#and it worked once i hit the subtitle button on the remote! yay!!!
carcarrot · 3 months
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kariachi · 5 years
Okay guys, I’m getting a liveblog done today if it kills me. This one is gonna take a bit longer to do, because I hurt my hand so typing is bleh, but we carry on!
Xingo Nation, because my son is the most important thing in this franchise.
Have I mentioned lately that I love the use of music in this show? Because I do. Also, yay Kelly Turnbull! This promises to at least be fun visually then.
“Now we’re not saying it was aliens-” says nerd-on-tv in front of several pictures of America’s Next Top Space Squid.
Oh look, a Mike production. I miss him, he should’ve gotten more and better, wasted potential as a villain and character.
Ben, not impressed by this tv lineup.
Oh lords, he’s not even feeling Xingo? Gwen check his temperature I think the boy may be ill.
Lucky Girl and Xingo run in the same timeslot. No wonder Ben and Gwen are so primed to argue.
And lo, the fighting begins. Watch the feelings show, Ben, it’s good for you. A magical girl a day keeps the toxic masculinity at bay.
Ben’s response to not being able to steal the remote back from Gwen is to go Stinkfly and odor her into submission.
Ooo, Lucky Girl goes for female villains and what looks to be an all female main cast. It is Sailor Moon for Gwens. Takes the color coding to a whole new level though.
Queen Griefenstein, lords preserve me
Lucky Girl: *talks about ‘an insecure heart corrupts the soul’* Kevin: *ruins a display in the process of stealing a remote* ~I love this sort’ve storytelling~
Bystander: It’s so nice to see a little boy in touch with his emotions like that Kevin: *insecure preteen panic*
“Uh, what? I don’t have emotions!” My son
Pausing because I can’t feel my hands, be back when they aren’t numb
If nothing else can we stop and acknowledge the emo poet panicking at the concept that 1) he may have emotions, and 2) he may be in touch with them
Kevin Levin, going from ‘bad mood’ to ‘insecure panic’ to ‘okay, Xingo, this is properly non-feelingsy’ over the span of 20 seconds
“haha Violence.“ My son
There is a character on the Xingo show complaining about said show getting bad ratings. I’m not surprised, I’m just acknowledging the matter.
Kevin: *yet more preteen panic*
Kevin, honey, take a step back, check the internet, confirm before you panic.
...okay, I don’t agree with calling Lucky Girl garbage, but 18 seasons is excessive. Honestly by that point it probably is garbage, nothing can survive that long without devolving into chaff. Quick, somebody get this child the 1st season, stat!
Plus a Japan-only radio drama, a comic to-in, and a spin-off series. Damn. Also Kevin, dearheart, you know a suspicious amount about Lucky Girl and it’s various works for someone who supposedly thinks it’s garbage.
My son, my dear, sweet, insecure, ‘I have no emotions and totally have nothing to do with anything that may acknowledge emotions exist’ son
Check the fucking internet before you go alien over this, child
My son is a moron. Brilliant, but a moron.
Xingo: *potentially cancelled cartoon panic*
Oh look, the Xingo x Lucky Girl Crossover everyone’s been waiting for
I think I’m gonna have to try muting this and going off subtitles, just to actually get through it sometime before the turn of the next decade.
(Also, can I just say how I love that this decade’s first liveblog includes Kevin yelling ‘I don’t have emotions’. Feels like it’s setting a good baseline for the next ten years of Kevin content (which you will be getting, don’t doubt it))
Queen Griefenstein: *has too high of standards to work with Xingo*
Xingo pies Lucky Girl. To see Kevin’s reaction you would think this was the funniest thing to happen ever.
*snort* Okay, that second pieing was funny.
Ben has successfully gassed Gwen out of the Rustbucket.
Max: *explaining the majesty of free hotdogs*
..........double welp. Maybe Xingo needs cancelling.
Max: Maybe they’re doing a crossover Gwen: The audacity to even think-
Kevin: *laughs in the distance* Ben: The audacity-
Honestly the best part here is Kevin has no reason to think setting Xingo loose could go badly. He’s had nothing to do with and heard nothing of the shit Xingo keeps pulling. In his inexperienced 11-yo mind this makes perfect sense.
Ben: *fiercely demands to know if Kevin is the one who set Xingo loose* Kevin: Uh, nope Xingo: Buddy!
Kevin wasn’t even looking for trouble today, he just found it. My headcanon that he is a walking disaster area continues to be supported.
He is not comfortable with Xingo reaching out of the tv to pat him on the head.
“-while I go put marinara in Lucky Girl’s wig“ welp
Mike’s character did not deserve a Xingo smooch, and his character’s love interest did not deserve to have a Xingo smooch their guy. Just because Mike is 100% Immortal Little Shit does not mean they aren’t good people
Oh gods that UAF expy is as painful as the show
Note to self: Do not let Xingo on the news
Operation Change The Fucking Channel is a go
Scratch that, Operation Shut off the Goddamn TVs is a go
I gotta say, at this point at least we really need an Argit. Give Kev a steady friend with limits on the trouble they’ll get him into.
Welp. Better go find another remote Gwen
Ah, yes, the channel change buttons on the tv proper, so handy
“-where two obnoxious boys who can turn into alien monsters have engaged in combat“ That’s it, that’s the show
Also, oo, Max got ice cream. Honestly until told otherwise I’m going to assume the entire reason Kevin is here is for the free food.
Gwen saves the day, holy fuck that was close. We do not need a Xingo the size of a planet
‘Kev-a-lev-a-ding-dong’ good lords
‘Second rate’ goddamn will somebody give this child a fucking break! I swear he’s been appreciated once and a combo of Ben and his own issues screwed it up!
My baby...
Ben, while Xingo is tearing Kevin down to nothing: ....... Ben, when Kevin’s temper starts going: *shocked*
And lo but the boys were on the same page again, because Xingo couldn’t keep his big mouth shut.
I love these children
The boys working together and Kevin hitting Xingo so hard he flew through several shows and right back into Lucky Girl.
‘Constructive criticism‘ somebody hit him again
Hello Lucky Girl, thank you Lucky Girl
And lo, Xingo was no longer an immediate issue
Kevin: *causes problem* Team Tennyson: *celebrate solving problem* Kevin: Bitch, without me-
Huh, it’s a Wednesday. Now I’m even more annoyed I wasn’t feeling up to doing this liveblog yesterday
Lucky Girl: *talks about ‘rattling the rifts between enemies’ and emotional honesty* Ben & Kev: *’not emotions no’ cringe*
Ben is all for the ‘if you can’t talk out your problems, punch a bitch’ moral of the day and now is willing to give Lucky Girl a shot
Meanwhile Kevin is at first confused- or possibly concerned- by the moral, then Ben’s response to it, and then goes right back to ‘I totally don’t enjoy this show, I would never, I Am The Night’
Then slips into the next aisle back and moves a box so he can watch the episode in secret
These children are so cute
10/11, not perfect but close enough
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