#and it’s like yeahhh it’s a better quality and this is my hobby
morganbritton132 · 1 month
Look, I’m against overconsumption as much as the next guy but every time I see a deinfluencing video about craft supplies that’s shaming people for buying the basics, I lose my mind.
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leviiattacks · 4 years
levi and erwin as dads with their s/o headcanons please? 🥺
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author note :: anon later came back in another ask and specified they wanted modern levi and erwin so i’ve done that !! i’m working my way through requests and i may not do them all but reminder as always that requests are open ;-) ALSO WOOOH finally time to write erwin.
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he finds it hard to figure out how to be a dad at first because he’s never really had a solid father figure that’s consistently been there. he worries occasionally thinking whether or not he’s doing a good or bad job
but what he knows for certain is that his mother was a great parent and he decides that he’ll be like her because she made him happy when she was around
he enjoys dressing the kids up when they’re super young
like really enjoys it. he loves onesies it’s so odd to you because he just comes back home one day with a snowman onesie, a demon onesie, an angel onesie, ALL THE ONESIES IMAGINABLE???
you have to admit it’s cute
very doting, he’s that dad that’ll pack lunches for his kids without being told to do it by you. he does it because it makes him happy to see the lunch boxes return empty at the end of the day
also loves feedback on his lunches
you’d think he’d be the type to toughen the children up and tell them to not cry over cuts and scrapes but he literally carries around cute band-aids with him in case of injury
does NOT tolerate a messy room.
spring cleaning is a thing and he does not care how much the kids whine they have to participate
teaches them how to use the washing machine, iron, fold their duvets, organise their wardrobes from a young age
still very strict. no sleepovers. he does not trust his children in the hands of anybody.
you scold him for it because ??? the kids need to interact with others ??? but he’s adamant he doesn’t like the idea. no means no.
“if you want a sleepover so bad your friends can come over here. that’s the best you’re getting.”
but you know he says that because he cares. levi would never invite outsiders to the house because of his low tolerance for germs but if he’s willing to do it for his kids then it’s obvious he won’t change his mind on the sleepover rule for their own safety
adding onto this he’s protective, anyone who messes with his kids will have a stern word thrown at their parents
“behaviour like this tends to be learnt in the home so if your kid cusses mine out again i’ll be back and you’ll have to put some money in the swear jar. got it? :-)”
will not put the kids in classes for things like swimming he prefers to teach them himself
“why the hell should i do that when i could spend that time with them? i think my breaststroke is pretty good y’know.”
then he looks at you waiting to agree and when you don’t he grumbles saying you’re just jealous that he can swim better than you
will never get angry at the kids, rarely shouts or argues when around them in general. level headed, sure he gets annoyed because they’re children of course they’ll annoy him at some point but he’ll never take it out on them
as long as they’re happy he doesn’t care about the career they choose
like at all, he’s supportive of anything and everything as long as they become good, genuine people
whatever his children like or show an interest in he’ll buy in bulk - you grimace thinking of the time he showed up with a huge cart of oranges and his literal explanation was “the kids said they like them.”
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he’s so excited to become a parent, he’s been looking forward to it for a long time and he knows he’ll love talking to his kids and teaching them what he’s learnt through his lifetime
but really that’s his advantage, he finds it easy to understand how his children feel and he sympathizes well with them
does not like negative reinforcement or making his children go through punishments, instead when they do something good he positively reinforces them to encourage that they keep up the good behaviour
big on bedtime stories, wants them to have a love for reading.
“y/n what do i read to them tonight? i have so many choices but i can’t even pick?”
sports, arts, music, extracurricular activities in general
will encourage his children to participate in a hobby but they’re free to choose what it is he doesn’t mind what
if they’re really good and have events or recitals you can bet for a fact that erwin will be sitting proudly in the front row cheering them on
he’s very out of character because he gets so loud but his enthusiasm never fails to encourage the children or to make you smile
if his child ever gets in trouble at school he’s going to defend them
“so this is the school’s reaction to bullying? i think my child stood up for what was right.”
only if it’s clear his child is in the right though!!
takes them fishing he thinks it’s important to spend quality time together and what better way to spend time by conversing for hours on his boat? sharing life stories and giving them advice
he’s really really busy but will try to find as much time as he can with his children. when he does get free days most of his time is spent talking to them and asking how school’s going
he’s not good at showing affection but when they’re asleep he’ll sometimes kiss their foreheads before leaving the room
“hey, look at you being soft.” you’d tease from the doorway
“i’ve always been soft i just don’t know if they’d be embarrassed by me doing it in public...” his confession catches you off guard because you know the kids wouldn’t mind it
“oh god, you’re their dad have some confidence, they’d love it!!”
he’s really self conscious after hearing that children don’t like affection in front of their peers because he doesn’t want to embarrass them
but the night he admitted that to you he realizes that the kids rush to kiss his cheek more often or to give him a hug
he has a suspicion that they heard what he said, it allows him to learn it’s okay to inquire and ask them questions about what they like and dislike more often
he learns more and more along the way and it’s one long journey but he’s a great father in the end. endlessly supportive he takes the title of father incredibly seriously.
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Hiya, congrats on your milestone!!! May I request to attend event 3 for hq? I'm a straight female ISTJ with enneagram 6. My love language giving is touching (I hate touching normally) and receiving is quality time (not spending all the time together but making the time we do spend count). I like breakfast, jogging, dancing, sweets, and walks in the park. Cheek/forehead kisses make me happy. Also I DMd a photo for a matchup w/different person. (unless you think its the same) Thank you so much <3
[ ♛ ] // hajime iwaizumi \\ [ ♛ ]
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what dating iwaizumi is like iwaizumi loves you. even though he’s not the best at describing or explaining how he feels about it, he shows everything through actions. early morning coffee, walking with you outside at 6 in the morning, stopping by at pastry shops once they finally open after 10am. he gets you the best and only the best and makes sure that you know it!! you two go on walks. all the time. you know that really disgusting, heavy, sweaty feeling you get when you’ve been on your device too long except your body is just too tired to get up? yeah, there’s none of that with iwaizumi. you two go on walks all the time. it took a while to get used to, but eventually, you grew into loving the smell of outside in the warm night air as you two held hands, talking about your day. every so often he brings oikawa along, and you three are from then on known as the “three golden gossip buddies.”
hobbies! iwaizumi loves seeing you being genuinely happy above all else. knowing that you feel safe, that you feel okay, that you feel like you’re genuinely loved and cared for is more than enough for him. he spends his time trying to make sure that you feel okay, and if you don’t, he just sits next to you until you feel better. he loves walking in parks with you, and to make you smile, he gets on those?? horse thingies?? like you know the ones meant for four-year-olds?? yeahhh if you ever bring oikawa, your Gossip Buddy™ along, you three play truth or dare oikawa ALWAYS makes iwa do that (but don’t worry, you get him back). 
random sometimes iwaizumi thinks you’re dating oikawa over him. you two like to pull pranks on hajime and it’s so funny?? OH OH also he likes to give you tiny kisses to fluster you during school lmao and he also looks at you during games and smiles EVERY TIME before playing and just think that’s cute okay
YOU WOULD LOOK SO GOOD WITH IWA??? LIKE YOUR PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCES,, JUST,, GO SO WELL TOGETHER,, so i kinda had to improvise and think of your runner-up!!
[ ღ ] // miya atsumu <333!! \ [ ღ ]
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eleanor’s 500 event! (closed)
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mintchanniemint · 3 years
yeahhh yknow it’s kind of bittersweet. now stayblr feels like it barely exists. well, save for the smut 😂 that’s thriving. but i do miss all the AUs and the 25K word one shots and the different series… man, they were something else. wish they’d come back :’)
and yeah i feel you. not getting feedback is rough. i think the way i deal with it is that… if something isn’t getting a lot of interaction, i go back to see if there’s anything i can improve. i’ve learnt that tumblr isn’t just about good writing. it’s about smart writing. certain concepts do better. certain writing styles do better. even the format of fics and the way they’re arranged matters. so i kinda just play around with it until i find something that sticks.
and i think maybe a part of why stayblr is changing is because we, as individuals, are changing. and so are our lives. like… you always look back and remember the happier parts of life, ignoring the good things in the present. i suppose one day we’ll miss 2022 stayblr too because it too, holds associations with fond memories we are yet to make/don’t know we’ve made.
i do wish there was more feedback here though. so many of my fav writers left because of the lack of feedback. and i really do miss all of them so so much 🥺 they’re like friends i never spoke to, but always saw around. plus all their fics were so cute and high quality too! like… they made stayblr seem so… idk what’s the word… i guess fancy, in a sense? like there were really good fics being uploaded. they felt like legit bookworthy stories. i miss that. and i guess i miss the comfort those stories brought. so many of them are gone now :(
Not only we are changing, but I think the majority of readers here now are more into a different type of content,,, nothing wrong with that, but let's say it kinda feels like we're all on the same stage but the light on those that write long fics and series is not as bright as the one on those that write other types of fics!! This is the internet after all hahah but it's fine, as you said it can also be seen as a way for someone to explore the different types of writing anyway, though feedback is appreciated no matter what♡
as you said, we might end up in full nostalgia over 2022 (how tf is it 2022 already) stayblr in the future but tbh I'm in constant 2020 stayblr nostalgia so😂 probably because that's when I was the most active ever
I'm glad I haven't deleted this account, since not only I'm struggling on a personal level but bc I lost interest in kpop at the moment (as usual, my interests are in constant rotation and I can't have 2 hobbies at the same time ugh) even if I might leave one day I'd love to leave it as some sort of archive in case anyone was curious enough to go explore the skz fics tags hahah AND if my nostalgic ass will ever feel like appearing here from time to time
BUT ENOUGH WITH THE EMOTIONAL TALK, I DONT WANT TO CRY— or maybe I do, gosh stayblr back then was really nice, I have to admit I feel a bit intimidated seeing how many many users got to make friends with each other and I'm just here being my awkward self as usual jshfjshdj soz I'm rambling now
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sky-bluepinksunset · 7 years
All of them ya Jobbie
DELETED THIS HALFWAY THROUGH SO TAKE II BITCHES 1: My name? Bryce! 2: Do I have any nicknames? B, Kennedy when I'm in trouble, BK, babe3: Zodiac sign? Aries4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? Grand Theft Auto V5: Book/series I reread? Harry Potter but Goblet of Fire especially 6: Aliens or ghosts? Leaning more towards ghosts?? 7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Not sure? Don't really follow authors well8: Favourite radio station? 104.5, not that it means a lot to you, but it's called "The Beat of Knoxville" and plays mostly rap and hip hop 9: Favourite flavour of anything? Cinnamon 10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? Insane lmaooo11: Favourite song? Of all time?? Either 12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? Favorite song usually!! 13: Favourite word? Probably 14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? Yeah, you're going to be miserable if you're bitter. 15: Last song I listened to? Praying by Kesha16: TV show I always recommend? B99 as of super recent 17: Pirates or ninjas? Pirates 18: Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? I normally binge tv series I've seen before 19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? Issues by Julia Michaels because it's a BOP Also Home by Edward Sharpe20: Favourite video games? GTA, Literally NEVER ashamed to admit to Mario Super Bros, Life is Strange is pretty good! Also quite like Subnautica sue me 21: What am I most afraid of? Failure I think22: A good quality of mine? I help people?? Idk lmao 23: A bad quality of mine? Losing discipline when trying to do something 24: Cats or dogs? BOTH25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Evelyne Brochu 26: Favourite season? Fall 27: Am I in a relationship? Nope 28: Something I miss? Band a lot29: My best friend? Ur gay ass30: Eye colour? Blue! 31: Hair colour? Currently a silver blonde 32: Someone I love? Cameron33: Someone I trust? You34: Someone I always think about? Chekov and Sulu 🙄🙄35: Am I excited about anything? Yep! 36: My current obsession? Buzzfeedblue37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Wizards of Waverly Place, iCarly, either of the Zach and Cody shows 38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? Yeah! 39: Am I superstitious? About some things like salt over your shoulder and sweeping your feet40: What do I think about most? Again Chulu or college 41: Do I have any strange phobias? Mm I have a fear of dying or disappearing and my room being a mess 42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind 43: Favourite hobbies? Writing 44: Last book I read? People's History of the US45: Last film I watched? Not sure? 46: Do I play any instruments? Flute, piccolo and alto flute! 47: Favourite animal? Otter, shark, pit bulls48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow?49: Superpower I wish I could have? Teleporting could be cool50: How do I destress? Watch shit or exercise 51: Do I like confrontation? NOPE52: When do I feel most at peace? Not really sure53: What makes me smile? Silly conversations 54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Off I'm not an ANIMAL 55: Play any sports? Nope, used to play softball and basketball 56: What is my song of the week? The Louvre57: Favourite drink? Coffee 58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? I have no idea 59: Afraid of heights? Healthily 60: Pet peeve? Oppression I guess?? 61: What was the last concert I went to see? Mary Lambert 62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? I want to go back vegetarian or vegan!! 63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? A veterinarian 64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? Yeah one but I just hold a grudge over nothing 65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Star Trek or HP66: Something I worry about? Making wrong decisions 67: Scared of the dark? Sorta 68: Who are my best friends? U and Nicole69: What do I admire most about others? Their talents!! 70: Can I sing? Nope 71: Something I wish I could do? Lose weight easier lmao 72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? Travel! 73: Have I ever skipped school? Once74: Favourite place on the planet? Haven't found it yet 75: Where do I want to live? Scotland right now76: Do I have any pets? Yeah a bunch 77: What is my current desktop picture? Currently it's Nomi and Anaminita78: Early bird or night owl? Night owl 79: Sunsets or sunrise? Sunsets I think 80: Can I drive? Yeah! Love it 81: Story behind my last kiss? Don't wanna talk about it lmao 82: Earphones or headphones? Earphones 83: Have I ever had braces? Nope 84: Story behind one of my scars? I got rock stuck in my elbow from a bike fall 85: Favourite genre of music? Indie86: Who is my hero? I have no idea 87: Favourite comic book character? Wonder Woman atm 88: What makes me really angry? Oppression again 89: Kindle or real book? Real book but I don't mind kindles at all 90: Favourite sporty activity? Band??? Dk if that counts 91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? "Isn't tight" But the whole phone situation 92: What was my favourite subject at school? English 93: Siblings? 2 brothers and 3 sisters 94: What was the last thing I bought? I bought gas and dinner for the fam 95: How tall am I? 5'11 I think 96: Can I cook? Not extremely complicated 97: Can I bake? Yeah really well!98: 3 things I love? Trips, the sky, great plots 99: 3 things I hate? Shopping, restlessness trying to sleep, work atm100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? More girl friends 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? Both equally well102: Where was I born? Maryville, TN103: Sexual orientation? Bi104: Where do I currently live? Maryville lmao 105: Last person I texted? You 106: Last time I cried? I think earlier over a video 107: Guilty pleasure? conspiracy theories 108: Favourite Youtuber? Buzzfeedblue at the moment KILL ME 109: A photo of myself. 110: Do I like selfies? Sometimes!111: Favourite game app? Don't really know 112: My relationship with my parents? Yeah could be worse 113: Favourite accents? French, Indian and Kenyan I think 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? Anywhere in Europe 115: Favourite number? 24116: Can I juggle? Nope and don't have any desire to 117: Am I religious? Sorta 118: Do I like space? Yeah 119: Do I like the deep ocean? Yes! 120: Am I much of a daredevil? No not remotely 121: Am I allergic to anything? Nope 122: Can I curl my tongue? Yes123: Can I wiggle my ears? Nope124: Do I like clowns? I don't hate them 125: The Beatles or Elvis? Actually can't stand Elvis 126: My current project? Getting myself better in different ways 127: Am I a bad loser? Yeaaaaah128: Do I admit when I wrong? Sometimes129: Forest or beach? Forest 130: Favourite piece of advice? Breathe 131: Am I a good liar I think so? Don't love to do it 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Ravenclaw/ Amity or Erudite / No clue 133: Do I talk to myself? Yeah 134: Am I very social? Nope 135: Do I like gossip? Nope 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? I wish I had! I need to start 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? Yeah lmao138: Do I believe in second chances? Yes 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? Leave it, like I wouldn't turn it in because I don't want to be put on one of those shifty videos yk140: Do I believe people are capable of change? Always 141: Have I ever been underweight? Nope 142: Am I ticklish? Yeah I HATE it 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? Nope144: Have I ever been on a plane? Twice 145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? A bunch of my faves that don't have to look anything alike 146: Have I ever been overweight? YUP147: Do I have any piercings? Currently just the one ear hole, let the others close up 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? Suluuuuu149: Do I have any tattoos? Not yet150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? Not sure! Possibly college choice soon 151: Do I believe in Karma? Yes152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? Glasses but they're broken atm 153: What was my first car? Pontiac G6 2005 154: Do I want children? Yup 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? The Spirko family 156: My most embarrassing memory? 157: What makes me nostalgic? Pictures of band 158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Yeah I hate it 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Brains 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? Teal 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? Yep 162: What do I hate most about myself? How I look 163: What do I love most about myself? My thought process 164: Do I like adventure? Yeah who doesn't 165: Do I believe in fate? Skeptical but yeah 166: Favourite animal? Answered above but otters and sharks and pits 167: Have I ever been on radio? Nope 168: Have I ever been on TV? Yeah 169: How old am I? 17 170: One of my favourite quotes? The stars would be proud to know they made someone like you 171: Do I hold grudges? Yeahhh172: Do I trust easily? Kinda 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? I hope 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? Not really sure but probably Kenya 175: Do I dream? Yeah 176: Have I ever had a night terror? Yep177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? When I was 8, I had a dream my family was trying to kill me and I woke up screaming 178: An experience that has made me stronger? Taking care of Cam from a young age 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Fuckin LIVE 180: Do I like shopping? Absolutely not 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? Rob a bank I need some money 182: What does “family” mean to me? Anyone who makes you feel loved183: What is my spirit animal? Probably a sloth or elephant or smth lmao 184: How do I want to be remembered? Hopeful 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? Cooking 186: What is my greatest failure? Not sure 187: What is my greatest achievement? Again not sure 188: Love or money? Love 189: Love or career? At the sacrifice of another, it seems pointless 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? Probably back to grandpa 191: What makes me the happiest? Being out with friends I think 192: What is “home” to me? Hard to describe but definitely where you're relaxed and motivated and I think it's more an idea?? Like you're with certain people maybe 193: What motivates me? Not wanting to be embarrassed 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? Probably try to quote a shit book 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? Absolutely BEAM ME UP 196: A movie that scared me as a child? Sweeney Todd197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? Naps 198: Zombies or vampires? Vampires probably 199: Live in the city or suburbs? City right now! Currently in the country so it'll be an experience 200: Dragons or wizards? Wizards 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? Again the family murdering me thing 202: How do I define love? Home 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? Yeah too often 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? Yes205: Do I like my handwriting? Oddly enough, yeah? 206: Sweet or savoury? Savory 207: Worst job I’ve had? Taco Bell by default 208: Do I collect anything? Shells! 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? I wear my Kati bag because I keep my cigarettes in it 210: What is on my bucket list? Stealing yours but defo northern lights 211: How do I handle anger? Snapping and apologizing, or ignoring everyone 212: Was I named after anyone? Bryce was after a Bengals football player, and my mom and dad argue between Kennedy being after a DJ in Cincinnati or the president 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? NOPE 214: What TV character am I most like? Mix of Gina and Rosa and Amy off b99 215: What is the weirdest talent I have? Guessing tv plots 216: Favourite fictional character? Nomi or Sulu That took a full 45 minutes
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hellotvv · 7 years
Fun stories and realizations
When I hung out with Cat and Jenn yesterday during lunch, we talked about how our friends talk about us behind our backs. Like not in a bad way, but like we wonder how our friends talk about us when we’re not there. Catherine brought up the one thing that she hates about me is that her parents like me more than her current bf LOL. Her mom was like wow why aren’t you dating Theo, he’s so nice!! I appreciated it so much. Idk I like it when parents like me and I’m glad her mom and grandma likes me. It makes me think and realize that I’m actually not that bad with parents. I’m really good with one of my old best friend’s mom, she still asks about me to this day lol. My first gf Kristy’s mom liked me and still remembers me to this day! A couple other parents like me too, and I think it’s funny how cat’s parents like me hehe that they like me more than her bf. Idk I guess it’s a nice contrast with my ex. Since it felt like her friends didn’t really approve of me and neither did her family… but it felt so misunderstood :( since they never really got to know me as a person. I drove cat and her mom to meet fresh (ice cream) in Irvine, and I guess talked to her mom, and she got to know me and like me as a person. She’s a really strict mom too jesus! So idk, I feel like given the chance to actually sit down and get to know me (besides being a picky eater which I worked on), I think I can be a pretty nice, talkative, and charming boy?
Anyways, besides that story. I’ve been making an effort to hang out with friends back home more. From jia, to my cousin Khoa and his sister going to sb, Vivi, catherine, hope, Fyona, jenn (new friend nowadays woo), Helene and erika tomorrow, kristy (ex gf one), and yeah! Idk good to keep in touch with friends :) glad we’re all still friends hanging out years later!
I went to anime expo with catherine and it was alright. I’ve been every year, so it kinda became the same to me. I got a bit burnt out from spending too much time with ppl, and I felt like chilling at home by myself. But I suppressed that urge and try to make time with friends. Catherine said something that made me think tho. She was at the con with me and she said, she kinda wished her bf was here. I knew how she felt perfectly. I could recall a year ago, at the oc night market with Helene, stefanie was in Taiwan, and I remember wishing she was there with me. It felt like idk empty or weird like man this is cool and fun, but it would be a lot nicer with her here to share the experience with. But when I was at the con, although I understood how she felt. I felt just fine? Since I guess, I got used to being by myself and happy on my own or happy with friends. So i didn't really feel like oh it would be nice with x person was here right now. I guess it just means that I've become more independent and can be happy on my own, but it also means that idk can't really be sad if there's no one special to miss..?
Anyways, I realized some things about myself tho. I do think that I made some progress as a personal mentally. I know I haven't been the best bf in the past, I've made dumb mistakes, and regret a lot of them. I like to think that I learned from them, and can truly be a better person for someone special now. I like to think about what I have to offer, since idk I guess I think that relationships should improve someone's quality of life. I heard that from Jessica a long time ago. I felt like that's true, it should, and I want to be a great person for myself, but also for a SO. Since why would you not wanna be a good SO? Idk I feel like anyone who cares for me and I care for them, I should be in a place that I could idk protect them, treat them well, and can actually make them happy. Something I also realized is that for a SO, I really like when my SO is my best friend. But also a partner that I could do things with. I know it's good to have time apart and be independent. But it would be nice if idk I'm my SO first thought when it comes to cool things to do with. Like I wanna be such a special person to her and good company that when she thinks of like concerts or new places to try or just things to do, she wants to do with me first. I don't mean do everything with me. But it would be nice to be a first choice, since idk I wanna be my SO's #1 best friend that they would want to do special things or cool things with first if it's something that would appeal to both of us. Also I'm always down to make sacrifices and tag along to things, if it'll make her happy. Since I'm all about idk enjoying life and making memories together. So yeah, something I realized I want in a SO. Someone who would want to spend as much time with me, as much as I would with them. I could see an argument that I want to spend too much time with my SO, but that's subjective I guess. Since I'm a big fan of my alone time, browsing internet, reading, doing my hobbies, but I like some time to call or chat with my SO. Then it would be nice for me to spend vacations with them making memories, since typically busy during normal school year to make fun memories. Idk I guess just need someone who thinks same way :) if not, then obviously compromise is needed, since nobody is perfect. Everyone has their own opinions and own thoughts, and relationships between two ppl will always need some compromise! So yeahhh, prob someone who can compromise and be willing to make sacrifices is something i need to. Like fk I'm willing to sacrifice some comfort occasionally if it means that my SO will be happy, and honestly it'll make me happy in the end too! :) hopefully my futures SO will feel the same way too.
But yeah just random thoughts and analysis on what I realized I want and fun stories. Summer is good, and gonna try to make this year great! I'm gonna try to be happy and stay happy like always :)
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