#and it turned out that since i always wear a ponytail for work she didn't recognize me with my hair down
fictionadventurer · 2 years
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purplecoffee13 · 14 days
NFWMB - part 2
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Summary: “Y/N’s first self defense class leads to some inevitable tension, all of which is thrown out of Y/N’s mind when she gets an unexpected visit at her office desk…”
Wc: 4.8k
Tropes: boxer!Harry x innocent!reader
Warnings: sexual TENSION😈, brief mention of SA, blood
A/N: hi everyone! I am so positively overwhelmed by the great response this new series has been getting🥹. I have such a good feeling about this and I hope you’ll appreciate this little adventure we’re going on😋. Xxx
P.S. I would also recommend listening to ‘Knuckles’ by the Snuts. Not only because it’s a great song, but along with NFWMB, it’s kinda the theme song of this series🤭.
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Series Masterlist
It was 8:55pm.
Harry had never been so fixated on time before. It was like his brain was counting down each second, even when he was trying to concentrate on quite literally anything else.
All weekend he had been wondering whether or not Y/N would show up tonight. Even though he had other things to do, and plenty of more urgent matters occupying his mind, the thought of her still managed to take up some space.
He hadn't heard from her. Not that it was technically possible; he didn't give him any contact information. God, why was he sweating this so much?
The gym was entirely empty. He always closed early on Tuesdays. The rest of the week he stays open until 12am. There are more people who go to the gym late at night than he thought, but since he needed to cut himself some slack, he decided to use Tuesdays for that.
Not that he really cut himself some slack. He'd stay and do his own exercises, then stay longer to work on administration. He would eventually go home at around 11pm. Greg scolded him for it, demanding he take some time for himself, but that seemed to be impossible for Harry.
He loved this. He loved helping people and the shitty administrative stuff was nothing in comparison to the smiles he would see on people's faces upon leaving the gym. Whether that was one of the women in his defense classes, or a man who'd reached his new weightlifting goal. He loved seeing people happy.
A wave of disappointment flooded through Harry's body. He didn't even know why he thought she'd come. It's not like he gave any indication that she wanted to. She actually told him, outright, that she didn't. He needed to check himself into a mental hospital or something... occupying himself so much with a girl he met once. He needed some sort of reality check.
The sound of the reception bell tore Harry from his thoughts, his head shooting towards the hallway where the sound was coming from. His feet began to move before he could even comprehend, and when he turned around the corner, a small sigh left his mouth.
Shit. There she was. Wearing baggy sweatpants and an oversized Rolling Stones t-shirt. Her hair was up in a ponytail, much like it had been the last time he saw her. It still looked different, though, as if she had put in more effort this time. There were no stray hairs, and the ponytail was braided. Her eyes were as big as ever, and he could've sworn they gleamed a bit when they landed on him.
"Hi." She smiled shyly, adjusting the strap of her duffel bag that slung around her shoulder. The corner of Harry's mouth tugged up.
She didn't say anything, just stared at him and waited for him to continue talking. Harry, however, was too busy with looking at her that he forgot he should probably say something. It's why it took him a little longer to say:
"C'mon, let's go to the other room."
He waited for her to pace towards him before he turned around and walked to the training room. He tried, he truly did, to stay casual and just keep walking, but he couldn't help it. His head turned—just to check, he said to himself—to see the beautiful woman still walking behind him. She really was here.
Having entered the training room, Harry walked onto the mat, Y/N following him closely. He turned around and gestured for her to put her bag on the ground. She did as instructed, and stood back in front of him. He noticed her posture, the way it was extra straight. She was compensating for the insecurity that displayed in the way she fiddled with her fingers behind her back. She probably thought he didn't notice, but there were mirrors all around the room, so he could see every single part of her.
Harry titled his head downwards and looked at her. He was only realizing it now; the height difference between them. He had seen it last week, but now that he was standing close to her, it was more prominent.
"I want to say beforehand, that during these classes I will have to touch you." He said softly, his voice still in that low baritone. Y/N's lips slowly parted, but no words came out. "Is that okay with you?"
From the way her cheeks flushed after vigorously nodding her head, he could tell she had found her quick agreement to be a bit embarrassing. Harry only smiled.
"Words, please, Y/N."
"Y—yes," She quickly answered, and Harry opened his mouth to communicate his approval, but the continuation of her consent caught him off guard. "You can touch me."
His heartbeat began to pick up a bit, blood rushing towards parts that it should definitely not be rushing to. He clenched his jaw and balled up his fists, hoping the tension in the other parts of his body would refrain his cock from straining too hard against his pants.
Jesus, what was wrong with him? Why was he acting like he just got out of prison?
"Let's warm up." He said gruffly, sounding more moody than he wanted to. Y/N nodded, looking at her feet as she took a step backwards. She waited as Harry walked to the bench to get jump rope. When he walked back and handed it to her, her eyebrows knitted in confusion.
"It's to get your heart rate up. It'll have you ready for the exercises."
"Okay." She took the rope from his hands and got ready, but never started the exercise.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked. Her eyes went all big like it did in that first class.
"Oh— no, nothing. I was waiting for you. I don't know why... you're the instructor, of course." She was rambling again, shutting her eyes tightly for a few seconds after closing her mouth. Harry bit his lip to keep himself from chuckling at the woman in front of him.
"You know what, you're right, I'll join you. I haven't done my exercises today anyway." He said as he grabbed another rope. It was a big fat lie; he had trained for a good two hours today. But these exercises were harmless fun, and if it would make her feel more comfortable, he'd do it in a heartbeat.
"Would you like some music? I always prefer it because it tends to get kind of quiet in here. But we don't have to. It's really a personal preference." Harry explained, holding up his phone. A small smile appeared on Y/N's face.
"Uhm, yeah, that would be great. What do you usually listen to?"
Harry shrugged. "Uhm, rap usually."
Y/N hummed. Harry squinted his eyes at the woman in front of him, then raised a brow.
"You don't like that, do you?"
"What? No! I don't care, really. You can put on whatever you want." She was quick to defend herself. She wasn't exactly lying. Y/N didn't care, she wouldn't dream of opposing the man in front of her.
"What do you usually listen to?"
"Uhm, I like older music." You confessed. Harry tilted his head.
"Yeah? What kind?"
"Jazz, Soul, classic rock, a bit of hard rock, disco."
Harry nodded, and looked down at his phone to type in something. Y/N frowned—probably wondering what he was doing—but a giggle escaped her as 'Let's Hear It For The Boy' started playing through the speakers. Harry's eyes twinkled as he took in the sight of her. He couldn't help but smile pridefully, knowing he made her laugh like that. It felt like an accomplishment.
"Okay, let's begin."
And so, Harry and Y/N began jumping with the jump rope next to each other. He told her to count until fifty out loud, and she obeyed him. By the time they were done, Y/N's heavy breathing made her realize that her physical shape had gotten a lot worse since moving out. She always used to run back when she lived with her parents, she told Harry, but she hadn't found time for it since she'd moved.
They did a couple other warm-up exercises together, and when stretching the final time, Harry dared to comment.
"You're pretty flexible."
Y/N looked up, shrugging at her instructor. "I was a cheerleader back in high school, and I used to do a lot of yoga in college. Maybe it stuck."
"Yeah, probably." Harry nodded, admiring the woman in front of him. She talked so casually about herself. She was actually impressively flexible; it's why he noted it in the first place. She was taking herself for granted, he could tell.
"Okay, let's start, shall we?" Harry said, getting up to his feet. Y/N silently nodded as she followed in his footsteps. "I'm going to teach you some basic things, but I also want to ask you if there are some specific exercises you would like to focus on. If so, we can start by handling those after having learned the basics, okay?"
"Okay." Y/N said, taking a deep breath.
"You can think about it, and tell me next time." Harry added, and as The Jackson 5's ABC began to play, the real exercises started.
Y/N listened intently as he explained her the basic things about throwing a punch. Balance was the most important thing, Harry had said. She followed his instructions closely and stood with her feet shoulder-with apart, her right foot—the dominant one, he told her it had to be—slightly ahead of her left one.
"Good." Harry's sound of approval had awakened something in your stomach. "Now clench your fist— you have to wrap your thumb around your index and middle fingers. Otherwise you'll break your thumb."
Y/N did as he said, keeping her wrist straight. Her stomach dropped as he let out a disapproving hum. He went to stand beside her as he lowly said:
"Bend your knees."
As soon as the words had left his mouth, Y/N bent her knees a bit. From all the nervousness she kept stretching her limbs all the time, going against his order. Seeing her answer to him so quickly had made him smirk a bit.
He didn't miss the deep breath Y/N took as he spoke. She desperately wanted his approval. It was endearing... and other things that it shouldn't be. Harry mentally slapped himself in the face. This was a professional environment, why were his thoughts racing the same way they used to back when he was a teenager? It was pathetic, really.
"Now, when you punch someone, it's important to put your entire body into it. If you punch without moving the rest of your body, it won't have as much of an impact. You have to generate the power from your core and legs. That way, the blow will land way harder." He explained, trying not to smile at Y/N's faint frown as she took in all the he was saying. She was so concentrated, wanting to absorb every piece of information he shared. "Like this."
He showed her what he meant. Y/N nodded and tried to imitate her instructor, but without much luck.
"You don't have to lean forward that much. If you turn with your entire body, it'll do that for you." He said, and had to fight the small grin that threatened to form on his lips when she tried to hold herself back too much this time. She huffed in annoyance.
"How am I ever going to be able to defend myself again if I can't even get a punch right?" She murmured, mainly to herself, as she pinched the bridge between her nose. Harry's ears perked up at what she said.
What did she mean with 'again'? Rage started simmering in his body at the sole implication of someone having done something to this woman that made her have to defend herself. Is that why she was so interested in the class? Why she wanted to learn so bad despite being so shy? Because someone had hurt her, or threatened to, and made her feel unsafe?
"Can I touch you?"
Y/N's gaze shot up to Harry's, keeping them locked for a few seconds before she let out a soft 'yes'. He nodded once, went to stand behind her, and told her to get back into position. As soon as she had, he grabbed her hips. Firm, but light.
"Do it again, slowly."
Y/N did as he said, and let him help her move her body in the right way. Automatically, her foot stayed in the right position, and she wasn't really leaning forward anymore.
"That's it." Harry said proudly. He was kind of caught off guard when Y/N sucked in a breath and turned around, his hands falling off her hips immediately. For a second, he felt bad, not having wanted to make her feel uncomfortable in any way, but when he saw her swallow, biting her lip, he knew that his touch had caused something else.
Fuck. He was definitely better off not knowing.
"I— Can I drink some water?" Y/N asked, almost sounding like she was out of breath. Harry did his best not to let it get to his head too much as he nodded, biting inside of his cheek. She scurried over to her bag, and took out a water bottle, of which she probably gulped half down before she set it down on the bench.
"Okay, c'mon. We have a lot to cover." Harry said when he felt she was lingering by the bench too much. She immediately walked back to him, and there was sense of pride that filled Harry's chest. Such a good listener, she was.
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Y/N was exhausted. Her first self defense class was finally over, and it was a lot harder than she thought it'd be. They went over the basics of punching, and Harry had decided that she definitely needed to build some muscle. In the end, they practiced half an hour longer than the original hour Y/N thought the class was going to be. The regular classes were sixty minutes, so she'd just assumed.
It was also unbearable. She couldn't believe how worked up she was getting over the proximity between her and Harry. It was embarrassing, she had to be ovulating or something. Of course, it probably also had something to do with the fact that Harry was singlehandedly the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, but she shouldn't have let that distract her from her goal. She needed these classes, she needed not to be weak anymore.
After the class, Harry told her to be here at the same time next week, and she thanked him before walking out of the gym.
Harry probably didn't expect her to still stand outside ten minutes later when he walked out to lock up, but when he noticed the pouring rain, it looked like he understood.
"Did you walk?" He asked casually, locking the door. Y/N shook her head.
"Bike." She pointed to the soaking wet bicycle a few feet away.
"D'you need a ride?" He questioned, stepping towards her. Again, she shook her head.
"It's fine, I'll just wait until this blows over."
As if the universe and the weather were playing a crude joke on her, loud thunder ripped through the sky just as the sentence left her mouth. Harry tilted his head a bit.
"Yeah, no. I'm dropping you off at home." He said, and before she could protest, Harry began to walk away, right into the rain. He stepped into his car and drove over to Y/N, then got out of the car again. As he approached her, he asked:
"Where are the keys to your bike?"
Too stunned to say anything, she just handed him the keys. She was a little occupied with how hot he looked all soaking wet and— oh Jesus, she needed shock therapy.
She watched as Harry carried the bicycle and out in the trunk of his car. The grey hoodie that he must've thrown on before leaving the gym was a few shades darker now, and strands of his hair clung to his forehead. He made his way to the passenger door, and opened it, a wave of his arm gesturing for her to get in. She ran into the car, the door closing behind her with a harsh thud.
Harry ran around the car and got in himself, closing the door and turning the vehicle on immediately. Y/N's eyes went wide as Harry pulled the hoodie over his head, tugging his t-shirt up a bit along with it. She eyed the tattoos that inked his hip bones. They seemed like... leaves of some kind? She couldn't exactly make it up in such a short time because she shifted her gaze to the car window and strictly kept it there as soon as she'd realized she was staring.
"Where to?" Harry asked, but Y/N only replied with a distracted hum, not daring to take her eyes off the car window. She had never been around someone who'd made her so nervous before. Sure, she'd been awkward a whole bunch in her life, especially around her crushes in high school. But she was 23 now, she shouldn't be behaving like this around men anymore!
"Y/N?" He leaned forward, waving a hand in front of her face. She snapped her head to him.
"Oh, sorry!" She said, her tone revealing how stressed she was.
"It's okay. Just type in your address, and I'll drive you home." Harry answered sweetly. His soft, green eyes made him seem like much less of an intimidating man. That was, until one would look further down his body of course. The man was extremely jacked, and while that was very hot, it could also be quite scary. But she couldn't find any part of herself that was afraid of him.
No, he might've intimidated her, and that might've made her act like an complet fool in front of him, but she wasn't scared of him.
The silence during the car ride was mostly filled up with Harry asking Y/N questions about herself. Where she was from, what she'd studied. She, alike, returned those questions and found out a bit more about Harry's past as well.
The he was a boxer, retired two years ago, and now owned several gyms. Y/N knows she should've been taken aback a bit when she asked Harry's age and he said he was 29, but for some reason it worked the opposite for her.
Was this a topic for therapy?
She hadn't time to think too much of it, as he soon pulled up in front of her apartment complex. They both got out of the car and Harry helped carry her bicycle to a little garage for bikes at the side of the apartment.
They walked back towards the car, both drenched in water by now, and Harry turned around to say goodbye, but Y/N interrupted him.
"What do I owe you?" She asked, not caring that she was standing in the pouring rain and she was shivering from the cold. A sort of didn't want the conversation to end just yet. Harry thought it over for a few seconds, then shrugged.
"Nothing." He said, to which Y/N knitted her brows.
"But I need to pay you for the classes." She stated the obvious, at least she felt like she was.
"It was a try-out class." Harry replied with a smile.
"I already had my try-out class." She reiterated. Harry shook his head.
"That was your group try-out class, this was your private try-out class. Try-outs are always free."
Y/N bit her lip, unsure of what to say to that. Eventually she settled on something in the middle. "Fine. I'll just tip you extra good the upcoming classes."
Harry let out a laugh. "Sure, angel."
She could've sworn that her heart skipped the beat at the sound of that nickname rolling off Harry's tongue. Did he really just call her that? Y/N scanned for answers in Harry's face, and only noticed a slight shock in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up with that casual ease that always seemed to be hanging over him.
"I— I'm gonna get inside. Thank you for the ride, and the class."
Harry just gave her a small nod. "Anytime."
With that, Y/N turned around and hurried to her apartment complex, shivering by the time she got inside her own place. Her mind was racing, everything that had happened tonight kept flashing through her brain and it was like she could feel the burn of his fingers on her hips.
This was so unlike her. Unlike anything she'd ever done. Taking this class was a risk, one she'd thought being worth it, because it would bring her safety and security.
But this... these tingling feelings crashing into her like an avalanche— she hadn't felt like this since college. Hadn't had a crush become so intense in such a short time.
What the hell was she gonna do about this?
All she knew is that she couldn't stop thinking about him. Not as she got in the shower, nor as she got into bed. She kept tossing and turning until she gave into that feeling that had been nagging at her all night, her hand slowly sliding down her belly and to the sensitive ache that had been growing between her legs.
She closed her eyes and didn't even have to try to imagine Harry's hands on her again, the way he'd said those words to her. As if he wanted her to misinterpret them for something dirty.
"Can I touch you?"
"Do it again, slowly."
"That's it."
The sound of his voice ringing through her head had Y/N rubbing her fingers faster over her clit, her legs starting to close from the immense stimulation. Nevertheless, she forced herself to keep them open as she pleasured herself. Small gasps for air began leaving her body as she felt her climax coming closer and closer.
"Sure, angel."
The teasing tone in which he spoke, the playfulness in his eyes and the accent with which he said the nickname, that memory is what made her make a mess all over her fingers. A small moan even left her mouth in the sound of his name, and although no one was there to hear it, Y/N was embarrassed as she went to the bathroom, cleaned herself up, and went back to bed.
She did fall asleep quite quickly after, though. She was exhausted.
The next morning, there was a slight flutter in her stomach and a smile on her face as she opened her eyes. A new reason to get up in the morning had been making its way into her life, and she couldn't feel anything but giddy about it. Having a crush was always fun.
Despite the replaying of yesterday's practice over breakfast, and the heating of her cheeks at the memories of his words in the car on her way to work, Y/N knew that she was playing with fire by letting herself indulge in this crush. She needed to be careful not to let it go too far. A simple crush wasn't a problem, but he was her instructor and if she truly wanted to learn something in those self defense classes, she better separate business and pleasure.
With the loads of work she had to do at work, Y/N managed to drown out most of the thoughts about Harry the rest of the morning. She was finally relaxing after getting some important papers sent over—which was a stressful problem, as they had to be sent yesterday but some incompetent idiot messed up, leaving Y/N to solve it by herself first thing in the morning—when she got an e-mail from Sophie.
You are invited to
8:00pm (don't be late!)
Theme: Casino Night
Y/N stared at the invitation on her computer screen, a wide smile covering most of her face. She knew she didn't have any plans, but she still checked her agenda to make sure she was available Saturday next week. She felt like a child who'd just gotten her first ever birthday invitation. It sure felt like that.
Y/N hadn't really had such sweet friends before. Getting along with Sophie had been so incredibly easy and although she always felt like it was too good to be true and there must be some sort of trap, there never was. Sophie just enjoyed Y/N's company, and vice versa. It was like having a big sister and a best friend in one.
About five seconds after silently celebrating having received the invitation, Y/N began to stress about what present she should bring her new friend. It had to be something good. Sophie had earned a lot of money, and could basically get herself anything she wanted, so it had to be more of a sentimental gift.
Y/N had her eyes on a present already. She was very enthusiastic about it; it was something Sophie would really like.
All caught up in the excitement, she didn't notice a tall shadow standing over her until he coughed to get her attention. Y/N looked up, dread filling her stomach as she locked eyes with Oscar. She was still trying to remember how to breathe since her body just shut down out of anxiousness at the sight of him, when he started talking.
"Look, I'll keep this short, because I know you don't want to talk to me," He looked to his left and right before grabbing onto the desk and leaning over it. "but I just want to make sure we're on the same page."
Y/N could do nothing but blink at the man in front of her. What was he talking about, 'same page'?
"Things didn't really go how I thought they would that night, and I've accepted that. But I would appreciate if you wouldn't go around telling people."
"Telling people what?" The words left her mouth before she could stop herself. Originally she didn't want to utter a word in front of this man, nor did she believe she was able to, but this demand of his made her stomach twist. The way he said it, the distaste so apparent on his tongue. As if she were an inconvenience to be dealt with. He'd really mastered that heartlessness that only the cruelest of lawyers could conjure.
"You know what..." He said through clenched teeth, giving her a bit of a warning glare. The anger that boiled within her was new. She had never experienced it in such a large quantity before, and it had her acting out of character.
"What? About you assaulting me?"
The sentence had barely escaped her mouth when Oscar leaped forward a bit, frown so deep that it had made the vein in his forehead extremely prominent. She flinched at the sudden movement, tilting back into her chair. She felt the sped up pace of heartbeat as she clenched her fists, the rest of her body frozen in anticipation of what he was going to do.
"I did not assault—" he stopped himself, his crazy eyes calming a bit, as if he realized he was still in the office. "You know what, you can run to whoever you want. This firm trusts me, and they know what kind of man I am, that I would never do such a thing. Either way, it’s most likely not my job you'll be risking by bringing forth such an accusation."
Y/N had no idea what to possibly say to that. Not that Oscar gave her the chance, seeing as he backed away and walked off before she had the chance to come up with something. She began breathing more heavily with every step he took away from her.
Did he just threaten her?
A tingling pain in her hand distracted Y/N from the rabbit hole of thoughts she was just about to fall into, and when her eyes moved to see what it was, she raised her brows at the sight of blood in her hand.
Unconsciously, somewhere in between looking at the invitation and Oscar's impromptu visit, she must've grabbed the pair of scissors that were laying on the desk. She must've balled up her fists so much that she cut her hand.
Staring at the blood, a thousand thoughts running through her head, only one was the loudest.
She needed to get out of here.
Taglist: @meetmeatyourworst @mema10 @seafoamwhispers @namoreno
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
[ one day ] j. hughes
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paring : Jack Hughes x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) accidentally distracts Jack while he’s being interviewed in their home for a day in the life of a Devils player documentary that's being filmed, and Jack brings up the idea of a proposal
warning(s) : a quick mention of suggestive content but no actual sex
author’s note : i don’t understand how this plot came to be and tbh it's kinda stupid but i’m taking it and running with it
Jack being one of NHL's most popular players has it's pros and cons. Today is one of those cons that they both hate. Jack is being followed around for the day to film a Devils documentary that follows players during their off days. Jack being one of the Devils' star players means he had to do the documentary.
That was before (Y/N) talked him into it. She didn't realize how intense it would all be. An entire film crew has set up in their living room with big cameras and lighting. They have made themselves very much at home after knocking on their door at the crack of dawn.
The two of them were having a really good morning in bed together when the film crew came knocking. Lots of naked cuddles and kisses were exchanged when a knock rang out through their apartment. It ruined both of their moods.
They stand in their kitchen and watch the crew finish setting up from the island counter. Jack is now dressed in a dark grey Devils hockey t-shirt with black sweatpants that have a Devils logo on the pant leg.
"Do you want me in this?" (Y/N) questions. Jack looks over at her with a confused look on his face. "I mean, we've been mostly quiet about our relationship so I completely understand if you don't want me to be apart of your episode of the documentary."
Jack shakes his head as soon as the words pass her lips. "No, I want you in this, (Y/N)," he tells her. "It's a documentary about a day in my life and you're a really big part of my life so of course I want you in this. Just let me do the interview really quick then we can act like it's a normal day."
The woman doing the interview is one of the Devils reporters, but (Y/N) can't remember her name at the moment. She sits opposite Jack in the comfy chair. The camera over her shoulder is pointed at Jack.
While Jack is being interviewed, (Y/N) goes to her room to get ready for their insane day ahead. She needs to put on some actual clothes too. All she's been wearing since she got out of bed is one of Jack's t-shirts and a pair of really small shorts. Not exactly what she wants to be wearing if she's going to be followed around for most of the day by people that work for the Devils.
She can hear some of the questions being asked while she's getting changed. They're the usual questions. Asking about how the season is going for him, how he's been recovering from that shoulder injury that kept him off the ice for a handful of games, and how it's been having his brother on the team with him. Sometimes Jack's sassy side comes out. He's never been the one to hide how he's feeling when answering questions.
To mess with Jack a little bit, and to kind of surprise him when he's done with the interview, (Y/N) grabs Jack's Devils hoodie that he wears to practice sometimes. His number sits on her chest and it's a little too big. She pairs the black hoodie with a pair of jeans that are ripped at the knee. She throws her hair up into a high ponytail and puts on light makeup just to cover any blemishes or pimples that'll pop out on camera.
When she leaves their bedroom, Jack is talking about how amazing it is to be considered one of the league's best players.
"It's always the goal to be one of the best in whatever sport you play," Jack is saying as she walks through the living room. "I, um, didn't think it would happen, uh, so early on in my, um, career." (Y/N) looks over and sees that Jack has his eyes on her. "Sorry. Got distracted." There's a smile on his face when he sees what she's wearing.
The reporter turns and looks at (Y/N). "I didn't know your girlfriend lived with you, Jack," she says as she turns back to him. (Y/N) smiles and starts to make some coffee.
"One of the best decisions I have ever made," Jack says from the living room. "Getting to fall asleep with her in my arms and waking up with her wrapped around me is an honor. We've been together for over two years now and it's been incredible. My parents and brothers all love her, but not nearly as much as I do."
(Y/N) smiles to herself as the coffee brews. Her back is to him at the moment so he can't see the smile.
The way Jack talks about her sometimes makes her fall in love with him a little more. She talks about him like that all the time to friends and family, but knowing he's saying all of this in front of a camera for a documentary makes what he'[s saying a little more special. He isn't holding back because he's on camera.
"That's so cute," the interviewer says. "Could we be expecting a Jack Hughes proposal soon?"
"We'll see what happens," Jack replies. That causes her to spin around immediately and look at Jack. The smile that was on his face is still there as their eyes meet from two different rooms. Her smile grows bigger.
They've never talked about marriage. Both of them are very happy with where they are at in their relationship so they both not rushing to walk down the aisle. Plus, they're 21 and 22 respectively so they're still really young. They don't have to get married right now.
The interview goes by without another mention of marriage, or (Y/N). She's okay with that because this is about Jack and his accomplishments as NHL's rising star. He's come a long way since his rookie year.
(Y/N) was around that year but they weren't together. They were close friends at that point so she saw every day how Jack struggled his rookie year. He struggled with hockey and he struggled with what people were saying about him online. Calling him a NHL bust despite being drafted first overall.
They grew closer that year and it was during his sophomore season when they got together. She's been super supportive of him since he got drafted, but especially after his rookie year.
Jack quickly excuses himself before he gets mic'd up for the rest of the day. She's pouring coffee into two mugs for both of them when Jack comes up behind her and wraps his arms around his girlfriend.
"I know we never talked about it but-"
"Yes, I'd like to get married to you one day, Jack," (Y/N) interrupts as she turns in his arms. He presses her against the counter with one hand and takes his hot coffee in his other. "We don't have to rush into anything though. I'm happy with where we are and you're still trying to prove yourself in the NHL."
"So one day?" he asks.
She leans forward and kisses him softly and quickly. "One day."
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augustjustice · 11 months
Pretty in Pink
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I am still firmly on my Stevie Harrington agenda this week, so please enjoy below Eddie's thirsty-turned-sappy thoughts about his favorite girl, inspired by @getlost0p's absolutely delightful art as well @cherrycolasteve's very cute tags.
Eddie taps the pen against his front teeth absently, eyes flitting uncomprehendingly over the various multiple choice options of his practice test. With his brain already feeling fuzzy and unfocused, it’s easy to let his gaze drift away from the page over to the girl currently sprawled out beside him–Stevie Harrington, curled up reading the X-Men comic Dustin had strong-armed her into picking up. 
And, look–who could really blame him for getting a little distracted? There's a hot girl in his bed which is, admittedly, a rare enough occurrence–until shit went sideways last spring, at least–to still feel a little notable. Even if she is only there for moral support while he studies, his GED test date circling ever closer.
Stevie's wearing a striped white and pink polo with the buttons undone all the way to the bottom of the neckline and tight stonewash jeans. The absolute preppiest of prep attire, completed by the cherry-flavored chapstick shining red on her lips.
Eddie wants to kiss her stupid.
The jeans are high waisted, pulled up snug over the curve of her ass, and with Stevie rolled onto her stomach reading the comic, Eddie's getting quite the view.
Then she shifts, flopping over onto her back beside him, the movement followed by the sound of pages turning. The new position offers a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage, a further hint of what her clingy polo is doing such a great job of highlighting. 
Eddie looks. Of course he looks.
Estrogen has taken to Stevie’s figure like a duck to water. In the plush spread of her hips, making her pert ass even rounder, which Eddie would have thought was damn near impossible. And in the plumpness steadily gathering at her chest, her once defined pecs softening, giving way to the gentle swell of her breasts, which grow fuller by the day. 
It’s become something of a problem for him lately–the staring. 
That was true, to some extent, even before she started to transition. Stevie's always been gorgeous, and Eddie's always been aware of that fact, harboring a hopeless, from afar crush on her since they landed in the same impossible English class his first senior year and Eddie had become painfully aware of what all the Hawkins High girls were on about. Not that he would have admitted that, at the time, not even under threat of painful, agonizing death–no, the coming terms with it came later, during his spring break from hell spent realizing that Stevie Harrington was not only surprisingly sweet but a totally badass, bonafide hero.
…The whole ripping that bat apart with her teeth thing certainly didn't hurt, either.
The point is, he's always looked at Stevie, flirted with her. Probably been too obvious about it, too. 
It's just that since she started to transition, it feels like he's gotten so much worse, like any subtlety he was holding on to by his fingernails has been ripped from his hands. Eddie can’t stop staring at her, the heat of embarrassment prickling his face, tongue-tied like a school boy with a crush each and every time he gets caught. 
And that's the worst part of it–he does get caught, far more often than he'd like.
It’d been months, now, since the first time Stevie explicitly called him out for it–a warm Saturday in the summer when they had dragged the kids down to the arcade, trying to beat the heat with the dark, air-conditioned interior of the local nerd haunt. 
Stevie had been watching Erica beat her own high score at Duck Hunt, leaned over the machine in her Daisy Duke cutoff shorts and a cropped pink jersey, ponytail swinging against her back and the scars littering her sides unashamedly on display. That’s something they had both been working themselves up to, together–not hiding their war wounds, fighting off the anxiety that came from people’s stares.
But Eddie had been staring for an entirely different reason when Stevie caught him. 
As Erica ran off to ‘pummel’ Dustin after his latest Dig Dug win, Stevie propped an elbow on the abandoned game, shooting Eddie a knowing look.
“Like what you see, Munson?” she asked coyly.
Eddie’s entire face flamed with heat. 
“I was just–your top!” he blurted. “I was just admiring your top, my lady. It’s…it’s cute. The pink–think that might be your color, Harrington.”
Stevie’s cheeks burned her own pretty pink to match it, then, which Eddie couldn’t help but preen about. 
And if he noticed she started wearing a lot more pink around him after that, well…he tried not to read too much into it.
Just like the pretty pale pink she’s wearing today, attracting his eye and forcing Eddie to hold back a twitterpated sigh as he watches her, wrapped up in the bright primary colored pages of the X-Men
…This bullshit of his is definitely gonna get his ass kicked by Robin or Nancy, one of these days, he’s sure of it. Possibly both of them at once–Buck may just hold him down while Wheeler does what she does best.
But the truth is, it's not just about how Stevie’s figure has steadily filled out. He's not gonna lie, that's definitely part of it–but also…she just has this glow about her, now, like she's settling so happily into herself. It’s like that contentment beams out of her, radiant, in every little gesture, every giddy smile. He's drawn in by it, like Icarus with the sun, like a moth to a flame–too entranced to turn away, even if it might end up burning him in the long run.
The thing is, Stevie's beautiful, and she takes his breath away.
She’s become such an intrinsic part of his life, since everything that happened, he’s not entirely sure what he would do without her. Hell, they still share a bed, some nights–fighting back the nightmares together is always easier. And in the intervening months since that started, she's grown steadily softer beside him, curves pressing against his body where there were once hard planes and sharper angles. Her presence is no less warm and comforting than it had been from the beginning, though, her weight and smell familiar, the steady rhythm of her breathing when it finally evens out the same.
Eddie wonders if they were supposed to have stopped doing that, somewhere along the way–the sleeping together part, even though they're only doing it in the most platonic, just-friends sort of way possible. Then again, he's never put all that much stock in it, what he is and isn't supposed to be doing. Besides, how much difference could stopping really have made? Not a whole hell of a lot, in his opinion, considering they've both been bi as fuck the whole damn time.
Sharing a bed all the time doesn't really help his other problem–the staring, the thinking about Stevie's plush curves and soft skin–but that's his own shit to deal with and work out. Stevie shouldn't have to suffer through the nights alone just because Eddie can't keep his hard on for her in check.
So, yeah. He thinks she’s a knockout–of course he does–but the truth is, that’s all secondary to the way he feels about her. She’s steadily grown into one of his best friends, in the time since he’s finally gotten to actually know her. And if all he ever gets to do is look–and better yet, talk to her, bicker and joke and tease, share popcorn at movie nights crammed too close together on the Harrington’s couch and laugh at all the same stupid inside jokes–well, he considers himself honored for the privilege of it. 
“What, Munson?” Stevie laughs suddenly, drawing him out of his reverie–during which he had, of course, still been staring–by smacking him lightly on the arm with her comic book. 
That had been another secret, shared between them–Stevie liked the X-Men, she’d confessed, even if she couldn’t resist pretending otherwise to Dustin. She said the Mutants made her feel…seen, in a way she really hadn’t ever before. 
"I know exactly what you mean, sweetheart," Eddie had agreed easily when she told him. 
"Kinda figured you might, Eds,” she had shot him a soft smile, which he returned in kind.
That feeling of being seen–understood–stretched out beyond the pages of the comic book to encompass them both, the way they just fundamentally got each other.
"Mystique's got nothing on you, though," he had added with a wink, falling back on his old routine of borderline flirtation just for the pleasure of seeing her blush yet again, ducking her head as she gave his shoulder an exasperated nudge.
He blinks back to reality, finds himself looking into those same mesmerizing eyes now, big and brown and staring back at him expectantly. A smile plays at the corners of Stevie’s mouth as she puts her comic aside. Scooting closer, she reaches to give one of his test booklet pages a quick shake. 
"You're supposed to be studying, you know. Believe me, I get how hard that can be, and I wasn't exactly the best in school…but I'm still like 99% sure you at least have to look at the page before you get it,” she teases. “And I haven’t got the answers to this question secretly penciled somewhere up my sleeve, promise. So, not really sure how staring at me is gonna help you here."
Eddie studies her face–the amused pink curve of her mouth, the cute little moles that dot her cheeks and throat. 
That wistful sigh finally escapes him.
“Shit, sorry,” he apologies on autopilot, and then, the confession rolls off his tongue before he can stop it, “you’re just so…fucking pretty.”
As soon as the words have left his mouth, he cringes, preparing to blurt out yet another apology–and then Stevie’s finger presses against his lips. When he glances at her, he finds that her whole face has lit up. 
Well, fuck. If she’s gonna look at him like that, he can’t even be sorry for his big mouth.
Then, surprise of all surprises–he feels a jolt as she leans in and pecks him once on the cheek, lips smooth from her cherry chapstick. 
“Thanks. You’re sweet, Eddie,” Stevie murmurs, quietly, as she pulls back. Then, her smile turns mischievous, pretty eyes giving one of her patented, exasperated eyerolls. “And good of you to finally say something about it.”
Eddie barks out a disbelieving laugh before he can help it, hiding his face for a moment between his fingers.
“Seriously, Harrington, you know you’re a total babe.”
“Yeah, sure,” Stevie agrees, a glimmer of that overconfidence she’d carried herself with in school shining out. Eddie can’t even lie–he loves it. “But a girl still likes to hear it, now and again.”
“Shit, Stevie.” Head still ducked, Eddie reaches out slowly and takes her hand, twiddling with her fingers as he looks up from beneath the fringe of his bangs. “Now that I know you want me, too–I’ll tell you anytime you want.”
Reaching forward, Stevie tucks a tuft of hair behind Eddie’s ear, not letting him hide behind the curtain of it. Then, she leans in, and this time she presses a soft kiss to his lips. 
Eddie sucks in another sharp, surprised breath, finally tasting that cherry flavor for himself. 
“I’m totally gonna hold you to that one, Eds,” she says, leaving their foreheads pressed gently together even once she pulls back, “so just get ready for it.”  
But, then, a mere moment later, Stevie is bouncing backwards on the bed, giggling when Eddie leans in, trying to chase after her lips again. He groans as she picks up his booklet and presses it against his chest. 
“You can check me out all you want later, stud,” Stevie shoots him a wink, flipping open to the page he had left off on. “But, for now…you’ve gotta get back to work.”
When she settles down beside him this time, though, she stays close, hooking her chin over his shoulder. 
“And, I’ve got an idea. A tried and true method for studying. Works every time.” 
“That right?” Eddie tilts his head to face her, cocking an eyebrow. “Well, lay it on me, then, sweetheart. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
He taps a finger lightly against her temple. The playful twinkle in Stevie’s eyes as she grins at him makes Eddie’s heart skip a bit.
“How about…I give you a kiss for every question you get right?” she murmurs, close enough her warm breath ghosts over his skin. 
Eddie lets his eyes drop down to the red shine of her lips, and feels giddy, for once, knowing he can look his fill. After a long, loaded pause, he gives a sharp nod, clapping his hands together.
“You know what, Stevie? Studying never sounded so good.” Snatching up his pen again, he settles back with the test now spread across both their laps. “I’m in.” 
And, this time, whenever Stevie distracts Eddie from his studies–well. At least he can tell himself it’s all in the name of a good cause.
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viesanterieures · 6 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒆
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Robert Fischer (Inception) x female Reader
summary: The reader works as an artist who has never had a breakthrough until she decides to paint Robert.
warnings: this is a kinda cute and funny story so… no warnings :)
word count: 2500+
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The air was warm as Robert turned into the familiar driveway. It was late October in Sydney, summer was just around the corner and the driveway was full of flowers and other plants. Today was Sunday, one of the few days he had to himself and his friends. During the week, he worked from early morning until late at night, as befits the future CEO of a multi-million dollar empire. Before he had even rung the bell, the door opened and a woman with shoulder-length brown hair pulled him into her arms. "Robert, how nice of you to come. We haven't seen each other in at least two months."
He laughed a little and patted his best friend on the shoulder. "I've had a lot on my mind, I'm sorry, Rebecca." Robert had known her since they were children. They had gone to kindergarten together and Rebecca was two years younger than him. All the friendships of his childhood, youth and university days had not lasted because many people thought he was arrogant, but Rebecca had always been there for him. As a child, as a teenager, as a student, at his wedding... and also at his divorce three years ago.
"How is your father, Robbie?" she wanted to know. Suddenly the smile on his face faded. "It doesn't look so good. He'll probably have to go back into hospital next month for a surgery." Rebecca looked at him compassionately and nodded silently as she took his jacket. "I'm so sorry."
I'm glad I can at least visit you," he quickly changed the subject.
"I'm glad too, Robbie," she said with a bright smile again.
"YN is also here, I hope you don't mind."
"No Becca, that‘s cool," Robert said, following her into the living room.
YN was Rebecca's younger sister and Robert quite liked her. She was one of those people who believed in destiny, the supernatural, spiritual things and tarot cards, which Robert didn't think much of. But she had always been very warm and kind to him and Robert was sure that there wasn't a single bad bone in this woman's body. She was just the way she was. As far as Robert knew, she worked full time in a perfumery and in her free time as an artist, but she remained rather unsuccessful. Her face immediately lit up when she saw him and gave him a friendly wave. She was wearing a pink dress, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, gold earrings and red lipstick. She was really pretty.
"Robert, how nice to see you! I brought some cupcakes, would you like one? They're homemade." She held out a bowl of pink muffins with strawberries and sprinkles to him. Robert gratefully took one and sat down on the couch next to the two women.
"It‘s really good," Robert praised YN's baking skills after taking a bite.
"Thank you, Robert. I baked them at 3 o'clock in the night because I couldn't sleep... It was another full moon. And my moon calender says that I should concentrate more on housework now, especially cooking and baking“.
He tried to hide his surprised expression and took another bite. Rebecca didn't seem confused by the explanation, she knew her sister well enough. Finally, YN slowly bent down towards them. "And do you know what my horoscope said?" Robert and Rebecca shook their heads.
"That I'm going to have my breakthrough this month," she finally said excitedly.
"You mean with your art?" Rebecca wanted to know.
"Yes! I'm going to have a huge success. But I don't know what motif to choose." YN picked at her dress thoughtfully. "A portrait or a landscape... I'm not sure. I need a subject to practise on first. Just to get back into it. I haven't painted for months.
"You've painted me so many times," Rebecca said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "How about you painting Robert?"
YN's face lit up at the words. "That's a wonderful idea! Robert, you have such a beautiful face... Like an angel!"
Robert almost choked on his cupcake. "Please what?"
"Oh come on Robbie, she just wants to practise," Rebecca interjected.
Sighing, he looked into YN's bright eyes and shrugged. "Yes, why not..."
YN cheered immediately and hugged Robert happily. "But I can't sit still for like eight hours," Robert replied quickly.
"You don't have to do that," YN said. "You can come with me to my studio, I'll draw the outlines and a sketch, then I'll take a photo of you to paint the details later. If you like and have the time, we can start right away. It would mean so much to me, Robert, really!" He smiled and nodded again. He just couldn't look away from YN's eyes.
"Nice studio," Robert said, breaking the awkward silence. He looked around curiously. YN's studio was a bright room with large windows letting in the daylight. There were easels full of canvases and tubes of paint everywhere and the smell of fresh paint was in the air.
"Robert, I told you not to move," laughed YN, who sat behind a canvas. The two had left for YN's that afternoon. Now the sun was already setting outside and Robert felt as if he had been sitting on the floor in front of her for ages.
"I'll be done with the outlines in a minute."
"Good, because my butt is already hurting," Robert grumbled.
A short moment later, YN put the brush down, clapped her hands and grabbed a camera lying on a chair next to her. "Well, I'm done for today. Let's take the photo quickly."
Robert moved back into position and looked a little tiredly at the camera. A few seconds after YN had taken the picture, he collapsed. "My God, this is more exhausting than I thought."
YN laughed. "I believe you. I've been a model too."
"Can I have a look?" Robert asked curiously, sitting up with a groan.
"Sure, come here." YN turned the canvas a little.
"Oh, this is definitely... Art." If Robert was honest, he couldn't really make out much on the canvas. It looked more like a wild doodle of a man who, with a lot of imagination, could look like him. And for this he had been sitting in an uncomfortable position on the cold floor for almost two hours?
"I'll start working on the details tomorrow. I'll let you know when it's ready."
Robert forced a friendly smile, YN pulled him into a tight hug to say goodbye and he left the house, a little disappointed.
Days and weeks passed without Robert hearing a word from YN. He didn't know how far she'd got with the painting, or if she'd even thrown it away. But then, one Saturday evening, she finally called him to say that she had finished the painting and that he could come and see it tomorrow. Of course Robert couldn't resist the opportunity, as he was actually quite curious to see how the painting would look now, although he had little hope that it would be any better than the last time.
He finally arrived at YN's door at 10am the next morning. She immediately greeted him friendly and offered him a cup of tea, which Robert gratefully accepted.
"Nice of you to come," she said and excitedly pulled him by the sleeve into her studio. "Close your eyes."
Robert did as she asked, although he was a little confused by her instructions. YN carefully led him to the easel in the middle of the room.
"And open your eyes."
Robert looked curiously at the painting in front of him, but then his jaw dropped and he couldn't get a word out.
"I've thrown away the old painting and made a new one. Isn't it gorgeous?"
He couldn't believe his eyes. The painting was insanely beautiful. It must have taken an eternity to work out all the details. He'd never seen so much care in YN's work, who usually painted in a rather chaotic way. Every single strand of Robert's dark hair was painted perfectly and precisely, and you could almost count every single eyelash. But most striking of all were the eyes, which stood out almost ghostly from the rest of the rather dark picture.
"It's so beautiful," he marvelled, running his finger carefully over the dry canvas. "But why am I wearing a sheer white shirt? I wore a normal black shirt that day. And my eyes look almost inhuman."
"Artistic freedom," YN quickly replied. "I wanted you to look a bit ethereal in the painting."
Robert nodded slowly with a raised eyebrow, then smiled again. "It‘s still so beautiful."
"You can have it if you want," YN offered.
He shook his head immediately. "No, no, keep it. It must have been so time-consuming that I don't want to take it away from you. I'm sure it's better off in your studio than in my house. But... promise me you won't sell it, okay?"
She nodded quickly and looked Robert straight in the eye. "No, I won't. I've made another artwork that I'm going to submit to the art competition."
Robert looked at her, confused. "To what?"
"Oh, I haven't told you yet. The art museum is running a competition this month. If I win, my painting will be on display there, isn't that great? Mrs Buchanan from the museum is coming to see the painting tomorrow. She's a good friend of my aunt's."
"That's great. Then I'll be rooting for you to win!"
Eventhough Robert had recently doubted YN's talent, he'd wished her all the best, especially now that he'd seen the beautiful portrait.
"And here it is," she joyfully pulled a cloth from a easel beside her.
"Oh, um... what is it exactly?" Robert asked, a little embarrassed as he couldn't make out more than a few patches of dark green on a grey background.
"The painting is called 'The Fog Forest'. The theme of the competition is 'Between reality and fiction: a journey into imagination'," explained YN. "The green stands for the trees of the forest and the grey is the fog and shadows, where you can easily get lost and dream.
"Oh, um, very nice." Robert forced a smile. "I'm sure Mrs Buchanan will recognise it immediately, also the deeper meaning, unlike me. You know I don't know much about art."
"I know that, Robert. But it's so kind of you to support me," she said softly, taking his hand and squeezing it gently.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go now, I have another appointment. Busy schedule as a future CEO... you know," he replied quickly, then looked at her pretty face and felt his heart beating in his chest.
"Becc, when I tell you! I've never seen such a beautiful painting." It was just after half past seven the next evening and Robert was glad to be off work. He stood in his kitchen, his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear as he chopped vegetables into small cubes.
"Are you sure, Robert? I've known YN long enough and she's never painted anything else than a few dots and lines," Rebecca's voice came over the loudspeaker. Robert thoughtfully placed the pieces of vegetable in a pot.
"I've seen it with my own eyes. Maybe she was possessed by the ghost of Leonardo Davinci that night or something." At this moment Robert's doorbell rang. "I have to hang up, Becc, I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow again." Confused, Robert wiped his hands on a towel and hurried to the front door. Who the hell was that? As he opened the front door, he saw a familiar face but also an unfamiliar one. In front of him stood YN, as always in one of her summer dresses and her big earrings, and next to her a tall, slim older lady with a tight bun and a blazer, looking at him curiously.
"Hey YN... what are you doing here? And who are you?" Robert wanted to know, frowning in confusion.
"Oh, it's him! I recognise him," the unknown lady said excitedly as she looked at him more closely.
YN tapped nervously with one foot and took a deep breath. "Robert, this is Mrs Buchanan from the art museum, she wants to have you."
"Wait, what? She wants to have me?" Robert laughed confused.
"Not you. The painting of you." The lady quickly clarified. "It's really gorgeous. What a work of art. It perfectly reflects our theme for this month. Between reality and fiction... Almost like a modern version of the Dorian Gray's portrait," she enthused.
Robert's jaw dropped and he looked at YN, stunned. "But... but you submitted a completely different painting to the competition. The one with the forest."
"Oh, please, sir, you couldn't even see any trees, forest or anything in the picture," she replied sharply, and Robert didn't miss YN's sad face. "I saw this masterpiece in the corner of her studio and asked her if she wanted to submit this instead of that… Fog-Forest... thing."
"This is not possible, I‘m sorry," Robert replied firmly.
"Why not?" Mrs Buchanan asked.
"I am a serious businessman, madam, about to take over a company worth millions. What would my employees and clients think of me if they saw the painting of me as an…an…ethereal creature? I have to maintain a certain respectability." Robert bit his lower lip as soon as he said these words. He realised that this was YN's last chance and that she might have to give up her dream of becoming a painter.
"It's okay, Robert“, YN said quietly. "I understand." Forcing a smile, she turned around together with Mrs Buchanan.
For Robert, the world seemed to stand still at that moment. He didn't want YN's dream to be shattered like his own. He had always aspired to become a professional musician and study music, but his father had always stopped him because he wanted him to take over the company one day. Even though Robert didn't even think he was the right person for this huge job.
"Wait, YN." The echo of his voice sounded down the driveway, the two women, who were about to get back into the car, immediately turned around.
"Let‘s do this, YN."
"A glass of champagne, sir?" asked an elegantly dressed lady next to him, balancing a small tray in front of her.
"No, thank you, madam. I don't drink alcohol at the moment," Robert declined her offer in a friendly voice.
"And for our winner? On the house, of course," she asked YN, who was standing next to him. She gratefully accepted a glass. The exhibition was in full swing. Many different artists were exhibiting that day, but no artwork attracted as many glances as YN's. Rebecca joined them and patted her sister on the shoulder. "I looked at it again, it really is amazing. How did you do it?"
"I don't even know it myself. It's as if my hands painted it themselves," YN replied, taking a sip from her glass.
"That supports Robert's Davinci theory," Rebecca chuckled.
YN looked at her, confused. "What?"
"Nothing," Rebecca replied quickly, pointing to the glass in her sister's hand. "Hey, where did you get the champagne?" she wanted to know.
"From that lady over there," YN replied with a grin and immediately Rebecca was gone in the crowd.
"I'm so sorry," Robert said quietly. "For what?" she wanted to know in surprise.
"For underestimating you... You and your art... You‘re such a wonderful, strong and unique woman."
YN bit her lip and Robert felt that she was about to cry. "Thank you, Robert." They remained silent as they watched the visitors pass by the artworks.
"So my horoscope was right after all," YN told Robert. "I really had my breakthrough. Do you believe in them now?" she wanted to know.
"Maybe," Robert replied thoughtfully.
"Do you know what else he said besides success?", she asked him.
Robert shook his head and smiled curiously.
"That I will also find love this month," she said quietly, putting her glass down on a small table beside her. "Maybe it was the love I felt for you when I painted that picture that made it so beautiful. Maybe that was the reason for all the success.“
Robert looked into her eyes and gently stroked her soft hair. Finally, he slowly pulled her into his arms and their lips touched immediately.
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- 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
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lord-of-the-muses · 2 years
She Stole My Heart
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Pairings: Wednesday Addams X Female Reader X Enid Sinclair
A/N: A twist on "Be Gay Do Crime"
It was a dark and stormy night when Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, and Y/N met at the edge of the cemetery. Wednesday was dressed in all black as usual, her long black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Enid was wearing a bright red hoodie and jeans, her bright blue eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. Y/N was wearing a black hoodie and jeans, her blonde hair tucked under a baseball cap.
The three of them had been lovers ever since they came to Nevermore, and they had always been drawn to the thrill of breaking the rules in their own ways and committing sweet and macabre crimes together. However, this time, Wednesday had a different plan in mind. She had been feeling a void in her life, a lack of love, and she had heard of a legendary grave that had a heart that was said to bring love to whoever possessed it. She had convinced Enid and Y/N to help her steal the heart from the grave.
As they entered the cemetery, Enid turned to Y/N and said, "I'm not sure this is a good idea. Wednesday, you're talking about grave robbing. It's not right."
Wednesday shook her head, "I know it's not right, but I need this. I need to feel love again."
Y/N nodded, "I understand, Wednesday. I'll help you."
Enid sighed, "I'll help you too, but I'm not happy about it."
They approached the grave where the heart was said to be buried, and Wednesday used her tools to break the lock on the grave. They climbed down into the grave, and Wednesday used her knowledge of grave digging to locate the heart. They retrieved the heart and climbed out of the grave, but as they were leaving the cemetery, they heard a strange growling noise behind them.
"What's that noise?" Y/N asked, her voice trembling.
Wednesday's face went pale, "I don't know, but we need to move, now!"
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They ran out of the cemetery, but the growling was getting louder. As they reached the edge of the cemetery, a monster stepped out from the shadows, it was huge and had razor-sharp teeth.
"Oh my God," Y/N said, "What is that thing?"
Wednesday's eyes widened, "I don't know, but we have to fight it."
Enid stepped forward, "I'll handle this."
Enid's body began to contort and change, as she transformed into a werewolf. She lunged at the monster, her claws and teeth ready for battle.
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Wednesday and Y/N stood back, watching as Enid fought the monster. It was a fierce battle, but Enid was strong, and she managed to defeat the monster.
As the monster lay dead on the ground, Enid transformed back into her human form. "We have to go," she said, "That monster was not natural, someone summoned it, and they will be coming for us."
Wednesday nodded, "Let's go."
As they ran away, Y/N turned to Wednesday, "I can't believe you would want to steal a heart from a grave. I understand you want to feel love again, but it's not right."
Wednesday shrugged, "I know, but I didn't know what else to do. I needed something to fill the void in my life.
They were running for a few minutes when suddenly a car pulled up beside them. The driver was Tyler, a friend of theirs from weathervane.
"Need a ride?" Tyler asked.
The three of them quickly got in the car and Tyler drove them back to campus. As they were driving, Wednesday couldn't help but feel her heart beating fast. She was feeling something she had never felt before, a feeling of love. She realized that she had fallen in love with both Enid and Y/N.
As they arrived on campus, Tyler dropped them off near their dorms. "Thanks for the ride, Tyler," Wednesday said.
"Anytime," Tyler said as he drove away.
The three of them walked towards their dorms, but Wednesday was feeling anxious. She didn't know how to express her feelings to Enid and Y/N, and she didn't want to ruin their friendship.
As they entered their dorms, Wednesday said, "I'm going to go work on my book. I'll see you both later."
Enid and Y/N looked at each other, both sensing that something was off with Wednesday. But they didn't push the matter and went to their own rooms.
Wednesday sat at her desk, typing away on her book. She was trying to focus on her work, but her mind kept wandering to Enid and Y/N. She couldn't stop thinking about how much she loved them, how much she wanted to be with them. But she didn't know how to express her feelings without risking everything.
As she was typing, there was a knock on her door. It was Enid and Y/N.
"Can we come in?" Enid asked.
Wednesday nodded, and the two of them sat down on her bed.
"Is everything okay, Wednesday? You've been acting strange," Y/N said.
Wednesday took a deep breath, "I have something to tell you both. I love you. Both of you. I know it's crazy, and I don't expect you to feel the same way, but I just had to tell you."
Enid and Y/N looked at each other, surprised but also happy. Enid smiled and took Wednesday's hand, "I love you too, Wednesday. And so does Y/N."
Y/N nodded, "I do. I love you, Wednesday."
Wednesday felt her heart swell with happiness, she couldn't believe that her feelings were reciprocated
The days passed and Wednesday, Enid, and Y/N were adjusting to their new relationship. However, they started to notice that something wasn't quite right. Wednesday and Enid were plagued by nightmares, dark and disturbing visions that left them feeling uneasy and on edge. They couldn't quite understand what was causing these nightmares until one night, Y/N revealed that she had been eating the heart they stole from the grave.
Y/N's behavior began to change, she became more aggressive and volatile. She would often lose control, lashing out at those around her. Her eyes changed, becoming red, and black wings sprouted from her back, revealing her to be a rare vampire hybrid of a dark fallen angel.
Enid and Wednesday were worried about Y/N, they could see that she was no longer the same person they had known. They tried to approach her, to get her to talk to them, but she would push them away. Enid tried to flirt with Y/N, using her charm and wit to try and distract her from the darkness that was consuming her. Wednesday tried a different approach, using her intellect and understanding to try and calm Y/N down.
As they were struggling to deal with Y/N's transformation, "Thing the hand" appeared out of nowhere and drops a potion on Y/N's head. The potion slowly began to take effect, and Y/N's eyes returned to their normal color, her wings retreated back, and her aggressive behavior subsided.
"What was that potion?" Enid asked.
"It's a special potion that neutralizes dark energy, Thing the hand pointed showing how he had a feeling that something was off with them and how he followed and saw what was happening.
With regret and sadness in her eyes, Y/N stared at Wednesday and Enid. "She apologised, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what was happening to me. I did not know that the heart was cursed."
Wednesday and Enid embraced Y/N, saying, "It's okay, we're here for you, and we'll help you through this."
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After that, they began to think twice about stealing, since they now know that their actions will have lasting repercussions. They noticed that love is more than a sentiment; it's a decision to stick with one another through good times and bad. They worked well together and always looked out for one another.
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linkemon · 5 months
Life doesn't discriminate (Ash Lynx x Reader)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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"ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ. ɪ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛᴛᴇᴅ ɪᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ [ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴅ." ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ: ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 2.
"Life doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes  " Wait for it, Hamilton musical
People at the hospital definitely have too much time to think. I should probably call you now.
I remember this day half a year ago. It was so hot that everyone on the streets of New York was practically melting. In fact, come to think of it, that was one of the main reasons I didn't move that day even though damn Dino called me. Mafia bosses don't like to be kept waiting but that's me. Anyway, as it turned out, it was good that I stayed.
— Have you ignored him again?! — Skipper shouted as he stepped through the doorway and then threw himself onto my bed with the force of a tornado.
He handed me a new newspaper. We're getting famous.
— This old man won't tell me what to do — I muttered. — Something new?
— You could say that. I think you should talk to [Reader].
— If she wants something, she can come to me. — I got up and went to the window.
— The problem is that she doesn't want to talk. I came to her place to watch the series...
— You know very well that I don't care — I interrupted.
I knew exactly what it smelled like. [Reader] had a ritual with Skip where they got together every week to watch a hopelessly typical sitcom. They invited me once and, to my delight, it was the first and the last. Apparently I'm too surly, I spoil their fun and ask too many questions. Since then, I've avoided Friday nights at the apartment, which isn't that hard. At least I don't have to listen to all the shouting from the floor above me.
— You don't understand — he insisted. — I came but she didn't let me in. She said she was tired and we should catch up in a week.
— And what's so strange about it? — I jumped on the windowsill.
— She never did that, even when she was tired. Plus, her eyes were swollen. She was 100% crying but when I asked her she started laughing. She won't tell me anything. You need to talk to her.
— You're being dramatic. She probably watched some romantic comedy again and is now roaring. And even if she didn't, why would she tell me if she ignored you?
— Because I'm not you. She really likes you, Ash. I don't know if you don't see it or don't want to see it. Anyway, it doesn't matter, just do it for me and talk to her, okay? — He got ready to leave.
— Fine. — I sighed. — I don't promise when but I'll try.
I was worried about her, although at that moment I probably didn't want to admit it to myself, much less to Skipper. Besides, I had the impression that something more was beginning to emerge between us and I had no intention of developing it. Anyone who found out would use it against me. I was afraid of what this might entail in the current situation.
The Machiavellian plan was precisely that I went upstairs at an ungodly hour, hoping that [Reader] wouldn't open and I'd get it over with. It sounded good, after all, she wasn't likely to be up at two in the morning. It's a pity that all my life plans (except those related to the gang) suck.
— Why the hell are you calling at this hour? — Her voice was hoarse.
She was still wearing the clothes she wore to work. Her hair, always tied in a ponytail, was messy. There was also a bad look on his face. She was rubbing her eyes as if she was sleep-deprived but it seemed like she was trying to hide the fact that she was crying.
— I came to talk — I said bluntly.
— Ash, maybe you'd kindly wait until tomorrow? — She started to close the door but I managed to wedge my foot between it, wedging it shut.
— No I can't. Let's get to the point. What's actually happening to you?
I entered the apartment practically by force and headed to the living room. As I expected, I saw a pile of tissues on the floor and a crumpled blanket on the couch.
I reached for the unfinished ice cream. Strawberry — tasted pretty good.
— Skipper told you? I knew that once I gave up on this marathon, he would go to you. — She sighed. — Nothing happened, I just had a hard day at work. Dealing with customers is not that easy.
— Great. Now I want the real version.
She looked at me reproachfully. Still, I felt I had the right to know what was going on. Since I'm already sharing with her this part of my life that I never confess to anyone else, she should be honest with me too. After she runs away from her father and lives on her own, she no longer recognizes practically anyone from the family apart from her cousin. Let alone confide in anyone.
— Someone stepped on your toes? Some girl went back to that guy who was hitting on you or something? Your cousin called you again and wanted to apologize for your father?
The only way to get an answer.
— They fired me! All right?
The anger was so visible in her eyes. Only for it to be replaced in a moment by something like regret.
— There was this guy coming last week. He started with inappropriate comments. Boss told me to serve him because it was his friend and he got angry when coworker came over instead of me. There has been nothing more until today. — Her voice cracked. — But when he tried... — A short breath. — I just instinctively punched him in the guts, just like you taught me.
Bitter laughter from her lips. I've never heard it before.
— I can lend you the money, you know that.
— And you know very well what I think about it. We're not going back to the topic.
It was grayish area. [Reader] shunned the money the first time I offered it to her. She wanted nothing to do with the gang in any form. I should have been included there too but apparently I was an exception.
— What will you do with it now?
— I'll try to find something. — She shrugged. — I have no other choice. I'm just begging you, Ash, don't get involved in this. Promise me.
I nodded.
What else could I do when she looked at me with those big doe eyes?
She snuggled into me as if I was the last person on Earth. Maybe that's exactly what it was like back then in her little world.
I kept my word and didn't interfere — Shorter arranged everything. I don't consider it cheating. Besides, my moral code has long since become distorted.
We got the job done quietly and naturally. Although "natural" in my sense of the word looked a little different than one might imagine. I poured in where needed, banknotes flowed, some blood flowed, and [Reader] got a normal job interview, a sufficient salary and flexible hours just right for the university. I also had a guarantee that no one would link it to me. The safer for all of us.
When she announced that she would leave us, I acted surprised.
She looked suspiciously in my direction but before I left I reminded her that I had promised.
Even before she left for university, I knew it wouldn't work out. I expected to end what hadn't actually started yet but I didn't anticipate how much it would hurt.
It was killing me to know that she would have a life in which I would no longer play the first fiddle.
I knew she deserved someone better.
Not a person who will never quite put himself back together.
Not a man whore trying to get out of this whole lousy world.
Not someone who has been taking the lives of others for over a dozen years.
Then, on the day she left, I promised her something one last time.
— You'll take care of Skipper, right?
— I won't babysit him.
— Pffft… — She let out something like a laugh mixed with a snort. — You know he takes better care of himself than you do. — Just keep an eye on him.
— Fine.
— I'll see you in six months — she said, walking towards the car.
Now I'm holding this phone and dialing her number. Someone has to do it. No police officer would be suitable for this. I know I'm the only one who should call. But that doesn't make it any easier.
It was the only time in my life when I actually regretted something.
I regretted it because [Reader] up until that point [Reader] thought I always keep my word.
I regretted it because up to that point it seemed to me that [Reader]...
—  Please leave a message after the tone...
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whynotshaveme · 2 months
The Wig
The Indian woman had long black hair down to her waist. A real-life Rapunzel, I thought, watching her come into my barbershop with curiosity. Like any other customer, she took a number and waited for her turn. When I finally got her in my chair, caped and ready, I asked she wanted.
"Please shave my head," she said softly.
Oh, I thought, brushing her hair and tying it into a ponytail, Indian people shave their heads for good luck, right? Well, I thought, picking up my clippers, maybe it works because I'm feeling lucky right now? I wanted to keep her beautiful hair intact in case she wanted it. (And, if she didn't want it, I would bring it to my sister's wig shop down the street. My sister always needed quality human hair.) I used my clippers to peel it from her scalp. Once I had it off, I placed it on the counter. The sight of her hair, separated from her scalp, made the woman wince. A second pass of the clippers, at their lowest guard, left her very, very bald, but, since it's rare for woman to be in my chair, I took the chance to lather up her scalp and shave her smooth with a straight razor. Once I finished, I wiped down her scalp and gave it a nice bluffing. As I massaged her scalp, I thought, and, to think, 30 minutes ago, you walked into my shop with a full head of hair, baldie.
"Do you want your braid as a keepsake?" I asked, finally removing the cape.
The woman rubbed her shiny bald head. "No, do whatever you want with it."
After she paid, she pulled a soft knit cap on her scalp and left, never looking back at the shop.
That night, I told my wife about the Indian woman and showed her the braid. She fingered the other woman's hair for a while. Then she asked what I'd do if she'd ever wanted to shave her head. My wife is an attractive woman. Her limp dishwater blonde hair is her worse feature though. I had wanted to shave her bald for years.
I decided to be honest. "I'd fuck your brains out afterwards."
She smiled. "Well, let's put you to the test, sir."
A few weeks later, my wife, in her new long black hair wig, made from the Indian woman's hair, was at a coffee shop. She sees an Indian woman with a soft knit cap over her head at a table by the window. This has to be the same woman, she thought, as she walked out of the coffee shop and by the Indian woman. She decided to double back, knock on the window, and lift up her wig, revealing her smooth bald head, which I had reshaved just that morning.
She told the wide-eyed Indian woman, "I have loved wearing your hair." Then she walked away, giggling.
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ironwoman18 · 13 days
The Gojo Siblings - Part 1
Disclaimer: The universe and the characters don’t belong to me, they belong to Gege Akutami, I just use them for fun. The original characters are mine as well as this story.
Chapter 1: Another Gojo
Jujutsu Higher-ups Quarters June 2006
 “Why are we here?” Asked professor Yaga looking around.
“Professor, we summoned you here to let you know that tomorrow you will have a new student”
“A fourth first year? That's new” he said, interested in the upcoming information.
“This student is a girl. She's a Special Grade sorcerer and... She's a Gojo”
“Another Gojo? But I thought he was an only child”
“She's Satoru’s half sister. His father got married again when his mother died when he was a baby”
They handed him her file “mimetism? And what about the infinity?”
“She can develop an limited infinity because you need the six eyes and there's could be only one user of them and that's Satoru” Yaga nodded “but she has a huge amount of curse energy and she was trained in contact combat, she can use the simple domain and use weapons”
The teacher just read her file and thought “Sakura Gojo... Of course she can do those things, one of the big three clans in Japan could make sure their offspring is capable of fight until they reach high school”
“She will arrive tomorrow from Kyoto. So wait for her and here's a mission to test her abilities” he held a paper with the mission. He will take Yami, his assistant, to lift up the vail “take Nanami or Habara with you”
“Sure but since she's a Special Grade and well trained I guess she will be just fine”
“Still, we don't want her hurt on her first day” said one of the higher-ups “she's the daughter of the former head of the Clan Gojo and sister of the new head” Yaga knows they hate Satoru but neither of them can win a fight against him so they have to act nice around him.
He stood up and left the office and prepare everything with his assistant and the students.
Train Station, the next day.
“Sensei... Why are we here again?” Haibara asked as he was yawning while Nanami brought a can of coke to him.
“Yu... We came here to meet your new classmate” 
“Oh yeah!! I'm excited” he smiled and Nanami just had a bored expression “Kento, you are always so bored”
The blonde boy rolled his eyes “and you are always so naive and get excited about everything”
“We need to find happiness or we will be depressed by our last year” he smiled “we are working hard to get better K” 
Kento smiled a little and Yu noticed it but didn't mention it.
Then the train from Kyoto arrived and out of it walked a young girl, she was wearing the Jujutsu High uniform, her white hair tied up in a ponytail. She had dark blue eyes and without that brightness that makes the six eyes very distinguished from normal blue eyes.
Nanami was in awe watching her walking to them “Yaga sensei?” She asked when she reached their teacher.
“Yes, nice to meet you Sakura. These are Yu Haibara and Kento Nanami, there's another student in the first year class but he's in a solo mission so you will meet him in a few days” 
She nodded and smiled at the two boys “nice to meet you both. I'm Sakura Gojo”
“Gojo like...” Haibara looked excited and with a big smile.
“Yes, like Toru... He's my big brother” she smiled more “is he at the school?” She asked turning to the teacher, he nodded “aww I was hoping to see him again”
“You will when we arrive to the dorms” 
“Awesome!” She was just like Satoru, full of energy.
And you could tell that she and Haibara were getting along right away. Nanami hasn't spoken since they met thirty minutes ago. He couldn't deny that she was a gorgeous girl and he kind of liked what he saw but he couldn't mention it nor he would be embarrassed by talking to her, he knew he could screw up if he speaks.
“And where are you from Nanami?” She asked with a kind smile.
“I…I’m from here, from Tokyo” he said and he looked at Haibara who had a little smirk. The blonde man held back to roll his eyes “and you are from Kyoto, like Satoru Gojo, right?”
She nodded “yeah, but I prefer Tokio” she smiled again, she could be the daughter of another woman, but her attitude was just like Satoru “Satoru sent me pictures of him here and sent me threats and I can’t wait to try them”
“I know a nice place, I can share the address to you” he said and Haibara rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you take me there yourself?” She said in a flirtatious way.
The normally stoic man blushed and was about to talk when Yaga spoke “we are here. Haibara and Gojo you are up. Nanami and I will be here and I will send him in case you need help” then he thought “I doubt a Gojo will need it but… she’s a new student”
Both students got out of the car, she had a katana in her hand “is she going to use a weapon?” They didn’t expect her to use it, considering that Satoru didn’t use one.
“Let’s go” she patted Haibara's shoulder. They joined Yami as he deployed a barrier.
“Good luck” the man in a black suit.
They walked in the barrier and started to look around trying to find their enemy.
“I didn’t expect you to use a katana” said Haibara.
“I use it against curses, I don’t usually show my techniques unless I need to, besides I’m not as good with the infinity, I’m not Satoru”
“I guess since he has the six eyes so he can develop it to its full potential” Haibara said looking at her.
“Exactly” she said and when she was about to talk again, they feel the curse which showed itself and charged towards them. 
Sakura unsheathed her katana, adding curse energy and attacking it “wow… she’s fast” thought Haibara. When she reached the curse the black-haired boy didn’t see anything but suddenly the curse was cut in half and the body disappeared.
The vail started to be lifted and the two students walked back to the car “I don’t know why I’m here, she was able to defeat it by herself”
“I hope you aren’t upset Haibara” she said looking down “I cut it without letting you show off”
“Hey… it’s ok. I’m not upset, normally a new student do their first mission with a sempai but I guess you were capable of do this yourself”
She smiled “according to this I’m a Special Grade”
“I’m a Second Grade sorcerer” he looked down feeling sad.
“You had been here longer than me” she said in panic “I guess that’s why Yaga sensei decided to form a team”
“It’s ok” he smiled hiding his sadness then thought “I need to get stronger”
They reached the car, Yaga noticed Haibara’s face “I’m sorry Haibara, you needed motivation to get stronger and I think she is really powerful if this fight lasted just three minutes”
The three got in the car and went to the school and when they arrived there was Satoru, Suguro and Shoko smiling and holding a banner saying WELCOME SAKURA GOJO!! With a small drawing of Gojo on it.
“Idiot” she said under her breath but she had a smile. 
She got out and hugged her brother. They were raised together and they trained together so when he left last year she missed him.
“Hello little peanut,” said Satoru with a teasing smile.
“Hey!!! Don’t call me like that” she said blushing looking away.
Suguro and Shoko smiled looking at them and Haibara and Nanami joined them.
“We didn’t have enough with one Gojo… they have to send us two…” said Nanami and the other three nodded, looking at them fighting.
“Well, at least there is a one year gap so we don’t have to deal with them together” added Shoko, again the other three nodded.
“I would recommend you to live at my place, I have plenty of space and it’s better than the dorms here” 
She considered this and accepted. She will be living with her brother in Tokyo and she already can call Haibara a friend and Nanami… well she hope to get to know him more.
This something I wanted to do for quite some time, I hope you liked it and if you do, I might continue this little project.
Let me know your thoughts.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 5k
Includes- ponytail Yoongi, rough sex, handcuffs, collar, use of slut and whore, dirty talk, breeding kink, pussy eating, deepthroat blow job, fucking from behind, riding, missionary, squirting, multiple orgasms, so much fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @borntowalkaway @kjqueen05
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"Uh what do you want me to do?"
"Put my hair up jagi"
I thought that's what he said
He smirks, "Yeah jagi. Half up, half down"
"You are trying to kill me", I grumble
He just smirks wider
"Not nice"
He knows certain hairstyles on him drive me insane
Undercuts, his long hair and when it's up in ponytails
He does it on purpose to rile me up, wearing his hair up all day everyday at home
"Please jagi?", he pouts
I roll my eyes, "You are so fucking lucky I love you"
He gives me a smile and of course I melt
"Sit", I grumble
He sits in front of me and I finger comb his hair
"Mmm jagi", he whimpers
He loves when I play with his hair
It relaxes him and when he's tired it puts him to sleep
Our kids are just like him too
Playing with their hair puts them to sleep
"Yeah yeah", I answer, separating some of his hair and finger combing it into a ponytail
"Hair tie naekkeo?"
"Don't you have one baby?"
I sigh
Of course I have one
Reaching over for my bag, I pull out the baggy of hair ties
"Here", I say, "Open it for me"
He does and I reach in, taking out a black hair tie
I wrap the tie around the ponytail until it's secure
Then I smooth down the rest of his hair that's not in the ponytail
"There naekkeo", I say, taking the baggy bag, closing it and dropping it in my bag
He reaches for me, tugging my hand and I move in front of him
He pulls me in his lap, cuddling me, nuzzling into my neck
"Thanks jagi. My pretty baby", he murmurs, "My perfect wife"
Giggling, I say, "Stop baby. All I did was put your hair up"
"No jagi. You do so much more. Making me look good for our shoots and performances"
"It's my job naekkeo", I laugh
That's how I met him, when I was hired as one of their makeup artists
I've been with them since before debut, been with Yoongi since 2014 and we got married in 2016
He's the best husband in the world and I'm so lucky to have him
"Ok Jo", he says, "You're still perfect jagi. You always supported me, was always understanding, always by my side, never left when it got hard. You do everything for me, gave me two beautiful kids and you're just my everything. I love you"
"I love you Yoongi. So much. You're my perfect everything. My naekkeo"
He smiles, then presses his perfect lips against mine
Moving my arms around his neck, I kiss him, loving the way his lips feel on mine
His tongue moves against mine, both of us moaning softly
I feel his cock harder under me, turning me on
"Stop baby. You can't dance with a hard dick", I tell him between kisses
"I can't help it jagi. Everything about you is just hot. You know I can't touch you, can't kiss you without getting turned on"
"Mmm me too", I say, smiling against his lips before kissing him again
His fingers move under my shirt, trailing along my skin, shivers running down my spine
We get lost in each other until I hear Namjoon
"Hey! Let's go Yoongi!", he shouts, "You can work on baby number three later"
He pulls away from me, glaring at Namjoon, "Fuck off"
Namjoon just rolls his eyes, "Yeah whatever. Let's go. We don't have all day"
I kiss his cheek, turning his face to mine, "Don't get mad naekkeo. Namjoon is just upset that Aera didn't come again. Cut him some slack"
"I told him she's no good for him but he won't listen", he huffs
"He just has to figure that out for himself baby. Just be nice ok"
He sighs, "Ok baby. I'll let it go. But if he says one more shitty thing, I'm gonna tell him off"
I just laugh, "Ok naekkeo. C'mon. I want to see you dancing sexily for me"
He snorts, "Yeah ok jagi"
We get to the practice room, he kisses the top of my head, then walks to the guys while I take a seat behind the cameras
They're gonna do a practice video for Run BTS
I love that song and they got so much praise for the performance they did for it in the Busan concert
Yoongi was completely sexy and I was so turned on I fucked him after that set in a dressing room
Then again at home
And I know he asked to put his hair in the ponytail now for this song so I can fuck him again right after
And he's absolutely right
That is going to happen
After a few minutes they all get into position and the music starts
I watch Yoongi start the song, standing then sitting on a chair
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Suddenly Jungkook jumps over him and I'm shocked at that surprise move
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As they dance the chorus, I keep my eye on Yoongi
He's such a good dancer
I remember when he used to complain about it when we first met and we're just friends
I always praised him and later found out that he would say that to me just to talk to me
He didn't know what to say so he just complained about dancing
And he says that my praise helped him do better, helped him to see that dancing isn't so bad
And it was an opening for him to keep talking to me, eventually asking me out
He was so slick back then too
His verse comes up and he raps so fast, moving around, doing little dance moves
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When he turns his head, I'm hit with his ponytail and his stunning jawline
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My god my husband is fucking hot
He's so fucking amazing, such a hard worker, an amazing performer
I've always admired how hard he works for BTS and on his solo songs, his passion for music and how he comes up with all these melodies and lyrics
He really is Min Suga Genius
He moves back to the center, right in the front of the group, dancing and rapping the post chorus
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I watch the way his body moves so effortlessly, so smoothly and I can't wait to see him move on top of me
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Holy shit, not the place nor the time
He looks at me, smirking before he moves away with the other guys so Jimin can dance and Hobi can rap
I keep my eyes on him, watching him breathing hard right before he gets back into the choreo for the rest of the song
When they're done, he comes over to me, coming right into my open arms, his face buried in my neck
"You were so good baby", I praise him
"Yeah? You're not just saying that?", he breathes
"No naekkeo. You know I never lie to you. You're amazing baby"
He's so sweaty but I don't care
I find it very hot
He's called back to look over the video and he takes me with him
We watch the playback, the guys commenting on their performances
It's decided that everything was good in just one take
I'm not surprised
They're that good
"So we done?", Yoongi asks
Namjoon nods, "Yeah"
"Great. Bye", he says, taking my hand and leading me to be practice room door
"C'mon jagi. We finished early and we have extra time before we have to get the kids from your mom's"
"Naekkeo, they're at my mom's all day. You know she loves taking care of them and we can get them anytime"
My mom watches our two kids, our two year old son Jae-hyuk and our four month old daughter Nari while we both work
Yoongi works a lot more than I do as BTS doesn't always need a makeup artist for things like practice, recording or when they're in their studios
I stay home with the kids most of the time, taking care of them and the house
My mom watches them when I'm at work or Yoongi and I go out together
He still takes me out on dates so we can still spend time together
After the dates we usually go home and yeah we have sex
Those are the times when we can be loud and rough and not have to worry about the kids waking up
"Ok then. Home now", he says, tugging my hand
I follow him out of the building to the car
The front door slams into the wall as Yoongi shoves it open
He carries me inside, my mouth pressing kisses to his neck
We got home so quickly, he jumped out of the car, picked me up and here we are
Kicking the door closed, he carries me straight to our room, sitting right onto the bed
"Naked now", he growls, pulling on my shirt
I crash my mouth to his, shoving his jacket off as his tongue plays with mine
His hands goes under my shirt, shoving it up my body
He separates from my mouth just for the time it takes for him to peel the shirt off me and for me to take his black shirt off
I love when he wears black shirts
White shirts too
So fucking sexy
He kisses me wildly, turning us and slamming me on the bed
He shoves my pants down and off, grabbing my panties and completely tearing them off, tossing them on the floor
He flips me over, hands undoing my bra, then turning me back on my back, pulling my bra off
He moves me up the bed, laying me on the pillow
Reaching into the nightstand, he pulls out handcuffs, smirking at me
I immediately move my hands up to the metal bars of the headboard
"Such a good girl for me", he praises
He sits up, handcuffing me securely to the bed
He reaches over again, pulling out a collar with bells on it
My collar
My cunt gets so much more wet seeing it
"Want to wear it baby?"
I nod eagerly
I do
So much
"Ok baby girl"
I lift my head, letting him put it on me, the tag that says "Master's cockslut" cool against my throat
I lay back down on the pillow, his eyes roaming all over me
"Fuck, my little wife is so fucking beautiful. So sexy"
His gorgeous hands move on my body, starting at my hips, slowly going up, my skin on fucking fire from his touch
"So pretty", he murmurs, his hands moving around my boobs, squeezing, his thumbs running over my nipples
I shiver hard, whimpering softly
"Open your legs for me baby"
I immediately spread them as his mouth takes my nipple and he sucks softly
"Yoongi!", I cry, pleasure hitting my body
His mouth keeps on going and I just want to plunge my hands in his hair, pull his ponytail out and pull hard
Unfortunately my hands are tied and I just pull on the handcuffs
"Mm pulling against them already baby?", he teases, pressing kisses down my body, "Let's see how hard you pull on them while I devour your pretty cunt"
With that, he buries his face in my pussy, his tongue licking furiously
And I just scream, euphoria slamming into me
"Fuck jagi, so fucking good baby", he groans
I don't care what anyone says, Yoongi is the king of oral
For both of us, we've only done anything sexual with each other
He was my first and I was his
His tongue is the only one I ever had and the only one I'll ever want
He learned how to be good at it and I know he's the fucking best
He knows what to do with his tongue, how to make me cum quick or how to make it last long
Right now, he's working me up for it to be quick, swirling his tongue between my pussy lips, then circling my slit
I'm waiting impatiently for him to do what I want
He shoves his tongue inside me, wiggling it around and I scream his name, tugging viciously on the handcuffs, my pussy getting so fucking soaked
"Yoongi more. Baby more"
He lets out a completely sexy laugh, that does nothing but bring me closer to an orgasm
"Does my little slut want me to tongue fuck her?"
"Yes Yoongi! Fuck yes!", I yell
His fingers spread my lips wide open, his tongue back in my hole as far as he can go
Then he pulls it out and thrusts it back inside
"More baby, please"
He fucks his tongue in and out of me, the pleasure taking over
"Gonna cum around my tongue?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
His tongue doesn't stop, sending me head first into a massively pleasurable orgasm
"Yoongi!", I scream, "Yoongi!"
My cunt pulses around his tongue, releasing cum all over him
"So fucking good jagi", he moans, swallowing, "More baby. More cream"
When I finish, his mouth latches onto my clit, sucking like his life depends on it
I can't stop screaming, the ecstacy hitting me in waves
I watching him and he looks so fucking hot, so beautiful in between my legs
His eyes move up to mine, staring intensely at me, holding my gaze as his mouth slurps all over my clit
His hands grip my legs so hard, holding them down and open wide
"Yoongi I can't-", I cry, tears falling down my face from how intense it is
"You can jagi", he encourages in between sucks, "You can. Cum for me baby"
He lavishes my clit with his amazing tongue and I snap, stars bursting in my vision
I cum hard and he sucks me through it, the pleasure astounding, my arms straining against the handcuffs
God I wish I was pulling his hair
Only when I'm done does his tongue move to my slit, licking and moaning loudly at how sweet my cum is
He loves how I taste and the first time I heard him say that, it blew my mind
But then again, I love how he tastes too
He gives me one more long kick, kisses my clit then stands up
He undoes his pants getting them and his boxers off
My eyes land right on his hard cock, standing straight up and crying cum
I press my legs together as I get turned on more
He smirks, "Aww jagi, you're getting so horny just from seeing my cock?"
I nod
Of course I am
He has the perfect dick
His length is average but he's so thick and he knows how to use it
Plus I'm small so he's big for me
"Well I wanna hear you screaming when I'm fucking you. Got it?"
"Yes naekkeo"
He reaches for the handcuffs, undoing them
He flips me over, on my stomach, handcuffing me back to the headboard
"Ready my beautiful baby", he asks as his hands run down my body, starting from my shoulders, down to my hips where he grips hard
"Yes naekkeo", I moan, waiting in anticipation
He doesn't keep me waiting long, his big head entering and stretching my slit
I moan like a huge slut as he moves inch by inch, impaling me on his massively thick cock
My body shakes from the amazing pleasure and when he bottoms out, I feel him inside so deeply, just how I like it
I love being full of his dick
It's the best feeling in the world
"God jagi, still so tight. Always so tight and wet for me", he pants, "Are you ready to scream for me?"
I nod my head rapidly, bells on my collar jingling
I'm so ready
He pulls out slowly then shoves himself back in with such force and speed I move up the bed, my hands gripping the headboard bars, a scream ripping from my throat as stars burst in my vision
Right away Yoongi set a hard and brutal pace, fucking me wide open, completely ruining me on his cock
And I am loving it
I can't stop gushing around him, the sound of his skin hitting mine as well as the squelching sound when his cock dives back inside me are so fucking pretty
Add to that the constant ringing of the bells on my collar and his sexy grunts and moans, I can cum just from the sounds alone
He fucks into me hard, his cock slamming into my spot over and over
My head is in the clouds, the feeling taking over my body
"Oh yeah, my pussy's gonna cum", he laughs so sexily, "Fuck creaming my cock so well baby. Need your orgasm"
"Yoongi", I whimper, my fingers and knuckles white from how hard I'm gripping the headboard bars
I feel the orgasm coming and it's going to be huge
"Give it to me", he demands, slamming into me so deeply
The typhoon of pleasure smashes into me when I cum, screaming his name at the top of my lungs
My legs shake and I'm having a hard time staying up
"Oh fuck jagi. Yes baby. Give it to me. Don't stop baby. So good", he praises
He fucks me through the orgasm the pleasure bleeding into the feeling of his cock hitting my spot
His arm reaches around me, his fingers pressing into my clit, rubbing furiously
"Don't stop coming", he orders
It's so good, tears running down my face and I scream wordlessly as a powerful orgasm runs through me
My vision goes black and I know I'm squirting on him
"Yes!", he yells, "Fuck I love watching your beautiful pussy gush on my cock. It's so fucking pretty"
I hear him but I can't answer because my body is seized in ecstasy
His cock keeps moving, growling, "Mm baby, gonna fuck another baby into you"
"Yoongi", I moan
"Yeah jagi. Gonna breed you and make you pregnant again. Make your stomach swollen with my baby", he grunts, fucking me into the bed
I can only whimper as I hear him, so turned on
I know he's just playing into his breeding kink but seriously it's hot
"Do you want that jagi? Want another baby?"
"Yes Yoongi!", I moan, "Want you to knock me up again"
"Fuck", he cries, sheathing himself inside me, his thick cock throbbing and spilling his hot cum inside me
My slutty cunt clenches on him, milking his cock for all his cum
"Yes Yoongi", I urge him, "Give me all you cum naekkeo. I want it."
"Take it baby. Fuck such a greedy pussy, sucking my cock for everything I have. Such a good slut for me"
When he finishes, I can't hold myself up and I slump forward, his arm around me holding my ass up
"My baby. My pretty baby", he murmurs as he slowly pulls out
He gently puts me down, his body over mine, unlocking the handcuffs, my arms dropping down
Moving next to me, he turns me to my back, one of my arms in his hands, massaging them
It feels good and he does it to my other arm as well
After he pulls me into his arms, he kisses my cheek, holding me
"Ok jagi?"
I nod, "Yeah baby"
"Not too rough?"
Looking up at him, I smile, "Never naekkeo"
"Ok. I never want to hurt you jagi"
"You won't baby", I answer, touching his cheek softly
I trust Yoongi with my life
I know he would never hurt me
Moving closer, I press my lips to his in a kiss
He kisses me back immediately, his tongue in my mouth, pulling me right against him
I finally move my fingers into the loose part of his hair, tugging on the strands
I'm not taking his ponytail out yet because hot
As we make out, our hands grope each other and his hardening cock pressing into my stomach, turning me on
Yoongi has amazing stamina, able to get hard a few minutes after he cums
Able to go for multiple rounds
He says because I'm that hot
I always roll my eyes but he insists that I'm the sexiest girl he's ever seen and that just looking at me turns him on
I believe he feels that way but it's just hard for me to believe in general
But then again just looking at him makes me wet so yeah
"Again baby?", I tease him between kisses
"Always baby. For you always", he murmurs
He kisses my neck, making me moan from how his soft pretty lips send fire through my body
"Come on top baby", he asks, "Ride me"
I sit up, smirking at him, asking, "Time to switch naekkeo?"
Yoongi POV
"Time to switch naekkeo?", she asks
I nod
She smiles, grabbing the handcuffs while I lay down, taking her spot
I smirk at her and hold my hands up, against the headboard bars
She leans over me, handcuffing me to the bars, then presses her soft lips to my cheek before her kissing my lips
Her fingers move into my hair that's not in a ponytail, running through the strands
I know she loves my hair like this
Half up or all up, it drives her crazy and I know it
Which is why I started putting my hair up all the time
Or having her do it
I love watching her clamp her legs together, watching her try to keep a straight face on
It's only fair, she drives me insane all the time
Her lips move down to my neck, right into the spot that sends pleasure down my spine
I moan softly, loving the way it feels
"Jagi, please", I whimper, "Need you"
"Mm is that so naekkeo?", she teases
I nod, "Yeah baby"
Her hand moves down to my hard cock, jerking me off slowly
"Oh baby's so hard", she smirks, "Can I suck your pretty cock before I bounce on it?"
"Yes", I whine
Anything for some relief
She moves down immediately, my cock in her throat in seconds
She sucks, intense pleasure hitting me so hard
I snap my gaze down, watching her deepthroat me right off the bat
She's fucking amazing
She learned how to do this for me and she's fucking perfect at it
Bobbing her head up and down, bottoming me out every thrust as she fucks my cock with her throat
Tears run down her face, spit all over me and my lap, those fucking bells ringing hard and loud, turning me on so much
So fucking messy just how I like it
Taking me in again, she holds me inside, her mouth sucking hard and so fucking fast, stars bursts in my vision
"Baby! Oh god, fuck"
Watching her mouth sucking my dick is bringing me so close to coming
"Jagi, stop baby. Please. I'm gonna cum", I plead
She looks up at me and just smirks around my cock, sucking faster
"Baby no", I whine, the bliss almost taking over, "I want to cum in your pussy. Please baby, want you to ride me"
She sucks one more time, the pulls off, pleasure leaving me
"Since you asked so nicely", she says, climbing on top of me, straddling me
I'm so fucking hard it hurts
Only her pussy wrapped tightly around me can make it better
She holds my cock up, her hand stroking me a few times before she sinks down on me
I keep my eyes on her tiny cunt, watching her little slit open so prettily, her lips wrapping around me
Inside she opens just enough for me to pass, latching on to my cock, pulsing around me, drenching my length and lap
God she always soaked, always ready for me
She gets me all in, sitting on my legs, moving her hips in a circle
"Fuck!", I yell, squeezing my eyes closed as the pleasure runs through my body
"Fuck naekkeo", she whimpers, moving faster, "You're cock is the best. Feels so fucking good"
She rocks on me, my head rubbing against her spot
I watch her move, her body shaking, pleasure on her face
"God this cock can make me cum so quick", she moans
I feel her getting close, her pussy throbbing so pleasurably
"Baby", I gasp, "Cum on me. Please"
"Yoongi, oh god", she cries, coming
Her orgasm gives me so much bliss it's insane
It's like nothing I've ever felt before
I was so shocked the first time she came on my dick
It was so fucking good and I thought it was just because I never had sex before
Anything felt amazing
But no, her orgasms are the most pleasurable thing I've ever felt
I need them
I'm addicted to them and I wouldn't have it any other way
When she finishes, she leans, over me, her mouth against mine as she kisses me wildly, her fingers twisting in my hair
Her hips start moving, her cunt bouncing up and down my cock
I feel her creaming my cock, feel is drip down onto the bed and just imagining the sight is such a turn on
Her hands pull my hair, pulling my head back and she lavishes kisses all over my neck
I moan loudly, pulling against the handcuffs hard, the bed rattling
I want to touch her so bad
Grab her cute ass, hold her as I fuck up into her dripping cunt
Her clit rubs against my pelvis, her moans on my neck sending vibrations down my body
She's moving so fast, riding me so fucking good stars are blasting in my vision
I need to touch her
I yell loudly, using all my strength to pull against the handcuffs
There's a snapping sound and suddenly my hands are free
Grabbing her ass, I squeeze, holding her in place and I fuck up into her
"Yoongi!", she screams, her cunt getting so tight around me
I don't stop, thrusting up, impaling her on my dick over and over, destroying her tiny spot
"Yoongi! Don't stop!", she screams, "I'm gonna cum! Baby I'm gonna cum!"
"Yes, yes!", I shout, "Cream my cock baby. Now!"
Thrusting again, she screams in my neck, her entire body shaking in my arms, her fingers yanking on my hair as she orgasms all over me, her cunt clenching my cock in a vice grip
I hold her on my cock, letting her ride it out, feeling incredible pleasure
"Good girl", I yell, "My good girl"
When she finishes, I roll us over, getting her on her back
Moving to my knees, I put her legs on my shoulders, fucking her hard into our bed
Her screams, her begging for more is music to my ears
I snap my hips, plunging my cock in so deep her stomach bulges with every thrust
So hot
Leaning forward, my hands move on either side of her head, crashing my lips to hers as I fuck her
Tears are falling from her fucked out eyes, wetting my face as we kiss, her hands buried in my hair
Her pussy is impossibly tight, impossibly wet, spasming hard
"Cum for me jagi and I'll fill your perfect cunt with cum", I murmur, pressing kisses to her cheek, "Ok baby. You want my cum inside you?"
She nods, her eyes glazed over and I know I fucked her dumb
It happens at least once a day and I know all she wants is to cum
Barreling all inside her, I stay there, grinding against her, making sure her spot is getting stimulated, my pelvis rubbing her clit at the same time
"Yyy...Yoon...", she stammers
"Fall apart on my cock jagi"
She shudders hard, losing it, her body arching, cunt exploding all over me
"Oh fuck! Joanne!", I scream, releasing inside her in pure ecstasy
White light blinds me as I orgasm, my body shaking as I struggle to hold myself up
I don't want to crush her tiny body
When we both finish, I pull out and collapse on the bed next to her
Looking over at her, I see her eyes closed as she pants for breath
Reaching for her, I pull her sweaty body on top of mine, holding her tightly
I run my fingers in her sweaty hair, both of us just breathing, relaxing
She takes my free hand, lacing our fingers, holding my hand close to her
"Naekkeo, you still have the handcuffs on"
I do?
Holy shit I do
I thought I broke the actual cuffs
But no, I broke the chain that connects them, the cuffs still around both my wrists
"It's ok jagi. I'll take them off soon"
She nods, cuddling into me, "We have to get the kids naekkeo"
"Yeah jagi. I think we should take a quick shower before we get them"
She smirks at me, "It's never a quick shower when we're together"
I smile back, "Then we should go now"
I nod, "Now"
Sitting up, I get her in my arms, picking her up
"Yoongi! I can walk baby!"
I shake my head, "You're my princess"
"You're my king", she giggles, kissing my cheek
As I walk to the bathroom, she tugs on my ponytail, pulling it out, my hair falling in my face
"So sexy naekkeo", she says, softly, tucking hair behind my ear and kissing my jaw
I blush, pressing a kiss to her forehead
Once in the bathroom, I put her down and turn on the water
Popping off the handcuffs, I throw them out, then take her collar off
Taking her hand, I pull her in the shower with me, coming right into my arms
"I love you", she says softly
"I love you", I answer, as we
hold on to each other under the warm water, happy in her arms
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mxrobotlegs · 1 year
My Journey
hey! in celebration of Pride Month, I'm going to finally write about my Gender Journey™ (because the word "transition" doesn't quite describe it) throughout the past 5 years and my life as a whole. I hope that this will allow someone else to get something out of my experiences, now that I've decided to record all this down. to be honest, I hadn't done this yet as I only just now figured myself out to a level where I'm comfortable discussing all this publicly, and this is where I decided I'd put it!
let's start out with the beginning. I was assigned male at birth and raised in a conservative area of northern Florida (yuck, I know). throughout my childhood, I always felt like being a "boy" wasn't right for me. I had to deliberately act masculine to fit in, and even then, it all felt like I was just performing for them and that I wasn't really part of the group. this wasn't the only experience I had back then that was like that, either.
privately, I had a desire to wear feminine clothing and makeup. I even did so secretly by using my mom's collection while she was away from the house. I enjoyed this and it made me happy, but I also felt guilty because "boys" being feminine didn’t go without ridicule at the time and I was doing it behind her back. I told my mom what I was doing due to the guilt. despite her having conservative values, she was surprisingly supportive at the time, even offering to help me try on other clothes of hers. however, I had too much anxiety about accepting her offer and what would happen to me if I did so I ended up dropping it.
all my curiosity at the time in gender expression also led to me looking up "boy to girl" transformation videos and other stuff like that on YouTube and other websites, but I didn’t learn about queer people in a positive way from any of that. this was all happening around 2008 or 2009, so the web wasn't super accessible back then and I was an 8- or 9-year-old newbie. school didn't help, either, since I was being home-schooled with a Christian curriculum, which of course would not mention such topics. the only real expression of any sort of femininity that I had was occasionally having older girls tie up my hair in a ponytail just to "tease" me (I totally didn't enjoy it with an ulterior motive). this was also around the time that the show "I Am Jazz" was popular, but I didn't feel that I was like her, either, nor did I think it was possible for me to be like her since I viewed my gender as immutable. as a result, I dismissed my feelings, and I wouldn't think about them for years to come.
fast forward 8 years to when I'm 15 or 16. after years of toxic masculinity, I started thinking about my identity again. however, this time, I’d been exposed to transgender communities online such as "r/egg_irl," and I was confused by them as I thought that anyone would press that button. you know, the one which would instantly turn them into the opposite gender (of course they would!). I asked my friends, all guys, this same question and every single one said "no." this was my first wake-up call that maybe I'm not as cisgender as I thought I was, and that maybe I should consider HRT. I also thought about working inside my assigned gender and wearing stuff like utility kilts (don't say a word) just so that I could wear clothes closer to what I could wear if I was a different gender than a "guy." needless to say, I did not go through with the kilt idea as my friends and other people thought it was strange and most of my anxiety at the time came from other people's thoughts about me, unfortunately.
in 2015/16, U.S. discourse about queer people wasn’t great as anti-SJW movements were at their peak back then and gay people were often the butt of their jokes, making coming out of the closet seem like social suicide at the time. this terrified me as I started to realize that I needed to do something about my feelings despite all the negativity, so I researched the topic further. it only solidified my desires. at the time, I was also planning to go to the U.S. Naval Academy in a year, having been in NJROTC since the start of high school. this made my anxiety that much worse as it would be rough for someone in the middle of HRT.
I decided to tell my mom how I felt a couple of months later, and she said what I feared most: that I had to choose between living my life as the true me and the Naval Academy, my dream. by then, I had already went through much of the admissions process and been accepted (a huge pain), and this threw me back into the closet for years to come as I didn't want to give up on my ambitions. funny enough, a year later in June of 2017, I started my time at the Academy with their version of first-year indoctrination, and I decided the whole military thing wasn't for me and dropped out (painful, I know).
despite the Naval Academy situation, I was able to get into Florida State University at the last moment in July 2017 and move out of my parents' to live off-campus in a small studio apartment. the next six months were the most miserable, lonely period I’ve ever experienced. I holed up in that apartment until I got my first girlfriend (and she was straight) in December of that year. let's call her "Stinky." she and I went on a break a couple months later in early 2018 after an argument, so I went to visit my parents back in my hometown to escape from her. during the visit, the feelings that I was experiencing before I went to the Academy resurfaced. this led to me telling my mom how I felt again, but I stuck to my guns this time, insisting that this was what was right for me. I also told her that I didn't want her to tell my dad yet as I was worried about how he would react (he was my role model and a Vietnam War veteran). she agreed, and she said she would need some time to think about all this. I drove back to university.
their reaction wasn't great, to say the least. my mom called me later and said she was upset about the news. I decided to go back home the next weekend to talk with her about it in person as I was concerned. during our discussion, she went on to dismiss my feelings and make it seem like I was making a mistake, implying heavily that I will be some sort of freak at the end and that the process would be long and difficult. strangely, my dad was distant the entire time. while I was on a drive with him, I confronted him about his behavior, and he then told me to not act on my desires until "after he was dead." I guess that she had told him despite my wishes. this whole situation threw me back into the closet, again, because I naturally valued my parents and didn't want to lose them. I told them to forget about it and that it was just due to me being sexually frustrated.
however, I couldn't fend off my feelings for long after that. I was back to dating Stinky. I tried to keep the act up for my parents as well as her, but it took less than half a year this time for it to fall apart. it was May 2018, and I started to feel that I needed to do something or I would have to deal with gender misery forever. I thought, "well, if nobody is going to support me, I'll just have to do it myself without any of them knowing and deal with the consequences later." Stinky and I had planned a vacation to Miami to visit her family later in the year during August, and I figured out a way to get HRT, using the trip as an opportunity.
the plan was that at the end, I would fly back to Tallahassee while she spent some more time with her family down South. in May, I had secretly scheduled an appointment with Planned Parenthood (using informed consent) that would take place during that brief time we were apart. this was so that I wouldn't have to go to a psychologist as I was still an 18-year-old and it would cost too much. I drove 4 hours to Orlando (the nearest location to Tallahassee that offered HRT), completed the appointment, and drove 4 hours back.
my prescription for spironolactone and estradiol was filled the day that Stinky came back. I decided that I should tell her what I was doing and that I needed this. she became distraught and made me feel guilty, but I stood my ground and took my first dose that same day. 1 week later, I went to a cryogenic storage appointment before the medication started taking effect in earnest so that I would have the option in the future of having biological kids (no matter how unlikely that seemed at the time). I also started laser hair removal for my facial hair shortly after. the next couple of months were rough, with her frequently telling me how terrible I made her feel due to my changing body, but also that she still didn't want to break up with me. she was disgusted by the effects of HRT. this didn't help my state of mind as I still wanted to continue dating her, too, even though this relationship was obviously not healthy for either of us.
in October 2018, just a couple of months later, I deluded myself into thinking I could repress my feelings for her and stopped taking the medication, even watching anti-trans media to attempt to reinforce that effort. this didn't work as less than a month later on November 16th, I realized that living a lie for someone else was a terrible idea and I started taking the medication again (I haven't stopped since). we continued "dating," but it was dysfunctional, with her eventually losing attraction to me. we broke up in the second half of 2019. she was still my roommate for months afterwards (which was terribly painful and filled with drama).
during that mess of a relationship, however, I also had to plan for my parents' reaction. I wouldn't be able to hide this from them forever. expecting a similar outcome to what happened in 2018, I did everything I could to become independent just in case they disowned me or wanted to have leverage in a confrontation. whether it was financial (I took my money out of their bank account and put it into my own), or alternative transportation in the case that they took my car (I bought a motorcycle), or even health insurance (I obtained new insurance through my university), I got it done. in February of 2019, I was completely independent, even leveraging my status as a veteran from my time at the Naval Academy to obtain educational grants that would otherwise be unobtainable due to my parents' income (they weren't even paying for my education to begin with!).
this turned out to be a wise decision as during a visit to my parents in May, I would be forced to come out to them after almost 6 months of continuous HRT. my parents noticed subtle changes like a feminine bracelet I wore around them, that I was shaving my legs, and that my face looked softer, but I think that I still went largely under the radar. I explained the changes as being normal "guy" stuff (for example, shaving your legs helps with swimming, of course). one day, my parents and I went out shopping. my mom and I walked into a shopping center while my dad waited in the car. as she and I were chatting on the way in, she patted my back and felt the bralette that I was wearing to conceal the effects of HRT. she said, "what is that?" and glared at me. I cursed my negligence and told her what she didn't want to hear. she was silent as we walked into the store and said that I was "mutilating my body" as we walked out. we got back into the car and drove home with my dad. the drive felt terrifyingly slow, and I didn't know what awaited me when it was over.
this time, however, I decided that I wasn't going to let this narrative be controlled by my parents. as soon as we got home, I told them that I wanted to have a conversation with them. I explained to them that I had been taking feminizing hormones for over six months and that this was the right decision for my happiness. I endured verbal abuse from my mom and silence from my dad. she said things such as "you're confused," "nobody will love you," "you'll get beat up," "you'll be ugly," and even "you're mutilating your body" again. to this day, I still do not forgive her for what she said that night, and how could I? after she was done with her assault, I explained very plainly: "you will either have a daughter or you will have no child at all." that seemed to resonate. they said that were so resistant to all this out of "love" for me. I told them my experiences and why I was doing this. I also explained that my gender expression is separate from my sexuality, which isn't changing. they didn't know or care about any of that until then. they had to listen to me, and they had to accept me. and if they didn't accept me, they would lose me, either by me never talking to them again, or by suicide if I had to continue performing the gender they wanted.
today, they are strong advocates for queer rights after ultimately deciding to stand behind my choices. they even supported my desire to get multiple gender-affirming surgeries in late 2020. but I don't know how it would have turned out if they had had leverage over me back then, and I didn’t want to find out.
a couple of months after Stinky and I’s breakup, to cope with it (I felt like it was my fault even though it wasn't) and the discomfort about my changing body, I escaped into virtual reality. for the next couple years, my social life was almost entirely on the internet as I didn't have to deal with anxiety and could present myself exactly the way I chose. this immersive world helped me discover the new me and how I wanted to act. I experimented with the way I talked, the way I acted, my disposition, and many other things, until I found a persona, my persona. I even experimented with my sexuality and determined that yes, I’m still not attracted to masculine people and no, I’m not entirely opposed to polyamory.
some more time passes - 2021, two years ago - despite “finding myself” through years of socialization and personal introspection, I still put myself inside the gender binary (I blame my upbringing). I thought that I had to be either a man or a woman, and that anything else outside of that box wasn't a real option for me. for whatever reason, I also had this misconception that being non-binary wasn't being, well, non-binary, but instead still having to fit somewhere on the binary spectrum despite its name, just not necessarily at either end.
at this point, in all ways, whether by government ID or by gender presentation, I was a woman. my friends and family all knew me as a woman, I identified as a lesbian, and I thought this was the end. after 3 years, nothing could change.
but despite everything, I still never truly felt like a "woman" or even a "girl" despite my “transition” being as complete as it could be. I would subconsciously refer to myself as a "person" or in the case of my parents, their "child," or relating to my S.O., her "partner." anything else didn't feel right when others said it or even when I said it to myself. this feeling wasn't something new to me, either. previously, I had chalked it up to dysphoria making me think that I didn't yet deserve to be a "woman" and that's why I didn't feel comfortable yet. but, realistically, it had to be something else. it should make me happy to be gendered "correctly." which it did, initially, as I was struggling to pass in public during the start of my transition (I viewed it as an accomplishment). but now that I was passing as a “woman” nearly all the time, however, it made my stomach turn when a person referred to me with gendered terms. that feeling wasn't present when someone referred to me as “she” or even “they,” and I couldn't figure out why.
outside of the very start, my gender presentation has never been very feminine. I mostly wear androgynous clothing. I tried wearing makeup, and to my surprise, I determined that I liked myself without makeup more. my interests don't really consist of traditionally feminine things, and I stopped shaving my legs (my parents complained about that one). I've played with the possibility of being non-binary, but it still never really resonated with me and I felt like it just wasn't the right fit.
I've now been on this journey for almost 5 years. last Friday, while I was at the dentist, I noticed that my hygienist was confused by my gender presentation due to how she stumbled between she and he pronouns every other sentence when referring to me. I was amused because generally someone would decide what they thought I was, stick to one set of pronouns, and I would correct them if needed. the situation felt comical, almost unreal, and it made me think about how glad I was to not have to be in her shoes. she then brought me to the front desk after she was done with the cleaning and I corrected her with a simple “she” when she started to talk about me again (my initial amusement had worn off). the hygienist became flustered and I smiled. this made me think, “why do I enjoy someone else’s confusion about my gender?” I’d experienced this feeling a couple of times in the past but I’d never given it much thought.
now, thanks to way too much self-analysis (and my partner’s love and support, of course), I have found the reason for these feelings and why labels never fit me. it’s because I simply do not think of myself in gendered terms. I’m just “me.” I was also never comfortable referring to myself as transgender, now knowing that it was because it implied that I went from being one gender to being another (which never felt accurate). being a “woman” also started to feel like it was holding me back, making me realize that the explanation is that I just…
don't have a gender.
agender it is. let's say that I have transcended the concept of gender entirely. fuck having a gender. who needs one? I sure don't. I never have.
happy Pride!
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fossilcookie · 7 months
20 years after the ultimate defeat of Dark Enchantress Cookie, Earthbread returned to a time of great harmony, no more threats from evil dragons or twisted mages, all was calm, and many Cookies settled down and started families. It was a cool winter day in Earthbread, but that didn't stop Frappuccino Cookie from training, she whacked her shortsword against the straw dummy, cutting deep gashes into it before taking a deep breath, and blasted it with a spell channeled from the tip of its blade.
“Haha! That's my girl!” A hearty laugh echoed from behind her.
Frappe turned around and looked at the boisterous figure, one of her fathers, Madeline Cookie, he had grown long in the tooth since the end of the Enchantress’ reign, a small beard had grown on his chin, he had gained a few battle scars, and despite his extensive hair and skin care routines, they had slowly taken on aged appearances as well.
“Thank you, Papa.” Frappuccino said as she sheathed her sword and set her shield aside. “How is father doing?” She asked.
“Oh you know Espresso, always looking further into his studies, he’s gotten better since we’ve had you, but he’s still absorbed in his work.” Madeline said brushing hair out of his eyes
“Yeah... But at least he takes the time to spend time with us. Speaking of what time is it?” Frappe asked simply
Madeline glanced over at a nearby clock and spoke up. “10:12, why?”
Frappe’s eyes widened at hearing the time, she started panicking a bit. “Crumbs, I’m gonna be late, Botanist and the others were gonna go on an expedition at 10:30!” She bolted out the door and shouted behind her. “Bye Papa, tell father I love him!”
Madeline shook his head and chuckled. “She really is the perfect medium between you and I, Espresso…”
After about 5 minutes of running, Frappe was panting at the front door of a local shop called “Botanist Cookie’s Herbal Potions and Remedies”, she caught her breath and stepped inside, where 3 other cookies were sitting, seemingly talking about something before she walked in. There was White Cake Cookie, a young woman wearing a deep mauve robe-like outfit with beige details, a silver crown with a purple gem in it, a silver belt, black boots with the same gem pattern on them, and a goldish-brown scarf, she had pale sky blue eyes, long hair a similar shade to her robes, and in place of a normal left arm, she had a bestial arm with gold and white striped skin and long gold claw-like fingers. Then Lemon Shark Cookie, another lady, about a year younger than White Cake, she wore a paisley patterned shirt with a shark/fish theming, white swim trunks in place of a skirt or normal pants, orange sandals without socks, and a pair of scimitars sheathed at her sides, her skin was deeply tanned, eyes a deep eggplant purple, hair that was a bright electric yellow with a long ponytail forked at the end to resemble a sharks tail and shaped like a sharks dorsal fin at the top, and her sharp teeth bared in a smile. Finally, there was Botanist Cookie, he wore a dark green suit with a white undershirt, brown pants so dark they may as well be black, black shoes, and a flask over his right hip, his eyes were a deep forest green, same as his hair, which resembled wilted, dying leaves, and his skin was a few shades darker than everyone else in the room.
Botanist took the flask from his side and opened it, taking a few good swigs of its contents, closing and stashing it back before speaking up. “Well there you are, Frappuccino Cookie.” He said in a dry, annoyed tone.
“Yeah, I got preoccupied with training, sorry…” Frappe said rubbing the back of her head.
“Hey, girl it’s cool, at least you’re not late like Mozza.” White Cake said jokingly.
“40 coins said she slept in again.” Lemon Shark bet in a sing-songy way.
“Whatever the case, down to business girls.” Botanist said pulling out a map and laying it out on the table, he pointed at a spot on the map deep in the woods nearby. “Kettlebell Flower is in its blooming season. I need some fresh for mana potion production, simple as that.”
“So we just go deep in the woods, pick some flowers, and get back like always?” Frappe asked, Botanist simply nodded his head without a word.
“UGH….!” LS groaned out. “So boring… This is why I hate February, stuck on land not getting into any action like I do out at sea with my Pops.” She complained rolling her eyes.
“Oh calm down Lem, spring thaw’s coming soon, won’t be too much longer before you can go sailing and beat up pirates.” White said patting her on the shoulder.
“Well then, now that we’re all ready and Mozzarella Stick clearly isn’t coming, I think it’s time we-” Botanist’s train of thought was cut off by the door slamming open, just outside the door was a short woman with clawed feet and a long tail that ended in a tuft of orange feathers.
“Sorry guys I slept in and didn’t realize until Mom brought it up at breakfast what are we doing?” The girl, Mozzarella Stick Cookie, spoke speedily without taking a single breath.
“HAH! PAY UP SUCKOS!” Lemon Shark blurted out excitedly.
“We’re just going to grab some Kettlebell, nothing exciting, Mozz.” Frappe said.
“Oh ok that’s fine I could’ve slept in a bit more and gone with you guys once I saw you walking down the path to Dragon Hill you know how fast I can run I can easily outpace my Ma’s little delivery bike ooooh hey what’s in the flask mind if I have a drink?” Mozza grabbed Botanist’s flask and took a sip of it, and once it hit her tongue she spat it out in his face. “Ugh what is that and why is it more bitter than that crappy lemonade my Mom’s work sells?”
Botanist grabbed the flask back from her and groaned. “That’s my herbal tea recipe, Mozza, you’ve tried it 5 times already., given what you are and where you come from, I figured you would’ve remembered what it was and that you don’t like it…” He stated simply
“Oh pfft duh of course I must’ve forgot well my dad’s memory isn’t that great so I guess I got it from him.” Mozza said knocking her head.
“Great Milennial Tree, Mozza, slow down and take a breath for once!” White Cake said, always caught off guard by Mozza’s dialect.
“Look I think we’ve wasted enough time here, let’s just go.” Botanist said after drying his face off with a towel.
After that, they went into the forest near Dragon Hill, it was biting cold, but there was no snow, just frozen ground and dead plants.
“Alright, the Kettlebell patch should be somewhere around here…” White Cake said holding the map.
“Man, why does she get to hold the map?” Lemon Shark whined.
‘Probably because you can’t read a land map to save your life cause you spend all your life at sea.” Mozza spoke casually, then got her side jabbed by LS.
As the group walked along, the atmosphere felt… Off. Like someone or something was watching them, the air was thick and felt colder than usual, and everyone could just barely see figures bounding out of sight in the corner of their eyes. When they got to the Kettlebell patch, it was wilted and black, with wisps of ash emanating from it.
“What the hell…?” Botanist Cookie spoke out in shock.
“I have a bad feeling about this, I’ve never seen flowers wilt like that.” Frappucino said, shooting her hand to the sword on her back.
Then, a shrill scream from deep in the woods, the group bolted in the direction it came from and saw two Cookies, cowering in fear as 2 large Cream Wolves loom over them, growling and frothing at the mouth, one of the scared Cookies, a young man holding a stick as a makeshift weapon, looked at the group and called out.
“P-please, help us! We were on a walk when we got jumped by these rabid beasts!” He said, terror in his eyes as he batted one of the wolves away to little effect.
“Alright, we need to come up with a game plan.” White Cake spoke up before Mozza tapped her shoulder.
“Call me crazy but I don’t think Lemon Shark is listening 'cause she is diving right into it.” Mozzarella Stick said pointing at the sprinting pirate girl.
Lemon Shark cackled wildly as she drew her swords and plunged them deep into one of the beasts' shoulders. It howled in pain and thrashed to the side, but Lemon Shark was dug in good and deep.
“HAHAHAH! Finally, I’ve been craving a good fight!” LS giggled as she would after finding buried treasures.
“Dammit Shark!” White Cake rolled up her right sleeve, revealing a small silver band on her wrist, she swung her arm out quickly and the band expanded into an arm-mounted crossbow.
Frappe drew her sword and shield, and Botanist readied some magic in his palms, it giving off a dark green glow, and Mozza… Well it seemed like she didn't have a weapon or any powers, but she was ready to fight.
“Why are you here, you're not equipped for battle!” Botanist shouted at her.
“Or am I?” She sped towards the other wolf, jumped in the air, and landed a flurry of kicks to its side, hooked claws slashing into the skin. “Never underestimate me druid boy I may be small but I can easily beat my sport-loving brother in a fight.” Even now she spoke in a flash.
Botanist rolled his eyes and slammed a palm to the ground, almost immediately large roots erupted from the ground and threw the second wolf far. Frappe battered into the first one Lemon Shark was on and looked back at the distressed pair.
“Go, now! We’ll handle this.” She shouted, bracing her shield as the wolf pounced back at her.
The two explorers bolted off as fast as they could. Lemon Shark kept riding the first wolf like it was a mechanical bull, meanwhile, White Cake was riddling it with shots from her bow, a few bolts almost striking LS.
“Alright, that’s my cue to jump off, ground combat time!” She ripped the scimitars out of the wolf’s shoulders and backflipped off.
Frappucino landed the killing blow with one good slash to the thing’s throat, but rather than fall to the ground dead, it exploded into a puff of dark gray ash, like the Kettlebell the group initially came for. The second wolf bounded out of the woods, but something else was on its back, it resembled a demonic skeleton wielding a two-pronged pitchfork.
“ Heads up, we got company!” Frappe said, lighting her sword up with magic fire.
Botanist used his magic to manipulate the vines in the trees to knock the wolf rider off its mount, the skeletal thing skidded across the ground, readying its weapon.
White Cake spoke up. “Me and Botanist got the wolf, Frappe, Mozza, you guys get the bone boy.”
“Right!” Both girls said in unison.
The skeleton spun its pitchfork and charged forward, but Mozza just kicked it in the face, and its skull clattered against the ground, but the body simply picked it up and put it back on its neck.
“Well it was worth a shot cut me some slack I’ve never fought a skeleton before my dad works with them but they’re not trying to STAB ME WITH A PITCHFORK HOLY SHIT!” Mozzarella Stick yelped as she weaved out of the way of the attacks that came midsentence.
Frappe managed to cut the thing’s humerus in half with her flaming sword, every bone below the cut dissolved into ash, leaving just the pitchfork. “Hey Mozz, wanna try a weapon?” She said looking at her companion.
Mozza picked up the pitchfork and started thrusting it toward the skeleton, missing each strike. Botanist thrashed more vines toward the second wolf, thorns slashing into its skin as WC’s bolts pierced it.
“Damn this thing’s tough.” White Cake huffed.
“Tell me about it… Wait, where’s Shark?” Botanist asked.
Lemon Shark jumped from the trees and swiftly sliced off its head. “See, it was that easy.” She snarked
Meanwhile, the skeleton yanked the pitchfork back and jabbed it at Frappe and Mozza, and it managed to cut the latter’s cheek.
“Oh, you PRICK!” Slits appeared in Mozza’s eyes and she kicked it in the chest so hard its ribcage splintered.
The skeleton demon stumbled backward, clutching its shattered chest in pain, too late it noticed Frappucino behind it, slits in her eyes as well, she was pointing her sword right at its head charging a spell.
“Taste a Firebolt, imp.” With a flick of her wrist, Frappe fired the spell and it exploded the things head on contact, the bones now unbound by magic, clattered to the forest floor and withered to dust.
“Are we done… That took a lot out of me.” White Cake huffed, retracting her crossbow.
“I think so.” Botanist replied, magic fading from his hands.
“Man that was great! I don’t know about you guys but I would kill for another round.” Lemon Shark boasted.
Just as she finished, another demonic monster burst from the forest, this one was cyclopean, had a firey whip in place of an arm, and floated above the ground without legs. With one swing it threw Lemon Shark and White Cake to the side and it stared at the others in the group.
They put up a good fight but this one is not playing around, it very quickly dispatched the group, all of them huddled at the foot of a tree. The beast slowly approached, solidifying its whip arm into a sharp blade ready to cut them down to size. Frappe shakily stood up with her sword in hand, huffing while looking into its soulless, crimson eye.
“You wanna piece of me?” She groaned out a threat.
The demon raised its blade arm ready to strike, but it was caught off guard when a bolt of magic struck it in the back of the head. It looked back and saw another figure standing on top of a tree branch, a young female Cookie holding her hand in a finger gun position and holding a large stick with a pink and white heart-shaped spade on the end, she had a distinctive cocky smirk on her face.
“So, this is what was causing all that trouble. Perfect time to start my training as a hero.” The girl spoke in a high, somewhat squeaky tone, she rushed forward and started beating the monster's head with the staff.
“Who the heck is the kid seems like they’re trying to live out some prepubescent power fantasy.” Mozzarella Stick said at a speed barely slower than usual.
“Whatever, she’s got it distracted, I’m going in for the kill, there has to be a weak point…” Frappe almost fainted as all her energy was drained from the last fight.
“Hold on, I have something…” Botanist pulled out a blue potion bottle, popped the cork, and handed it to her. “This will give you heightened speed and energy for about a minute, it should be enough to keep you up.”
Frappe took the bottle and consumed the contents, almost immediately she perked up and sped towards the monster, slashing every part she could looking for an especially vulnerable one. Before long she took one good look at the head, the girl was still whacking away at it, it seemed more annoyed than anything else, but then the girl hit it in the large central eye. Of course, it seemed so obvious, so obvious it’s a bit cliche in fact, but no matter, Frappucino leaped into the air and thrust her sword towards the head, and the beat turned its head just in time for the blade to sink right in its pupil. The creature screamed in pain, throwing Frappe and the young girl off, it tried to pull it out with its lone hand but had issues due to the size difference.
Frappe huffed and readied her hand. “And I’ve officially reached the end of my rope with this fight…” With a snap of her fingers, the blade ignited inside the beast’s eye, and soon its whole body was alight, it slumped to the ground dead, bursting into ash.
The young girl beside her, somehow unscathed from the fall growled in frustration. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BEAT THE BIG MONSTER!” She shouted, puffing out her cheeks angrily.
“Kid I don’t mean to sound rude but who the heck even are you and why are you out here alone shouldn’t you have school?” Mozza asked, raising her eyebrow.
“Pfft, who am I? Well, I’m the daughter of one of Earthbread’s greatest heroes of the modern times.” She boasted, puffing out her chest proudly. “I am GingerSnap, daughter of the great GingerBrave!”
“Ok… So that’s the who, but what about the why?” Lemon Shark asked.
“Oh, I was in the middle of tutoring when Uncle Wizard got a strange feeling and asked me to check it out.” GingerSnap stated.
“Maybe we should talk with him. I think I recognize something about these things and how they behaved.” White Cake stated, hoping she was wrong about her gut feeling.
Meanwhile, in a distant land, lit by hellish reddish-pink flames, a horned figure shrouded in darkness peered into the top of a staff with glowing red eyes. “Hmmm, seems someone found my cake monsters and were able to defeat them…” She peered closer at the figures and recognized one, White Cake, her expression soured. “Of course, she would be one of the first to do something like this, should’ve suspected such from Red Velvet Cookie’s spawn…” The image faded and was replaced by another glowing red eye.
The darkened figure moved to another chamber, a few figures looked back at her in surprise. “Oh mistress, is something the matter?” A shrill female voice asked.
“A few upstart cookies have already gotten in the way of things… I’ve waited 20 long years to relaunch my conquest and the second I do, they ruin it!” The dark being spoke out. “But no matter, that’s why I have you, my Cookies of Darkness…~” She said, gesturing to the shrill-voiced Cookie, as well as three others shrouded in the room’s shadows. “Are you ready to start our conquest?”
“Why of course, Mistress Pomegranate Cookie.” A second voice spoke up, a raspy male.
Pomegranate Cookie, clearly influenced by Dark Enchantress’ spirit, slowly chuckled, and that built into a familiar evil cackle
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Dream of Me (Ghost Band x Oc)
Summary: This is a longer version of a dream I had the other night of going to a Ghost concert and getting stuck at the venue. Some parts of filled in because I don't remember them very well but I hope you enjoy reading it anyway! It's kind of long but I didn't feel up to making a part two! So here you go!
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It was insane, completely and utterly insane. She hated crowds, hated them with such a passion she really didn't like leaving the house. But, by some kind of stroke of luck she found out her favorite band Ghost was in her town of all places to do a show at the Hollow's Eve Festival. Fuck it that it was going to be outside in mid-October and it's cold out. Fuck the fact that she was going alone. This was one of the one-in-a-lifetime opportunities and if this was to be her first (and maybe last) concert then she would pull up her big girl panties and go. Because for once in her life, she will do something she wanted to do and not do it for anybody else but for herself.
Holly was a college student on holiday break, living on campus just a few hours away from where the festival was going to be held and she had to practically beg her roommate to drive her there. Since Holly lived on campus she didn't have a need for a car; all her shopping needs and food places were within walking distance from the campus so she never needed to go anywhere that involved a car. Anytime she did, her friend and roommate would take her because hey, Holly didn't have many friends so that worked just fine with her, but this was important to her and her friend knew it.
Unlike those who Holly figured went to the Ghost concerts in the past, she didn't wear anything too revealing. She dressed practically with a slight flare of her own style. Cold didn't bother her as much as most people would think for someone as slim and slight as she was. She was pale and didn't see the sun much because of her lack of interest in leaving her room half the time. But she did well in the cold. So, instead of wearing things like fish nets, shorts, and a gaudy top that showed too much cleavage (A feat she gave credit to those who could pull off.), she wore a pair of form-hugging ribbed white washed jeans, a pair of her favorite combat boots, and a long sleeve sweater that was designed to look as if she, if was threadbare and torn in that edgy sort of look, with a tube top bra underneath to finish it off. She kept her long caramel-brown hair in natural waves after her shower and just snapped a ponytail holder around her wrist just in case she needed it - she was set to go. After grabbing her jacket in case it got too cold for her to handle or start raining as the forecast predicted she headed out towards her friend's car and hopped in feeling the jitter of excitement inside of her belly doing flip-flops.
"You got everything you need, babes?" Carol asked turning to check out her friend as she climbed into the car.
"I think so!" Holly replied plugging her phone into the car to charge.
"No purse?" Carol raised a brow in judgment.
"Don't need it! All I need is my wallet, my cash for a bus ride home, and my phone." Holly replied with a grin. The less she carried the less she had to worry about losing or being stolen.
"I could always just pick you up girlie you know that!" Carol started the car and pulled out of the parking lot to head down the road following the GPS on her phone.
"You're literally going to be driving 2 hours extra from your grandma's to come to pick me up! I'll just take a bus, besides the festival won't end until pretty late. I'm not going to burden you like that." Holly replied giving her a pointed look and was glad when Carol didn't argue, it would have been very much out of her way to drive to pick Holly back up but she was worried for her friend.
"Alright, but if you need anything call me yeah?" Carol gave her friend a side glance and relaxed a bit when she got a firm nod of agreement from the brunet.
After being dropped off Holly wandered around the festival and checked out stalls, food, and souvenirs all the while keeping her eye out on the time for whenever her favorite band would come on. She didn't mind the other few bands that had been scheduled to play there as well but she was here mainly for Ghost and so when she heard the announcement from afar that Ghost would be playing shortly she was quick to go snatch a spot up front; weaving her way between other people who were trying to leave who didn't want to stay for this part of the festival.
The crowd screamed when Ghost came on and Holly was jumping up and down in excitement; shouting out her approval and support along with the others as they started. Their playlist was lit as always and Holly found herself enjoying her time a lot more than she had thought. She swore she even made eye contact with Sodo when he came to her her side of the stage; he did his signature reach out to the crowd and she was compelled to reach back out to him, her arms were shorter than a lot of the others but she was at the front so that gave her some leverage even by an inch. She was amazing though when her fingertips actually met warm skin as her fingers grazed Sodo's. Had he reached out on purpose? He never let anybody touch him! She smiled up at him as he tilted his head and quickly backed off to go to a different part of the stage to play. When she noticed Copia dressed in his usual blue suit come over to her side she flashed him a brilliant smile and gave him a heart symbol which he received and returned by blowing her a kiss before moving on with his eccentric show to another part of the stage.
When she had a moment to breathe she turned her head to look around the crowd enjoying the show as much as she was when she noticed a girl dressed less than herself and looked as if she was cold despite the mass of bodies all around her; the chill of the October air cooled the sweat produced on her skin and caused goosebumps to appear on her skin. Thinking it over Holly gently pushed through the crowd to be able to sidle up next to her and unwrapped her jacket without a second thought, nearly yelling into the girl's ear because of how loud it was that she could borrow it. The girl looked grateful as she slipped on the jacket that was warmed by Holly's body heat and gave her a thank you before Holly made her way back to her spot. She didn't realize it but the bandmates had watched this unfold so whenever she came back to her spot she didn't notice that they were interacting a little bit more on her side of the stage; not thinking too much about it as she enjoyed the show.
After Copia's funny little speech in between songs, one of Holly's favorites began to play, Circe. The crowd calmed down and got in the groove as the song progressed towards the part where Papa would come by to pick a fan to circe them. She looked up from her spot through the phone screen she was recording to realize Copia was standing right in front of her. She made eye contact with him before he suddenly kneeled down and reached his hand out toward her. Surprised Holly reached out and felt the warmth of his gloved hand encase her own as he sang the song to her keeping eye contact that felt too intimate (as it should feel, she assumed). She was further surprised when he turned her hand around and kissed her palm before finishing off the song with another well-placed kiss to her knuckles and then stood back up to finish the show.
Holly felt her cheeks flush a bit and smiled to herself at the little moment, hey dreams do come true it seems! For being her first concert she was happy with her interactions and would cherish them forever! But the setlist was coming to a close as Papa began his last speech to dismiss the show with one last song. Right as it was ending the girl from earlier found her again and handed back her jacket with a grateful thank you again before disappearing through the crowds. Even after the show ended and people began to leave to make room for the next band Holly stuck around playing games and watching different people play. She was one of the last few groups to start making their way out once the Festival began to close down.
It was already past dark and she was standing by the parking lot checking her phone for bus times when she stuck her hand into her pocket absently and froze. Her pocket was empty. She frantically checked her other pocket and then went further to pull the pockets to find both empty. Her money for her bus trip home….was gone. Fuck! That girl must have taken her money! Feeling the panic rise Holly shoved it down and pulled up her friend's contact info before pausing just moments before hitting call. No, she wasn't going to call Carol to drive at one in the morning to come get her. But who else could she call? She didn't have money…but she did have her wallet and thus her Cash App card was in there. That at least hadn't been stolen because it was tucked away in her jeans pockets. So instead, she dialed up her mom feeling so foolish as it rang. Her mom loved watching the late-night shows so she was sure to still be up.
It rang and rang before being picked up. "Mom?!"
"Holly? What's the matter, honey?"
Worrying her lip between her teeth Holly looked down at her toes just when she noticed the dark droplets hit the pavement, shit it was starting to rain and she was here alone! "Um, is there…shit, I mean…um.."
The girl sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Could you send me some money for a bus ticket?… I err…forgot mine and I don't have enough funds in my cash app to pay for one." she lied
Her mom didn't need to know she had her money stolen. But as a single mother, she worked long hours and it was always a hit-and-miss whether she would have the money because of bills and supporting Holly's younger brother.
"I'm sorry honey, I don't have the money for that. It was bill day today and I barely have enough money for gas for this week to get me to work." her mom's voice came in regretfully through the end of the line and Holly's heart sank.
"That's okay…I'm sure I can call someone. Thanks anyway, Mom, go to bed!" Holly ended the call with a playful chide before leaning her back against the wall and sighed feeling her clothes begin soaked with rain.
"Shit…" she pocketed her phone and stared out at the parking lot wondering what she was going to do. It was only when she heard footsteps coming her way did she began to stagger to her feet thinking it was a security officer or something and was well prepared to explain her predicament.
But instead of finding a security officer…she came face to face with a familiar group of figures. Her heart leaped in her throat and she shifted on her feet; tucking her hands into her pockets and trying to act casual realizing how utterly ridiculous and weird it probably looked like to find a fan just…waiting outside like this. They probably got this all the time with fans trying to get to see them past the appropriate time.
"Is everything okay? Are you having issues with your car?" the familiar voice spoke up; tinged with an Italian accent
Holly forced a small smile to her face and waved a hand around lamely. "Got to have a car to have car issues." she laughed nervously. "I uh, I kinda got stranded here. My money got stolen for a bus ticket so I was just checking in with people I know to come pick me up." she explained realizing how vague that sounded.
Copia tugged at his sleeves subconsciously. "Would you like for us to call you a Uber perhaps?" he suggested.
Holly shrugged. "I don't know an Uber who'd drive 3 hours out of the way to drop me off."
"You live 3 hours away? Damn!" Swiss grinned
"Yep, 3 hours and… 7 minutes if I remember correctly." Holly laughed a bit and rocked on her feet. "It's okay though, I'll find a ride, if not I'll park my ass on a bus bench for the night." she joked, but was she really joking? What other option did she have?!
"Aw, come on that's not safe!" Phantom called waving his hands around in the air. "You're in a pickle aren't yah?"
"He's right, it's not safe for you to be out here in the rain alone!" Rain added softly as he turned his head to look at Copia who was watching the girl with a certain look on his face.
"You look familiar…." he murmured taking a step closer.
"Duh, she's that girl you circe'd." Sodo added tilting his head.
"Ah! I remember now, you gave that one fan your jacket in the middle of the concert. That was very kind of your, Tesero!" Copia said realizing who she actually was. "Oh no," the man took a step closer and leaned down as if to stage whisper to her. "Did they take your wallet Tesero?" his eyes were wide with shock and sympathy.
The look on Holly's face must have been an answer alone as he leaned back with a click of his tongue. "That is not good. Not good at all! Come come! You'll stay with us in the bus for the night and we can see about transportation for you in the morning so you can get home."
"What no!" Holly nearly shouted much to the surprise of the others. Wouldn't fans just jump at the chance that was being given right now?
"I mean, I appreciate the offer, any fan of yours would jump at the chance but I don't want to be a burden to you guys. It's not your responsibility to come to my rescue!" Holly tried to defend.
Swiss wouldn't take that as an answer as he pushed past the others and swooped in; picking the girl up bridal style making her let out a little shriek of surprise and cling to the tall man.
"What the fuck! Omg, Swiss put me down!" she smacked his shoulder but he only laughed.
"It's raining Blossom, it's best we all just quiet down and get inside as soon as able." Mountain made his presence known behind them for the first time since they found her.
She hesitated and looked behind at the others around them as they strode across the parking lot towards the back where a few buses were parked; most likely the other bands parked for the night.
"But, aren't I going to be a burden? Like, won't I cramp your style and shit?" Holly asked softly
"Cramp our style? Kid, don't ever say shit like that ever again." Sodo grumbled tilting his head towards her and she could see the flash of his eyes behind the goggle of his helmet even through the glare of the parking lot lights shining down on them as they passed.
"It's really no issue mi cara," Copia added as he led the way ahead of them. "It's just for one night! You'll catch your cold out here if we just left you."
Holly bit her lip and rested her head on her arm as Swiss continued to carry her. "Are you sure…positive?" she asked again looking up at Swiss who tilted his head down and gave her another Swiss-style smile.
"Positive sweet cheeks."
They boarded the bus which was oddly roomy despite the fact 6 men were staying on the bus it didn't feel cramped at all. She was set down on her feet as others went deeper inside and she was left standing on the doorstep looking around curiously. She'd never been on a bus like this before.
"Alright, honey! Why don't you take the shower first and get warmed up! We'll wait out here for ya when you're done." Phantom spoke up as he began unlatching his helmet.
"Whoa wait! Y-you guys are okay with this?" Holly held her hands up pointing at the helmets."I mean, like…taking your helmets off in front of me?"
"Yeah, what not? Everybody already knows our identities." Swiss snorted as he tugged off his and ruffled his hair.
Holly stared at them as they each took off their helmets and set them down before getting themselves comfortable by taking their shoes off and harnesses while she just stood there watching in amazement. Mountain pushed his way to the back of the bus waving her over and held open a door for her to look inside.
"Here's the shower, we'll get you some dry clothes to change into once your done." he said motioning her in.
"Guys are you sure-" Holly began again and Sodo pointed a finger at her; for someone who wasn't taller than herself he was intimidating even without the mask on.
"Ask us again one more time kid and so help us-" Swiss shoved down the accusing finger just as Copia smacked him over the head with a disapproving curse in Italian.
"Go on honey, we're sure." Phantom told her flashing a smile her way.
Holly bit her lip and nodded as she grabbed the door from Mountain and slowly slid it shut behind her.
The rain was heavy, pounding at the window that she was staring out of as she sat on the couch in the darkness of the bus. True to word, when she had opened the door a crack to peer out into the bus she found the others sitting on the couches and chilling with each other; talking and shooting the shit with a few beers. Upon noticing her head poking around the corner, Mountain had hopped up from his spot and grabbed a stack of clothes that rested on the countertop to give to her. There was a pair of black sweatpants, a white T-shirt, a pair of socks, and a pair of boxers resting together folded neatly. They looked as if they'd fit her so she assumed it was Sodo's clothes since he was the one closest to her height. Even still, the sweatpants had to be tightened as far as they could and then rolled once or twice to make sure they wouldn't slip. They smelled good too, whatever cologne Sodo usually wore clung to the clothes and she would probably have been embarrassed if they knew she'd taken a minute or two sniffing the fabric before putting the clothes on. Still, she appreciated the clothes as she put them on, at least she wasn't wet and cold anymore. When she entered the living area section of the bus with no small amount of shyness she had been greeted by smiles.
And then came the debate of where she would sleep. The men had offered her to take one of their bunks but Holly had refused immediately not wanting to kick them out of their own beds. That started an argument.
"You can take one of ours, none of us mind sleeping on the couch for a night!" Phantom offered.
"No! Absolutely not! I've intruded enough as it is and you guys have been so kind as it is I wouldn't feel right stealing one of the bunks especially sink you guys had just a long tour! Ya'll are exhausted I'm sure so just sleep in your own bunks!" Holly had insisted.
"You could always sleep with one of us in the bunks." Swiss added with a playful wink but Holly was quick to shut that notion down with a literal hand crossing in an 'X' shape.
"No! They are far too small for two people." she had insisted; not that she would have minded taking the chance to literally cuddle one of her favorite band members.
"Sodo or Phantom don't take much room, tiny creatures that they are." Rain joked earning him a growl from Sodo in response.
"Copia please say something! Back me up here!" Holly had turned to the lead singer who was ping-ponging between the members as they argued.
"Let the girl sleep where she is comfortable." she'd breathed a sigh of relief and that was that despite the grumbles of some others within the room.
And so she sat, leaning against the soft leather of the couch; peering out into the rain beyond the glass of the bus. A spare blanket draped across her lap and a pillow behind her back as she sat in the darkness. The bus was filled with snoring from the men but it wasn't that which kept her up. She really just couldn't sleep. Not because she was surrounded by men or because she was on the bus with one of her favorite all-time bands. Sleep just evaded her. The men had taken turns showering before saying their goodnight after she had been made sure was comfortable and now she left alone.
A movement behind her made her jerk her head to the side to see the shadowed figure of one of the musicians coming from the dark hallway. it was only when they spoke that she realized who it was.
"Can't sleep?" Rain asked
Holly smiled slightly and shook her head as she tucked a stay piece of hair behind her ear. "Not really. I don't sleep very well in strange places." she confessed.
"Ah, are you afraid we'll do something in your sleep?" Rain joked
"Of course not!" Holly gasped at her dramatically."It's not you guys, this couch is actually more comfortable than my own bed at my campus. But I always have trouble sleeping in places I'm not familiar with, same thing with camping." she shrugged in the dark and watched as he came over to her.
"Mind if I join you?"
"Feel free." she tucked her legs up against her chest to make room for him to sit down next to her.
In the faint light of the parking lot lamps outsides, he could see he was wearing similar attire as her with black sweatpants and a white T-shirt while being barefoot. His hair was dark and slightly curled as it rested against his shoulders and even in the dim light, she could make out the strong nose and scruff on his jaw as he watched the rain too. It was a compatible silence as they sat together until Rain finally spoke up again.
"You mentioned a campus earlier? What are you studying?" he asked turning to look at her.
Holly looked down not wanting to be caught staring and absently wiggled her toes beneath the blanket. "Currently I'm working on Vet tech! I wanted to be a veterinarian." she laughed a bit. "Kinda silly huh?"
"Not at all! I love animals. I actually have a dog too. Swiss has a cat and Sodo loves dogs." he smiled at her softly in the dark.
"Really?" she smiled. " I love animals too! Growing up I had 2 cats and my boyfriend at the time was a big exotic animal lover and had owned a bearded dragon, a gecko, and even a 9 foot boa!" her smile was fond.
"You say that in the past tense?" Rain's face was curious.
"Yeah, we broke up before I went to college…I stayed at my local college because that's all I could afford and well…he went out of state." she shrugged. "Long distance wasn't something we were willing to try because nobody really did well long term when it came to stuff like that. Still, I'm happy. I actually have up a lot of money from my shifts to be able to come to the show tonight. I work as an apprentice in a vet clinic a few blocks from my campus." she explained.
"Well, we appreciate you stopping in and seeing us! You enjoy the show?" Rain grinned.
"Oh yeah." Holly laughed and rested her head against the couch as she shyly looked away. "I've loved this band for the last few years. I never thought I'd get this chance because well…I'm not a fan of large crowds and loud noises but I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if I missed out when you guys came to town!" she sighed wistfully
"Well, we appreciate you coming to support us." Rain nudged her foot with hers and they shared a smile. "I suppose it was fate!"
Holly chuckled but it was interrupted by a yawn that she covered with a hand and Rain motioned at her. "Why don't I leave you to go get some sleep okay?" he offered as he began to rise but she reached out and grabbed his wrist.
"W-would you mind staying…" she asked shyly wondering if perhaps she'd pushed it a little too far with her request. "I like the company…."
Rain studied her a moment before he nodded and sat back down. "Sure." he replied watching as she got comfortable on the couch again.
Holly didn't realize, but sometime during the night Rain had fallen asleep beside her, his long legs stretched out in front of him as she curled up on the other end of the couch and when Copia woke up in the morning to start a pot of coffee, he walked in on quiet a sight. Throughout the night, their guest had gotten comfortable and his ghouls had gotten comfortable with her because instead of having just Rain sprawled out on the couch, Phantom had snuck out of bed and made himself comfortable beside Holly, Sodo too had made it out to the living room and was being used as a body pillow as Holly cuddled against his side with her arms lazily draped around his waist in her sleep. Mountain had taken positioning on the couch opposite to them with his long legs outstretched across the floor and Swiss was slumped against the back of the sofa with his head hanging on it's edge while he held onto one of Holly's arms that wasn't dropped around Sodo that was hanging over Swiss's shoulder and he held on with a hand around her wrist as he held it against his chest.
Copia smiled at the sight and stepped over the ghoul pile before making himself some coffee, not wanting to wake up the sleepers as he listened to them snore. There was something special about this Holly girl and the ghouls seemed to enjoy her company. He didn't imagine they would be leaving her without some sort of promise or contact info for the future. He could not deny there was just something so genuine and sweet about the girl that made him choose her for his Circe performance. Perhaps it was her earlier display of kindness to a stranger, maybe it was the innocent eyes of someone who was fresh to a Ghost Ritual, or maybe it was simply just Holly's charm as she interacted with the band but he imagined…they wouldn't hear the last of her. And he honestly didn't hate that thought in the slightest.
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dumbbbgantao · 2 years
The way to stomach is through a girl's heart - ganyu x hu tao
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!!Warnings!!: Nsfw, cannibalism, gore, blood, necrophilia
About: Hu tao got into a debt and is not able to afford food and most things a human being needs, she gets depressed. The debt makes her close the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. While going on a walk she saw a precious girl, her body made her a little hungry. This is modern au btw :)
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Hu tao just waked up. As always she went straight to her kitchen even tho there was not enough food for her to eat a breakfast. She took a big breath in and went to her room to get something to wear. Most of her clothes were dirty and old since she couldn't afford anything. While going to her room she stood next to mirror and caught an eye contact with herself
"Ugh. I hate you. Look at you and your dirty face. You cant even afford a shampoo to wash your dirty and oily hair, and youre the reason we will be kicked out from this small apartment if we don't pay soon. ITS. ALL. BECAUSE. OF. YOU!!!" She thought
Hu tao got some serious issues with herself since she lost most of her money, she was always dirty since she was trying to save some money by not using water, all she was eating was some instant noodles and all her clothes were dirty. Her eyes looked tired and her whole body was itchy from not showering.
"I finally should go out and take care of myself huh.. I will choose the most decent looking clothing and go outside to breathe some fresh air... Maybe i can finally get some actual job? Im tired of just doing commission... They don't give much mora anyways.."
As she said, she choose some clothes and tied her hair in a pair of ponytails. She was wearing a shirt with a skull printed on it and some jeans, there was nothing better she could wear. When she went outside and felt the warm sun on her cheeks she felt a lot better but after all, she was still hungry. She decided to go look for someone she knows. As she was walking she heard a known voice behind her.
"Hey hu tao!"
When she turned she saw Yanfei - her ex girlfriend. Even after their relationship didn't work out they were still pretty good friends, at least they used to be until Hu tao got depressed and stopped leaving her small apartment.
"Oh hi Yanfei, long time no see, huh?"
Even tho she said it with smile Yanfei could tell she was feeling embarrassed and cloudy.
"Hey whats up? You seem down? Maybe you want me to help somehow?"
Somehow Hu tao didn't like those words. She hated getting help, she hated it so much she pushed Yanfei and started screaming.
After those words Yanfei just left. Hu tao felt a lot better after getting her emotions out finally. She was hiding how she felt for so long... It felt so good to finally make someone feel bad, afterall everything she said was true. Most of her friends knew about trouble she got in and no one even was here to support her. She was all alone. Deep inside she was hoping it wasn't true this whole time but she knew, she knew she was alone.
After wandering around Liyue for some time she realized how hungry she was, she wanted to go home when she remembered that there's no food - or to be more specific - instant noodles.
"Damn it, i have no money..."
She continued wandering around hoping she would find some abandoned food or at least some money to buy a piece of bread when she saw her.
Her light blue hair with horns, well build body, and her breasts. Big breast. Her hips looked amazing too, she could just imagine eating her pussy. She wanted to fuck her so badly, but she knew that this girl would never go out with someone like her.
She started following her everywhere she went and found some stuff about her. Her name is Ganyu and she was... Taken. Taken by lady Keying. She knew Keqing pretty well so she could get to her and talk to her.
The next day she headed to Keqings house just to found Ganyu sleeping on her couch.
"Oh hi Hu Tao is there anything i can help you with? Please come in! Dont mind my girlfriend sleeping on the couch.. she keeps overworking herself.. I will make some coffee.."
That was just PERFECT. She was all alone with girl of her dreams. Then she got some idea.
She picked up a wase Keqing had in her apartment and silently went to kitchen. She was very skilled and was able to attack Keqing from behind without her noticing anything. She was unconscious. Perfect.
After that she put asleep Keqing in her room, made sure she wouldn't wake up for next hours and went back to Ganyu. She slowly patted Ganyus head when she waked up.
"Who.. are you? Wheres Keqing?" Ganyu said.
"Im Keqings friend. She went out for some time. Youre so pretty you know?"
After those words Ganyu felt some weird feeling in her stomach. Was she falling and love? No she was sure it was something different. Her whole body was getting hot while looking into Hu taos eyes. After some time she realized it was lust. Hu tao was so in her type. But she didnt want to cheat on her girlfriend..
"Dont worry Keqing wont know"
After Hu tao said that words she felt surprised. How would she know? She couldn't even think about it when Hu tao started kissing her. She liked it a lot. Things started getting hotter they were both so horny and wanted eachother. They both got naked and Hu tao began to kiss Ganyus neck, it all felt amazing when Hu tao bit Ganyus neck. Her blood started scattering everywhere. That made Hu tao even more turned on. Ganyu died from bloodloss, but for Hu tao it was just prefect.
She started playing with Ganyus dead pussy. Then Hu tao got an idea. She took a deep breath in and put Ganyus horn inside her pussy.
"Mghnn~." She moaned as she started fucking herself with Ganyus horn.
It felt really really good. Hu tao kept playing with Ganyus body when she felt hungry again.
"Oh my lovely. Im so sorry but im so hungry.. we can't play anymoreee~."
After whispering this to a dead body's ear she went to a kitchen and came back with a big and sharp knife. She started to attempt to cut Ganyus body into little pieces. It was a hard work and pieces weren't as small as they were supposed to be. Hu tao chopped of Ganyus horn and put it on couch blue haired girl slept before she got here.
"oh my lovely... Time to make some food~"
She took out a large pot and started making some food out of her "lovely" girl. After some time she got tree portion of food done. She ate her food and then left Ganyus head and other parts of her body that didn't get made into the dish in Keqings fridge. Meat she prepared looked juicy and bloody, yet delicious.
As she left she put her clothes and took one of Ganyus horn she left before with her.
When Keqing finally woke up she went down stairs to see tree plates - one empty and two full.
When she got closer she saw a note:
"Hi Keqing, its me Ganyu. You fell on the floor while trying make coffee. I took care of you and took you into your room. Please enjoy this food Hu tao and I made for you! I cant eat mine now and i will be out or some hours. Eat your food while its still warm!!"
The handwriting was obviously not Ganyus but Keqing felt too tired to notice. She sat down and started to eat. The meat was delicious but she felt thirsty so she wanted to open the fridge to get some ice. When she opened the door Ganyus head without one horn fell out. Keqing throwed up. She called the police. When she found out she ate her own girlfriend she felt disgusted, but even more shocking was the fact they found Hu taos finger somewhere in the house. Of course they thought that Keqing was the criminal, not Hu tao.
Police made a theory that Keqing saw Ganyu cheat with Hu tao so she killed them both and cooked them. They also thought Keqing may have some kind of personality disorder. She got sent to a psychiatric hospital .
And Hu tao? She killed herself. With Ganyus horn in her hand.
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
Forced To Believe Chapter 16- Frustration
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Chapter Summary: Morgan attends Summerslam, Melanie starts to get a push as creative wants her to become the outspoken diva, Morgan continues to have issues with Eva Marie and expresses her concern to her old friend Randy Orton about his actions at Summerslam
Words: 8,000+
Today was the day of SummerSlam Axxess as Melanie had on casual wear consisting of jeans, a WWE shirt that says 'Believe in Morgan', and some sandals. She put her hair in a high ponytail and walked to where she was supposed to sit with her teammates for a meet and greet. She ended up bumping into Saraya (Paige).
"Hey! Happy birthday!" Melanie grinned and hugged her.
"Aw, thank you!" Saraya smiled and hugged back
"I gotta go but I'll catch up with you later. Kick some ass today!"
Saraya chuckled. "I will."
Making it to her destination, she sits next to Joe, taking the seat at the end, "Sorry I'm late."
"Nah, you're fine," Jon said as he is wearing a yellow shirt with a leather jacket and sunglasses.
"About time you got here." Colby joked.
"That reminds me, when are you going to make your move on the pranking? It's been a while." Melanie recalled.
"I'm still working on that." Colby scratched the back of his head
"Haha, someone ran out of ideas."
"Did not..." 
Melanie sees the fans forming a line. "Let's see how long it takes for my hand to cramp."
"Hi, Morgan!" 3 girls in their teens greet.
"Damn, you really are popular these days, Mel. These girls just kicked us to the curb..." Colby teased as the girls quickly apologized which amused the wrestlers. 
"You are like our favorite diva! You are so cool!" The first girl expressed her admiration.
"Aw, I'm glad." Melanie started to sign autographs and took some cute photos with them.
An interviewer walks up to The Shield. "Hello Morgan, you mind us interviewing you?" The male interviewer asked.
"I love interviews. Ask away, man," Melanie encouraged.
"You know people are starting to call you and Dean a power couple?"
Melanie and Jon glance at each other with smiles. "Really? Wow, I didn't know that. When was this?" She asked
"Ever since Money in the Bank."
"Wow, I've been out of the loop." she laughed.
"She's always out of the loop. I knew about it. And listened to the reception the crowd gives us." Jon spoke up with a smirk.
Melanie turned to him. "What!? And you didn't tell me?"
Joe chuckled at the sight and signed a fan's picture. 
"Sorry, baby." Jon shrugged
"You two have gone through a lot, how are you two?" The interviewer asked
"Going strong." Melanie proudly said with a smile.
"Glad to hear, keep representing."
"We will." 
After 30 minutes of meeting and signing fans' items, Larry King and his sons walk up to The Shield as security blocks the line. They get out of their seats so they can be interviewed. Joe, wearing a Shield shirt and jeans, Jon, Melanie, and Colby, wearing a gray shirt, a cap and sunglasses, stand before Larry King and his sons, Chance and Cannon, and one of their friends.
"We are with The Shield. How is it like being evil?" Larry asked as a camera started rolling on them.
"It's awesome! Oh my gosh, it is so cool to act like a crazy person in the ring." Melanie exclaimed as everyone laughed.
"It feels great, every day when I get up in the morning," Jon replied.
"We get booed here and there." Joe added.
"We're the champions of the world." Colby said.
"You guys win, I thought it was the opposite, I thought the bad guys are supposed to lose." Larry said.
"Sometimes the bad guys do win." Jon replied.
"What's the best part about being the bad guy?" One of Larry's sons asked.
"The angry face, and like what Melanie said, act crazy." Joe replied.
"What's your major move?" Larry asked Melanie.
"The backfire and the breakdown." Melanie said with a smile.
"Wow, that sounds really intense. What is the backfire?"
"You see, it's like a DDT but you kick out your leg as you pull the person down on their head. And the breakdown is a painful submission I do on the women. I sit on their back and wrap their arms around their neck like a straightjacket and hold their wrist. While I do that, I pull back, causing pressure."
"Sounds painful. You divas are tough. But you are such a sweetheart when you're not in the ring."
"I try, man, I try."
Chance and Cannon start staring at Melanie in admiration.
Larry looks at his sons. "I'm sorry, my sons have a huge crush on you."
"Oh wow, do they?" Melanie giggled as she looked at Chance and Cannon smiling at her.
"Can't help it, she's so pretty." Cannon grinned.
"You're about to make me blush. You two are so handsome."
"You mind giving us a kiss on the cheek?" Chance asked, feeling hopeful.
"I guess you can steal a kiss on the cheek from me." Melanie kissed Larry's sons on the cheek and also kissed their friend on the cheek as well as The teen boys sighed in happiness. 
"Watch out, Dean, they might steal your girl." Colby joked at Jon as they all laughed.
"The Shield guys. Go get somebody!" Larry exclaimed as he shook their hands.
After Larry and his sons leave, Melanie looks at the fans as they chant 'Injustice.' She realizes that the fans were upset with Larry busting in line but then an idea pops in her head. 
"Hey! Everyone, how about I offer you guys hugs? Will that calm you down?" The crowd quickly agreed and she looked relieved. Security unblocks the line and the fans proceed. Melanie sees a female with long black hair and in her early 30s wearing a shirt that says 'Kill The Queen'  
"Oh wow, that brings back so many memories." Melanie began to think about her TNA days.
"I know it's a WWE event but I couldn't help but wear this to meet you." The woman said happily.
"Fucking A! I love fans that represent the places I worked hard from, besides WWE. You just made my day, girl."
"I'm so happy. Been a fan since TNA. I loved how you betrayed Madison. It was awesome! And then you would always wear black and scare Madison like you were actually going to kill her. Awesome gimmick.
Mind if I take a photo with you?"
"Of course." she stood up for the picture and gave her a big hug,
During Axxess, Melanie was shocked at how much love she got from her fans. From kids running to her with big smiles on their faces and giving her a big hug, to her fanboys. 
"It's Morgan!" A group of guys, in their early 20s exclaim.
"Hi guys." she waved
"Oh my gosh, you are like the hottest diva ever!" The first guy said.
"No, she is not, she's cute!" The second guy added. "Such a cutie."
"On fire!" The third guy declared.
"Beautiful!" The fourth exclaimed.
"Nah, she's sexy!" The fifth one said
"Shut up guys! Dean is right there! You want him to triple powerbomb us!?" The sixth guy warned as the Hounds of Justice were amused.
"It's cool, no worries." she laughed. 
Melanie even met older women who complimented her on her ringwork and mic skills. She was loving SummerSlam Axxess. After the meet and greet was over, she walked around and was stopped by another interviewer.
"Hey Morgan, how are things in the diva's locker room?" A female interviewer asked.
"Everyone wants to wrestle me," Melanie answered
"Oh no, jealousy?"
"Completely the opposite"
"How so?"
"You see, the reason why the divas love to face me is because of how they can get praised for the match too and not just me or the winner of the match. A lot of these matches happen mostly on NXT thought. But usually, when I have a match, I try to let them take control of me in the ring and let them show off their good moves instead of it being a squash match. That's why me and Alicia had such a great match at WrestleMania. Even though there are sometimes I have to do a squash match on live TV, NXT is mostly where I can have a real one on one match with the diva so they can show off their moves. Like Aksana for example. She has potential."
"Wow, I did not know that. That is really something."
"Yeah. Sometimes I put myself in a diva's shoes who really isn't winning matches and is always losing to a top diva. I don't want that." As Melanie talks, Celeste snuck up behind her with a grin. "That's why I want them to bring it their all. Also, that is why I put my body on the line for money in the bank. So, I took it like a woman and took all those spears Kaitlyn gave me during our match in my hometown."
"You definitely took some hits there." 
"Haha, a lot of hits. I don't know if I'll be able to have kids but I wanted that match to rock and hopefully go down into one of the best diva matches." As Melanie finished her sentence, Celeste put her in a headlock as she laughed
"Hey, you said for me to give it my all. Half those spears weren't even for you." Celeste teased.
"I know, I know." Melanie chuckled as she got released by the hybrid diva.
"So you two are best friends?" The interviewer asked
"She's my little tomboy when she isn't on cloud nine." Celeste teased.
"What?!" Melanie exclaimed.
"Cloud nine?" Interviewer inquired.
"Oh you know, her and Dean. They are all lovely dovely. The locker room thinks they're cute. Oh did you see her and him wrestle in the ring hours before Payback?" Celeste nudged Melanie's side as she grinned. "I think it's so romantic how he saved her from the Big Show. SO cute even though he got punched. Oh, and I caught them-" Celeste began but Melanie grabbed her mouth.
"Quiet you!" Melanie warned.
"We heard on the E! website, that there was a poll on which couple was the most popular and it's tied between Nikki and Cena and you and Jon." the interviewer brought up.
"My votes for Morgan." Celeste grinned.
"That's what's up." Melanie gives her a low five.
"How do you like the fans?" The interviewer asked.
"I love how a lot of my fans remember me from the development areas and TNA. It's really cool that I have longer term fans like that. Such an honor." 
"You girls have a good rest of the day."
Melanie walks around again and sees some fans and waves at them. She catches up to Randy. "Dude! Great news! My hand doesn't hurt from singing autographs!"
Randy laughed. "Awesome."
"I know right! I'll catch you later." she waves at him and catches up with Jon as an interviewer confronts them.
"You mind us asking you a question?" The interviewer asked.
"Not at all." Melanie gestured for them to continue.
"How does it feel being a heel?"
"Hm...I do miss my face moments."
"Oh no, you're blowing me off?" Jon asked as she laughed
"Haha, no. I like being a heel. It's interesting to portray such a weird, loud, wild crazy character who is vicious and shows no mercy whatsoever but sometimes I do miss those face days ya know? But you never know, maybe Morgan will be back in the light someday."
'30 Years of WrestleMania Roster Reveal'
Damien, Ric Flair, J.R and King were already in the ring. "But we need a diva to help us out don't we?" King asked as the crowd cheered. "Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome, Morgan Lopez!"
Morgan comes out with a grin but is still slightly in character minus the mean attitude.
"What's up people!?" she asked on the mic as soon as she got inside the ring and the crowd cheered in response.
"SILENCE!" Damien shouted.
"I'm sorry, who are you again?" Morgan asked
"I am the uncrowned world heavyweight champion."
"Really~?" Ric Flair asked.
"Haha, you funny." Morgan replied.
"My briefcase says it all right here. I can cash it in anytime I want." Damien said.
"That is not a world championship belt, that is a wannabe like you are." Ric replied as the crowd 'Ohs'
"Burn..." Morgan chuckled.
"And for you to mention my name in the same sentence as yours is the most ridiculous thing in the history of this sport. Let me see. Ric Flair's 16 time world champion...and uh...what's his first name?" Ric asked.
"Damien," King answered.
"Damien Sandow...wow...that uh, haha, that's almost hilarious..."
"We interrupt this speech with a breaking news flash. Your opinion does not count. These people would much rather hear me speak, listen to every word I say than to see you and you!" Damien pointed at Ric and Morgan.
"Woo!" Ric shouted
"Silence, silence!"
"Silence!" Ric starts doing his walk around the ring as Morgan laughs and the crowd cheers. "Woo!"
"You like this!? You're entertained by this!?" Damien cried as Morgan kept laughing.
"Yes, yes I am." Morgan nodded as the crowd chants 'Yes'
"Before things get even more out of hand, we have one more person to show for the 30 years of WrestleMania." King said.
"Finally. I'm coming up, I'm coming up." Damien said with hope but then it showed Morgan's model in the game as the crowd cheered happily.
Morgan widened her eyes in awe. "Wow..."
"What!? You let this woman in the game but not me?! Your savior!?"
"Snooze you lose buddy." she smirked.
"How dare you?!"
"How dare you?"
"Silence!" Morgan continued to mock.
"Rugh! I'm done with this!" Damien angrily said and got out of the ring.
"Bye! No one will miss ya!" Morgan waved
After the segment, Melanie walks around and Jon meets up with her another interviewer walks up to them. 
"Are you ready to face either Natalya or Brie for your title?" The interviewer asked
"Totally ready." Melanie nodded
"Have a strategy?"
"That's my girl." Jon praised
Melanie laughed. "I'm joking! Joking! Get out of here." she pushed Jon away as he chuckled
"So what is your real strategy?" The interviewer asked.
"I've been watching Natalya and Brie's recent matches and also I've been remembering all the moves Natalya has done to me. Since I'm familiar with Natalya's wrestling style, I should be able to avoid her sharpshooter and her other deadly moves. Brie on the other hand...I'll snap her body like a twig along with that twin sister of hers." she said in character.
"Did you watch Natalya's tag match with Maria Menounos against Eva Marie and Brie?"
"Yes. I gotta stay away from those roll up pins."
"What do you think of Eva Marie's first match?"
"She did all right. I just really want to face her in a one on one match."
"Not a tag match?"
"Nah, one on one seems more better. I want to see what she's made of. She really loves to talk, so how about you take it to the ring. Eva Marie, I want to challenge you to a match. You up for it?" Melanie asked, looking at the camera.
The interviewer went to find Eva Marie as she signed her Maxim magazine to her fans. "Hi, Eva." The interviewer greeted.
Eva Marie smiled. "Hey."
"So moments ago, Morgan has issued a challenge against you. What do you say about that?"
Eva Marie smirked and nodded. "Game on. But it'll be game over for her once she steps in the ring with me."
"Those sound like fighting words. Can't wait to see these two go at it one day."
"I might give her a preview during SummerSlam, just watch out."
'Back to Melanie, she is with another interviewer'
"How does it feel being one of the first divas on WWE2K14 30 years of WrestleMania? There was a secret poll on the WWE app about it and the WWE Universe chose your match."
"I feel honored. I was not expecting that. I know that I've been in the scoops but I didn't know they put me and Alicia on there. That's awesome. I can't wait to play the game." Melanie answered proudly. The interviewer thanked her for her time and walked away. Minutes later, the same interviewer who interviewed Eva comes back. "Back so soon?"
"Yep. We are back with Morgan. Eva Marie has told us 'Game on, but it'll be game on for her once she steps in the ring with me.' What do you say about that?"
"Wow...if you really are feeling this confident, then I can't wait to see if what you say is true. I'll be waiting for you in the ring. Hope you're ready for a backfire sweetie." she blew a kiss at the camera.
The interviewer chuckled. "Another question, may we ask why you are so loyal to The Shield? You've been DDTed by your old friend Randy Orton and got hit by the world's largest slam by Mark Henry. How are you still able to stand here and take the pain? You have taken a lot of hits for them."
"Man...they saved my ass so many times...it's time I return the favor. It's what teams should do. We have each other's backs. We sacrifice everything for each other."
"Last question, who are you rooting for the WWE championship match?"
"Honestly, I believe Daniel Bryan is going to win. He has a lot of momentum and he has such heart in wrestling. I see him winning the title. Cena had a good run, but he met his match. Daniel is going to win the title, I know it."
During RVD's match against Ambrose in the kick off show, RVD was on the turnbuckle about the do the five star splash but hears:
Ambrose rolls out the ring as Roman, Morgan and Seth walk down the steps. Morgan jumps off the barricade and walks to Dean to help him. "You okay?"
"Yeah." Dean held his stomach. 
The fans explode in cheers when Mark Henry's theme comes on as they look at the stage. Morgan and Dean glanced at each other as Roman and Seth were not expecting RVD to have help. The Big Show comes out as Seth starts to throw a fit.
"Unbelievable..." Morgan grumbled. 
Near the end of the match, RVD gives Dean the rolling thunder and gets on the top rope. He gives him the five star frog splash but then gets speared by Reigns. 
"Yes!" She shouted as Ambrose rolled out the ring and hugged him.
"Winner by disqualification...Rob Van Dam!" Justin announced as Ambrose high fived Roman.
"Couldn't get it done Rob! You couldn't get it done!" Dean shouted as he held his title.
'Later on the PPV'
'I've had enough I'm taking you down'
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the divas champion, Morgan!" Lilian announced as she came out with a smirk on her face. 
She has the title up in the air and twirls around with it three times and then rests the championship on her shoulder.
"Morgan will be watching this diva's match tonight and will face the diva who wins the match with her title on the line. Let's see if Morgan can retain the championship." Cole looked on.
"Yes, the lovely Philadelphian is ready to go," King said as she taunted the crowd in the ring and leaned on the turnbuckle.
After Natalya comes out with Cameron and Naomi, the Bellas walk out with Eva Marie as Morgan held her throat and gagged once she saw their outfits. 
"Looks like Morgan is disgusted by their outfits." Cole laughed
Morgan gets out of the ring and stands at ringside to watch Brie's match against Natalya. During the match, Natalya is out of the ring and Eva and Nikki are about to attack but Morgan gets in front of them.
"Back it up. Back it up." She threatened in a dark tone as they quickly backed up.
"Looks like they don't want any part of Morgan." King said.
As soon as she turns around, Eva Marie grabs her by the hair as Morgan tries to get her off.
"An attack from behind!" Cole yelled as Eva pulled her down. 
Morgan holds her head and looks at her angrily. The crowd boos Eva as she blows her a kiss.
"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan yelled and got up to start chasing her.
"How can Eva run in those heels?" Cole asked in surprise. Eva runs backstage as Morgan runs after her. In the ring, Brie takes control of Natalya. Minutes later, Morgan drags Eva down the ramp as the crowd cheers. "Oh boy!" 
Morgan releases her and grabs a chair under the ring but Cameron and Naomi quickly stop her.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Morgan calm down!" Naomi exclaimed.
"You're crazy!" Eva Marie yelled as Nikki helped her up.
"I'll show you crazy!" Morgan snapped but gets grabbed by Cameron and Naomi. "You want to attack me from behind?"
"This rivalry has really escalated to a whole new level," King said as Eva and Morgan got separated.
Fans tweets:
'Morgan better destroy Eva one of these days! #SummerSlam #MorgansBringingTheHeat'
'An attack from behind? Morgan isn't going to forget about this. #SummerSlam'
After Natalya wins, Morgan gets in the ring. "Make the best woman win," Morgan said as Natalya nodded
'Ding Ding Ding'
Morgan and Natalya lock up but Natalya flips her on the mat and continues giving her pressure on her head. Morgan breaks free and as they stand up, they start to have a fast paced match as Morgan keeps doing high flying moves on her and with a lot of near falls. She hits the backfire on Natalya and quickly pins her. 
"It's over!" JBL exclaimed
"Oh!" The fans exclaim as Natalya kicks out. 
She hits the discuss clothesline on Morgan which almost knocks her out. Natalya pins her but gets a 2 count as the fans get hyped. Later on in the match, Natalya hits her with a suplex off the turnbuckle as the crowd claps for them. She crawls over to pin her but Morgan kicks out at 2.
Near the end of the match, Morgan ducks Natalya's discuss clothesline and hits her with a quick backfire to win the match
"Here is your winner! And still the Diva's Champion, Morgan!" Lilian announced.
The ref raises up her hand and gives her the title. She smirks and takes a bow with the championship. 
"Someone is acting cocky tonight." Cole said with amusement.
"Why not? She won." JBL supported her as she got out of the ring
"This is what The Shield's girl is all about." She boasted.
Morgan tweets '#SayYourPrayers because I'm #ComingForYouEva'
'WWE Exclusive Video'
After Randy wins the WWE championship in a screwy way thanks to Triple H's assistance, Morgan gets interviewed by Renee backstage.
"What are your thoughts on what just happened during the Main Event of SummerSlam?" Renee asked
"Honestly? This is not cool at all. I think it's unfair to Daniel Bryan as well. Like come on, Daniel fought a hard and long match against Cena. He won that title fair and square. Even though Randy is a friend of mine, I just don't know why he would even go through with the match after Triple H attacked Bryan. I just want answers. Why would you be such an asshole and do this crap? All I can say is...they are both sellouts. Plain and simple."
Morgan tweets 'Triple H was #WEAK. Getting involved and screwing Bryan...what #WhatBS...'
'After The Show'
Melanie sneaks into Colby's locker room and sees him taking a nap. She grabs some pink nail polish and starts painting his nails. 
Jon walked in. "Oh my God..." 
Melanie held her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "He deserves it, he's taking too long to make a move."
An hour later, Melanie was eating grapes backstage.
"Melanie!" Colby yelled as Melanie turned around. She sees Colby's face red and glaring at her.
"Hey, how ya doing? Oh my gosh! Nice nails!" she grinned.
"Very funny. No more Mister nice guy."
"Ooh, I'm so scared." Melanie teased
"You should be." Colby declared and walked away.
'Monday morning'
In the hotel room she shared with Trinity, Melanie wakes up and sees a tattoo on her arm. "Ahh! What is on my arm!?"
Trinity quickly ran out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in her hands to see what the fuss was about. "Oh my gosh, when did you get that?"
"Colby is so dead if this doesn't wash off before RAW." She gets up and looks in the mirror in the bathroom. The tattoo was a heart and around it said 'Colby Rulez!' and then she turned to look at Trinity who kept laughing. "Okay, I know you know something about this, spill it."
"Colby had help from Celeste," Trinity confessed with a giggle
"Whose side is she on!?" She exclaimed before laughing with her.
"I think she's helping both of you guys out." she mentioned as Melanie started washing off the tattoo.
"Oh my gosh, it won't wash off!" Melanie panicked.
"Relax! It'll come off before Raw starts."
"Who told you that?"
"Colby did."
"He's lying...I'll be back, I'm going to hurt him." she grabbed a bucket and left the hotel room as Trinity followed her.
"I'm tuning in for this."
Making it to The Shield's shared hotel room, Melanie knocked on the door and Joe opened it. 
"Hi, good morning, Believe In The Shield, cookies and cream, I love grapes, Colby's gonna die today, yeah, all that good stuff." Melanie said as she walked in with the bucket. 
Trinity and Joe chuckle at her rambling while Melanie sees Colby snoring on the bed. She walks to the bathroom and fills the bucket with cold water. After she fills it, she walks out of the bathroom and walks up to the two toned male.
"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" She shouted, throwing the cold water all over Colby as he jerked up with a yell.
Trinity has a hand over her mouth in disbelief and starts laughing as Colby falls off the bed. 
"What the hell!? What the hell was that for?!" He yelled and snapped his head to Melanie. She then ended up hitting him with the bucket. "Ow!"
She grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it several times. "You asshole!"
"What did I do!?"
"You're the one who gave me a tattoo! When does this go away?!"
"I don't know!"
She put him in a headlock. "When!?"
"I don't know!"
"All right! All right! In a week!" Colby yelled and he got released.
"A week!?" She screamed. "What am I supposed to do with a 'Colby Rulez' tattoo for a week!? A week!"
Colby stood up and shivered. Melanie kept hitting him with the pillow as he scrambled to the bathroom and locked it. 
"I'm gonna kill you, you motherfudger!" She banged on the door.
Joe rubbed the back of his neck as he watched the scene. "This is intense."
After Morgan watches Ziggler find out he has a match against The Shield, she tweets: 
'So you wanna give out matches with The Shield if you don't agree with HHH? I don't agree with him. So am I gonna get a match against my team?'
She also tweets 'Oh my gosh...I am surrounded by sellouts and followers...What has become of us? I mean, best for business? #YouFunny'
Morgan watches The Shield's match backstage and after their match against Dolph, She tweets 'That's my boys. Give him justice! #BelieveInTheShield'
Morgan was walking and bumped into Maddox. "Morgan! Just the lady I was looking for." Brad grinned
"Oh boy...what do you want...?"
"So I heard your little interview about Triple H and read all of your tweets. Seems like you don't agree with what he's doing."
"Why wouldn't I? I'm not a follower like you are." she snapped as the crowd cheered for her. Brad chuckled and ignored her last sentence.
"You see here's the thing...I've decided to put you in a match..." 
"Okay...? Are you done wasting my time?"
"Well, before you go, I should tell you the type of match you're in. You will be in a handicap match. Eva Marie, Layla and Brie Bella against...you." The crowd booed while Morgan looked at him in disbelief.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Good luck." Maddox said and walked away.
"3 on 1?" Morgan exclaimed as the segment ended.
Morgan tweets 'Everyone doesn't have to agree with the boss. Speak up and say your opinion. #SpeakUpNoMatterWhat #TakeWhateverIsThrownAtYou'
'Later on'
Melanie was on her phone when Stephanie approached her to give her a heads up that she would be needed for a last minute segment that had just been thought of recently. 
"All you have to do is tell me off about the whole situation and then I slap you and tell you that your match will be coming up soon and then you walk away angry. Oh, another thing, show a lot of aggression in your match and also anger. The Shield will be involved too. I know this is all last minute but I know you can do it. There is no script for this one. You need to think quickly on your feet this time. Say what you want." she was told by Stephanie.
Shit, this is abrupt. Melanie didn't know what creative had planned but she was excited. She's been getting a lot of help thinking on her feet and her improvising lately. Things should be fine.
Onscreen, Stephanie is on the phone but hears the door slam open. She watched as Morgan stormed up to her as she got off her phone. 
"What can I do for you?" She asked with a smirk.
"You and your husband make me sick!" Morgan shouted. The crowd cheers as Stephanie's eyes widen.
"I agree with Daniel. I'm also thinking of a word that starts with a B and it rhymes with witch. You are a witch you know that? You and your stupid plans to screw Bryan was uncalled for and wrong. And now you're going to make your little puppet, Maddox, force me into a 3 on 1 match? What kind of crap is that? Who are you to force me into a match like that?" she rambled on angrily.
Stephanie chuckled slightly. "Do you know who you're talking to?"
"I'm standing right before you aren't I?" She snapped
"Do you know who I am?"
"In fact, I do. I'm talking to a woman whose husband is a sell out-­" 
Stephanie gives her a stinging slap in the face as the crowd erupts in 'Ohs'.
"How dare you talk to me like that, I can have the Divas Championship stripped from you. Your match is coming up. Get ready before I make it a 4 on 1 match." Stephanie glared at her.
Morgan rubbed the side of her face. "Unbelievable..."
"Unbelievable? You are unbelievable. To have the audacity to come up in here and say your opinion on what my husband is doing which is very good for business? How dare you?"
"And what are you going to do about it?"
"This is exactly like you Morgan. You always want to be the tough girl but you're not. Face it, Morgan. You're worthless and you are nothing but a failure. You won that title by a fluke. I was this close to stripping you from it. I just hope this beating tonight shows you to shut your mouth and mind your business. Not get out of my office."
Morgan rolled her eyes and left the room.
Morgan tweets 'Looks like somebody forgot the 1st amendment. #FreedomOfSpeech #BeOutspoken'
After the segment, she was praised for thinking quickly on her feet and was told to keep practicing for the upcoming storyline she'd be a part of. Stephanie even teased and told her to work on her freedom of speech for the new gimmick they were planning to work with soon. 
Morgan is walking with a worried look. "Well, coming up next, Morgan is in a handicap match against Eva Marie, Layla and Brie Bella. This is going to be interesting." Cole said. 
"I really wonder if she stands a chance against 3 divas. This should be interesting but is her head in the right place?" JBL asked.
Morgan gets stopped by Eva Marie as the crowd boos her. 
"I can't wait for our match tonight so I can finally prove to you how I'm a better wrestler than you. And you're going to be all alone. No one, not even your little boyfriend can help you. Maybe after I win, he'll see what a great woman I am instead." Eva boasted while Morgan glared at her. "Dean Ambrose right? He is pretty cute. Not to mention hot. I wonder what he sees in you. You're so wild and crazy. You're also violent. Guys like classy girls. Not trashy. So, once I beat you tonight, Dean will be all over me. I can't wait. Once he comes to me, he won't even be thinking about you at all." 
"Uh oh. This isn't good." Cole said as Morgan exhaled with her eyes tearing up.
"If I were Eva, I would leave," King warned
"Ha! Are you about to cry? Wow...you're not tough at all. You got soft. It seems that if I get under your skin, you'll break."
"Yes, I am breaking. I'm going through my breaking point because I am about to cry tears of anger if you don't get out my face." Morgan growled.
"You see? This is why Dean needs a real woman. And I can be that for him. And in fact...I might just pay him a visit after our little match. I'd kill to see him shirtless. And maybe sneak a kiss. But I guess I have to wait. See you in the ring." Eva smirked and walked away as Morgan gave her an icy glare as the segment ended.
Morgan tweets 'I'm done being nice. #TurnUp'
Morgan is getting ready for her match and Kaitlyn walks up to her as she gets a nice reception. "Hey, Kaitlyn..."
"Hey. I just saw what happened between you and Eva. What is going on?"
"What is going on with you Morgan?"
"Look I'm just...going through stuff..."
"Going through stuff? You're letting these people get inside your head. Morgan, don't tell me you are going to change just because someone says you're wild and crazy. So what? Who cares? That is who you are. I mean, are you really going to let Eva say all that stuff? Especially about your boyfriend?"
"Then give her the ass beating she deserves. Don't let her words bring you down. You are so much stronger than this. Stop doubting."
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are because you let Eva get to your head. Do you honestly think Dean is going to choose her over you? He loves you. Now go out there and please bring all that emotion out of you. I see the frustration on your face. You want to hurt someone. How about you take those emotions and take it out on the divas like you usually do?"
Morgan sighed and nodded. "Okay."
"I'll be watching. Please punch her for me."
Morgan tweets 'Okay, no mercy tonight. Eva is going to regret everything #TheTwirlingPrincess will overcome this handicap match.'
Kaitlyn replies, 'Yeah! #TurlsUnite WWEMorgan101'
'At The Gorilla'
Before Melanie's match, she starts stretching and has a frown on her face. 
"Aye, it's the wild diva," Joe said with a warm smile as he walked up to her with Jon and Colby.
"What?" Melanie snapped in a dark tone.
"Whoa, whoa, what did we do wrong?" Colby asked with surprise.
She cleared her throat. "Sorry, I'm getting into character. I have to make sure I'm in a pissed off mood. Sorry, hehe,"
"Well, you're doing it right that's for sure,"
"Ready for the upcoming storyline?" Jon asked.
"I'm nervous. I mean, I hope the fans don't think of me badly. I still want to be a child's favorite diva." Melanie shrugged
"They will. Don't worry," he reassured
'In The Ring'
Layla, Eva Marie and Brie were already in the ring. 
"In the ring are the divas who are facing Morgan in a handicap match. This match is so unfair, I don't think Morgan can take on three divas at once." King sighed.
"The self proclaimed Twirling Princess needs to think of a game plan, that's for sure," JBL said. 
Morgan walks out to her theme with a frown as the crowd gives her a loud reception. She stares down the three divas while they taunt her.
"Oh man...she's not grinning or twirling tonight," King said with disappointment.
"Not in the mood she's in tonight. She's ready to decimate these divas." Cole mentioned.
"Loser!" Brie said and put an 'L' on her head. Layla starts to do the same and so does Eva.
"How's Dean?" Eva Marie asked with a smirk.
After that question, Morgan snapped and ran to the ring as the crowd cheered with anticipation. 
"Here we go!" King yelled as Morgan speared the first person she could get her hands on. Thankfully, it was Eva Marie. As soon as she spears her, she starts unloading on her.
"The match didn't even start yet!" Cole exclaimed as Eva started screaming for dear life. 
Layla and Brie try to grab her off of her. Moments later they do as the ref grabs Morgan to the corner while Brie and Layla hold Eva.
"Are you serious!?" Eva cried with her hair all over the place.
"Well, the crowd is in Morgan's corner tonight," Cole said.
"Get off of me! Get off of me!" Morgan yelled as the ref released her. 
She puts her hair in a neat ponytail, showing everyone that she is not playing around and is ready for business.
"Someone's getting serious!" JBL exclaimed
"You want to taunt me? You wanted to do this right? Well, let's go. I want you in this ring right now." she points to Eva.
"Nope, not a chance." Eva gets on the apron as the crowd boos her and Layla starts off the match.
The Philly Diva nodded, "You know what? Fine." 
'Ding Ding Ding.'
"And here we-Oh!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan hit Layla with a quick backfire and went for the pin as she looked at Brie and Eva. 
She puts her fingers up as the fans chant "1! 2! 3!" and Layla is eliminated as Eva and Brie look surprised.
"She's not playing around." JBL looked in awe.
"Was that even 10 seconds?" King started chuckling. Morgan throws Layla out of the ring and turns her concentration to Brie and Eva. "Is it me or does Morgan look hot when she's mad?"
"It's always you and the beauty king..." Cole said.
"You get in the ring," Brie said to Eva.
Eva quickly shakes her head. "No way."
Brie gets off the apron. 
"Get in the ring Eva." The ref ordered. 
Eva looks concerned for her safety as she gets in the ring.
"I think Eva lost her confidence," Cole pointed out 
"Okay, look, I was just kidding about all the things I said. Let's just forget about it." Eva said with a fake smile.
"Oh, okay, sure, we can." Morgan gave her a fake grin.
"So nice for you to finally agree with me."
But then Morgan punches her in the face making her stumble on the mat. 
"That's gotta hurt." JBL winced.
Morgan grabs her by the hair, throwing her to a corner. She starts giving her hard chops to the chest as the crowd 'Woos' in response. She then throws Eva out of the ring and follows her as Eva clutches her chest.
"You want to try to intimidate me!? Huh!?" Morgan yelled and threw her to the barricade and to the ring back in and forth several times.
"We all knew this was going to happen. Morgan will never back down from anything." JBL said as she threw Eva back in the ring before throwing her around like a ragdoll.
"I know Eva regrets everything she said," Cole chuckled as Morgan hit her with a sinister kick in the face.
"Wait Morgan, wait." The ref said as he checked on Eva. "Do you want to continue?"
"No, I don't." Eva huffed as she got out of the ring. 
She did not want any part of Morgan's beating. All she wanted was to get out of the ring and escape from her fate. She finally learned her lesson to never mess with Morgan. Morgan gets out of the ring and grabs her by the hair.
"Don't think you're getting away easy!" she yelled and threw her back in the ring. 
Morgan hits the backfire on her and is about to pin her but stops. The crowd starts to cheer when she puts Eva in the breakdown as she starts tapping. 
"Morgan get off her! She's eliminated!" the ref yelled as she began to lean back in more, keeping the hold.
"Morgan is going to end up breaking something!" King exclaimed
"Morgan let go! Let go now!" The ref ordered. 
Morgan lets go and then throws Eva Marie out of the ring, angrily.
"Wanna mess with me again!? And stay away from my boys!" she yelled while Eva was still hurt from the beating. 
She gets help from another ref to go backstage while Morgan smirks at what she has done. Turning around slowly, she looks at Brie.
"No thank you," Brie muttered and got off the apron. She does the 'Loser' sign and starts walking through the crowd.
Brie quickly looks around but then sees Rollins walking through the crowd. 
"Oh no." Cole said.
"Oh yes!" JBL cheered
"Brie better get out of there." King warned.
Brie starts to run through the crowd but sees Roman walking her way. Morgan has her arms crossed and watches Brie scramble through the crowd in fear, smirking in amusement. Brie gets to ringside and starts running up the ramp. 
"No way, Morgan!" Brie exclaimed but then Ambrose blocked her way and glared at her.
She starts to back away from him but gets picked up over his shoulder as she screams. She gets thrown back into the ring as Morgan grabs her by the hair and hits the backfire on her which makes a big impact on the mat.
"Brie might be out cold. Did you hear and see that impact?" King cringed as Morgan pinned her for the win.
Fans tweet:
'I love aggressive Morgan.'
'When The Shield came out, I got so hype! #BelieveInMorgan'
Morgan tweets '#RuthlessMorgan returned tonight. It was worth it.'
Dean, Roman and Seth are in the ring with Big Show as Morgan looks on. 
"Well, Morgan looks calm after the beating she gave those women. I'm just glad she is okay and won the match." King said
"Are you kidding? She didn't break a sweat." JBL praised
'Ding Ding Ding'
Big Show quickly goes after Roman and pushes him out of the ring. Dean and Seth try to gang up on him but Show pushes them away. He throws Dean on the turnbuckle and throws Seth into him. Morgan winces as the Big Show hits Seth with a big body splash. He throws Ambrose out of the ring and turns his attention back to Rollins.
"Poor Seth." She said with a worried look before she went to check on Ambrose.
When Big Show throws him out of the ring, Seth holds his knee in pain since he tweaked it with his match against Ziggler earlier. As Roman slides back in the ring, he gets speared by Show. 
"What a spear!" Cole exclaimed
"If he keeps this up he will be victorious," King guaranteed.
The crowd claps for the Big Show while Morgan and Dean grab Roman by the legs to pull him out of the ring. 
"Guess it's time for The Shield to regroup." Cole said as 'Big Show' chants surround the arena. "Reigns is still floored by that spear."
Morgan checks on Roman outside the ring while Ambrose tries to put Show in a headlock but gets thrown off his back. 
"Roman, you all right?" she asked with concern as Roman held his stomach and gritted his teeth.
"Yeah...I'll be fine." he managed to say.
"All right." she turned her attention back to the ring. As The Big Show takes control, he steps on Seth's back as Seth yells out in pain. "Hey! Get off of him! Do your job, ref!" 
"450 pounds!" Cole exclaimed as the ref tried to stop Big Show.
"Show is decimating The Shield." JBL said. 
Once Show throws Seth out of the ring, he starts to take control of Ambrose. He goes to give him a chokeslam but Morgan gets on the ropes.
"No! Don't do it!" she yelled. 
The ref tries to get Morgan off the apron, but as Big Show and the ref are distracted by her, Seth comes up from behind and hits Show's leg as he releases Ambrose.
"Again and again she always saves her team," Cole exclaimed while Morgan smirked in satisfaction.
"So? She's doing what she wants to do. It's smart. Big Show needs to remember not to pay her any attention next time." JBL shrugged. 
Rollins gives Big Show a big knee on the head from the top rope as
Ambrose gets a 2 count. They try to suplex him but Big Show counters and suplexes them. When The Big Show turns around, he gets speared by Reigns. 
"There are bodies everywhere, good grief." JBL chuckled
"Everybody's down." King watched.
"We got to put him down. We got to put him down." Seth repeated as The Shield recovered and stood up.
Roman roared and The Shield hit him with the triple powerbomb. Roman, Seth and Dean, still feeling the effects of Big Show's moves, crawl over to Show and pin him to win.
The Shield guard the ring while Vince and Stephanie are in the ring. The rest of the roster is on the stage. Morgan shakes her head slightly as Triple H walks down the ramp while Stephanie claps for him. 
"Give it up for the game!" Vince announced.
"I guess The Shield are running security," Cole said.
Triple H gets in the ring. "I had my doubts but in the end, you did the right thing," Vince said and hugged him.
Triple H grabs the mic. 'You sold out' chants erupt in the crowd as Morgan mentally agrees. 
"So I guess this is where I'm supposed to explain myself to all of you right? As you would put it, why I would throw away the future and why I would screw Daniel Bryan. It always makes me laugh, how short sighted all of you are. I did what I did last night to ensure the future of the WWE. I did what I did last night, for all of you." Triple H explained
"Wow..." Morgan grumbled as she rolled her eyes.
"I did it for you, I did it for all of your children, I did it for their children, I did it for all of you." Triple H pointed to the roster. "...standing up on top of that ramp."
Morgan sees Teddy Long and Brad Maddox clapping for him. 
"Asskissers..." She mumbled as she stood next to Ambrose, Roman and Seth.
"I did this for my wife, and our children so that this can exist in their future. I did this for each and every one of you in the WWE Universe. So that this can exist in all of your futures. You think I wanted to do that to Daniel Bryan? Hell, I like Daniel Bryan. I consider him as a friend. I'm a big fan. He deserved to win but let's be honest. WWE champion? Face of the WWE?" Triple H asked as the fans chanted 'Yes' all over the arena.
"No. No. You, you deserve better than that. You deserve the complete package. You deserve A plus. Not B. Don't ever settle for less. I gave you A plus. And Daniel Bryan comes out here and says he has a personal problem with that? That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. You think he has personal problems? What about my personal problems? Let's put this on me for a second, forget Daniel Bryan. How did I feel about this personally? You think I wanted to do this to Daniel? 15 years of blood sweat and tears? No, it hurt me. It hurt me personally to do that to Daniel Bryan. And let's look at the guy I did it with. You think I liked doing that with him?" Triple H continued
"Hell no. I took away all that bitter feeling to do what was right for all of you. I don't really care about Daniel's personal problems. To say you have personal problems with it is just selfish Daniel. This is not all about you. You need to check your ego at the door pal. Just like I do mine. It's not about me, it's not about what I do, it's about the WWE Universe. You put your personal feelings aside and you do what is right for business." He added.
"You have got to be kidding me..." Morgan mumbled as 'Daniel Bryan' chants surround the arena. 
"And right now, I am gonna do what needs to be done and I'm gonna put aside my personal feelings one more time and I am gonna bring the future, your future, the face of the WWE. The coal that has become the diamond. I give you the new WWE champion, the Viper, Randy Orton!" Triple H announced.
'I hear voices in my head'
Orton walks out slowly with his title. 
"Here is the man who cashed in his money in the bank to Daniel Bryan to win the title," Cole announced. 
As Orton is at the end of the ramp, Morgan steps up to him and he stops in front of her. She gave him a disappointed look, trying to comprehend what was going on.
"Why? I don't understand why you would do this." She weakly said as Randy responded by giving her a cold stare.
"Looks like Morgan is disappointed and upset at her friend for what he did at SummerSlam." Cole looked on.
"That's surprising," King said as JBL agreed
Orton smirks and walks past her as she looks down and turns around to look at him. Orton shakes Vince's hand and then Triple H's hand. Orton and Stephanie look at each other and she hugs him. 
"After all the things he has done to that woman?" Cole asked.
Orton grabbed a mic. "I told you so. I told you that when I cashed in, you would not see it coming. And here I stand before you, for the 10th time, the Apex Predator of the WWE. Now I'm not used to saying thank you. But after what you did last night for me Triple H, I owe all of this to you." Orton shakes his hand and gives him a bro hug. "As a matter of fact, everyone in this arena should stand on their feet and show this man the respect he deserves." 
Stephanie and Vince applaud them while Orton gives the mic back to Triple H.
"Now, since we own the place, we have eyes and ears everywhere and I know that Daniel Bryan is in this building. So here's the thing, I know you have a personal issue, so I'm offering you to come in this ring and get it all off your chest. So Daniel, come on out. You know what? Hold on, Shield guys, Ambrose, Lopez, Reigns, Rollins, can you do me a favor? You guys are a little intimidating and he's probably scared. You mind moving to the side?" Triple H asked as The Shield move to the side. "I don't want anyone touching Daniel Bryan. Anyone that touches Daniel Bryan, there is going to be problems. That includes you 4 as well. Daniel come on out."
"There he is!" Triple H said as Daniel walked out with his jeans and his T-Shirt. As soon as he tries to get in the ring, Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns start to attack him.
"Come on!" Cole exclaimed but then Daniel fought back. He throws Reigns to the steel steps and tries to get in the ring but Ambrose holds him off and they start fighting up on the ramp until Seth hits him from behind. Morgan starts to look conflicted. "What is Morgan doing? Is she going to help her team?"
"She looks confused." JBL pointed out as she stood there and didn't know what to do. 
Daniel kicks Seth's tweaked knee and kicks him in the face. Ambrose runs towards Daniel but he flips him over as Dean's back hits the ramp.
"Look at Bryan go!" Cole shouted
Daniel turns to Morgan and starts walking up to her but she shakes her head. 
"I'm not going to do anything," She admitted and kept her distance from him.
After taking a good look at her body language and conflicted expression, he could tell she was telling the truth and backed off. He turns his attention to the ring, instead. Triple H ignores the fact that Morgan did not try to attack Daniel and begins to speak again.
"Let's talk about this. Get your feelings out." Triple H said as Daniel walked to the ring. He gets speared by Reigns as Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins beat on him and are about to do the powerbomb. "Whoa no no no no no no no, hold on. Put him down, stop, put him down. That's not what I want. Daniel Bryan has something to say, Daniel, let him come in the ring and say it." 
Bryan recovers and slowly gets back in the ring.
"Come on, show some guts. That's it. You got it." Triple H cheered as he made it to the ring but got RKOed by Randy.
Morgan looks at him in disbelief. 
"Just as Daniel was getting in the ring?" King exclaimed as Vince, Triple H, Stephanie and Orton raise up their hands.
"Our new WWE champion. The face of the WWE. Randy Orton." JBL declared.
"This is a black day for WWE." 
Morgan tweets 'Everything is just so screwed up. #Conflicted #WhyRandyWhy'
'WWE Exclusive Video'
"I-­I don't understand why you would do this. You couldn't wait for another time? I mean, right after Triple H pedigreed Bryan? Why?" Morgan asked as she looked up at Randy, backstage.
"Aren't you proud of me? You're supposed to be a so-called friend of mine," he recalled
"I am your friend but this was not cool. What you did was wrong."
"Morgan, you should know me by now."
"I thought I did but right now, you aren't the Randy I know."
"Well, this is the real me. Get used to it." He coldly stated and walked away.
"Don't have a choice..." She sighed with a disappointed look.
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silverhallow · 1 year
🎭Fortunes Fool🎭
Chapter 8: "Why, love, I say! Madam! Sweetheart! Why, bride”
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
Chapter summary: Romeo and his brother have a little heart to heart
Warnings: family time
Word count: 2646
Sophie’s introduction to Benedict’s mother couldn’t have gone better if he had planned it himself.
Anthony had disappeared for the night, saying he was taking Kate out Ice Skating. She’d never been before so he wanted to take her to the local rink and prove to her that he was just as competitive and sporty.
The rest of the Bridgerton’s had gone out but Hyacinth had a bit of the flu so it was just her and Violet in the house when Sophie had arrived with him after school.
Sophie had been nervous but after Benedict had met her father, she'd been very nervous about that and they’d come into dinner laughing together and it had gone far better than Sophie could have dreamed.
To the point when Benedict had left for the night, despite her minor mortification at her father trying to have the sex talk with her, he had said that if Benedict wanted to and they were being safe , when he was away with work Benedict could come and stop over.
“I trust him with you” was all Richard had said as he kissed his daughter’s cheek before leaving her to get ready for bed.
Sophie had been thrilled that her father had approved of Benedict. She honestly could see herself spending the rest of her life with this man and having her father’s approval was a big deal.
Hearing her father and Benedict laughing and joking had been a lot more than she had hoped for. She had been prepared a little to argue with her father about Benedict and about giving him a chance but it turned out she didn’t have to. Richard had taken to Benedict in a way Sophie couldn’t believe and she’d rung Kate that night after Benedict had left and filled her in on everything.
Kate also filled Sophie in on all the details between her and Anthony. In a lot more detail than Sophie had wanted to hear but she was happy that her friend was happy and the fact she they were now starting to date made Sophie happier than she could ever had imagined. The thought of them dating brothers had Sophie’s head full of ideas for the future that her glowing with happiness.
She had been a bit of a nervous wreck about meeting Violet Bridgerton. She didn't know much about the Bridgerton Matriarch but she so desperately wanted her to approve of her.
In the week since she had announced to the school that Benedict was her boyfriend and told him about her past, Sophie felt a weight off her shoulders. She didn’t feel the need to pretend about anything anymore so the day after Benedict had met her father, Sophie didn’t wear as much make up for school, she put her hair up into a ponytail and didn’t put her contacts in, she wore her glasses.
She still had her skirt on but this time it wasn’t as short as it had been, it was a pastel colour and a flowery top. She felt feminine and more herself than she had in years.
Benedict had tripped over his feet when he saw Sophie, she looked a little worried but by the time he’d regained his composure, his long legs carried him down the corridor and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her right in front of everyone.
He was pretty sure Sophie would still look beautiful in a black bin bag but seeing her feeling comfortable in her own skin made him happier than he could have ever imagined.
Sophie beamed at him happily as he put her down, Kate made a gagging noise “God i’ve just had my breakfast guys” as she walked off towards her locker where Anthony was waiting with a smirk on his face as he watched his brother and his love sick ways.
The rest of the week passed by in Entry Exam prep, rehearsals and lessons and come Friday, it was like they had always been together. Everything was natural and they had managed to make the most of some of their free lessons not just for studying but making uses of the places both of them would like to hide and by Friday the box of condom’s Violet had brought Benedict had to be replaced.
They nipped into Boots on the way to Benedict’s for dinner afterschool on Friday and both of them had bought a box. Sophie commented that she was still planning on going on the pill but it was just finding the time to get the doctor's appointment.
Violet had been waiting for her second son to come home from school, practically reverberating with excitement at meeting his girlfriend. It was the first girlfriend any of her sons had brought home and she was excited to meet the girl that had captured her son’s heart.
She was watching them from the window and thought they looked adorable holding hands and chatting animatedly and laughing and it made her heart happy to see the smile on her son’s face.
Benedict led Sophie into the house and introduced Violet to Sophie and Hyacinth at 4 years old appeared, her little nose bright red and Sophie knelt down and introduced herself to Benedict’s little sister. Violet apologised for Hyacinth being there as she was supposed to go with her siblings to the Featherington birthday party but as she was poorly and hadn’t been to reception, she wasn’t allowed to the party.
Hyacinth sniffled, she had been very upset about not being allowed to go but Sophie just smiled warmly “well I am pleased because it means I get to meet you first out of all of Benedict’s sister’s”
Hyacinth looked at her “do you mean that?”
“I do indeed. I’ve never had a little sister before” Sophie said with a warm smile
“Do you want to come see my stuffed toys!” Hyacinth said excitedly with a little cough.
“If we have time before dinner and your mum doesn’t need any help I would love to” Sophie said brightly, not noticing the odd way Benedict and Violet were both looking at her 
“Do we have time mummy?” Hyacinth asked
“I think we’ve got a bit of time, yes… Ben do you want to help me set the table whilst Hyacinth shows Sophie her toys?” Violet said.
Benedict didn’t even get a response out before Hyacinth had taken Sophie’s arm and dragged her away.
“Your sister’s are going to love her” Violet said with a chuckle.
“Hyacinth’s the hardest one to win over,” Benedict nodded. “To do so in a matter of seconds is just… wow,” he said staring at the spot that was his girlfriend.
“She’s very beautiful, Ben” Violet said as they walked into the kitchen. “She’s got a kind heart” 
“Mum you have no idea” Benedict said simply, a bright smile on his face as he set about laying the table for the four of them.
Hyacinth and Sophie reappeared 10 minutes later, Hyacinth with her hair in a plait like Sophie’s and her toy dog next to her and asked if Sophie could sit next to her for dinner and Violet was amazed by the young woman who had some sort of miracle effect on her youngest daughter. 
Whatever Sophie was doing, Hyacinth copied so for the first time in living memory Hyacinth had eaten all of her vegetables without complaint and even had second helpings of the peas and carrots.
Violet and Sophie had talked about Sophie’s love of literature and they had teased Benedict about his hatred of Byron. “He’s a lot like his father in that respect. I loved Byron but Edmund… my late husband couldn’t abide him” Violet explained
“I get not everyone likes his work and I understand why Benedict is so against him, he did rather present his arguments quite elegantly during English class but there is an elegance to his work, a beauty in the mad Baron’s words that I find makes more sense as I get older” Sophie smiled
“Pretentious poppycock is all it is” Benedict said and it made Hyacinth giggle “but I have to admit. She Walks in Beauty does make more sense nowadays” he grinned as he looked as Sophie and she went bright red.
After dinner Benedict took Sophie up into his room and he blushed a bit at all the Star Wars posters on his walls and the pictures of Natalie Portman but when Sophie turned around after his stammered apology and just smiled “I get it. She is HOT. I always wanted to dress up as her for Halloween, you know from when they were on Geonosis”
Benedict’s mouth fell open “You like star wars??” he asked incredulously.
“What? Just cause I’m popular doesn’t mean i’m not into the geeky nerdy stuff” She grinned as Benedict pushed his door shut.
“No just… like…I” he stammered trying to make his brain work
“Carrie Fisher in the gold bikini in Return of the Jedi is very hot” Sophie said and Benedict was struggling to get his brain to work in any way as all the blood was rushing to an entirely different part of his body.
“I… as much as I think it’s hot, having seen my brother wanking into a picture of her in the bikini it lost its charm on me” Benedict managed to say which made Sophie giggle. 
“So more of a Natalie Portman guy?” Sophie asked sitting down on his bed with a grin
“Definitely.” He grinned, moving to sit in front of her.
“For Halloween at Uni then, I think we should go as Padme and Anakin… we’ve got the height difference down” she grinned
“Not Romeo and Juliet?” Benedict asked he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her to him
“Maybe the year after that” she giggled as Benedict let out a quiet growl and pushed her onto his bed and kissed her thoroughly, living out several of his teenage and recent fantasies.
When she left she invited him to stop over on the Saturday night at house, she went bright red as she asked. “Is your dad…?” Benedict asked a little wearily, he hadn’t minded fooling around with Sophie in his teenage bedroom as he was on the third floor of the house and they’d managed to stay quiet and as his mum was in the living room with Hyacinth they were unlikely to be distrubed.
Spending the night with your girlfriend with her father at home however, was practically asking to be shot, or castrated.
“He’s away for work. He said after you left, if you wanted to stop… you could… Normally Kate would but she’s away with Mary this weekend visiting her grandparents in Somerset” Sophie said “but I think i’d rather you stay” she said a little coyly.
Benedict smiled at her “Then i’d love to, could we get chinese or something?” 
Sophie nodded “that sounds amazing. I’ll text you tomorrow?” she asked standing in the Bridgerton doorway
“Just let me know what time and i’ll come straight over” he said, dropping a gentle kiss to her cheek. He had offered to walk her home but as her father had been late back in from the centre of London he offered to come collect her when she was done.
Sophie smiled as she waved to Benedict and then at Hyacinth who was peering out from her bedroom and Benedict looked up and chuckled and made his way back in the house.
“I think you might have competition for Sophie’s affection,” Violet chuckled.
“I saw Hyacinth upstairs, she does seem to like Sophie a lot” Benedict smiled as he made his way back into the house.
“She is wonderful, she said she had no sisters?” Violet asked
“She had step-sisters” Benedict said “but I don’t think she got on with the eldest. Not sure about the youngest” he explained.
“Well she’s gonna make a wonderful mother one day” Violet said conversationally which made Benedict go bright red and cough “one day Benedict… and i mean that. I am too young to be a grandmother and you are not old enough to be a father yet”
Benedict snorted and got slapped around the head for his snort “what was that for?” he whined, his mind firmly on Sophie and all the practice they could have.
“I know what you’re thinking” Violet said, well aware it was a bit rich for her to give a lecture on being young parents when she was 19 when she had Anthony and Benedict.
“Mum, I am positive you had no idea what was going on in my head and I assure you it wasn’t you and dad” Benedict grinned, dropping a kiss to his mother’s cheek and dashing off upstairs. “Oh by the way mum…” he said stopping on the stairs “i’m stopping at Sophie’s tomorrow night”
Violet would have thrown something at her son but the door opened and Anthony came in, hair wild with a few leaves sticking out of it, “I swear… the two of you are going to have ben grey before i’m 40”
Benedict looked at his brother and burst out laughing “Good evening with Kate?” 
“I swear if either of you impregnate any female before you are 21 I am going to castrate you” Violet sighed as she walked away.
“I have no idea what is going on…” Anthony said looking confused
“I’m stopping at Sophie’s tomorrow and Mum started talking about grandkids,” Benedict explained as Anthony followed him up the stairs.
“Well she’s not one to talk” Anthony chuckled “I mean she was 19 when she had us”
“I know but I guess not everyone is like mum and dad and actually make teenage pregnancy work” Benedict replied
“You don’t want kids?”
“One day, sure… before I finish Uni? Absolutely not” Benedict said as they reached the third floor landing.
“Want them with Sophie?” Anthony asked a grin on his face
“Maybe yeah, I mean…  I could totally see myself being with Sophie for the rest of my life absolutely, what about you with Kate?” Benedict asked
Anthony shrugged “I mean she’s HOT, and a bit of a wild cat in the sack… and she’s got the Oxford entry exam next week so who knows. I like hanging out with her. She’s good fun, a lot more intelligent than she looks. She drives me nuts but in a good way. I think.”
“I mean i didn’t need to know about what she’s like in the sack but thanks for the visual…” Benedict chuckled “but if you like her, if she likes you, no harm in asking her to be your girlfriend”
“Ben you can’t give me relationship advice when your girlfriend only said that because you got punched” Anthony said honestly “and she’s your first”
“It’s not hard to think you love your first…”
“Not all girls are Sienna Ant… i don’t think Kate’s one to have a line of boys. She might be part of the popular crowd but I don’t think it actually defines her you know…”
“I know that” Anthony said a little uncomfortably
“You can’t guard your heart because your first girlfriend turned out to be the biggest tart in Kent”
“It felt more respectful but seriously Ant… just… let yourself be happy. You and Kate are very similar. Despite the social rankings and you know you’d have been part of that crowd if it weren’t for… you know”
“ I know… I’ll think about it Ben… I will I promise” Anthony said with a smile
“Good…but just imagine if we married best friends,” Benedict grinned brightly.
“Ben… we’re 18… you don’t need to plan our weddings just yet. Leave that to mum” Anthony chuckled
“But… if…” Benedict said
“yes… would be very cool,” Anthony conceded before heading into his room.
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