#and it means when nate and janusz eventually leave hillview
not-poignant · 3 months
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? (For Nate!)
I was going to answer this separately for Falling Falling Stars and Underline the Blue but then I realised the answer is probably the same for both, lol
Outside of Janusz, who is Nate's ideal best friend (y'all, the partner is the very best friend anyone is ever going to have), it's Mosk Manytrees.
In Falling Falling Stars we find out very little about their friendship, but we get the sense that Mosk and Nate are close and companionable just from the way we see them spending quiet peaceful time outside together. I like to imagine Mosk is something of a mentor to Nate in that story. They both have similar personalities, except that Mosk is happy now and matured, and he makes a good role model.
In Underline the Blue, I actually think it might be the other way around. Nate has been at Hillview for longer than Mosk, and while I don't think their friendship was without its hiccups, Mosk and Nate definitely shared a lot in common and grew close. I thought it might be Flitmouse here at first, but I think Mosk will actually scoop the position of best friend because I like to imagine them as two little quiet mean-girl conspiratorialists, whispering bitchy things about everyone else behind their hands and then laughing about it.
From the character meme!
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