://archiveofourown.org/works/40664607]
I keep returning to this, because it encapsulates a depth of feeling I find hard to express in anything other than fanfic. I love writing these characters and getting inside their heads; I keep saying that and it keeps being true.
3. Fave fic you read this year:
"As You Like It" by RiverFragrance; it's so perfectly tropey. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/42446331]
4. Fave ship you wrote for:
Obvs, Yukawa/Utsumi. This was the only ship I wrote this year.
5. Fave character POV to write:
Yukawa Manabu's. This was on purpose, since I have a work in progress that's from his perspective, but has so far proven difficult to write. I've had to stay in the headspace for it. The easiest way to accomplish that was write most stories from his perspective.
6. Fave line you wrote:
"Past and present merge like colliding wavelengths, the pattern of interference now visible for what it is." (open the door, don't let it sting) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/41077578]
The way holograms are made is amazing and fascinating. Yukawa applying his knowledge of physics to his emotional state to achieve realization, gathering all the clues at last.
7. WIP you finally finished:
"the frequency you're giving off"   [https://archiveofourown.org/works/41335740, explicit]
I was assembling research items for this as far back as four years ago, when I came across a gif of a couple on the beach in front of a fire. At that point in time, I wasn't sure what it was meant for; I kept thinking about it and building understanding with research, until I arrived at this story.
8. WIP you've yet to finish:
"your chain tied to me tight"
A story about boundaries, communication, and ties that bind, set a few months after the conclusion of the first season of Galileo, for my personal project of a Kink Bingo card.
9. Your most read fic this year:
"open the door, don't let it sting" [https://archiveofourown.org/works/41077578]  
This, at the time of writing, has 72 hits, beating out "the frequency you're giving off".
10. Your longest fic this year:
Posted, it's "open the door, don't let it sting" at 7,993 words. Unposted, it's "'til they sparked" currently at 18,268 words. It's slow burn; actual literal slow burn for the first dang time in my life. I only hope I can stick the landing.
11. Your shortest fic this year:
"all you see is red" at 298 words. A tiny scene of Utsumi and Yukawa on a date in a museum. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/40300701]
12. Fave fic title you used:
"the frequency you're giving off" borrowed from a song by Alessi's Ark. I just love the way it wraps up all the themes in the story and I was also hoping I'd be the first to use this lyric as a title and I think I was? Though it doesn't matter if I wasn't.
13. Biggest surprise while writing this year:
Being able to stick to writing a story or scene for every one of the Sunshine Challenge's prompts for this year. Also, because of that, I was able to write a continuation to "Ready to Hope" which I truly thought would not happen.
14. Fave comment you received this year:
Probably cosmictuesdays's response to a snippet of a story I'm writing. I've thought about it at numerous times throughout the year and it pleases me each time.
15. Fave fic author to read this year:
RiverFragrance. Although I'm only just dipping my toe into all the Chinese fanfic that exists, RiverFragrance has such a good understanding of Yukawa and Utsumi and consistently delivers good plot.
16. Total fics/chapters uploaded this year:
Eight. This is very good for me and also seems to be what I can expect most years.
17. What are you looking forward to next year?
Finishing -- hopefully -- "your chain tied to me tight" in time for my birthday. After that? Just more works in progress over the summer; hopefully also writing the remaining four works of my 30Kisses project.
18. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
"drop through your likenesses" [https://archiveofourown.org/works/40300710]
This was written for Sunshine Challenge and 30Kisses, and I'm proud of it because it took a prompt I thought was going to be difficult, but by means of intense brain-storming I was able to write something I had only half-formed ideas for and make it exactly what I wanted. Additionally, it also is one of the best examples of my writing style. I've worked hard to clean my prose, while making it poetic, and this does that.
19. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
All the kudos on "wholly to be a fool" are rather a surprise. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/41987514]
20. What work was the quickest to write?
"all you see is red" Written in about two hours, into the box at Dreamwidth.
21. What work took you the longest to write?
"the frequency you're giving off" Started at the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021. I don't know because my first backed-up draft had many words in it, already and I can't recall when I started. *shrug*
22. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Four documents started, ten in total planned.
23. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Everything unfinished, of course. "'til they sparked" is proving to be the one that got out of hand, and it's just the third in a series of... possibly five stories. I don't even know at this point because my ideas for what I want to include are well-formed but impossible to place at the moment.
24. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Maybe, possibly, mulling it over: Loid/Yor.
I also have an idea for a Kishitani & Kuribayashi fic that I like thinking about but would take a lot of planning.
25. What do you listen to while writing?
Mostly synthwave, lo-fi, chillwave, and barberbeats. Barberbeats is the best find I made this year to unlock my writing brain.
Sometimes I listen to the songs that inspire the titles; like for "open the door, don't let it sting" I listened to "Rule #1 - Magic" by Fish in a Birdcage and "Read My Mind" by The Killers on repeat for a few writing sessions.
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obeymeluv · 5 years ago
Random Headcanons for the Bros (SFW + NSFW)
I’m bored and was thinking about the more ‘demon’ noises they’d make. It turned into a bunch of random headcanons (SFW + NSFW).
These got really long so I skipped Belphie for now. I was getting sleepy and I need more time to think up some headcanons for him.
I think I caught all the spelling errors but I’m not sure. Super sleepy...
His ‘angry’ demon noise sounds a lot like the ones koalas make. It’s not an especially deep or rugged noise, like a lion, but this simmering mess of hisses and clicks with a bit of air in it.
Tends to keep his mouth closed and tongue fluffed when making the noise so it sounds more subdued/reptilian
Lucifer’s horns are very sensitive. Mammon found that out at an early age. His beloved could use this to their advantage, but it does bring the teeth.
Would deny to his last breath that he likes head massages or temple rubs. If you can manage, give the guy a shoulder rub and he’s putty in your hands. Won’t even speak. Might make a clicky purr sound though.
When he doesn’t want you to leave or could really use another minute with head scratches, his tail will wrap around your wrist and hold it in place.
When you share a bed, he’s not a snuggler. Lucifer’s the type to be content knowing you’re in the same space. He moves in his sleep, though, so you always end up a little spoon
Asmo says he has a size kink, but he’s not sure. Lucifer will begrudgingly admit he likes power dynamics. There’s something thrilling about grabbing you by the throat, as delicate as you are, but being so gentle with you.
He’s not the most aggressive biter in bed, but he will use his teeth and claws for the sensation. Lucifer’s big on anticipation and overstimulation
Weak for neck kisses, especially at his pulse. Attack! He WILL get even though, so beware.
Doesn’t openly think he has any clothing-related kinks, but he’ll stare a bit longer if you dress up in red or black.
Would never do it in front of his brothers because of the teasing, but very much the ‘come sit in my lap’ type.
His pride won’t let him allow any public fun times, not even the fear of getting caught, but he does get off on flustering you and watching you pull yourself back together before anyone catches on
The ‘lots of strong, long kisses’ kind of guy. Not big on French kissing unless he has time to indulge and knows he won’t be interrupted
Runs very hot when he sleeps. He prefers to be shirtless so cold sheets take the edge off.
You’ll come before he does. It’s a matter of pride, after all.
His love language is helping you get organized (if you’re not), and tracking down resources to things you’re interested in because that’s within his skill set. Also good at creating absolute silence for you if you have a migraine.
If Lucifer makes a pact with you, it’ll be around your heart because it takes a lot of self-sacrifice to do. He’s TRUSTING you.
Mammon sounds like an angry tortoise when he’s woken up too early, when he’s embarrassed (or in denial), or telling one of his little brothers to shut up without saying it
I head cannon that he actually needs the glasses he wears. Or that he has contacts and just wanted yellow frames because yellow is the color of Grimm
It crossed my mind that he might wear them just so he can see everything as golden and beautiful because he remembers the Celestial Realms and misses it
He says he stays with you because Lucifer assigned him, but once you connect with him on ANY level (say something nice, defend him, just give him attention instead of suspicion), he’s 100% whipped. Wants to be with you all the time and chase that feeling you give him. He needs more of it. Has to have it!
Mammon’s a sucker for getting his hair played with. Run your fingers through it, play with the ends, and you could probably rob him blind
Will also pester you for back massages because he jacks up his back running from Lucifer all the time (and trying to run off with heavy shit to pawn)
Is really good with math, has bad impulse control, and gets very distractable. Would probably surprise a few of his brothers with his math mark is and the fact that he could tutor if he stays in the right mindset. 
He’s the sloppy/needy kisser that has to be as close as he can. He’ll end up between your thighs and somehow surround you.
Big on little butterfly kisses.
He’s not a full-on biter, but he’s a nibbler. He’s a hickey expert and he wants them to be seen.
Actually super easy to turn on. If you take his glasses off and get close enough to see him, he’s hard because you rubbed up on him coming into view. Also: praise him. IT WORKS!
The Avatar of Greed probably has a breeding kink. Just saying.
Might complain about it, but he’ll give you piggyback rides and carry you if you ask. Literally, all you have to do is ask.
You can’t do the whole ‘laying in nothing but my earrings’ because he’ll either take your earrings out before sex to look at them (very much an ‘oh, shiny!’ person), teeth them during sex and break them, or he’ll think you look so good he’ll want to pile on ALL the jewelry.
Steal his clothes to wear them? He’ll lowkey cry. YOU LOOK SO CUTE, ALMOST AS GREAT AS THE GREAT MAMMON!
Prefers to be the little spoon, but honestly if you fall asleep with him you guys end up tangled up together. Usually face-to-chest, but some kind of tangled up together
Can’t always keep up the dirty talk in bed because he gets so sappy, but he’s big on soft touches, hickies, and needing praise if you want him to go harder/faster when he’s in his gentle moods
Will fight Belphie for King of Lap Naps. Mammon would monetize your nappin’ thighs but then he’d have to share them and that just seems like a bad business idea.
Main fantasy? You begging. Beg for him to do anything and you’re occupied for the next few hours.
Has a bit of a smart mouth so he’ll also get into banter with you and if you get the last word, he’s super embarrassed, proud, and give him a consolation kiss or something, huh?
Helpless when you initiate it because SHIT that was bold and he can’t believed it worked! All you have to do is say his name, look him in the eyes, then his lips, and kiss him. If you think you’re walking away, you don’t make it far.
The type to con you into a quickie in the closet our just out of view/hearing of the others.
The type to write checks his mouth can’t cash 85% of the time. Call his bluff. If he invites you into the bath, do it. Walk in naked. You might have to save him from drowning. 
Levi’s angry noises sound like bearded dragon hisses. Those hisses are used for warning, frustration, and when he does the uncomfortable prickle of awkwardness. When he disagrees or is bashful, they get a warble/chatter to them.
I headcanon that they can also take on their demon form when they feel threatened, as it puts out an aura and makes them more defensive. Levi can transform the easiest due to him feel uncomfortable and not being the most sociable.
When he’s in demon form, his tail will either wrap around him for comfort or will go over to the person he most trusts to comfort him. He tends not to consciously want to touch Lucifer with his tail, but there’s something instinctual about going to the oldest brother. He usually goes to Satan or you (if you’ve reached that type of intimacy)
You would think a guy that shamelessly plays a lot of otome games and uses them as social guides (even though they’re far from perfect) wouldn’t be so susceptible to a peek of skin or nudity, but LEVI IS WEAK!
That whole ‘shirt rides up getting a library book’ thing? He’s dead.
The biggest virgin, basically. Boy’s got a strong imagination and he’s sensitive from the whole ‘gross otaku’ complex.
His biggest fantasy? Water play. He wants to be the big, scary monster who grabs a tasty, tiny human and has his wicked (totally consensual) way.
One of the more adventurous bros because he’s seen a lot of stuff in anime and wants to know if it would really work.
Will definitely ask for a blow job. It’s the shortest blow job ever but he loved it.
Is weak for any kind of kiss so have at it! Especially likes kisses on the mouth, shoulder kisses (because that means cuddling!), and kisses on his chest or belly.
The type to get addicted to sex once he has it, but not helplessly so. He won’t say no if you ask.
Is too embarrassed to ask you to wear some of his clothes so he just kind of leaves them in your room and waits to see if you wear it. If you don’t, he buys you matching clothes so you HAVE to.
Once you’re dating, you’re his good luck charm. No ifs, ands, or buts! He NEEDS you for game night, even if you fall asleep in his arms, okay?
After getting used to the idea of giving you affection and understanding your boundaries, he’s dropping a forehead kiss 24/7.
He hisses more than his brothers, and his tongue can do some tricks the other bros can’t. He’s WAY better than those other dumb humans, too.
You’re one of the only people who can pull him out of his room. He becomes aware that you get him out for exercise (or because Lucifer asks) but if he leaves the House of Lamentation and has you to himself, he won’t complain.
Cougar noises--the chuffs, the growls, the yeowls, all of it. He is big angry kitty boy
He’s afraid of losing his temper but he’s got a ridiculously tight grip on the reins. You wouldn’t think he’s the Avatar of Wrath until one of his brothers set him off.
His love language is gentle pets, a good book, and a cup of tea. He’s your guard when you don’t want to deal with the outside world. Because Satan’s super logical and admires detectives, his love language is also helping you solve your problems. He just conveniently shows up with something that helps (because he’s been listening and is a background type).
Is emotionally keen, perhaps because his cardinal sin is wrath and he can be sensitive. He has a radar for you and it calls him like a moth to a flame.
Want to seduce him? Read to him. It’s that easy. Share your favorite quotes.
Or just take a cheap shot and do something with cats. He may enlist you to smuggle Hellcats into the House of Lamentation since Lucifer can’t do anything to the precious exchange student. Being its ‘parents’ will bring you close.
Doesn’t like mornings but forces himself to be a morning person. HIGHLY enjoys it if you’re not because it’s so nice to see you go through all the stages of discontent before resigning yourself to getting up and starting the day
He’s not easy to fluster, but he’s the ‘tried and true’ when it comes to getting bothered. If you find something that works, file it away because it will ALWAYS work.
If you fluster him, he has to make it even. It’s the only way he’ll feel good about his weakness. Much prefers if you’re worse off than he is, actually, because there’s something delicious about it
A bit of a sadist. Prefers drawn-out pleasure and taking you for all that you can give
Loves to catch you with that studded tail and keep you in place. Very much likes to drag you back to him. That looks pretty, too.
Doesn’t know what to call his kinks, but the idea of restraining you is a nice one. Likes the positions where he has to hold you against him or in place, or can move parts of you to better fit with him. Big on taking you from behind.
Doesn’t care if he’s the big spoon or the little spoon. Just wants to make sure you’re there with him.
Has a fantasy about you serving him tea naked in his room.
Big on biting, and is usually embarrassed about the marks the next day
The type to let you throw your legs over his lap and read in contented silence with you, occasionally massaging your leg
Boy likes legs. Show ‘em off.
Interrupt intense studying sessions (because he over-studies and studies WAY TOO EARLY FOR TESTS) with snuggly pop quizzes (”Who’s cute? A) You, B) The Avatar of Wrath, C) Satan, or D) All of the Above”) because he lives for it.
Cheeky and unexpectedly playful. Will wake you up with tickling or tracing. If you are romantically involved, he’s definitely woken you up with a squeeze or kiss at least once
If you’re in a pact with him, it shows up on your thigh or hip.
Very proficient with magic. Has probably found a way to bring it into the bedroom.
The cuddliest boy
His angrier noises tend to sound like a giant salamander but his cute flirty/chirpy noises sound like a toy gecko.
I headcanon that Asmodeus became part incubus when he fell to Devildom, or that he ended up with some of those traits once he became the Avatar of Lust
He can feed off the various types of love emotions (genuine love, sweet crush love, jealous love, sex, etc.) but it doesn’t fill him up as much as hunting humans or other demons. It’s just something he can feed off of more frequently so it keeps hunger at bay.
Will pamper his crush or someone he holds dear because that’s bonding. He wants SOMEONE to understand the lengths he goes through to be beautiful! It’s a process! Respect him!
The biggest hype boyfriend ever. Will take your confidence to new levels and show you that you can rock anything
Epitome of ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’ trope
Are you having a play date with makeup? Turn those lipstick swatches into lipstick kisses and he’s got to stop and recollect himself. His little heart’s going so fast!
Glows when you praise him. It could be something he’s heard for centuries but somehow you say it better than anyone ever has.
When he’s feeling extra affectionate and just really loves you, his eyes will be a pinky-red.
Wants to be babied. Please kiss him.
100% down for soft cuddles and luxurious touches. Long days spent in bed and slow, dream-like sex.
Doesn’t really like his hair messed with because he works on it a lot.
Touch his arms, his back, and his chest and he’s all yours.
Will kiss you anywhere, but his favorite place to kiss you when you’re cuddling is on the inside of your wrist
Prefers to be the little spoon.
The skin on his shoulders can dry out when he takes on his demon form. Something about the texture of demon wings dries them out really bad. Put lotion on him and he’s singing your praises.
Gets you into the most exclusive places and plans the best shopping days. Your off days will be the envy of everyone in the Devildom!
Asmodeus is very perceptive when it comes to his love, and very receptive in terms of sex. It feels like the world’s longest questionnaire before you have sex, but he needs to be ABSOLUTELY clear about your experience, comfort, what you like, and what you don’t.
Probably gets off first because the act of having sex is very heady and strong. It’s a massive energy boost at once. It’s the second-best type of feed he can get and makes him feel drunk/light-headed.
Definitely makes up for it. You probably won’t be able to walk afterwards.
Big on PDA around others. Holding hands and matching nails!
When Asmodeus makes a pact with you, it shows up in aesthetic places like your shoulder, your wrist, your ankle, or above your chest.
Is big on receiving praise but not as big as Mammon
Sex with him can be rough and hard, sweet and gentle, and everything in between. Is very likely to mess up your clothes because he has a hard time controlling his claws when he’s in the moment but you can wear his clothes. It’s fine.
Will give you hickies. Loves the colors they take on your skin.
If he’s helping you get ready for an event, all that pretty makeup might get messed up when he takes you against the vanity. He can’t help it!
10/10 the best, most supportive boyfriend. A sweetheart with claws.
Sweetest boy. The one that has good intentions even if things don’t go to plan
Very loyal. He’s neutral to everyone when they first meet him, but he’ll quickly pick favorites or befriend someone if his intuition says he should.
Beel’s a pretty good people-reader. Maybe it comes from being an older twin, but he knows a bad heart when he sees it
Is very empathetic and can get really upset for his hungry fury. It’s hard to shake but if you’re gentle/persistent, you’ll get a smile.
If you get some tears, just hold him and tell him it’s okay. You know it’s hard to control.
Also on team ‘play with my hair’
He’s a sucker for kisses around his ear, the base of his throat, AND HIS STOMACH. KISS THAT TUMMY!
Forgets that he’s built very differently than you and is honestly amused by how awe-struck you get with his muscles.
Squeeze his bicep. It makes him blush.
Quiet fawning over his muscles really warms his heart. Just praise him, kiss him, and run your fingers over his chest and you’ll get the good, deep rumbly polar bear purr.
Beel has deep, rolling demon noises. It’s something about how tall and wide he is that makes the reverb shake deep in your bones no matter how gentle it is
Will think the stars of you if he catches you looking after his family.
His heart skips a beat and his face goes super red if you pack him snacks with little notes on them
Is 100% down for food dates.
Loves carrying you. He’s nice and helpful and when you start dating, he just loves having his tiny human close.
Has to learn to temper his strength when you start dating because he tried to be cute and scoop you up but almost threw you into the ceiling
Very gentle bear hugs from very gentle Beel
Prefers you to climb on him when you want to cuddle that way he doesn’t accidentally hurt you. Loves to feel you struggling to climb on his back.
Likes to snuggle your arms when they’re wrapped around his neck (especially when you’re getting a piggyback). Absently rubs your thighs/knees because they’re in his hands.
Lots of absentminded but heartfelt kisses because you smell good and he loves you. He just wants to kiss you, not taste you! (”One more, please?”)
Has a size kink. He’s a big boy so you’re probably smaller by default and you’re just easy to pick up and hold and--boy’s going to bust a nut just getting you into position
Big into oral because you smell good and taste good and he could eat you for HOURS. He has the strength and stamina, trust me.
Has the best jawline of the bros because he’s always working his mouth muscles.
Tends to take you from behind just to minimize the height difference but he’s also had sex in the kitchen, in his bed, and is coming around the idea of you being on top of him.
Won’t leave hickies but he’s the suckling type. Most likely to leave fingerprints/handprints
Heavy post-cuddler.
If you feed him (even jokingly) after sex, he’s going to immediately roll over and want to go again.
You love him enough to feed him and he just loves you and--?!!
If you cook him anything, he’ll definitely give his compliments to the chef
Always buys you cute aprons and things to wear in the kitchen. Has a matching set even if it doesn’t fit him very well.
If you make a trip to the human world, please come back with a bunch of cheeseburgers for your baby. He’ll love you forever (even though he already does).
Loves to cuddle. If you rest your head on him, he puts his arm around you and pull you in close. He’ll initiate the ‘in lap cuddling’.
Is surprisingly good at potions because he’s familiar with the ingredients and can tell if you’re on the right track based on how it smells.
Loves to feed you. Won’t say no to being fed. Didn’t know he had a finger kissing/sucking kink until he was being careful with a bite of food and somehow still got your finger (no damage though).
When you make a pact with Beelzebub, it shows up on your stomach.  
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biggirllifestyle · 4 years ago
Over The Rails
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Summary: After Peter posts a video of him and his friends at the roller rink on their group chat Bucky can’t seem to get his mind off Peter’s friend who stole the show, and after getting goaded into going skating with the other avengers (Natasha’s conniving planning) where Peter’s friend works at Bucky can’t help but feel that there’s something to look forward to.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Sized Reader
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Swearing, Physical harm (from Roller Skating), Future Confrontational Violence, etc.
A/N: So I am taking up a new hobby, Roller skating, it’s been something I have always wanted to try but I was always told that something like that was not meant for someone of my size, and stubborn ole me is gonna prove them wrong. So here I am writing a story that I hope will help break that insecurity telling you that something was not made for you because of your size. Do what you want to do and Fuck those people telling you that you can’t do it be Petty and prove them wrong. ALSO I think this will be multi chaptered which I’m kind of worried cause I suck but like yeah. Enjoy!!!!
The first time Bucky had seen them was on a video Peter had sent to the group chat he took the liberty to make, mostly it was filled with messages from Peter and Shuri catching up with each other or asking feedback on their current inventions and sometimes (not sometimes all the time) they would send each other memes (as he was told they were called) they were a funny bunch some he didn’t understand the references to but over all he tolerated it (also he was still getting used to having his own mobile device so he had no clue how to get himself out of it) and surprisingly enough Steve himself joined in on the shenanigans sending his own versions of these memes that Bucky himself could understand.
The day that Bucky had seen Peter’s video he was just coming back from a mission, next to him snoozing away and taking up too much space than she needed was Natasha, he figured she was doing this to test the other agents who had questioned her credibility of being brought on to this mission short to say she wasn't amused. Bucky knew when to not get involved and in this instance Nat seemed to be on a mission and he in no way was gonna stop that.
After securing himself to the seat he retrieved his phone from the holding compartment, as he waited for it to turn on he thought about Steve’s offer to move in together he was finally cleared by medical to move out of the compound it was a hard process of healing from the trauma that came from the brainwash and the actions he did while under different people’s control with an agreement to attend weekly therapy and he was free. Steve had helped and while he was out here finishing up his mission, he figured that this was his chance to start anew in a world where everything has come to progress.
When he finally looked down at his phone he saw that it was bombarded by notification from the chat, it seemed that Peter had posted another one of those videos with his friends and Shuri seemed to be raving about it, his curiosity got the better of him even though he knew better not too (last time he ended up watching a minute long video of Peter and his friend Ned trying to stuff four slices of pizza in the shortest amount of time, least to say Bucky was not amused).
The video seemed to be of Peter, Ned, and MJ Peters girlfriend at a skating rink, Ned and Peter seemed to be struggling keeping themselves upright as MJ cruised around them acting like it was the easiest thing in the world as she laughed at the boys struggle, but what caught his attention was not Peter and Ned’s struggle but instead he was focused on the person behind them who seemed to be moving towards them with ease, almost as if they were flowing in water, she came to a complete stop behind the boys as she said something to MJ who burst out laughing before they joined hands and moved away. The camera seemed to be magnetized towards them and it caught as MJ and the other girl started dancing around as they cruised through couples meeting at certain points to sing along as the song continued in the background, everything was going good until the girl crashed into someone sending her sprawling on the floor and the video was cut abruptly.
Bucky made a noise of concern and that seemed to have peaked Natasha’s interest, she watched silently over his shoulder to see what had made him worried a small grin spreading across her face,
“Why Sergeant Barnes I wasn’t aware that you were interested in new hobbies, if you wanted to be hip with the kids I would have suggested something less vigorating like crocheting.”
Bucky gave Natasha a glowering look at her jab to his age, she was giving him an annoying grin and he couldn’t help the push he gave her forgetting his strength and almost dropping her off the seat, she didn’t seem to mind as she reached over and grabbed at her own phone texting away into her phone at a rapid speed, before another grin with a sharper edge came over her face and Bucky knew that he was fucked. His phone went off and he ignored it because he knew it was her doing, but the moment he felt it go off continuously nonstop he couldn't help the dread that came over him so he opened the chat seeing Natasha’s doing.
*W.A.P Chat*
Arachnobaby🕷:*Video Attachment*
Arachnobaby🕷: So we went roller skating
Widow Queen👸: It seems baby Spider that you got our sergeants
attention, I think he wants to give it a try.
SnowCAP⛄️: Oh I wouldn’t be surprised back in the day Buck used to
be the best at roller skating, I mean one time we were
on a mission in Berlin he showed what he could really do
skated circles around those hydra agents.
BirdMan🐥: Now that I would have to love to see, What do you say
Robocop when you come back wanna hit the rinks and show
Your inner Bill Bogash.
Arachnobaby🕷: Oh that sounds like a great idea my friend bibi,
She’s the girl who crashed at the end, works at
the rink so I can ask her if she can book us a night
where it could only be us and that way we won’t
bother anyone or anything.
The Supreme🧙‍♀️: I feel like this is a disaster waiting to happen
especially with @BirdMan🐥 goading our sergeant.
The Vision: Sergeant Barnes capabilities are meant to be used for a
greater purpose, I do not believe he would want to waste
his energy in these trivial competitions.
Arachnobaby🕷: How did he get in!!! *he doesn’t even go here meme*
RoboCop🤖: I hate you…
RoboCop🤖: But You’re on.
Bucky turned to Natasha with a glare ready set on his face, he wasn’t glad that he was goaded into going out with the group but he was also glad that Natasha hadn’t really figured out what had really interested him from the video. Natasha seemed to be distracted looking towards the Reeds, the one who questioned her authority, giving him a shark like smile as he sat ramrod straight trying to ignore the assassin who was giving him her full attention.
Bucky nudged her trying to make her ease up since they were ready to land, as soon as the hanger doors were open Reed booked it as if his ass was on fire the other agents following close behind. Natasha turned to him a small smile on her lips as she began to grab her duffle,
“Maybe as you’re trying to prove your skills on the rink, you also take the chance to ask out Peter’s friend, might do you some good to abandon your grouchy persona.”
And with those last words she turned and marched off, she knew.
Part 2
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themusicplayedherlife · 4 years ago
To Love is the Greatest Gift
1. The Return
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pairing: obi wan kenobi x f!reader (past!din djarn x f!reader) characters: f!reader, anakin amidala-skywalker, padmé amidala-skywalker, mentiones of din djarin, obi wan kenobi, others word count: 2.6k+ warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of rent: the musical (death, second chances) uh... I think that’s it? summary: au!it’s never been the right timing for you and obi wan kenobi; maybe this time will be different. a/n: i started working on this story so long ago it’s ridiculous, but I suddenly had a surge of motivation to continue this story after some tragic family news. this was also very much inspired by @martlands and their amazing obi wan stories, made me want to write my own and here it is
all || next
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“You broke up?”
One would think that the immediate reaction to someone asking if you broke up with your significant other would be to cry or begin to ask them what could have possibly gone wrong. But that’s not the reaction you give. 
The reaction you give is just a shrug and a strong pop, as you spoon more gelato onto the little spoon his twins love collecting. “Yep.”
“After only three weeks of dating?” Anakin doesn’t know why he’s surprised, but he is. This is probably the shortest living relationship you’ve ever had. “Why?”
“Why not?” you answer easily, nonchalantly and you know it frustrates him. “It wasn’t working out, so we decided to call it quits.”
Not even a month ago, you had been genuinely excited about finally getting out there and meeting someone new, and even more excited when you were telling him all about this person you met while out with some old friends. You had said, word for word, “he might be the perfect contender!”
Where did all that excitement go?
You sigh, finally looking up at him and away from your white chocolate gelato that's just to die for. “Ani, it’s fine. It just didn’t work out. It happens.”
He grimaces. “What happened between you and Din—“
You bristle at the mention of your ex, narrowing your eyes and his widen in defense. You know what Anakin and Padmé think of him and it’s not entirely pleasant (particularly from Anakin’s part). It’s completely unfair. Din is lovely, sure a little socially awkward, but lovely nonetheless. “Has nothing to do with why Gar and I ended things.”
“Nothing,” you reiterate with a bit more force and he sighs, lifting his hands in defeat while holding his own cup of gelato.
“Okay. Okay, I’m sorry.” And then, like a light switching, he turns playful. “Was it his name that turned you off—Gar?”
You resist the urge to groan and roll your eyes. “Oh maker, you are annoying!”
You huff as you make the trek back to the trolley that’ll take you both up to the observatory. The rest of your conversation is forgotten as he navigates it towards continuing to tease you and the latest exhibit you had helped set up.
The Coruscant Observatory is one of the most popular attractions in the city aside from the Exotic Animal Sanctuary (where most zoologist work to help rehabilitate wild animals before reintroducing them back into the wild, only housing the ones that have been assessed to not be able to function in the wild on their own—which are unfortunately many).
Your place of work is known for its large, ground telescope; its monthly constellation exhibits; the multiple planetarium theater rooms that house lectures, activities, star projections, etc.; and its Astronomer Q&A program where visitors can ask astronomers questions and even get a tour of the space station.
However, most of your days are spent in your office, planning for the next exhibit or actually executing them with your team; meanwhile, Anakin spends them in tech, sometimes maintaining the telescope, other times helping with IT issues, but mostly making sure the theater rooms worked perfectly for their 4D immersion.
(You like to joke that out of the two of you, he has it easiest; sometimes he’ll run by your office to get to another part of the building while you’re doing something and you’ll yell out, “slacker” and he’ll respond with, “you just work too much”.)
“Are Padmé and the twins stopping by today?”
“Not today, maybe tomorrow,” he says as you both step out of the trolley along with a few tourists. “I think today they decided to stay for some school thing.”
“Shouldn’t you know what that school thing is?” you chide him out of jest.
He scowls, there’s hardly any heat in it and it makes you grin. “It’s a music performance that the CN Theater is putting on.”
“Ah, and we all know how much musicals bores you.”
“I just don’t understand them,” he murmurs defensively as you climb the few steps leading to the entrance. The two of you smiling and greeting Rex at his security post and bypassing the ticket gate with your IDs.
“You mean you don’t have any taste,” you tease.
“It’s weird! I mean, most of them are all about tragedies and betrayals. What happened to the good ol’ romance and happy endings?”
“Not all of them are tragedies, Casanova.”
The main rotunda lobby is full of people milling about, looking at maps or the foucault pendulum in the middle of the room. Low chatter fills the room, shoes clicking and clacking against the marble flooring.
“Name one.”
Spotting the trash can and recycle bin, Anakin holds his hand out for your disposable cup and spoon and throws them away in their proper bin.
“Rent.” There are probably better examples, but you had been listening to the original cast album the night before and have all the songs still stuck in your head.
“Don’t two characters die?”
“Angel and Mimi.” You nod. “But Mimi is brought back to life by Angel, and is given a second chance at life.”
“She may have been brought back to life, but that doesn’t take away from the fact she died.”
“I’m not arguing with you on that, I’m just saying the ending was hopeful—not necessarily a happy ending, but it left you thinking—maybe things can get better.”
“And that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for—“
“What you and Padmé have?” you ask him as you both reach the door of your office.
He pauses, mouth opening and closing before finally rubbing the back of his head sheepishly and saying, “Yeah.”
You smile, genuine and happy for your childhood friend. Who would’ve thought that years ago when you introduced them, they’d be here years later—married and with twins. You and Anakin sure as hell didn’t. For most of your childhood, you both believed you’d live out your life on Tatooine, hang with the same friends you’ve known since your pre-kinder days and eventually get married to each other—much to the dismay of your parents—because of benefits or whatever, until your parents decided they wanted to send you off to a private school in one of the major cities, derailing your and Anakin’s plan (for the better, if you’re being honest).
“You’re still coming over for dinner, right?”
“Yeah,” you answer, unlocking your office door with your key. “I have a meeting that might go over the expected time, but I should be able to make it on time.”
“Just let us know,” he says, rapping his knuckles against the door frame. “But you better be there! We have some planning to do!”
You roll your eyes and wave him away, promising he and his family will definitely see you at five. With a hearty chuckle he salutes you and leaves the door slightly ajar, just like you usually do. It’s your “you can come in to ask me questions, but knock first, please” visual telling.
With a soft exhale, you drop yourself into your creaking office chair, eyes landing on the first picture on your right—a younger you, only 18, fresh out of your uniform smiling wildly with a large bouquet of flowers that you can still distinctly remember the smell of.
“I am in love!” Padmé exclaimed, squealing in absolute delight at the flowers put in your hand.
Blue eyes crinkled with amusement, staring down at you. “Are you?” His voice was low, teasing and almost smug. He had obviously heard the gasp that escaped your lips when he presented you the colorful bouquet created with your favorite flowers that his father grew in their little garden.
“Irrevocably,” you answered, not able to hide your smile as you gently held it against your chest and smiled up at him. “They’re beautiful, Obi. Thank you.”
Obi Wan’s arm is wrapped around your shoulder, caught in the action of a booming laughter. He was always laughing in pictures. There isn’t a single picture you have of him that he isn't smiling.
Your finger gently trails over his smiling face. Maker, you miss him.
Is he still traveling? Or has he finally settled down again? Will he show up and spring some unexpected news on you again? Stars, you hope not. Shit didn’t go as planned last time and it probably wouldn’t again.
Your hand falls limply and you swivel in your seat, looking out the large glass window overlooking the majority of the city and sigh softly—an exhale of wary hope and sadness.
A bird soars by your window, it’s wings flapping effortlessly, diving before flying higher and away.
He’s not coming back. You know this. Coruscant just isn’t the same anymore. Not when he feels this city has taken everything from him.
One more year visiting Gui Gon without him.
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The meeting runs longer than it usually would, just like you had expected. Checking the time, you let out a curse and quickly throw your belongings into your car.
Without wasting time, as soon as you switch on your engine, you place your phone on the dock and say, “Hey C-3PO, call Padmé.”
“Calling Padmé,” your phone’s AI answers through the speakers of your car.
“Are you outside?” Is how she greets you. There are loud noises in the background, children squabbling about something or another, and Anakin’s weary voice trying to rally them. 
You snort, pulling out of the undergroundparking lot. “Not yet, barely got out of my meeting and am on my way.”
“Please hurry, the twins really want to see you and are dying from hunger,” she says, amusement in her voice and not at all trying to hurry you. “They might start eating Anakin soon.”
“Hey, don’t bite that!” He yells from a distance.
“Hurry, please!” you hear over the phone—Luke. “I miss you,” he says, closer now. Which you immediately reply saying you miss him too, almost cutting off the next voice.
“And I’m hungry!” Leia’s voice follows his, practically yelling into the phone.
You laugh fondly, just imagining the childish glee on their faces at your scandalized gasps and your exaggerated “me too” answers.
“Leia, no yelling,” Padmé scolds her, gentle and kind. “Softer, please.”
“Sorry,” she says. “I’m hungry,” she repeats, softer, almost a whisper.
“Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be there,” you promise. “If not, you have my permission to start eating your dad.”
Leia and Luke break into a fit of laughter, yelling something away from the phone to Anakin, who once again lets out a loud, “Hey!”
Padmé chuckles, moving away from the voices of the children tackling their father and their play fighting. “Take your time, we’re not in any hurry to start eating. The kids had a hearty lunch and a snack after school.”
“What about you and Anakin?”
“We’re fine, don’t worry. Just get here safely and we’ll see you soon.”
You end the call with one last reassurance from her and let out a loud sigh when your car comes to a stop behind a long line of glaring red lights—traffic. You hate traffic.
You might be surrounded by blinding lights and different models of vehicles, but it leaves you alone with your thoughts, the low hum of your engine and music from your stereo drowned out by the chattering in your head. 
It’s never just one thing that you think about. It can go from one thing to another, to all of them trying to climb over eachother and be the most present: your friends; your family; the dog next door; Din and Baby; cinnamon apple cookies; the beach house in Naboo; sneaking out of the prep dormitories at 2am with Padmé keeping an eye out and Obi Wan holding his arms out for you; rose gardens and peach tea; freckles on blushing skin; drunken singing in a small living room; 21st birthdays crying in a bathroom stall; that stupid movie quote about choosing life; death; but sometimes (most occurring) it’s Obi Wan that weaves into every thought.
He’s a constant plague in your mind, has been since the first time he left Coruscant in search of himself. 
Sometimes they’re pleasant thoughts, memories kept in a nostalgic trunk that you occasionally like to sift through. Other times, they’re not so pleasant; those are the ones you constantly struggle with, try to push into the recesses of your mind and keep them under lock and key. But for some stupid, strange reason, your mind only ever remembers the bad, even when there are better things to dwell on.
“I just—I just don’t understand why you have to leave—Obi. Obi!” you practically yelled, watching him move around his room, grabbing and throwing things he pulled out into his duffel bag. “Listen to me!” 
He didn’t stop, not until you reached for his duffel bag and plucked it out from his hands. He stared at you, his duffel bag carelessly thrown to the floor with his clothes spilling out. 
Your breathing was labored, a sick feeling swimming in your stomach, words stuck in your throat now that he wasn’t hiding his beautiful blue eyes from you—his devastatingly heartbroken eyes. “I have to,” he finally said, breaking the silence. “I need to leave. This house—this city, it's suffocating me. I can’t—I can’t stay here anymore.”
“Obi… Obi, please.” You can’t leave me. You can’t! Please! Please, Obi.
“I need to do this for me, darling. I’m sorry.”
You should’ve fought harder that night, should’ve convinced him to stay, but instead you helped him pack again with tears obstructing your view and sobs escaping your lips. Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t have lost him.
No, your breath stutters as you lean back into your car seat, there was nothing you could’ve done. Either times. He had made up his mind long before that night.
A car honks their horn to your left and you jump, eyes focusing once more on the red lights of the car in front of you. You wipe at your face harshly and straighten your spine. 
That was years ago, little one. Shake it off. 
Sighing softly, you look up at the street name and make a turn onto the Skywalker residence street, your shoulders relaxing when their two story home comes into view.  
Shake it off.
Parking isn't easy to find in their neighborhood, not when it’s so close to the observatory and some of the most visited parks in the area, but you manage to find one just two cars away from their house. 
Gathering your things, you lock the door behind you and quickly make your way down the sidewalk, phone in your hand and typing out a message that you’re here.
It’s while you’re hitting send that you don’t notice the body in front of you, staring up at the house with an almost wary expression on his face, or how his eyes widen when they see you. It’s not until you collide into his body, soft with a fleece cardigan, that you notice him. Embarrassment begins to boil in your blood as you quickly apologize to him, berating yourself for not being more aware of your surroundings.
“Kriff, I’m so sorry—“ you start, but the apology catches in your throat when you look up.
“Hello, there.” Blue eyes, so soft and kind, like the ones you once used to dream of stare back at you—so unlike the pair of eyes you saw years ago. “It’s been a long time, darling.”
You can’t shake him off.
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maraudersftw · 3 years ago
2021 in review: fanfic writer edition
Thank you for tagging me in this @missgryffin 🧡 So excited to share some of my writing stats and experiences from 2021 instead of actually getting any writing done because that's totally how you deal with a block 😎
Tagging (if you haven't done this already): @the-dream-team @efkgirldetective @joyseuphoria @sunshine-marauders @blitheringmcgonagall
BY THE NUMBERS *as of 12/25/21
words written: 380,779
words published (AO3): 376,777
# of published one-shots: 11
# of completed multi-chaps: 5
# of one-shots in progress: 0
# of ongoing multi-chaps: 3
# of fic ideas waiting their turn: impossible to tell 😂
longest work: Deception and Disguise (108k+ words)
shortest work: Heartbeats (2,865 words) ((barring HodgePodge drabbles))
most chapters in a fic: 31 (Room Service)
highest # of kudos: 717 (Room Service)
highest # of hits: 22,002 (Room Service)
top 3 fics by kudos: Room Service, HodgePodge, Set Ablaze
top 3 fics by hits: Room Service, HodgePodge, Deception and Disguise
most challenging fic to write: Room Service (because of situational blocks), Retribution (for the themes)
fic that came easiest to write: Set Ablaze
most true-to-the-outline fic: Room Service and Set Ablaze
most unlike-its-outline fic: Fashion Disaster because there was no plot
favorite reader freak-out: James's power reveal in Retribution (totally understandable)
most controversial scene: J/L fight scene in Room Service
hottest ask box topic of the year: guesses on James's and Lily's powers in Retribution
most loved OC: LOL I don't have enough OCs for this 😂
most hated OC: Same as above, although I guess Jonathan Jenkins!
favorite things about writing our heroes: Their love. I literally don't know what else to say, because the thing that makes Jily Jily for me is how madly and ardently they were in love with each other. Writing that love in 100 different scenarios never gets old
favorite villain to write: Haven't written many, but I'm excited to try Voldemort
favorite marauder to write: Sirius, hands down!️
most i've cried while writing a scene: Writing chapter 3 of Retribution was very emotionally taxing because of how much Lily was going through in those scenes, both physically and mentally
most i've laughed while writing a scene: Basically all of Fashion Disaster
smuttiest smut scene: Chapter 2 of Set Ablaze
favorite jily kiss i wrote: I think I'd say the kiss in chapter 19 of Room Service because of how much pining and longing it followed. It was quite the "finally!" moment
Quite fond of the unexpected Ret kiss as well!
hardest trope/thing to write: Jily/OC - this is something I've never written, and I don't think I have it in me to really dive into such a dynamic in any fleshed-out sort of way, simply because it physically pains me to write them romancing someone else T_T
easiest trope/thing to write: I always find that sexual tension comes to me the easiest, as does any smut that follows said tension. Spiralling thoughts/emotions/feelings are also my favourite things to explore
proudest fic moment: posting chapter 7 of Retribution because it had been living inside my head for a long time
any fic regrets? No regrets, actually. I try to see my progress across fics as I write them over time so that I can look back and see how far I've come as a writer. The only fic I've gone back and edited was Deception and Disguise, and only because there are scenes I wish I had added the first time
2021 fic habits to break: uhhhh don't start too many projects at once
2022 fic habits to make: MORE!!! PLOTTING!!! I tried this with RS and found that it really helps structure the story better
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magicalfxgirl · 4 years ago
LO characters sorted into Hogwarts houses Part 3
Part 3 is where all the gods who are related directly and or I had to find a place to put them for the sake of the blog. All these gods also live in Olympus thus here are with Part 3 of the characters of LO sorted in their respective houses. So without furthur a do, let's begin. Bewarned this blog was first posted on Amino. I just thought why not post it here.
All I have to say is that Athena is Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw energy. It does not need any explaination, its just makes sense.
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Hestia: The Secrect Slytherin
Hestia maybe the most unproblematic god in the original greeks myths, but in Lore Olympus that could not be furthur from the truth. She may look like the LO version of Helga Hufflepuff, but that could not be furthur from the truth. She is controling towards the membetrs of TGOEM, for example getting mad at Persephone for interacting with Hades without when he is literally her boss and she is an adult. Blaming Persephone for the tabliod once again Persephone was literally druged and woke up there. Also wasn't Artemis supposed to be watching her so where was she. Hestia is obcessed with appearences of her organization. She will also do anything to get funding for it, welcoming Hades in when there was a chance at his bank account after lecturing Kore against him. In truth Hestia feels like a woman set in the old ways of propriety believing women should remain pure. Frankly TGOEM seems like her way to push her own outdated agenda under the facade of being a progressive femnist group. Her narcissm made her okay with Demeter forcing Kore into TGOEM even though it was the girls only option to escape her controling mother. Instead of being a supportive mother figure Hestia used Kore's situation for her own gain and to get control over the young goddess. Hestia's gentle appearance hides a narcistic controling manipulative hag. Her actions and personality fit perfectly with Slytherin. As she does whatever to get what she wants, is stuck in the oldways. Hestia is LO's version Dolores Umbridge, they appear to be sweet , but inside they are cruel and selfish. For these reasons Hestia would shock everyone when the Sorting Hat, shouted Slytherin the moment it landed on her head.
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🏹Artemis: The Broken Gryffindor
Artemis was a easy choice, she is a Gryffindor. She is rash to act even if she does not know all the facts. Artemis also is blind to those closest to her who mean harm. Cough Asspollo. Cough Peter Petigrew. She tries her best and has chilvarious nature. The only Gryffindor trait she lacks is the ability to break the rules. Although that may have to do with her childhood. Even without being Zeus's daughter it seems that sibling dynamic from the myths is still in play. That could mean she had the same early life where right after her birth she had to help her mom get through the birth of Asspollo. In order to make things easier on everybody she tries to be perfect. She has tried so hard to be perfect that she neglects the world around her. Something many a Gryffindor have had to also faced. In the end of the day Artemis is person who is trying to be a good person, but is crippled due to wanting fullfill others expectation. TGOEM in many ways has broken Artemis making her a shell of the godess she should. Hopefully at the end of the story Artemis will start an organization with Persephone to help other girls achieve their dreams.
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Hermes: The Prankster Gryffindor
Hermes was the easiest decision ever as he is what would happen if either Fred or George Weasely became a god. Full of energy, the life of the party, while also being a bit reckless. Hermes is a Gryffindor through and through. He looks nice, but hurt his friends and he will make you pay. Some people may think he only wants to keep Persephone's secrect due to fearing Demeter's wrath or being punished by Hades for fuding the record. The fact is Hermes has put himself in danger in order to hang out with her. Case in point nearly drowned while hiding in lake from Demeter while hanging out with Kore. He only took the money as you don't refuse Demeter. Overall Hermes is an example of a natural Gryffindor. Also for those who thought he was a Hufflepuff he is way to lazy. He might me the messenger of the gods, but he avoids work as much as Neville avoided Snape. Hermes is also a rule breaker a common trait among Gryffindor as he is the god of Theives. He also seems to manage to get lucky whenever trouble comes. No different from his house manages to win the House Cup despite all points taken away due to rule breaking.
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Hephaestus The Innovator
Hephaestus would be a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. As Hufflepuff excepts all, which would give him the needed support. Still its Ravenclaw that the Sorting Hat would eventually choose for him. Frankly Hephaestus would doubt his placement in Ravenclaw, but based on his love for his craft it would be the place where he could truely succeed. He is inventor, literally building mutiple robots in the original mythology. They may not be called robots, but they were robots. Beings made of metal that could work on their own, thus robots. Magical robots, but still robots. His professors may not understand his craft at first, but after seeing his results he would be praised by all. Although only after making sure it was not a new form of Dark Magic. Hephaestus would be viewed a vissionary and would make Head boy upon his secound year. Becoming the youngest person to get the title, yet all of his housemates would think it well deserved. Maybe starting his own area of magic study. As his form would mix magic with smithery and technology. Bringing the Magical World into a modern age. Overall Hephaetus is a Ravenclaw with some Hufflepuff.
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Asspollo: Expelled and sent to Azkaban
He would be expelled for misuse of magic and will likely end up in Azkaban for evil acts. All of it done the moment he got his wand. Asspollo did not even make through the doors of Hogwarts thus was never sorted into a house. He spends the rest of his days trying to avoid the Dementor's kiss and the rest of the world moves on.
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Sorry about the Hestia rant, but it only jusy hit me how evil she really is. Kore left one controling figure for another. Despite the results of living with Artemis, things would have been way worse if she had been living with Hestia. One she would have never met hades. Two Hestia would have prevented her from any friendships outside of TGOEM, thus no Hermes or Eros. Frankly Hestia would have led to Kore having an even bigger break down then what happened with Earth. An event I don't think Kore would ever come out of. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you agreed with my choices. Next up is the shortest section as it focuses on the Nymphs along with two notable side characters who are not nymphs. Lastly no Echo as she has not done anything yet. Oh and I decieded to add one more part to this series, the pets of Olympus and their Dogwarts houses. Sorry I had to make the pun. As always I hope you enjoyed part 3 of this blog series.
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lululawrence · 4 years ago
Wordplay 5.0 Reflections
I dunno what else to call it lmao it doesn't sound right to call this a meme, but whatever it is, here we are! lol @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed came up with these questions after @wordplayfics wrapped up last year and I love them so i'm gonna use them for this year as well.
I'm going to start out with listing the prompts and linking the fics i wrote for each one for everyone's reference, though I'll be linking them again through the answers as well. I'm also putting all the questions and answers beneath a read more because, as usual, I rambled lmao Alright! Here we go!
Struggle: I Said It Wrong, But I Meant It Right Reduce: I Love This Feeling (But I Hate This Part) Divide: He Carries The Key Rise: Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy Sketch: I Heard You Talking
How did you come up with your ideas for the fics? Can you take us through your process after first receiving the prompt?
I don't know that I have a set way I come up with my fic ideas for Wordplay. It all depends on the prompt and what fic ideas I've got on my "to write list" that might fit that prompt. If nothing on my to write list fits or can be tweaked for a prompt, then I just go through my prompts tag until something strikes me for it, or I just ruminate on the different ways the word can be used and see if something comes up.
So, when I did the random word generator for the first prompt and "struggle" was the word that came up, I immediately thought of "struggle bus". lolllll and when I went looking through my to write list, I saw the girl Payneshaw fic I wanted to write and I was like omgggggg Nick ABSOLUTELY is riding the struggle bus the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME and I knew that was my fic for the week. lmaoooo and there you have it.
What is your favorite fic you wrote for Wordplay this year?
oooohhhh this one is HARD AND MEAN lmaoooo i forgot this was a question asked. okay legitimately i cannot choose a favorite because i'm actually stupidly proud and happy with all of the fics i wrote this year.
If you’ve participated in previous years of Wordplay, what has been your favorite prompt from all years you participated in?
WELP. as the creator of this challenge, i've participated in all 5 years which means there've been 25 prompts i've written. lolllll and honestly i think my favorite prompt is STILL from the first year. it was "bloodsucker". like, how great of a prompt is that???
What was the shortest fic you wrote this year? The longest?
the shortest one this year was... I Said It Wrong, But I Meant It Right at 4381 words.
the longest one was... I Heard You Talking at 10580 words.
What fic of yours surprised you?
i think all of them surprised me in some way. that's part of the joy of writing fics, isn't it? lollll but i think the one that surprised me the most was Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy. it was a last minute change (i'll elaborate in the answer to the next question haha) and it was a VERY different direction than i had planned. it was all based off of a photo i saw on tumblr, and there was no prompt with the photo. i got to just take in the basic idea of the sticker being placed on a bridge overlooking the city and what might make that spot a good kissing spot.
now, as an ace who doesn't actually ENJOY kissing, i... didn't think about the fact that i would be writing a lot of it. lollll i actually have a super hard time writing kisses and trying to make them varied while also relaying the emotional intimacy of the moment, and then add on top of that the fact that once i started writing the fic, both harry and louis let me know pretty much as soon as words started getting written that they were both genderqueer and that worked differently for each of them, so harry would use they/them pronouns and louis would use he/him still, it just made things more interesting. and the way the fic developed??? like, i had a very vague idea of what would happen in the fic. so the way it actually came about all surprised me.
long answer short, from the very start, this fic surprised me and i was just along for the ride. it was a BLAST and i sure do love it, even if it does have the second lowest hits of all the fics i wrote this year haha
Were there any prompts you struggled to find an idea for?
STRUGGLED HAHAHA sorry. just funny since struggle was a prompt this year. ANYWAY. the prompt i had the hardest time with was defo rise. i've had this fic idea ever since greg james tweeted with shawn mendes months ago about how shawn basically forgot his interview with greg on the breakfast show, so greg had to last minute wing a LOT OF AIR TIME AND SHOW CONTENT and he did a great job, but it brought about some funny content... anyway. that made me wanna write a triad a/b/o fic where greg is louis and harry's beta. rise was going to be used in a lot of different ways through the fic, as well. because breakfast show requires greg to rise from bed early, he gets a rise out of harry and louis with his behavior and overt flirtations with shawn, they have to rise above their jealousy, etc etc etc. i was VERY EXCITED.
except i only had three days i was able to write every week this summer, and those were really really difficult to get. if i wanted to write on tuesday or thursday, i was often curling up with my laptop in a dark room with some caffeine and candles burning to soothe me after the insanity that is my life atm, and write for as long as i could before my brain stopped functioning, which was often only around 30 min. but see, that particularly week was the worst part of my son's 18 month sleep regression, which meant instead of him sleeping and letting me write, i was driving him around or trying to rock him back to sleep or letting him play in an attempt to tire him out etc etc etc and by friday morning i had to admit to myself there was no way i could write that a/b/o fic in my one guaranteed evening to write every week (saturday, btw). so i was suddenly left with around 36 hours to find a new fic idea and develop it enough to be able to write it in one evening.
as i said in the answer to the first question, i usually go to my prompts tag to see what might inspire me with this prompt word in mind, but for this one that wasn't the first place i went. i tried looking at more definitions even though i'd done that earlier and nothing was inspiring me. so i then spoke to several friends and was still having a hard time finding any ideas that felt like something i would enjoy writing and could do so quickly.
by saturday morning, knowing i had less than 12 hours to figure out what i was writing so i could actually WRITE IT in only like 2-3 hours of writing time, i finally sat down and scrolled through my prompts tag. once i did, i saw the photo for the "good kissing spot", and i immediately thought of sunrise. so i ran with it. but i wanted to make it stylinshaw, so how would i work that in, etc etc etc. it was just very fast and very difficult trying to figure out how i would structure it so it could be a fun meet cute kind of fic, but also work into them actually building a meaningful connection etc and... well. it was a lot. haha so yeah, it was just a hard time overall that week, but i'm super proud of it in the end.
Were there any prompts you had an idea for but ended up writing something different? If so, what made you choose to change what you wrote? Do you think you’ll ever write your original idea at a later date?
HA okay well i already answered most of this above, but for the last part of this question, yes i will absolutely write my original idea at a later date. the whole reason i decided not to do it wasn't because i couldn't turn it into a fic that could be written in that one writing session, but because i had hopes for what that fic would be, and i didn't want to shorten and condense it enough to do that. i didn't want to have to lessen the dreams i have for that fic in my head, so i decided i would just put it back on my to write list and save it for later. who knows when, but that fic will absolutely get written.
What do you think was the most difficult as well as the easiest part about the Wordplay Challenge?
most difficult was 100% finding the time to write. that was insanely hard for me all summer, but by the time wordplay was going, things at home had ramped up to being very overwhelming regarding the demands on me and my time, and what i had been doing to carve out some time for myself and writing wasn't working anymore, so i had to adjust even more with the understanding that i was working on a really strict timeline too. so yeah. just finding the time was absolutely the hardest part for me.
easiest part was the actual writing. these fics really flowed from me, outside of the pack fic, that one was actually pretty difficult to make sure i was getting the dynamics exactly the way i wanted to have them turn out, but even with that aspect, it still was like it flowed from me most of the time. these fics really just took over and i was along for the ride. it was a blast.
If you participate again next year, is there anything you’ll do differently? If so, what?
lmao well assuming people still want wordplay to happen again, i'll run it again and very likely will take part. so... with the difficulty i had in finding any time to do anything this summer, i was actually ridiculously stressed when it came to the writing part, but also the modding aspect of it. so i am not sure that i'll run it during the summer again next year. i might have it go during the early fall once school is back in session so i at least have only one child at home instead of three to battle lol so that's one thing i'll hopefully be doing differently.
as for the writing aspect, i don't think so actually. i've done 5 years of this, and i'm having fun with it. haha if i ever find a fic idea i think could work for it, i would consider doing a series for it next year, but it all depends on if there's something i'd like to write that could work for that kind of set up with this challenge.
if you made it this far, thank you for reading!!! xxx
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