#and it is literally a disservice to both Ahsoka and himself to have put him in this position
Anakin is Ahsoka's "father figure" but like in a parentified older sibling kinda way :/
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planet-crait · 4 years
Oversaturation in Star Wars
Before we start this is a warning this post gets very salty towards Ahsoka so if you like her character and are excited for her to be in the Mandalorian I would advise you skip. If you want to see my opinion on her overutilization then please feel free to read on. 
Whilst everyone is frothing at the mouth at the thought of Ahsoka being in the Madalorian I have to admit I am much less pleased about this development. Ahsoka has been shoved into media after media with no regard for whether or not it actually makes sense or works to do so. Back when season 4 of Rebels ended, Filoni specifically said that he did not show any snippet or scene with where Thrawn and Ezra wound up because he didn’t want to write himself into a corner later on should he decide to write the search for Ezra. With Ahsoka’s appearance in the Mandalorian makes all of that seem like complete bullshit. The Mandalorian takes place 5 years after the fall of the Empire, this is important because Ahsoka and Sabine do not start their search until after the Empire has fallen. The Mandalorian implies Ahsoka has been on this planet for some time which carries the implication the search for Ezra is over and they’ve found him. How can this not be seen as anything but writing oneself into a corner? They are literally deciding the ending of the story for the search for Ezra with seemingly no thought put into what happens before that moment. In shoehorning in some fanservice they potentially ruin the chance at writing a meaningful and organic story for Ezra and how he finally comes home. 
 Now it is possible this all takes place before Ahsoka and Sabine decide to go out and search for Ezra but I highly doubt that. In the Rebels epilogue it is heavily implied Sabine and Ahsoka head out to search for Ezra not long after the Empire has fallen given Jacen’s age. While yes, it is doubtful the search for Ezra would take five years to complete, there is still the issue of the fact that odds are the search for Ezra will in one way or another inevitably come up, which will reveal some information as to how he was found which later on in order to keep from creating an inconsistency will need to be kept in mind when eventually writing about the search for Ezra. 
It is certainly possible that the story of how Ezra was brought home will never be written, my biggest fear is that that entire plot will be resolved in this episode which is a massive disservice to Ezra’s character. He suffered over and over again throughout his lifetime and sacrificed everything, he fought to save his planet. That kind of sacrifice deserves to have the search and him coming home again be devoted to its own media, however they choose to do so. Not shoehorned in as an afterthought in a show with characters that have never even met him before nor care about him. 
With all of this in mind, there is also the burning question of why Ahsoka and not another Jedi we have not heard from we know on some level is probably alive. Why shoehorn in a character over and over again into media when there are so many other characters that could be utilized that we know nothing about what happened to them, like Ventress, Barriss, all of the kids from TWC arc who Ahsoka took to get their kyber crystals? Any of them would have been a very interesting addition and would have allowed us to find out what happened to them instead of throwing in a character who is becoming overutilized, creating a “small galaxy” conundrum. Why would Ahsoka keep getting involved with all of these different people who in the grand scheme of things have very little connection to her? Why not allow other characters to have the spotlight and have an influence on the story? Why is this one character who regularly claims she is not a jedi keep getting to do cool Jedi stuff? It’s infuriating given the fact that she is allowed to live because she “is not a jedi” but then does all this jedi stuff and is called a jedi by other people. Either she is a jedi or she is not, she cannot have it both ways. Either stop acting in the role of a jedi or fucking die like all the other Jedi are forced to. This will get me a lot of hate, but if Kanan had to fucking die for being a jedi then so does she. (Or bring Kanan back, that is a viable option but one that will never happen because only Ahsoka is beloved by the force enough to bring her back over and over again). 
I know I get really salty over Ahsoka in this post but I am just over her being in everything. She comes back in TCW even though she makes a point of leaving the order, she shows up in Rebels to be a wise Jedi mentor despite saying she isn’t one (which feels more like an excuse to keep her alive rather than something that actually makes sense for her character.) In the final CW season she decides she wants to be a Jedi again, only for order 66 to happen shortly before she can. I bring this up because she keeps saying over and over again that she is not a jedi. Having Ahsoka decide to go back to the order though completely undermines this viewpoint she has and again makes it come across as more of an excuse to not kill her off rather than something she believes in. 
I could write an entire essay on why all the Jedi having to die is the dumbest decision I have ever heard but that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is to point out how Ahsoka being brought back into media so much is creating issues and plotholes LF and Filoni keep claiming they are trying to avoid. 
Though the Mandalorian episode has not come out yet, I have a lot of concerns as to what will happen in the episode: that Ezra will be revealed to have died in some bullshit way to save Ahsoka to keep the status of no other Jedi alive, that Ahsoka will take away baby yoda and he will die for bullshit reasons to again continue that thread or give him to Luke to once again seal his fate of dying later on by Kylo’s hands. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised, but when it comes to Ahsoka so far all I have been is disappointed and frustrated so I won’t hold my breath. 
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