#and it begins: mama loves her boy ft injuries
harvestrose · 5 years
coming up roses
The battle with Leto wasn’t easy, but it sure wasn’t anywhere near as frightening or life-threatening as battling Anankos 3 years ago had been, so Mozu wasn’t too torn up about the whole shindig besides the number of students who got injured in the process. They’d been too focused on success they’d overlooked the dangers of having over half of their team down there when the triggered the collapse- especially since the next part of the plan was to haul ass out of Morfis before the damn idiot mages killed them for killing their precious “test subject” or something. She was glad they’d killed it, since she was raised to not let her meals or her targets suffer- they were giving her life, meaning she had to respect the sacrifice or their lives in return, after all- but she’d have given up her bow if it meant as smooth a ride out of that place as possible.
But knowing people got hurt- that made her worry. Her boy and her husband were up against two very different beasts, ones who didn’t cry like the dead who fought with beaks and teeth and claws- and that just made her worry more. The messenger who ran into them on the way home had explained the situation with the other teams already being back at the monastery, and they in turn warned him about why he shouldn’t go to Morfis (which he certainly seemed a rather bit displeased about, she noted, but human lives were a helluva a lot more important than political standing.) He said almost no one escaped Grincenchos’s wild wrath (xander, sweet dragons above, is xander okay, is kana okay, is shigure okay, is my famiy okay--) that only 3 people escaped Gofannon’s targeted attack unscathed (sieg, honeysuckle, please say you were one of them- please say your auntie was one of them too, i cant bear to see you hurt, sweetie, and i dont wanna cry over a woman’s second death, please be alright--) 
The instant she got back, she saw Xander up and walking- thank the dragons and gods alike for that- when he went onto reunite with a man who didn’t know him yet, but she’d greet her husband later, after he got a handle on Inigo’s situation and she could comfort him- he’d seen her, and he’d know why she’d went off- he’d have done the same if he were her, she knew. 
First, she went to his dorm, but it was empty, looking exactly the same as the day he’d left it. She cursed under her breath, hastening her pace as she headed for the infirmary. The place was packed- poor nurses on duty must’ve been worked to the bone with how many kids and knights were crammed into the damn place. He wasn’t there. She kept walking, hearing a similar bustle in the next room, and when she busted the door open with more force than necessary (scaring the wits out of one of the nurses,) she saw him, and in an instant she rushed over, grabbing a hand between her own. 
“Siegbert! Baby boy, are you alright?! What happened- where’dja get hurt- do yah need anythin’- ohhhh, pumpkins an’ squash, can I hug yah or d’yah got funky ribs right now?” Dear dragons above, she was already getting teary eyed, but she was more worried about her boy than any crying she might not even do. “Shit, baby boy, are you healin’ alright? Can yer mama kiss yer face or-”
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zebrabaker · 4 years
Families Lost and Found
Here we go, a brand new story, ft Jasonette, with a side of badass Marinette.
Marinette had many fond memories of being young. Her Mama singing her ancient lullabies as she combed her jet black hair. Visiting with Aunt Talia twice a year, and meeting her Godson Damain Al Ghul. Celebrating Chinese New Year with her maternal family in China, and being slipped small weapons along with her hongbao, eating jian dui with her cousins in between lessons. Her Aunties teaching her how to use her beauty to beguile and bewilder. Her Uncles showing her how to hold a knife. Her Maa-Maa showing her how to sew hidden pockets into all her clothes, and Ah-Gung showing her the many pressure points on a man that could cripple someone in seconds. Her older female cousins taught her how to use her bu yao as a deadly weapon, all the soft spots on a person that would hurt the worst when stabbed with the sharpened hair ornaments. Her older male cousins lessons were in subterfuge and misdirection. By the time she was seven, Marinette was well aware that most girls her age weren’t taught these things. But hey, Marinette was the next head of the Parisian branch of the Triad. Her younger cousin Bridgette would be her second in command, as she was the daughter of Maa-Maa and Ah-Ghung’s second child, Marinette’s Uncle Lee Cheng. Marinette knew her second and third cousins were scattered across Europe, ruling their branches with a velvet covered iron fist, as they were all taught, by family law.
She had been on her way home from a ‘family gathering’, really just a meeting at the front Cousin Yo owned, a large rental hall that could be equipped for any even. In reality, it was a trimonthly gathering of all heads of the Triad’s French branch. They were all, aside from her and her mother, from different cities across the country. She was almost back to her penthouse when she saw it, a man leaning against the wall of her building and staring at the five star Italian restaurant across the street. The restaurant that just so happened to be her eighteenth birthday gift from Mama, and a front for a smuggling ring the Triad had started almost ten years ago. They didn’t smuggle drugs or guns, but refugees, people who needed a new place to call home for some reason or another. Could he be a cop? Or worse, from the Russians? They had been rearing their heads again, trying to push their experimental heroine blend onto Triad streets, and Sabine had been sure to stomp them into the dust.
Waving her hand nonchalantly, her guards paused, and Marinette advanced on the man. His eyes snapped to hers, and his gaze seemed to bore into her very soul. His hair was peeking out from under a rather beat up beanie, and most of it was black, aside from a few white strands hanging over his eyes. She could see that under his mismatched clothes, he was wrapped like a mummy in bandages.
“Sir, are you okay?” She asked, raising her hands to show she means no harm.
“I... I’m from Talia. She said to find -” He manage to get out, before his eyes roll back in his head and he drops like a brick.
“Boys!” Marinette calls, and her guards, two men from the Italians, ‘gifted’ to her as goodwill gifts on her sixteenth birthday, Tony and Bobby, leapt into action, grabbing the man under the arm and throwing his arms over their shoulders. Marinette grabbed her key card from her phone wallet and swiped it at the keypad that opened the door to the lobby. The building was owned entirely by members of the Triad, filled with families of those in service to the organization. It was securely guarded 24/7, and the higher up in the building you were, the higher ranked you were. Marinette was in the penthouse, an entire floor to herself. Her guards and closest confidants had apartments on the floor just below her. Waving off the doorman, Marinette made her way straight for the elevator bay and pressed the call button for her personal elevator.
The ride was agonizingly slow, but after what felt like hours, the car arrived at her hallway. Digging her keys out of her purse, Marinette quickly unlocked the door and ushered her guards inside.
“Set him on the couch and go home, I need to check him for injuries.” Tony and Bobby shared a discomforted look, but nodded and obeyed her orders. Marinette quickly grabbed her first aid kit from the bathroom, a massive, clunky thing that could probably stock a small doctor’s office for days. When she came back, the man was still asleep on the couch, breathing slowly and deep. Now that she looked him over more carefully, his clothes were clearly stolen, as none of them seemed to fit quite the same. With a sigh, Marinette drew the medical scissors from the case and began to casually cut away his jacket. Underneath that was a hoodie, with presumably another layer underneath. This would take a while. Sighing, Marinette pulled away and threw aside the scraps of material. There didn’t seem to be any blood on him, but she would have to keep going to be sure. After the hoodie came a long sleeve shirt and a tank-top, and he was left coated in bandages from the waist up. He was swaddled like a damn mummy, oddly enough. He had mentioned Auntie Talia...could she have? No, Great-Uncle Ras would never allow some random outsider or underling to be bathed in the pits, he was far too possessive for that.
Right as she started cutting upwards from the hem of the man’s pant legs, he sat bolt right up, gasping. He saw her and scrambled backwards, while Mari just raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him.
“Where am I?” He demanded, eyes darting around the living room.
“Relax, my name is Marinette, and you’re in Paris, in my penthouse. I found you outside, you collapsed. My guards and I brought you in. I started cutting away your clothes so that I could assess you for injuries. I believe you’ve had some experience with my Auntie Talia and her League, and she sent you to find me. She would have said to find ‘she who rises’. It’s the meaning of my name, Marinette. Now, please sit down. I’m not armed, and I don’t intend to harm you. Look, you can pat me down if you need to make sure I’m not armed at all.” The man gave her a wary look, before taking a deep breath and sitting back down on the couch, perched on the very edge of the cushion. Good, Auntie Talia had instilled him with some preservation instincts.
“So, Auntie? I’m going to assume you’re related to Ras and Damain, then.”
“Not at all.” Marinette scoffed. “My family runs the Parisian Triad, and all future heads are trained by the League for a year and a day. Ras trained my mother at the same time as Talia was beginning to train. They consider themselves sisters, making Talia my Auntie. I am, however, Damian’s godmother. He’s a sweet boy, once you put aside the homicidal tendencies. Are you hungry? I can have the place across the street, the one you were staking out, run us some food. Anything specific you want? Their ravioli is to die for.”
“That would...that would be great. I’ll eat anything.” The man (who looked to be around her age, late twenties) seemed caught off guard by her kindness.
“So, it appears you have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I don’t know yours.” Marinette commented, texting James, the head chef of Nona Gina’s to bring over her usual plus a plate of ravioli.
“My name is Jason. So, you mentioned the Parisian Triad.”
“Yup. My Mama is the current head, I have a year and a half before I take over. Tradition states I become head on my twenty-fifth birthday.”
“Any chance you’re looking for a new body guard? I’m gonna need to find a job, and I can guarantee that I’m good.” Marinette paused, thinking for a moment. Both her guards were more than adequate, but Bobby had come to her last week, and asked to be transferred to a more sedate job, as his wife (Laura, a lovely woman) had just birthed their third child, and he wanted a little more time off. Jason, on one hand, was likely League trained, and probably had no where else to go. On the other hand, he was a complete unknown, and it would be a week at least before she would be able to contact Auntie Talia and have a response as to whether the man was telling the truth. Well, Bridgette always said she was too soft.
“Good news for you is, I am. You can start as soon as the family doctor looks you over and gives you a clean bill of health. The issue is, what will your cover be?”
“Er, cover?” Jason asked.
“I’m going to need an excuse to suddenly have a random guy escorting me all over Paris, and it’s not exactly common knowledge that I’m the next head of the Triad. I’m also something of a public figure here in Paris.” Marinette blushed at the reminder. Her brand, MDC, had taken off not long after she graduated, thanks to Jagged bragging about her at every turn. “I mean,” she snorted. “we could go the route of claiming you’re my boyfriend or something.” Giggling, Marinette stood and made her way towards her room. “Try to think of something, while I grab a quick shower. I can’t stand family meetings.” Leaving Jason seated on the couch, lost in thought, Marinette shut her door behind her and fired off a quick text to the number saved as “Auntie T’ in her main phone, before grabbing a pair of pajamas from her walk in and heading to the attached bathroom. She had some thinking to do.
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