#and it was never even a single! bad idea. it should've been. especially over ''Looking Over My Shoulder'' 🙄
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musicrunsthroughmysoul · 1 year ago
Maybe it's because I've heard "Voices Carry" a million times (appropriately, being 'Til Tuesday's biggest hit), but this song can make me get up and DANCE like not many other songs motivate me to do, and I think "I Could Get Used to This" is actually my favorite song off of Voices Carry. Also because I've gotten so used to it (enjoying it so much; also, pun intended) that I don't get tired of it, unlike any other songs on the rest of the album (sorry to "Voices Carry" and "Love in a Vacuum").
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heartcircus · 9 days ago
hello i have been so nervous to like, publicly state that i Really Dont Like Aimros out of fear of being called a yuri hater as they've been the only lesbian pairing on the server since the start. especially considering my vast preference for rospierce. like i have looked within myself and asked, is it me being lesbophobic? or is this just a bad pairing?
tbh my biggest gripe is just. how forced it has always felt. the two do not get along in any sort of compelling way. like before aimsey's death, it was toxic but they weren't leaning into it at all, in fact they were trying so hard to NOT be toxic but bcuz of their characters vastly different viewpoints and methodologies it just was toxic. and even still some of that unpleasantness lingers just in the back of my throat when they talk, and can i be so so fr. aimsey brings out the WORST takes in ros. like my entire circle had a complete crash-out when she off-handedly said that clown and sneeg weren't as emotionally supportive of her as aimsey was (not long after their revival, when the memory of being gaslit and distrusted should've been fresh in her mind).
i am very very excited to see more rostina tho... i think tina could be a breath of fresh air for ros. someone who is friendly and playful and a little mischievous?? they were made for each other fr!!! they could even be the bisexual flag if u put them together (tina is pink, ros is purple and has a blue mascot, they're bisexual u gotta hear me out on this)
yeah tbf aimros does feel a little forced especially from like . only watching 1/2 povs. i watch ros and very rarely aimsey so i know i'm only getting half the story but it sometimes feels like Wow this is just here i guess okay . at least to me
if they leaned more into or even just generally ever touched on the topic of them previously being a lil toxic i feel like i could enjoy them more but the fact it always gets glossed over in favor of trying to make them cutesie (whether intentionally or not i have no idea) kinda just . puts me off i can't lie. like you said it's still something that just weighs in the back of my mind throughout ever single one of their recent interactions.
i too crashed out abt the sneeg clown thing . i don't really think ros meant much by it but i was like There's no way that just happened at the time like crazy take but alright LMAO i think part of the reason she even thinks that way is just bc aimsey is virtually always readily available to chat since they're nearby whereas clown and sneeg are like . Never at spawn so she has to actively seek them out . it's still like a crazy thing to have said tho like bro pleaseeeee
and rostina omg i've been on the rostina train since before they interacted . i saw the potential with ros becoming clown's apprentice and tina Wanting to become his apprentice and i was like they'd be kinda cute together and now everything is coming to fruition .... i'm so happyyyy i love them
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theggning · 2 years ago
Hello! I was the anon who asked Sapphire-Weapon about how RE6 was originally recieved. You offered to tell me about your own opinions on the subject, if you remember. If you like, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I rewatched some scenes and I still... hate it. The script and overall story were awful imo. It's cringey but without the RE charm, lol. And I'm still mad about how watered down and silly they've made Ada in that game. It was cool to play as her, but the whole "everyone important is just in love with her or wants to be her" was so blaringly stupid and lazy. I felt it really took away from her character, tbh. She should've zipped up and thrown a bomb down. Just explode the lot of 'em and go home to a girlfriend. Would've highfived her for that. (All jokes, lol!!). And Jake... his arc really lacked effort and it's a pity because I really enjoyed him as a character. He could've had a great opportunity with his development but... nah. A little insight as an OG fan about what you loved and hated would be great!
/rolls up sleeves
I consider RE6 one of (no longer #1 but one of) the greatest disappointments I've ever had in a video game that I was otherwise really, really hype for. So BOY am I down to unload talk about it.
Honestly the thing I hated the most about RE6 is the level design. It's really a shame, because the gameplay/controls are actually really fun. I love the increased focus on melee. Mercenaries mode in that game is a blast. But unfortunately, the campaign design is so fucking miserable and such a slog you could not pay me to play through the whole thing again.
The average level design in RE6 goes like this:
Hallway full of enemies
Telegraphed set piece w/ QTEs
Hallway full of enemies
Hallway full of enemies
Telegraphed set piece w/ QTEs
The boss monster you defeated 7 times already STILL ISN'T DEAD and pops out to chase you some more
Explosion, launching our heroes into:
a hallway full of enemies!!!!!
I remember this being particularly bad in Chris' campaign, but it's a problem in ALL of them. There's no atmosphere, very few moments of quiet, no interesting rooms or details to look at. You know how in REmake/RE0 and the more recent remakes and especially in RE4R you can look around the environment and see fun little details, objects? How the rooms look lived in and like this was a real place once? There's almost none of this in RE6. The places you walk through don't look real. That marketplace doesn't look like anyone's ever done business in it. The spa level doesn't look like a real spa. It's a hallway full of enemies that leads you to your next explosion.
To add to the problem here, the chapters are goddamn ALMOST AN HOUR LONG EACH. Unlike RE5, where the subchapters were around 10-30 minutes if you knew what you were doing, when you sit down to play a chapter in RE6 it's gonna take you an entire hour. Even if there were some little fun moments in the levels, I can't remember them and I'm not gonna go back to play them when that fun moment is sandwiched by 45 minutes of awful bullshit.
The story also does absolutely suck. I have never before played a game plot that felt more like two 12-year-olds hopped up on Mountain Dew enthusiastically spitballing fanfic ideas and jamming every single one of them into a story. What's frustrating is that there are glimmers of good ideas all over the place, but they end up falling flat or getting stupid.
I could probably rant and rave about the plot of RE6 for another 4000 words, but since it's been a literal decade since I played the game and I'm fuzzy on the details, I don't want to go too in depth. So I think I'll just throw out some things I liked and disliked for each campaign. That I remember. From when the game came out.
It is also worth mentioning that my friend and I, foolishly, played the campaigns in reverse order because that was shown to be chronologically correct. This was a very bad idea. By the time I got to what most people consider the "best" campaign, I was 80% of the way to my sinking realization that I hated the game.
Jake's Campaign:
Sherry! I love grownup Sherry. I like her silly G-virus healing factor. I like the bit where she tells Jake to stop fucking whining about the evil daddy he never met, because Sherry fucking Birkin doesn't need to hear your "woe is me"ing about your evil parents fucking up your life.
The snow level was kind of unique and interesting-looking.
The spa level was kind of unique and interesting-looking.
Ustanak. I realize we're trying to recapture the magic of Nemesis for the 4th or 5th time here, but when every other goddamn boss in this fucking game comes back 50 times before you kill it, it kind of takes away from the one enemy whose entire gimmick is that exactly. I cannot remember what he looks like at all. Nemesis is iconic, this guy is just big and ugly. The fact that Jake punches him to death with his bare hands is really silly but in kind of the good stupid RE way that I enjoy. It's what this loser deserves.
I'm honestly not a huge fan of Jake in general? He has a good character arc, which is more than I can say for basically anybody else in this game, but he slots right into this godawful edgelord teenage boy catnip character archetype that was absolutely everywhere in the early 2010s in gaming.
The idea of Wesker having a son could be really interesting (even if it makes me think about Wesker fucking, which. ugh) but it's integrated in a really strange way. I frankly do not believe Jake's mother when he says she genuinely loved Wesker and that he was a "good man," a thing that has literally never been demonstrated, ever, in the entire history of this canon. It's really incongruous given everything we know about Wesker, so I'm not sure why they went with that instead of the, honestly, more sensible idea of having Jake be an unauthorized experiment using Wesker's sperm or something.
The bit where Jake, who vocally despises his absent father the entire length of time we know him, suddenly decides to get pissy with Chris for killing him, is incredibly contrived. It feels like it's in there just because they felt like they needed an excuse for Jake to be in conflict with Chris, even when it makes no sense with what we know of Jake's personality.
Chris' Campaign
Piers is the best character in this game. He's charming, he's appealing, we can sympathize with him, he and Chris have wonderful chemistry together (platonically or not- I do love me some Nivanfield.) I love what they do with him as a "successor" to Chris, and how he helps Chris through his spiral. I will never stop being furious that they killed him off. Piers deserved better.
I like the broad strokes of Chris' character arc here. Chris becoming an alcoholic and suffering real, visible PTSD from the deaths of his men is both appropriate and a sensible step for his character at this point in the series.
Carla is definitely the best villain in this game. I have some beef with her that I'll discuss in the Ada section but in terms of campaign-specific antagonists, she's both the most compelling and the most dangerous.
The execution of Chris' arc is possibly the stupidest fucking writing in this entire game. So you're telling me that Chris Redfield, Superstar BSAA Founder and Golden Boy, is somehow able to just disappear from the hospital where he's laid up with head trauma and amnesia? He just, wanders the fuck away and nobody notices? Chris is gone for SIX FUCKING MONTHS and nobody is able to find him in that length of time? Where the hell are Claire or Jill in this scenario? Claire spends 2/3 of her starring games moving heaven and earth to search for her brother. In Revelations, Jill disobeys orders and goes looking for him when he's missing for 12 hours. And neither of them bother looking for him when he goes missing for half a year? If you have ever wondered why Jill or Claire aren't in this game, it's because there's no fucking way to make this stupid plot work if either of them have anything to say about it. So they're apparently just blipped out of existence for the duration of RE6. Oh hey, we found Chris. In Edonia. The same place he went missing six months ago. Guess we were too busy to really look for him that hard. Hey Piers, go drag him kicking and screaming out of the bar. There's some shit going down in China and we need our top guy on the job. What's that? He's still suffering the effects of massive head trauma? He can't remember who the fuck he is? He has no idea who we are or what he's doing? Ehhhhhhhhhhh don't worry about it, stick a uniform on him and throw him into the thick, that oughta jog his memory a bit. This bit is so stupid and irresponsible that I will never again respect the BSAA as anything but cartoonishly incompetent. Head Trauma Amnesiac Chris gets his memory jogged midway through proceedings, and flies off into a frothing, mindless vengeance rage against Ada. In the process he personally gets an entire team of BSAA operatives killed. Again. Two in one game! That's pretty bad even for Chris! It's only via being screamed at by Piers that Chris snaps out of it and goes back to being the respected leader that he's supposed to be just in time to save the world. Chris decides, then and there, that maybe he's no longer in a position to keep doing this. That he should step aside and give a new generation of fighters a chance to fight for what's right. That Piers, who's been levelheaded and focused and brave through all of this turmoil, deserves to be Chris' successor and that he's the hero the world needs now. And then Piers dies horribly, tragically, traumatically, so uh. Never mind that I guess. Making Chris an alcoholic and forcing him to reckon with the deaths of his men is a great idea for a story arc for him. But this contrived-ass prolonged soap opera amnesia drama ain't it, chief. EDIT: Tumblr, in its infinite wisdom, just linked me to a blog post I made in 2013 COMPLETE WITH PICTURES I DREW making fun of this plot point. Please enjoy!
Everybody says this is the campaign with the worst, grindiest, bullet spongiest, Gears of Wariest gameplay and they are correct.
I think we are supposed to take the ending of the campaign as inspirational. Chris goes back to the BSAA with renewed determination, and we're supposed to find this as noble or heroic. I actually find this ending incredibly fucking sad and tragic. Piers' death is haunting Chris, and he's now taking Piers' faith in him as a mandate. Piers' hero worship and respect for Chris is now being interpreted as "you can't give up-- ever." Chris has resigned himself to fighting this battle for the rest of his life. He can never hand off the reins to a younger generation. He can never retire. He can never heal. He can never stop, and he's now doomed to do this until he dies/Capcom stops dragging his now 50-year-old ass out to star in every single game.
Leon's Campaign
The first 20 minutes or so of Leon's campaign is genuinely the best part of the entire game. By the time I got to this point I was already heavily fatigued from the above horseshit so I don't think it hit me like it should have, but the Tall Oaks University section is pretty great.
I like Leon being a mentor of sorts for Helena. It's a role we haven't seen him in before and it's interesting.
I find the exploitation of Deborah Harper to be really gross. Helena gets blackmailed into starting an outbreak that kills the president for the sake of her sister. By the time we reach Deborah she's already been infected. Which is FINE... but making her a moaning, writhing, voluptuous monster vamping nude around the boss arena in a clear attempt to be sexually appealing to the (presumed male) player feels really icky to me. She could have just been a regular monster? Helena would still have every reason to want revenge on Simmons?
Due to the shitty pacing and structure, Leon and Helena both come off as super incompetent. Helena won't say shit about what's going on, leading us blindly into situation after situation and promising to explain "later." Leon's inability to drive reaches parody status as he crashes like 6 different vehicles in the course of this campaign. Leon and Helena's mere presence is a deathknell for every single person in the vicinity-- every time they encounter a group of civilians, every single one of them dies horribly. If this all happened once or twice then it wouldn't be so egregious, but this whole campaign feels like these two bumblefucks fucking up and getting innocents killed.
What in the FUCK was with the underground Skyrim dungeon section? Why is this area here? Aren't we in fucking Massachusetts???
Derek Simmons is Diet Wesker and he's terrible at it. He's not scary, he's not sinister, he's not even campy fun like Wesker was. He's supposed to be this grand evil mastermind, but he's doing all of this because Ada broke up with him or put in her two weeks notice or whatever? What a fucking loser.
The whole "oh no, a secret illuminati is running the world behind the scenes" plotline. I've been calling these guys the "Failluminati' for so long I can't even remember their real name. Having an omg secret evil organization running everything in your plot is not a plot twist, it's a fucking copout. This is so stupid Capcom has never again mentioned it, with good reason.
Ada's Campaign
The one and only actually scary part of the game, the Carla boss fight. Oh my god, is that some psychological horror? In THIS shitshow?
This is my favorite Ada character design. That open jacket is really stylish.
For about 2/3 of the previous campaigns, it looks like they have finally, actually done something interesting with Ada. Oh my god, is Ada an outright villain this time? What's her motivation? Are we finally going to learn who Ada works for and what her goals are? Why is she doing this? Chris has very good reason to be angry at Ada, but Leon's going to defend her just going by his gut? That's juicy! Wow! The boys are fighting!
I think it's extremely funny that Leon never technically finds out about the existence of Carla, so he watches a video of "Ada" hatching out of a fucking egg and assumes that's really her. He never gets corrected on this notion. As far as we know, OG Leon still thinks Ada hatched out of an egg. That's hilarious.
They didn't do anything with Ada at all actually! The Ada/Carla switcheroo is really obvious once you realize it's happening, and would have been a cool opportunity to actually define something about Ada. Oh no, this evil scientist releasing the C virus on the world is claiming to be Ada? We all know the real Ada would never... um.... well... To me, the frustrating thing about OG Ada is that she isn't really a character. She shows up from time to time to save Leon or be mysterious or be a pair of boobs to look at, but she has no goals. No motivation. We don't know what she's really thinking or why she does things. She's taking orders from... SOMEONE? But we never find out who, and even when we think we know who, it turns out she's betraying them. Ada deals in bioweapons for cash, while also having an apparent soft spot for Leon. She's morally gray, but to no actual end. We can't say that she would or wouldn't do this or that, because nobody knows who Ada is or what she's trying to accomplish, and the script just has her coyly alluding to her alleged "goals" without ever explaining what those are. So yeah, imagine my disappointment when it finally looked like we were going to really get a look at Ada, only to find out that everything she does in this game isn't really her, it's an angry evil scientist who's been cloned to look like her. They have this whole fucking plot set up to do something, ANYTHING with Ada, and she ends exactly where she starts because none of it was her at all. The bit at the end where Ada winks at the camera about her "true employer" and her "real goals" made me literally fucking scream at my TV.
Hey sorry Capcom, I don't actually feel sorry for Carla at all. When you fuck around with bioweapons and cruelly torture people for the sake of your experiments, I don't really shed a tear for you when you get fed into the proverbial woodchipper of your own hubris. Carla is a great villain but I don't feel any sympathy for her whatsoever, and I really don't see why Ada ought to, either. If anything I'd think Ada should be more grossed out and offended that Simmons is THAT obsessed with her.
Okay so my last complaint is actually something that ONLY could have happened in the weeks immediately following the game. You know how AGENT is just, a stupid blank slate character who feels really out of place? That's because he didn't originally exist. He was patched into the game a few weeks after release, I think about the same time they added the ability to play Ada's campaign without finishing the other three first. Originally, you played Ada's campaign solo, as ONLY Ada. It made the psychological horror-y segments around the Carla boss fight a lot scarier and more impactful. There was, however, a slight problem in that RE6 was designed to be co-op from the ground up. Which means the very mechanics of the game are not designed for a solo character. Because recovering from near-death requires a second character to revive you. So for the first few weeks after release, when you played as Ada and got badly injured, you were forced to just sit there and watch her limp around for 20 seconds and die. Get hit by an enemy? Limp around and die. Injured by a trap? Limp around and die. Fail a QTE? Limp around and die. No recourse. No revival. Fall into the red and Ada suffers a slow, prolonged, unskippable death that you cannot escape from. At this point I had spent 40something hours playing the rest of the game, getting increasingly angry at the bad pacing and the worse story, so the extra frustration of Ada's literally broken gameplay in her campaign absolutely drove me over the edge. I managed to beat her campaign before the Agent patch that would have fixed this problem, but by that point I had come to terms with the fact that I absolutely hated RE6 and was deep in my mourning period for my prior anticipation.
Anyway, that's my tragic beef with RE6. Is it as bad as people say? Oh yeah. I think so. Is it as bad as I remember? Probably.... maybe? Does it deserve a second look from my initial impressions at launch? Yeah, probably. But the sting of that first playthrough still haunts me and I don't know that I'm ever going to sit through it again. I'd rather just take the lore notes and the little plot details that I did enjoy and run with those than force myself through the rest of the slog again.
I like how I said I was gonna be brief but then I ended up probably typing 4000 words about the plot anyway. AH WELL.
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good-fwiend-in-wome · 2 months ago
you sly dog, you got me monologuing!
steven universe was a show that for the longest time really felt like it was going somewhere. i followed it religiously from around the end of season 1. the first 2 or so seasons were honestly really good, and it really felt like there was a cool overarching plot being set up.
The stuff with peridot and the cluster was by far the peak of the series, but after that, the actually interesting parts of the show got sparser and the hiatuses got longer and the show would actively fuck with its audience like "oh look this upcoming episode has an ominous title are you ready for us to actually do something interesti- lmao no sorry that was just another filler episode, really got you there didn't we teehee. anyway see you in six months"
the show has a tendency to just drop bury and forget its most interesting bits. after the malachite thing the show basically goes "oh yeah so lapis is broody and sad anyway she's gone, don't worry about jasper, moving on". after like season 3 or something, peridot, the single most interesting character, gets mostly pushed off-screen. the shit with pearl tricking garnet into fusing (DEFINITELY NOT AN ALLEGORY FOR ANYTHING DON'T THINK ABOUT IT) gets resolved in 1 or 2 episodes and iirc never brought up again. pink lars basically gets dropped like a rock before anything interesting is done with him. the sardonyx and malachite things especially aren't inherently bad topics to include on a show, but the way they're never truly explored is, they're some pretty serious shit that the show seemingly doesn't realize were just left hanging there.
Don't get me started on the ending, white diamond's introduction is one of the best scenes in the entire show. she's shown as this unimaginable force that doesn't even let steven get a word in, you know, this character whose first instinct is always to solve problems with words. just a couple episodes later, this dictator who rules over hundreds or thousands of planets with an iron fist that only serve to be carved out and sterilized to reproduce their species of virus metaphors gets turned good by what amounts to a "no u". I'm not saying the gems should've nuked homeworld or whatever, but it sure as fuck should've been a hell of a lot harder than that. the excuses that the show was cut short due to garnet's wedding are moot considering that the show is something like 80% filler episodes and they got a movie (which was actually pretty good, i can't find much to complain about with the movie tbf) and an extra spinoff season afterwards.
steven universe holds a special place in my shriveled hater heart because it was not bad all the way through, in fact it was awesome at times, and yet they shat all over its potential by having seemingly no real idea what they were doing (i wonder if the way they didn't have any consistent standards for how storyboarders drew characters mirrors a similar aimless philosophy in the writer's room). it's also personal because i wasted like 6 years of my life hoping it would get consistently good at some point
Do you think Steven Universe was a good show? -Yes -No -I did not watch Steven Universe
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litgwritersroom · 3 years ago
Idk if this is a uncommon request but can we get a AJ fic she didn’t deserve to be such a great character but get stuck in a bad season
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AJ/MC - 2400+ words - @crimswnred
Studious Riley is already over AJ and her jock antics before she even knows her. But she also has trouble telling people 'no'. So when her professor asks her to tutor A.J.... what could go wrong?
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Riley adjusted the backpack on her shoulders as she nodded to what the professor was saying. She should've known that it was a bad idea to offer herself as a class monitor but she needed the extra credit and there was no way she was going to write another fucking essay about legal studies – not if she could avoid it. Seb had warned her before about the bad side of being a monitor, himself being one. "He'll ask you for help with trouble, especially if the trouble in question is a jock."
But she took the spot because Professor Jake Wilson was her favourite. He was so smart, so intellectual and he never once in his life mistreated a student. Every single soul in Uni was in love with that man. He was so nice, so kind and if he wasn't married to Professor Savannah, he would surely get a lot of proposals.
The worst of it all was that Mr Wilson wasn't asking her. Not directly, he would never. He told her a little story about the local hockey team, of how they were finally showing what they came for with a winning strike now that the team's star had her chance to shine. Apparently, in his mind, the team's captain was some kind of local hero and it was such a shame she couldn't keep up with the classes.
In all honesty, Riley would've been fine with it if it wasn't for the minor detail that the team's captain was Anna Julia Jones and that Riley despised her. And don't you dare think it was just because AJ was a jock, because the reasons were never-ending. Firstly, she was noisy, loud, like a fucking puppy that loves to bark at birds or whatever. Secondly, she was a flirt, always with some cheesy lines to the girls. Thirdly, she was the reason Kelly Edwards wouldn't look at Riley.
She hated how Kelly would look at AJ as if she was anything but a Beach Barbie look alike. What was there to look at, after all? A muscled tanned 5'10 body? Dirty blonde wavy hair that looked great in a ponytail? Caramel eyes that were always gleaming with humour and a smile that wouldn't ever drop from her lips? A small, button nose that wrinkled when she made a joke?
Please, she wasn't even that hot.
Professor Wilson's words brought her back to reality and Riley immediately snapped her dark eyes back to him. He smiled, sweetly, like he always did when he knew he was going to ask her the impossible. And she smiled back, as she always did when she was too afraid of disappointing him.
"Of course, Mr Wilson, I can help Miss Jones with her finals," Riley said, trying her best to not grind her teeth.
"Thank you so much, Riley!" The Professor said with relief stamped all over his face. "I'll send her your number."
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"You desperately need to learn how to say no."
By lunch, there were no texts from AJ yet, thankfully. If anything, she would decline the offer from Mr Wilson – at least, that was what Riley was hoping for. The hockey team's captain was known for being a little stubborn and having a big ego, so maybe accepting her help was something way too hurtful for her pride.
"I just don't wanna disappoint him," Riley sighed, looking at Iona, who was eating a salad next to her carefully, so it wouldn't ruin her perfect makeup. "I can't."
Iona rolled her eyes. "Please, you don't even like men! Plus, he's married."
Riley nudged Iona lightly on her shoulder. "Iona!" She gasped, making the blonde laugh. "It's not that, ew."
"Admit it, you finally had your straight awakening and the man responsible is your Economics professor!"
"Who had a straight awakening?"
The two of them looked up, meeting a grinning Seb. He left his black, dirty backpack over the table and sat down in front of them with a food tray before him. With a confused look in his eyes, he eyed the two girls.
"Riley, she's into Mr Wilson," Iona replied with a devilish smile.
"What?" Seb laughed before looking Riley dead in the eye. "I thought I was going to be your straight awakening."
"Shut up!" Riley roared, rolling her eyes. "I'm gay. G, A, Y, a lesbian. I like girls. Women!"
"That's great, 'cause same," Riley heard behind her, her smile dropping at the same time she turned.
There she was, Anna Julia Jones, biting down a laugh as if she had just heard the funniest thing ever in the middle of a library and Noah Alexander was working there – and god forbid if he heard a single sound coming from your mouth. Her sports jacket covered half her body and the cap with the Uni symbol barely let them see her dirty blonde hair.
Riley cleared her throat, feeling Iona shaking with laughter behind her. "Excuse me?"
"I like girls too." AJ nodded.
As if the whole Uni didn't know that already.
"I meant: what are you doing here?" Riley screwed her nose at her.
AJ sat next to her, taking the rest of the bench. She was taller than Riley expected and even more muscled than she remembered. She rested her elbow on the table and her hand on her palm, turning her body to face Riley.
With a teasing smile, she said, "Didn't Jake tell you?"
Jake, not Professor Wilson like anyone else. Jake. Just another reminder that she was better and more special than Riley.
"He told me you would text me," Riley folded her arms.
"Yeah but I thought it would be weird, so I just came to meet you!" She said, straightening up and displaying a hand for Riley to shake. "I'm Anna Julia but you can call me AJ, everybody does."
She looked at the displaying hand. Tanned with long fingers and short black nails. She reached for it, grabbing for a stiff shake, finding it surprisingly soft and callused, too delicate for a hockey player.
"I'm Riley."
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Anna Julia Jones couldn't keep the smile off her face.
Everyone had called her crazy and said the plan was naive if anything. It wouldn't work, no, actually, it would backfire so hard that she would be whining about it in a few days. Nicky was the most sceptical of them, promising AJ there wasn't a single chance that she would convince Jake of asking his best student to help her. And all that, for what, to get laid? It was foolishness.
But everyone was, oh, so wrong…
Because Jake, AJ's lovely brother-in-law, had given exactly what she asked first. It had been a journey to try and convince him she was having difficulties in Economics for a whole semester and that she wasn't just faking it – which, for the record, she was. It was even worse to lie right in Coach Mason's face during the tryouts, saying it was too hard for her to keep up with the class as she tried her best with training. 
And what a lovely coincidence it was that Jake and Mason were close friends and that AJ's older sister, Savannah, was over the moon with AJ's results during the season and would be devastated if her younger sister couldn't play anymore. And that Jake was a devoted husband. And who would've thought that Riley Atwood needed the extra credit? It was like destiny itself was on AJ's side on this – and not that she planned every single detail of this whole thing.
And no, not just so she could get laid.
But because Riley fucking Atwood was the most beautiful creature AJ had ever seen and just looking at her made her stomach flip. She had gorgeous dark green eyes that were always serious, a gleaming mocha skin that AJ dreamed of kissing and touching, lovely furrowed brows that were so fucking expressive and heart-shaped lips that were extremely attractive.
AJ got herself daydreaming of her whenever she could. Sometimes, her dreams were about beach dates and how beautiful her curly hair would look as the wind blew. Other times, in the middle of the night, AJ would think of kissing her lips, her skin, giving her tiny bites around her breasts and tracing a trail between her legs.
So lying wasn't a big deal. Not when AJ had never felt like this, not that strong. She was even ashamed of her player history, wondering if Riley was aware that she was probably the only LGBT woman AJ hadn't fucked yet. And if she knew, would she be able to see past it?
"It worked, it fucking worked!" She shouted, slamming the door open.
Bobby jumped on his seat, resting a hand over his chest right after. On the other side of the little house they shared, Nicky caught her eye and huffed with annoyance. He uncrossed his legs and then crossed them again before going back to take notes from the book on his side to the notebook in front of him.
“Someone’s in a mood…” AJ commented in a singing voice as she left her orange backpack on the couch and sat down next to Bobby.
“He’s studying,” Bobby explained as he scrolled on his phone. “You know, the thing you’re purposely avoiding to do.”
“Yeah, and it worked!” AJ squealed with happiness. “She’s going to tutor me.”
“This is gonna backfire so hard and blow up on your face,” Nicky said between his teeth as he turned on his chair to face them. “Bobby, tell her…”
Bobby turned to AJ with a smile. “She’s gonna figure it out and it’s gonna be terrible and you’re gonna cry for like a weak till you find your next lesbian obsession.”
“No, she’s not gonna find out unless one of you tells her,” AJ winked at Bobby before facing Nicky. “And you’re not gonna do that, right, Nicky?”
Nicky rolled his eyes, turning back to his notebook.
AJ shook her head, sinking into the couch. “You guys would get it if you saw her.”
“You sound like Bobby when he met the library guy for the first time,” Nicky remarked.
“Oi!” Bobby frowned. “Don’t drag me into this.”
“It was pretty funny,” AJ giggled beside him. “Oh, his voice is sooooo smooth.”
Bobby blushed, “That didn’t happen.”
“It did.” Both AJ and Nicky retorted at the same time.
Bobby was about to add something but the sound of the door interrupted him. AJ turned to face the door, watching as Genevieve made her way inside the shared house with a tired face and a sigh. She took her heels off and left her handbag over the kitchen table before sitting between Bobby and AJ.
Genevieve was a year older than AJ (and Bobby). She was lovely, the mum of their little group and also a med student, which was the main reason why she looked tired all the time. AJ hugged her from her side and Bobby did the same, them both squeezing her.
“All right, all right,” Viv giggled, patting them on their hats. “You look like cats.”
AJ was about to make a joke about it when a notification sound came from her phone. She bolted to her backpack – which was now fallen on the ground – and quickly grabbed it, her heart hammering in her chest.
"It's her!" She giggled, opening her phone.
Riley: tomorrow @ 4pm. library. don't be late.
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"So, yeah, knowing that, all you need to do is the regression analysis," Riley explained, tapping her pen against the book's hardcover.
AJ just nodded, already writing down the formula in her notebook. For someone that was failing the subject, she had caught up really quick. In less than 5 minutes, the question was already answered and the calculus was correct, shocking Riley – maybe the hockey captain wasn't that much of a dumbass.
"That's…" Riley cracked, incapable to believe her own words. "That's correct."
With a smile that was too sweet for Riley's liking, AJ nodded and turned back to her, so they could keep their study session going. But instead, Riley huffed, closing her book and resting her elbows on the table, narrowing her eyes as she steepled her hands together.
"What's your deal, Anna Julia?" she asked, to which AJ only responded with a confused look. "Why did you ask me for help?"
AJ tilted her head, her hair falling to the side like beautiful blonde cascades – not that Riley would notice it, after all, she was not that hot. "I told you, I'm failing-..."
"Why?" Riley pressed. "Why are you failing? You know the subject, you literally wrote down the equation and solved the exercise without needing me to explain it to you. So, why?"
AJ swallowed hard. Bingo. Riley was right, there was something behind that little theatre but what? What could she possibly want from her?
"Cause I wanted to go out with you."
You could say Riley was not expecting that.
So she did the one thing that she could. She chuckled with nervousness. "What?"
"I like you and I wanna take you on a date."
"So you failed Economics?"
It wasn't supposed to sound that aggressive but it did and now AJ was screwing her face into a grimace and Riley's heart sunk.
Why did it sink? She hated jocks.
She hated AJ.
Wait, did she? Why?
Because AJ was a flirt that jumped around from bed to bed as if she was some kind of adult version of Tigger. Because she had probably slept with every queer woman on campus except for Riley. Because she was too loud with her group of friends that loved to joke mid-class. Because she thought she ruled that damned place just 'cause she knew her way around with a stick – no pun intended. And because she had slept with Kelly and Riley…
Well, Riley did not.
So yeah, she didn't like AJ. But did she hate her?
"Listen, AJ, you should focus on your finals…"
But AJ just scrunched her nose, crossing her arms and legs like a kid, making it very, very hard for Riley to not smile. "I'll do it if you go out on a date with me."
"If not for me then for Jake." She straightened her posture, eyes focused on Riley, who had never seen her so serious. "I mean, professor Wilson."
Riley bit her tongue, trying to avert AJ's eyes but her own kept coming back as if they were magnets. She sighed, already feeling herself crumbling.
Iona was right. She definitely needed to learn how to say no.
"All right, I'm going out with you."
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aphrodite-would-be-proud · 4 years ago
Armin having a crush on you while you're dating Eren pt.3
{ Armin x reader, Eren x reader | suggestive | tw:possessive behaviour, tw:unhealthy-friendships, tw:toxic, tw:jealousy | angst, drama, pinning | modern }
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{ "the stranded ship" 1843 by Asher Brown Durand 1796 - 1886 }
The anniversary of your first meeting was coming soon, an entire year since you stumbled into his life by mere accident.
Armin would've never guessed bumping into you outside the library would've had such an impact, and what a beautiful accident it was.
And now, an entire year later he can see clearly why you stole his heart.
He found in you what he lacked, things he desired and admired for so long, things that made him feel at ease.
Things he oh so desperately wanted.
Just your mention would make his mood better, the thought of you making the sky seem a bit brighter and the world not so dim anymore.
He was smitten and he knew it, after all how could he deny it.
especially since he's read about it in a hundred different books, the stories of those similarly struck by cupid's bow as they got high on love alone.
Watched it in tens of tv shows, people falling for each other, struggling to get together despite the world pulling them apart.
And as much as others would scoff and turn their noses at these things, calling it a mere fantasy, he couldn't deny how much deep down he hoped for it.
Maybe he was just too romantic with his head swimming in the clouds, maybe he was too eager and hopeful for a connection.
But he swore he could see it clear as day, see the both of you falling in love.
At that time, he could recite how it would go as if it was a movie playing in his mind just as he fell asleep, dreaming about a soon-to-be-real fantasy each night.
He's willing to put in the effort, you're worth the work after all.
And so he began making subtle moves, showing interest in small ways, bit by bit till he got bolder day by day.
As far as anyone could tell, you seemed to be on board.
But Armin was never sure, he didn't want to mess this up and make a move that might make you pull away.
He wasn't looking for a nonchalant sure from you, he was looking for an enthusiastic yes.
Which is why he took his sweet time getting closer, strategically considering every move and step, making plans for dates and backup plans if plan A failed.
He was giving his all, squeezing his brain for all it's worth as he analysed every move.
It's just that he didn't want to mess this up.
As if.
Fate had it's way as always, maybe he just cared so much about the tiny details that he was blind to the big signs, for how could he notice the sun if he was too busy studying the grains of sand.
Or maybe, pushing all that philosophical bullshit aside, he just waited too long.
You also made your moves but he didn't seem to respond in a clear way, not fully showing interest since he was too lost in his own mind.
Did you feel like he was subtly rejecting you? Did you feel like he was attempting to push you in the friendzone? 
He can't know how you felt, and whatever it was it must have been why you didn't hesitate to say yes to the next person who asked you out.
Which just happened to be Eren.
Thinking back to how it all fell apart, Armin would curse his past naive self for simply standing aside, without making an attempt to stop it as he watched Eren integrate himself into your life.
At the time he thought he was being the bigger person, a good friend to someone he brought he could trust.
He thought life couldn't be that cruel, in the end his hard word should pay off as you realise you belong with him right?
How could he have been so blind and stupid?
It's been a year since you've known Armin but it's been 9 months since you've been dating Eren.
He went through it all, becoming well acquainted with the stages of grief.
But he's fed up honestly.
He swears he could almost lose his mind if he saw another video of you on Eren’s Instagram story.
The other proudly showing you off in his arms, knowing exactly what he's doing.
And so Armin decided enough is enough, he's taking back what he lost, what rightfully should've been his and screw being a good friend.
He knew he can't just barge into your apartment, confess his undying love and ride into the sunset with you smitten in his arms.
Unless he wanted a restraining order.
What does he want most?
You of course.
What is he best at?
...being subtle.
It's what got him into this mess in the first place, and so it will be his saving grace.
A good morning text a day, nothing more or less, simple yet effective.
And that, turning into him checking on you throughout the day, you know casual stuff.
Did you eat? How did that project go? It's raining, did you take an umbrella ?
Slowly, day by day your conversations will grow as you get used to him being a part of your daily routine.
And that's when he turns it up a notch, maybe you'd like to meet at the nearby park? Or grab some coffee in the morning?
You need a friend to shop with? Yeah he's free and he would even carry your bags
...or well attempt to, cut him some slack you know he isn't that strong yet is trying his best.
Maybe, after some weeks of you falling back into the routine of meeting up with him, he could invite you over again.
Just like the good old times.
Of course he'd never tell you the reason he stopped visiting your place was because he couldn't stand seeing Eren’s clothes scattered around.
All you'll hear is that he feels the most comfortable at his own place, he even prepared some lunch and made freshly squeezed juice! You wouldn't say no to him after all the effort he did would you?
Yeah...you couldn't, that's exactly why he made sure only to ask you to come over after he finished preparing everything. 
You're a good person, you wouldn't want his work to go to waste would you? You wouldn't do that to him.
The small lunch you agreed on, soon enough turned into watching tv together.
Oh wow the show he picked is so good, and each episode ends in a cliffhanger, lucky he has all episodes on Netflix so you wouldn't mind watching them all now would you?
Let's just turn autoplay on and not pay attention to how each episode is an hour long.
The next thing you know, it's dark outside and you're yawning while hugging a blanket close on the couch.
Your phone was in the other room, it's 11pm and you have 5 missed calls from Eren at different hours.
Armin would assure you that it's just Eren being Eren, you should just send a text back later.
And aren't you hungry? How about you and him go make midnight dinner and think about these stuff later.
After you have your food, you realise it's too late to go home.
Not to mention Armin's words about how dangerous it is to walk alone this late aren't exactly helping.
Of course he's quick to apologise, claiming he's just...worried about you, why don't you stay over instead?
He even has some fresh towels and blankets.
Why?...uh no reason, laundry day just happened to be yesterday so that's why.
And for a single day, he gets to wake up to you first thing in the morning, to see the way the sun would fall on your face as he opened the curtains.
The way he gets to tuck you in and adjust the blanket before he goes to make breakfast, no way he's not spoiling you rotten while he has you in his bed.
You'd be sleeping soundly one minute and the next gently stirred awake to the delicious smell of pancakes.
Armin's smiling face, as he murmurs a good morning in his sleepy voice.
God he wishes he can stay in this moment forever.
But, Armin knows exactly what he's doing, he's 100% self aware.
Maybe that's why he doesn't feel bad when reassuring you that it's still too early to leave, and how about you help him move some boxes to the closet instead?
Oh! What's that? You found an old book in one of them, how bizarre, not to mention it's the one that inspired your favourite movie.
You wouldn't mind him reading you some lines would you?
But he doesn't wanna spoil the details for you, there's a lot of extra content the movie left out.
So how about this instead, forget the boxes, you and him should go back in bed and let him read you the book.
Why would he be the one reading? Because his storytelling is good and you know it, soon enough you'll find yourself entranced by the story as the outer world blurs out into a haze.
Time flies by quickly, because he's such a natural at it and so it's the afternoon when the doorbell rings, bringing you back to reality.
It's Eren, coming to pick you up because you weren't answering your phone.
After you leave, and his little play pretend date ends, he's taken back to the cold truth that no matter what, you will go back home to Eren by then end of the day.
Never him.
Well, not for long.
The car ride back home with Eren was...uncomfortable in a way.
His grip too tight on the steering wheel, shoulders too stiff and narrowed eyes glancing at you every once.
And yet he didn't say much, only answering your attempt at starting a conversation with a single word or a hum.
Maybe he was too lost in his own mind, making connections to how Armin seemed to he inviting you places more and more
How each time you come back much later than promised
But the thing that bothered him to the core, was the fact you'd just spend the night at Armin's place with no warning beforehand.
Eren has been trying to convince you to move into his apartment for what seemed like forever, and each time you'd refuse saying you needed your privacy and yet you'd just go and stay over at another guy's house like it's nothing 
He wanted to scream, he was fuming inside.
This isn't the only thing that got on his nerves, it's how your phone never seemed to shut up, one text notification after the other and even at the earliest hours of the day.
And for some reason you'd open the phone with a smile, never ignoring any of them because it's too rude to ignore a text.
Then why the fuck didn't you pick up his calls.
He had an idea on who has been texting you, he's not stupid.
He can't even count the amount of times he almost clocked out of work or canceled his plans last minute just because you called saying you're going out with Armin for the day.
Just the idea of you alone with someone else in some secluded area made him want to drop everything and go after you.
He's been attempting to get you closer to his mother, just to show how serious he was about you.
And maybe to show you off to her, but he would never admit it that he takes pride in flaunting you around in front of his family.
Carla even seemed to like you too, making you some food every once in a while, inviting you over for family dinner and including you in game nights.
It was an unspoken rule that you and Eren were an item, even if nothing was official, he made it clear to his family that it will be.
Maybe he'd even introduce you to Zeke one day, someone most of his friends don't even know he's related to.
Well the other already knows about you to be fair, it was by mere chance that you happened to call when both of them were smoking at the front porch while his mom made dinner.
Eren couldn't help the stupid grin spreading over his face when you called, almost forgetting his big brother was next to him the more he talked to you, playfully teasing.
The other observed quietly, the only acknowledgement he gave Eren was patting his back with a chuckle before going to help Carla inside.
Eren was late to dinner, having lost track of time while talking to you.
Sometimes he wonders how did it all get like this, how did he manage to get this infatuated with you.
He won't lie, he wanted to get closer to you since the day Armin brought you to hang out with their group.
His eyes wouldn't leave you, even if they did they'd soon glance back to you.
Even Jean was out of his mind that they didn't argue at all, instead Eren’s entire focus and attention was on the way you laughed each time Connie would tell a joke.
Or the way you licked your lips after Sasha offered you a bite of her food.
It wasn't until Marco asked him what's wrong that he realised he hasn't said a thing the entire time.
So he didn't waste his chance, shooting his shot right away and moving to sit beside you.
It wasn't even a full week before he asked you out, because what's the worst that could happen? If you reject him then he'd just laugh it off and attempt to get closer to you before asking you again after some months.
To his surprise, you welcomed his advances with open arms from the first time and that is what made him latch onto you even more.
He didn't expect to succeed from the first time, although it was a pleasant surprise it still made him wonder if you would've done the same to someone else.
...if you would've still said yes to someone else asking you, that it was more of being at the right place and time that made him win you over.
He knows it's irrational thinking to get irritated by imaginary scenarios that have no proof but it didn't quell his mind.
Thank fuck he snatched you first.
And what a catch you were, perfectly fitting for him as if you were specifically designed.
Your kisses could make him melt into a puddle, your touch could make him lose his breath.
He genuinely enjoyed spending time with you, just the two of you alone.
Not to mention how you are such an adorable thing too whenever you show him your hobbies or interests.
You've always given him validation without him having to ask for it, so much that he's almost addicted.
Mainly coming to you for compliments whenever he does a thing, just hugging you from behind and giving you those eyes till you've boosted his ego enough.
Maybe that's why he started clinging to you more, taking you to cheer for him whenever he went to play basketball with Jean and Reiner, even teaching you some moves just for an excuse to hold you closer from behind as you bounce the ball.
Or pulling you into his lap while playing videogames, giving you a kiss each time he wins and shamelessly asking for a prize afterwards.
Or maybe tracing his fingers up and down your thighs under the table at family dinner nights, more focused on the lining of your inner thigh than whatever story his father is telling about work 
you just...made his life better, more fun and so full of colour.
He could see something coming out of this relationship, a burred future but a future nonetheless.
Now with his face softened, he glanced at you again, meeting your gaze.
One of his hands left the wheel, taking your hand instead and giving it a small squeeze.
A silent apology maybe? Or was it to reassure himself that you're still with him.
That's exactly why things like these get a strong reaction from him, it's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he doesn't trust the world around you.
Mostly because he knows Armin, more than anyone else, hell even more than Mikasa.
He has known him since kindergarten, and while Armin never picks up a fight, he never runs  away from one.
Eren isn't delusioned with the awkward and innocent front everyone else thinks of Armin, he fucking knows what he's capable of.
And he knows the second he lets his guard down, Armin wouldn't bat an eye before using it to get closer to you.
The worst mistake someone could ever do is underestimate his friend
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givemeyourcrunchbars · 4 years ago
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Fern x f!reader
If there are any warnings I need to add, please let me know :)
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The weight of the crown on your head was too much to bear today. You gently set it down onto the grass, next to you in the shade of the giant oak trees above you.
If someone were to ask you what it's like to be a princess, you would say it's a curse. For the past 15 years you've been raised, your father was stern and barely paid any attention to you. Suffering from neglect, you slowly watched him become more and more corrupt with power, forcing the entire kingdom to stay within its walls. As far as the common people knew, the outside was a mysterious place not to be messed with.
That's what power does to people. To have all these abilities at your hands, is a great responsibility. But most rulers toss those away, like a bag of trash being disposed into the garbage can.
You sighed, gazing across to the opposite side of the clearing you were sitting in. You raised your head to look up at the sky. Oh, what I would do to have a different life...
The rustling of leaves caught your attention. You gasped, quickly backing away into the shelter of the trees. Dad can't catch me being here!
You froze as relief washed over you. It wasn't your father.
You weren't allowed to leave the kingdom. Finding loopholes wasn't easy, so you didn't know what you'd do if he found out.
Carefully, you stood up, squinting at the figure standing at the opposite end of the meadow. Slowly, they- or it- stepped into the sunlight. You recognized him from your past adventures. Fern the Human.
"Hi," you replied warily. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know," he said. "Just exploring." Fern wore the same expression he did normally, a blank set of eyes and his mouth set in a straight line.
You nodded, your eyes darting around the clearing, at anything but him. You rarely interacted with outsiders, especially since you weren't allowed outside of your kingdom. So you didn't know how to act. All your social skills started chipping away because you were forced to stay inside all the time. "Princess duties".
"I haven't seen you around here before," the grass boy remarked. "Who are you?"
"Who am I?" I repeated. That was a good question. Every single decision I've had to make and every emotion I've had was decided for me. So much so, that I wasn't sure there was any "me" left.
"I'm Y/N," you replied. Fern tilted his head.
"Where are you from?"
"Um." You struggled to find the words. He couldn't know about the kingdom, or else you would find yourself kicked out. What was even the purpose of telling him? It could only end badly. His curiosity would get the better of him, driving him him to see the kingdom for himself. Would Fern even try to save us?
Even though you wanted to rescue your people badly, the thought of them roaming around aimlessly in the Land of Ooo scared you. They barely knew anything about the outside, and the only information they did know altered their perspective to think of it in a bad light. Besides, what could Fern do to help? He's just one person.
"It's none of your business," you ended up blurting out. "I have to go." Your father wanted you home for the evening anyway. For what, he didn't say.
You turned away before you could hear Fern's reply, dashing off into the dense forest.
Taking a deep breath, you began to form an image of a raven inside your mind. Shapeshifting was still something you weren't good at. You were supposed to follow a certain set of rules as a princess, one of which being that you couldn't shapeshift into your raven form in the presence of other people. It was seen as impolite.
Focus on shapeshifting! You commanded yourself. Finally, you were able to fly, ruffling your wings a bit. You missed being able to soar.
"Wait!" Fern's voice yelled from behind you, his footsteps trodding through the layers of leaves on the forest floor. You sighed, flapping up to the tree tops and taking off. A feeling of dread gradually grew in your chest, facing the reality that you had to go back to your secluded life, with people that ignored and misunderstood you.
As the dark green leaves of the forest zoomed by beneath your feet, you began to wonder whether you should've listened to what Fern had to say. Eh, it probably wasn't important.
Directing your thoughts back to your destination, you vowed to come back to your happy place as soon as possible. It helped clear your head. Hopefully, Fern won't be there next time. The idea of talking to people made you uncomfortable. The people that you've trusted in the past have all either broken your trust, or just didn't care about you at all.
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There's a crown here in the bushes, Fern observed, lifting the heavy piece of gold. It was a big ring, with an arm extending upwards, holding a small, rugged black crystal. Interesting.
Turning it over in his hands, something strange caught his eye. A carving on the back of the crown. It was barely illegible, but Fern could make out one name. Y/N.
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"Where is your crown?" The Raven King hissed angrily. "The suitors are already here!"
"I don't know, Dad!" You frantically racked your mind, trying to remember where you had left it. A princess' crown was a part of her, as a role model and a symbol. But this time, it represented worth.
"Why are you making me marry someone I don't even know anyway?" You hurriedly glanced at your father, brows furrowed. Your father had invited a group of suitors to compete for your hand in marriage. They desired only the princess' heart, but it wasn't true love, like what you dreamed of as a child. They just wanted land, wealth, and power. Marrying you was their key to a happy life. Without your label as a princess, they would have no opportunity at all.
"You know very well why!" Your father growled. "This is going to be beneficial for the kingdom! Don't you want me to prosper?"
You started walking down the spiraling staircase that lead to the main hallways, unable to stay calm any longer. "I want the people to prosper," you replied, sending a spine-chilling glare to your father behind you. Before he could respond, you stomped away, into the main hallway where a line of antsy suitors stood waiting.
You definitely have a thing for walking out on people.
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"Heya, Fern!" A boy wearing a worn, dual-toned green backpack greeted Fern, holding open the door that had separated the two just moments before. "Jake just made some meatloaf! Want some? It has your favorite- I mean our favorite garnishes." Finn grinned.
"No thanks," Fern replied, distracted. His eyes wandered all around the giant treehouse that stood over him, almost menacingly. Despite what Fern wanted to think, there was something about it that made him uneasy. When he thought of the treehouse, he thought of Finn, which in turn caused him to obsess over the fact that he wasn't Finn. Then who was he?
"No probs." Finn sounded a little disappointed, but cheered up when Jake called out that the meatloaf was ready from somewhere inside the house.
"By the way, can I ask you something?" Fern asked, taking something out of his backpack, which tumbled to the ground, causing him to groan in frustration. Finn turned back to his grassy friend while taking a plate of food from the unseen Jake. "What's up?"
He gasped when he saw the golden crown gleaming in the sunlight. "That belongs to one of the princesses!" He picked it up and handed it back to Fern.
Fern nodded, stowing it in his backpack. "I found it in the forest near Tree Trunks' house. I think this girl dropped it," he said.
"Whahf girl?" Finn said, trying to chew meatloaf at the same time. "PB? Fire Princess? Slime P?"
"No." Fern shook his head. "I've never seen her before, and honestly," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "She was scared of me." He sounded frustrated, his voice trailing off.
"Why doesn't anything ever work out?!" Fern said in anguish. He curled his fingers in and out of his palm, trying to release the tension trapped in his mind.
"Calm down, dude," Finn exclaimed. "I can help you find her, don't worry! I've never seen this crown before either, so we can go together." He placed a hand on Fern's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"No!" Fern protested. "I wanna do it myself," he said, softer. "Can you just tell me how to find her?"
Finn looked taken aback for a second at his grassy friend's outburst, but nodded regardless. "You can ask the Candy People and the other kingdoms, they probably know who owns that crown." He handed Fern a map of the Land of Ooo, sketched out on a yellowed piece of paper.
Saying their goodbyes, Finn left Fern on his solo quest to find the mysterious princess.
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The long and chaotic day was finally over. You sank down to the floor, your back against the door to your room. You stared at the king-sized bed. I hate this. I hate everything.
After you left your father standing on the stairs, you had awkwardly walked into the main hall. But that must have been the last straw for your father, because he still didn't join you, even after five minutes. He ended up sending a replacement to accompany you after a long time of waiting. You wished that the suitors didn't keep glancing at the spot where your crown was supposed to sit while you stood with your hands clasped in front of you, staring at the doorway your father was going to follow you through.
I still have to get the crown back, you thought. Where did I leave it? The only place I would've lost it would be... Then you realized. The clearing! Of course! Oh no, I have to go there right now!
You raced over to the small window in your bedroom, peeking your head out. Seeing practically no one outside, you transformed into your raven form and hopped on the windowsill. Suddenly, an object was hurled at you from below. Looking down, you saw a small child chucking pieces of corn at you.
"Get out of there, you stupid crow!" He yelled. Close enough.
You carefully flapped your wings, flying high above the kingdom. As soon as you were out of reach, the child gave up trying to knock you out of the sky and returned to his home, resuming the quiet atmosphere the kingdom always held during evenings.
Night had almost fallen over Ooo when you finally arrived at your meadow. Landing in the spot where you had sat earlier that day, you turned back into a human and rummaged through the bushes for your long lost crown. As the minutes ticked by, you began to grow more frustrated. Where is it?! If I lose it forever, I'm done for.
"Huh?" You said out loud. Prying apart the branches of a blueberry bush, you found a few grass blades attached to the rough leaves, reminding you of Fern. You stood up. Why not just see if Fern had it? He wasn't the scavenger type, but something as mysterious as an unknown princess' crown was sure to fascinate him.
Ugh, the sun is setting. You sighed in defeat, vowing to visit Fern the next day to take back the circlet. Another day that's ending, another gloomy morning to look forward to. But this time, you had a mission to accomplish.
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reignstormz · 4 years ago
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INTRO; You run into a handsome man at the gym, well, maybe in a different way than you had hoped. You never intended to go any further with him despite how interested you really were, but one touch led to another, and things got really nasty.
WORD COUNT; 5,023? (idk tbh Tumblr is tripping)
WARNINGS; Sexual content ahead, read at your own risk. Also, covid doesn't exist in this imagine. Also, there's a part two to this! Keep your eyes open!
CAST; You (Y/N) / Roman Reigns / Jey Uso /Paul Heyman.
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🦋Tampa, Florida 🦋
🦋 February 20th, 2021🦋
You walked into EOS fitness gym, with absolutely no energy or motivation in your body. The emotions you felt all week had tugged you down, including this morning; Tired, gloomy, unhappy, nonetheless, heartbroken. It's been two weeks, or maybe one--you definitely weren't counting, since you had found out on Valentine's Day that your ex had been sleeping around with other women. Two in fact, and caught him right in the act. In you're house, in you're bed, meanwhile, you've given this man everything. A five year relationship, gone down the drain. You started to wonder what you did wrong, or what you could've done better to make him not make the mistakes he made.
Were you not pretty enough? Were you not pleasing him enough? Were you boring? Why did he treat you the way he did? and how could he betray you like that? All of those questions ran through your mind. In all honesty, none of it was your fault. The problem was, from the very beginning, you didn't love yourself. You didn't appreciate your value, and when you don't appreciate your value, you leave a window of opportunity for another person to do the same, and that's exactly what happened. However, you were still lost. You tried to do anything, absolutely anything to get this mess off of your mind. The last resort was the gym, and maybe that was just the thing to help for the time being.
It was about six in the morning, and rarely anyone was there except for about a three or five people. You liked it better that way anyway, working out when the gym was packed irritated you to the fullest. Walking further into the building made goosebumps rise all over your skin due to the air conditioning blasting throughout the gym. You sighed dreadfully, slowly taking off your jacket as you hopped onto the treadmill.
"I knew I should've worn a long-sleeved shirt," You scolded yourself. As you hit the button, putting the speed only on number two, you slid your earbuds into your ear and played the playlist of your liking while you walked. You stared the treadmill's screen ahead of you, until you noticed someone else walk into the gym. It was a man. You looked down briefly before you did a double take, gosh, such a beautiful man. It was like you were hallucinating, even though you weren't.
"Damn.." You muttered under your breath as you stared at the handsome guy. He was tall, muscular, had olive-like toned skin, black long hair that fell to his shoulders, and a beard that covered his angelic face. You're eyes traced his every move as he made his way over to the weights, where all the jacked, crazy fit individuals typically stayed in the gym. Today though, it was just him. He was wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt which caused his muscles to show through, including some black sweatpants.
It was too early in the morning for this, you thought. He dropped his bag next to the bench, and wrapped his hair into a neat bun. You're mouth watered at the sight at him, but you quickly snapped out of it. You needed a distraction, but that was far from what you needed, especially from another dude. Stay focused, you reminded yourself continuously. You decided to put the treadmill on higher speed, figuring that if you were at a running pace, then you would've gotten your attention back. Long story short, your resolution didn't solve.
You're eyes worked against you, slowly looking forward once again to see him. He had a heavy set of weights on his shoulders, while squatting over and over again. Not only did his capability of strength make you drool, something else did as well underneath it. His ass, was unreal. If you could just reach out and touch it, you probably would've. Deep down, you were a little mad at yourself for not toughing it out, but you couldn't help it. He looked so sexy, and you could watch him all day.
Little did you know, the beautiful man before you, was completely aware that he had an audience. Well, you were his audience after all. As he worked out, there was a mirror in front of him and he caught your glance in his reflection. Even though you were a little too far away to notice him looking, the mirror gave him a better view to look at everything that surrounded him. He smirked to himself, admiring the woman behind him. The fact that you most likely had no idea that you had his attention, made him chuckle a bit as his legs began to burn from the squats, but he decided to keep going, hoping that your attention would stay fixated on him.
Roman was also a single man, a mafia boss to say the least. He kept his identity more on the low, and rarely let anyone in his circle. His trust issues were thin, but he had a big heart that he deeply wanted to share with someone else. The Samoan had been with other women in the past, but never found someone that completed him fully; The money, relevancy, extravagant lifestyle, and everything in between he had, often found himself in situations where he was used, they were never with him because they truly loved him. Now, he's focused on himself for awhile and his empire he's been working on for years, however, if the right woman were to walk into his life, he wouldn't hesitate to give it a chance.
Before you knew it, something awful happened. You were so lost into the mysterious man, that you had accidentally stepped in front of your left foot, tripping yourself and you lost all of your balance. A huge thud echoed across the gym, and you held your head in pain after you slid off of the treadmill. The few people that were in the gym slightly gasped, and after a few seconds, awkwardly went back to what they were doing. Assholes, but you were too out of it in order to notice. You bit your lip, trying your best to hold back tears at how bad the fall was to your head. You're eyes were closed shut, and you were about to attempt to get back up until a large hand rested on the small of your back, stopping you.
"Are you okay, Mama?" The deep, montone voice asked gently. It was smooth like butter, yet chilling. You had no idea who it was still due to how unconscious you were.
You slightly turned around on your back, and your arm naturally rested around the person's neck as he lifted your body up with his arm. You're eyelids slowly lifted back open, but your vision wasn't all the way there yet. Who was talking to you? You turned your head to the left, seeing who had come to help you. Since you were still a little dizzy, you were seeing double vision of the person in front of you. Once your head finally stopped spinning for a second, you were finally able to determine who was it front of you, and it was him. His pretty brown eyes, stared into yours with concern as you stared back into his, nervous out of your mind. It couldn't get anymore embarrassing than this.
You gulped, avoiding his gaze. A lie was told by the nod of your head, despite being hurt, "Yeah, I'm fine-"
"No, stay." He warned politely as you tried to stand up fully. His arm was secure around your waist, and then his eyes trailed up to your head. The look in his eye softened even more, "You're bleeding."
You furrow you're eyebrows, going to touch your head. You sigh, looking at the marks of blood on your fingers, "Shit..I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" The man chucked, and rubbed a small circle on your back before getting up to get a paper towel from the nearby wall. He squatted back down to your level and gently put it against your wound. You winced a little at the pain, but took deep breaths in between. As he continued to wipe some of the blood off your head, you on the other hand stared at him the entire time. From far away, he was out of this world fine, but up close was even better. Looking at him was like being hypnotized.
"What's your name?" You asked bluntly.
He alternated looks between your eyes and your head, and smiled small, "Roman, and yours?"
Damn, and you thought he couldn't look anymore good. His smile was..
"So sexy.." You blurted out, thinking at first that you said it in your head, but you didn't. Shit, you thought. You lowered your head, closing your eyes from embarrassment. Roman paused from wiping your head, and stared at you a little bit from what you said. His lips turned into a smirk, with his tongue lightly brushing over them.
"So are you," He shoots back. What did he just say? Your eyes widened a tiny bit and you lifted your head up to meet his glance. Roman gave you a subtle wink before getting up, and throwing the paper towel in the trash can. He walked back to you, giving out his hand for you to take.
"Come on," Roman nodded his head towards the gym with a comforting smile. "Let's get out of here."
Depending on how hard you hit your head, you were still a little out of it and wasn't sure what to make out of this situation. Were you really about to leave with a guy you barely even knew? Despite how fine he was, a part of you thought this was a terrible idea, and made zero sense if you went through with it. However, you didn't care. The stars that you were seeing currently, especially when you looked at him gave you butterflies in your stomach that were unexplainable, and you just couldn't say no. Who was he? You needed to know.
A slow, small grin appeared on your face as you hesitantly took his hand, letting him take you wherever he wanted to go.
After about an hour or two of slumber, your eyes flew open, slightly closing due to the lights piercing through the ceiling. You blinked a couple of times, and realized there was something cold on the top of your head. You furrowed your eyebrows, bringing your hand up and gently touching the ice pack that was laid there. Then, you slowly sat up, setting the ice pack next to you as you looked around at your surroundings. You had a brown, fuzzy blanket wrapped around your body and you were laid against a long, white couch.
Not to mention, the living room that you were in was extremely huge. You had a hard time remembering exactly how you got here. All you remembered was that you were at the gym, you saw a handsome man; What was his name, Roman? You thought. After that you face planted on the treadmill, and he went to help you, anything after that was a complete blur. Where were you right now?
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You turned your head to the left, and saw the night life outside of the window. Thousands of lights, and the settle stars of the night sky had you in awe. As you continued to stare at the view, a voice interuppted, "You alright, Uce?"
You jumped back a little, putting a hand on your chest from feeling startled. You looked ahead to see a brown-skinned, attractive man with unqiue tattoos on both of his arms and a gold chain around his neck. He was very swagged out, from head to toe. You looked him up and down, and slightly tilted your head, "Excuse me?"
"How are you feeling?" He repeated, looking at you weirdly. Did she not understand the slang? But the again, it was Samoan slang, not everyone understood it off the bat, He thought. You sighed, slightly face-plamimg your forehead gently before apologizing once again, "I'm sorry, Who are you? and how did I get here?"
"Jey Uso," He introduced shortly. I stared at him blankly, still having no clue who he was. He sighed, pointing at a picture of three children on the wall, "Roman's cousin?"
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You looked at the picture, seeing Jey, another kid who looked exactly like him and Roman who I believed was in the middle. You wanted to coo at how adorable the picture was, but you were still confused. Damn, they're cousins? So is everyone attractive in his family or is it just them? Besides, why is he here anyway, standing there like some guard? Was he watching you this entire time?
"You guys are cousins?" I ask in disbelief. He nodded quietly, looking a little confused as to why I was surprised, "What, he didn't tell you?"
"No, because I just met the guy?" I say dumbfoundedly, "And I have no idea how I even got here in the first place. I need to go back home." You plead, starting to get a little nervous.
"Relax, this is Roman's place. He only brought you here because you got hurt at the gym and he didn't think it was safe enough for you to be driving back home." He informs, "I'll actually go get him, now that you're awake."
Before you could open your mouth to speak, he left the room. You sighed, and then thought a little about what he said afterwards. You knew that this was nice of him to do, and it did mean a lot that he cared, but you were still on the fence about being at a random guy's house you didn't know too well. Roman's intentions were in the right place, but this was the last thing you needed to be involved in right now. You were focusing on yourself, and yourself only, and it just hurt too much to have someone else in the picture at the moment. It wasn't the time to catch feelings or be interested in someone new, especially him, he was too fine and you knew it would be too easy to give in.
As you played with your fingers, the two gentleman stepped into the room, making you look up. Roman looked back at you with a soft, yet relieved expression as Jey stood behind him. He was wearing a dark blue muscle shirt, that showed a long, tribal patterned tattoo that covered his entire right arm, along with Jordans on his feet to match with his shirt. It's like this man had so many secrets about him that you had no idea about, the tattoo was like the perfect touch and made him look even more sexy than he already was, it also was identical to his cousin's. He turned his head, whispered something to Jey. He nodded his head and walked away, leaving you and Roman alone.
"Hey, sleeping beauty." Roman called you, which made you chuckle a bit, making you a less nervous. You watched him make his way over to you, and he sat down, putting the pack of ice on the coffee table in front of you.
"How's your head?" He asked, gently putting his fingertips under your chin, trying to get a good look at it which sent shivers down your spine. You licked your lips subtly, watching him but you sighed, closing your eyes. Get over yourself, Y/N.
"It's fine, um.." You trailed off, grabbing his soft, large hand and took it off of your chin. You really didn't want to let his hand go either, but you had to listen to your pride.
"Listen, I think I should go." You suggest, standing up from the couch and he looked up at you, clearly not wanting you to leave.
Shit, was I coming on too strong? Roman thought. This might've been an unusual way to approach a woman, but the moment he met you at the gym, he just knew he had to get to know you more. There was something about you, that pulled him in and had his full interest. You were beautiful, out of this world gorgeous, your body and the way the heavens shaped you drove him crazy, and the way you looked at him made Roman feel something that he doesn't feel everyday. Usually he was a bit more straight forward on what he wanted, and he wouldn't have to tell anyone twice for him to have it. He had a whole different side to him, that you had no clue about, but that's because you were different to him. He wanted to be careful with you.
Before Roman could respond, You felt around your neck and realized that it was completely bare. You froze and your blood ran completely cold. You remember going to the gym wearing a gold necklace that had your name written in cursive, which was a valuable gift of yours that you received on your birthday years ago. You never took it off, and you thought you might've lost it when you got hurt. Fuck, you thought, starting to feel upset all over again.
Roman realized a change in your mood, and he raised his eyebrow shortly, "What's wrong?"
You shook your head, not wanting to stress about it, even though deep down you were, "Nothing."
Roman looked at where your hand was, which was motioning at your neck. He then remembered the gold necklace that you dropped when you both walked out of the gym. He made sure to get it for you before you guys left.
"Are you missing something, gold maybe?" He teased playfully, knowing that you didn't want to worry him. Your eyes widened and you snapped his head at him, how did he even know that?
"You have it?" You say in a hopeful tone, with a brief smile on your face. He smiled back, with a light-hearted chuckle which made your heart melt, "Yeah, I got it. I'll go get it."
Roman stood up, and then looked back at you, "Just promise me you won't leave once I give it to you." You sighed in relief, and nodded agreeing. He left the room, leaving the room to get your necklace. You admired how kind he was, especially how much of a gentleman he was. He didn't have to help you at all or care about your well being, but he did. Give it a chance, go for it, you tried convincing yourself. It seemed like he also was interested, but then your insecurities kicked in, there was no way a guy like him would be interested in someone like you. There were you again, second guessing yourself. You just wished you didn't get yourself involved in this situation to begin with.
Roman went to his office, and picked up your necklace from his desk. He read your name quietly to himself, "Y/N..."
Such a gorgeous name, he thought. As if she couldn't seem any more perfect that she was. He smirked to himself, staring at your necklace for a couple of seconds before returning to the living room. Roman motioned you to turn around, and you followed, letting him put the necklace around your neck. Once it was, you touched it, thanking God in your head that you didn't lose it. You then turned around, facing him. You were more closer to him than you thought you would be. Roman stared down at you, looking into your eyes as you stared into his brown ones. The things you would do to him, you bit your lip and was able to pry away from his stare, backing up a away from him a bit.
Damn it, Roman cursed to himself. He cleared his throat, backing away from you, hoping he wasn't making you feel uncomfortable, even though you weren't. On the other hand, you were just hoping you wouldn't make a fool out of yourself again.
"I was just kidding about what I said earlier," He said. You looked back up at him, wondering what he was talking about. He smiled small, "If you still want to leave, I'd be happy to take you home."
You couldn't help but hold back a smile, finding his gestures heart warming. I guess showing your appreciation wouldn't hurt, in your way. You raised your hand to his cheek, holding it gently and tilted your head, kissing his other cheek sweetly.
"Thank you, Roman." You said appreciatively. His eyes were glued onto you, not being able to tear them off of you. Roman's blood turned warm, and his heart that was already racing began to go even faster. It's like there was a glow around you, that nobody else could see except for him. You were a diamond in the rough, angel in disguise, a woman that should be treated like a queen. He didn't know if you were seeing anyone else, but quite frankly he didn't care. You were going to belong to him soon.
"Are you good?" You asked, trying to get his attention. Roman nodded, trying to disregard his thoughts before he said them out loud, which he did most of the time.
"Yeah," He says. Roman picked up his keys off of the coffee table, and looked down back at you, not being able to look away from your beauty, "After you." He insisted, wanting you to go first. You nervously smiled, thanking him again silently before you walked in front of him. He took the opportunity take a look at your rear end, he bit his lip and sighed. All that, will be mine he said to himself in his head before he went and followed you.
Tags; @gold--gucciempress @wwzentertainment @serenityfiretrash @flawlessglamazon @nicolewoo @romanreignshairdresser @sassymox @pennysky @msnikkimoneypenny @jazzy-tzw @lemonjvicey @thandiwethagirl @haharollins @reignsprint @rollinshield3 @sheerbeautyreigns @zaddyreigns @brookethegamer @glowinnbabyy
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ravenadottir · 4 years ago
part 2/3 of this ask:
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~ why they decided to sign up for the show ~
bobby. mainly for the promise of fun and possible friendships. that's the primary thought in his mind, followed by the possibility of meeting girls (AND BOYS) and finding a romantic connection. i genuinely think bobby didn't prioritize romance because of past experiences. love island was also a way to popularize his cooking, and that might be reason number three.
carl. someone convinced him of doing it. a close friend that told him how much he needed to be driven outside of his comfort zone, and what could be more outside of the box than signing up for a show? "this could legit be the future of dating" was definitely his first thought and motivation to go for it, but he never thought he would actually be picked up. his age, occupation, even looks, he might've thought to himself he wouldn't be drafted.
chelsea. all about the promise of fun, friendships and being around hot guys all day, every day. the prize, or even finding her soulmate, were never part of the reason. but love island is one thing, and that is the certainty that you'll have fun and have something to talk about on social media for a very long time. i reckon chelsea had realistic expectations and that's on that.
elisa. i usually don't talk about her, because usually i don't have anything to say. but this time, bear with me. elisa talks about the possibility of finding a king *CLEARS THROAT* queen, because she was already very much into mc. the point of signing up was clout. it was! she had no idea how the turn tables, i guarantee! she was as surprised as mc was when they had roughly 10 days to get to know each other and fall in love like that. her main reason was clout, especially when she realized she wasn't hitting the villa as an og girl, or even on casa amor. she lost hope, only to see mc and get the fanny flutters.
gary. putting yourself out there. that's definitely the reasoning behind it. he talks about how he wants to settle down after a high bodycount and i don't doubt it for one bit. he shows how serious he's about it, especially after coming back single from casa amor. a way of driving himself into something fun AND that could bring him love, or at least the promise of it, are the main reasons.
henrik. he says it himself "meaningful connections", whether those are romantic or not. if anything, getting a tan while making friends would also be a shout, and henrik being the puppy he is, i believe in it, fully. his is probably the most honest answer about their intentions on season 2. it's very credible, to say the least.
hope. she's the "very strong woman" at first, but really a good friend and companion to mc once you get to know her. she shows a soft side to her that most women can't really display or be perceived as. proving she could find someone, and win, was the main reason. making friends on the way was definitely a second. she talks about how mc was her only close friend in there and is so sweet. also further proof this was in her mind when she signed up. perhaps because of her schedule she doesn't have much spare time to meet new people, so that might be part of the reason.
ibrahim. mainly to change. i really think rahim has this perception of himself and how he needed to open up. most ex-islanders talk about how life changing their experience was, and i really think he saw it as a way out of his closed off personality. he made an effort aside from the comments people made about him. i love that about his character.
kassam. definitely the experience itself. not very interested in friends, because of how he deals with big groups, and maybe about love and a romantic connection. kassam being so reserved, and already eager to make an album about his journey, makes me think he was there to explore himself as a person, since he probably never had the chance to do it so, before. even for a very little time window, people can find wonderful things about themselves when exposed to a situation like that. i do reckon he would've prefered to be an oh guy though.
lottie. for the boys, definitely. she talks about how hard it is for her to meet men in her line of work, which is makeup. she has a sense of how she wants go to about things, and probably saw herself in the leading role before hitting the villa. but i do believe she signed up for the promise of love, secondarily for friendships, and thirdly, for the journey.
lucas. he knows the producers triangle people into profiles, and there's always someone, sometimes more than two, people that fit in with others perfectly. perhaps love island was the cleanest and fastest way to find that person for himself. i don't think he would favor friendships or journey over love, but he ends up having a friend for life after meeting henrik. (possibly another two: carl and kassam, once they meet at the parties).
marisol. i think her competitive genes took her to sign up for the show. in my head, marisol has a need to show up her skills at all times, and being in a big group, where she could have samples of personality to have relationships with was a big plus. sure she thought about love and friends, but they weren't even close to the main reason why she was there. maybe an experiment, possibly a way of her understanding people further, was her number one motive.
noah. for the whole time he's been there i honestly haven't thought much about his reasons. at first i considered the show could've been the opportunity he wanted to discover more about himself, under the romantic scope. he must have not had much luck with love on the outside and that tells me he wanted to push himself out of the comfort zone, but failed miserably. especially if he had a thing for mc.
priya. not gonna lie, i think priya signed up for the fun. she does have commitment issues, and even talks about them. "i'm here to change." you're here to have fun, girl, don't lie! because she took every opportunity of changing and tossed in the trash. going to the show to have fun is not a bad reason, but i reckon she should've been honest about it.
part one
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softer-ua · 4 years ago
So I tried explaining bkdk to a friend who's also watching it and I freaked out over the newest chapter and called it a win cause ya know it literally was and this mf really said oh wow he called him his name s o significant and I was like it is tho like asgjdrishaia and then he's just like yea no it's an apology he should've said and that doesn't make it anything and I just- makes me want to strangle him sometimes and makes me never want to talk ships cause the complexity and intimacy of relationships like that are just shallowly looked at
Sounds like your friend struggles with resentments in his own life, probably some very important apology he wants but never got.
Perhaps he lacks the cultural contexts? Names, especially first names, are a very important and a rather intimate thing in Japan
I also think people forget its only been a year since they started UA, and about 2 since the sludge incident. As important as their development is they’ve also been dealing with a lot of other heavy things
Such as not dying, recovering from severe physical and mental damages, and coming to grasps with the fact that everything they though they understand about society and their place in it is wrong while it continually crumbled around them leaving them not only uprooted but with no firm idea of where they’ll be replanted and THEYRE ONLY IN HIGH SCHOOL
Idk about y’all but when I was in hs kids were still for the most part really immature and struggling to handle their emotions and sense of self. Like the fact that Katsuki faced these intense feelings instead of continuing to shut them out and skirt around Deku but instead actively prioritized learning to face them and understand them and Deku better is amazing.
That he did it well enough to know that he need to show changed behavior before an apology is outstanding, because Deku is too forgiving an apology would be brushed of with no expectations and no accountability required
My current best friend was my bully for all 4 years, and it was for similar reasons as Katsuki, he simply couldn’t understand me and it unsettled him so getting a rise out of me was funny to him and made him feel idk more in control.
I was a lot like Deku, overly polite, shy and awkward, and just not a great fit in a redneck small town. I also could and did get away murder in that school, dress code class times whatever didn’t really apply to me for some reason.
Like I was late to every class but never received a single detention. I’m also kinda asocial and not generally interested in the existence of anyone who isn’t in my preferred social circle, which is a bad trait when your face blind and bad with names.
I’d been going to school with the guy since elementary school but I didn’t even know he existed until 9th grade when he started picking on me.
We had 98 kids in our graduating class, but beginning of freshman year I couldn’t have told you the guys name. Turns out we had overlapping friend groups our entire lives. He was tired of being nonexistent, and discovered that I have a terrible startle reflex like call my name and I’ll jump 10 feet and maybe even scream terrible
But after hs we ended up going to the same party and hanging out all night and getting to actually know each other, and it’s been almost 10 years since then and there’s no one we trust more than each other 🥰
It wasn’t the apology that changed my mind about him, he apologized at the end of senior year but I never took his behavior that seriously and always understood that his behavior came from personal problems that didn’t involve me, so his apology wasn’t that big a deal to me, it was accepted and discarded in the same breath really. It was seeing him as more of a person that night and enjoying his company at the party that made me care and when he apologized again I finally took it seriously and saw him as a friend.
There’s tons of “what if’s” and “should haves” that Katsuki has but I think he approached his apology the best he could with what he had, it was a major win for them both. And I feel sorry that your friends not being able to see that 😕
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colour-outside-the-liness · 4 years ago
First of all!! Loved the MoU fic update! left you a comment on AO3 and all. 10/10 ratings haha.
Secondly, moving countries is great you should try if you ever get a chance. I've always wanted to do that and jumped in on the first opportunity I got to make that dream come true, and I recgozine how lucky I am to be able to do so. It's definitely not easy but I'd do it again if I could (in true sag fashion 😎 haha). Where would you want to live? You ever been outside the UK?
Hahaha you and I in a team would be a nightmare to play against I think. Oh come on you absolutely do not deserve people questioning your intelligence! I like to play dumb in addition to the taunting so people underestimate me, they never see it coming when I win. They never see the cheating coming either, my friends are always shocked when they find out, but I do it almost every single time! 😂 I'm competitive too but I like to play it cool especially If I lose I'll be like "it's just a game calm down yall" but if I win I'm like "in your face losers!" (very mature I know).
I love your drunken story, though does sound like it was very dangerous so I'm glad nothing bad happened to you two! Ah I love yalls nordern accent (me and everyone in this fandom 😂) haha your friend's sense of humor is golden.👌 I'm glad you enjoyed my worst drunken experience, that was the last time I did something like that, I felt bad bc my best friend had to take care of me the whole night and you're right she should've told me it was just a rock! Lucky you you didn't get a hangover the day after, I certainly regretted drinking too much that night however fun it might have been haha.
Like I said before your niece is a really cool kid haha I'm glad you have someone to talk to about Bly Manor, don't know anyone who watches the show and my friends don't like scary stuff so I have to talk to myself about it 😂 and now you! Thank you for entertaining me ;) and I only watch the parts I really like now, I'm tired of crying every time I watch the whole show haha.
Do you do random accents really badly like Dani too? 😂 it is kinda funny your mom said it like that yeah hahaha maybe she just meant the good bits? And I mean, do you think you need help? Lol
I have a sneak peek of that damie fanart here, don't think I'll ever finish it tho. I want to do a medieval AU inspired fanart. Maybe it will also inspire someone to pick up the idea and write it haha.
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How's your weekend been so far? My neighbor is making me watch Grey's Anatomy season (???) 500 idk but I wish I was reading that pirate AU instead 😂
Awwh thank you so much!! I will get around to replying to the comment on AO3 tomorrow when I reply to the others I've had a very busy day today though so haven't even had chance to read any comments yet but thank you so much for giving it a 10/10!! I wanna do it as soon as I get chance but I know it's gonna be hard and that I am gonna need a bit more money behind me first but I definitely wanna do it when I can... yeah I've been out of the UK twice- one time I went to France for the weekend when I was doing my A Levels and was like 17 the college I was studying at took some of the art kids and since I was doing a photography A Level I got to go and then a couple of years ago I went to LA for a few weeks which was great but I've never been out of the UK for longer than that!! A nightmare for everyone else but it would be hilarious for us I just know it would haha... I sometimes do I have said some dumb things, I actually used one of my dumber moments as a funny little story in one of my fics- people still laugh at me now for what I said and it's been 10 years... my roommate will not let me live it down!! See surprising people that way is always brilliant like when people just expect you to lose and then you win? That's the best kind of win in my eyes!! I don't cheat at games I am just ridiculously competitive and can't stand losing unless it's something like a video game I am okay with losing those but board games I can't stand losing and I am also a terrible winner my roommate won't play games with me anymore!! I can't say anything about anyone being that kind of a winner because I know I am and one of my sister's is terrible too we literally make a song and dance over winning Oh it was so dangerous and we were so dumb to do it like anything could've happened and we both sit and look back at that and go "man we were dumb" but I also sit and go "oh my god she's gonna be a mum in like 4 months" because we've done some crazy / stupid stuff!! My roommate is without a doubt one of the funniest people I have ever met and she's not afraid to tell it how it is... I'll admit because I have a Northern accent Jamie is like the only character on Bly Manor to not have an accent to me so when I hear people talking about her accent I'm always a little like "what?" Because to me that's just how people talk around here haha I did enjoy your drunken story and honestly we've all been there I have had to be taken care of on more than one occasion for being too drunk like to the point of people having to help me into my pyjamas and everything I've been in some bad ways haha!! She should've definitely told you it was just a rock and not a turtle!! Yeah I've only had one hangover and that was after a night of drinking where I blacked out and don't remember any of the night!! Yeah the night of the drinking is always fun- the hangover isn't though and often makes you wonder if it was worth it haha She's so cool like genuinely just a cool and funny kid and she just asks all the questions about shows she's watched so with me its Bly Manor with her mum and dad it's Stranger Things she asked me about it once but I had to tell her I'd never watched it she didn't seem impressed but yeah I'll talk to her about Bly Manor any day of the week- and you too now honestly I will talk about it to anyone that will listen... I can't not watch it all if I watch it because there's just so much about it that I love even if it makes me cry... episodes 4,6, and 8 are my favourites though and are probably the ones I have watched the most!! Yeah I do random accents all the time and they're always terrible but I always find myself really funny- I had this friend at Uni that had a slight southern English accent because he had spent most of his childhood there before moving up north and he still said certain words in a southern accent and I used to do his accent all the time but it was always terrible!! Oh yeah my mum is pretty blunt with stuff like she'll say things sometimes without thinking about how it sounds that or she just doesn't care like she's said
somethings haha I am sure she did mean the Dani thing in a nice way though because she said she liked her- Dani and Owen were her favourites and I mean some help for me wouldn't be a terrible thing I'll admit haha That fan art is incredible!! Like seriously amazing!! I would love to see some medieval fan art for Damie!! I have been sent a few medieval prompts for Damie and I have started writing some of them but it's taking time to actually get full chapters together but once I have and once I have more time from wrapping up other WIPs I'll make a start on editing and uploading those because medieval stuff is always great!! It's been good thank so far today I went to a little beach town with my mum, 2 of my sisters their partners and two of my nieces (my cool niece was one of them… not that my other niece isn’t cool but you know what I mean) and me, my two brother in laws, and my nieces all played a game of crazy golf while my mum and sisters went to a cafe and had cups of tea... they didn't wanna play with us but we still had fun while we played (I came second which I was very happy with)!! I hope you enjoy Grey's Anatomy and that you get chance to read the pirate AU soon!! It's soo good!! ☺️
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omegangrins · 4 years ago
Chibnall, Children, Choice and Consequence
Allow me to introduce a companion piece to A Treatise on the Doctor:
It's pretty simple:
Chibnall knows what he's doing and is playing a long game to show how the Doctor needs to take more responsibility.
Let me start off with my favorite examples. That's right, plural.
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Every single villain 13 faces is never defeated, merely pushed away from causing them any immediate problems. Tim Shaw being the prime example.
1&10. Seriously, Tim Shaw. Her plan was to use his own bombs on him and then teleport him off the planet. Even without Ranskoor Av Kolos, the Doctor should have thought to check in on him. Especially after The Ghost Monument showed the Stenza were a greater threat than she knew. She still hasn't even checked up on WHAT THE HELL THE STENZA ARE! They sound worse than Daleks but naw, let's go rain-bathing in the upper tropics of Canstano instead.
2. Ghost Monument. We saw the END of an interuniversal race. What the fuck is the beginning that got them there? Who is Illyn and how and why did he orchestrate a super race?
3. Krasko. Sent back in time. Really, Doc? Not gonna take a look at the device and see where Ryan sent the prick so you can double check that he's not gonna cause anymore damage?
4. President Trump analog. Ooooo, you looked at him menacingly, Doc, that'll show him!! Not like he's gonna KEEP DOING ILLEGAL SHIT LIKE THIS.
5. The Pting. She literally shunted it off ship to be dealt with by someone else BUT DOESN'T GO BACK TO BE THAT SOMEONE ELSE ONCE SHE HAS HER TARDIS. That's like leaving a living nuke floating around after sweeping it under the rug while you fly off to Paris.
6. The Pakistani-Indian conflict still happens and millions still die. Not her fault but still....
7. Kerblam. Sure, Charlie's terrorism was solved but not the underlying problem that led to it. Humans still can't work because corporations like profits over people.
8. Similar to the Punjab, how you gonna solve sexism, classism and all the -isms?
9. WHY WAS THE SOLITRACT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE??!! It's been around since before the universe. Why'd it decide to come back now? It's a whole universe trying to hug our universe to death. Maaaaaaybe we should check out why.
11. She's gets a pass on the Dalek. Fucking impossible to eradicate them.
12. The Master!!! Finally she checks up on something after the adventures... and it's horrible. With everything gone to shit in her absence. Seeing a pattern yet?
And Barton? And the Cassaven? They didn't disappear into smoke.
13. Multiple Earths being multiply fucked. Remember when I said the Doctor couldn't solve racism, classism, sexism, or any of the other -isms? Starting to look like she needs to TRY.
14. The Skithra FLY OFF after getting hit by a laser beam. That kind of thing tends to piss people off. Even if they're idiots using other's technology.
15. Jack. The Judoon. The Ruth Doctor. All things I'd start checking out if I had a time machine BUT
16. WE CAN'T cause the TARDIS emergency alert is going off and we need to hurry up and run and solve this problem before we run out of time in our TIME AND SPACE MACHINE. Leading to another problem the Doctor could help solve but won't. Plastic and over-consumption.
17. Oh yeah, let's trap two Eternals from another universe in the same place. There's NO WAY that could ever turn out bad.
18,19,20. And again. Cyberium. Pushed off Shelley onto herself and onto Ashad and onto The Master.
That's almost 20 "enemies" the Doctor still needs to deal with.
Oh, not to mention that they let UNIT go defunct because they didn't have the forethought to ask if they needed any money in their alien fighting budget. After asking for an office, a desk, and a job. Kinda funny that way, aren't they?
I hope by now you've gotten the idea that this is VERY deliberate. This is Chibnall laying down some very heavy pipe to smack the Doctor like a clothesline. There isn't a one of these situations that can't come around to bite her in the ass.
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Barton, Roberts, Skithra. These are all very loose strands for a time traveller like the Doctor to get tripped up on. Chibnall's past episodes prove it. They're all about the Doctor learning how to take responsibility.
42: The Doctor almost gets Martha killed and almost gets himself killed trying to fix it.
The Hungry Earth: The Doctor (a thousand year old "adult") tells Elliot (a 10 year old kid) that "Sure it's totally fine to go get your headphones while we prepare for an approaching unknown alien force." And 11 rightfully gets his ass chewed for it by the child's mother when the kid goes missing because OF COURSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS, JACKASS!
Cold Blood: I could write an entire essay about the Doctor's guilt over the Silurian/Human conflicts they've witnessed, but I don't need to. Because every single Silurian centered episode written in the new era is from Chris Chibnall. And you can feel the sad knowledge of Classic Who spill through. He KNOWS how many times the Doctor has fucked up with the Silurians (about 8 times in television format. And it's rough everytime. Rough.) and he writes those episodes like an apology on behalf of the whole human race. And the Doctor. You know why people are put off by Warriors of the Deep? 5 releases a gas that melts the Silurians. And though it's cheesy, the idea and execution is still horrible.
Add to that if the Doctor hadn't stopped to check the crack, then Rory wouldn't have waited and been around to be shot then absorbed by the time crack.
Power of Three: An entire episode about how the Doctor has a problem slowing down and really taking account of the lives of their companions.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship: The Doctor actually tries to be responsible and pick the right people for a job. For once. But gets angry when they realize it's too late and there's another bunch of Silurians they failed to save. Classic!
Like I said, if you can't see the pattern, you're not paying enough attention to your responsibilites.
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Which leads me to the why.
When you fly around time and space for thousands of years, you develop a few duties of care along the way. In every situation, you're the oldest. Technically the only adult in terms of experience. You have a responsibility to act a little less rude and be a bit more aware than needing cue cards to tell you that you should be sad about things around you. And that's the purpose of 13. She's unlucky but learning. Like 12 telling himself something with his face he couldn't say out loud, 13's instincts are leading her to a new place for the Doctor: being a caring, responsible person. Not so much laughing hard or running fast, but being kind. It's the one thing they recognized as a problem in themselves when seeing 1. Being a Doctor is about being kinder than that. Just because you HAVE to saw someone's leg off, that doesn't mean you can't wait a little and comfort them before you do it.
You wanna know what gave me every faith in Chibnall showrunning Doctor Who? 13 staying for Grace's funeral.
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Do you understand how unprecedented that is? This is the same person who never said Goodbye to Jo Grant as she got married and fucked off into the night. The same Doctor who said, "I don't do domestic.", did it with Rose a regeneration later, and then closed himself off to everyone but a married couple he felt guilty about who ended up birthing his wife. Have you any idea the number of funerals the Doctor should have the common decency to sit through? This many.
So for 13 to stay around for the death of a woman she has only just met and not only that, BUT call out Ryan's father for not doing the same, it shows tremendous character growth. It's taken millennia but they're still changing.
Something similar happens with Rosa and The Witchfinders. Realizing that there a lot of companions who have been in situations that are sometimes worse than aliens, but they still manage to make it through. So she needs to buck it up and persevere for everyone else.
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That's where her anger comes from, and really it's one of my favorite traits on her. It reminds me of 7. Someone impossibly old and impossibly kind saying to hell with it and at least having some fun with the evils who drag us through the universe. And just like Cartmel planned for 7, 13's past will come to haunt her.
That's where children come in. Most of us are crying babies to the Doctor.
There's this thing you notice most in British shows about answering the question directly as asked. Someone says "Are you sure?", you answer "Sure". That's a direct acknowledgement that you heard the question, understood it, and processed it enough to respond in a manner directly correlating to the question asked. Yas and Graham got it and said "Sure" but Ryan missed it and said "Deffo". This is like Elliot with the headphones. The Doctor should have immediately been like, "Okay, Ryan, it's obvious that you're still dealing with the trauma of your grandmother's death and probably not processing things on a logical level. I said "Are you sure?" Not "Are you deffo?" Because we are most definitely not deffo, Ryan. Graham, you wanna help here?"
I'm being sarcastic for points sake but you understand the idea. The Doctor knows better and has a responsibility as such. She should've really sat down with Ryan and Graham and seen if there was a better way to process their grief.
Because I'm fairly certain that "Deffo" is gonna lead to Ryan's death and Graham's cancer resurging as time cancer (I don't know what time cancer is. I just know it's bad.)
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And that is gonna piss Yas off. Which will give you all that character you think she's missing (she isn't. Her character is in her subtleties and silences.). That's WHY her character is a police officer (like how does no else see that the man who wrote Broadchurch wrote an inspector character companion?) Imagine you're Yaz and you see the Doctor flying around in a big, magic box that says POLICE. As a fellow officer, you're gonna expect some basic safety protocols.
Like do a background check on everyone flying in the TARDIS to know whether they're stable enough (mentally, physically, emotionally) for time and space travel. It's no picnic. These people are going to go through hell. A little vetting and planning like Time Heist or Dinosaurs on a Spaceship goes a long way.
Secondly, full fucking disclosure.
"Oh. I can't die because I change my body. Oh. I have arch enemies that will try to kill and torture us any chance they get. Oh. My home planet is full of the biggest assholes in the universe and I'm including my arch enemies."
Third, police like to do this thing called "check-ups" where they go back to the scene of the crime in order to see if there is any more information that can be gleaned which you might not notice when you are busy running around trying not to be killed... Like, the Doctor has the perfect machine to do this with, but nope. Adventure done, run to the next place!!
These are all things you'd expect any reasonable person to do and say when taking others flying off into time and space and "helping". Even if they are an idiot passing through and learning. Especially when you consider the Doctor is vastly older and more experienced than everyone they encounter. They SHOULD know better. And they've got the lifespan to slow down. It's not like they need to be in a hurry because they're going to die at any moment like humans. The Doctor could easily stay for tea and it would be less than a drop in their lifespan.
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Now, as usually is the case when I make these theories, I have a parts 1,2,3,4 and 6. There's allways this 5th piece I miss but I manage to get at the end.
But the 6th piece is the Timeless Child. The Doctor isn't a Time Lord anymore. They're not beholden to those people and ideas anymore. Even moreso, those people basically raped her childhood for their own gain so it's not like you'd really listen to them and their "policy of non-intervention".
I'm sensing a coming Trial of a Time Lord season (even believing these two seasons are the opening statement and preliminary evidence of the trial itself) wherein the Doctor finally gets the turnaround 6 deserved. A Trial of the Time Lords, if you will.
"In all my travels through time and space I have battled against evil, against power-mad conspirators. I should have stayed here! The oldest civilization: decadent, degenerate and rotten to the core! Power mad conspirators? Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen — they're still in the nursery compared to us! Ten million years of absolute power: that's what it takes to be really corrupt!"
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This is what it's all coming down to. Chibnall's takedown of the Time Lords. And The Master is going to play the most crucial role of all.
They're going to be revealed as an Ux alongside the Doctor and show how the only constants they have in this universe are each other and it's about damn time they work together and tell these high collars to eat Schitt while they explore every star and planet they can find.
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Come on, the episode is called The Timeless "Children". If it was just the Doctor it'd be called "The Timeless Child". The Master says as much with the misdirect line, "built on the lie of the Timeless Child." since we see two kids playing in that flashback.
"Since always. Since the Cloister Wars, since the night he stole the moon and the president's wife, since he was a little girl. One of those was a lie, can you guess which one?"
Now we know which one was a lie, we know the Master HAS known the Doctor since they were a little girl. THAT little girl...
But this is all just speculation. It's not like Chris Chibnall could have been thinking about this for the past 40 years and was given a blank slate to do whatever he wanted for five years on his favorite TV show. If y'all want to think he took those reigns and is choosing to make things worse...
Well then you don't know much about responsibility.
I'll let the man himself tell you about it.
"Very early in my career,” says Chibnall, “someone told me that you learn more from a failure than you do from a success. And then I lived out that phrase for a year in Los Angeles. I learned that I would not work that way again or be put in that situation again.” The essential lesson was: “You either have to be in total control of a show or working with people who share your vision and will work with you to achieve it. Also, never work with 13 executive producers.
“Camelot was the classic case of too many cooks. It wasn’t a harmonious set-up and I think that does manifest itself on screen.
“I had a fantastic cast but you have to be free to tell the story you want to tell in the way that you want to tell it. What ended up on screen was not what I wanted and so it is a blemish on my CV.”
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Credit to @thirteenthdoc
“You immortals - so entitled, so spoiled. You never clear up after yourselves and you always leave stuff lying around.” - Thirteenth Doctor in Can You Hear Me?
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the-mad-starker · 5 years ago
Paint My Wings With Your Heat
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Mads💗:  wingfic! Wingfic! I'm very excited to write this with @starkerkeyz​ and what should've been a one-shot got… a whole lot longer. But that seems the norm. Hope you guys enjoy the intro!
Keyz 💖: Wingfic has been so fun! I’m glad it was brought up in starker and that Mads agreed to rp it with me. This one-shot definitely grew but I think you’re all going to love it!Tumblr note: also check out Keyz's awesome moodboard in this post!!
WC: 3898
(AO3 Link)
Also check out Keyz's awesome moodboard in this post!!
Notes: ABO dynamics, intersex omegas, wing kink, in-flight fucking, knotting, courting, soulmate au
Tony rubs at his nose and squints harder at the screen. His nose has been tickling at him on and off and endlessly in between ever since Peter stepped out for- something. He isn’t sure what. Or when, really. But he does know that this code's going to work for him by the end of the night or he would sacrifice DUM-E to Thor for inspiration. 
Tony smiles at the thought of Thor playing fetch with his boy and then rubs his tickling nose and turns his head to the side. He isn’t sure why (he's actually in the middle of reading that, thanks) but then his eyes land on the feather. 
It’s a soft gray and white. It looks innocent enough except that Tony can smell the enticing scent of omega and mate from a mile off. 
It makes his blood quicken in his veins and Tony snatches it up before he can think better of it. He runs the oils over the tips of his fingers and shivers from the low sheen left behind. He nearly touches those same fingertips to his wrist when he gets ahold of himself. 
Peter’s left him a beacon feather. 
Or, more probably, he’s accidentally shed one, not knowing the significance. It can be hard to realize how potent a reaction the scent can have on an alpha, especially if it’s an omega’s first mating season. 
Like Peter’s.
Tony puts the feather down (reluctantly) and pointedly wipes his fingers on his pants instead of his body. 
He needs to be respectful. Peter probably has no idea what that signaled to Tony. How very tempting it would be to accept that kind of offer and roost away with Peter all season, fucking him full of their fledglings for the year. Gods. Peter would make the best mother to Tony’s young.
But he needs to know what he's getting into. 
Tony could… show him. If he wants. Play mating flights could be performed in any one of the gyms. Play mating could be done here, in the lab. 
It could be done as soon as Peter gets back. 
Tony glances at the feather. Touches it. Licks his lips and strokes a single fingertip down the shaft. 
He’ll put it on the table. Peter is young and naive about some things, but he deserves the option to choose to learn. Tony hopes he says yes with an adjustment of his pants. 
Outside the lab, Peter peers in through the clear glass walls. His wings rustle around him nervously and he's fiddling with one of the primary feathers.
He lets go of it once he realizes what he's doing. It's a bad habit Peter has but he's always messed with his feathers instead of preening when he gets nervous.
He feels like he has the perfect excuse to be nervous though. He's shed his very first beacon feather and even though he thinks it's so… mediocre looking, he left it right on Tony's lab table.
Peter experiences a roller coaster of emotions when his boss finally notices the feather but then his heart sinks. Tony had handled it like it was… offensive. Barely touching it and wiping away any residual oil on his pants.
He can literally feel his heart sink all the way to his stomach then down through the soles of his feet and even further than that. His wings droop but then he fluffs them up, trying to cheer himself up.
He doesn't want to smell upset or anxious. Maybe… Maybe Tony's just not looking for a mate. Yet.
That's what he tells himself when he reenters the lab, carrying the paperwork he retrieved earlier.
He holds it close to his chest, tucking his wings even closer to his body. He's gotten better at maneuvering around the lab, but he still has an embarrassing tendency to knock something over.
"I got the reports," Peter says with a cheerful chirp. "Made sure they sent the right ones this time, Mr. Stark."
Maybe he could… just slip the beacon feather back into his pocket or something…? Minimize the embarrassment he already feels.
“Peter!” Tony says his name like he’s been caught doing something wrong. 
He swivels around in his chair and flares his wings out automatically, alpha to omega, exactly like he’d been planning not to do. He's supposed to bring the topic up calmly and professionally, not present his interest immediately like a rutting alpha with no manners. 
Peter almost drops the reports at the presentation but his grip tightens so much that his knuckles turn white. The bright colors of Tony's wings have always mesmerized him and he gapes stupidly in response to the display.
His own wings flutter but he's too shocked to do anything else.
Tony brings his fiery red wings back to heel, the bright gold coloring flashing at the tips of his primaries like metallic paint as they curl forward and around his body. 
“Well. Um. Sorry about that, Peter, but I wanted to mention, I think you accidentally left this in here,” Tony says as he picks up the beacon feather delicately. He holds it out to Peter and hopes his eyes don’t show how much he wants to eat him up. 
Peter's eyes drop to the offered feather.
Accidentally… The words are there on the tip of his tongue, an outright denial that there isn't anything accidental about it. But he bites his lip because if Tony's trying to give him a less embarrassing out, he should take it.
He reaches for it, intent on tucking it away apologizing profusely but the look in Tony's eyes makes his breath catch. He's never seen that look before and his brows twitch, trying to decipher it.
The alpha keeps talking though and Peter perks up in attention.
“And, well, I don’t know how much you know about beacon feathers,” Tony hadn’t known anything. His father and mother hadn’t thought it important to teach an alpha. “But they’re really important. And they can… They can affect an alpha. Make them want you. And I just wanted to make sure you knew about that so you didn’t leave them and attract an alpha you don’t want, you know?”
Tony’s pupils dilate as he goes on. His voice doesn’t change to reflect his inner lust; he’s too practiced at controlling himself.
Peter nods dumbly, fingers closing around the tip of the beacon feather. He still doesn't tug it, waits for Tony to release it since these delicate things are so fragile.
He's not sure where this conversation is going but there's an undercurrent of something coming. Something exciting.
“And I wanted to offer, entirely optional, if you needed or wanted a mentor for a play mating session, or to run a practice mating flight with, I wouldn’t mind helping you out. This will be your first season, right? I want you to be prepared and comfortable.” Tony says and thinks I want you to be mine. 
He doesn’t think that’d go over very well. He’s halfway convinced Peter will be disgusted by this offer of play mating. 
Peter is so young and beautiful; ripe and fertile and ready for the picking. 
Tony wants Peter to have all the tools he needs to pick the best alpha to father his fledglings every season. 
The offer is even more shocking than Tony's abrupt presentation.
Peter feels… faint. The papers slip from his arm and falls, scattering all over them.
"Oh, God," Peter bemoans, dropping to the floor and scrabbling to pick them up. His face flushes a cherry red.  "I'm– I'm so sorry, I'm so– clumsy. I–"
“It’s okay, kid. Here, I’ve got you.” Tony hops out of his chair and then pops down to begin scooping up the papers, thinking Peter was mortified with his offer. He’s clearly read the signals wrong. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. 
No matter how old you get, rejection is always embarrassing and Tony could feel his cheeks heating as red as his wings. 
Peter’s wings settle around him, the very bottoms pooling around him on the floor. His heart is beating so fast and he almost thinks he made the whole thing up in his head.
Tony, proposing playmating? To him? Practice flights?
Abruptly, he jerks his head up with the realization that he hasn't answered the man.
"It will be my first… season…" Peter says shyly. 
“I don’t want you to feel nervous about it. The TV shows can make it seem intense, and it is, but it’s also… well, the poets and the scholars all talk about how beautiful and natural it is, but honestly? It’s pretty damn fun, too. And I just want you to be comfortable going into it.” Tony schools his expression and sets the papers on the desk and out of the way. 
He keeps his wings to himself and very pointedly doesn’t touch the younger man. No pressure. Peter can reject him with no repercussions. 
Peter fights against the urge to use a wing to cover his face. He shouldn't… His end goal is to have Tony as a mate, not as a mentor. But then again… Maybe… Maybe he could prove how good of a mate he could be and maybe then Tony would want him…?
"I think I'd like that, sir," Peter bites his bottom lip, "If you, um, don't mind… You don't have to either, Mr. Stark… I could… learn on my own or…"
There are local groups that help guide omegas like him. Group flights and classes… He shudders at the thought of attending them and would probably rather just… not fly at all.
His crush on his boss is too strong. His wings and his heart won't let him get caught by anyone else.
It takes Tony longer than it should to register what Peter means. His eyes widen and his wings mantle hopefully, eager for this sweet smelling omega. 
“I don’t mind. I like teaching you.” Tony says with a smile. 
Peter learns everything he sets his mind to faster than anyone else Tony’s had the chance to work with yet. He’s incredible and such a kind soul on top. 
“Whenever you want, just let me know. I’ll teach, but you lead.” 
There. Break up the power structure between them a little and maybe Tony wouldn’t feel so guilty. Peter’s of age but he’s so young (this is his very first season!) and Tony doesn’t want to corrupt him. 
He does sort of wish he could take the feather back though. Maybe make a necklace out of it. Treasure it, when Peter picked some other alpha closer to his age season by season. 
Peter's wide-eyed by then. He drops his eyes, mind racing.
What does he want…? Is it really just as easy as Peter opening his mouth and telling the older man, "Sex. I want to know about sex. I want to know about alphas and not just about alphas but about you–"
The color in his cheeks deepens and he squirms.
He dares a peek at the older man. This is entirely embarrassing. It's taken them months to get used to each other and Peter's never been so shy around Tony but of course, revealing his feelings and being completely misunderstood… It'd bring him down but his heart's beating in excitement.
"I don't know what I want," Peter admits. Besides you. "I don't know how the mating flights work or even… What attracts an alpha? These–" He holds up his poor, rejected beacon feather. "Is it… Is this one not good? Shape? Color? Oil's too… I don't know. Why didn't you… like it?"
He wants to know what Tony likes but he can't outright ask him. He looks at him, hopeful for answers.
“There’s nothing wrong with it,” Tony says immediately. 
He isn’t sure what gave the kid that impression. It’s one of the most distracting things in the world; it actually managed to pull Tony Stark from his work in under 5 minutes. 
Tony extends a hand and trails a knuckle up the shaft, wings rustling as Peter’s oil rich pheromones sink into his callouses like a perfume. Tony inhales deeply and feels the urge to run the golden edges of his wings across Peter’s still attached mating feathers for more.
Peter's hit, suddenly and unexpectedly, with a jolt of arousal when Tony touches the feather. Even when it's no longer attached to him, this simple act feels indescribably intimate, as though Tony's touching him directly.
He presses his wings even closer to his body, trying to trap the rising scent of arousal. He doesn't know if he's succeeded.
“It smells- you smell- really good,” Tony parts his lips and drops his hand before he tries taking the beacon feather for himself. “But I can’t keep it when you don’t know what it means or what it’ll do to me.”
He’d start following Peter around, tailing him with the instinct to collect more feathers and keep any rivals away. He’d get the urge to scent him, the urge to rub their wings together. It would be like Peter tying Tony to himself with a rope until the feather loses its scent or the season hits and Peter accepts or rejects him. 
Somehow, Tony doesn’t think Peter wants a shadow in his forties with bad knees and bad memories following him around like a horny, winged puppy.
Peter's breath has turned shallow and subconsciously, his wings fan out around him. The subtle scent of aroused omega starts to taint the air and he blushes when he catches it. He can't undo it though so looks from Tony to the feather and back again.
He bites his lip again, wondering if he may be going too far. But they've just agreed to do this so maybe not?
Tony’s eyes snap from the feather to Peter’s lips. His wings rustle and shift into a half spread, nearly vibrating in anticipation. 
"What can it do to– to alphas?" Peter manages not to outright ask about Tony but that's essentially the question.
He knows these feathers are left for potential mates, but his senses as a mature omega have only recently sharpened. All the… scents are still confusing for him to interpret. His feathers aren't pretty, at all. He has, previously, bemoaned the fact, so sure that the dull whites and greys would do nothing to attract a mate like Tony.
But maybe, he's wrong. The way Tony eyes the feather makes his chest tighten and his insides want to melt. He wants to offer the feather, wants to tuck it into Tony's dark hair and just have it known that this alpha is his.
The strength of those thoughts are almost terrifying in its intensity but to Peter, it feels right 
“Oh, Peter.” Tony stands up straighter at the smell of aroused omega combined with that innocent question. He watches him intently, shoulders rolling and eyes lidding in calculation. All at once, the half spread of his wings goes from inviting to predatory, the metallic gold color at the ends of his wings promising to envelop the smaller gray-white of Peter’s own. 
Tony’s wings quiver for the hunt.
“It will make me want to court you. Remind me of you, tempt me. All through the day.” Tony’s voice has gone dark and warm. He wants, very badly, to pin Peter down and show him what his mate scent has done to him.
Peter leans in close like Tony's very words lure him in. His lips softly part, his heart picking up speed cause he very much likes the picture Tony's painting.
“I’ll want to follow you around. I probably will, since we work together. I’ll want to provide you food, and since we’re so close, I’ll actually do it, too. I’ll touch you.” Tony’s bigger, golden primaries stroke through Peter’s, feathers interlocking and dragging through each other. Tony’s eyes were almost all black with his arousal.
The only reason Peter hasn’t clued in on Tony’s response is his inexperience with scenting on the alpha/omega level and the fact he hasn’t looked down at Tony’s groin. 
Peter shudders in clear ecstasy. His wings have felt so sensitive lately. It has to do with the shedding and that mating season is so soon… He may not know much about mating habits, but his body seems to know something.
The muscles flex, making the individual rows of feathers fan out more. It makes it easier for an alpha to spread his scent, easier for Tony to leave his own oils along Peter's whites and greys.
“I’ll want to touch you all the time. If we didn’t work together, it would just be an urge I felt whenever I smelled the feather. A growing bond. But since we do work together,” Tony’s voice is even deeper now. Husky. “I’ll probably be unconsciously scenting you. Touching you whenever you’re in reach.”
He drags his golden edges against Peter again. A part of him wishes he really was dipped in paint so that he could leave streaks of gold claim behind wherever he touches. 
“I’ll be compelled to. The more compatible we are, the stronger the urges. The more beacon feathers you give me,” Here Tony’s voice nearly broke with longing. “If you give me any more, that is. They would have a compounding effect. More feeding. More nesting. More touching. More everything.”
Peter shivers at the words. It's almost a promise …
He wants all that. Everything. The courting, the scenting… He'd give every single beacon feather he had just to have Tony look at him. But he only has the one in his hands.
With a pounding heart, he looks at his mentor with a blush on his cheeks.
"Are we compatible, Mr. Stark…?" He asks and he can't bear to look Tony in the eye. He shakes his head profusely. "Y-You don't have to answer that. That was probably so awkward."
He thrusts the beacon feather at the older man.
"You can, um, keep it if you want," Peter forges on. "There isn't anyone– I mean, if you're going to… teach me… I want to give it to you… If you want it…"
His ears must be such a bright red color but besides feeling embarrassed over his fumbling words and actions, Peter feels like he's in the clouds. Just a slight twitch of his muscles and his wings spread out in offering, hoping…
Tony looks at the feather with yearning. He shouldn’t. He gets obsessive as a personality trait and with such easy access to Peter, he’ll be scenting him and getting the urge to mount him non-stop in the weeks to come. 
That thought has him remembering his offer about practice flights and play mating with a twitch of the tent in his pants. He could imagine pinning Peter down and surrounding him with Tony’s red and gold wings, enveloping him in Tony’s alpha dominance and posturing. 
If play mating is still on the table, then he needs to consider Peter mature enough to make his own decision regarding who he gives his beacon feathers to. 
Plus, the kid looks so hopeful with his big puppy eyes and fluffy grey-white feathers. 
“We’re compatible.” Tony plucks the feather up out of his grasp before he can think better of it. He’s never liked lying to the people he likes. 
The relief that washes over him feels like a cool waterfall. The confirmation of what he's hoped for since he became an intern here sends him back to cloud nine.
They're compatible and Peter wants to step forward and get a good scenting in. He wants to learn Tony's alpha scent. It's only fair now that he's becoming familiar with Peter's own emerging omega scent.
He feels giddy with excitement, but that all changes with the next thing the alpha does.
Tony runs the coveted feather over his wrist and then his throat. He sighs softly. Peter’s mate scent was so invigorating from off of his own skin. 
Tony looks at Peter with eyes nearly swallowed by pupil.
All that bubbly excitement turns to molten hot heat when the alpha trails his feather over his skin. That… That has to mean something, right? His brain just short-circuits because using Peter's feather like that… it seems almost indecent.
Peter stares back, breath caught, nose tickled by the scent of something that turns his brain to mush. His wings quiver with a slight tremble and they've never done that before.
“Peter. Thank you for this. I want to make sure you’re prepared. Anything you need, I’ll get it for you. Any questions, I’ll answer. Your first season is going to be amazing.” Tony says, taking it upon himself to make it so. For Peter.
Peter isn't even sure what to say because he may not be in heat yet, but it feels like he's on the very verge. Every breath he pulls in, he recognizes more and more the situation he's found himself in. 
And it excites him.
But it also terrifies him because he has absolutely no idea what he's doing.
Tony advances a step and then brings his other foot level. His wings spread out, red and gold spilling around them like a curtain of feathers. He wants to knock wings with the young omega, wrestle and rub their scents together until he could maneuver Peter down and under him, where he belongs. 
Tony’s wings shake with leashed need. The golden tips tremble in coiled anticipation.
The air is spiced with a deeper scent, something dark and rich– different from an omega's. It makes Peter feel hot, almost burning and he fidgets in place, wings spreading even wider to dissipate some of the heat blooming inside him.
He's smelling Tony, Peter realizes, and it's with a dawning sense of horror that he feels his insides turn molten and he's going to–
"T-Thank you, sir," he chokes out. "I trust you– I… Thank you! I need to… go pick up the equipment from floor 60."
Tony fans his wings out in mirror to Peter’s; shifts his weight onto the balls of his feet. The painted gold ends of his primaries trail the ground. They shake from the shivery omegan need flavoring the air around them. 
Peter takes off in a sprint towards the open balcony doors. Who needs the elevators when they can free fall towards the necessary floor? Flying too much during the workday would tire anyone out, but Peter thinks this is necessary. 
He needs the biting cold of the rushing wind to cool him off before he actually slicks up right in front of his boss.
Peter either isn’t thinking or doesn’t realize what he’s done (or doesn’t know how to fly indoors because he’s a good boy that follows the rules) because he stays on foot.
Tony’s body comes alive with the chase, sudden and unstoppable with the need to hunt his potential mate down and lay his claim. His skin tingles and flushes and between his legs his cock grows thicker in excitement. 
There’s no way Tony can hold back. No stopping the all consuming instinct thrumming through every vein, bone and muscle. In less than a second it’s like he had become a force of nature. 
Tony scoops his wings through the air and launches after his young mate. 
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Savannah & Jac
Savannah: Are you on your way here? Jac: I hadn't started to get ready yet Jac: got caught up doing some prep for our next lecture, haven't looked at the clock in a minute 🤯 whoops Savannah: well thank god, I was hoping to catch you before having to dramatically tell you to turn around, especially if you had happened to be half way to me Jac: Oh? Jac: What's going on in UH tonight? 😄 Savannah: Nothing, which is perhaps why we're the centre of attention Jac: 😬 Don't love the sound of that Jac: what's been said? Savannah: I'm not even sure because the way she was saying it gave me the most INTENSE Catholic school flashbacks Savannah: & I've overanalysed every syllable to the point that it's been twisted beyond recognition so I can't be trusted to reliably relay any of it Jac: Okay, pause Jac: who's being mean to you, and why on earth Jac: Is it that one girl in the next room along from you, because I did think she was someone's little sister so I can believe the immaturity Savannah: I think she was trying to be complimentary about us but I didn't take it like that, I can't, not after everything Jac: Baby Jac: just try to explain it best you can Jac: take your time, and I'll forgive any personal interjection Jac: because I care more about how it's made you feel, than how it was said or meant, really Savannah: she's made me feel like I'm doing this all wrong, exactly how I said I wouldn't, holding you back and being too much Jac: But you aren't at all Jac: what would she even know about it, she doesn't know either of us, even a little bit Savannah: maybe that unbiased outside perspective is what I needed to make me realise the mistakes I'm making Savannah: because it isn't just her, they're all talking about how you're ALWAYS here, how inseparable we are Jac: Do you feel like we're taking things too fast, being too much? Savannah: No Savannah: but I didn't last time either Jac: okay Jac: because you know you can tell me, if you are Jac: I mean, I don't know what to do with this information Jac: we don't judge them for their relationships Savannah: I was fine, but I'm scared now, obviously Jac: that we're like you and Tyler, or you and Milo Jac: or that we're repeating our past and it'll end badly again Savannah: that I can't have a relationship that isn't ridiculously co-dependent, except it's not even, because that implies that they were as extra as I was Savannah: & that I shouldn't have entered into this one if I haven't changed enough to avoid repeating things Jac: They balanced you out Jac: and I don't Savannah: they let me do whatever I wanted, that isn't what I want from you Jac: but if it's what we both want Jac: it's hard for me to think we should listen more to these girls, who are probably speaking at least from a bit of jealousy, than that Savannah: No, because it isn't what we both want, a healthy relationship is what we both want Jac: Yeah Jac: you're right, of course Jac: but, I don't like the implication that they know what works for us Jac: if we need to reevaluate, it can still be on our terms Jac: I bet lots of them have never had a serious relationship, or only the same level of unhealthy as we have before, they're not qualified Savannah: They don't know us or have any qualifications & I believe you're right about the jealousy factor but I am still willing to see & use this as the wake up call that I need to do better Jac: We can do that Jac: I trust you Jac: I'm not going to see this as you pulling away or something I've done Savannah: please don't, because it isn't Jac: It was my initial fear Jac: but you never leave me to worry Jac: and the fact that I immediately went there is just something I need to address too Savannah: you have reason to go there, it's okay Savannah: how I handled things back then is precisely what I'm trying to avoid Jac: I completely see that, I honestly do Jac: I'm sorry if I got defensive right there Savannah: & I can see that I've slightly overreacted now that I've slightly calmed down Jac: It made me feel the same Jac: like you said, the school flashbacks are no joke Savannah: I'm so sorry I told you not to come, I'd hate for you to think that's what I want, ever Jac: It's okay, we can take a night off Jac: but I'm also not gonna tell you you can't come to mine instead, once they've all gone back to their rooms or whatever Savannah: are you going to tell me what prep you were doing which I should've been instead of freaking out? Savannah: because I need to know Jac: Of course Jac: we haven't competed like that for a LONG time now Jac: it's not like we were asked but I asked [your fave prof bff 'cos lord knows I'm using the photos] on the way out last week if there was anything we could study up on ready for next term Savannah: once I've done everything he has suggested & fixed my 😢 face I'll come over Jac: My poor boo, I hate that they upset you so much Jac: also that we only have showers Jac: or I'd recommend a bubble bath as first order of business Savannah: honestly the lack of 🛀🏾🥂 upsets me more than anything Savannah: but in all seriousness, it wasn't even those girls at fault, I got myself worked up Jac: it is a travesty Jac: we need a place with an en-suite next year Jac: because the idea of sharing a bath with god knows who is no more appealing than NOT having one 😰 Jac: it's okay, I won't insist on being that stereotype and 'having a word' with them, they can live, for now Savannah: if checking into a hotel wouldn't be viewed as the ULTIMATE overreaction, I definitely would use the 💳 my dad insisted upon giving me Jac: I can only imagine the flashbacks that would give him 🙄 Jac: not worth the stress nor satisfaction Jac: though I was thinking we could do something, go somewhere, before the Christmas hols, as we will both be obligated to go all in with the family during Savannah: there would be SO MUCH satisfaction but I promise, I'll resist and be good, for now Savannah: no such promises of 👼🏾 for a family Christmas though, so I love that idea Jac: We can make that happen with just a shower, I promise you Jac: even if we just see a bit more of Edinburgh, get that hotel, I wanna treat you Jac: and no one can stop me spending as much time as we're able lavishing attention on you before we have to go back Jac: because it's going to be stressful, we both know that much already Savannah: if you're feeling left out because your entire dorm isn't talking about us, I can make that happen once we're 🚿 Savannah: you're the most thoughtful girlfriend in the entire world, but if that's something we're about to start competing over in place of academics, that's more than fine with me Jac: I might regret saying I can handle that but Jac: I don't Jac: 😳😳 Savannah: you won't have any, I promise Jac: I love you Savannah: I'm utterly in love with you Jac: I'll never get over hearing that Savannah: you don't have to because I love your 😳 too Jac: It's so different Jac: even though we used to say it like all the time Savannah: you know I meant it every time, it just had to be different Jac: and it is Jac: third time's a charm Jac: we'll make it work this time, no matter how much work that might be Jac: because it's so worth it Savannah: yes, it is and we will Jac: I'm gonna order all your faves when you get here Savannah: 🥰 Savannah: hopefully the lecture prep won't take me too long Jac: you can always read through mine Jac: it's not like it's cheating, just a better way to do a study sesh Savannah: if you're going to send it to me, absolutely, but if you're expecting me to concentrate on reading through it when I get there, I'm sorry but there's no way Jac: I'm not that 😈 Jac: at least not at the sake of your education Savannah: & thank goodness as my parents are both already doing the most to interfere with my education right now with their constant communication Jac: yet imagine your dad in particular if you did any less than perfect Jac: I don't know how he fails to see how counterproductive the constant checking in is Savannah: or the pressure that he's been putting on me to spend Christmas with him from literally November 1st, I swear Savannah: it hasn't slipped his mind that I had no choice but to do that for the last two, even if the unfairness to my mother is something he refuses to think about Jac: Yes, I was about to say Jac: he'll have to think about how he's going to timeshare more efficiently with your mum now, just because it was his way or nothing for two whole years Jac: clearly, that didn't work so well for anyone BUT him Savannah: he thinks he can dictate to me as if I'm no older than I was when he forced me to leave & as though nothing has changed since then Savannah: I'm not going to jeopardise my mum's recovery by not spending time with her in the holidays Jac: To even suggest, let alone expect that from you Jac: even if he's not thinking about your mother, why would he want that guilt for you Jac: at least he cannot literally force you onto a plane to Sligo instead of Dublin Jac: it's getting Sienna, that needs to be planned Savannah: I'm at my wits end with her, it's like she doesn't see the problem Savannah: of course I'd understand her reluctance to spend it with mum but it's all about him, every single of her reasonings, because they aren't even really hers Savannah: she just fully believes whatever dad says Jac: 😕 That's hard Jac: because it automatically puts you in the bad guy camp Jac: because obviously it's nicer to believe that he only wants what's best etc Jac: but when she realizes that's not totally true, that'll be shattering Savannah: she's going to get hurt by him again, as if I wasn't there when he walked out teaching her to question everything that comes out of a man's mouth, that man in particular Savannah: I hate it Jac: I know 😞 Jac: all you're trying to do is protect her Jac: is she interested at coming like, at all? Jac: even if not the actual day of Savannah: It's not like I want her to spend her time and energy until her leavers cert hating him as much as I do, I know it'll be different for her now that I'm gone Savannah: but we get nowhere whenever I try to talk to her about mum, irrespective of the actual subject Savannah: I'm not giving up, of course, but I won't pretend to you that it isn't exhausting Jac: Of course you don't, you'd never tell her what to think Jac: but if you can see things differently, or remember how it was last time, it doesn't make you a bad sister, it's the opposite Jac: you never do ❤ Jac: I was just wondering, though this would be a bit morally dubious Jac: if we could trick her into spending some time with your mum Jac: I could make my sister invite her to something legit, like a family party Jac: your dad MIGHT say yes? I don't know Savannah: at this point I'm so close to walking away from everyone for the sake of my own mental health to spend the holidays alone & obviously that's not a real option I have available to me so I'm more than ready to do it & take the bad karma if it backfires Jac: I understand, last Christmas, I would've given anything to do just that Jac: I think it could work, your dad being the only potential block Jac: we could go for the second half, do New Years with her, maybe Savannah: 😞 I'm going to make sure you have the best Christmas this year, baby, whether or not this works Jac: I've got you, that's all I need for it to be perfect Jac: and we will work this out Jac: but as you said, it isn't even time yet, so you don't have to figure it all out tonight Jac: but when we do, you will have a peaceful and joyful Christmas, if it's the last thing I do Savannah: You're perfect & you're getting my undivided attention tonight, I truly do not care what opinion any or every American girl in this town has or decides to share Jac: A no-phone policy does not even need to be implemented when you're so beautiful Jac: it'd practically be a sin to not use every sense on you Jac: but seriously, whilst they may have a point, we're also further along than they might assume Jac: like I said, if they've never had a proper relationship, they're used to not getting texts back and having to be cool about it 🤷 Jac: we don't have to tone ourselves down or lessen what we have, if it doesn't serve us to do so, only in the ways it might Savannah: I will implement one though, some kind of a genuine family emergency happening again notwithstanding Savannah: I learnt a LOT about sin in Catholic school & you're totally right Savannah: you're the only person who I'd tone anything down for & since you haven't asked me, I really don't think it's necessary Jac: I appreciate it, a lot, you know that, right? Jac: the cliche isn't totally baseless then Jac: you can tell me all about it but we better keep that on the down-low 🤫 Savannah: okay, you don't want that specific dialogue broadcast to your entire dorm, just our mutual appreciation Savannah: I can do that Jac: I can only imagine how enthusiastic the boys would be Jac: and I only care about your enthusiasm Savannah: ugh, true Savannah: I forget too easily that we're not totally on our own once the door is closed, which I'm sure is what lead to that conversation taking place earlier Jac: We aren't the only ones who do that Jac: I swear to God I've heard at least four different girls going next door 🙄 Savannah: 🙄 not to mention I'm still getting woken up by a certain person we don't like just being loud while she undergoes her morning routine, which has literally been happening since I first moved in Jac: I can't deal with how loud she is Jac: the accent makes it so grating Jac: is she trying to be an influencer? make friends? either or 😬 honey no Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: I'm going to have to start going to bed earlier to compensate once lectures start Jac: She a THOUSAND percent has booked herself all afternoon/evening lectures and won't get why everyone is making such a big deal ??? Jac: so that girl Jac: I do my best work in the AM, that's just facts, not all of us plan to party through the entire experience, come on Savannah: So do I, as you know, so if she doesn't take the numerous hints once they are coming from more than just me, I'll have to move in with you & be that girl Savannah: which would entirely negate all the rational points I made earlier Jac: God, there needs to be a way to complain about her without it being dead obvious Jac: an amnesty box of sorts Jac: I'm still looking for doubles but no one is moving yet Savannah: If I have to befriend her to initiate the behaviour change that way, I guess I'll get used to the accent Savannah: you've said my 🥺 is like a superpower Jac: it would be very on-brand Jac: basically work experience for us Jac: and they are but she might fall for you and then she'd be around even more Savannah: oh no, imagine how vocal she would be if she did Savannah: it would be beyond difficult to cope with Jac: I would not cope Jac: at all Jac: so I shan't imagine it Savannah: 😄 Jac: 😥 Savannah: Baby, don't 😥 Jac: I'll have to go back to being a TOTAL bitch from hell if she dares Savannah: 🥺 no Savannah: you're an angel Savannah: & she isn't worth your time or energy, I am Jac: You Jac: x2 Jac: I don't care about anyone else here Jac: in the nicest way possible, of course Savannah: except [whatever your professor bff's name is] that's evident in the notes you've sent me Jac: Okay, he's pretty cool Jac: and definitely gonna help us get perfect marks Savannah: you definitely don't need his help Savannah: I'd almost forgotten just how intelligent you are Jac: I'll try not to be offended Jac: even though I was still totally convinced you'd be going to Bath before I saw you Savannah: I mean, actually, not in a romanticised way because of how much I was in awe of you Savannah: & I did go there, before I made up my mind which offer to accept & it didn't feel right Jac: I'm only teasing, I know that Jac: 🌌💫 Savannah: we were supposed to be here together, like we always talked about Savannah: I shouldn't have ever tried to fight that Jac: I couldn't even bring myself to check your socials before Jac: I don't know what I didn't want to see more, you know Jac: confirmation either way was just, no Savannah: I understand Jac: If I'd have seen gap year plans with Milo, that would not have been it Savannah: most of the time that we were intending to plan was spent arguing anyway, I'm not sure he really wanted to go at any stage of it Savannah: with me, I mean Jac: You weren't right for each other Jac: he's lost a lot more from that deal than you have Savannah: He'll be having a lovely time in hostels, undoubtedly Savannah: it won't be a culture shock at all Jac: Checks out Jac: authentic experience Jac: inserting himself with all the other foreigners Savannah: 🙄 Savannah: if I thought he had a posh accent, lord knows what they'll think Jac: he'll be stimulating the economy, they'll pretend he's not unbearable Savannah: at least he'll be stimulating something, I suppose Jac: 😂 Jac: you said it, not me Savannah: it speaks to my experience Jac: how anyone has the nerve to 🥱 you when you're so interesting is so offensive to me Savannah: it's not his fault that nobody else could ever be as interesting to me as you are, but he is responsible for the effort, or lack of that he put in Jac: no, it'd take someone really special to fight the 🌌💫 and it's plans for us Jac: and I can imply he wasn't that person, without being petty about it Savannah: it's honesty, he wasn't that person & he'd be the first to say so Jac: you're already happier, aren't you? Jac: on this path, this direction Savannah: yes, the happiest Jac: 😊🥰 Savannah: excuse me while I have one of those moments where I can't believe any of this is really happening & fully expect to wake up in Sligo for the summer to the realisation it was the most incredible dream Jac: It's actually such a fear Jac: I never want to go to sleep when I'm with you Jac: for that reason, and the obvious being I can't look at you with my eyes closed Savannah: but if you don't your subconscious can't talk to me & you know how much I love that Jac: so far Jac: what if I say something totally stupid and betray myself 😱 Savannah: you could never say anything stupid & I know you aren't going to betray yourself or me Jac: You trust me, I trust you Savannah: exactly Jac: if I ever say anything really cringe, you can just not tell me, yeah 😅 Savannah: 😄 like what? Jac: anything our favourite American might say, for example Savannah: she isn't actually going to attempt to flirt with me, boo Jac: I know, she's the definition of straight Jac: bless her Savannah: ^^ she's the only person I would apply the word definition to, literally anyone else has the ability to change & grow but she's CLEARLY set in her loud ways Jac: ^ That's totally the vibe Jac: she made her mind up aged 10 she was right and hasn't moved an inch since, whatever the subject Savannah: you're so right Savannah: What were you like when you were 10? Jac: Oh God Jac: let me think Jac: so, fourth class, absolutely LIVID over the fact we had 2 more years of first school after that Jac: thought I was way too grown-up for EVERYTHING Jac: there was probably some boyband I was into but if there was, I don't remember but Isabelle probably still has the merch and posters on her wall Jac: hopefully I was less insufferable when we properly met those years later Jac: how about you? Savannah: I can totally relate, except of course I thought I was too grown up for boybands too Jac: Totally Jac: it was like a secret shame but she had none, Amelia neither Jac: so I kinda had to go with it Savannah: 😄 Savannah: I had a very overprotective father who wouldn't have let me go to those concerts even if I had wanted to so Jac: it made sense to be anti then Jac: it was a lot of screaming and pre-teen hormones, it might've felt like it at the time, but you didn't miss out on a whole lot Savannah: if there'd been a girl band of that era I'd have been much more likely to have supported them, as a fierce little feminist Jac: Adorable Jac: you were cute, I remember that much Savannah: you've always been cute, I've seen the photos Jac: at least my hair had grown back in a decent amount by then Jac: I was so jealous of yours Savannah: really? I didn't even know how to properly style it back then Savannah: but I still insisted, obviously, instead of letting my mum help me Jac: I liked that Jac: you didn't just let your mum braid it and put a bow in Jac: I have to assume that was my logic when I cut mine Jac: independence, making my own choice Savannah: I thought I could do ANYTHING, it's embarrassing how big my aspirations were Savannah: & that there was no limit on the choices I had, there was total belief in that too Jac: it's nice Jac: I wish we stayed like that Savannah: imagine my 🥺 when I discovered inequality & where I was supposed to fit into it as a black girl, except don't because I was utterly devastated Savannah: we still have big dreams though & more choices than 10 year old me did Jac: I don't wanna cry Jac: you're still going to get everything you want Jac: and you've had to work twice as hard for it, no one can take that away from you Savannah: no 😢 we're both going to have a beautiful life Jac: ✨🌼🌷❤☀️❤🌹🌻✨ Savannah: I'll help you & you'll help me Savannah: now that I'm more willing to accept it than I was as a child Jac: and your hair is undeniably flawless Jac: we can do anything Savannah: Oh my god, it's my turn to be jealous of yours & I always am Jac: the fact you can be jealous of anyone blows my mind Jac: you are perfection Jac: but you can play with my hair all you want now Savannah: but not literally right now 🥺 Jac: life is so unfair Jac: I'm so proud of you though, working so hard Savannah: well I'm even prouder of you, these notes are flawless Jac: I've got my uses, yeah Savannah: [a picture of her own aesthetic af notes so far because we are both those bitches] Jac: [truly, could rinse the studyblr tag with these two] Jac: 😍😍😍 you've picked such pretty colours Savannah: [I have saved some cute psychology ones off pinterest for when they start their studies] Savannah: they do match my outfit but if I start sending pictures of myself I'll never finish Jac: if you start sending pictures of yourself, I'll find it harder to be supportive of your studies Savannah: I miss you too Jac: as long as we're in that together too Jac: I'll survive Jac: my room does need tidying before you get here Savannah: you're adorable, you don't have to tidy up for me Jac: for my notes to look perfect, my room has to get a little messy Jac: oh, and my hair, probably Savannah: I can fix your hair for you after we 🚿 Jac: as long as you don't think I look terrible when you show and run straight back Savannah: I've been 😢 so I don't have any room to judge but even if I did, you could never look terrible & there is no conceivable reason that I'd ever run away from you Savannah: but if you need to shown all of that when I get there, it's okay, I'm happy to Jac: I'm so needy, I'm sorry Savannah: you're allowed to want me & not be sorry Savannah: I definitely don't see it as a negative Jac: Good Jac: I haven't done this before Jac: I don't ever wanna be too much Savannah: well, you aren't doing it alone & I trust us more than the opinion of a random American girl I'm currently stuck living with Savannah: any amount of reassurance you need for any reason, it's fine, I promise Jac: 😌 I'm cool Jac: but thank you Jac: there's no one else I would want to or could do this with Savannah: there's no need to thank me, I'll do anything to make sure you feel happy & secure Jac: and I intend to return the favour, always Jac: in every way available to me Savannah: 😊 I know, I meant what I said earlier, you're very good at this, first time girlfriend or not Jac: I've got to be a worthy competitor and you're 👼🏾 Savannah: Catholic school taught me a lot about 👼🏾 too Jac: I'm so relieved they still had to give you an actual education as well Jac: I can only imagine how hard Science could've fallen by the wayside Savannah: still, I will not be enrolling my 👶🏾👶🏾👶🏾👶🏾 when they're old enough Jac: at least you don't have to make that decision for a while yet Savannah: which is just as well because my immediate response was 'thank god', how blasphemous Savannah: 🙏🏾 hasn't guided this decision but there is a LOT of  🙌🏾 involved Jac: he'd approve if that was the only precaution you took, like Savannah: his approval would have to eclipse my actual father's disapproval, which is BEYOND unlikely Jac: 🙏🏾 is less vocal Jac: it's more signs than 🔊 Savannah: I think that's ⛪️ dependent, some 🙏🏾🙌🏾 is very vocal Jac: actual GOD himself though Savannah: hmm, well he is a man Savannah: it makes communication more challenging Jac: I'm sure little Savannah would've said herself Savannah: child me would've believed that god is a woman, another dream shattered for sure Jac: a woman wouldn't have done so poorly Jac: it's a compliment, really Savannah: exactly, with the zero communication, it'd be like excuse me honey, why are you so angry at me that you've blocked me? Jac: that kind of drama is reserved for me Savannah: not even, I know what I did to you Jac: you didn't do anything to me, not on purpose, I always knew that Savannah: it wasn't on purpose but that doesn't mean it's okay Savannah: I hurt you anyway Jac: We were both hurt and hurting Jac: it was a lot Savannah: yes, but it's important that you don't make excuses for me simply because of how much you want to forgive me Jac: I won't Jac: I can just recognize my role in everything too Jac: as well as the other factors that neither of us could control Savannah: ^^ we're not going to get hung up on it to the extent that it ruins everything, but we can & will acknowledge it all so that doesn't either Savannah: I do love a balancing act 😄🙄 Jac: You do it flawlessly Jac: but we don't have to examine our past and our current behaviour constantly Jac: night's off are self-care Jac: tonight can be one of them, we'll just be Savannah: okay Savannah: I don't know why it feels like I haven't seen you in a really long time, I swear I didn't fully disassociate during my freak out earlier Jac: I feel it too Jac: judge away, everyone Jac: we're making up for lost time Savannah: they'd understand if I actually let them spend time with you instead of stealing you away on sight Jac: I can't pretend to be devastated Jac: you're the most interesting to me Savannah: I can't pretend I regret it either Jac: 🥰 Jac: we have plenty of time to socialize Jac: and we do, with people who are relevant, like people on our course and the psych society Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: It's not my fault she isn't looking over my shoulder when I'm super active in both of those group chats Savannah: I was literally setting up a study group before she cornered me, excuse her Jac: 🙄🙄🙄 I don't care for her at all, even if she's brought a potential problem to our attention before it was Jac: like thanks but still, bye though Jac: maybe the rest of her art history course does NOT love her either 😬 like if YOU'RE lonely, just say Savannah: mhmm Savannah: if anybody understands loneliness, we do Jac: right, if the ego was taken out of it, we'd try to spend time with her, and loads of other people in your dorm etc would too Jac: she's not helping herself rn Savannah: I also totally understand overconfidence as a front for insecurity, like hello??! She could have an ally in me if she'd approach things differently Jac: 🤞 she gets there before the year is out Jac: I don't want anyone struggling, seriously Jac: but I know forcing friendships when they aren't happening naturally isn't healthy Jac: never mind accepting people's toxic behaviour when we're actively trying not to do or be that Savannah: I couldn't agree more Savannah: though, despite what I said before about her not flirting with me, there is a very high possibility she'll fall in love with you if you keep being so perfect Savannah: everyone will Savannah: it's not as if she has to like girls to appreciate your intelligence, empathy or compassion, even if understanding your resilience & determination is clearly a harder task for her right now Savannah: a beautiful soul is a beautiful soul Jac: 🥺 Jac: Baby Jac: beautiful recognizes beautiful, that's all I have to say Jac: you make me feel so much better than I've ever thought I am Savannah: I can't say if I achieve nothing else while I'm here I'll be satisfied, because you know me better than that, but I am proud to be able to list that as an ongoing one because I've never met a better person than you Savannah: you deserve to feel it Savannah: & if you are what you love, what a good person you are shamelessly works in my favour too Jac: you're the most incredible person I've ever known Jac: it just sounds like a baseless compliment, there's no way to adequately put it, at least not without some serious time and work to try Savannah: not from you, there's no such thing Jac: I'm not the one that can write songs, sadly Savannah: but you could write a song I'd like more Jac: 😅 Savannah: I know he's your brother but no Jac: Don't worry, not a weird clause that to date me you have to think his music is amazing Jac: I'd actually hate that, to be honest Savannah: I'm beyond relieved Jac: I'm relieved no one here knows who he is, or who I am in relation Jac: that was getting annoying, towards the end Savannah: poor boo, I can't even imagine Jac: oh well Jac: this fresh start is going better than I could have even dreamed on my craziest day Savannah: me too & you're really keeping me sane Jac: God knows we've got to get through this experience and THRIVE Savannah: ^^ 👏🏾 Savannah: We will, failure to do so is literally not an option Jac: Exactly Jac: I refuse Jac: to let either of us Savannah: speaking of, these notes are done Savannah: so I'll be there soon Jac: I'll come out with the blasphemy too Jac: because I need to see you so bad now Savannah: It's mutual Jac: Hurry Jac: but don't forget your coat, it's cold Savannah: 🥰 I totally would have for the same reason I don't think either of us can be held responsible for what we're about to say, so thank you Jac: I can't let you freeze Jac: even though warming you up is beyond a welcome responsibility Savannah: & I can't lie, my coat is more fashionable than practical, I'll still need you Jac: You've got me Jac: shower, tea and all the bed cuddles you could want Savannah: you're going to make me cry again Jac: sweetie Jac: you can cry but wait 'til you're inside and with me so we don't have to thaw out the icicle teardrops Savannah: [a picture of her with that glitter tears filter than samantha loves so much because sadly I don't actually have one] Jac: Wow Jac: that's my girlfriend Savannah: I can't get over hearing that from you Jac: I can't get over saying it Jac: even just to myself Savannah: It sounds so different when a boy says it Jac: Yeah? Savannah: I don't even know how to explain it, it's like it stripped me of something instead of giving me something Savannah: it felt like, oh, I'm just your girlfriend now, okay Jac: like a kind of diminishment of who you are Jac: not the pride to be with you and know you and love you Jac: I see that Jac: I was never anyone's girlfriend, but that's the feeling I got from them Jac: a title for THEM not YOU Savannah: of course you understand, you always do Jac: not that I was bothered what they thought Jac: but it would have been upsetting if I was, definitely Savannah: I hate that Jac: it's okay, that's all over Savannah: I'm going to make you so happy Jac: I know you will
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heyyyharry · 7 years ago
Under The Weather
(from the Flatmate Series)
"Can you write something where fuck boy Harry is Y/N's flatmate in uni and he keeps bringing girls back to have sex, but one day when he comes to her room to tell her he's having a girl over tonight, he finds out she's sick and he just cancels on the girl to take care of Y/N, and you can decide whatever happens next."
Wattpad link
"Y/N, what are you doing in there?!"
After three more knocks on his flatmate's bedroom door, Harry was losing his patience. He'd been waiting outside for five minutes already, and still hadn't got a single answer from her. He knew Y/N was in there. She'd come back at three in the morning after long hours at a group presentation rehearsal. It was impossible that she'd woken up and left the flat before he did, and Harry was pretty sure at this point, for some reason, she was trying to avoid him.
"Y/N!" He tried again, pounding on the door harder this time. "I'm having someone over. Are you gonna be out tonight?"
Silence was still all he got. This left Harry no choice but to walk in without his flatmate's permission, knowing the lock on her door had been broken for weeks now and she still hadn't bothered to have it fixed.
He expected to see her in bed, because it was Saturday and she was allowed to be lazy. What he didn't expect was an exhausted Y/N buried under a thick pile of blankets, leaving only her head uncovered. That was not just the ordinary ​'I-just-had-a-heavy-workout'​ kind of exhaustion, that was much worse. And Harry knew something was wrong when she opened her eyes, now puffy and red, and started speaking with her skin-colored lips barely moving.
"Sorry. I couldn't speak any louder."
Her voice was soft and quiet which was new to him since he was already used to her grumbling all the time. She told him she didn't feel good and probably would stay in tonight, smiling tiredly in response to the look of concern on his face.
"Don't worry. I'll be in my room," she said.
"Okay..." He simply nodded. "Thank you." And just like that, he exited, closing the door on his way out.
Though he acted like he didn't care about his flatmate's condition, the green-eyed boy still lingered outside her room for a little while, thinking he should've asked her if she was okay; but that would have been unnecessary since she obviously wasn't. Maybe he should just let her get some rest and not worry too much. Soon she might recover on her own.
Harry carried on with his morning routine as usual. He made himself breakfast and went to the gym, then stopped by the grocery store on his way back, because last night Y/N had told him they were out of milk. Though he'd tried to steer clear of the worrisome thoughts about his sick flatmate, Harry felt terribly guilty the second her name crossed his mind.
Maybe he shouldn't have left her alone in their flat; maybe she got thirsty and couldn't leave the bed on her own; maybe he should head back to make sure she hadn't got any worse. Maybe...No. He really should.
Quickly, he grabbed the last carton on the shelf and headed straight to the checkout counter.
To be honest, Harry couldn't care less about Y/N when they first moved into their flat. He even hated her quite a bit, sometimes a lot, because she was extremely good at driving him up the wall, and he was sure the feelings were mutual. Fortunately, things were looking up for both of them after a few months of living together. They'd learned to tolerate each other's quirks and to see hidden good qualities in one another. They cooked together, ate dinner together, shared stories about their days, like real friends would.
But neither wanted to admit that they were really friends.
"Y/N, can I come in?" Harry asked, knocking on her door once again only to remember that she couldn't answer him. So he just went ahead and entered the room as he had before. This time, he found her asleep.
The brunette carefully tiptoed to his flatmate's bed to see if she'd got any better. To his surprise, she looked even worse. She had her eyebrows knitted together while mumbling something unpleasantly and drowning in her own sweat. Harry already felt the pain she was in just from looking at her, and he couldn't imagine what it'd be like to be in her place. It took him a bit of hesitation, but after a moment of thinking back and forth, he finally placed his hand on her forehead. And just like he'd expected, she was burning up!
Harry might not be a medical student, but he knew that wasn't something you could recover from after a nap. So he freaked out.
He had no idea what to do or whom to call. He'd never had to deal with a sick person before, and he knew none of her friends nor if she even had one. In despair, he almost called one of his friends, but then he remembered none of them would know how to take care of a sick girl. So now he was pacing back and forth by her bed, trying to drown out the sound of her groaning.
That was when a brilliant idea hit him. Now he knew exactly the place to seek professional advice.
Y/N woke up with a terrible headache and blurry eyesight. She took a couple of minutes to finally remember where she was. The window facing her bed slowly came into view and so did her flatmate's face as he gave her his handsome smile, asking if she was feeling any better.
"Yes," she told him. "Not one hundred percent better, but...better​."
Then she returned a smile.
Y/N didn't smile at him often, and Harry couldn't blame her since he was kind of a dick to her most of the time. Thus he had never got a proper chance to notice how pretty her smile was, not until ​now, when she was sick, with no make-up on. ​
But why am I thinking about her smile? ​He thought. ​This is just weird.
"Did you put this on my forehead?" The girl rolled her eyes upward to stare at the folded cloth. Her question caused Harry to blush hard as he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair, the thing he always did whenever he got nervous.
"Yeah..." He cleared his throat. "You've caught a fever, I think. They said it would help lower your temperature."
She breathed out a laugh which resulted in a massive grin on her flatmate's handsome face.
"If...if you need anything else, let me know."
"Harry," she called out as soon as he turned away. His name had never sounded so sweet, and this feeling he got right now was brand new.
"Yeah? You need something?"
"No." She giggled softly. "I just want to say thank you."
He chuckled, telling her it was no big deal and leaving the room as fast as he could. He hoped she didn't notice how red his cheeks had turned otherwise she would never stop teasing him about it. But then he remembered that she was Y/N, always too nice to make fun of someone after they'd taken good care of her.
Many had probably wondered how someone so nice ended up sharing a flat with someone so...​not, ​especially when they found out that 'so not' someone was Harry Edward Styles, who had got quite a bad reputation around campus for being a true 'fuck boy'​.
He didn't care what people thought of him of course, not many around him really knew him well. Actually, he thought he had to thank his own reputation for preceding him, because he wasn't looking for a serious romantic relationship, and all those who wanted to be involved with him should know better than expecting just that.
Sure he had a soft spot for Nicholas Sparks' books and movies, and he'd cried over them a couple times...​okay, a lot.​ But it was fictional, ​love​ was fictional. People wrote about it and made films about it because it wasn't real, so those stories would sell. Everyone wanted the things they couldn't have, and in this case, something that didn't exist at all.
Harry thought love was bullshit, while his flatmate would say otherwise. Y/N believed in love, as a matter of fact, she ​adored ​love. It fit her personality though. She was the opposite of him. She was sweet and innocent. She didn’t get drunk, didn’t go to parties, didn’t do one-night stands, and the list went on. This girl was definitely ​not​ his type. She would ​never be his type.
But it'd be a lie to say he'd never once fantasized about her before. Sometimes Harry got off to the thoughts of her naked, and he got aroused by certain things she did, like walking around the flat with only her oversized t-shirt on, thinking he was too busy doing something to notice her, but he did. Even though her insecurities wouldn't let her agree with him, Y/N was a pretty girl after all. So as long as he wasn't fucking her in real life, it didn't harm to have inappropriate thoughts about her once in a while.
Harry would sleep with any girl he wanted, just not Y/N. He knew she was all about feelings, something he lacked or he thought he did. He wasn't afraid of breaking someone's heart, not until the slightest idea of it being his flatmate's abruptly crossed his mind.
"I made you soup," he said, putting the bowl down on her nightstand. "Eat it while it's still hot."
Y/N, now sitting with her back against the headboard, looked at the meal her flatmate had made for her with her eyes widened in shock. She was more surprised by the fact that Harry had gone into the kitchen to cook something ​for her, ​than the fact that Harry had gone into the kitchen to ​cook​. She thought it might rain today.
"It's edible. I've tried it myself." Harry rolled his eyes when he noticed the girl's hesitation.
He sat down on the edge of her bed, waiting to see how she would react after taking the first spoon of soup into her mouth and swallowing it. She seemed indifferent, so he heaved a sigh in relief. At least she didn't spit it out.
"Are you taking care of me so you can have sex in peace tonight?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at Harry, who scoffed in response.
"What kind of heartless monster do you think I am?"
"Oh, come on, be honest. You just don't want me to die while you're fucking someone."
He commented nothing on that. Despite knowing it was only a joke, it still made him sad that she only thought of him that way. He couldn't blame her though. He had never really appeared as someone who would do anything for anyone but himself.
"I'm gonna be in my room," he said after two seconds of complete silence. "I'll leave your door and mine opened so you can call me when you need anything."
"Okay." One last word and he quickly left, bringing the empty bowl with him back to the kitchen.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd worried this much about someone that was not his family. Harry tried to convince himself that he was just doing this because he felt bad for Y/N, and probably would feel extremely guilty if he'd let something bad happen to her. However, deep down inside, He knew if one of those girls he'd hooked up with was sick, he would not even bother to care.
After dinner made by Harry, Y/N took a bath and went straight to bed.
It was 8 PM, and the girl he'd invited over finally arrived. They stripped off each other's clothes with little talking and soon ended up making out on the couch, with only his boxers and her panties keeping them apart.
Harry tried to focus on the almost naked girl beneath him, who was constantly moaning his name and begging him to never stop. But all he could think of was his pretty flatmate and her pretty smile.
"It's Aria." The girl looked pissed as she slightly pushed his chest away. Harry squinted his eyes in confusion, not realizing what he'd done.
"You called me Y/N."
Harry instantly got to his knees as soon as he heard her. He wanted to pull away, but she grabbed onto his shoulders, telling him to call her whatever he wanted before kissing him again. Now Harry felt strangely suffocated. He didn't want to go on.
"Please fuck me," she begged, all out of breath, hands reaching down to grab his hard length, yet he stopped her before she could make the next move.
The girl stared at him, eyes wide, mouth agape, utterly puzzled. It only took a second for them to move towards separate ends of the sofa. The sexual tension had been washed out by such awkwardness that made eye contact almost impossible.
"I-I can't do this. I'm sorry," Harry blurted, gazing at his own hands on his knees instead of the girl. He didn't have to look at her to know how angry she was as she called him an asshole while getting dressed, slamming the door on her way out.
Now left alone in his living room, Harry had his head buried in his hands as he began to wonder what he'd done. He'd just refused to have sex with a beautiful girl just because of his flatmate.
"What is wrong with me?" He sighed.
Harry sat in silence, contemplating for a little while then put his clothes back on and go check on Y/N. The girl was still asleep in her bed and she looked much better now than before. As her pink lips curved into a cute little smile, Harry couldn't help but smile with her. So he pulled himself a chair to sit by his flatmate's bed, closing his eyes. In case she woke up in the middle of the night, sick again, he had to make sure he would be right there for her.
When Harry opened his eyes, the room was still pitched dark. The hands of the clock pointed to 2 AM and Y/N was nowhere to be seen. He freaked out a little but soon noticed she had covered his upper body with a blanket to keep him warm. So he got up and headed to the kitchen where he believed he'd find her.
He was right. She was sitting on the kitchen island with her favorite mug in her hand, feet dangling in the air as she took her time sipping the milk he had bought that morning.
"What are you doing out of bed?"
His voice made her flinch. Her eyes shot to where he stood at the doorway, and she put on a bigger smile, which eased the wrinkles between his eyebrows. It was good to see her so full of life again.
"I was thirsty," she told him.
"You could've woken me up."
"I'm feeling better now. I can do things on my own," she said, rolling her eyes. He didn't know why that eye-roll got him feeling funny in his stomach.
He marched towards the girl without saying a word and placed his hand on her forehead again. His eyes never left hers and she stayed still like an obedient kitten while he was feeling her temperature.
"You're still hot."
"Thank you."
"I'm serious." He scoffed, unable to hide the smile forming on his lips. "Let's get you back to bed."
The girl nodded in response to his request as she hopped off the counter, closing the distance between the two of them at once. The tiny space that kept them from pressing up against each other got Harry all flustered. His heart had never beaten this fast when he stood in front of a girl before, it was usually the other way around. This was very abnormal​!
"Your girl didn't come over?" She asked, looking up at him.
"She blew me off," he lied because she should never know what really happened.
"Did Harry Styles just got stood up?!"
The way Y/N widened her eyes at Harry had him grinning like the Cheshire Cat. It took almost two seconds for reality set back in, and for him to realize how late it was already. He quickly grabbed her by the arms, urging her towards the kitchen door.
"If you don't get enough sleep, you'll get sick again."
"Okay, okay, mum." The girl giggled as she turned her head to look at his face. "Promise me you'll go to bed too?"
He gave her a nod and also his words, saying he'd walk straight to bed as soon as she'd gone back to hers. With another grin she wished him goodnight and good morning, not knowing his heart was pounding so hard it could burst right through his chest. Harry took in a deep breath as he watched his flatmate walk back to her bedroom.
After tonight, a lot of things might never be the same.
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chimbbles · 6 years ago
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A/N: another attempt ladies and gentlemen, once again, it's shitty and my ask is open for more shitty writings! or if you wanna be friends come hit me up pls I don't bite :( anyways, I hope you like it~ 💌
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it's not that big of a deal really
it was truly an accident, but it turned into a crazy myth
and you hate him for it
it all started with someone's rooftop party
birthday boy lee donghyuck decided to throw himself a pool party, on a rooftop
everyone's invited, except for mark because he's lame
just kidding
but are we?
anyways, hell everyone in your college is invited
haechan, his nickname, is pretty popular around school
not the jock kind of popular, he just.....knows a lot of people, and they know people, and it's a typical college party
where you bring a plus one and one plus one and suddenly the party equals a school prom or something
there's even a theme smh johnny the party planner
so you're friends with mark, and he's determined to show off to haechan that he's friends with that chemistry major genius he admires so much
totally didn't invite you just to get back at him nope
anyways, it's mean but you've never heard of haechan before, despite his seemingly large following on instagram
you didn't even know you guys attended the same college
it's not that you're a total homebody and never goes out to parties, you're just....not interested in their parties
and that's strike one, when you laughed in his face when he introduced himself as the "most popular guy in school"
in your defense, you thought it was self-depreciating humour
hyuck in return, wasn't as amused as you were, maybe in private he could've taken it better, but you just snorted at him in front of like, half of his friend circle
he's not pissed, he's just ashamed?
because he talks about you so much renjun literally can't take it anymore
it's like, he knows so much about you, your birthday and cafes you like(from your social media)
heck he even knows who's the bitch you're referring to in your subtweet
it's veronica from chem class 3
but also, you don't even know he exists
fast forward and skipping through his slight, maybe a bit bigger heartache,
he's lying down and just chilling on a hammock, away from you because his ego needs to take a break from that hit
he'd by the pool with the dreamies, half of them, renjun, jaemin and jeno in the pool and jisung and chenle next to him sharing a hammock
this is what was meant by an accident, you just wanted to get to the fruit bar, when ten, this lanky dude bumps into you from nowhere, and by accident
you bump into haechan
splash splash
his balance isn't the only thing he lost when he fell face flat into the pool
apparently chenle's laugh grabbed everyone's attention, and when the one and one is put together, hyuck became the school's laughing stock for a month
his glare at your dumbfounded state was anything but forgiving
that wasn't even the end of things
this sounds like it's made up, because no one can have such bad luck, ever, in one single day
but there goes hyuck, breaking beliefs left and right
you approached him and tried to apologise for basically ruining his day
he didn't actually know what to do, because he honestly wasn't mad at you, he was mad at the situation
you can throw him into the pool 3000 times and he'd say I love you 3000
yes, he might have a minor crush on you
but he's also super embarrassed, this was supposed to be his big day, and you're here
he wants to show you the best side of him
but that doesn't translate well onto his face
he......doesn't even know what he looked like at that moment, he was just stunned
but you must've thought he was growing mad because you further apologized, and your hand motions grew more frantic
and there you go, ssstrrriiiikke three
it was by accident
but you knocked over his refreshment, yes, the one he was trying to calm himself down with from the embarrassment
it could've been worse right, the glass could've hit someone
and you should've hoped so, because then they wouldn't be sober to call the police and have the party cancelled
this, including the series of embarrassing events that happened at haechan's party became the talk of the whole campus
and more than anything you dreaded it
it painted you in a bad light, and was giving you more attention than you ever fancied
what you didn't know was how much it bugged haechan too
he's been trying to get the dreamies to shut up about it, but even if he did, the whole school was chattering about you
he thought he would've gotten the short end of the stick, seeing how he was the laughing matter at his own party
but the jokes quickly turned sour when someone started the speculation of why it happened
and it sounded crazy to him
because why would there be a why? it was an accident, and yes maybe he did feel his face get a bit red and his blood level rise
but you explained that it was complete accidents, there was no malicious intention, or intention of any kind
idiots on campus starting saying that you had a crush on haechan, but you wanted to stand out, so you did all those things on purpose to get him to notice you
it's a total lie, and hyuck has to debunk it before it gets to everyone, but he doesn't know how
this time, it was he who accidentally started something up, and it went a little like this:
"hey haechan do they like you?"
"what? no it's a myth"
he said that, in the spur of a moment, because you liking him back would be a myth only he wishes would be true
but guess which idiots got the wrong idea? the geniuses of spreading misinformation
and said misinformation spread like wild fire, deeming you a bad omen, and especially to haechan
it dealt more damage to your reputation than to you mentality
because if you were a bad omen, the first person you would be cursing is yourself, for bringing all this shit upon yourself
but also, to haechan, because you found out weeks later that he actually said it himself
you can't be more annoyed
you clearly explained to him how it all happened and that it was an accident
you even went to testify with him to prove it was an accident
how could he, knowing all this, sit still and accuse you of being a bad omen??? a bad luck charm????
not to sound dramatic, but he basically ruined your campus life, even the newcomers know of your story
back to hyuck
he's panicking, almost everyday when he has to pass by your class
he feels so guilty even though he basically didn't do anything wrong
he tried to hush down the rumours and even told some people off who were just shittalking you in the hall
like, what does you wearing that sweater have anything to do with this???
he's lost like a puppy, he wishes he had the courage to just walk up to you and come clean, and he has tried!! but he chickens out every time
and after that one time you shot him a vicious glare at the cafeteria, it was clear he wasn't high on your favourite's list and he just lose hope in trying to make amends with you
and that brings us back to present day, where it has been three months since the incident, and a new batch of freshman have flooded the school
hyuck wasn't feeling like having lunch today so he opts for a walk around the campus park, where he spots you and he's bout to run away again
when he hears some bigshot chicks calling you names
yes, still calling people names in college smh
he can't take this behaviour, because you're right there, without earshot
and he just knows they're being mean to get on your nerves
so there goes lee donghyuck, stomping over to the girls and telling them off
"oh, you wanna call people names now? well I have a lot of suggestions for you, mainly inspired by you,"
you can hear everything, because the argument got pretty ugly from there, and everyone just got excused into the counsellor room, where they're told to not be childish and have petty little fights on the school campus bla bla blah
and you know, because you silently followed after them and stood outside to eavesdrop
what else were you supposed to do when haechan, who supposedly started this whole nonsense up was defending you?
so you wait outside until they're done and you call out his name, relishing a bit in the way his whole body halts to an abrupt stop at the sound of your voice
you guys go somewhere more private, and not in front of the counsellor's office because dude no one's trying to get in there again
and you deadpan him for an explanation, because-
"yes, it's what you deserve, I know,"
"well then why did you spread lies about me??"
his eyes goes wide when he's accused, head shaking and promises he never intended to
"it's an accident, I swear. someone just asked if you liked me and I thought, what the hell? that would be a dream to like, like even if someone told me I would say it's a myth because why would you like me back, you know? like I like you but it's impossib-"
"literally shut up for a second,"
you don't mean to sound like that, but he's babbling a lot and you can't get the point, and when you ask him to repeat, his face flushes a bright pink
"I like you, and someone said you like me, and I think it's a myth, and I said it, and this happened. I'm sorry. the end."
taken aback is an understatement
but you literally walk a few steps away from him, just to clear out your mind and think
because this whole time you thought he hated you for embarrassing him at his how party when in fact he explains
that he's just embarrassed to see you because you saw him being embarrassing and that he feels guilty?
it takes you a while, but eventually, you guys sit down properly and talk it out
and you quickly find out why he's so popular, because he's a joy to hangout with, skip the parts where he mercilessly roasts you
you two grow closer by each day, spending free times together and haechan or hyuck, as he lets you call him, even walks you to your classes
the whole campus is dumbfounded, because not only is haechan walking perfectly find beside you, he's smiling and not in pain, even when he has his arms around your shoulder
it takes him a month to finally confess(because he's still a chicken), but you guys finally get together and the whole school's mind is blown
and every rumour about you is debunked immediately, and you guys are deemed the school's next power couple
"what a turn of events huh, my lucky charm?"
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