#and it's also considerably shorter than the other four I'm sorry
regina-del-cielo · 3 years
“The Old Guard” Daemon AU: Quynh and the king cobra
Since we don’t separate couples in this house, after Andy here comes Quynh. She’s just as badass as her axe-wielding wife, so she has a similarly Iconique daemon
the king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world; adults range between 3,75 and 5 m, and weigh up to 10 kg, and males are bigger than females. Quynh is terrifying (affectionate), so her having a Big Murder Noodle as daemon is on par with her
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king cobras are apex predators, snakes that eat other snakes; their only natural predators are humans. Quynh, like Andy, is a force of nature, so she deserves to stay on top of the food chain
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like most venomous snakes, king cobras kill their prey by biting them, injecting a high dose of venom, and then eat it. Quynh, that Joe described as a pit viper in a fight, seems to be a “one strike and you’re dead” type of warrior, especially being an archer
on that same note, a group of king cobras is called a quiver, and a quiver is also the pouch where archers keep their arrows. So. Sounds like destiny
king cobras are diurnal, so they possess a good eyesight, together with a strong sense of smell; they also spend a lot of time on tree branches, from which they lean down to hunt – sniper Quynh my beloved
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while they usually prefer avoidance to confrontation, king cobras tend to take an aggressive stance when disturbed – raising up to the chest, opening the hood, and hissing. Since they’re also much larger than many snakes, they can also attack from a certain distance if bothered. I think Quynh has the spirit of an observant (she was the sniper before Nicky and I will die on this hill), and she doesn’t start fights if she doesn’t need to; but she won’t take any bullshit from anyone, and those that test her don’t live long enough to regret it
king cobras are long-lived snakes (20 years on average) and although they’re solitary during the year, they tend to stay with the same partner for the mating season, and it’s the only snake species that actively builds a nest for its eggs, which the female guards ferociously. 🎶 ~ Found Family Vibes Babe ~ 🎶
a king cobra’s scales are usually a mix of green, brown, black and yellow, with the yellow scales forming very slight stripes on the top portion of the body. It’s not the flashiest coloring among snakes, but it’s surely elegant, and Quynh is obviously a fashion icon, and her daemon’s coloring goes with all her outfits – what do they say, black goes with everything?
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The habitat of the king cobra spans from southern India to most of Southeast Asia, from lowlands up to an elevation of 2000 m. They live in forests, swamps, bamboo thickets, grasslands, and rivers – they are good swimmers. Coincidentally, Vietnam has declared the king cobra a protected species (go Vietnam!); so it’s an animal that Quynh would have been familiar with
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according to the Netflix featurette video, Andy found Quynh around 1000 BCE – take away the century that it took her to actually find Quynh, and assuming that Andy started looking for her as soon as the dreams started (which I think she would have, desperate for company as she was), we could place Quynh’s death around 1100 BCE – give or take the thirty/forty years Quynh actually lived
I am assuming that Quynh lived in the Red River delta area in northern Vietnam; this date would place her at the tail end of the Dong Dau archaeological period of the Hong Bang dynasty (the predecessor of the Dong Son culture), and she would have been a Lac Viet
the Lac Viet were an agricultural society with a sort of feudal system, where inheritance was passed through both the paternal and maternal line; also, when someone got married, they became a member of the wife’s family instead of the husband’s
in most Asian cultures snakes have a neutral or positive depiction, from symbols of rebirth (due to their periodical shedding of the skin) and immortality (think of the ourobouros), to fertility (humans will see an elongated anything with a differentiated head and go ‘is this a phallic reference?’) to guardians of temples or divine figures (especially cobras, for their defensive positions); the Vietnamese dragon itself is a combination of various animals, including the snake
one of the legends about the origin of the Vietnamese people is that of Lac Long Quan, legendary founder of the Hung dynasty, whose mother was a dragon goddess, and Au Co, an immortal fairy of the mountains who could turn into a bird. She bore him 100 children, and when they separated (he to the seas, she to the mountains) the children also split between their parents
in Vietnam’s folk religion, the snake, as an amphibious animal, is meant to possess the linh, the “spirit”, a power of mediation between âm (yin, the disorder) and duong (yang, the order). It lives on the threshold of water and land, and thus is associated with divine figures with luminal powers between order and disorder, especially goddesses
the neighbouring Cambodians also believe to be descended from nagas, the snake gods also present in Hindu and Buddhist mythology
this would mean that Quynh having a snake daemon, in her original culture, would have been considered positively, even reverently – and in her travels through Asia, said snake being a cobra probably was looked at even more benevolently
(imagine how pissed off she must have been that the onset of Christianity would make people recoil away from her and her daemon)
After. A painful search. I have settled for Thang for the daemon’s name. It means “victory” (or “victorious”, depending on the sources), and it feels like a good thing to name a person’s daemon, especially if we assume that Quynh had a warrior training in her first life too
(there is One (1) Thing I know of him. He has a Deep Sexy Voice, like. Imagine James Earl Jones. That’s how I can imagine him speaking. A soothing deep bass that makes you feel instantly at ease – haters will say it’s manipulative. Quynh regularly goes “if Thang was a tiger you wouldn’t say that, you cowards”)
Fun fact: in almost all legends and mythologies snakes and eagles (or snake-like and eagle-like entities) are mortal enemies since, you know, snakes represent the chthonic world and eagles represent the skies. And yet Andy and Quynh looked at each other and went ‘fuck it, that’s my wife now’ and that’s Very Sexy of them
(I can see Diokles sleeping on the closest tree branch above Andy and Quynh with Thang gently coiled around him so he can also Keep Warm)
References outside of Wikipedia and directly linked sites:
 Đõ̂, Thiện (2003): Vietnamese Supernaturalism: Views from the Southern Region. Psychology Press, 300 pages
Dutton G.E., Werner S.J., Whitmore J.K. (2012): Sources of Vietnamese Traditions. Columbia University Press, 622 pages;
McLeod M.W., Nguyen T.D. (2001): Culture and Customs of Vietnam. Greenwood Press, 198 pages;
National Geographic’s Photo Ark – King Cobra;
Taylor, K.W. (1983): The Birth of Vietnam. University of California Press, 397 pages;
Taylor, K.W. (2013): A History of the Vietnamese. Cambridge University Press, 696 pages.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Forty-Two
Table of Content or Part Forty-One
Read here on Wattpad
Words: 3.6k
Warning(s): Explicit language, explicit sexual situations, miscarriage
Tag: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphordarling @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi @fancywasmyname1 @teller258316
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I had miscarried a week before the four month mark, and despite the large amount of stress I was under, I was told my body showed signs of preparing to discard the pregnancy, anyway, and it was estimated there hadn't been a heartbeat for almost a week prior.
I planned on telling Nikki before my stomach grew to an obvious size, but I managed to keep it under the radar and it just looked like I was gaining some weight.
Andy had taken me, in and out at consciousness, to the hospital after Nikki's blue color started to miraculously subside and he decided it was better to keep the freshly overdosed heroin junkie away from anyone who could notify authorities.
A D&C was performed, I was given hospital-issued pajama pants since I wasnt wearing any, told not to use tampons, insert anything into my vagina or have sex for two weeks, and I was sent on my way.
"I-I heard the nurse say something about a failed pregnancy." Andy tells me, hesitantly, as we head back to the apartment to see if Nikki's still there.
"They thought it might have been one, but I told them I wasn't pregnant and they decided it was a serious spell of period cramping." I reply.
"You don't fucking pass out from a period cramp, Vivian."
"I passed out because I was in shock from Nikki being blue." I argue.
"That was a lot of blood to be--"
"Andy, until you have a uterus that sheds once a month, you don't get to make the rules as to what's a normal amount of period blood and what isn't." I cut him short and he sighs out.
"Got it, Viv."
When we get back to the apartment, it's empty.
The Rat is gone, and Nikki's gone.
"Do you think he's back at the hotel?" Andy asks me and I pray in my mind he is.
"Maybe he is." I tell him.
I have to give it to Andy, he managed to get Nikki breathing again while simultaneously trying to get me to regain consciousness...all while on heroin himself.
Vince killed his drummer, and he still saved Vince's bassist.
I get back to the hotel, Doc interrogating the front desk, demanding to know where I went and if she's seen me recently.
"Doc, chill out." I tell him, rubbing my eyes and he sees me and relief washes over him.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouts at me. "I was about to call the cops, Vivian!"
"I know, I'm sorry, I just had to go to the doctor for lady issues." I tell him and he looks at me like I've lost my mind, looks at Andy and throws his hands up.
"All you kids are fucking impossible, holy shit!" He calls out, stepping to the elevator.
I turn to Andy, smiling tiredly up at him.
"Thank you for helping Nikki." I tell him.
"I'd do it ten times over, Viv." He replies.
I try my hardest to memorize him, snapping a mental picture of his soft smile, his liner smudged eyes, his clothes...preparing for this being the last time I ever see him, because at the rate he's going, he'll be dead in a couple years.
Tears blur my vision, but never break over my lashes, and I hug him to me.
"Take care of yourself." I tell him calmly. "Please."
"Oh, I'll be fine." He replies, squeezing me back.
When we pull away, his hands hold at either side of my face.
"Keep your head clear." He tells me one last time and I nod.
To this day I still hear him in my mind when I'm overwhelmed.
"Keep your head clear."
I get up to the room to pack, thinking of what the hell to say to Nikki.
He's getting out of the shower when I get in, bruises covering him from where he was hit with the bat, and his chest is bruised from CPR.
I decide not to say anything, ignoring him when he tries to talk to me.
"Baby." He states, realizing I'm purposely ignoring him.
I just fold my dirty clothes up and put them in my bag.
"Vivian." He tries again. "I really don't need you to be pissed at me about this, Viv."
Again, I don't say a word.
I try to head to the bathroom before he's grabbing at my arm, stopping me.
"I over did it, I know I did. I'm sorry, alright? Just please talk to me."
"I'm going back home." I tell him and he looks shocked before his face suddenly scrunches up.
"I am going back to L.A." I repeat.
"Because I'm not hanging around to see you pick up where you left off before you nearly died, Nikki, and I know that the second we get to the next city, you'll be pinpointing a dealer as soon as possible." I state.
"I--Viv, I made a mistake, I understand that I made a bad call." He tries to reason with me before snatching my shirt out of my hand before I can pack it. "Will you listen to me?"
"Why? You never listen to me." I hiss at him and his eyes glass over in tears.
Instead of yelling at me, or arguing, he puts my shirt in my bag for me, and helps me pack the rest of my stuff before he gets dressed and gets his own stuff together. "I just want to go home." I finally tell him, feeling a little guilty for being mean to him after what happened to him.
"I know." He says lowly, sitting next to me on the bed. "I just don't want you to."
"I'll only be a phone call away, and the tour will be over in less than a month and you'll be back in no time." I point out.
"Yeah, I guess." He replies.
"Just, please, be careful." I plead, grabbing his hand.
He looks at me and nods a little.
"I will, Viv. I promise." He assures me.
It was bullshit. Two days after that, he was hanging out with Tommy, Rodger Taylor and Robin Zander, at dinner and when lines of power rails of coke were offered to them, Nikki snorted all of it on his own.
But I wasn't worried about Nikki. I prayed for him before I left London and that was that.
I bombard Steven when I see him by Duff's car in the parking lot, wrapping my arms around him tightly, nearly crying tears of joy.
"Have you gotten taller?" I tease, ruffling his fluffy blonde hair.
"Nah, maybe you're getting shorter." He replies as I put my bag in the trunk.
"Short-stop." I shoot at him.
"Firecrotch." He replies without missing a beat and I can't help but laugh.
"You've been hanging around Izzy too much." I point out, getting into the car.
When we get to their apartment, I set my bag on floor by the door and look around at the shithole it is.
"The guys are out, I'm about to go see if I can find 'em if you wanna come." Stevie offers.
I shake my head a little, already knowing how I want to spend my night.
"No, thank you, just wanna shower and get settled." I explain, and he nods.
"You're gonna have to air dry because we don't have towels, and we don't have hot water." He adds. "Also, pee in the shower if you gotta pee because we don't have a toilet anymore."
"What about if I need to do the other?" I ask him and he rubs his lips together.
"We usually just do that in our friend's apartment down the hall. Apartment 205." He informs me and I raise my brows but don't say a word.
"Got it." I reply.
"Alright, well, I'm out." He tells me.
"Okay, see you later tonight." I reply, shutting the door behind him.
I turn to face the mess that is their apartment and I take a breath and get started.
I'm just getting out of the shower by the time I hear the front door open and close, and I hold my arms over my chest and peak my head out of the bathroom, seeing Duff's lanky frame in the kitchen, the only light is from the small lamp on the floor in the living room.
"Hey." I tell him, and he turns around, brows raised.
"Oh, shit, hey." He chuckles off his startledness. "Are you done with your shower?" He asks and I nod.
He's stepping to me, his hand holding out a cheap towel.
"Steven said you were crashing here tonight so I went and got some things...I knew you'd appreciate a towel." He tells me and I chuckle, grateful for his consideration as I step back into the bathroom to wrap up in the towel and step back out to my bag to get pajamas. "I got some shitty sheets for that mattress." He motions to the one bedroom. "And a blanket because we don't have any."
"How do you guys stay warm then?" I ask and he shrugs.
"We usually go home with girls who have blankets." He chuckles and I shake my head a little. "At least they do. Anymore I come back and crash here." He adds. "Also, thank you for cleaning." He notices the much more organized and clean apartment I'd been working on ever since Steven left three hours ago. "Which brings me to my last purchase I know you would need." He puts a can of disinfectant spray on the counter next to the blanket and sheets and I can't hold back to laugh that comes when I see it. "I suggest using the whole can."
"I'm planning on it don't worry." I chuckle as he takes can of spray and the sheets into the bedroom.
I'm assuming to spray down the mattress and put the sheets on.
I dry off and towel dry my hair before slipping on a pair of pajama shorts and a Crüe band tshirt.
Once I'm done in the bathroom, I see Duff sitting on the couch with his bass and I sit beside him as he goofs off with it for a couple minutes before I point to a note his finger is on.
"What's that?" I ask him, curiously.
"J." He tells me and I furrow my brows a little.
"There's a 'J' note on bass?" I ask and he nods, his expression serious for a moment before he cracks into a smile. "Duff, I'm serious." I push at his shoulder lightly and he chuckles.
"I don't know what note it is." He tells me.
"Bullcrap." I state.
"I'm being serious. I don't know a single name of any of the notes."
"You play by ear?!"
"I just wanted to play bass. I didn't want to learn it step by step. It's obviously working out for me the way I do it now, so." He shrugs. "Is that not what Nikki does?"
"Yeah...but he's Nikki I don't expect him to know all of it. He sticks to the same template of decently easy notes in every song anyway because he's too fucked up to remember anything elaborate." I tell him and he chokes a little, looking at me.
"That's mean." He points at me.
I think about it for a second and sigh out.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm just tired and moody I guess." I mumble, running a hand through my hair.
"Do you need to go to bed?" He asks me.
"Probably." I admit, seeing it's 1:17am on their crooked wall clock, standing up and stretching.
I look towards the bedroom, then to Duff and back to the bedroom before sitting back down.
"What is it?" He asks me.
"I'll just chill here with you for a few more minutes." I tell him.
I lay down, my legs curling to my chest as the top of my head brushes against the side of his thigh, my eyes closing.
I'm probably asleep for another hour before I'm being woken up.
"Viv." Duff slowly shakes me awake and I groan a little, blinking up at him.
"C'mon, I'm helping you to bed." He tells me and I nod sleepily, taking his hands as he helps me up.
I'm half asleep when I fall to the matress on the floor and he chuckles at me grabbing the blanket to cover me up.
"You good?" He asks me after covering me up and I nod. "Okay, I'm crashing on the couch if you need anything."
"Sleep in here." I tell him, rubbing the sleep from my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up a little.
It's obvious he's thinking really hard about the invitation.
"Please?" I ask. "I don't like sleeping alone."
He thinks about it for a moment longer before getting his boots off, laying down beside me as far away as possible, not even taking his jacket off.
"Goodnight, Viv." He says.
"Goodnight." I barely mumble back.
This is where the very strict "friends" line that separated Duff and I began to slowly blur, and I despised myself for it.
I'm tired, but I can't bring myself to sleep, turning to face Duff.
I wonder if he's asleep.
"Duff?" I whisper.
"Hmm?" He replies.
He's laying on his back with an arm tucked behind his head, the other across his abdomen.
I think about how he kissed me, and how did it like he meant it, openly and honestly, and I freaked out over it.
And why?
Because of Nikki?
I remember the reminiscent feeling I got with Duff, when he made his drunk move, mirrored how I felt when Nikki first made his five years ago.
My eyes go back to the blonde beside me, the temptation to either scare him away or draw him in more is pulling at me strong.
"Take your jacket off." I say to him lowly and he looks at me in the dark of the room, the only sliver of light coming from the neon glowing lights of the strip.
"Viv." He says it like he knows what I'm thinking he's begging me not to because he couldn't possibly resist.
I sit up getting on my knees, pulling my tshirt over my head and discarding it.
"Shit." He mumbles to himself, sighing out as I crawl to him.
All it takes is my leg swinging over his hips to straddle him and he's caving.
He doesn't dare make a move to touch me, probably trying to decide if this is real or not, until I'm pressing my lips against his, moaning softly as my nipples gently rub against the fabric of his clothes.
My hands grab either side of his unzipped jacket, pulling him up to a sitting position, pushing the leather from him, he discards the jacket across the room and my hands run down his arms to his wrists to guide his hands to my hips as I slowly start rocking against his groin as my forehead rests against his, my breath catching in my throat as pleasure sparks through me.
"Fuck, Viv..." he breaths out, finger tips lightly pressing into the flesh of my hips.
Pull up on the bottom of his shirt, leaning into him when it's off, feeling his skin against mine as our lips meet once more before I'm running my tongue along his bottom lip to give him the hint.
His hands move to my ass, guiding the slow, needy movements of the junction of my thighs against the hardness in his pants.
Our tongues tangle together as he moves one of his hands up to run his thumb against my nipple.
I whimper, the ache in my core growing stronger as he gets comfortable and shifts from being shy and acting like he doesn't know what to do, to complete dominance, pushing me onto my back, my hair hanging off the foot of the bed.
He takes his pants off as I pull at my shorts, rubbing my thighs together, looking up at him as he gives me a happy smile, pressing his lips to my ankle, working his way up inch by inch, worshipping me with each caress, each kiss, each move.
He's running his tongue against my clit, eliciting another moan from me, my back arching as my hands fall into his blonde hair.
When he hits a certain spot, I gasp, my eyes nearly watering.
"Right there, please, Duff." I quietly whine out a beg.
He listens, continuing to move his tongue against me, causing me to resort to shallow breaths as pleasure builds.
One of his hands goes to my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers, only encouraging me to grind into his face with his slow, savoring, pace.
I'm coming before realizing it, my toes curling, his name catching in my throat as I arch my back.
He looks like he's about to go back for seconds but I'm sitting up and pulling his lips to mine before taking my hand and wrapping it around his prick.
The thought of it inside of me sends me into overdrive and he groans out as I run my thumb over his tip, my thigh hooking around him as my legs spread, wanting him inside of me.
I fall back on the matress taking him with me as our lips stay locked, and both of his hands are on either side of my head as we break our kiss.
"Are you sure about this?" He asks me. "I mean really sure. I don't want to hurt you, Viv, I--"
I cut him short, giving him reassuring kiss before looking up at him again.
He nods, as if convincing himself to disrespect Nikki and our marriage as he jerks himself off a couple of times before placing his head at my entrance.
He slowly pushes himself in, and by the time he's in as far as my body has room for him to be in, he's grasping the blanket we're on, under his hands, obviously trying to keep his control.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, giving me time to adjust to him.
I don't answer, my hands pushing at his sides to get him to pullout of me, and he thinks I want him off of me, nearly moving completely out of me before I'm wrapping my legs around him, causing him to push back into me.
The feeling forces a loud, wanton, nearly pornish sound from me and he realizes I want him to keep going.
He smiles to me, kissing me again while pulling out and thrusting back into me, gently.
"Duff," I start, breathing out.
"Y-Yeah?" He asks, stopping suddenly.
"I'm not gonna break." I tell him with a shy smile as a subtle hint to screw me into the mattress.
He's chuckling a little, loosening up, before thrusting into me a little faster, rougher, and harder.
"Fuck, Duff!" I can't control myself, my nails screaming against the skin of his back as his length moves inside of me addictively.
He repeatedly hits against my tender cervix, and the thought of him finishing inside of me is fucking crazy but nearly primal.
"You feel so fucking good." He tells me, his cigarettes laced breath adding to the comfort of him pulling pressing his body against mine, taking my lower lip between his teeth.
My fingers curl into his blonde hair, my nipples aggressively move against him with his desperate pace.
"I'm gonna come." I tell him, my eyes closing, my lips slightly opened as tremors course through me.
I cry out so loudly he has to put his hand over my mouth incase any of the guys are home.
Tears roll down my face as he picks up the pace, chasing after his high with my legs locked around him.
"I love you." He tells me, his lips brushing against mine.
"I love you, too." I say back, my hand going between my legs to play with my clit to try have another hit before he finishes.
His hand is moving mine out of the way and rubbing at me far better than I can in my love-high state.
More of my juices flood onto him as my brain fills with more endorphins, my eyes heavy with a floating high.
"I'm about to come." He tells me.
"Come in me." I tell him, hazily, not thinking clearly.
"Viv, I--"
"Please, I wanna feel it, Duff. I wanna feel you." I beg, arching into him, pulling his hips into mine with my thighs.
He doesn't argue, cursing out as streams of his cum pump into me.
He doesn't get off of me until he's finished, the both of us laying in silence as nausea forces it's way through me.
I'm sitting up, throwing up, my body sweating and my face soaked with tears.
I realize I'm throwing up on the living room's stained carpet as Duff startles awake from where he fell asleep beside me on the couch.
Izzy's passed out on the floor on the other side of the coffee table and I look at the clock to see it's 5:00am.
"Viv, are you alright?" Duff asks me, but all I hear in the sound of his voice is the terrifying idea that I just dreamt up an entire fantasy about him that seems so unbelievably realistic, that if he weren't still fully dressed, jacket and boots included, I would swear it actually happened.
My heart sinks to my stomach.
I need Nikki.
It was one hell of a foreshadow.
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