#and it makes the kitchen stuffy + its an awkward door to open bc its weighted weird like please just leave the doorstop there
toastsnaffler · 2 years
one of my flatmates is soo messy like they're always leaving things unwashed + on surfaces in the kitchen + don't wash/dry stuff properly even when they do + never wipe stuff down even tho they bake a lot n make a lot of mess etc.. grrrrr
#I can tolerate mess/grime fine but I think ppls attitudes towards shared spaces say a lot abt how they see others who use that space#I would call them out abt it but they had a go at another of my flatmates for a similar thing recently so I don't wanna start shit#but it does get on my nerves sometimes.. they can make mess in their room but its disrespectful when its a shared space#ik theyre some degree of mentally ill but the thing is: almost everyone else in the flat is mentally ill too!!#and we still at least try to keep things clean. also like 2 of us have diagnosed/suspected adhd + we still manage to do it so no excuses#they spend the most time in there atm anyway its not like theyre too busy elsewhere.... if u have energy to bake u can def clean lmao#whatever. I'll give everything a clean after I make these brownies later. + then get to watch them ruin it all immediately#at least its not as bad at the flat I was in last yr... 7 other ppl + all of them freshers. nightmare kitchen for real#I'm just feeling grumpy today so my tolerance is lower than usual#ALSO THEY KEEP CLOSING THE KITCHEN DOOR. theres no natural light in the hallways except for when that door is open.#and it makes the kitchen stuffy + its an awkward door to open bc its weighted weird like please just leave the doorstop there#I've asked them not to close it but they keep doing it ugh. ik its them bc literally no one else in this flat likes having it shut#whatEVERRRR#there are bigger problems in the world it doesnt matter so much#.diaries
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hoseokjinnies-blog · 5 years
oh my god, they were roommates chapter 1
cross posting w my ao3
ship: soekjin x yoongi x reader
warnings: none
tropes: roommates, friends to lovers, slow burn, poly ship.
summary: I can't do summaries and I haven't written a fanfic since I was 13 but consider, bc I'm a dumb bitch and double biased with yoongi and jin: you, jin, and yoongi are all friends. you and yoongi have been friends since childhood, and you both met jin your freshman year of college. mayhaps everyone has a crush on everyone, but no one is really sure/everyone's big chickens.
words: 2,761
With a huff you set the box down on the counter, taking a moment to brush some hair out of your face. You could feel yourself getting hotter as the room felt stuffy in the summer heat, the front door being held open by another box not doing much to help with the temperature.
Grabbing the box cutter off the counter, you sliced the tape open before pressing the sides down to have access to the contents inside; a majority of your dishes. Reaching in you grabbed a few, setting them off to the side, choosing to empty the whole box before you began to unwrap the paper protecting them.
Hearing voices from the hallway outside the front door your head snapped up, watching as your roommates walked in with even more boxes in their arms, groaning from the weight and the heat.
“Your box was so much lighter,” Seokjin whined, still bent over as he attempted to even out his breathing.
Yoongi responded with a scoff, fingers tugging through his slightly sweat damped hair. “My last three boxes were heavier than the one you just brought up; stop whining.”
With a roll of your eyes, you made your way to the fringe, pulling out two water bottles before heading towards the boys. “Relax,” you spoke as you stood between them, hands outstretched towards both of them. “You’re both carrying your weight; don’t let the heat and stress make you guys too grouchy.”
The boys both fell quiet as they drank their waters, continuing to try and cool down as you made your way back over to the counter to continue with your own task of putting away dishes.
“How many more boxes are there?” You asked as you began to unwrap the bowls.
“Only one,” Jin answered, gaze on your hands as he watched you work. He always found himself amazed by your hands; how everything they did seemed so gentle.
You hummed in response as your eyes went back to them, seeing how they seemed much more relaxed, but still exhausted. They had the harder job in the move: carrying the boxes up while you began to organize and unpack. It would be nice to have the moving boxes up part of the move done after having been doing it for the last five hours.
As your attention settled on your best friend, you could see the wheels turning behind his eyes. “Rock paper scissors to decide who has to bring the last box up.” Leave it to Yoongi to want to use the game to make the decision.
“Yah,” Jin responded, head tipped back in annoyance. Though not even a moment later he was in position, ready to play. “Best two out of three.”
The other man nodded in agreement, getting in position as well as you chuckled, leaning your elbows on the counter and then your head on your hands as you watched.
Yoongi won the first round, but Seokjin won the second. Turning his head towards you, he asked if you wanted to bet on who would win. With another laugh, you shook your head, responding that you wanted to stay out of it.
The third round ended in Yoongi’s victory and you were given a gummy smile as a result. Not a moment later, he was laying on the floor, sighing at the feel of the cool hardwood against his skin. “Good luck, hyung.”
Jin shook his head, grumbling as he set his water bottle down before heading out the door to retrieve the last box, and you resumed your task with the dishes.
“Why didn’t you bet on me?” You hear Yoongi whine from his spot on the floor. “Some best friend you are.”
Rolling your eyes at his dramatic antics, you took a moment before responding. “Oh, bubs,” You cooed. “You know I’m always on your side.” And, as you both knew, it was the truth.
You’d been best friends since childhood, meeting when you were just six years old, and you’d been thick as thieves since then. The longest you’d ever been a part was when your family took a three-week trip to visit family when you guys were sixteen.
“It’s exhausting,” you heard a new voice comment, knowing Jin had made his way up to the apartment with the last box. “I can never win with you two on the same side all the time; I’m always the odd one out.”
Giving a small shrug of your shoulders you turn around to place the bowls in the cabinet. “Sometimes you guys team up against me; it’s not always against you.”
Despite the fact that the three of you were great friends, it was true that Yoongi and you were the closest. But that could be chalked up to the length of your friendship. You’d both met Jin at the same time during your freshman year of college, the boys being assigned as roommates in the dorm.
The friendship had been natural in its progression since you and Yoongi were always together, and much like the two of you, he had moved away from home for school and didn’t really know anyone else. After only a few weeks of knowing him, it was clear to you that the three of you would get along very well, and it has proved to be true.
Three years later and your friendship was still just as strong if anything it felt like the bond between the three of you was growing continuously.
“The three of us never all agree,” Yoongi spoke up, finally pulling himself up off the floor, moving the box that was holding the door open away with his foot so the door could finally close. “Someone’s always getting teamed up against.”
It was true, but luckily real arguments or problems rarely came up.
“You guys should go rest,” you suggested. They’d been working for hours in the heat, and there was no rush to get the move finished just yet. “Take a nap or a rest and then we can figure out what we wanna do for dinner.”
Seokjin hummed in response, nodding as he said that it sounded like a good idea before excusing himself to his room.
“What about you?” Yoongi asked as he made his way into the kitchen, finishing off the water in his water bottle before refilling it.
You shrugged, “I’ll just keep unpacking.”
While you were tired, you knew that if you let yourself lay down you would just sleep for the rest of the night. It was better to keep going for a few more hours and then sleep through the night.
Yoongi paused before nodding, stopping to press a kiss to the side of your head before heading towards his room. “Don’t forget to relax a little bit too, yeah, ___?” He called over his shoulder.
Smiling at his concern, you nodded. “Don’t worry about me, Yoon, it's just unpacking.”
Though you threw your hands up in surrender when he shot you a look, which resulted in him smiling at you. “Good girl.”
And with that, you were left alone to your work. Grabbing your phone, you took a moment to decide on what you wanted to listen to, eventually deciding on your most recent playlist. With the music and the boys out of the room and unable to serve as a distraction, it was easy for you to get into the swing of things.
As you carried on, you couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed that you guys had decided to move at the start of the summer where it was already so hot. However, you guys didn’t have much of a choice with the lease for the last apartment ending at the same time as the semester did.
You were grateful to be out of the old apartment, though. It had served you three well for the last school year, and for it being the first time any of you had actually moved into an apartment as opposed to the dorms.
Getting an apartment together had seemed like the best choice for the three of you. Yoongi and Jin had stuck together as roommates from freshman year on; they just fit so well together. And, of course, you were an addition. Rarely spending time at your own dorm except to sleep, and even then you often found yourself falling asleep at the boys after so many late nights both studying and just hanging out.
The first apartment had been relatively close to campus, which was a bonus. However, it was only two rooms. Of course, the boys had ended up in one room, though you did almost offer to share with Yoongi instead. It didn’t seem like a crazy idea to you, and besides, Jin was the oldest, it would’ve made sense for him to have his own space.
Instead, things remained as usual; the boys as ‘eternal roommates’ as they often joked of being and you in your own room, which you definitely didn’t mind. You had worried that maybe the three of you living together would be awkward, or change the dynamic of your friendship, but nothing had really changed. You guys were such a good fit together, there was rarely anything to complain about.
But the lease on that apartment was only for the school year, and you had all agreed that you weren’t particularly interested in going back home that summer. Looking for a longer lease gave you more options, and you felt beyond lucky to have found the apartment you guys did. It was a bit farther from campus, but not too bad, and you all had your own rooms.
A ten-minute longer bus ride to campus was worth it for everyone to have their own space.
After an hour or two, you had a majority of the kitchen unpacked, and while there was still more work to do, you felt yourself at the end of your wits. Deciding to call it quits for the night, you were reminded of just how hungry you actually were.
There was no food in the apartment and takeout was clearly the best option, but the guys still hadn’t shown their faces yet. They’d had a long enough nap; you didn’t feel bad waking them up, especially not for food.
You stopped in front of Yoongi’s door first, knocking before your hand was on the doorknob. Unsurprisingly you didn’t get a response, but you let yourself in any way.
A smile grew on your lips as your eyes landed on your best friend, curled up and asleep in his bed. He always looked so soft while asleep, and it left you with a pang in your chest.
Moving to the side of his bed, you sat down at the edge, watching him sleep for a moment longer before deciding to wake him up. “Yoongi,” you spoke softly, hand on his shoulder to give a slight shake. He grumbled and tried to hide against his pillows, but you didn’t give up.
“Yoongi,” you said his name again, but this time as a whine. Moving your hand from his shoulder to his hair, pushing some of it out of his face. “Yoongi c’mon, get up, I’m hungry.”
His eyes finally opened and your hand stilled, laughing as he scowled up at you. “Let me sleep, ___,” he whined back.
Shaking your head as you pulled your hand away from his hair you responded, “No, we need to go get food, we haven’t eaten for hours.” As your eyes met his, a pout grew on your lips. “I’m gonna starve to death and you don’t even care.”
Thinking back to what he had said earlier, you decided to throw it back in his face. “Some best friend you are.”
Despite the sleep in his eyes, you could tell he knew what you were referencing. “Drama queen,” he mumbled, reaching up to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “I’d never let you starve, princess.”
“Drama queen and princess? Make up your mind, Yoongi,” you teased back.
Yoongi rolled his eyes as he stretched out in his bed, a soft groan leaving his lips. “What, should I just combine them together and just call you her majesty?”
Though you knew he was giving you shit, you tilted your head, a smile replacing the pout on your lips. “You know what? I quite like the sound of that.” You ended up sticking your tongue out at him as he scoffed.
“Of course you do, my little egomaniac.” Despite his teasing, he was looking at you with nothing but fondness in his eyes. He stretched out once more before finally sitting up in his bed, a sound similar to a whine leaving his lips as he did so.
Taking this as him officially being awake, you moved off the edge of his bed to stand up. “I’ll go get Seokjin up,” you offered.
Shaking his head, Yoongi reached out to grab your arm to keep you still in place. “Let him rest a while longer,” he spoke. “We know what he likes; we can just go get the food.”
You nodded your head at his suggestion since it didn’t exactly matter; the two of you could easily handle the task of getting dinner. “I’m gonna go get my shoes on, meet me in the living room?”
Yoongi nodded in agreement, and as you made your way out to the hall, you could see him rub his eyes once more. You almost felt bad for waking him, but it was only a Saturday anyway, you guys had all day Sunday to relax and recover from the move.
A few moments later he met you at the door, still seeming quite sleepy, which came as no surprise to you. It always took him forever to wake up, and frankly, you were surprised you had even managed to get him out of bed so quickly.
Since the sun had started to go down, it actually felt quite nice outside, the heat not nearly as overbearing as it had been early in the day.
As you walked, you linked your arm with Yoongi’s, sticking close to him as he lead the way to your guys favorite takeout place. The two of you chatted about random things, mainly what you wanted to do during the summer before classes started up again in the fall.
The conversation carried on easily, and it helped the walk go by quickly. Another bonus to the move was that you guys were so much closer to the restaurant now, the walk now taking only fifteen minutes. When the two of you walked into the restaurant, you were greeted by name from the employee in the front.
It didn’t take long to order since you guys always got the same things, anyway. While waiting for the food to be prepared, you sat at a table next to Yoongi, both of you on your phone to pass the time. A quick thirty minutes later and you were making your way back up the stairs of your apartment, Yoongi and you both carrying a bag of food.
You were slightly surprised when you pushed the front door open to see Jin sitting in the living room, eyes still filled with sleep as he sat on his phone.
“I was just about to call,” Jin spoke as he set his phone down on the coffee table, moving to stand up, but you waved him back.
“We went to get dinner,” you spoke, holding your bag of food up as if it was proof, making your way over to the living room with it. “It’ll be easiest just to eat here right now; trying to move things off the table would take forever.”
Your boys both seemed to agree with you, and after getting yourself some utensils and drinks, the three of you were sat comfortably in your new living room, more than happy to be eating in silence.
As you sat back in your chair, gaze moving between your two best friends, you couldn’t help but feel lucky. Lucky that you’d met Yoongi at such a young age and that you’d stuck together, lucky that Jin and Yoongi had been assigned roommates and that all of you got along so well. Above all, you felt more than lucky for the way your life was currently playing out, and how you couldn’t help but feel like you were about to have one of the best summers of your life.
an: pls give feedback of any kind, if y’all like it i’ll post the other chapters (though hint hint, theres two other chapters posted on my ao3. xoxo
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