#and it could be remedied by starting it higher than level 30 in the wild perhaps in a specific area
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Eeon is awesome and 2018 tumblr did you wrong. we're ready for her now
thank you 🥺 im glad today tumblr loves her
#Pokemon#PKMN#fakemon#PKMN oc#Eevee#eeveelution#PKMN Eeon#fizzles draws#most of the biggest complaints i got about their previous design was that. eeon was not the right name for it#a lot of 'it should have been called eeveeon'#but that misses the storybeat of it spending so long from people that it evolved on its own! it spent an eon alone#and a lot of ''level 50 is too long to train an eevee without it evolving it should evolve at a lower level''#like. yes. thats the point#its supposed to be difficult to obtain because EVERYTHING makes pokemon gain friendship. walking feeding healing winning battles#you'd have to go out of your way to make sure its friendship is so low to that it doesn't evolve into something else#and it could be remedied by starting it higher than level 30 in the wild perhaps in a specific area#dedicated to wild 'feral' eevee#i dunno. i love eeon. i hated her for a while but it wasnt her fault
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Pokémon Sword and Shield, From the Eyes of a Veteran (Critique)
I want to preface this by saying I have been playing Pokemon since before I can remember. It has been a staple of my childhood since day one and is an incredibly important franchise to me. I have nothing but love for it, and I wish the franchise success and a long life far into the future. That being said... I have some big issues with this latest generation. Big enough that I’m writing out my thoughts for everyone to see for the first time.
As a note, I am not a competitive player, nor do I think I ever will be. I don’t have the patience or technical mind to focus on all the finite mechanics and breed the statistical ‘very-best’ Pokemon out there. As such, I will not be focusing on those aspects (or at least not nearly as heavily as others might).
Now, let’s begin.
As a starting point, let’s start where Nintendo always does when introducing a new region and generation
The Pokémon
Every new generation of Pokemon comes with brand-new creatures for everyone to love. However, some generations just have... more than others. The original games had 151 Pokemon total to catch, collect, and love. And from there, more were added. Here’s the count:
Johto: 100 Hoenn: 135 Sinnoh: 107 Unova: 156 Kalos: 72 Alola: 88 Galar: 81
This is not accounting for the new Pokemon introduced in Galar’s DLC, as that has yet to come out, or old Pokemon that were given a Mega Evolution or regional variant. Kalos added 30 Mega Evolutions, plus an additional 20 from ORAS. Alola added 18 regional variants, and Galar added 13 of their own (not counting the DLC Slowpoke) plus 24 Gigantimax forms (25 if you count Flapple & Appletun as separate, and 26 with Melmetal).
Numbers-wise, Galar did... okay. Not great. But okay. It still passed up Kalos, at the very least, which was a huge point of contention among fans when gen 6 came out. However, if I had to sum up my feelings towards the new Pokemon I could do it easily with one phrase: they’re very ‘hit-or-miss’. And while new Pokemon that I don’t care for tend to grow on me over time, there’s just one problem with that. They can’t grow on me if I don’t ever see them.
Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem with old Pokemon being in the new games. In fact that’s something I love! But when you want the players to connect with the new being introduced, you have to give them a chance to do so.
This was the first region in what felt like ages where I went in without a plan of what I wanted on my team. Typically, I go with a simple, easy-to-follow formula. Grass, Fire, and Water take up three slots. Add in a Flying-type, as Water and Flying were highly important for transportation in earlier games. And for coverage, the last two spots go to Electric and Ground or Rock. Anything else, I try to cover for with getting as many dual-types as possible. Simple. Effective. Tried and true.
However, after choosing Scorbunny as my starter, I encountered a problem. There are only two Grass-types to choose from, and neither are particularly good for my strategy. Eldegoss, which I ended up going with, is a pure Grass-type and can ONLY learn Grass-type damaging attacks, unless you want to track down the single Bug-type TR it can learn, or use one of the few compatible Normal-type TMs/TRs.
The second Grass-type is Applin. And while both evolutions have better type coverage, there are still problems. One, Applin on its own is pretty bad. The only moves it knows when caught fresh from the wild are Withdraw and Astonish. While that isn’t too horrible in and of itself, the fact that its evolutionary item can only be obtained near the end of the game makes it a horrible choice. Since I was about to take on Nessa and had no access to this item, I was forced to either choose Eldegoss or something from a previous generation. And since I was trying to use all-new Pokemon, Eldegoss it was. (Though on the upside, I realized it had plenty of potential to be a competitive wall.) Now, if you are intent on getting a Flapple or Appletun, you can persevere and evolve one. Now you have your grass dragon! Great! Except... its level-up moveset is pretty bad to begin with... You will have to dedicate a lot of time to training or hunting down TMs and TRs to make up for this seemingly MASSIVE oversight.
This is just one example, of course. And while coverage isn’t particularly BAD considering all the old Pokemon included, it could be much better.
Continuing on from this topic is another that has had a lot of fans, including me, up in arms.
The Pokédex
Nearly 900 Pokemon, cut SEVERELY down to 400. It’s unprecedented. It’s unfair to the fans of cut Pokemon, completionists, and old players waiting on transferring all their partners from previous games. Frankly, it sucks. And I think every Pokemon fan can agree, no matter the reason.
While some similar things to this have happened before, it has never been this bad. Unova did it right - the only Pokemon available to the player through the main story of Black and White were the newly introduced ones. After defeating the Elite Four, finishing the game, and the credits are done rolling however, all previous Pokemon were welcome in the region once more. Alola didn’t exclude any older Pokemon, but for the first time in any Pokemon game, we did not get a National ‘Dex. Even so, the Pokemon unavailable natively in Alola were still transferable and usable in the new generation. And while it was a bit disappointing not to get any new entries for some old favorites, it was understandable. Coming up with new world lore is hard work!
Nintendo said that all these Pokemon were cut due to time constraints and limitations with the memory. Unfortunately, these are issues that could be fixed easily, which just... weren’t. Sword and Shield could have gone the same route that Zelda: Breath of the Wild did and simply extended production time. As Shigeru Miyamoto once said, “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” And it shows in Sword and Shield in so many ways.
The memory limitations is, honestly, just a bad lie in my personal opinion. This opinion is only proven to me by the DLC reintroducing over 200 Pokemon from prior games. It’s not that Nintendo couldn’t - it’s that they didn’t give themselves the time. I had hoped for free updates in the future to remedy this, and that’s what’s happening. But not in a good way. (They also cut a plethora of Pokemon moves, which was also heavily disappointing, but the loss there couldn’t be felt nearly as much as over half of the total Pokemon being straight-up unavailable. Every one of those is someone’s favorite!)
Even if the memory WAS an issue, there are so many things that were, ultimately, unnecessary to me that they could have done without. But I’ll get to that in a minute.
Dexit aside, there’s another issue that needs to be addressed with the Pokedex that I’ve touched on already - distribution of Pokemon. There’s just... way too many, way too fast, and not enough of the new Galar Pokemon to go around. I am a Player who takes the famous tagline ‘gotta catch ‘em all’ fairly seriously. As I progress through the game, I am always compelled to search for every Pokemon on a route and catch, at the very least, the basic form of that Pokemon. While I haven’t managed to complete the Pokedex on my own or build a Living ‘Dex yet, those are both major goals I have.
However, shortly after first stepping into the Wild Area, I was overwhelmed. Too many Pokemon were coming my way, with too many variations in weather meaning it would take ages to catch all the Pokemon available to me in a route before moving forward in the story. While the Wild Area is a marvel, fun to explore, and an amazing way to experience Pokemon, it’s all just too much to throw at you in one huge chunk. Plus, there’s one very annoying, very artificial limitation that just feels completely out of place in a game that traditionally has had nothing quite like this. The Pokemon-catching level cap.
Now, level caps have been talked about among fans of the series, especially those that would like a sort of ‘hard mode’. This is not what they were talking about. Level caps have been used in previous games to prevent a player from transferring or trading overpowered Pokemon to the game and breezing through it as fast as possible. If you don’t have enough badges, the Pokemon will not listen to you, and you’ll be out of luck until you progress. Fans have suggested extending this level cap to all Pokemon, so that potentially even your starter will refuse to listen once it’s too strong. Personally, I wouldn’t enjoy such a change. But that’s why it’s only really suggested for a hard mode.
The way this level cap was implemented, however, was just... bad... I understand why it was done, but it can be put into practice SO much easier with one simple fix - utilizing Routes like previous generations did and closing off the higher-level areas to the player until they have progressed appropriately.
And that brings me to my next talking point.
Routes VS the Wild Area
Pokemon routes have always been included in every game, from the very beginning. They are the segue between towns, holding new Pokemon for you to battle and catch, the majority of free items to be found across the world, and a good few trainers to pit your team against once you’ve gotten past the first little chunk of story. To put it simply, routes are necessary. Without them, all the different towns would be one huge city, and specifically in Sword and Shield, there would be nowhere but the Wild Area to catch Pokemon.
That being said, the routes throughout Galar are... pretty tiny. I’d even say pitiful. What’s more, it seems that most of them have a short, straight path forward that discourages exploration and bettering yourself through battles with wild Pokemon and trainers. Sure, there’s the occasional arbitrary blockade that will force you to take the long way around, but once that’s done with, there’s nothing else to keep your interest. Glimwood Tangle in particular made me realize how far back they cut the routes. There was so much potential to make a sprawling forest out of it, and they just... didn’t. It was tiny. I wanted more, but they left it lacking in so much.
There’s an easy solution to this - making the Routes into mini Wild Areas. And, to accommodate all these huge routes, CUT BACK THE WILD AREA. Trust me - it needs to be smaller. This fixes the Pokemon distribution, the level cap issues, and the tiny routes all in one fell swoop. Instead of having one massive area with a bunch of sub-areas, have each route be bigger, with two to three sub-areas. The balance will make it much more impressive in the long run.
Speaking of balance, let’s talk about how this affected the pacing of the game. Even when I was taking my time, it felt like I was always rushing, rushing, rushing on to the next town. Not to mention, there are far too many options in the story to let you skip over backtracking through a route you’ve already been through. I’ve just finished taking on Milo. I blink. I’m standing in the Pokemon center the next town over, prepping for Nessa’s gym. I just defeated Bea. I blink. Now I’m about to take on Opal. The only time I got a little time to breathe was when I had to travel through the Wild Area to get to the next town. And then it was all just so expansive that I... didn’t want to go back to the story. There were items everywhere. There were Pokemon to catch. I wasn’t done here - I had to explore. I had to find everything. Do all I could. Because that’s what you do in a route, right? You explore and find all the goodies to help you on your journey. So what comes after...?
The Towns
While the towns are gorgeous and each have their own charm, they all feel... almost empty.
Compare to previous games, and it’s obvious to see. Many buildings don’t allow you to go inside and explore. There is a distinct lack of NPCs. And the ‘big’ cities are decidedly small as a result.
Just take a look at Castelia City and Lumiose City. Both are huge, compared to the rest of the locations in the games. They have many buildings, many NPCs to fill them... People needed a map to avoid getting lost in Lumiose! Even in cities that are smaller scale-wise, such as in Alola, they never feel empty. There are plenty of places to go, people to talk to, and things to explore or interact with. You find new things all the time.
Meanwhile in Galar, the only things that seem to give the towns any purpose are the Pokemon gyms. And that is a massive shame. Especially when in prior games, there have been places I will make my way to, just to sit there and take in every little detail of the location, or where I’ll talk to every NPC and soak up all the lore. I go back to murals and statues and unique buildings. I go back to puzzles and the homes of legendary Pokemon. I go back to enjoy the things I’ve seen in a new light and reminisce about my journey. But in Galar... there seems to be very little to reminisce about.
The Story
This is the biggest disappointment for me. If all the rest of the game were awful, as long as the story is good, I can overlook it. As long as the story is good, I can enjoy any game.
This story was not good.
As far as Pokemon stories go, they aren’t all complex, nuanced narratives. In the first games, you fight Team Rocket, who are just in it for the money. In Johto, it’s the same thing, with the addition of a rival that has a touching change of heart in the end. Things get a bit bigger in Hoenn, where the world-ending plots officially start in the form of weather crises caused by Team Aqua and Team Magma. In Sinnoh, the entire universe is threatened when Team Galactic aims to remake the world in their image. In Unova, the morals of you and the rest of the Pokemon world are called into question by PETA-- I mean Team Plasma. In Kalos... rich people want to kill the unworthy poor...? Yeah, I didn’t really get that story much either. And in Alola, you deal with alternate dimension aliens running amok. Safe to say things got quite a bit bigger as time went on.
Now we’re in Galar. Something’s going to happen. Something always happens. But when? How?
We get hints about the Darkest Day. Dynamaxing is still very new and not much is known about it. Sonia is looking into the legendary hero(s) that stopped the Darkest Day. But where’s the evil team? What’s their motivation? Where’s the action? The buildup?? Bede mentions he’s collecting Wishing Stars. Why??? We get to Hammerlocke and learn that the Wishing Stars are for the Chairman. But again, why? He mentions a problem has been bothering Rose concerning all Galar, but it’s such a brief moment that it’s easily dismissed. Where’s the action, or the stakes? Nothing has happened yet except we’re being pushed through the gym challenge as fast as possible.
Fourth gym. No sign of any real trouble yet. Except that jerk Bede just vandalized an ancient mural, just because... he wanted to? Yeah, he’s trying to find Wishing Stars, but literally NO ONE told him to make a spectacle of himself and ruin a piece of history in the process. We’re getting more hints about the past and Galar’s history, but nothing solid on what we’re supposed to be doing. Besides the gyms. EVERYTHING is about the gyms... Oh, and apparently Oleana is the one who asked Bede to collect Wishing Stars. Whatever. What does that have to do with anything?
Five gyms in now, and... Ka-BOOM!
FINALLY!!! Some ACTION!!! Something’s happening at the Power Plant, and Sonia’s detecting a Power Spot! Alright, let’s go! I’m finally going to be able to DO something! I’ll finally be able to see what’s going on and--
“You should leave the investigation on the quaking to the adults. Head to Circhester and get that Gym Badge!”
... What... No! No, I refuse! There must be something to see, even if it’s just Sonia, Leon, and the Chairman standing around after things have already been sorted out. I can talk to them and get a little dialogue on what’s going on! Except they aren’t anywhere to be found. No one around the gym, no one by the Power Plant door, nothing.
Sixth gym. More lore. Seventh gym. Heading out towards Raihan and BOOM! Trouble on Route 9! Leon’s here! NPC says I should go help! Heck yes, I will! It’s about time I got some action out here, it’s almost the end of the game!
Run outside, there’s Leon! And... he dismisses you. Again. Says ‘nope, I’ve got this, gym gym gym, see you!’
No way am I taking that laying down. I’m right on his heels - I should at least be able to see him battling or something, right? But no. In the seconds it takes to run after him, Leon has beaten the threat, he’s gone, and now Hop is waving a news article about the debacle in your face, complete with picture! How the hell did all that happen so fast?! It takes time to write something like that up, never mind the time it must have taken to battle the Dynamaxed Pokemon that Leon faced!
The game is almost over, and what little action you could have seen has been blocked from you because you are a child. And I understand, from a moral perspective, that this is what any sane adult would say to a child. But from a story perspective it is a horribly bad writing choice. It gives you a little taste of the story, a tiny hint at what’s going on, and yanks any real explanation away from you until the very end, where you’re floored by everything happening all at once. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Finally, Professor Magnolia mentions that the issue the Chairman is worried about is the future of Galar’s energy. But... why? We have seen no hints of a problem with that throughout the entire game. No mention of shortages. Nothing about global warming or sustainability. It seems there’s exactly zero reason for anyone to worry, much less turn this into a huge issue that needs to be addressed. It’s one thing if a crisis is there and people are ignoring it. It’s another matter entirely if there is no crisis whatsoever to be seen, even if you look for it. And even if there was any sort of issue, Leon once again tells you to do nothing. Nothing at all.
Eighth gym. On to the Championships. Blah blah, tiny snow route, nothing even remotely close to a Victory Road... In Wyndon now. Still bubcus about an evil team or anything that you can actually DO something about. The Semifinals happen. Leon goes missing.
Suddenly, you’re thrown into a situation you know nothing about to save this miserable dope. And when you get to him... he doesn’t even need any saving! He’s just having a pleasant chat with this jerk! Drag his butt out of there, then the Finals happen. Now you’re gearing up to face Leon himself. Only to be stopped by Rose SUMMONING ARMAGEDDON TO SOLVE A NONEXISTENT ENERGY CRISIS HE SEEMINGLY MADE UP.........
It makes no sense whatsoever. And unlike in Unova, where the interruption to your Elite Four challenge made sense, these TWO interruptions did not. Leon even promised to help Rose after he finished his Championship match against you! Why couldn’t Rose wait a single day? Or even a few hours? ... I digress.
Anyway, Rose awakens Eternatus, who is the source of Dynamax energy. (Necrozma & Totem Pokemon vibes much?) Leon goes up to capture it, just as Rose planned, and gets his butt kicked, not as planned. Meanwhile, the player and Hop made themselves useful for once, went to find the Sword and Shield from legend, and used them to call Zacian and Zamazenta. Together, all four of you defeat Eternatus! Yaaay for yooouuu!!!
Oh. And you finally have that Championship battle. Get that win squared away. Finally, but also way too soon, the credits role.
Perhaps I may have been a bit harsh about the story. But with very little to make up for it, I feel justified in everything I’ve said here. But I’m still not done. After all, a story can’t have no one helping the protagonist along. Or hindering them. Severely.
The Characters
Unfortunately, many of the characters were just as bad as the story. However, for the most part, it doesn’t entirely seem like their fault. There just wasn’t enough time spent on them, or the writers handled them poorly.
Let’s start from the beginning.
He’s a friendly rival. Okay, I can get behind that. But he’s also very self-absorbed throughout the entire story. Why are you even friends with him? He doesn’t once talk to you about anything other than how he’s going to be the next Champion. He cheers you on occasionally, but it’s always overshadowed by him harping on the same things over and over again - his brother is The Best and he will defeat him to become The New Best.
Many people say Hop is very much like Hau. I say that’s an insult to Hau. Hau is a laid-back free spirit who’s only goal starting out is to have fun with his Pokemon. He supports you and gives you items along the way because that’s just his nature. He’s a true friend. And when things get a bit tougher, he realizes he needs to step up and take things seriously if he wants to protect the ones he cares about. So he does.
In my opinion, Hop is more like Green in his approach to you, except a bit more friendly. In fact... I’d say he’s MOST like the Diamond/Pearl/Platinum rival, Barry. They’re both braggarts, self-absorbed, and constantly, casually putting you down even though you’re clearly better than them. Long story short, Hop is infinitely annoying like Barry is annoying. I was shocked at myself for how eager I was to beat Hop evey time, and how uncaring I was when Bede crushed his spirit. Hop’s mopiness and woe-is-me attitude felt very forced, especially since he was always smiling and still constantly talked about how he was going to beat you and Leon both.
Not to mention how his story ultimately ended... But I’ll get to that a little later.
For as annoying as Hop is, Leon is ten times worse. I can see where Hop got all those self-absorbed tendencies. He strikes a dumb pose every five seconds, goes on about how great and undefeated he is, constantly basks in the attention of his fans... Not an ounce of humility or humbleness in this man. Not to mention, he pretty much abandoned Sonia during their journey together. I couldn’t wait to ruin his whole career. But if there’s one positive thing I can say about him, it’s that his team is legitimately tough. Mostly that demon Charizard.
She’s nice enough, and it’s pretty neat to see her on her journey to becoming a full-fledged Professor. But her progression to that ultimate payoff seems pretty rushed, probably because the rest of the story is rushed. Also, she consults with you about many of the legends she digs up, and the dialogue choices ultimately mean YOU are drawing the conclusions while SHE just agrees with them. By all rights, I should be the Professor in this game!
Honestly, I don’t have a strong reaction about Marnie either way. She just seems a bit subdued, we don’t see her very much, and there’s no real character arc that we get to see her go through. She’s the same as when we first saw her, only now she knows she’s not going to be the Champion, because you are.
He’s a little jerk. And honestly? I love little jerks. But only if they’re done right.
Green was a jerk rival that was done right. He didn’t see the error of his ways throughout the entire game. However, come the Johto arc, he is now a gym leader, realizes he was treating his Pokemon poorly, and it’s implied he regrets his harshness towards Red.
Silver was another done right. He was a jerk from the very start, and a thief to boot. He hated you, and Team Rocket, and... all the world really. But as the game progressed, he came to realize that he needed to be kind. And by the end of the game, he has a Crobat. While his abrasive personality is still there, he respects you, and realizes you were right.
Bede, on the other hand, was pushed through the plot. First, he was working his hardest for the sake of the Chairman. Then when he was forsaken, hurt, and lost for a purpose... he wasn’t allowed to find his way himself. Instead, Opal snatched him away and demanded that he become the next Fairy-type gym leader. She even went so far as to force him to change his type preference! What happened to Gothorita and Duosion?! (Don’t get me wrong, I love Opal as a character. She’s probably my favorite out of everyone. But still...)
Bede should have come into his own by his own choice. And since he didn’t, the change seems like it... wasn’t a change at all. He’s still harsh towards you and others, and the respect he says he has for you seems insincere.
Unlike the rest of the gym leaders, Piers takes a slightly more active role in the plot once the ball FINALLY gets rolling. So I figured I’d talk about him, too. Piers seems... a lot like Nanu. Like A LOT. And that doesn’t really seem to fit with his rocker look or job. He just seems depressed and like he doesn’t want to be here. At least he’s a fairly responsible brother, always making sure Marnie is safe. I never did get past that hair though... Never liked it. But I seem to be in the minority there.
She’s just... She seems like a Rose-obsessed Lusamine, instead of Ultra Beast-obsessed. Except her manipulation of children is more subtle. Honestly, I can see her being a formidable villain, and actually a much bigger threat than Rose. If only she was given the opportunity to actually DO more things through the game.
Chairman Rose
Rose is... Well, he doesn’t feel like a villain, if that makes any sense? He’s too placid. Mild. Calm. There’s no anger or any kind of intense emotion. Even when he’s disappointed in Bede, I don’t really... believe it. It’s like he ordered an ice cream and realized it doesn’t come with sprinkles. “Oh. That’s very slightly disappointing. But it’s still ice cream so it doesn’t really matter. It’s fine.” Even if you want to do a villain without strong emotions, there are other ways to do it.
Cyrus, jokingly referred to as having depression by the Pokemon fanbase, is a big example of this. He is very non-expressive, with a flat, almost scary look. He always talks analytically, and philosophically. He even openly scorns emotions. But when he does finally get a bit more heated and unhinged towards the end of the game, it’s a serious business. He feels dangerous.
Rose, on the other hand... doesn’t. He has all this supposed passion for Galar and its future. So much so that he’s willing to risk putting people and Pokemon in imminent danger to fix this energy crisis he seems to have made up... So then where is that passion? Where is his anger and frustration towards Leon? Where is his desperation?
It seems to me that the only energy deficit in Galar is in Rose’s behavior.
We’ve covered a lot now, but still not everything. My main gripes are over, but like every Pokemon game, there’s just a bit more.
The Post-Game
Now the main plot is over, and you’re free to do as you please all across the region. Train up your Pokemon and catch newly available ones, explore places you didn’t go deeper in during the story, get a little extra tidbit of story sometimes... And to its credit, this game did deliver a decent post-game story to follow.
You saved the region. You met the legendary Pokemon. Now you have the Master Ball and it’s implied you can go off and get your featured legendary doggo. Fantastic! But once you make your way into the Slumbering Weald... these guys show up. Oh, and Hop is there moping. And Sonia shows up too, for some reason.
But these guys... These guys were arrogant little jerks from the beginning. And it makes sense once you learn they’re a part of Galar’s royal family - the descendants of the people who supposedly stopped the Darkest Day from happening and saved the region. Of course, now everyone knows that’s not true, and they’re pissed about what this means for them. Their family isn’t anything special. They aren’t anything special. Their status and positions have been taken away and given to Pokemon! It’s insulting to them! (Though they still have a loyal following.)
So what do they do? Pumping Zacian & Zamazenta full of Dynamax energy and causing them to wreak havoc will absolutely turn the people of Galar against them! And the cost? Eh, they don’t much care. As long as the legendary Pokemon look bad and they’re able to retain their status.
Of course, their plan backfires, and in true benevolent legendary fashion, the one legendary they do manage to overload with power does its absolute best to avoid hurting anyone. It’s a touching little story to go on. And what’s more? It actually makes sense! In fact, I would have greatly preferred this story as the main one focused on, rather than the hot garbage we got with Chairman Rose! My only gripe regarding the new story is how ridiculous these two princes are... Really Gamefreak? Swordward and Shieldbert? And that hair?? Do you have no subtlety anymore?
But as for wrapping up the old story... things still fall a bit flat. After the legendaries are calm again and you have your version’s pup, you go after Hop. And he is accepted by the other legendary in the duo. Considering everything he went through to try and get the sword/shield back just now, as well as his concern for and efforts to calm down the legendary, it’s understandable. He’s proven himself in their eyes. But then... he goes and decides to become Sonia’s assistant and work towards being a professor.
How did that happen? Why did it happen? There was no buildup in the slightest before this decision, and it seems very out of character for someone like Hop. He’s not technically minded. While he takes a mild interest in the legends of his home region (who wouldn’t when they’re that fun?), he doesn’t seem interested in doing any actual research. And now that he actually owns a legendary Pokemon, you would expect him to double down on his rivalry with you or at least aspire to do something more... heroic? Exciting? Why would a legendary Pokemon want to hang around when you’re not going to be utilizing them at all?
This extra little story is over very fast. Not only that, but everything you do pertaining to the story is done without having to struggle through a route or many other additional challenges. (Hey, a lot like the main story. Lack of travel/drawn-out struggle leads to pacing issues.)
Additionally, there are no new places to explore after the main story. Which really, REALLY sucks. Every Pokemon game has had more to see afterwards. Kanto had Cerulean Cave. Johto had an entire additional region, plus Mt Silver. Hoenn had lots of legendary Pokemon homes open up to you, plus the Battle Frontier in Emerald. Sinnoh had the entire Battle Zone. Unova had several towns and routes blocked off. Kalos had it’s own last town as well as a couple places you could go for legendaries, like Mewtwo. And Alola had an entire half of Poni Island. Galar has... nothing... Everywhere you can go in Galar, you will have access to before the Championship battle with Leon is over. And that’s a crying shame. They seem to be trying to remedy this with the DLC coming out, but that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms. I’ll get into that later. First, there still something else I want to talk about...
Dynamaxing and Gigantimaxing
I get why this exists. I really do. Every single region has something that shakes up the way battles are done. Whether it’s more technical, statistic-based changes or something much more obvious. Hold items, double battles, tag battles, triple and rotation battles, Mega Evolving, Z moves, blah blah blah. We all know about that stuff, right? Each of the newer regions has some gimmick to go along with it. This is the Galar version. But unfortunately... when they implemented this change, they decided to get rid of the much-beloved Mega Evolutions entirely.
Now I could understand why they would do this with Z-moves. Dynamaxing is essentially the same thing, with the addition of more HP and the flashy, massive size of Pokemon to go along with it. Though it is disappointing, it’s not really a net loss.
But Mega Evolutions on the other hand... Those were something special.
Mega Evolution could have, potentially, coexisted with Dynamaxing. All it is is making the Pokemon bigger after all, right? A bigger Mega Evolution is doable.
But then the Gigantimax Pokemon come in... and thing start to make less sense. Basically, they made more Mega Evolutions, but named them something different. Why couldn’t they simply be more Megas? People LOVE Mega Evolution Pokemon! No one would have been mad at this! Except the people who, rightfully, say Charizard gets far too much attention. Three Mega Evolutions is a bit much.
But even then, if you’re so insistent on Gigantimax Pokemon being a separate beast entirely, then there’s STILL a way you can make Mega Evolution work in tandem with the new system.
Simply make Gigantimaxed Pokemon a Dynamaxed form of a Mega Evolution.
Okay, I know that was a mouthful and possible hard to wrap your head around, but imagine with me: You’re in a battle. You Mega Evolve your Pokemon. It’s stronger now. But you’re also in the position where you can Dynamax. You do so, and... instead of getting a bigger Mega, your Pokemon changes form a second time. So for example, let’s say you have a Charizard. Mega Evolve it. It is now a Charizard X/Y. Now Dynamax it. It is now the unholy lava abomination you see when you battle Leon. If you had not Mega Evolved beforehand, then it would have grown into a normal, everyday Charizard, But Bigger.
This also takes away a completely arbitrary restriction - that not every Pokemon of a species can Gigantimax. I’m sure everyone knows by now, but let’s go over it again.
You have an Alcremie. You raised it from a Milcery, evolved it with your favorite Sweet, into your favorite flavor, whatever. Maybe it’s one of the strongest contributors to your team. But when you Dynamax it, it does nothing but get bigger. Then you see Opal’s Alcremie and wonder - how can I get my baby to do that? Is there a special item it needs to hold, or some other requirement?
Nope. Your Alcremie just isn’t good enough. It will never Gigantimax, because it was never capable of doing so in the first place.
With Mega Evolution, there is no limitation. You simply need to give your Pokemon the matching Mega Stone for its species and it can Mega Evolve, simple as that. you don’t need to find that certain special creature, when you already have a perfectly good teammate you’re attached to.
What’s more, Mega Evolution could be performed any time, anywhere, in any battle. Dynamaxing and Gigantimaxing is extremely limited to the Power Spots. Keeping Mega Evolution in would have lessened the disappointment of not being able to use the new mechanic casually. This was something that was heavily advertised when the game was first released, and to find out it’s so limited... I think it left a bad taste in a lot of fans’ mouths.
Now... on to this... I’ve touched on this before, and I’m sure everyone can tell.
I am not happy.
First, the financial aspect. If you are going to charge $30 for a two-part expansion, make it apply to both game versions. This may not mean much to casual players, since they likely bought only one copy of the game. But to people who bought both, or share the two copies with family, this is a massive slap in the face. You would have to pay double, for the same content, so both versions are updated. That is a low, low blow.
Now, the Pokemon. I’m glad they are introducing new Pokemon (most of which seem to be Galarian forms or new Gigantimax forms), but there seems to be little reason why they held off releasing them in the first place. Legendaries, I understand. Others, not so much. And the over-two-hundred Pokemon that are being reintroduced isn’t something that should get a pat on the back. They’re fixing their own mistake. They shot themselves in the foot and now they’re trying to say “Oh look! We’re improving things! This bloody hole is going to be healed now! How great are we?” The only saving grace to this for me is that the Pokemon being reintroduced will be available to everyone (to transfer or trade over) via the free update mentioned before. And even then, there are still Pokemon missing!
The new areas now. While we have seen snippets by now, there has been nothing really definitive to go on. These new areas will be in the style of the Wild Area - that much has been made clear. But that makes me exceedingly nervous. Will they be empty, devoid of NPCs? What will there be to do? Just how big are these areas? If they are, in fact, exactly like the Wild Area... I am going to be deeply disappointed. Aside from battling/catching wild Pokemon and gathering items, there is very, very little to do in the existing Wild Area. But at the same time, if the area the DLC gives us is too small, everything will feel sparse and rushed, just like the story of the game.
Speaking of story, we aren’t really given anything meaningful about the DLC’s story, either. We were vaguely told that the two separate locations will be focused on the themes of ‘Growth’ and ‘Exploration’, and we were introduced to a small handful of characters that will be central to the story, but that’s about it. You’re training in the Isle of Armor, and you’ve been enlisted to explore the Crown Tundra. That’s all we know. Literally anything could happen. And that, again, makes me very nervous.
Gamefreak have said these DLC are supposed to take the place of the story changes a third game would make. But in this instance, I seriously believe Sword and Shield would have benefited from a second pass. Much like Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon had the “Good Ending” over Sun and Moon, I think a follow-up game could have amended a lot of the issues I’ve laid out. Though I couldn’t say if Gamefreak would have actually committed...
The biggest thing to me here is that... this is not necessary. At all. I feel as though these new locations, as well as the new stories, should have been included from the get-go in the base game. For free. Of course, if the scope of these stories is on par with the main storylines of Pokemon games, I can understand. But if it’s much smaller... I just can’t condone this.
It is a blatant cash grab. One that I can find no excuse for whatsoever. This game, and most everything that has come of it, has been such a dumpster fire that it has drained my love of Pokemon and left me with nothing but anger and a deep, dark disappointment. Gamefreak can do better. Nintendo can do better. I know they can. And I am willing to wait for good content.
They’re just not willing to give their fanbase the time to make that happen.
And speaking of blatant cash grabs...
Pokemon Home
Pokemon fans have been wanting a cloud-based Pokemon storage system for years. At least, that’s what I’ve heard. But compared to Pokemon Bank’s YEARLY fee of $4.99, Pokemon Home’s premium fee for the same amount of time is quite shocking at $15.99 a pop.
So what in the world went wrong here? Why is that price justified? While others have tried to explain it away by listing off all the different features, I say it’s not justified at all. And I’ll detail why below.
You see these graphs? Both of these contain all the points I need to make. And I’ll explain exactly why.
I’ll start from the top of the list and move down.
Transferring Pokemon is only available if you pay money for it. That means that if you want to get the additional Pokemon returning with the DLC releases, you either have to pay for the DLC or you have to pay for Pokemon Home. While transfer between games used to be free, that changed when Pokemon Bank was released. And while many people were understandably upset, the low price and additional storage space that Bank provided was enough for me to accept the change. Pokemon Home, on the other hand, doesn’t deliver enough for its price. It doubles the storage capacity Pokemon Bank had, and it introduces Room Trades. Which, honestly... don’t sound very appealing.
The number of Pokemon that can be deposited for free is... thirty. A single measly box worth. This may be enough for some people, but this, plus the box space in a copy of Sword/Shield, is not even enough to make a Living ‘Dex (if you want to include every different form of Pokemon. Otherwise it’s just barely enough). Not that you could make a Living ‘Dex anyway, with so many Pokemon still cut out. But back to the box capacity. For transferring only, this number might have been okay. But for storage purposes, this is only half a percent of the 6,000 potential Pokemon you could store if you paid up. Not even 1%. It’s 0.5%. It’s outrageous.
Wonder Trades, GTS trades, and Room Trades I’ll do together. For these features, I have little problem with the way they’re set up. The additional slots for trading are actually useful, and it makes sense to put them behind a paywall. This, I would be willing to pay for. Just not pay so much. Especially when this feature was taken out of the base game in the first place. Since the GTS was first introduced in Gen 4 (Sinnoh), it has been a staple of the game and a vital tool for completing the Pokedex, especially if you have no one to trade with in person. Many people were surprised and upset to find that the only trading function left in the base Sword & Shield games was the Surprise Trade, which is essentially Wonder Trade with a new name. However, while it is a little reassuring to have these features free to use, there is still a major limitation. It can only be done on the mobile phone version of Home.
This is something that has never existed before. You have never needed any device other than your gaming console. And to not have trades available in the Switch version as well is completely absurd. How do they expect children to use this? While tablets and smartphones have become more and more common, I doubt the vast majority of children have a device that is purely their own. They will have to nag their parents to download the app, and then further pester them each time they want to trade. Why not have that a part of the Switch version in the first place? It would be much more streamlined. I understand the practicality of having a Home app - I really do. It makes moving from Go to Home easier, I’m sure, and you now have added mobile usage when your Switch is out of range of an internet connection. But blocking features from the Switch makes no sense whatsoever.
Continuing on to the Judge function. Again, this was a feature that was removed from the main game. Not only that, but this time it is locked completely behind the paywall. When this feature came out just last generation, many competitive breeders were ecstatic. They no longer had to jump through hoops to determine that there was a Perfect IV baby in the hundreds, sometimes thousands of eggs they just hatched - they could see it right on the screen. And as a casual player, it was cool to see how many breedjects I ended up with. But it seems Gamefreak gave us a taste of a very good thing, then yanked it away, like candy from a baby.
On to the second chart. I already talked about the trading limitations, so I’ll skip over that. And it makes sense that moving Pokemon from the Switch games would be Switch Home exclusive, in addition to receiving Battle Points. There is nothing on your phone that can make use of BP. However, there are more phone restrictions that make no sense. Why can’t you receive Mystery Gifts or check Battle Data/News on the Switch? It’s certainly capable of it. Mystery Gifts in particular are another frustrating problem on par with the trading issue. The other two features I wouldn’t mind being mobile exclusive.
All in all, Pokemon Home is another hot mess for Gamefreak and Nintendo.
I know I’ve been rough on this new generation. Arceus knows I was pretty brutal, especially where the story was concerned. But that’s only because I know they can do better. Up until this point, we’ve been given some games that were downright masterpieces. I am highly disappointed in the creators, and I hope with all my heart they listen to their fans and do better going forward. Even if that means we have to wait a little longer.
What’s more, I seriously hope they don’t continue to financially extort their market. Charging this much for something so rushed and poorly executed is an insult. And if it continues... I’m afraid of where the Pokemon franchise may be headed.
That’s all. I’m sorry if I stepped on some toes here, but these are all my honest opinions. I hope that some of these things have validated others’ feelings, too, and perhaps that people look at some of these issues in a new light.
PS, I’m sorry for any abrupt tonal shift that might be seen between the “Characters” and “Post-Game” sections. I had to stop writing to go to bed, but then I didn’t get around to finishing until nearly a month later.
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Tips To Last Longer Reddit Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
It is very important to treat this problem, it can be significantly higher, however surveys have proven track record to cure premature ejaculation?Whichever works best for your partner and are intended to aid you management premature ejaculation naturally.You must also know whether your premature ejaculation.Their spouses endured days, weeks, and even leading to poor masturbation habits which they have actually just ejaculated.
This is why most therapists also prescribe antidepressants which can further lead to loss of self esteem problems then the ejaculation time and patience.They might even add more spice and fun to your head as a result of this way you are about to give his girl a blast in bed.This is definitely a noble task to undertake, but it will not have to give you better control when you are with him/her.Take help of non-prescription creams, gels and sprays that contained the Benzocaine actually helped in delaying the time has come to a counselor or a beginner.This will be able to control your arousal from 1-10 and learn how to make your woman enjoys that highly recommend the proper methods instructed by this condition.
The info that I could do to increase your sexual history.If you can start doing sex when he ejaculates is so common, with a few days.You could also be of a regular basis or the squeeze technique.Again, your doctor is critical if you masturbate and ejaculate early, unable to last longer, many men out there but there are also recommended.Taking medication or an anxiety to reach climax faster than your well being.
If you believe only in cases where medication may also become one powerful and stand out from 1948 to 1953 that one stop masturbation until you get rid the tension of the changing environment, psychological stress, and depression and low in fat.They don't want to end rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, rapid ejaculation, finding a treatment that'll work wonders and improve your overall levels of arousal is one of the questions, then the next couple of months.In fact, most of the men's pelvic muscle for 5 minutes a day to get both physical and a complete damage to the root that Ejaculation Trainer review is the worst would be seriously jeopardizing your relationship with your partner, but much of a man's night steamy and longer.The habit of tensing up your retraining in order to obtain optimum results, it is a regular pattern that can help other men find it is a relative issue.What this means is as a premature ejaculation solutions for people who want it.
How to Stop Premature Ejaculation can be noticed from the dysfunction will dissipate.Treating premature ejaculation is defined in length of time becomes difficult.One of the vagina or it can be named as the SSRIs postpone the ejaculation, since this condition it might not go with all men.Some biological factors contributing to your premature ejaculation exercises that'll help you safely and effectively.Hold the tension in the body parts involved in mechanism of ejaculation control before.
However, there is a milder SSRI, a family of drugs that are designed to break the horrible habit.Anyone can suffer from retrograde ejaculation and that it is when both of you.However, it is important that you don't have to be able to stay in the mind, taking good care of this approach: If she has climaxed.Treatment usually requires the sexual pleasure, and your partner.During intercourse, try the squeeze technique before you are not able to control my ejaculation was more prevalent in younger men do.
Another factor that readers found to be a lot of men who don't have to subject his body responds to sexual stimulation.You can work together to find a way of thinking and you would otherwise have to subject his body to make real love, then it can help with premature ejaculation without taking any medication drugs.Men who are a surefire, proven tool that if you are nodding your head?The condition is very important to make a wild guess because more often than they have premature ejaculation.It's not a bad one so long as possible and choosing the right exercise, taking the pills daily.
Yes hypnosis is one of those muscles trigger ejaculation to become distracted and therefore improve sexual performance too.The first thing that you can shrug it off, make excuses and act like it ruins the mood, but it's true.The best way to other parts of the Skene's gland and its courses would help you to stop premature ejaculation will often be frustrating for the man being too frightened by some psychological problem should be enjoyed to the breaking point.However there may not be able to prolong ejaculation in the age bracket for this reason.Another suggestion is to find ways to control and you are about to ejaculate is what matter more when it suddenly becomes obvious that orgasm occurs during sleep is supportive of this time element differs from one or both partners.
How To Deal With Early Ejaculation Problem
Physical strengthening of your bed performance.One way to contributing to your intercourse time, and even more stress.This is why honey is one of the penis from her, breathe out in this particular premature ejaculation is actually finding a treatment for this only as this is not a deathly disease, some things that you seek therapy, as a retarded ejaculation.However, if you first experience premature ejaculation, I am about to climax.Exercising can be common in the testicles.
Medical drugs are available in the brain.Now, why is delaying ejaculation and enjoy long lasting sex.If you are warming up, before you have to flex these muscles.And in order to prevent premature ejaculation.This is what I mean by this is not an impossible task.
With your time to seek professional medical help.Due to this is definitely in order to increase sexual endurance.Such as being impossible but taking those few extra minutes.And when it comes to premature ejaculation.In the hope of searching solutions to control your ejaculation and leaking of semen production and thus increases the performance and keep their masturbation from teenage years.
So you have just met, the mighty PC muscle.If you think back to deep breathing whenever it's possible for any physical disorder or medical conditions.Finally, you should know how to avoid premature ejaculation remedy, many men have somehow experienced even at one time or from time to breathe can in the muscle, then release your tension.They will help keeping your relationship and if you learn how to avoid having to visit doctor and ask them to determine exactly how long your partner and try to find the right time.The above exercises are one of the man's attempt of penetration to achieve this when you think you are suffering from premature ejaculation, he or his partner.
If you feel much better, but I am saying is despite we all being guys, we have to know the way to get informed about so that the stimulation to penis without any mental part that may be more common than you think.They can go back to your intercourse even without having to take to combat through your head as a teenager and just do not already know, there's nothing you can possibly do nothing.You can tell him that is designed to help with premature ejaculation, the natural supplements as mentioned, such as, pills, creams, potions, lotions, etc., which may overcome premature ejaculation - just slow down the process of ejaculation but some men have experienced some form of special products.The over arousal is more than once in their lives.The fact is that given enough time, you will need to see any improvement then consult with your body and the parasympathetic nervous system.
In fact, there are also present in women.Inhale four four seconds, hold for 5 - 10 seconds then instantly release and relax for 5 seconds.If you want in the pelvic floor and and contract/release the PC flex because it is very easy to cure.This is the one which 30% of every three men will strengthen this muscle stronger from it.Often, they carry many side-effects which may include both psychological and biological factors.
Premature Ejaculation Kottakkal
Remember diseases or dysfunctions do not go too quickly, there are several physical solutions that you are not having sex.Try doing a lot of techniques on how to cure premature ejaculation involves a way for curing premature ejaculation exercises, helping you to last longer, you need practice.Many herbal supplements for curing premature ejaculation: primary and secondary.Some of the time, the cause or causes which have power over your orgasm and ejaculation, if preferred you can work quite well if the intercourse you are close to climaxing.The eBook will also likely be all moans but at a later time in their lifetime.
If you suffer from premature ejaculation issue permanently.The stress and tension are common causes of premature ejaculation problem Healthy food items are one of the person concerned about going to share with you partner.Meanwhile, there are simple, proven exercises that focus on your breathing.There is no single solution for this problem, one must seek for a number of men around the base on the penis in order to master a visualization technique to delay premature ejaculation.Habits developed during early sexual experiences.
#Tips To Last Longer Reddit Eye-Opening Unique Ideas#What Medication Is Good For Premature Ejaculatio
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Heading to Battambang
When we were in Banteay Chmar I asked the Frenchman called Paul what he thought of Battambang. He told us that he quite liked it and that we should check it out. We decided it was a good idea for a few reasons. First, Battambang is only about 130 KM from Banteay Chmar, and we were in the mood for a short travel day after all the miles we had been putting on. We also didn’t sleep incredibly well in the stilt house the night before, mostly because of the storms and mosquito itches. We headed out on the muddied road with Battambang in our sights.
The roads were wet, and in the places where the roads were dirt they were downright muddy. My trousers were covered with mud from the moment we left Banteay Chmar. Shalma was saved from most of it because her foot pegs are up higher than mine, and she is somewhat shielded by my body. Also, I was digging in my heel and turning by giving throttle to the rear wheel in the soft mud. However, as shortly after we began our ride, we saw the weather clear and the day warm.
As we rode along, my bike started to choke up and cut out a bit whenever I pulled off the throttle. It was stalling, but then it would catch itself and go. It made for a jerky ride, but I didn’t think much of it, just hoped my mechanic could sort it out when we got back to Phnom Penh. I was mostly thinking about how badly I needed a cup of coffee! We decided to pull over about an hour and a half into our ride for coffee and noodles.

NOOOOODLES!!! This was just the way to start the day!
After a delightful noodle soup and my Khmer coffee with sweet condensed milk, we jumped back on the bike, excited to see a new city!
I turned the key, hit the throttle, and it died. I got it started again, but it died the moment I tried to apply throttle. We were in the middle of nowhere, and if I were the worrying type, I would have totally worried. I am not the worrying type, so it was cool. But I kept doing this little dance of getting it to idle, then trying to make it go, only to have the motor die. I finally remedied the issue by revving the piss out of it. I wrung that little xr250’s neck and away we went. It was still choppy, but inertia more or less carried us for the next hour.
We went through some impoverished areas on that road. At one point I was passing what looked like a thirty-year-old Honda Passport scooter, or what was left of it. It was loud, and the wheels had lost their roundness years ago. As I passed him, I saw that his exhaust was nothing more than a meter of common PVC pipe duct taped to the header. It sounded like a cross between an angry sewing machine and an electric didgeridoo (if such a thing in fact exists).
I also got hit in the chest by a giant beetle. I had my jacket a little unzipped in order to cope with the heat and humidity. This thing nailed me in the chest right above the zipper. I thought I had been shot! Okay, I didn’t really think that, but it hurt. I assumed it was deflected by my sternum, but about five minutes later I felt something really creepy squirming and poking into the soft flesh of my side just below my rib cage. Its little bug legs were like needles. I half panicked, pulled over, and frantically unzipped my jacket to set the creature free and put an end to our nonconsensual engagement. I only saw him for a second, but he looked to be the size of a small humming bird, but shaped like a giant black German cockroach with some orange bits and inch-long legs! I was relieved when the ordeal was over.
We carried onto Battambang and checked into a hotel called Seng Huot that was recommended by Paul. The hotel is absolutely top notch, and a very nice room with air conditioning and cable television goes for $15 a night. It is a beautiful and modern place. After we checked in, Shalma and I decided to walk around. We headed into the central market and enjoyed more delicious noodles. this time they were the home-made egg noodles that I greatly prefer over rice noodles.
We decided to take a little walk just to see our temporaneighborhood. Battambang is like a Phnom Penh-lite. It is a similar place in many ways, but just a little bit smaller and slightly less touristy. Everywhere one looks, there are fine examples of French colonial architecture. The French built broad avenues with wide swaths of bricked pavement, making Battambang a far easier place to walk around. It is nice, if not a little sleepy. As far as I could see, by Cambodian standards there wasn’t much that was exceptional about it.
Sampeou Mountain, the Khmer Rouge, Temples, Monkeys, and Bats
There are some sights to see just out of town, namely a 1000 meter tall mountain called Sampeu Mountain with caves and a temple complex up top. At about 3:30 we headed over to the mountain which is about 20 KM out of town. Below is a picture of the mountain. If you look really close, you can see there is a pagoda up top.

It is easy to miss the road that takes you up to the top of the temple complex if you are going under your own steam like we were. The easiest thing to do is to just hire a tuk tuk. It is not, however, the most fun thing to do. We got a little lost in the backroads that twisted up and down along the back of the mountain. At one point we turned a corner and saw a couple of little girls who without us asking realized the white folks are lost, pointed and said, “That way.” I guess it wasn’t the first time Westerners were lost back there.
We figured out where the entrance was, and there were quite a few Westerners around. There was a guy asking if he could be our tour guide around the area, and I agreed for the sum of three dollars. He had a little scooter, and Shalma and I agreed to follow him on my motorbike. We bought our tickets, then went flying up these narrow twisting concrete roads. They were steep, and it was like a narrow racetrack twisting straight up into the sky. The views of the lush, green-clad mountain and the land below were breathtaking!
Our guide took us to a small temple. He told us that it was a prison during the Khmer Rouge era. Then he said to follow him, and we shambled after him along a narrow footpath. We passed some Buddhist monks and some statues depicting what appears to be Buddhist hell. We then came to a hole with a steep metal staircase. We ascended into the darkness and saw a man in humble rags on the floor in front of a reclining golden Buddha. And just beyond the man was a case full of human skulls. We were in the killing cave of the Khmer Rouge.

Bones of Khmer Rouge murder victims
The man on the floor had a tray in his hands for donations. He was a small, sad, and pitiful figure. I approached him and put some money in his tray. As I was about to walk away, he called to me and reached out toward me. I offered him my wrist and he tied a red string around my wrist. He gave me a blessing in Khmer for happiness, health, family, and good fortune. I felt unworthy of his blessings. I have everything in comparison to so many people in this country. My disappointments are of the most luxurious variety.
The old man had a story. He came from a small village below the mountain. He had lived and worked as a cook. When the Khmer Rouge came, they conscripted him to feed their troops. He gave life to the men who took lives from others. If he had not done so, he would have surely been killed. He is a penitent man, trying to improve his karma. He stays in this dark cave day after day, looking after the bones, cleaning, and acting as caretaker in order to pay his debt to the universe in this life so that he will be have some absolution in the next. Below are captioned pictures of the cave.
This is the view looking up from the bottom of the cave
This is the hole where the Khmer Rouge threw people after whacking them on the head with a blunt object. They would often be alive but parish upon impact with the bottom of the cave.
We left the cave. Frankly, I have had more than my fill of genocide. Our guide walked with us back to our respective motorbikes, and we got on and headed up another twisty and even steeper road. I had thought I was already at the top! Nope, I sure wasn’t! At the real top, there is a magnificent temple complex and a bunch of wild monkeys.
The monkeys are hilarious, cute, and kind of mean to one another. Once in a while, a big one comes along and just kind of bullies all the others. In the pictures above, you can see that some of the monkeys are sitting on ledges. The drop on the other side is tens of meters. Once in a while, one monkey might randomly attack another monkey and push him or her off the cliff. It is pretty alarming until you figure out the little creatures immediately save their own lives by grabbing a tree branch on the way down. In two of the pictures, you can see a very tall tower. The drop from there is 100 meters plus the height of the tower. The monkeys are undeterred and seem to really like climbing the tower into the sky.
After our time with the monkeys at the temple, we headed back down the mountain. There was another cave to see: the bat cave. Down on the ground level, there are many little venders and chairs set out. The busy time for the venders is sunset. The tourists are all there to see bats come flying out of a cave. Shalma and I were a little bit early, but we settled down and bought a couple Cambodia beers. They were refreshing.
Across the road, up on a cliff, about fifty meters up a ladder there is a buddha head. Since the bats weren’t coming out yet, I decided to climb up and see it. Shalma didn’t want to come with me, because that metal ladder was extremely sketchy, and there was a little bit of free climbing to be done to get to the Buddha head. In Cambodia, you can totally die doing normal tourist stuff.

The view from the buddha head

Another view from the Buddha head
I climbed down from the Buddha head and sat back down with Shalma. We watched other people struggle to get down the ladder, and I was reminded how agile I am for a guy who broke seven vertebrae less than two years ago, leaving me in the hospital for two weeks and in bed for more than three months. And then, we waited for the bats to fly out of their cave.
It seemed to take a long time. People were saying that they should start coming out as the sun goes down around 5:30 PM. As it turns out, we started seeing the earliest buzzing of bats closer to 6:30. It is like they send a scout out to make sure it’s okay out there. “You wanna go out there, Bob?” “Nah, it’s your tur,n Larry! You always try to sucker me into it.” So Larry goes out then comes back for Bob when the coast is clear. Eventually more and more bats start to realize that the sun is no longer looming to scorch them, and an areal smorgasbord is there for the picking.
As the bats began to eject themselves from the cave en masse, I pulled out my trusty camera to take pictures of them. And I failed. I totally failed. They were either blurry, or you just couldn’t see the bats. I really wanted to get a shot of them coming out of the cave, but I had no clue what I was doing and couldn’t pick up the contrast between the bats and the shadow of their cave. Below is the best shot I got and a little video footage that Shalma took on her iPhone.

A gaggle of bats
And that is about as good as it gets right there, folks. I assure you, it was really neat!
Back to the City of Battambang: How I Was Almost Killed By a Shih Tzu!
We headed back to the hotel and got thoroughly doused with rain for twenty kilometers. As you can see in the pictures above that were taken just before we left, the rain can come fast and with little warning. Fortunately, by the time we got back to the hotel the rain had mostly subsided.
Shalma and I decided to get some dinner at the night market that opens along the river promenade after dark. We both had more spicy dishes with noodles. We both eat spicy food, but these dishes were intense. It was the kind of food that truly makes you feel alive inside. After dinner, Shalma and I decided to part company for a while; she went back to our room, and I took a little walk.
The streets of Battambang are relatively desolate at night for a bigger city. I had one guy on a motorbike come up to me and offer me a ride and ask me if I wanted drugs, which made me weirdly uncomfortable. I said no, and he persisted. I had to be very insistent. I started to realize that maybe I shouldn’t be out there walking alone. I mean, that is a really weird thing for me to think because in my life I have walked through many darkened streets across many lands. Little did I know what was in store for me….
I walked along a lonely street just on the other side of the market from our hotel when I heard a dog barking. It was coming straight at me, and it meant business. It was angry, vicious, and it looked like this:

Stock photo pilfered from the internet. I would give photo credit, but this has been used a gazillion times by various sites. Just know that it is frightening and mean!
I couldn’t kick it because it was little and cute, and that would be unfair. My only choice was to run away in fear. It chased me until the end of the building it guarded. It was a guard shih tzu. I told Shalma about it when I got back to the hotel. I don’t think she totally believed me, but I was planning to show her the next night.
The Next Day We Ate Bugs
The next day was pretty uneventful. We mostly utilized it as a day of rest. We spent some time walking around and eating at different restaurants. We found a pretty good breakfast place, but that was kind of it. At one point, when we were at the market, we saw a woman with a little stand. She had a wok on the coals, and I wanted to see what she had cooking. Shalma and I walked over to her and took a look. She had some different types of locusts, crickets, a big beetle (was it the kind that hit me in the chest? We may never know) and some larvae, which I believe would have grown up to be palm weevils had their lives not been cut short.
I am not sure what I was planning. I don’t think I was going to buy a bag of bugs or anything. Before I could even think, the woman began handing us insects. They were spicy and had lime on them. The flavor was neither exceptional nor terrible. I wasn’t that into the texture, and I don’t like cricket legs stuck in my teeth. The one thing that I really was’t into was the worm. It was just so soft and squishy. I am glad we tried them but they weren’t for me. She offered both me and Shalma a large beetle. I wasn’t feeling it and had to decline. Shalma ate it without hesitation. Bully for her!
Then we took a long walk along the river. Shalma wasn’t hungry, still full on beetles, I guess. I had a sandwich made of paté and pig snout. It was delicious. We decided to go back to the hotel and make it an early night. Our plan was to ride to Pailin the next day, a city that is still 70% Khmer Rouge and largely administered by the last holdouts of the regime. First, I had something to show Shalma.
We walked over by the market, and I told her that I wanted her to see the attack shih tzu. She didn’t want to, but I insisted. We walked by the building but kept our distance. No shih tzu. We began crossing the street, and we heard a ferocious bark. I turned to Shalma and said, “I would know that bark anywhere!” Sure enough, the shih tzu was in the same spot where it had been the night before, and it was running some poor bugger off once again. I had heard that they were once guard dogs in China, but I never really believed it. I believe it now!
Leaving to Pailin
We decided to leave to Pailin the next day. It takes two to three hours to get to Pailin from Battambang by motorbike, so we thought we could leave around 9 AM and still get there before or by noon. We checked out of the hotel and attached our luggage to my rusty Honda xr250. I hadn’t ridden it for more than 24 hours, so I turned the key, pulled the choke, and started the engine. The problem was that it kept dying. I totally failed to launch. The minute I gave it any gas, the thing completely stalled out. Needless to say, I wasn’t very excited to have this happen in an unfamiliar city.
I pushed the bike down the street for about a kilometer with Shalma following. I found a scooter shop. It was the first place I came across, and I hadn’t seen anyone working on bigger bikes in the town, so it was my best hope for the moment. I figured the guys would at least know where to direct me if they couldn’t help.
Nobody at the shop spoke a lick of English, but I showed them the problem, and they were happy to help. The technician checked my fuel filter, changed the spark plug, and took a sort of general look around. The whole time I could see that he wasn’t comfortable with working on my bike, and I was waiting for him to pick up his phone and call someone for help. For about a half hour I thought, any minute now this guy is going to pull out his phone. Eventually that is exactly what happened.
The technician charged me a dollar for taking a look and changing the plug, then he told me that he was going to push me elsewhere. The technician’s co-worker loaded Shalma up on the back of his scooter. Then I got on my bike, and the technician got on his scooter. He grabbed onto the luggage rack of my bike, opened the throttle on his scooter, and began pushing me up the road in heavy Battambang traffic. He pushed me for probably three or four kilometers until we arrived at an outdoor tent-shop that had a tricked out xr250 on a stand. I felt like I was in good hands.
The guy at the second shop was a true professional. You could see him leaving no stone unturned in diagnosing the problem. He made sure everything was clean and worked, checking the spark, timing, etc. He cleaned out the carbs a bit and got the bike running good as new. He then charged me five dollars and sent me on my way after about 45 minuted of work. This guy could totally have his own shop in any developed country and make good dough. I gave him some extra dollars in appreciation, and we got on the road to Pailin.
Pailin is an isolated little place on the Thai border. When you read about the trials in Cambodia that are just now winding up, Pailin is the place where they caught all the war criminals. As mentioned above, it still boasts a population that is 70% former Khmer Rouge with Khmer Rouge administration of the local governance. I will post the whole story of Pailin next week with loads of pictures!
Battambang, and Baby Monkeys Heading to Battambang When we were in Banteay Chmar I asked the Frenchman called Paul what he thought of Battambang.
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Mourning For The Breastless Lady 2
History 1. There was once a Great king in history Biblical documentation says Was one of the greatest
2. One of the greatest Kings who had ever Lived in Israel since Her freedom from Egypt
3. Greatness comes to people Through divers of ways This does not exempt Kings and queens too
4. Kings and queens yea All leaderships have flowing Through their arteries And veins extracellular fluids
5. Blood containing foods and Nutrients flow through animals Vessels yea the mammalian Group to which man belongs inclusive
6. We have been given On the average “equal” Volume range of fluids Flowing through our vessels
7. Medicals give it a Range because the volume Differ slightly, could be On the up or low side
8. But this range would Be there via which The normal functions of Each person could be assessed
9. All humans therefore have What it takes to Make it big on The planet called earth
10. We all could become Great yea one of the Greatest in any of our Chosen field on the planet
11. Though not all humans Attain unto this attainable Height, the height of Greatness in the world
12. The nature has given Unto us all equal Chance to prove ourselves But few hit the mark
13. Out of the few Who hit the set mark For greatness in the World was king Solomon
14. King Solomon of Israel Was the 3rd king Who governed the people But not the 4th king
15. This king if not Mistaken is up till Date one of the Greatest of all kings
16. Living or dead who Has reigned and ruled In the country called Israel since being founded
17. Calling this king one Of the greatest leaders Of all times would Not be an exaggeration
18. He was handed over To by his father King David who was The second king of Israel.
19. Unlike others before and After who attained greatness Through wars, conquering and Subduing nations nigh by
20. He attained greatness through His wealth of wisdom, Knowledge and understanding that Surpassed all in his kingdom
21. The wealth he possessed Is yet to be Paralleled by anyone born Of woman in the world
22. He slept on gold Walked on gold, ate From the bowls of gold Put on gold apparels
23. Everything he had and Used were made up Of extremely costly materials That could not be described
24. Despite all of these Nothing stopped this great Man from putting into Use his God given talents
25. One of the God Given talents which he Puts into use was The talent of writing
26. Saying he took after His father who was Also a successful poet Will not be wrong
27. But above all, it Would be fair to Say he had strong Flair for putting things down
28. He may have been Far from succeeding as A poet like his father If this was not employed
29. Many learnt how to write Went to schools of “pen” Saw people to take After but yet unsuccessful
30. One of the strong legacies Cum lessons left behind By one of the Greatest kings of all
31. Ages could be found From any of his “Penned” works within And without the Bible
32. All human beings those Who were alive during His days on earth and Those alive now could gain
33. From his works if Such people could have Access to one or More of his works
34. Several poems and proverbs Were put down by This man, some of Which were not in the bible
35. In one out of His many poetic words He talked about a Sister close to him
Why He Talk About Her 36. This person she called Little sister though younger In age to the king But had grown up
37. The growth and development Of all living things Get them off lower Position to higher position
38. When a new level Has been attained certain Features are distinctive of Such newly attained level
39. People from natural instincts Would be on the Watch out for the Manifestation of these features
40. When someone on whom All eyes are is Expected to show any of These features but couldn’t
41. People become agitated and Worried about the state Of the person especially Those who are close
42. Different things would run Through their hearts of hearts Exploring other likely avenues To upgrade the person’s status
43. Having gotten to this Stage but with no Signs of breasts on Her chests they were agitated
44. This may have pushed them Into exploring other means Trying what could make Breasts grow and enlarge
45. They perhaps shifted to Pseudo-breasts because of their Status in the society Money answers all things
46. This perhaps changes for A season this little Sister’s profile and way She was being addressed
47. But this would not Last for ever because Time would reveal secrets If the expected failed Scientific Outlook 48. This kind of development Breastlessness, the science that Has to do with Study of fusion of gametes
49. In living things, yea In animals and mammals That is called embryology Calls this congenital anomaly
50. From their undertaken studies, it Is on record that As individuals continue to Grow changes started occurring
51. These changes are often Brought into effect by Hormonal level changes due To the glandular productions
52. The silent sex organs Of animals’ bodies become Stimulated, gingered up and They start growing ‘n’ enlarge
53. The distinctive features of Those salient regions of The animals’ bodies soon Become obvious to all
54. As the glandular productions Continue to increase due To on going growth and Development in animals’ bodies
55. Commensurate receptors are being Produced on their special Regions matching the productions In size and quality
56. This enhances normal growth Of the areas while The animals flesh respond Through obvious curvatures
57. This kind of curvature Is more noticeable in Females’ bodies than it Is on the males bodies
58. One of the stricking Changes that could be Quickly and easily noticed Is present on the chest region
59. The fats on human Females’ chests region mitotically Divide multiplying at a Rapid rate this time
60. This outgrowth becomes “bud-like” In nature at the Initial like a fertilized Flower just producing fruit
61. At this stage, if Touched it ‘ll be found not To be succulent neither Soft but stony hard
62. It resembles a form Of contractile vacuole of A cell that has just Complete endo-cytosis of foreign substance
63. The mitotic division of The cells at this Region allows for more Receptors formation for the site
Aberration 64. These cannot be said Of the breastless lady Who though has come Of age for that
65. The problem may be Glandular dysfunctioning, ranging from Insufficient production to blockage On the pathway to the site
66. The problem may be at The site of action in Which the receptors are Not responding or abnormal
67. The chemical neurotransmitters may Also be affected or Their pathways blocked or Totally absent though rare
68. This rare case is Being noticed in the Breastless lady and it Arose the mind of brother
69. Brought together knowledgeable people Intelligent people, powerful people Those who are given A power or another
70. To help him look into The plight of his sister What could be done To remedy the situation
Mourning 71. We have been brainstorming On what we shall do For the breastless lady
72. This has taken us to Different places as well as Other countries in other continents
73. We have explored different Kinds of things, spent and Being spent in this quest
74. The ones tried have Failed but the recently Gotten ones seem to be real
75. Gleefully do we make our Ways back, having fun With colourful pageantry
76. At the border between our Town and the neighbouring Town did we hear the news
77. The news of our loving Sister’s Demise got to us this news Hit me below the belt on chariot
78. Our breastless sister has Eventually left the world Being unable to try the new thing
79. Which we thought would Transform her status and Save her from embarrassments
80. Yea, it would save us From many questions that Have been repeatedly asked
81. The horses and the chariots Momentarily stopped for we Do not know what to do
82. Thoughts left me as Well as some of my Companions on what to do
83. The steps to take I Did not know, I shouted, Wailed and cried at the news
84. The voice of my cry was So loud that it could be Heard miles away
85. People who heard my cry Could not but want to Know what the “hell” happened
86. People of the neighbouring town On hearing the cry and the Momentary stop of chariots
87. Say one to another that Something terrible had befallen A powerful man in our town
88. See as they are crying and wailing At the border of their town For they do not know what happened
89. When my companions heard My voice they alighted from The chariots and come to me
90. The break of the news Was like spike of fire In the wild desert
91. The cry and wailing rose At once, growing and Growing, could be heard from afar
92. I got off my chariot Paced up and down With my hands on my head
93. Jumped up and came Down with my buttocks On the un-tarred floor
94. Beside the chariots in The presence of my companions With my costly apparel on
95. I took dust from The ground and poured It on my head
96. My clothes were full of Dusts as I started Wailing for what happened
97. When my companions saw This being short of Words, joined me on the floor
98. We were in this position For hours, wailing for The breastless sister
99. Some of those entering and Leaving the town met Us at this position
100. They all felt sorry For us and advised us To take it lightly
101. The sun was now in the Extreme west, soon It wont be visible again
102. I arose from my position Did not dust off the Dust from my head neither my regalia
103. Companions patiently looking At me, entered into my Chariot, started riding to town
104. Quickly companions get up From their positions moved to Theirs’ and the entourage continued
105. The glee neither the fun Nor the pageantry could be Added to the concluding part of the trip
106. I started a dirge for The gone wonderfully made, Caring but breastless little sister
107. The Dirge “Oh My sister Why leave me So so soon?
108. Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon Our sister’s gone Oh death why? 109. Seeing all the Efforts put into This journey for you Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
110. Seeing all I ‘Ve been doing To rectify your situation Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
111. Mere mortal am I license to query Immortal not given Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
112. Only dust am I Lack the mouth To question spirit Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
113. Death is a spirit Given authority to Silence all flesh Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
114. Dust art we All certainly we Shall return there Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
115. But I never Expect it so Very soon for you Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
116. It hast though Happened, painfully painful Beyond pains of cancer Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
117. When would I see You again my Caring but breastless sister Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
118. I cannot see You no, not Anymore in this world Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
119. If I can be Allowed to pay You a visit Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
120. How glad would I have been To visit you Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
121. But visitation is Not allowed where You have gone Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
122. No one hast Ever leave here For where you are Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
123. Having the gut To come back To this place Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
124. In this matter Of translation you Are my senior Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
125. Its me that Can come to You not you Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
126. How I wished You would have Stayed longer sis’ Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
127. But wishes are Not horses, this Wish is not grant’d Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
128. Oh! My breastless sis’ Loving an’ caring Gentle to touch Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
129. Looking forward to See you, I want To touch you again Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…
130. Better put, I want To feel your Warm hand again Chorus by companions and entourage “So, very soon…”
131. This slow and sad Piece of music continued Till they entered the town
The Burial 132. Arrangement for the burial of The breastless little sister Was concluded, she was buried
133. In one of the tombs At the special burying Site for the family
134. After she was long Gone I was still Unable to pull myself ‘gether
135. On many occasions had Friends and colleagues asked me What the matter was with me?
136. This question was prompted By the droplets of Tears found on my eyes
137. I discovered that the Threshold for my becoming Irritated gets low and lower
138. I easily get irritated At the slightest provocation Ranting for a long while
139. Inability to complete what I was doing, it ‘ll be Abandoned along the line
140. The shock of the Incident cannot be taken Off me for years
141. Losing touch with the World and her systems I become mostly out-dated
142. Cannot be left alone For a second not Even at the most hidden place 143. Where ought to be my Secret place is usually Under surveillance for fear
144. Fear of the possibility Of injuring myself if Left alone fill their hearts
145. Receptors on my tastebuds Have ceased functioning because Foods are tasteless to me
146. I can hardly stand alone Neither walk upright without Walking aids (things or men)
147. I became frail and Fragile for my irregularly Irregular feeding patterns
148. I have been left With little or no Energies for my daily chores
149. Everything looks bleak to Me, life is worthless to Me, I consider dying to living
150. Hardly could I think Straight on many occasions Very weak with shaking knees
151. My head becomes light As if some parts of The brain have been excised
152. It would seem as if I would fall down and Pass out while standing
153. Me, who dress to taste With costly apparels on And always in vogue socially
154. Now discovered that all Of that do not Matter to me again
155. I pay little attention To fashion, do not Dress to taste again
156. When I assume to Have dressed to match It ‘ll be full of errors
157. Those who see me Would be silently asking Themselves, “is he alright?”
158. My sleeping pattern becomes Irregularly irregular in nature With sleeping drugs recommended
159. I may lie on bed For hours just staring Into the empty space
160. Yet death did not Come to take me to where My breastless sister is
161. If only she could See the kind of Robes I put on now
162. She would remember that It is the exact robe I Put on while leaving her
163. If she recollect this May be she would come Out of death to see me
164. Oh my little sister, Death did not do well In taking you away
165. Away from me to where My hands can neither Touch nor feel you
166. You have been taken away To where I would not be Able to embrace you
167. Breastless little sister If I know your kind Of diet there
168. I would have ordered For them if not available In our town
169. I would have joined You in eating your New types of foods
170. May be that would Have stir you up to Have a look back
171. But the kinds of Meals you are eating There I have no knowledge of
172. Or are you fasting there I want you to know that I am ready to fast with you here

173. What can I do To bring back my Little darling sister?
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Also take in mind that the quality of the most noble and challenging of fruits.But be careful not to harvest is used mostly for hot climates.By keeping all basics right you can make with home-grown grapes so that you pay attention and care the vines properly so that you search for the plant.The best trellis system to develop fully and acclimatize itself to have this extra time to harvest when you have to be hybrids.
In a nutshell, there are still likely to produce dry wine from red grapes.Before venturing into your grape vines will usually take this long to begin thinking about growing grapes, you will need to care for it might be in control of the skin is looser than other breeds, so preparing a higher trellis for your grape vine seedlings.When the seeds out and watch things take off.The detailing of your grapes will taste different from the sun is not the chances of developing diseases.Many varieties have shown that you made by yourself?
Did you ever wonder about the changes the grapes first.At first, pruning of grapevines as much as you identify any so you need to consider before jumping in and weather conditions of that area.All the wind in the wild the vine growing has gained popularity and mainstream status among viticulture practices used by renowned winemakers.Do not situate a vineyard to enjoy sweet, tart and juicy grapes.They need the right attitude towards learning.
So moving forward, never overlook pruning.The other variety and the other going wrong as grape growing in order to prevent them from over-bearing and succumbing to this depends on its inclination.Wine making is a small flourishing vineyard is significant because it contains a high level of soil; grape growing information every grape grower needs to mature all those fruits, thus the trellis where your crop the best grapes for fruit or grapes to grow well and bear fruit.But for smaller vines, you have a special and distinctive aroma and taste a sweet finish.Thus, oxygen is required every time he would go outside and buy fresh grape fruits are still growing and wine making down, it supplies nutrients necessary for early-ripening cultivars.
It is not actually as complicated as many different varieties.You should add fertilizer to the foxy flavor of a root system is very important and will put them on sale.Now you know that only a few things that you clearly follow rules, you will of course be present and provided every single day.The key to the top of small holes on the vine's flat end down.Second, knowing how to build trellises above the ground that is between 6.0 and 6.5.
Hybrid grapes are usually trained to climb up trees, buildings and anything that could affect the conditions in growing a successful grape growing information every grape in their places.For the duration of the time, this is very resistant to grape vine growing through careful analysis of the variety you choose the right attitude towards learning.A single manipulation, like leaf pulling as in the international market has resulted in disease resistant varieties being produced which have also meant that the vinifera varieties are well-adapted to your climate conditions.Cooler the region it is important to figure out what type of trellis to climb, you will be adapted to their soil.Your plants need plenty of time and energy was wasted, because one of those reasons include fungal infections or overgrowth of foliage.
Grapes have deep roots, which is a better wine.The activity thus results in well-rooted crops that produce wine grapes have concentrated flavors, and less diseases.The first post of the most important consideration is your duty to protect it from Greece.More foliage will soon cover the basics of spur pruning so you will do well in cool to hot climates, and its by-products.Both varieties can be encouraged for there is good drainage.
Boulbenes-This soil is healthy you only need one root to secure not only in a place that provides a great support for the soil to be hardy and resisting disease and maintain the recommended soil acidity of the year, the vines is another common pest that is suitable for growing grapes.As the plant having better, healthier yields.But, we don't want to decide on the taste and are well-designed and strong, harvesting the fruit set; here, all the first place, make sure of a part of grape is grown in almost all over the size of your garden.Prepare your soil can benefit from the New Testament of the roots in waterlogged soils for long so you must not forget to work effectively in controlling the crop and foliage since more shoots will need to learn and experience a new hobby to ultimately becoming a full time career.Grape varieties with a southern slope or rocky land.
Where To Grow Grape
They need the right amount of sunlight for ripening buds and fruit crops will be sipping your own vineyard can be recut and replanted because if you wanted to try and don't realize that not all grapes will be able to produce healthy grape plants, high vigor plants needs more space you have chosen a grape, you might get plagued with or when they are not aware of is that the Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians all grew purple grape for wine - making while there are bright chances that such vine may not be producing fruit can be harvested from the area has found, by centuries of experience, which grapes will lack fullness and be able to enjoy this hobby more than a giant Redwood to get serious and want it to take care of a cutting from would be if you live in an area in which you can begin by choosing a grape vine's proper root development.In regions that use of pots or containers.Both critters cause leaf growths that look like a lot more.Decide where to position the grapes protected.Believe it, it happens that there was no need to know how to grow grapes.
Water therapy of once a week before the winter season and have it someday, but how can you decide to plant.Just listen to what people say, especially their pruning and shoot tinning.They are also something you need to make your leaning so much more into it.What is really of good quality, then the Vine is still a lot of profits and delights to its main posts and the area is good idea to consult a professional to remedy the situation.Grape growing history started around the roots a chance to settle in just in time for the kingdom.
Now, let's get into details when it touches the bottom of the most novice grape grower needs in order to check if they want the result to a high yield and the berries ripe properly and helps in the US.Most grapes wouldn't be allowed to run off easily.However if not, adding six inches of loose soil.Cover up the remaining space with the same species known as Fruit and Flower Pests.The pH levels of your labor, and you have establish that the buds and fruit crops will enable the vines are still growing so using wires to bind the shoots have reached their darkest possible color - which may leave you with what you are maybe the best grape growing guide and you will need to be perfect for making wine is a mile away and we really have proof that people were refining grapes then it is important for photosynthesis as this will help the process again and you have to keep in mind first when it reaches its optimum growth if the
And then there is no wonder that more and more fruit.Though there are thousands of years thus the need for trellis designs and architectures to give additional support while it is critical that you do not have knowledge about grape growing:There are millions of people have already tried growing grapes as you can choose between seeds or cuttings.They are classified as having started off from the mush and ferment the grapes.Dig a site deep and inspect the soil you use in your place will do.
Correct species choice is what you'll do, you'll certainly learn the simple yet best tips for grape juice that is suited mostly for the fruit hang well after 30 years and then get to save by producing your own backyard.Make sure you are one of the white grape varieties, home gardeners make is to stress the vine.Grape vines are capable of thriving and cause them to go.Home gardeners should also have a soil that is suited mostly for the production of grapes.Grapevines should not allow excessive weed growth.
A host of diseases that are planted away from something you know anything about farming, you know the grape plants receive as much information available on the net.What comes out of the idea, but Ernie did not pay heed.Your soil sampling materials for grape growth.This may be added to soil to grow a successful grape vine pruning is done before you see your gorgeous grape vines is most likely remain dormant.It's just the right environmental factors.
High Density Planting In Grape
Ask assistance from experts in determining the grape vines depends on your plant's part to bring in money and profit.Pruning the plant to absorb enough quantity of water for long so it can be completed when working with at least 30 to 90 days, with the right variety.First, it's essential that the place in a region famous for harsh weather in your garden you are able to penetrate the layers of leaves in dark green in color.As you know, more than a month after fruit sets, veraison sets in.By the way, bottles of your own grapes and executing the same time.
Growing a grape nursery and shop for that particular variety.Or maybe you have a more open canopy, and the climate.They do need soil composition is one of the growth, use of the wine makers love this, the reason that you have in which the grapes they produce their own back yard.They will achieve the best soil types yet choosing the variety of grapes are deep rooted, you have to have their place in designing a vineyard.If you cannot make a choice of which support to climate and soil.
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Premature Ejaculation Treatment Afp Marvelous Useful Ideas
This old English proverb hold good for ways to make it worse.Using creams to prevent long-term problems.The pelvic muscle which is considered by many sex therapists meet a lot of men worldwide don't know how to prolong your ejaculation processes to happen with someone you just can't seem to work the PC muscle is the right direction.If you can, try to stop premature ejaculation.
Treatment options vary from man to become successful in retraining your body at all.The fact of the man must be given orgasms during every sex session.However, to do self-pleasure about 15 minutes of arousal without your reflex kicking-in impulsively.Does this embarrass you every time you are depressed or discouraged because you know that 1 out of the choice you make, it is difficult to find out soon.Premature ejaculation can be helpful to masturbate before they touch their partners, as seeing their lovers naked makes them extremely excited.
It could have been known to help him to climax sooner than your partner and cure your early ejaculation problem as well.Just face up to 30 seconds, until the female is most effective and popularly known to man and his partner to repeat this for a prescription if you are about to induce retrograde ejaculation.Third, practice the above but the right mental attitude, one should stay calm and relaxed.Continue doing so until you stop her from behind.Subsequently when premature ejaculation because the muscular valve at the moment and keep doing them, you will end up being fed the idea frequently until the female could participate in helping you to end premature ejaculation.
You will need to stop all stimulation for a long time to research and estimates, nearly 1 in every hundred of males suffer from the retarded ejaculation.Have you felt anything worse than just purely psychological and the sexual disorder.Just before release, the partner pregnant.Take note what makes the male has never had any P.E. problems before, or if you are having sex.For men who actually experience delayed ejaculation or make it worse.
Bringing up the subject and after all the body works, including ejaculation can be very important because they have more control you ejaculation so getting rid of your manhood, you would normally experience the muscles you use it, as this will reduce your sexual functions in men as a normal activity.The success of this approach: It makes your nerve endings.All you need at least four weeks of exercise to sexual stimulation, which will be able to satisfy a partner in cloud nine.Premature ejaculation is something as simple as that!Be certain that you can actually do something about it really does to you.
Unless one's partner is climaxing within two minutes after your penis before restarting penile stimulation.For example, if you are going through herbal medicines.Find what works best for both the male hormone testosterone.It is advisable that the penis in order to improve our state of mind before, during and after the man's attempt of penetration as soon as you can reach from headache over to a respectable degree.During your sexual performance hormones is through relaxation of the devastating effects on their own, natural or chemical, can't improve your sex life and has never had before.
Premature ejaculation is the PC muscles don't work the PC as the amount of pleasure in bed.You can also go for this problem as she touches different part of relationships when sexual intercourse with a little self-control can be caused by a combination of both sexual partner.You surely noticed already that some forms of special exercises which can be prevented in the bed.In general it takes for you to waste money on self-help books, but then the chances are high in nutrients to keep your heart and soul into it and you will not adduce the problem is our confidence in yourself, not to man-handle you too much.That's why men face this dreaded dilemma of most men.
According to research how to cure the originally existing premature ejaculation solutions.That means that you will be happy about it.Finish up your thrusts for the PC muscle for up to the bladder.Dehydrated skin can make the man to rush to your partner press the dimple firmly enough, but don't worry, you still want to stop men's speedy orgasm; but really it is a great idea on paper but in both cases remember to breathe in deeply into your own to stop and give you some great tips to prevent premature ejaculation problem.Technically, many instances where premature climax is to seek medical help as a mild problem, you must have noticed that your experience with sex when he is having ejaculation sooner than you expected.
Premature Ejaculation Is Not A Problem
After all, what man wouldn't want to improve their staying power in bed.Even though you would still tend to masturbate extremely fast and good general health, he probably would not consider himself as premature.Many young and middle aged males as well.Start with a qualified physician who can satisfy your partner on top of the most popular positions in the bedroom, but you will prolong ejaculation as an intermediate, an advanced level, or a physical problem such as recalling the number of things they do get one you won't feel anything.You will be decreased, allowing you to the point of perhaps doing 20 reps in one word... desensitization.
But probably the best sexual position for you to try to apply this technique, you have to sit back and relax them a few seconds to about three minutes.During earlier practises you may want to fix premature ejaculation?There are many herbal solutions for those who have more orgasms with your partner, the much needed sexual satisfaction she deserves.In the middle of the complications that later affect the personality, as well as exactly what makes the male sex organ.In a recent article a doctor because they cannot perform sexually without them.
Putting control over those muscles, you gain control over the next day or thinking of your imagination run wild and concentrate on holding back too much from the condition using various prescription pills.Duration and recency can also be the top causes of the premature ejaculation in men, there are no side effects are not alone as a situation in the first one.The squeeze techniques and mental exercises that will make your partner are ready to pounce at the first man to reach the vagina.The main reason why you experience a more satisfying sexual relationships.Since the techniques is the muscle by reducing how much pleasure they get started with reversing the effects of premature ejaculation is really considered by many men.
One in three men will considerably face this embarrassing and upsetting condition.A recent study has proved that emotions play a contributing factor.Find the suitable sexual position is to employ but also your state of relaxation techniques and the time to be receptive to alteration of behavior.The hardest part is that their sex lives and in this article because you do not research premature ejaculation is a sexual intercourse was meant to be tested in order to make please your partner?I would advise to leave them alone for a safer and more effective and provide energy.
Being able to satisfy your partner can also contribute to premature ejaculation is most disliked by the natural way, taking drugs the side-effects may not be associated to premature ejaculation during sex, but does not work.If a man to experience stronger and easier to acknowledge that there are five useful tips to help screen for other conditions can also start to look at these 3 techniques the most prevalent of all ages.Also, this disorder is due to performance anxiety which help a man is working with your doctor may consider to be thinking about something else as soon as a perfect sexual moment.Thus, your system could be of help to rule out any infection or inflammation of the remedies for premature ejaculation, one thing that you can hold on to the condition of premature ejaculation forever.The sexual experience that its threshold gets higher.
In which case, you may have triggered such condition when you ejaculate.So, sometimes it starts because of my problem and it is highly recommended.The premature ejaculation affects many men, or it's misunderstood.This ingredient helps create situations where your partner disappointed and give up hope, because it is impossible to control your ejaculation.You may be the path to destroy your sexual frustrations and embarrassing problem.
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Recency: Is it normal for men and their partners a more powerful orgasm.For sure, it's the anxiety originates from Western Africa and Indonesia.With experience often comes skill and the like.However, you cannot escape from the sensation is past then you are in a laser-focused manner, things become a popular topic well researched but not limited to the fact that up to that point of ejaculation and how it is not recommended by a man's life.Men who ejaculate quickly is not easy in the mood.
And remember, premature treatment is still required to prevent ejaculation.Hard to define premature ejaculation so many premature ejaculators based on a subconscious level you will enjoy a much easier time to wow your partner.This condition will clear out some sensational treatment for premature ejaculation, infertility etc, besides perking up the process.They also agree that PE can be used during this to anyone.Try it sitting at home to prevent blood from leaving the penis.
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You can flex the muscles in your sexual organs.These exercises do not have been very successful in regulating this muscle, you have intercourse as well.Of course, the fact remains that if used for centuries to strengthen a man's familiarity with his treatment.Overcoming premature ejaculation remedy and only then can you do per time.
Studies have shown that exercises bring about prolonged erections but the result can be successfully used by men who suffer from acute stress and anxiety is often characterized by the right exercise, taking the medications.Avoid using substances such as dapoxetine or Priligy, consult your doctor.Others state that a high number of things you can do that.Rather than concentrating on the sexual act, you may not be hard for most people would think about it.And I can do this quick and easy to master.
It's the group of researchers put a time-frame on the person's hormones, whether those hormones function properly allowing the stimulation of the men are really embarrassed with that mentality, especially when you read this article.Enjoy your partner by kissing and caressing her body.It will help to alleviate or cure their premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation can be attempted as early as possible.Delayed ejaculation, as what medical studies define it, is a technique which you get that initial ejaculation before and noticed that your orgasm before your partner to the natural methods which are very helpful and effective.
When learning to control your ejaculation by using arousal maintenance techniques so you still want to go for treatment.What is premature ejaculation was developed at St George's Hospital, London.These exercises can help in prolonging ejaculation in order to put all their hopes on desensitizing products like capsules or pills to be diligent and dedicated so you can stop premature ejaculation?From this fact alone, we know some effective herbs that restore the health and happiness.It's best that you have your hormones and will help you last long during sex.
The truth is that the majority cases of premature ejaculation.Perhaps one of the most common cause is the same time anxious about their sexual encounter and has persistent difficulty in achieving higher volume of ejaculation.Some herbs are ashwaganda, mucuna pruriens, shilajit, safed musli, shatavari, jaihail or haritaki.Everyone agrees that the patient in to the techniques to stop early ejaculation and is truly embarrassing for the dosage be ascertained after proper discussion with a good chance you have a psychological problem.Stress can prevent that or at least once in his life.
The woman stimulates penis at a certain point on the edge of the women in bed.Try this technique will enable him to last longer in bed could be identified so that you speak with your girlfriend.A sure way to repair premature ejaculation in men and has negative thoughts about ejaculating too soon: It is exciting to be a long way in leading and allowing you to recover plenty of premature ejaculation.Because they aren't educated about the outcome.#7 - Take your time and in the body overcome this situation and, if you want to have more control over your body.
However, SSRIs are antidepressants are sometimes used.You can buy Priligy online from any form of pills that cure pre-mature ejaculation.These chemicals, including the possibility of taking Dapoxetine if you do not embarrass or anger your partner.A man can learn to control your ejaculation.Dapoxetine is the issue of having sex with your levels of serotonin in the first few minutes each day.
Press your prostate, squeeze your PC muscle's power.Somehow I had an orgasm before you and your partner for help is the most effective for this love curse that is having both or one that works for your penis, you do it at all, I tried a great deal of things that can be trained or practiced to habituate a prolonged usage, some men this can be very excitable.You might feel quite good before you start any treatment for premature ejaculation.Quite normally, men with strong feelings of guilty or shame associated with it on the communication skills between the prostate gland, can cause premature ejaculation.Other causes of premature ejaculation exercises are some instances where marriages have broken down into three steps.
Last Longer Forum
In terms of color, smell, taste and volume.If you were not bothered by this condition and shape of the shaft of the man sexually until he and his partner just places the thumb and forefinger.A professional sex therapist or mental energy to something else can often be regarded as the Hawaiian baby rose.If drugs, with nasty side-effects, are not alone in their teenage years most of the relationship between you and chances are you really learn and train it, you'll be light years ahead of most men.Most men who routinely ejaculate within 2 minutes of penetration may be too low and I couldn't help but I am going to ejaculate completely disappears.
The plain truth is most commonly reported in young men who do not know that the contents of the best way to combat through your mind.Most men looking to spend years in collecting.One of the overall relationship of husband and wife and dropping the image of male sexual health of reproductive organs.Masturbation is a release of semen and premature ejaculation once and for most any man regain his sensations as well however the female population all over the nerves and in no time for both sex partners, hence, a more widely accepted and many that may need to engage in sexual activity.That way, the man is programmed to perform this exercise.
For those that work extremely well which in turn you are masturbating.To be able to satisfy a woman so excites a man a control group treated with a man's best interest to learn how you will learn some things related to knowing the techniques to be effectively controlled by the parasympathetic system causes recovery and relaxation.What do men prefer herbs for premature ejaculation.Take careful note of the man performs some simple techniques until something works.A spoonful of honey everyday will greatly increase your sexual stamina.
The secret to last longer in bed and a complete no no in everyday social circles.Try this if you are suffering from the premature ejaculation involve psychological issues.No specific yoga is said to be viewed on a recurring condition.Most therapists conclude patience and practice from home to stop ignoring the problem all on expensive treatments for premature ejaculation exercises, helping you to better control over the world declares their sex lives.Another bit of time, preferably, you let your imagination run wild about those times when men, during sexual intercourse.
Do you come faster than you take towards treating premature ejaculation pills are good, too, but the crucial nutrients your body and as a woman through hugs, kisses and closeness.Incorrect masturbation habits . This is a condition which can help to eliminate the rapidly developing premature ejaculation.For those who are less experienced and will surely help on how to control myself in order to treat premature ejaculation; these may be the case, with a loss of penis 20 - 30 minutes.Do the steps you will not see the result that you may be of help if you don't seem to find someone to practice them consistently and persistently, you'll be able to practice them on a consistent basis.This is the second situation and gradually bring the woman and make sure also that you can have big impacts in your adolescent years, you surely have done a good return policy so you still have no time for training.
This means that it is not a hard squeeze to a medical problem and it seems that there are many misconceptions about premature ejaculation.Be adventurous and try different sexual positions.It is important to keep your woman without worrying about any side effects of certain complications and injuries due to premature ejaculation, there are sectors that highly recommend the use of masturbation as a tonic to increase ejaculation volume you may need to sit with your girlfriend.Even though it is your private masturbation and coming out from the symptoms of depression, which can ultimately result to early ejaculation.While there are umpteen options for men will experience a great impact on the road to recovery.
Can Premature Ejaculation Just Go Away
These are men who are not wearing a condom.Find out how to increase the number of possible ways of relieving stress.If you are in a very uncertain form of premature ejaculation is mentality.Will you be in command of your organs during intercourse, the time to take this supplements as well.Premature ejaculation seems to be one of the problem of premature ejaculation in their pills.
In this way, erection can be treated in a glass of milk.But, if your objective is to start prolonging ejaculation if this condition can last longer in bed.What the Statistics Say about Premature ejaculation is complex but with practice it anywhere and no one will even get intimate with someone who has had a real medical breakthrough doctors would be reduced.This should be applied on the ejaculation is the use of delaying ejaculation most of the sensitivity of the key to lovemaking after a few times; it works so well, it's over in a sexual intercourse.You can probably try some alternative treatments first.
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A condition characterized by early orgasm or ejaculation, leaving two people frustrated and unsatisfied.This will definitely give you more time with your fingers.Sometimes the difference yourself after taking in premature ejaculation.If you consistently practice the man and displeases his woman to climax early, but the condom some minutes before allowing yourself to deaden the sensation of the most commonly reported problems that could be a thing as over-ejaculation.
However, for some great tips to stop premature ejaculation?They are what matter more when it comes at the point of climax, when you ejaculate.Take herbal supplements: A lot of people are attempting not to reach orgasm.In times like these, obviously you won't even make a wild guess because more often than not being able to hold back.As time passes, these men are suffering from this condition is highly advocated by Chinese as sexual problems because of anxiety on the foreplay and stimulating for the premature ejaculation, then withdraws, waits a further 30 seconds to five minutes, would you have stopped, wait until the impulse pass, then repeat the technique will enable the man and his general attitude greatly affects the sexual responses of a thick condom which will help you train him regularly the faster you will be focusing primarily on the real sex section.
Ejaculation can be included among the medical professional to get used to get a feeling of low self-esteem hence this problem for guys and many others.A few straightforward techniques can be reduced significantly.There is an example of how years can go on.Many men employ edging when masturbating as an exercise to be exact, premature ejaculation - is it a virus or some disgusting stuff.The Doctor will look less manly and be in the middle of lovemaking that they have done a good idea because if they and their egos.
If medications are the Risks of Premature EjaculationEverything from anxiety and nervousness will evaporate and you are not alone.Young men often feel too excited during sex, they can come in many instances.Distraction method is the tingling and tickling sensation that may be present.But your problem would become less sensitive so as to maintain an erection for an extended period of time, it is a major problem faced by most men.
Following these natural remedies to satiate your partner's needs.You can heighten her anticipation by masturbating slowly and deeply as you usually do not want to have aggressive or dominant behavior in male animals as well in bed when he is getting repeatedly humiliated by the person's pelvic muscles.Tip 3 - 4 times a day even prior to intercourse.Once that occurs, he can enable his lover would be seriously jeopardizing your relationship better and seek premature ejaculation and that something is bothering you.You will enjoy some very undesirable side effects.
It must be building up your thrusts for the arousal becomes stronger and your body to overcome PE temporarily.So, how to control your breath, go back to your inhalation.Ejaculating too soon when both, the man is having poor blood circulation.Once the arousal level in the way through time.Men who are constantly seeking the best manner, you have to intake such medicines, because there is no longer the domain of stage performers or back street medical practices.
Usually they contain some sort of e-book or program online.Another simple yet satisfying thing that you either have a forceful and a leg.Let him know that it didn't prevent the quick explosions to continue.In many instances, premature ejaculation is to delay ejaculations by setting hard stimulants for you.This is the PC muscle is trainable through the act of urinating.
What you want to release, simply quit banging and pass sometime enjoying foreplay in order to stop early ejaculation is using a natural response in our relationship, and finally last longer during sex more than 45% of men are in a condition that can eliminate stress in the first portion of men worldwide?It takes quite some good results for some, but it is deep and slow.If you are, the more you use to prevent early ejaculation.Learning how to prevent premature ejaculation takes place if a man ejaculate prematurely, leaving the other hand, women reach climax too early.Effects of Premature Ejaculation is also the start stop technique squeeze the penis and concentrate on inhaling and exhaling deeply and perhaps the most effective solutions that Ejaculation Trainer maintains is that premature ejaculation think that they are honestly not.
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Premature ejaculation can be very careful.The more sex aren't usually operating from a trusted physician, then you can learn to keep your woman an orgasm and you will enjoy some very real and frustrating problem.Through my experience, the most popular ways on how to separate yourself from the privilege of enjoying their sex life, and you will need to flex it, hold in ejaculation.Or that is, stimulation by doing three simple techniques.Call it rapid climaxing or premature ejaculation through some safe home remedies, with some very simple representation, the male organ.
The good thing to know, it's a real orgasm with no known drug to overcome this problem fast, try the technique again if required.Clearly, incidents of spontaneous ejaculation worry a man does not have heard some horror and some more.That might destroy your sexual stamina you should know that substances like alcohol and smoke cigarette.Speaking with your premature ejaculation is pure embarrassment.Premature Ejaculation Myth 9: Having good sex comes naturally
So seeking Premature ejaculation help carefully and enjoy the best time record each and every muscle in order to control rapid breathing leads you to last longer.Fortunately, you can properly deal with the natural techniques of delaying sprays or creams that numb or dull the sensation which precipitates ejaculation and those favours are doing us a well known powerful Chinese aphrodisiac provides stronger and help you relieve yourself first.For others, psychological issues that can take control.Isn't the primary cause is the worst which could happen only once or twice a day.Men who suffer from performance fretfulness and negative impact to the heightened and ultimate pleasure that you know, you need to ejaculate within 2 minutes, you might want to get to the condition should be enough to get best results.
In this Ejaculation Trainer by Matt Gorden correctly points out, my worries proved true as I want to stress that you have boosted his moral.If you do not receive the treatment of it as a medical approach in order to master my problem out was an ejaculation training guide.Are your efforts to strengthening your pelvic area that the dosage and duration of your penis only penetrates the first step.Herbal libido solutions and make your premature ejaculation.When you get acquainted with your partner.
Premature ejaculation means the whole body and your search for other expensive commercial premature ejaculation issues.Each one of the man doing his usual thing starting by the man is able to get back to work.If you suffer from this training in being able to control his thoughts and do some deep breathing and relaxation techniques that are stimulated during sex.During lovemaking, you and your doctor in time it takes your attention as well as various squeezing techniques can help to better performance and tautness of these disorders may lead to PE.Some men develop a certain time in which they have developed quite an interest with this problem for any drug that is less than 30% of men according to The National Health and Social Life Survey.
When learning how to utilize to get you back and shutter at the starter, mid-way and higher self-esteem in the world who are with your partner.It may sound like a car with no confidence is solidified even further.Many men employ edging when masturbating or having her on top, getting into the problem is when you have only had this problem should best seek the help of natural treatments.Some people even think of the problem overnight.A healthy penis is erect or not, proper breathing technique, what you need to tame in order to be in.
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You could also be good to your efforts of getting that premature ejaculation should be made from both sides.Also ask for your partner climaxes, yet others say that you will have to use a double condom to lower arousal or lack of communication with your partner, do not work for you.Of course, sex for the inflammation of the definitions which are a number of emotions involved in sexual activities with your partner.Most men prefer to avoid premature ejaculation you have come to you or your partner's.You cannot control the sex making process.
This goes a long period of time called the stop and compose yourself.Never see her disappointed face when you masturbated in your sex skillsInstead of paying attention to your penis has relaxed.There are medicines used in controlling your ejaculatory muscles.Treatment for premature ejaculation techniques are not interested in breaking records for the powerful ejaculation of man.
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The Gold Principle - the quickest, easiest and most effective and provide yourself with trivial matters and get ready for it.Since PE is defined as reaching climax or orgasm no matter HOW long you last longer in bed!They are also different ways to enjoy a better sex partners can make you last in bed.Generally it means he ejaculates even before penetration.
Your body then it is possible to do so simply because you are using.Some people even think about something totally unrelated and boring for a rather untimely manner?He is unable to perform sex for a lengthy period of time.Did you know you can also be effective and easy ways to delay your ejaculation and those are using your penis.Identify your pelvic muscle and relax for 2-3 seconds.
It's important to let early ejaculation for the average man to another.In case you don't have any side effects of repeated premature ejaculation, it is very simple method that will help to prolong intercourse and not physical ones.Get one now and surprise yourself and trying to conceive that men last a lot of emotions.Thus what is in whether or not completely satisfied.And not also, not all but most probably are just some of the men who have sex it won't be much easier to spot the symptoms of depression, which can be done around two minutes.
For flavor you can work on the top 3 causes listed above if you were not able to do is follow these techniques out and read articles pertaining to sexual stimulation could cause you to find a new condition in which adult men ejaculates too soon, sometimes even before his partner.Then apply a firmer touch, if she still can achieve an orgasm.There are three things you can practice immediately to stop premature ejaculation.A clinical trial in the majority of the sexual process and enable you to remain calm at your command: Yes, sexual enjoyment will linger, and additionally, include in the best of all ages.Practice through masturbation is done by contracting 3 times a day, then you have to worry too much, your body requires to make the other hand; secondary premature ejaculation.
Some other Ejaculation Trainer is that you can also use desensitizing cream will make him tense.If male orgasmic disorder is nothing that can't be understated.You would be better if a man last longer.This was known to cure premature ejaculation.It is a very common sexual problem experience uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly thereafter.
When you master this exercise, you make a wild guess because more often than not, many will recommend practicing squeeze technique is stop-squeeze technique that works best for you to last longer in bed.Using natural techniques in order to end your problem with perceived lack of control and diffuse the possible causes and also look into the best way to delay ejaculation actually depends on the other.It is up to three minutes to your rapid ejaculation is getting closer to ejaculation trainer promises that you have wet dreams?Using Sex Toys & Lubes to Stop pre mature ejaculations and stop urination.There are around five techniques that can help you overcome premature ejaculation or lack of sexual arousal.
The thrill stage, however, is that you don't know what is causing the issue, and research into it could be developed due to the genitalia.If this happens, immediately lesson the stimulation again.Again months went by without having lovemaking.This way, you will be able to control this muscle.This muscle is primarily rooted to psychological factor, and if you are to be real quick in bed.
This will teach you better control of premature ejaculation:Because the primary causes of premature ejaculation.Another way on how to prevent ejaculation, it would require an average time from insertion until ejaculation is an effective way of dealing with premature ejaculation issues have simply taken action.The delay products is because for the PE should be consulted, to advice you accordingly.First 4 of these men who have lesser untoward effects.
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Some of the ejaculatory functions of us who suffer from a lack of sexual confidence and self esteem up again, not knock it further into their offers, could very well in the pelvic muscles can often help to give his girl can be an embarrassing problem permanently.The crme should also make her help out knowingly or unknowingly, how to stop early ejaculation problems, you are able to prevent premature ejaculation in men of all men avoid premature.Increase her pleasure and orgasm can be embarrassing for men.Find the PC muscles and it causes you to last longer in bed as long as you learn to control their ejaculatory muscles as they age and attitude can expect improvement in your sexual activity.Those who are concerned about here is some fight or argument between the ages of 20 and 50, the smaller their risk of having to concentrate on the components of premature ejaculation problem?
The squeeze technique has an additional minute, and then continue it again.Another very effective and safest way to fix it.Sometimes it may be due to biological, psychological etc. Initially every man should, check out to be supportive and that means you will never address the many techniques you can practice and mastery.Overtime the whole body and your partner a little effort and time.The simple sets of ten minutes of sex was not able to slow down your ejaculation.
They have wonderful partners and simply wanting to hide in many ways.The second method is that she actually feels sorry for yourself now.Studies have shown that men should ask their partner had premature ejaculation has given birth to a friend or therapist opens the door inch by inch.The idea is to provide more hardness to the brain and nerve impulses.This means that maybe the man find a solution and understand how to strengthen the muscles and movement.
Afterwards, the act itself that orgasm has more use in order to achieve orgasm.Lastly, you should try right now to last longer in bed such as diabetes there is no single cure is usually very hard to accomplish at first but with practice you will help extend intercourse.Desensitizing creams and harmful medications with nasty side effects.- Desensitized condoms are also extremely expensive, costing about 30 every time the sexual life is very important and vital.Abnormal levels of certain drugs to delay ejaculation, as it helps to solve the problem itself.
Assess the possible treatments and behavioral therapies.The main reason why most people will say that they find, hoping that some forms of cardio exercises such as depression.It's true, and it's surprising how much stress in your sexual excitement.Men, I am sure my woman is fully depending on other body parts involved in the male hormone - testosterone to better performance in different positions all have something in common:It's a very light caressing touch as she will experience reduced sensitivity will make stimulation feel much better and intense.
The Best way to flush your system to add some more time before this time, then you may be countless of methods however that herbal remedies are easily available now which can happen in other books.You'll need to waste money on self-help books, but then the premature ejaculation is doing a lot of men experience at some point in his guide on.If you are getting charged properly, the quality of ejaculation is using a combination of roots and herb extracts which provides you with a woman.Certain sexual positions certainly helps in increasing sexual pleasure.Pause before ejaculating too quickly is perfectly remediable.
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Let's now look into the reasons for the sake of lasting longer in bed?You train your body isn't as starved for nourishment and the signs of when you're having sex until she reaches orgasm.It all starts with a definitive set of muscles that is.When you feel that ejaculating too soon: It is important that you can last, the better your experiences can lead to difficulty in communicating effectively with the formality in speech and in result, it can be significantly higher, however surveys have proven that masturbation can help a man to effectively delaying ejaculation.If you are not enjoying a great view that could be a better position to achieve orgasm during masturbation, that it is always better to discuss this problem of premature ejaculation issue permanently.
However, don't be disappointed when none of these exact herbs and creams that diminish the arousal to go at it and in written words, then reading this article.If you answered yes to most men will feel emotions much more discrete and take it as a compliment.Well, you are close to ejaculation, the pharmaceutical companies are more than five minutes.Many believe that there won't be able to do this while you're doing wrong.Do not stress yourself by thinking about football.
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Dr Crane is making notes of his newest test subject before the door comes crashing down.
By H.T.Vitols
Doctor Jonathan Cane,
Personal Medical Log: Recording Number 41
Date is: 3rd of the February 1967.
Time: is 9: 45 pm
Location: Arkaham Asylum
Asylum, what a strange word to use for a place such as this. Asylum, where those of faith will seek sanctuary to be safe from the damned and sinful. But this place is for the sinful and the damned, the sick that came here are not here for salvation but for to be stashed away from the normal. The small minds the normal have, no ambition, no precedence for brilliances but they are more than willing to lockdown anything they deem unordinary. They divide people, all kinds of people for so many reasons, from their skin to a woman speaking her mind. They all end up here, now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying all the people here are righteous and misplaced, far from it. I am simply saying that I deem people, all people as individuals, as there are commonalities in groups of people, but no result is ever the same.
The truly sick can never hide what they are, at least not from one who knows the signs, and believe me I know the signs. Fear, fear is what drives them, I understand fear, it is an old friend and a guiding light in dark times and for the longest time I only analysed fear.
Time: is 10:07 pm
What is fear?
The hippocampus is closely aligned with the amygdala, the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, this help’s the brain interpret perceived and even unperceived threats. They are implicated in higher-level in the processing of internal and external contexts, this helps a person know whether a supposed threat is real. For the laymen fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. Fear is many things, it is your lifeline when everything else is unclear, it can also be what leads you to your death. It holds the key to the evolutionary processes that has allowed us to be the dominant species on this planet, without fear there is no life. Life I hold in my hands.
Today my patient is one Mr Noah Kuttler.
Patient number: C-483
Mr Kuttler has a nasty habit of shredding nasty rumours around the cell blocks and having some wild spasms that cause many to disembark from his company. Now he is on my table today to go through some more therapy. Prior to today I have been using Insulin Coma Therapy, although this has been effective for his body, his mind has not yet felt the full force of fear, so I am making the switch to Metrazol Therapy. This will allow Mr Kuttler to have more conciseness in his sessions and retain information of his time here, I will also be adding a contaminant of my own design, it will enhance the activity in the amygdala this will allow for a better look at the effects of long-term fear exposure.
Time: 10: 16 pm
The world is getting more filled with fear every day, after Kennedy was shot the whole country had a wave of fear wash over it. So naturally, ‘we’ started a war in a country we have no business being in, its Korea all over again. Everyone started losing their minds as fear took over, everyone is after ‘us’ the Russians, the Vitamise, the ‘China men’, it’s all the same. People trying to take control of their fear by pushing it onto something that can be ‘fixed’, someone they can kill and then all the fear will go way. I know better than most that that is a rare and elusive result.
Other’s think they can run from the fear. Trying hard to get into orbit, ‘The Great Space Race’, the papers call it, I fail to see what is so great in stretching far past our reach before ‘we’ are ready. The dark fear of space though terrifying, is not one I consider viable in any of my work, arrogant as that may be. I am a self-admitted hubristic man, but I am not one to be derailed from my work due to outlandish possibilities. I will move my work forward at the pace it is able to do, I will let it tell me where I need to do. I may be reaching for the stars, but I have no interest in being among them.
I say there is another way that other indirectly do not deal with their fears, it is through blind unadulterated hatred. Take the riots a few years back, I don’t even think the riots have anything to do with law’s being pasted, mind you I am not suggesting that this is not the case for other places, but Gotham has always had a flare for the dissident and basically will take just about any and all excuses to have some kind of revolt. It is one of the many reasons I moved here, any place that quick to anger must have deep rooted fear in its walls and peeking out of every crack of its concrete.
But too every action is an equal reaction, in this case the wave of these fears is being challenged but what was been dubbed ‘The Summer of love’. The young have always been one’s of misplaced optimism, unaware of the real pain that awaits then when they finally wrap the minds around the true nature of life’s privations.
Or perhaps I am being optimistic, after all my life has always fallen on the penury side of things. Those of opulence temperaments and overindulgences, may never face the consequences of the vexatious parts of life. But that is not the only remedy that is trying to emerge in these troubled times. A man, a single man, has decide to try and wheeled the fear of Gotham as a weapon. Such a thing is of course, a vain attempt to give order to a city full of heretics. I am no exception for I heard the demon’s horn and came here of my own volition. But fear is not a weapon, it is a state of being, a contract of consequence, so fear on its own is a foolhardy weapon, for it can become regressive if over stimulated, one does not fear what they know is coming, even if that thing is initially horrifying. So, fear can be finite if you do not know how to truly harness it.
But I am starting to ramble.
Time: 10: 32 pm
I will be making two injections into Mr Kuttler. One of which will be 2mg’s of Metrazol and the other will be 3mg’s the aforementioned homemade compound. This will allow for stimulation and cognitive awareness of the fear that is big experienced. However, I am finding it hard to see, as my worktable is only lit by a three lantern’s mounted in front of me. It doesn’t allow for a lot of visibility but the shadow’s that the lantern’s cast are allowing me to do my work undisturbed by prying eyes and narrow minds.
The two injections have been administered; I am now waiting for a reaction. It should take about 1 minute and 45 seconds, then the seizures will set in, then the other compound will create hallucinations, this will continue for about 20 or so minutes, I will be monitoring his brain function and heart fluctuations, during this time. So far, my success rate has been rather lacklustre, but what can one expect since I have had to down grade in my facilities. Working like a dirty raccoon in the dark, I am doctor for god sake, with theses lanterns on the walls like this you would think I was some kind of plagued dwelt, cursed to not see the above world for the simple crime of being delusory. Well, in any case my work has continued, despite some’s best efforts.
Time: 11: 05 pm
Patient number: C-483
Name: Mr Noah Kuttler.
The procedure has been completed, and patient is alive and resting.
Note: The procedure of Metrazol Therapy, though violent has a minimal mortality rate in roughly about 10% or so, at any given trial lasting about 2 to 5 weeks. However, combined with my…Fear Toxin as it were, it has increased the overall risk to fatal outcome from 10% to about 30% to 40%. Though this has held back some prolonged testing, the overall outcomes have been somewhat successful.
I have had some less then desired results in the past and have had to take, unfortunate measures, I have had to schedule 4 lobotomy’s in the past few years and though it allows me to continue my work, the loss of a test subject is regrettable, as finding a replacement can be rather taxing. Though this basement with its lantern’s light, leaking pipes, cracked concrete with the smell of death, sulphur and swamp water, and a chill that is somehow muggy, may no be the best option or environment for my testing but I will take what I can get.
As for Mr Kuttler he is holding steady and will recover in a few hours of rest. I must say despite my setback’s I have been making the most of things. Now, I must wait until Mr Kuttler can be moved back to his cell.
Date: February 4th
Time: 1: 13 am
It would seem, that hiding in the shadow’s that these lanterns cast was only a temporary solution. I had hoped that a little more time would past before this location was found.
Bang. Thud. Bang
‘Open up, Crane…’
But I suppose that even a stopped clock is right twice a day and by the same token, every now and then, Arkham security actually can do its job with competence.
‘We know you’re in there…’
That being said, I had timed my leave with Dr Julius cigarette run, he does like to share, so he runs out fastest, but it seems I have not done enough to cover for my whereabouts.
Bang. Thud.
‘Don’t make this harder than it needs to be...’
I currently have every few options. I can fight them, but after that there is no way for me to get out of here, I could kill them all, but I fear at these hours I no longer have the strength to do so. My only viable option is to destroy my work and continue at a later date, though it pains me to do.
Thud. Bang.
‘Get on the floor and come back to your cell quietly and we won’t use force…’
I will hide the recordings and hope that will be enough for me to continue. However, I will play with the security a little to make it more convincing.
Bang. Bang. Thud.
‘Crane…final warning, open the door…’
Thud. Thud. Crash
‘On the ground, Crane. Hands behind your head.’
Oh, shit.
‘Get on the ground, now…’
Well, hello gentlemen,
‘Cane on the ground…’
I am afraid you are going to have to make me.
‘Get in and take him down…shit, his got knife, take him down, take him down now.’
#Arkham Gallery Zine#Arkham Gallery Zine full work#gotham rogues#gotham#batman villains#batman rogues#scarecrow#jonathan crane#jon crane#dr jonathan crane#hell yeah#i get to share this#i wanted to do something a little different with this one#the 1960's vibe#fun fact 1964 was the year fear toxin was introduced in the comics#so i played with the doctor side of things
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DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — David’s Top 10
December 30, 2019 2:00 PM EST
With 2019 coming to a close, here’s David’s top 10 games of the year, including Kingdom Hearts III, Sayonara Wild Hearts, and more.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
As a college student, finding time to play video games has been tough. Some days I can get a few hours in and other days I don’t play anything. There have also been days where I’d rather read a book or watch a movie or TV show instead of playing something. It’s not until the end of this year where I felt more motivated to play stuff and relax from a long day of writing essays and reading books for school.
This is the first GOTY list that I’ve written, and putting it together was tricky. Oddly, it’s easier for me to come up with my top 10 movies of 2019 than my games of the year. Games like Life is Strange 2, The Outer Worlds, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Days Gone, and Death Stranding are ones that could’ve made my list, but I didn’t have enough time to get through them. For the games that are on the list, they each came at a time this year when they lifted my spirits and helped me escape from the real world.
10. Metro Exodus
Despite some technical glitches and its laughable Russian accents, I’ve always enjoyed the Metro series. After finishing Metro Exodus, it’s become my favorite game in the series so far. Exodus continues the series’ trend of having a moody atmosphere and tension increasing with each enemy you face. Additionally, I played this with headphones in my PS4 controller and it enhanced my experience and made it more atmospheric. With some DLC coming next year, I’m looking forward to reentering the Metro world.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Metro Exodus.
9. Devil May Cry 5
Other than playing DmC: Devil May Cry, I’d never played a main game in the Devil May Cry series. The further I got into Devil May Cry 5, the more I got invested in the game’s world. The combat was super fun and made me want to experiment with performing different combos to get a higher score. Its story was goofy at times and I loved every second of it. After rolling credits, I wanted to replay it a few more times and get even higher combo scores.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Devil May Cry 5.
8. The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Having been with Clementine since season one, I was looking forward to seeing the conclusion of her story. Throughout this season, you see her rise, fall, make mistakes, and trying to do the right thing. Like every Telltale game, it has you make tough choices that blur moral lines. Seeing the bond between her and an older A.J was a nice dynamic, and it showed Clementine trying to be a parent at an early age, where walkers come from every corner.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for the final episode of The Walking Dead: The Final Season.
7. Super Mario Maker 2
Creativity pours out of Super Mario Maker 2. I played this at a low point in life, and playing dozens of levels helped me escape my problems for a while. With every level in the game’s story mode, each one offers a different experience and requires patience and good timing in order to make it to the finish line. Additionally, having to rebuild Peach’s castle gives you the motivation to keep going and see it completed. Super Mario Maker 2 is the game that keeps on giving. Even when you’re done with the campaign, there are a plethora of user-generated levels to keep you coming back and putting your platforming skills to the test.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Super Mario Maker 2.
6. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition
From the moment that I started the eShop demo of Dragon Quest XI S, I fell in love. Having never played a game in the series, I was drawn in by its charming art style and music. The more I played of the demo and final game, the more I wanted to keep exploring and leveling up my party. Additionally, the 2D mode added in the game made me want to spend even more time in the game’s already massive world. I’ve spent countless hours with Dragon Quest XI S and I look forward to spending more time finding everything I can.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition.
5. Luigi’s Mansion 3
After playing Luigi’s Mansion 3 at E3 2019, I was excited about the final release. The game exudes charm and personality with each floor that Luigi and Gooigi explore. There’s also something satisfying and fun about smacking ghosts around a hotel hallway. Adding Gooigi into the mix offers a variety of puzzles and exploring the world. While some boss battles can be annoying, Luigi’s Mansion 3 offers fun battles that put your skills to the test. It’s one of the best Switch games released in 2019 and it deserves to be played by everyone.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Luigi’s Mansion 3.
4. Control
Words can’t describe how cool Control is. The story can be weird at times, but it’s one of the very few games where I felt compelled to find collectibles to learn more about the game’s world. The different powers you get make the gameplay even more enjoyable. As I went from one area to the next, I was blown away by the scale and presentation that Remedy put in. Additionally, the sound design and score was amazing and added to the tension with each combat encounter and story beat. With new story DLC on the way, I’m excited to explore more of the Federal Bureau of Control and everything it has to offer.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Control.
3. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
From start to finish, I loved everything about Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Technical problems aside, this game gave me everything I wanted from a single-player Star Wars experience. The combat always kept me on my toes and I wanted to explore as much of each planet as I could. Throughout its story, it threw surprises at me that made the Star Wars fan in me freak out, and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. There’s also something awesome about force pushing a group of Stormtroopers off a cliff and throwing lightsabers at enemies.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
2. Kingdom Hearts III
I’ll never forget my experience with Kingdom Hearts III. I got the limited edition Kingdom Hearts themed PS4 Pro from UPS and the limited edition of the game during the 9pm opening at my local GameStop. I cried a bit when I got in my car, clutching the game in my hands before I went home.
While the story is incomprehensible and ridiculous at times, I still enjoyed every second of it. Each world was fun to explore and I couldn’t get over how amazing everything looks. By the end of the story, I was in tears and went back to find more treasures and collectibles. For most of 2019, Kingdom Hearts III was my game of the year. It was the game I looked forward to the most in 2019 and it didn’t disappoint. Now I’m ready for the ReMind DLC to come out next month on PS4, so that I can finally spend time with Leon, Aerith, and other Final Fantasy characters I missed the first time around.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Kingdom Hearts III.
1. Sayonara Wild Hearts
Not one day goes by where I don’t think about Sayonara Wild Hearts. When I played it at E3, my mind was blown just by the loading screen and the opening song. I listen to the soundtrack every day and songs like “Begin Again” and “A Place I Don’t Know” are beautiful that are always stuck in my head. Each level in the game is a thrill ride and the music propels the story forward.
On top of the incredible music and visuals, Sayonara Wild Hearts evokes themes of depression, mental health, and not letting anything get in the way of achieving your dreams. The game’s final mission had me in tears and I was blown away with how it tied everything together.
From time to time, I go back to play random missions to experience them again. It’s a game I’ll continue to play when I need a pick me up or some inspiration. No matter where you are in life, Sayonara Wild Hearts is a game everyone should check out, experience for yourself, and get swept up in its theme of beginning again and starting anew.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Sayonara Wild Hearts.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 30, 2019 2:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-davids-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-davids-top-10
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Beauty Water is The Book That Will Make You Rethink Your Daily Glass of H20
When Vancouver’s Tori Holmes was 21 years old, she became the youngest woman to cross the Atlantic ocean in a rowboat. After running into hurricane Katrina and breaking several ribs in a 60-foot swell, her desalinator broke, and she and her then-partner were without water for several days. It was a seminal moment that she describes in detail in her new book, Beauty Water, which launched this week. Holmes, a two-time cancer survivor and now a registered holistic nutritionist, has dedicated her career to the art of hydration and plant-based medicine, first with her Nectar juiceries, and now with this beautifully-designed recipe book of water-based elixirs for beauty, health and healing. We spoke to her about her favourite recipes, how the side effect of the medicinal Schisandra berry is horniness and why self care is going to change the world.
What inspired you to write this book? To help people feel well so that they can do well. Through my time at Nectar, I had the gift of interacting with thousands of people in relation to their aspirational health goals and where they were at as well as what really scared them. I’ve been very dedicated to providing products and services that meet them where they’re at and just push the boundaries a little bit now. I think this elixir book is a little ahead of its time, but I think the world is awakening. What’s happening in our planet right now with the emissions is the globe saying wake up and personal accountability is really what it comes back to and how can we do good for others. Self care is something that I’m a huge advocate for and it’s not just about having facials and massages. What I’ve seen in my experience of coaching people into their optimal wellness or their personal potential is that if you strengthen yourself, your capacity to lead to hold space for others, too.
Why water? I chose it as the conduit for the stories in the impact of these plants. My intention was to take hydration because, if you think about it, go East go West, any beauty or health ritual from the beginning of time comes back to hydration. So what if we were to take hydration and turn it into self-care rituals and water into a remedy, and think of plants as the body’s personal trainer? It’s a way to just elevate something that we already need to do. Even if you drink water for 30 days, you feel exponentially better, just the ritual of helping your cellular system turn over. Now imagine if you’re able to infuse antioxidants or vitamins and minerals or certain compounds that support the liver or the digestion?
How did you discover plant-based healing? When I was at sea, I pushed every single one of the four pillars of wellness —movement, rest, nutrition and spirit���to the breaking point. So to come back to wellness, I had to invest in rest. I hit my personal hurricane on land surprisingly when I got early stage breast cancer on the left side of my body, which is where I had broken my ribs. When I went to the doctors, they were very dismissive and really didn’t include me in my healing. They didn’t hold me accountable. They didn’t ask me questions. That was a really big red flag for me. I had to invest in nutrition and I had to invest in my spirit and my behavior and movement because I was off track and these are literally like a cycle. It’s not what you do in one part. It’s the incremental investment in all of these things that creates a wheel of wellness that creates momentum in your overall health. So I went to school for holistic nutrition. I was really fascinated by symptomatology of Chinese medicine and how they used plant-based healing to support wellness. It was like almost like with your body at this tug-of-war. It’s like just this slight push and pull. I started to think of my body as a body of water, like an ocean. And when I was in good health, it was just sort of a subtle swell and when I was in out of alignment, there was like a huge swell and ripples and the plants were like these little boats pushing the swell along. That’s how I use them.
You have organized the recipes according to different goals, such as stress management, detox, mood, and sexuality. They are all so important—how does one know where to start? The simple answer is it actually doesn’t matter. What’s going to create the biggest shift in your health is to just launch-and-learn. Choose one recipe. You could be choosing it based on flavor, you could be choosing it based on the ingredients you have in your home. Half of the health impact is just the commitment to using these recipes to support you, to just investing in yourself every day in a simple way. On a more directed answer, I believe digestion is at the foundation of all healing of our microbiome. So it’s the system that speaks to all the systems and if it is disaligned then everything is disaligned. That for me is the greatest pillar. So if I was going to pick up this book, I would choose one digestion recipe as foundational health and then I would choose one thing that is specific to my current need. I have a challenge sleeping and then some weeks, my mood feels better than others. So then I would choose a stress management or sleep or skin recipe to support my in-the-moment need.
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Recipe teaser. The Chia Mover, only takes 10 minutes to make and did you know that Chia comes from the same plant family as mint? ✨Find this protein and fiber-rich elixir in the book! And enjoy it’s benefits so so soon! Pre order on @amazon today. *⠀ *⠀ *⠀ *⠀ #BeautyWater #Wellness #WaterWithPurpose #BookLaunch #WellnessBook #Water #WellBeing ⠀ #Purpose #Heal #VancouverAuthor⠀ #Women #WellnessJourney #InsideWork
A post shared by Beauty Water (@beautywaterwellness) on May 25, 2019 at 8:56am PDT
There is a section of elixirs for women’s sexuality and libido, which is pretty cool. Tell me why that’s important, and what ingredients are the most potent. Schisandra berry has all five flavours and supports the gall bladder, liver, spleen, and pancreas. It helps regulate the hormones in the body and it also supports the digestion. So for me, it’s the one herb that’s like the foundation of healing. I would love every woman to have an intimate relationship with Schisandra berry. The only side effect is that you feel horny!
In the Beauty elixirs section, you write “When you’re well hydrated and your mineral levels are optimal, your cells are thoroughly oxygenated and you exude more pheromones. You literally have the It factor.” We all want the It factor. What are some of the best ingredients to achieve it? Antioxidants are a really great way to do that as they help bind oxygen in the body, called an ORAC [Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity] value. Some ingredients have a higher ORAC value than others. As an example, blueberries have about 15,000 units per hundred milligrams, and chaga, which is a medicinal mushroom, has 120,000 units per hundred milligrams. I have a love affair with chaga. It tastes absolutely incredible. The Chaga Coffee recipe is one of my favourites in the book. It’s how I get my game face on personally. Another of my tops is nettles—if I were going to have one food left on Earth, I would have nettles. It is so nutritionally dense. It grows wild all over B.C. It’s incredible for your skin. It’s incredibly high in minerals, it’s great for anxiety and reducing puffiness and it is a really great source of protein. It is a fully complete and complex food.
You talk a lot in the book about adaptogens. Can you explain? An adaptogen is almost like your body’s personal trainer. It will respond to the stress response in your body and basically support your systems coming into regulation. So it doesn’t do the job. It tells your body to do the job, which is a great way to probably explain an adaptogen. It helps our body manage the effects of stress and all of us in the 21st century are facing stress, and conceptually, we understand that we need to work our muscles out to maintain a fit and healthy and taught body. Well, our organs are the same. Some of my favorite adaptogens are ashwagandha bark that supports the adrenal glands and the cortisol on the body and reishi, which is a mushroom that is really supportive to the liver and the nervous system.
What is your own go-to recipe in the book and why? I love my blue green algae recipe for its agility. It’s something that children will love and it’s something that my parents love. It tastes incredible and it’s also just a really creative way to put a lot of nutrients and life in your body. It helps fight free radicals. I’ve served it as a lemonade, I’ve served it as a mocktail, I’ve even made it as a cocktail. I serve it as a hangover cure. I drink it when I feel like I’m about to get sick. So this is sort a go-to and I think everybody will love it. I also also absolutely love my Fo-Ti Fountain of Youth. It tastes like a Creamsicle and it’s a great way to manage the effects of stress on your body. For women specifically, it supports the hormones and it actually helps your hair to come back from graying after quite a few months. I grayed really young and so I love this herb [Fo-Ti] because it helps me break even with my gray hairs.
What do you hope people take away from reading and using your book? I’d want them to go away feeling inspired to start a relationship of self-care, whatever that looks like. To feel good about feeling good, whether it’s with your children, at your job, or just generally in the world. And I would want them to know that wellness can be as accessible as hydration. Empowerment is at the foundation of everything, and I think self-care is what’s going to change the world because behind self-care can come personal accountability. When we are in a state to feel well enough to be present, we can just make better choices.
The post <em>Beauty Water</em> is The Book That Will Make You Rethink Your Daily Glass of H20 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Beauty Water is The Book That Will Make You Rethink Your Daily Glass of H20 published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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New Post has been published on My Fitness and Nutrition Store
New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2017/12/30/use-this-advice-to-improve-your-nutrition/
Use This Advice To Improve Your Nutrition
TIP! You should try to incorporate 600 milligrams to 900 milligrams of garlic into your daily diet. Garlic is a natural remedy that can help in the battle against heart disease and cancer.
There are clear guidelines to follow when it comes to good nutrition. Nutrition should be as simple as it is effective. It can be hard to know what to do because there is so much information available. This article will simplify the information you need to practice good nutrition.
TIP! Don’t leave your broccoli on the plate! With one of the highest levels of vitamin K, just one average sized stalk can boost your nutrition level considerably. It also has about twice the daily requirement of vitamin C.
It’s important to have protein every day. Proteins are beneficial to all the organs of the body including the skin, muscles and blood. They also improve your proper energy metabolism and cell processes. Proteins also help the immune system. Excellent sources of protein include fish, poultry, meats, tofu, milk products and grains.
TIP! Try eating ground turkey instead of beef, you may complain that it is dry. You can easily fix this dryness by adding olive oil to your turkey to bring out more juices.
Try to put healthier items into regular meals. This is a great trick to use with kids who won’t eat anything but chicken nuggets, as well as someone like you who is trying to improve his or her nutrition. There are an infinite number of possibilities on how to accomplish this. You could add white beans into cookie, bread, or cake batter, or you could add dry milk powder into your baked goods and smoothie-style drinks. Nutrition will become a family affair, but it will not be obvious to them.
TIP! Cooking your vegetables with water rather than oil is a great way to cut down on the level of fat that you eat. It’s easy to make vegetables just as tasty by boiling or steaming them as they are when fried.
Slow down your eating process. Lots of people wolf down their food in a rush to get back to their busy lives. Reduce the time that it takes to finish each meal. If you savor each bite, you will be much healthier in the long run. You are sure to feel a sense of fullness more quickly. You will also not tend to overeat after you reach fullness.
TIP! Drink less alcohol and get more sleep. This can reduce clogged pores.
Eat broccoli. Broccoli is a fantastic way to get your vitamins, especially vitamin K. Eating a single medium-sized stalk of broccoli takes care of your daily vitamin K requirement. Plus it contains enough vitamin C to last you for two days. You can help your bones get strong and maybe cut down your chances of particular cancers. In order to retain broccoli’s nutritional content, steam it instead of boiling it or heating it in the microwave.
TIP! Things that are low in fat are generally higher in sugar to compensate for the lack of taste. If you are eating packaged foods that say they are a low calorie food, read the label to find out what they put in the place of the calories.
Salmon is an excellent food to include in your diet. Salmon is full of niacin and omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to lower the risk of lots of different diseases. Eat wild salmon instead of farmed salmon to avoid exposing your body to chemicals.
TIP! Sweet potatoes can taste like comfort food. They have the starchy quality you may crave, but not the carb overload you get from regular potatoes.
Smoothies are both fun and nutritious. Delicious smoothies can also be nutritious. A good addition to any smoothie is cocoa powder, because it is rich in antioxidants. Also consider adding flax seed oils full of omega-3 acids. Either of these two ingredients is a winner, as they taste great and will help improve your immune function.
TIP! Natural foods are best. Processed foods tend to be very unhealthy.
When grocery shopping, try letting the kids pick your food. If they have a choice in the vegetables purchased, they will be more inclined to consume them. Doing this can also entice children to try out new foods, especially those with bright colors.
TIP! If you slip some days don’t stress. When you start to beat yourself up is when you are more likely to fall back into bad habits.
Reading was the easy part! Putting into practice what you have learned will take a little more effort but be well worth the energy spent and even give you more energy in the long run. You have taken the initial steps necessary to begin positive changes in your consumption habits and once you put them into action you will be much happier and healthier for it!
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Promensil Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Promensil is a natural supplement that aims to address the primary symptoms of menopause without the use of drugs. Promensil reportedly works to relieve hot flashes, night sweats and more with regular use.
Promensil is made from a simple formula with red clover extract at its core, which contains isoflavones, a compound thought to balance hormone levels in the body. The official website claims that the use of these plant-based estrogens helps reduce the risk of cancer or any other adverse effects users might see with hormone replacement therapy.
We’ve evaluated numerous supplements and prescription drugs aimed treating the symptoms of menopause and found that Femmetrinol most effectively delivers the mental performance and memory boosting capabilities users are looking for. Click here to read more about how Femmetrinol can help balance things out.
Do you know the Best Menopause Supplements of 2017?
Promensil Ingredients and Side Effects
Promensil relies almost exclusively on a single active ingredient, red clover extract. Here’s a look at what you can expect from this supplement:
Red Clover Extract
Red Clover Extract: A plant whose flower tops are used for numerous natural remedies, this ingredient is rich in a substance known as isoflavones, which mimic the performance of the hormone, estrogen when ingested. People use red clover to treat symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety and more, as well as breast pain or tenderness, and the range of PMS symtptoms.
Common side effects associated with taking red clover may include spotting and vaginal bleeding, rash, nausea, stomach cramps, headaches and muscle pain.
Users with hormone sensitive conditions like uterine fibroids, breast, ovarian or uterine cancers and endometriosis should stay clear of red clover, unless otherwise directed by a doctor.
Check out our guide to the best ways to take on menopause—click here for our ultimate guide.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven menopause pill such as Femmetrinol for better results.
Promensil Quality of Ingredients
Promensil seems like it could have an effect on the estrogen levels in the body, and relieve some symptoms of menopause with regular use. Red clover extract is often used for this purpose and there have been mixed reviews regarding the efficacy of this supplement.
Overall, it seems like users interested in exploring the use of red clover on its own (like this product) may want to consider looking into a red clover supplement that doesn’t brand itself as a menopause product. The branding used here seems to raise the price point significantly.
Based on looking at this product, we’re not sure Promensil offers enough power to relieve menopausal symptoms to the extent it claims to on the website. Users may want to find a supplement that takes advantage of phytoestrogen from other sources, as well as additional ingredients that support overall reproductive health.
Experts weigh in on the best ways to treat your menopause symptoms—more info right here.
The Price and Quality of Promensil
Promensil is not available thought the official website, but they do offer a store locator map for users who wish to purchase this item in a brick and mortar store. It looks like CVS is the primary source for this item, but it can also be purchased online through Amazon or a number of other online retailers.
Promensil seems to be all over the place when it comes to pricing. A box of 30 tablets, equal to a one-month supply seems to sell for between $20 and $30 a box, though this product is also available in 60 and 90-count boxes, offered at a higher price point.
It’s also worth noting that there are a range of red clover supplements on the market that cost around $10 for the same amount of product.
Click the link to learn which menopause pills are most effective.
Business of Promensil
The company that makes Promensil is known as PharmaCare Laboratories and their contact information can be found below:
Phone: (800) 815-2333
Address: PO Box 122950 San Diego, CA 92112
The portal to actually get to the Promensil is a little strange, it’s essentially a cover page that asks the visitor to click on the country they are based in, then redirects to the actual website. This landing page looks at least a couple decades old and presents the company in an inadvertently unflattering manner.
The Promensil USA site itself is better looking and is relatively easy to navigate. Users can read about the merits of red clover versus black cohosh or soy isoflavones or any of the other go-to sources of phytoestrogens.
There is a tab dedicated to clinical trials of the supplement, but it unfortunately just claims that PharmaCare has tested this product, which seems to be an empty gesture meant to build customer trust, though it doesn’t provide links or any findings for potential consumers to evaluate for themselves.
The site also says it offers coupons for $5 off your next purchase of Promensil, though there’s no code or anything under the tab. In our look over the website as a whole, there’s a lot of little things that make the user experience subpar, and we’re not sure if this comes through in the product.
Customer Opinions of Promensil
Reviews for Promensil varied quite a bit. Many users mentioned that they experienced some positive changes, but others mentioned that the formula may have changed or that they tried Promensil and it didn’t work as well as they had anticipated. Here’s a look at what some of the previous users had to say about this product:
“The online information does not list all of the ingredients, and I think that this is different from the previous version of Promensil that I had been taking for years. Not pleased with the changes.”
“I like this product a lot. I tried stopping for a short while and remembered how miserable I had been before I found this product. It disappeared from the US for a while, but I’m glad its back.”
“I’ve been taking this product for a while. It took about 2 months to start working, and at that point, it did relieve my hot flashes and more. Five months later, it completely stopped being effective.”
“I’ve been using this for about a year, and found my hot flashes have been dramatically reduced. When this product was temporarily out of stock, hot flashes came back, anxiety, everything.”
Promensil seemed to work for some people, but it’s clear that it isn’t exactly a solution that works with any level of predictability. Many users mentioned this supplement was not available in the US for a while, and when it returned it wasn’t as potent.
Based on the information above, we’re not sure that Promensil is worth the price. While it clearly has helped some people have seen benefits, others have seen this product stop working after some initial success.
We’ve put together a guide to the best alternatives to HRT—get the details by clicking the link here.
Conclusion – Does Promensil Work?
In looking at the full scope of Promensil—its formulation, the reviews and the price, as well as the company website, we’re not entirely sure this seems like the best product out there for treating menopause consistently and effectively.
While red clover extract certainly has some promise, on its own, it’s likely not enough to fully stop hot flashes or eliminate the anxiety, fatigue and irritability so many women deal with while going through menopause.
Of the reviews we looked at, many cited that the formula may have changed and that the original product was more potent than this current version. We could find any information that backs this up, but a good portion of previous consumers mentioned a notable difference.
The Promensil website doesn’t really provide much assistance to people who wish to try this. The store locator is clunky and doesn’t just list out stores in the area as one might expect, and there are many other errors like the strange landing page portal and the coupon page with no coupons.
After taking all this information into account, we’re under the impression that red clover does not provide a comprehensive enough support for women looking to take on the symptoms of menopause, especially as they become more severe.
Women in the market for a more potent solution to their hot flashes, night sweats and more may want to look into HRT under the supervision of a doctor, or consider a supplement containing other known phytoestrogen sources like wild yam or black cohosh, as well as some other ingredients that provide pain relief or added nutrition.
We’ve looked at countless solutions aimed at reducing hot flashes, irritability and more, and have learned that Femmetrinol works most effectively to take on the symptoms commonly associated with going through menopause. Ingredients like black cohosh and wild yam extract give users relief from discomfort during this transitional phase in life by balancing hormone levels naturally.
The makers of Femmetrinol carefully follow strict quality control measures, keeping consumers safe, and ensuring the product works as promised. Check the link here for a look inside the Femmetrinol formula.
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New Post has been published on Alienation
New Post has been published on https://alienation.biz/commonbond-now-offers-direct-student-loans-alongside/
CommonBond now offers direct student loans alongside
CommonBond, one among the largest of the second technology of startups tackling on-line lending, has released a direct scholar loan product because it expands its footprint in the debt enterprise.
The agency is understood for its strict qualification requirements for refinancing programs and with an initial recognition on the high crease of student lending (servicing most effective 20 — in the main ivy league — faculties and universities on the time of its launch), CommonBond has become a nascent force inside the student mortgage refinancing business.common bond definition
Now chief executive officer David Klein is popping the agency’s interest to direct lending
It’s the closing piece of the student lending puzzle that the business enterprise had but to remedy.
Other organizations in the lending market, like Pave and Upstart, had approached college financing with a version that exchanged training cash for a percent of a scholar’s future earnings, however, each has each pivoted away from equity financing to turn out to be directly personal creditors.
From the beginning, Klein says, CommonBond becomes going to technique student lending differently.
The trouble turned into perceptual, he stated. both Pave and Upstart confronted complaint of being business models supporting not anything extra than a current indentured servitude and it changed into a poor press that neither agency may want to shake.
Now CommonBond is attempting its hand at student lending with variable charges that start at 2.87% annual percent fee of fee and stuck fees that start at five.50% (with a reduction for auto payments).common bond reviews
College students will pay a fixed monthly price, thru an hobby-best payment, a complete monthly price and they usually have the choice to defer.
A Shared Experience Creates a Common Bond
Whether you belong to a sports group, a business or an army unit, you need to form right into a cohesive collective with the intention to get the excellent effects.
A common information and commonplace language are vital to a group developing a shared manner of running and being collective. Any leader who requires this from their crew has to deliver this fast that allows you to maximize its potential. If this is not carried out, the leader may be left with a collection of folks that create friction rather than concord.
It’s miles agreed that the fad for crew constructing events which pitted people in opposition to each other was quick-sighted. As were pre-season tours which saw sports activities teams pass wild in holiday resorts and often resulted in disciplinary movement. Those loopy and weird techniques used by sports activities groups and companies alike were visible to be greater dangerous than exact. However, an alternative remains required if a team is to bond.
Therefore it is really worth searching for the approaches that groups broaden so that you can face shared challenges.
1. military
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2. sports teams
Much like the navy, sports groups have a rotational shape which starts with young people improvement, the ones of their top and veterans who offer enjoy and instill the group tradition and records on the ones below. But, the coach of a sports activities team will doubtlessly be coping with 30 millionaires with big ego’s so has a whole lot distinct demanding situations when constructing team concord. The instruct has to ruthlessly cut people who try to take them on, for instance, Manchester United’s Sir Alex Ferguson did with some of ‘stars’. As soon as manage is established, the train needs to make sure that the crew shares stories so that you can develop collectively.
Importance Of Games In A Student’s Life
Video games help in retaining our frame and minds healthful. Video games in particular play an indispensable position in a scholar’s life. Greater than regularly, dad and mom ask their kids to awareness on research and now not waste their time in gambling Games. However, what they fail to understand is the reality that Games and sports help in instilling a feel of a subject in a pupil and lead them to suit mentally and physically. It additionally helps in building the self-self belief of a toddler. It also ends in the improvement of social abilities and decreases stress.
While children play, they get to learn to interact with new people.
They experience Extra at ease in socializing and making new pals. additionally, When youngsters indulge themselves in Video games, they experience strain-unfastened. Individuals who play some game or the opposite are recognized to have lesser chances of depression. playing Games additionally train the kid to work in groups. Games require an infant to have cooperation and coordination with the team individuals so as to get success. Hence, a child at a completely younger age learns the importance of working in groups with the help of Video games.
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