#and it Still doesn't have a release date over here im losing my god damn mind
stranger-awakening · 2 years
when you finish saving the world press finally starting i’m going to vibrate through the floor or whatever
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kumikoshortcake · 5 years
PLEASE PART 2 OF THE AOMINE SCENARIO WITH THE AMNESIA GIRL IM SOBBING NOOOO my bby doesn't deserve so much angst 😭😭😭 (it could be where she has another accident or something and remembers again so she asks for him omg idk I just want a happy ending ) ((ps.: you wrote it beautifully tho I barely ever cry congrats omg))
Omg, the first time I read this I cried in happiness (no joke). This message is absolutely adorable and it made my day! I can’t believed someone enjoyed my work so much, comments like this one are what inspire me to keep writing. I’m actually crying again from reading this, it’s making me so freakin happy! Sorry I’m really not I made you cry! *hands you a box of tissues* I’m sorry this is so late and I really hope you enjoy! I LOVE YOU, DARLING!!!
Oh, and for those of you haven’t read it, here’s part 1
Covering his yawn with the back of his hand, Aomine continues to watch the basketball game playing on the screen. The thud of the ball hitting the polished wooden floor echoes as the players face off in the last quarter with only a few minutes left. These few minutes are crucial in determining who would win the game, yet he can’t seem to find himself to care. After your marriage to what’s-his-face, Aomine had difficulty in returning back to his normal life. You played such a large part of it that it felt so empty with you gone. Turning his focus back to the game, he tries to concentrate his thoughts on the progression of the match. 
“Screw this. The screaming was so damn annoying anyway.” Shrugging on a hoodie over his shirt and sweatpants, Aomine heads to the nearest street basketball court, while jamming in his headphones to replace his thoughts with the loud music.
Thump! Thump! Thump! Swoosh! The basketball goes in perfectly. Again. Aomine throws the ball to the side in slight anger as he takes a seat on the bench. “You’ve got to be kidding me. This is freakin ridiculous.” He looks down at his clenched fist before slowly exhaling and loosening it. It wasn’t the same as before but he saw the signs. Even his teammates caught on, and they were worried. Worried that Aomine would revert back to his former state. Everytime he played basketball, he would feel less excited, the thrill dulled, and the fire in eyes diminished until it was nothing but a weak candle flame. He knew that continuing this was pointless. Unhealthy. Stupid. But he couldn’t help the feelings that kept bubbling under his skin every day, every hour. You were married for god’s sake so why!?! Why does it still hurt so damn much?! Why couldn’t he stop thinking about you? Clearly, you moved on so why couldn’t he? Regardless of what happened, every moment, every habit and every quirk is still ingrained in him.
Finding no point in continuing, he leaves the court deciding to get a teriyaki burger. ‘Food’ he thinks, ‘never disappoints. It always comforts you, never leaves and never fails to make reality slightly more bearable.’ Amidst his contemplation of whether or not one could marry food, a quick pressure around his midsection interrupt his thoughts. His reflexes quickly catch and straighten the person he bumped into before he mutters a quick apology and leaves to Maji Burger.
Aomine stops in his tracks. It couldn’t be… Yeah your hair was longer and your face looked a bit more mature, but your eyes still held that same mirthful spark and your gorgeous smile had stayed exactly the same.
“Is that you, (Name)? Wait, did you just call me by my name? How?”
Taking a seat on nearby park bench, you start explaining what happened. “A week or two after my marriage,” you see Aomine slightly wince at the word marriage, “I started remembering bits and pieces of what happened before the um…the accident.” His eyes widen and his mouth opens to ask you something but you raise his hand to signal him to let you finish.
“At first, it didn’t really bother me much, but I always had the feeling that something was off. I talked about it with my then-husband and we decided that we wouldn’t worry about what already happened. What’s in the past is in the past. That was when I started remembering…us. I wanted, no needed, someone to talk about it with but my husband never really made our relationship a priority. He took it for granted, hell, he took me for granted. He was always consumed in his work and he didn’t come home until late into the night. I guess that was when he stopped paying attention and just, stopped caring.” Deeply inhaling you continue, attempting to ignore the tight knot in your chest, “He forgot our anniversary. It was our first year. I kept hinting it and I even baked him a cake. Just a small celebration for us, you know? But he forgot, and I fell asleep alone on our first freakin anniversary. When I told him the next day, he just shrugged and said t-that he’ll t-try to remember n-n-next y-year.“ 
You released an uncontrollable sob. You were so tired. Tired of being ignored, tired of bottling up your emotions and tired of feeling confused. You wanted answers, and you wanted to feel loved. Aomine noticed the bags under your eyes and awkwardly patted your back, unsure of where he stood with you. Smiling at his apprehensive gesture of making you feel better, you resume, “So I divorced him and came back home. I was tired of it all. I wanted to understand who I was. I wanted answers. I wanted the empty and lost feeling to just stop.” Pausing momentarily, you wait before you ask your question to gauge his reaction. 
“You were my boyfriend, right?" 
A surprised expression crosses his face. Hesitant on how to recommence, you fiddle with your bracelet. "You were in a lot of my high school memories and for some reason I felt really…happy and complete when I thought about them. Daiki, why do I feel more relieved than upset?” Aomine wasn’t sure how to react or answer your question. You remember now…this was like a dream come true but what does he do now? He can’t just pretend the last year didn’t happen and go back to normal, could he? But he also didn’t want to lose you again. A glimmer catches his eye, and he looks down to see you fiddling with the bracelet he got you on your five year anniversary. 
“You’re still wearing it?” Confused, you follow his gaze and identify your bracelet. “Oh, this? Yeah, I’ve always had it on me. I’m having trouble remembering exactly where I got it but everytime I touch it, I feel calm and reassured, like someone is watching over me and protecting me. Why do you ask?”
Chuckling he responds, “I bought you that for our five year anniversary.” You blink dumbly letting out a small “oh.” Understanding where fate was leading him, Aomine laughs heartily before smiling, “This may be a little fast but would you like to go on a date? I’d like to get to know you again.”
Feeling dumbstruck, you blink for a moment before responding with a smile. “I’d really like to get to kno-” You’re pulled into a warm embrace and for the first time in a while, you feel whole and loved.
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Female Reader/ Risotto/ Melone fic
Okay, okay. I like, totally got carried away with this. And I'm sorry?
N*SF*W 18+ for threesome.
The sound of small waves hitting the shoreline could be heard along with the playful laughter of families that littered the beach.
Today was a perfect day for sunbathing.
Luckily, you got here early enough to claim a chair and an umbrella and spent a few hours in your bikini soaking up the sun.
Every so often, a male would bring up his courage and flirt with you, which you dismissed very quickly.
If your boyfriend seen every guy that came up to you, he wouldn't hesitate to inflict damage; maybe even kill them if he wanted to.
Risotto wasn't the type of man to take things lightly when it came to you. If he saw you annoyed by anyone, he would take care of them. If someone hurt you, he would make sure they felt a stronger inflict of pain.
Getting enough of the sun, you decide to head back to your house, but not without stopping at the market for a few things.
Basket in hand, you walked up and down the aisle to find what you needed.
Eggs, bread, milk; just the essentials, really.
"Buonasera, Bella Y/N."
You turned around at the sound of your name, seeing a familiar face.
"Oh, Melone. Buonasera. What brings you by, you don't live around here."
The purple haired man eyed your body, you looked absolutely adorable in your short shorts and tank top. "Risotto gave me the task of escourting you back home."
This wasn't the first time Risotto had someone watch over you. He usually gave the task to his subordinates when he had bigger issues to attend to.
But today he sent Melone.
Risotto made it clear to his squad that you were off limits, but that didn't stop Melone from sneaking glances at you whenever he had the chance.
When he was told he was to be watching you this evening, he was instantly giddy inside. "Let me carry that for you." He said with his hand extended towards your basket.
Truth be told, Melone wasn't the only one to steal glances.
You found yourself checking him out more the last couple months. Blushing, you handed him the basket. "Thank you, Melone."
He smiled and followed you to help with the rest of your shopping.
The key slid in the lock and clicked open, door swinging inward.
Melone carried your groceries into your house, setting them on the counter in the kitchen. "Nice place you got here." He said as he looked around.
"Thank you." You said smiling as you proceeded to put everything you bought away. "And thanks for walking me home. It's a little annoying to be watched over all the time, but I understand, given what you all do."
"You found my company annoying?" Melone teased.
"Well, no. Not your company. It's just, you know..."
"I'm kidding."
His fingers brushed your stomach as he walked up to you, causing you to feel chills through your body. "Wh-What are you doing?"
"Come now, y/n..." He leaned in closer, lips softly kissing your ear. "Don't think I haven't caught you looking at me, too. Let's have a little fun."
A little fun? You knew what that meant.
"Melone... We can't." Your mind went fuzzy as you felt his hips push against yours; his fingers tracing the band of your shorts. "If Risotto found out, we'll both be dead."
"Then he doesn't need to find out."
He kissed you, tongue dancing with yours as you couldn't help but kiss him back.
His hands pinned your wrists to the counter, making his way from your mouth to your chest with his lips.
Panting, you begged for Melone to stop, but your plea was falling on deaf ears. Besides, did you really want him to stop? With every movement he made, a wall would break and you found yourself wanting more. "M-Melone..."
He spun you around and pushed your face to the coolness of the counter, leaning over to growl in your ear. "Where is your bedroom?"
You told him and he carried you there, stripping your clothes off on the way.
Tossing you onto the bed, Melone discarded his shirt and stared at your naked body with hungry eyes. "Mmmm... Exactly how I pictured you."
You squirmed. One half of you wanted Melone to top you, giving you a ride to the stars. But the other have of you knew this was wrong since you were already dating a dangerous man. A frustrated groan left your throat.
Licking his lips, Melone bent down to the side of the bed, his head hovering over your waist. "You look delicious." He said seductively, eyes flicking to yours. "But not quite ready yet. Touch it."
"You heard me." His face got closer between your legs, his hot breath hitting you. "I want to watch you play with it."
Melone was a strange man, but you did it anyways, your own fingers swirling around while his face was so close.
"No no no. Slower." He commanded; you complied. "That's a good girl. Just like that."
A dampness formed as you rubbed your clit. Knowing Melone was so close to you down there made your hips buck toward his face, insinuating he do something about the build up you were feeling. Your hands tangled in his hair, trying to push him to you.
Looking up at you, he smiled sinisterly.
"What are you doing? I didn't say you could stop."
"Melone... Please."
"Do it again." He demanded.
Another groan left your mouth, but your hand found yourself again, the build up rising again.
Melone kissed your inner thigh, making your hand move faster. With every inch he came closer, your hand moved to your entrance. Eventually, you slipped your own fingers inside you.
Seeing this, Melone ripped your hand away. "Why aren't you doing what you're told?"
"Melone!" You screamed out. "Eat me, please! Eat me like I'm your last meal ever!" Which, in a way, could be true if Risotto were to find out what the two of you were doing.
Grinning with lust, he dove right in; teeth, lips and tongue running all over.
Your hands held his head in place as your hips grinded his face. "Ngh...! Oh, Melone..."
He flipped you over so that you were bent over the bed and shoved himself inside you.
Both of you panted with ecstasy as he thrusted into from behind with punishing force.
"I've wanted this for so long."  Melone gasped. "You feel so god damn good."
"What the fuck?!"
A gasp escaped your mouth. Looking at the door, you saw Risotto standing there, looking mortified and angry. "R-Risotto!"
"Oh, fuck!" Melone stopped his movements and froze with fear; he was still inside you.
"What the fuck is this?! Melone! I ordered you to escort her home, not fuck her!"
He slid out of you slowly. He may have been caught red handed, but that didn't stop him from trying a last ditch effort to please you...and it worked. While he was pulling out, a pleasurable moan left your mouth along with a heavy pant and eyes rolling back. "O-Oh..."
Risotto stomped to you and grabbed your chin. "Did you like that just now?!"
"Answer the question!"
There was no reason to lie. You were caught. "Yes."
Risotto's eyes drifted to Melone. He was scrambling to grab his clothes and get the hell out of here. "Don't move, Melone."
He froze. "Ah, Risotto. I was just thinking of kinda-"
"Finish what you started."
Blinking with confusion, Melone asked "What?"
Risotto replayed how you looked when Melone pulled out of you. That look on your face gave him a jolt of excitement. He still had your chin in his palm. "I want to see more of that face. Now get back here and fuck her."
Was he serious? Or was this some sort of sick game he was playing before he killed the two of you?
Melone gulped but shuffled over, lining himself with you again. "A-Are you sure?"
Risotto's red eyes glared at him, but then he started stripping down himself, kneeling on the other side of the bed where he could see your face better. "Why are you making me repeat myself?"
Your eyes made contact with your boyfriend's. They widened when you felt Melone enter you again and set a slow rhythm. After a few thrusts, you started panting as he got faster. Your face contorted with pleasure as he hit you just right with his cock.
"Look at that face." He was getting more excited the longer he watched. "Don't you dare make her cum, Melone."
The sounds of your laboured breathing spurred Melone to go faster, but he had to listen to Risotto. He pulled out when he felt your walls tighten around him.
"Son of a bitch." You hissed as you were denied release.
Risotto switched places with Melone and used his hand to rub between your legs. "You're a bad girl, you know that? Cheating on me."
"I-Im sorry, Risotto."
He pulled you upward so that you were leaning against his chest, his hand circling you. With a nod to Melone, he silently ordered the other man to bend down and work you with his tongue again.
You were becoming a complete mess under these two men, never feeling anything like this before. "I... I want to cum... Please...?"
Risotto fondled your breasts as Melone continued to enjoy himself between your legs. "Mmmm, listen to you asking so politely." He grabbed your face again. "Only I get to make you cum, and only I get to cum inside you. Do you understand this?"
"Yes, Risotto!"
"I'm going to let tonight pass." He looked at both you and Melone, anger reappearing at what you two were doing before he walked in. "But if I catch you or hear about this again, I will not hesitate to kill the both of you."
You nodded. Thankful that neither of you were going to lose your lives tonight. Melone nodded as well.
"Good. Then I'll grant you your wish."
Risotto bent you over again and thrusted into you hard. He moved your head so that your mouth wrapped around Melone's cock. Instantly, you started sucking.
As if synchronized, all three of you came to your climaxes. Melone pulled out of your mouth and released ribbons over your face. When the two males stepped back, you collapsed on the bed with exhaustion.
"Get out, Melone." Risotto panted, staring at your limp body.
Melone quickly grabbed his clothes and left, wanting to avoid a change of mind from his leader.
After a few minutes, Risotto rolled you over. "Don't you think in the least that I'm done with you. You've been a very bad girl and you need to be punished."
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